Gabriel Medina vs. Julian Wilson - FINAL - Billabong Pipe Masters 2018

Gabriel Medina battles Julian Wilson in the Final Heat at the 2018 Billabong Pipe Masters. #WSL Watch the full heat at Subscribe to the WSL for more action: Watch all the latest surfing action of the world's best surfers in the world's best waves. Heats on demand, event highlights and exclusive interviews, right here on the WSL's Youtube channel. For More Visit: Like the WSL on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Google+: Follow our Tumblr:

Gabriel Medina vs. Julian Wilson - FINAL - Billabong Pipe Masters 2018 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 120

Surf 6 years ago 453,941 views

Gabriel Medina battles Julian Wilson in the Final Heat at the 2018 Billabong Pipe Masters. #WSL Watch the full heat at Subscribe to the WSL for more action: Watch all the latest surfing action of the world's best surfers in the world's best waves. Heats on demand, event highlights and exclusive interviews, right here on the WSL's Youtube channel. For More Visit: Like the WSL on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Google+: Follow our Tumblr:

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Most popular comments
for Gabriel Medina vs. Julian Wilson - FINAL - Billabong Pipe Masters 2018

Filipe Monteiro
Filipe Monteiro - 5 years ago
Redefiniu o que é surfar de backside no Havaí. Gigante!
Reefahholic - 6 years ago
If that doesn’t testify of Madian’s raw power...I don’t know what does. Straight up SAVAGE!
Igor Jorge
Igor Jorge - 6 years ago
Galera isso daí meu melhores ondas
Cassio Kokubo
Cassio Kokubo - 6 years ago
esse dia foi foda
valentine jules
valentine jules - 6 years ago
301 Julian Wilson ask for identification card for me when you get here
Peter Jongsma
Peter Jongsma - 6 years ago
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 6 years ago
What’s with Brazilians being so nationalistic? Worse than Americans. You’d think they actually got to pick where they were born.
Lucia Sea creature
Lucia Sea creature - 6 years ago
cool... except for big bimbos in thongs (oink)
Thomas Gaya
Thomas Gaya - 6 years ago
6:24 o cara é foda! quando a torcida desistiu pensando que a onda tinha quebrado em cima dele , o medina surge que fera

10. comment for Gabriel Medina vs. Julian Wilson - FINAL - Billabong Pipe Masters 2018

Adrian Santos
Adrian Santos - 6 years ago
O brabo tem nome
Madison Burns
Madison Burns - 6 years ago
My two fav surfers how do I choose who I want to win????
Lust Play
Lust Play - 6 years ago
Parabéns Medina! Você merece!
surf irado
surf irado - 6 years ago
Victor Puttomatti
Victor Puttomatti - 6 years ago
HAHAHAHA |Chupa todo mundo !
Nicole Ebbinghaus
Nicole Ebbinghaus - 6 years ago
ducinete borges
ducinete borges - 6 years ago
LEANDRO petrin
LEANDRO petrin - 6 years ago
Mlk é monstooooo
Canal Cotidiano
Canal Cotidiano - 6 years ago
Please if you can not help with R $ 1 (one) share this link for all your social media acts

Pedro Cerqueira
Pedro Cerqueira - 6 years ago
"Kelly" hahahahaha

20. comment for Gabriel Medina vs. Julian Wilson - FINAL - Billabong Pipe Masters 2018

Tanmya Saunier
Tanmya Saunier - 6 years ago
Eu só queria um Gabriel na minha vida, o medina !
Michell Santos
Michell Santos - 6 years ago
Brasil, BUCETA
Ybrido 0800
Ybrido 0800 - 6 years ago
IVAIR OLIVEIRA - 6 years ago
Esse me representa...
joao marcelo de moura e cunha
joao marcelo de moura e cunha - 6 years ago
Vai medina vc e um rei caralho porra
Gust - 6 years ago
Eu queria aprender a surfar, mas moro em MG :(
Captain McChicken
Captain McChicken - 6 years ago
Great job to us aussies we tried our best
Maria Nicoleti Valverde
Maria Nicoleti Valverde - 6 years ago
o Gabriel é foda dms! não tem ninguém como ele.... ele realmente é o melhor...... nunca vi algeum como eleee JURO QUE ELE É O AMOR DA MINHA VIDA
Nivaldo Moreira Moreira
Nivaldo Moreira Moreira - 6 years ago
Dotrinou o Piper master.
SPARKLE WAVE - 6 years ago
epic tuberides Medina

30. comment for Gabriel Medina vs. Julian Wilson - FINAL - Billabong Pipe Masters 2018

Silvano Silva
Silvano Silva - 6 years ago
The Brazilian Star in moment!!!!!
neli silva
neli silva - 6 years ago
Wayank - 6 years ago
share please visit and subscribe
Brookes D
Brookes D - 6 years ago
man fuck Medina, arrogant selfish prick - 6 years ago
No final ele quase acerta um backflip kkkkk
Kyle Thomas
Kyle Thomas - 6 years ago
Can’t stand the American announcers voice. Sounds like a fucking golf announcer.
Flávio Simões
Flávio Simões - 6 years ago
surfa muito o moço!
Ryan Bowers
Ryan Bowers - 6 years ago
Claim fest 2018
Charles Costa Legendas
Charles Costa Legendas - 6 years ago
Hannah Triana
Hannah Triana - 6 years ago
marcelo homer
marcelo homer - 6 years ago
Esporte besta kk
Flavio nascimento
Flavio nascimento - 6 years ago
Surfo demais
PSICANALHA TV - 6 years ago
Maria Carvalho
Maria Carvalho - 6 years ago
Gabriel Medina the best
Netinho Barbosa
Netinho Barbosa - 6 years ago
Não entendo poha nenhuma desse Sport de play boy... Vim parar aq so por curiosidade mesmo, mas parabéns pro mlk!!
neblinasp - 6 years ago
Netinho Barbosa Nosso país é tão miserável, mas tão miserável, que o Surf é esporte de rico, onde o único material utilizado é uma prancha.
Realmente estamos pior que a África.
Hugo Carneiro
Hugo Carneiro - 6 years ago
Parabéns Medina !!!!
A-Frame-Wedge - 6 years ago
Waves were a little disappointing for a Pipe final.
ALFA - 6 years ago
Prancha agua forte , onda gigante , e o cara nao cai kk neymar tem q treina com ele pelo menos 1 ano essa questao ai kk ai nois volta ter Futebol de verdade kkkkkkkkk
Bruno Henrique 4i20
Bruno Henrique 4i20 - 6 years ago
KD os paga pau dos gringo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk é tipo aqueles brasileiros que torce pra argentina kkkkkkk
José Dimas
José Dimas - 6 years ago
Tem Br aí?

