Geese Surf Glenwood Wave @ 25,500 cfs!! (Original)

This is the original video of the infamous surfing geese. I was filming some kayakers surfing at the Glenwood Springs Whitewater Park when I saw this group of geese floating toward the wave. Their technique is actually pretty good; beginning surfers could learn a lot. This was taken 6/7/11 at a 27-year high flow of 25,500 cfs. Since so many have expressed concern over the geese, it seemed to me like they were all okay when they washed out at the bottom. For those still concerned about the geese's safety, check out this Discovery Channel analysis: How this video was filmed: For more pics and info from the Colorado outdoors, checkout: P.S. For those that have been asking where this is, it's in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA, on the Colorado River. The Glenwood Whitewater Park was designed by You can get more information about events going on at the wave on the website: A NOTE ABOUT REPRODUCTION: If you want to use it it some way, please ask me. I am reasonable and will probably work with you.

Geese Surf Glenwood Wave @ 25,500 cfs!! (Original) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 132

Surf 13 years ago 1,609,695 views

This is the original video of the infamous surfing geese. I was filming some kayakers surfing at the Glenwood Springs Whitewater Park when I saw this group of geese floating toward the wave. Their technique is actually pretty good; beginning surfers could learn a lot. This was taken 6/7/11 at a 27-year high flow of 25,500 cfs. Since so many have expressed concern over the geese, it seemed to me like they were all okay when they washed out at the bottom. For those still concerned about the geese's safety, check out this Discovery Channel analysis: How this video was filmed: For more pics and info from the Colorado outdoors, checkout: P.S. For those that have been asking where this is, it's in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, USA, on the Colorado River. The Glenwood Whitewater Park was designed by You can get more information about events going on at the wave on the website: A NOTE ABOUT REPRODUCTION: If you want to use it it some way, please ask me. I am reasonable and will probably work with you.

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Most popular comments
for Geese Surf Glenwood Wave @ 25,500 cfs!! (Original)

David Riddell
David Riddell - 7 years ago
I found this after filming three Canada geese heading out into very wild seas off New Zealand's west coast a few days ago. These ones look they may have been caught by surprise, but the ones I saw definitely chose to be out there in the waves. So Canada geese probably do sometimes go surfing for the fun of it. See - There are YouTube videos of surfing swans too.
dice - 8 years ago
do you do rapid water tours? I swear you were our raft guide in 2015!
Alswearengen15 - 8 years ago
No sorry.
AxumGear - 8 years ago
hi excellent vid
Charlotte BUR
Charlotte BUR - 10 years ago
Why does this video have so many likes?
taxiuniversum - 10 years ago

If you take a closer look, you´ll see that these geese have a lot of young geese with them (the grey ones without distinct color patterns). That is the reason why they are not flying - because their offspring could not join them.

Also, it is obviously a flood, so the geese were chased out of their favorite spot by the tremendous force of the water.

I once rescued a young swan that had been turned though such a wave - he was in pretty bad shape. I called the firefighters and they took him to a place that helps hurt animals.
Vlad Et
Vlad Et - 10 years ago
ThinkerThunker - 11 years ago
They surf well ... and taste even better.  I love geese.
Mdot F
Mdot F - 11 years ago
Please check your message inbox
Mdot F
Mdot F - 11 years ago
Please check your message inbox

10. comment for Geese Surf Glenwood Wave @ 25,500 cfs!! (Original)

Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith - 11 years ago
Alswearengen15 - 11 years ago
Nope only a few idiots
Sam Schmitz
Sam Schmitz - 11 years ago
Ah ok. You must be going nuts clarifying this to so many people.
Alswearengen15 - 11 years ago
wrong. read the description/watch the Discovery Channel video. Geese are made for this. they are just fine. I've seen goslings swim down class V+
Alswearengen15 - 11 years ago
Yes, as they washed downstream
Sam Schmitz
Sam Schmitz - 11 years ago
Am I the only one who noticed there seems to be fewer and fewer of them by the second...
Ryan Spradlin
Ryan Spradlin - 11 years ago
i've been trying to tell my brother for years, surfing is for the birds.
SYLBM - 11 years ago
TheVJProduction - 11 years ago
....and the babies are all dead.
LankyCyril - 11 years ago
(bass drop)

20. comment for Geese Surf Glenwood Wave @ 25,500 cfs!! (Original)

RedSaint83 - 11 years ago
Fowl play.
DoBeSneaky - 12 years ago
Chasing Mavericks looks pretty shitty...
Cake - 12 years ago
Olga Sementsova
Olga Sementsova - 12 years ago
THEY'RE DEAD THEY'RE ALL DEAD exept the lone survivor
Andrew Wolpers
Andrew Wolpers - 12 years ago
ad mobile4
ad mobile4 - 12 years ago
This is 3 adults with a group of babies (geeslings). I also wonder if they all made it through.
Anke de Vrieze
Anke de Vrieze - 12 years ago
are they dead? xo
HassleCat - 12 years ago
I think I saw a couple Polish enders in there.
JourneyHome - 12 years ago
brilliant - they have wings they could have flown away - but they rather surf!
Dj Nickel
Dj Nickel - 12 years ago
You need to redo this video with the "surfing bird" song..... would be perfect.

30. comment for Geese Surf Glenwood Wave @ 25,500 cfs!! (Original)

Thedralisa - 12 years ago
They dont die because they have much fat stored in their chest or front which can helps them floating. You can notice the duck body or geese on dish shows very oily at your kitchen..
random guy
random guy - 13 years ago
Justin Provido
Justin Provido - 13 years ago
@SuperJroop FAIL!!!!!
Machete Emmanuel
Machete Emmanuel - 13 years ago
yeah they cant die there aquatic they now how to dive to safety
PoundTownBrodom - 13 years ago
And don't you know, about the bird; well everyone knows that the bird is the word!
SuperJroop - 13 years ago
no good top comments time to shine....... WATERMELON
antsaw187 - 13 years ago
PerversePoster - 13 years ago
Yeah, birds that can fly and live predominantly in water drowned because the water was a little rough....
username132 - 13 years ago
Are they in trouble here? Doesn't look like part of their niche?
IronLord666 - 13 years ago
Surfin' birds!!!! Don't you know about the bird? Well everybody's heard about the bird Bird bird bird, bird is the word Bird bird bird, bird is the word yeah
bradyfitzy - 13 years ago
evrey body`s gone surfin... surfin USA
bradyfitzy - 13 years ago
mom.... dad.... i can talk?
Sarah Anne
Sarah Anne - 13 years ago
thumbs up if Raywilliamjohnson bought you here
PancakeMaster100 - 13 years ago
all them died but 1...................... lol
Syntax Viking
Syntax Viking - 13 years ago
Both the comments are related to piss.......... seriously
thegeekfanatic - 13 years ago
The Water eated the Duckies
leann. - 13 years ago
N'awwh. You have a really cute laugh. :3
8YEC - 13 years ago
omg i'm sinking i taking water i got a hole in my butt (i know i'm a terrible person)
CanucksFanBoi - 13 years ago
i brush my teeth in the shower ...convienent and nice if i'm in a rush
António Lopes
António Lopes - 13 years ago
surfin bird

