Giant Barrels on Water Skis and Sharks Cove Surfing | Who is JOB 5.0: S4E4

►WATCH JOB’S NEW SEASON on Red Bull TV: Jamie O’Brien pioneers a once thought of unsurfable spot at Sharks Cove! Poopies decides getting barreled on water skis at 10ft pipeline is a good idea. Do you? Watch and see!! Social Tags: Jamie: whoisjob (Twitter, Instagram) Poopies: Poopiesgram (Instagram) Music: Gary James Robinson; Lisa Julieanne Fitzgibbon-Smythe – Fly (Radical Project Remix) The Wanton Bishops – Shake Ben Esser – Love You More The Wanton Bishops – Bad Liver And A Broken Heart Five Knives – Ratattat Tom Ford; Lee Richardson; Richard Macklin – Synthetic Soul _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Giant Barrels on Water Skis and Sharks Cove Surfing | Who is JOB 5.0: S4E4 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 164

Surf 9 years ago 872,216 views

►WATCH JOB’S NEW SEASON on Red Bull TV: Jamie O’Brien pioneers a once thought of unsurfable spot at Sharks Cove! Poopies decides getting barreled on water skis at 10ft pipeline is a good idea. Do you? Watch and see!! Social Tags: Jamie: whoisjob (Twitter, Instagram) Poopies: Poopiesgram (Instagram) Music: Gary James Robinson; Lisa Julieanne Fitzgibbon-Smythe – Fly (Radical Project Remix) The Wanton Bishops – Shake Ben Esser – Love You More The Wanton Bishops – Bad Liver And A Broken Heart Five Knives – Ratattat Tom Ford; Lee Richardson; Richard Macklin – Synthetic Soul _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Giant Barrels on Water Skis and Sharks Cove Surfing | Who is JOB 5.0: S4E4

Elliot Lambert
Elliot Lambert - 7 years ago
Mini fins on the tail ,with a fish tail maybe ?
john mark gatti
john mark gatti - 7 years ago
need to do one ski on a wave ,2 is just wrong!
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
classic . crazy f**kers
Tyler Balsillie
Tyler Balsillie - 7 years ago
Do snowboarding huge waves
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 7 years ago
OOH @3:09 was worst then those close outs *LOL^

"Dog... Face Pile!"
Tom - 7 years ago
"That thing was like triple diamond" bruh im dead
Joe Andrews
Joe Andrews - 7 years ago
this was gay as Fuck and hard to watch there probably not as" cool" as they try to be
rodrigo padilla zelaya
rodrigo padilla zelaya - 7 years ago
The name of song is
Fly -Radical Project
Matteo Farci
Matteo Farci - 7 years ago
how to break your neck

10. comment for Giant Barrels on Water Skis and Sharks Cove Surfing | Who is JOB 5.0: S4E4

SHELDON AMANTIAD - 7 years ago
risky to rollerblade at the airport. the sherriffs would had gave you guys a hard time. not like HPD the sherriffs would have fucked you up bad. you guys got lucky not to get got.
dippie - 7 years ago
what's the song at 3:40
Diego Latorre
Diego Latorre - 7 years ago
Poopies is a fucking monster, and he'll be dripping salt water out of his nose for the rest of his life
Aksel Vold
Aksel Vold - 7 years ago
O'brian you're a fucking loser, no respect for you

Poops, you're the man
macuserx30 - 7 years ago
I was waiting for a video like this.
Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac - 7 years ago
Redbull is getting desperate
Martin Stangeland
Martin Stangeland - 7 years ago
not 1 person in the comments section would try any of this wild shit
Reedah5Jamz - 7 years ago
he ain't gonna be able to have kids.
John Ellsmar
John Ellsmar - 7 years ago
This is just jackass with surfers.
Sandy Hayes
Sandy Hayes - 8 years ago
The "ouch, my balls" part was hilarious!

