Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with Dolphins as seen on TV (WORLDWIDE!!)

Dolphin Surfing in the Sea of Cortez with the crew from Pro-Windsurf La Ventana. This was definitely one of the TOP 3 afternoons of my LIFE!!! Instagram: wyattmiller525 Facebook: prowindsurf.laventana Copyright Wyatt Miller Girl wakeboards with dolphins

Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with Dolphins as seen on TV (WORLDWIDE!!) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 405

Surf 12 years ago 21,508,754 views

Dolphin Surfing in the Sea of Cortez with the crew from Pro-Windsurf La Ventana. This was definitely one of the TOP 3 afternoons of my LIFE!!! Instagram: wyattmiller525 Facebook: prowindsurf.laventana Copyright Wyatt Miller Girl wakeboards with dolphins

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Most popular comments
for Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with Dolphins as seen on TV (WORLDWIDE!!)

Matt Matt
Matt Matt - 7 years ago
Taking too many risks, with no life jackets on, bad skipper :O( Leave the dolphins in peace.
Moments of Paradise
Moments of Paradise - 7 years ago
telerover - 7 years ago
Leah Stevens
Leah Stevens - 7 years ago
Your dumb
susaninmaine - 7 years ago
Love the dolphins and the woman wakeboarding with aplomb! But that guy turning around saying to keep filming, declaring they're "going to be a YouTube sensation" - total douche. You can just tell.
tashi sherpa
tashi sherpa - 7 years ago
areal alright
Elizabeth Stephanie
Elizabeth Stephanie - 7 years ago
Aww that's amazing
Le7 Le7
Le7 Le7 - 7 years ago
simply wonderful
Anders Jakobsen
Anders Jakobsen - 7 years ago
Really nice.

10. comment for Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with Dolphins as seen on TV (WORLDWIDE!!)

Красота нашей Земли The beauty of our Land
Красота нашей Земли The beauty of our Land - 7 years ago
Круто, очень круто и так красиво...
Wadu Hek
Wadu Hek - 7 years ago
1:53 you can see in the background way back to the right of the camera a dolphin absolutely get launched
joyfulvulture - 7 years ago
those in the background are jumping high as fuck
Q T Ditse
Q T Ditse - 7 years ago
That is insane!!!!! Are you sure you are not a mermaid or something???? The Dolphins were joining you & all , must be telling you: " Hey sister, where are your fins & flukes ????? Did you swap them for that board???? ..... Wanderin' free..... wish I could be.....part of that world!!!! :))
Alan Deans
Alan Deans - 7 years ago
Obviously dolphins with an eye for a beautiful-lady !!
Oscar et sa guitare
Oscar et sa guitare - 7 years ago
that's so crazy
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 7 years ago
That's amazing! What fun!
Larry Hankamer
Larry Hankamer - 7 years ago
What a thrill.
Christophe Barclay
Christophe Barclay - 7 years ago
That's memories for ever !
sunniski - 7 years ago
To the 394 dislikes... don't worry... I really believe no dolphins were hurt in the making of this video...

20. comment for Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with Dolphins as seen on TV (WORLDWIDE!!)

sunniski - 7 years ago
Beautiful video.... more than words...
velouric - 7 years ago
I s this in BAJA?
ekielr jayme
ekielr jayme - 7 years ago
i ckinsa like that heheh thats nice
Zelda Crafter
Zelda Crafter - 7 years ago
a dream come true lol
pam kellow
pam kellow - 7 years ago
Savage Insight
Savage Insight - 7 years ago
Try 20million :D
Tom P
Tom P - 7 years ago
the dolphins smelled her tuna
Jeanleeke Cock
Jeanleeke Cock - 7 years ago
Dornis Szilvia
Dornis Szilvia - 7 years ago
❤️ nice ❤️
pppaaaooo13 - 7 years ago
Now imagine if these dolphins were actually sharks

30. comment for Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with Dolphins as seen on TV (WORLDWIDE!!)

Jennifer Evans
Jennifer Evans - 7 years ago
How blessed you all in that boat were to witness her blessing of "swimming" with the dolphins, exquisite experience I am sure. Thank you for sharing!
OrionOlamPiksie - 7 years ago
wow.. this is so cool... :) <3
Sunny Skye
Sunny Skye - 7 years ago
HOW COOL IS THIS!!!!???? :D You lucky things, you!!!
Annie Equality Hughes
Annie Equality Hughes - 7 years ago
Come ON - what soulless nudge dislikes this?
Theresa Shaw
Theresa Shaw - 7 years ago
Look in the far distance, you can see a dolphin catching some serious air time, at 1.40 second to the right of us, R right.
Toxic Candy
Toxic Candy - 7 years ago
It's pretty clear from this video that this was not some random "magical moment". The dolphins are quite a bit in the distance, clearly a very large pod heading somewhere and these morons decided to purposely put their boat directly in the pods path so that they could film it all. The imagery speaks volumes so in saying that, the commentary by those in the boat make them look pretty moronic. Way to put these animals in harms way so you could, as you stated "become a youtube sensation".
Will Telltale
Will Telltale - 7 years ago
That's was so awesome!
Ellen Carnahan
Ellen Carnahan - 7 years ago
this is completely awesome
Геннадий Кошкин
Геннадий Кошкин - 7 years ago
Leathan Lund
Leathan Lund - 7 years ago
Interesting: the dolphins are savvy enough to avoid the tow rope while swimming just under it.
Зоя Ивкина
Зоя Ивкина - 7 years ago
просто класс хочу на море
ГРУППА ПРОФИ - строительное и промышленное оборудование
ГРУППА ПРОФИ - строительное и промышленное оборудование - 7 years ago
Sevi - 7 years ago
Есть русские?
rrust1000 - 7 years ago
Eyes Looking
Eyes Looking - 7 years ago
.Эксвил- - 7 years ago
на 1.52 там в далеке дельфин прыгнул очень высоко!
Сука я думал нло выпрыгнет из воды а за ним следом звезда смерти и звездолеты вылетят начнут перестрелку а тут хуйня какая то
Владимир Голушко
Владимир Голушко - 7 years ago
Владимир Борозденков
Владимир Борозденков - 7 years ago
L M3
L M3 - 8 years ago
the dolphin at 1:38 lol

50. comment for Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with Dolphins as seen on TV (WORLDWIDE!!)

Prof. Genki
Prof. Genki - 8 years ago
Someone get my harpoon gun ready. Christmas came early.
Oregon Darren
Oregon Darren - 7 years ago
Prof. Genki So edgy and cool! Can I be your friend?
Уголок психа
Уголок психа - 8 years ago
Уголок психа
Уголок психа - 8 years ago
За этот тупорылый смех я бы его выкинул с катера!
Парампампам - 8 years ago
hello i from russia, i like usa and dolphin :)
горячая шаурма
горячая шаурма - 8 years ago
Photography - 8 years ago
better sharks
Kayley Reyes
Kayley Reyes - 8 years ago
C to derr rrr
capecarver - 8 years ago
In the midst of all that beauty, the guy drops a bunch of f-bombs and thinks about youtube hits.

