Garrett McNamara breaks world record surfing 100 foot wave!

Visit the DREAMER MOVIE site: Garrett McNamara broke the world record surfing 100 foot wave! This astounding accomplisment occurred in Portugal on January 28, 2013. But what makes this so remarkable is that he broke his own record in the same location he set the current record off the coast of Nazaré, Portugal in an underwater canyon, about 1,000 ft deep, running from the ocean into a funnel that leads straight to the cliffs. This video first shows Garrett's first world record wave from about a year ago, and then it shows his new world record wave of about 100 feet that he just surfed. They are shown adjacent to each other so you can judge for yourself if he broke his own world record. Visit the DREAMER MOVIE site: Enjoy watching any of hundreds of more videos at ...and view more videos on our website at: http://Clean.TV

Garrett McNamara breaks world record surfing 100 foot wave! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 34

Surf 12 years ago 392,309 views

Visit the DREAMER MOVIE site: Garrett McNamara broke the world record surfing 100 foot wave! This astounding accomplisment occurred in Portugal on January 28, 2013. But what makes this so remarkable is that he broke his own record in the same location he set the current record off the coast of Nazaré, Portugal in an underwater canyon, about 1,000 ft deep, running from the ocean into a funnel that leads straight to the cliffs. This video first shows Garrett's first world record wave from about a year ago, and then it shows his new world record wave of about 100 feet that he just surfed. They are shown adjacent to each other so you can judge for yourself if he broke his own world record. Visit the DREAMER MOVIE site: Enjoy watching any of hundreds of more videos at ...and view more videos on our website at: http://Clean.TV

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Most popular comments
for Garrett McNamara breaks world record surfing 100 foot wave!

William Helms
William Helms - 6 years ago
04/30/2018, Hey, Mac! Straighten out the media, an 85 foot ride today reported on they're saying is the record breaker.
Howard Butler
Howard Butler - 7 years ago
Not a surfer. But that looks untouchable
Curt Brooks
Curt Brooks - 7 years ago
Mule Cock Mcnamera
Dan Shetler
Dan Shetler - 7 years ago
Bad ass
Mike Nastasi
Mike Nastasi - 7 years ago
It was biggest wave did I never saw in 15 years
mason lester
mason lester - 7 years ago
28 jealous tool bags
Lando - 7 years ago
Where does he even find these waves!? i don't think they can be near shores because then it would basically be a title wave or tsunami..... ;-;
FlipFlopper - 6 years ago
Most of these waves happen in a spot where the there is a massive rock cliff, which is higher than the waves.
marco brixia
marco brixia - 7 years ago
Not more then 20 mt
Todd Secor
Todd Secor - 8 years ago
I couldn't see the wave behind his balls.

10. comment for Garrett McNamara breaks world record surfing 100 foot wave!

Steve Coyle
Steve Coyle - 8 years ago
Holy Hessus, riding the green dragon!
Hayd - 8 years ago
that's no 100ft wave, even at a stretch.
it is a fuckin big wave for sure though...
Isaac Fernandez
Isaac Fernandez - 9 years ago
i saw McNamara at waimea bay today (04/1/16) because they were thinking of holding the eddie aikau invitational
buzzzz7777 - 9 years ago
That's SICK! Anything over 30' is insane!
Kevin Obrien
Kevin Obrien - 9 years ago
Its 78 feet and he still holds the rec as far as I know for riding the biggest.
Sapere Aude
TheRealTaco - 8 years ago
+Sapere Aude From your source "If the claims are verified, the US-born athlete will have successfully beaten his own record, which was also set at Nazare, when he rode a 78ft high wave at the end of 2011."
Kevin Obrien
Kevin Obrien - 8 years ago
+Sapere Aude i think we're done here. thanks for playing.
Kevin Obrien
Kevin Obrien - 8 years ago
+Sapere Aude you said it was a 100 footer...
Kevin Obrien
Kevin Obrien - 8 years ago
+Sapere Aude didnt i say it was a 78 foot wave?
Sapere Aude
TheRealTaco - 8 years ago
Never proven so... Awkward? Being mean and then being proven wrong
Sapere Aude
Sapere Aude - 8 years ago
No, moron. Look it up, he broke the record with a 100ft wave.
gmuesthavo - 9 years ago
Saw Garrett on 60 minutes Sports, what a complete badass!! I always imagined surfing as being peaceful but to hear him explain the sound of these monster waves; it's terrifying! And the guy just wants to go bigger and bigger. Amazing!
BOMBADAROMBA - 10 years ago
there is now 20 people disliking it ... because it's a fake !
it's the same wave shown twice ...  only the second time with a filter     
 look at the way the wave breaks at 0:00 & 0:40 : same !
big up to garett nonetheless !
De moi demonne
De moi demonne - 10 years ago
holy fuck how??? damn, wouldn't that be starting to get tsunami size? I don't know... in nz we get maybe 10 foot...probably bigger but 100???? hes amazing
jjs4you2 - 9 years ago
+De moi demonne A Tsunami wave can be as small as an inch (1") to a few feet or as big as a few hundred feet. Size does not make it a Tsunami, but an Earthquake deep in the ocean or a huge landslide like what happened in a large bay in Alaska along time ago created a 200' of water. These big waves were caused by wind down in the Southern Atlantic blowing at over 100mph over a long span of 1500 to 2000 miles to the north, towards Portugal in which the wind stayed at over 100mph for over 30 hours. The recent Japanese Tsunami was caused by an earthquake deep in the Ocean from a 9.2 Earthquake but even that massive size of that EQuake still only produced waves at 40' to 50', the water height behind those waves caused a surge that pushed a 5 foot high wall of water after the original waves had broken out in the ocean. Some of the surge went  inland up to a mile (where the land was flat) that broke like normal waves but the surge after each set of waves built up the height each time that moved the water further and further inland.
Quincy Laina
Quincy Laina - 10 years ago
Beast mode
Lori Davis
Lori Davis - 10 years ago
Reminds me of Bodhi in Point Break.