50. comment for Gabriel Medina vs. Julian Wilson - FINAL - Billabong Pipe Masters 2018

Fábio Giorgi Acústico
Fábio Giorgi Acústico - 6 years ago
I was thinking:
- Who's is the voice owner that talk?
Boring a lot
DJ Shaun Reed
DJ Shaun Reed - 6 years ago
How does a straight barrel beat a barrel and a 360 air?????
Paul D
Paul D - 6 years ago
Awesome how stoked Julian Wilson was in that final heat - he's an incredible sportsman. Medina is just so solid in every dimension of surfing and competition.
Caio Messias
Caio Messias - 6 years ago
Dá-lhe M E D I N A
DIME BIF - 6 years ago
Good for u Gabriel from Ecuador
Anna Hayden
Anna Hayden - 6 years ago
Great surfing- Medina was hard to beat but Wilson did well
Ben BDX - 6 years ago
BOYCOTT RIP CURL, BILLABONG, QUIKSILVER, HURLEY.... they use children in garment factories
Ben BDX - 6 years ago
Julian, How is possible you practice a healthy sport but your promote a shit unhealthy energy drink ? Do you know the eergy drink is dangerous and many teenagers and kids will drink this red bull ? To be a champion is to get an responsible attitude. In the waves you are talentuous, but you are not a CHAMPION because you promote negative brands.
Do you know if Hurley, Quiksilver, Rip curl, Billabong, ...they use children in garment factories
murillo padilha
murillo padilha - 6 years ago
Narrador desanimado, nem parecia que o Medina tinha sido campeão
MarcoC - 6 years ago
Bom mesmo seria ver com narração do Galvão: direita, esquerda, direita, esquerda, olha o tubo, olha o tubo, olha o tubo, É.... É do Brasil. Brasil sil sil sil.
Japa Negão
Japa Negão - 6 years ago
Brasillllll Porraaa!!!! Gabriel Medina!!!!
Ross Cauvel
Ross Cauvel - 6 years ago
fixes his hair at 4:59
djunkick rabeats
djunkick rabeats - 6 years ago
Medina is a great surfer and merite his wold title but ...julian wilson's waves? :7.93 for this combo ??? And 8.11 for a double deep tube ?? For sure...Julian wilson was underscored.
Michael Kennedy
Michael Kennedy - 6 years ago
How many times can the announcer say "knifing the takeoff"? What does that even mean?
Thiago gameplay
Thiago gameplay - 6 years ago
É Medina pô Brasil tá representando bem kkkkk
Timothy Long
Timothy Long - 6 years ago
The best poo stance in the world.
Eduardo Alves
Eduardo Alves - 6 years ago
Parabéns Gabriel Medina, parabéns Brasil
Jaime Jr
Jaime Jr - 6 years ago
Orgulho Brasileiro! MONSTRO!
Bruna Matsunaga
Bruna Matsunaga - 6 years ago
Mano, o Medina mandou bem de mais, foi um monstro, mas vocês viram o moço da câmera sendo atropelado pelo Jet sky em 9:58 do vídeo kakakakakakakakak tadinho
Beto Veras
Beto Veras - 6 years ago
Esse jovem fenômeno Gabriel Medina nus enche de orgulho parabéns pelo bi
Junior Barbosa
Junior Barbosa - 6 years ago
Medina obrigado por nos proporcionar esses momentos com vc, essa vitoria eh de toda uma nacao que ama esse esporte , voce ja eh uma lenda e vou poder contar pros meus filhos e netos que tive o prazer de vivenciar isso! Obrigado irmao e que venham mais e mais titulos vc merece muito. aloha!!
Marco Buchecha
Marco Buchecha - 6 years ago
Jeremiah Alphonsus
Jeremiah Alphonsus - 6 years ago
What if Americans were in Brazil and started stomping around after a victory yelling and waving flags all over the place? They'd rightly be called vulgar and disrespectful. Why is it okay when Brazilians do it?
Rafael Bandeira
Rafael Bandeira - 6 years ago
Wagner Silva
Wagner Silva - 6 years ago
Medina the best
jessica oliveira
jessica oliveira - 6 years ago
6:18 falei já era kkk mano que isso! Maravilhoso não acompanhava ele, agora quero ver tuuudo ❤️❤️
jc s
jc s - 6 years ago
A true pipeline master !!!!!!
nomoreluke - 6 years ago
As much as I can't stand Medina, or his dickhead of a stepdad, the guy is an absolute MONSTER competition surfer. Would I watch him freesurf in a vid? No because I hate his style. But you have to hand it to him, his comp performances are insane. Unless JJF finds a bit of fire and will to win, I can see Medina going on to win SO many titles because noone else can come close to touching him over a season.
André Pelizzaro
André Pelizzaro - 6 years ago
Azrael2k8 - 6 years ago
720p? srsly?
Guilherme Freitas
Guilherme Freitas - 6 years ago
Amazing Medina, thanks for the show! Brazilian Strom!!
Michael Durban
Michael Durban - 6 years ago
Other surfers need to start showing this guy more respect. Gabs should not have to walk up halfway up the beach before his old man picks him up on his shoulders. The saltiness from western surfers is rife on the tour right now.
Maira De Lucca
Maira De Lucca - 6 years ago
Michael Durban well said
Ivens Galo
Ivens Galo - 6 years ago
Sensacional performance do Medina. Foi o melhor, mereceu os títulos. Grande atleta! OBS: quase que acontece um acidente com o Jet Ski em 09:54
T L B - 6 years ago
Fuck Medina
Aline Motta
Aline Motta - 6 years ago
Não temos um craque no Futebol, mais temos um craque no surfe. Parabéns!
747400able - 6 years ago
The announcer needs to blow his nose
Daniel S.
Daniel S. - 6 years ago
Jubes - 6 years ago
Unbelievable some of the waves that Medina pulled off
Andres Ramos
Andres Ramos - 6 years ago
Absolutely impressive. Out of control!
Marcos Antonio
Marcos Antonio - 6 years ago
Andre SC
Andre SC - 6 years ago
Medina um monstro .... incrivel performace, parabens!
Weverton Assis dos Santos Weverton
Weverton Assis dos Santos Weverton - 6 years ago
Rapaz esse Medina e foda ganhou o Mundial e ganhou a etapa do Havaí ele representou o Brasil
Jeremiah Alphonsus
Jeremiah Alphonsus - 6 years ago
WSL has wisely chosen NOT to upload the women’s contest. This “contest” (really, just one heat with four participants) was a total farce; a deeply embarrassing farce. First, the women all had their coaches/caddies with them in the water. Pathetic. Second, the surfing was unbelievably inferior. Wildly inferior. And they all passed on the larger waves. All this goes to show that women and men are definitely NOT equal. We each have our strengths and weaknesses. Women are obviously unfit to surf in truly heavy conditions. Are there exceptions? A few. Very few. Thus they prove the rule. But the overwhelmingly general rule of the vast inferiority of female surfing means that it’s irresponsible—and may even rise to the level of criminal negligence—for any surfing organization to promote female surfing in anything beyond very safe conditions. Heavy surfing is for men. Get this: the best surfing in the heat was done by Coco Ho’s coach. He decided to take a wave. Who was it? The 60-year-old Michael Ho!

