GIANT SET at PIPELINE. Surfing & Bodyboarding Huge Waves.

Surfers and bodyboarders ride a massive set of waves at Banzai Pipeline, North Shore of Oahu, HI. Kainoa Mcgee on a bomb and Mike Stewart on a 2nd massive reef beast wave.

GIANT SET at PIPELINE. Surfing & Bodyboarding Huge Waves. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 43

Surf 14 years ago 451,909 views

Surfers and bodyboarders ride a massive set of waves at Banzai Pipeline, North Shore of Oahu, HI. Kainoa Mcgee on a bomb and Mike Stewart on a 2nd massive reef beast wave.

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Most popular comments
for GIANT SET at PIPELINE. Surfing & Bodyboarding Huge Waves.

CDOAN22 - 7 years ago
I posted a video with a big set at Pipeline the day before the Backdoor Shootout. You can go check it out here:
Eric Rosenfeld
Eric Rosenfeld - 7 years ago
Why did that surfer bail the way he did?
JustFishing - 7 years ago
cuz the wave was gonna swallow him and the would been in the washing machine for 5 mins
Paul Guzman
Paul Guzman - 8 years ago
Dude at 1:32 got Munched! I was raised on Oahu, we used to go most years and the sets were usually 20 to 30+ Feet and Scary as hell. Almost nobody got into the water except the locals who had been boogie boarding it for years, or the pro's. My brother and I both surfed, but never did work up the courage to try that winter Banzai surf!
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
ONe of the sickest videos online.
keithmckeith - 8 years ago
Even big Pipe looks embarrassing after teahupu footage
Tim Blizzard
Tim Blizzard - 8 years ago
Still scares the fuck out of me.
Motleymick - 8 years ago
I'd love to just be there. Weather surfing, bodyboarding or spectating from the beach. To see waves like that puts a big smile all over my face.
Mr.Clem - 7 years ago
* Whether
JM AF - 8 years ago
Watched this video and knew the comments would be about bodyboarding vs surfing. Surprise surprise! Sometimes I think people forget the reason we're all into this stuff - the feeling that you get when it's just you and mother nature - the feeling of humbling perspective that the sea gives to your life. If people want to troll, why troll people who are so similar to you. There are so many crazy douchebags out there; go and troll a crazy bastard posting about the importance of gun possession, or someone who denies climate change. Or anything else that might really get your goat. Better still, go surfing and, in the words of Andy, feel like a better person when you get out.
Mike McCourt
Mike McCourt - 8 years ago
Total chicken skin at 1:14
BEN MAHONY - 8 years ago
i reckon body boarders have it easy because they don't have to pop up or anything. it also hurts alot more when the lip comes down on a surfers head because they are standing. also i think the bodyboarders stole all the waves but thats just my opinion.
Jared Martinez
Jared Martinez - 8 years ago
+Sleeping Lion Obviously you've never tried bodyboarding before. Believe it or not, it takes skill to make sections and gain speed. It only looks easy because these guys daring to charge this size of waves have the skills to make it look effortless
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 8 years ago
JM AF they catch them later bc they can. They don't need to worry about eating shit or chunking a drop. They make almost every drop no matter what. It's too easy. Just kick into the wave, you already know your gonna make it. And at spots like the wedge, they hog all the waves.
Jared Martinez
Jared Martinez - 8 years ago
Surfing and Bodyboarding are 2 sides of the same coin. They both have pros and cons to them. I should know, I'm an overall waterman meaning that I ride everything from hand planes to longboards. And from my own self expierences, the worst beatings I've taken is when I was out on a bodyboard. I think it's due to the fact that when you're laying down like that on a board you are much closer to actual impact zone of the wave so it's more of an immediate beating you have to take. Surfing also has this but I feel I can get a better breath when I go down on a heavy wipe out simply because you don't have that pressure on your diaphram as you would with a bodyboard, so it's less of a struggle to catch a deeper more oxygen filled breath. Also yes popping up on a surfboard is definitely something that separates the two but you also have to remember that most surfers take off deeper in order to compensate for that split second if vulnerability when going from stomach to feet. All in all the main purpose of being out there is to have fun no matter what board you're riding, even if you're not riding one (bodysurfing) You also have to remember that all the differences between the two amazing sports happen in a matter of milliseconds, with both outcomes being you sliding down the face of one of mother nature's most beautiful creations on this planet.
JM AF - 8 years ago
And they don't have a hard board. But, they can't steal waves - they have to catch them later than surfers.

