Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it

Subscribe to ITN News! A group of surfers were almost in trouble after a giant whale started to lash out with its tail. Report by Stephanie Prentice. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Add us on Google+:

Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1083

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Subscribe to ITN News! A group of surfers were almost in trouble after a giant whale started to lash out with its tail. Report by Stephanie Prentice. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Add us on Google+:

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Most popular comments
for Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it

TheFauCheuse - 6 years ago
I wish it would tailslap them into space
Jessie Heart
Jessie Heart - 6 years ago
They just wanted to interact with him.
Harry Clams
Harry Clams - 6 years ago
probably thought the boards were sharks.
Kevlar Canuck
Kevlar Canuck - 6 years ago
Just a random sequence of the same clips...
MrJamesLongstreet - 6 years ago
Idiots. Bunch of inbredded surfer-fuckturds.
Casper Jägell
Casper Jägell - 6 years ago
The whale fucking turned you Ignorant fucking idiots.
I’am having a bad day.
Giveit2mehRAW - 6 years ago
so apparently a whale moving is considered lashing out! lol Fucking these news reporters sure know how to make a great story out of nothing.
Conor McDarby
Conor McDarby - 6 years ago
Southern right whales are a species, not a breed
Jason Garcia
Jason Garcia - 6 years ago
@ODN this is misinformation. stuff like this keeps people in uneducated states of mind. are... you stupid? <3

10. comment for Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it

Jason Garcia
Jason Garcia - 6 years ago
it wasn't lashing out it was trying to move. the surfers dumbasses were stressing it out. when will people understand that yes, whales and many other wildlife do have feelings and get upset and shit.
Keri Schacht
Keri Schacht - 6 years ago
Humans are such idiots. Leave the animals ALONE.
Johnny Lynch
Johnny Lynch - 6 years ago
stupid fish.
Eleni Petou
Eleni Petou - 6 years ago
Σ τη υγεία ας ρε παιδιά
Alex 10,000
Alex 10,000 - 6 years ago
white people
xyz productions
xyz productions - 6 years ago
Australiar is a fucked up place. Whales, crocs, sharks, jelly fish, snakes, Kangaroos, Koalas...all scary animals.
Liscris Productions
Liscris Productions - 6 years ago
Vicky Vloger
Vicky Vloger - 6 years ago
Nice video please check my channel for all travel and tourism videos
Duke Moose
Duke Moose - 6 years ago
This is when the whale needs a shark to help out.
psicofukapus - 6 years ago
Mmmphlyghe!!!! (Translation: GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME in Whalespeak.)

20. comment for Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it

Red Rooster
Red Rooster - 6 years ago
Stay away from them, all dickheads take note!
Michael B
Michael B - 6 years ago
Good on the whale. Fucking humans.
onefineday111 - 6 years ago
'Breed' of whale?
Susan Farmer
Susan Farmer - 6 years ago
I can't see where the whale lashed out, why didn't they just paddle away and let it have it's space?
kinez 12345
kinez 12345 - 6 years ago
if a whale approaches you out of curiosity then you got nothing to fear, but if you approach a whale, you don't know what mood it is in and what you getting your self in too.
yxcvbnm - 6 years ago
Normally whales are calm and friendly but these surfers were surrounding the animal and getting WAY too close. You can see the moment it gets too much for the young whale. Luckily even a distressed whale is still a gentle giant, this could have gotten nasty.
John C
John C - 6 years ago
Australian Spicolis?
Benno Ramsauer
Benno Ramsauer - 6 years ago
that particular whale should have been shot from a helicopter after acting that aggressively towards humans. theres clearly something very wrong with it. might be rabies or something. also it would serve as an example to other whales not to viciously attack innocent beach goers. women and children among them. some of them from disenfranchised minority communities.
K - 6 years ago
areeb1296 - 6 years ago
"Lashes out"
News at it it's finest.
Ashlen Hele
Ashlen Hele - 6 years ago
They are too close to the whale! I hope the whale ate them all! They are harassing it!

30. comment for Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it

Miles Dyson
Miles Dyson - 6 years ago
She has a very annoying accent !
mike John
mike John - 6 years ago
They are idiots
Benjamin Lee
Benjamin Lee - 6 years ago
Oh so swinging your tail to swim is lashing out? Hm ok..
Ani Peterson
Ani Peterson - 6 years ago
Why the fuck were you surrounding a whale in the first place
lynette N
lynette N - 6 years ago
There is a sensible reason people must NOT swarm a wild creature....... It has the right to feel safe. Not the whales fault if the idiots get hurt by being too close and stressing it. It could have easily crushed them.... And didnt
Try Thinking For a change
Try Thinking For a change - 6 years ago
Typical humans, always messing with nature. Surprised someone didn't try for a selfie. Dolts.
hmrhuang - 7 years ago
I wouldn't have mourned for any of those IDIOTS if they were killed by that whale, smh...
Marcus Francis
Marcus Francis - 7 years ago
Idiotic people, he was not "lashing out" he was plainly scared and defended himself, whales are such gentle giants and should be show some respect as they are on of the most majestic animals in the animal kingdom
AssasinArsenal47 - 7 years ago
This news channel is so shit. Who reports such a trivial everyday surfer shit? Next they'll be reporting on ants being violent.
Yeo Han
Yeo Han - 7 years ago
Ignorance at its finest. Period.
Joseph Anthony Materese
Joseph Anthony Materese - 7 years ago
Small whale
DEVINECLUB - 7 years ago
I'm not suprised them white boys didn't try to ride it...White people have a wierd obsession with riding animals. Horses, bulls, dogs, llamas, ostriches, Dolphins, camels, goats, camels, unicorns, dragons, elephants, killer whales AKA orcas at world..
DEVINECLUB - 7 years ago
They all need to be put in prison.
J Dawg
J Dawg - 7 years ago
The whale wasn’t even bothered and this video is a joke. I actually laughed.
ronald telos
ronald telos - 7 years ago
it could have a shark..oh lord why not shark..should be a giant shark pretending to be a whale.
Shreyash pradhan
Shreyash pradhan - 7 years ago
Humans cannot tolerate flies.
This whale tolerated those
humans very difficultly.
Pidge Voltron
Pidge Voltron - 7 years ago
... isn’t there a law on this?... are you not meant to get to close... Bruh read the law about the ocean ya dumps, it’s not selfie time with the whale boys!!!
VL123 - 7 years ago
Fucking morons..
Echo 9970
Echo 9970 - 7 years ago
They should have been fined for getting too close, and banned from that beach. This is the only way to get it into there thick heads leave them alone.
anthony vega-fujioka
anthony vega-fujioka - 7 years ago
karma is a bitch.

50. comment for Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it

Paula C
Paula C - 7 years ago
idiot news reader it wasnt lashing out it was just turning how ridiculous
Noel Rhima
Noel Rhima - 7 years ago
The Devils Advocate
The Devils Advocate - 7 years ago
I was hoping the whale would kill the surfers or something
Clive Hatton
Clive Hatton - 7 years ago
Fucking moron wax heads.
povang - 7 years ago
Lash out?!, fake news.
Trevor Phillips
Trevor Phillips - 7 years ago
Fuckin dumbfucks. They should have been drown.
Madelaine Magdaraog
Madelaine Magdaraog - 7 years ago
Jpgundarun - 7 years ago
Im going to go watch the "Seal flies 80 feet through the air" video now and picture the little seal as a surfer. LOL.
Sae Kim
Sae Kim - 7 years ago
Idk why but Australians don't seem very bright to all
BIG DADDY - 7 years ago
Why would you bother an animal that for 1 ain't bothering you an 2 it's the size of a damn building
Chris Thomson
Chris Thomson - 7 years ago
Billy Smith
Billy Smith - 7 years ago
Stupid Aussies.
Cory Wilkinson
Cory Wilkinson - 7 years ago
"lashes out" fuck you ODN channel.... you are garbage
Melvin Leong
Melvin Leong - 7 years ago
lashing out.. was hardly a lash out lol
william dohn
william dohn - 7 years ago
Reminds me of MST3000 where the Robot says "Yeah Move to-wards the danger!"
Paul Beebe
Paul Beebe - 7 years ago
Aussie surfers are assholes...
Jeremy Hayes
Jeremy Hayes - 7 years ago
In the words of the Wise Philip DeFranco, Don’t be stupid stupid!
Emma Robinson
Emma Robinson - 7 years ago
Serves them right
Titan Army
Titan Army - 7 years ago
that accent makes me want to kill myself
Titan Army
Titan Army - 7 years ago
None OfYourbusiness
None OfYourbusiness - 7 years ago
To Titan-- You don't even know what a "federal" offense is. And I didn't encourage people to kill themselves -- I encouraged YOU to follow thru with your idiotic threat. It's really sad that you're too dense to know SARCASM when you see it.
Titan Army
Titan Army - 7 years ago
Encouraging people to kill themselves is a federal offence.
None OfYourbusiness
None OfYourbusiness - 7 years ago
to Titan -- NOPE! You're wrong. I'm not English! I am a person who detests idiots like you bitch & complain instead of just not watching the video. If you believe the speaker can or will change her accent merely to please you then you are also delusional as well as an idiot.
Titan Army
Titan Army - 7 years ago
I'm guessing ur english :P
None OfYourbusiness
None OfYourbusiness - 7 years ago
To Titan --- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE -- DO IT! KILL YOURSELF! If you are too stupid to just stop the video -- then you are too stupid to stay alive.
Graham Franklin
Graham Franklin - 7 years ago
Wish it had of tail slapped one of them I’d laughed so hard
Friendly Analyst
Friendly Analyst - 7 years ago
"Lashes out"  -  watches video  -  lol wat?  For a species whose babies were recently hunted by humans I think that was an incredibly tame reaction. Whales & dolphins are like the buddhists of the sea, I'm kinda surprised creatures with their neurology aren't more violent towards humans.
Joseph - 7 years ago
these are the same wankers who parade ocean respect and respect the whales and yet they are clearly violating this whale for their own purpose.
0 5
0 5 - 7 years ago
I wouldn't like being surrounded like that either. Dumbass people.
Bandit - 7 years ago
From an educated point of view the reason the whale became restless and cleared off was because of the way the surfers surrounded it. Similar to what predators do in the wild they circle their prey, or scavengers surrounding a wounded animal. They gave the whale no room to move off if it wanted thus the quick and hasty exit.
Anna Jurado
Anna Jurado - 7 years ago
I agree lets send JAWS.
Mor Mar
Mor Mar - 7 years ago
You call that lashing out? You didnt see me when I lash out. You need to thank god I am not a whale then
Especially at those two bitches at 0.40 that didn't leave
MsTheJohnsons - 7 years ago
I'm allergic to getting into water with things that can swallow me whole! We've seen movies like this so we already know the ending....normally only one makes it unharmed with a friends that's badly injured but the rest die.
Another Elvis
Another Elvis - 7 years ago
The helicopter was probably more disturbing than the surfers.
Disliked for the clickbair
Neon White
Neon White - 7 years ago
Clickbait; fucking cunt fuck off
bowrudder - 7 years ago
Poor whale, just trying to take a nap. Then these three come along and do their Guantanamo Bay wake-up routine. Whales should come in their house at night and do that to them.
Empire of Chaos
Empire of Chaos - 7 years ago
Fuck the law if you want to risk swimming with a whale that's your business...what a pussy nation we've become....
Goofy Flan
Goofy Flan - 7 years ago
So attempting to stop dangerous behavior is considered being a 'pussy nation'? Whose business is it to rescue the IDOTS if something goes wrong?
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
seen a whale chase kids off for being to close to calf . T.A.B. so. lag. . but nothing to dangerous
AzRaeL - 7 years ago
This comment sections to toxic for me man.
steve nunya
steve nunya - 7 years ago
wait a minute....isn't that Amy Schumer in spandex?
Gobble 1234
Gobble 1234 - 7 years ago
I love how the media manage to make even one of the most peaceful creatures on earth sound like monsters ❤️ what a beautifully shit race we are
Nick Fahmi
Nick Fahmi - 7 years ago
Are you serious? You interview kids.
Double D.
Double D. - 7 years ago
I wouldn't call this lashing out. But even if it did I wouldn't be surprised if I had a group of lifeforms I didn't know about surround me I would lash out as well to defend myself idiots need to respect nature not provoke it. Wtf did they think would happen?
Tylo Vids
Tylo Vids - 7 years ago
Lashing out: getting pissed and attacking, I didn't see that whale attack anyone. That whale was getting surrounded by people and felt threatened, and was kinda just saying, (stahp!) not attacking trying to hurt anyone. Leave it alone! I'm so proud to be adding to the hate comments!!
Tylo Vids
Tylo Vids - 7 years ago
You wouldn't say breed, you would say species. And did you say 16 or 60 meters? Probably 16 meters cause if it was 60 meters it would be over a hundred feet!
Ulansananelan - 7 years ago
Stupid people just leave it alone
Roger Queen
Roger Queen - 7 years ago
He was basically saying back the fuck up and i woulda did the same thing would you not if people surround you
JPalm27 - 7 years ago
Leave it alone ffs
Tommy Tucker
Tommy Tucker - 7 years ago
They boxed it in like they were hunting it or something, give it some space idiots. Hope they got prosecuted
Timo 1.232
Timo 1.232 - 7 years ago
A nordkaper
Nesha Britwood
Nesha Britwood - 7 years ago
I wish people would learn to leave these wild animals alone. They are wild for a reason.
TrashCraft !
TrashCraft ! - 7 years ago
Why didn't these assholes just view the whale from a decent distance.Why be right up the poor whales ass
Mucusmayhem 111
Mucusmayhem 111 - 7 years ago
A whale of a time????
Penny Lane
Penny Lane - 7 years ago
Humans= land ... whales= Ocean .. period!
Richard Dawson
Richard Dawson - 7 years ago
This video was as bland as plain toast.

