New video MONDAY!! Check out the original creators channel!! : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZsV3KwFgcFQtskR-BtEL7w Riders: Cyril Inauen, Roland Hauser Film by Tizian Naterop SUBSCRIBE TO JOOGSQUAD PPJT ⊳ http://bit.ly/Sub2JOOGSQUAD JOOGSQUAD STORE↓ HATS : https://www.JoogSquad.com SHIRTS : https://shopjoogsquad.myshopify.com FOLLOW MY SOCIAL↓ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savage/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoogSquad SnapChat: @Joogin10E Facebook: https://goo.gl/1YoF3y 2ND CHANNEL↓ http://www.youtube.com/user/ppjtextra JOOGSQUAD MEMBERS↓ Merrick: http://goo.gl/8pe4fN | http://goo.gl/IOwMr8 EdWiener: https://goo.gl/tW7h7p | http://goo.gl/ymmNth Turner: https://goo.gl/sQNcl5 | http://goo.gl/tkS17e Pierce: http://bit.ly/2wOD8gq About JoogSquad PPJT: My name is Jack Tenney, AKA "10E" I'm an Entertainer, Filmmaker, Director, Editor, & Producer. WELCOME TO MY CRAZY LIFE! Feel free to ask any questions and I will answer them if they are legitimate! We have a lot more to come so stay tuned & keep checking back every week for more crazy stunts and pranks! Thanks for all the love & support! EPIC RIVER SURFING HUGE WAVE!! Standing Wave In Switzerland 2014 | JOOGSQUAD PPJT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB7Chi_lgp0pdEcIYwl_H8 JoogSquad PPJT https://www.youtube.com/Joogsquad

EPIC RIVER SURFING HUGE WAVE!! Standing Wave In Switzerland 2014 | JOOGSQUAD PPJT sentiment_very_dissatisfied 108

Surf 10 years ago 198,064 views

New video MONDAY!! Check out the original creators channel!! : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZsV3KwFgcFQtskR-BtEL7w Riders: Cyril Inauen, Roland Hauser Film by Tizian Naterop SUBSCRIBE TO JOOGSQUAD PPJT ⊳ http://bit.ly/Sub2JOOGSQUAD JOOGSQUAD STORE↓ HATS : https://www.JoogSquad.com SHIRTS : https://shopjoogsquad.myshopify.com FOLLOW MY SOCIAL↓ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savage/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoogSquad SnapChat: @Joogin10E Facebook: https://goo.gl/1YoF3y 2ND CHANNEL↓ http://www.youtube.com/user/ppjtextra JOOGSQUAD MEMBERS↓ Merrick: http://goo.gl/8pe4fN | http://goo.gl/IOwMr8 EdWiener: https://goo.gl/tW7h7p | http://goo.gl/ymmNth Turner: https://goo.gl/sQNcl5 | http://goo.gl/tkS17e Pierce: http://bit.ly/2wOD8gq About JoogSquad PPJT: My name is Jack Tenney, AKA "10E" I'm an Entertainer, Filmmaker, Director, Editor, & Producer. WELCOME TO MY CRAZY LIFE! Feel free to ask any questions and I will answer them if they are legitimate! We have a lot more to come so stay tuned & keep checking back every week for more crazy stunts and pranks! Thanks for all the love & support! EPIC RIVER SURFING HUGE WAVE!! Standing Wave In Switzerland 2014 | JOOGSQUAD PPJT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB7Chi_lgp0pdEcIYwl_H8 JoogSquad PPJT https://www.youtube.com/Joogsquad

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Most popular comments
for EPIC RIVER SURFING HUGE WAVE!! Standing Wave In Switzerland 2014 | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

