Footage of approximately 15 dolphins surfing waves in San Diego, CA. This pod of dolphins was surfing waves at Blacks Beach, located just below the world famous Torrey Pines Golf Course. Blacks is known for many things, great waves, dolphins, scenic beauty, dangerous sandstone cliffs and of course, that it is a nude beach.

DOLPHINS SURFING SAN DIEGO sentiment_very_dissatisfied 27

Surf 14 years ago 446,806 views

Footage of approximately 15 dolphins surfing waves in San Diego, CA. This pod of dolphins was surfing waves at Blacks Beach, located just below the world famous Torrey Pines Golf Course. Blacks is known for many things, great waves, dolphins, scenic beauty, dangerous sandstone cliffs and of course, that it is a nude beach.

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Most popular comments

hookilledtobymilder - 7 years ago
Mark Cima
Mark Cima - 7 years ago
Woahhh that's so cool!!!
Al Cervix
Al Cervix - 8 years ago
That is so cool
James Friesen
James Friesen - 9 years ago
in the gulf off Mexico, just off of south padre island, I had the cool experience of surfing along side of a dolphin. It surfed the waves just the same as these dolphins.
Ryan Deane
Ryan Deane - 9 years ago
the wind to whisper "because you love Em"
Ryan Deane
Ryan Deane - 9 years ago
the wind to whisper "because you love Em"
fränky sommer
fränky sommer - 10 years ago
why 21 people don't like it???
strange people...
tryptala - 10 years ago
Just the pleasure of doing it? Could there be any other reason why they would be doing this?
Henry Foley
Henry Foley - 10 years ago
these images inspire me! save the whales!


Mr1flyfisher - 10 years ago
Yum Yum. Dolphin look delicious!  Chop up an make SUshi. Very Goooooooooo, very Goooooooooo...
skipperbonus - 10 years ago
Even the dolphins are cool in california
John Dingus
John Dingus - 10 years ago
pretty sure at least a few of those are sharks, you can tell by the way they swim. the surfers shouldn't be in the water
mirko personeni
mirko personeni - 10 years ago
sharks and dolphin never swim 2gheter! and also sharks doesn't play with waves!
if u are a surfer know that if u see a dolphin u can be very relax because where there are dolphin there aren't sharks!
JJ ATLMan - 10 years ago
They are dolphins. If you look carefully their tails are flattened horizontally instead of vertically like a shark (and all fish). Besides, sharks only "breach" when trying to catch food above the water surface and not for "fun", and certainly not as a group the way dolphins do.
bobo - 10 years ago
i don't think so, but you could be right
Darya Brutoco
Darya Brutoco - 10 years ago
where was this taken?
my husband last week just surfed with some in carlsbad.
• TooManyRaptors •
• TooManyRaptors • - 8 years ago
The title says it. Kinda obvious
MOLLY Schreiber
MOLLY Schreiber - 10 years ago
Awesome is as GOD does....
iLiveOnFijiTime - 10 years ago
Imagine being the first dolphin to actually surf a wave like a human would. Once they learn that trick, surfers watch out lol. 
Gene Cardenaz
Gene Cardenaz - 10 years ago
Can never see too many of these clips, Dolphins are just too cool!  :)
nuno1959 - 11 years ago
well surf dudes & dudettes…..that was pretty awesome !!
jfloyd wggmn
jfloyd wggmn - 11 years ago
The Japanese should no longer use the rationalization that Dolphin killing is 'Cultural' or 'Traditional' to Japan.. no democratic culture (not even the Japanese) any longer justify the political dominance of a king, an emperor, aristocracy as historically 'Cultural' or 'Traditional'.. the Japanese should hardly use this also as a justification or rationalization...
Tui Allen
Tui Allen - 11 years ago
Thanks so much for this beautiful footage. The dolphins were so co-ordinated, it seemed to me as though they were surf-DANCING to shared inner music. In my dolphin story "Ripple," I have a scene where the two main characters fall in love while surfing. Watching this video tells me I got the description right. Before writing it I talked to lots of human surfers and watched other videos like this one.


