Filipe Toledo Rides First Wave at Historic WSL Surf Ranch Founders Cup

Filipe had the honour of being the first surfer to ride a wave in the first ever WSL Founders Cup. He scored a 7.83 on his historic first left and a 6.93 on his right, which he didn't complete. He said in his interview he was nervous, and it seemed other competitors were in the same boat. This form of surfing could be the start of a new future, with different wave pools all over the world. It's safe, fair, and the spectators can get up close and personal with their surf hero's. #wsl #wslfounderscup #filipe #filipetoledo #surfranch Video created in Windows Movie Maker. Custom save at 1080p x 60fps x 40Mbit.

Filipe Toledo Rides First Wave at Historic WSL Surf Ranch Founders Cup sentiment_very_dissatisfied 34

Surf 6 years ago 72,749 views

Filipe had the honour of being the first surfer to ride a wave in the first ever WSL Founders Cup. He scored a 7.83 on his historic first left and a 6.93 on his right, which he didn't complete. He said in his interview he was nervous, and it seemed other competitors were in the same boat. This form of surfing could be the start of a new future, with different wave pools all over the world. It's safe, fair, and the spectators can get up close and personal with their surf hero's. #wsl #wslfounderscup #filipe #filipetoledo #surfranch Video created in Windows Movie Maker. Custom save at 1080p x 60fps x 40Mbit.

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Most popular comments
for Filipe Toledo Rides First Wave at Historic WSL Surf Ranch Founders Cup

アイスココア - 6 years ago
gredwa - 6 years ago
Translation - hope it's correct ;-)
'I wonder how much it costs to generate a single wave.'
Great question. I have no idea. But, if the post event 1 hour deals on the Monday are any indication, they sold VIP 1 hours at 10K. So if we break that down to per wave at approx 1 wave each 4 minutes to allow for the pool to smooth off, then there are 15 waves per hour, which is $670 per wave, so don't fall off on your first turn ;-) Of course WSL make a profit, so how much net cost is, is anyone's guess.
Nestor Batlle
Nestor Batlle - 6 years ago
Hmmm. There's nothing like looking at a chain link fence and loud screechy train when you're surfing. The ocean sucks, I'll spend all my dough to give it to jew controlled WSL (GoldSchmidt)(boy do they love naming themselves after precious metals and jewels) and Slater who made so many surfers miserable in the 90's with his 17" wide super thin sticks and now with this amazing machine of marvels. This is true soul surfing. The ocean is so passe.
Gene West
Gene West - 6 years ago
fucking $$$$ in surfin'... you Kooks turned a lifestyle into profits...fuck all surf exactly the same... fake wave...fake pro's...complete Bullshit... Dora lives
loix bring da noise
loix bring da noise - 6 years ago
I don't like this surfing its artificial
loix bring da noise
loix bring da noise - 6 years ago
That's invent come from vasque country Spain they would be greatfull
clarkewi - 6 years ago
I like the bleechers.
Benjamin Driessen
Benjamin Driessen - 6 years ago
you guys are stupid your all have enough money to go to any waves in the world and you choose to surf the same wave over and over again doesn't it get boring obviously it does!! go back to the Fucking Ocean You Nipple Toads
MonashSQ - 6 years ago
Please build one near me. I want a go.
C Dunk
C Dunk - 6 years ago
And those classless Brazilians standing at the waters edge jumping and screaming as usual.
Fesurfattack BRA
Fesurfattack BRA - 6 years ago
Before the Creator we are all the same, do not forget that ok ... peace

10. comment for Filipe Toledo Rides First Wave at Historic WSL Surf Ranch Founders Cup

Victor - 6 years ago
impresses the resistance to gabriel he is the best of all and the foreigners prefer jonh which is very good plus suoer clearly value this is visible
harry rigg
harry rigg - 6 years ago
This sucks, the great part about watching the wsl is watching the surfers deal with conditions and figuring what to do with each wave, when every wave is the same and so long and perfect it’s pointless
southern stingray2
southern stingray2 - 6 years ago
Nervous ,out there,even with no sharks geeez,bring back the bronzed aussies
Tom Bree
Tom Bree - 6 years ago
question...does Dirk still own wsl or did slater buy him out?? what's the deal
Adam Ricketts
Adam Ricketts - 6 years ago
Where is Rick Cain ?
DRXHARSH - 6 years ago
Adam Ricketts telling u..if they win they get to go to pipe to surf "real"waves...and for 10,000 half day price we will never surf this crap...
Steven Larson
Steven Larson - 6 years ago
Someone throw some salt in that pool!
Daniel Morgensen
Daniel Morgensen - 6 years ago
what is a "jam off the top? this is disscussting
Tom Bree
Tom Bree - 6 years ago
Its a coffee and scones from the cafe $85usd
Erik Kudrna
Erik Kudrna - 6 years ago
It sounds loud.
Ethan Kojetin
Ethan Kojetin - 6 years ago
They should put a shark in there
Amin Joubaer
Amin Joubaer - 6 years ago
Ethan Kojetin
Mike colonell
Mike colonell - 6 years ago
make it real haha
jeffrey mbugua
jeffrey mbugua - 6 years ago
then bring Mick in to knock it out
Tonelo - 6 years ago
This is great!!!