10. comment for GIANT SET at PIPELINE. Surfing & Bodyboarding Huge Waves.

mason lane
mason lane - 9 years ago
Body boarders rule that day
Lor00D - 9 years ago
Surfers lol?
daniel hughes
daniel hughes - 9 years ago
1:35 thats gotta hurt!
Rhoda8002 - 10 years ago
Man that's nice waves
MrJohanOne - 10 years ago
GIANT is the word
MrJohanOne - 10 years ago
Bodyboarder charger on that day. Nice and powerfull
rdePetris5 - 10 years ago
Isn't there a reef like three feet under that
darrin cockerill
darrin cockerill - 7 years ago
notalegalalien - 10 years ago
Mateo Membrila
Mateo Membrila - 7 years ago
Pocahontas its not so easy with a reef like 2 feet under u
Pocahontas - 8 years ago
That's cuz its easy
Alex Santos
Alex Santos - 10 years ago
Honestly,bodyboarding is only exciting to watch when it's a huge Pipe like that. :-0
JM AF - 8 years ago
or if you like it maybe?..
Czech Yolsef
Czech Yolsef - 10 years ago
and who's rushing hard?!?!......cough BODYBOARDERS
Czech Yolsef
Czech Yolsef - 10 years ago
* cough * cough *

20. comment for GIANT SET at PIPELINE. Surfing & Bodyboarding Huge Waves.

Skrelnick222 - 10 years ago
1:35 Doh!!!
utuberine - 11 years ago
Why did the guy on the green board bomb that wave? He was lookin good I thought.Unnecessary horror.
Alex Santos
Alex Santos - 10 years ago
If you're caught on the inside on a day like that you're finished!
Alex Santos
Alex Santos - 10 years ago
Not everybody got the balls to face a monster tube-like-a-house without thinking twice!
Czech Yolsef
Czech Yolsef - 10 years ago
because he was scared  ; )
notalegalalien - 11 years ago
I remember as a kid in Rio de Janeiro boogieboarding using 1/4 plywood boards, before the foam boards came out. They would slide down the waves a lot faster. The drawback was, they didn't float so you couldn't wait for the waves on top of them, and if you wipe out you better stay away from them.
Bobby Harris
Bobby Harris - 11 years ago
hey Im a surfer but I love body surfing when the waves arent there and boogieboarding would be way safer on pipe until you learn the wave then introduce your board to it.
JM AF - 8 years ago
not sure I agree with that. It might be a bit safer though.
Bobby Position
Bobby Position - 11 years ago
Golly, you must be waaaaay cooler than Mike Stewart. Seriously, the "I'm cool - You're not cool" thing is a freaking lame joke. Get over yourself.
Hunter Vanderpoel
Hunter Vanderpoel - 11 years ago
Gosh boogie boarders are soo cool
JM AF - 8 years ago
Looks like you agree with Kelly Slater at least
Grave Danger
Grave Danger - 11 years ago
That's a killer 'wipe out' at 1:37. I'm told there's a reef not far below the surface at Pipeline. That guy must have got smashed ! Hope he's ok.
LCA - 11 years ago
Lol, you are one angry fellow.
wee poo
wee poo - 11 years ago
I read that as Skrillex is better than snowboarding and I got really confused.
HaLeY IsAaK - 11 years ago
and ur wrong

30. comment for GIANT SET at PIPELINE. Surfing & Bodyboarding Huge Waves.