Are my words offEEEEEENSive? MisOOOOOOGGYNist? I don’t give a damn. They’re true. And those who truly love women never want them to be subjected to the danger of heavy surf.

Surely, the WSL’S lawyers advised them not to put the women out there unless the male coaches/caddies were right there with them. This was to provide a bit of liability insulation. They’d have done far better to advise the WSL not to put the women out there at all.
Pedro G. Rizzi
Pedro G. Rizzi - 6 years ago
Lucky Kelly for leaving competition at semifinal hahaha
gabcibertech - 6 years ago
Parabêns pro Gabriel Medina ! Ele mereceu muito ganhar este mundial de surf de novo, mandou muito bem ;)
Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo - 6 years ago
Viva o Brasil Viva os Goofy's!!!
Ingrid Souza
Ingrid Souza - 6 years ago
Pry Santos
Pry Santos - 6 years ago
Os brazuca balançando a bandeira kkkkk amo uma farofada
Fabio Marques
Fabio Marques - 6 years ago
2 times world Champion, great recovery in a huge tube at backdoor, and PipeMaster champion, the next Kelly Slater, but just better
Bruna Lopes
Bruna Lopes - 6 years ago
Estou arrepiada!!!!
elias lopes
elias lopes - 6 years ago
Os gringos qndo ve a comemoraçao dos brasileiros ficam putos kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

100. comment for Gabriel Medina vs. Julian Wilson - FINAL - Billabong Pipe Masters 2018

