I'm on facebook and twitter now! :) https://www.facebook.com/devinsupertrampyoutube http://twitter.com/devinsupertramp Download this song for FREE at http://www.Download.WentworthandMordemere.com It was made by my friends "Wentworth & Mordemere ", specifically for this video, the song is called "Pacific Coast Highway" The long boards we used for this video were supplied from my friends longboarding company, Jaseboards. Make sure to "like" them on facebook if you love longboarding :) https://www.facebook.com/jaseboards Also, the sunglasses used are from my friends company they just started, called Proof glasses. They are made out of all wood, the real deal!! :) You can check them out here. http://www.iwantproof.com Also, just to make sure it's clear, I was paid in NO WAY by these companies. There product fit my video perfectly, and I believe in the products that they are selling, even though they are all start up companies, without a doubt I would recommend them to anyone who is looking for a longboard, or sexy rad glasses, and just for the record, I wasn't paid to say that either :) Going back to my friends band that did the music for this video, Ross Lara aka Wentworth produced the track, check him out below :) http://www.rosslara.com As far as the technical details go, I have them right below.... FACTS ON MAKING THE VIDEO 1. It took 6 different half days of filming tarp surfing with riders. 2. It took 1 evening/sunset to film the intro. 3. It took 3 different FULL days of filming surfers and waves, 1 of those was with me in the water filming. 4. It took 120 hours easy of endless nights of editing. (most of which I did during Christmas break). 5. It took two more separate days (not full days), to film people just having fun, dancing, etc. This footage was used to make the video more fast pace with variety. The entire video was shot on the Canon 5D Mark II, except for one slow motion shot that my friend shot with a Canon T2i. Everything else was shot at 24fps. As far as the "exact" picture styles that I use on my Canon 5D, or any dslr for that matter, i used these settings. Sharpness: 0 | Contrast: -1 | Saturation: 1 | Color Tone: 1 While filming the long boarders, I was never actually on a skateboard at all. Those shots were all done with me running full speed with them. To get those shots I used a glidecam HD-4000. I flipped the glidecam upside down so I could have the camera super low to the ground for a lot of the shots. Here's a link to where I bought my glidecam, http://www.glidecam.com/ For all the tarp surfing shots, I used a Canon 16-35mm F/2.8 L series lens. With a B&W polorizer lens in front during the top time shots. For the surfing shots in the water, I shot those with the same camera and an undewater housing specifically made for the Canon 5D Mark II, I bought that in this link below. www.splwaterhousings.com/ For the real surf footage shot from the beach, I used two different lenses for that. A Canon 70-200mm F/2.8 L series lens with a Canon 2X III Extender. And I used a Canon 600mm F/4 lens for the real close up shots of the surfers. For more information on the making of this video, and what it took, you can check out that in my blog below. http://devingraham.blogspot.com/ For BUSINESS ENQUIRERS ONLY, you can contact me at this email. devinsupertramp@gmail.com

EPIC Tarp Surfing | DEVINSUPERTRAMP sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1037

Surf 14 years ago 1,762,893 views

I'm on facebook and twitter now! :) https://www.facebook.com/devinsupertrampyoutube http://twitter.com/devinsupertramp Download this song for FREE at http://www.Download.WentworthandMordemere.com It was made by my friends "Wentworth & Mordemere ", specifically for this video, the song is called "Pacific Coast Highway" The long boards we used for this video were supplied from my friends longboarding company, Jaseboards. Make sure to "like" them on facebook if you love longboarding :) https://www.facebook.com/jaseboards Also, the sunglasses used are from my friends company they just started, called Proof glasses. They are made out of all wood, the real deal!! :) You can check them out here. http://www.iwantproof.com Also, just to make sure it's clear, I was paid in NO WAY by these companies. There product fit my video perfectly, and I believe in the products that they are selling, even though they are all start up companies, without a doubt I would recommend them to anyone who is looking for a longboard, or sexy rad glasses, and just for the record, I wasn't paid to say that either :) Going back to my friends band that did the music for this video, Ross Lara aka Wentworth produced the track, check him out below :) http://www.rosslara.com As far as the technical details go, I have them right below.... FACTS ON MAKING THE VIDEO 1. It took 6 different half days of filming tarp surfing with riders. 2. It took 1 evening/sunset to film the intro. 3. It took 3 different FULL days of filming surfers and waves, 1 of those was with me in the water filming. 4. It took 120 hours easy of endless nights of editing. (most of which I did during Christmas break). 5. It took two more separate days (not full days), to film people just having fun, dancing, etc. This footage was used to make the video more fast pace with variety. The entire video was shot on the Canon 5D Mark II, except for one slow motion shot that my friend shot with a Canon T2i. Everything else was shot at 24fps. As far as the "exact" picture styles that I use on my Canon 5D, or any dslr for that matter, i used these settings. Sharpness: 0 | Contrast: -1 | Saturation: 1 | Color Tone: 1 While filming the long boarders, I was never actually on a skateboard at all. Those shots were all done with me running full speed with them. To get those shots I used a glidecam HD-4000. I flipped the glidecam upside down so I could have the camera super low to the ground for a lot of the shots. Here's a link to where I bought my glidecam, http://www.glidecam.com/ For all the tarp surfing shots, I used a Canon 16-35mm F/2.8 L series lens. With a B&W polorizer lens in front during the top time shots. For the surfing shots in the water, I shot those with the same camera and an undewater housing specifically made for the Canon 5D Mark II, I bought that in this link below. www.splwaterhousings.com/ For the real surf footage shot from the beach, I used two different lenses for that. A Canon 70-200mm F/2.8 L series lens with a Canon 2X III Extender. And I used a Canon 600mm F/4 lens for the real close up shots of the surfers. For more information on the making of this video, and what it took, you can check out that in my blog below. http://devingraham.blogspot.com/ For BUSINESS ENQUIRERS ONLY, you can contact me at this email. devinsupertramp@gmail.com

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Most popular comments

Rasta Fonz
Rasta Fonz - 7 years ago
hey longboard skater girl i wanna date you and skate with you cuz i also skate longboard. if not i'll choose the girl in comments named, Faith On The Bass <3
Lincoln Norton
Lincoln Norton - 7 years ago
I'm in this video as the little kid on the bike and I still live in Hawaii and surf
odiamo tutti
odiamo tutti - 7 years ago
this is your worst video !!!!
Lukas Reich
Lukas Reich - 8 years ago
this video diseres more than just a thumb up and a subscribe
CRISTIAN rafael990
CRISTIAN rafael990 - 8 years ago
what music?
Noah Pierce
Noah Pierce - 9 years ago
same +Tektonic_007
Noah Pierce
Noah Pierce - 9 years ago
same +Tektonic_007
Paul Witschel - Reuploads !
Paul Witschel - Reuploads ! - 9 years ago
Realy Bad to mutch cuts !
Grown Groms
Grown Groms - 9 years ago
i love this guys videos they are the best

10. comment for EPIC Tarp Surfing | DEVINSUPERTRAMP

Laiza Chavez
Laiza Chavez - 9 years ago
i wish i can do it
Laiza Chavez
Laiza Chavez - 9 years ago
i think it cool
Laiza Chavez
Laiza Chavez - 9 years ago
love it
gabriell lundstrøm
gabriell lundstrøm - 9 years ago
ill put a blanket on my head and have just as fun as them now...
paul peter
paul peter - 9 years ago
why must it be soo fast, hard too watch
Jonny D
Jonny D - 9 years ago
This gave me Epilepsy, ADHD and a hematoma.
Jérémie Beaudoin
Jérémie Beaudoin - 9 years ago
All the cuts are giving me a headache.
Uncle_ Jemima_
Uncle_ Jemima_ - 9 years ago
This is the worst video they have its just cutting to girls and surf boards and so many cuts
karl matcuk-gaiownik
karl matcuk-gaiownik - 9 years ago
tons of production placement + attractive people seeming to be enjoying tHemselves=mass envy and more views in hopes of vicarious joy
Brisingr4884 - 9 years ago
Lame af