Kinipela S
Kinipela S - 11 years ago
Absolutely beautiful to watch!
Julian Christian
Julian Christian - 11 years ago
Screw you SeaWorld!
ben harper
ben harper - 7 years ago
f seaworld
Nina Connoy
Nina Connoy - 11 years ago
love when I see that up here too
Richard Sioson
Richard Sioson - 11 years ago
jumping out the water right before it breaks haha awesomee
Bobby Position
Bobby Position - 11 years ago
Dolphins are great SURFERS
okey-doke - 11 years ago
Why do you call it surfing? They are running with/inside of the wave, then turning and breaking through the back of the wave...more like a move made by a parachutist than a surfer.
mitchsfarm - 11 years ago
man, its sick asss fuuuuck
Jim Snow
Jim Snow - 11 years ago
+mitchsfarm They're driving fish into the shallows so they are easier to catch...One of the dolphins many hunting tactics
mitchsfarm - 11 years ago
When they were all under the water, they were being towed in the wave that's pretty much surfing. 
okey-doke - 11 years ago
yea....I guess I can see that now. Never surfed, but jumped a lot.
mitchsfarm - 11 years ago
more like they surfed it,, and when the first one broke the top, they all jumped..
toowaker37 - 11 years ago
Dolphins are best surfers in the world.
Rayce Sugitan
Rayce Sugitan - 11 years ago
Derek Brainard
Derek Brainard - 11 years ago
awesome! Only if I could surf
BRYAN TOTTEN - 11 years ago
Good question Johnny!Good footage too.
okeep1 - 11 years ago
They've been surfing for 2 million years... We've been for 80 years? hehe


riseredeos - 11 years ago
this is one way they hunt fish in the shallows. they've done this from the dawn of time, but it's nice to see them do it just to hang out with people.
1COMIXMAN - 11 years ago
funny and cool until a dolphin laughs at u on a cold day lol at that beach
Snowsong Video Pix
Snowsong Video Pix - 11 years ago
Dolphins best surfers that can ever be! Wild and free in their home in the sea, safe with their families, how they wish to be, playful, wild, and free (>•_•)> ♥ Like if U agree!
Elaine Lighten
Elaine Lighten - 11 years ago
This is how it should be! Wild and free! Lovely footage
Akix - 11 years ago
hamsterjovial55 - 11 years ago
yeah dude you re right it s mermaids...
JohnFive Eagles Szuros
JohnFive Eagles Szuros - 11 years ago
They are extremely smart and very creative. To be creative you have to know how to have fun so your sense of play is well developed. And what better way to play and have fun than to do it with your friends, in front of the opposite sex to show off. And what better way to show off than to be acrobatic and athletic and soar with the waves. Good question who learned to surf first us or them, the chicken or the egg! Great post and topic. Thanks everyone.
aluapzurc2 - 11 years ago
yeah that totally makes sense, they learned sea tricks by watching us...
Christopher Urbalejo
Christopher Urbalejo - 11 years ago
Yesterday I was swimming with to friends in Rosarito, Mexico, which is like 10 miles from San Diego, and we saw dolphins doing this. At first I nearly pooped my pants, because the fin came out first, then the huge dolphin attached to it jumped right from the top of a 3 meter wave. Then another did the same, afterwards we saw them just chilling a bit far off, a bunch of them, it was really cool.
888chupacabra - 11 years ago
hahaha! "These humans are onto something...."
bparno - 11 years ago
Just practicing for their world tour.
DeAnn Matheney
DeAnn Matheney - 11 years ago
kilpatrickfilms - 11 years ago
that's fake it's not dolphins
lamborghinimiura13 - 11 years ago
Nope just having fun ..they do it in front of boats moving fast..its the displacement of water ..kinda like us being on a elevator or escalator bad not sure why im posting ,im no dolphin just surf with them all the time ...they surf too
ericjungleboy - 11 years ago
No, they just do it to have fun.
Epo123Drago - 11 years ago
Now thats cool, they must be hunting or something.
JohnFive Eagles Szuros
JohnFive Eagles Szuros - 11 years ago
That is so cool. I wonder if they learned to do that from observing humans surf riding or we learned to surf by watching them ride it?
lorraine green
lorraine green - 11 years ago
just as well it was'nt a great white
Ryan - 11 years ago
I remember my first time at blacks, I was paddling out to make it past a sneaker set and all of a sudden 4 dolphins popped out at me, 2 oh which almost hit me! It was crazy
James Anthony
James Anthony - 11 years ago
I wish I was a Dolphin


