Duke Kahanamoku Surfing 1939 COLOR Stand Up Paddleboard SUP

This is some RARE footage of Duke surfing his paddle board at Waikiki Beach along with an outrigger flipping over and more surfing.

Duke Kahanamoku Surfing 1939 COLOR Stand Up Paddleboard SUP sentiment_very_dissatisfied 88

Surf 12 years ago 407,192 views

This is some RARE footage of Duke surfing his paddle board at Waikiki Beach along with an outrigger flipping over and more surfing.

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Most popular comments
for Duke Kahanamoku Surfing 1939 COLOR Stand Up Paddleboard SUP

yu86 - 7 years ago
I wish I had been in those years
peace,fun and surf
MediCali951 - 7 years ago
punky idk about peace japan attacked this very island right after
MrDeadsurfer - 7 years ago
I love the music.  It's also great to see the museum boards in action.  Of all the cultures, I think I like Hawaii's the best.
alex carter
alex carter - 7 years ago
Watch the guy in the black trunks. I had that same board as a kid. Weighed a ton. I built a paddle and used to paddle it all over Kaneohe Bay, visit Chinaman's Hat, and once caught a small wave for laughs, that board was the ultimate wave-snaker. No skegs in those days; that's why Duke was on a round-bottom board. The flatter style used by the black trunks guy was more modern, and made up for lack of a skeg by simple length and hard rails.
Jan Ray
Jan Ray - 7 years ago
Everybody used to share a wave. Now it's mine mine mine mine
Dean Turnbull
Dean Turnbull - 9 years ago
bikini, color film, 1939? hmmm
Shawn T. Bell
Shawn T. Bell - 9 years ago
Where are all the hotels? LOL
Juan Espinosa
Juan Espinosa - 9 years ago
brother un poco de espacio por favor.......
Claudio Dean
Claudio Dean - 9 years ago
Real espirito do Surf !!!
Bigotes Chingones
Bigotes Chingones - 9 years ago
Yo solo estoy aquí por curiosidad de google :v

10. comment for Duke Kahanamoku Surfing 1939 COLOR Stand Up Paddleboard SUP

Maria  Natali Guagliardi
Maria Natali Guagliardi - 9 years ago
Propiamente un genio di questo sport .
tech bro
tech bro - 9 years ago
Luis Caldera
Luis Caldera - 9 years ago
like si hablas español
Darin King
Darin King - 9 years ago
Two years later, Japan bombed us right there. Crazy stuff.
MediCali951 - 7 years ago
Justin Miyashiro Pearl Harbor isn’t that far remember Oahu isn’t the big island
Justin Miyashiro
Justin Miyashiro - 7 years ago
Darin King they bombed more down west u haole
Joseph Gelb
Joseph Gelb - 9 years ago
never was different
White Genocide
White Genocide - 9 years ago
White people are shit.
White Genocide
White Genocide - 9 years ago
+Scott P Any time, my elderly cuckolded companion! The gift I will give to you in turn is a rich, steaming liquid shit on the upturned faces of you, your mother, sister, daughter, wife, and any of your relatives, male or female, who claim to love their own but engage in the activity that's fascinated and engaged whites most since coming into contact with people undeniably superior to them: sucking thick brown dick. 

Don't worry, the jizz is free.

("Slave-ridden" doesn't even make sense. God, white people are fucking retarded.)
Scott P
Scott P - 9 years ago
Thank you my young friend, the blessing I shall pass on to you is a nice relaxing piss atop the soil which rests over your slave ridden excuses of ancestors.
White Genocide
White Genocide - 9 years ago
+Scott P My ancestors fuck your ancestors descendants in the ass and they enjoy every second of it.

Have a blessed day! :)
Scott P
Scott P - 9 years ago
+White Genocide I piss on your ancestor's graves.
Marcelo Farias
Marcelo Farias - 9 years ago
Surfar assim, deve ser tão bom -
Troll Guy
Troll Guy - 9 years ago
This video is SOOOOO spongebob squarepants
Gerardo Sepúlveda
Gerardo Sepúlveda - 9 years ago
what is the name of the song?
hash glass
hash glass - 9 years ago
good ol days :(