20. comment for EPIC Tarp Surfing | DEVINSUPERTRAMP

Jeffrey Clarke
Jeffrey Clarke - 9 years ago
Cool video, terrible music
Tman007 show
Tman007 show - 9 years ago
Awsome vid but the music was soooo bad
alex prescott
alex prescott - 9 years ago
This makes me want kill myself
Tman007 show
Tman007 show - 9 years ago
Matt Johnston
Matt Johnston - 9 years ago
2:14 - 2:29 is a high point in his editing out of all his videos though
Taen - 9 years ago
+Matt Johnston what do you mean by high point?
Jens Broddin
Jens Broddin - 9 years ago
+Matthew Johnston agreed
Bella KovaWolf
Bella KovaWolf - 9 years ago
Were did u get that wavy thing???!?! :)
Christian Adventure Films
Christian Adventure Films - 9 years ago
Awesome way for skaters to feel the ride of the tube!
Kimber Clough
Kimber Clough - 9 years ago
I like the music
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ - 9 years ago
Why don't you pussies actually just got out into the water and actually at least try actual surfing not this fake ass shit that is pointless because you won't learn anything from it
Eloise G
Eloise G - 9 years ago
Maybe their aim isn't to actually learn to surf..? They're just having a bit of fun and it's a cool video u don't have to be all negative about it...
laukiami - 9 years ago
It looks quite boring... making so many cuts in this video in theory should make things look more cool but even that doesn't helped.
Alex Firetruck
Alex Firetruck - 10 years ago
Focus on one damn thing for fucks sake

30. comment for EPIC Tarp Surfing | DEVINSUPERTRAMP

Lena Roberts
Lena Roberts - 10 years ago
.....okay... No offense but looks kinda lame
SubtenkoGaming - 10 years ago
A LOT of UNNECESSARY video editing, wtf. If I wanted to get into tarp surfing this ruined it. Dont even wanna watch the rest. Not only that, the music is corny and the editing is corny (I started noticing becuz of the unnecessary close up of the girl)

TL;DR this isnt tarp surfing, its a Blinking simulator
Claire gerber
Claire gerber - 10 years ago
I really want to do this with my longboard
David Christ
David Christ - 10 years ago
It would be cool if they accually rode up on the wall of the tarp otherwise this is a waste of 4 minutes
Ollie Smith
Ollie Smith - 10 years ago
I think these clips were too long before switching
peter ganz
peter ganz - 10 years ago
Sky Dalrymple
Sky Dalrymple - 10 years ago
Allot of the comments I've read here are talking about how riding a long board while someone pulls a tarp is boring and stupid.
Does no one remember playing with a tarp/parachute in elementary school gym class and going under it? and just how exciting it was? it's like that.
While its not exactly exciting to watch, Ill admit that, It actually gives you this amazing feeling when you do it. While i personally have never tarp surfed (would love to), doing similar things with a tarp is actually really fun.

Things don't always have to be super intricate or complicated to be fun, sometimes it's the simplest things that provide the most entertainment and satisfaction.

My apologies if my wording is at all confusing.
skr - 9 years ago
very interesting point of view. I have to agree
NkN *OFFICIAL* Clan - 9 years ago
Edelin Smith
Edelin Smith - 10 years ago
I ❤️ his videos
Jedd Summers
Jedd Summers - 10 years ago
wouldnt call it epic 
Charles Maru
Charles Maru - 10 years ago
Yeah theres a single video clip in this, longer than 3 seconds man.
Charles Maru
Charles Maru - 10 years ago
exactly this video is going way to fast+these people are just making a short clip scene.
CSGO LanceNex
CSGO LanceNex - 10 years ago
hard to watch that video
dirtbag1713 - 10 years ago
What was epic about this? Just some people on longboards with a tarp. I guess this is cool if you want to pretend you're surfing and you're eight years old.
Chris Bourke
Chris Bourke - 10 years ago
Best bit @ 4:09
IamHENRY Hi - 10 years ago
Don't see why this is epic, their just long bourding on a peice of paper
Ryan - 10 years ago
get a bigger tarp. then i will like
Andrew Matt
Andrew Matt - 10 years ago
thats the shittiest video so far i think. is this even you? like wth? starting to think like 'oh every video that devin make will make these people popular, lets try these, maybe we will be popular'. although most of your videos are awesome.
Mark Dobrican
Mark Dobrican - 10 years ago
1 comment what?
isabel santos
isabel santos - 10 years ago
Massa de mas velho
stevenan93 - 10 years ago
you cut way too fast for me to see whats going on at all.