James Anthony
James Anthony - 11 years ago
You must of stolen his wave lol
Edward Teach
Edward Teach - 11 years ago
better than a shark
jx14aby - 12 years ago
Surfs up!
elle mary
elle mary - 12 years ago
You should be glad it was a dolphin and not a shark :)
Becca Castleman
Becca Castleman - 12 years ago
@NormalRussianGuy......what a messed up freak you are, sorry but...... Eating dolphins????!!!!! Really!!!!!!!!!!
Mike Torrey
Mike Torrey - 12 years ago
Should say, "World famous Black's Beach, whiich is near a golf course". ;-)
wylder robison
wylder robison - 12 years ago
I bet there hunting for surf perch.Not surfing.
COLIN JOLLY - 12 years ago
Anna Pelzer
Anna Pelzer - 12 years ago
@Eli Coppock: take it easy... next time it will be a shark! lol
Nevarraw - 12 years ago
says the troll with ^ that name and despite your so claimed knowledge... no dolphins are not your cute happy mammals and for all their intelligence males dolphins in groups reproduce by hunting down tirelessly females until they wear them down and actually gang rape it, and believe it or not they sexually attack humans as well.
Nevarraw - 12 years ago
careful dolphins rape people! :O
Lana Dobbins
Lana Dobbins - 12 years ago
iamfavianok - 12 years ago
I remember when I was 9 I went to Long Beach and I saw a dolphin, I ran out for my LIFE! I was scared cuz I thought it was a shark... I didn't go back in... I was to scared.... oh memories
R Bhandalx
R Bhandalx - 12 years ago
Stunning =)
SeiNj - 12 years ago
when i grow up, i want to be a dolphin
i69edurmum - 12 years ago
I bet you woke up out of breath.
ChangingOld - 12 years ago
that was beautiful
TheKverchi - 12 years ago
that looks so fun!
prod - 12 years ago
You know exactly what I'm talking about hahahahaha never again
eyeontruth - 12 years ago
and you unknowingly walked right thru the middle of the gay dudes so your horror is completely understandable ,bet you wont do that again .
eyeontruth - 12 years ago
This is common at backs.Every one who surfs there often has experienced this up close many have ridden waves with them it is an amazing ,place just dont wander too far north unless your into old naked gay dudes .
element509 - 12 years ago
Look at those douches dropping in on eachother!!
João Castro
João Castro - 12 years ago
Dide the dolphin got injured?
BianchiRoadshow - 12 years ago
Loves me some dolphins! =)
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 12 years ago
dissagree. Dolphins are Ugly </3
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 12 years ago
dissagree. Dolphins are Ugly </3
001just4fun - 12 years ago
very cool!!
Ramirez Vibe
Ramirez Vibe - 12 years ago
Dolphins are beautiful <3
prod - 12 years ago
Accidentally walked from torrey pines to blacks beach. It was horrible.
Jason T
Jason T - 12 years ago
The dolphins at Sea World are better.
stanger619 - 12 years ago
Sweet vid. Love body surfing and seeing these guys up close and personal... HATE seeing seals, those guys scare me more than seeing sharks.
Eva Tinker
Eva Tinker - 12 years ago
ok, one, two, three, let's all hold flippers and..........
Idriss Alaoui
Idriss Alaoui - 12 years ago
they don't even take off and you say it's surfing ?
Kristen S
Kristen S - 12 years ago
not sea worls ocean
Kristen S
Kristen S - 12 years ago
i saw dolpins in san diego like 3 weeks ago in 2012
Julie Prescott
Julie Prescott - 12 years ago
this is awesome i would love to be out there surfing with the dolphins in Oceanside, CA :)
donkiyboy - 12 years ago
I'm really neg on the whole word, local. Yeah those are the locals and they don't care if we snake in behind them or anything. The waves are for everyone and there is always a nother set coming. Chill if you think you own any beach. You don't.
vootie99 - 12 years ago
very cool
CautionChildrens - 12 years ago
thats where all the cool dolphins hang out... at the wave.
oceantam - 12 years ago
They are spinner dolphins. You see them often way out in the ocean in giant schools of 100-300 dolphins jumping out of the water, they usually don't make it this close to shore. Usually its the porposes close to shore. They probably chose Black's because of the deep canyon just offshore.
MsCussout - 12 years ago
Amazing! I've been to Torrey Pines above Blacks Beach but never saw dolphins surfing. Just some dude way down on the beach in a "skin" colored bathing suit.. hehehe Great footage, thanks for sharing!
Stanislav Khaylov
Stanislav Khaylov - 12 years ago
Dolphins know WHATS UP!
christianne1985 - 12 years ago
Same way we do. They talk to each other. In their language of course. I don't understand their language, but they understand some of ours if they hang around us long enough.
christianne1985 - 12 years ago
Aw he was just sharing the surf with you. I know he didn't mean to do it. It was an accident.
christianne1985 - 12 years ago
Of course they are intelligent. Most animals are (I wonder about some human creatures tho). :) Dolphins are mammals, just like us, but fish, tho not mammals, are also extremely intelligent. I love them all.
Bo Noir
Bo Noir - 12 years ago
Now that's how you share a wave!
Casas fourthregion
Casas fourthregion - 12 years ago
huge aerial!
h2omanz - 13 years ago
the only true locals...
SeabearVideo - 13 years ago
@elizabeth112k7 What is a "camrea?
Corzodrilo - 13 years ago
Increible, buenisimo!!! Totalmente, los delfines divirtiendose, como que toman la ola pero a la inversa. genial - gracias por subirlo