50. comment for Geese Surf Glenwood Wave @ 25,500 cfs!! (Original)

Thecrazyfish12 - 13 years ago
In soviet russia wave rides you....
eTp Tactical
eTp Tactical - 13 years ago
I rode rapids on this river yesterday, no geese though :/
shizyballer - 13 years ago
@testing24215 It's probably a metaphor of the existance of man
Tommy Fite
Tommy Fite - 13 years ago
a-ba-ba-bird bird bird ba-birds the word
iwillavengeyou - 13 years ago
@onmymacbook thats not even pmsing
Thomas Ouyang
Thomas Ouyang - 13 years ago
@iwillavengeyou dude no need to pms about it chill
Brandan Novak (coolme16405)
Brandan Novak (coolme16405) - 13 years ago
In soviet russia, water surfs on YOU!
emma small
emma small - 13 years ago
symb1an4J - 13 years ago
hahahaha surfin' birds
Tiwaking Tiwaking
Tiwaking Tiwaking - 13 years ago
That was unexpectedly funny.
Giantsfan2104 - 13 years ago
A-well-a, everybody's heard, about the bird...... [breaks into song]
InformerMaz - 13 years ago
Kassemg is right... it'll be better with the music.....
animegirl2000 - 13 years ago
@karma11x - They have babies, they can't fly. The parents are just sticking around to protect them.
Rbombsaway2 - 13 years ago
@maxmanapple Surfing Geese Wombo Combo Spoof
Grebackis - 13 years ago
@kmozi11 so live where those birds died.
Baldoxxx4000 - 13 years ago
Theyr not surfing... theyr trying to avoid the current....
Spycrab777 - 13 years ago
@NtnseSkatr Good, that's the kind of things that make a person normal.
oopopp x
oopopp x - 13 years ago
at 0:20 you can already tell they like, "HOLY SHIT!!!!!" and swimming for thier lives!!....yup they're ALL DEAD!
Spycrab777 - 13 years ago
@NtnseSkatr Have you ever pissed on the shit stains that way you don't have to spend time cleaning it?
operatuch - 13 years ago
They're fine...they're like a life vest, comes right back up.
Koo Laid
Koo Laid - 13 years ago
if you would read the description you would see that the geese are okay
josepineroify - 13 years ago
it's all fun in games until someone gets killed.....oh wait there just geese, who gives a fuck! its still fun and games.
KiiRa232 - 13 years ago
@kevhuri4 The happy or the sad song? :)
KiiRa232 - 13 years ago
@sangyuni96 it looks like they try but just ... cant
Ball Bat Benny
Ball Bat Benny - 13 years ago
@cee0seven relax...I saw the "adults" and I was lying anyway ya dumb turd. ahahaha Actually these birds do this all the time and are quiet good at it. I just wanted to "get the goose" of idiots such as yourself. Now you can get my "goose"!
lemu201 - 13 years ago
why can't they fly away..and I'm sure geese go underwater to search for food..I'm sure they're fine :P
Juan Bedolla
Juan Bedolla - 13 years ago
Hahaha I went there! XD
elvensword - 13 years ago
did they die :l
69jjjensen - 13 years ago
I live here in glenwood springs and was there that day it was filmed..
Art Maknev
Art Maknev - 13 years ago
@ZoNOneDK they cannot leave the baby geese alone, everybody die....
cee0seven - 13 years ago
@BallBatBenny did you watch the discovery channel analysis? just because you raise waterfowl does not make you an expert. and not all of those geese are goslings, there were at least 6 adults around the goslings. you evidently aren't very observent.
Jake - 13 years ago
No birds were harmed in the making of this video.... Only Geese.
pinkskittles wetzel
pinkskittles wetzel - 13 years ago
Karel Van Riel
Karel Van Riel - 13 years ago
Aw yeah, surfin' birds
Joepopa12 - 13 years ago
Wow a buncha baby geese just died...
MrMigraine - 13 years ago
Ball Bat Benny
Ball Bat Benny - 13 years ago
I raise geese among other waterfowl and these are young flightless goslings caught up in a severe current. They're too small to have fledged yet, they can't fly, hence the mottled colored feathers. The current actually pulls a few down towards the end of the vid. Water fowl are smart but will protect their fledglings to a fault. Everyone should know they would never get near swift water like that. When else have you ever seen geese surfing? The mass majority of you fucks are just dumb.
Ball Bat Benny
Ball Bat Benny - 13 years ago
dlxowns322 - 13 years ago
@powhoundus O look, another retarded person taking comments way~ too seriously. Why am I not surprised?
Tandy2000HD - 13 years ago
@Carissi100 Why are you such a fat bitch.
CosmoHick - 13 years ago
dead definitively dead
Milk0matic - 13 years ago
@steve771aqw fucking lol'd at that part xD
Wes Prince
Wes Prince - 13 years ago
Some of you are so f'ing stupid. If you have no experience seeing what geese can / cannot do in the wild, particularly on the river, then shut the f up! You're just guessing at what happened downstream and basing it on you're own fears from your pathetic city apartment. I've seen what geese can do in the wild, and in whitewater. Trust me, they're fine. Idiots.
8thwonderlemon - 13 years ago
Poor geese D:
William Huff
William Huff - 13 years ago
like if you heard about this vid from raywilliamjohnson
Nuky93 - 13 years ago
A massacre :(
yanndick - 13 years ago
@blackcrow6667 On flat water, I would agree, but this is not...
Gouged - 13 years ago
Mark Mao
Mark Mao - 13 years ago
they just surfing cmon guys
minibilal - 13 years ago
ray willia johnson

100. comment for Geese Surf Glenwood Wave @ 25,500 cfs!! (Original)