50. comment for EPIC Tarp Surfing | DEVINSUPERTRAMP

Thomas Grahling
Thomas Grahling - 10 years ago
Nordmark productions
Nordmark productions - 10 years ago
aooo my head hurts! I already had a hedick (spelling?) and watching this did'nt make it any better...
Rainbow Incorporated
Rainbow Incorporated - 10 years ago
*Headache. There you go, bud :P
BixbyFilms - 10 years ago
Love this idea
Static Alpha
Static Alpha - 10 years ago
dam thats a fun job
Rohan Mathew
Rohan Mathew - 10 years ago
the music track is best.
NoveMosse - 10 years ago
Devin N1
ron bee
ron bee - 10 years ago
annoying to watch
dfshjb44 - 10 years ago
the editing is so shitty, you can't tell what's going on when all of the clips are less than a few seconds
Chase Nicholson
Chase Nicholson - 10 years ago
Clips aren't even long enough to enjoy.
Artist Society
Artist Society - 10 years ago
Looks like fake surfing
Wedgie Time
Wedgie Time - 10 years ago
Devin is so good at what he does. 
BuddyFighter и MonsterOnaleas
BuddyFighter и MonsterOnaleas - 10 years ago
whats the song?
Adolfo Fragoso
Adolfo Fragoso - 10 years ago
I got epileptic with this video
Tyler Magee
Tyler Magee - 10 years ago
This editing made me sick.
Max Wilson
Max Wilson - 10 years ago
TheDrinkingStuff - 10 years ago
Definitely the shittiest, most non-exciting video on this channel.  Most on this channel are great though.
Josh - 10 years ago
Why link us to this video, haha?
Mario Vázquez
Mario Vázquez - 10 years ago
hmm.... there´s always one..
Austin Baker
Austin Baker - 10 years ago
Holy cow the editing in this is obnoxious. 
Twixtor - 10 years ago
Dont like the song and dont like the editing. also isnt it boring to skate under a piece of plastic and pretend its a wave?
Zoik - 10 years ago
Da Bearz
Da Bearz - 10 years ago
not impressed possibly his worst video
Josh R
Josh R - 10 years ago
The song sucks but the girls are hot.
Josh R
Josh R - 10 years ago
+Jack Campbell
Exactly my thoughts.
Jack Campbell
Jack Campbell - 10 years ago
+J7Pines  And I know what you're thinking "Jack is so weird... Everyone knows donuts should be named Kacy"
Jack Campbell
Jack Campbell - 10 years ago
+J7Pines Seriously? Dude, Kara and I were so happy together.
Josh R
Josh R - 10 years ago
+Jack Campbell
You can't date a donut..
Jack Campbell
Jack Campbell - 10 years ago
+J7Pines What about donuts?
Josh R
Josh R - 10 years ago
+Jack Campbell
I was thinking about that when I wrote that comment, but I meant the best physical thing. And oh, yes, they are the best physical part about life.
Jack Campbell
Jack Campbell - 10 years ago
+J7Pines  What about God?
Josh R
Josh R - 10 years ago
+Jack Campbell
Girls surfing is awesome, but girls are the best part of life.
Jack Campbell
Jack Campbell - 10 years ago
Just of surfing or everything?
Josh R
Josh R - 10 years ago
+Jack Campbell
Yeah, there's not much else to it.
 The girls are the best part though...
Jack Campbell
Jack Campbell - 10 years ago
lol a video about tarp surfing and all you notice is the music and the hot girls :P
Joe Munner Balanay
Joe Munner Balanay - 10 years ago
I really like all of his videos but this one sucks! The rapid transition of scenes are killing my eyes!
Nerdmaid Faith
Nerdmaid Faith - 10 years ago
Just watched the new jaseboard supertramp video. Wow! It's incredible to see how far Devin has come in his video making. Not so much in the photography quality as much but as a whole package: the editing music and effects. Way to go team supertramp, and I can't wait to see where you his will be in the coming 3 years. Over and out.
thebriculator - 10 years ago
I don't think there's a single video clip in this longer than 3 seconds
zakd - 10 years ago
+TheBlackCat1997able 2:44
Kapeesh - 10 years ago
+Leo Hidalgo Or there's so much of good material that you have to cut so much to have every one of those into this vid.
TheBlackCat1997able - 10 years ago
1:33 There ya go
The IT Guy Next Door
The IT Guy Next Door - 10 years ago
I agree. The cut was incredibly nauseating. I couldn't actually figure out what they were even doing. Was this a longboarding video, or a surfing video?
Shredzter187 [RSNG]
Shredzter187 [RSNG] - 10 years ago
martinaee - 10 years ago
I did get a little nauseous watching this lol.     JUMP CUT EXTREEEEME!
Artist Society
Artist Society - 10 years ago
True dat......it's so lame
FocusPaintball - 10 years ago
imagine what the editing file looks like haha
Leo Hidalgo - old videos
Leo Hidalgo - old videos - 10 years ago
If the clips are short it means that there is no good material to be shown.
Amar - 10 years ago
This is stupid. And all the cuts are just annoying
Sacha Louw
Sacha Louw - 10 years ago
all im going to say is his style is a lot better today :)
loik117 - 10 years ago
What did he use to make the waves :o It's my sister's birthday soon and she looooveesss surf but since we're in Canada it's pretty cold so I would like to surprise her with that :) somebody help :o
loik117 - 10 years ago
Thank you :)
Giantpumpkin02 - 10 years ago
+loik117 you can buy them at pretty much any hardware store like home depot or lowes.
loik117 - 10 years ago
I speak french so that's probably it xD where can you buy them? :o
drasislotharian - 10 years ago
Blue tarps? 
Garrett Walters
Garrett Walters - 10 years ago
might be the worst song I've ever heard
FirecatFlameKing - 10 years ago
+Austin Baker
Its ok, everyone have an oppinnion :)
Austin Baker
Austin Baker - 10 years ago
I like it. It's unique.
FirecatFlameKing - 10 years ago
I agree 100% ._.
Fuzzy Productions
Fuzzy Productions - 10 years ago
haters gon hate
Fuzzy Productions
Fuzzy Productions - 10 years ago
yung cashregister
yung cashregister - 10 years ago
What's the point of this
Ramix09 - 10 years ago
It's devin, the whole channel doesn't have a point itself.
Argran - 10 years ago

Go actually skate not this bullshit
Connor L
Connor L - 10 years ago
so stupid. learn to surf.
Elkdog - 10 years ago
Err... All they're doing is skating straight forward while they pull a tarp up.  The editing and cinematography make it seem cooler than it is.
Brennan LaRocca
Brennan LaRocca - 10 years ago
this is a talentless "activity" u guys are doing like wtf this is gay whos idea was this wow u can ride under a plastic tarp that's rolling up aint u guys cool
Pedro Rodriguez
Pedro Rodriguez - 10 years ago
so cool
angel v
angel v - 10 years ago
There was so much happening I didn't know what to do. It hurted my eyes
Wee Willy Wonka
Wee Willy Wonka - 10 years ago
I see the same douche crew was there twerking and cheering as brave skaters soared beneath a rolling plastic cloth at 3 miles an hour. Quite uninspiring, thanks! I was pretty tired this morning anyway.
Alejandro Romero
Alejandro Romero - 10 years ago
Make a video about flatland skimboard
Trevor - 10 years ago
604 people don't know how to have fun
ZXSwift - 10 years ago
I see a ninja 250
Joshua Moala
Joshua Moala - 10 years ago
Laie park!
Vini Souza
Vini Souza - 10 years ago
Really well put video with great shots, but there were so many cuts that it made it hard to watch, since it would only stay up for half a second. Good video though.
OREOS_123 - 10 years ago
Greg Berzinski
Greg Berzinski - 10 years ago
Man's a genius.
MadkittenzK - 10 years ago
tarp surfing is for people with no real talent
Ronnie McKeown
Ronnie McKeown - 10 years ago
I was thinking the same thing!!!
Marcus Renan
Marcus Renan - 10 years ago
music ?
Marcus Renan
Marcus Renan - 10 years ago
Soulfax - 10 years ago
check the description holy fuck
Ya Boii Kylan
Ya Boii Kylan - 10 years ago
The girl at 00:30 is hot
Road To RDM
Road To RDM - 11 years ago
I like att so mutch :D

