Down Days: Surfing The South | S2E9 (Season Finale)
Surf 9 years ago 201,214 views
CLICK to watch the FULL episode on Red Bull TV: The Brothers winding road trip over the Atlas Mountains brings them to the coast. On the road trip the bros make friends with tree dwelling goats and drop in to see how Argan Oil is made. Their final destination is a surf hotel in the small village of Tamraght, near Agadir and Tagahzout where resident chef Momo cooks them a feast of BBQ camel and seafood tagine and master Moroccan surf guide Denny takes them to a perfect point break called Draqs where they score some of the best waves of their lives. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:
10. comment for Down Days: Surfing The South | S2E9 (Season Finale)
20. comment for Down Days: Surfing The South | S2E9 (Season Finale)
Taa Daa-- The Atlas Bear. An extinct Brown Bear, probably decended from the Polar Bear was the only member of the bear fsmily known to be native to Africa. Polar Bears from Andalusia probably swam from Spain to Africa during one of the Ice Ages and remained in the higher mountains as global weather slowly warmed. Pretty bitchin, eh!
30. comment for Down Days: Surfing The South | S2E9 (Season Finale)
One of my mates got some Grief of some locals for wearing one.
I guess they thought he looked like an ignorant, pretentious surfer douche.
or a Twat!
Jellabah is traditional clothing, our Jewish/Atheist/Christian ancestors used to wear it as well way before Islam came to North Africa. What does culture have anything to do with religion? All Moroccans wear it no matter what their religion is.
"You must be born-again to enter the Kingdom of heaven."
So, please, humble yourself & repent. Then you can enjoy surfing in proper context under God, & not as an idol before God, which actually makes it a sin.
If you do not know what cold is you can not know hot.
You can not appreciate Eternity if you can not conceptualise what mortality might be.
Its silliness to believe in an All Powerful
God of Love? I think its silly to believe in
anything less.
God does not Judge He Knows All. Judgement is of the ego and only possible in a world of duality not in one of Oneness.
God and His Creations share but one
The world, time, space, sin, fear and death are an illusion created as a defense against that which can not attack.
Who is this other god who can create things
unlike himself that can defy his will? The one I believe in is the All Powerful God of Love.
"What is unalterable can not be changed, what is wholly sinless can not sin.
Truth only wants to give you happiness for that is its purpose. It may sigh a little when you throw away its gifts and yet it knows, with perfect certainty, that what God Wills for you must be Received.
It is this fact that demonstrates that time
is an illusion. For time lets you think what
God has given you is not the Truth right now,
as it must be.
The Thoughts of God are quite apart from time. For time is but another meaningless defense you made against the Truth.
Yet what He wills is Here and you remain as
He Created You.
Truth has a power far beyond defense, for no illusions can remain where Truth has been allowed to enter.
And it comes to any mind that would lay down its arms, and cease to play with folly. It is found at any time; today if you will choose to practice giving welcome to the Truth." "ACIM"
There is nothing outside of our minds or should I say the mind of God quantum physics tells us that.
"All matter originates and exists only by
virtue of a force which brings the particle
of an atom to vibration and holds this most
minute solar system of the atom together.
WE must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter "Max Planck""
"The observer is hooked into the very existence of reality without the observer there would just be an expanding super position of possibilities without anything defiant ever happening
The world of solid matter does not exist according to relativity and quantum physics.
When you dive deeply down into matter everything we know about the every day world dissolves, there are no objects anymore only relationships, no locality anymore, no time anymore.
The closer you look at solid matter the less solid it becomes"
The world of sin, fear and death does not exist. God did not create them, so they have no reality.
The only constant in a world of illusions is change so you know it is not of God.
No time only Eternity.
No world only Heaven.
No devils only the Son.
Truth is always True, it does not wax or wane nor dips down into death and dissolution.
What He Creates is Perfect, Joyous, Loving, Loved, Eternal, Incorruptible and Unassailable.
If you are experiencing anything less it must be illusory.
God is Love and Love can only Create like itself.
God and His Creation Share but One Will.
No one needs to be saved God never lost His only Son, for that would be against His Will.
We have not left our place in God's Heart we just think we have.
Our life in Heaven has not stopped just because we have dissociated from it.
"Nothing Real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the Peace of God." "ACIM"
God is Truth, seek Him through His Word, the Holy Bible, only. And, repent of your sins & be transformed through the power of the One & Only God who can save you from your deep error. You must be born-again to see the Kingdom of God.
He was created out of the Father and Shares all His Attributes and no other. God is Love and Love can only Create like Itself.
God only created Heaven and Eternity. There is no other place there is no other time, So if not there where? If not Now When?
God in his Knowledge is not waiting, but His Kingdom is bereft while you wait. Delay in Eternity does not matter but it is truly tragic in Time. Let nothing in this world delay your remembering of Him, for in this remembering is the Knowledge of Yourself.
The ego will always use the gospel to make you think fear is real, let the Holy Spirit reinterpret if for you.
The world of time, space, bodies, sadness, injustice, sickness, destruction and death does not exist. Truth is always True it never changes, it never dips down to destruction and death.
The world of the ego and bodies is an illusion it was created by our egos as a defence against God. God is boundless God is everything, God is everywhere. God IS. That which is everywhere and yet nowhere must be Now-Here.
That which is all encompassing can have no opposite. The only constant in a world of illusions and chaos is change, so you know God did not create it.
The Eternal did not create this changing world. Perfect Love did not create this world of fear. The God of Oneness did not create this world of duality and separation.
The God of Life did not create this world of death. Our Holy Father did not create this world of sin and guilt for the Son was Created out of Sinlessness.
Our God of Protection did not create this dangerous world. This world has nothing to do with God. It holds none of His qualities. It's not a reflection of His work AT ALL
.One day we will wake up to were we really are. It's not Heaven. It's not God's creation. It's not a fit Home for the Son.
We're not even really here. It's just a dream of madness made from a small idea of madness that there might be something other than God and somewhere other than Heaven and that the Father would punish us for those thoughts which is true madness.
We are asleep in forgetfulness. God is not mad. God would have to be mad to make this world for His children?
"Adam then fell into a deep sleep" nowhere does it say anywhere that he woke up.
Who creates such a world and throws His children onto it? Only a madman. God is not mad.
He didn't put us here. We did. We did this to ourselves. We made it. We made it from a mad desire to be separate. We did it to be special.
Only a mad man would think a perfect and loving God would create such a horrible place for His children.
It's but a playground covered in razor blades. Who builds such a playground for His children? A perfectly loving God? Not hardly?
50. comment for Down Days: Surfing The South | S2E9 (Season Finale)
Great surf tho
And fun times on dirt bike and camels
Its just next to morroco and so similar