Full Movie: Discovering Mavericks - Jay Moriarity, Mark Foo, Peter Mel[HD]

This is the story of those who risked their lives, some paying the ultimate price, for the ultimate ride. Produced by Mavericks legend Jeff Clark and directed by Josh Pomer. Winner of the Newport Beach Film Festival 2013 Audience Award. Subscribe for more surf movies! http://bit.ly/18VxJeD Narrated by actor Dean Winters, “Discovering Mavericks” captures the passion and dedication of surfers like Jay Moriarity, Peter Mel, Flea, Shane Dorian, Mark Foo, Brock Little, and Mike Parsons, honoring the sacrifice of all those who have dared to take on the unforgiving waves at Mavericks. Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/echoboomsports Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/echoboomsports Available on iTunes: http://georiot.co/mMt / Amazon: http://georiot.co/2uK1 / Xbox: http://bit.ly/1f2Z9Wo Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EchoBoomSports

Full Movie: Discovering Mavericks - Jay Moriarity, Mark Foo, Peter Mel[HD] sentiment_very_dissatisfied 147

Surf 10 years ago 838,618 views

This is the story of those who risked their lives, some paying the ultimate price, for the ultimate ride. Produced by Mavericks legend Jeff Clark and directed by Josh Pomer. Winner of the Newport Beach Film Festival 2013 Audience Award. Subscribe for more surf movies! http://bit.ly/18VxJeD Narrated by actor Dean Winters, “Discovering Mavericks” captures the passion and dedication of surfers like Jay Moriarity, Peter Mel, Flea, Shane Dorian, Mark Foo, Brock Little, and Mike Parsons, honoring the sacrifice of all those who have dared to take on the unforgiving waves at Mavericks. Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/echoboomsports Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/echoboomsports Available on iTunes: http://georiot.co/mMt / Amazon: http://georiot.co/2uK1 / Xbox: http://bit.ly/1f2Z9Wo Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EchoBoomSports

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Most popular comments
for Full Movie: Discovering Mavericks - Jay Moriarity, Mark Foo, Peter Mel[HD]

Echoboom Sports
Echoboom Sports - 6 years ago
Watch more surf films with a FREE TRIAL of Echoboom Sports, the essential subscription for action sports films available on all your favorite devices. Get it now at http://www.tryEchoboom.com/

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Sutton Taliaferro
Sutton Taliaferro - 6 years ago
im with you S Walters
Throwbacks // Popular Songs
Throwbacks // Popular Songs - 6 years ago
Where can i find the music in this documentary?
Air Guitar
Air Guitar - 6 years ago
Guys. What is the last song that plays on this incredible doc. The one for the end credits. I need to find it!
Air Guitar
Air Guitar - 6 years ago
What a great documentary! I was born in Half Moon Bay and have never surfed... My dad used to surf a lot and my friends surf and my dad's friends still surf. I will learn soon!
David Matthew Friedman
David Matthew Friedman - 6 years ago
Διονύσης Τσουκαλάς
Διονύσης Τσουκαλάς - 6 years ago
Total respect to these insane surfers! True passion of being great to the sport you love and overcoming fear.
Robert Zatkin
Robert Zatkin - 6 years ago
The 'shelf' refereed to in the film is probably the dip slope of the San Gregorio-Palo Colorado Canyon Fault.
David Cox
David Cox - 6 years ago
Jeff Clark - surfing badass

10. comment for Full Movie: Discovering Mavericks - Jay Moriarity, Mark Foo, Peter Mel[HD]