100. comment for Giant whale lashes out at surfers in Sydney after they surround it

Lucas Harris
Lucas Harris - 7 years ago
It was turning itself, not attacking. When whales fight, they tend to rush full speed and force head-on into their enemies. This whale was just turning in a shallow area.
Chim Chim
Chim Chim - 7 years ago
Videos like these are always made in 2014
Tyler Barker
Tyler Barker - 7 years ago
I think drones and heliopters could really confuse ,or frustrate whales.  The signals in the air they operate on.  irratations
Johnny Doe USA
Johnny Doe USA - 7 years ago
Respect mother nature clowns. If the whale would of hammered them they all would of deserved it. Dumbasses
Drew Jackson
Drew Jackson - 7 years ago
surfers illicit the same response from me too
Dondi Dykes
Dondi Dykes - 7 years ago
Yeah I be pissed if I was a whale and some asshole started picking on me
Koria Culpan
Koria Culpan - 7 years ago
wth they should not even be near it you need a license idiots!
Bouutique Ms
Bouutique Ms - 7 years ago
We are always obligated to try to stop stupid people from killing themselves. Then they go home and breed. That's why we have so many of them. It's just an endless cycle.
jamaaluddinas1 jamaaluddinas1
jamaaluddinas1 jamaaluddinas1 - 7 years ago
Graeme McKay
Graeme McKay - 7 years ago
Dumb reporter. It's not a breed of whale, it's a species.
Brenda Sullivan
Brenda Sullivan - 7 years ago
Wow it's huge and gorgeous
슈가민 - 7 years ago
Whale: "Hallo Hoomans!"
Humans: "This is so cool!"
surrounds whale
Whale: Turns around a bit

Humans on land: "Get out of the water! He's lashing out!"
Viet Nguyen
Viet Nguyen - 7 years ago
Poor whale, it's kinda cute.
plutoplatters - 7 years ago
strange... Sydney has stupid humans too ?? hmmmmmmmmm
lヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ - 7 years ago
Disliked due to bullshit title.
Willy Milano
Willy Milano - 7 years ago
Why is this a 'giant' whale? It seems like a normal sized one to me. Also, it showed no violence as the narrator said. This news channel is excrement and everyone that works for it is a deviant.
Joe Jr.
Joe Jr. - 7 years ago
I sincerely hope these yuppie cocksuckers will die in horrific shark attacks.
Pickeledcoconut - 7 years ago
I mean yes, give them distance they are gigantic and can kill you even without trying BUT that whale wasn't being aggressive lol
tsexywynn - 7 years ago
That's not fucking Sea World , you know
Tyler Nutting
Tyler Nutting - 7 years ago
Oh no he got splashed is he okay? Everybody pray for him.
Brenda Phillips
Brenda Phillips - 7 years ago
my name is Sydney....
madmikey1987 - 7 years ago
Fucking arse holes
grievous549 - 7 years ago
Why are there so many hippies acting like they were poking and prodding the whale? Unless it was injured it can get away anytime it likes, fuck off you filthy hippies take a shower and get a job.
Chopping Dude
Chopping Dude - 7 years ago
Whale: Moves tail


Stupid kids, stupid media, Those kids deserve to fucking drown
일요일엔짜파게티 - 7 years ago
고래가 싫어하자나 근처에 가지말아라
Luther V
Luther V - 7 years ago
kokumaru - 7 years ago
Chance Pemberton
Chance Pemberton - 7 years ago
just leave the whale alone!
Dylan Eves
Dylan Eves - 7 years ago
Is that your mum in the water?
Xic _
Xic _ - 7 years ago
Archon Timatron
Archon Timatron - 7 years ago
The stupid writer of the piece doesn't understand what the word 'giant' means. That whale was a normal sized whale. To be 'giant' it would have to be considerably larger than other whales of its type.
miss42310 - 7 years ago
NEWS STATIONS the original clickbaiters
Manuel Enrique Peña IV
Manuel Enrique Peña IV - 7 years ago
Theyre going up to it like whales are cool with us humans and we arent pieces of shit thatve killed them before. That whale is worried, not lashing out.
YoYO Semite
YoYO Semite - 7 years ago
What a load of shit, where is this video does it show the whale "lash out at surfers", talk about FAKE NEWS, you people ought to be ashamed of your selves.
Tiffany - 7 years ago
Damn fools
The Infinexos
The Infinexos - 7 years ago
Claustrophobic whale? Hmm
A Shark
A Shark - 7 years ago
Nigga just turnin directions
K Swa
K Swa - 7 years ago
Yet if the Whale fucked them up they'd try to kill it. Humans The Worlds Biggest Bullies
Evolved Turtle Productions
Evolved Turtle Productions - 7 years ago
It didn't really lash out... it could've, though. Those idiotic surfers are acting like a pod of predators, the whale could be trying to defend itself. There's a reason there are laws, people...
Anne-Sophie Lépine Landry
Anne-Sophie Lépine Landry - 7 years ago
They surrounded it like a pod of orca. Stupid humans who can't ever look at a distance. Why can't you have enough respect for these magnificent creatures to look at them at a distance? If it wants to interact with you it'll come see you idiot
Niah Swendseid
Niah Swendseid - 7 years ago
Natural selection. Let it happen.
pitchfork - 7 years ago
people are too selfish to think of anything but their own self-importance. The whale could and should have injured them to teach them a lesson.
tonywasin - 7 years ago
these fuck wits should have copped harsh fines
cjeam - 7 years ago
That was a slight twitch
Crazystuffyousee - 7 years ago
The whale turned..... KILL IT BEFORE IT HURTS A HUMAN
a. banks.
a. banks. - 7 years ago
Why couldn't they just leave, whale enough...

9beers deep
9beers deep - 7 years ago
If i was a whale, i'd totally eat people
Karis Daniels
Karis Daniels - 7 years ago
I hate people
GABRIEL - 7 years ago
OMG!!!!Let's shoot it with a harpoon cuz it splashed a couple idiots that invaded its space!That's not lashing out,that whale could of killed them with one lil tap of it wanted to.
Crazy Atheist
Crazy Atheist - 7 years ago
He felt threatened. That's what they get...
cheristar - 7 years ago
Wish the whale was more flexible so he could do more damage.
c'mon mannn
c'mon mannn - 7 years ago
Wow that was lame as fuck
Bonnie - 7 years ago
He was feeling cage in.
Bonnie - 7 years ago
He was feeling cage in.
Maulana Rizal Ibrahim
Maulana Rizal Ibrahim - 7 years ago
more like suckers than surfers
Violet Astacio
Violet Astacio - 7 years ago
I hate ppl, i really do. I wish the whale would have eaten them all
iam Lee
iam Lee - 7 years ago
Mfs tryna end up like pinnochio
KFX - 7 years ago
HOLY FUCK DID YOU SEE THAT SLOWMO REPLAY, I MEAN IT MOVED IT TAIL. I knew it whales are evil kill them all
Sunny Dae
Sunny Dae - 7 years ago
Leave the poor thing alone you idiots!
Justthatguy Ronnie
Justthatguy Ronnie - 7 years ago
And it will be killed after it swallows one of those morons.
Bradley Flottemesch
Bradley Flottemesch - 7 years ago
Yeah they deserve what they get!
Charley Weinhardt
Charley Weinhardt - 7 years ago
Don't 'Tread' on Me!
Huntora Filepé
Huntora Filepé - 7 years ago
Tis a Right Whale
matt murray
matt murray - 7 years ago
The giant whale ? ... pretty sure that is a normal sized whale .. just saying
christian roy
christian roy - 7 years ago
It's not a giant whale .
Owen Maggio
Owen Maggio - 7 years ago
Don't surround a whale
J. Montrice
J. Montrice - 7 years ago
Lashing Out? He just wanted to surf with his new friends.
Giacomo Ferrario
Giacomo Ferrario - 7 years ago
hdb80 - 7 years ago
Jerks. Leave it alone.
Redi Beaux
Redi Beaux - 7 years ago
Why the fuck would you surround any wild animal that you don't know?
Mimipinks - 7 years ago
And wtf do you expect, imagine you were suddenly surrounded by 4 people
Enso ,LLC
Enso ,LLC - 7 years ago
sTUPID fake news.
George - 7 years ago
I can just hear my old man saying, ¨must be a slow day at the news station¨

R:I:P Pop..
evets1976 - 7 years ago
Fake news
IamSofia - 7 years ago
People are dumb af.
80sOutrunFan - 7 years ago
Surf cunts, get a job useless cunts
warnutztheloser - 7 years ago
I got Hit By a whales Fin once...I Lived
Kim Le
Kim Le - 7 years ago
It was turning not attacking! Hahahaha!!
Diamond Dragonite
Diamond Dragonite - 7 years ago
"lash out" = slightly moved its tail to the left "WATCH THE FUCK OUT!"
Pineapplepnch - 7 years ago
don't arrest them 5,000 fine
Dr. Hugh Bumazz
Dr. Hugh Bumazz - 7 years ago
Whales are totally gentle mammals. They are harmless unless they are feeling threatened. The swimmers were invading his area.
Julie Keeney
Julie Keeney - 7 years ago
That whale coild have punted them to shore if it wanted. Misleading title.
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman - 7 years ago
They should've shot all the surfers from the chopper.
bishop1029 - 7 years ago
too bad the whale didnt smoke that surfer with that tail slash. fucking idiots.
Amber Toogood
Amber Toogood - 7 years ago
lashing out??
King Reef
King Reef - 7 years ago
Human are truly stupid
ajaopify - 7 years ago
Lashed out phrase not good enough? Dude it's still not a zoo, step off!
breton1974 - 7 years ago
surfers are so stupid, leave them alone
Oggy Oggy
Oggy Oggy - 7 years ago
"It appeared stressed"?!?!?
How, by floating almost motionless.
"Lashed out"?!?!?!?
Moved its tail.
Luigi Capoti
Luigi Capoti - 7 years ago
stupid white man
Death Jacen
Death Jacen - 7 years ago
dumbasses fabricating bs that whale us not concerned with them
SmoothTheKid - 7 years ago
Lashing out? ..... why are people so damn afraid? The whale was chillin, beautiful
John Parker
John Parker - 7 years ago
this whale is a submarine from US navy lol
Conor McDarby
Conor McDarby - 7 years ago
It's not a breed people. It's a species
Kelly T
Kelly T - 7 years ago
30 second video?piss off
Newchii - 7 years ago
Giant whale? That's an oxymoron as the word "whale" suggests something large already.. what next tiny mouse?
pitchfork - 7 years ago
there are smaller whales..
Mustaffa Beenie
Mustaffa Beenie - 7 years ago
Chunk and them Turk Jerks are Genetic Misfires!!!
David Nice
David Nice - 7 years ago
Leave the whales alone.
i love big cocks specially the black ones
i love big cocks specially the black ones - 7 years ago
Wailord used Splash! Nothing happened.
kaouthar kouki
kaouthar kouki - 7 years ago
kaouthar kouki
kaouthar kouki - 7 years ago
Maloy7800 - 7 years ago
LOL, truly - ON DEMAND NEWS. Someone demanded news and they created it out of nowhere. In today's news, a horrible event on the crossroads. FIFTY cars stopped at the light that suddenly turned red. Scientists can't explain such horrible behavior. Stupid whorenalists.
Copycatgabe2014 - 7 years ago
Dreamavere - 7 years ago
"Lashing out"? seriously?
Lynn Macks
Lynn Macks - 7 years ago
Fucking idiot's... they deserve to get smacked down by the whale.
Werner Lategan
Werner Lategan - 7 years ago
I would kayak with it.
Dear: You
Dear: You - 7 years ago
....bunch of kook paddle boarders.
John Murphy
John Murphy - 7 years ago
they where too close to that whale
Tiger Cub
Tiger Cub - 7 years ago
God bless whale's!
Crystal F
Crystal F - 7 years ago
No it didn't
LA2Alaska - 7 years ago
Lashing out?! Not even.
SangriaGod - 7 years ago
it wasnt even lashing out...
Mr Bong
Mr Bong - 7 years ago
look like these guys row... call them surfers is the biggest lie in video xDDD
Chris Dans
Chris Dans - 7 years ago
Wouldnt it be great if the whale lashed out and hit one of the surfers so hard it killed him? Id LOVE to see that.
Shaun Wilson
Shaun Wilson - 7 years ago
give me a break! If I was out there, I'd be so into that whale I don't think I'd even hear whatever loudspeaker they supposedly used. What a great adventure!!!
Pale Horse
Pale Horse - 7 years ago
Actually the whale seems to be very tolerant, too tolerant in my opinion. This is why we can't have or do anything nice, because of assholes like this. What would possess you to approach an animal of this magnitude? A wild one at that. It's called respect, they have none. Next wild animal they do like this won't be so forgiving, goes to show just how highly intelligent these animals are. Proof hunting them should be banned, the way they are tortured then killed is sadistic and evil.
The Baddest Woman Bess
The Baddest Woman Bess - 7 years ago
these surfers crazy as hell!!!
john Mutton
john Mutton - 7 years ago
Richard Weed
Richard Weed - 7 years ago
That's not a whale. That's a Goatfish.
Donald Pump
Donald Pump - 7 years ago
i thought someone was going to be eaten ):
Video drone
Video drone - 8 years ago
localism is getting out of hand when even whales are not welcome in the lineup
Sydney P
Sydney P - 8 years ago
See this is why we have places like SeaWorld. Where you can safely have your up close and personal interactions with animals like this safely. It is one thing if a wild animal initiates the interaction. But do NOT force yourself onto them. This is not a trained animal. SeaWorld's animals are trained for human contact. This is something people really seem to miss on this issue.
Evilc Sharper
Evilc Sharper - 8 years ago
are you enjoying ur self's , yes I'm having a whale off a time .
The3rdID - 8 years ago
God I wanted to see one of them get tail smacked hard.
Roger Sowerbutts
Roger Sowerbutts - 8 years ago
GIANT whale eats surfers whole (probably)
Jose Jesurajan
Jose Jesurajan - 8 years ago
This is the first moving well I have ever seen
Mobile Godz
Mobile Godz - 8 years ago
leave the whales alone
Mukesh Goyal
Mukesh Goyal - 8 years ago
Why s ch oil of small fish surround a while nd swim with it.?? I saw in other videos however in this video it's surfers instead of small fish.
B M - 8 years ago
they need to be drowned leave the whale alone SCUM
Daniel Sanchez
Daniel Sanchez - 8 years ago
Lashes out? Fuckin click bait!
pitchfork - 7 years ago
Daniel Sanchez these whales move slowly, that is 'fucking' lashing out for them..
pitchfork - 7 years ago
loushky619 these whales move slowly, that is lashing out for them
Hugo Labat
Hugo Labat - 8 years ago
"Giant whale" that thing is average at best for whales of that species. "Lashes out" the whale was probably annoyed; a tail flick is hardly lashing out.
dez lucas
dez lucas - 8 years ago
ARTHUR D Duda - 8 years ago
I'd hardly call that lashing out.
Perry Murphy
Perry Murphy - 8 years ago
damn right, Australians are a bunch of stupid prisoners
pbaylis1 - 8 years ago
Not sure I'd classify that as lashing out
pitchfork - 7 years ago
pbaylis1 do you not read other people's comments before you write the same thing?
James Cree
James Cree - 8 years ago