Sentinel Fishing
Sentinel Fishing - 8 years ago
the wave in my hometown has like ten feet of mobility at most, hella jelly
aiden carnett
aiden carnett - 9 years ago
Do a skateboarding video if you did not do one
shalanda lang
shalanda lang - 9 years ago
That water dirty
milosz lech
milosz lech - 9 years ago
Looks like the coffee you get out of a crappy camping coffee maker
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Spooky Scary Skeleton - 9 years ago
No thats just mud
ItsDeadlyTeddy - 9 years ago
Nice video but what happens when you're board's flies away in the water lol
Conner Hornby
Conner Hornby - 9 years ago
Its something called a leash
Mojo Rose
Mojo Rose - 9 years ago
There tied to their ankle's at least some are
kattanstrophe TV
kattanstrophe TV - 9 years ago
Servus i kumm aus münchen... da gibt's ja den eisbach... gibt's bei euch in der schweiz auch solche permanenten wellen?
Sunny - 9 years ago
ja, das gibt's aber so grosse wie im Video gibt es eigentlich nur bei Hochwasser.
Debra Coates
Debra Coates - 10 years ago
holy that's sweet do some ding dong ditch
quinn bs
quinn bs - 10 years ago
Super cool man!
Owen E.
Owen E. - 10 years ago
+PPJT this is awesome, can you make another longboarding video, i'm getting into longboarding.
Josh Pole
Josh Pole - 10 years ago
Song name: Viramania - ancient cultures. You're welcome :)

10. comment for EPIC RIVER SURFING HUGE WAVE!! Standing Wave In Switzerland 2014 | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

Megalletra - 10 years ago
are there crocodiles or alligators in Switzerland?
Scoot4Life #ssbb
Scoot4Life #ssbb - 10 years ago
only in the zoo's they have, I live in Siwtzerland
RappLab - 10 years ago
Switzerland is in Europe, so no there are no dangerous animals. ;)
Jeff Gooderham
Jeff Gooderham - 10 years ago
post dem bro well enjoy em
Mabzino - 10 years ago
how did you get your surfboards back when you fell?
zachmathias26 - 10 years ago
So sick
Chris Galliher
Chris Galliher - 10 years ago
way cool
SUPERGUSTL490 - 10 years ago
Where is this exactly?
Jacob Harrington
Jacob Harrington - 10 years ago
How are they going against the current
Wiz Lopez
Wiz Lopez - 10 years ago
Is it just me that thought the thumbnail was someone on the moon?
BatCountry Fishing Rods
BatCountry Fishing Rods - 9 years ago
+Wiz Lopez I know, right. New challenge Moon Surfing!
zahidmajid1 - 10 years ago
Can anyone tell me the name of the beat please.
mamadou gueye
mamadou gueye - 10 years ago
You outta ur mind

20. comment for EPIC RIVER SURFING HUGE WAVE!! Standing Wave In Switzerland 2014 | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

Zoo Alzyy
Zoo Alzyy - 10 years ago
Darude - Sandstorm
Westside Goons
Westside Goons - 10 years ago
Sweet buuut wheres todays vid
Westside Goons
Westside Goons - 10 years ago
Sweet buuut wheres todays vid
TuzlaTv - 10 years ago
i live in switzerland :)
FxTvmodzz - 10 years ago
Nice dude
penguin0fmadness - 10 years ago
Love the shirt were you get it at
penguin0fmadness - 10 years ago
Love the shirt were you get it at
Brett Riley
Brett Riley - 10 years ago
Thats so sick
Ben Montedoro
Ben Montedoro - 10 years ago
sk hahaha
Chase MacMillan
Chase MacMillan - 10 years ago
that is beast

30. comment for EPIC RIVER SURFING HUGE WAVE!! Standing Wave In Switzerland 2014 | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

