Gabriel Medina vs. Matt Wilkinson - Fiji Pro 2016 Final

Gabriel Medina takes on Matt Wilkinson in the Final of the Fiji Pro 2016. Subscribe to the WSL for more action: Watch all the latest surfing action of the world's best surfers in the world's best waves. Heats on demand, event highlights and exclusive interviews, right here on the WSL's Youtube channel. For More Visit: Like the WSL on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Google+: Follow our Tumblr:

Gabriel Medina vs. Matt Wilkinson - Fiji Pro 2016 Final sentiment_very_dissatisfied 22

Surf 8 years ago 166,404 views

Gabriel Medina takes on Matt Wilkinson in the Final of the Fiji Pro 2016. Subscribe to the WSL for more action: Watch all the latest surfing action of the world's best surfers in the world's best waves. Heats on demand, event highlights and exclusive interviews, right here on the WSL's Youtube channel. For More Visit: Like the WSL on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Google+: Follow our Tumblr:

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Most popular comments
for Gabriel Medina vs. Matt Wilkinson - Fiji Pro 2016 Final

Bryan Totten
Bryan Totten - 7 years ago
the fiji champ
DENIS Felix - 7 years ago
Mlk humilde surfa muito e representa bem a naçao brazuka vai medina
Jose Aurelio
Jose Aurelio - 7 years ago
Gabriel Medina , demais .
tiemyrope666 - 7 years ago
only reason medina won this heat was because wilko had like a 15 minute rest from his last heat and was completely gassed. easy to win when youve been sitting on the boat and fresh for an hour. fuck medina and fuck brazil.
Nicolas Davies
Nicolas Davies - 7 years ago
don't cry please
Mat Miles
Mat Miles - 7 years ago
tiemyrope666 fuck you
Og fisher Nz
Og fisher Nz - 8 years ago
Fuck wilko shreds need more guys like him on tour then the little weak ass turns of igarashi, Banting, desouza, medina etc
Spasalonsupplier Sekarshopkuta
Spasalonsupplier Sekarshopkuta - 8 years ago
Superman on the Wave
markriobr - 8 years ago
Medina won`t win the WT this year cause since Americans bought the rights for the ASP and turn WSL they have to hva an A merican citzen winning the title . They don´t care if Hawaiians don´t say they are or wear the American flag . Cause in the end is an A merican State ,,,,,The 50 th star on their flag . You can all bet your money on JJ
markriobr - 7 years ago
Man you are really an AHOLE, why call the woman a bitch? Your parents clear did not give you a proper education
markriobr - 7 years ago
carolina if you like surf and have fun watching is good enough. I like to watch volley but i am lousy at it
markriobr - 7 years ago
Og fisher, just shows you know shit, Medina won the last year the tour was ASP. ADS won the first year they change to WSL . At least make sure you know what you say something,that way you don´t show how ignorant you are. Who is the dumbass here,guess you are
carolina bram stoker
carolina bram stoker - 8 years ago
lmao. Since when I need to surf in order to be in love with the sport? I like many sports and I dont need to practice in order to like them and cheer... Duh >.< I just said Medina is amazing and you came saying shit. My favorites are Medina and JJ. Nobody can change that.
Og fisher Nz
Og fisher Nz - 8 years ago
carolina bram stoker we, who's we? I'm not jealous of medina he's an amazing surfer and he deserves his world title but saying that the WSL is rigged so john john can win is ridiculous. Why are you even watching this shit bitch you don't even surf you probably don't even know what's going on
markriobr - 8 years ago
Just saw an interview after Medina heat at Trestles . Fanning was really angry at the judges . Even Kelly said ; They were watching some other thing , is just not right what they did . Sure I want JJ to win the title but not like this
carolina bram stoker
carolina bram stoker - 8 years ago
you're jealous of Medina, we can see it :)
Og fisher Nz
Og fisher Nz - 8 years ago
carolina bram stoker shut up bitch you don't even surf
markriobr - 8 years ago
+george Fleming Who is the dumbass here ? Me or a guy called George that knows shit ; Medina won the last year as ASP and Ads the first as WSL . Make sure you know before saying or writing whatever , While learning why not get a good education , clear your parents never teached you good manners . AHOLE
carolina bram stoker
carolina bram stoker - 8 years ago
Og fisher Nz
Og fisher Nz - 8 years ago
markriobr medina and ads won when it was the WSL you dumbass
Valdir Vicente
Valdir Vicente - 8 years ago
Blz mn só na coleção! Os gringos dessa vez ficou q nem o vasco na segunda RSS
Victor Anselmo
Victor Anselmo - 8 years ago
that 7,33 was a joke..