20. comment for Giant Barrels on Water Skis and Sharks Cove Surfing | Who is JOB 5.0: S4E4

Alex V
Alex V - 8 years ago
Idiotic stuff!!!
chris girard
chris girard - 8 years ago
thats what he gets for being a dumb ass
tommy x2
tommy x2 - 8 years ago
try and surf on the snow
Siggi Supertramp
Siggi Supertramp - 8 years ago
poopies is so much cooler than job
Javier Lendrino
Javier Lendrino - 8 years ago
Where is Job 6.0 ??
johnny frank
johnny frank - 8 years ago
it's actually pretty impressive the shit poopies can do
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 8 years ago
the rollerblade deal was pretty boys may think you are indestructible, but you are will find that out one day.
Dave Simmons
Dave Simmons - 8 years ago
All I can say is thank god I made the decision to give up surfing. From the opening few seconds of this video, we watch an irresponsible idiot do something that I happen to believe could well have either killed him or maimed him for life. It's no wonder our Mother Ocean is very angry. YOU FOOL !
jamesdewer - 8 years ago
Ya'll are sick brah!
MIYAH ALPURO - 8 years ago
you guys are caching nice barrels $

30. comment for Giant Barrels on Water Skis and Sharks Cove Surfing | Who is JOB 5.0: S4E4

Tom Young
Tom Young - 8 years ago
Hahah I was not ready for 6:43
Alex Lassaline
Alex Lassaline - 8 years ago
during lunch at my school my teacher always put on JOB and just leaves the room
Jacinta Gibson
Jacinta Gibson - 8 years ago
Episodes are too short
njdevs3016 - 9 years ago
JOB and crew should check out Kaena Point, someone's got to do it eventually
colby silagy
colby silagy - 9 years ago
what the name of the song for the intro and at 4:00
jjs4you2 - 9 years ago
Buwahahaha, ball slappin good!
bisquitnspanky - 9 years ago
Does the roller skating, crotch slapping thing take big or small balls?
Dutch Harbo
Dutch Harbo - 9 years ago
0:52 Up go to the top Baby hahhahahahahhaa
Francis Ramp
Francis Ramp - 9 years ago
Rubber Duckies....
Zd Taylor
Zd Taylor - 9 years ago
if you haven't done something that can kill you you haven't lived dudes
kathraw - 9 years ago
I really enjoyed watching that, thanks :))
SanFranciscoBay - 9 years ago
6:45 Hilarious.
John Sumner
John Sumner - 9 years ago
Try single skiing those waves!
Comunidade GAMERS BR
Comunidade GAMERS BR - 9 years ago
Pooooopiiiieeees i love you ❤️❤️
ActionTv808 - 9 years ago
3:06 Classic face plant !   LOL !
MsClumsySmurf - 9 years ago
I ♥ Jamie O'Brien! ☺
David Bryan
David Bryan - 9 years ago
send me the broken board so i can try and surf some more freighter waves in Michigan check out my feed!
David Bryan
David Bryan - 9 years ago
Where do I apply?
Raevenswood - 9 years ago
One boys epic struggle to stay relevant.....
Elias Vitoux
Elias Vitoux - 9 years ago
what's the song at 3:12 plz
colby silagy
colby silagy - 9 years ago
Ben Esser- love you more
colby silagy
colby silagy - 9 years ago
I will let you know I'm trying to figure it out too

50. comment for Giant Barrels on Water Skis and Sharks Cove Surfing | Who is JOB 5.0: S4E4