ScottyC - 11 years ago
@illusion887 do u know that every single person who reads the comments from this video thinks your a fucking idiot? Saying the same "kook" over and over again. Seriously if you wanna sound like a real cool surfer why don't you try finding a new word . Kook is way over played out and the only people who use it in every sentence are the "kooks" themselves. Just a free piece of advice... Brah.
NightStalkersFootball - 11 years ago
That gotta be fun : P
illusion887 - 11 years ago
yo mama got 10 inches of my pipe last night kook
Pedro Freitas
Pedro Freitas - 11 years ago
Chuck Norris relaxing pool
dalton ggg
dalton ggg - 11 years ago
considering you probally wouldnt have the fucking balls to go out 10 inches at the pipe.
newdimensionfilms - 11 years ago
Skiing is better than snowboarding! Oh wait wrong video.
mopz1ner - 11 years ago
Reef and verry dangerous one to
Shane Frank
Shane Frank - 11 years ago
is the ocean floor sand or reef here?
Shane Frank
Shane Frank - 11 years ago
bodyboarding and surfing are both fun on the right day/waves so shut your face.
MrGman102 - 11 years ago
respect to ya bro!
Jaromir Cabla
Jaromir Cabla - 11 years ago
lol illusion887, your an idiot k? well first of all I only surf and have respect for bodyboarders because it is easy but when it come to surfing big waves its pretty hard to do especially if you could land all those crazy tricks like ARS exc. but if your just gonna sit there and pretend to be slater then all your missing is the dick in you ass you faggot. You probably suck and your just a wannabe you loser. just look at your name its fay enough
Jodi M
Jodi M - 11 years ago
how do you even get in or out of that sea?!
Lestat3721 - 11 years ago
If body boarding is for faggots, then why don't you do it? Exactly. It's NOT for faggots.
Mission Control
Mission Control - 11 years ago
You're a breeder. Fuck off.
Fernando Andres
Fernando Andres - 11 years ago
1:31 lololol
Daniela Boksjo
Daniela Boksjo - 11 years ago
Still can't believe these losers that don't respect bodyboarders...
Anoni Mous
Anoni Mous - 11 years ago
Too Fucking Big...
Sam Amar
Sam Amar - 12 years ago
HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU CHARGE THAT?? these men have balls of steel, jesus christ
Katsu LA
Katsu LA - 12 years ago
Monica A
Monica A - 12 years ago
Call me a whimp, but that is SCARY!

50. comment for GIANT SET at PIPELINE. Surfing & Bodyboarding Huge Waves.

