Dangers of Surfing Pipeline- Shaun Tomson

http://www.TheSurfChannel.com Shaun Tomson sits down to explain the risk and reward of surfing one of the world's most famous waves known as, Pipeline. Located on Oahu's North Shore, Pipeline serves as the proving grounds for most up and coming athletes. ___ The Surf Channel is an original, free, ad supported television network delivered on cable, satellite and IPTV services, web and wireless. The Video On Demand television network will be found on cable, satellite, telco and digital. Distribution partners include: Comcast, Cox Communications, DirecTV, Dish Network, Filmon.com. For industry news around the clock and to find out about the upcoming television launch, check out: http://www.TheSurfChannel.com http://www.Facebook.com/TheSurfChannel http://www.Twitter.com/TheSurfChannel http://www.Instagram.com/TheSurfChannel * Twitter/Instagram your best barrel face to win prizes every month to #TheSurfChannel #BarrelFace, and 'Like' us on Facebook to join history's first network dedicated to the great sport of surfing. Producer/Director: Selma Al-Faqih Editor: Justin Restaino

Dangers of Surfing Pipeline- Shaun Tomson sentiment_very_dissatisfied 223

Surf 10 years ago 1,255,764 views

http://www.TheSurfChannel.com Shaun Tomson sits down to explain the risk and reward of surfing one of the world's most famous waves known as, Pipeline. Located on Oahu's North Shore, Pipeline serves as the proving grounds for most up and coming athletes. ___ The Surf Channel is an original, free, ad supported television network delivered on cable, satellite and IPTV services, web and wireless. The Video On Demand television network will be found on cable, satellite, telco and digital. Distribution partners include: Comcast, Cox Communications, DirecTV, Dish Network, Filmon.com. For industry news around the clock and to find out about the upcoming television launch, check out: http://www.TheSurfChannel.com http://www.Facebook.com/TheSurfChannel http://www.Twitter.com/TheSurfChannel http://www.Instagram.com/TheSurfChannel * Twitter/Instagram your best barrel face to win prizes every month to #TheSurfChannel #BarrelFace, and 'Like' us on Facebook to join history's first network dedicated to the great sport of surfing. Producer/Director: Selma Al-Faqih Editor: Justin Restaino

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Most popular comments
for Dangers of Surfing Pipeline- Shaun Tomson

kid gloves
kid gloves - 7 years ago
Pipeline is definitely extreme danger and even the best local guys have had serious injuries surfing the wave..
Weverton guerreiro
Weverton guerreiro - 7 years ago
Soul surfing
Tom Barker
Tom Barker - 7 years ago
I used to surf there all the time when I was younger. One day I was in the parking lot when a couple of tourists came up and asked me; Excuse me, where is Pip'o'lini? I look at my friend and I'm thinking we aren't in Italy! LoL!
It took me a few to figure out it was Pipeline the wanted! LoL!
Kaiser Frost
Kaiser Frost - 7 years ago
Is he speaking English?
T G - 7 years ago
Tomson, what a legend.
henryssurfshowcase - 7 years ago
The biggest wave I have ever had, was caught inside at pipeline
agenthelios1 - 7 years ago
I have seen a lot of posers try , I am honest with myself and I know I cannot manage a ride like that.
Dilan Anonymous last name
Dilan Anonymous last name - 7 years ago
dreaming of that place over fifty years!! to old now
rahkin rah
rahkin rah - 7 years ago
Bless you Shaun.

10. comment for Dangers of Surfing Pipeline- Shaun Tomson

pascquallo - 7 years ago
2:08 can anybody explain me what "cop a pounding" means in the surf context? Appreciate it!
Matteo Tedesco
Matteo Tedesco - 7 years ago
First time I surfed Pipeline was a few months before I turned 13 and every year I get back to Pipeline I am grateful to be able to ride those perfect barrels
Simon Vincent
Simon Vincent - 7 years ago
Simon Vincent
Simon Vincent - 7 years ago
Brian Hart
Brian Hart - 7 years ago
Old school surfing legend....Multiple times Gunston 500 winner...watched him in a surf off against Rabbit,Mark,other big names in 1978 at Cave Rock,Bluff,South Africa......Got barreled on a monster wave,from deep inside and the spectators went nuts,thinking he was toast on the reef.Seconds later he popped out,made the entire section...a great master making long barrels.
phil lamonica
phil lamonica - 7 years ago
Probably the most challenging and dangerous waves in the world.
Red Nova
Red Nova - 7 years ago
Shaun T, amazing guy
Hyper Viper
Hyper Viper - 7 years ago
Rose Rey
Rose Rey - 7 years ago
1:55 !!!!
Nic Parker
Nic Parker - 7 years ago

20. comment for Dangers of Surfing Pipeline- Shaun Tomson

Scott Duffy
Scott Duffy - 7 years ago
My favorite beach in the world like nothing as cool as being there looking across at Waimea Bay man it's so Prime mortal so beautiful and that round sand just rolls right off of you
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch - 7 years ago
What the hell is a "pappan"?
Manual do Dinheiro
Manual do Dinheiro - 7 years ago
Names - 7 years ago
fake and gay
949surferdude - 7 years ago
They make it look so easy!
Michael Harris
Michael Harris - 7 years ago
Great vid,the legend tells it as it is .never been to Hawaii but love watching the old surf flicks such as free ride with Shaun and MR surfing big pipe and backdoor, loved there style !
Al Cabone
Al Cabone - 7 years ago
I almost drowned just watching this
leloodallasmultipass - 7 years ago
I learned to surf at Pipeline by myself. I didn't realize it was so dangerous! I wish I had watched this video first. One thing's for sure: if I ever go back, it will be during the day next time.
weasle bronco
weasle bronco - 7 years ago
I like the surfers from the 70s and 80s . theyre style was so cool , not so much of these hot dog kids with attitudes now days. my first surf board was a mark richards twin fin , freakin awsome board.
The Last Rebel Show
The Last Rebel Show - 7 years ago
Shaun Thompson is definitely one of the greatest surfers of all time.