20. comment for Duke Kahanamoku Surfing 1939 COLOR Stand Up Paddleboard SUP

coralmina - 9 years ago
Look at that beautiful graceful male bod - at age 49 (he was born in 1890) - lovely human, and with such a lovely human form...  SO WHAT if they wore their pants hiked up so high back then!!!!  Married a caucasian girl from the U.S. - she was lovely too.  Great Hawaiian romance.   :D
Juarez santos sousa Sousa
Juarez santos sousa Sousa - 9 years ago
Horacio Castro
Horacio Castro - 9 years ago
Muito Bom!
leonardo marques
leonardo marques - 9 years ago
ssavio Mello
ssavio Mello - 9 years ago
trazendo o surf para os gostos de Califórnia, Austrália e Nova Zelândia sobre a sua vida. 24 de agosto marca o que teria sido o aniversário de 125 Kahanamoku - ele faleceu em 1968.

Em suas ilhas nativas do Havaí, Kahanamoku foi conhecida por muito mais do que apenas ondas de equitação. Ele primeiro construiu sua reputação como um campeão de natação, conquistando cinco medalhas olímpicas ao longo de sua carreira. Seu sucesso permitiu-lhe também para elevar o perfil da verdadeira paixão do surf do Havaí.

Também Kahanamoku foi eleito o xerife do condado de sua casa 13 vezes e atuou em mais de uma dúzia de filmes. Mais importante ainda, ele é creditado com ajudando as ilhas havaianas Conseguir um Estado em 1959.

Para o Google Doodle de segunda-feira, ilustrador Matt Cruickshank decidiu homenagear o aniversário de Kahanamoku esboçando seu 16-ft. prancha de madeira juntamente com a semelhança amigável do rosto do ícone
Diana B
Diana B - 9 years ago
This is REALLY awesome!
Kathleen Saxon
Kathleen Saxon - 9 years ago
love SUP & Duke
Edmund Spang
Edmund Spang - 9 years ago
Duke was a pimp!
Craftin Kate
Craftin Kate - 9 years ago
Happy Birthday Duke!  Please apologize for all the rudeness below.
Emerso Emerdo
Emerso Emerdo - 9 years ago
Qué que buenísimo