Patrick Mullen
Patrick Mullen - 6 years ago
Brazilians are taking over, what a surfer can't see how it can get any better then that
Roland Peltier
Roland Peltier - 6 years ago
Well done,, Gabriel! Thank you for showing what perseverance and tenacity can do! You are so talented.
Ana Carolyne Mecenas
Ana Carolyne Mecenas - 6 years ago
Medina dificilmente começa o ano bem, então do meio pro final ele sempre trabalha muito pra dar essa arrancada. Mais que merecido, parabéns! Fechou não só com o titulo, mas levando Pipe também!
nepabelito - 6 years ago
Oooooutro nível o Medina
Thales Freitas
Thales Freitas - 6 years ago
Que prazer ver esse moleque surfar!
Adriano Cerqueira
Adriano Cerqueira - 6 years ago
Tudo q tá acontecendo
Adriano Cerqueira
Adriano Cerqueira - 6 years ago
Parabéns Gabriel vc é um cara q merece tudo q tá com vc apesar de ñ te conhecer te adimiro bastante vc é uma pessoa muito legal
Ethyo Dancehall songmaker
Ethyo Dancehall songmaker - 6 years ago
Wilson got robbed
M. Azevedo
M. Azevedo - 6 years ago
robbed HAHAHHAHA. medina got 4 WAVES with 8. you hate medina, because if you see this as a robbery, i believe its pretty much a impartial way of seeing
JSproductions NJR
JSproductions NJR - 6 years ago
Parabéns ídolooo orgulhooo!!
Benjamin - 6 years ago
Medina killed this one. Still bugs me how that Wilson was under scored a little.
Emerson Rodrigues
Emerson Rodrigues - 6 years ago
Não existe uma opção para curtir esse vídeo 1 Milhão de vezes? Hahaha #GoMedina Vc é um monstro!!!
Monty Robertson
Monty Robertson - 6 years ago
Yew I live julian Wilson!! Sick vid
Parabéns Medina e parabéns ao surfe brasileiro ! #VaiMedina
Erick Jhonson Jhonso
Erick Jhonson Jhonso - 6 years ago
Simplesmente o melhor do mundo parabéns medinaa
Best Clipes
Best Clipes - 6 years ago
Medina e um deuxxx rexpeitaaaaa
Rodrigo Ramos
Rodrigo Ramos - 6 years ago
Brasil representou! <3
Gabigolfloripa souza
Gabigolfloripa souza - 6 years ago
É campeão é campeão é campeão Medina Medina Medina, melhor do Brasil
Luiz Henrique
Luiz Henrique - 6 years ago
Fumaça monstra!!!!!!!!!
Winston Tiago
Winston Tiago - 6 years ago
Valeu Gabriel!!!!
jc s
jc s - 6 years ago
The Brazilian Super Hero !!!!!!!! Vai Brasil !!!!!!!!
westjapartyside - 6 years ago
i wish tanner hendrickson got to punch medina too!! :(
thai magalhaes
thai magalhaes - 6 years ago
melhor surfista do mundo é braileiro ... literallment foda se o neymar
Joao vitor Cunha
Joao vitor Cunha - 6 years ago
The best of playr
Lucas Mulvehill
Lucas Mulvehill - 6 years ago
Waaayyyy overscored
colecionador de Histórias
colecionador de Histórias - 6 years ago
O mito nem assumiu e os ventos estão a nosso favor,assistam o revezamento 4x200 na final do mundial,é de arrepiar a força e a garra do time Brasil.em 2019 a cobra vai fumar
bruna v
bruna v - 6 years ago
Bah entrega os tacos julian ..
Foi amassado congrats medina
Denisson Andrade
Denisson Andrade - 6 years ago
Congrats GM!!! You're the best of the world again. Go ahead Brazil. Go ahead Medina...
Ranmuay Gamer
Ranmuay Gamer - 6 years ago
A unica coisa que ta dando orgulho pra nois é o surf porque o resto ta feio!!!!
mcphilld nick
mcphilld nick - 6 years ago
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 6 years ago
Verdade... Colocaram um jumento na presidência, jumento ladrão ainda...
Alexandre Casarões
Alexandre Casarões - 6 years ago
+ArielGS exatamente mais um orgulho pra nação
ArielGS - 6 years ago
Então sugiro você acompanhar outros esportes, pois o 4x200 livre, natação, vencido lindamente pela equipe brasileira, bateram o record da modalidade.
Vinicius Costa
Vinicius Costa - 6 years ago
MTB.Henrique Avancini
victor gremory
victor gremory - 6 years ago
volei ta muito bem cara.
v i c t o r
v i c t o r - 6 years ago
Ainda bem que ele não é um dos casos, que representa muito bem o Brasil e não tem reconhecimento, o cara ta elevando patamar dos surfistas brasileiros na cena, como o Bob foi no skate.
Gustavo Cerqueira Araújo
Gustavo Cerqueira Araújo - 6 years ago
Gabriel é u único dos unicos
Fernando Salgado
Fernando Salgado - 6 years ago
Medina um MONSTRO !!
Guto Brasil
Guto Brasil - 6 years ago
Reily Tong
Reily Tong - 6 years ago
gab can get fucked, fuck the judges
Lucas Fiorindo
Lucas Fiorindo - 6 years ago
O choro é livre!!! Brazil porra!!! Medina is the best!!!
Tiago Anonimous
Tiago Anonimous - 6 years ago
Gabriel representou demais. Parabéns !!!
Fabio Silvestre
Fabio Silvestre - 6 years ago
“I have seen so many great surfers over the years but there are those rare few who are great surfers and then great competitors as well and this years @wsl World Champion @gabrielmedina is absolutely next level good at both facets of the game, his surfing is the best and most futuristic I have seen and then he is the most crafty and intelligent competitor that makes him near unbeatable. I love watching him surf and compete, so inspiring, so deserving and so complete. Congratulations @gabrielmedina you truly are da man!!” BL
julianabraga24 - 6 years ago
José Sampaio
José Sampaio - 6 years ago
MARAVILHOSO!!!!!!! Mas põe o Felipinho nessas condições, aí o show aconteceria!!!!
Gll Bob
Gll Bob - 6 years ago
O mostro, a máquina, o alienígena brasileiro, o Medina
Denis Vieira
Denis Vieira - 6 years ago
Foi boa batería o Julián teve na autura de uma final de pipe... naõ pensei q o medina votaría pto foco pq tava com essas amizades cómo neymar i otros. Maís vc ve q ele tem boa familia i diciplinada parabens familia medina q sigua fazendo historia
Sam Mac
Sam Mac - 6 years ago
What a final
Humberto Salles
Humberto Salles - 6 years ago
Gran finale, monstrinho!
Arsenic Pharaoh
Arsenic Pharaoh - 6 years ago
That final sucked harder than Medinas nanna at her whorehouse!
Richyyy Rich
Richyyy Rich - 6 years ago
The clams were longer than the tube time
markriobr - 6 years ago
Nobody on tour claims more than Julian .
Maira De Lucca
Maira De Lucca - 6 years ago
the cry is longer than the tube
Binho Guedes
Binho Guedes - 6 years ago
4:25 kinda of funny
Lang Hurst
Lang Hurst - 6 years ago
It's not even about the surfing anymore, just the claiming. All around just a weird time to be alive.
Jackelinne gata
Jackelinne gata - 6 years ago
Gabriel representou o Brasil! + uma vez!!!
#Parabéns !!!
PeterEnis - 6 years ago
What a heat
Wilian fish&surf
Wilian fish&surf - 6 years ago
Em entrevista o Kelly Slater falou que em 20 pipe masters o Gabriel venceria 18 ou 19 fácil do jeito que ele está surfando.
edsoncmed Bezerra
edsoncmed Bezerra - 6 years ago
Lucas Biebs ta sim, só faltam 9 títulos rsrs
Elcio Lima
Elcio Lima - 6 years ago
Ele falou nessa situação q ele estava, com essa vantagens de pontos!
Mas eu acredito q ele surfando desse jeito, apenas ele perderia pra ele mesmo!
Lucas Biebs
Lucas Biebs - 6 years ago
O Kelly que se cuide, pois o Media tá encostando nele hahaha.. brincadeiras a parte!!
Steve C
Steve C - 6 years ago
After the surf career medina can be safe in the knowledge that he could walk straight into a lucrative sales career. sold jordy and julian absolute duds. helped by the fact he can manufacturer a score on nearly anything. Fair play to him he is some champ.. would like to see italo and filipe up their competitive game next year as I think they are the only ones (beside JJF) to match him for talent.
Steve C
Steve C - 6 years ago
+Portal don't know.. Medina is definitely shows more emotion (hence seems more emotional).. but I would say this is a weakness to exploit more than anything.. JJF did go back to back.. Medina cracked after his first.. Will watch next year anyway:)
Portal - 6 years ago
I really would like a JJF comeback, but he doesn't seem to have that intense competitor thirsty inside of him, he needs to find that. Medina has it, kelly has it, Andy had it aswell. I hope he finds it.
Arthur Morgan
Arthur Morgan - 6 years ago
Which beach this ? Where did this event take place?
sambado - 6 years ago
Pipeline , Oahu HI
Cream - 6 years ago
Whats the point of this sport? Someone explain
markriobr - 6 years ago
Why bother and write? Since has no point for you go someplace else.
Pedro G. Rizzi
Pedro G. Rizzi - 6 years ago
Basically joy , respect and understanding nature and its absolut power, health, humility and focus. All this for any aspect of your life
Jaime castañeda
Jaime castañeda - 6 years ago
Cream whats the point of tennis, curling, football ?
HMB-CA - 6 years ago
Chill with the claims. Any 4.0 plus ride is ended with the most outlandish claim
Binho Guedes
Binho Guedes - 6 years ago
Cory Long totally agree, if I was there I’d be claiming till next year. Lol
HMB-CA - 6 years ago
Actually after thinking about it it is the last event of the year, at pipeline with a crowd of 100’s of people yards away from the peak and a world title on the line the claims aren’t that crazy. I’d be doing the same if not I’d be claiming harder. Probably pull my own pants down and moon the beach crowd
HMB-CA - 6 years ago
I think you misunderstood me. They all claim way to much. In the final is understandable. But you are right Medina is no worse than the two you mentioned
Pedro Jesus Schubhert
Pedro Jesus Schubhert - 6 years ago
Gabriel the revolution
daniisrael____ - 6 years ago
4 levels above all !!!!!
Edward Dorville
Edward Dorville - 6 years ago
J. W. 2:53 was sick.
trinity pascoe
trinity pascoe - 6 years ago
Smaller waves bigger claims equals big points apparently
markriobr - 6 years ago
Don't you know? Julian and Jordy open claims schools,one in S Africa other in Australia.You can buy a franchise if you want.
Binho Guedes
Binho Guedes - 6 years ago
trinity pascoe 4:25 was funny AF
Who is pov
Who is pov - 6 years ago
I wish I was a goofy
Leandro Lemke
Leandro Lemke - 6 years ago
Gabriel Medina o grande tubarão branco, mlk frio e está nesse momento em outro patamar dos demais muito feliz pelo bi mundial, ano que vem tem mais
M Alw
M Alw - 6 years ago
Surf is going downhill fast, I hope the WSL realises this and changes something about this tour because no one wants to see a tour full of WQS warriors who bring absolutely nothing new to surfing.
Southern Harpin
Southern Harpin - 6 years ago
Haters gonna hate, anyways.

