Die Another Day Surf Scene *High Quality*

Non-Profit. Property Of Metro Goldwyn Mayer inc. And Viacom International. Copyrights Belong To Them. This clip is back with High Quality and it contains the surf scene for Die Another Day. Enjoy!

Die Another Day Surf Scene *High Quality* sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Surf 16 years ago 155,592 views

Non-Profit. Property Of Metro Goldwyn Mayer inc. And Viacom International. Copyrights Belong To Them. This clip is back with High Quality and it contains the surf scene for Die Another Day. Enjoy!

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Most popular comments
for Die Another Day Surf Scene *High Quality*

Brad Junes
Brad Junes - 6 years ago
I've finally seen this scene again thank you. It has been on my mind since I went to the movie. thanks you
Nathan Drake
Nathan Drake - 7 years ago
480p= high quality???? you must be a caveman
Abbod9 AMSTHB A - 7 years ago
3:7 Try Hrader Evil Loser = Winning السواق عنايه AMSTH A
The Rock jackie Chan AMSTH A
Aravind Reddy Boozula
Aravind Reddy Boozula - 8 years ago
I like bullet sound in the theme
josef733 - 8 years ago
Nothing about this scene is "high quality"
joyguard - 8 years ago
Anyone know the title of the background music?
Moesive oone
Moesive oone - 8 years ago
I don't get the problem, it's a fine I just don't get when they'd have instructors teaching their spies how to surf monster waves.
BrBasik - 9 years ago
Movie fights brought me here.
no hassle
no hassle - 9 years ago
Brosnan was totally wasted as James Bond. He had the looks the charm and he could kick ass. The only thing he didn't have was good scripts and directors to work with.
xxxXXXCH04XXXxxx - 9 years ago
+no hassle the Craig movies have great scripts. If only Brosnan was still Bond...

10. comment for Die Another Day Surf Scene *High Quality*

David Fernandez
David Fernandez - 9 years ago
I'm a huge 007 fan and this movie totally unjustified Brosnan's role for Bond. I feel he left on a low note after this film. The plot was fine, but the cinematography was awful, the slow motion scenes were weak. Just overall disappointed in the effort that went into the production of this film.
HiddenWen - 9 years ago
It's as if this film was made to parody Brosnan's bond films. It started off pretty well with Goldeneye, then they just went overboard.
no hassle
no hassle - 8 years ago
+stefano argiolas yes, and they were both directed by the same director Martin Campbell. They have to bring this guy back for the next Bond actor. He is a good Omen and understands the mechanics of the Bond universe.
stefano argiolas
stefano argiolas - 8 years ago
+no hassle Oh yes I actually agree, Casino Royale actually was pretty good.
Coincidentally with Brosnan, also Craig had their first movie be their best movie.
Which is not the best thing when you have to do multiple movies.
no hassle
no hassle - 8 years ago
+stefano argiolas They did. It's called Casino Royale.
stefano argiolas
stefano argiolas - 8 years ago
+CooManTunes Goldeneye was a complete win, either by movie standards, or videogame standards.
Shame they never made another Bond movie as good as Goldeneye, really.
CooManTunes - 8 years ago
Funny thing is, Goldeneye is the only good Bond film with Brosnan, but it's also probably the best Bond film there ever was. It even spawned the most revolutionary first-person shooter in the history of video game consoles.
stefano argiolas
stefano argiolas - 9 years ago
Hah, overboard, get it? Because they surf
stefano argiolas
stefano argiolas - 9 years ago
Hah, overboard, get it? Because they surf
no hassle
no hassle - 9 years ago
+HiddenWen Agreed.
Pickleman - 10 years ago
using a surf board for a insertion? thats the stupidest shit i have ever heard of in my entire life
jdavis234 - 10 years ago
Bond don't surf!
Nathan Drake
Nathan Drake - 7 years ago
Rodrigo Moreno Studios
Rodrigo Moreno Studios - 10 years ago
I don't know why is this so hated by people. I find it well done. 
no hassle
no hassle - 10 years ago
+Bullet Tooth Tony No, it is most of the film that people hate.
Not Michael Jordan
Not Michael Jordan - 10 years ago
It's the tsunami surf scene that people hate.
no hassle
no hassle - 10 years ago
This scene is really cool, but the film is fucking horrible!
careystuart - 11 years ago
The surfers were Laird Hamilton, Dave Kalama and Derrick Doerner wearing some funky wetsuits and carrying rubber guns
Clay Conger
Clay Conger - 11 years ago
tomaszektomaszek16 - 11 years ago
kupuje cala kolekcje i basta
Lion85 - 11 years ago
Die Another Day Score ''Gunbarrel / Surfs Up''
transformer - 11 years ago
watch out kim young un james bond is comming for you