100. comment for EPIC Tarp Surfing | DEVINSUPERTRAMP

Ben Holander
Ben Holander - 11 years ago
as always i liked it especially the part that they made the surface slippery and slid on there legs or bodies :P but i fear that there are parts that are dangerous for epilepsy in the video it self ... still i really liked it :)
rahmad hicks
rahmad hicks - 11 years ago
they are awsome!!
NXRYSY - 11 years ago
it's the illusion of a wave
Tate Kaczmarek
Tate Kaczmarek - 11 years ago
you probably ride a sector nine or loaded or original haha. KOOK!!
Tate Kaczmarek
Tate Kaczmarek - 11 years ago
its not at all. its a bunch of kooks who cant surf or skate.
Tate Kaczmarek
Tate Kaczmarek - 11 years ago
KOOKS GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
adrian b
adrian b - 11 years ago
Hazwan Husain
Hazwan Husain - 11 years ago
no bihend the sence
Lauren Zabler
Lauren Zabler - 11 years ago
I dig it!!! My definition of Devin: Does insane stunts/stuff like a boss!!! =]
Anthony Noel
Anthony Noel - 11 years ago
Not that cool white niggas
Senal bmx
Senal bmx - 11 years ago
ow tht looked like it hurt
reyleonidas1 - 11 years ago
Bobbyboy532 - 11 years ago
99 vids
Elijah Mugabe
Elijah Mugabe - 11 years ago
I guess it just is lol
Josh - 11 years ago
1st video that i've watched from devinsupertramp a long time ago =D
HeyProduction - 11 years ago
is very long
Kyle Rupik
Kyle Rupik - 11 years ago
A moment of silence for any epileptics watching this video please
Zanryth Lux
Zanryth Lux - 11 years ago
honestly i love ur videos but i say LINDSEY STIRLING UR MY FAVORITE<3
Bryan Radecki
Bryan Radecki - 11 years ago
Great cid!
Kwenzy king
Kwenzy king - 11 years ago
Haters gonna hate
WizardOfGamingz - 11 years ago
Haters gonna hate!
Viktor - 11 years ago
Dalton Lamb
Dalton Lamb - 11 years ago
11:10 that girls so hot
GDBZONE - 11 years ago
AussieGossie - 11 years ago
This is what I call, wannabe surfing.
Hugo Caspers
Hugo Caspers - 11 years ago
because it just is
NotTonTon - 11 years ago
I can't surf or skate but this is just stupid. Some skater wannabe surfers...
JJ - 11 years ago
I honostly think devin can make anything look fun
Sean Green
Sean Green - 11 years ago
i creates the feeling of surfing except you don't have to hop off early like when your surfing, or basically do any precautions
James W
James W - 11 years ago
idk if your a longboarder but i am and i think it would be amazing
Eric Chang
Eric Chang - 11 years ago
so many hot chicks!
RUSmad290 - 11 years ago
можно было и получше сделать...
meganluvluv - 11 years ago
Contact him on his facebook in the description. :)
mark roman
mark roman - 11 years ago
Too much going on at once annoying to watch.
Jorge Os
Jorge Os - 11 years ago
You can make anything look cool with this music and an amazing camera man.
skexclusive - 11 years ago
tbh the video is good but the concept is lame. tarp. not "epic"
Alexandria - 11 years ago
It's a tarp....
I Know Facts
I Know Facts - 11 years ago
says the 11 year old whos name is MineCrafter
Waffle - 11 years ago
Lucky assholes you were born there.
I Know Facts
I Know Facts - 11 years ago
Because there is nothing quite as cool as catching the perfect tuberide, but riding through a blue tarp like that is pretty freaking awsome
I Know Facts
I Know Facts - 11 years ago
be rich and tallented
Spencer Williams
Spencer Williams - 11 years ago
Yeah i'm gonna second that one lol
Doubledigits - 11 years ago
Well Thomas i would say the best way would be to have some unique skill that Devin could make a video about and maybe then you would get invited to do these other things as well. Sound easy enough right?
James Fether
James Fether - 11 years ago
Umm I don't think that would happen there holding it over you. There not letting go of it.
John Doe
John Doe - 11 years ago
im trying this
Perry Li
Perry Li - 11 years ago
wait....are they just skateboarding on the ground with a tarp being pulled over them?
Logan Grasby
Logan Grasby - 11 years ago
I dont understand whythe tarp thing is cool....
Wouter - 11 years ago
sweeeeeeet :p
Tristan Pilger
Tristan Pilger - 11 years ago
This truly inspired me to get along board and learn to ride and ready to start surfing!
ExiledBadger - 11 years ago
lolwut? And then someone lifts it up and says "Oh hey, nice one man"
munch mill
munch mill - 11 years ago
This is so hard to do, just because of the risk you're taking during tarp surfing. If you fall the tarp may suffocate you.
miseryschewtoy - 11 years ago
You have no sense of adventure.
miseryschewtoy - 11 years ago
Where would I sign up? How much does it cost? xD
Josh Cotner
Josh Cotner - 11 years ago
Like a cheesy wal-mart commercial.
TrackstudProductions - 11 years ago
So how do I become your friend and do this on a daily bases? Is there an application or something?
Alec Chafin
Alec Chafin - 11 years ago
check out costa mesa tarp surfing
NeStErOv BeSt
NeStErOv BeSt - 11 years ago
учите русский ёбаный в рот!!!
Petar Randjelovic
Petar Randjelovic - 11 years ago
he is just acting.. he has a character francis
Christian Daviz
Christian Daviz - 11 years ago
Petar Randjelovic
Petar Randjelovic - 11 years ago
XD oooh boogie2928 ?
Christian Daviz
Christian Daviz - 11 years ago
did you watch? didnt c no hot girls no music...nudin!!
Petar Randjelovic
Petar Randjelovic - 11 years ago
a Pope eats
a Pope eats - 11 years ago
i like the camera angles and underlying effect that devin gets in all his videos
Christian Daviz
Christian Daviz - 11 years ago
well then there was this... "Angry Fat Guy Xbox Rage!"
imwemersn - 11 years ago
the editing is retarded why wouldnt they show one shot for more than 2 seconds? you cant actually watch any tarp surfing going down
kallrrr - 11 years ago
Jokl92 - 11 years ago
Yeah, the Problem is, every Video is like this and it gets boring after a few!
Jacob Thomson
Jacob Thomson - 11 years ago
Devin nice video but boring assss.
HFTD - 11 years ago
This is... really stupid
eihcirwhalen - 11 years ago
its like surfing without the surfing
Glen Ward
Glen Ward - 11 years ago
a question for anyone calculate how big those tarps are for me in length and width cuz I want to try this
seth Wooden
seth Wooden - 11 years ago
mostretardedfuckingthingihaveeverseeninmyentirefuckinglife..wontevenwastethetimetoputaspaceinbetween.. dumbshit
Alec Smith
Alec Smith - 11 years ago
this is moronic just go surfing its x10000 times better than this weird crap
deimanteleb - 11 years ago
Amazing video:) nice and crazy people:) and cooooool music:) like like like:)
ItsvandenBerg - 11 years ago
To many shots, to see what's happening exactly....
Daniel Lindsey
Daniel Lindsey - 11 years ago
plus good camera
adrian b
adrian b - 11 years ago
Koelleimherzen - 11 years ago
I found a better formula: Be Devinsupertramp
craig weldon
craig weldon - 11 years ago
You guys are an awesome group of people with crazy cool ideas. LOL.. more videos siked bro..
TheFunkyTurkey - 11 years ago
Awesome job editing with all that footage!!
jetx998 - 11 years ago
Please tell me what a 'intier life' is
Elliott - 11 years ago
I don't like the way the cuts are way too faster.... I mean, in 2 sec we have 4 takes ^^
Jackson Jones
Jackson Jones - 11 years ago
Dude. Gayest song ive ever herd in my whole. intier. life..
D Bitton
D Bitton - 11 years ago
Smith S
Smith S - 11 years ago
Jared V
Jared V - 11 years ago
I think that's every video
BugsBUnny - 11 years ago
Not his best.
Taylor Hopkins
Taylor Hopkins - 11 years ago
To everyone whose saying the tarp is pointless and there's a perfectly good wave behind them, I want you to try riding a longboard on a wave in the ocean.. Yeah, I didn't think so either.
