Flood Surfing with LAPD!

Alligator Bite Roulette - https://youtu.be/LAOa_Pc-yjo SUBSCRIBE TO OUR VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZAO8V4SYpY6GtCDRC9Zhog CHECK OUT OUR MAIN CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/DudesonsPage Facebook: The Dudesons Twitter: @The_Dudesons Instagram: jukkadudeson, jarppidudeson, hpdudeson, jarnodudeson Snapchat: jukkahilden Follow the Editors! @jgatsbyraps @paulbrisske @kailaender @joe_reaper Want to send us stuff? - PO Box 8033 W. Sunset Blvd Mailbox 1112 Hollywood, CA 90046 LA is not built for the rain. It has been flooding, flooded, and in a flood, there is a dam breaking in California and the streets are flooded. So we decided to take advantage of this opportunity and surf in the streets of LA! Surfing in the streets of Los Angeles is something we've wanted to do for a long time so we just went for it Dudeson style! Extreme sports are always funny for us because there is usually some mayhem, chaos, fails, epic fails and this had all of it. Stormy weather, as if the pacific ocean flooded into the streets. This is some memorable best of 2017 stuff for us!! Homepage: http://www.dudesons.com Store: http://store.dudesons.com #PositiveAnarchy Live Hard Live Your Dream!

Flood Surfing with LAPD! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 298

Surf 8 years ago 653,230 views

Alligator Bite Roulette - https://youtu.be/LAOa_Pc-yjo SUBSCRIBE TO OUR VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZAO8V4SYpY6GtCDRC9Zhog CHECK OUT OUR MAIN CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/DudesonsPage Facebook: The Dudesons Twitter: @The_Dudesons Instagram: jukkadudeson, jarppidudeson, hpdudeson, jarnodudeson Snapchat: jukkahilden Follow the Editors! @jgatsbyraps @paulbrisske @kailaender @joe_reaper Want to send us stuff? - PO Box 8033 W. Sunset Blvd Mailbox 1112 Hollywood, CA 90046 LA is not built for the rain. It has been flooding, flooded, and in a flood, there is a dam breaking in California and the streets are flooded. So we decided to take advantage of this opportunity and surf in the streets of LA! Surfing in the streets of Los Angeles is something we've wanted to do for a long time so we just went for it Dudeson style! Extreme sports are always funny for us because there is usually some mayhem, chaos, fails, epic fails and this had all of it. Stormy weather, as if the pacific ocean flooded into the streets. This is some memorable best of 2017 stuff for us!! Homepage: http://www.dudesons.com Store: http://store.dudesons.com #PositiveAnarchy Live Hard Live Your Dream!

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Most popular comments
for Flood Surfing with LAPD!

Joshua 145
Joshua 145 - 7 years ago
Would you rather be a dudeson or a team 10 member
Alana Towery
Alana Towery - 7 years ago
Came because I thought it said blood surfing, still wasn't disappointed
MedTHC Ontario
MedTHC Ontario - 7 years ago
I wanna see the footage of the GoPro floating down the street.....lol
Paige and Jake Team Raw
Paige and Jake Team Raw - 7 years ago
Rido Ksor
Rido Ksor - 7 years ago
Do they have brother or sisters
kidXS - 7 years ago
Nice video guys :)
Mary Dagenais
Mary Dagenais - 7 years ago
I've never had a video make me smile like that. From the inside out. Thanks again, homies. <3
Jakob Abbott
Jakob Abbott - 7 years ago
Your not kidding about eating non spicy foods you eat eggs a berrys for cripe sake
Matthew Fierros
Matthew Fierros - 7 years ago
Evan youtuber do that

10. comment for Flood Surfing with LAPD!

Noah Garcia
Noah Garcia - 7 years ago
Who remembers when Casey neistat did this first and this is a copy
Ashlee McQuaid
Ashlee McQuaid - 7 years ago
Did you get road rash
cooper ryals
cooper ryals - 7 years ago
3:58 bruh
Jessica Fonville
Jessica Fonville - 7 years ago
I wanna do this soooooooo bad
Nixon Kingvlogs bro
Nixon Kingvlogs bro - 7 years ago
Trina Simmonds
Trina Simmonds - 7 years ago
You guys are so funny when it come on to the heavy weather
EFK - 7 years ago
Sickkk i want to do that too!
Michael Herpich
Michael Herpich - 7 years ago
Pretty sick
sarde mcmillon
sarde mcmillon - 7 years ago
M. Use
Nathan Cory
Nathan Cory - 7 years ago
You guys are awesome!!

20. comment for Flood Surfing with LAPD!

Kaedyn Radonich
Kaedyn Radonich - 7 years ago
They whould do it again but add small wheels that are just like the ones from a trolley so the back ones dont move but the front ones do it will be so much better!!!!!
typical Irish gamer
typical Irish gamer - 7 years ago
dudeson logic: best way to learn to do something is to just go and do it, how to be an astronaut with dudesons
Blake Barlow
Blake Barlow - 7 years ago
Pink Bunny and Friends
Pink Bunny and Friends - 7 years ago
Not once did I ever think that this could be done. Good job XDD!!
SHANNON DUEL - 7 years ago
Raymundo Lopez
Raymundo Lopez - 7 years ago
Ash Lowe
Ash Lowe - 7 years ago
Noodlebogger 99
Noodlebogger 99 - 7 years ago
I live in hawaii
Blye Gregory
Blye Gregory - 7 years ago
I love this show❤️
Allen Blodgett
Allen Blodgett - 7 years ago
That's me biking at 10:14 Thanks for including us in some fun :)

30. comment for Flood Surfing with LAPD!

brooke alexander
brooke alexander - 7 years ago
Paul running lol
Deputy Midnight
Deputy Midnight - 7 years ago
He said Los Santos!!
Christian Sarmiento
Christian Sarmiento - 7 years ago
you don't see this everyday
arthur ross
arthur ross - 7 years ago
R.I.P brittey
W1nt3rs - 7 years ago
I love this video but my favorite part has to be watching Paul run behind with the camera
William Kjellgren
William Kjellgren - 7 years ago
Really loved the scene where they Flood surfed with the LAPD... Oh, yea it didn't happen.
Sg_betz FX
Sg_betz FX - 7 years ago
Is Joey's last name mac
TheGamerTim - 7 years ago
you guys should have global TV coverage and spread this sort of joy to everybody, there really aren't many people (besides children) who will go out and have fun in the rain, smart enough to use the car, a rope and a surfboard, the simplest things are the most fun, thank you for these, I wish I'd found you guys sooner, probably my favourite subscription in nearly 10 years of being on YouTube, keep having fun and doing what you do, the World needs more people like the #dudesons
Princess Arianah
Princess Arianah - 7 years ago
Watching all your videos is reminding me how much I miss having fun and just going on adventures and how I want to start again (I have been really sick for the past 4 years)
Bella Bean
Bella Bean - 7 years ago
The Normal One
The Normal One - 7 years ago
You should have put SURFING USA - BEACH BOYS in the background
BluBluu - 7 years ago
Can we talk about that awkward fist bump to high five at 3:57 lol
Pastak Raul
Pastak Raul - 7 years ago
#imadudeson hey guys! I've been watching u since u started making videos in english when u four were all together in Finland. That time Jackass was famous cause of their stunts and everything. I was the one thinking that u were and still are better than them.
Lots of love from Estonia!!
Swagtastikal 808
Swagtastikal 808 - 7 years ago
best part was when they found the gopro
Bitchasssnigga72w828 Hsbsbsha
Bitchasssnigga72w828 Hsbsbsha - 7 years ago
Josh Williams
Josh Williams - 7 years ago
#imadudeson i want to do this so bad and love you and your family jukka
Matthew Embrey
Matthew Embrey - 7 years ago
What a life love the dudesons
Dutch Eve
Dutch Eve - 7 years ago
"Real funny guys" lol. Poor Al. Dealing with a bunch of adhd 'kids' everyday hahahaha
Kim D
Kim D - 7 years ago
Love it
Gage Bragewitz
Gage Bragewitz - 7 years ago

50. comment for Flood Surfing with LAPD!