Whale turns to the left...
Van Van
Van Van - 8 years ago
No lashing out by whale. Just surfer harrassing whale.
Mehitabel - 8 years ago
Ach, humans! If it's not going to eat you, it's just a toy and deserves no respect...
Mohamed al Yahudi
Mohamed al Yahudi - 8 years ago
Are aussies that stupid?
TraumaER - 8 years ago
Is ODN a sister company of CNN?
Kamadev888 - 8 years ago
ooohhhh BIG DEAL, he moved his tail.
Stupid fuckin mainstream media have nothing to report on so they make a mountain out of every molehill!
BNKS AUDIO GROUP - 8 years ago
pretty badass to swim up to a creature like that in the sea... i know they will remember that for the rest of their lives. the 4 that had balls to do it. while u all hate on them they live the stuff you cant even dream about lol
Spagitster - 8 years ago
Fuck off no he didn't
Nemesis - 8 years ago
Damn what a violent whale!..
bear1568 - 8 years ago
Dennet Offerman
Dennet Offerman - 8 years ago
"giant whale", "Same breed of whale", "lashing out"???
islrubsca - 8 years ago
Wow, that's some serious 'lashing'! What a load of BS!
Tasli Shaw
Tasli Shaw - 8 years ago
Same "breed" of whale??
Wow. Did the reporter honestly just say that?
Joseph Welch
Joseph Welch - 8 years ago
flashbacks stupid.
Rossetta 123
Rossetta 123 - 8 years ago
and this, ladies and gentleman, is called SHITTY JOURNALISM!
Matte Swe
Matte Swe - 8 years ago
why are you talking about black vs white people ???? my comment: (fucking moron surfers) is that most humans often think they are so bloody smart and "cool" and WOW DUDE, look at me ! i said...fucking moron surfers.
PaddleDogC5 - 8 years ago
whale should have killed them to even the score
dropbeat noztrad
dropbeat noztrad - 8 years ago
goddamn humans
Herman Monster
Herman Monster - 8 years ago
probably thought they wanted to ethnic cleanse it
OarsmanPower - 8 years ago
Some humans are such idiots
Cold Winter
Cold Winter - 8 years ago
haha. people putting whales above humans. sorry they made the whale move around, and even if it was a little stressed.... so what. it's not like it's going to keel over and die.
Tarun S
Tarun S - 8 years ago
we are aliens
Hãris حارس
Hãris حارس - 8 years ago
that's not a giant whale. that's just a whale :)
great video tho
J Rod
J Rod - 8 years ago
Hi mountain, I'm mole hill
areeb1296 - 8 years ago
Humans just can't leave these animals alone, can't we?
Jake Holm
Jake Holm - 8 years ago
Aussies are liberal punks anyway
Xiao Hei
Xiao Hei - 8 years ago
bogan vegans
Jam TV
Jam TV - 8 years ago
To a whale we're like a cockroach who thinks it owns the house.
my wallet
my wallet - 6 years ago
3rd Reich Ball we go to school to conquer other planets? The world isn't Ender's Game bud
3rd Reich Ball
3rd Reich Ball - 7 years ago
k j thats why we go to school, and learn how to make other planets our home duh. Who cares about this one. Theres a whole galaxy out there full of planets to conquer
Mencemeat - 7 years ago
Hot Sauce it's an analysis
Brenda Phillips
Brenda Phillips - 7 years ago
Jam TV ikr
k j
k j - 8 years ago
Hot Sauce pssh for all our brains it's a wonder why we're polluting and destroying our air, food and water souces when we need these three important things to survive...
Aliya - 8 years ago
Hot Sauce
Hot Sauce - 8 years ago
They might have the size and strength but we have our brains. No other animal in this planet can even come close. We ain't no cockroach.
Jam TV
Jam TV - 8 years ago
The whale was like "this is my spaaayce...this my aaaariyaaa...BRO!"
onefineday111 - 8 years ago
'Same breed of whale'?
Larry Wesley
Larry Wesley - 8 years ago
Isn't the term 'giant whale' redundant... whale= giant sea mammal..
pitchfork - 7 years ago
Ghoulunatic - 8 years ago
Not really... belugas, dwarf sperm whales, orcas...
Diabetic Alien
Diabetic Alien - 8 years ago
Human thinks it's a good idea to stress a gentle and calm yet ENORMOUS and POWERFUL creature. They scare whale. Whale scares humans, or even injures humans. Humans cry. 100% accurate representation.
hallamittuna - 6 years ago
Where. Nothing happened: whale swims, surfers surf, you on the couch. 100%
Luke Skyballer
Luke Skyballer - 6 years ago
Human's like to have fun. Not hurting the whale. The only danger here is to the humans. Do you eat meat? People like to pretend the meats they eat are stupid but even a goldfish swims for its life. Pigs and cows aren't stupid.
grievous549 - 7 years ago
You people can't really be this stupid right? First off the autist is just saying "humans" like a hippie freak, second that gorrilla deserved it.
Diabetic Alien
Diabetic Alien - 8 years ago
+Joanne Nugent Oh don't worry, whales won't eat you. They know if they swallow you, they may choke.
Joanne Nugent
Joanne Nugent - 8 years ago
Ditto,it would be hard not to want to get close to see it,but they should have given it it's space. As much as I love these creatures,I would be a bit nervous to be near them. I know it wouldn't happen but I would have this fear of falling in their mouth or
Diabetic Alien
Diabetic Alien - 8 years ago
+Chousa Heidan Mhm. It's so sad. And in this day and age, instead of learning from that event, we make it a meme. Disgusting...
Hãris حارس
Hãris حارس - 8 years ago
yup, harambe is a good example of human ignorance's victim
Diabetic Alien
Diabetic Alien - 8 years ago
+DarkIntentions Yep.
Mark Hepworth
Mark Hepworth - 8 years ago
Fucking ŵhale botherers.
Adamantiis - 8 years ago
"I heard they make the best waves bro"
"rad bro lets check it out"
broadbandislife - 6 years ago
Sounds about right.
sebhero light
sebhero light - 8 years ago
Gentle giants are gentle meaning they are nice
nico olsen
nico olsen - 8 years ago
would have in a way hoped the whale had hit them. Not so that they would get really hurt, but people these does not learn, unless its hits them right in the face so.
Josh Roberts
Josh Roberts - 8 years ago
let me swim out where there is great white sharks
Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson - 8 years ago
Sven Johnson
Sven Johnson - 8 years ago
I think the news media is sensationalizing this. The whale did not look like it was lashing out to me. It moved. that's all.
Splendid Mendax
Splendid Mendax - 8 years ago
what a sickening song in ad.
Froot Loose
Froot Loose - 8 years ago
Lashing out hahahahaha yea whatever wanker
yxcvbnm - 8 years ago
There's a video around here of a giant humpback breaking surface right in the middle of a group of kayakers. The animal was massive yet no one got knocked off or even rocked too badly. Whales are amazingly aware of their surroundings and normally make sure to not bump into you.
This whale got scared or stressed and lashed out as a warning to leave him alone. He could have knocked the surfer out easily but he didn't.
celesteternal - 8 years ago
Acting like a human net, stupidos.
ThePunitiveDamages - 8 years ago
"Seriously dude.."
"Ya Bra...."
"Did you SEE that whale.."
"Oh ya Brah...."
Darcy Jamieson
Darcy Jamieson - 8 years ago
The Zoo Syndrome. Never close enough is it? Nitwits!
Darkpassenger 1
Darkpassenger 1 - 8 years ago
Leave the fucking whale alone
One Punch Man Workout
One Punch Man Workout - 8 years ago
Leave the poor creature, alone, you wouldn't want a lot of animals surrounding you, sometimes it's best to just observe from a distance.
Jared Jensen
Jared Jensen - 8 years ago
lets show the same thing over...and over...and over again...Whaaaaat
Surviving as Mom
Surviving as Mom - 8 years ago
If I were swimming in the ocean and saw a HUGE animal, the last thing I'd think is "Hey! Lets go near it!"
Tmarie2u - 8 years ago
0:28 this is a perfect example WHY it's illegal most of the time to get close to wild animals. Someone already mentioned how they're surrounding the whale like an Orca pod. "But the whale know's the difference! They're not stupid!" No their not. And that's the problem they remember. Have you ever watched a Orcas hunt a large animal? Google Killer Whales hunting Baby Whales. It takes HOURS! If that whale was a female she may have battled Orcas recently for her calf. She HAS to remember because she has to remember what works and what doesn't. Now think of soldiers that were in battle. Like the knife scene from Saving Private Ryan. Wouldn't being put in a similar situation even though He KNOWS it's not the same situation make him nervous? YES!! Same with the Whale. The surfers are taking predatory spots around it. It can't help but trigger anxiety. And the problem with that is it might try and give you the benefit of the doubt. Or it might take it handy dandy HumanSwatter of a tail and squash you. The Ocean .... where you don't need Bounty to mop up a mess.
Jess S
Jess S - 8 years ago
idiot surfers
Reedmaster - 8 years ago
Ever read moby dick? dicks
pfalky2k - 8 years ago
nah. let them swarm it. I see 4 less arseholes in the world. shame someone wasn't there with a high powered rifle to pick the fuckwits off their boards
JAHLIL 'THE OAK' OKAFOR - 8 years ago
i would have swam with it
Jeff Byrnes
Jeff Byrnes - 8 years ago
I'd hardly call that lashing out.
Just Kylie
Just Kylie - 7 years ago
Froot Loose Professionals make the rules- and this video demonstrates why they’re just.
Gobble 1234
Gobble 1234 - 7 years ago
Jeff Byrnes exactly! It gave some frat boy surfer douches a splash, if ODN thinks this is lashing god knows what they'd call the arguments I have with my sister gees
Brenda Phillips
Brenda Phillips - 7 years ago
Jeff Byrnes same
Froot Loose
Froot Loose - 8 years ago
ThePunitiveDamages who makes these rules and why are they just ?
ThePunitiveDamages - 8 years ago
You see how the whale was hardly moving before the bro-dude's surrounded it, then it spun it's head. That's called stress. There are rules for a reason.
Sparkling Koala
Sparkling Koala - 8 years ago
Why do people do these stupid things...
Sparkling Koala
Sparkling Koala - 8 years ago
I don't blame the whale it will come to you if it wants to.
Harzburgitic - 8 years ago
Where did the whale "lash out"?
All I saw was a bunch of idiots surrounding it and expecting it to lie perfectly still while they stare it down.
Ghoulunatic - 8 years ago
Oh yeah, because wanting people to be cautious around animals and respect the law = PETA fag boy
Kekaroni Potato
Kekaroni Potato - 8 years ago
Harzburgitic Lmao someone triggered over nothing. PETA fag boys
Caz Green
Caz Green - 8 years ago
As usual the ignorance of humans!!
RegularDude - 8 years ago
i dont think they were ignorant they just didnt know and were amazed by
that huge animal its just a mistake humans sometimes do mistakes from
time to time you know and after the whale showed them that they were to close they swam away i dont get why everyone starts insulting them fucking dickheads in the comments everywhere
Francis Barca
Francis Barca - 8 years ago
This is one of the reasons for laws and regulations regarding human behavior in the natural habitat of these beautiful creatures and others. They are not pets. I would imagine the whale might have felt it was in danger being surrounded like that. I see from some of the comments here there are kids who still don't understand it. Sadly if a human is hurt or worse by their own fault for not observing the rules and not using common sense the victim is usually the innocent animal who acts on instinct in self defense or thinks the moron is easy prey for dinner.
Brian Keith
Brian Keith - 8 years ago
Freedog13 - 8 years ago
I've swam is schools of Barracuda. Played with Stingrays. Swam with sharks. I hope to swim with Orca's one day. Many humans have a sense of adventure and exploration, I'm sorry many here cannot understand that but humans would be five hundreds years behind where we are right now if not for the spirit of adventure.
yxcvbnm - 8 years ago
The whale was pretty okay with people getting close. Only when thes surfers surrounded it and paddled right on top of the whale, it got stressed and lashed out. Enjoy the ocean without being an idiot about it.
reconx86 - 8 years ago
True and somewhere along the line... someone figured out it was a bad idea...
D D - 8 years ago
because they are god right and they have the right to tell people to get away from a animal nobody owns
Roe Kemp
Roe Kemp - 8 years ago
I failed to see the whale "lashing out"
Alex Vickers
Alex Vickers - 8 years ago
one question, if a whale is already huge what does a giant whale look like I heard the reporter say giant whale oh and the surfers are morons
Sven Johnson
Sven Johnson - 8 years ago
Yeah. And there is a species called pygmy blue whale that grows up to 79 ft long.
Freedog13 - 8 years ago
Whale is a species not a size. For example Beluga Whales are small in comparison to these.
Alex Vickers
Alex Vickers - 8 years ago
freaking morons I tell you
DuncanFarms& Racing
DuncanFarms& Racing - 8 years ago
60 Meters is longer than a Blue whale even.....what ever happened to fact checking before reporting or making a video?
Kyle Englot
Kyle Englot - 8 years ago
James Jay they may have said 16 meters. Blue whales can reach a max of about 30 meters.
vikna bullen
vikna bullen - 8 years ago
you stupid? they cant get up to 60!!! METERS long
CUCKSLAYER 3000 - 8 years ago
Lashing out? You have never seen my mom when she is pissed.
Alan Morales
Alan Morales - 8 years ago
At least no one got hurt, that's what counts
Midinette 2388
Midinette 2388 - 8 years ago
Mr. Meeseeks
Mr. Meeseeks - 8 years ago
Australia's gov is wayyy too controlling.
Christian B
Christian B - 8 years ago
Pretty harmless. Just a little "Get off me!"
OriginalNeoSupreme - 8 years ago
Yes, such a mighty lash.
The Limit
The Limit - 8 years ago
Where's the bloody sharks when you need one, I suppose it's little consolation to be told you've been mistaken for a turtle when your leg is a shark snack.
Eduardo Freitas
Eduardo Freitas - 8 years ago
I would do it. It's worth it. There's some danger for me but not much especially if i stay far from the tail and the animal won't be harmed. Don't understand all the fuss here.
Eduardo Freitas
Eduardo Freitas - 7 years ago
If she's scared, she can leave, she has a lot of freedom on this situation, I'm just floating at the surface. And I wouldn't be that close unless it's the whale that came for me, they're just as curious as we are. You are being very aggressive, calling me asshole, and I won't be the same at you. The thing is, it's an amazing animal and potentially an amazing interaction as long as you act respectfully, and it happens all the time. If you guys woulnd't risk it (even though like I said it's not a huge risk) it's fine! It's your life you do what you want with it.
pitchfork - 7 years ago