eagle0468 - 10 years ago
That's sick
Stian Torbergsen
Stian Torbergsen - 10 years ago
brezzy b
brezzy b - 10 years ago
It looks scary and it also looks like they're surfing on chocolate milk
Kids VS Foods
Kids VS Foods - 10 years ago
I was literally there 8 days ago
TOOLONG4YOURMOM - 10 years ago
how the hell did they get out of that fast pace water when they fell in?? i didnt see any strap and me i would have drowned D:
Roblox Productions
Roblox Productions - 10 years ago
Hope anyone didn't die that day ;(
spookysam - 10 years ago
You didn't upload a prank on Monday :(
Beardownmut - 10 years ago
Just wondering isnt their a chance of Salt Water Crocs?
Scoot4Life #ssbb
Scoot4Life #ssbb - 10 years ago
in Switzerland they have only crocodiles in the zoo
CognizantxNight - 10 years ago
@00:03, at the lower center of the video, it's Gumpy!
ViZiOnZzHD1 - 10 years ago
There isnt a new video.. And its tuesday
Unco Ben
Unco Ben - 10 years ago
Stop at 01:63
Did you see the troll face
gman hobo
gman hobo - 10 years ago
if you ever need a good beach for a few pranks try Fort Myers hour down coast hot girls lots of different people and cops :D 
Shaun Cunningham
Shaun Cunningham - 10 years ago
Plz give my Chanel a shout out Derek's daily gaming
moom12321 - 10 years ago
theres one of those were i used to live thats just like that, that runs all the time
Ezra esteban
Ezra esteban - 10 years ago
Dude can you still do like chasing cops you guys are awsome
Kyle Smith
Kyle Smith - 10 years ago
No video on Monday cmon don't make promises you can't make 
YouPooped YourTube
YouPooped YourTube - 10 years ago
Think about it. If you promised your mom you would buy a Porsche, and your money got robbed by a mugger, don't you think something like that you can't change? You can't always make a promise and do it.
Steve Bruce
Steve Bruce - 10 years ago
I live in Switzerland and I have to say that during the summer there are a FEW people who go surfing like that ^^
Baseball_star128 - 10 years ago
thomas miley
thomas miley - 10 years ago
if he he falls he is dead
Joe Doherty
Joe Doherty - 10 years ago
Where you guys from? Do you surf?

50. comment for EPIC RIVER SURFING HUGE WAVE!! Standing Wave In Switzerland 2014 | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