wrawos - 13 years ago
@Hepathos *'re a retard
Ben Smart
Ben Smart - 13 years ago
MRUBHIGH - 13 years ago
Honestly guys, it doesn't matter if these geese died or not. By the time you get to watch this video most of them are probably gonna be dead anyways....
1woodstockPeace - 13 years ago
Yes.I am here from Ray!!:D
Lorena Rosales
Lorena Rosales - 13 years ago
kassemg sent me... anyone? D=
Rob7194 - 13 years ago
They Died.
TheGirl NamedBill
TheGirl NamedBill - 13 years ago
Hang ten, bra!
LiquidPixelz - 13 years ago
105 people are afraid of water....or geese
Anatoly S.
Anatoly S. - 13 years ago
Brandi M
Brandi M - 13 years ago
awww poor geese lol
Joseph Mendez
Joseph Mendez - 13 years ago
did they die?
delco714 - 13 years ago
@orliflores and why would I take an article's author's opinion as truth when I have common sense and judgment myself?
Stryking Warlock
Stryking Warlock - 13 years ago
Methink teh r dead
Jonas Margolis
Jonas Margolis - 13 years ago
@Elodiron im sorry.. i didnt know this was a grammer test.. its youtube, who gives a fuck about spelling and grammer haha
wiwq - 13 years ago
these geese
keeperoftheforest - 13 years ago
thumbs up if ADAM SENDLER sent you here!!!!
sososorri - 13 years ago
@DerekJeter96 their freaking geese. they thrive in the water-_____-
Peki Codex
Peki Codex - 13 years ago
thumbs up if KassemG bring you here
Bryce Jordan
Bryce Jordan - 13 years ago
@VLushxoxo LMAO so you're telling me that that goose couldn't have flown away if it wanted to? It had no reason to, it wasn't gonna leave the flock for no reason. It was just repositioning.
christopherjc - 13 years ago
Trending Videos of the Week sent me
Centralnetstation - 13 years ago
TheMusketITuckedIt - 13 years ago
Hang ten good duckie.
Stuff Brawl
Stuff Brawl - 13 years ago
Someone needs to put the song Surfing USA over this video.
PheezusTV - 13 years ago
smh they didnnt die retards.
Courtney King
Courtney King - 13 years ago
1 million views. Really?
Bryce Jordan
Bryce Jordan - 13 years ago
@n0trk no they're not. They don't develop the white stripe on their head until adulthood. Fail on your part.
Bryce Jordan
Bryce Jordan - 13 years ago
people saying the geese drowned = STUPID. If they were really in danger, don't you think they would have FLOWN away?
WeAreAirborne - 13 years ago
Those geese may be the coolest animals in the world.
Camilla Jensen
Camilla Jensen - 13 years ago
@Townstavka Ehm.. I think you are on the wrong video ??
yankeegirlkate - 13 years ago
Wtf is wrong with you you're laughing while they're f*cking drowning. Let's throw u in there and we will laugh at u.
EffetDaCrookedBack - 13 years ago
Oh that's great... They died!
Mike McKenzie
Mike McKenzie - 13 years ago
s-s-s-s-s-s-surfin bird! OOoooom poppa ooom mow mow
ADKmike1 - 13 years ago
So, they are not having "fun", they are selecting themselves out. Stupid geese
JBtheExplorer - 13 years ago
kind of sad actually. a lot of them disappeared, and it they didn't die, i'm sure they got injured, which, when it comes to wild animals, is the equivalent to death
Hepathos - 13 years ago
@aieeshah >geese downing you are an idiot.
wrawos - 13 years ago
surfing or drowning? O_O
look here
look here - 13 years ago
Kate Davies
Kate Davies - 13 years ago
Smartest thing i seen a goose do
Mateus Augusto
Mateus Augusto - 13 years ago
fuck yea
Gerard Klein
Gerard Klein - 13 years ago
@aTastymuffin303 original.
hellq6 - 13 years ago
give a try and go save em xD
aTastymuffin303 - 13 years ago
themasterarbiter - 13 years ago
lol. people whining about animal safety. lol.
nickbenoit14 - 13 years ago
@Rhacman yeah but they just washed off the wave.
Matheus Silva
Matheus Silva - 13 years ago
tambem shauhsuahsa! acabei de ver!
Gabriel Zica
Gabriel Zica - 13 years ago
kkkkkkkk acabei d v no pro grama do gugu e vim v
P4Rider - 13 years ago
@GranTorino992 ok an animal killed by nature is normal, cause its their world right? but i wouldnt say that we are "much" better than geese, i mean they eat, they drink, they have feelings like we have. not the same "feelings", but they do have. We are not more important, just because we have the intelligence. of curse we can communicate in a higher level, do things faster and more sophisticated, but we are NOT more important than animals! nature doesnt care if it kills an animal or a human...
DarkLordIvy - 13 years ago
@TheMegaMamma May I just point out geese are built for being in the water. I'm pretty sure they're fine, but I can see why you would worry. :)
Jos Lightbringer
Jos Lightbringer - 13 years ago
@RealBesty You got it! Or as some people know it... the song from Family Guy that Peter irritates everyone with. ;)
RealBesty - 13 years ago
@Tesseract0 brilliant reminder of Surfin' Bird - The Trashmen, right?
PCZ03 - 13 years ago
err, most didn't make it
NomorelGN - 13 years ago
i got a very mixed feeling watching this video......
ابو متعب
ابو متعب - 13 years ago
@P4Rider same thing if a human was eaten by a tiger idiot but other animals get eaten all the time by other predators... BTW even though humans are considered animals, you should not compare us to animals morally we're much better than that
Kritacul - 13 years ago
Yes, less geese to crap all over my cars and lawn... Mother Nature is really looking out for me...
somguyonline1245 - 13 years ago
thumbs up if you shat your pants when you heard OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!! HELLLLLLLLLP USSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! AHAHAHASSHDAHSKD!!!!
Peter Coulson
Peter Coulson - 13 years ago
Haven't you heard?
Laceann Cellophane
Laceann Cellophane - 13 years ago
Dude, this is awesome. I live in New Castle! That is so funny, I've been to that 7-11 in the back a couple times and drove that street hundreds.
Andrea Alba
Andrea Alba - 13 years ago
@DankDroBlunt1 Stfu.
P4Rider - 13 years ago
@GranTorino992 so lets jump in a dengerous river. GranTorino992 would fucking die between the rocks. so lets say.. "calm down people, he has just been killed by nature, no problem.. "
LogicBeforeNorms - 13 years ago
I don't know why everyone is saying the drowned, when they clearly just went behind the big wave. It may look like they got sucked under to the retarded eye. But please I beg of you, get some depth perception.
doctorcamargo - 13 years ago
...One of the best surf footages ever made... The National Geographic must be jeallous! Thanks for posting!
HigherEnlightment - 13 years ago
All you people thinking the geese were in danger are thick as two bricks. Geese can swim and dive pretty much from the moment they hatch. So just have a laugh at their expense and forget it.
Jebediah Kerman
Jebediah Kerman - 13 years ago