Kirdneh - 11 years ago
Haha, I love how there's a perfectly good wave behind them, and instead they're surfing on a tarp. XD
George Hancox
George Hancox - 11 years ago
meh 0___o
George Hancox
George Hancox - 11 years ago
Petar Randjelovic
Petar Randjelovic - 11 years ago
i watched it -__-
crashmantan - 11 years ago
yeah I was
Crash5161 - 11 years ago
REALLY hope you're kidding about the language part. You were rude first.
crashmantan - 11 years ago
That doesn't matter. It's surfing on land just tweaked. Tarp=wave Skateboard=surfboard. Plus there is no reason to use such obscene language.
Tanden Peterson
Tanden Peterson - 11 years ago
Apparently you didn't watch trike drifting there wasn't any girls in that and 11 million views this shit is just awesome.
Crash5161 - 11 years ago
Would much rather have seen a real surfing video.
Crash5161 - 11 years ago
Yes, but the tarp doesn't do shit. Dumb fuck.
crashmantan - 11 years ago
TARP Surfing. Dumb fuck
pikstermaster - 11 years ago
It simulates waves you fuck.
FlyinRyan37 - 11 years ago
got to get higher then high to get this
Gavin Cleland
Gavin Cleland - 11 years ago
Nah man, it's all about the exhilaration c: When you're boarding around in a parking lot with friends, it's decent fun. But when you're doing it through waves in the middle of the parking lot? Fuck yeah.
reuven meir
reuven meir - 11 years ago
this is not cool or fun .. thanks for wasting everyone's time
OGJay08 - 11 years ago
+ good video editing and an expensive, high quality camera! Good luck finding all of those!
Florian Kuhnt
Florian Kuhnt - 11 years ago
Is that a joke or is it a real question?
Zack Hayes
Zack Hayes - 11 years ago
Earn free gift cards easy and free! Just go to featurepoints(dot)com, sign up and use the code 585TJ6, and you'll get points which you can use to buy gift cards!
B3nM0n - 11 years ago
I'm pretty sure it helps to pull you along, as a wave would.
Mr. Grips
Mr. Grips - 11 years ago
Well I'm sure he will get right on that for you, after all, it is all about you!
quincy clarke
quincy clarke - 11 years ago
no the tarp is the wave
Drey Tee
Drey Tee - 11 years ago
Doesn't look like
Evelyn Zimmerman
Evelyn Zimmerman - 11 years ago
what is the song?
nchimed - 11 years ago
would apprieciate it more if u showed more attractive girls
Jacob Meyer
Jacob Meyer - 11 years ago
it simulates the surfing aspect
Lightgravity Productions
Lightgravity Productions - 11 years ago
i dont get this either
GFG Nickname_not_chosen
GFG Nickname_not_chosen - 11 years ago
Do you doall summer long things like these? rorry for my bad englisch I´m from germany...
Petar Randjelovic
Petar Randjelovic - 11 years ago
I FOUND THE FORMULA FOR THESE VIDEOS!!!!! hot girls + good music + something awesome and interesting = 1 million views :O
Sam Butler
Sam Butler - 11 years ago
the awkward moment when you don't realise that the fact that you have a computer means your life is a whole lot better than most of the worlds
Sam E
Sam E - 11 years ago
1 second in and i already like this video
Ryan Svalstad
Ryan Svalstad - 11 years ago
No because without it it would just be riding. It makes it feel like you are surfing.
Eren Meyers
Eren Meyers - 11 years ago
hipsters because surfing is to main stream
Shane P
Shane P - 11 years ago
i love ur vids and ur camera work is sooo good
Josiah Hopkins
Josiah Hopkins - 11 years ago
Devin, you should do another longboard video
Massiv swaz
Massiv swaz - 11 years ago
I love you
fbN _de
fbN _de - 11 years ago
Give me money and I'll do it :)
peel and reseal
peel and reseal - 11 years ago
I love how they show the stuff-ups at around 0:55.
Gmoneytrain - 11 years ago
that girl is hot.. the one they keep flashing to every like 45 sec
Massiv swaz
Massiv swaz - 11 years ago
I'm 2
Abdelaziz- A
Abdelaziz- A - 11 years ago
Not Everyone can do what they Really want , i think if you are old enough you'll know that life is not really that fair
apmolcc048 - 11 years ago
This form of clip is the reason why my spouse and I watch Youtube. They continuously make me grin. But most people are slowly but surely KILLING their pet dogs. The crap dog food companies insert in pet food triggers many forms of cancer and makes most dogs die early. I figured that out the tough way. My doggie passed away aged 7. If you have a dog and you want to help save its life then search online for Double Life Dog Diet (Use Google.) I am so satisfied I stumbled upon it.
Massiv swaz
Massiv swaz - 11 years ago
I'm not saying just getting off your computer you will end up doing some awesome stuff. You control your own life, if you want to swim with dolphins in Australia then you can.
Skarvist - 11 years ago
I have been saying that for a while....
Sander Knudsen
Sander Knudsen - 11 years ago
usefull if you want to try, but suck at surfing ;)
Joey - 11 years ago
they create a 'fake wave' with the tarp! :)
Pretorian Guard
Pretorian Guard - 11 years ago
Flawless editing! Like the part @ 2:10 Keep up the good work!
StephanKotasPhotography - 11 years ago
how did u flip the glidecam? did u shoot it upside down and rotated after?
truevacancy - 11 years ago
Awkward moment when you can't spell awkward correctly
Justin Turner
Justin Turner - 11 years ago
How can you watch this and not smile?
Sir, TotallyCooki
Sir, TotallyCooki - 11 years ago
Well it doesnt suck... But its not nearly as good as it could be....
Jason Robinson
Jason Robinson - 11 years ago
Can guarantee that 80 percent of the women in this video don't surf or longboard on a regular basis...
Jason Robinson
Jason Robinson - 11 years ago
Other than giving the reminiscent feeling of riding a wave, pretty much. Oh, and making sure to F you up if you get your wheels caught.
Skarvist - 11 years ago
I hate seeing comments like that... All I can say is that it doesn't have to! :D
Nicholas Shirley
Nicholas Shirley - 11 years ago
link for music download doesn't work
Ninjaboi321 - 11 years ago
longboarding ftw!
Redflar Doesnmatter
Redflar Doesnmatter - 11 years ago
ButtaBootsGames - 11 years ago
I can *cough* do that *ahem* is it hot in here?
Afivestarkindaguy - 11 years ago
I really like all your videos, but the music is consistently subpar
Ricardo Sousa
Ricardo Sousa - 11 years ago
Just suck cause u want! If you want to do something to be happym get your ass out of computer!
yassir ben
yassir ben - 11 years ago
this dude is really talented
George Boychev
George Boychev - 11 years ago
girls surfing. Oh baby!
Sgt. Frost
Sgt. Frost - 11 years ago
Devin you should film us one day. on longboards sliding. It would help check my friends page its name sherwyngoh we upload 2 new videos recently
xXTheBennyXx - 11 years ago
The akward moment when you are sitting and wish that you had friends like this... where and how do I find ppl like this?
SKGMD11 - 11 years ago
indeed.. Oahu
SKGMD11 - 11 years ago
change it.. you only have one shot at life anyways
SuperNuclearWinter - 11 years ago
Caution may cause optical seizures
julie casey
julie casey - 11 years ago
HordrissTheConfuser - 11 years ago
This video is brought to you by ADD.
The Red Skorpion
The Red Skorpion - 11 years ago
I have a so insignifant life...
legalot1 - 11 years ago
Thats because the hot ones are the Wild ones
Magicbjørn - 11 years ago
Such a pessimist, pfft. If you really think that, think again :p! I can bet you there's things in your life that make you think life's worth living... Else you wouldn't be here...
Laz Killa
Laz Killa - 11 years ago
yo the girls are bad as fuck
TheWeBenji - 11 years ago
germany sucks :( it's so boring :(