Underground Hip Hop Paradise
Underground Hip Hop Paradise - 6 years ago
42:26 !!! yet excyted
Domino 2000
Domino 2000 - 6 years ago
Well first I have to learn to open my eyes in burning saltwater
Outside TV
Outside TV - 6 years ago
This is some pretty insane footage (x)! My name is Sarah from OutsideTV! We just wanted to let you know that we have partnered with the Adventure Film Festival for their upcoming Adventure Film Makers challenge! If you applied to the festival, but were not accepted, OutsideTV has another chance to get your film into the contest! All you have to do is create a Campfire channel and post your film here! Once you have created an account and added your film, more likes= MORE POINTS! In addition, you will be featured on OutsideTV and have an opportunity to win tons of prizes through the film festival! Also, share your channel and videos to your other social media sites so you can rack up likes that will keep you at the top of the contest leaderboard! If you have any questions regarding the contest, here is the link to the contest description, and this is the link to the Adventure Film Festival Website! Good Luck and Happy Filming!
legniak1 - 6 years ago
Anyone know the music at the Tow-In part?
Διονύσης Τσουκαλάς
Διονύσης Τσουκαλάς - 6 years ago
Sinjinbin 64 what an ass you are.
Eva Haan
Eva Haan - 6 years ago
dielegend -
dielegend - - 6 years ago
creature957 - 6 years ago
Background music and filmstrip too distracting...
X Roth
X Roth - 6 years ago
Really great documentary/surf film ,well done ✅
conspiracies are just great stories
conspiracies are just great stories - 6 years ago
No offense, but the whole "spiritual connection" to the ocean thing drives me nuts....for me, there's nothing better than a perfectly sunny day with 70 degrees a slight breeze and no humidity is perfect but I don't ever feel like it's because of a spiritual connection....it's just nature doing it's thing and I happen to be there for it.
AlexandruP - 6 years ago
oh you sure are clever
Francis W
Francis W - 6 years ago
conspiracies are just great stories

I had a vaginal connection with your sister many times. She made me swell big time.

20. comment for Full Movie: Discovering Mavericks - Jay Moriarity, Mark Foo, Peter Mel[HD]

legniak1 - 6 years ago
Pretty much "Riding Giants"
Vinnie Provolone
Vinnie Provolone - 6 years ago
legniak1 cool to see them years later.
Hugo Agogo
Hugo Agogo - 6 years ago
At 6:57, that's my street. Moana Way. Watched this film being made.
Peliroja - 6 years ago
damn. That soundtrack killed it for me
Rob Hofer
Rob Hofer - 6 years ago
Rob Hofer
Rob Hofer - 6 years ago
You’ve to possess iron “balls” to do this with regularity.
Rae Lynn Merritt
Rae Lynn Merritt - 6 years ago
R.I.P.;... Jay reminded me of my Brother, Chuck Davis, even with the short haircut, with a incredible smile and piercing blue eyes. My Brother was great at every sport he tried. His favorite was Surfing. Chuck Davis 5/7/51 - 3/2/75...His life was shortened by a bullet in March 1975. He was a beautiful Person/Brother, a Carpenter by trade and loved to Surf. Great Documentary!
Yannick Ariel Bihan
Yannick Ariel Bihan - 6 years ago
you don't wanna go alright I m going ;)
Marlene Mcgovern
Marlene Mcgovern - 6 years ago
Respect to some of the Best of the Watermen. Nothing but Love. Aloha
Tim B.
Tim B. - 6 years ago
Great documentary of this incredible and incredibly beautiful and inspiring scene. Spoiled by the weird film frame flic-flic-flic-flickering thing. And that awful music.
Jeff Dowell
Jeff Dowell - 6 years ago
When Gerard Butler came to town he was shunned so I get the f*** out of here dude you think you can ride this typical Hollywood
Francis W
Francis W - 6 years ago
Jeff Dowell

I surfed your mom the other night. She gave be some real nice lip and then I paddled her hard.
Jeff Dowell
Jeff Dowell - 6 years ago
Live there for 12 years I used to play on my boat there I never served that wasn't good enough for that kind of freaking power but I was good on the throttle

30. comment for Full Movie: Discovering Mavericks - Jay Moriarity, Mark Foo, Peter Mel[HD]