the only danger to yourself is your own selfishness, loser.
Elias6233 - 8 years ago
Have fun dying
Elizabeth Czepiel
Elizabeth Czepiel - 8 years ago
Idiot surfers were definitely breaking the law (fine is over $20,000 per). Definitely no sympathy for them but glad whale got away!
RegularDude - 8 years ago
they just didnt know and were amazed by that huge animal its just a mistake humans sometimes do mistakes from time to time you know overreacting at its finest in the comments here
mrobertson188 - 8 years ago
hardly lashing out
Almestica Red
Almestica Red - 8 years ago
Idiots, whales choose to be gentle. They're still known to be aggressive. What kind of idiots do you have to be to swarm one. That whale could killed them easy with a swing of it's tale.
Bjorn Yesterday
Bjorn Yesterday - 6 years ago
Almestica Red that is not how they turn
Luke Skyballer
Luke Skyballer - 6 years ago
Choose? I think mother nature made that decision.
LIQUID SNAKE - 6 years ago
Almestica Red stupid kids
John Stanley
John Stanley - 6 years ago
Nafisa Humyra what??
Benjamin Lee
Benjamin Lee - 6 years ago
Almestica Red You watch too many movies.
Nito - 6 years ago
froot loose you are dumbass
SQU1DSN1P3R 61 - 7 years ago
Almestica Red tail*
SmoothTheKid - 7 years ago
Almestica Red ... Swarm xD .. ok
Sydney P
Sydney P - 7 years ago
There is an incident of a WILD humpback whale actually striking a diver with her tail because she got irritated with him being so close to her. The clip was shown on Animal Planet's Untamed & Uncut. You can probably even find it here on YouTube. Your claim is an ignorant one, and completely false. Whales can become aggressive if they feel threatened, regardless of whether or not they are in captivity. It does not alter their behavior. They are still wild animals.
Nafisa Humyra
Nafisa Humyra - 8 years ago
they're only known to be aggressive in captivity. And the reasoning is pretty goddamn obvious.
YoongiBby - 8 years ago
Almestica Red i agree,whales are smart enough,he would kill them if he would.
Froot Loose
Froot Loose - 8 years ago
JustSomeone Here you're just hoping to lose your virginity
Froot Loose
Froot Loose - 8 years ago
Wasn't swarming
Ivan Thai
Ivan Thai - 8 years ago
Your a idiot they kill them when the whale gets mad
JustSomeone Here
JustSomeone Here - 8 years ago
+Froot Loose Actually you are. She cares and is not an ignorant like you
Froot Loose
Froot Loose - 8 years ago
Almestica Red highly doubt it you're the idiot
Ashley Mckenna
Ashley Mckenna - 8 years ago
People are so dumb.... If all humans were vegan our earth would be filled with more loving and maybe hurtful animals..... The endangered species would populate if we leave them to what they do best
dixie dragon
dixie dragon - 8 years ago
Those idiots didn't get "more than they bargained for" they got precisely what they bargained for and were just extremely fortunate that none were knocked unconscious or killed by the irritated, stressed whale's very normal reaction. Wright whales are, if not endangered, at least threatened, so the "rules of engagement" are there for good reason. LEAVE THEM ALONE and they'll do the same for you.
sugino - 8 years ago
Kratos God of War
Kratos God of War - 8 years ago
it probably felt scared and threatened.
Alice - 8 years ago
That whale was very patient considering how annoying it must have felt being circled with thoes twits on surfboards.
fatsamcastle - 8 years ago
shame, perhaps if they took turns, doesn't worry whale and everyone gets to enjoy the beast.
SuperWalt101 - 8 years ago
wheres the lash. what a load of rubbish,stressed out whale.
Colourful Adventures of AL&GAB
Colourful Adventures of AL&GAB - 8 years ago
....dumb idiots...sigh...gorgeous whale though, can't blame her for snapping
Nicholas Revell
Nicholas Revell - 8 years ago
Talk about false advertisement
Tj Bradders
Tj Bradders - 8 years ago
Nothing worse than an ignorant suffer in the water. If you surround a whale the same way a pod of Orcas does before a hunt, you're going to get a bad reaction.
XxTheWesternerxX - 7 years ago
I was just about to comment that.
ItsLean - 7 years ago
YoYO Semite
YoYO Semite - 7 years ago
Dumb, a really dumb ass post.
K Swa
K Swa - 7 years ago
boo bye What if some other species was curious with you surrounding you and trying to touch you? Unless they already to that to you
omgwtfbbq - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Michelle
Elizabeth Michelle - 7 years ago
Yep, a whale 's fluke can knock you out cold or worse kill you. That's the one part of their body they will use to defend themselves. Especially baleen whales who don't have teeth like toothed whales.
ARTHUR D Duda - 8 years ago
pretty sure the whale can tell the difference between a dip shit on a board and a killer whale,
Douglas Heller
Douglas Heller - 8 years ago
They were surfers and probably new the rules. They were ignorant, but not ignorant of the laws.
decentradical - 8 years ago
Everyone knows that there's LITERALLY nothing that could possibly worse than an ignorant suffer in the water.
RegularDude - 8 years ago
i dont think they were ignorant they just didnt know and were amazed by that huge animal its just a mistake humans sometimes do mistakes from time to time you know
Brandon-lee Durbauree
Brandon-lee Durbauree - 8 years ago
Tj Bradders what I was thinking thru the whole vid, the whale probably tjought it was an ambush n its survival instict obviously kicked in
CaptainEno - 8 years ago
Exactly, imagine walking into the woods and being surrounded by weird creatures.
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+kaio satomi-defoe thanks for letting me know
kaio satomi-defoe
kaio satomi-defoe - 8 years ago
+Pete Smalls bruhh your roasts are shiit
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Kratos God of War think you meant to direct that comment at me not the old retired guy.
Kratos God of War
Kratos God of War - 8 years ago
+Tj Bradders
same for u jack-ass. quit harassing wild animals.
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Kratos God of War did you insult me to hurt my feelings? Missed it if you did
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Tj Bradders any bad experiences with greys or blues?
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Tj Bradders impressive a retired surfer can use the Internet. So which breaks did you grow up surfing? Blacks, county line, mussel shoals? Am I close.
Tj Bradders
Tj Bradders - 8 years ago
+Pete Smalls no I'm a retired research sociologist - that's how I knew that Pete just couldn't stop himself from calling you stupid. I grew up in So Cal - surfing.
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Kratos God of War shouldn't you be busy playing computer games in your plankton eating moms basement drinking Mtn dew and eating Doritos?
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Kratos God of War sharks are more aggressive or just certain types of sharks?
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Kratos God of War the way "u" spell you sound lazy
Kratos God of War
Kratos God of War - 8 years ago
+Pete Smalls
well I realized that before the comment. I meant to type shark because they're more aggressive. but ur the expert, so u should already know that.
Kratos God of War
Kratos God of War - 8 years ago
+Tj Bradders
what country do u reside in? the way u txt sounds British. is that correct?
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
When orcas hunt whales, the whales only defense is to keep swimming and hope it out swims the orcas so if they whale confuses humans for killer whales they will just attempt to swim away. Hope you feel a bit smarter now that you've been educated.
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Kratos God of War Right Whales and Great White Sharks are very different animals but I'm sure you realized that after you typed in such a dumb comment.
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Tj Bradders figured you study the ways a pod of orcas surrounds whales during a hunt
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Tj Bradders I thought you were the marine biologist
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Kratos God of War your moms a whale
Tj Bradders
Tj Bradders - 8 years ago
+Kratos God of War Wait for it..... Here it comes, you're about to be called stupid.
Tj Bradders
Tj Bradders - 8 years ago
+Pete Smalls Oh, I hadn't realized I was talking to a whale intelligence expert. I thought you were just a know-it-all wanker anthropomorphing whale behaviour.
Kratos God of War
Kratos God of War - 8 years ago
+Pete Smalls
how the hell do u know what whales can and cannot recognize? r u a whale? I doubt it. y don't u go jump the ocean with a great white shark? maybe it'll think ur a seal and gobble u right up.
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Tj Bradders yeah, because whales are so dumb they can't tell the difference between and board and a living thing.
Tj Bradders
Tj Bradders - 8 years ago
+Pete Smalls You're stupid enough to bet your life on a whale not mistaking a long board for its natural enemy?
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
Yeah because a whale can't tell the difference between a 30 ft orca and a 6ft surfer.
suddenlyitsobvious - 8 years ago
Pff laws... Can you do you're own thinking? It's not like the whale is getting harmed. A surfer got close, the whale gave a little sign with his tail to back off, and everyone was on a same page, problem solved.
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Marielin Munroe it's a 60 foot animal, if you can touch a cat or a dog or swim with dolphins a human can't hurt a whale by touching it. It's a big ocean, the whale could have swam anywhere but chose to swim close to a human which means it's not really bothered by it.
Marielin Munroe
Marielin Munroe - 8 years ago
That's not the point. The point is that the surfers failed to respect the laws surrounding the whale. Not to mention just respecting the animals itself. Just because it's close to you isn't an invitation to get closer to it or to try and touch it.
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Kratos God of War another queer emoji, you've disappointed me again. Guess I will have to take that disappointment out on your mom.
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Kratos God of War queer emojis
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
+Kratos God of War your mom is a dumb sack of shit
Kratos God of War
Kratos God of War - 8 years ago
+Pete Smalls
u dumb sack of shit. the children surrounding the whale r the ones in danger. the whale doesn't know what they r. only that they have it surrounded. that will make it feel threatened and than it will lash out in defense and could kill them kids. that's the issue here. y dont u try thinking about someone other than yourself?
Pete Smalls
Pete Smalls - 8 years ago
Calm down. They deal with orcas and sharks, a couple surfers won't hurt it.
dixie dragon
dixie dragon - 8 years ago
be pretty wise to simply obey the law, too.
Kratos God of War
Kratos God of War - 8 years ago
+boo bye
it's perfectly ok to be curious, but when dealing with wild animals u also need to be cautious. that whale could of just as easily crushed them kids. their parents should of known better.
boo bye
boo bye - 8 years ago
+Marc Lemieux
Marc Lemieux
Marc Lemieux - 8 years ago
+boo bye TJ is right, and no one's getting emotional about this like you seem to be implying. The surfers were foolish to do that.
boo bye
boo bye - 8 years ago
There is one thing worse an ignorant comment like yours, wouldn't you be curious in this situation, they never touched or harmed the whale, they got a bit close and the whale let them know, that's all nothing to cry about.
TraceVandal - 8 years ago
How dare those surfers paddle their boards in the general area of another animal!! What???? Calm down virtue signalers, we all know how progressive you are. Ohhhh, he said "Fuck those surfers" he must be really compassionate!
rockit730 - 8 years ago
I genuinely wish that whale had killed those idiots so that maybe in the future people wouldn't be such fucking morons. Of course, we are talking about surfers here so that perhaps is a bit much to ask.
Kieran Froud
Kieran Froud - 8 years ago
sorry, cunt! xDxDxD
TraceVandal - 8 years ago
How's that homophobic whale loving treating you? I bet it's hard to find a girl who loves the environment but hates fags. You must be fun at parties.
rockit730 - 8 years ago
Go back to sucking that surfer's dick and leave the rest of us alone.
TraceVandal - 8 years ago
Yeah, how dare they paddle a board in the water near an animal.... WHAT? Calm the fuck down sissy pants. Oh you're so progressive when you wish death on humans.
Austin Hughey
Austin Hughey - 8 years ago
A 30 second ad for a 1 minute video. Great job YouTube
Nick Armstrong
Nick Armstrong - 8 years ago
So the surfers got too close to get a better look so they are assholes now? get a fucking grip. they didn't mean to cause it any harm or disturb it. they aren't professionals like the people in the comment seem to think.
For your information the whale did actually lash out because they aren't known for making sudden movements for no reason.
Nick Armstrong
Nick Armstrong - 8 years ago
+A.A.J. i meant to say they aren't.
A.A.J. - 8 years ago
+Nick Armstrong "they are professionals?" No, they're recreational surfers. Government guidelines are to stay 100m away, which is like 120 yards. They were causing the whale stress and they were in danger. They were stupid.
Landon Young
Landon Young - 8 years ago
Whale sits for a minute then swims LASHES OUT AT SURFERS.
Boxhawk - 8 years ago
+Landon Young Or, how to stretch 10 seconds of film into a minute and 4 seconds.
specail1 - 8 years ago
Giant whale...that's like calling water wet.
capnumericka - 8 years ago
I forgot. Isn't it the animal rights wackos that believe we are part of evolution and not created by God? Then doesn't that make us part of the animal kingdom and equal to the animals of this earth? So why do we have laws for us humans and not against other predators that kill these whales for sport and food? Don't we have the right to eat, just like the killer whale does? Logically, none of these animal right laws make any sense. Young skulls full of mush and brainwashed.
Xsanther - 8 years ago
Humans are blessed with a brain that allow us to think and chose for ourselves. We also have the ability to tell what is good and what is bad, what is wrong and what is right.
Animals don't have that, and they're simply following their instinct.