Evren - 11 years ago
Agreed.... I want to live like em
Massiv swaz
Massiv swaz - 11 years ago
Then get off your computer and do something about that.
Richard Mackay
Richard Mackay - 11 years ago
Fine women are always attracted to epic stuff
TanasisMaiden - 11 years ago
indeed, i judge my life by comparing it to others'...
Nathan - 11 years ago
Steff mcdermot
Steff mcdermot - 11 years ago
because regular surfing is not cool
Jamike Felix
Jamike Felix - 11 years ago
Aww, I'm sorry that your life sucks. I hope it gets better.
regularperson7 - 11 years ago
I wanna hang out with you guys so much
King Chile
King Chile - 11 years ago
lmao this shit is pretty dumb
Ride Free
Ride Free - 11 years ago
thats a very hot girl...:):*
Dr. Kauai
Dr. Kauai - 11 years ago
wow your pathetic
David Cordero
David Cordero - 11 years ago
This could get old really really fast
Mr. Neat
Mr. Neat - 11 years ago
1:12 woow ish funneh
DEF Studios
DEF Studios - 11 years ago
I don't see the fun in that
Wian Nel
Wian Nel - 11 years ago
lozers! , not one f these people can surf
Phillip Chen
Phillip Chen - 12 years ago
cute girls, great scenery and photography, and creativity fml
Anna Toepfer
Anna Toepfer - 12 years ago
seems like a cool way for landlocked folks to get their surfing fill ;P
Dine o, mite
Dine o, mite - 12 years ago
Ghetto Surfing
Julian Medina
Julian Medina - 12 years ago
leave it up to white people
Tye Yamagata
Tye Yamagata - 12 years ago
Lame idea.
posaule - 12 years ago
yup surfing! my thing! KEEP CALM AND SURF ON!
Chris Phaul
Chris Phaul - 12 years ago
Best channel ever :D
Ian - 12 years ago
North shore 808.
John Solivet
John Solivet - 12 years ago
At first I was like NO NOT IN THE WATER YOUR GONNA MESS UP THE BEARINGS then I was like...oh ok
Carl - 12 years ago
Greatest Youtube channel ever
S1howen - 12 years ago
the akward moment when you sitting at home watching this and noticing that your life sucks.....
kaviekavie - 12 years ago
please try watching the video with this music here, /watch?v=rtVLauHXumE
Riley Lemm
Riley Lemm - 12 years ago
He gets some fine looking women in his videos
Cringe - 12 years ago
But it is up-tempo cinematography, the idea is to change clips swiftly to make the specified effect and keep the film fast moving....
sarashell - 12 years ago
he gets payed to do these things and making videos about it.. so obviously he would have enough money for it
jerachiw C
jerachiw C - 12 years ago
All this guy is is rich and shit
frerepepo - 12 years ago
this shit is so gay
Tyler Dorsey
Tyler Dorsey - 12 years ago
The answer is yes, all west coast people look and act this awesome.
Leo Ley
Leo Ley - 12 years ago
Great video! And thanks for the information .
Derek Watt
Derek Watt - 12 years ago
good video from 0:01 to 0:13 thumbs up for sexy as fuck
FreakyMe2000 - 12 years ago
I thought those were blue screen
3LLUMI4 - 12 years ago
this is real life!!!
Tastedterror - 12 years ago
1:37 you have more than 2 seconds without cutting to another clip... don't understand the problem...
Avery Haskins
Avery Haskins - 12 years ago
Fucking beast
Cameron Hollingsworth
Cameron Hollingsworth - 12 years ago
I think i know what i wanna be when i grow up haha
Jcarpenter217 - 12 years ago
me thinking "I have homework due tomorrow, but it can wait till I watch all your videos over again"
MiyaZakiProductions - 12 years ago
You should try doing something like that with a green screen and great vfx
RegulerTree - 12 years ago
the only thing that looked fun it this video was using the tarp as a slip n slide
queen mistasia
queen mistasia - 12 years ago
Wow it was the day of my birthday! :D
samatsevens - 12 years ago
there are way better things to do with a longboard, riding under a tarp with one is quite pointless. love your vids though
MCRailman - 12 years ago
It's not retarded. They are just doing what they want. Maybe you should stop calling other people retarded for doing what they want.
XBLDomo - 12 years ago
Clearly you've never tarp surfed.
Pozzy - 12 years ago
At least in my opinion since all there doing is having a blue sheet being a simulation as a wave. Anyone can do that. And well devinsupertramp always does awesome stuff that others would wanna do. I just thought it wasn't his best video.
Luis Postgate
Luis Postgate - 12 years ago
Wish I could do this.. but my parents work me to death and dont allow fun... wack af
Аня Соева
Аня Соева - 12 years ago
Сравнили полиэтилен с волной.
NBTV - 12 years ago
NBTV - 12 years ago
Pozzy - 12 years ago
this is pretty dumb if u think bout it
drifta - 12 years ago
nice one.
Alberto Navia
Alberto Navia - 12 years ago
-.- faggs
Makencie Rose
Makencie Rose - 12 years ago
do snowboarding!
sourorangez - 12 years ago
theres this thing called weekends that you can do fun stuff on
Tyler Sorenson
Tyler Sorenson - 12 years ago
Are all you guys just rich kids who live in Hawaii and have fun all day? Or entrepreneurs who create new things and advertise but have fun at it?
The Man In Orange
The Man In Orange - 12 years ago
I'm gonna try this to my friend for his birthday, he used to live in Hawaii and surf all the time then he moved away and talks about surfing... all the time... THANK YOU FOR THE IDEA :-)
Reed Hill
Reed Hill - 12 years ago
The whole tarp boarding thing is stupid but the editing was very good
Violin Chick
Violin Chick - 12 years ago
I'm sure u can relate then
Peter Hitzinger
Peter Hitzinger - 12 years ago
j.mp /12zfQ38
ByTheMillion - 12 years ago
putting water on the tarp and then sliding on it is fun
Nicolai Slaatten
Nicolai Slaatten - 12 years ago
Can i join you guys? Please!
Daniel kohn
Daniel kohn - 12 years ago
is it only me hear that they say fu*k a black guy? 0.0
Terranjourneys - 12 years ago
atlantic coast highwaaaayyyy............ :(((
Míkeáteru - 12 years ago
Didn't like the "blinking." Kinda painful to my eyes. But the rest was well done, good job!
Teh Dbo
Teh Dbo - 12 years ago
am i the only one who doesn't get this?
drifta - 12 years ago
This is gay... as fuck.
Tio Shaka
Tio Shaka - 12 years ago
i feel so poor and friendless...
Skyler VanBodegon
Skyler VanBodegon - 12 years ago
they arent even riding the tarp like a wave... they just ride under it
roand21 - 12 years ago
Vaas stop dreaming. We all know that you are dead, is that insane???
marcoan0612 - 12 years ago
this kind of videos make you see the life different
Vaas Montenegro
Vaas Montenegro - 12 years ago
She can visit my island..Anyday. ;)
FUKOU HUNTER - 12 years ago
calvinthedestroyer - 12 years ago
That was dumb, whats next "Epic sidewalk walking"?
Jonah Goldstein
Jonah Goldstein - 12 years ago
cool video, but my god stay on a clip for more than 2 seconds without cutting to another one please
Wintertime - 12 years ago
woooo longboarding
Tyler Peterson
Tyler Peterson - 12 years ago
0:30 Dayyyyyyyymmmmmmm Guuuuurrrrlllllll
skatepro456 - 12 years ago
what the hell is the fun in tarp surfing? u do nothing!
KevinProdigy - 12 years ago
im not white.but to do this you gatta be white
Nicholas Liu
Nicholas Liu - 12 years ago
Devins starting to run out of ideas
DaimyoD0 - 12 years ago
It doesn't have to.
Humbabah - 12 years ago
mewfahsah - 12 years ago
Tarp surfing is a lot of fun, don't hate.
J Wolf
J Wolf - 12 years ago
How I saw it was as a video about a gorgeous girl with some filler longboard stuff in the middle,
Schrottgang - 12 years ago
The best ist 2:26 :D
Teddy Lukey
Teddy Lukey - 12 years ago
haha longboarders....quit bein pussies and get a skateboard already.
Yannick ten Velden
Yannick ten Velden - 12 years ago
so you can actually make a good shitty video