SHARK ODON - 7 years ago
are you serious
you drilled into the board
Tylor Whitman
Tylor Whitman - 7 years ago
You should use a kayak in the flood
OWENHD - 7 years ago
Who does yukkas kids stay with while he's gone ??????
War Monkey
War Monkey - 7 years ago
SameTubby2649 - 7 years ago
Scott Trujillo
Scott Trujillo - 7 years ago
jeremiaz martinz diaz
jeremiaz martinz diaz - 7 years ago
Hey you can you call dinosaur in one guys want
theresa diolio
theresa diolio - 7 years ago
Good morning
Amy Zirkle
Amy Zirkle - 7 years ago
Next time try Silica (cell salt) to get anything out of the skin like cactus needles.
Micah Levin
Micah Levin - 7 years ago
You think water is high, you should come surf a flood in Houston, TX I the summer. Water hight gets to 1.5 feet.
WesHart - 7 years ago
Filthy Water LOL tho
Muhammad Rizky
Muhammad Rizky - 7 years ago
Good morning
Tucker Upper
Tucker Upper - 7 years ago
Good vlog guys only big youtube channel still worth watching!
Polar1232 Winter
Polar1232 Winter - 7 years ago
Jarno's in town ya
Liam O'Sullivan
Liam O'Sullivan - 7 years ago
what are they wearing
Michael Swanson
Michael Swanson - 7 years ago
You do know that in America, wearing your pants below the butt cheeks means you are available for man loving up your pooper.
Thomas Swayngim
Thomas Swayngim - 7 years ago
You have a genre of content that isn't novel, because its been around for some time now, but you do it in your own way, and it has originality. You don't have to compare your self to Casey Neistat, in the sense who had an idea first. He's not stealing your wind in my opinion. ( I couldn't believe you said that)
Logan Miron
Logan Miron - 8 years ago
Why are you so stupid
james lee
james lee - 8 years ago
you guys are silly
Douglas Pupiro
Douglas Pupiro - 8 years ago
You copied this from jake paul
DrawTheBombastic - 8 years ago
I have a good Idea Jukka SkateBoard's + Tramp. = AWE!! ( Take Off The Wheels From It )
Khoolhwhip - 8 years ago
pull up your pants, pampers boi
Carlos Lugo
Carlos Lugo - 8 years ago
1300 people who like this will find 100.00 dallors and kiss there crush
Wyatt Ayers
Wyatt Ayers - 8 years ago
love you and your friends and family members and their children to get a good idea to 6yjyjijujimjkiok my name is wyatt.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Byyyyyyyyyy
Grace Leal vlogs
Grace Leal vlogs - 8 years ago
You copied jake Paul
XxKS killer xX
XxKS killer xX - 8 years ago
Most bad ass video on YouTube
Brandon Barry
Brandon Barry - 8 years ago
Love this
Mila Josifovska Mila Josifovska
Mila Josifovska Mila Josifovska - 8 years ago
I love your video
Tyreka McFadden
Tyreka McFadden - 8 years ago
hey i like your trampoline that u made with Rocco
Exotic Wolf
Exotic Wolf - 8 years ago
Like is you get it: Bone, Apple, Tea
mad - 8 years ago
Those thighs though!
Yoroza - 8 years ago
i feel the energy, have fun guys haha
USS Destruction
USS Destruction - 8 years ago
i pass this street all the fuckin time on my way to work man. wish i would had the chance to see you guys doing this.
liondragon 04
liondragon 04 - 8 years ago
Have a Break. Have a KITKAT
Jose Capone E
Jose Capone E - 8 years ago
Hey I like your video
Tyler McCandless
Tyler McCandless - 8 years ago
U know that belts go around ur waist, not your knees?
Bob TheBuilder
Bob TheBuilder - 8 years ago
Where's the LAPD?
Bob TheBuilder
Bob TheBuilder - 8 years ago
Why not just use a wake-board like in wake-boarding?
Raj Bassirhoussen
Raj Bassirhoussen - 8 years ago
madefuck hey
Almsy - 8 years ago
Pull up your pants dude.
MrSkado odle
MrSkado odle - 8 years ago
1 Mio so proud
Jeff Cavaliere's Red Marker
Jeff Cavaliere's Red Marker - 8 years ago
I'd love to hang oput with these guys
KAUFMAN | Lets Play
KAUFMAN | Lets Play - 8 years ago
Were is the LAPD missleading titles are not allowed on you porn !
Vince Beatty
Vince Beatty - 8 years ago
Hahahahahaha I love the police and FD moments
Vince Beatty
Vince Beatty - 8 years ago
Yo kid, you gotta use some RainX on your windshield!!! Peace love happiness
Lacey Mann
Lacey Mann - 8 years ago
who is his wife or does he have one because he has kids so tell me
Carson Holman
Carson Holman - 8 years ago
JOECHIM 06 - 8 years ago
Sub. To me and I'll sub tonyou
TRISKILZ - 8 years ago
I really want to do that
Caitlin La
Caitlin La - 8 years ago
Looks like a good breakfast

100. comment for Flood Surfing with LAPD!

OneAwesomeYY - 8 years ago
Fucking awesome
AMAZINGCROCK! - 8 years ago
Epic Burgerss
Epic Burgerss - 8 years ago
Marcelo Carden as
Marcelo Carden as - 8 years ago
Dudesons you inspire me to do anything
xavier210ification - 8 years ago
Just like this. For no reason
xavier210ification - 8 years ago
1ashliiii - 8 years ago
Yo guys are so inspirational and so amazing
Epic C
Epic C - 8 years ago
pure skill
Modz Detains
Modz Detains - 8 years ago
Casey neistat?
young savage
young savage - 8 years ago
You stole it from Jake pay so shut up you didn't think of it and you think your gonna get more subs but you won't
Kirill Obraztsov
Kirill Obraztsov - 8 years ago
Russians do it all the time
look it up
Brad Forrest
Brad Forrest - 8 years ago
I do
Ricky Dunaway
Ricky Dunaway - 8 years ago
yall are crazy
Linus Indrearne Raisio
Linus Indrearne Raisio - 8 years ago
Look at 5:26 he dabs
Moira Stanish
Moira Stanish - 8 years ago
it is snowing in Montana rite now . I now that because I live their ;p
Kiler King17
Kiler King17 - 8 years ago
o e
LuckyIsAlwaysLit !
LuckyIsAlwaysLit ! - 8 years ago
Fanged Dragons
Fanged Dragons - 8 years ago
I love ❤️ you guys
turtle gaming
turtle gaming - 8 years ago
Vidi Vlogs
Vidi Vlogs - 8 years ago
I'm glad u can't see. There's a prius
GT R - 8 years ago
Olli_ Gaming
Olli_ Gaming - 8 years ago
I lime you video
Denzel RPY
Denzel RPY - 8 years ago
Who thinks Dudeson looks like a old man?
Goldie Singh
Goldie Singh - 8 years ago
I love you're vid
Thunderyjet - 8 years ago
Spot the difference