Josh Barker
Josh Barker - 8 years ago
I'm sure the Peta freaks will sue.
W Boring
W Boring - 8 years ago
and no life vest......
Alan Thompson
Alan Thompson - 8 years ago
I thought of Jaws 2.
Trevor Jones
Trevor Jones - 8 years ago
Triton of the Sea
Rawk4Life - 8 years ago
A video of a woman in a bikini jet skiing in a river of dolphins gets over 18 million hits, but most videos of people actually swimming with them rarely manage 1 million hits. So, why is this video that special?
Kellie Blanford
Kellie Blanford - 8 years ago
That would be the most amazing thing ever. It's like they knew when they could catch major air and when to stay low. Loved it. Thanks for sharing.
Terri Dippel
Terri Dippel - 8 years ago
This is totally awesome. The dolphins are having fun and so are the people. I wish those of you with negative comments would think about the saying "If you can't say something good, don't say anything at all."
piers - 8 years ago
awesome it's just been on main TV UK tonight
MrUniman69 - 8 years ago
Wow, that woman is HOT! Dolphins look good too.....
Juan Diaz
Juan Diaz - 8 years ago
Cuando valla a México iré allí
chuimon slp
chuimon slp - 8 years ago
awesome video, nice she can surf knowing there are friendlies in the water.
Эдуард Храпай
Эдуард Храпай - 8 years ago
alanmeires - 8 years ago
I would love to do this
Simple1DEA - 8 years ago
Who saw that one dolphin catching some serious air?
Amarinoify - 8 years ago
NICE! Hi from Russ
Ruva Ruva
Ruva Ruva - 8 years ago
zdraztye priviet. ..
Bueno III
Bueno III - 8 years ago
That stampede of dolphins is more dangerous than it looks
Clyde Barrels
Clyde Barrels - 8 years ago
And the fucking japs are killing these beautiful animals.
Joel Morales
Joel Morales - 8 years ago
WTF 366 haters voting negative? This is awesome!
Apathy CSGOMagic
Apathy CSGOMagic - 8 years ago
1:56 DaZeD is that you?
evgenia chouchouli
evgenia chouchouli - 8 years ago
amazing creatures!
paulareeveslmt - 8 years ago
Veronica Gray
Veronica Gray - 8 years ago
make that 20 million hits ^.^
Planet Jewelry
Planet Jewelry - 8 years ago
that's so kewl
Adrienne Friederich
Adrienne Friederich - 8 years ago
Awesome! Cherish the experience
Janine Henschel
Janine Henschel - 8 years ago
did you just make 17,000 dollars with this video??? don't you make 1,000 dollars for each MILLION people that like you ? WOW! the dolphins wanted to come out and PLAY !!! LOL
Аня Анина
Аня Анина - 8 years ago
They want to eat you!!
Geese Guys
Geese Guys - 8 years ago
A little zoom would have been good..
Vlad S
Vlad S - 8 years ago
Cristian Baranga
Cristian Baranga - 8 years ago
Akemy Maruyama
Akemy Maruyama - 8 years ago
thats amaaazing!!!
Ivan Chico
Ivan Chico - 8 years ago
Cool brahh
Luis Armesto
Luis Armesto - 8 years ago
Momento mágico.
Mary Alice Pollard
Mary Alice Pollard - 8 years ago
Watched and shared this so many times, and always a smiling pleasure to do so again -:) !!
This is my idea of heaven, even though I can't ski ! lol
Polloloco McCurdy
Polloloco McCurdy - 8 years ago
great video, she is pretty darn hot!!!
dilllita1 - 8 years ago
boring as shit!!
Leland Green
Leland Green - 8 years ago
So long and thanks for all the fish! :-)
Dolphin World
Dolphin World - 8 years ago
WoW Nice Dolphins
Dreamerm6 - 8 years ago
They are such beautiful amazing creatures then Denmark slaughters them for fun.. WTF!?
Dreamerm6 - 8 years ago
+Henning sorry if I'm wrong but read this : w w w
Henning - 8 years ago
Denmark does'nt slaughter dolphins, the Japanese does. However the Faroe Islands hunts Pilot whales once a year.
Mila Na
Mila Na - 8 years ago
I want so too )
Наталья Юхвидова
Наталья Юхвидова - 8 years ago
Видимо, девушка беременна - дельфины это чувствуют.
muhanad atabeh
muhanad atabeh - 8 years ago
soooooooooooooo nice adventure
victor chippewa
victor chippewa - 8 years ago
Dolphins galore.

100. comment for Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with Dolphins as seen on TV (WORLDWIDE!!)

Debbie Major Photography
Debbie Major Photography - 8 years ago
It is mentioned on the WIMP post that the dolphins come up to her out of nowehere. Wrong! She goes into the dolphin's territory, and lucky for her, the dolphins were kind about it
Juan Diaz
Juan Diaz - 9 years ago
Sea Cortez MEXICO Beautiful
Dragica Djurin
Dragica Djurin - 9 years ago
Spectrum - 9 years ago
that just gives me goosebumps !!!
Mike Lenowsky
Mike Lenowsky - 9 years ago
That must have been such an amazing experience. Just incredible.
manuel f. aramburu g.
manuel f. aramburu g. - 9 years ago
Increíble. Maravilla de Mujer, y bien custodiada. Ok.
poeticsong725 - 9 years ago
I'd be afraid one of them would accidentally knock me over :P
nomiga77 - 9 years ago
You're a stupid people (video maker and the rest of the video starring)... No one is thinking about the propeller may kill or make some deep injuries at the dolphins??? Really??? No one????
Dustin Hamm
Dustin Hamm - 9 years ago
At 1:51 a dolphin WAY in the background fully clears water and makes a really big splash! Prob about an inch in front of the surfer, you can see it with the mountain in the background.

This pod was huge!
Dustin Hamm
Dustin Hamm - 9 years ago
He's saying "So long! and Thanks for All the Fish!"
Mara Gossep
Mara Gossep - 9 years ago
+Dustin Hamm Probably the same dolphin....could easily be from the angle. Nice spotted btw !
Dustin Hamm
Dustin Hamm - 9 years ago
+Dustin Hamm at 1:37 too!
Wilrausure - 9 years ago
CRU z - 9 years ago
The whole time I was just waiting for the driver to throw up a "'Suhhh Dude."'
TheFacepuncher - 9 years ago
They're just trying to cut the line so they can hump her...
Bob van Coppenhagen
Bob van Coppenhagen - 9 years ago
This happened on my daughter's birthday. Now 5 years later she has seen it for the first time and it has been just blown her mind. What an awesome time.
Vincent Chapin
Vincent Chapin - 9 years ago
Une vidéo spécial pour Juliette !
Namnar Bonaparte
Namnar Bonaparte - 9 years ago
Freakin awesome!
nejc polanec
nejc polanec - 9 years ago
was this on Krk?
Stacy Millhouse Dunning
Stacy Millhouse Dunning - 9 years ago
My dream! So amazing to watch.Thank you for making my day! :-)
Kevin K
Kevin K - 9 years ago
1:52-1:53 for massive air in the background... What a star!
Uli Kaiser
Uli Kaiser - 9 years ago
DTO - 9 years ago
Wow! May all beings be happy and free ;)
maria joaquina ramajo ramajo
maria joaquina ramajo ramajo - 8 years ago
muy buen
John Elliott
John Elliott - 9 years ago
Where exactly was this video shot?
Will Telltale
Will Telltale - 7 years ago
They love swimming next to boats.
toreibjo - 9 years ago
OMG! I feel like I am in a black hole inside of a black hole! My local cable said before showing this: "As seen on Youtube"
toreibjo - 9 years ago
+Wyatt Miller Oh a tad late but, It was on the cable distributed VGtv here in Norway. ( )
Wyatt Miller
Wyatt Miller - 9 years ago
+toreibjo what show had it on TV?

