Garrett McNamara breaks world record surfing 100 foot wave!
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Visit the DREAMER MOVIE site: Garrett McNamara broke the world record surfing 100 foot wave! This astounding accomplisment occurred in Portugal on January 28, 2013. But what makes this so remarkable is that he broke his own record in the same location he set the current record off the coast of Nazaré, Portugal in an underwater canyon, about 1,000 ft deep, running from the ocean into a funnel that leads straight to the cliffs. This video first shows Garrett's first world record wave from about a year ago, and then it shows his new world record wave of about 100 feet that he just surfed. They are shown adjacent to each other so you can judge for yourself if he broke his own world record. Visit the DREAMER MOVIE site: Enjoy watching any of hundreds of more videos at ...and view more videos on our website at: http://Clean.TV
10. comment for Garrett McNamara breaks world record surfing 100 foot wave!
it is a fuckin big wave for sure though...
it's the same wave shown twice ... only the second time with a filter
look at the way the wave breaks at 0:00 & 0:40 : same !
big up to garett nonetheless !
20. comment for Garrett McNamara breaks world record surfing 100 foot wave!
The Bascom Method, developed by Willard Newell Bascom, is widely
regarded as simple, fair, and rational; yet an overestimation most of
the time. One stands on the beach with eyes aligned with wave crest and
the horizon. He or she then measures the wave from that point to the
average sea level. Californians loved it.
The Hawaiians saw things differently. They were known for measuring
their waves from the back, effectively cutting the determined height of
the waves they had ridden in half. The method used by the Californians,
they thought, was full of exaggerated bravado.
When big wave surfing got the attention of the media, the Hawaiian
Wave Scale conquered fans. It was really cool to underestimate the size
of a wave.
The Hawaiian Wave Scale has a few disadvantages. It is difficult when
measuring small waves; can't be confirmed from the beach; is based on
emotional variables like courage; it does not measure the entire face in
which surfers ride, and it doesn't apply to waves that are big and
heavy, but lack a large backside, like Teahupoo.
There is a third way. This fair and balanced approach is based on the
area that is actually ridden by a surfer. Keeping in mind that the
bottom-turn is the lowest point on the wave face, the Surfable Wave Face
hypothesis would consider 2/3 of the Bascom Method as the area where
surfers draw their lines and tricks, from the pocket almost to sea
In conclusion: a two-meter wave (6.5 feet) measured with the Bascom
Method would correspond to a one-meter wave on the Hawaiian Scale (3.2
feet); and a 1.3-meter wave (4.2 feet) using the Surfable Wave Face
measurement system.
So it seems that the logical application of the Surfable Wave Face
method brings the best of the "underestimated" and "overestimated"
models into a balanced, globally accepted system of wave measurement for
competitive surfing."
30. comment for Garrett McNamara breaks world record surfing 100 foot wave!
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