nika lukava
nika lukava - 6 years ago
kimrecreant - 7 years ago
Incredibly bad editing and camera-work. Seriously, what the hell is the point of jerking the camera around between a set of stills? And the music. This is a great story that should be filmed by someone who knows what they're doing.
Hitchens Thinksnot
Hitchens Thinksnot - 7 years ago
Obama hater = PUSSY !
OBAMA HATER - 7 years ago
Διονύσης Τσουκαλάς
Διονύσης Τσουκαλάς - 6 years ago
OBAMA HATER golf takes skill? You chase after a ball and you use wayyyyy lots of space. Thanks for making me laugh pussy.
caribbeanchild - 7 years ago
too many ads
Air Guitar
Air Guitar - 6 years ago
MultiShmed - 7 years ago
I applaud the way Jeff Clark describes the feeling of that awesome surf, achieving a world defying feat... no really. Surfing is amazing in all its forms as a practice of true inner peace. There are amazing analogies to what in fact the most determined people want to discover in their lifetime (In other words, there are many paths, but the surfer's soul is true.... and those who just go big.... yeeeeeeeeww!). I really enjoyed what was captured.
Clint -n-
Clint -n- - 7 years ago
21:41. Why does the inventor of the wetsuit look homeless?! He should be rich! Lol
T G - 7 years ago
Been surfing all my life and can't see the appeal of dropping a spot like that. The risk/reward ratio is way too skewed.
John DeF
John DeF - 7 years ago
Jay knew love is the answer❤️
keegan nipe
keegan nipe - 7 years ago
John DeF live like jay, love like jay
Persona non grata
Persona non grata - 7 years ago
Needs more music.
Julie Lampe
Julie Lampe - 7 years ago
Please, please, please tell me what the music is at 22 minutes in that goes on for about five minutes. So calming.
Throwbacks // Popular Songs
Throwbacks // Popular Songs - 6 years ago
I've been trying to find that too! Actually, trying to find who did all the music in this doc.
Kraig Gaddis
Kraig Gaddis - 7 years ago
Excellent Movie/Documentary-
I was thinking the same thing about Jeff Clark going out there in that huge surf in that cold water way out there all by yourself. One has to have to be quite "brave" to go that far out in known shark infested waters as well. I surfed most all my life and I am 57 years old, and I never liked being the "only one out there". I have done it many times, but not in those conditions.
It's sad that that there's still surfers that have "territory issues". Grow up, I say to them! No one starts out as an expert surfer and many will smash into you and will make mistakes and get in your way, but it's all how to treat other human beings.
rose - 7 years ago
Watching documentaries about this place and every riders story never fails to bring me to tears... RIP to all who rode Mavericks as their last wave.
Sloan Russell
Sloan Russell - 7 years ago
Is there footage of Mark Rollins?
Jeremiah Wilson
Jeremiah Wilson - 7 years ago
I dont think you belittle that wave by even naming it. Much less having a frikin contest. Leave that one alone. It doesnt like people. Obvious as hell.
1mollylee - 7 years ago
Can we get a close up on Tom Powers please
Gent Bar
Gent Bar - 7 years ago
yeah.... nuts! @ 50+ min.
Woodzy - 7 years ago
tommy shredtv
tommy shredtv - 7 years ago
Michael G
Michael G - 7 years ago
Heading to HMB in an hour. Hiking and then seafood at Barbra's, though. No Mavericks.

50. comment for Full Movie: Discovering Mavericks - Jay Moriarity, Mark Foo, Peter Mel[HD]