Samuel Lawson
Samuel Lawson - 10 years ago
Bull shark
Valentin Fischer
Valentin Fischer - 10 years ago
Endlich isch er i minere heimat!
Inferno Dynesty
Inferno Dynesty - 10 years ago
Omg This Is My Favourite Channel <3 It Inspired Me And My Friend To Make Our Own Channel Which Is What Im Commenting With Now But We Havent Done Anything To It Yet We Will On Friday Though!  We Will Be Doing Ding Dongg Ditching And Lots Of Other Pranks Youve Probably Never Seen Before! If PPJT Sees This It Will Be The Best Day Of My Life! <3
ASP2778 - 10 years ago
This is insane
Be a Bro
Be a Bro - 10 years ago
Kyle Krzemien
Kyle Krzemien - 10 years ago
It looks fun yet I really think that is dangerous.
Banananerd556 - 10 years ago
Dankbuds - 10 years ago
This channel is the worst thing on YouTube and ik people r gonna say why'd u come here then well ... He use to be good but now it's just complitaions or some stupid shit here like this iguess he's just a lazy basterd oh well
L0wkey - 10 years ago
Stop talking for ages at the beginning of your videos..
SL AV - 10 years ago
holy shit anyone else see the shark at 1:26
Scoot4Life #ssbb
Scoot4Life #ssbb - 10 years ago
in Switzerland it hasn't got sharks in the rovers, I know that beacuse I live in Switzerland
shhhutthefokup - 10 years ago
nigga u high as fuck
HaydenYT - 10 years ago
Yes it's a shark
Cloud ET
Cloud ET - 10 years ago
SL AV - 10 years ago
+Cloud AG No i was just trolling lol
Cloud ET
Cloud ET - 10 years ago
i need better eyes. i just watched 1:15 to 1:30 and i dont see nothing :( im a blind bitch!
Zane Kelvinator
Zane Kelvinator - 10 years ago
Funny comment, but Bull Sharks have been found as high as 300km up the Mississippi River. Look it up (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bull_shark).
lem ons
lem ons - 10 years ago
HOLY SHIT river sharks are deadly
Anon Ymous
Anon Ymous - 10 years ago
+JimLagunasCx actually it was a good troll...
AnimeJimCx - 10 years ago
Fail troll.
wowgenerator123 - 10 years ago
where the fuck do you see a shark?
Kendra Pieczonka
Kendra Pieczonka - 10 years ago
I didnt see it?
Sgt. BubbleBlower
Sgt. BubbleBlower - 10 years ago
Sharks can be in rivers, but that is like the rapids, sharks wouldn't be in that.
Nocturnal Panda
Nocturnal Panda - 10 years ago
Yes because there would be a shark in the river...
Schizo-Vreni Food and Travel
Schizo-Vreni Food and Travel - 10 years ago
We made the video, please check out our channel guys and subscribe for more epic shit to come
alt ctrlesc
alt ctrlesc - 10 years ago
pretty awesome way to practice     until you wipe out. Bet recovery is a nightmare
Drew Hartsell
Drew Hartsell - 10 years ago
Why would you do that wat if you fell and got washed away
TheSilentGamer - 10 years ago
I demand a part 3 of the ghillie suit prank
Tomasz Oleksa
Tomasz Oleksa - 10 years ago
Viramaina - Ancient Cultures
Tyson Browning
Tyson Browning - 10 years ago
Great video
William Collier
William Collier - 10 years ago
Why didn't you use the gopro?
max G
max G - 10 years ago
Dont act like ur really fucking busy
Jon Godbout
Jon Godbout - 10 years ago
I have a different youtube channel and it's really hard to get lots of film, and put it together
Yanni stelmach
Yanni stelmach - 10 years ago
That was pretty badass to bad we don't get that on the eastcoast where I live just beaches.
SkateOmate - 10 years ago
Can u do a Fan Meeting in Miami? haha
HolyRazor _99
HolyRazor _99 - 10 years ago
All of what you said is wrong gluttonousDragon all humans are the same species homosapien although thousands of years ago we did mate with Neanderthals meaning we aren't completing homosapiens just mostly. Also brain size or skull size means nothing in terms of IQ as animals like sperm whales have skulls that are 10 times larger than ours but they are still not as clever as us. And also every human originated in Africa so your stuff about sub Saharan people is complete wrong as humans travelled across the globe when the earth was just one big continent surrounded by water originating from Africa.
Alex Strano
Alex Strano - 10 years ago
Matthew Napoletano
Matthew Napoletano - 10 years ago
where is that in switzerland cause i live in switzerland 