30. comment for Dangers of Surfing Pipeline- Shaun Tomson

Fred DeSmet
Fred DeSmet - 7 years ago
Such a great spokesperson.. Surfing's great ambassador!!!
James Bray
James Bray - 7 years ago
clafong9 - 7 years ago
It always amazes me to read the comments after watching a video on Pipeline or Teahupoo for example. Several people will say, 'gosh I've got to go learn to surf and surf these spots'. Crazy talk. If you haven't been surfing at a very high level for a long time, don't surf there or anywhere near those conditions, (big waves, shallow bottom, fast moving waves).
Waz Wallaby
Waz Wallaby - 7 years ago
shaun tomson...dat guy could surf.. on his day, phenomenal...
MIKI-WAWA - 7 years ago
Amadis Demitrius
Amadis Demitrius - 8 years ago
Even in the best of conditions its dangerous enough. I nearly drown trying to surf all the time.
Benjamin Wilson
Benjamin Wilson - 8 years ago
i surfed pipe when i was 11 at 8' conditions right now im 14 and to this day I have no idea how i did it
Tay Faki
Tay Faki - 8 years ago
Shaun Thomson visited my high school
It was awesome
Frank Stein
Frank Stein - 8 years ago
I went down the slide at the pool one time...

got hurt pretty bad though.
Galavanta - 8 years ago
I can remember being in the lineup on a couple of occasions with Shaun in Durban, South Africa in the 70's, 80's.. we lived in the same town, he is a truly great guy in real life.
avtic1 - 8 years ago
I would love to sit down, have a drink with Shawn and listen to him reminisce about that explorer era, when everything was new. Class act, class act.
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 8 years ago
I was having the ride of my life surfing 30 foot Pipeline, but then I woke up!
mr puffer
mr puffer - 8 years ago
True video. but surfing doesn't hold a candle to big mountain skiing/riding, IMO
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 8 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway
stclairstclair - 8 years ago
This happened to my friend Greg when he and his family went on vacation to Hawaii back in 72, it was serious, boy what bad luck, but he was ok, His little brother and sister even got to meet Don Ho, Somehow in the end it all worked out.
GabzitoHD - 8 years ago
2:11 "that can be that last pounding you're ever gonna get" LMAOOOOO
fla playa
fla playa - 8 years ago
Dropping in on head high swell for the first few dozen times was scary. Can't imagine triple head high with a break so fast. Straight down 20 feet either to your death or the ride of a lifetime. Paddle hard, jump up fast and start tuning that bitch or your in the rocks.
Shon Doyle
Shon Doyle - 8 years ago
Bad punishment!
TenHanger - 8 years ago
watches like a fear campaign. If you really wanna make it scary, talk about injury and death stats, and then describe exactly how bad things happen, the circumstances, details and dos don'ts. Otherwise this is just a fear campaign to keep you out of the water. It's a serious wave, we all already know this. But newbs on the wave don't have the benefit of 6 people in the water like in 1970s to make mistakes and learn. Pro surfers need to get over themselves.
Rob Banks
Rob Banks - 8 years ago
In Sydney it'll be twice overhead and in Hawaii they'll say it's 3ft.