Thanks. Just nice to know who is stealing it.
DukeLaCrosse20 - 9 years ago
They were all males, no doubt.
Michelle Heuberger
Michelle Heuberger - 9 years ago
Wow, where is this! I want to go there!!
Michael H Ballard
Michael H Ballard - 9 years ago
Wow amazing thanks for sharing!
Mike Boehm
Mike Boehm - 9 years ago
Need a close up of the woman. Looks gorgeous. ;)
T Rex
T Rex - 9 years ago
Happy Birthday Wyatt and on congratulations on 14 million views two years later. Who's the lucky lady on the wakeboard?
A V I A D A BCS - 9 years ago
Frente Pueblo La Ventana
Al Sur de La Paz Baja California Sur
por Autor Wyatt Miller
tugarmy - 9 years ago
WOW. A chance of a lifetime to experience this! Lucky woman
Black Magic
Black Magic - 9 years ago
All I can think of is sharks while watching this video..
Jackie Brown
Jackie Brown - 9 years ago
amazing and wonderful experience!!!!! So much fun!!!
Heavenkept - 9 years ago
Tina Brown
Tina Brown - 9 years ago
That would be a dream come true.
Natalie Taylor
Natalie Taylor - 9 years ago
SO COOL!!!!!!!
jacky perez
jacky perez - 9 years ago
wow she has so many friends playing with her. . . wow.
H o o a h
H o o a h - 9 years ago
Brave beautiful woman.. AMAZING!
Edan Lipkin
Edan Lipkin - 9 years ago
OMG I am so jealous ... How amazing this is ... :)
superjac - 9 years ago
Dolphin in Background at 1:52 to 1:53
Christophe Barclay
Christophe Barclay - 7 years ago
how did you notice ?! Amazing ! Not sure it's still a jump. Looks more like a flight :)
CALMDOWN - 7 years ago
i saw that too.
irnescilany - 7 years ago
how did you notice omg
knox - 8 years ago
He/She also wanted to say "Hello, Youtube"
prognosi911 - 9 years ago
+Steven jwz HMM
Geo-graphic - 9 years ago
+j o He wants to say "So long, and thanks for all the fish !" ^^
Steven H
Steven H - 9 years ago
+j o wth it even appears to just stay still in the air for like a second. Makes me wonder if this isn't just CGI.
Kristian Vikestad
Kristian Vikestad - 9 years ago
+j o Oh you mean that one far back there? damn he flew really high!
superjac - 9 years ago
+Shredding Productions Yeah. That specific one buddy who clearly wants to fly and say hi! Look closely. Sure thing that every dolphin is worthy and so much nicer than so much people on this planet! If you wanted to her that. ;)
Kristian Vikestad
Kristian Vikestad - 9 years ago
+j o Oh you mean that one dolphin in the background there?
God N' Country
God N' Country - 9 years ago
If that were me on that wakeboard, there would more likely be sharks in the water and not dolphins. I would also be hearing Jaws music.
Santino Miceli
Santino Miceli - 9 years ago
Awesome truly great video
dan P
dan P - 9 years ago
extraordinaire.... dommage que le film ne dure pas plus longtemps !!!!
Monique Bousquet
Monique Bousquet - 9 years ago
Magnifique cette vidéo!!
wastegate - 9 years ago
one guy has an annoying laugh
Ха Ха
Ха Ха - 9 years ago
Lucky girl
Marina Chikaniuk
Marina Chikaniuk - 9 years ago
Спасибо, за минутку позитива! Обожаю дельфинов, умнейшее создание, как они сопровождают девушку, очень аккуратно подплывают и так чтобы не навредить ей, и катеру..
Evgen Osypchuk
Evgen Osypchuk - 9 years ago
На ее месте должен был быть путин
jhonfersan - 9 years ago
sin duda una experiencia única. buen video.
venom400 - 9 years ago
what a way to endenger dolphins for the sake of becomming a you tube hit, I hope you get fined
720069mf - 7 years ago
The dolphins were never in any danger ; dolphins are very use to interacting with people whether boating or surfing ,they can "see" quite well above and below water. They were having as much fun as the humans.
POPS - 8 years ago
The Journe
Frank C
Frank C - 8 years ago
dolphins are not as stupid as you to be running under propellers to get killed, they can go anywhere they want!... loosen up your helmet and let some intelligence flow into your fat head!
The Journey
The Journey - 9 years ago
venom400 ignore ignorance. If the idiots bothered to read about the dangers of outboard motors and dolphins they would not be spouting stupid comments defending people being ignorant and endangering these animals for their own YouTube 2 minutes of fame. Read about why tour boats follow strict guidelines about approaching the animals. The same idiots here saying this video is great are probably the same who have pictures of themselves at captive dolphin places like sea world and say because the dolphin is smiling it is ok. Meanwhile the Dolphins are going crazy and pretty much exhibiting signs of extreme stress because they were never meant to be in such a small enclosure. Dolphins are sensitive but inquisitive animals, if they approach your boat from far away that is fine, but these guys went right towards them and could have had a dolphin hit the prop, which happens way to often with outboard motors and cetaceans. Not to mentions the danger of interrupting mating or feeding. Zero care
Be Sting Talk Radio
Be Sting Talk Radio - 9 years ago
+venom400 Stick to motorcycles and leave the ocean to the men who work on it and play in it. Those dolphin were NEVER at risk of injury.
John Vogel
John Vogel - 9 years ago
+venom400 the dolphins were not in danger and they didn't just suddenly find a bunch of dolphins and make them appear in the video... duh... they just happened to see the humans having fun and thought they would make an appearance, as dolphins are quite fond of doing. Stop being so melodramatic, dude (or dudette) and enjoy the magic!
Noica Gaming
Noica Gaming - 9 years ago
unlike this video ??? WHYYYY and WHOOOOO ?? this is cool..
Dan - 9 years ago
Imagine if those where sharks..
Robb - 9 years ago
xXChicoxPicoOvaHDYTxXTV Ochinchin
xXChicoxPicoOvaHDYTxXTV Ochinchin - 9 years ago
Das ist toll sehr .)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesenia Diosa
Yesenia Diosa - 9 years ago
momento perfecto son tan lindos y ver tantos en su estado natural es woow lo mejor del mundo
Colette Garcia
Colette Garcia - 9 years ago
c'est fantastique !j'adore
Matt Peter
Matt Peter - 9 years ago
good times
Kade Peich
Kade Peich - 9 years ago
but where's the lifevest
Giuseppe Palmisano
Giuseppe Palmisano - 9 years ago
OMG !!
Eva Antunes Despert
Eva Antunes Despert - 9 years ago
magnifique a voir ?
Addisson Adlersburg
Addisson Adlersburg - 9 years ago
She'd definetely give them after this experience...
Chislo kon
Chislo kon - 9 years ago
Queen Of Dolphins
Eugenia Mezhanskaya
Eugenia Mezhanskaya - 9 years ago
The Dolphins are folowed n love to her!
Cole Portolesi
Cole Portolesi - 9 years ago
That one guys laugh is funny
Димандро - 9 years ago
WaterAid - 9 years ago
I'm incredibly jealous of you right now!
Wisal Al-harthi
Wisal Al-harthi - 9 years ago
Hey what country is this?
Jack Reaper
Jack Reaper - 9 years ago
You should have taken shotguns with you, imagine how many you could have blasted had you been prepared.
All so as-is there are..
All so as-is there are.. - 9 years ago
Девушка дура. снимающий это видео. тоже дурак! Она могла поранить. дельфинов! Стая дельфинов направлялась. по своим делам! В такие моменты.она обязана была. отпустить трос и плыть своим ходом! Идиоты!
Андрей  Волк
Андрей Волк - 9 years ago
невероятно, плыли себе дельфины по своим делам, тут их заметили людишки и решили присоединится, а не дельфины к ним, вот и всё, такое вот пафосное видео, фуууу противно аж, а я то думал и вправду дельфины присоединились
Garik Matevosyan
Garik Matevosyan - 9 years ago
2111935 - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing
Zorobin - 9 years ago
Dolphins are gang bangers, true fact...
Jeannette K
Jeannette K - 9 years ago
Playing with Nature...... a wonderful experience
Afrikitty - 9 years ago
Fabulous video! Would have loved to have been there. (*_*)
LouBable - 9 years ago
Great video nice share...
Арт Вознюк
Арт Вознюк - 9 years ago
бла-бла-бла, а уже 11 миллионов просмотров, и соответственно тысяч с 10 прибыли
Дармидонт Пупкин
Дармидонт Пупкин - 9 years ago
2 minutes of smiling like an idiot.)
Serghei Sereja
Serghei Sereja - 9 years ago
MsSebastien - 9 years ago
How can people think about "youtube sensation" (1:20) when they become a part of such incredible amazing moments.... i will never understand
Нелли Cолнечная
Нелли Cолнечная - 9 years ago
I love Dolphins/they are wonderfool...)))
Kitesurf Vacation Mexico
Kitesurf Vacation Mexico - 9 years ago
Andaleeee!! que suerte de dia!!
Charlie Silva
Charlie Silva - 9 years ago
Check the dolphin in the background 1:38
MoJackCity - 9 years ago
Well spotted. That was awesome
Robert F Elliot
Robert F Elliot - 9 years ago
Wonderful moment.
Johnny Billot
Johnny Billot - 9 years ago
LowerTheBoom - 9 years ago
If she fell the dolphins would bit her.
Muhammad Zubair Javed
Muhammad Zubair Javed - 9 years ago
Wow... That Must be some Experience..
Rogue Habit
Rogue Habit - 9 years ago
Just WOW! Such an amazing video. So so envious.
Massimiliano Massarenti
Massimiliano Massarenti - 9 years ago
This is a great attraction which sticks in you for the rest of the life ! ^__^
Massimiliano Massarenti
Massimiliano Massarenti - 9 years ago
This is a great attraction which sticks in you for the rest of the life ! ^__^
Лариса Балагуто
Лариса Балагуто - 9 years ago
Они оберегают девушку.
NaomiShops - 10 years ago
Thanks so much for sharing.
Rhonadel1207 - 10 years ago
soo LUCKY!!!
Black Holes And Revelations
Black Holes And Revelations - 10 years ago
so fake 
Stephen Draper
Stephen Draper - 10 years ago
Assholes!  That outboard motor could have injured or killed some of these dolphins.  Yea you made a youtube sensation.  I saw the add at the beginning of the clip!  Then I got to watch you be an ass hat.  Oh and that chick that was on the end of that line!  you would have clipped a dolphin and they could have killed her for it.  Hey it was funny to you, and you wanted to be youtube famous.  Worth the risk right?  
dolphin passion
dolphin passion - 10 years ago
Can't believe all the nay sayers here!.. these dolphins are faster than the boat, they can be anywhere,, theya are playing and having as much fun as the people..  thanks for sharing a great moment.. 
Svist Petrovic
Svist Petrovic - 10 years ago
Andre Bayano
Andre Bayano - 10 years ago
the best karmic sign ever possible! good luck!
tony samos
tony samos - 10 years ago
I was hoping that a great white shark would jump out and snatch that whore on the skis.
Nessie Al
Nessie Al - 9 years ago
+tony samos wtf man
Dilandau88 - 10 years ago
that is magical
contact1araya - 10 years ago
Now if they were sharks.....that would be a Youtube sensation.
Isabella R
Isabella R - 10 years ago
wow! dream come true
Egemen T.
Egemen T. - 10 years ago
This woman was lucky.. I've seen a video about a woman who raped by a dolphin in a public property.. :)) I'm serious.. This woman could be gang banged and left to die.. O.o Who said that all dolphins are angels ? :))) Watch out your asses Ladies..
Дармидонт Пупкин
Дармидонт Пупкин - 9 years ago
+Egemen T. I've heard about a woman who was raped by a mummy, but dolphin is a something new!)
Audrey 6833
Audrey 6833 - 10 years ago
Merci pour la vidéo. Quel magnifique spectacle. Quelle belle nature.
Donna Furber
Donna Furber - 10 years ago
Donna Furber
Donna Furber - 10 years ago
whatajerk - 10 years ago
If you look in the background you'll see the Michal Jordan of dolphins at the 1:37 mark.
chaosdream1 - 10 years ago
dolphins are aweome
360vision cz - Sungurtekin
360vision cz - Sungurtekin - 10 years ago
1:37 - 1:39 one of the dolphins is making a nice BIG air jump :-)   (look a bit to the right hand side, horizon level)
Andrea Chaves F.
Andrea Chaves F. - 10 years ago
Irfan Ahmed
Irfan Ahmed - 10 years ago
Imkerei Köstler Thomas
Imkerei Köstler Thomas - 10 years ago
itzlibo - 10 years ago
Paulette Party
Paulette Party - 10 years ago
Quelle chance ! C'est un bel accueil !
Claudette Pageau
Claudette Pageau - 10 years ago
Quelle scène magnifique !!...Le bonheur que ces gens ont pus ressentir !!!
Merci Pierre pour ce beau partage !
Pierre Audra
Pierre Audra - 10 years ago
Splendide....Que cette scène est belle.
KOUJI 2310チャンネル
KOUJI 2310チャンネル - 10 years ago
Gilbert Nutier
Gilbert Nutier - 10 years ago
there are most lovely dolphins who like to escort you because you are a charmed girl .
have a nice weekend !
Suzanne Dawson
Suzanne Dawson - 10 years ago
That was AWESOME.  Loved it!!1
carola onbreekbaar
carola onbreekbaar - 10 years ago
Sin duda, la experiencia más fascinante!! <3
Itzel Zuñiga
Itzel Zuñiga - 10 years ago
Wow... :)
Jhonnier Sanchez
Jhonnier Sanchez - 10 years ago
Que linda, hermosa, espectacular y grande que es la naturaleza...!!!
Guy Kergostiou
Guy Kergostiou - 10 years ago
Amatxi Carrique
Amatxi Carrique - 10 years ago
Wonderful !
wigalert - 10 years ago
They smelled her tampon.
Neill Phillips
Neill Phillips - 10 years ago
I watched this video 5 or 6 times. It gets better every time. Thanks.
Neill Phillips
Neill Phillips - 10 years ago
Dophins are the best!
Max Backstrom
Max Backstrom - 10 years ago
It's a wonderful world out there!
tomtomtubeful - 10 years ago
'Hobbit fan' you knob. Dolphins are the second most intelligent, after us.
tomtomtubeful - 10 years ago
So beautiful
emma berta
emma berta - 10 years ago
poor  idiots  humans ,  laisse  tranquille  le s  anumaux !
Cynthia Cline
Cynthia Cline - 10 years ago
I changed my indian name to "SKIIS WITH DOLPHINS"
_Jareg_ - 10 years ago
Классно так!!! Красота природа!!))
lordlucas123456789 - 10 years ago
Just 992 million more views
SuperPAMELA2005 - 10 years ago
Łał super :)
Nimo5 - 10 years ago
Y Sheen.
Y Sheen. - 10 years ago
It is a splendid encounter :)
Tommy Boy
Tommy Boy - 10 years ago
How cool :-) There is one retarded in this video and its the guy with the awful laugh eeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
krzysiek - 10 years ago
bo zwierzaki i inne ptaki sa dobre tylko ludzie to ch*je!
Tonatiuh García Masó
Tonatiuh García Masó - 10 years ago
Senior Chris Kouk
Senior Chris Kouk - 10 years ago
Giannis Giannis
Giannis Giannis - 10 years ago
katrin geo- teo laf
katrin geo- teo laf - 10 years ago
soooo lucky!!!!!!
John Golbani
John Golbani - 10 years ago
All fun and games until a dolphin swims right into the boats propeller nice going douchebags
Kurt Justin
Kurt Justin - 10 years ago
they were all checking out this chicken of the sea boarder
Giannis Liadakis
Giannis Liadakis - 10 years ago
Gabriel Quietfire
Gabriel Quietfire - 10 years ago
They actually just want to wrap their penises around her ankle and drag her into a dolphin rape cave.....