Thomas C
Thomas C - 10 years ago
I live in switzerland yaayyyy
kate owen
kate owen - 10 years ago
Haha that's looks freezing amazing XD wish I had floods like that where I can surf XD I only get 6 foot waves to surf where I am at lol
THE_MV-LUK.ČECH - 10 years ago
John Nomikos
John Nomikos - 10 years ago
Whats the song at the end??
John Nomikos
John Nomikos - 10 years ago
Thanks :)
macon` Swag
macon` Swag - 10 years ago
when are you guys going to make more pickup line videos
XDFreakLP - 10 years ago
couple of villages got ruined by this flood but hey, standing wave! :D (i live close to that place)
Scoot4Life #ssbb
Scoot4Life #ssbb - 10 years ago
i welem Kanton?
Errol James Mendoza
Errol James Mendoza - 10 years ago
Whats the song?
Cringe Fest
Cringe Fest - 9 years ago
+Kaylee White he is all! DUN DUN DUNNNN
JOOGSQUAD PPJT - 10 years ago
Darude - Sandstorm
GurreMeister 96
GurreMeister 96 - 10 years ago
Darude - Sandstorm
Toxic Taco
Toxic Taco - 10 years ago
It's called the song is youre mom im sirious
Sean Magee
Sean Magee - 10 years ago
Darude - sandstorm
Jean Kulasek
Jean Kulasek - 10 years ago
Viramaina - Ancient Cultures Remix
Jack Lukass
Jack Lukass - 10 years ago
+teapotwar No it's just soo fucking bad that it's not even funny...
teapotwar - 10 years ago
+Rexton It would be funny if you knew the fucking reference.
Jack Lukass
Jack Lukass - 10 years ago
+Justin Ortiz It's a stupid joke that people made, it's not even funny..
m3m3h1h1 - 10 years ago
im gonna piss on you from chappelles show
Tracer - 10 years ago
Tracer - 10 years ago
What I sad
Fat Boi
Fat Boi - 10 years ago
i don get it
Tracer - 10 years ago
+ReM[i]X why does everyone say that
STG - 10 years ago
darude - sandstorm
omglollzgirl - 10 years ago
Bas - 10 years ago
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, why the fuck didnt i know you guys were im switzerland :(((((( i fucking live there now im pissed >.<
Reuben Madsen
Reuben Madsen - 10 years ago
300k!!!! Been here since 20k love the vids
Amanda Baker
Amanda Baker - 10 years ago
What is that song
Alex deBruin
Alex deBruin - 10 years ago
yeah how would you get out of the current from that?
YouPooped YourTube
YouPooped YourTube - 10 years ago
You fly.
Slow Burnin
Slow Burnin - 10 years ago
Which river wose that? I also live in Switzerland.
Thomas C
Thomas C - 10 years ago
Das isch d'sihl ><
Scoot4Life #ssbb
Scoot4Life #ssbb - 10 years ago
ich glaube das isch d'Aare oder d'Limmat
Wambo - 10 years ago
endlich mol anderi schwiizer ume :D
EasyXP - 10 years ago
+swiss93boy hey das isch u mega schlim das gecht garnümm
Slow Burnin
Slow Burnin - 10 years ago
Loris Graf
Loris Graf - 10 years ago
+Jan Lp Ah geil mal anderi schwizer uf yt zgseh :D
Slow Burnin
Slow Burnin - 10 years ago
ja momentan schiffets ja wie gsört
jodelboy - 10 years ago
Has mol gseh uf dä Thur (bi Wiifeldä SG) surfä wos s letscht mol fett gschiffet het ;)
Junglehiker00 00
Junglehiker00 00 - 10 years ago
It's definitely not Darude - Sandstorm lmao
Sagaday Sarly
Sagaday Sarly - 10 years ago
Could you please tell me what the apex thing is in the back ?
Swaggmaster7777 - 10 years ago
Cant wait till monday
Kyle Smith
Kyle Smith - 10 years ago
Wasn't there suppose to be a 250K subscriber special in like May? it's end of July with now 300K subs and little word on it.
Saintly Buckle
Saintly Buckle - 10 years ago
Who got shot... Ahahaha
ZacH_98-_- - 10 years ago
U should cut ur hair
Molly Auvinen
Molly Auvinen - 10 years ago
Nice song what is it
Molly Auvinen
Molly Auvinen - 10 years ago
Inspiration Skate nation213
Inspiration Skate nation213 - 10 years ago
I'm following you on Facebook lol
Isaiah 1337
Isaiah 1337 - 10 years ago
The music in the backround is a little tacky no offense to anyone who may like the song.
Beat Down
Beat Down - 10 years ago
this is sooo sick
Chinorank - 10 years ago
Bad ass
VanillaBrice100 - 10 years ago
That's awesome!
Anne Frank
Anne Frank - 10 years ago
Sick can't wait for the prank
Olin Turnell
Olin Turnell - 10 years ago
Can you start posting prank videos more often
Jimmy Moses
Jimmy Moses - 10 years ago
I know what you mean.
Van Khawlhring
Van Khawlhring - 10 years ago
why aren't they drowning? when hey fall?