I can talk?
sandraNdamion Seifert
sandraNdamion Seifert - 13 years ago
If these geese drowned, then the fish probally did too.
khriseagle - 13 years ago
the geese died LOL!!!!
AlcatrazPrsnr01 - 13 years ago
from =3 they should add happy music in the beginning then cut it black and white and add the song from Schindler's list
darthjeff3 - 13 years ago
this video reminds me of a song. and the song has a very specific word... what? you dont know the word? i thought everybody heard that the bird was the word! a b-b-b-bird bird bird! b-b-birds the word!
max ortiz
max ortiz - 13 years ago
Daniel Kelling
Daniel Kelling - 13 years ago
Where are the kids asking 'Did they died'?
Ivan Tuttle
Ivan Tuttle - 13 years ago
You need to see "I Love Kittens" by TheJivinIvan, especially if you have seen the eharmony video bio
Jos Lightbringer
Jos Lightbringer - 13 years ago
Papa-oom-oom-oom-oom-ooma-mow-mow Oom-oom-oom-oom-ooma-mow-mow Ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow Papa-ooma-mow-mow, ooma-mow-mow Well, don't you know about the bird Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
Eliott117 - 13 years ago
yeah they're dead... They're fuckin dead
TheMrAwesomeDx - 13 years ago
@OmegaEnd Lmfao.
Rhacman - 13 years ago
@HowardMorland I tend to agree. In fact, from what I read on Wikipedia it seems that the adults _cannot_ fly during the breeding season since they've molted their flight feathers which they don't regain until about the time the goslings are starting to fly. Once the geese got into the fast moving water, they were pretty much comitted.
bexluvsbreyers - 13 years ago
naah I think they're fine :) I mean... they're geese... they're indestructible :L
werenick999 - 13 years ago
Someone please make a full video with Kassem's idea of happy music at the start and then black and white shindler's list music at the end
Alex Coates
Alex Coates - 13 years ago
Zachary Gras
Zachary Gras - 13 years ago
ابو متعب
ابو متعب - 13 years ago
@P4Rider shut the fuck up you would say the same if they were eaten by some sharks or whatever, retard its ok as long as its done by nature
PrinceVega - 13 years ago
Are you fucking retarded?How can a gees drown????????We can`t see them in this video because they`re left behind
WTF Studios
WTF Studios - 13 years ago
its bullshit they are not dead geese can fly ..... watch animalplanet gosh XD
Jamie Armstrong
Jamie Armstrong - 13 years ago
Kassem G sent me here
peter mokkink
peter mokkink - 13 years ago
@OperationRageQuit lol did you get the inspiration from my comment? :P
Sick Licks
Sick Licks - 13 years ago
that one cant fly away
Ann Nesbitt
Ann Nesbitt - 13 years ago
@jonaleebe what is your problem?
dinoxyt - 13 years ago
I wonder if they'd survived :(
Godspeed - 13 years ago
theblackestkiduknow - 13 years ago
Oh look, a floating tire!!!! (mom come here! We gona
theblackestkiduknow - 13 years ago
Yep.....they're dead.....
moomoo kittycows
moomoo kittycows - 13 years ago
Hahaha first they're all "WEEEE!!!!" then some1 dies "OH MY GOD! HELP!!!!!!!!"
satraviany - 13 years ago
Elodiron - 13 years ago
@jonaleeba learn how to spell, I'm german and even I know the difference between you're and your.
Justin Kirby
Justin Kirby - 13 years ago
Hellriot - 13 years ago
I noticed, one of them actually stayed calm, and went right over the wave with no problem.
Fez - 13 years ago
@MrDinoJess they're wings are all wet... or maybe they were having fun
Paul R
Paul R - 13 years ago
Morggennstern - 13 years ago
Duck tales \o\
Code Provider
Code Provider - 13 years ago
@pockymakeslife yes.
Winson - 13 years ago
HAHA! oh..
Kaito1412 - 13 years ago
this is y u dont let birds watch surfs up
feroxkyle - 13 years ago
I think because there wings were too wet.Usually they can fly with wet wings, but this was just too much water. Puls there small ass geese some people would drown in a current like that. - Brain....use it
Dean Sanchez
Dean Sanchez - 13 years ago
I crack up every time I watch this.
dada dong
dada dong - 13 years ago
@jonaleeba Now see, that comment would've made sense if the right grammar was used.
Jenna L
Jenna L - 13 years ago
hhhhahahaaahaaaa LOLOLOLOLOLOL. HA
Chrissy Morin
Chrissy Morin - 13 years ago
That's hilarious! LOVE IT!
Ryan Moore
Ryan Moore - 13 years ago
The reason they died isn't drowning but because that current could snap john cenas neck like a twig
lost7585 - 13 years ago
OMG, is the River Okay?
sasukethecursedblood - 13 years ago
@kamokirby Im sorry but they did except one.
sasukethecursedblood - 13 years ago
Try watching this with the video muted while listening to Beethoven's moonlight.
xXxJessieKinsxXx - 13 years ago
lol what :| xD
InnocenceExperience - 13 years ago
They just went out of view rather than under the wave I think. I'm pretty sure geese can go under water for a second anyway.
Mariana Lencinas
Mariana Lencinas - 13 years ago
jajajajajaja Is a very lovely!!!!
Onitram - 13 years ago
@jonaleeba what gay?
Emmanuel Ortiz
Emmanuel Ortiz - 13 years ago
@AlSwearengen15 - Why yhu lying to uss??? We can hanndlee the truthh..
Emmanuel Ortiz
Emmanuel Ortiz - 13 years ago
i headd the geesee died....R.I.P....
peter mokkink
peter mokkink - 13 years ago
now that`s what i call surfing bird! ba ba ba bird bird bird bird is the word!
kamokirby - 13 years ago
FreeFromWar - 13 years ago
@sovietbeatle8 He was probably dead a long time ago. This maybe another reason to create a conflict between nations and start another war for more fossil fuels or maybe something to do with the elections. Remember 9/11 when bush used the indicent to attack Iraq when Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush himself told people that 9/11 was connected with Saddam but later denied it. watch?v=7SUBGtRIiXo The government always gets away with it because people are so damn ignorant. All for money..
jaimetons - 13 years ago
I dont think they died. They probably disappeared because they got past that massive wave and under the bridge. Plus, whoever filmed this said they were fine so stop worrying. :)
thomas welsh
thomas welsh - 13 years ago
@FreeFromWar Not everything, but I almost positive that he is dead however, its a little suspicious why they did not show the picture.
gthissell31 - 13 years ago
They are geese they know how to swim
rodec5 - 13 years ago
@n0trk nobody forced then to go into the water if they died its there own fault
bluefisch200 - 13 years ago
@n0trk Why should they? These are birds, they can swim and they don't die if they get under water for a few seconds...
DeliciousIcE132 - 13 years ago
German Schmidt
German Schmidt - 13 years ago
Aca estan mis amigos surfers Jeremias Jerez, Riki y otro que mejor no lo nombro y es souvenir de surfer