You wanna know why there are law that protects animals from us humans ?!

Animals hunt kill for survival and protection, and they can't drive each other to extinction. Unlike most humans today, who hunts for fun/pleasure/trophy, not to mention that human can easily cause the extinction of species in the animal Kingdom. even the species who their existence is a necessity will be driven to extinction by humans, and then nature will be fucked. and we will be fucked as well.
capnumericka - 8 years ago
People need to mind their own business. Dumb ass laws that are created by these militant animal rights wackos are soooooo unjustified. I hope these surfers enjoyed a once in a lifetime event. They should have pet it. OH NO! Only the animal rights lovers can pet endangered animals. Cause they care and love the animals. (Sarcasm). Here's a thought....ALL ANIMALS ARE ENDANGERED. You think the killer whale is going to respect that law? Or eat it? That's right. Good job. These laws can only be enforced on humans because we have souls and have the capability of respecting one another. Animals by definition, do not have rights. If that needs explaining, then you're a lost cause.
direfranchement - 8 years ago
Right Whales are not a "breed" of whale, but a "species".
Mari McMillan
Mari McMillan - 8 years ago
humans are selfish - surfers are swimming in their territory. Zero respect - for law or nature
blueshirt06 - 8 years ago
Stupid Australians!
Adam Isak Charif
Adam Isak Charif - 8 years ago
wow now thats a whale lashing out
Dimitris kapoios
Dimitris kapoios - 8 years ago
It didn't lash out on them. It just turned around.What is tragic is the people on the comments. Apparently even APPROACHING an animal is bad if you are a human! I like how people say "free the captive animals, if you want to see them go see them in the wild", but then again we shouldn't approach them cause we are stupid bipeds, so even approaching them will harm them.
Leilani Jones
Leilani Jones - 8 years ago
he should have hit yah dumb ass like damn he's not bothering anyone let him be
hamstergirl4444 - 9 years ago
Lashing out? More like flicking away a mosquito....
James Murphy-Walsh
James Murphy-Walsh - 9 years ago
Absolutely stunning whales are amazing !
Killa Silverback Gorilla
Killa Silverback Gorilla - 9 years ago
Oh, the stupidity of humans......
RW Anglin
RW Anglin - 7 years ago
And surfers wonder why sharks attack them lol morons
Chris Moerman
Chris Moerman - 8 years ago
Killa Silverback Gorilla and I have been in the
Freedog13 - 8 years ago
F the rules, I would head straight to it.
elijah- - 8 years ago
Hm hm uh hm clears throat coughs you mean coughs Australians.
chancieacres - 9 years ago
Hmmm Predators like Orcas swim around whales like this while hunting them, perhaps it felt threatened by the surfers doing what looked like something similar to that. If the law says keep away a certain distance, than do so! Some people just don't use their brain. Also, the whale was giving them a slight warning with that tale, not simply "moving'".
Anton Khuu
Anton Khuu - 9 years ago
selfish ppl only care for their own amusement .
Duffa04 - 9 years ago
Can you imagine the power in that tail, fuck what if he got hit?
Chris Gaffray
Chris Gaffray - 9 years ago
:58 even the kid gets it lol, but those dumb ass surfers don't lol.
Nikolaas Colpaert
Nikolaas Colpaert - 9 years ago
It's not a "breed" of whale. It's a species.
I'osua Iosua
I'osua Iosua - 9 years ago
Haole's baffle me...
TheWadotexas - 9 years ago
John Cillo
John Cillo - 9 years ago
one swish of it's tail and it's out of there. No way a surfer is going to bother it. A jetski or boat, perhaps. It's funny how the marine biologists get to stick a thermometer up its arse with wanton abandon; but a surfer gets criticized. Hypocrisy at it's best.
alex nyc
alex nyc - 9 years ago
the young kid was smarter than those dumb surfers harassing the whale by being so close. you'd think they would be more environmentally conscious. leave the whales alone!
Evolved Turtle Productions
Evolved Turtle Productions - 7 years ago
TraceVandal If you think a fully grown whale is incapable of damage, you ARE ignorant. The whale could badly injure someone unintentionally with a flick of it's tail, now just picture someone annoying it, like the idiots in the video(or you, that seems like something you'd do). That's acting like a predator, the whale would at least injure you from a lash from the tale.
alex nyc
alex nyc - 8 years ago
because the whales feel threatened if you invade their space. its not rocket science. ive seen a whale do the same to a seal that got too close. plus it could be mating season, it could be on a food hunt & it doesnt have to explain to a dumb human why it doesnt want you in its face.
TraceVandal - 8 years ago
+Sidd Swain
Also it is hilarious being called "ignorant" by someone who missed the point of my first post by a fucking mile.
TraceVandal - 8 years ago
So please enlighten me how it's a similar scenario to pet a tiger compared to sitting on a surf board near a whale. You can't because it was the most idiotic analogy ever made.
TraceVandal - 8 years ago
+Sidd Swain So being on a surf board 15 feet from a whale is just as dangerous as petting a super predator. Idiot.
TraceVandal - 8 years ago
Quick Question: Other animals are allowed to go near whales, humans are animals, why aren't we allowed to go near whales then? Why do we have some strange disconnect with nature where we feel like we are something different than the rest of the animals. I don't understand this self hate, I love humans.
Rainy Raelyn
Rainy Raelyn - 9 years ago
poor baby!! he was afraid leave him/her alone. what a beautiful creature seriously and so kind! he/she could have killed them in a hit yet just a soft warning. hardly lashing out! what a truly amazing being ♡
Shawn S
Shawn S - 9 years ago
The "Right Whale" got it's name because this is typical behavior being close to the shore. This made them easy prey for whale hunting and were thus called Right Whales because they were so easy to hunt. They also float when killed.
writerconsidered - 9 years ago
+Shawn S They are the right whale because they have the most blubber per whale.
Amirreza Xsroshahi
Amirreza Xsroshahi - 9 years ago
species not "breed"
SmokeMyBlunt - 9 years ago
Lashes...he simply scared em away,he could have smacked him underwater if he would like to.
ARCampbell - 9 years ago
They shouldn't surround the animal like that. It just made him scared
adam a.
adam a. - 9 years ago
“it was pretty big” hahaha
Hello it's me
Hello it's me - 9 years ago
If the whale lashed out there wouldn't have been much left of those surfers. Idiot reporter...
Kyle Englot
Kyle Englot - 8 years ago
Well to be fair this particular species were heavily targeted by commercial whaling. They were the preferred species hence why they got the name "right whale" because they were slow swimmers, easy to catch up to with longboats, and when killed they would float. They also have thick blubber and were sought after because blubber used to be used for a lot of products in those days. Right whales also have very long life spans. The average age they can reach is around 90 years. Some have been found to be close to 120 years.
Hello it's me
Hello it's me - 9 years ago
+Fickdich Blickaufdieberge I think you are the reporter.
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge - 9 years ago
I don't need to re-read were clear in stating your belief that had this whale lashed-out, the surfers would have been hit.  That's incorrect: the great baleen whales are not "strike violence" animals.  They haven't evolved that behavior because they have no need for it: they're harvesters of krill, not predators of large sea creatures and their size leaves them susceptible to attack by non-human predators - primarily a pod of orca - only at their tails.  If enough meat can be bitten out of the flukes, the orca can drown the whale.  The pod will encircle the whale to keep it confused while a couple members bite the tail. So the great baleen whales know that when surrounded, they need to thrash their tails, which creates enough turbulence that even orca can be pushed back by it. No hit involved.  These surfers are prompting that behavior by surrounding the animal. Had this been a sperm whale, I'd totally agree with you.  They're toothed predators and are physically confrontational....even to the extent that they've literally sunk ships on purpose.
Hello it's me
Hello it's me - 9 years ago
+Fickdich Blickaufdieberge reread what I wrote. I know that the reporter doesn't.
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge - 9 years ago
+Hello it's me There's a difference between attacking and warning. What you're thinking applies to lions, bears and etc....Whales have a more relaxed mindset.
Robert Komarek
Robert Komarek - 9 years ago
Let's see the surfers surround a great white....
Blake Deerslayer
Blake Deerslayer - 9 years ago
the one dude at 0:05 was like OH SHIT PADDLE AWAY
ShaySmiles - 9 years ago
A-hole surfers. I hope they got prosecuted.
edisonsun21c - 9 years ago
Get back kuala fuckers u dont know me like that!
Paul Lu
Paul Lu - 9 years ago
They deserve it
Think of it as if wolfs surrounded you within a feet
Would you ask them to back-off?
Proud_Ape - 9 years ago
The surfers adopt a classic wolfpack formation and expect what? Fucking whale hugs..............????????????? hey dude lets surround this whale and look at it.. Yeah man! lets go... murica fyeah!
emosh73 - 9 years ago
Surfers are NOT known for their high IQ's. Bunch of idiots.
Eric1SanDiego1 - 8 years ago
+emosh73 First of all, generalizing a group of people isn't a very high I.Q. thing to do in and of itself. Surfers come from all walks of life: doctors, teachers, and even lawyers (ok, bad example [j/k]). Many surfers are smart enough to win hundreds of thousands of dollars at surf competitions. So let's not stoop to a low level and promote stereotypes.

Secondly, admiring a magnificent creature isn't what I'd consider to be stupid. I'd consider it an honor. Getting that close is a risk, that's for certain. Surfing is also a risk. Hopefully the risks we take are worth the rewards. At the risk of generalizing, most surfers love the ocean and love whales. They knew what they were going up against. And many would do it again.