Sorry out of order
Tom Plumbridge
Tom Plumbridge - 8 years ago
that's England for you it rains all the time it's crap it is always cloudy as well
lsa7ada123 - 8 years ago
FINALLY!! Jarno is back
Cristo Grinberg
Cristo Grinberg - 8 years ago
That food is poop by now
Dante DeGoey
Dante DeGoey - 8 years ago
Comment if you want it to rain that much at your house haha me
Don Favro
Don Favro - 8 years ago
Beat up the los angeles river for a couple of minutes and then I'll be mildly impressed. You're just a wanna be foreign point breaker as is.
Pink Sheep
Pink Sheep - 8 years ago
Old Channel go to New SkylerZingrey
Old Channel go to New SkylerZingrey - 8 years ago
Casey Neistat much????
Parker Caleb
Parker Caleb - 8 years ago
remember when jarni wore that at RomanAtwoodVlogs house
Neri Garcia
Neri Garcia - 8 years ago
do you know romanAwood
Neri Garcia
Neri Garcia - 8 years ago
do you know romanAwood
Reni Scicluna
Reni Scicluna - 8 years ago
that was lit i am fowllowing u now
Walker Wasabi
Walker Wasabi - 8 years ago
Creative Builds
Creative Builds - 8 years ago
Not first
Concrete Ninja
Concrete Ninja - 8 years ago
2 days ago I had never snowboarded before in my life, but I found a shitty walmart snowboard with a missing strap while my friends and I were off-roading on atvs and my blazer. I decided to dirt surf down the big hills on the broken snowboard!!! it didn't work.. But I tried it!!!
Morty 1999
Morty 1999 - 8 years ago
Jukka are u from Finland?
kerstas10 - 8 years ago
maybe ppl arent nice but smart. u know u cant drive fast thrue deep waters. as fins i hoped u knowed that.
GPUabuse - 8 years ago
really a wake board would have been how to do it
Jordan Palmer
Jordan Palmer - 8 years ago
It doesn't rain that much where I live but if it did this is exactly what I would be doing
Jonty Inglis
Jonty Inglis - 8 years ago
Cooper Martin
Cooper Martin - 8 years ago
Can I get lots of likes because my grandpa is in the hospital
Ian Smalley
Ian Smalley - 8 years ago
You could've just said police.., not everyone knows who's lapd is
The Redstone Maker
The Redstone Maker - 8 years ago
Tyler Gillette
Tyler Gillette - 8 years ago
you should have used a tube
Ellie G.
Ellie G. - 8 years ago
that was so cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Talaoen - 8 years ago
your soundtrack editing at the start is complete shit turn that shit down you jackasses before you go all about getting in the videos
OUCHIExDAxEL1TE - 8 years ago
wow thats my kinda weather Australia doesnt get that much tho but omg jarno!!im soo happy :D this was totally amazing <3
Aidan #75
Aidan #75 - 8 years ago
Go to the haunted tunnel
Gueorgui Karadjov
Gueorgui Karadjov - 8 years ago
Gueorgui Karadjov
Gueorgui Karadjov - 8 years ago
Isaias Garza
Isaias Garza - 8 years ago
you are the best
Supreme_ 123
Supreme_ 123 - 8 years ago
Lily yo
AshlynnCatGames 1
AshlynnCatGames 1 - 8 years ago
this what it always looks like in washington
BraydenGames - 8 years ago
Claudia Rocha
Claudia Rocha - 8 years ago
Do you have kids
Trippie Dreams
Trippie Dreams - 8 years ago
how is jarno on the meanwhile in finland show
Teemu Korhonen
Teemu Korhonen - 8 years ago
You should meet with Jon Olsson.
The Science Pirate
The Science Pirate - 8 years ago
I can't believe you guys found the GoPro like 2 blocks away! That's awesome! Great video guys!
Madison Sharkey
Madison Sharkey - 8 years ago
Hnchvcegggcnbbcvvcmgbc Hbdnbndbbbbbdbgffkffgkdhhyfccjvvggjfjgjdjhhhhhhfnvnbhhjuglhjnhhnnnncncbbbjehccvbcvcvcbc c cvcvcvcvcfvgbbgjgggvgnfhggdnfffmhdnbbbmdkjkfggguerrjdfffrrrffgyhthhhjhhhg,w,,,,,f,.ghhhhhfkjlll,,,,,,,,,,bhKfkjmlgjhjkhjjjjfncfhfhfrffhdkkkzzzzfgghhbgggfgffjfhftsfsdsssdhvmmmgdfsifgpyyyurngyuuyffvbbbxkdggggjfvvbbhMbbbhjjhhhhmmcfjghhmnvhhnbvx buubbithcbbggggnnbhjhgbcnbbvnnnvvbcbvbbchhnvfjhfuyuhjgdhhjyfhgnnnvkgmfbhjfn vbcbcnbvhkkkg
lol. VvvggsjgDdhcggdEgffffgdhfjj
Vicky Murray
Vicky Murray - 8 years ago
Piookjugugauhhhah a big zia B a bHagu
CyanideSurprise - 8 years ago
watch out for waterspouts
CyanideSurprise - 8 years ago
The dudesons are the only people who can never change and stay amazing. love these people.
Liv cannavo
Liv cannavo - 8 years ago
I love jarno
Bangtan Are Kings
Bangtan Are Kings - 8 years ago
YAY! JARNO! I'm so happy he is back! ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ now we just need Jarppi and HP
Im ChasingDreams
Im ChasingDreams - 8 years ago
Love what you guys do!! This world needs more simple cheer like this :D Hello from Helsinki!
Angela Jiorge
Angela Jiorge - 8 years ago
Living life to the fullest!
TheLegend05 - 8 years ago
3:58 what the hell was that high 5 and a bro fist wtf???
Evelynn người đàn bà biến thải
Evelynn người đàn bà biến thải - 8 years ago
Vn đâu
riley diarra
riley diarra - 8 years ago
love you guys i hope jarno reads this
IRFANSYAH 96 - 8 years ago
Aleysha Cepada
Aleysha Cepada - 8 years ago
Omg your breakfast was so good
Jacqueline Rodriguez
Jacqueline Rodriguez - 8 years ago
haha paul with no shoes.. damn his feet must be ice now lol
Grimbo Corpsegrinder
Grimbo Corpsegrinder - 8 years ago
It's weird that Jukka was born in Finland since he's really good with English
VIPER - 8 years ago
almost at 1 mil
Izzat Syamir
Izzat Syamir - 8 years ago
if casey did this it will be awesomee
Erik ESKELAND MASKIN AS - 8 years ago
Kids in videos
Brenden Muse
Brenden Muse - 8 years ago
Jake Paul surfed in the road to
DOMINIC SANCHEZ - 8 years ago
Do more world records
Charlie Garland
Charlie Garland - 8 years ago
You copped Jake paul
Chase Wentz
Chase Wentz - 8 years ago
Every time I see jarno in that suit think of when they were swimming in the icy water with Roman Atwood
Patrick Tobutt
Patrick Tobutt - 8 years ago
At 3:58 they messed the high five up
Augustas Sakalauskas
Augustas Sakalauskas - 8 years ago
Jake Paul did the same thing
iTzSal0om99 /سالم
iTzSal0om99 /سالم - 8 years ago
I'm from the united arab emirates,dubai
iTzSal0om99 /سالم
iTzSal0om99 /سالم - 8 years ago
can you try it but know i want you to sit on the board with you belly and let yarpi pull you with the car. please
rockingyeti56 - 8 years ago
yukka and jarno are my favorite
Skorpiman - 8 years ago
you're in los angeles?
chase miller
chase miller - 8 years ago
i wonder if they realize they live in la and could go surfting anyday.. but because it rains lets go surf on pavement.. genius
Jayscene13 - 8 years ago
Leave it to the dudesons to turn a wet day in to a surfing day:)
Ted Flanders
Ted Flanders - 8 years ago
hey I know you guys have been filmed by tmz. but you guys should maybe do some kind of collaboration with buzz feed.
The Good Green Herb
The Good Green Herb - 8 years ago
you eat fruit with eggs together ????? gross :p
Robert coxon
Robert coxon - 8 years ago
Omg most of the vid he isn't even surfing
John Saav
John Saav - 8 years ago
Jukka your bad ass i saw you on nitro circus
Diego Vega
Diego Vega - 8 years ago
jake paul did first then you
merileijona s