10. comment for Gabriel Medina vs. Matt Wilkinson - Fiji Pro 2016 Final

Ryde Ovashit
Ryde Ovashit - 8 years ago
That was fuckin insane
paulo roberto braga mello braga mello
paulo roberto braga mello braga mello - 8 years ago
Showwww de bola Medina.
Heuler Surf
Heuler Surf - 8 years ago
J bay é do wilkinson tá quebrando e Medina em j bay não passa nem do roud 5
Willem Feitosa
Willem Feitosa - 8 years ago
Pelo visto vc já errou em...wilk ja saiu e Medina continua firme e forte...
Cacio Silva
Cacio Silva - 8 years ago
ano passado medina eliminou o wiko - 8 years ago
2014 quem J bay foi MEdina !!!!
carolina bram stoker
carolina bram stoker - 8 years ago
YaY Medina champ! <3
carolina bram stoker
carolina bram stoker - 8 years ago
wrong. I dont even like men, maybe you do :) Your mom forgot to give you some education when you were young, didn't she? There's still time for you to become a human being, if you work really hard.
carolina bram stoker
carolina bram stoker - 8 years ago
hello George, how old are you, nine? :) Aloha! drink your milk to grow up strong
Og fisher Nz
Og fisher Nz - 8 years ago
carolina bram stoker sorry John john Florence won Brazilian poo storm is over haha
Rastaman - 8 years ago
pelo menos no surf o brasil representa lml
Jonathan Vieira
Jonathan Vieira - 8 years ago
Medina é o melhor do mundo e o surfista mais completo, parabéns medina, aqui é Brasil
LOVE LIFE - 8 years ago
Beautiful Fiji waves
Angel Tovar
Angel Tovar - 8 years ago
PogChamp Medina!!!
Se7ti - 8 years ago
Parabéns Medina, Gigante do Surf, orgulho da Nação!
silvio A.S
silvio A.S - 8 years ago
em 13:05 é engraçado o cara pedindo para o Gabriel tirar foto com uma suposta bebida alcoólica, tentando tirar da mão dele a bandeira brasileira e a prancha, só pra segurar a porcaria daquela garrafa, mas o mais engraçado é que o Gabriel não o atende.kkk
Jefferson Santos
Jefferson Santos - 8 years ago