30. comment for Duke Kahanamoku Surfing 1939 COLOR Stand Up Paddleboard SUP

PickledOnion - 9 years ago
When everybody enjoyed a single wave together.. how it should be.
BandjsVideo - 9 years ago
Duke's Birthday.  Awesome footage.
Camilo Solorzano
Camilo Solorzano - 9 years ago
+alberto Perestroika
alberto Perez
alberto Perez - 9 years ago
Nathan Kim
Nathan Kim - 9 years ago
Thumbs up if Google Doodle sent you here! ^^
RandomMusings - 9 years ago
+Nathan Kim NO.
vanize menezes
vanize menezes - 9 years ago
jebwa sabony
jebwa sabony - 9 years ago
bite her ass dude !
howard taylor
howard taylor - 9 years ago
Those were wonderful times.  The world was at relative peace.  Now the politicians have turned the world into a massive battleground.
howard taylor
howard taylor - 9 years ago
Luciano Lorenzetti - get a job.
Joni Costa
Joni Costa - 9 years ago
+Luciano Lorenzetti
"That is such a beautiful ship! I wish was I was alive back then so I could enjoy such a breezy time" +howard taylor watching the movie Titanic
"Wow, this Django guy is having so much fun, these days people never have that much fun, cause of all the politicians" Howard about Django Unchained
"Back then things were so much fun, these days the world has gone wrong" Howard on "The New Concise History Of The Crusades"
"This guy knows how to have fun, these days no one would be that laid back" Howard watching a documentary about Phil Spector
"Back when things were simple and everyone could just find happiness" Howard's review of "Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege, 1942-1943"
"A celebration of teenage love, the kind of love that unfortunately no longer exists" Howard on "Scarface"
"I wish I could live on Gaza, the food is great there, they don't just eat all this processed junk like we do" Howard at a Palestinian restaurant
"The greatest year for everything, maybe ever. Things right now are so difficult, it kind of makes me want to build a time machine" Howard on Flu: The Story Of The Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918
Luciano Lorenzetti
Luciano Lorenzetti - 9 years ago
+howard taylor i think you need to check your history books... maybe people in nazi Germany, fascist Italy, soviet Russia, colonial India, occupied Manchuria, segregated south of the US and racist South Africa would differ with you
Cochi Fernadez Maciel
Cochi Fernadez Maciel - 9 years ago
Kurt Klein
Kurt Klein - 9 years ago
+howard taylor That year—1939—was literally when the world became the most massive battleground in history.
Joni Costa
Joni Costa - 9 years ago
+howard taylor There's plenty of current footage of people surfing. This isn't a documentary or anything, it's just some amateur footage. People LOVE to be dismissive of current times, ignoring all the crap that was going down back in "nostalgia land". Bet it was plenty of fun living in the Great Depression, appreciating some shiny fascism and hanging out with Jim Crow. The world has been a battleground for quite some time, current times are actually relatively okay compared to how shitty it was to be alive for 90% of the world population back in 1939.
Angela Gonzalez
Angela Gonzalez - 9 years ago
Jsh B
Jsh B - 9 years ago
+howard taylor Ah, didn't see someone else already responded to this... my bad brotha.
Jsh B
Jsh B - 9 years ago
+howard taylor Dude. The entire world was at war with itself... 1939 was the beginning of WW2. There were bombings two years later on the same island this was filmed. Our world has always been at war... and always will be. 10 years before this America was going through the Great Depression, and prior to that, WW1.
Darren Odom
Darren Odom - 9 years ago
I totally agree, this footage does make it feel that way. 
howard taylor
howard taylor - 9 years ago
Yes you are right but watching that home-style footage some how made things feel good.
Darren Odom
Darren Odom - 9 years ago
+howard taylor This year was the start of WWII and just 2 years before Pearl Harbor was bombed. The world wasn't exactly at peace then just as it isn't at peace now.
Tapash Roy
Tapash Roy - 9 years ago
Hazhar Ghaderi
Hazhar Ghaderi - 9 years ago
Imagine people in the future looking at our Full HD clips and say "Wow, those guys died over 5000 years ago!".
* AnimalHeadSpirit *
* AnimalHeadSpirit * - 6 years ago
Science Fiction usually does a good job at predicting future technology.
PointB1ank - 9 years ago
Yeah It will be very interesting to see where technology goes, its hard to imagine what will be the next big step.
Hazhar Ghaderi
Hazhar Ghaderi - 9 years ago
+PointB1ank On the other hand ✋ they might be more humble in their opinion...I for one admire our ancestors for their ingenuity :)
Hazhar Ghaderi
Hazhar Ghaderi - 9 years ago
+PointB1ank haha yeah exactly, it's hard to imagine what they will think of full HD blue ray etc. :D
PointB1ank - 9 years ago
+Hazhar Ghaderi " I can't believe they didn't have hologram-video back then "
Naczelny Moderator
Naczelny Moderator - 9 years ago
Troy Lewis
Troy Lewis - 9 years ago
here because Im a sidewalk surfer , nice to see where it all began :)
stanisława pawłowska
stanisława pawłowska - 9 years ago
Cześć Jego Pamięci !
GuryLipitoRex Falcão
GuryLipitoRex Falcão - 9 years ago
Mercedes Benz LOL
GuryLipitoRex Falcão
GuryLipitoRex Falcão - 9 years ago
+O Falcoeiro thanks friends
Shoegazer 93
Shoegazer 93 - 9 years ago
According to today's Google drawing (main page), Duke is the godfather of surfing
Gerald Gouchie
Gerald Gouchie - 9 years ago
+Sam Mortley Not sure but thought they said Father will recheck my info :-)
Adamov Bagdanov
Adamov Bagdanov - 9 years ago
we need to celebrate this nigger cos in 39 people were dying in Poland and this fucker was surfing on some white whore ass
Troy Lewis
Troy Lewis - 9 years ago
+Adamov Bagdanov ..are you color blind? Hawaiian does not equate Nigger...Cracker :)
Andrew Balus
Andrew Balus - 9 years ago
Man. You are one bitter Bitch!
Abajaja123 - 9 years ago
same : google
1GoldRunner - 9 years ago
This guy was cute as f*ck man back in his prime.
lorenzo romboli
lorenzo romboli - 9 years ago
very nice
huyked - 9 years ago
Man, I'm impressed by the footage that were able to capture with the cameras then.  Smoooooth.
Nathan Silva
Nathan Silva - 9 years ago
+Evik James istone
Mudasirbilal 1992 gdhdfdydv
Mudasirbilal 1992 gdhdfdydv - 9 years ago
+Evik James xxx
Evik James
Evik James - 9 years ago
+huyked It was captured onan iPhone -57
Does he look like a bitch?
PedroAlexAngra - 9 years ago
+pingubaba Say what one more time!
I dare you i double dare you motherfucker!
Der Beefträger
Der Beefträger - 9 years ago
+Demi Pulpo
English motherfucker, do you speak it?
pingubaba - 9 years ago
+Demi Pulpo What?
Matt D
Matt D - 9 years ago
Everybody do the hooky laow!
Mark Stoleson
Mark Stoleson - 9 years ago
+Cimmy Jarter Yeah, it's a Hawaiian word for a traditional communal fishing technique employed by a large group of people. Literally a "leaf pull".
Matt D
Matt D - 9 years ago
I had no idea.  I thought it was something Phil Hendrie invented 
Mark Stoleson
Mark Stoleson - 9 years ago
+Cimmy Jarter *hukilau