1993myyear - 12 years ago
Its surfing without having to get wet
Malik J
Malik J - 12 years ago
Why can't we have girls like this in England :(
Andres Smith
Andres Smith - 12 years ago
The song would be a lot better if there was no singing involved.
Mark Skater
Mark Skater - 12 years ago
i enjoy it .. looks like they had fun making it n it mirrors the sport concept n the style of filming
45ccd - 12 years ago
hottest bitches.
Colin Becker
Colin Becker - 12 years ago
camerawork was great. but give epileptics a chance. Take a second and relax with the editing. so many of your videos are full of unnecessarily quick cuts that might not go so well for some people. rather than cutting from shot to shot so much, play around with speeding up sections of the clip you're trying to chop up rather than cutting and adding filler. It'll give you the same fast paced fun feel that you're going for, but it'll be easier on the eyes.
Solid Dick ASSNIGGERS - 12 years ago
Awesome editing and filming. You should film runway shows for pets, if you can make this look exciting then surely that would be amazing!
Docile Bear
Docile Bear - 12 years ago
any way you spin it its a fucking tarp.
Viktoria Karina
Viktoria Karina - 12 years ago
i thought this was creative (Y) looks like fun :)
Al alaa Alhadhrami
Al alaa Alhadhrami - 12 years ago
Me 2 :(
Thetriggerhappy007 - 12 years ago
all the ones from the mainland in this video.....?
kamalKJH - 12 years ago
that. is the gayest song i have ever heard
kimbleMoe - 12 years ago
Great video!! Who don't like it? U have talent...
Monika Berková
Monika Berková - 12 years ago
Verrueckter Stoff
Verrueckter Stoff - 12 years ago
is this a joke?
TRauck - 12 years ago
Yeah i surf ... tarp surf!
Steve O
Steve O - 12 years ago
F-A-I-L. Not even CLOSE to surfing. More like tunneling through a tarp!
Ant1Bez - 12 years ago
so basically if you cant surf , you should make yourself wet and do that. sorry if you cant skateboard as well. your life suck
ibelieveinsumthin - 12 years ago
what the fuck is the point in this?... is it because they can not surf?
janjaotreta - 12 years ago
can you let us see the fucking video? bad vid edition
Darko Chaushevski
Darko Chaushevski - 12 years ago
Ken Kaniff
Ken Kaniff - 12 years ago
Craig G
Craig G - 12 years ago
living in america has nothing to do with it, if all you do is sit on your ass it wont matter what country youre in.
ACG Bishop
ACG Bishop - 12 years ago
I want a longboard
spide Cooper
spide Cooper - 12 years ago
Does anyone think that this guy has the best life ever?
Wet Towelette
Wet Towelette - 12 years ago
My mute button will be broken soon if I keep pressing it like this.
scott Johannsen
scott Johannsen - 12 years ago
What am I doing with my life?
Jason Reyden
Jason Reyden - 12 years ago
wtf either skate or surf
Milton Newdles
Milton Newdles - 12 years ago
"longboarding under a tarp"
Matthew Rader
Matthew Rader - 12 years ago
i think you mean California
Mark Delfigalo
Mark Delfigalo - 12 years ago
whats with the faggot music?
cool goth
cool goth - 12 years ago
Haha I remember doing this when I was younger here in Australia. Everyone should just chill. Tarp surfing is just something that kids have made up and done for years, you guys shouldn't take it so seriously...
Brother Nil
Brother Nil - 12 years ago
and they had a massive orgy afterwords
Veronica Brito
Veronica Brito - 12 years ago
why are you watching then? besides they're longboarding... idiot
Estúdio MF
Estúdio MF - 12 years ago
my life sucks ;/
Turtel - 12 years ago
Man lifeing in America is fun!
Brennen Little
Brennen Little - 12 years ago
Why u so mad bro?
Brennen Little
Brennen Little - 12 years ago
Wow, I think this video gave me a minor seizure... Anyone else?
dashhh16 - 12 years ago
did anybody else thinks this is a retarded sport? The fact that i saw pretty woman and tits makes me wonder how hard they tried to make this look good lol.
Levi Miller
Levi Miller - 12 years ago
So says the oriental dirtbag...
Ascelion - 12 years ago
america isnt all that great you know, but yes, some of the people you would like to live like.
luke reynor
luke reynor - 12 years ago
the fuckd i just witness
joshua kirk
joshua kirk - 12 years ago
The chick
joshua kirk
joshua kirk - 12 years ago
Does anyone else agree things so fucking hot
SmokeJam - 12 years ago
retarded... and srsly, way too much/fast scene jumping. Get a better song and try it with some more tricks... :D
tjhalo4 - 12 years ago
xxxV0RT3Xxxx - 12 years ago
The idea is really stupid. Nobody really surfed anything. Good editing work though as always
Curtis Sarnecki
Curtis Sarnecki - 12 years ago
I thought it was kind of cool...then i read your comment and was like oh yeah, this is dumb haha
TheRJSJR - 12 years ago
that wave shifting set off an epileptic seizure
Humbabah - 12 years ago
The production on this video was great, the concept was fucking retarded.
caspar Verheijden
caspar Verheijden - 12 years ago
This is really fucking lame
pepsisinalco - 12 years ago
ziemlich schwache aktion von dir du arme wurst
pepsisinalco - 12 years ago
lol faggot
LUS3RNAM3 - 12 years ago
Chris Simpson
Chris Simpson - 12 years ago
no one cares
AngryBacon - 12 years ago
I really dont want to do that....
Emmet Brady
Emmet Brady - 12 years ago
And the hospital bills. Hospital bills are bad.
Omar Ruyyashi
Omar Ruyyashi - 12 years ago
Perfect xD
Josh Waddell
Josh Waddell - 12 years ago
I knew the video would be epic as soon as I saw the gorgeous girl at the beginning.
Chase Lovett
Chase Lovett - 12 years ago
those girls are gorgeous
Richard Elizée
Richard Elizée - 12 years ago
-_- gtfo
grizzo grizwald
grizzo grizwald - 12 years ago
hay geeza bloke we nuff radical shit here in Blighty to do dude Welsh mountain boarding . some world class parks and nuff gnarly bastards to sk8 wiv & call brother . So Wish away those wishing wellingtons & get into your local spots and push the limits wiv your bruvs dude ! leave America to the Americans (twats) AND BIG UP YOURSEF!
rcarattini01 - 12 years ago
Esas mujeres estan pa cogerselas!
Karsten van Poppel
Karsten van Poppel - 12 years ago
Maor Zakutnik
Maor Zakutnik - 12 years ago
Mannnn what is this even the fat guy is cool
Alex Ferguson
Alex Ferguson - 12 years ago
the girl in the intro <3
Zac Delventhal
Zac Delventhal - 12 years ago
I love all the shots of real surfing cut in there, in case we forget what the real thing is supposed to look like.
Weston Cullen
Weston Cullen - 12 years ago
i wish i lived in europe
USCisbeast22 - 12 years ago
this is epic
crazy cray
crazy cray - 12 years ago
Song was retarded, the riding was repetitive, bunch of stupid shots of pointless dancing, the idea was extremely retarded and the first shot of this video with girl with the longboard was the most stupid thing I have ever seen in my life. Go learn to surf if you want to ride the waves so much. Oh god I am raging so hard right now
Adam Daley
Adam Daley - 12 years ago
@Dev Horn one question I can answer is he syncs the song with the video,like sometimes he might have to twixtor(slow mo) or speed up or to the song!
Octane Syrup
Octane Syrup - 12 years ago
Think you could present me those girls?
SoulSkate808 - 12 years ago
You should come over to maui to film a Jaws Surfing video!
punaflip - 12 years ago
haha...fuckin true!!!
Artyom Chekmasov
Artyom Chekmasov - 12 years ago
... I should be doing homework...
CuzCanHawaii - 12 years ago
Hawaii Girls > Your girls.
CrazyRapzter - 12 years ago
Please make a minimum 2 hour long movie! I beg you! I miss summer so much :')
Raino - 12 years ago
Devin got'em chicks ;)