20. comment for Die Another Day Surf Scene *High Quality*

Paz Patel
Paz Patel - 11 years ago
who the fuck says he has to be? Ian Flemming? is change not allowed. if the same perfect bond is in every 007 film than it gets boring. i like it when bond has flaws in his character.
devanshu panchal
devanshu panchal - 11 years ago
if u know this music any time soon .. tell me ..
devanshu panchal
devanshu panchal - 11 years ago
love the music .. wat is this music ?
CooManTunes - 12 years ago
I agree. Brosnan and Connery are the quintessential 'Bonds'. James Bond is supposed to be a suave and cunning secret agent, not a barbaric free runner with an accent.
baddaboomb - 12 years ago
Should have thrown in a few sharks with frickin laaayzeers on their heads. Just to make the scene grounded and give it that gritty realism.
krynkles01 - 12 years ago
Sean Connery,Roger Moore,George Lazenby or Timothy Dalton would,to be very honest about this,would be killed,very quickly (more than likely ,horribly) in the waves that were filmed for this scene.Now,Laird Hamilton,Derrick Doerner and Dave Kalama( on the other hand) would perform one of surfings GREATEST stunts with such grace skill and balls they are 007.
mememaster - 12 years ago
All this scene is missing is a shark to jump.
Art Trivia
Art Trivia - 12 years ago
Worst gun barrel sequence of the whole franchise
sean mcmanus
sean mcmanus - 12 years ago
Doerner, Kalama, and Larid Hamilton were 2 of the surfers
ricop421 - 12 years ago
shame i was gonna sing park park wherever you may be bond is in your home country but he's south korean

30. comment for Die Another Day Surf Scene *High Quality*

Sloth55Chunk - 12 years ago
Surfing Jaws is hard enough with just boardshorts on. Cant imagine it with the suit and helmet. Not to mention the insurance shit the production would of had to go through haha
rmccaw7 - 12 years ago
the music at the start of the gun barrel sequence throws me off every time!
gezzly72 - 12 years ago
I'd be over the moon if bond wanted to wear my sunglasses.
MaZaKeRaL - 12 years ago
Brosnan is the real James Bond not that meerkat daniel craig.
Drew Ryan
Drew Ryan - 12 years ago
How'd they tow laird hamilton into the same wave three times? lol must be three guys but never seen a bunch towed into same wave
slim22rj - 12 years ago
Jaws !
Graenelolz - 12 years ago
Wait, the surfing scene is a paparazzi-shot sequence where Pierce Brosnan gets recorded while he's surfing for the first time in his life with a camo-suit to hide his identity, right?
Dougie P
Dougie P - 12 years ago
the surfing scene is so badass!
mxs98s - 12 years ago
Everything that was wrong with James Bond pre-reboot.
Anika - 13 years ago
is one laird hamilton?
drummerdude0515 - 13 years ago
this was actually filmed at jaws maui and Laird hamilton was one of the stunt doubles.
Proximate Cause
Proximate Cause - 13 years ago
@kingofburnttoast Anything is possible and believe me, even the best security setups get bypassed time and again.
kingofburnttoast - 13 years ago
is it really that easy to just SURF onto a north korean beach and not get spotted, apparently the security of a totalitarian county that tends to keep itself cut off from the world is useless
krynkles01 - 13 years ago
Thanx to plaster productions;Dave Kalama,ya man one of the great watermen of today.I think he was with Ken Bradshaw when they rode what was then,the biggest wave ridden.I have the PBS special on vid.Ricky Grigg was the NOAA forecaster featured.Freaking surf muscle Bradshaw,so freakin' humble.He and Kalama,run underwater with 100 lbs rocks.Goot Greef!Tahnx Mahn.
FVRNITVRE MVSIC - 13 years ago
@welcomegohome no, the wave was pe'ahi (aka jaws) on the north shore of maui
careystuart - 14 years ago
Who is doing the surfing?I know one guy is Laird Hamilton,I think one is Derrick Doerner and possibly "Flea" Vrostko.The scene where all three are on the wave,crossing trails is the absolute ultimate water "stunt"!!So now we can say the best surfer in the world is Mike Parsons...wait ,no,James Bond!Geesh a good six foot swell puts me in my place.
LandSharkN - 14 years ago
the beach is in cornwall, and its laird hamilton and friends toeing jaws. but i love the thought that some-one said 'Hey james can we go for a quickie before the mission?"
sprayframe - 14 years ago
jack baligian
jack baligian - 14 years ago
Wow...all the good scenes before the title sequence...ouch.
JediMasterLego - 14 years ago
@MadsaboutKenny you mean "Casino Royale" :-P

50. comment for Die Another Day Surf Scene *High Quality*

JediMasterLego - 14 years ago
@111danish111 by the way, did you know that those are *actually [and for real]* PIERCE BROSNAN'S glasses? (i heard it in some of the commentary stuff in the "Die Another Day" DVD)
eeixen - 15 years ago
ha ha I thought this was a real surf video
Jeanette L
Jeanette L - 15 years ago
koreans are awesome. XD
KINGofkings49er - 15 years ago
Jee this is the very best HQ i ever seen on youtube
111danish111 - 15 years ago
I like how Pierce Brosnan takes off the guys glasses and puts them on with that smile

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