wiredsk8r - 12 years ago
youre gay
R.C. M.G
R.C. M.G - 12 years ago
that surfer wiped out hard!
ilsurfing1998 - 12 years ago
who doesn't, turtles are awesome
illusion887 - 12 years ago
i like turtles
ilsurfing1998 - 12 years ago
Ok, so i've read this whole argument. I have to be honest, first i thought bodyboarding was for people who couldn't surf, too (not in the last place because at my homebreak nobody bodyboards, because the waves aren't hollow enough). But for some reason i went to eurosurf where i had to bodyboard as well. Let me tell you, those bodyboarders have balls. You don't know anything about this, so just go arguing about something else, this makes you look really stupid...
Ronnie Dylan
Ronnie Dylan - 12 years ago
Arko Day
Arko Day - 12 years ago
Hey there, have you discovered MAD Muscle Ripper? (check on google) You will discover the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With MAD Muscle Ripper, you will discover how to bulk up quickly.
UncensoredX - 12 years ago
Not sure if troll or mind blowingly stupid person.
An Tran
An Tran - 12 years ago
For people arguing whether surfing or bodyboarding is better, there both equally fun to do. To surfers, bodyboarders are pushing the sport to the limits and found the craziest spots such as the famous Teahupoo, Cyclops, Shipsterns.
montauksurf916 - 12 years ago
first of all, east coast spots can be very consistent in the winter! Infact, the biggest days in obx come from big winter NE swells. MUCH bigger than anything at trestles. Now, google hurricane sandy at pumphouse. When was the last time one of your socal breaks looked like this? i bet never
montauksurf916 - 12 years ago
Dude, you just got munched in that argument! and bodyboarding is for fun, just like surfing is! it has nothing to do with ability or sexual orientation
GuildF40 - 12 years ago
The Ocean is everyone's. Cut the crap and enjoy it. NASTY SWIM IN THOUGH !
jack cook
jack cook - 12 years ago
You are taught to love everybody FORGIVE them for their ignorance It is a shame to hope for people you dont even know to be swallowed by corruption
Jack langdon
Jack langdon - 12 years ago
Hate spongers, but props to those guys
Er Rts
Er Rts - 12 years ago
Stand up progression comes from bodyboarding. Flips, rolls, spins and airs all done years before you see them done on a stick
potato332 - 12 years ago
who stuck a stick up your ass?
Patrick Aussie
Patrick Aussie - 12 years ago
That's what i call a wave people
Patrick Aussie
Patrick Aussie - 12 years ago
That shit is SICK!
daniel williams
daniel williams - 12 years ago
why are people arguing over bodyboarding and surfing? we both have the same thing in mind, to catch waves, and to feel the thrill of going over the next wave to find a bigger and better wave,
UncensoredX - 12 years ago
Surfing is going on a wave in a flotation device, using only the power of the wave. Surfer surf, bodyboarders surf, bodysurfers surf. Just to be in tune with the power of the seas, and oceans.
Jez Kimber
Jez Kimber - 12 years ago
when that surffer took of i was like fuck his dead
Sam Shepherd
Sam Shepherd - 12 years ago
that guy probably doesnt even know wat surfin is
illusion887 - 12 years ago
kooks go home
illusion887 - 12 years ago
you're the biggest gooner ever
Andrew92Swim - 12 years ago
you are the biggest asshole ever...
Alexander Higgins
Alexander Higgins - 12 years ago
That guy got pounded at 1:38. He's had balls though.
Kyle Charbonnet
Kyle Charbonnet - 12 years ago
Ive bodyboarded and surfed and there both just as fun as the other. I have to say that surfing is harder though.
JM AF - 8 years ago
I do both and I'm not so sure. Tough call.
Taylor Baker
Taylor Baker - 12 years ago
That's a kook wave? you're a fucking idiot. You couldn't handle the power of the waves out here. It comes right from the gulf stream into really shallow water, creating a thick, fast moving wave. I've been to trestles on a 6ft day. it's a lot of fun. I grew up in san diego, but it doesn't match to a 6 foot day here. And la jolla isn't all that hard to surf. Surf Blacks on a big day. Get the fuck out of here you fucking kook.
illusion887 - 12 years ago
lol thats some kook wave that only gets big during a hurricane swell. I surf real waves like Bigrock and Lower Trestles.
Taylor Baker
Taylor Baker - 12 years ago
Google: The Outer Banks surf. Look at the second picture. Fuck you. You're a kook that knows nothing about surfing, OR bodyboarding. Have fun at your computer
Taylor Baker
Taylor Baker - 12 years ago
Thank you man. I surf and bodyboard. And i love both, AND respect both.
illusion887 - 12 years ago
yah right... you guys get 2 foot waves that you need to use foam boards to catch like a kook
Taylor Baker
Taylor Baker - 12 years ago
Are you kidding me? OBX North Carolina has some of the best surf in the world. Study a bit more faggot.
Theblankcommentbelow - 12 years ago
Yeah cool story you wannabe surfer, trolling the same page for seven months. Sure sounds like you spend alot of time in the water? Call me a kook huh? Your the fucking troll who's been trolling this page for seven months now. Do everyone a favor, next time you wipeout don't come back up. The world would be a better place without you.
illusion887 - 12 years ago
cool story brah, you're still a kook
Theblankcommentbelow - 12 years ago
Typical kook, who has no idea that Bodyboards where the first type of board surfing invented by the Polynesians. I learned how to stand up on 42"x24" piece of plywood I found in Waikiki at age 6, from there I progressed to harder and harder boards to ride (Alaia, Kiko'o, Papa Li'ili'i, lele Wa'a) Fun fact Hawaiians practiced four different positions while surfing their stand up boards, prone surfing, knee, standing, bent knees. Fuck off troll, you know jack shit about surfing
illusion887 - 12 years ago
I become tolerant until gooners like you drop in on my waves with their kooky bodyboards.
illusion887 - 12 years ago
lol kook, I surfed today. I live in San Diego.. not some shitty town in the middle of Kansas that you live in.
Not Jin
Not Jin - 12 years ago
Did the board snap at :43
acmm acmm
acmm acmm - 12 years ago
0:42 so fast that he can't do the bottom turn
Tom Foley
Tom Foley - 12 years ago
0:57 is amazzing !
illusion887 - 12 years ago
Kaloea Almeida
Kaloea Almeida - 12 years ago
Now i know you're a dummy.
meaganfoxsleftboob - 12 years ago
damn straight man, i surf not body board. but a good buddy of mine does. and i defend him all the time from those fucks out there hating on him for doing somthing he loves
illusion887 - 12 years ago
yah brah, I surf 2 or 3 times a day. I could drop in on that and smack the lip then get pitted.
Kaloea Almeida
Kaloea Almeida - 12 years ago
So you could do that right?
prod - 12 years ago
He's a fucking cunt >.>
OxiClean - 12 years ago
fuck, did that surfer survive?
Jacob Walters
Jacob Walters - 12 years ago
Bodyboarding or surfing, give these guys props. Thats insane
illusion887 - 12 years ago
you must be a kook or a gooner

100. comment for GIANT SET at PIPELINE. Surfing & Bodyboarding Huge Waves.