What about the whale? It was in no danger, it can handle us.
Noctdevil C
Noctdevil C - 9 years ago
Omg such beauty! They shouldn't surround it... Make the whale uncomfortable.. Then when tragic happens ppl say whales are dangerous . Bullshit. See what humans do to get themselves in trouble.
King of KeK
King of KeK - 9 years ago
I wish it would of body slammed them to death
John Booker
John Booker - 9 years ago
Shazam - 9 years ago
The title should be "Whale MOVES when surfers paddle around it." The person who interpreted this as "lashes out" should be fired and forever banned from having anything to do with titles.
Jane Dough
Jane Dough - 9 years ago
Yes the surfers were entirely too close,and yes the whale lashed out and if the surfer on the left would have been any closer he would have got smacked with the tail
colbie alexander
colbie alexander - 9 years ago
leave the poor thing alone they are scared of us idiots
Kyle The Crusader
Kyle The Crusader - 9 years ago
That accent is annoying.
Ryan Alann Huck
Ryan Alann Huck - 9 years ago
leave the animal alone!
Rookie Freediver
Rookie Freediver - 9 years ago
Liars!!! The whale didn't lash out...the whale was just turning around. Didn't look stressed at all you lying manipulative goons!!!
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge - 9 years ago
+Rookie Freediver How on earth can a "freediver" not understand the benefits of slow and metered movement when holding your breath underwater? Lone whales don't thrash their tales like that unless they're agitated. It's a waste of energy....the same as fish.
Zorba Smiling
Zorba Smiling - 9 years ago
They should try to do same stuff with Great white shark and see what level of enjoyment they are up to.
Bumble Bee
Bumble Bee - 9 years ago
Oh no! It sprinkled water on one surfers wet suit while making a turn! When is the government finally doing something about it? That whale is totally out of control!
DewtonBrothers - 9 years ago
I didnt know trisha takanawa reported on this...
Emma Lili
Emma Lili - 9 years ago
Well...ehm.. ok not that is really "lashed out" but hey.. I would to if kids were nagging me like that..
Kəndall - 9 years ago
It was just trying to leave. Just leave it the fuck alone.
Kəndall - 9 years ago
Uhm, the whale was just moving.
ArtemR sk
ArtemR sk - 9 years ago
Oooh bruh its so rad, check it yo, lets get closer. woooooow man.
Mel Lee
Mel Lee - 9 years ago
I didn't think you were allowed to approach whales.
james morrison
james morrison - 9 years ago
I didn't see any "lashing out" at all. It was moving it's tail so that it could swim, nothing more. This title is click bait, change it!
The Dude
The Dude - 9 years ago
flynt01 - 9 years ago
"Ya too close, mon!"
hweenmask - 9 years ago
this makes news today? cool whale but wtf......
Bob Kerbs
Bob Kerbs - 9 years ago
They should have shot that fucker. Whales suck. Fuckin useless blubber. What a waste of space.
Bob Kerbs
Bob Kerbs - 9 years ago
Thanks! (Giggling loudly like an imbecile).
reminder: - 9 years ago
+Bob Kerbs great post bro legendary trololo hehehehehehehehehhhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe xD
MrTomMasterVideos - 9 years ago
thx for replaying a boring sequence for about 50 times :)
Peter Burnett
Peter Burnett - 9 years ago
idiot channel boring bs.
RastaSaiyaman - 9 years ago
Ever wondered why that species is called the "Right whale"?

Well it got that name from whalers who cassified it being the "Right" whale to hunt, it's a slow swimmer, it floats when killed and it brings in a lot of whale oil and bayleen.

Quite perverse actually.
Kieran Froud
Kieran Froud - 8 years ago
Thanks for that info ;)
Matte Swe
Matte Swe - 9 years ago
fucking moron surfers
WE WUZ VIKANGS!!! n shiet.
WE WUZ VIKANGS!!! n shiet. - 7 years ago
BIANCA RAMERŹ go fuck yourself.
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 7 years ago
WolfurLily I find them sad!
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 8 years ago
Douglas Heller fuck me your supposition an bigotry is profound! yah fuckn bigoted pleb!
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 8 years ago
dez lucas and another bigoted pleb!
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 8 years ago
Popcorn Chicken an another! Nice BIGOTRY PLEB!
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 8 years ago
Corrosion Giant nice bigotry pleb!
Douglas Heller
Douglas Heller - 8 years ago
While black people kill each other and usually can't afford a camera.
Douglas Heller
Douglas Heller - 8 years ago
No, it's just that black people can't surf.
J.A.G. - 8 years ago
i am
dez lucas
dez lucas - 8 years ago
+Popcorn Chicken If you're black, denounce your heritage immediately..
Nawaf Al
Nawaf Al - 9 years ago
+Popcorn Chicken Face it. Every person in this world is stupid some time/some way... No race or environment can change that fact. Including all of you guys  in this post and me too ;) Let's just admit that fact. Stupidity can't be escaped!
Although it's true what he said: "white people (not all) do stuipid things and record it" I've seen many tv shows just about that lol.
Elsa Debroglie
Elsa Debroglie - 9 years ago
+TheIronGiant 22 Yeah that's why we are universally known as niggers, because white people are stupid right? Fuck off sub human nigger.
J.A.G. - 9 years ago
+Nawaf Al ok then
Nawaf Al
Nawaf Al - 9 years ago
+TheIronGiant 22 Who? ME? lmao. If you believe that, then, who am I to say otherwise?  ;)
J.A.G. - 9 years ago
oh makes sense so your the anti christ from a galaxy far far away
Nawaf Al
Nawaf Al - 9 years ago
+TheIronGiant 22 Um... because he said so...  ?
J.A.G. - 9 years ago
+Daniel Whittaker now why am I the retard
Metalhead Forlife
Metalhead Forlife - 9 years ago
+TheIronGiant 22 Actually, black people CAN be retarded, such as you, especially you, retard.
J.A.G. - 9 years ago
+kullozer13 to soon Lol
Nawaf Al
Nawaf Al - 9 years ago
+TheIronGiant 22 
That what makes MTV's ridiculousness still airing.
biscuit - 9 years ago
+Josiah Gray Well yeah...
J.A.G. - 9 years ago
+Kane i am not being racist i am just saying white people (not all) do stuipid things and record it.
biscuit - 9 years ago
+Josiah Gray I'm white. And i try to avoid stupid shit. And there's no difference being racist. So uh. Yeah. :/
J.A.G. - 9 years ago
+Dan Bodley yeh there are, you just see more white people doing stupid stuff go look at a fail compilation. I bet there will be more white people. Just watch and compilation
J.A.G. - 9 years ago
+Dan Bodley i mean almost all whit people do stuipid things
Dan Bodley
Dan Bodley - 9 years ago
+Josiah Gray lol what the fuck are you talking about
J.A.G. - 9 years ago
+Matte Sverige no its just white people.
YouLoveItBiatch - 9 years ago
WHY aren't we being show that encounter from last year where this whale hospitalized a swimmer?

because ITN news is absolute shite thats why!
Darth Teabagger
Darth Teabagger - 9 years ago
Zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzz zz z
Ay lmao XD? xddd
Ay lmao XD? xddd - 9 years ago
lol that dude swam of real quick.
space puppy
space puppy - 9 years ago
The original surf board was a whale .The whale wanted to give the surfers a ride . Whales don't know how to lash out .
How To Make Sushi
How To Make Sushi - 9 years ago
Hardly lashed out....
MrJamesLongstreet - 6 years ago
Maybe not lashing out, but the whale clearly got irritated on the little inbredded idiots following it - surrounding it - and spanked its tail. End of story. It's just a bummer that the tail didn't hit and break the neck on some of the surfer-idiots... that would send the right message.
hairlesheep - 9 years ago
whale should have swallowed these idiots!
Russell Allen
Russell Allen - 9 years ago
White people these Dazs
Ian Payne
Ian Payne - 9 years ago
Innocent whale tells annoying prick to get out of his house and stop bothering Him/Her
Ambientium Infinitium
Ambientium Infinitium - 9 years ago
expected some human blood... thumbs down.
usless video with a useless title.
and Gravity sucks
matthew watson
matthew watson - 9 years ago
Its fifty foot long and weighs 20 tons if it wanted too it would have fucked dem boys up
nat365 - 9 years ago
In terms of the usual size of Southern Right Whales that one was tiny - and therefore, definitely only a youngster. Harassing children is very bad form (even if they are whale-sized children). They should definitely have left it alone, and especially not surrounded it like that. Being in the water with these animals isn't a problem in and of itself (most whales and dolphins will either ignore people in their environment, or show curiosity and maybe approach, but attacks are very, very rare things - depending on the dolphin or whale species; some have no recorded attacks at all). The laws are there to keep people, but most especially the animals, safe, and prevent their natural behaviours from being interfered with.

Also, whether the animal was lashing out, or simply making an effort to move off, it would definitely have been stressed out being surrounded in that way. As other commenters have pointed out, some killer whale ecotypes hunt these whales - and even without the predatory association, no animal is comfortable with being surrounded by an unknown quantity.
Andrew Masters
Andrew Masters - 9 years ago
Yugan Dali
Yugan Dali - 9 years ago
A giant whale, nice to know it wasn't a tiny whale.
NUK3 Gaming
NUK3 Gaming - 9 years ago
Tri Cities
Tri Cities - 9 years ago
That wasn't even a love tap.
FrankValchiria - 9 years ago
to me it seemed it was just swimming
k - 9 years ago
Yeah cause everybody knows the government guidelines of a whale's swimming area...
Shanananananan Dlan'E
Shanananananan Dlan'E - 9 years ago
here's a thought. quit bugging the whale
413mo413 - 9 years ago
he was turning
1234Molotov - 9 years ago
Hey, look: a wild animal! Let's surround it and act surprised when it tries to destroy us!
LampPeaches - 9 years ago
0:57 how big? ;)
JolietJake64 - 9 years ago
It's cool.  The oceans police, sharks, will be round later to scoff a few of those moron surfers.
The Lenny Leggo Show
The Lenny Leggo Show - 9 years ago
Lashing out?! The whale was just turning to the side. They just kept using that 2 second clip over and over again and nothing happened in the rest of the video. This is the kind of stuff they throw out to the news stations when it's a slow news day.
broadbandislife - 6 years ago
"Give huge sea creatures their personal space" doesn't sound like much of an agenda to me, more like plain common sense...
Airay - 6 years ago
They do that with a lot of clips..Including that stupid blackfish film..Cutting audio and video to fake a scene so the ignorant who just want anything they can grab to push their own agenda some fuel regardless of if its trustable or not.
broadbandislife - 6 years ago
Ironically orca pods do the exact same thing when attacked by bull sperm whales. Hey, whatever works.
Brian Malsch
Brian Malsch - 6 years ago
Whales don’t make sharp and sudden turns like that. They use their tails as hammers to protect them and their young from orcas and larger sharks. It’s been documented several times where humpbacks will strike orcas to protect their calves.
BrickBoyBrian - 6 years ago
True dat
David Davidson
David Davidson - 6 years ago
Oh look we got another armchair expert asshole on youtube
uret7 - 7 years ago
Never a slow news day now with the fake media.
Joseph Anthony Materese
Joseph Anthony Materese - 7 years ago
Yes agree rubbish
911 Tech
911 Tech - 7 years ago
Actually not that amazing. I would imagine you would get a little stressed when you are strolling along casually and all these annoying little things start invading your space and you have no idea of their intention.
Viet Nguyen
Viet Nguyen - 7 years ago
I grew up with humans and I can confirm your statement.
LukeCageforhire - 7 years ago
Nothing good can come from human interaction. Stay the required distance from these animals.
Bajie Frost
Bajie Frost - 7 years ago
Love how everyone is suddenly a marine biologist LOL. Or did you guys do a quick google search? Hahahaha. Smh.
Brenda Sullivan
Brenda Sullivan - 7 years ago
The Lenny Leggo Show yes because if he wanted they'd be dead
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 7 years ago
Viet Nguyen yup!so true peace love an light wise one
Viet Nguyen
Viet Nguyen - 7 years ago
Exactly... and people without a brain will go spread this 'news' that three people died because whales are dangerous and attack random people at the shore. Rumors are so easy to spread when people don't use their brain and think for one second the news that are being shoved down their throats everyday.
Brenda Phillips
Brenda Phillips - 7 years ago
The Lenny Leggo Show ikr
Baby Millo
Baby Millo - 7 years ago
The Lenny Leggo Show ikr
Jonsin 1459
Jonsin 1459 - 7 years ago
True but then again I wouldn't blame the whale for reacting a touch. They are around him like a formation of orca's.
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 7 years ago
Roman Warrior exactly
Roman Warrior
Roman Warrior - 7 years ago
If that animal wanted to "lash out" that guy would be dead, it was warning them off. Like waving your hand at a fly.
Darkasknightfall - 7 years ago
It definitely lashed out. Whales don't make sudden turns like that. It was telling the surfers they were invading its personal space and to keep their distance.
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 7 years ago
Mike 2 !! people who demonise someone for an opinion an give them labels are retarded!! is that what u meant!! haha!! peace love an light
Marc Able Noonan
Marc Able Noonan - 7 years ago
The Lenny Leggo Show whatever gets the point across. I live in the Pacific Northwest. The Puget Sound is home to at least two Orca Pods. The bottom line. STAY AWAY FROM MARINE MAMMALS. Especially the Whales. Whales are peaceful but will lash out. All it takes is one strike from its POWERFUL FLUKE and you are dead.
Shawn Hall
Shawn Hall - 7 years ago
The Lenny Leggo Show you obviously don't know anything about whales it was a warning sign dude
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 8 years ago
Mis Nii haha glad i made u laugh! peace love an light chickah
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 8 years ago
Those surfers should respect its space! our personal space is a metre! as are arms are that long! The surfer moves into the whales eyesight from a blind spot! so he gives him a warning! Thease guys are lucky! if the whale was in a bad mood or had young ! well it would be a different story! Think the madia( intentional) should report how stupid thease dumb fucks are esp the parents! an prosecute them! You can bet if i got in there face on a sat night ! they'd lash out an then get stomped! after which they would run to the cops for help! sad fuckers shouldnt be allowed on boards! THINK WE SHOULD START A CAMPAIGN! SURFERS AGAINST FUCK UPS! ESP ON BOARDS! ;"/ PEACE LOVE AN LIGHT PEEPS
Douglas Heller
Douglas Heller - 8 years ago
Well, those surfers certainly interpreted it as an aggressive move. Definitely looked like a warning...
meow - 9 years ago
+The Lenny Leggo Show I am not too sure i would say the whale is 'lashing out' either. But he definitely gave those surfers a warning to stay back. It's amazing how easily these animals can get stressed out. You'd think the surfers would know that too and respect their space!
The Lenny Leggo Show
The Lenny Leggo Show - 9 years ago
+Fickdich Blickaufdieberge Nah, if it were lashing out, it would do a lot more than two tail lashes that came no where near hitting the kayaks 
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge - 9 years ago
+The Lenny Leggo Show actually was lashing out. Twice, that the camera caught.They don't make sudden turns like that. They're like elephants, writ large. The only time you see them move quickly is when they're trying to impress other whales, or warning something that's making them uncomfortable. By themselves they're graceful, slow and paced, because they need to conserve energy. Tail thrashing is a warning behavior.
GrounDLifteR - 9 years ago
+The Lenny Leggo Show Hahhaha yea they just kept repeating "huge lash"
Herkko Koskinen
Herkko Koskinen - 9 years ago
+TheLennyLegoShow lol, yeah... 