50. comment for Dangers of Surfing Pipeline- Shaun Tomson

Alejandro Arndt Jack
Alejandro Arndt Jack - 8 years ago
1:15 twat alert
Ethan Collier
Ethan Collier - 8 years ago
2:09 'As its happening to you, you never know, that could be the last pounding your ever going to get' lol
matty gish
matty gish - 8 years ago
I heard he's a fucking asshole in the water.
Strand FPV Films
Strand FPV Films - 8 years ago
Surfed with him a bunch at Rincon and he has always been a gentlemen.  He still rips too.
Jovan Blom
Jovan Blom - 8 years ago
Dunno if you're trolling, but Shaun Tomson has always been widely regarded as a true gentleman and ambassador for the sport. In the eighties (maybe '86...), after the Surfabout competition, I shared a recreational session with both Shaun and Occy at Long Beach, Cape Town. Of course, I wasn't the only lightie in the water with them and it got quite crowded, but neither Shaun or Occy snaked or dropped in, and were gracious and friendly. Hell, Shaun even pulled out of a wave for me! Definitely one of my most memorable sessions.
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 8 years ago
lots of big time surfers will snake you..they just do it.. most people let it go cause they know they are better surfers..shawn was no exception..and would just smile at you on the paddle back out.
Jonathan Strauss
Jonathan Strauss - 8 years ago
matty gish does he sound like a fucking ass hole?
unclesamtookmymoney Sam
unclesamtookmymoney Sam - 8 years ago
Steve Bellamy
Steve Bellamy - 8 years ago
du Bb
du Bb - 8 years ago
bodyboarder from the east cost , what are good waves to start on in haweii but isent pussy, sandys beach looks whack its a shitty shore break that barely rideable. i wanna surf some nice barrels and launch some nice bowls without dying
conspiracies are just great stories
conspiracies are just great stories - 8 years ago
can barely here him...soft spoken, slight accent, loud music
David Huha
David Huha - 8 years ago
conspiracies are just great stories lol your comment deserves more likes
conspiracies are just great stories
conspiracies are just great stories - 8 years ago
can barely here him...soft spoken, slight accent, loud music
Chris S
Chris S - 8 years ago
Believe this guy - he knows better that most. If you aren't 100% confident,100% fit, and maybe half crazy, don't even think about it.
KFC Warrior
KFC Warrior - 7 years ago
I surfed pipes since 7. Went to some huge comps with Laird Hamilton and nearly fucked his wife at a night of drinking with him but thats another story. Anyway you dont have to be fit to surf pipe just let the wave work the board you work the wave... its easy shit
Max A
Max A - 7 years ago
Secr3t - 8 years ago
then why is Jamie O'brein out there? well he is 100% confident, 65% fit and 100% crazy
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 8 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway
teknomogul - 8 years ago
thatmotherfuckingshitissodamn INSANE!
vitória espirito santo
vitória espirito santo - 8 years ago
JEffrey ANdrews
JEffrey ANdrews - 8 years ago
vitória espirito santo
Yanko Cano
Yanko Cano - 8 years ago
Nice ..
Derek - 8 years ago
is that a dolphin or what? shows it on the big wipe out & in description pic
Mack Lack
Mack Lack - 8 years ago
Shaun Tomson The Legend himself...
nosomosnada - 8 years ago
Shaun fucking Thompson!! legend
Porcotronic - 9 years ago
awesome and good eyes at the end xD good shit u hit
311i0t - 9 years ago
2 and a half minutes of captivating, dark, ominous footage and commentary about pipeline. completely undone by a cheerful 5 second outro with Shaun looking like he has guzzled a litre of dirty bong water. ka pai.
311i0t this is fucking hilarious
Don Lampard
Don Lampard - 8 years ago
'undone' ? Nah - cheerful outro is good. Cheer up !
Yolo Muffin
Yolo Muffin - 9 years ago
grow some nuts and surf it :D
Bobby's World
Bobby's World - 9 years ago
East coast inner city guy here who knows jack shit on waves. Surfers are absolutely NUTZ...that has to be the most insane, scary and most dangerous sport IMO. Big props to all you who do it cause if I see a wave I am running like hell.
Gisela Zanetti
Gisela Zanetti - 9 years ago
Eres el surfista mas bello y que admiro de mi adolescencia, recorte todas las fotos tuyas de las revistas de Surfing que llegaron a Venezuela
unSTEVOED - 9 years ago
Getting slammed by a 10' wave, with water penetrating every part of your body and shitting saltwater for a few days after is never fun......unless your in to that sort of stuff
unSTEVOED - 9 years ago
+jmm00702 Yeah I know the wave, I've surfed it a few times over the years, not when it heaving though. But still a solid 5-6'. So yeah I know about the shallow reef, Inverted drop and that thick lip that gets thrown over your head, also the spit that nearly blows you off your board. And the stoke you feel when you make it to the channel!
Maybe you should give it a go, if you haven't already.
jmm00702 - 9 years ago
+unSTEVOED its not bout the wave in pipeline, its about getting raped by the fucking sharp rocks. go watch big teahupoo if u wanna watch a real powerfull thick ass wave that'll destroy your ass on water alone if u slip
Maher David
Maher David - 9 years ago
they know nothing about courage
Heather Wolf
Heather Wolf - 9 years ago
Bruce Rider
Bruce Rider - 9 years ago
Super cool
CKdhimmi - 9 years ago
Just turned 17 surfing 3rd reef Pipe..well I never really "surfed" until a couple years later but caught waves. Saw horrid wipeouts, took a few but the worst was seeing people die, kids washed off the beach Mark Martinson''s dog drown and nothing anyone could do. Guess I'm old now but watching Pipe( never surf it again too old and it's just too crowded anyway) is almost as mesmerizing as chopes
Jeffery Estrada
Jeffery Estrada - 9 years ago
Can we get someone that actually shows surfing instead of some amateur film making idiot more interested in making a video with music, blacking out, and fading when the crucial point of completing a wave is about to happen? I want to see surfing not some idiot's face and commentary! PLEASE!!!
Gilliganfrog - 9 years ago
+Jeffery Estrada: First of all, Shaun Thompson is not the videographer here. Second, the videographer really does a fine job of visually complimenting Thompson's commentary, which itself is describing the reasons Pipeline is such a challenging, intimidating, dangerous wave. Third, I don't know how many surfing commentators you've seen or heard but I've seen dozens- and Shaun Thompson is easily one of the most eloquent, most intelligent, and most insightful I've ever heard. Lastly this is a guy who, like Gerry Lopez, became famous for being one of the first guys who could really surf pipeline well; furthermore he's a former world champ and someone with decades of professional experience at the most elite level of surfing. I don't think you have any idea how valuable, credible, interesting, and high-quality the commentary of Shaun Thompson reflecting on Pipeline really is.
Jeffery Estrada
Jeffery Estrada - 9 years ago
He's a better surfer than a videographer or commentator!
johndtuttle - 9 years ago
This is what you wrote: " I want to see surfing not some idiot's face and commentary!" Shaun Thompson is the guy giving the commentary. You owe a LEGEND an apology.
Jeffery Estrada
Jeffery Estrada - 9 years ago
+johndtuttle No...I called the maker of the video an idiot.  Thank you. 
johndtuttle - 9 years ago
+Jeffery Estrada Seriously, you just called one of the greatest surfers in History, Shaun Thompson, "some idiot"?