merileijona s - 8 years ago
Awesome :)
oddfuturebrothers vevo
oddfuturebrothers vevo - 8 years ago
Jake poul copied u
Fufu Zorba
Fufu Zorba - 8 years ago
Who are those two little girls??
Samuel Brownfield
Samuel Brownfield - 8 years ago
Awesome! btw, Paul got ripped off - he was the only one who did not appear in the TMZ episode.
Paula Woodall
Paula Woodall - 8 years ago
I've been watching the vlogs for about 4 years now and I love them!! I think you all are crazy as shit but, cool as hell!!! Keep up the great videos, they make me smile even when I'm having a bad day and I have plenty of them, thank you for the videos.
Fernando Guzman
Fernando Guzman - 8 years ago
Jake Paul did it first
Ian Payton
Ian Payton - 8 years ago
Casey Niestat is in LA this week, it would have been awesome if you had done a collaboration on this video. You acknowledged his ability to snowboard on the streets of New York, he would have loved to surf LA.
Flor Arriaza
Flor Arriaza - 8 years ago
My dream is to be a cop and I wanted a Range Rover.All I stared at was the cop car as the Range Rover.
Josue Araniva
Josue Araniva - 8 years ago
10:45 look at paul in the background
Alondra Hernandez
Alondra Hernandez - 8 years ago
He copy Jake Paul
furiouscakedestroyer - 8 years ago
ota DAB minulle
Kylee Craycraft
Kylee Craycraft - 8 years ago
You copied Logan Paul
Sirine Eltiti
Sirine Eltiti - 8 years ago
Your just copying Jake Paul
SRV bro
SRV bro - 8 years ago
this was not original nubtv has already done this a year earlier
Thegamingbear Bear
Thegamingbear Bear - 8 years ago
I'm definitely doing this one day that was amazing
Ashley Means
Ashley Means - 8 years ago
I like your house
Reghan Meador
Reghan Meador - 8 years ago
Jake Paul did this
prince malawani
prince malawani - 8 years ago
it's super cool that jarno is back but he looks sad or upset from something, probably from the same reason he disappeared all this period , I really hope he is ok , love this vlog guys !
Alyssa Vitiritto
Alyssa Vitiritto - 8 years ago
i hate snow
Wyatt 1515
Wyatt 1515 - 8 years ago
Copied jack Paul
Wyatt 1515
Wyatt 1515 - 8 years ago
Jake Paul
Wyatt 1515
Wyatt 1515 - 8 years ago
Jake poul
Ghost - 8 years ago
lol cool
Eos 303
Eos 303 - 8 years ago
I saw Jake Paul do this ?
isabella Berry
isabella Berry - 8 years ago
I love Paul running on the side recording it so funny
Pedro Turcios
Pedro Turcios - 8 years ago
jake paul did that
jared haga
jared haga - 8 years ago
can ypu please sometimes vlog whit your kids pleaae
jared haga
jared haga - 8 years ago
Alice H. Yea ot kind of is and i love doctor phil lol
Matthew b
Matthew b - 8 years ago
Do a 360 video pls
Liam Jorgensen
Liam Jorgensen - 8 years ago
I miss the Jarno vlogs. BRING BACK JARNO!
Ashrafff fofa
Ashrafff fofa - 8 years ago
sometimes i look ur face like wwe edge
Sophia Larsen
Sophia Larsen - 8 years ago
I feel like this is a copy of jake Paul's video
Nxtro - 8 years ago
-1st :) rekt dudesons XD
Izzuddin AL QASSAM
Izzuddin AL QASSAM - 8 years ago
im from indonesia the wave is sicks bro
Just Some Random Person
Just Some Random Person - 8 years ago
This reminds me of joogsquad
Christian Whitener
Christian Whitener - 8 years ago
go look at Jake Paul's video
Frost Ice
Frost Ice - 8 years ago
Dudeson the awkwardly,weirdest,practical and insane people in the whole intire world
Miklòs Sándor
Miklòs Sándor - 8 years ago
Rorke - 8 years ago
You accent is quite cool it's like a cool kids voice bitch it's crazy as fuck
Jon-Anders Stav
Jon-Anders Stav - 8 years ago
"--With LAPD". Come on guys, you don´t need the clickbait ;)
Michael David Cilantro
Michael David Cilantro - 8 years ago
86 people are traffic warriors...
Michael David Cilantro
Michael David Cilantro - 8 years ago
The music was called Earphone Users die XD
hazel alfonso
hazel alfonso - 8 years ago
hazel alfonso
hazel alfonso - 8 years ago
Nice video
hazel alfonso
hazel alfonso - 8 years ago
I love it
gus mcgee
gus mcgee - 8 years ago
Jarno welcome back. America has missed you. hopefully the warm weather seduces you. That Cali Weather will get balls deep in ya than you will never want to leave.
TheDarkDamsel - 8 years ago
I really like Jukka's breakfast! Looks so very good!
SerbuRO - 8 years ago
this awsome!!
Uber Jim
Uber Jim - 8 years ago
you need to post the lost go pro camera footage !!! see where it went till you found it lol
Stubbycoco1 - 8 years ago
Is it just me or dose Americans don't know how to drive in the rain all ways crashing
OsascoGaming - 8 years ago
I loved this video!
Mizz Lesley
Mizz Lesley - 8 years ago
Jacob Sørensen
Jacob Sørensen - 8 years ago
New show: cooking with jukka?
Savage killer 639
Savage killer 639 - 8 years ago
You guys should do that again but when you are driving Jukka should let go and surf on his own
AngrySheep 69
AngrySheep 69 - 8 years ago
you are so crazy bro :p
Patruuna Vlog
Patruuna Vlog - 8 years ago
Koska palaatte suomeen?
Peter - 8 years ago
Really good vid!
prettyboymaine miller
prettyboymaine miller - 8 years ago
I am I will sub to to u please sub back I will sub to u please sub back I
John Ghiglione
John Ghiglione - 8 years ago
This video should have millions of views because this is epic surfing in the street. I am so glad that Jarno is back, I have missed seeing him in the vlogs. I love the vlogs and I always will.
DaNgerElla - 8 years ago
This was a fun video to share and such a fun way to make use of a rainy day guys! Moi @Jarnodudeson !
boss22979 - 8 years ago
You did what Jake Paul did
uft - 8 years ago
Wait does he live by himself ? And if so does he just leave his kids at home by themselves...?
InternationalHipHopBox - 8 years ago
Wifey is probably taking care of them. I guess she's just hiding.
DaNgerElla - 8 years ago
Yeah it's been a raining mess in Vegas all day but as a Philly girl, I'm used to it! Just careful of the drivers that DON'T know how to drive in the rain. @jukkadudeson you can cook for me anytime! Wow! Great Finnish breakfast start!
Kalea Cropper
Kalea Cropper - 8 years ago
isnt it weird jukka and jake did this on the EXACT same day!?
Honey Badger Vlogs
Honey Badger Vlogs - 8 years ago
I love how Jukku shows his kids/family in the Vlog.
Bree Clark
Bree Clark - 8 years ago
Jake Paul posted the same thing.
haris 7777
haris 7777 - 8 years ago
where's your wife jukka
tulepaskalleikkunanalle - 8 years ago
i skipped to the last third of the video to see the surfing XD
Actually Tasteful Productions
Actually Tasteful Productions - 8 years ago
JARNO, so pumped hes in LA.
Lauren McKay
Lauren McKay - 8 years ago
Hi guys
My mum said that if I get to 150 subs I can see my dad who I haven't seen in 6 and a half years and I really really miss him so if you could sub I would really apreasheate it. Thanks if you do sub
Lex Jung
Lex Jung - 8 years ago
What are the wet suits they were wearing
Lienna Rs
Lienna Rs - 8 years ago
follow leader challenge pleasee
Lienna Rs
Lienna Rs - 8 years ago
follow leader challenge pleasee
