Surf 14 years ago 1,762,893 views
I'm on facebook and twitter now! :) https://www.facebook.com/devinsupertrampyoutube http://twitter.com/devinsupertramp Download this song for FREE at http://www.Download.WentworthandMordemere.com It was made by my friends "Wentworth & Mordemere ", specifically for this video, the song is called "Pacific Coast Highway" The long boards we used for this video were supplied from my friends longboarding company, Jaseboards. Make sure to "like" them on facebook if you love longboarding :) https://www.facebook.com/jaseboards Also, the sunglasses used are from my friends company they just started, called Proof glasses. They are made out of all wood, the real deal!! :) You can check them out here. http://www.iwantproof.com Also, just to make sure it's clear, I was paid in NO WAY by these companies. There product fit my video perfectly, and I believe in the products that they are selling, even though they are all start up companies, without a doubt I would recommend them to anyone who is looking for a longboard, or sexy rad glasses, and just for the record, I wasn't paid to say that either :) Going back to my friends band that did the music for this video, Ross Lara aka Wentworth produced the track, check him out below :) http://www.rosslara.com As far as the technical details go, I have them right below.... FACTS ON MAKING THE VIDEO 1. It took 6 different half days of filming tarp surfing with riders. 2. It took 1 evening/sunset to film the intro. 3. It took 3 different FULL days of filming surfers and waves, 1 of those was with me in the water filming. 4. It took 120 hours easy of endless nights of editing. (most of which I did during Christmas break). 5. It took two more separate days (not full days), to film people just having fun, dancing, etc. This footage was used to make the video more fast pace with variety. The entire video was shot on the Canon 5D Mark II, except for one slow motion shot that my friend shot with a Canon T2i. Everything else was shot at 24fps. As far as the "exact" picture styles that I use on my Canon 5D, or any dslr for that matter, i used these settings. Sharpness: 0 | Contrast: -1 | Saturation: 1 | Color Tone: 1 While filming the long boarders, I was never actually on a skateboard at all. Those shots were all done with me running full speed with them. To get those shots I used a glidecam HD-4000. I flipped the glidecam upside down so I could have the camera super low to the ground for a lot of the shots. Here's a link to where I bought my glidecam, http://www.glidecam.com/ For all the tarp surfing shots, I used a Canon 16-35mm F/2.8 L series lens. With a B&W polorizer lens in front during the top time shots. For the surfing shots in the water, I shot those with the same camera and an undewater housing specifically made for the Canon 5D Mark II, I bought that in this link below. www.splwaterhousings.com/ For the real surf footage shot from the beach, I used two different lenses for that. A Canon 70-200mm F/2.8 L series lens with a Canon 2X III Extender. And I used a Canon 600mm F/4 lens for the real close up shots of the surfers. For more information on the making of this video, and what it took, you can check out that in my blog below. http://devingraham.blogspot.com/ For BUSINESS ENQUIRERS ONLY, you can contact me at this email. devinsupertramp@gmail.com
10. comment for EPIC Tarp Surfing | DEVINSUPERTRAMP
20. comment for EPIC Tarp Surfing | DEVINSUPERTRAMP
30. comment for EPIC Tarp Surfing | DEVINSUPERTRAMP
TL;DR this isnt tarp surfing, its a Blinking simulator
Does no one remember playing with a tarp/parachute in elementary school gym class and going under it? and just how exciting it was? it's like that.
While its not exactly exciting to watch, Ill admit that, It actually gives you this amazing feeling when you do it. While i personally have never tarp surfed (would love to), doing similar things with a tarp is actually really fun.
Things don't always have to be super intricate or complicated to be fun, sometimes it's the simplest things that provide the most entertainment and satisfaction.
My apologies if my wording is at all confusing.
50. comment for EPIC Tarp Surfing | DEVINSUPERTRAMP
Exactly my thoughts.
You can't date a donut..
I was thinking about that when I wrote that comment, but I meant the best physical thing. And oh, yes, they are the best physical part about life.
Girls surfing is awesome, but girls are the best part of life.
Yeah, there's not much else to it.
The girls are the best part though...
Its ok, everyone have an oppinnion :)
Go actually skate not this bullshit
100. comment for EPIC Tarp Surfing | DEVINSUPERTRAMP