Deaf Pittie Rescued From Dogfighting Becomes Obsessed With Surfing | The Dodo Pittie Nation
Surf 5 years ago 316,269 views
Mr. Breakfast is a deaf pit bull who was rescued from dogfighting. When his new mom was trying to find a way to help them communicate better, she thought that surfing might be fun. Now Mr. Breakfast can’t get enough of it! Keep up with Mr. Breakfast and his adventures on Instagram: Introducing Dodo swag! Love Animals? Subscribe: ¿Hablas español?: Follow The Dodo: Tweet with us on Twitter: Howl with us on Take a peek at our Snapchat: Love our Instagram: Like us on Facebook: Read more on our site: For the love of animals. Pass it on. #thedodo #animals #dog #cat #kitten #puppy
10. comment for Deaf Pittie Rescued From Dogfighting Becomes Obsessed With Surfing | The Dodo Pittie Nation
20. comment for Deaf Pittie Rescued From Dogfighting Becomes Obsessed With Surfing | The Dodo Pittie Nation
Thank you for sharing this!
Thanks for helping him ❤️
30. comment for Deaf Pittie Rescued From Dogfighting Becomes Obsessed With Surfing | The Dodo Pittie Nation
He is lonely when the female leaves for work.
Thank you for making him so active and happy.
50. comment for Deaf Pittie Rescued From Dogfighting Becomes Obsessed With Surfing | The Dodo Pittie Nation
to get the word out. I'm not good at pandering but this isn't for me
it's for Boom. Please is anyone that reads this can get the word out I
would be forever grateful.@t
And 2:47 HA HA HA HA!!!!
100. comment for Deaf Pittie Rescued From Dogfighting Becomes Obsessed With Surfing | The Dodo Pittie Nation
I Love dogs
Whenever a pitbull attacks, you guys just have to blame other breeds that weren't made to kill animals. Face it, Pits are responsible for tons of dog attacks because of their genetics.
These dogs were literally bred to take down 200 pound bulls, what makes you think that they won't hurt your child?
Dogs are awesome.
I wonder if he's such a happy dog these days through perspective? Perhaps he appreciates a good life after having it rough earlier on.
The older I get the more I realize there's no such thing as a superior species. Some individual animals (be it dogs, cats, people, possums, echidnas.... *whatever*) are nice, and some not so nice.
Definitely a couple of decent ones here.
if i see a dooggoo i click
Pit bulls and staffys are the best breeds. Their behaviour is all down to its owner.
These poor dogs who go through horrible up bringings. The owners should all go to jail
You basically just have to stay where he can see you and I'm sure he responds fine !!
Your discovery of the surfing class has brought so much joy to the both you! It looks like a lot of fun!
Mr. Breakfast reminds me of my beloved GSD. She used to talk a lot! If one did not know her, her speech would cause caution and wariness in others. So glad you learned your Fur Baby’s happy sounds!
Hey Liz look out I think Moto-Moro likes you
As for children it's always wise for adults to be present whenever any pet is around them... I have very sweet dogs at home yet I do not allow my little nieces or nephews to meet my dogs in my absence.
Pits represent a very small demographic of the dog population in the U.S., about 5%, yet they are responsible for about 2/3 of fatal attacks on humans. That's just fatal attacks.
There is no data to support the endless, mind-numbing excuses for these numbers. For the people who say it's the owner...let's break that down. The comment actually verifies the problem with the breed by suggesting that the breed needs some special form of owner and that, somehow, the owners of Pits have a collective mental deficiency that causes their dogs to attack and kill humans.
The subjective experience of anyone on any subject is just that, a subjective experience. It, as stated, does not contradict data that validates a completely opposite truth.
There is a reason that the breed is used for fighting just as a Border Collie is used for herding or a Spaniel is used for bird hunting.
And yes - terrible humans have this strange bizarre "fetish" of making some dog breeds like pit bulls, dobermans and so on.
You know the ones that were using this dog to fight other dogs.
By the are bad humans that make other humans, in their family hate Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, atheists.......
Call me a hater if it makes you feel better.
I understand what you are saying, but I am not going to walk up and pet a pit bull like I would a golden retriever.
There are no Bad or Evil dogs, only Bad owners.
And that’s the honest answer I can give, and even the most shelters I volunteer at. I work at 4 different, because they all share the Emergency shifts. Runs a week on each other.
But they also told me that they wouldn’t let me do it because of my wellbeing!
Thanks for proving my point for me.
Is Michael Vick Black?
The thing I hate the most about Blacks/sub-Saharan Africans is you never, ever, ever take responsibility for the crimes you've committed or the bad things you've done.
That's why people call Blacks "Dindus".
Your race is famous for saying "I didn't do nuthin" when caught committing a crime.
When you're confronted with the truth, you lie, blame others (Blacks usually blame Whites) or deflect, which is what you're doing now, and why the "Black community" is, and will always be, a complete disaster.
I don't have to watch anything you post because I know the truth.