tonya watson
tonya watson - 9 years ago would have been easier and more graceful on a slalom ski
Michael-Paul Marasse
Michael-Paul Marasse - 9 years ago
Jack Ass are wimps compared to this bunch! It's a fine line between stupidity and bravery... OMG!!!!
Call4meWT - 9 years ago
Im wondering, is that brad domke every time joing in with his skimboard?
van wray
van wray - 9 years ago
Jack Ass goes surfing.
BariumCobaltNitrog3n - 9 years ago
poopies kicks ass. he's a better surfer than all y'all
Peter Buchanan
Peter Buchanan - 9 years ago
like of course everyone will skill 10 shorey and  blade the balls now and then... just to realise were men right...but no one got ya style...yeah love it the style budgie probably short list you for an Australian passport given the true funcin effort you put in with the balls v lane dividers...and nah...never seen such style...fuckin beautiful...hey bro
Hollywood101283 - 9 years ago
poopie is such a gamer, he's always down!
Igor surf
Igor surf - 9 years ago
Song 3:14 ?????
Sam lenard
Sam lenard - 9 years ago
Poops must not feel pain
Charlie shaw
Charlie shaw - 9 years ago
What are the pink foamies u ride in this?
Chad Thurman
Chad Thurman - 8 years ago
Charlie shaw catch surf
Robert McCall
Robert McCall - 9 years ago
These guys contribute to society HOW?
clarkewi - 9 years ago
JONWELSH220 - 9 years ago
LMFAO, I can't stop laughing at "Dog pile!" then he eats it
gearslingger - 9 years ago
These guys are just straight out nuts...
Love it!
John Cena
John Cena - 9 years ago
JOB is chubby af lol
adam bamf
adam bamf - 9 years ago
3:29 untamed pig dog
Bruz 123
Bruz 123 - 9 years ago
get poops a wakeboard it would work so much better instead of the ski's
Cristian G
Cristian G - 9 years ago
Where is the first beach?, it's fantastic
Brian Hederer
Brian Hederer - 9 years ago
What's the name of the song that starts at 3:15?
Riftoo - 9 years ago
I wanna make a set wax suit and bodysurf that shit... fuck that looks like so much fun
ErgoCogita - 9 years ago
So this is what Nick Swardson has been up to lately?
Amber Kearney
Amber Kearney - 9 years ago
Dude, poor Poopies. Gotta love that he goes balls to the wall considering how many times his balls have been smashed!
sean craig
sean craig - 9 years ago
6:54 is that the airport?  You guys are lucky the sheriff's didn't see that lol...
ZachLuscher - 9 years ago
No way in hell would i ever surf sharks cove... that shits 1ft deep in some places.
bkudla - 9 years ago
JOB, is getting chunky
Alexander Madio
Alexander Madio - 9 years ago
The intro song is sick
bob 5656
bob 5656 - 9 years ago
And again... RIP poopies
kam hall
kam hall - 9 years ago
Does anybody know when the next episode comes out ? and Great video btw
Adribudi - 9 years ago
where is it?
tommy taylor
tommy taylor - 9 years ago
me and my mates are like poopies people think that job  bullying him into shit but I bet he loves that adrenaline rush that me and my friends love
SportsFan1984 - 9 years ago
Sick song at 3:24
The Visually Gifted
The Visually Gifted - 9 years ago
Yo fam you guys needa come down to the big island this coming weekend the swells gonna be fat!!!
NoBody - 9 years ago
Leave Poopies alone! And make me a carne asada burrito!
infloslinger - 9 years ago
Just watch and enjoy, people. Dont watch if you think poopies is being exploited. However, I highly doubt that you wont tune in. If this were a politically correct world where people had morals and didnt take risks like poopies (and JOB) it would be a boring world to live in....
tra789 - 9 years ago
Have poopies suck his own cock
2hands Bowling Junky
2hands Bowling Junky - 9 years ago
He doesnt live the dream life because he wome up alone...
Vincentius - 9 years ago
You were literally dodging rocks while surfing. That's insane.
pogobull - 9 years ago
hahah awesome poopies, nice work. your the only reason we watch this series. keep it up man.
pizaz12345 - 9 years ago
I can respect your ability as a surfer but you're a shitty friend
Hugo Clark
Hugo Clark - 9 years ago
Is poopies' back hurting from carrying your videos J.O.B?
James - 8 years ago
Who is Poopies 5.0: Giant Barrels on Water Skis and Sharks Cove Surfing | S4E4
petersent123 - 8 years ago
is that what they told you? JOB is a bitch.
WhoIsNL - 8 years ago
GlitzyMuffin - 9 years ago
+Preprtogetnoscopedno screbofhandrustr3kt420 so true
Sage Aoki
Sage Aoki - 9 years ago
Red bull won't let JOB do this stuff
T Ch
T Ch - 9 years ago
exactly. Let Poops do stuff the rest are too pussy to do, stop treating him like garbage.... he absolutely makes the show
Comments111 - 9 years ago
"that thing was like triple diamond!" - haha
Samuel Acosta
Samuel Acosta - 9 years ago
I hope poopies is getting paid a lot
magorkel - 9 years ago
:26 Who is that???? PERFECT ASS!!
Mystery Man
Mystery Man - 9 years ago
Y'all gotta realize this is how Poopies gets paid. He doesn't do this shit for free.
Literally Nothing TV
Literally Nothing TV - 9 years ago
will you guys sub to my chanell
Jackie Moon
Jackie Moon - 9 years ago
Geoff Felsing
Geoff Felsing - 9 years ago
I have no respect for Jamie O'Brien, who treats their friends like that?