420blazeit - 12 years ago
That's enough with the "parker" trailers youtube..
conner campbell
conner campbell - 12 years ago
I got a jokers longboard Paris trucks red bones bearings and orangatang wheels
fedde oliver
fedde oliver - 12 years ago
name true song???
beezamate - 12 years ago
i added it to my favourites as soon as i saw that first girl
Harry Jennings
Harry Jennings - 12 years ago
Amazing idea ! :D
kid cudi
kid cudi - 12 years ago
These girls r so sexy
kid cudi
kid cudi - 12 years ago
I want to have it with these girls
O0T0X1C0O - 12 years ago
you should contact vacancy bureaus and offer them to make them a comercial. they might pay alot and id definately go to a place where i cud do sht like tihs :D
jk - 12 years ago
I wanna go ride my longboard now.. oh wait, snow..
Mary Graupeter
Mary Graupeter - 12 years ago
somesanity1 - 12 years ago
your videos are pretty sick but this failed a little bit lol. you just sit there and ride through a tarp..
Andrew Huynh
Andrew Huynh - 12 years ago
Ur typical Californian. Aviators/ray bans and long boarding. California is so worthless.
bryanlion - 12 years ago
I've enjoyed so many of Devin's videos and wished I could be there to be a part of it because the things they were doing were so cool and everybody seems to be having so much fun. That said, this one is lame. Skateboarding...on a tarp? Not special, not cool, and the video flickered back and forth so much it was hard to watch. I guess you have to try something when the material you have to work with is so lame. I was just disappointed with this video; didn't seem up to Devin's usual standard
David Roth
David Roth - 12 years ago
Appl3crisps - 12 years ago
border girl at the beginning <3
fisher hunter
fisher hunter - 12 years ago
Could you suck his dick any harder? probably not
Muhfucka Jones
Muhfucka Jones - 12 years ago
These ads are fucking annoying. 30 second ads every video.
GosuJay - 12 years ago
its FUCKING hard to do if you dont have the money for it...
Joe Scott
Joe Scott - 12 years ago
1:31 fucking timing
ScubaSt3v3n117 - 12 years ago
I love long boarding girls. I hope I meet one!
Jemsy - 12 years ago
2:12 Epilepsy anyone?
Colin Winhall
Colin Winhall - 12 years ago
Rename this to "Epic VIDEO of boring tarp surfing"
Chris Galliher
Chris Galliher - 12 years ago
Longboard, Check. Stunning girl with a longboard. DOUBLE CHECK!
Reid Wilson
Reid Wilson - 12 years ago
don't know what's more impressive the people doing the stunts or the film crew
SavageBillahx2 - 12 years ago
One of my favorite things to do is drive my S2000 on PCH with the top down. So beautiful
Merthalophor - 12 years ago
What why? That stuff? Because they can! The question is: Why not? Its funny, thats enought.
Merthalophor - 12 years ago
Maybe because it is :) Stand up and DO IT man it's not that hard as you think :D LOVE TO LIVE YOUT LIFE
Maulerw - 12 years ago
video montage to every beat of a track = hurt eyes
Judg3not - 12 years ago
But why?
TravisDoesGames - 12 years ago
Edited too much...
Joe Barnas
Joe Barnas - 12 years ago
Dude. the girls are sooo hot!
Ebro Evets
Ebro Evets - 12 years ago
Otium Borealis
Otium Borealis - 12 years ago
Cool idea :)
Stankelman02 - 12 years ago
I'm disappointed with this video, not only do i hate the song, skating through a sheet is made to look glamorous when actually that looks boring as shit. you normally make unbelievably awsome videos but today this, has disappointed me
Casey Vu
Casey Vu - 12 years ago
Read the description bro
Cadet - 12 years ago
Devin, for the love of everyone in the universe (including God), PLEASE make a monatge of stunts and a monatge of your favorite moments in all of your videos.
Vicelmo Silva
Vicelmo Silva - 12 years ago
Whats the Song?
Dillon S
Dillon S - 12 years ago
good to see people having fun, but this is nothing like surfing at all, id much rather spend my time catching real barrels. Kool video tho
SwimmerPranks - 12 years ago
IS he just likes some rich kid?
failWhalie - 12 years ago
I love the two partying girls in the jungle that randomly appear.
Mrbraydan100 - 12 years ago
all your videos rock and the music just suits the video
Chris S
Chris S - 12 years ago
i know right... i dont see the purpose or why that would even be fun...
Freyja Larking
Freyja Larking - 12 years ago
So this is what kids are doing these days, skating through a piece of tarp and pretending it's a wave....
nicholas cormier
nicholas cormier - 12 years ago
please don't lie to me, and tell me that girl at the start really longboards!
VTEC - 12 years ago
dinsoloud - 12 years ago
haha, great definition
Prana Warman
Prana Warman - 12 years ago
where was this taken?
DigitalHeliumJumper - 12 years ago
Why is it called surfing? Do you surf on a skateboard?
Dev Horn
Dev Horn - 12 years ago
Devin you are amazing - the video you shoot is stunning; I'm constantly wondering HOW you are getting the shot. And the editing - especially to fit the perfect music - is beyond professional to the point that your videos are works of art. This one is no exception. wow.
Lilnj101 - 12 years ago
I'm assuming you people are very depressed...
ChilliBang1201 - 12 years ago
epilepsy advisory @_ @
AJ2012Studios - 12 years ago
i envy these people alot. im on my computer, theyre doing windsuiting and the blob.
Josiah Hopkins
Josiah Hopkins - 12 years ago
Watching this video makes we wish it was summer right now so I could jump on my board
Sunfadedlovejaded - 12 years ago
Some can't even do that
Beribu Cologne
Beribu Cologne - 12 years ago
Best video ever!!!
Caleb Locke
Caleb Locke - 12 years ago
freaking awesome!!!!
Freaky Foxreader
Freaky Foxreader - 12 years ago
"Hey guys! I really want to go surfing, but I only know how to skate board." "Hmm, I got an Idea." (P.S Beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful, beautiful motorcycle. Beautiful!)
Ruff BMX
Ruff BMX - 12 years ago
wrong not cool
Lisa-Dawn Kane
Lisa-Dawn Kane - 12 years ago
dude fuck you your a jealous bastard with no life just like me
Lisa-Dawn Kane
Lisa-Dawn Kane - 12 years ago
i wish i was you unfortunately i live in fucking scotland so i have to stick with my douchebag friend's and then get home and surf the internet while you all surf big plastic blue sheet's (sigh)
David assagsagsa
David assagsagsa - 12 years ago
Let me join you :)
michaelbarend - 12 years ago
DeathTitan - 12 years ago
when i wach your vids i think "what am i doing wih my life."
sam thielemans
sam thielemans - 12 years ago
whats the name of the song?
Travis Williams
Travis Williams - 12 years ago
this comment has gotten top comment in so many of these videos, well done
Travis Williams
Travis Williams - 12 years ago
1:02 for face plant
DanielsBarker - 12 years ago
Where do you get such a huge tarp?
BLVE青 - 12 years ago
couldn't watch the video when it was constantly changing between tarp surfing and reg surfing. -_-
GreetedSine6 - 12 years ago
bitch please your living the dream (;
Esteban Parra
Esteban Parra - 12 years ago
dude you guys are the best you make some of the best videos ever!
Ruben00021 - 12 years ago
Tarp surfing? Are you kidding me? You can't ride on a tarp with a longboard, it's simply not firm enough. Leave the hot girls out of this video and it's just utterly boring. Oh yeah and the montage made me seasick ...
Dylan Ray
Dylan Ray - 12 years ago
Learn how to put together a damned video. Worst editing and clip choice ever. I love the idea, and it's super cool, but this video is an absolute disaster!!!
CptGameMaster - 12 years ago
Video is awesome! Song sucks!

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