I'm not interested in whatever Wakanda fantasy you're trying to sell me.
I've researched all of this including Black/African FBI crimes statistics which proves what I'm saying is 100% correct.
You can continue to comment but it will never change the truth about Black and Hispanic animal fighting which includes not only dogs/Pitbulls, but chickens, horses, etc.
If you really believed in what you were saying you'd continue this debate.
BTW, I'm an ethical vegan and I rescue using my OWN $$$.
I've rescued many, many animals including a PitBull about 13 yrs. ago who was in a horrible situation in the ghetto who I rescued MYSELF.
He had demodectic mange, burn marks, a broken tail and was skin and bones from abuse/neglect.
I spent $1,000's fixing his health issues and had him until last yr. when I had to euthanize him due to cancer.
I don't brag about it to boost my ego, I do it for the animals unlike people like you who virtue signal to make themselves feel better.
If you really cared about animals you'd be exposing the abusers and the abuse ie: dog fighting, etc., instead of protecting them because you're afraid of being called a "racist".
I'm done arguing with you.
There's nothing i hate more than a lier.
Go away.
You're wasted enough of my time with a low IQ Orc."
And yet your still here.
Tell you what "Lucifer".
Let's continue this debate on either your channel or mine.
Your choice as to whose channel we use.
If you want to use my channel you can leave a comment under "community" on mine or msge. me if you'd like to try to counter the facts/points I've left.
I don't think the Dodo wants a political discussion on their channel and I don't want to offend them anymore than I probably already have.
Prove me wrong using FACTS.
Go ahead.
I want hard core facts not feelings, strawmen, SJW terms or tactics "minorities" use to divert the debate to prove your point.
Yeah, sure, just like you're an "animal rescuer".
I'm done arguing with you.
There's nothing I hate more than a liar.
Go away.
You're wasted enough of my time with a low IQ Orc.
Not "opinion" but FACTS that are easily verifiable.
The days of "minorities" controlling White Europeans using claims of "racism" or "bigotry", chimping out because you didn't get your way or were offended because a White European said something truthful about you are OVER.
Got that?
As I said before, we don't need you, you need us so stay away from us if we're so horrible.
You WILL NOT control us in any way or tell us what we can and can't do.
Trust me, "minorities" are nothing but a burden to White Europeans.
You non-Whites/Jews hold White Europeans back from achieving what we're capable of because we spend most of our time baby sitting you, fixing the damage you cause and working to pay for you and your families all over the world ie: foreign aid, welfare, food shipments to your families in YOUR ethnic homelands, free medication, we build hospitals and schools for your non-White/Jew families in your ethnic homelands, Affirmative Action, HUD, free college, food stamps, Head Start, "minority only" business loans and grants, HB1 visas, gang prevention programs, prisons, court systems, ICE, moving to new areas when you move into our White neighborhoods and destroy them, we pay to fix the damage when Blacks loot, set fires or destroy areas after a natural disaster or emergency, etc.
That will NEVER happen.
Non-Whites/Jews have NO right to tell White Europeans how to act or to take away our rights.
You can tantrum and chimp out about your hurt feelings or "racism" but you non-Whites/Jews have overused that scam and it's lost it's effectiveness.
Most White Europeans don't care anymore, we're not going to allow you non-Whites/Jews to dictate how we can live, what we can say, think or anything else.
Don't like it free speech, a concept White Europeans created?
Go back to whatever Third World toilet YOUR race created.
White Europeans give/send 100's of $BILLIONS EACH YEAR in "foreign aid' aka welfare, food, build hospitals for you, etc. to all of you non-Whites/Jews you give us ZERO.
White Europeans DO NOT need you non-White/Jew Third Worlders YOU need us.
My point?
You aren't going to demand or tell us anything.
Got that?
Does that offend you?
Then stay away from White Europeans, the countries we create, the civilizations we build and stop using what invent.
But you won't because as much as you claim to be victims of "racism" you follow us White Europeans everywhere we go because we're the only race that's capable of building civilized First World nations which improves the standard of living for you non-Whites/Jews who are unable to do that for themselves.
Go away.
I'm tired of your lies and moronic SJW/Leftist talking points which DO NOT disprove anything I've said which proves, again, I'm right.
Awww, did I offend you by telling the truth and not lying about Blacks and Hispanics?
Did that trigger you?
Animals SUFFER because cowards like you are more concerned about being politically correct and screaming about FAKE '"racism" than the plight of these animals.
You're no better than the people who fight/abuse these animals because you're an ENABLER.
You cower in the shadows and say NOTHING about who's involved in this horrid abuse because way deep down you don't care.
All you're here to do is virtue signal so people think you're moral and you love animals but the truth is you really don't because you'd be speaking the truth about it irrespective of which races it incriminates.
But it's clear that's expecting way too much from most of you because you're not evolved enough to even be capable of understand what I'm saying.
And that's why the dog fighting/abuse continues in Black and Hispanic communities.