Mary Joseph
Mary Joseph - 13 years ago
those are goslings.. the parents were staying with the babies.. this is not a cute or funny video... I imagine many of those young geese died.
Torben Alterego
Torben Alterego - 13 years ago
finally...the surfin bird(s)
suki3275 - 13 years ago
whats he supposed to do, jump into the rapids and save them?
Eric Gates
Eric Gates - 13 years ago
Those geese totally died.
Bron Taylor
Bron Taylor - 13 years ago
Cowabunga! Dolphins, dogs, and pelicans, I've seen surfing in their own ways; but this is a first. I'll post a link where i feature surfing spirituality (search for bron taylor's website, then 'dark green religion', then 'surfing.
Jelle V
Jelle V - 13 years ago
i find this disturbingly easy to mastrubate to
Pedro Lima
Pedro Lima - 13 years ago
SURF was used on PSYDUCK it's NOT VERY EFFECTIVE PSYDUCK fainted and they say pokemon battles aren't violent...
dsafasdfsdaful - 13 years ago
0:14 is that a tire in the back
ublackbro - 13 years ago
i closed ray's website and came here :D
Gregory Bryant
Gregory Bryant - 13 years ago
Awesome! I will never look at a Canada goose the same way again, since I know they have surfing in their blood.
kiwiterran1 - 13 years ago
@AlSwearengen15 a u sure they fine? i think they all dead =(
Icaro Almada
Icaro Almada - 13 years ago
peter mokkink
peter mokkink - 13 years ago
now thats what i call SURFING BIRD! bird is the word!
FreeFromWar - 13 years ago
@sovietbeatle8 We don't know that yet. No evidence for his death. Do you believe everything your government tells you?
sakalauskaspvg - 13 years ago
I laughing to, the someone sinking.
Jonas Margolis
Jonas Margolis - 13 years ago
@legonicdragon your gay
legonicdragon - 13 years ago
(insert =3 related comment here)
Shiron - 13 years ago
Hooray for false hopes :)
Draphcone - 13 years ago
@pisanchn well i do find some people who ASKS (not BEG) for thumbs up creative, it's really the words 'thumbs up' that are annoying you, for some reason.
Francisco Mariño
Francisco Mariño - 13 years ago
... and not a single fuck was given that day
Lauren O
Lauren O - 13 years ago
I did. Lmao =3 and kassem g for the win
WesDONG - 13 years ago
there dead as a door nail
Max Ganzer
Max Ganzer - 13 years ago
CloverPuppy4047 - 13 years ago
woohoo!! this is awesome guys! *looks back* Mom? Dad? I CAN TALK?!?
thomas welsh
thomas welsh - 13 years ago
@FreeFromWar So, they are...
Eduardo Montalvo
Eduardo Montalvo - 13 years ago
like is RWJ sent u here :)))))))))))
Jrpgamer - 13 years ago
@MoonlightGTCA Thats pree old man.. I think it's time to move on
Jrpgamer - 13 years ago
@s007913 YE$ CHIEF!
Michael Wilde
Michael Wilde - 13 years ago
Geese are: 1. adapted to living on water 2. great swimmers 3. very buoyant 4. however, geese are flightless at this time, they molt their primary flight feathers while they are raising their goslings through the fledgling stage Most of all...our Colorado Geese TOUGH as well as cool!
Ruben Show
Ruben Show - 13 years ago
gus, gus guuuuuuus!!! say something pleaseee :'(
Wellington - 13 years ago
Those geese are cooked! watch?v=bDOYN-6gdRE
Ziiny Doodles
Ziiny Doodles - 13 years ago
Deborah Driscoll
Deborah Driscoll - 13 years ago
I hope the little ones were ok
FatFred2U - 13 years ago
can you say Goose Enema?
Aslowturtle - 13 years ago
James Hazzard
James Hazzard - 13 years ago
These Geese are shreddin' the gnar! One of them is about to throw down a nice Space Godzilla!
Sacred Destroyer
Sacred Destroyer - 13 years ago
@AlSwearengen15 but you saw them ALIVE after they where sucked?
Barg - 13 years ago
any one who says they are dead is stupid, i have been in this wave i live in glenwood, yah the wave sucks you down and you might be under for a few seconds but you will pop back out 10 or so feet down river. those birds float naturally so i dont want to read any "bs" about how the birds arnt wearing a pfd (personal flotation device). im sure there a a lot of other vids of this spot on youtube so check them out and you might get a better idea of whats going on. p.s sweet vid saw article in papper
Charlee Hanna
Charlee Hanna - 13 years ago
The geese are looking over their shoulder to get good position. They know exactly what they are doing-surfing in the wave. They make it look so easy.
ricky randall
ricky randall - 13 years ago
there fine... im a waterfowl hunter and those geese can swim under water and eventually the will find there flock and get up and fly away.... just sayin
delta3303 - 13 years ago
no way Ray rocks da caspa
erlenD9393 - 13 years ago
they are dead
Scarlet - 13 years ago
Co za asy
Alswearengen15 - 13 years ago
They were just fine.
Andrew Sude
Andrew Sude - 13 years ago
Surfin' birds!
gazzxr - 13 years ago
" Moom? .... Dad? ........ I can talk ? "
TheBayShadow - 13 years ago
Kassem said they died, so they're fucking dead!!
Vitoo Coelho
Vitoo Coelho - 13 years ago
s007913 - 13 years ago
@SkullcandifiedDj you got that from cazim right??
Jrpgamer - 13 years ago
Their f*ckin dead as a DOORKNOB
s007913 - 13 years ago
yeah they are dead. They`re as dead as a door nail
WDC9986 - 13 years ago
they didnt die? if u look in the beggining u notice they get sucked in and shot back out the the other side of the wave. Smarties. Lol. 0:26 - 0:50
Radu Golden
Radu Golden - 13 years ago
THEY DIED becaues Kassem sayed so .
James Brent
James Brent - 13 years ago
Reminds me of those surfing simulator thingys on cruise ships and at water parks.
Vic Ai
Vic Ai - 13 years ago
Thumbs up it you think that someone should upload this video with the music that Kassem played!!!
IHeArTrOcK20 - 13 years ago
aww i hope they didn't die
WeArMature - 13 years ago
Dang! the geese should have used that tire at 0;13 to save themselves
Raeleka - 13 years ago
@MichaelEppinetteTV Lmao!
yomilo - 13 years ago
Thumbs up if you think ray does better than Kassem!
P4Rider - 13 years ago
@GranTorino992 strange how you are thinking...
MichaelEppinetteTV - 13 years ago
@Raeleka yes they all died and went to hell where they belong:)
Raeleka - 13 years ago
@whittyguy this video just ruined my B-day! but not anymore cuz I know they r not dead =)
Corsair - 13 years ago
@ADKmike1 Your comments are on the RWJ video. I guess Dawkins & Darwin would say the same as would any other evolutionist.
EnviroAction - 13 years ago
Just posted the video response, 2011 RMSF promo movie - this vid has a quick clip from last year of a goose intentionally trying to surf with Whitewater Stand Up Paddling Champion Dan Gavere. The goose kept coming back up the eddy to try and surf with the champ. Those geese were just having a bit of family fun!!
EnviroAction - 13 years ago