Mr.Galaxy 909
Mr.Galaxy 909 - 8 years ago
I've done something like this but a field in a park got flooded and me and my friend rode our bikes through it and we met this person that had a smaller surf board and they were riding that
yodaakakoda - 8 years ago
hey jukka i want 2 see joey do the spilts
Michael Sebastian
Michael Sebastian - 8 years ago
go to Indonesia the flood here could get to 1m in depth
Hailey Moran
Hailey Moran - 8 years ago
THOMAS.TULGAR 99768 - 8 years ago
is it just me or is it the best thing to see a smile on these guys faces.
mason ramsey
mason ramsey - 8 years ago
U and jake paul
Ivan Ivanov
Ivan Ivanov - 8 years ago
I like skinny bold guy but i hate hairy one
sebastianbillingslea - 8 years ago
do it with a skimboard theres no drag or resistance
Off Campus Adventures
Off Campus Adventures - 8 years ago
You should call it "Surfing the Streets of L.A ft. POLICE"
Crazy Bros
Crazy Bros - 8 years ago
Sup for sub anyone
Cristian Avila
Cristian Avila - 8 years ago
Jarno's back!!
Lizz W
Lizz W - 8 years ago
I would love that haha but I'd want to go faster
Lizz W
Lizz W - 8 years ago
DudesonsVLOG too bad it got dark then!
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+Lizz W us too... ran out of light but would love to cruise through the streets fast -@jukkadudeson
hazel alfonso
hazel alfonso - 8 years ago
Tanner Braungardt dg
Lex Jung
Lex Jung - 8 years ago
DudesonsVLOG it's a fake tanner
Tanner Braungardt
Tanner Braungardt - 8 years ago
DudesonsVLOG can u subscribe to me
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+Tanner Braungardt microwave oven can be a bitch sometimes ;) -@jukkadudeson
Janie Arledge
Janie Arledge - 8 years ago
This is how I want to live my life!!
Dennis Px
Dennis Px - 8 years ago
Do you actually miss Finland sometimes?
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+raechal levin nude..m thats finnish skin -@jukkadudeson
raechal levin
raechal levin - 8 years ago
I am such a great surfer
Nathan Webb_04
Nathan Webb_04 - 8 years ago
Go to the world barefoot centre
DavidJolly17 Dj/David
DavidJolly17 Dj/David - 8 years ago
Jake paul did the same thing. Can I get a shout out in the next vloger thank you.
Angela Hollier
Angela Hollier - 8 years ago
I love your vidos
David Fountain
David Fountain - 8 years ago
Hellz Yeah That Looked Like Alot of Fun Alomost as much as goin mud ridin in the rain
David Fountain
David Fountain - 8 years ago
Yall should go mud ridin in the rain on 4wheelers it's Soooo Much Fun
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+David Fountain we ran out of light, wouldve done that otherwise :-) till the next time -@jukkadudeson
thomas grasmick
thomas grasmick - 8 years ago
instead of rain use snow.
BS Member
BS Member - 8 years ago
of course paul isn't wearing shoes
I'm an ostrich
I'm an ostrich - 8 years ago
i am a ostrich
Joshua Pimm
Joshua Pimm - 8 years ago
you guys are great keep up with the awesome work.
Jay birdly
Jay birdly - 8 years ago
am i first?
Jesse James
Jesse James - 8 years ago
Hahaha, you guys are fucking awesome.
Benny_bricks - 8 years ago
looked so fun!! great vibes guys
Fearless - 8 years ago
DudesonsVLOG bro come on ur first even thoe u posted this!
Gaming Late67
Gaming Late67 - 8 years ago
you have the same coffee maker as I do
Joeyfan - 8 years ago
welcome back to LA Jarno. sewage surfing was the shit
Jove Rogers
Jove Rogers - 8 years ago
Can I say:
I really like whatever Jukka did this video to not be holding the camera while driving. That always worries me, cos a) it can spread the idea that it's okay to be holding something up like that while on the road and b) I don't want Jukka to get in an accident. I wish all YouTube vloggers demonstrated safe driving!
Marko Sadikovic
Marko Sadikovic - 8 years ago
notice how Paul was running in the background with no shoes :D!!!
joemalian solider
joemalian solider - 8 years ago
crazy ass white dudes lol
cathy kern
cathy kern - 8 years ago
I just love how happy and positive you guys are...keep up the great work , your amazing outlook on life is really helping me get through some tough times...I hope you get to read this and just know how much you guys help people xxx
cathy kern
cathy kern - 8 years ago
@jukkadudeson  thankyou so much for replying to my post.. I hope you truly realize just how happy you have made me in answering I just cant believe it, I look after my sick mother and father who has cancer and I'm really struggling, I also have a beautiful 8 yr old daughter so my life is  full...when I'm crying or sad and feel like I cant keep going, I watch  your videos and they make me smile, and your words of encouragement to keep positive is what helps me to keep going.. thankyou so much I hope you realize just how amazing you are xxx
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+cathy kern thanks cathy ! It means a lot and encourages us on the chosen path hearing feedback like yours! -@jukkadudeson
furiouscakedestroyer - 8 years ago
voit taputtelemalla
Vlogging WithTyler
Vlogging WithTyler - 8 years ago
You guys are crazy in a good way and bad
Jed McCoy
Jed McCoy - 8 years ago
Last time I saw them wet suits you was with roman Atwood
lordvolkhark - 8 years ago
anyone else hear the little kid vocie when he was in his home at the end of the breakfast scene
lordvolkhark - 8 years ago
InternationalHipHopBox I didn't know that thank you
InternationalHipHopBox - 8 years ago
Jukka has 2 kids so it's probably 1 of their voices.
lordvolkhark - 8 years ago
DudesonsVLOG it's at 1:35 while speaking it's a kiddos vocie I swear lol
lordvolkhark - 8 years ago
DudesonsVLOG dude thanks for your response never thought you guys looked at your comments
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+lordvolkhark propably just a voice inside your head ;) I have that too -@jukkadudeson
Creymex - 8 years ago
Can i get 5 likes for no good reason
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
you can
Max Potencia Es
Max Potencia Es - 8 years ago
10:50 Paul running in the background is hilarious !
thelonewanderer V
thelonewanderer V - 8 years ago
Specials Ohh
Specials Ohh - 8 years ago
i look out for him every day!!! i would tell him to make his own vlogs but i dont wanna ruin ur channel!!!
Specials Ohh
Specials Ohh - 8 years ago
Adult Office Guy it is... but it doesn't have the same ring to it!
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+Specials Ohh office adult is the best! -@jukkadudeson
SufferingIsPeace - 8 years ago
Where's Jarppi and H.P? I miss them ;-;
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
coming soon to LA, week or 2
ELF.PH26 - 8 years ago
I want all the dudesons back together again
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
Only Jukka lives permanently in LA.
But they filmed something in Finland in Summer & Fall, which they gonna upload soon,
miniseries of 4 episodes, I think. They advertised it this week.