Just kidding this was beautiful! :)
william kelly
william kelly - 10 years ago
Da fuuu?
Bradley Buckmister
Bradley Buckmister - 10 years ago
Why can't we all just get along? 
Annika Mermaid
Annika Mermaid - 10 years ago
wow that's awesome :)
Nicole Draws
Nicole Draws - 10 years ago
That's absolutely amazing. I've never seen so many dolphins at once! You're so lucky you got to see that, let alone ride along with them! !
Dreaming Spirits
Dreaming Spirits - 10 years ago
she is so lucky!!! <3
Antonio Clement
Antonio Clement - 10 years ago
what about the boat propeller and the danger for the dolphins?
Karen Kaner
Karen Kaner - 10 years ago
this is so awesome!!!  A beautiful & incredible memory for sure!   BTW, for those that  'thumb down" this - so lame & must be jealous/bitter haters!   
dallatorretdu - 10 years ago
Time for a quite different comment... What engine is that?
kungfuabuse - 10 years ago
Wow.  Talk about being at the right place at the right time.
Aleksei Nekhaev
Aleksei Nekhaev - 10 years ago
Sooooo amaziiing! ;)
Paul Jason
Paul Jason - 10 years ago
amazing footage and experience! thanks for the upload
the chemtrail kid
the chemtrail kid - 10 years ago
The dolphins are horny
Drew B
Drew B - 10 years ago
Stop thinking about the money, but rather the majesty!  You only live once!
kristbjorg999 - 10 years ago
At some points in this video I was pretty sure it was fake/photoshopped. But if not, then incredible. What struck me the most though was that the guy never looked to his left side, only over his right shoulder. If there were so many dolphins I would be looking all around me. I would be in awe. Wow, how I would love to be able to see live dolphins, swimming so close to the boat. I was afraid the dolphins would have hopped close to the line, that would have injured them.
mustardtiger9 - 10 years ago
Ahh fuck-a you whale, and ah fuck-a you dolpheeeeeen!
NIRVANAmat - 10 years ago
thats amazing :) really really amazing, natures beautiful! :)
M. Flores
M. Flores - 10 years ago
What a sweet experience!
Clare Taylor
Clare Taylor - 10 years ago
WOW that is so awesome 
Chowdy Chopz
Chowdy Chopz - 10 years ago
EZ for him
destywhip - 10 years ago
I hate how people say "oh I'm going to put this on youtube" "we have a viral video here" it's like please shut the fuck up faggot
Marlene shaw
Marlene shaw - 10 years ago
this is amazing I think she is very lucky to be able to share this time with the Dolphins
Josiah Harper
Josiah Harper - 10 years ago
The Dolphin in the back at 1:37 gets mad air!
Sunita P
Sunita P - 10 years ago
Amazing!! I adore this video! 
akAsha6E6D - 10 years ago lucky were you!!! what an amazing experience!!!! 
nikrusty - 10 years ago
WOW! so Amazing
Grexxrider - 10 years ago
Wow .
That must be an amazing feeling. :)
I wish that I am in such a Situation one day. Wonderful!
I'll never forget this video.
KittyKins57 - 10 years ago
It's almost like they were protecting her as well from sharks.  It would be a wonderful experience.
T4health - 10 years ago
I need to learn how to wakeboard!
Ali B
Ali B - 10 years ago
I am SO jealous of that woman right now. And there are your YouTube hits. :)
Ouerda Amghar
Ouerda Amghar - 10 years ago
En fait ,ce sont ces humains là qui sont venus déranger la danse des dauphins,mais comme ces mammifères sont bien gentils ,ils se mirent à insister pour les inviter à leur fête
Annelies de Sain
Annelies de Sain - 10 years ago
And a you tube hit it became indeed!  Top Film! What an experiance! x
Madouc Brand
Madouc Brand - 10 years ago
Waauw! Super gaaf!
Annelies de Sain
Annelies de Sain - 10 years ago
+Madouc Brand ;  kijk hoe cool!
Barbara Mamini
Barbara Mamini - 10 years ago
ma che botta d'Energia s'è presa quella ragazza!
mase ofspades
mase ofspades - 10 years ago
I think that guy laughing at 1:00, 1:07 used to be a dolphin in his past
Stefan Bezema
Stefan Bezema - 10 years ago
What's all the hussle? It's just some fish
Dougie Barclay
Dougie Barclay - 10 years ago
kosaksipasapukazh - 10 years ago
they are more playful and socialized creature, I adore them! I mean the Dolphins!
Marianne Davila
Marianne Davila - 10 years ago
so cool cool and sexy lady too
Charlie F
Charlie F - 10 years ago
could have at least done a jump girl. i mean this is a going to be a youtube sensation
MsFirefly777 - 10 years ago
sweet innocent fun
MonoTodd - 7 years ago
Welch,you are a "Fucking MORON" as Rex Tillerson would say !!! Keep in mind that the dolphins sought out and pursued them and noTTT the other way around !!!  Go back to your Fox News network !!!
R Welch
R Welch - 7 years ago
yeah if you don't give a fuck about dolphins its great fun.
asarapi - 10 years ago
the magick of BAJA!!!  yeah!!!
zelloxy - 10 years ago
The only thing I could think about was how f*cking slow they were going, she almost went under.
stians0n - 10 years ago
Ariel is dat you ?
gipsyworld - 10 years ago
totally totally cool , where are they, why is the woman in a swimsuit , I mean isnt that the ocean , isnt the water supposed to be cold? :)))
Giulia Lo Surdo
Giulia Lo Surdo - 10 years ago
aww :/ that's sad.. I'm sure you will love it when you get a chance. 
i'm from Rio, Brasil =) 
gipsyworld - 10 years ago
 ,no unfortunately Ive never been in the ocean , I live on the seaside in my country in sought east europe , but I have no idea what are oceans like :/
Giulia Lo Surdo
Giulia Lo Surdo - 10 years ago
have you ever been in the ocean? the water isn't necessarily cold just because of that. it depends on many things, especially on the sea current =)) 
Hansjörg Leichsenring
Hansjörg Leichsenring - 10 years ago
Cosmic Ferret
Cosmic Ferret - 10 years ago
mysticwritr - 10 years ago
The poetry of the earth is never dead. ~John Keats
Bo Bo
Bo Bo - 10 years ago
the guy's laughing like a dolphin lol
Agnes Billberg
Agnes Billberg - 10 years ago
So incredible! So jealous right now, what an amazing sight! 
wordreet - 10 years ago
What an amazing experience! Possibly the most intelligent sea dwelling species interacting with the species that wake-boards more than any other.
mirraco323 - 10 years ago
Really crazy how many dolphin experts there are in the comment section
Unn Lykley
Unn Lykley - 10 years ago
Dolphins are our superior.
Sayyid Shillingford
Sayyid Shillingford - 10 years ago
Super Intelligent life
Ayumu Yukimura
Ayumu Yukimura - 10 years ago
And then, they proceeded to rape her.
jajawockeez - 10 years ago
She Wakeboards With Dolphins
Tiago - 10 years ago
so if there are dolphins, aren't there sharks too? Is there no danger???
Bill Tracy
Bill Tracy - 10 years ago
I'd be afraid of hurting one of them with the boat prop.  I guess they're smart enough to stay clear of the boat prop.
timmlive - 10 years ago
theyre such attention whores.. dolphins xD
Tyson Farago
Tyson Farago - 10 years ago
looks like the start of a good porn movie...
Kbalz - 10 years ago
I wish those dolphins would knock her off that board and eat her alive.
Youssef ELG
Youssef ELG - 10 years ago
Jastin Coronado
Jastin Coronado - 10 years ago
suddenly, a wild killer whale appeared and attacked the girl.. maybe that's why all dolphins are swimming away =)
Katie Butterworth
Katie Butterworth - 10 years ago
Wow! :)
Sade Esteé
Sade Esteé - 10 years ago
make it over 7 million!! amazing video!!
João Paulo Ribeiro
João Paulo Ribeiro - 10 years ago
que massa!!!!!!!
Ray Dan
Ray Dan - 10 years ago
wow that is awesome what a spontaneous experience 
Amins19 - 10 years ago
Jon Aggerholm
Jon Aggerholm - 10 years ago
lol, he said a million hits
Kellay - 10 years ago
They accepted her as one of them now.
OmegaSconer - 10 years ago
Beautiful, and we would just as quickly slaughter them if it meant a bit of money in our pockets, youtube The Bay and see how we treat the second smartest creatures on the planet.
James Clark
James Clark - 10 years ago
I wonder why they are doing this?  Should they be doing this?  I mean it's cute, but it makes me something is wrong... 
Don Carbon
Don Carbon - 10 years ago
nothing wrong there. They were headed back  and the dolphins came to them.
Chris Hale
Chris Hale - 10 years ago
And probably on some level realy freaking out the Dolphin,those kinda boats engines are loub under water.
carlos garcia
carlos garcia - 10 years ago
This would have made for the most epic selfie of all time
jmh30us - 10 years ago
She's definitely safe from sharks. One or 2 of these things can kill a shark. They ram it until internal organs fail
Barbs - 10 years ago
i can honestly say this has become my favorite video i have ever watched it looks so surreal... total  envy! that was awesome!
Kiino Laroshii
Kiino Laroshii - 10 years ago
Awesome! Dolphins are beautiful
bebe roxy
bebe roxy - 10 years ago
lucky girl <3
Matthew J Carter
Matthew J Carter - 10 years ago
I love when people film something and mention the fact that it will be YouTube and that it will be insanely popular and then it does. Cool Stuff
Joeyinfinity - 10 years ago
Lol seems like the camera man is also a dolphin..
forgotaboutbre - 10 years ago
Any creature that knows how to play is hella intelligent
John Ford
John Ford - 10 years ago
I just have to that who ever gave this video a thumbs down needs to go see a doctor. what is there not to love about this video
Dana D
Dana D - 10 years ago
WOW, what an amazing experience. thanks for sharing.
Leslie Mortimer
Leslie Mortimer - 10 years ago
I would be scared to wipeout.
Angie LupusLife
Angie LupusLife - 10 years ago
amazing video, thanks so much for sharing
stephh steez
stephh steez - 10 years ago
all i can say is this is awesome
tønySi G.
tønySi G. - 10 years ago
can you imagine if these were sharks chasing her
tønySi G.
tønySi G. - 10 years ago
the dolphins are aware of this.
carlosmante - 10 years ago
Sea of Cortez, Mexico.
Teleki Akos
Teleki Akos - 10 years ago
natural beauty
Lili Llanso
Lili Llanso - 10 years ago
Katia Hernandez del Carpio
Katia Hernandez del Carpio - 10 years ago
OMG! so incredible!
sosofia - 10 years ago
awesome love it i love dolphins
cristianlocatelli - 10 years ago
Yo me hubiera cagado las patas. ¡Mirá si justo habían soltado a su líder!
Liz Marie
Liz Marie - 10 years ago
Beautiful - nature in all of her splendour!
AntidotoVil - 10 years ago
i don't know why but i had a unconsciously smile 2 minutes in my face
Virginia Reed
Virginia Reed - 10 years ago
Look behind you!
hollandclose - 10 years ago
She is so lucky!
Some captured moments of time
Some captured moments of time - 10 years ago
I would give anything to get in such situation
Dotzek0n - 10 years ago
wow =)
Magnus Gravrok Magnusson
Magnus Gravrok Magnusson - 10 years ago
He Called it
Sam Jones
Sam Jones - 10 years ago
1:37 dolphin in the far background gets some hight!
Marc Eaton
Marc Eaton - 10 years ago
How is it possible to get 177 thumbs down?
Smiley1967 - 10 years ago
nice special patrol against shark attacks, safe! :D
noiseintheoffice - 10 years ago
People love animals, and animals love people. The time will come when we will all get along and every day this sort of experience will be enjoyed.
Sabzzs - 10 years ago
That must have been an amazing experience !
Martin Sebastian Fosdal
Martin Sebastian Fosdal - 10 years ago
Look at the one in the background at 1:51, what a jump!
nik0022A - 10 years ago
Awesome moment, but I think dolphins swim in groups like that and jump high (like some of them in a back) when they are chased by killer whales :/ 
WTF Boss
WTF Boss - 10 years ago
this is defo going on my bucket list!
Myriam D-Larochelle
Myriam D-Larochelle - 10 years ago
C'est superbe! Je serais très heureuse d'avoir ces dauphins qui m'accompagnent... Quelle belle énergie... et ces dauphins sont là pour une raison... un beau moment de bonheur :) ❤
Diogo Santos
Diogo Santos - 10 years ago
Fake... and the wakeboarders know why. =)
Miss54321GOOO - 10 years ago
holy crap.. What is that the ultimate gathering of the world dolphin assocation?
Evan Smith
Evan Smith - 10 years ago
At 1:38 that dolphin went big
Reverend Hogwash
Reverend Hogwash - 10 years ago
Smart- turn into their path and try to get a photo-op ... luckily you didn't or at least hope you didn't run any over!
The Phantoms Guest Guitar Channel
The Phantoms Guest Guitar Channel - 10 years ago
Richard Dudley
Richard Dudley - 10 years ago
This is pretty cool
Pushpraj Yadav
Pushpraj Yadav - 10 years ago
Now, that is something cool...
Mr Willis
Mr Willis - 10 years ago
Well They hit 5 million ;D
David Cristian
David Cristian - 10 years ago
Replace dolphins with sharks if you want your billion views :)
wkellam4 - 10 years ago
Am I the only one that thinks this is fake? Go about half way through and watch the dolphins in the background. Not trying to a be a hater but then that tied with the guys cheesey comments about it being a youtube sensation. Really watch the dolphins in the background.  Cool if its real but the background is hoot as fuck.
Marie-José Nion
Marie-José Nion - 10 years ago
Extraordinaire, magnifique, le rêve de beaucoup de gens comme moi !
Ajeet Singh
Ajeet Singh - 10 years ago
Who else was waiting for her to get hit by a dolphin?
Jimmy Wilson
Jimmy Wilson - 10 years ago
Stopped recording when it actually got interesting = lame af.
Myrrisa - 10 years ago
i cant help  but think this is fake.  Looks like a lake and maybe those dolphins are dubbed in or something. 
Kim's Beauty+
Kim's Beauty+ - 10 years ago
It's normal behavior for them to follow boats for a while, where dolphins are prevalent, of course. I've seen it myself, not a group this big but big enough.
ChaconFilms - 10 years ago
i can tell you that its not. visual effects aren't even remotely close to making something like this...
Iraqi EL Abed
Iraqi EL Abed - 10 years ago
legen... wait for it... dary ! Legendary!
Cero Luna
Cero Luna - 10 years ago
Everyone's arguing but all I see and hear is "SO LONG, AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH."
MrJunkykiller - 10 years ago
then suddenly a white shark appeared.....
enacpalma - 10 years ago
You were right !! A Youtube sensation!! Amazing experience!!
Caro Buiskool
Caro Buiskool - 10 years ago
OMG this is amazing i want this too!!!
Kirien Sangha
Kirien Sangha - 10 years ago
This is incredible! 
John Bowden
John Bowden - 10 years ago
That is so cool!
BLD Lightpainting
BLD Lightpainting - 10 years ago
What a wondrous experience! To bad he had to ruin it with his lack of character in using vulgarity. :(
Patrick Butler
Patrick Butler - 10 years ago
1:52 Massive air in the background!
Sebastian Flemings
Sebastian Flemings - 10 years ago
jean pierre Marpeau
jean pierre Marpeau - 10 years ago
GraemeMarkNI - 10 years ago
Simmone Landau
Simmone Landau - 10 years ago
I would like to know how she got back in the boat. Wouldn't she have to chill in the water with the dolphins for a little bit? And wouldn't they eat her toes?
Ken Do Vu Hai
Ken Do Vu Hai - 10 years ago
I hope no dolphin was hurt because of the boat and the skate.
unworthyservant - 10 years ago
they tried to ruin it with curse words.... Wicked generation. James 4:4
Brandonloco - 10 years ago
Look at 1:52, a fish jumps like 10 feet in the air way in the background
SwimBike RunDaily
SwimBike RunDaily - 10 years ago
Daniel Wang
Daniel Wang - 10 years ago
they would have killed her if she went in the water....
degomb - 10 years ago
and then they went to a restaurant and ordered fish to celebrate
Quinton Farmer
Quinton Farmer - 10 years ago
Very cool!
Jesse W
Jesse W - 10 years ago
Always bugs me when people be like "OMG diz $hits gunna go virul! U-tub sensation!" while they are filming the video, but at least this time he was right...
mikepatrick1970 - 10 years ago
After all the shit we dump in the ocean, they still love us and want to interact with us! What makes us superior? Greed? Idiocy? It's their world too!
1Muzition1 - 10 years ago
lol check out the hang time the dolphin gets at 1:37 in the top right corner
The Rowland's
The Rowland's - 10 years ago
Nice video!! 
gustave Wattinne
gustave Wattinne - 10 years ago
RALPH L - 10 years ago
dasma111 - 10 years ago
It would be better with sharks... ;-)
haze beats
haze beats - 10 years ago
whats so special? 5 million views for this stuff? just nature... get out you internet addicts.
Anders Lindh Olsson
Anders Lindh Olsson - 10 years ago
Unless the motor has something to isolate the propellers, you should steer the fuck away and not ram straight into the pack of dolphins
Christopher Miller
Christopher Miller - 10 years ago
Ultra Ova
Ultra Ova - 10 years ago
RosieWilliamOlivia - 10 years ago
I am grinning from ear to ear... what an amazing experience that must have been!
rofljocke - 10 years ago
superdolpin at 1:38
scuntpunter420 - 10 years ago
1:37 there is a dolphin in the top right that gets MASSIVE air.
kuusteist - 10 years ago
Animals make the best toys for humans.
Wyatt Miller
Wyatt Miller - 10 years ago
Thanks buddy. So stoked to see the 5 million views on my 32nd birthday. What a day that was.
Zelda Crafter
Zelda Crafter - 7 years ago
20 mill now lol
mike - 7 years ago
Happy post birthday man! great job cool video :)
Desert Child
Desert Child - 7 years ago
19.5 million almost
Rachel Marcheterre
Rachel Marcheterre - 9 years ago
+Isha C It's in the description under the video.
Toph Beifong
Toph Beifong - 10 years ago
10mil views lol. You're very lucky I wish this happened to me, I love to wakeboard. Just a side note tho, correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't look like she's got a life vest on, kinda dangerous to board without one, and it's got nothing to do with how good a swimmer she is.
David Leaf
David Leaf - 10 years ago
Just out of curiosity, is driving a motorized craft through a group of marine mammals legal in Mexico?  I'm pretty sure that any whale watching tour group in the U.S. would risk losing their license if they allowed that type of reckless behavior.  
Isha C
Isha C - 10 years ago
Which place is it??
Traceylee215 - 10 years ago
Fantastic video!! Happy Birthday!!
Matthew Velasquez
Matthew Velasquez - 10 years ago
I was really hoping there would be 5 million views on this video just to applaud the guy in the video! You win, sir!
Sweemops - 10 years ago
1:51 to the right of her one dolphin in the back jumps out like woooooo
orange42 - 10 years ago
Stolen video seems to appear here
Linda Dee
Linda Dee - 10 years ago
`.¸.´ Happy
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨Monday!
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•
♥ ƸӜƷ ♥♥ ƸӜƷ.•°*”˜˜”°•.ƸӜƷ.•°”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ♥
            Have a Fabulous HOLIDAY 
!♥ ƸӜƷ.•°*”˜˜”°•.ƸӜƷ.•°”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ♥ ƸӜƷ♥
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨.•*¨☆¨¨¨¨¨¨°º☆
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.•
Bryan Isaac
Bryan Isaac - 10 years ago
She must've input the WaveRacer Dolphin code.
Marvin Schlumpffresser
Marvin Schlumpffresser - 10 years ago
a gopro would be awesome
Catherine Todd
Catherine Todd - 10 years ago
I want to be tHERE!
ex59neo53 - 10 years ago
A beautiful experience ,and a moment of a lifetime .
Alain Canis
Alain Canis - 10 years ago
Amazing ;)))
Cheriette van der Lugt
Cheriette van der Lugt - 10 years ago
Supercool! More video's, maybe we will start preserving earth. Love it!
Mandego - 10 years ago
I'm actually really glad they decided to edit out the profanity...its completely pointless and would take away from the amazing images presented in this video.
Abdou Kaci
Abdou Kaci - 10 years ago
for a sec i thought it was a porn video !!!
HowardSupra - 10 years ago
Boating right next to a pod of Dolphins and keeping the engine going with the prop in the water..... good idea dude -_-