20. comment for Garrett McNamara breaks world record surfing 100 foot wave!

Jimmy Dean
Jimmy Dean - 10 years ago
Backside too. What a pimp
Maleyka Nasirova
Maleyka Nasirova - 10 years ago
Wow amazing :o
Aki Wayne Ukonmaanaho A
Aki Wayne Ukonmaanaho A - 10 years ago
One tough mother mother.
djtutty76 - 11 years ago
Can anybody explain how these waves are measured? Or is it just an estimate based on huge wave multiplied by popularity of the surfer plus 10% of the old record?
CDV Goalkeeping
CDV Goalkeeping - 6 years ago
Probably ratios, they look at how tall the guy is and how tall he is on camera and see how many garetts it takes to get to the top of the wave
Howard Butler
Howard Butler - 7 years ago
Sapere Aude wow OK. What about dicks? I'll trust whatever you have on that too
Michael Towle
Michael Towle - 7 years ago
You surf the face (front) of the wave, not the back of the wave. Perspective from shore distorts the face height of the wave (a 50' wave looks like a 100' wave from a distant, angled perspective). I like your take. Willard Bascom's book was the first scientific book (that I know of) about waves, and does a good job of explaining why they break at different pitches. His take on the best surf beaches does not correspond to today's thinking.
Rajeev Sahu
Rajeev Sahu - 7 years ago
Idk trig
Sapere Aude
Sapere Aude - 8 years ago
"There are two main approaches to measuring wave height.

The Bascom Method, developed by Willard Newell Bascom, is widely
regarded as simple, fair, and rational; yet an overestimation most of
the time. One stands on the beach with eyes aligned with wave crest and
the horizon. He or she then measures the wave from that point to the
average sea level. Californians loved it.

The Hawaiians saw things differently. They were known for measuring
their waves from the back, effectively cutting the determined height of
the waves they had ridden in half. The method used by the Californians,
they thought, was full of exaggerated bravado.

When big wave surfing got the attention of the media, the Hawaiian
Wave Scale conquered fans. It was really cool to underestimate the size
of a wave.

The Hawaiian Wave Scale has a few disadvantages. It is difficult when
measuring small waves; can't be confirmed from the beach; is based on
emotional variables like courage; it does not measure the entire face in
which surfers ride, and it doesn't apply to waves that are big and
heavy, but lack a large backside, like Teahupoo.

There is a third way. This fair and balanced approach is based on the
area that is actually ridden by a surfer. Keeping in mind that the
bottom-turn is the lowest point on the wave face, the Surfable Wave Face
hypothesis would consider 2/3 of the Bascom Method as the area where
surfers draw their lines and tricks, from the pocket almost to sea

In conclusion: a two-meter wave (6.5 feet) measured with the Bascom
Method would correspond to a one-meter wave on the Hawaiian Scale (3.2
feet); and a 1.3-meter wave (4.2 feet) using the Surfable Wave Face
measurement system.

So it seems that the logical application of the Surfable Wave Face
method brings the best of the "underestimated" and "overestimated"
models into a balanced, globally accepted system of wave measurement for
competitive surfing."
Stuart David Boyd
Stuart David Boyd - 11 years ago
Who dislikes this? I mean really I don't understand why 12 people disliked it?
Ted H
Ted H - 11 years ago
Garrett is a bad ass! That is so cool breaking his own massive record a year later. 
Alexander Khanukhov
Alexander Khanukhov - 11 years ago
You probably have a very big balls my friend......
iDenmark - 11 years ago
Definition of YOLO
Quinn Krug
Quinn Krug - 11 years ago
God Damn thats badass! But how the hell do they measure the waves height?
Werewolvians - 11 years ago
I knew Bodhi paddled to New Zealand!! Now there's finally proof! Changing his name to Garret McNamara, that's so Bodhi...