What a self worshipping, nihilistic, man-child, industry jerk off, Fuck red bull and jamie obrien.

I bet jamie o'briens friends are is little groupies, with little or no values and integrity.
Ian Smith
Ian Smith - 9 years ago
Geoff Felsing
Geoff Felsing - 9 years ago
+jboy mccrary ask poops and look him in the eye.
jboy mccrary
jboy mccrary - 9 years ago
+Geoff Felsing hahah ur mad kid its for the show and poopies doesnt mind brah stop crying
Aidan Wightman
Aidan Wightman - 9 years ago
+hunters Parsley hoo-dini
Faenor - 9 years ago
+hunters Parsley you mean the hoo.dini or the two?
A Lake of Mistake
A Lake of Mistake - 9 years ago
And I know what I wrote
A Lake of Mistake
A Lake of Mistake - 9 years ago

Someone had two
a1967lavalamp - 9 years ago
+Geoff Felsing agreed
Evan Fitzgerald
Evan Fitzgerald - 9 years ago

I'm not sure he's of a philosophical bent
Action GoPro's
Action GoPro's - 9 years ago
dji zzah
dji zzah - 9 years ago
Did poopies skip school the day they handed the brains out or has he just taken ballsy to the next level

100. comment for Giant Barrels on Water Skis and Sharks Cove Surfing | Who is JOB 5.0: S4E4