Otherwise great video, just next time use your head.
Corey Martin
Corey Martin - 10 years ago
1:20 he called it 
DoomiePookie - 10 years ago
And what if a dolphin shoved its nose right up her pussy hole eh?
danny goodfella
danny goodfella - 10 years ago
thanks for sharing your experience.... your very lucky !!! 
Peter Wallner
Peter Wallner - 10 years ago
Ein traumhaftes Erlebnis !!!
Jon Christiansen
Jon Christiansen - 10 years ago
Now you are sure, someone who is watching this video is going to find out where the dolphins are in this video, and going to capture them. It's not wise to post this video in my opinion
filitico - 10 years ago
i thought one of the dolphins was laughing at first
mary bueno
mary bueno - 10 years ago
So Lucky 
Barb Gibson
Barb Gibson - 10 years ago
Wow - that's sensational :)
chckrznilashz - 10 years ago
That's amazing!!!
maui88 - 10 years ago
i am Speechless now =) 
Sergio Angel  Ruteaga Castro
Sergio Angel Ruteaga Castro - 10 years ago
Jenn Pipp
Jenn Pipp - 10 years ago
Dolphins are amazing agile swimmers. They chose to interact with the boat because they wanted to. I have had the amazing experience of swimming with wild dolphins and they are very aware of the energy that the people around them are putting forwards. They are interested in people with a positive open respectful spirit. 
Larry Watkins
Larry Watkins - 10 years ago
Unbelievably awesome!! Somewhere in Mexico?
Justin Westbay
Justin Westbay - 10 years ago
anyone else waiting for her to wipe out?
Hootyhaha Hootyhaha
Hootyhaha Hootyhaha - 10 years ago
This made me want to watch 3 movies. "The Big Blue" "Cocoon" and "Cocoon The Return" :)  
Justin Felton
Justin Felton - 10 years ago
All about the Dolphin @1.52 in the background! How High!
sagittaep - 10 years ago
I would be seriously worried the dolphins might jump into the tow line, that wouldn't be good. I am wondering if they would notice this with their sonar. Doubt it. Otherwise it is another example of dolphins liking to travel with us. Unless the boat truly followed the pod of dolphins.
parkcitygab - 10 years ago
Get ready for a phone call from Ellen Show!!! I loved this! My two year old wants to go to CA to see them now! Just awesome!