Actually I have a clip of a goose intentionally surfing the wave in a video already up just search You Tube for Rocky Mountain Surf Festival and watch the promo video - so for those of you worried about the geese, they surf the wave on purpose and this vid prooves it!
whittyguy - 13 years ago
@Raeleka i think they just got swept down river...none of them died
450o054 - 13 years ago
@Raeleka nope
Raeleka - 13 years ago
did they die?! D=
EnviroAction - 13 years ago
Before this clip was filmed, last year - I filmed a goose at the same wave repeatadly coming back in to try and surf the wave with Whitewater Stand Up Paddling Champion Dan Gavere surfing the wave - the goose intentionally kept coming back upstream to surf with Dan - it was hilarious.
milkenobi - 13 years ago
People shouldn't be upset, this is just nature taking it's course.
hypervalve - 13 years ago
Are they actually enjoying that or are they paddling for their lives?
EdwardK - 13 years ago
I find this difficult to masturbate to
harijoel - 13 years ago
Reasons they are alive: They float They could have flew before that wave The rest of the geese are behind the wave because of the movement they cant stay there for a long time The guy make videos of him surfing so its safe
Dovez - 13 years ago
I was worried about the Geese after seeing this on the Weather Channel. so i did what anyone worried can do.. Research it.. figure out if they made it.. They are Aquatic Birds..
Wendy Petzall
Wendy Petzall - 13 years ago
Comments indicate the video is worth watching, but I can't watch it! It stops every time I try to play it, at 5 sec. What's wrong? PS: It is NOT my internet connection, I checked!
Arthur Prime
Arthur Prime - 13 years ago
@SCX2k This is true, I doubt that did anything...
Arthur Prime
Arthur Prime - 13 years ago
Just goes as a warning to all Canadians, goose or human, about what happens when you travel to the US
bakedpootetoo - 13 years ago
Heheheheheheee Wipe oooout!
Leekduck - 13 years ago
I only started laughing when I realised they were trying to get away from the wave then I ashamed
Murphygrif - 13 years ago
@Bane974 The goslings were too young to fly. You either didn't get a good look at the fact that they lack flight feathers, or you're ignorant. The adults stayed with their young to keep them bunched together & help them survive. Yes, the goslings really could have drowned if the adults had flown away. This was NOT a joyride for them!
Shanghai Qatar
Shanghai Qatar - 13 years ago
Mai Boi Geese is what all Pingas Strive for Instruction book.
mebetop - 13 years ago
Daveloper - 13 years ago
the birds are ok ,they did that on purpose and they just float anyway
Maria - 13 years ago
aww poor birds LOL thats why you should always watch the daily forecast before deciding to go for a swim PHAHAHHAHA
xarriluseth - 13 years ago
A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird B-b-b-bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word Everybody knows that the bird is the word!
varsanx4 - 13 years ago
*Since so many have expressed concern over the geese, it seemed to me like they were all okay when they washed out at the bottom.* From the description box :).
Cassie Stark
Cassie Stark - 13 years ago
@yposurfer *sigh* They may have died, but we all need to realize this is a part of life. You do realize that these goslings may have died there, or they could have been hit by a car, eaten by a cat. You wouldn't find it sick then. I found myself laughing as well, because the video of the geese surfing was funny. I don't try to make myself look like the better person, by calling this person sick.
Juntah Smith
Juntah Smith - 13 years ago
FreeFromWar - 13 years ago
@TheDeadgar No he didn't
FreeFromWar - 13 years ago
@sovietbeatle8 So they're not dead?
Draphcone - 13 years ago
@pisanchn it's a 'pot calling the kettle black' thing to me when you're so affected by comments on youtube videos and you call them trolls and no life for just saying 'thumbs up'.
SurfingwithSam - 13 years ago
Rays or Kas ARMY BITCHES!!!! FTW
209Films - 13 years ago
This video is a prime example of LIFE'S A BITCH AND THEN YOU DIE!
iamdopeasfcuk - 13 years ago
@lovestruckstudent honestly I just though it was fun
biancasita - 13 years ago
.............I'm so confused.
YankeePhan1234 - 13 years ago
Surfing Bird irl
Iderbat G
Iderbat G - 13 years ago
@MarkyC2k9 cuz they didn't surf they just wanted to live. poor little creatures wahahahahaha xD
WeatbixZ - 13 years ago
Pirates of Caribbean theme song fits perfectly with this :D
CorazonRojiblanco11 - 13 years ago
I wanna see this with happy music
MarkyC2k9 - 13 years ago
Why isn't this called Surfin' Birds?
marko4449 - 13 years ago
surfs up dudes!!!!
OSOHTS - 13 years ago
Suuuuurfin' bird!
J Mason
J Mason - 13 years ago
this is way funnier than that us soldier and puppy vid!
rhettgrace1 - 13 years ago
Brian Barajas
Brian Barajas - 13 years ago
Kessem was all right ... Don't trip
AznTempest254 - 13 years ago
Did he died?
Shane Anthony
Shane Anthony - 13 years ago
I love Geese.
bruceleelukalike - 13 years ago
Did they died??
bathory deus
bathory deus - 13 years ago
Backstage of Surfs op
Meghan Suzanne
Meghan Suzanne - 13 years ago
Your mom's chest hair sent me here.
D D - 13 years ago
did they die ? like i actually wanna know . . .
RADiANTMiNAJ1 - 13 years ago
they know they can fly right ? dumb birds .
Eddyisgreat - 13 years ago
I'm kind of confused because those geese looked like they floated towards the wave willingly then hauled ass in the wave and were overtaken (and presumably died)? Did I just witness mass geese suicide? wtf....
Penumbra - 13 years ago
Rafting? o.O
Ryan Mawhinney
Ryan Mawhinney - 13 years ago
Ryan Mawhinney
Ryan Mawhinney - 13 years ago
Yes, They Are Dead
ImNotRushin - 13 years ago
I Like Turtles.
Politicalboxers - 13 years ago
Hold on, the Boxers will save you.
kryptonek88 - 13 years ago
thomas welsh
thomas welsh - 13 years ago
Their dead as Osama
thomas welsh
thomas welsh - 13 years ago
The terrorist looking guy with the big nose sent me down here, not the short guido.
Olivia B
Olivia B - 13 years ago
i dont understand why the waves and the current are going 2 opposite ways also that guys laugh sounds like rays
SigmaMX - 13 years ago
Gee i bet 10 bucks they drowned thinking "why the hell humans enjoy this?"
Cargus Bralem
Cargus Bralem - 13 years ago
@austinderpdedoo301 yeah but i doubt that teh geese blood will go against the current XD
smartcar111 - 13 years ago
They didn't die you dumb fucks. Read the description.
canucksfaninthehouse - 13 years ago
they died
Austin B.
Austin B. - 13 years ago
Anyone else notice the screen getting Red as more geese drown....? D: Scary...