Viva Medina!
Binho Guedes
Binho Guedes - 6 years ago
markriobr I knew that since the beginning dude, I live in the US and I’ve gotta say, aussies are terrible losers and some hawaiians hate foreign surfers. Felipe Toledo said once “Now they have to respect us”, and that’s true. Aussies HATE Medina for only one reason: he’s a gifted guy (good) but he’s not aussie or american (bad). His talent fade other surfers away. Nowadays, only JJ can reach his level imo. Btw, the majority of americans at west and east coast are nice ppl. All this hate from aussies is such a shame because brazilians have had aussies surfers as a inspiration and idols. Mick and Parko for exemple are like Gods to this “new generation”.
markriobr - 6 years ago
+Binho Guedes It took me sometime to finally realize most haters are Aussies. Had in mind most were Americans,little did i know. They are the ones to blame for all that crap going on over the web , there is where all begun. This dude M a ever you can be sure is from down under,,,by under is up his a...le,,still have the balls to blame us about nationalism. Found that out like a detective,start asking the haters,bunch of sissy by the way, where were they from? None,man not a single one was man enough to answer. Said he has balls right? Actually had, ever since males are being neutered down there,,,,rsrsrs. Joke aside,start to wonder why they never gave a clear answer,was always like..who cares,does it matter and so on.Any American with full chest and pride, will give a straight answer.Nobody can't deny omo being patriotic like they are,is an example to follow. The answer of my question was right on my face,checked what time the comments were posted did the math and . They thought with Kelly retiring their drought would be over,and finally the good old days would be back. They did not count ,let's be honest we also did not. Suddenly Brazil blew like a nuke,seeing a kid being only 17 rolling over everybody, after a bunch were right behind. We not being from their natural axis,speaking a lousy english, was and still is unacceptable,after all they create pro surf,they were the rulers. Also they needed Americans and Hawaiians to call World Championship,also their money and history. Now they have to deal with a bunch of wild and loud Brazzos,and not just being around...winning in a big way.You're so right,they start this whole thing from the get go,always with the same old words,airs,claims,style. Go own Cloudbreak and Chopes doing carv`s ,deep barrels and the cherry even airs.J Bay giving lessons on all how to destroy the wave doing in a way nobody ever did. Claims,,,we had a teacher called Julian Wilson.These douchebags are the ones that started this nationalism deal I follow the tour for many years,my younger brother was one of the first brazzos on tour,saw how much bull he had to put up with. They picked and challenged the wrong garbage, third world country and useless people as they often call us . I say they started and now have to deal with it,will add one more thought. Is gonna get even worse in case they choose not to accept and respect,say worse meaning will be hard to beat us in the water. Give us what we deserve and earned,doing so they will get and have really good friends.
Binho Guedes
Binho Guedes - 6 years ago
M Alw the nationalism on surf showed up when aussies found out that the new generation nailing this shit is not from Aus or USA anymore. Then the sport became “boring” to them. EVERY SINGLE SURFER on tour can do carvs n’ barrels, it has been done since like forever...even my 12yo nephew can do those ... but who can add some SICK airs and backflips on the menu? Stop being a douche dude. Go watch Cricket or Rugby.
markriobr - 6 years ago
+M Alw Don't know where you from,now the word we in my sentence is clear.We are Americans and Aussies,you're right over one issue.Was never about nationalism, and that unfortunate situation never started here. We're 2 or 3 back the end of 80's,a few more came and went over the next decade.Over the 10 years we won a few events,never in Australia or the US,,,Hawaii is USA here. 1 in Brazil others in Europe,can't remember quite well where and when.By the turn of this century, the tour belonged to Kelly and Andy for 14 years and once in awhile an Aussie would sneak one.Anyway all begun when ADS won at Bells,and after Jaddy came and guys were calling him a monkey. How cool is that,i ask you?Not much for sure,still we were just numbers and never bother the rest as a threat. Came the year 2012 and a kid only 17 showed up out of nowhere winning events doing airs . Some guys were already doing the same ,now none took the risk and try during an event. Right there we all saw a future WC, when i saw i knew was just a matter of time.Than other brazzo came on after another and someone from Surfer Magazine came with a term that i hate Brazilian Storm. So don't blame us for theirs or yours wrong doing ,go to WSL site and read what people write .Just read your own is enough. The day i was born,,,,really .An old man like I am reading such a bull is a joke. Really pisses me off the whole picture,and gets even worse reading you.
M Alw
M Alw - 6 years ago
markriobr we used to rule? who’s we? this spirit has ruined the sport, surf was never about nationalism until the brazzos showed up. too bad your surfing preferences have been decided the same day you were born, i guess
markriobr - 6 years ago
+M Alw Sure you and many don't like seeing him. You all thinking about the good old days,we use to rule and why this kid was ever born.Those days are over man,better not watch and waste time. Must be hard knowing even before start,he will end up winning.
markriobr - 6 years ago
You're right,really boring see guys like JW,JS,WC,CC,KA,SZ on the CT
Binho Guedes
Binho Guedes - 6 years ago
M Alw dude, lets be honest, everyone was tired of that old same shit. Carvs and barrels, that’s it. What if there’s no good waves? Everyone in the past used to keep paddling around begging for a barrel wave. What a lame. The brazilians pushed it to another level. I kinda of can understand all the hate from aussies lol. Who cares if you like or not? They are blowing ppl mind and so the judges. Brazilians won 9 out of 11 events this year...destroying aussies at their backyard hahahaha that’s actually funny AF.
M Alw
M Alw - 6 years ago
What are you talking about? no one likes seeing Medina surf, except maybe for his dad.
Binho Guedes
Binho Guedes - 6 years ago
the sport is even more beautiful now cus SICK moves were added and the crowd is loving it, so the judges. It’s not like the old carvs+barrel by the book anymore, it’s not enough. Nowadays in order to be a champ the surfer must be complete and able to do anything in any kind of wave and condition. Every single surfer in this tour can do carvs+barrel, it’s basic, but not many can do those AND sick airs, backflip etc...besides the brazilians, who else is that complete? Kelly, JJ and Julian, imo. I’m in fact shocked with this new generation, they added something new to the sport and ppl are LOVING it! Man, the brazilians won 9 out of 11 events this year, cmon...stop being a butthurt, it’s so annoying.
Matheus A.
Matheus A. - 6 years ago
Rene Chang
Rene Chang - 6 years ago
Medina knows how to read a wave. Such great timing and positioning. Learned it from King Slater.
Carlos Andrade
Carlos Andrade - 6 years ago
Wowww Mediano!!!!!
lash clone
lash clone - 6 years ago
awesome final, congrats to medina was the best out there today.
rogerio carvalho
rogerio carvalho - 6 years ago
Congratulations G Medina well deserved!

You are the best surfer, competitor on the tour by far!!!! are the best as goofy & regular as well...looking deadly!...

G Medina it’s in another level!
He is Freeeeeeeeeak! shock with his technique & performance in Pipeline & Backdoor.