Christine Walters
Christine Walters - 10 years ago
I hate having to share our beautiful world with the evil who is responsible for this unnecessary barbarity. Bring on the karma !
Christine Walters
Christine Walters - 10 years ago
I hate having to share our beautiful world with the evil who is responsible for this unnecessary barbarity. Bring on the karma !
Xaaky Askander
Xaaky Askander - 10 years ago
به‌ قودره‌تی قادری پێشخه‌ر (المقدم) و دواخه‌ر (المؤخر) كه‌ زانیم خه‌ریكه‌ ده‌بمه‌ یه‌ك له‌و قرشه‌ تابلۆ ته‌بیعه‌تانه‌ی مرۆڤی خودار به‌ گوڵ نێرینه‌ و مێینه‌وه‌ ئیتر ته‌مه‌دودم نه‌دا به‌ چاوه‌كان تا راستر بێت مانای: ولاتمدن عینك (ك: محمد د.خ.) الی مامتعنا زهرة (گوووووووووووووووووووووووڵ) الحیاة الدنیا لنفتنهم بهم و رزق ربك خیر و أبقی* بۆ خوێنه‌ر، سوپاس
تێبینی: 1. خودار ته‌بیعه‌ت هه‌یه‌تی تابلۆی ته‌بیعه‌تی كه‌ ماسیه‌كانه‌ به‌ پێی قه‌باره‌ی خوه‌كه‌ی قه‌باره‌ی ماسیه‌كه‌ ده‌گۆرێت كه‌ هه‌یانه‌ قرش و حوتن كه‌ تێبونیان بۆ نیه‌ ئیلا ماره‌حیمه‌ ره‌بی وه‌كو یوسفی جوان فه‌رمووی كه‌ فعله‌ن ره‌ب ره‌حمكردنی فه‌رموو به‌وه‌ی زڵێخا خۆی بینیه‌وه‌ له‌ باوه‌شی یوسفی قه‌شه‌نگ، راستگۆتر، سه‌رۆك وه‌زیران. مه‌رج نیه‌ ته‌نها خوی خراپ مه‌به‌ست بێتبه‌لكو خوی باشیش كه‌ هه‌ردوكی مه‌زمومه‌ نه‌ك مه‌مدوح. 2. رونتر له‌م لینكه‌دایه، فه‌رموون:
Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with Dolphins as seen on TV (WORLDWIDE!!)
Belindabbbbb - 10 years ago
Keyser Soze
Keyser Soze - 10 years ago
Unless I'm missing something and this is bad for the dolphins, why would anyone dislike this video? Or is it just the typical jerks? Well I think dolphins are so smart and curious that they like this stuff, it's fun for them as it is for us.
Ken Elyon
Ken Elyon - 10 years ago
I. am. So. Jealous.
Bertrand Producciones
Bertrand Producciones - 10 years ago
Wow.....its  great
Zachariah Bellomy
Zachariah Bellomy - 10 years ago
Sooo. There is a huge thread of comments between two conflicting groups of people on this video because it is fake.. unless dolphins just disappear whilst 4 feet out of the water.
LucyInDaSky WithDiamonds
LucyInDaSky WithDiamonds - 10 years ago
That's awesome!!
Steve o
Steve o - 10 years ago
100% fake ... I had to watch it several times but after watching closely its def fake.  When your watching, take a look at the patterns they are jumping etc ... Also watch the backround around 300 yards or so ... It gets pretty obvious ... Great vid, to bad its bogus .. ha ha ...
Greg McGlaughlin
Greg McGlaughlin - 10 years ago
Robert Dill
Robert Dill - 10 years ago
Why are there so many stupid/rude comments on here?  I am sure it was an experience they will never forget!  I would have loved to have been there!
David Rios
David Rios - 10 years ago
I knew it!! I recognize my backyard,  the Sea of Cortéz. Awesome video/experience. I live in the state of Sonora, Sea of Cortéz our beach ..
Arthur Schmidt
Arthur Schmidt - 10 years ago
Dolphins trying to rape her? Yep... very funny... ¬¬
Inception1338 - 10 years ago
1:38 - huge jump in the background.
Jorge Urbina
Jorge Urbina - 10 years ago
que hermoso vivir esa experiencia con delfines (What beautiful life that experience with Dolphins)  (Y)
Jack McDonough
Jack McDonough - 10 years ago
Can we talk about the dolphin in the deep background (right of the wake boarder) at 01:36 and 01:51 trying to jump over those mountains back there?
Silvia Marcucci
Silvia Marcucci - 10 years ago
Josh Farr
Josh Farr - 10 years ago
@1:50, dolphin in the farthest back right floated in the air. 
Kay Ray
Kay Ray - 10 years ago
This is AWESOME!! I don't swim nor do I like the water, but being with the dolphins like this, would be totally worth my fears!!!
Unstoppable - 10 years ago
The sad thing here is the fact that A) Dolphins should not be there (they're escaping because of food-source depletion due to overfishing and pollution, plain and simple) and B) These idiots and most viewers regard this as 'fun'. Any idea what such a stupid boat sounds like for dolphins?
Elizabeth Warynick
Elizabeth Warynick - 10 years ago
So awesome!!! I've been walking on the beach with dolphins like this swimming along and went swimming in Hawaii with them.  It's a very spiritual experience!
hunterfilms - 10 years ago
what a great experience
Connor Delrio
Connor Delrio - 10 years ago
Man I feel bad for the guy holding the camera. Sometimes I think spectacles like this mean so much more when you are seeing them, and remembering them, instead of focusing on the filming them. That could just be me though.
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
Dolphins are fucking retarded!
Jasmine Winchester
Jasmine Winchester - 9 years ago
I can't be mean to someone who likes the Hobbit. :(
Pat Samson
Pat Samson - 10 years ago
+Tsukuyomi IDontGiveAFawk