shpannie - 13 years ago
people they can fly....
Austin B.
Austin B. - 13 years ago
Suuuurfiiiiin' biiiiiird!
rpscoo - 13 years ago
Kassem sent me here
marco Orozco
marco Orozco - 13 years ago
Did They survived :'(
tangenii - 13 years ago
Alex Sinister
Alex Sinister - 13 years ago
your going to hell 4 laughing at those poor geese
Emiliano Zapata
Emiliano Zapata - 13 years ago
Haven't you heard that the bird is the word?
Shaun Z
Shaun Z - 13 years ago
The tall brown guy with a huge nose sent me not that other short guy.
MrMarcopolo325 - 13 years ago
not DEAD
JohnnieWalker - 13 years ago
78 people geesed in their pants!
Zach S
Zach S - 13 years ago
Guys read the description. They did not die. They are all ok.
Marina - 13 years ago
did they died?
blackopssucks5678342 - 13 years ago
aww poop geeses<---------:{
Jocey U
Jocey U - 13 years ago
Why can't I stop laughing at this?!?! lol
Rokubi Wright
Rokubi Wright - 13 years ago
='S pobres gansos... nooooooooooo
chescarino - 13 years ago
B B B Bird bird bird etc....
Landmast0rz - 13 years ago
nice weather for ducks @ 1:26 + this @ 0:22 = win
mofoshit72 - 13 years ago
I'm listening to that song : watch?v=e8yx4k4tzqE while watching the video on mute. Seriously, try it, it's so much win!
Water King
Water King - 13 years ago
the dislike bar is like lady gags penis its small and shouldnt be there
dickylobster - 13 years ago
Goin' left !!
FeliciaStacey - 13 years ago
That one goose at the end was having too much fun to stop like the rest of them xD
Paul Sanchez
Paul Sanchez - 13 years ago
@MissBusselle uh kassem G
iamdopeasfcuk - 13 years ago
@lovestruckstudent why u hypocrite g
Alex S
Alex S - 13 years ago
Its funny cos the goose got dead! :D
kellyflute - 13 years ago
Aflac is a duck, not a goose.
kellyflute - 13 years ago
a-bir-bir bird bird bird, the bird is the word!
chust1n - 13 years ago
Kassem sent me here
Edward - 13 years ago
@redspade200 It was part of the joke you fag.
ZachariahLogan - 13 years ago
@cheyla38 geese can swim, I don't think it's quiet as dangerous as you might think
kreckle - 13 years ago
geese can swim underwater...
ابو متعب
ابو متعب - 13 years ago
@P4Rider insolent youngster, humans die every second yet people still pity animals that die from such honorable ways from the hands of none but mother nature's
P4Rider - 13 years ago
@Atown13777 what makes you so sure? i mean, i dont think they died either, but do you have a reason for it? are they good divers or something?
P4Rider - 13 years ago
@GranTorino992 fucking jackass
jum hitty
jum hitty - 13 years ago
Poor geese
Jenes007 - 13 years ago
Gay Marco sent me here
Azotos 007
Azotos 007 - 13 years ago
Unfortunatelly "RiverRestoration" did some really dangerous work. Guess next victim will be human.
IHateNumbersOnNames - 13 years ago
DA SURFING BIRD!!!!!!!!!! oh well,loads of surfing birds...
killersleepingbag - 13 years ago
they all died... even though if you look closly half them go over not under, but then, i, i, killed them with my wild pixie army, there all dead, everyone of them.
Sochiin - 13 years ago
Gnarly wave dude, Be better off with a shortboard tri fin tho
Atown13777 - 13 years ago
@TheGreeksWin First of all they are geese and second no they didn't die
DiabeticKid1999 - 13 years ago
@Ironmanbearpig004 hahahaha good one!
melomayniac - 13 years ago
@berrypaw20 Read the description. "Since so many have expressed concern over the geese, it seemed to me like they were all okay when they washed out at the bottom."
ابو متعب
ابو متعب - 13 years ago
who cares if they're fine or not they were only killed by nature...
deni tulev
deni tulev - 13 years ago
@Solidnick11 Havent you watched family guy ?
blooshla - 13 years ago
@MissBusselle His youtube is kassamG
thecoast47 - 13 years ago
imfromtambunan - 13 years ago
MrTickTrack - 13 years ago
HELP US !!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Nathan - 13 years ago
This video makes me wanna cry :*(
caboose279 - 13 years ago
Is the water ok!? I hope it isn't hurt.
Tzachy Morad
Tzachy Morad - 13 years ago
@imfromtambunan but they cant fly from the spot.. they need some distance to pick up enough speed.. and any way the little ones cant fly in that stage of life =\
nonix824 - 13 years ago
The guy that uploaded it said that the geese were all fine in the end :)
imfromtambunan - 13 years ago
if you think they died, just remember ducks can actually fly
CapricaPuddin - 13 years ago
ohh there were small/adolescent geese in there
Morten sørensen
Morten sørensen - 13 years ago
Billy Varela
Billy Varela - 13 years ago
yooooooooo i live in glenwooooooooood woooooooooot
Jesse Jamieson
Jesse Jamieson - 13 years ago
i doubt that killed them cause im pretty sure geese can go underwater for awhile kind of similiar to a duck
9012Ironhide - 13 years ago
If they were really in danger,they sure waited a long time a long time to try and fly away
Abhishek Sharma
Abhishek Sharma - 13 years ago
are they dead...?? as rays clone says..
deni tulev
deni tulev - 13 years ago
SURFIN BIRD... Sorry what was the word?
nymphacissa - 13 years ago
ooohh myyy gaaaadddddddddd!!!! HELP UUUUS!
Amphy Iseley
Amphy Iseley - 13 years ago
Fliping wing geese say aaaaah ahhhhahhhh
A BB - 13 years ago
MrZRACER - 13 years ago
did they really die, if so, then the video would be taken down becasue it violates the toc or whatever.
Deuger - 13 years ago
you americans are fucking stupid if you think they died
rafael diogo
rafael diogo - 13 years ago
yes they died they cant swim only float
Talal Al-Asad
Talal Al-Asad - 13 years ago
@manofzeel damn i accidently thumbsed down >_<
Katie - Reapfield
Katie - Reapfield - 13 years ago
...and then they died.
Omar Samara
Omar Samara - 13 years ago
did they died?
opeth84 - 13 years ago
@iTrollhardi No.
opeth84 - 13 years ago
The water obviously dropped them back up about 5 meters or 2 seconds later. If every water bird would die in a little wave like that the water would be filled with like nothing but dead birds. Don't be silly people :)
JokeAt9 - 13 years ago
They played "Last Duck Standing"
BByBoy Benjamin
BByBoy Benjamin - 13 years ago
Kassem g dubbed version pwnd this clip
JokeAt9 - 13 years ago
@manofzeel :D:D:D:D exactly!
A BB - 13 years ago
This is like dark swan you never know if the main character died.
A BB - 13 years ago
"Hey guys this is awsome...guys? OH SHIT"
TheSunStillSleeps15 - 13 years ago
I think its cute. And they lived.
Murilo Lamporio
Murilo Lamporio - 13 years ago
ChrisDragone - 13 years ago
@philmeichsner LOL its so perfect!!
Thunderstry - 13 years ago
Start this video with Eye of The tiger.. :D
Lobsterlevi - 13 years ago