20. comment for Filipe Toledo Rides First Wave at Historic WSL Surf Ranch Founders Cup

TOTALE MAÎTRISE - 6 years ago
Incroyable ce truc !!! sont fous ces américains :)
TOTALE MAÎTRISE - 6 years ago
yep ! amazing and incredible
gredwa - 6 years ago
tote = Amazing this thing !!! are crazy these americans :) is that correct translation? if not, google translate WAS my friend ;-)

yeesssssssss!! amazing alright ;-) they might be crazy, but they built one hell of a wave pool right?
DRXHARSH - 6 years ago
Is it just me or pretty boring surf comp to watch
kokemf - 6 years ago
DRXHARSH +100 I see it as the halfpipe on snowboarding, boring if you compare it with freeride or backc..but spectacular at the same time. This surf pool should be on every surfspot where wsl makes a comp so if there're flat days or bad surf conditions you get the whole circus and go to the pool. Double 360s and double backflips are coming
Tom Bree
Tom Bree - 6 years ago
I saw it through the smashed screen on my $50 android and let me tell you this I'll never get closer to the real thing
Jabroney - 6 years ago
gredwa nah. Boring
gredwa - 6 years ago
drx - only you know. if you found it boring, i guess you didn't see what i saw in it ;-) i saw fantastic surfing, i saw some pro's who couldn't finish waves, aka jjf. i saw what seems like a simple looking wave, turn out to be more of a challenge for some of them, than they bargained for, this sort of wave is great, it is the same for each one of them, unless the speed changes, of whatever happens to change the wave itself, like wind. wind could really affect this wave, and there were some differing wind conditions throughout the day. so, for me it was interesting, far from boring.
Dr.Froaderick Fronkensteen
Dr.Froaderick Fronkensteen - 6 years ago
I live 2 miles from Surf Ranch and never knew it was there.
gredwa - 6 years ago
fronk, that is the best comment so far ;-) so they were able to keep this that hush hush? like, what did you think all the commotion on that site was for?
guitarsurfer2010 - 6 years ago
No Sharks, just Pee .
guitarsurfer2010 - 6 years ago
Get rid of Beer Sponsor. Beer sucks for kids. Kids idolize Felipe and the ASP top surfers.
guitarsurfer2010 - 6 years ago
The South African contest used to be sponsored by Gunston cigarettes, the Gunston 500.
Nobody would sponsor a contest for ciggies today.
They often do show Parko and Fanning drinking beer on clips on ASP surfing shows, and now Joe Turpel
says "Michelob Ultra Pure' every 10 minutes to children who are watching this show.
Notice they don't say "Beer" it is "Ultra Pure" that sounds like something I would want.
However I learned as a young man that Alcohol poisons my life.
Don't throw the kids under the buss for ASP glory.
gredwa - 6 years ago
gsurfer, i have to somewhat agree there, however, i like a beer, german kind my current fave, and many surfers, including these guys n gals would also like a beer. it's strange that humanity place such high value on something like beer, it's a drink, liquid, flavoured and tasty, maybe that's why? to run this event would take megabucks, and it must have been a very sizable 'donation' to get the sponsorship of the event. not sure what impact this sponsorship would have on kids, but so long as they aren't showing their surfing idols downing a few, then maybe the influence is minor? what if it were a cigarette sponsor? would people feel any different? don't know, just a thought for any further data input and discussion ;-)
kjchop123 - 6 years ago
It's not the natural element but superb effort.
gredwa - 6 years ago
kj imagine the next generation of wave pools if this one is this good. safe, no hassling, no sharks, same wave to determine who surfs it best, where spectators can be immersed in the event. go you good thing ;-)

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