Wow, dude. One of the best surfers who ever paddled out at Pipe and he dominated it as much as anyone ever. You couldn't wax his board.
Gilliganfrog - 9 years ago
+Jeffery Estrada Can you please STFU and not be such a whiney little punk? If you want to watch surfing videos, there are only about A MILLION OF THEM elsewhere on YouTube for you to watch. GO WATCH THEM.
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 9 years ago
shaun was a great single fin surfer-he rode a bit forward on the board..and ws and is a class guy..as for Pipe..he nailed it..the commitment to the drop is key. and of course you have to be lucky and pick the right wave and be at the right spot on the wall for the drop- a few feet to the right and you won't make it..but the reef is maybe 5 feet below the surface..and on most wipeouts there you will feel at you get washed over it..or it can drive you deep into the coral and you might find yourself with coral over your head having been pushed into aone of the many little lava tube caves..all the while knowing another set wave may nail you when you pop up...other days it is smaller friendly short but intense wave. but as shaun says , it can kill or just fuck you up really bad..knock out your teeth, crack your skull or take the skin off your back..not a place for beginners.
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 8 years ago
well right.. and if you get pinned down in front a a 5 wave set.. you could easli drwon in the 3-6 minutes it would take for the set to push thru
diver dave
diver dave - 8 years ago
I moved to Oahu in 1979 to learn how to surf...
I always though that the Bad Ass Life Guards on North Shore should be able to decide who can paddle out and who must stay on the beach ! Pipe Line is way to dangerous for wanna be surfers and the guards risk their life rescuing them
Jackie Ramage
Jackie Ramage - 9 years ago
Shaun Thompson looking old now. I think he must be in his 60s. He was world champion in 1977 I think it was. Correct me if I am wrong.
careystuart - 9 years ago
+Jackie Ramage Yes you're right.In fact that pipemasters was on ABCs wide world of sports,with Fred Hemmings as the commentator.BTW Shaun beat Gerry Lopez and Rory Russell.
Jackie Ramage
Jackie Ramage - 9 years ago
+marcuelcajon you don't say...
DarkSagan - 9 years ago
+Jackie Ramage Its called aging...everyone does it.
Bobb Lawrence
Bobb Lawrence - 9 years ago
well guy surfers or wanna bees. If it is too much to handle you can always surf your eyes for the lovelies that stroll by from time to time. Thank you lovelies. Yesterday's Maui contest was a great watch as time allowed. Beat football. (I wonder what the ladies do if they are not out surfing?)
Ignacio Ramos - LifeCoach
Ignacio Ramos - LifeCoach - 9 years ago
Pete Miller
Pete Miller - 9 years ago
Wang Peng
Wang Peng - 9 years ago
Shark Tooth
Shark Tooth - 9 years ago
ya mon..the beach vibrates when the big sets roll in..it takes massive balls to paddle out at Pipe period.Loved the footage of young Shawn rippin.
Aaron Atkinson
Aaron Atkinson - 7 years ago
Tee Larkin ii
Anselmo - 9 years ago
+Tee Larkin did you just say mon??? lel
David Moller
David Moller - 9 years ago
Hey Shaun, used to see you at Montezuma in Durban, Ernie lived next to my aunt, 10B. Good video. Keep well.
Kapili Yokotake
Kapili Yokotake - 9 years ago
dude friken huge ass wave
Bobb Lawrence
Bobb Lawrence - 9 years ago
+Kapili Yokotake English is allowed here!
iTube22100 - 9 years ago
Sorry, I don't  know anything about surfing. Can you please explain me how can you stick to the surf even in drops, is it only a matter of paraffin ? is  it so sticky and waterproof. Thanks
Haikelele - 9 years ago
+Haikelele sorta like grip tape on a skateboard
Haikelele - 9 years ago
+iTube22100 its waxed
iTube22100 - 9 years ago
+Mitch Richardson What does it mean ? 
iTube22100 - 9 years ago
+Olsak Thank you, it was quite incomprehensible for me :o)
Olsak - 9 years ago
+iTube22100 Now there are pads for shortboards, but yeah, only paraffin. In contact with water it become really sticky, your skin kinda grip on it.
Unixcho Simicho
Unixcho Simicho - 9 years ago
Which is music from video clip ???
Belgrave MARK
Belgrave MARK - 9 years ago
skydive,or how its called,when maniacs jump from top of a montain without parachute,just with that hamster cloths and they have to land somewhere and stop that 100kmph speed,thats fukin dangerious not the surfing:))) isnt it?
Belgrave MARK
Belgrave MARK - 9 years ago
if you know to swim and not to enter in panic soon as you lost control...than you nwill die just if a shark bite in your head man...its water
Tom Adams
Tom Adams - 9 years ago
I will stick with 2-4 ft East Coast surf .   It's nice to watch experienced surfers ride stuff like this but,   I know my place in the surf world .   I'm no professional.
Donnie Vick
Donnie Vick - 7 years ago
Gjergj the gheg Kastrioti1 year ago
wait until you hit cyclone an jump of point of burleigh heads an get cought in the inside.hahah so frked.I hit cyclone season every year even if im only one out their