I mean sure; that could've hurt a dudebro near the tail, but the whale only used the tail to turn - nothing more. If it was actually feeling aggressive - I'm fairly sure they'd know.
Nicholas Evans
Nicholas Evans - 9 years ago
Surfers??? Fuck off they wern't surfers! Was some cock on a SUP and the rest were on those boards the clubbies use.
Giacomo Ferrario
Giacomo Ferrario - 9 years ago
You stupid Morons should have been drowned. ASSHOLES!!! GF, US Army Veteran, Sgt. (f*** you)
Sithu Htel
Sithu Htel - 9 years ago
try that with white sharks and see if they d lash out  too like that whale
Shawn S
Shawn S - 9 years ago
+Sithu Htel These idiots will probably mistake a great white for a whale some day and the rest will be history.
Rosita - 9 years ago
I love to admire animals in their natural habitat but I mean c'mon it doesn't take a genius to realize that you need to give the animal some space. It would be no different if a strange person was in your personal space, way to close, and wouldnt leave you alone and you didn't know what they were going to do next wether they were a threat or not . Of course you're naturally going to react and try and get away at all cost. It's a wild animal it doesn't know that you're not a threat all it knows is you're a threat and shouldn't be that close.
Kmp74 - 9 years ago
Hardly lashing out, typical journalist sensationalism
xFaTe / max iv
xFaTe / max iv - 6 years ago
bob webb No. The whale was just moving.
bob webb
bob webb - 8 years ago
that is lashing out for an 80 ton creature that swims....... typical youtube moron.
Ferrarifan12 - 9 years ago
Martin Uzunov
Martin Uzunov - 9 years ago
+hunclemike haha luv u
mlcred - 9 years ago
+11SPYKES I'd hardly call ODN "journalists"
Walter E. Kurtz
Walter E. Kurtz - 9 years ago
+11SPYKES Exactly.
theunraveler - 9 years ago
Whale: cheeky cunts <waves tail>
Ruth Blagden
Ruth Blagden - 9 years ago
RC R - 9 years ago
Yeah , somethings just don't want to be hugged, go figure. Try a great white, I hear they love to give kisses. Lol
James Bailey
James Bailey - 9 years ago
They were pissing it off
NightStar787 - 9 years ago
2 on one side of the whale and 1 on the other...and the whale lashed out at the lone surfer. I'm guessing the morons made the whale feel like it was going to be attacked from the lone surfer while being boxed in by the two surfers on it's other side. Don't go fucking with whales xD
Dom Burke
Dom Burke - 9 years ago
Humans are utter cunts...
LampPeaches - 9 years ago
+Ruser wow finally for you 
User - 9 years ago

LampPeaches - 9 years ago
+GREENnWHITE1000 Grammar does not matter on the internet. Only smartasses or dumb fucking foreigners think it does. Also if you can't + don't do it. 
Dom Burke
Dom Burke - 9 years ago
+Scrub Lord * you're
LampPeaches - 9 years ago
+GREENnWHITE1000 I'am? My god your retarded
Dom Burke
Dom Burke - 9 years ago
+David Burrows I'am the cunt of all cunts!
JAPP John Andrew Patrick Peters
JAPP John Andrew Patrick Peters - 9 years ago
Snipe the humans in the head!
Dan Weller
Dan Weller - 9 years ago
Sedin Magic15
Sedin Magic15 - 9 years ago
Stupid, some people are just plain stupid. What do they expect when they paddle right up next to it? It needs it's personal space just like we do. Give it it's 100 meters like the law requires you to.
Alsin - 6 years ago
tf are you asked a whale if he needs a space? smh, ppl are so dumb. Whales are extremely curious animal such as humans are. His moves was just changing direction, not more.
Carla Bunn
Carla Bunn - 6 years ago
Mark Valley , you are correct.
Marc A
Marc A - 7 years ago
That’s aussies for you. In competition with United States for dumbest people in the world
Pro fessional
Pro fessional - 7 years ago
face? no guarantee that it ll be their face. it could be ANYTHING. If they know the rule and still do it, they cant hide behind "we r kids"...
Mark Valley
Mark Valley - 7 years ago
still kids are kids.If they got hit in the face its thier fault.
Pro fessional
Pro fessional - 7 years ago
surfing 101, dont mess with animals in the ocean for any reason!!!
Mark Valley
Mark Valley - 7 years ago
Dude they were just kids they didnt know any better.Come on man.
Pro fessional
Pro fessional - 7 years ago
you are absolutely right.... but 100 meters is just what laws say. how bout leaving the animal totally alone like it deserves to be....? :)
bowrudder - 7 years ago
Of course it does. Nawaf Al acts like this is only an American phenomenon.
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 7 years ago
bowrudder Actually it totally does! google it! peace love an light bro
bowrudder - 7 years ago
Nawaf Al
You mean Australia doesn't have laws covering such things?
Siward Beorn
Siward Beorn - 7 years ago
Pete THE REAL Relentless Haha! Good one bro ! However you did have Tony ABBOT AN RUDD HAHA!
Damien Darlington
Damien Darlington - 9 years ago
why didn't the whale use his fucking indicators??? his insurance would have gone through the roof if he collided with surfboards!!! 2 years no claims down the pan & 2 years in a fish tank for death by dangerous swimming!!!!
Nawaf Al
Nawaf Al - 9 years ago
+Xlora Yalta You mean Australia is an American state? :o
Xlora Yaltova
Xlora Yaltova - 9 years ago
+Sedin Magic Australians are not the smartest people on earth.
Scary Cat
Scary Cat - 9 years ago
AceManny your profile pic makes me LMFAO, you ol' dick n' da bootyhole lookin ass niggggaa
Manny wit dat hoodie
Manny wit dat hoodie - 9 years ago
+Sedin Magic LMFAO
Araldor123 - 9 years ago
it just showed it move it tail once about 15 times haha
wolf y
wolf y - 9 years ago
777jonah888 - 10 years ago
looks like humpback and is an adolescent-- not giant in whale terms
Anne B.
Anne B. - 10 years ago
And when someone gets hurt they'll want to blame the Whale... who is clearly being harassed by these people. They're lucky all it did was flick it's tail finin at them. These are protected mammals by international law and they should know better than to do this. 
wilson blauheuer
wilson blauheuer - 10 years ago
what kind of fish is that?
Anne B.
Anne B. - 9 years ago
The reporter on the video said it was a Southern Right Whale, so I am inclined to agree with her. But it is a Whale none the less, not a Fish... Whales are mammals.  I don't believe I watched the full video at the time.. I glanced at it and it looked similar to me. It's not a federal case. It's just a damn Whale. 
The Invisible Resistance
The Invisible Resistance - 9 years ago
That is absolutely not a blue whale, it has none of the common characteristics blue whales have!
Anne B.
Anne B. - 10 years ago
That's not a fish, it's a Blue Whale, it's a mammal. 
Ibushi - 10 years ago
Maybe it's fine if it was one, but three of them surrounding him like that reminds me of pack animals hunting. Tigers surrounding a buffalo? If there are similar predators in the ocean, the whale was probably reminded of a past experience and lashed out.
hallamittuna - 6 years ago
Would be more like fleas surrounding a warthog.
Hi, I'm Hot Rod
Hi, I'm Hot Rod - 7 years ago
Tigers hunt in groups.
Ej MoreG
Ej MoreG - 7 years ago
Ibushi Uhhh.....Tigers hunt solo...
DemocracyOfHypocrisy - 9 years ago
Only predators in the ocean that hunt in a pack are killer whales to my knowledge, and its called a pod, not a pack. And I'm sure someone has told you already but tigers do not hunt in packs lol. Those are lions you're thinking of. Not defending the surf bums, they should have backed off. But still, tigers pack animals? C'mon man...
Rookie Freediver
Rookie Freediver - 9 years ago
+Ibushi Dude the whale was turning. Friggen goon. If it "lashed out" they would have been squishyed.
reminder: - 9 years ago
+Ibushi Tigers pack hunting?
Anyways people do this kind of thing all the time but to me, through the surfer's body language, it seems more like they were a bit apprehensive, in the least. Their hearts were likely beating faster & their movements were a bit choppy, so the whale just understood that & said "you guys are making me uncomfortable" with that tail flick.
shewolf51 - 10 years ago
You're likely right. The way the surfers had positioned themselves around the whale seemed strikingly similar to the way a pod of Orcas would. Which doesn't help considering Orcas actually do hunt Southern Right Whales.
 What they did was incredibly stupid since one serious smack from that tail could potentially kill any one of them.
Rob Gallagher
Rob Gallagher - 10 years ago
fucking numbnuts, if the whale wants to interact with you, come closer it will on it's on, i had an experience 6 years ago and guess what? the whale came near us, we did not chase it
HelenHighwater - 10 years ago
Stupid human tricks.
babsfocker - 10 years ago
don't worry Mr. whale, I'll send Mr. Jaws to get them. they were pretty stupid to go out that far on a stupid board
hallamittuna - 6 years ago
Leave horses alone please.
Luke Skyballer
Luke Skyballer - 6 years ago
If you're keeping count. 6 people are killed a year by sharks. 100 million sharks are killed by humans a year. So.......
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 10 years ago
No wonder the whale lashed out, they behave the way predators did so the whale lashed out.  C'mon people you should know these things when using their ocean!
Vkred 8
Vkred 8 - 7 years ago
caveman Versace Hay moron they keep replaying the same 2 seconds over and over. The whale was just turning, watch the original vídeo.
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 9 years ago
+AngelicHorse Appreciate the concern.  How ever it is the internet so idiots are plentiful.  I doubt the dude has even seen the ocean.
AngelicHorse - 9 years ago
+Rookie Freediver so if you are in my space i need to physically hit you instead of telling you to back off? makes perfect sense................ feel bad for you caveman, arguing with an idiot like this
Rookie Freediver
Rookie Freediver - 9 years ago
+caveman Versace I am someone who actually watched the damn video and isnt going to imagine shit that didnt happen in the video just because I want it to be there.


Rookie Freediver
Rookie Freediver - 9 years ago
+caveman Versace At least I am not a liar that has to imagine something that's not there when I watch a video. 
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 9 years ago
+Rookie Freediver Yeah you're a real expert.
Rookie Freediver
Rookie Freediver - 9 years ago
+caveman Versace The whale in this video didn't shove anyone...
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 9 years ago
+Rookie Freediver The whales always shove the boats if they get too close to the calves.  The boats aren't small either.
Rookie Freediver
Rookie Freediver - 9 years ago
+caveman Versace The whale didn't lash out, it was just turning. If it "lashed out" they would be smushed into goo.
whisperingthylacine - 10 years ago
I'd be pissed too if I were surrounded by gawking idiots.
germanylicious - 10 years ago
Ck T
Ck T - 10 years ago
these aren't surfers, they're idiot paddle boarders
Young Terd
Young Terd - 10 years ago
Why is it always about Sydney's fishy's
LOMan - 10 years ago
Considering they can live to be 200 years old, you know someone took a swing at this one sometime in the past and it escaped the Inuit or a whaler....
Ed Kelly
Ed Kelly - 7 years ago
Why are people even mentioning a Bowhead Whale?
The original statement was about a the Southern Right whale but because LOMan (the dick who made that statement) couldn't back it up, so he has put a completely different species (from a very dubious Wikipedia entry as the source to his claim).
Then he says Intuits (in Australia or southern water ??? )and whalers which are also bullshit statements(whaling was banned her a hundred years ago)..3 for 3 in his OP and then an extremely dubious claim at best for his second post trying to prove he's right.
Every single species of Whale's life expectancy is about the same as humans, they are mammals after all (and Elephants also a large mammal also lives about the same length of time as a human) ..
So this loman idiot seems to think that one species out of every single species of whale including their very close cousins who live and eat the same food in the same waters (the Humpback whale) Bow head whales live over twice as long?? Bullshit.
Ed Kelly
Ed Kelly - 7 years ago
You failed on 3 things in your first post you idiot. Inuits? Australia, not even anywhere in the Southern hemisphere has any Inuits at all, A whaler ? Whaling been banned here about a hundred years.
Stop pasting up comments about something you know little about as if they are fact. and then argue the point as if you have one. You're wrong on every statement you made in your OP. but still wouldn't admit it. You're a fucking idiot. Making mistakes is one thing but then arguing and trying to prove your right by digging your self into a deeper hole just makes your statements look even worse.
Ed Kelly
Ed Kelly - 7 years ago
That's why your source was about a completely different breed then was it?
Dean Hannah
Dean Hannah - 9 years ago
+Kimmy Kakes 'Just evolution. One species will generally be an exception to the rule and outlive its 'cousins' Human beings have lived for 120 years whereas the other great apes average a lifespan of 50 years. You could argue that it is only medicine that has allowed this but that too is a part of evolution where our brains grew to the point where we could ponder and deduce such miracles of medicine and technology to allow this.