Come on!!! everyone should be happy as him has been surfing so well as half the year till the last wave of the year!
Incredible stuffs from G Medina, the tittle it’s in good hands!!!

Congratulations to J Wilson as well!

Just an opinion as I think the Next Year the World Champion will be one of these guys below;

1- G Medina
2- J Wilson
3- J J Florence
4- I Ferreira
5- F Toledo
6- J Smith.
showtime951 - 6 years ago
Congratulations on your year, Gabriel, and to all of your great, crazy Brazilian countrymen.
‎ ‎
‎ ‎ - 6 years ago
damn these english speakers commentors need to speak with more energy is SURF not chess
Bon Summers
Bon Summers - 6 years ago
Rodrigo Santana matos
Rodrigo Santana matos - 6 years ago
Brazilian storm!!!Essa mulecada brasileira vai dá muito trabalho!! Parabéns Medina orgulho Brasileiro!!Aloha!!
Anton Maroon
Anton Maroon - 6 years ago
I really like Medina's surfing but I still prefer Kelly's, JohnJohn's, and JOB's styles
feracdl - 6 years ago
José Marcos
José Marcos - 6 years ago
Representou o Brasil de uma maneira linda! Mandou super bem! Valeu, Medina! É campeão!
Reefahholic - 6 years ago
Nobody can consistently beat Medina. Let's just be honest. Somebody may beat him once or twice, but it's only luck. He toys with all these guys... plain and simple.
Reefahholic - 6 years ago
M Scion - biased...he straight smoked all those guys!
Rene Chang
Rene Chang - 6 years ago
He seems more relaxed now. Coming into his own. Still young too.
Jair Vicente Junior
Jair Vicente Junior - 6 years ago
Medina atropelouu todo mundooo
Matheus Peres
Matheus Peres - 6 years ago
What a day, what a lovely day!
InterOpera - HL7 & Terminologias
InterOpera - HL7 & Terminologias - 6 years ago
Épico. Medina pegou as melhores ondas. Back door em pipe, eh pra Medina. Regular. Feliz novo surf daqui a pouco!
Joao Felipe Siqueira
Joao Felipe Siqueira - 6 years ago
Mesmo com a merda que tá, ninguém para meu país ISSO AQUI É BRASIL
Half Leal
Half Leal - 6 years ago
Quem quer parar essa bosta?
KING GS - 6 years ago
kelly slater é melhor
Wilian fish&surf
Wilian fish&surf - 6 years ago
Se os nossos políticos fossem como os nossos atletas nos seriamos sim a maior potência do planeta
Luiz Phelipe Zogbi
Luiz Phelipe Zogbi - 6 years ago
Brendan O'Hara
Brendan O'Hara - 6 years ago
Bravo Medina! Amazing! For the dream!
jc s
jc s - 6 years ago
Take that all haters from australia and around the world . Brazil 2018 wsl world champion , pipeline masters champion and triple crown of surfing winner . Gringos , shut up and go to bed and try to sleep thinking about medina's titles !!!! Vai Brasil !!!!!!!
markriobr - 6 years ago
Barba,cabelo e bigode. Fica didicil para eles engolir isso tudo de uma vez.
Maira De Lucca
Maira De Lucca - 6 years ago
Surfistas brasileiros arrebentando pena que a maior parte da torcida brasileira é arrogante e só comenta merda fazendo todos os brasileiros passar vergonha.
elb2018 - 6 years ago
Get back to washing those dishes you spick
Carlos V Reusche
Carlos V Reusche - 6 years ago
Impressive, no doubt that is the best surfer of the world at the moment. Well done and congrats Medina
neblinasp - 6 years ago
All times
Seventysounds - 6 years ago
Christopher Orman cry baby, cry and wake up.
Rafael Santin
Rafael Santin - 6 years ago
+Christopher Orman talking to yourself ? lol perhaps Slater knows one or two things about surf hahaha
Christopher Orman
Christopher Orman - 6 years ago
What? That makes no sense. You should surf first, stop blindly claiming a surfer is the best based on nationality, cut back on the hyperbole, and go watch some Alex Knost to cleanse your mind a bit.
Carlos V Reusche
Carlos V Reusche - 6 years ago
Of course there are many surfers with diferent styles and speed and more but at the moment of the true Medina knows how to play the game..and to be able to do that makes you the greatest
Christopher Orman
Christopher Orman - 6 years ago
Maybe best competitive surfer, and until John John comes back, I'm not even sure that is accurate. There are many, many surfers with better styles and better approaches than Medina that I would deem better surfers. Dave Rastovich is one name for example.
Guga Rodrigues
Guga Rodrigues - 6 years ago
Medina the best ! Go Brazilian storm !
Louis Maxwell
Louis Maxwell - 6 years ago
Congrats Medina! he has that IT factor! Julian Wilson and JJF round out the 3 elite surfers in the world today. The next set of best surfers are surprisingly brazillians (Toledo, Italo). C/mon Hawaiians lets do this! sadly the Hawaiians on circuit are all beta personalities.
Portal - 6 years ago
I really would like a JJF comeback, but he doesn't seem to have that intense competitor thirsty inside of him, he needs to find that. Medina has it, kelly has it, Andy had it aswell. I hope he finds it. Medina is alpha inside the water, if the opponent doen't try to contest that they can't win.
Felipe Derolle
Felipe Derolle - 6 years ago
Cainã Toselli
Cainã Toselli - 6 years ago
campeaaaaaaaao krl
Fabio Lemgruber
Fabio Lemgruber - 6 years ago
I read people here saying that JW was underscored. I agree only at the 8.77. I think he deserved a 9.1 or 9.2. But overall medina’s deserve his victory!!!
Bryan Totten
Bryan Totten - 6 years ago
yep Medina had to be smart and just pulled it off
Michel B. Vaz
Michel B. Vaz - 6 years ago
Cry gringos
nomoreluke - 6 years ago
Agreed. That 8.77 was WAY better than Medina's 8.77 but Medina FULLY deserved that win. Ridiculous
Ailton Alversdecarvalho
Ailton Alversdecarvalho - 6 years ago
Vi no surf do medina hj não só seu talento próprio, mas vi também o nosso Deus pondo as suas mãos em sua prancha,pois hj foi tudo muito transcendente e surreal,parabéns medina,Deus te abençoe
Rafael lacerda
Rafael lacerda - 6 years ago
Da lhe medina is King of pipeline