Sure you do!
maxjtj31 - 7 years ago
Tom Adams i live on east coast... it fucking sucks
DonJuansDaddy - 7 years ago
wear a helmet and life jacket. nobody will think your a wimp when surfing waves like this.
Jabroney - 8 years ago
Tom Adams smart man
Gjergj the gheg Kastrioti
Gjergj the gheg Kastrioti - 8 years ago
wait until you hit cyclone an jump of point of burleigh heads an get cought in the inside.hahah so frked.I hit cyclone season every year even if im only one out their,,,
Nivory - 9 years ago
+Gjergj the gheg Kastrioti kys
Gjergj the gheg Kastrioti
Gjergj the gheg Kastrioti - 9 years ago
+Tom Adams pussy
Fin. Hunter
Fin. Hunter - 9 years ago
robert smith
robert smith - 9 years ago
Shaun the Master in his Day!
Brian Hart
Brian Hart - 7 years ago
is that Rob from Bats....?
The Anthropologist M
The Anthropologist M - 9 years ago
Shaun has been an inspiration since I first saw him as a little kid in the late 80s/early 90s and he is 100% percent correct. The thing that makes so many of these guys great is the commitment to the drop. Him, and especially Laird have balls and skill.... a rare combination.
mateo lopez
mateo lopez - 10 years ago
shaun thomson most class surfer ever
Grahame Lamblamb
Grahame Lamblamb - 10 years ago
I could take anything piha could dish out back when guards were few I was hit by a silver shark and it took me a hour to be able to walk to my car my board saved me from certain trauma my forehead was grazed my wetsuit was cut from chest to hip it was that close respect nature ,nature of rips tides and the sharks in them
武田優 - 10 years ago
dan nakasone 元気ですか。
Muhammad I’m hard Bruce lee
Muhammad I’m hard Bruce lee - 10 years ago
True when that wave holds you under its pray time.i know this from my days when I surfed with laird Hamilton and the boys
Cat Of The Year
Cat Of The Year - 10 years ago
sure you did
tiffsaver - 10 years ago
Which is a more devastating wave in a wipeout, Pipeline or Teahuppo??
JIMJAMSC - 7 years ago
Driving. 35 thousand + died in the US alone last year not including the injuries,loss of limbs, spinal injuries,burns etc. Much rather eat it at the pipe surfing than get t boned by someone texting.
tiffsaver - 9 years ago
+walter w
I think it's what UNDER the water that make Pipeline slightly more deadly, but in terms of sheer mass, I sure wouldn't want to take a Teahuppo monster lip in the head. Crazy, nightmare wipeouts galore.
walter w
walter w - 9 years ago
+tiffsaver there is a lot more water behind teahuppo its a much heavier wave. Im not sure wich one is more dangerous.
Clark W
Clark W - 9 years ago
Well, I'm just north of you, outside of Toronto Ontario! There is always The Great Lakes Surfers, should you want to grab a suit, board and head out. I've never done it, though there are days on Lake Ontario where I can see the conditions being decent for surfing.
tiffsaver - 9 years ago
+Clark W
At 66, "challenges" is the exact right word :) First, I live in NYC now, pretty far from Malibu, plus I have a bum shoulder. But give me a 9'6" board and some wax, and I bet I could still knee paddle with the best of them! I think it's a lot like riding a bike, you don't forget... I have often dreamed of it, though.

P.S.— You're never too old to learn how to surf, and body boarding just doesn't give you the same sensation of speed. Start out with a larger board, and just go for it!! No matter how bad you are at the beginning, you'll still have the time of your life, I promise.
Clark W
Clark W - 9 years ago
+An Elightented One My wife and I were on the same plane with Laird Hamilton and his crew back in 2007 headed for Tahiti. We were going on our honeymoon and little did we know where they were headed, nor how epic it would be (In Teahupoo). I noticed Laird immediately at the airport as we waited for our plane, told my wife and then got a serious case of the chicken-shits so I never went up and spoke with him. I regret that to this day...
Clark W
Clark W - 9 years ago
+tiffsaver How often do you surf nowadays? What are the challenges you face at your age? It's a sport I've never participated in (though I have body boarded quite a bit when I was younger), but it's a sport I've always been drawn-to. I love the water, and have tremendous respect for those who not only surf, but also to your point, surf those massive breaks. It's such an incredibly beautiful sport, and has such an incredible history.
Cory Davidson
Cory Davidson - 9 years ago
+tiffsaver Easily Teachupoo becuase not only has it taken more lives, but it has a gnarly reef. Also, the lip is way thicker and can cause some real damage if you hit it.
Harry Watt
Harry Watt - 9 years ago
+An Elightented One Teahupoo has had a few people killed there...
John M
John M - 9 years ago
+tiffsaver you should read "The Big Drop: Classic Big Wave Surfing Stories" 
There are badasses in every generation - Gregg Knoll, etc...Surf on Bra!
tiffsaver - 10 years ago
+Pedro Infantas
Hard to believe that people ride these kinds of waves!
Pedro Infantas
Pedro Infantas - 10 years ago
+tiffsaver My father in law grew up in LA back in the 60's and 70's. He was a rider. His name is Robert Barriger. He told us that he surfed Pipe once and it was brutal...but since he moved to Peru in the 80's, he says Pico Alto is more brutal than Pipe.
clarkewi - 10 years ago
The thing about Pipe are the caves. A wipeout can drive you like a jack hammer into the edge of a cave that's like the edge of a swimming pool with rough lava and coral. I had an old acquaintance Brad Asmus whose brother Dick was a lifeguard at Pipe. And he said the guards are qualified to give last rights. He saw many skulls split open ear to ear - surfers, spongers even photographers.
John M. Keynes
John M. Keynes - 10 years ago
+tiffsaver Well said, there are many places that are even more dangerous and still beautiful and perfect as pipe but they don't get that mediatic attention so to the average surfer they are not as appealing. If the young guns we see today surfing jaws at 15 years old are able to do so is thanks to guys like you that showed them that it actually was possible to ride those waves. In a positive way
tiffsaver - 10 years ago
+An Elightented One
I'm a 65-year old surfer.  I began surfing in California during the early sixties, around 1963.  By the middle of the 60's, we thought it was ALREADY too crowded.  Can you believe it??  My last surfboard was a Hobie, 9' 8" long.  I used to call it, "The Queen Mary."  I had so much fun in those days that it was nearly unbelievable.