JOHN BLUESMAN - 7 years ago
awesome! Its Grant baker not Brett .
Stephanie Kieft
Stephanie Kieft - 7 years ago
I really wanna learn how to surf
CPatrik - 7 years ago
Started at 25 and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever learned, but hands down the most rewarding. You’ll have to put endless hours in to get better, Years in to if you’ll still have days where you just want to leave the water and never return, but the good days are amongst the best I’ve ever had in life. Don’t wait man, just start!:)
Outcast Outdoors - On a Fishin' Mission
Outcast Outdoors - On a Fishin' Mission - 7 years ago
Stephanie Kieft - I imagine the rewards justify the risk involved.
ScotSpeed - 7 years ago
maverick's was either named after tom cruise's character on "top gun" or a dog.
Nasty ScaR
Nasty ScaR - 8 years ago
Mark Foo Rip
We need the audience volume turned up a little bit.
We need the audience volume turned up a little bit. - 8 years ago
That older surfer who said, at 54:54, that he was not really afraid of anything (anymore) is lying.
Even Laird Hamilton will admit that fear is good and that one has to have it to be kept in check.
Fear is what keeps surfers from being entirely feckless & reckless.
Joey Nice
Joey Nice - 8 years ago
half moon bay ain't for posers. too cold and too big for yours truly.
Trenton Martin
Trenton Martin - 8 years ago
Good movie, although I don't like how he makes surfing sound like a sport that leads to belief in no God, for years surfers have seen the power of natures waves and been in awe at Gods creation and power. Some have attributed the waves to the power of the "gods" but either way surfing and experiencing waves allows us to see a glimpse of our creator.
Will Shaw
Will Shaw - 6 years ago
According to you, amigo. There is no God, there is no heaven, there is no afterlife. You ever imagine that you've simply been told stories, illusions, to fool naive children?
. If your "creator" is so mighty, why doesn't He eradicate Hodgkins lymphoma? Did He also create childhood onset leukemia?
Some "creator" all right....wake up!
Austen Pearson
Austen Pearson - 7 years ago
And I don't like how you make the sport sound like it leads to believing in God. Leave religion out of it.
Hitchens Thinksnot
Hitchens Thinksnot - 7 years ago
Trenton Martin no, Poseidon is the "God" you're referring to. Myths, my friend, just myths. My God's better than yours...
Smedley Butler
Smedley Butler - 8 years ago
probably the most recognizable wave in the world. half moon bay use to scare me as a kid.you could hear,and feel the wave,but you couldn't see it.
John Surf
John Surf - 8 years ago
The strap crew cant paddle in at jaws, everyone else does!!!
Susan Bahns
Susan Bahns - 8 years ago
Georges-Edouard Salaün
Georges-Edouard Salaün - 8 years ago
John Rogan
John Rogan - 8 years ago
Mark Foo...RIP
Nelson Cuyle
Nelson Cuyle - 8 years ago
I grew up on waves south of Santa Cruz. Then I fished Alaska. The waves in mavericks don't hold a candle to the Bering Sea.
James Nichols
James Nichols - 8 years ago
Now you're Talking to me........
Mimi Bello
Mimi Bello - 8 years ago
g pernah bosen nntn ini.... good movie!
JeepGirl OlllO
JeepGirl OlllO - 8 years ago
My son Vitto saved Zack's life out at the Mav one day in the 90's. Nice job V. !
Marcus Lyons
Marcus Lyons - 8 years ago
I didn't actually relize how Big Mavs is it's so insane
Georges SALAÜN
Georges SALAÜN - 8 years ago
a 0:50
Georges SALAÜN
Georges SALAÜN - 8 years ago
j adore la musique a 1:20
Fernando Caballero
Fernando Caballero - 8 years ago
insane waves!!!!
stezothewhitenegro - 8 years ago
I'm going to take my canoe to Mavericks and go balls out !
Wonder if Id make it ?
Nasty ScaR
Nasty ScaR - 8 years ago
stezothewhitenegro good luck . You are gonna needed it .
JeepGirl OlllO
JeepGirl OlllO - 8 years ago
stezothewhitenegro I wouldn't ! only cuz I'm from HMB
stezothewhitenegro - 8 years ago
+heavy debbie
 lol   no shit
heavy debbie
heavy debbie - 8 years ago
if an idiot like Gerard Butler paddles out in mavericks with no training on a board then you should be fine
Colum Nolan
Colum Nolan - 8 years ago
The incessant violin bg music at the start.. and the annoying muzak all the way through. Wow so awful. content is good but music and editing IS awful
robin2012ism - 8 years ago
i bought the movie chasing mavs
John 1975
John 1975 - 8 years ago
The section from minute 14 is very emotional. Jeff is in love with the ocean and Half Moon Bay. So inspirational... I have much respect for this guys and for mother nature.
ANA M - 8 years ago
Orthai Thiamdang
Orthai Thiamdang - 8 years ago
! ดีคะ
Orthai Thiamdang
Orthai Thiamdang - 8 years ago
! ดีคะ
Brad NC
Brad NC - 8 years ago
The music.. geez it felt like I was watching a corporate training vid or something. No soundtrack, synth city much? Would have been a great film otherwise, 20 mins I'm out!
Taylor Sulva
Taylor Sulva - 6 years ago
Agreed dude! I looked for surfing video, not walmart training video.
Doug Hoskovec
Doug Hoskovec - 8 years ago
Good movie. Too bad about the bad music and even worse, the flipping frames that look like a bad film projector. I hope the flashing doesn't send any epileptics into seizures. Still, overall a very good surf movie.
Boris Chang
Boris Chang - 8 years ago
It felt like a CIA MK Ultra memory wipe session and was sort of whatchmacallit, and reminiscent of, um, what was I talking about?
Shaun McCormack
Shaun McCormack - 8 years ago
True that. It would be a shit load better without the cheese. Someone please upload it again without it.
cabblers - 8 years ago
thats exactly what I thought- I left after 15 mins
Robert Cubinelli
Robert Cubinelli - 8 years ago
Hell yeah Shaun LaPlante....☮☮
Davdski - 8 years ago
One word, "Shipsterns"
Marcus Lyons
Marcus Lyons - 8 years ago
Robert Cubinelli yeah mate that's so true
Magaikalem - 8 years ago
You guys are such rebels!
Barak Burt
Barak Burt - 8 years ago
oh yes bra
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 8 years ago
Fleas only 40!! He could totally still charge Mavs
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 8 years ago
Lol. I love that. @14:32. "Jeff Clarkes pretty gnarly. I mean, straight up, He's gnarly".
Eric Farmer
Eric Farmer - 8 years ago
The world was so beautiful in the 69s and 70s
AlexandruP - 6 years ago
heres a thought: maybe he accidently pressed the 9 key instead of the 0 since they're right next to each other. Asshole.
Francis W
Francis W - 6 years ago
Eric Farmer