Henry Hutchings
Henry Hutchings - 9 years ago
Come to Cornwall!
kgb310 - 9 years ago
innovator bigger impact then job ,job dont want to charges poops will go
The California Natives
The California Natives - 9 years ago
Beautiful shots, that drone is where it's at!
Lucien van Maas
Lucien van Maas - 9 years ago
Hawaiian Jackass. Poopies being Steve and Jamie being Jonny
J. Scaffnetti
J. Scaffnetti - 9 years ago
Pooooooooops!!!!!!! What tha' fuck, brah?!?
Azzamatic - 9 years ago
It's like rollerblading on a wave
Guns Ammo
Guns Ammo - 9 years ago
The series ends when poopies realizes what he does is so stupid and quits lmao
DiiZ - 9 years ago
No chicks ? Dislike !
Can I Get An Amen
Can I Get An Amen - 9 years ago
Jamie I used to respect you you're a dick
Parker Thompson
Parker Thompson - 9 years ago
Pause at 3:30 lololol
Ben Counsell
Ben Counsell - 9 years ago
I can't decide wether it's good that he's having fun or bad cause one day poops is gonna get really badly hurt
RDWRER4 - 9 years ago
Damn Poops that shit had to hurt!!  LOL...breathe
IWP23 - 9 years ago
"next time on what stupid shit we can get poopies to do"
karen kelly
karen kelly - 8 years ago
so true
EpicxPlayz - 9 years ago
did you sub to me?
Exploring with Stewarts
Exploring with Stewarts - 9 years ago
+StuffStuffandMoreStuff Awesome Video!!
Come check out my channel and subscribe mang! I can shoot a few aerial shots for you for free.. Hit me up bro! Cheers mate... Subscribed
EpicxPlayz - 9 years ago
how about try and get jamie to pies on poopies
theguess7 - 9 years ago
shark cove song 3:12 ? ? ?
A Lake of Mistake
A Lake of Mistake - 9 years ago
theguess7 - 9 years ago
+theguess7 nev mind its in the description
Bernardo Costa
Bernardo Costa - 9 years ago
is more like who is poopies 5.0
RomeXT0 - 9 years ago
If there was no Poopies I don't think this series would of lasted for so long. He's one crazy fuck. I hope he's getting paid for all his efforts.
Living Without Mind
Living Without Mind - 9 years ago
Chek out my sports channel
MegaBigboost - 9 years ago
Poopies ..... The mascot of the show
Luca Menzi Smith
Luca Menzi Smith - 9 years ago
Fuck poopies is a munter hahaha
ohhroach - 9 years ago
damn they better be paying poopies alot of money... he is like peer pressured/bullied into humiliating himself every episode seems. best part 6:44
ohhroach - 9 years ago
surfing sharks cove is so sketchy
omer zilbershtein
omer zilbershtein - 9 years ago
It just getting better and better every ep.
Hans Peter
Hans Peter - 9 years ago
Whats the name of the song in the intro.
I cant find it in the description!
Hans Peter
Hans Peter - 9 years ago
Thx very much:D
Tomás Moniz
Tomás Moniz - 9 years ago
+Hans Peter Moments of Darkness - Fly (Radical Project Remix Remastered) 1:15
WesPez Productions
WesPez Productions - 9 years ago
"Can I poop?" BAHAHAHAHA
Eric Lindström
Eric Lindström - 9 years ago
I only watch this for all the butts
Archibaldo F
Archibaldo F - 9 years ago
@ 3:08 ahahahahaha
Matt Shaffar
Matt Shaffar - 9 years ago
the intro sucks ass
Adrian Luna
Adrian Luna - 9 years ago
Tripple Diamond. POOPS got some balls!
William Richards
William Richards - 9 years ago
poopies is a mixture of plain dumb and craziness
Derek Jimenez
Derek Jimenez - 9 years ago
Try to skim board pipeline
Derek Jimenez
Derek Jimenez - 9 years ago
+Kaylee White seems cool to see them do it tho since they dont skim :)
stillblazzinit - 9 years ago
awesome episode boys!
ItsWorthIt - 9 years ago
Who else came here from Jamies Instagram?
O Cjh
O Cjh - 9 years ago
+ItsWorthIt this took me to his instagram not the other ay round
Matt Sand
Matt Sand - 9 years ago
+ItsWorthIt seems like a few of us
Ray P
Ray P - 9 years ago
Really... Hydrogen peroxide on poops cuts...
Olsak - 9 years ago
Yeah, barrels bitch !
Toastie ™
Toastie ™ - 9 years ago
15th comment can we get 15 likes?
Sean MacDonald
Sean MacDonald - 9 years ago
+fruit 'o no
Zlisc - 9 years ago
wtf... Why not call it Poopies 5.0??? He really needs his own show lmfao
mohamed said
mohamed said - 9 years ago
This is awesome and I will be able to get the best way
Sini - 9 years ago
I wish Poops would realise he doesn't need to sell his soul just to provide content for JOB.
79pejeperro - 7 years ago
Sini He should realise he doesn't need Jamie to have a show
Simge Solak
Simge Solak - 9 years ago
+Matti Thorley-Symes günaydın. Aşkım
Matti Thorley-Symes
Matti Thorley-Symes - 9 years ago
+sinimini Who is Poopies 5.0
adam bamf
adam bamf - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Verrall the worste stunt he did was that storm water drain 
ISYS Theories
ISYS Theories - 9 years ago
+sinimini Have you ever been to the North Shore. There's addreline junkies doing dumb shit like this every day.
adam bamf
adam bamf - 9 years ago
+Edward Gogin he lives on the north shore lets not feel to sorry for him
adam bamf
adam bamf - 9 years ago
+Edward Gogin there is people that would do it for less lol