But when I see so many young guys surfing these giant and dangerous breaks all around the world, it blows my mind.  In my day, nobody even THOUGHT of riding waves this big.  These young surfers are real heroes in my eyes.  Incredibly talented, with balls as big as Mount Rushmore.  Real "supermen," all.
John M. Keynes
John M. Keynes - 10 years ago
Yep, too many people that want to play with fire! Good thing is that it's pretty far from everywhere and it's quite expensive to get there! Still that nasty lip manages to scare the majority of people
An Elightented One
An Elightented One - 10 years ago
+TheElementsOfLife didn't know that.  guess it'll get more dangerous as it gets more and more crowded.  
John M. Keynes
John M. Keynes - 10 years ago
+tiffsaver Actually a couple of guys died in Teahupoo since 2000. That's from what I heard and read, never surfed there though.
tiffsaver - 10 years ago
+An Elightented One
Thanks for getting back on this.  Great explanation.  Teahupoo is such a knarly looking wave, I'm surprised no one has died there!  But the body count at Pipeline certainly tells the tale... tragic.
An Elightented One
An Elightented One - 10 years ago
Pipeline...no doubt...way more likely to get sent directly into the limestone reef at pipe.  Your more likely to get cut at Teahupoo...and end up with a staff infection.  As far as I know Teahupoo has yet to claim a life, while Pipeline has a quite a list of fatalities and serious injuries.  Tahiti looks crazier because the wave is so thick and below sea level...Pipe is more dangerous because the wave is so unpredictable and the reef is like an uneven concrete slab.
Eric Llanos
Eric Llanos - 10 years ago