Eli Coppock
Eli Coppock - 13 years ago
A dolphin jumped out of a wave and knocked me off my board the other day.... Scariest shit of my life.
Nano~San78 - 13 years ago
YOUR WORDS: Torrey Pines Golf Course. Blacks is known for many things, great waves, dolphins, scenic beauty, dangerous sandstone cliffs and of course, that it is a nude beach. What were you doing at Nude beach with a camrea????
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 13 years ago
cool, I could watch them all day!
colindominy - 13 years ago
Yep .. nice footage .. they're chasing baitfish .. our beloved local Oz dolphins do the exact same thing at my local beach (One Mile Beach, Forster, NSW, Australia). Love the way they come in real close to shore, in the curl .. then pull out at the exact right moment ..
bimota_rider - 13 years ago
Those are duuuuudephins!!!
jjrat5pack - 13 years ago
Simply beautiful! I love the part where there are 5 dolphins all leaping out of the same wave. I live in SD County, but not near the ocean, sadly. Thanks for this.
Myranda Ells
Myranda Ells - 13 years ago
Love this thanks for letting us see these amazing animals.
smiley chalfant
smiley chalfant - 13 years ago
Awesome, thanks for sharing.
ohanaphotographers - 13 years ago
big smiles :D pure awesomeness.
petrsson - 13 years ago
That's their way how dolphins fishing,but many people thinks ,they do that for fun ;-)
kingoftroy05 - 13 years ago
@GIA13615093 dammmn! where do you have the farm?
Mary Wilbur Reed
Mary Wilbur Reed - 13 years ago
If I believed in reincarnation I'd want to come back as a dolphin no question about it!!
lily5490 - 13 years ago
I have seen dolphins body surf Torrey Pines too. The water was clear in the morning sunlight, and the dolphins stood out perfectly. I wished that I had my camera that day. I am so glad you posted this! Thank you!
Nick Diviesti
Nick Diviesti - 13 years ago
That's friggin awesome!
caiettia - 13 years ago
... Blacks Beach is a nude beach...
HIVisaLIE - 13 years ago
@GIA13615093 -wow that is amazing :) where is the farm ?
Kelly Charp
Kelly Charp - 13 years ago
Great video. Gives you perspective on why sharks mistake surfers for dolphins...
Soraya Martinez
Soraya Martinez - 13 years ago
it's a shame that the japanese are slaughtering thousands of dolphins each year...:(
Chay Kastlie
Chay Kastlie - 13 years ago
I live in san diego (:
konopelli - 13 years ago
I've surfed with dolphins. Off Fairgrounds, in Ventura. There is very little that can compare to being out in the ocean a couple of hundred yards, and to suddenly hear the splosive puff of a dolphin exhaling mere YARDS behind you, where there shouldn't be any noise like that at all? It's quite an experience.
Linda Lewis
Linda Lewis - 13 years ago
They're having so much fun! I love it!
Glenn Swafford
Glenn Swafford - 13 years ago
So Sweet thanks for sharing
MsPinkwolf - 13 years ago
10 people thought the dolpins were going to be on surf boards :)
TheBlackycat - 13 years ago
@williamsond1 Okay. That makes sense.
David Williamson