Besides, Hp and Jarppi ARE coming to LA in a week or 2. Maybe not at the same day.
But all 4 are gonna meet for some time!
Nate Olsen
Nate Olsen - 8 years ago
@dudesonsVLOG plz reply to this
Diego Carrillo
Diego Carrillo - 8 years ago
If I get 500 likes on the comment I will reveal the location
Marco Rojas
Marco Rojas - 8 years ago
Come to Costa Rica and I'm sure here in Heredia you could do that in every street
Petter Bruland
Petter Bruland - 8 years ago
The music in this episode was so wonderful
Diego Carrillo
Diego Carrillo - 8 years ago
I know the address were the dudesons live should I leak it
Liza Mg
Liza Mg - 8 years ago
i love it, great idea!!!
alohaljm - 8 years ago
jukka looking thick as fuck
Chirs Coburn
Chirs Coburn - 8 years ago
You Rock
Tabitha Prewitt
Tabitha Prewitt - 8 years ago
Jarno is back! I'm officially happy!
kyllävain - 8 years ago
#suomi ja parhaat ideat
PompilioorozcoJR - 8 years ago
I did that first
Bzing King
Bzing King - 8 years ago
yoyoyoyoyoyoouyoyoyoyoyoyo find the mistake
Dr. Dwane
Dr. Dwane - 8 years ago
Hey Jukka nice vlog and nice video, btw i would also click the video without the clickbait (with LAPD) in the title, keep the good work up!
Alen - 8 years ago
it's so nice to se jarno back... it's a litle weird but is's really cool to see him again
Fernandomascorro 7
Fernandomascorro 7 - 8 years ago
Jake Paul did this also
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+Fernando Mascorro great minds think a like
.. im sure a lot of people have done it. And will do again :-) -@jukkadudeson
Jakob Marsh
Jakob Marsh - 8 years ago
Jukka you guys need to get HP down and surf the waves of Los angles
Jakob Marsh
Jakob Marsh - 8 years ago
Oh my god you responded and awesome!!!! Just let you guys know you, jarppi, jarno and HP are a huge influence on me you guys are awesome
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+Jakob Marsh he ia coming end of next week -@jukkadudeson
Mad- Man578
Mad- Man578 - 8 years ago
The best part of this video is Paul running
LarissaInAction - 8 years ago
i would do this
Brayden Cannon
Brayden Cannon - 8 years ago
he was obviously saving this idea for a rainy day.
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
Like he said in the beginning
Artur Seyradarian
Artur Seyradarian - 8 years ago
rain is AMAZING :D
rokit - 8 years ago
Surfing in the streets of LA, now that's awesome and funny!
Miguel Garcia de Castro
Miguel Garcia de Castro - 8 years ago
Like to see jukka and jarno wresling
Firman Agum
Firman Agum - 8 years ago
where is "peace love and happines" ? hahaha
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
on the surf board spreading it to the people
JoshSheeler - 8 years ago
love this video!!! You guys Rock man that looked like so much fun its not even funny. i hope i get to that some day!! keep it up guys... And everyone else pls subscribe to my channel joshsheelertv a lot of fun coming i promise you all guys that!!
Sara simic
Sara simic - 8 years ago
I wish my family could go to Serbia and meet the rest of my family that I've never met
Sara simic
Sara simic - 8 years ago
I wish my family could go to Serbia and meet threat of my family that I've never met
Nargis Parvin
Nargis Parvin - 8 years ago
I have missed seeing Jarno in the vlogs!!
Potato Cat
Potato Cat - 8 years ago
When all the dudesons come you should do another follow the leader
_ Tombone _
_ Tombone _ - 8 years ago
England is actually quite lucky so far this year
nate8930 - 8 years ago
This is the greatest thing ever. Did you see the LA River yesterday.. it was actually a river lol.
brandain wilson
brandain wilson - 8 years ago
Please keep up the the creative and awesome ideas. I like the way you can turn a boring day in to something amazing and fun so keep up the good work and carry on with the good work.
Jonah Cotter
Jonah Cotter - 8 years ago
Kerry  Rutherford
Kerry Rutherford - 8 years ago
omg jarno is back!!! so happy like if you are looking forward to tomorrow's vlog the dudesons family back together
Beast mode Gaming
Beast mode Gaming - 8 years ago
You You're crazy
Henry Le
Henry Le - 8 years ago
hey i sub to all of you guys
David Luna
David Luna - 8 years ago
i think you guys are the first to do this you guys are legends
Y C - 8 years ago
thought this was a video of casey :o
but then i saw jukka
Jon Vlogs
Jon Vlogs - 8 years ago
Hahaha Sick !!
Vanja Đukić
Vanja Đukić - 8 years ago
Oldmatesam - 8 years ago
Casey neistat try hard
Oldmatesam - 8 years ago
timomastosalo yes I know but like "With the lapd" part
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
They did these kinda stuff in Finland before Casey was on the net
Check them snowboarding on sand,
or being car pulled in a sledge on a road without snow.
There's some spark in it.
Ali Mamesh
Ali Mamesh - 8 years ago
I did hear there was going to be a flood in california
sava luburic
sava luburic - 8 years ago
Kelly Conn
Kelly Conn - 8 years ago
hey guys my fav dudeson is Jarno
tonym2325 - 8 years ago
nehxd - 8 years ago
10:40 Paul's swag run in the background lmao :D:D
Saska - 8 years ago
Kuinka moni toivoo et duutsoni alkais tekee taas videoita yhdessä?
Joel Burton
Joel Burton - 8 years ago
lol paul running in the background
TwinSniperz_Mad Twin Snipers
TwinSniperz_Mad Twin Snipers - 8 years ago
Can you show your whole family
Jan Vališer
Jan Vališer - 8 years ago
I wan't to see the whole Dudeson team and do a you say we do!!!
MIKEY_ 404
MIKEY_ 404 - 8 years ago
Suddenly,Jukka became casey neistat xD
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+Miloš Govedarović no im still jukka. But casey is an amazing guy, i know him from over 10 years ago. And MADNUTZ respect to the guys vision, creativity and hard work... but most of all - spirit and attitude towards life. -@jukkadudeson
outdoor boys
outdoor boys - 8 years ago
good to see u
Sawyer Moser
Sawyer Moser - 8 years ago
You should put baseball cups on and hit each other in the nut as hard as possible
Roadfart - 8 years ago
3:15 Love that
Jeff#21 Jeff#21
Jeff#21 Jeff#21 - 8 years ago
Copy of Casey ...maybe????
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
They did these over 10 years ago in Finland, when nobody knew of Casey, like in the 90's,
but they aired in the turn of the millennium.
Jayden Irvine
Jayden Irvine - 8 years ago
Who else really wanted to see the footage of the go pro being washed away
Jayden Irvine
Jayden Irvine - 8 years ago
DudesonsVLOG is it really you wow cool if it was awsome video so want to do it myself
Jayden Irvine
Jayden Irvine - 8 years ago
Wait Did The dudesons just actually reply to me
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+Jayden Irvine got so lucky that paul was able to save the gopro with all the footy in it -@jukkadudeson
Imran Tule
Imran Tule - 8 years ago
Look at Paul running LOL!
fin ropsu
fin ropsu - 8 years ago
nice jukka
MrHampuusi - 8 years ago
Aivittu kun olis ihanaa asua amerikassa... vituttaa
bo2 ballon
bo2 ballon - 8 years ago
put the gators in the pool
God Of Fame
God Of Fame - 8 years ago
omg nearly 1000000subs!!!!!!!!
Xain - 8 years ago
Who got the new YouTube update? What do you think about it?
Kara Mackenzie
Kara Mackenzie - 8 years ago
I love how you just see Paul running behind trying to get footage haha
Aiden SST
Aiden SST - 8 years ago
i just went for a swim at the bellagio fountains!!! it's raining here in vegas too!
Jacob Walker
Jacob Walker - 8 years ago
What is the name of the anvil
It'sYazEd - 8 years ago
Austin McCall
Austin McCall - 8 years ago
Can I get 10 likes
Marko Laaksonen
Marko Laaksonen - 8 years ago
I didn't know you can just blend the avocado without taking the skin off.
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+Mark John i guess you can blend everything from a banana to a 9V battery of you want... its a different thing should you hahaa :) -@jukkadudeson
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
Guess it depends where you get it - if it's local food, the skin is not chemically sprayed.
So LA might be aplace, where you can get local avocado
explorer's town
explorer's town - 8 years ago
you should of got Rocco if he wasn't on the boat
Hey it's me Em
Hey it's me Em - 8 years ago
Jake Paul did that to
Ryano Gaming
Ryano Gaming - 8 years ago
artfootballgeek - 8 years ago
Looks like a lot of fun! Great to see Jarno back in videos!
David Stenholt
David Stenholt - 8 years ago
do you live in florida
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
These flow ridahs are 'Cally Phornier' :)
AssaultJL - 8 years ago
I was like, okay Casey uploaded new surfing video then when the video started i realized it was Dudesons :)
luis escamilla
luis escamilla - 8 years ago
Jarno is my favorite dudeson
Robbas - 8 years ago
Great upload :D
amy orr
amy orr - 8 years ago
Ry Pim
Ry Pim - 8 years ago
Luis Martinez