30. comment for Garrett McNamara breaks world record surfing 100 foot wave!

AudibleVisible - 11 years ago
jigs9600able - 11 years ago
Holy Shit!!
wcf - 11 years ago
same viseo same wave
iranewble - 11 years ago
Narley bra
JacaRander57 - 11 years ago
Pssssh could of boogie boarded that
Vasco Neto
Vasco Neto - 11 years ago
im portuguese :D
Porcupine Smith
Porcupine Smith - 11 years ago
This is what it's all about right here!
nick de jonge
nick de jonge - 11 years ago
well son of a bitch Respect men !!
Arrested Development
Arrested Development - 11 years ago
MrGoodkat - 11 years ago
Hannible100 - 11 years ago
LOL Kat! Was trolling.
MrGoodkat - 11 years ago
Figure of speech.Anyway, there is a function that lets you rewind on you-tube you know.
Hannible100 - 11 years ago
Video is only 1:04 long. 5 mins?
José Soto
José Soto - 11 years ago
2012 Garrett rode a lefthander, 2013 he rode a righthander...
Luis Romero
Luis Romero - 11 years ago
idiot haha
HAL - 11 years ago
BS. I'm sad enough I compared frames on the break, exact same video.
George Misheladze
George Misheladze - 12 years ago
shenze vanzrev
MrGoodkat - 12 years ago
Just looked really hard at the video for 5 min's and sorry.But you are wrong man.This is exactly the same wave shown twice.I studied how it breaks and everything's identical.
ajoj0909 - 12 years ago
hahahaha :D
Sam Bacon
Sam Bacon - 12 years ago
Bacon hardly ever talks, but when it does... It's right.

50. comment for Garrett McNamara breaks world record surfing 100 foot wave!

ajoj0909 - 12 years ago
bacon doesnt talk
Sam Bacon
Sam Bacon - 12 years ago
10% of 90 is 9, not 10
SuperniusPL - 12 years ago
This movie fits on my website
donenzi - 12 years ago
just click the "0" and then the "6"-Key to have an comparison of the two waves. they are exactly the same! :D still awesome!
Wade H
Wade H - 12 years ago
Yea theyre the same wave jackass
CleanTVcom - 12 years ago
The first wave was from a year ago and the second wave was from a few days ago. They are shown back to back for comparison to see if he broke his own world record.
William Helms
William Helms - 6 years ago
CleanTVcom, Why is the 85 foot ride reported on 04/30/2018 today the record breaker when Mc Namara's 90, and 100 footers are taller. Straighten this out with the rest of the media circuses please?
kyle tome
kyle tome - 6 years ago
CleanTVcom these are the same wave, just with different filters on the footage...
CleanTVcom - 12 years ago
The opening scene is his 90 foot wave from a year ago. The next wave is 10% larger and his most current wave from several days ago. Sorry if it was confusing. But we put them there back to back to see if he actually broke his old world record. We believe he did but it won't be official for a couple more months. Hope you enjoyed them.
CleanTVcom - 12 years ago
They are different videos, one year apart. One wave is 10% taller. I thought you'd like to see them back to back to save time searching, etc. I apologize if I offended you.
brooke Collins
brooke Collins - 12 years ago
Soocool 4 doing this. x It will never be forgotten
Tamara T.B
Tamara T.B - 12 years ago
n sane but awesome! Congratulations to him.
Miguel Novais
Miguel Novais - 12 years ago
Portugal :)
TheChanberry - 12 years ago
Just because you put a different filter on the second wave doesn't mean it is any different than the first one you showed. View whoring at its best. imgur /HDabSYt
александр дегтярев
александр дегтярев - 12 years ago
100% crazzzy!!!!
Pepe beast
Pepe beast - 12 years ago
Como dicen ellos:al enemigo ni agua.Hay que ver,oir y comer,para ser como ellos.Y saber que en boca cerrada no entran moscas...Cada dia se han creado muchas empresas y se han unido para acabar con todo a cambio de vivir mejor durante un periodo corto de tiempo.Ellos (las empresas,equipos y la políticas) motivan e incentivan con primas y les dopan o hacen trampas a los que tienen nombre o apellido que refiera al malo a matar.
_zacepstein - 12 years ago
thats his old 90ft wave. see other videos for real wave. Faker!
jdizzilicious - 12 years ago
Luz Rosales
Luz Rosales - 12 years ago
David Meyler
David Meyler - 12 years ago
Bartholick - 12 years ago
I think this wave is well over 100 ft according from my measurement, not including the trough you can't see from the footage..
Ron Jarrell
Ron Jarrell - 12 years ago
Now, was he thinking "Yahoo!" as he shot the tube, or "Oh ___ Oh ___ I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead" ?
sharkyogurt - 12 years ago
whats really amazing is that he did it barefoot!

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