There was more than one 1969?
cpie vercaza
cpie vercaza - 8 years ago
40 people didn't like this? wth! do you guys ever surf????
Francis W
Francis W - 6 years ago
cpie vercaza

I surfed your mom the other night. She made me swell real nice.
Marlon Marcos Martins
Marlon Marcos Martins - 8 years ago
Its very dangerous, but its a dream, beautiful dream.ALOHA.
Le pro Clash of clan CLEM
Le pro Clash of clan CLEM - 8 years ago
deck monkey
deck monkey - 8 years ago
Fucking brutal. I managed to watch 20 minutes of a movie that should be awesome. Haven't you retards heard of a tripod or a camera stabilizer? I can understand shooting from a boat but the interviews are so shaky and zoomed too. Can I buy the soundtrack on iTunes or do I have to buy a Barbie dance set to get it?
Tea Bag
Tea Bag - 8 years ago
Great movie about the power of Calif Surfing at Mavericks.  Josh Pomer and the rest of the film crew....Thanks for providing this uplifting movie and praise to those who have passed living on the edge of "Extreme Life and Love of the Wave"!!
Andrea T
Andrea T - 8 years ago
wow, inspirational pioneers.
robert - 8 years ago
the 35 people who didn't like this can eat reef
Hudson Jones
Hudson Jones - 8 years ago
An awesome movie...RIP jay !
O3 Reppin
O3 Reppin - 9 years ago
live like jay
2 liter
2 liter - 9 years ago
Des Moines Iowa? That's funny. I was born and live in MC, Iowa population 30,000 and was just thinking how being born here means you ain't gonna do shit-a million miles from being a surfer or any other big time doer.
keegan nipe
keegan nipe - 7 years ago
Live like jay
Outcast Outdoors - On a Fishin' Mission
Outcast Outdoors - On a Fishin' Mission - 7 years ago
Mataio Hanrahan - Every day!
sleep walker
sleep walker - 9 years ago
Great movie but the soundtrack doesn't compare to Riding Giants. It's a beast of of a wave though. Wish I knew about it when I was on holiday in Frisco in '86 !
T.W. Mcdaniel
T.W. Mcdaniel - 9 years ago
At 44:58 is Brock Little and Mark Foo sharing a wave. Gave me chills. RIP brothers.
Devin Bendig
Devin Bendig - 9 years ago

100. comment for Full Movie: Discovering Mavericks - Jay Moriarity, Mark Foo, Peter Mel[HD]