dranksippa - 12 years ago
youre a disgrace to any west coast surfer.
Conor the pool noodle Mcflincher
Conor the pool noodle Mcflincher - 12 years ago
Press Show Comment for a Dumb Debate.
Jamster - 12 years ago
@illusion887 Shut the fuck up you cock, your making us surfers looked bad, go back to surfing and stop having a go at what other people like doing you cunt. @Lemmingsinsight89 I am sorry for that cunt over there that calls himself a surfer when he cant deal with other people doing other things. We are not all like this i hope this ass hole has not damped your view on surfers ~Regards~ a angry mother fucker
ItzSofaKing - 12 years ago
A little harsh? Bodyboarding and surfing is fun. Just let people pick what they enjoy the most. Some breaks that are a little faster are easier for body boarding and those that are a bit slower are more for surfing.
Deephousedan - 12 years ago
Fuckin hell youre a sad cunt.
george mira
george mira - 12 years ago
8 foot pipeline with bellysurfing kooks
Jack Bailey
Jack Bailey - 12 years ago
whats with all the fighting i see it on most videos now god just keep it to yourself aye
Idriss Alaoui
Idriss Alaoui - 12 years ago
If the guy were using a leash, the board probably wouldn't have survived
SuperJordanclark - 12 years ago
I would do that if WHEN i fell i was not thrown in the wave
danielmrussell - 12 years ago
It is amazing to me that humans are prone to religious (partisan) arguments. When this most unholy of fallacies is applied to what should be one of the purest and chillest things we have in our lives, surfing, it makes me die inside a little.
Mehdia Productions
Mehdia Productions - 12 years ago
The surfboard is a survival !
crashingteam - 12 years ago
Driss M'Rini
Driss M'Rini - 12 years ago
Press "show the comment" to go on an adventure ..
Joe Sharp
Joe Sharp - 12 years ago
dude was that guy at 1:30 out there without a leash? fuckin BALLS!
caleb meyers
caleb meyers - 12 years ago
Joel Bradley
Joel Bradley - 12 years ago
In the surfing vs bodyboarding arguments, surfing ALWAYS wins because its better. As simple as that.
narshredderOT - 12 years ago
surfing is gay
narshredderOT - 12 years ago
iiFreddy11 - 12 years ago
this makes bells look safe.
Yoni Sharabani
Yoni Sharabani - 12 years ago
the don't wear a leash because the power of these wave would drag you and your board to the bottom, it's better to not wear a leash and not being dragged to the bottom and grind against the reef, Stupid
kobe bryant
kobe bryant - 12 years ago
shut up dick draggers
Adriana Diaz
Adriana Diaz - 12 years ago
this makes the waves I ride look like shit
fuelbasti - 12 years ago
Massive for sure!
donaldownsyou1 - 12 years ago
I surf and people think its really pro to not where a leash well i do and im still really good and when u dont have a leash and a wave pushes ur board all the way to shore i hope your a good swimmer cause u got a long way if ur all the way out there. And i would NEVER SURF THEASE WAVES well for now :P
Steven Lahmann
Steven Lahmann - 12 years ago
could you imagine being caught on the inside of this shit!?!?
illusion887 - 13 years ago
fuck you brah, i get pitted
Buddah - 13 years ago
go back to riverside faggot
Julian Uribe
Julian Uribe - 13 years ago
1:36 has gotta hurt...
jacob reed
jacob reed - 13 years ago
@illusion887 bro your a fucking idiot im a surfer and i have no problem with body boarders they are pretty chill if you actually make friends with them and most of the time if your nice to them they will let you have a wave so maybe just chill the fuck out and just try to have fun with surfing its not all aboiut whos better its just a fun time
Trent Bayliss
Trent Bayliss - 13 years ago
@zdude747 Lol, that is pretty much it :p Since I posted that comment I've been practicing on holding my breath, but when you are under the pressure of the wave and just getting rag-dolled around, then it's a totally different story.
Zach Deforge
Zach Deforge - 13 years ago
@xD34DxxS1L3NC3x You gotta hold your breath have experience and have some luck , that's bout it
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
@illusion887 I'm a kook? You're the ignorant motherfucker hating on bodyboarding just cause its different from surfing you stupid fuck. Get lost you faggot.
illusion887 - 13 years ago
@lemmingsinsight89 kook
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
@illusion887 You're an idiot. Half the people out surfing in Hawaii are bodyboarders you dumb shit.
toxicshot808 - 13 years ago
illusion887 obviously has a surfboard up his ass! krook.
illusion887 - 13 years ago