20. comment for Gabriel Medina vs. Matt Wilkinson - Fiji Pro 2016 Final

TopSurf - 8 years ago
Medina é definitivamente um surfista completo
Its Me SirG
Its Me SirG - 8 years ago
Medina good
GozillaStyle - 8 years ago
Parabéns Medina ! Obrigado por trazer alegria ao nosso país em um momento como esse que estamos passando agora. Que continue o bom trabalho e Deus te abençoe sempre !
Charles Juvencio
Charles Juvencio - 8 years ago
brasil o pais do surf.
Adriano Giorgi
Adriano Giorgi - 8 years ago
Medina flying under the radar? Potz, you out of your fucking mind?
southrules - 8 years ago
Wilko's style is lame, that guy is definitely not the best surfer in the world, not even top 500
southrules - 7 years ago
Us poor white surfers, such a hard life...
Og fisher Nz
Og fisher Nz - 8 years ago
southrules you clearly don't surf and if you do go sit on the shoulder with all the other kooks. Medina surfs good but he looks weak like a girl compared to the power of wilko. Wilko surfs good on his forehand and even better on his backhand. And anyway if he is so bad how come he came 5th in the world, won 2 events and came 2nd in Fiji. You wouldnt know what style is even if it hit you in the face. Especially compared to the likes of medina and de Souza, gayest cunt on tour. He only won a title because of bitchy tactics, surf league or tactics league? And wilkos not a robot either he seems like good fella.
Andre Dre
Andre Dre - 8 years ago
+nomoreluke I can guarantee to you is the same over here as well, when foreigners came along in the lineup. And I also guarantee that's not related to nationalities, when a surfer in the water is a dick, he is a dick because he raised like a dick, in a different ambient than yours, and also with other principles, not because he is Brazilian or OZ or whatever...
Its rough, but its life, what can we do?
Calling people bad names on internet is gonna change a thing.

Surfing should be something to put people together, but well, I know its impossible...
nomoreluke - 8 years ago
+Andre Erdna
I'm not insulting Brazillians in general - they are, as a rule, awesome people. I'm just not a fan at all of the Brazillian style of surfing. Also, in my experience, having travelled a LOT with surfing, it's a bit of a nightmare when there is a crew of Brazillians in the water - drop-ins and constant hassle. It's not fun.
Andre Dre
Andre Dre - 8 years ago
+nomoreluke Hi man, there is a huge different between showing a nice arguments with relevant informations, than just keeping on saying bad words about people's nationalities, which basically means xenophoby... No doubts about all those guys skills you mention, surfing isnt only anymore about hearvy carves, and the last champs, and some other brazilian achievments are showing this.
nomoreluke - 8 years ago
+Andre Erdna
All you Brazzos keep going on about that. I watched Slater land a MASSIVE backflip at Bingin back in 2002. Don't get me wrong, it's impressive, especially in a comp but my point was regarding style. They have bags of tricks, no doubt, but their surfing is all about pump pump pump - watch the nose of their boards - they are CONSTANTLY doing little s-shapes. Then watch Slater/Parko/Fanning - their boards draw out arcs. Looks a lot smoother (in my opinion). Super-wide poostance and constant pumping looks a bit shit.
Andre Dre
Andre Dre - 8 years ago
+nomoreluke first blackflip air in competition
nomoreluke - 8 years ago
+Andre Erdna
Because they're weak as piss style-wise mate. That's why. To be fair, Medina killed it in Fiji but he's just not pretty to watch.
Andre Dre
Andre Dre - 8 years ago
I wonder why every hater need to mention Brazzoes for every subject post online, since the haters arent able to perform the same way?
Thats a sad life
On Oe
On Oe - 8 years ago
at least he's in Fiji pro show some respect
Andre Dre
Andre Dre - 8 years ago
nomoreluke - 8 years ago
Best backhand snap in the game fella. Absolutely monsters it. Better on his backhand. Much better than those weak Brazzo cutbacks.
Yaohu luiz
Yaohu luiz - 8 years ago
Na verdade amigo, alegria para nossa nação seria a corrupção acaba, e o pais se torna primeiro mundo, acabando com a pobreza, abaixando os impostos abusivos, e elevando a saúde educação e transporte a outro nível, ai sim traria alegria para todos brasileiros, esporte é um entretenimento, do qual só quem ganha é quem participa e quem organiza, nós que assistimo qualquer esporte, apenas estamos tirando umas horas do nosso tempo para se entreter na quele passatempo, nada mudara em nossas vidas ou em nossas realidade, a seleção brasileira é uma instituição organizada e dirigida por corruptos, dos piores, do qual usa o nome do nosso pais e a nossa bandeira para valer como propaganda em sua instituição suja e salafrária,...
Jalisson Ximenes
Jalisson Ximenes - 8 years ago
Dá-lhe Medina. Fantástico!
Nicolas Davies
Nicolas Davies - 8 years ago
Medina is a monster!

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