There are also other examples of a species living longer than others of its kind such as giant tortoises, termites (albeit the queen and not the worker drones) or parrots in general who tend to love longer than other species of bird (although there are a few exceptions to this one as well such as the flamingo who lived to be about 85 or so). Evolution dictates longevity as well as many other things. The Bowhead whale is thought to live so long due to living in a very cold climate and, consequently, having an extremely slow metabolism.
Kimmy Kakes
Kimmy Kakes - 9 years ago
+Dean Hannah
Obviously you did understand my last comment. I think it is odd that a particular species has such a radical difference in life span
Dean Hannah
Dean Hannah - 9 years ago
+Kimmy Kakes Are you just trolling by any chance?
Kimmy Kakes
Kimmy Kakes - 9 years ago
+Dean Hannah
Have not used google in years. Bing is so much better, give it a try. Just odd that some can live 150% longer than others. Amazing that some things are still living since Christ walked the earth
Dean Hannah
Dean Hannah - 9 years ago
+Kimmy Kakes Try reading that again. In fact here is another way of saying the same thing with a little more info for you in order to digest the information easier:

A Bowhead Whale can live to around 200 years old. The average age of a whale (that means across all other species) can be compared to that of a human at around 80 years old. 

That is to say that most whales live around 80 or so years and so do human beings and that Bowhead whales are an exception to that and the oldest one, that we know of, is recorded at approximately 200 years. If you don't believe me then give it a google. Why would you think that I meant that humans live to be 200? Anyway, I hope that clears that up for you.
Kimmy Kakes
Kimmy Kakes - 9 years ago
+Dean Hannah
Humans do not live to 200
Dean Hannah
Dean Hannah - 9 years ago
+William Young Bowhead whales can live to be 200 although that is still rare for them. The average age of a whale across all species is comparable to the age of a human (80 years or so).
Kimmy Kakes
Kimmy Kakes - 9 years ago
Good point
xXP1LLZxX - 9 years ago
All of you guys are wrong, and dumb.. Everyone knows a whale dies after it stings someone and loses its stinger..
Kimmy Kakes
Kimmy Kakes - 10 years ago
I looked and damn the numbers are all over the place on the lifespan. Some say 60-70 years, some state 100-150 years and some state 200 years. Obviously none of the scientist can agree. But that was for Bowhead  whales
LOMan - 10 years ago
I never fail.
Kimmy Kakes
Kimmy Kakes - 10 years ago
You failed. Speculation only. Damn!!
LOMan - 10 years ago
William Young
William Young - 10 years ago
What's your source for that? oldest right whale recorded was estimated at 70 years, nowhere near 200.
Mitchell McCullough
Mitchell McCullough - 10 years ago
really they can live to 200 that's crazy i didn't know that that cool. 
Jamie Welton
Jamie Welton - 10 years ago
why surround it? arse clowns they deserve it
TheAnzuGod - 10 years ago
It's not lashing out it's moving every living thing dose it. And secondly if the Whale lashed out it's their dumbass fault if i had people surrounding me i'd be stressed too.. They're not even allowed to swim that close to an endangered animal.
Bk Jeong
Bk Jeong - 9 years ago
+Walking with Dinos4Life It did lash out to the side. agreed on the second point
「Spikanor」 - 10 years ago
Ashwin Chiba
Ashwin Chiba - 10 years ago
it should have hit one of them with its tail assssssswhipes.
TheMrcooll - 10 years ago
TheChoujinVirus - 10 years ago
this is where folks should have learned from the Crocodile Hunter
Jamie Welton
Jamie Welton - 10 years ago
yeah he was a thick fuck as well
David R. Pitt
David R. Pitt - 10 years ago
"lashing out with it's tail." Right. That's ""lashing out." And if the whale had taken a shit then and there, it would have been "psycho whale murders family of surfers and expresses no remorse."
Samson Glass
Samson Glass - 10 years ago
they should know better, acting like children
Chani P
Chani P - 10 years ago
Ugh leave the whale alone.
Incertus Veritas
Incertus Veritas - 10 years ago
Respect nature... don't be a wanker.
GunstarGizmo - 10 years ago
Where are the sharks when you need them?
Poeticriffraff er
Poeticriffraff er - 10 years ago
This was retarded.  Boring, and not worthy of the minute of time I wasted here.  Unsubscribed,
Yowie adventures
Yowie adventures - 9 years ago
Wish I had read this comment before I wasted my time too.... Oh no it nearly splashed that surfer.... What will he do if he gets wet? Tune in next week to see him towel his injuries dry.
ImmortalKombat - 9 years ago
Yeah I'm going to start flagging this shit
Poeticriffraff er
Poeticriffraff er - 9 years ago
lmao you are forgiven
InterstellarGenisys - 9 years ago
+Poeticriffraff er Sorry, didn't know. Please forgive me.
Poeticriffraff er
Poeticriffraff er - 9 years ago
Oh I'm calm no worries dude

Just because I'm relaying facts in caps doesn't mean I am not calm
InterstellarGenisys - 9 years ago
+Poeticriffraff er Cerm Dern Mern.
Poeticriffraff er
Poeticriffraff er - 9 years ago
+Mia Clark
Mia Clark
Mia Clark - 9 years ago
Poet your a retard!
Poeticriffraff er
Poeticriffraff er - 9 years ago
You're forgiven man.
InterstellarGenisys - 10 years ago
+Poeticriffraff er Ah... I see your point. Sorry.
Poeticriffraff er
Poeticriffraff er - 10 years ago
Actually writing the comment was not a waste of time, because if anyone happens to see it they can turn the video off before wasting their life.  I am a hero.
InterstellarGenisys - 10 years ago
Aren't you wasting more time by writing a comment?
Freddy Fazbear
Freddy Fazbear - 10 years ago
alot of mad peta hippie fags in these comments
Deb Salzer
Deb Salzer - 10 years ago
Right Whales are EXTREMELY endangered! Arrest the idiots.
Karl Slicher
Karl Slicher - 10 years ago
So drones can be used to patrol swimming areas to warn of approaching sharks. Good, they can stop the cull and make the beaches safer.
Hendo56 - 10 years ago
She could have taught them a real lesson. But with a non harmful swish of her flukes she made her irritation known. While I can understand one wanting to get a good look, it should be at a safe distance that causes the whale no stress.
emptyangel - 10 years ago
serves them right... idiots
Hulk Mania
Hulk Mania - 10 years ago
Stupid ppl
Politically Correct
Politically Correct - 10 years ago
hoot1369 - 10 years ago
Too bad it didn't eat one...or three
PandaLivesMatter - 10 years ago
I think these surfers annoyed the poor whale like how mosquitos and flies annoy humans. Just leave it alone!
Emma Robinson
Emma Robinson - 7 years ago
PandaLivesMatter that what they just said
annieladysmith - 10 years ago
Surfers get hit on the head a lot with their surf boards and smoke weed, stupid morons, LEAVE THE WHALES ALONE.
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 10 years ago
+Muhammed ibn Salaam
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 10 years ago
+Muhammed ibn Salaam
Troll hater
Anna Cornykova
Anna Cornykova - 10 years ago
+Muhammed ibn Salaam Troll
takanara7 - 10 years ago
+annieladysmith All Muslims believe in Jesus, it's part of their religion. They think he was a prophet, like Mohammad.
annieladysmith - 10 years ago
+Muhammed ibn Salaam No ur not.  People r believing in Jesus all over the Moslem world.  He is getting his people back.  U can't martyr them fast enough, more and more everyday.  Praise Jesus Chist   The Jews started Islam to kil Christians.  Piss-off! 
annieladysmith - 10 years ago
+Muhammed ibn Salaam yes, praying for an l end to this evil world and wicked people like u.  U r in danger of eternal doom. 
annieladysmith - 10 years ago
+Amber Crystal It is beyond horrible and I pray for a speedy end to this evil world. 
JohnPaul Dixon
JohnPaul Dixon - 10 years ago
Serves the dozy buggers right.The surfers seem to think they have some divine right to do whatever they want whilst conveniently forgetting they're in the whale's territory one which is rapidly being destroyed by irresponsible farming & pollution.Just a shame the whale's tail didn't whack at least one of the surfers clean out of the water.
‫‫‫‫‫‫ - 10 years ago
they should of shot them wtih the 50cal on the heli
Graeme Dixon
Graeme Dixon - 10 years ago
BVargas78 - 10 years ago
Leave the whale alone, or we will open fire! Is what they should say to japanese and icelanders that hunt whales.
Tylo Vids
Tylo Vids - 7 years ago
BVargas78 ikr
Evolved Turtle Productions
Evolved Turtle Productions - 7 years ago
And these idiots, lol
Doughboy - 7 years ago
icelanders use everything of the whale
use the meat
use the bones

japanese people only go for meat
FreshUF - 8 years ago
Amen. Preach brother, preach
Chilllaxxinn - 10 years ago
Why weren't they arrested?
Luke Skyballer
Luke Skyballer - 6 years ago
What law did they break? Don't ride your surf board by whales law.
Irish Warrior
Irish Warrior - 7 years ago
Because its not north Korea you fuckin fag
AzRaeL - 7 years ago
Chill dude
bryan willis
bryan willis - 7 years ago
This is Australia
Jay Dreams
Jay Dreams - 7 years ago
Well one was a minor I'm sure right guys and they probably would get banned if anything..
Brenda Phillips
Brenda Phillips - 7 years ago
Chilllaxxinn ikr
allycookie2009 - 9 years ago
+Mr3665464 Because "the guy next to him" doesn't have the power to give permission.
Manny wit dat hoodie
Manny wit dat hoodie - 9 years ago
+Walking with Dinos4Life who care about the goverment all i want is to see all sea animal dead now im scared to go in the water because i watch too much shark attack
TheAnzuGod - 9 years ago
+AceManny No because humans are acting like assholes. That's why the government didn't do anything.
Manny wit dat hoodie
Manny wit dat hoodie - 9 years ago
+Chilllaxxinn because the whale was just acting like a bitch
Dean Hannah
Dean Hannah - 9 years ago
+Anonymous Not true. As stated in the topic it is an offence to swim that close to a whale and you need special permissions to do so. I don't know what law they could have thrown at them but they could have had them fined if they wanted to.
Don't be so naive about the 'Land of Opportunity', law still governs all of us whether it be America or Australia.
TheAnzuGod - 9 years ago
+xXP1LLZxX Thank you for that comment. I am an American but i agree with you just because you're an American doesn't mean you can do that kind of shit.
xXP1LLZxX - 9 years ago
+Anonymous lmao "this is murica" shut your retarded yank ass up, first of all this is in Sydney Australia, and second it is illegal to be that close to a whale, they have regulations and shit.. They will enforce em too.. Stupid American.. This ain't the USA where you can do whatever you please..
xXP1LLZxX - 9 years ago
Because they're white..
xwriter100 - 10 years ago
Too bad the whale didn't take a couple of them out with his tail. Jerks disturbing an endangered animal have no sense. I don't know about whales but I know in Florida they have laws against jerks molesting the Manatees. People are always trying to mess with wild animals. Just let them alone. They aren't here for your stupid amusement.
Chilllaxxinn - 10 years ago
One is illegal, the other isn't. You should look into it. Also, might wanna check your attitude why you're at it too.
TheAnzuGod - 10 years ago
I'm not saying all those bastards in the media are any better. Animals especially endangered animals like this aren't meant to be played with.
TheAnzuGod - 10 years ago
I didn't say anything about getting arrested. I'm saying it isn't fucking right.
TheAnzuGod - 10 years ago
+Anonymous I don't care if it's America or not. that Whale was surrounded by ignorant people and looked pretty damned stressed.
RobloxGameingMaster - 10 years ago
Youre picks that plank from ed ed and eddy and why the fuck would they even get that close
Chilllaxxinn - 10 years ago
+Poeticriffraff er Oh no you sound frustrated. Is there something bugging you that you want to talk about? 
Poeticriffraff er
Poeticriffraff er - 10 years ago
Fucking idiot.  Go hoop your forehead.  
Poeticriffraff er
Poeticriffraff er - 10 years ago
+Chilllaxxinn an*
Chilllaxxinn - 10 years ago
+Poeticriffraff er I promise as long as you don't ever become and English teacher. 
Poeticriffraff er
Poeticriffraff er - 10 years ago
+Chilllaxxinn Dont ever become a cop, please.  You will ruin lives for now reason.  Idiot,
Anonymous - 10 years ago
+Chilllaxxinn You can get a ticket.  This is America, you're free to swim or go pretty much every where.  They can't tell you how close you can get to an animal.
saintⓋearth - 10 years ago
I'm thinking a ticket/ fine would be appropriate but not arrested.  There wasn't any victim. 
Chilllaxxinn - 10 years ago
+saintearth It's illegal to swim that close to a whale. Even people at the beach where calling them back. 
saintⓋearth - 10 years ago
What do you think they did to deserve being arrested?

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