this leaves me with one question.. why were you filming kayakers?
Philipp Meichsner
Philipp Meichsner - 13 years ago
play this while watching it :D watch?v=xMwU30Cw5q8
Dylanjraub - 13 years ago
They wern't getting pulled under! They went through the wave and out the back, where we can't see very well. But you do see some of them escaping well afterwards.
sodasirap - 13 years ago
I like how at first one or two geese were try to fly but then stays cool and they all were like "fuck yeah, who can swim faster wins!" and then there's one goose flapping wings and they all like "CHEATING! Woops, we're dead"
pikaseel - 13 years ago
Unlike the other spammers, I really am concerned if they're alright.
smosherx - 13 years ago
Anyone else just click the links and not watch the video?
triplflip900 - 13 years ago
whaaaaat ive been there!
kyler herndon
kyler herndon - 13 years ago
Are they died?
Aimee Frisby
Aimee Frisby - 13 years ago
are those the 72 geese that ran down the street a few months back?
Killua - 13 years ago
@AlmeidaLira lol the mix of both vids will come out eventually
gicole - 13 years ago
Surfin' Bird?
AlmeidaLira - 13 years ago
Try to hear with /watch?v=ZThquH5t0ow Surfin' Bird hahaha
jonnois - 13 years ago
poor geese
Kristine Roy
Kristine Roy - 13 years ago
molly1002 - 13 years ago
@PandaLover503 I like ray and I don't want to watch it on his website either...
Donavan Stelly
Donavan Stelly - 13 years ago
This Video Would Be Better If They Played How To Save A Life By The Fray.
Sofia bentg
Sofia bentg - 13 years ago
@manofzeel are u making fun of ray williamson jonhson????
Shango The Unhinged
Shango The Unhinged - 13 years ago
if you look closely you can see they are just washed down the river
Tony Monk
Tony Monk - 13 years ago
Javierjahve - 13 years ago
They are the Gesse team, the same that were running down that time, they love make sports.
Khairul Nizam
Khairul Nizam - 13 years ago
it's funny non of them flew off to safety...
CHAZYCHAZ2 - 13 years ago
Thumbs up if KassemG sent you here!!!!!!!!!
14Brand0 - 13 years ago
ooohhh so this is what peter griffin was talking about :D
TannerDiedam - 13 years ago
railfan844 - 13 years ago
haha "A NOTE ABOUT REPRODUCTION: If you want to use it it some way, please ask me. I am reasonable and will probably work with you." Like anyone's going to give two shits.
diemunguia - 13 years ago
colormejessikur - 13 years ago
JPMETZ must be really happy about this video :)
fernandopox - 13 years ago
@jinjy124 you are: a fanboy a thumb whore a loser.
Serb Beast
Serb Beast - 13 years ago
@jinjy124 stfu
jason garcia
jason garcia - 13 years ago
at 0:03 notice the empty inertube
Kratax - 13 years ago
Surfing birds
jinjy124 - 13 years ago
thumbs up if ray william johnson brought you here
love2lopee - 13 years ago
@juggernaut1171 That my friend is a T-I-R-E.
AZZUULLAA - 13 years ago
I believe i can surf !
Mr. President
Mr. President - 13 years ago
DID THEY DIED?! ...... yes
aWavesong - 13 years ago
ytcolton - 13 years ago
looks like they drowned.
juggernaut1171 - 13 years ago
at 0:14 there is a empty float ring in the background
lameigotnoname - 13 years ago
so... this is what they meant with surfing birds????
Hitray - 13 years ago
did they ded ?
juggernaut1171 - 13 years ago
if you look in the discription he is advertizing the water park lol if you want to see gesling drown come on down we ll love to have you Category pets and animals and if the geese did survive the family would have be seperated
Charles Carlson
Charles Carlson - 13 years ago
To great awesome...
Ashley Brown
Ashley Brown - 13 years ago
@MehAlejandro it still took me to rays site.... am i missing something? o.O
Heaven Scent
Heaven Scent - 13 years ago
@juggernaut1171 that might be because kittens can't swim
Karsten - 13 years ago
has anyone made the version with music under it yet??
juggernaut1171 - 13 years ago
who cares there fuck bird im heart less i know but geese are know to attack people know if it was kittens he would be crying
juggernaut1171 - 13 years ago
the all die im not joking they propoly go suck under the rip
bannanaization - 13 years ago
@MehAlejandro nope. there on the website now
Sha'nay-mee - 13 years ago
geeses are cute. let's put spiders in those waves!!!!!!!
glasepsilon - 13 years ago
I bet they are all up in heaven right now, probably surfing on clouds....
doodlemonkey4 - 13 years ago
Whiteboy totally inspired those geese to surf
Left0verCuRry - 13 years ago
René Descartes
René Descartes - 13 years ago
did they die?
flappyism - 13 years ago
which one survived
Chris Olsen
Chris Olsen - 13 years ago
The geese are saying to themselves as they approach that wave, "Oh shit, oh SHIT!, OH ..."
funnyNickname - 13 years ago
@JackMcGuitar yep, these arent your ordinary geese
Tobi97 - 13 years ago
Poor geese rest in peace
Thijs - 13 years ago
did they die?
Autumn Sousanis
Autumn Sousanis - 13 years ago
@corvardus You are assuming quite a lot actually. These are water fowl, I agree. But, based on the footage one *fact* is these are very young water fowl. Most are goslings. Unknown: How strong are these goslings? How fast is the current moving? How much force is holding the birds under and how much force is needed to escape? How much time CAN a gosling spend under churning water? How much time DID these goslings spend underwater? and there is NO footage of them leaving the 'surf'. :(
xingbairong - 13 years ago
Animals aren't as stupid as they look, so probably those geese are fine and already searching for new waves to conquer
Matteo Viola
Matteo Viola - 13 years ago
hawkeye8880 - 13 years ago
I'm 99% sure the Geese are fine. They probably got tossed around a little, but popped out of the rapids a minute later.
Jeffrey Coast
Jeffrey Coast - 13 years ago
would have been funnier if sharks were attacking them while this was going on
Avian98X - 13 years ago
@MehAlejandro ...the links are not direct anymore :'\
Shaun Z
Shaun Z - 13 years ago
RayWilli- oh i mean KassemG sent me here...
Jack McGrath Music
Jack McGrath Music - 13 years ago
That's the same Geese that were running down the street that time.
bpdoirs - 13 years ago
@suzglass Oh stop whinging you losers. Geese dive for fish - they can spend a few seconds underwater no problem.
Autumn Sousanis
Autumn Sousanis - 13 years ago
@DevoBassGirl Yup. I completely agree. These people probably think the tsunami footage is 'way cool'. 'Hang ten, all you asians!' Glad to see some of us have the ability to see past the title to the actual visual content of the video - and a little empathy too.
Ivan Medina
Ivan Medina - 13 years ago
don't be silly,geese can't drown they have gills

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