100. comment for Dangers of Surfing Pipeline- Shaun Tomson

Hiroshi Higa
Hiroshi Higa - 10 years ago
My hands sweat just thinking about the one and only time I went out on just a four-foot day.  I got sucked over the falls backwards tying to paddle over a wave; a helpless feeling. I ended on the reef spread-eagle on my back.   I couldn't  move because of the downward pressure of the turbulent water.    Fortunately I wasn't injured, because I wasn't bounced or dragged, just pinned.  It could have been bad.  I'll leave Pipe for the pros.  
psychotropica - 10 years ago
Pipe ain't nothing, come to west Oz see what we got hahahaa
psychotropica - 10 years ago
fuck off ya old cunt!
Bryan Totten
Bryan Totten - 10 years ago
The only pipe you know about is the one you smoke mate!
neivaldo batista batista
neivaldo batista batista - 10 years ago
Er muita onda mano
Rafo Rafo
Rafo Rafo - 10 years ago
I think about.
Jiandi P
Jiandi P - 10 years ago
if you've never been slammed by let alone a 6' wave on a sandy bottom, you can't imagine the power and repercussions of a wave like this. Hat off- I couldn't and wouldn't 
NudaRider - 7 years ago
I've been slammed by an 8"er (on a sandy bottom), and I can tell you, my asshole stung for days
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 7 years ago
Jiandi P I've surfed it a handful of times. Can't wait to surf it again. I remember it being the only wave that when I ate it, and came up, I hadn't been pushed in to shore at all. Still right in the impact zone with the lip landing on me, and it has a weird way of making you face directly at the wave when you come up from a wipeout, all dizzy and seeing stars. Usually when I come up , I am facing the shore, I dunno why.
Billy frye
Billy frye - 10 years ago
Being shoved to the bottom and swished around like a rag doll is never fun
dacid kapura
dacid kapura - 10 years ago
go to nazare wimpy surfers
Sean Sandoval
Sean Sandoval - 10 years ago
what an awesome clip on 0:36
SICOLIRIC - 10 years ago
Andrei Flash
Andrei Flash - 10 years ago
islandlifestylephoto - 10 years ago
Instinctive was the best description for it
shelly yastagirl
shelly yastagirl - 10 years ago
Owwwwe mind blowing thank goodness for the people that film this amazing
Angus - 10 years ago
Half the footage in this clip was of ST surfing OTW! Great footage, but silly!
Angus - 10 years ago
+Rick Ruffin No, OTW is not the same as Backdoor. OTW is several houses further down the beach (southwest). It's a different peak.
Liam O'Callaghan
Liam O'Callaghan - 10 years ago
Looks extremely dangerous.
Liam O'Callaghan
Liam O'Callaghan - 10 years ago
Those wipeouts at Pipeline were terrifying.
Liam O'Callaghan
Liam O'Callaghan - 10 years ago
Pipeline looks like a challenging wave.
Bill le skeep McCoy
Bill le skeep McCoy - 10 years ago
I paddled out at Pipe when I was 15 too.  Trying to keep with the group in 10 to 12' perfect conditions with about 50 other people in the water (1968)... got caught by a heft growler trying to get into the lineup and sucked backwards over the falls, hammered onto the coral reef for a lesson in humility.  Paddled in and never went out there again!  I'm still surfing but know my limitations.
Frosted - 7 years ago
NudaRider . . . LoL.
Mel Shingleton Sr
Mel Shingleton Sr - 7 years ago
Bill McCoy ...How was that reef? I too have hit that reef, many times. It's more like smooth rock with big holes everywhere! Been in the water with Shaun, Buttons and a dear friend who list his life riding in the scrambling hills on a motorcycle Ronnie Burns! Thanks for the memorie of meeting the reef at pipe. Aloha
123TauruZ321 - 7 years ago
Fake fuck? What is that, when you stick your dick in a cheerie-o?
Nic Parker
Nic Parker - 7 years ago
you sound fake as fuck and live in Ohio.
Nlivegold Live
Nlivegold Live - 7 years ago
gnarly dude, im getting a 5'9 and getting ready for winter.
NudaRider - 7 years ago
+123TauruZ321 ..... a gristly vagina covered in lots of pubic hair
123TauruZ321 - 7 years ago
What is a "heft growler" ^^ ?
rotsen995 - 7 years ago
du Bb I guess that Kelly Slater the lopez brothers Matt kechele and the hobgoods are all liers!!!
NudaRider - 7 years ago
I was at Pipe, sucking on my mothers tit when Gerry Lopez came up and slapped my face from her nipple. He dragged me deep into the impact zone and pushed me down the face of a solid 9' footer on a floatie. I was 3. I didn't make the drop & shit my diaper before I hit the flats. When my limp and battered body washed up on the shore, my Hawaiian mother called me a fucking pussy and disowned me. It's a tough upbringing on the Islands.
du Bb
du Bb - 8 years ago
only way to get better is to charge, and to the guy whos sayin his buddy went from florida which has no waves what so ever and was catching bombs at pipe is a liar
The Great Gazoo
The Great Gazoo - 9 years ago
+William McCoy
That was pretty crazy! I dont know how that swell stacks up against others that area has had since. I was 17 and its still at the top 3 stupidest things I've ever done. My parents were watching it on the news and had no idea I was out in it...until my friends and I came pulling up with the boards on the car and bragging how we cheated death. To say my Dad was less than enthused is an understatement! :-D
Bill le skeep McCoy
Bill le skeep McCoy - 9 years ago
Harbor House I think it was
Bill le skeep McCoy
Bill le skeep McCoy - 9 years ago
Are often at Seal Beach
Bobb Lawrence
Bobb Lawrence - 9 years ago
Bill le skeep McCoy
Bill le skeep McCoy - 9 years ago
+The Great Gazoo I was living in long beach in 83 so we saw the same swell!
Bobb Lawrence
Bobb Lawrence - 9 years ago
+The Great Gazoo yep these days this ol dogger is a watcher only unless it is under 6 foot.
Bill le skeep McCoy
Bill le skeep McCoy - 9 years ago
You are certainly right. Conditions in the ocean can substantively change in moments. As a sailor I have a healthy respect for the ocean. Paddled out today at New Smyrna in FL for some fun waves. Still surfing at 62.

The Great Gazoo
The Great Gazoo - 9 years ago
Most of us mortal men who have surfed or still do, have that one life threatening moment. Mine was Huntington Beach in '83 during the giant swell in March I believe. Caught in the impact zone on 20 foot giant walls of death isnt an experience I will ever forget. Surf Pipeline...nope...watch that from the beach!
The Anthropologist M
The Anthropologist M - 9 years ago
+John M simply and well said my friend. To call out a guy whose been surfing for over 40 years like the original commenter, you certainly are a dick.
John M
John M - 10 years ago
+Yew Bodyboard yer good at being a dick grom 
O Mahn
O Mahn - 10 years ago
Bryan Totten
Bryan Totten - 10 years ago
I don't think fear mongering is intended but of coarse the pipe has a reputation.Like all things when you fall offf you need to get back on as soon as mentally possible to overcome your fears
clarkewi - 10 years ago
A friend of mine from Florida went to Hawaii in the early 1970 to make part of his surf movie. He brought by some photos taken of a day they filmed - class 8'-10' Pipe and it looked like he got some great barrel - magazine material. I was duly impressed. but then my friend recounted how he went into the lineup when a macker came thru second reef - 10+ and he was right in the spot but he froze on the takeoff. After that he was labeled a "chicken" and got burned on smaller waves he could surf there. To surf Pipe you almost have to be suicidal.
Dave Wave
Dave Wave - 10 years ago
Than there is Bethany Hamilton that shreds pipe more than many of the pro guys ever do - and does this with one arm!
Aaron Bird
Aaron Bird - 10 years ago
Righteo mate, pipeline isn't what its talked up to be. Its just Americans exaggerating as usual. I've taken off on waves in West Oz that were the same size as it was at Pipe when I've been there and its been heavier. Not that I'm saying it's not a fucking heavy wave because it is.
numbereightyseven - 7 years ago
He sounds like he's spent time in America. Just so obvious.
Aaron Bird
Aaron Bird - 10 years ago
+pubert pubertson Mate I think you need to get off the pipe.. ===O
CaptainGta5 - 10 years ago
who me?
Molo mono
Molo mono - 10 years ago
+An Elightented One
You can debate which wave is the most dangerous by reciting absolute numbers of fatalities.