Vans03 - 6 years ago
Close match! Wilson killed it, but Medina deserves his wins. The man owns in air game, backhand snaps, and tube riding,
Carl Bayly
Carl Bayly - 6 years ago
Great final by the best of the best. Love Wilson but you’ve got to hand it to Medina, that man is on another level!
Clayton Brown
Clayton Brown - 6 years ago
+Jerry Whaanga
At pipe? John John
paulo dalessandro
paulo dalessandro - 6 years ago
Jerry Whaanga
Jerry Whaanga - 6 years ago
Who's your fav style,Clayton Brown
Clayton Brown
Clayton Brown - 6 years ago
His style is shit though, fuck Pipe Medina
Vasco Pena
Vasco Pena - 6 years ago
Carl Bayly drr
Rene Chang
Rene Chang - 6 years ago
His timing and sense of good waves. Where to go in deep and come out on time.
rogerio carvalho
rogerio carvalho - 6 years ago
Carl Bayly all true!
Cameron Hubbard
Cameron Hubbard - 6 years ago
Eat shit Medina
Bruno Henrique 4i20
Bruno Henrique 4i20 - 6 years ago
the foreigners are nervous with the Brazilian storm coming in 2019, who laugh at last laugh better !! #GO MEDINA TOLEDO ITALO FERREIRA !! YAGO DORA JESSE MENDES! ADRIANO DE SOUZA, DAVID SILVA, MICHAEL RODRIGUES WILLIAM CARDOSO
Bruno Henrique 4i20
Bruno Henrique 4i20 - 6 years ago
+Maira De Lucca TU ES TÃO PAPA PAU DE GRINGO QUE VEIO ME ROTULAR COM IDADE KKKKK kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Bruno Henrique 4i20
Bruno Henrique 4i20 - 6 years ago
+Maira De Lucca ano que vem os gringos vão mamar na mesma rola que vc caralho!!! VEM COMENTAR OQ QUER NO COMENTARIO DOS OUTROS É TU QUEM PASSA VERGONHA OBESA SURFISTA DE STAND UP KKK
Bruno Henrique 4i20
Bruno Henrique 4i20 - 6 years ago
+Maira De Lucca se eu tive-se vontade de argumentar acha mesmo que iria comentar aquilo em ingles. Deixa de ser obesa pela saco de gringo porra... e vai tomar leite na boquinha!!!
Bruno Henrique 4i20
Bruno Henrique 4i20 - 6 years ago
Bruno Henrique 4i20
Bruno Henrique 4i20 - 6 years ago
+Maira De Lucca tu torce pra eles e vem pagar pau aqui caralho com um comentario lixo desse kkk!! tas passando vergonha brasileirinha
Bruno Henrique 4i20
Bruno Henrique 4i20 - 6 years ago
+Maira De Lucca KD os paga pau dos gringo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk é tipo aqueles brasileiros que torce pra argentina kkkkkkk
Bruno Henrique 4i20
Bruno Henrique 4i20 - 6 years ago
Bruno Henrique 4i20
Bruno Henrique 4i20 - 6 years ago
​+Maira De Lucca realmente você deve ser bem queridinha da mamãe... vai tomar seu leite no seu condominio!! foda-se se você está passando vergonha cmg, eu não te chamei pra passar vergonha cmg coisa obesa. PAGA PAU PRA GRINGO TEM DE SOBRA AQUI NO BRASIL
Maira De Lucca
Maira De Lucca - 6 years ago
Surfistas brasileiros arrebentando pena que a maior parte da torcida brasileira é arrogante e só comenta merda fazendo todos os brasileiros passar vergonha.
The salty junior Frothers
The salty junior Frothers - 6 years ago
I’m massively nervous because I’m goin back to the ments next year and there will be 1000 more brazo’s there who can’t surf
Austin Nakamoto
Austin Nakamoto - 6 years ago
Bruno Henrique 4i20 kook brazo lol
Bruno Henrique 4i20
Bruno Henrique 4i20 - 6 years ago
tiTo Bobbio Velarde
tiTo Bobbio Velarde - 6 years ago
crmoliveira oliveira
crmoliveira oliveira - 6 years ago
Romero Dornellas
Romero Dornellas - 6 years ago
Cleivemar Custódio
Cleivemar Custódio - 6 years ago
Valeu medina representor
zedd wox
zedd wox - 6 years ago
Gabriel Medina orgulho da nação brasileira!!!
Victor - 6 years ago
Ta com Surfe de Mestre
Animal, Medina !!!
Sam - 6 years ago
Bi campeão, Medina fazendo historia, já virou lenda viva, BRasil no topo do mundo do surf mundial.
claudio fontes
claudio fontes - 6 years ago
J.M. Hanover
J.M. Hanover - 6 years ago
Mad respect to Gabriel Medina 2018 WSL World Champion and 2018 Pipe Masters Winner! By far the best surfer on tour this season, nobody could compete with him. He is the king for 2018! So many talented surfers on tour now, anybody in the top 15 could come in next year and take the title. It just says so much about Gabriel's surfing this year, the people he's beat and the contest he's won, legendary status!
Owen Alp
Owen Alp - 6 years ago
Just wait til JJF is back from injury!!
Wayank - 6 years ago
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Binho Guedes
Binho Guedes - 6 years ago
agree... kid is a beast.
João A. Braun
João A. Braun - 6 years ago
hands down he's a monster
Rene Chang
Rene Chang - 6 years ago
Agreed. Becoming his own.
Feel Jah
Feel Jah - 6 years ago
Truee dude
Louis Maxwell
Louis Maxwell - 6 years ago
To be honest only Julian and JJF can match firepower with Medina on the big stage. Everyone else in the top 25 surf good in open surf sessions but in competition they all seem inconsistent and even disappear sometimes.
Marcos Costa
Marcos Costa - 6 years ago
Descupa ai os erros na escrita kkkkk
Poderground RAP
Poderground RAP - 6 years ago
Parabéns manooooo LN Paulista Voando no Surf Parabéns Medinaaaaaaaa.
Marcos Costa
Marcos Costa - 6 years ago
Muito obrigado ao canal pela boa cobertura do campeonato nos deixando com este previlegio de acompanha na ontrega e meus parabens galera valeu meamo
el mar
el mar - 6 years ago
JW garfadaço! Assim como garfaram o Gab na primeira final entre os 2. Vai entender...
Marcello Medina
Marcello Medina - 6 years ago
Tom McA
Tom McA - 6 years ago
Incredible heat! Wasn’t expecting this.
Lanterna Verde
Lanterna Verde - 6 years ago
Rumo ao tri ...em 2019 !
Thácio Lima
Thácio Lima - 6 years ago
isso aí!
Feel Jah
Feel Jah - 6 years ago
Com certeza!!!!!
justin perri
justin perri - 6 years ago
Boo Boo
Boo Boo - 6 years ago
To much claiming where's the hui when you need em ?
Gabriel Fernand
Gabriel Fernand - 6 years ago
• João •
• João • - 6 years ago
não é não kkkkkkk
Adam Parkinson