David Williamson - 13 years ago
@TheBlackycat - Uh, the dolphins are eating fish. Sorry if I should have spelled that out.
TheBlackycat - 13 years ago
@williamsond1 Dolphins are not fish. They are mammals. So it cannot be fishing since no fish are involved.
David Williamson
David Williamson - 13 years ago
This is called fishing, not surfing
emiloveyouful - 13 years ago
That's so adorable! Synchronized, surfers!
Korpöga Eriksson
Korpöga Eriksson - 13 years ago
Looks like so much fun! I wanna!!!
cosmoblivion - 13 years ago
cosmoblivion - 13 years ago
TheDolphinwhisperer - 13 years ago
love it!!!
bettydaw1970 - 13 years ago
dolphins= humans that stayed in the water 500 million years ago rather then go on land..
KingMufasa415 - 13 years ago
beatiful i dont kn ow how to speel sory heahehahehahehaeha
AweSomo84 - 13 years ago
@ZaneMarley19 yeah sea world is freakin sad i will never go to there ever again!
dan Love
dan Love - 13 years ago
Fuck you dolphin!
dtomermusic - 13 years ago
dolphin olympics!!!
TheMagicalSofa - 13 years ago
I wanna go there. D: I LOVE dolphins.! :D
Shanananananan Dlan'E
Shanananananan Dlan'E - 13 years ago
this is so awesome!!!
firebaby7 - 13 years ago
nature's awesome...
Maggie Sorger
Maggie Sorger - 13 years ago
@wildfratto and then 9 more idiots join them
knupder - 13 years ago
@barcawi87 dolphins are the rapists of the sea
Barcawi87 - 13 years ago
lovely creature wow
Miguel Jose Huapaya Pariona
Miguel Jose Huapaya Pariona - 13 years ago
AnimalMySoul - 13 years ago
Aww dolphins seem so happy all the time! Hehe :D
whirlwitch - 13 years ago
@wawashkashi It's a quote from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and it's said by dolphins, not about them.
simoncpu - 13 years ago
The music should be replaced with: SO LONG, FAREWELL, AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH!
jade esmeralda
jade esmeralda - 13 years ago
simplemente hermoso
mrstuperstefan - 13 years ago
@calebsmommy200 I just decided on octopus being mine.
Champs Visions 3D
Champs Visions 3D - 13 years ago
@GrahamChapman Dolphin are not fish.... just so you know. :)
GrahamChapman - 13 years ago
"So long, and thanks for all the fish."
aaweber - 13 years ago
when I die, I'm coming back as a dolphin
Matt Smudzinski
Matt Smudzinski - 13 years ago
silly dolphins waves are for kids
wendyoffroad - 13 years ago
@tatertotwebkinz4 Oh my gosh that is so funny!
bansheeboo - 13 years ago
It's amazing where your travels on youtube can lead you - what a fab vid!
Kook808 - 13 years ago
Silly Dolpin, Waves are for Kids.
Collin Evans
Collin Evans - 13 years ago
6 people are afraid of dolphins dropping in on them
Diane Davidson
Diane Davidson - 13 years ago
This is beautiful footage. I want to come back as a dolphin in my next life! They always look like they are having fun (unless they get caught in excessive fishing gear like long trawlers)
maharley27 - 13 years ago
Ive seen them surfing by Duke's Malibu restaraunt that sits right next to the ocean! They really put on a good show while your sitting at your table eating!