Pipe is heavy, but if there were as many people trying to surf the right or cyclops as there are surfing pipe than there would be a huge problem. Cyclops is a stupid slab period, it's an extremely heavy break into a sharp reef. At low tide it's only a couple of feet deep. I can't believe people even surf it.
WachdByBigBrother - 10 years ago
You sound like an exaggerator to me. Stepping on heads to look higher isn't the way to look taller "mate".
CaptainGta5 - 10 years ago
+An Elightented One cyclops, shipsterns and ours are as heavy as pipeline 
Aaron Bird
Aaron Bird - 10 years ago
I have to say thats fair call mate
+An Elightented One 
IJ okinawa
IJ okinawa - 10 years ago
Aaron, sounds like you haven't been there so you have no fucking idea!! talking bullshit!
An Elightented One
An Elightented One - 10 years ago
how many west Oz waves have claimed as many lives as pipeline? None...it's not just about the wave...it's about the crowd, the intensity of a bad wipeout, and the reef below.  If pipe didn't have literally 50-100 surfers on it every time it's firing, I'm sure It would be a safer wave...that's not the case.  I'm sure you don't have 100 guys in the lineup when west oz is firing.  Be thankful, there's less attention on your spots because I really wish there was less here on Oahu.
IJ okinawa
IJ okinawa - 10 years ago
Total Bullshit!
Aaron Bird
Aaron Bird - 10 years ago
+Scott Jarratt im actually kelly slater
Scott Jarratt
Scott Jarratt - 10 years ago
Shawn Thompson isn't even an American - he's from South Africa.  He also talks about the risks of surfing Teahupoo, which is in Tahiti - a place that has nothing to do with the USA.  Shawn is also one of the most talented and traveled surfers of his era, so he has the experience to back his opinion of Pipeline and Teahupoo.  Never heard of you.  Sounds like Aussie exaggeration as usual.
fnog9 - 10 years ago
Seems to me that one of the best ways to show the dangers of pipeline is to show what it looks like underwater.
itsmeitstrue - 7 years ago
fnog9 Rocks, reef, n more rocks. Shore line in hawaii is not all sand like most people think.
ditimely - 10 years ago
A true legend.
João Pedro de Amorim Junior
João Pedro de Amorim Junior - 10 years ago
Icon of surf.
Rodrigo Amorim
Rodrigo Amorim - 9 years ago
Caraca que vaca!
guido dee
guido dee - 10 years ago
It's  really good listen to an intelligent surfer.  Shaun Tomson represents  and articulates the sport  of surfing better than anyone. 

 For some reason the "surfing media" is more than willing to put a microphone and camera in front of illiterate morons.
Longboardsinglefin - 10 years ago
Took a while to realise "Pappan" was the same wave as 'Pipeline'.
smooveXXX - 10 years ago
Damn fucking right, why I'll stick to the beach and my 3ft powder puffs...
smoknn77 - 10 years ago
always commit to the drop!! what a rush
Brian Rapp
Brian Rapp - 10 years ago
1975 Paul rapp my bitchin usc dad made Go for it with Shaun tomson and Hawaiian born Larry bertlman and Jay Adams for me and my delmar surf girl Marta hersh. Primo beers rule canyonlocalfilmscom save the coco palms hotel
james pisano
james pisano - 10 years ago
Very cool Shaun. I enjoyed your book "Surfer's Code."
Bryan Totten
Bryan Totten - 10 years ago
Listen to Daddy Shaun!He really has been there and done it but with class and wisdom.Respect Shaun
WishIcould showmyname
WishIcould showmyname - 10 years ago
Shaun, you are always a legend. I know someone who casually tried pipe as a good local surfer, but had no knowledge there. He showed me the massive scars on the bottom of his forearms from a brush at pipe and that really showed me the danger. I went to pipe twice (and watched) but never surfed it as I was quite young and had no business out there. Even today ,I love surfing but I know Pipe is for the professional and purely committed who want it more than anything else. Seems still to crowded. Good but short video. I'm sure you have more knowledge to give regardless if most of us will never surf it. Still great to live through others' experiences. I think you would do well to make other videos that tell stories and share experiences on the edge. Discuss times with your world title year, MR, and I am sure a plethora of other interesting experiences. Entertaining for 9 to 5 folk who surf but sometimes only have time on the internet.
greenroomdude - 10 years ago
there is a snake in the water
Slapturkey - 10 years ago
Except pipeline isn't a coral reef.
Tyson007ian - 10 years ago
+Ben Worthington it's still a reef, it's still extremely sharp and it's still extremely dangerous!
Dead poolmonkey
Dead poolmonkey - 10 years ago
+Ben Worthington you can still get cut up so who cares
Slapturkey - 10 years ago
+jack basedgod pipeline is a volcanic rock reef, not a coral reef. Pipeline is not really sand at all, only occasionally when the sand builds up.
Dead poolmonkey
Dead poolmonkey - 10 years ago
pipe is not all sand
Slapturkey - 10 years ago
+jack basedgod what do mean depends?
Dead poolmonkey
Dead poolmonkey - 10 years ago

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