Basically this. The less 'body' the brain has to control, the more neurons can be dedicated to 'thought', so the ratio of body-to-brain is very important. Dolphins dedicate an incredible amount of brain space to their motor functions and remarkable sonar ability. That said dolphins and chimps are still among the closest to humans on perceivable intellect/sentience.
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
+Mack Jigger Are you asking if the internet is my college classroom? "No" would be the answer.
Mack Jigger
Mack Jigger - 10 years ago
+Hobbit Fan "thot"? And you are in college? I learned english in school as a 2nd language and I would never write "thot". Go Away Troll.
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
+New Channel *retarded
JGuilherme - 10 years ago
+Hobbit Fan Pfffff... you are an internet hypocrite, worse than a troll. 
cazy - 10 years ago
+eleni mpikouti Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean its true. You will never be able to prove a fucking dolphin is smarter than an adult human, if you think you can, go ahead and try, please avoid anything other than science and fact.
Καπετάνισσα Μπαρμπαρόζα
Καπετάνισσα Μπαρμπαρόζα - 10 years ago
Ι do see lots of animals, though, that survived through all those years on this earth, on their own, without all those machines that human has invented. And I also see human race using animals for all his needs. But i see no appreciation on that fact. Oh! And I believe that dolphins are definitely smarter than you. Let me know when you'll have your lobotomy.
Yastamon - 10 years ago
+Hobbit Fan you really are a fucktard!!!!
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
+Cessate I got what I needed, and now im trying to end this shit.
Yastamon - 10 years ago
And your a fucking idiot!!
mirraco323 - 10 years ago
the moment i saw this comment i knew it would start a shit storm haha well done
Cessate - 10 years ago
+Hobbit Fan
"Peoples reactions". And yet you revealed you were "fake trolling" after a SINGLE comment in retaliation to yours.

Know what I think? I think the "Collage Report" was just a scapegoat for you to use to get out of being harassed by X amount of people who'd call you on your dumb comment; and in fact you're actually a very real Troll who sadly isn't very good at his hobby.
Matti Siitonen
Matti Siitonen - 10 years ago
Dude, I got that joke :) funny how people are reacting so easily to it. Nothing they say or do is going to change facts here one way or another. Kudos for the one who shot this amazing video!
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
oooooffff..... got me.... 