Edward Gogin
Edward Gogin - 9 years ago
+sinimini well maybe it's hard to push so many episodes filming surfing stuff only. Gets boring to watch. IMO Poops is just one dedicated psycho. If they want more money from Red Bull they should not let him get married or have children for as long as possible.
Sini - 9 years ago
+Edward Gogin I've watched it from the start and it's getting worse. Should be called the Poopies show. You can see it in the mans eyes, he just going along with it all for the sake of it now. But it's his problem he sells himself too cheap, not mine.
Edward Gogin
Edward Gogin - 9 years ago
+sinimini bad guess. re-watch all the JOB episodes again.
Jonathan Verrall
Jonathan Verrall - 9 years ago
+sinimini Don't you think he digs doing it though..?
Gio Turzo
Gio Turzo - 9 years ago
Dirk Diggler
Dirk Diggler - 9 years ago
Poopies takes the saying "taking one for the team" to a whole other level
Leo TM
Leo TM - 9 years ago
Leo TM
Leo TM - 9 years ago
Nice video....
Some Kid
Some Kid - 9 years ago
What did they put on poopies back?
Jake David
Jake David - 9 years ago
+eric Burtron no dude hp always stings
eric Burtron
eric Burtron - 9 years ago
haha I think you misread the comment, he asked WHAT they put on Poopie's back, not Why. He was asking about when they poured Hydrogen Peroxide onto the cuts on his back, but I understand how you might have misinterpreted the comment. You might want to read the replies above, they're really educational about H2O2
kailoa akaka
kailoa akaka - 9 years ago
+Bob the Builder y would you not want poopies back in he so funny
eric Burtron
eric Burtron - 9 years ago
that wasn't sarcasm, although now that I read it I understand how you could have thought that. I really am grateful and really was wondering why my cuts weren't healing, sorry for the miscommunication. Good luck with your biology degree!
Mo Samuels
Mo Samuels - 9 years ago
+eric Burtron Healing would probably occur quicker if you don't use it. Nice sarcasm man, when I was trying to help you out. What do I know, I'm only doing a biology degree lol.
eric Burtron
eric Burtron - 9 years ago
Yeah especially if you surf in clean water. I always use H2O2 cause I canoe paddle in a harbor by the run off from the Ala Wai, so the water isn't the cleanest. You should be fine if it's just small cuts
Justin H
Justin H - 9 years ago
+eric Burtron Never gotten really badly shredded, but i've gotten cuts and scrapes from the reef but never bothered to dress or clean them. It's pretty useless to disinfect a wound unless it's serious right
eric Burtron
eric Burtron - 9 years ago
oh man, thanks for that. I was wondering why my cuts weren't healing
Mo Samuels
Mo Samuels - 9 years ago
+eric Burtron That's a myth as well. It's the hydrogen peroxide damaging soft tissues which is why it stings
Mo Samuels
Mo Samuels - 9 years ago
+Mack Grissom It's a myth. Hydrogen peroxide may kill bacteria but it will also kill cells, prolonging healing. It also dries out tissue which doesn't help. As far as killing dangerous bacteria, by leaving the wound open for longer you're at a much higher risk from infection
uh nah
uh nah - 9 years ago
+Justin H What do you mean 'helping cuts'? as far as making it heal faster, of course not, but it does indeed kill dangerous bacteria that could cause infection.
Justin H
Justin H - 9 years ago
Hydrogen peroxide helping cuts is a myth buddy
Some Kid
Some Kid - 9 years ago
I assumed it was that but thank you for clarifying
eric Burtron
eric Burtron - 9 years ago
the more it stings, the more infected the cut is for the most part, if your cut is clean it shouldn't hurt at all. Just something good to know.
Matt Sand
Matt Sand - 9 years ago
+eric Burtron +Bob the Builder And stings like hell
eric Burtron
eric Burtron - 9 years ago
+Bob the Builderhydrogen peroxide, it keeps things from getting infected.
kim.dahlgren - 9 years ago
Sick video!
Simon Perrot
Simon Perrot - 9 years ago
Super video
NikAnthonyRice - 9 years ago
Oi! Yewwww crazy shiiit!
Ritvik Ganguly
Ritvik Ganguly - 9 years ago

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Watch the Pink Panther get into mischief while skateboarding and surfing! (1) Pink Pool Fool - After the Pink...


OCEAN WAVES of MUD! Eating Sand, Surfing Fails...

43,567 likes 9,907,782 views 7 years ago

We went to the Moon Palace Grand Resort in Cancun Mexico to see what this new hotel was all about! Here is part 1 of...


작은 도미노의 날개짓, 도미노 파도타기(Small domino wings,...

34,966 likes 9,495,550 views 7 years ago

작은 도미노 조각이 커다란 도미노를 넘어 뜨립니다. 외국의 도미노를 주제로 한 축제의 현장 입니다. 도미노 파도는 시간과 공간을 넘어 계속적으로 이어질 수 있음을 보여 줍니다. (A small domino...

About Giant Barrels on Water Skis and Sharks Cove Surfing | Who is JOB 5.0: S4E4

The "Giant Barrels on Water Skis and Sharks Cove Surfing | Who is JOB 5.0: S4E4" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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