@toxicshot808 I get pitted on my 6'2 fish while you faggots bodyboard on your shitty waves
illusion887 - 13 years ago
@lemmingsinsight89 east coast faggots have to bodyboard cause there's no waves
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
@illusion887 I've seen bodyboarders STAND UP WITH FINS ON A 42" BODYBOARD and also on 46" stand up bodyboards that are almost half the size of a shortboard and with no fins on the board. Just goes to show that boogers can surf better than your stupid faggot ass.
toxicshot808 - 13 years ago
@illusion887 dude yea u can u dumb shit...ever heard of stand up bodyboards? obviously not.
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
@illusion887 Why are you so narrow minded? You must be a 13 year old boy who beats off every night and whose voice is breaking everytime you talk. LOL. BTW they choose to bodyboard and most bodyboarding pros can surf on a shortboard, probably better than you. I do both so your statement is fucking dumb. Why don't you try it before judging it you little shit. You must think standing up on a surfboard is a trick. LOL you narrow minded kook. No respect for assholes like you.
illusion887 - 13 years ago
@lemmingsinsight89 bodyboarding is for faggots that wannabe surfers
illusion887 - 13 years ago
@toxicshot808 lol you cant even stand up on a board kook...thats why you bodyboard and wear gay ass flippers fucking fag
toxicshot808 - 13 years ago
@illusion887 hey bodyboarders fly!. surfers just try. and by the way us bodyboarders can pull in more sick as fuck waves then u surfers do... stick to carveing white wash u bipoler krook!..and we bodyboarders can pull off sum sick fucken ars...while u sitt back and talk shit on youtube lil boy.
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
@illusion887 How about you take a big dick in the ass and suck a dick at the same time you fucking narrow minded faggot. I know thats how you like it cause you're a faggot.
illusion887 - 13 years ago
@lemmingsinsight89 eat shit faggot
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
@illusion887 I bet you're the type of surfer that drops in on bodyboarders just because they're on a bodyboard. They probably drop in on you cause you probably do it to them. And keep in mind that your idol Slater (the surfer that you pretend to be when surfing) is from Florida you little faggot. A guy from the east coast is one of the best and if not the best surfer in the world. Wow!! That's unheard of.
illusion887 - 13 years ago
@lemmingsinsight89 I know that bodyboarding is for kooks that always snake my waves...I can get barrels like a boss. I bet you're from Kansas or some east coast faggot.
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
@illusion887 I surf and bodyboard you ignorant kook cause they're both fun to do. And you're a lil narrow minded faggot who can't wear fins without tripping and can't get air or get tubed like a boss. You obviously know nothing about bodyboarding.
illusion887 - 13 years ago
@lemmingsinsight89 and you're a faggot that wears fins and cant stand up on a board
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
@illusion887 hahahahahaha you're a wannabe pro surfer.
illusion887 - 13 years ago
@lemmingsinsight89 im better than Slater you retarded kook
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
@illusion887 ... And why is that? And don't say cuz they're dragging their dicks. I've heard 'am all from narrow minded faggots like you who have probably never even experienced true bodyboarding. Now go ride your ride you lil board and pretend you're Slater.
josealexiscon22 - 13 years ago
this people have balls.. if i was on top of that my pant would be so shitted i would contaminate the water for a couple of months
Seth van Zyl
Seth van Zyl - 13 years ago
all of them did LOL
illusion887 - 13 years ago
body boarding is for faggots..
taj30rb - 13 years ago
1st got made a MAD takeoff and 3rd guy got a really good ride
YuliyaDudash - 13 years ago
crazy suicide!
rabbbit12 - 13 years ago
@ajh5432 hey man I'm a surfer and a bodyboarder and i can tell you bodyboarding takes a lot of skill if you watch the pros that pull the massive airs. but i don't get it why can't surfers and bodyboarders just get along i mean were all out there for the feeling of catching a wave not to be criticised by people who thing bodyboarding is easy?
Jimmy W
Jimmy W - 13 years ago
This is the difference between humans and animals: Animals run from danger, and Humans run to danger, just for fun.
REXMANSAUCE - 13 years ago
i am just wondering how they paddle out