50. comment for Duke Kahanamoku Surfing 1939 COLOR Stand Up Paddleboard SUP

asad gibran
asad gibran - 9 years ago
here because doodle
paulomaluu - 9 years ago
To be honest, yes. But I was SO happy to see a Polynesian on Google's Doodle.

Proud2BePoly...Malo Lelei(Thanks very much) Cheeeeeehooooo!!!
Jennifer Carroll
Jennifer Carroll - 9 years ago
As am I.
Ryan Lewis
Ryan Lewis - 9 years ago
+asad gibran samee lol
Sparra Lina
Sparra Lina - 9 years ago
Alexandre Costa
Alexandre Costa - 9 years ago
+asad gibran same
trust no one
trust no one - 9 years ago
+asad gibran same
niveayt - 9 years ago
+asad gibran me too;)
Abreham Castoro
Abreham Castoro - 9 years ago
+asad gibran ahahahah same
Domino13334 - 9 years ago
So are 99% of the Vierers today lol
Wanderlust - 9 years ago
+asad gibran same :)
NameNeeded - 9 years ago
+TheMad Gamer google's doodle **
your mom
your mom - 9 years ago
nice !
Heri Dwi Darwanto
Heri Dwi Darwanto - 9 years ago
Livin' like Larry.,.
Cochi Fernadez Maciel
Cochi Fernadez Maciel - 9 years ago
Kevin Andrews
Kevin Andrews - 9 years ago
wow  go Duke go
Prime - 9 years ago
The Duke and Friends are Super Spirits And Timeless!!!
BombJapan - 10 years ago
This is cool until you realize this was 75 years ago and everyone in this video is DEAD. So what's the point of life really? So you had a good wave but now you're dead, I'm alive, who won? Plus Andy Irons would smoke any of these guys here but he's dead too. You will be too. You say you'll try to enjoy your time here but you're a dead man walking and when you die, your life was meaningless. As long as I outlive you, then I'm better than you.
xAlberto - 9 years ago
+Steve Pete yeah you made the point, life's problems can change our emotions and emotions can lead to philosophical questions that in reality are attempts to solve emotional distress. this is my thought now, philosophical questions are legitimate but philosophy leave everything as it is... someone said life is not a problem to solve but a mystery to live
Steve Peterson
Steve Peterson - 9 years ago
I was clearly a little too optimistic (I hadn't lost my health and my job in March) when I wrote this:     The past and the future are delusions. There is only the present moment. If you've been able to take one breath, in the moment, then I'd say your life was "worth it." Matter, animated into a human life form. How cool is that? Even if for just one beautiful moment like riding an Austrailian surf ski or early stand up paddleboard at Waikiki. "
  I would like to retract my comment.  Now that I have no job and I'm stuck in the house all day (too hot to go outside here in Florida) with my girlfriend who is crazier than me;(  
xAlberto - 9 years ago
+Sky Marshall and i add i win you win they win...life is not a schizophrenic race!.... anyway if he want to continue to think like that i have a solution for him, he has to find and cut the head of an immortal....and he could win! but first (to him) , please, find a girl and some friends....get a life BITCHA!!
EURANE PERMELL - 9 years ago
+you've got the idea. It's all about FREE WILL that God has given each of us. As long as we were created by him...that was instilled in our being. Thanks for pointing this out...it's just that simple but not easily accepted...You go Knightmire....
knightmire - 9 years ago
The meaning of life is free will that God has given to all of us.
Steve Peterson
Steve Peterson - 10 years ago
There's whatever point or lack of a point u wish to share Or not share. IMHO
Chris Thomas
Chris Thomas - 10 years ago
Is there a point?
Steve Peterson
Steve Peterson - 10 years ago
The past and the future are delusions. There is only the present moment. If you've been able to take one breath, in the moment, then I'd say your life was "worth it." Matter, animated into a human life form. How cool is that? Even if for just one beautiful moment like riding an Austrailian surf ski or early stand up paddleboard at Waikiki. 
Sky Marshall
Sky Marshall - 10 years ago
Spoken like a true, psychopathic douche bag. Yes, you win. You are the douche bag of the year. 
Brian Meehan
Brian Meehan - 10 years ago
Does anyone know who owns this footage?  I'd like to license a few clips for a project I'm working on.
Chris Thomas
Chris Thomas - 10 years ago
Actually this isn't a paddleboard the Duke is riding.  Well it is but it's an Australian surf ski (or an early version of it) that was brought to him as a gift.  These early versions had a flat top rather than a cockpit so the riders stood on them rather than sit like modern surf skis.  Notice he's using a double bladed paddle that's tethered to the craft.  Also a lot of people erroneously think Duke is the first to ride this craft standing and it's just not true.  You can do a Google search and you will find out this was a common activity in Australia (standing on a surf ski).  Also this is really not the catalyst that started modern day SUP as a lot of people seem to think.  No disrespect to the Duke at all but he is not the inventor of what we now call SUP. Him doing this may have inspired others to grab a single blade paddle on a surf board like John Zapatocky, but this really is a different activity.   Modern day SUP is a whole separate entity which would may or may not still exist whether or not anyone stood on this type of craft using a double blade paddle.
Chris Thomas
Chris Thomas - 9 years ago
+Horror Coder For me the catalyst was when someone decided to stand on their surfobard using a paddle rather than lying prone to hand paddle into the wave and then pop to a standing position.  I don't think anyone can say who first did that.  That probably go lost into history.  John Zapatocky was obviously one of the first.  joseph "Scooter Boy" Kaopuiki. was know to use a paddle on his surfboard.  John "Pops" Ah Choy and his sons Bobby and Leroy are all early pioneers.  The truth is, SUP didn't become a thing until the mid 00's.
Horror Coder
Horror Coder - 9 years ago
+Chris Thomas Thanks for the insight, very interesting!
Stand up paddling as we know it today imho took shape from people like John Zapotocky, Duke and others that were experimenting as we see in the footage.
When I was a boy ( in the 90' ) I flat paddled most of summer days sat on a old Bic windsurf board and a kayak paddle...the board was so big and stable (almost 4mt) to take a couple of friends and sometimes I remember to stand up and trying to paddle just for fun!
I could not properly call sup but still I instinctively was experimenting something similar without know nothing about it. ( no internet at this time :D )