Adam Parkinson - 6 years ago
Lan Fernandes
Lan Fernandes - 6 years ago
#brazilianstorm Medina bicampeão
Maicon Robb
Maicon Robb - 6 years ago
Vlw Medina
Vai Brasil
Fabio Guertas
Fabio Guertas - 6 years ago
Brasil porra... pega noix gringaiada. Parabéns Medina
Youri Gomez
Youri Gomez - 6 years ago
wilson was criminally underscored. medina is a great surfer, but there were 3 ocassions where his opponent was underscored
markriobr - 6 years ago
Can you point them out? Just can't see how people still write all kinds of nonsense, whenever the name Medina is on. No problem not liking him as a person,now the athlete,surfer come on. Don't you people get tired,saying the same over and over.
D N - 6 years ago
Oh please. Medina is the BEST! He deserved to win. So stop it and accept it,
carlos machado
carlos machado - 6 years ago
I won't argue about the scoring ad subjective as it is. Strangely enough is that the underscored is from USA or Australia if we believe the comments. Anyway being honest even if there was a underscore in one wave I hope you agree that in the heat Gabriel won. Just forget the nationality and appreciate the surfing.
Diego Mota
Diego Mota - 6 years ago
The one with the air was def underscored, maybe by half a point. Still medina would've won. He's in a different level
MultiReceitas - 6 years ago
​+Paulo Ecletik Cry more ;) And Parkinson's why he did not surf in the 4 round?
Paulo Ecletik
Paulo Ecletik - 6 years ago
Jordy Smith was disgustingly robbed in the semifinal to gift the heat to Medina. Shameful,Medina shouldn't even be in the final.
Arthur Antunes
Arthur Antunes - 6 years ago
My eggs
upsidedahead - 6 years ago
The big air was underscored for sure
Geraldino Ferreira De Lima
Geraldino Ferreira De Lima - 6 years ago
Nos anos que o John John foi campeão, ele sempre conseguia aquele pontinho que precisava!!! Deixa de ser chorão!!!!!
Mylene Lipao
Mylene Lipao - 6 years ago
rodrigo martins
rodrigo martins - 6 years ago
You're Crazy. Don't cry Tonight.
kiko401000 - 6 years ago
#CryMore #BYEWILSON #KeepLooking4MEDINA Try next year... M E D I N A = MONSTER
Carlos Magno
Carlos Magno - 6 years ago
+Austin Nakamoto my balls
Austin Nakamoto
Austin Nakamoto - 6 years ago
Nucho Perricellikook brazo
Carlos Magno
Carlos Magno - 6 years ago
Cry more
Seeking Truth
Seeking Truth - 6 years ago
Dee Miller
Dee Miller - 6 years ago
absolutely incredible surfer!!!!!
Feel Jah
Feel Jah - 6 years ago
Alessandro Zanetti
Alessandro Zanetti - 6 years ago
maycon de oliveira
maycon de oliveira - 6 years ago
Garoto de ouro , emocionante ter um atleta desse nível representando o Brasil sentimos orgulho de vc Gabriel parabéns e que venham mais títulos é isso que os brasileiros precisam obrigado
Thiago Freitas
Thiago Freitas - 6 years ago
Valeuuuuu medina......representou nós todos....
Marcelo Junior
Marcelo Junior - 6 years ago
Parabéns Medina!!
Lucas Felix
Lucas Felix - 6 years ago
É Brasil mais um vez meus queridos!
École De Français
École De Français - 6 years ago
Fantástico, Gabriel! Você mereceu..!!!!
RawsonDenna - 6 years ago
Julian won fuck Brazil and I’m Brazilian
Vinícius Carvalho
Vinícius Carvalho - 6 years ago
O cara simplesmente destruiu no Backdoor, doutrinou os frontsides... íncrivel!! Tirou um 10, um 9,57, um 9,10, um 8,77... as 4 maiores notas para backdoor de todo o evento... parabéns campeão!!!!
ASSOLAN - 6 years ago
Falou tudo
Wayank - 6 years ago
share please visit and subscribe
Skwarrrk - 6 years ago
YT needs a translate button up in here
Desvistado - 6 years ago
Vinícius Carvalho
Vinícius Carvalho - 6 years ago
Sem esquecer que esse 9,93 foi para Pipeline, se as ondas no último dia só caíssem p Pipe, Medina venceria de capote esses caras, o backdoor é que deu uma equilibrada para eles!
CBM eL gRAN - 6 years ago
Thiago Andrade
Thiago Andrade - 6 years ago
Fora que, comparado ao 9,93 do Kelly tem ondas dessas aí que valeria 10.
Leo - 6 years ago
Spasalonsupplier Sekarshopkuta
Spasalonsupplier Sekarshopkuta - 6 years ago
GM show well-done
filipe Ribeiro
filipe Ribeiro - 6 years ago
Medina deu Aula de como ser um atleta! e como é bom fazer oque Ama ! Parabens #Medina pelo titulo mundial e o Pipe master ! #GoBrasil #MedinaChamps #JesseMendesTripleCrown #BrazilianStorm
Feel Jah
Feel Jah - 6 years ago
2 times!!!!
redilsanto - 6 years ago
10:18 min ow povo enxamista kkk
Pesca A Distância
Pesca A Distância - 6 years ago
Aqui é Brasil e não adianta
André Junior
André Junior - 6 years ago
Essa foi a final?
JERS - 6 years ago
Sim, mas ele se tornou campeão ao vencer a semifinal, pois ele só precisava chegar na final que já se tornaria campeão.
Rogerio Gonçalves
Rogerio Gonçalves - 6 years ago
Thiago Fernandes
Thiago Fernandes - 6 years ago
Viva litoral norte!
Jean Souza
Jean Souza - 6 years ago
+neblinasp que comentário de imbecil
Memone Ameno
Memone Ameno - 6 years ago
caralho q maluco doente
Feel Jah
Feel Jah - 6 years ago
+neblinasp kkkkkkKkkkkkk taporra!! Vc é petista??
neblinasp - 6 years ago
sem bairrismo colega, o cara tá representando o país inteiro.
Você é preconceituoso e arrogante.
Feel Jah
Feel Jah - 6 years ago
Damaris Santiago
Damaris Santiago - 6 years ago
Ban bica kkkkkkkkkkk
Wayank - 6 years ago
share please visit and subscribe
Gustavo Tepedino
Gustavo Tepedino - 6 years ago
Polho Tavares
Polho Tavares - 6 years ago
+Ban gica kakakak gastou
Ban gica
Ban gica - 6 years ago
Queria que representasse o quê ? A China ??? kkkkkkkkkkkk
jocapoc - 6 years ago
vai medina!

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About Gabriel Medina vs. Julian Wilson - FINAL - Billabong Pipe Masters 2018

The "Gabriel Medina vs. Julian Wilson - FINAL - Billabong Pipe Masters 2018" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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