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A vK
A vK - 10 years ago
...part, not art....
A vK
A vK - 10 years ago
well, if you haven't noticed, you are art of your own observation....a person (a part of the people). I'm sorry you feel that way about yourself....
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
_..... people are idiots
A vK
A vK - 10 years ago
to Hobbit Fan......Someone posts a beautiful event and you retort with vulgar spew..???? What is wrong in your life that keeps you from enjoying a moment of play and happiness from two species sharing the planet..??? 
Luis Aguilar
Luis Aguilar - 10 years ago
Hobbit fan ahahahaa
karin - 10 years ago
+Dougal Skanes exactly. NOT a joke. Don't quit your day job dbag. This is of course to Hobbit Fan. Or Hobbit Moron?
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
not even worth arguing.
MrTexas - 10 years ago
its too late guy, everyone knows you were serious, stop lying about it.
Shep Zero
Shep Zero - 10 years ago
+Dougal Skanes Good God what is wrong with you.
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
Why the fuck would i call a dolphin retarded?!? Wanted to see peoples reactions and well shit, people are stupid enough to believe that it was a real comment. I really dont give a shit about the dolphins, retarded or not. 
MrTexas - 10 years ago
Guy trying to be funny, fails at being funny (at all), makes up some fake shit about college, guy now embarrassed and pretends like it was a "joke".
Dougal Skanes
Dougal Skanes - 10 years ago
+Hobbit Fan Where was the joke..all you did was call a species retarded..Not a joke..A false statement at best. You should learn more about comedy.
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
Hello?! Hello?! Can anybody hear me?! I repeat: this is a joke
Little Adventures In Life
Little Adventures In Life - 10 years ago
+cazybeast2 Just because they cant do what we do, doesn't make then stupid. We can do what we do because what we have is never enough for us. Maybe they simply feel no need to destroy the planet like we do. Maybe they are happy living the way they do. Give them 1000 points for being friendlier to us humans than we are to ourselves, or any other creature on this planet! Who are the ones destroying this planet? We are. I think that makes us stupid!
karin - 10 years ago
what is wrong with you? YOU are retarded to say that. Moron.
Hermann Kenson
Hermann Kenson - 10 years ago
+Hobbit Fan Shut the fuck up, you are going to get dolphin raped you closet jew!
Shep Zero
Shep Zero - 10 years ago
+Hobbit Fan That's hilarious that people are that thick headed to think anything you said was remotely seriously.  "Welcome to the Internet, Hobbit Fan will be your guide"
Lulu - 10 years ago
+karn g so do
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
Can we end this stupid argument?
Jim Wright
Jim Wright - 10 years ago
No Thumbs! In addition, we're the only species that attempts to exceed our needs. 
RALPH L - 10 years ago
cazy - 10 years ago
+ScorpioDraconis Size in brain doesn't mean they are smarter. Let me know when an animal designs a machine capable of exiting the earths atmosphere.
Meg LM
Meg LM - 10 years ago
actually they are very smart  
Bob Miller
Bob Miller - 10 years ago
+Hobbit Fan If this was an experiment, you are skewing the results by telling everyone, therefore you are a shitty researcher.
A vK
A vK - 10 years ago
You're an idiot.....!!!
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
koalificated - 10 years ago
+Hobbit Fan uh huh, mmkay.
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
Ya, I thot it would be a good idea for the report so I did an experiment. And ya, Id say my life has probably been a lot more interesting than yours.
karn g
karn g - 10 years ago
Dolphins also rape their young 
koalificated - 10 years ago
+Hobbit Fan you must have an interesting life to be doing experiments in the comments of youtube.
Tsukuyomi IDontGiveAFawk
Tsukuyomi IDontGiveAFawk - 10 years ago
+ScorpioDraconis i dnt share dat guy way of thinking but either yours. biggers brains doesnt mean bigger intelligence. is all about the weight of the brain compared to the weight of the body so u can get a "ratio". i dunno if i xplained myself well and i dnt think so but thats all folks (sorry for my grammar my english is autodidactic)
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
Twas an experiment.
Monezy - 10 years ago
Your mom goes to college. 
ohhmanitscam - 10 years ago
+albus noctuae +1
chronicfish - 10 years ago
+albus noctuae
hahahahahahaha!! ur comment made my day
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
Hobbit Fan
Hobbit Fan - 10 years ago
this response will be used for a college report on the science of "Trolling." Thank You
TinestManager6 - 10 years ago
Looking at you i see someone else is retarded as well
ScorpioDraconis - 10 years ago
Their brain is bigger than ours buddy. Judge not, lest ye be judged.... By the mighty dolphin
tollman62 - 10 years ago
It's totally fake, if you watch carefully the dolphins jumping are on a "repeat" pattern.  Good job on the editing, but not on actually skiing with Dolphins.  If you don't believe me, just watch the dolphins, especially in the background and you will see the pattern repeat.
youreallinsane - 10 years ago
This is awesome.
vankalen - 10 years ago
Youtube sensation indeed!  this is fabulous.  congrats guys!  talk about a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Michelle Tilton
Michelle Tilton - 10 years ago
DarianFisher - 10 years ago
would have been better if it was a group of Great Whites following her around.
Funh Music
Funh Music - 10 years ago
I was waiting for a great white to just jump out, mid-laugh and just eat her whole and pieces of her body just explode all over the dolphin's faces.

Now that would've been some video.
Ely Clar
Ely Clar - 10 years ago
They were protecting her from sharks...
Matt Williams
Matt Williams - 10 years ago
Dear guy laughing in the background: Stop.
BrandonRL - 10 years ago
I don't know what's more annoying, the way the dumb ass smiled and thumbs up to the camera or the camera mans annoying ass laugh. Would be an awesome experience though.
john wayne
john wayne - 10 years ago
that would be one of the best highlights of my life if this was me on those ski's.
Yani C
Yani C - 10 years ago
Popcrnchicken - 10 years ago
I was waiting for a dolphin to take her out
Sherry Woodbeck
Sherry Woodbeck - 10 years ago
A MUCH better experience than seeing them in captivity! AWESOMENESS right there!
Frightyboy - 10 years ago
That was Awesome!
Sand Troopers Films
Sand Troopers Films - 10 years ago
Good steady camera work too!
Kykle - 10 years ago
Yeah, probably a really cool experience but it isn't remotely "Unreal" 

Now that's out of the way, anyone notice that one way in the background to the right launching out of the water a couple seconds after 1:36 ??
Sabrina B
Sabrina B - 10 years ago
Jessica did get more than a million hits, you were right guy 
Steve Beck
Steve Beck - 10 years ago
thats really cool! its a experience for lifetime. :D
SquareDonut NL
SquareDonut NL - 10 years ago
LOL his laugh hahahaha. Super awesome vid tho
RobSpartanR16 - 10 years ago
Well dude you got more then a million hits, on youtube as you said. xD
TotesMagotes - 10 years ago
Was anyone else waiting for one of the dolphins to take her out?
Tara Shaw
Tara Shaw - 10 years ago
How freaking lucky can u get??
InsanityOnABunExtras - 10 years ago
That's like the most stereotypical surfer laugh that the dude fish in spongebob does haha
Rice Man
Rice Man - 10 years ago
Pretty cool...
Why are you sitting on the wrong side of the motor?
Donna DeVane
Donna DeVane - 10 years ago
Now that's a really awesome experience. 
Redman - 10 years ago
WILLIAM WATSON - 10 years ago
So beautiful... kids having fun and the dolphins too.
Vada Ann
Vada Ann - 10 years ago
That would be the highlight of my life. The beautiful universe amazes me everyday.
jayjay rock
jayjay rock - 10 years ago
wow that is AWSOME
cro4591 - 10 years ago
What kind of camera?  Its crystal clear.
Well done.
Lucky girl.
quad1000 - 10 years ago
Filmyz - 10 years ago
Absolutely insane.
Jason Rosha
Jason Rosha - 10 years ago
I guess glad they didn't hurt any of the dolphins?!
Ida Wong
Ida Wong - 10 years ago
um.. if the dolphins hit that rope... would it hurt them? but it is awesome i admit
gottalovemystyle - 10 years ago
I hope her ass dont fall in on a hungry day lol ..her body will be eaten
TRILL WILL - 10 years ago
The fact that this guys first thought is "getting tons of hits on YouTube" makes him such a cornball. What a fuckin tool lol. Cool experience, but that douche makes the vid gay lol.
flyinghen - 10 years ago
I'd imagine it's pretty cool to wakeboard around a bunch of dolphins. But steering the boat directly into the path of the dolphins, where they have to adjust their path, is not only illegal it is harassment of marine life. What would have been cool, and a "youtube moment" was if the dolphins came to your boat/ boarder.
M Ally
M Ally - 10 years ago
This is so Beautiful #Dolphin   #Surfing  along 
sean safholm
sean safholm - 10 years ago
Mary Ann D
Mary Ann D - 10 years ago
yellowned - 10 years ago
It would be funny if the dolphins killed her
kakabak1 - 10 years ago
the dolphins smelled fish.... HAHAHAHAHAA ohhh thats bad.. im sorry. :D
Jake Graff
Jake Graff - 10 years ago
Super dolphin at 01:38
Stas Wright
Stas Wright - 10 years ago
Embrace the Propose!!!
Stephanie Ann Bacarro
Stephanie Ann Bacarro - 10 years ago
DOLPHINS are just amazing :)
Lauraine Garten
Lauraine Garten - 10 years ago
Weren't you thinking about how you could harm the dolphins? What if they hit your boat or the propeller cut up the animals? Yes, it would be awesome to be in a pod but think about what harm you could do.
Carson Peaco
Carson Peaco - 10 years ago
Very nice. Glad you slowed down to let them catch up easily.

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