First time I discovered about sup was in 2008, googling for alternative human powered watercraft...I was initially skeptical and never saw one here in Italy ( for those kind of things we have a generational gap of 4-5 years ehehhe ) but still I was intrigued by looking some youtube video and after a lot of questions on some dedicated forum I've "took the worm" and bought an inflatable board outside country ( not easy to find sup seller near me 7-8 years ago, Uli and C4 board were going strong in USA ) ... and after that I become and avid sup paddler.

I obviously always enjoy going also in kayak, outrigger or surf ( especially in company ) but for me sup is really my cup of tea.

Still I'm curious to know more where, how and who contributed to the evolution of modern sup!
Rudi Polt
Rudi Polt - 11 years ago
Fine Song! Aloha from Hawaii!
surferpam1 - 11 years ago
Thanks for posting this, Scott! Fantastic!
Iros Eshbi
Iros Eshbi - 12 years ago
it's crazy to know that all of these people would be long gone by now...
Shorepoundsound - 12 years ago
Super Bitchen! I found a Duke uke with my stuff anyone wanna buy ?
hebneh - 12 years ago
That overturning outrigger is pretty odd. I like how the guys at the end all jump or dive off their boards, which I'm sure was at the direction of whoever was filming this. Provides a little excitement.
Ariel Brown
Ariel Brown - 12 years ago
so great. Your channel rules.
Geckko37 - 12 years ago
Yeah ! So nice nice film Aloha!
dphotos - 12 years ago
Very cool

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The "Duke Kahanamoku Surfing 1939 COLOR Stand Up Paddleboard SUP" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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