Jake Lasater
Jake Lasater - 13 years ago
@wAialuaSwag Hey man, the ocean is unpredictable. Sets could go on for a long time.
Jake Lasater
Jake Lasater - 13 years ago
@jackyirishboy Duck dive my Friend. You go UNDER the Breaking waves. It takes Practice but it's pretty easy once you figure it out.
Jake Lasater
Jake Lasater - 13 years ago
@shred4life6999 It's really not that bad. Just takes a lot of practice. But it's fun. And it's funny as hell to watch people wipe out
Jake Lasater
Jake Lasater - 13 years ago
@skulled96 The way you're talking, you're saying it like surfers in general. You aren't a bodyboarder are you?
Jake Lasater
Jake Lasater - 13 years ago
@EnjoyMyCutback That was another guy going OVER the wave just in time so he didnt end up going over the falls
Nick Diviesti
Nick Diviesti - 13 years ago
Lol 1:36 surfer is like F*** YOU WAVE :headbuts wave:
vwclassics - 13 years ago
what was that in the wave at 1:56? The previous wipeout victim?
Sourskittles - 13 years ago
lol. surfers are so shit. They dont deserve to surf.pipe.
jackyirishboy - 13 years ago
I would drown. How do you even get past the waves when they're breaking?!
arcticrhinoturd - 13 years ago
@gj6986 lololol sweet acting videos on your channel bro lololololololololololololololololololololololol, can tell already you don't surf.
600Deadly - 13 years ago
Surfer was raped up the bumhole
Chris Carnel
Chris Carnel - 13 years ago
@Lokneo29 You must ride boogie boards and trikes!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ah aha hahahahaha!!!
Chris Carnel
Chris Carnel - 13 years ago
@arcticrhinoturd Learn how to spell you're, then call me an idiot!!! Boogie boarding is like remaining on a trike as an adult!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah a ha!!!!! You must still ride a trike!!!
Eduardo Silva Souza
Eduardo Silva Souza - 13 years ago
Jesus Oregon
Jesus Oregon - 13 years ago
I got slammed to the floor by a tiny wave and it felt like it shiiiit. i can't imagine how bad these waves would push you down...How long are you held underwater by the waves after you wipe out on waves that big?
arcticrhinoturd - 13 years ago
@gj6986 your an idiot
Chris Carnel
Chris Carnel - 13 years ago
Boogie boarding does not seem challenging. It seems like a good analogy would be that most people ride tricycles when they are kids or bikes with training wheels. When they grow up they move on to 2 wheeled bikes. Seems logical right? In the boogie boarder senario, as adults, they continue to ride tricycles/boogie boards, instead of graduating to the next more challenging sport. Just an observation.
mrazbaby746 - 13 years ago
prettyy dopee lol
kylexhxsk8x4xlife - 13 years ago
2:01 got it easy
Wade H
Wade H - 13 years ago
loosing your board out there would susususuck
Surf422 - 13 years ago
This is the kind of video that makes me want to go bodyboarding instead of surfing. Besides the way you can catch more gnarly waves, when bodyboarding you can also get around using your legs with flippers, which is way easier than paddling
cody carpenter
cody carpenter - 13 years ago
i give props to anyone who is out there bodyboarding surfing or whatever else
Chloe Hewitt
Chloe Hewitt - 13 years ago
thumbs up for neon greed board (:
DzOne - 13 years ago
Look this video: Pro Surfer rides 90 foot wave (full video slow motion) Garrett McNamara That is a MONSTER WAVE!!!!!!!!
VoluptuousB - 13 years ago
Toes are curling, getting goose bumps!
Trent Bayliss
Trent Bayliss - 13 years ago
Can someone please explain to me how people survive this shit?? :O
charlieisamonster - 13 years ago
Really nice shots. You've gotta have some spuds to ride waves like that!!
C H - 13 years ago
man that surfer got FUCKED
Micah Williams
Micah Williams - 13 years ago
@tucksy haha fuckin wanker lol cause this vid is killah
Al Hasan Tunkara
Al Hasan Tunkara - 13 years ago
@nipponabcd123 some wanker that has never even seen the ocean?
babachewbaba - 13 years ago
Dare I say, Pipeline is probably the most beautiful wave in the world...
arcticrhinoturd - 13 years ago
mad respect to everyone out there for charging those monsters. now whose ready for the a week of 7-12 south shore?
Shane Kimble
Shane Kimble - 13 years ago
@takfam07 ....exactly, anybody can talk smack on Youtube. LOL @ your critiques in your first post.
takfam07 - 13 years ago
@bohdifrompointbreak Brah--I know who Kainoa is. I used to bodyboard Pipe and Sandys with him, Lanson Ronquilio and Dean Marzol. And Jack Lindholm before that. I grew up in the Islands, surfed all my life and still do. So watch who you call "kook"--anybody can talk smack on Youtube.