Nelly Danielle
Nelly Danielle - 13 years ago
aw pretty
umbra88 - 13 years ago
i've seen it been said but I guess now its my turn... seriously how could anyone dislike this?!
surf4food - 13 years ago
@Mindkrim3 Ur just jealous cuz the turned you away.
videobenji - 13 years ago
@Mindkrim3 Mindkrim, i'm sorry you experienced that. However, nobody ordered you to jump ass first into a pool of horny dolphins without knowing how to swim.
Family Fun and Kids Entertainment
Family Fun and Kids Entertainment - 13 years ago
i just saw this on google+ someone was sharing the link.
videobenji - 13 years ago
@TheEEStudent "I define intelligence by the ability to exist harmoniously in nature, which makes humans pretty low on the chain."- Paul Watson
TheEEStudent - 13 years ago
Man thinks he the smartest species cause he found the fire, the wheel, invented writing, agriculture, industry, space exploration.. Exactly this is why Dolphins KNOW they are smarter (adapted from Douglas Adams) :-).
Grayson Beeman
Grayson Beeman - 13 years ago
aww the dolphin got in a barrell
indi9o - 13 years ago
I was hiking Torrey Pines there a fews weeks ago (in June) and I also saw a dolphin pod of about 15 swimming southbound... but the pod I'd seen was further out-- too far out to capture clearly on video. Cool video!!!
Moe Carter
Moe Carter - 13 years ago
they are amazing to watch. although when you see one out of the corner of your eye, it looks likea shark and ou get scared to death
Unstoppable Family
Unstoppable Family - 13 years ago
Have always loved surfing Blacks with the Dolphins in the line-up....they always seem to be out! Cheers from Peru!
Fantasmorto - 13 years ago
I think every surfer or bodyboarder in the world wish they could do aerials as easily as those fantastic fellows do :)
Sevendaysfly111222 - 13 years ago
like 10 of em on the same wave and seem to get along just fine!
ZaneMarley19 - 13 years ago
no need to go to sea world just go to the beach
SeadartVSG - 13 years ago
Fantastic shot of the whole crew kicking out the back. A few years ago I used to see dolphins surfing almost every morning south of the Torrey Pines Parking lot , near clam rock. I don't think people realize that surfing with Dolphins can be pretty sketchy, they weigh several hundred pounds, and although they are much better surfers than I am, they could easily kill you in a collision ...never seems to happen though.
Alfred Moya
Alfred Moya - 13 years ago
what other animals do you know that actually play sports like humans? dolphins are beyond cool!!
Gregory May
Gregory May - 13 years ago
Awesomely Amazing!
ultraviolet221 - 13 years ago
Awesome. They do not have to worry about their boards breaking. This is truly swimming with the DOLPHINS.
Allie - 13 years ago
decleclic - 13 years ago
I like the end of the video best, when the dolphins jump out of the water.
Kianda Kalloo
Kianda Kalloo - 14 years ago
they are so beautiful......
t0mmywithazero - 14 years ago

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