Luis Martinez - 8 years ago
you guys are amazing I love the content I wish I could do some of the stuff you guys do
Powerx 99Gaming
Powerx 99Gaming - 8 years ago
Eat a whole ginger challenge
Percy Miller
Percy Miller - 8 years ago
Dude, you broke the yolk! That's a crappy old scrambled egg now. Sunny side up or over easy, only way to go.
Percy Miller
Percy Miller - 8 years ago
+DudesonsVLOG Very funny Jukka. Actually, that sounds pretty good.
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+Percy Miller waaiiittt wooootttt... you didnt like my hybrid sunnyside made into soft scramble mix spinache w/berries and sh*t breakfast combo. Also known as jukkablast. -@jukkadudeson
RyanHGames - 8 years ago
Jukka. my name on youtube is RyanHvlogs. i only have 5 subs and it would mean alot to me if you sub to me.
RyanHGames - 8 years ago
Jukka. i want you to sub to my channel. i watch all the videos you post. my name on youtube is "RyanHvlogs." please sub. it would mean alot to me. i only have 5 subs.
Rodge Dodge
Rodge Dodge - 8 years ago
One of the Best Videos Ever!!!!!! OMG!!
a gymnast story
a gymnast story - 8 years ago
you should get a gerbil and call it Mitch
MadHatterChris - 8 years ago
Nice Iron Sky mug c:
jay johnson
jay johnson - 8 years ago
i clicked thinking it was a casey vid lol
Undead Gaming
Undead Gaming - 8 years ago
Why do you feel the need to copy Casey
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
They have snowboarded on sand in Finland, and pulled sledges on tarmac
in the 90's already. So it's just similar stuf they donelong ago, with new variations.
And what's wrong in getting new ideas from other people? It's just sharing the fun! :)
Michelle Blankenship
Michelle Blankenship - 8 years ago
the men on bikes looked like missionaries
Chet Collins
Chet Collins - 8 years ago
Dudes are livin life man
Best Videos
Best Videos - 8 years ago
i guaranteed ya, tht they are going to get the cold lol
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
They are used to colder weathers in Finland.
And the surf suit is meant for wet conditions.
The other guys were more in the risk :)
GAMER 360 - 8 years ago
I subscribed and liked
Olivia Kolar
Olivia Kolar - 8 years ago
Do your kids stay home alone?
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
Alne with their mother, mostly :)
Yesterday's vlog you'll hear her voice saying goodbye,
when Jukka leaves home.
bull smith
bull smith - 8 years ago
look at paul running backround in 10,45
BetaSoul666 - 8 years ago
Fuck Casey..
Don't copy ffs dude
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
They have rode snow boeard on snady slopes
and been pulled by car on tarmac, sitting on a sledge.
That's roughly 20 years ago.
This is just an enhancement of the same.
Devin Farrington
Devin Farrington - 8 years ago
And it's raining in Arizona and flooding and everything is falling
Devin Farrington
Devin Farrington - 8 years ago
17k views already!!!!!
Keith Harvey
Keith Harvey - 8 years ago
awesome surfing streets of la totally awesome dudesons .
tatiana_olson 3
tatiana_olson 3 - 8 years ago
Is this guy married?
Mason Hornberger
Mason Hornberger - 8 years ago
I saw you on the news
westpurgeking - 8 years ago
i like how Paul was running in the background of jarnos turn lol
DemonicZilla - 8 years ago
That's completely insane! And this put a smile on my face for the first time in 2 days cause I lost a dear friend of mine, But when I get onto youtube I watch all of your videos and they make me so happy, So thanks. And P.s. Stay insane but stay safe as well.
artuto Garcia
artuto Garcia - 8 years ago
I'm a kid and I like to do soft like you and your kids are cool
Yasmin Curtis
Yasmin Curtis - 8 years ago
JARNO!!! Yay :)
E.J Williams
E.J Williams - 8 years ago
10:50 you just see Paul running haha
Aleksandrs Zahars
Aleksandrs Zahars - 8 years ago
Third High Productions
Third High Productions - 8 years ago
Subscribe to my channel guys! :D
Henrik Zetterdahl
Henrik Zetterdahl - 8 years ago
Walter Herrera
Walter Herrera - 8 years ago
yeah!!! Jarno and Jukka together!!! awesome!!
K O D Y - 8 years ago
kto z polski ? xd
Chris Badgerow
Chris Badgerow - 8 years ago
you guys are Awesome
Jonathan Watson
Jonathan Watson - 8 years ago
Looks awesome!!
Benoit louis Hawkey
Benoit louis Hawkey - 8 years ago
1COMIXMAN - 8 years ago
dude someone saw u all doing this and took a pic and posted it to twitter. i saw the wet suit and i knew it was yukka cause i remembered the vehicle u all were using and the wetsuit u were using lol
Rodriguez13 d
Rodriguez13 d - 8 years ago
you should make a video with your kids and your dudes all day, i love your son and daughter.
uploadx11 - 8 years ago
Yo jukka your the best
Raccoonz With PeePeez
Raccoonz With PeePeez - 8 years ago
Angelo Servantez
Angelo Servantez - 8 years ago
Jukka, when is Iron Sky comming out?
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
no socks when surfing :)
Rodriguez13 d
Rodriguez13 d - 8 years ago
plz give me a shout out.
Wyatt Griffith
Wyatt Griffith - 8 years ago
you guys need to do scorpion sting roulette and please shout me out
-Ballistic -
-Ballistic - - 8 years ago
at 10:50 pauls just running weirdly
Ian G.
Ian G. - 8 years ago
JARNO!!!! "I feel great ... dee daa dee daa dee daa dee"
Mangan - 8 years ago
Haha jake paul did this too today
Glichii - 8 years ago
unessecary photoshop
chubeviewer - 8 years ago
so funny how they both surf in goofy stance
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+chubeviewer im a goofy rider ;) -@jukkadudeson
Simply Jess
Simply Jess - 8 years ago
Paul running in the background had me ctfu for some reason
Upperpen Caregiver
Upperpen Caregiver - 8 years ago
barefoot in LA = BALLS
Ray 1983
Ray 1983 - 8 years ago
Simply Jess your welcome
Simply Jess
Simply Jess - 8 years ago
Ray 1983 thank you !!
Westsaurus - 8 years ago
DudesonsVLOG Jukka you dudesons are so nice and cheerful I love how you look on the bright side of everything like oh a storm let's surf it but ur so nice to the people around you and you support others . you deserve respect
Dat Boi
Dat Boi - 8 years ago
DudesonsVLOG I almost cried when I started thinking about the old dudesons
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+Simply Jess (Sicabeauty19) that is so funny... and barefoot too -@jukkadudeson
RNinTN - 8 years ago
Bald Paul. Rain in CA. Jarno in town. Doesn't get better!
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
Paul is not bald anymore,
but a skinhead :) Or jarhead
-Ballistic -
-Ballistic - - 8 years ago
-Ballistic -
-Ballistic - - 8 years ago
RNinTN - 8 years ago
Who else could pull of looking HOT in a poncho besides Paul.
Welcome JARNO!!!! No topless mustang today lol.
Meinemeinungagain - 8 years ago
First Video i disliked from the Dudesons, because of fucking clickbait!!!
Vasily Kostin
Vasily Kostin - 8 years ago
F@ck. nice!!! :)
ARGiammarco 27
ARGiammarco 27 - 8 years ago
Great video guys ! Really fun idea and great to see Jarrno Back !
Matthew B
Matthew B - 8 years ago
Skip to 6:50 for the good bit
Sara Hakala
Sara Hakala - 8 years ago
Jarno's back in business yay
RNinTN - 8 years ago
JARNO brought the rain to LA. Peace love happiness! Welcome to MURICA!
Roger Svahn
Roger Svahn - 8 years ago
haha, that looked like so much fun :D
Nice too see Jarno again.. =)
Tom Cunning
Tom Cunning - 8 years ago
Hei Jukka! Tiedän, että et tunne minua ollenkaan, vaan halusin yrittää tehdä tämän Suomen! Aloitan sanomalla, että maaginen toiminta puisto näyttää hauskin paikka maapallolla koskaan! Toivon että saattaa jonain päivänä käynnin, mutta en voisi koskaan varaa. Mutta te, Jukka, voit! Sinun pitäisi tulla ja lentää Pennsylvania ja hakemaan minut! Mutta voisimme myös viettää päivän tekee eeppinen paska ja hauskaa! Sitten voimme kaikki lentää ulos seuraavana aamuna / päivä! Ja sitten minä ja sinä ja kuka muu tuot, lentää Suomen ja mene toiminta puisto, ja tehdä mitä muuta te haluat päästä! Tiedän thats alot kysyä tulevat täysin vieras. LOL Mutta se ei koskaan sattuu kysymään! Ja minä pysyä positiivisena ja levitä positiivista anarkia! Paljon kunnioittaa Jukka! (Toivottavasti Jukka näkevät tämän ja se eksy kommentteja!) Peace Love ja Happiness!
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
Google Translate kehittyy vuosi vuodeta :)
Jeremiah Thomas
Jeremiah Thomas - 8 years ago
Vektor7FCB - 8 years ago
Jarno brought the rain to LA!! Welcome back!!
Kaleb dumm
Kaleb dumm - 8 years ago
its way funnier in your home town
NENAD 1989
NENAD 1989 - 8 years ago
THE BEST VLOG EVER REALLY !!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ sending you love and support from SERBIA
Kaleb dumm
Kaleb dumm - 8 years ago
when are you going back to findland
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
They were in summer & fall, they'll upload a miniseries about that soon - stay tuned!