Shane Kimble
Shane Kimble - 13 years ago
@takfam07 LOL...that is Kainoa McGee at :20...and you say "maybe just could'nt cope with the intensity"? Do a search here on YouTube of kook. He is one of the world's most versatile waterman.
bat-chan - 13 years ago
@eganc1976 haha, whippersnapper :3
gangsterboogie - 13 years ago
Is takfam07 serious? I hope your a little whippersnapper because you have no idea what your talking about. Please don't ever post again, you should never have kids too, let natural selection take its course..Mahalo
Micah Williams
Micah Williams - 13 years ago
?????? who the fuck disliked this?!
saute1000 - 13 years ago
it all looks fun!
giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 13 years ago
takfam07 - 13 years ago
LOL! The sponge at :20 looks like he caught a rail, or maybe just couldn't cope with the intensity. So the potentially sickest barrel of his life turned into a major pounding. And yea, I wonder why at 1:35 the surfer tried to kick out. Must've been closing out down the line (which we couldn't see). Or, he wasn't experienced negotiating that heavy a wave. Either way, bad decision. He took serious gas--over the falls, then gotta swim for his board through the impact zone.
GitXxxd - 13 years ago
this looks more like the wedge than pipeline...
jimmy adams
jimmy adams - 13 years ago
Hinerava Tumahai
Hinerava Tumahai - 13 years ago
Wtf!!!!! Monster wave's
ryan wann
ryan wann - 13 years ago
fuck that shit
HM Productions
HM Productions - 13 years ago
so im going to do this oneday!!! lets hope i dont die!!
dtd711 - 13 years ago
fuck that shit. what is that like quadruple overhead? im afraid to go out in overhead, and this shits on a reef!
m1l3slovesskateing - 13 years ago
@BBDKING1 did i say id charge these waves?no i said if i had waves like these id charge harder. i admit i used to suck but i fucking charge know. whos your friend?if you wanna hate ill drop your ass
m1l3slovesskateing - 13 years ago
@BBDKING1 what are you talking about dipshit i was charging off the wall yesterday who are you and how do you know who i am? im alwayse out on the big days i charge harder than you!
m1l3slovesskateing - 13 years ago
@DroNeGenocide yea how do you know that? cool you live there that doesnt mean i dont charge either stop bein a hater prick
Kim Mua
Kim Mua - 13 years ago
OMG! Last time I was here I didn't see these kind of surfs. Freaking awesome!
m1l3slovesskateing - 13 years ago
FUCK i wish santa cruz had waves like this i would charge so hard!
wrybread - 13 years ago
@Campbalatang - a set can easily be 8 waves long. Huge swells like this commonly have 8 wave sets, some even more.
Brock Reich
Brock Reich - 13 years ago
It's awesome that there wasn't wave in a set that wasn't ridden by someone.
toxicshot808 - 13 years ago
@ChanceNixon fuck yea u got that right fucken hao'les
Logan Hoomana
Logan Hoomana - 13 years ago
Haha a guy catches a wave everyone on the beach is like WOOOOO! he eats shit...... (silence)
Campbalatang - 13 years ago
@seabearvideo i belive u must been held under for little bit thats why your stubbin
SeabearVideo - 13 years ago
@Campbalatang You are hopelessly ill informed. You have much to learn young Campbalatang. I will end my discussion with you now. Ouuuut.
Campbalatang - 13 years ago
@SeabearVideo actully no number1....a set is 3 to 4 waves 2.....that i think is a little more then 4 waves just got pwned!!!
SeabearVideo - 13 years ago
No Campbalatang, technically, you are wrong. It is a set. Get ya post rite?!?!... and learn how to spell.
Campbalatang - 13 years ago
technically not a set a few big sets get ya title rite?!?!
CrossoverCase - 13 years ago
@aquaskye says the fag who likes james addiction. Faggot!!!! HAHAHA!!!
shrimpygeorge - 13 years ago
why do all surfers think there kelly slater? Just because they can stand up woop di fuckin do. get over yourselves.
hoohoodilly - 13 years ago
weird. all the "surfers" are laying down.
Joseph Osborn
Joseph Osborn - 14 years ago
those sets are relentless
420Jon69 - 14 years ago
nik bones
nik bones - 14 years ago
that shit is crazy i would never go out with the waves like that and i been out in hurricanes but im from the east coast so we dont get big waves lol
dsantos360 - 14 years ago
Kainoa Mcgee 1st wave of the set is insane. I remember seeing it on a video about 8 years ago as well that Mike Stewart one is nuts. Classic stuff. Thanks for posting!
Pedro Levi
Pedro Levi - 14 years ago
there were more bodyboarders than surfers... really great set!

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