Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it
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Subscribe to ITN News! A group of surfers were almost in trouble after a giant whale started to lash out with its tail. Report by Stephanie Prentice. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Add us on Google+:
I’am having a bad day.
10. comment for Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it
20. comment for Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it
News at it it's finest.
30. comment for Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it
This whale tolerated those
humans very difficultly.
50. comment for Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it
Especially at those two bitches at 0.40 that didn't leave
100. comment for Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it
Humans: "This is so cool!"
surrounds whale
Whale: Turns around a bit
Humans on land: "Get out of the water! He's lashing out!"
Stupid kids, stupid media, Those kids deserve to fucking drown
R:I:P Pop..
How, by floating almost motionless.
"Lashed out"?!?!?!?
Moved its tail.
Whale turns to the left...
Stupid fuckin mainstream media have nothing to report on so they make a mountain out of every molehill!
Wow. Did the reporter honestly just say that?
great video tho
"rad bro lets check it out"
This whale got scared or stressed and lashed out as a warning to leave him alone. He could have knocked the surfer out easily but he didn't.
"Seriously dude.."
"Ya Bra...."
"Did you SEE that whale.."
"Oh ya Brah...."
All I saw was a bunch of idiots surrounding it and expecting it to lie perfectly still while they stare it down.
that huge animal its just a mistake humans sometimes do mistakes from
time to time you know and after the whale showed them that they were to close they swam away i dont get why everyone starts insulting them fucking dickheads in the comments everywhere
same for u jack-ass. quit harassing wild animals.
well I realized that before the comment. I meant to type shark because they're more aggressive. but ur the expert, so u should already know that.
what country do u reside in? the way u txt sounds British. is that correct?
how the hell do u know what whales can and cannot recognize? r u a whale? I doubt it. y don't u go jump the ocean with a great white shark? maybe it'll think ur a seal and gobble u right up.
u dumb sack of shit. the children surrounding the whale r the ones in danger. the whale doesn't know what they r. only that they have it surrounded. that will make it feel threatened and than it will lash out in defense and could kill them kids. that's the issue here. y dont u try thinking about someone other than yourself?
it's perfectly ok to be curious, but when dealing with wild animals u also need to be cautious. that whale could of just as easily crushed them kids. their parents should of known better.
For your information the whale did actually lash out because they aren't known for making sudden movements for no reason.
Animals don't have that, and they're simply following their instinct.
You wanna know why there are law that protects animals from us humans ?!
Animals hunt kill for survival and protection, and they can't drive each other to extinction. Unlike most humans today, who hunts for fun/pleasure/trophy, not to mention that human can easily cause the extinction of species in the animal Kingdom. even the species who their existence is a necessity will be driven to extinction by humans, and then nature will be fucked. and we will be fucked as well.
Also it is hilarious being called "ignorant" by someone who missed the point of my first post by a fucking mile.
Think of it as if wolfs surrounded you within a feet
Would you ask them to back-off?
Secondly, admiring a magnificent creature isn't what I'd consider to be stupid. I'd consider it an honor. Getting that close is a risk, that's for certain. Surfing is also a risk. Hopefully the risks we take are worth the rewards. At the risk of generalizing, most surfers love the ocean and love whales. They knew what they were going up against. And many would do it again.
What about the whale? It was in no danger, it can handle us.
Well it got that name from whalers who cassified it being the "Right" whale to hunt, it's a slow swimmer, it floats when killed and it brings in a lot of whale oil and bayleen.
Quite perverse actually.
Although it's true what he said: "white people (not all) do stuipid things and record it" I've seen many tv shows just about that lol.
That what makes MTV's ridiculousness still airing.
because ITN news is absolute shite thats why!
usless video with a useless title.
and Gravity sucks
Also, whether the animal was lashing out, or simply making an effort to move off, it would definitely have been stressed out being surrounded in that way. As other commenters have pointed out, some killer whale ecotypes hunt these whales - and even without the predatory association, no animal is comfortable with being surrounded by an unknown quantity.
I mean sure; that could've hurt a dudebro near the tail, but the whale only used the tail to turn - nothing more. If it was actually feeling aggressive - I'm fairly sure they'd know.
You mean Australia doesn't have laws covering such things?
Tigers hunt in groups.
Anyways people do this kind of thing all the time but to me, through the surfer's body language, it seems more like they were a bit apprehensive, in the least. Their hearts were likely beating faster & their movements were a bit choppy, so the whale just understood that & said "you guys are making me uncomfortable" with that tail flick.
What they did was incredibly stupid since one serious smack from that tail could potentially kill any one of them.
The original statement was about a the Southern Right whale but because LOMan (the dick who made that statement) couldn't back it up, so he has put a completely different species (from a very dubious Wikipedia entry as the source to his claim).
Then he says Intuits (in Australia or southern water ??? )and whalers which are also bullshit statements(whaling was banned her a hundred years ago)..3 for 3 in his OP and then an extremely dubious claim at best for his second post trying to prove he's right.
Every single species of Whale's life expectancy is about the same as humans, they are mammals after all (and Elephants also a large mammal also lives about the same length of time as a human) ..
So this loman idiot seems to think that one species out of every single species of whale including their very close cousins who live and eat the same food in the same waters (the Humpback whale) Bow head whales live over twice as long?? Bullshit.
Stop pasting up comments about something you know little about as if they are fact. and then argue the point as if you have one. You're wrong on every statement you made in your OP. but still wouldn't admit it. You're a fucking idiot. Making mistakes is one thing but then arguing and trying to prove your right by digging your self into a deeper hole just makes your statements look even worse.
That's why your source was about a completely different breed then was it?
There are also other examples of a species living longer than others of its kind such as giant tortoises, termites (albeit the queen and not the worker drones) or parrots in general who tend to love longer than other species of bird (although there are a few exceptions to this one as well such as the flamingo who lived to be about 85 or so). Evolution dictates longevity as well as many other things. The Bowhead whale is thought to live so long due to living in a very cold climate and, consequently, having an extremely slow metabolism.
Obviously you did understand my last comment. I think it is odd that a particular species has such a radical difference in life span
Have not used google in years. Bing is so much better, give it a try. Just odd that some can live 150% longer than others. Amazing that some things are still living since Christ walked the earth
A Bowhead Whale can live to around 200 years old. The average age of a whale (that means across all other species) can be compared to that of a human at around 80 years old.
That is to say that most whales live around 80 or so years and so do human beings and that Bowhead whales are an exception to that and the oldest one, that we know of, is recorded at approximately 200 years. If you don't believe me then give it a google. Why would you think that I meant that humans live to be 200? Anyway, I hope that clears that up for you.
Humans do not live to 200
Good point
I looked and damn the numbers are all over the place on the lifespan. Some say 60-70 years, some state 100-150 years and some state 200 years. Obviously none of the scientist can agree. But that was for Bowhead whales
You failed. Speculation only. Damn!!
lmao you are forgiven
Oh I'm calm no worries dude
Just because I'm relaying facts in caps doesn't mean I am not calm
You're forgiven man.
Actually writing the comment was not a waste of time, because if anyone happens to see it they can turn the video off before wasting their life. I am a hero.
Troll hater
use the meat
use the bones
japanese people only go for meat
Don't be so naive about the 'Land of Opportunity', law still governs all of us whether it be America or Australia.
I'm thinking a ticket/ fine would be appropriate but not arrested. There wasn't any victim.