100. comment for EPIC RIVER SURFING HUGE WAVE!! Standing Wave In Switzerland 2014 | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

greenappletree123 000
greenappletree123 000 - 10 years ago
do more stolen longboard pranks but make the fishing line longer so that if they run or try to ride it, it will pull back.
jake gietl
jake gietl - 10 years ago
Please respond man you have no idea how much u inspire me your videos and awesome man
Nick St.Leger
Nick St.Leger - 10 years ago
Moto Flash
Moto Flash - 10 years ago
Wow I watched ppjt since 14k subs wow it's amazing how channels grow!
Reese Meehan
Reese Meehan - 10 years ago
How does that happen? The wave
Reese Meehan
Reese Meehan - 10 years ago
alexander sartin
alexander sartin - 10 years ago
These dudes must be high...
on life.
Jod Life
Jod Life - 10 years ago
that looks dangerous
FentanylPopsicle - 10 years ago
Awesome video man you should do more of these.  Dont get me wrong I enjoy the pranks as always but this was really cool.
60secondclip - 10 years ago
is it my computer or your video that has that skippin sound
Knight Artorias The Abysswalker
Knight Artorias The Abysswalker - 10 years ago
So if they fell then they got swept away right
Steven M
Steven M - 10 years ago
Choco milk
JordanWoodland - 10 years ago
What happens when you fall? e.e
Vrixal - 10 years ago
+Pyrolun liar
Pyrolun - 10 years ago
Get taken downstream until the water flattens out (will still be moving fast mind you). The reason standing waves happen is because of some kind of slope, like an artificial weir or a bed of rocks, lots of reasons really. 
stephen fromme
stephen fromme - 10 years ago
You get washed down the river 3 miles.
semipro6600 - 10 years ago
reminds me of the flow rider
nismoman420 - 10 years ago
Damn that's a crazy sport
Kenshin Yang
Kenshin Yang - 10 years ago
it is a flood
Fly - 10 years ago
Why does PPJT always do a life story at the start & end off his videos.
MrGrimlocke - 10 years ago
That water looks gnarly as hell
TECHNOKILLER612 - 10 years ago
Have the same shirt :)
Mr. Bob Gray
Mr. Bob Gray - 10 years ago
God damn that looks so dangerous.
11gio1 - 10 years ago
Ethan Haines
Ethan Haines - 10 years ago
Whats the song?! Its amazing
nega577 - 9 years ago
+Minh Nguyen ur retarded asf
Jean Kulasek
Jean Kulasek - 10 years ago
Viramaina - Ancient Cultures Remix
Minh Nguyen
Minh Nguyen - 10 years ago
Viramaina - Ancient Cultures Remix
bradthekillabre - 10 years ago
+Brennan Nye so what u cant say its bad because other people like it and think its awsome
Brennan Nye
Brennan Nye - 10 years ago
Are you serious? It's as repetitive as Niki Minaj...
Cripple Minded
Cripple Minded - 10 years ago
Darude-sandstorm check ir out great tune
Lee V2
Lee V2 - 10 years ago
That looks like a flood be careful, things could have ended up in a different way. :)
FootBall Frontier
FootBall Frontier - 10 years ago
It's is a cool hou a but ain't AFIBIOWS
TechBlissTV - 10 years ago
Is the tree okay?
Johnny Hatch
Johnny Hatch - 10 years ago
Herz - 10 years ago
r they still alive?
Up pa
Up pa - 10 years ago
Hyped 4 Monday!
vLixm - 10 years ago
So good.... much talent
FerreneMachine - 10 years ago
Artie Hunt
Artie Hunt - 10 years ago
I would love it if you post lots more. Your vids are so fun
@zFayla - 10 years ago
Darude - Sandstorm
Albeanthyourbro - 10 years ago
+xTyler1997 Darude - Sandstorm
@zFayla - 10 years ago
+Vegetarians eat Poop Darude - Sandstorm
xTyler1997 - 10 years ago
14 people are fucking stupid as fuck
I_LoveDubstep - 10 years ago
Sub Focus - Timewarp
MedStud 101
MedStud 101 - 10 years ago
Are you looking for thumbs up or something?
Derell Conceicao
Derell Conceicao - 10 years ago
Thats badass
Mohammed Nasrula
Mohammed Nasrula - 10 years ago
One of the first people to view
TheCurvyCamel - 10 years ago
RudeBoyzTv - 10 years ago
That goes hard bro
BodgyHeats666 - 10 years ago
I strangle cats after I masterbate..... I blame my father
BodgyHeats666 - 10 years ago
+TheHoppip Shrek is life
longboarding24201 - 10 years ago
Typical Jock
Typical Jock - 10 years ago
You are awesome dude
Gage Wallen
Gage Wallen - 10 years ago
First and like awesome
Ashton - 10 years ago
3 comment
Remm Vibes
Remm Vibes - 10 years ago
Heyyy Jack will you ever come to New York
Koozy k
Koozy k - 10 years ago
Typical Jock
Typical Jock - 10 years ago
josh rank
josh rank - 10 years ago
Koozy k
Koozy k - 10 years ago
Hazza HD
Hazza HD - 10 years ago
David Padilla
David Padilla - 10 years ago
TheCurvyCamel - 10 years ago
Herro PPJT
Ty G
Ty G - 10 years ago

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About EPIC RIVER SURFING HUGE WAVE!! Standing Wave In Switzerland 2014 | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

The "EPIC RIVER SURFING HUGE WAVE!! Standing Wave In Switzerland 2014 | JOOGSQUAD PPJT" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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