But soon they're all gonna be in LA
Harry Gleeson
Harry Gleeson - 8 years ago
So cool I would love to do that
RAVEN BLADE - 8 years ago
Post a video of the GOPRO floating! PLS!!!!!!!!!!
Blitz Rivers
Blitz Rivers - 7 years ago
Terry Oswaltjr
Terry Oswaltjr - 8 years ago
yayyy jarno is back#Hey Jarno
Silva Diamond
Silva Diamond - 8 years ago
I like your dinner
timomastosalo - 8 years ago
leanne diamond
leanne diamond - 8 years ago
Erik Kupculik
Erik Kupculik - 8 years ago
DudesonsVLOG It was About the Flood in LA and clip of you Guys surfing in the streets :p
Keep up the great work :)
DudesonsVLOG - 8 years ago
+Erik Kupculik (Erik Kupčulík) wait what really? Wow... how the hec :-) -@jukkadudeson
RNinTN - 8 years ago
FUND not find lol
RNinTN - 8 years ago
Crystal Elk lollllll always missing shoes!
Go find me for Paul shoes lol
Differential Equations
Differential Equations - 8 years ago
do follow leader challenge
God Of Madness1
God Of Madness1 - 8 years ago
Damn that smoothie must be healthy it looks so disgusting xD
RNinTN - 8 years ago
God Of Madness1 does look gross!!
KMAN8998 - 8 years ago
GinowDinow - 8 years ago
Thank you very much and kind regards from Germany!
Thor OfAsgard
Thor OfAsgard - 8 years ago
DudesonsVLOG Loving the spirit you guys have it gives off positives. Keep it coming!
Godsdevan - 8 years ago
Does jukka have a wife?????
Mark Durham
Mark Durham - 8 years ago
Hi guys. First off. Thank you Jukka for reading my comment on the vlog and also for mentioning my name. I know it may not seem like much but it is a lot to me. To hear Jukka "Dudeson"  Hilden say my name is very cool and I will never forget it. Secondly. It's so nice to see Jarno in the vlog and I can't wait till Jarppi and HP are there as well so the family is one again.I started watching the dudesons when I first seen them with Bam Margera and I have watched every thing they have put out there since. You are all great caring people and it's very clear that you all care about your audience. Thank You very much for that.
Kich Louise
Kich Louise - 7 years ago
Zorxzz no need to bragg b**
jonas houmand
jonas houmand - 7 years ago
Mark Durham o
Zorxzz - 8 years ago
Mark Durham in finland he spoke to me 6 minytes and hang with me for an hour
Karppaguy - 8 years ago
It's Jarno, not Yarno. Just a heads up.
RNinTN - 8 years ago
Mark Durham that's awesome! Peace love happiness to you!!!
chely morales
chely morales - 8 years ago
Switcher - Dead by Daylight
Switcher - Dead by Daylight - 8 years ago
Almost 1Million subscribers, HYPE in the comments
Switcher - Dead by Daylight
Switcher - Dead by Daylight - 8 years ago
Almost 1k HYPE
Switcher - Dead by Daylight
Switcher - Dead by Daylight - 8 years ago
Best video ever <3 :P
Sleeep G
Sleeep G - 8 years ago
I've lost a lot of respect for you guys. this is disappointing.
Amanda Sandberg
Amanda Sandberg - 8 years ago
I just love Paul's run at 10:36
Angel The fam
Angel The fam - 8 years ago
Good morning
william sesler
william sesler - 8 years ago
its funny bc jukka said "be original" but this idea came from casey neistat. hahahaha
nathan b
nathan b - 8 years ago
been binge watching the vlogs...peace,love and happiness.
El Zilcho
El Zilcho - 8 years ago
take this Casey!
Daniel Pîrciu
Daniel Pîrciu - 8 years ago
și calumea și mișto
Ava Synkelma
Ava Synkelma - 8 years ago
I was the 1k liker yayaya
Julia Borzenkow
Julia Borzenkow - 8 years ago
Wow! Good to see that Jarno is back!! So happy when all four dudes are back in LA!! love you guys! <3
James Powell
James Powell - 8 years ago
I have been watching your Videos for about a yr now and I absolutely love the music you put in these vids is there anyway you can put the names of them in the description plz I and alot of ppl would love to listen to them if you could that would be awesome thkx guys and keep doing you, Your all a huge inspiration in my life!!!!
Holo Lover
Holo Lover - 8 years ago
I love you dudesons
SINISTER 74OH - 8 years ago
love you guys!!! great to see you jarno we missed you dude
Henri Fisniku
Henri Fisniku - 8 years ago
I've been swimming in the rain once
like legit swimming
DJ julie
DJ julie - 8 years ago
hi my name is juilanna
Jessica Barnes
Jessica Barnes - 8 years ago
I missed Jukkas kids in todays vlog! But yay Jarno's back woop! Does anyone else adore Al or is it just me? haha x
Jewel Villanueva
Jewel Villanueva - 8 years ago
Jessica Barnes not only you i adore al too hahahaha
kijk niet naar mijn profielfoto
kijk niet naar mijn profielfoto - 8 years ago
like for the dudesons
Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper - 8 years ago
Al is like the father of everyone
NiZE - CS:GO & MORE - 8 years ago
i´ll move to LA
Mara941 - 8 years ago
anak kingkong
anak kingkong - 8 years ago
Matt CB
Matt CB - 8 years ago
hey guys would you be able to help me for school if you are not able or don't feel like it just share the link thank you!!! https://www.generosity.com/education-fundraising/mateo-s-university-tool/x/16086506
Fart Sparks
Fart Sparks - 8 years ago
Wicked video, real fun. Keep up the great fun vids Dudes
ZAY or IZZY - 8 years ago
send nudes
send nudes - 8 years ago

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The "Flood Surfing with LAPD!" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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