My pit isn't ear cropped, and one day the capillaries on her ear got tore for no reason. We visited the doctor to fixed it and now one of her ear is still crumpled and stiff.
(I don't have the heart to crop her ears)
LMAO Okay. Have a good day :)
If you like living around Blacks/Africans, by all means, do it. You have the right to live your life the way you choose.
I don't, and I have the right to not want to live around them.
Go away.
I'm tired of your moronic comments.
The ISSUE was dog fighting and abuse in Black and Hispanic culture.
When you're not lying, you're creating straw men and/or distracting from the issue and posting the same garbage over and over and over.
FYI: People know the truth about Blacks and Hispanics fighting/abusing animals, the Humane Societies know it, rescue groups know it, PitBull rescues know it, everyone knows it because it's part of your cultures, and all the lying in the world won't change that.
If the school you attended was unable to teach you how to use paragraphs to break up text, which is a basic skill when using the English language properly, I can only imagine the miseducation you received by those same people when they taught you about dog breeds.
I'm not going to mention the state because they'll be harassed out of a job once Blacks and Hispanics learn their name, but I know someone who runs a branch of the Humane Society and I was told that 99.99999% of animals, ie: chickens, dogs, even some horses, that are victims of fighting are rescued from Blacks and Hispanics.
Even in sub-Saharan Africa, White Europeans, not Black Africans, pay for, open up and run the animal sanctuaries and rescues.
White Europeans also have to teach Black Africans why they need to save the animals instead of poaching them or selling them for $$$ as Black Africans don't value African wildlife.
You can repeat whatever garbage your urban school taught you about dog breeding or what you learned in your urban "kennel club" but it doesn't change the role Blacks and Hispanics play in animal abuse because it's part of Black and Hispanic culture which is completely degenerate and psychopathic.
Since you're trying to ignore what that subhuman Michael Vick did, you can go on a Black/ghetto website like "World Star HipHop" or "Black Twitter" or look for "music" videos from ghetto Black rappers who've featured Pits in their "music" videos for years for more proof I'm right.
Unless you have something intelligent to add to this conversation, or decide to stop repeating the same lies over and over, I suggest you find someone new to discuss your Wakandan version of history and/or the PitBull breed with.
You idiotic non-Whites think Trump is a "racist" because he defended the USA from non-Whites who have NO business being in the West or in the countries White Europeans created.
Access to White Europeans, the countries we create, the civilizations we build and what we invent is NOT a human right of non-Whites and Jews.
The West and all First World Nations = White European
I don't support Trump because he's a Zionist puppet and I wasn't blaming "poor people" I was blaming, specifically, Blacks and Hispanics who fight and abuse animals as part of their sick, disgusting culture because they're not evolved enough to be able to understand it's immoral and wrong.
Truth = Racist to low IQ non-Whites/Jews who get upset when a White European speaks the truth about their race and exposes them.
You can call me racist, bigot, whatever, it doesn't effect me or most White Europeans anymore and won't stop us from speaking the truth about non-Whites/Jews.
Don't take my word for it.
Start researching FBI and other crime statistics and you'll see I'm telling the 100% truth.
What about BLACKS and HISPANICS fighting animals?
Learn to use the English language, the language MY race created properly, and break up your comments using paragraphs.
No one wants to read giant blocks of text on the internet.
I don't care what supposed "club" you were in and this discussion had nothing to do with dog breeding or kennel clubs.
You've lied and shifted blame the entire time this debate has been going on so the subject of dog fighting and animal abuse in the Black and Hispanic communities isn't discussed.
I asked you what race you were and OF COURSE you didn't answer it, you tried to divert my attention away by changing the subject.
What race are you?
Not too bright, are you?
Blacks and Hispanics fight BOTH Staffies and Pitbulls and/or steal them from people so they can be used as "bait dogs" like that subhuman Michael Vick did.
This video was about a DOG THAT WAS THE VICTIM OF DOGFIGHTING you moron and I was reminding people that dog fighting is an epidemic in Black and Hispanic areas you low IQ Orc.
I don't "need help" for telling the truth.
But I understand that's a concept you're not able to grasp as you're not evolved enough.
No negativity?
Could you be any more selfish?
You ONLY focus should be on helping the animals and trying to stop the abuse that happens when they're fought by ghetto Orcs who get a thrill out of hurting them.
Race has EVERYTHING to do with this you nitwit.
Blacks DESTROYED the reputation of this breed of dog who are still being demonized because of it.
FACTS prove me right.
You can deny all you want and call me names but that doesn't change the TRUTH about disgusting Black and Hispanic culture and crime statistics/dog fighting.
If you actually cared about animals, which you clearly don't, you'd want to know who was responsible for hurting them the most.
This thing is hilarious it also surfs xD
What a cute little thing
What a cute dog!!!
What a cute pupper! I‘m so happy that she adopted him and gave him a beautiful home!
Edit: I get that it’s a joke but I have a point to prove lol
Most adorable thing ever