Rich - 9 years ago
Hey Josh! Dude! This 'production' of Mavericks is very very unique in terms of subject matter. However; the production value is ruined by (in my view) a poor choice of music. I could not complete watching the movie because I got tired of the same old sound track being repeated over and over again. Next time; change it buddy. Also, try to have more narrative instead of lots of dead spots where nothing is being said with the same music over and over. Couldn't complete watching. You should re-do the movie because the subject is great. But production wise; it needs improvement. But hats off to ya though.
Paul Delahunty
Paul Delahunty - 9 years ago
keith basham
keith basham - 9 years ago
wow. encouragement.
Luis Suarez
Luis Suarez - 9 years ago
Excellent movie!!!!
Jeff Parravano
Jeff Parravano - 9 years ago
Gives a real appreciation about how heavy this wave is. Thanks for sharing!
Racingrocko - 9 years ago
I had to stop watching the documentary due to the overly annoying sound track.
J W - 9 years ago
Great doc, crap soundtrack..
cabinmadness1 - 9 years ago
Amazing, have seen a few surf movies in my time (58 years old). Really nice history......Boogie on old guys.....Fuck Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
240zee - 9 years ago
i lived at mark foos house in the winter of 87 . spent 3 of the best months of my life there.
fndrkFanClub - 9 years ago
fndrkFanClub - 9 years ago
This song was written specifically for Mavericks by a fellow surfer:
Fun d'ark - The place where most jokes are funny
...and it's the shit!
Kevin and Taryn Fish
Kevin and Taryn Fish - 9 years ago
Really enjoyed watching this.
Justin Anderson
Justin Anderson - 9 years ago
A - 9 years ago
888zzz - 9 years ago
Fascinating documentary, but like most documentaries it's degraded with constant music at too high a volume.
Grant Hann
Grant Hann - 9 years ago
Who's the chop narrating? Refers to Brett "Twiggy" Baker...fool
sadie bear
sadie bear - 9 years ago
is maverick tougher than teahupoo? the force is just incredible. the surfers that died are in my heart. very sad yet powerful.
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 8 years ago
+Tom Mc Innis what's it like on a smaller day? When does it start breaking?
Carsten M
Carsten M - 8 years ago
True - been out at Mavs on a small day. On big days like 30ft + it´s massive, it´s triple over nasty - cold, grey, ugly! Teahupoo is a different story...
eric b
eric b - 9 years ago
Jeff Clark's piece at 14:45 is priceless, that man is so in tune with the place.
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 8 years ago
He seems like he actually gets it. He's found what we all search for
Jim M
Jim M - 9 years ago
As a 'dessert rat' by birth, I was privileged to live in California in the 80's thru the early 90's. I grew up water skiing, and while I really wanted to get out there, I had respect for the territory. So the number of sessions I have done I can count on one hand. That doesn't take away from the level of passion and awe that this film brings from the center of me. Very, very well done!
Amir tales
Amir tales - 9 years ago
Conan Rei
Conan Rei - 9 years ago
Great story. Great wave. Great surfers. Bad editing and constant over dramatic music
David Blumberg
David Blumberg - 9 years ago
first,thanks for posting an amazing movie.

Second, that "technique" with the film strips strobing and jumping around is the most annoying thing i have seen in a movie.  It was like the water torture waiting for the next one (I would cover my eyes).  what were you thinking??!!
Also didn't like the too loud musak behind the interviews with Jeff Clark and others.
kimrecreant - 7 years ago
I just saw your comment after posting my own about this. Totally agree. Unwatchable.
Conan Rei
Conan Rei - 9 years ago
+David Blumberg agreed
Eli carlton-pearson
Eli carlton-pearson - 9 years ago
This is a spectacularly badly made film. Some of the dopest footage I've ever seen, and one of my favorite subjects and breaks, edited so badly, with such disjointed stories, it's kind of awe inspiring how badly executed it is. Sorry to talk shit, but it really stands out. I hope someone else can get a budget and the interviews to tell the story well.
S Walters
S Walters - 9 years ago
That guy Jeff Clark must have balls of steel. To go out in cold, shark invested waters and slay that giant monster all alone, for all those years; one word.....respect.
Maria Rodriguez
Maria Rodriguez - 6 years ago
fearless warrior definitely sharks in this ocean... what else did you think was swimming in these waters??
brandy sigmon
brandy sigmon - 7 years ago
I infested in the stock market
Blane Murphy
Blane Murphy - 7 years ago
S Walters most heroic feat in surfing history is Jeff surfing there alone at 15 years old. Crazy.
The New World Order
The New World Order - 7 years ago
Yeah exactly... all alone surfing a wave like that ... respect
Joseph Mauricio Flores
Joseph Mauricio Flores - 7 years ago
Dave You Can't Leave This Empty for people that don't like perverts.
sharron auterson
sharron auterson - 7 years ago
Amen ‼️‼️
MIKI-WAWA - 7 years ago
you're name's cool!
Davdski - 8 years ago
...and that is a problem for who and why? Who fucking cares what he does in personal life!
heavy debbie
heavy debbie - 8 years ago
S Walters Jeff was gay. he wore panties under his wetsuit.
Alexz D
Alexz D - 9 years ago
Awesome documentary!!..Be brave, love life and life each day to its fullest!.. These guys prove it.. <3
kam hall
kam hall - 9 years ago
Another Great Surfing movie is Chasing Mavericks also Soul Surfer !!
AlexCardoza - 9 years ago
I really like your channel. Keep up the great work if you get a chance check out my channel. ill def watch more. you found yourself a new sub
pbaylis1 - 9 years ago
Shorter boards and footstraps that come with tow-in surfing obviously would have made it much easier.
Διονύσης Τσουκαλάς
Διονύσης Τσουκαλάς - 6 years ago
pbaylis1 that's the fun of every sport. The challenge and difficulty.
clarkewi - 9 years ago
Great portrait of Clark. An amazing human being.
Steve Cournane
Steve Cournane - 9 years ago
thanks, enjoyed that a lot
indaskys - 9 years ago
awesome video :)
Tyrant60 - 9 years ago
Damn, the story about Jay's death. Heart-wrenching,
pbaylis1 - 9 years ago
+Tyrant60 Yeah, he seemed like a beautiful soul.
Christian Gerhardt
Christian Gerhardt - 9 years ago
how is Jeff Clarck's analogy?  Awesome.  a True surfer.
jantour - 9 years ago
The setting in Marvic is wonderful. I just love the Ocean. http://jhtan.yolasite.com.
Krishna Krish
Krishna Krish - 9 years ago
PacWestFish - 9 years ago
Rule #1: Never narrate your own production unless you have a true radio voice. A true documentary isn't about the filmmaker.
Cole Johnson
Cole Johnson - 10 years ago
Guys, you looped footage shot from in the barrel at 10:21 and onward for a good five seconds...why? Surfing is already amazing as it is. Mavericks even more so. Don't do that. The documentary is fine without imposing cinematic rules of continuity all over it. Plus it was obvious and distracting.
Cole Johnson
Cole Johnson - 7 years ago
What a dork!
Marik 444
Marik 444 - 7 years ago
I could also add that they did it to showcase the inside of a barrel to non surfers, that not too many people would really notice, and that it was only 5 seconds of an hour and 15 minute video.

But since you seem to be going full retard on everyone else I left it at one line.
Cole Johnson
Cole Johnson - 7 years ago
I definitely do, if that is all you have to offer this conversation.
Marik 444
Marik 444 - 7 years ago
5 seconds distracted you? You must have the attention span of a gnat.
Cole Johnson
Cole Johnson - 9 years ago
Chupa this verga el coyote! Jajajajajajajaja
Roberto Escudero
Roberto Escudero - 9 years ago
+Cole Johnson como se yama la peli esta d maverik ?eske puse esso ino sale Jjjjjj
Tyrant60 - 9 years ago
+Cole Johnson Every body hates a party pooper, party poooooper
Cole Johnson
Cole Johnson - 9 years ago
Boots n cats n boots n cats n boots n cats n boots n cats byiiiiiiitch
Cole Johnson
Cole Johnson - 9 years ago
I will crush youuuuuuggghh!!!!! Lick my boot limey scum! A plague on both your ball sacks!!!
Danniel 1904
Danniel 1904 - 10 years ago
This is prime-time material man! This should appear right next to "Chasing Mavericks" or "Riding Giants" when we search for something like this! This is truly the shit!

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