Glacier Surfing Alaska

World champion big wave surfers, Garrett McNamara and Kealii Mamala rode into surfing history last week when they towed into a monster tsunami created by Child's Glacier in South-Central Alaska. The creator/producer, Ryan Casey, "disovered" the wave in 1995, while on location shooting in Alaska. Then after finishing his last film, Quest, a documentary on big wave surfing, he showed Garrett the wave... that was six months ago. So after a short scout in June, we went up in August to film this... For more information contact: info@deepwaterfilms or Ryan @

Glacier Surfing Alaska sentiment_very_dissatisfied 91

Surf 17 years ago 1,566,150 views

World champion big wave surfers, Garrett McNamara and Kealii Mamala rode into surfing history last week when they towed into a monster tsunami created by Child's Glacier in South-Central Alaska. The creator/producer, Ryan Casey, "disovered" the wave in 1995, while on location shooting in Alaska. Then after finishing his last film, Quest, a documentary on big wave surfing, he showed Garrett the wave... that was six months ago. So after a short scout in June, we went up in August to film this... For more information contact: info@deepwaterfilms or Ryan @

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Most popular comments
for Glacier Surfing Alaska

salvationship - 9 years ago
+scott mullens
They did not and could not have broken off any part of that glacier. When I was a boy we used to shoot large guns at it so that the sound would cause calving. The forrest service frowns on that now for some reason. All of that ice face  is going to fall before winter, leaving it at a very gradual slope until the water level rises again. Nothing short of nuking that ice cube could possibly be "environmentally reckless". I would however like to see a thousand kilos of C4 go off up along the whole face for one hell of a show someday.
salvationship - 9 years ago
Global warming my ass. That glacier is growing, not shrinking. The river eats away from under the leading edge as the glacier protrudes into it and that is what make it calve. I know the truth behind global warming. I have two thermometers, one made in 1974, it has mercury in it, and when it reads 31-32 degrees F. water freezes. I have a brand new one that always reads four degrees higher. Humans cannot keep up with how well mommy nature recycles our attempts at changing nature. Africans are complaining that we are making their lands uninhabitable, I say look at the place, it has been going south for a long time. Also, I don't study any of this, I am just spouting off half remembered crap that I choose to buy into because I like my generators and vehicles, and would rather be delusional than be a hypocrite.
Irrel Evant
Irrel Evant - 7 years ago
says the delusional hypocrite
Always AK otto
Always AK otto - 9 years ago
I live here in Alaska, have been out to that Glacier, it is outside the little fishing town of Cordova, and it extends into the copper river. I have seen here where some idiots say the video is fake, how ignorant! It was real, I have been out there many times, most of you posting are simply clueless on how it is up here in awesome Alaska. Good,hopefully that will keep most away. Simple.
salvationship - 9 years ago
+Always AK otto I have been to Childs Glacier many times. I have seen a seal body surf on a wave, I have witnessed bears and eagles come for fish that have washed up onto shore like they hear the dinner bell in the thunderous calving, and I have seen a piece of ice skip across the river and land fifty feet from us. It was the size and shape of a Subaru. But unfortunately I missed these guys surfing it. I have seen a kayaker go up and touch the face of it. Pretty brave/stupid. Like slapping a brown bear I suppose.
Melting Sky
Melting Sky - 10 years ago
Surfing a glacial tsunami. Truly Godly.
the plebeians
the plebeians - 11 years ago
insane! and supercool! you should be nicknamed "iceman,,
SApsycho714 - 12 years ago
Another day in South-Central.....
xevious2501 - 12 years ago
Stupidity is bliss. literally
russel carvatte
russel carvatte - 12 years ago
the earth is joking; she s laught and smooth, again, si le train avait pu partir à temps, j' aurai pris un slip , et une diseuse de bonne aventure . Ah César, réveille toi, elle file le coton
Jesus Hernandez
Jesus Hernandez - 12 years ago
Studio Flow day 3, I got #Chills they multiplying.. Uff

10. comment for Glacier Surfing Alaska

JayStarzz - 12 years ago
Wai Surf Tenerife
Wai Surf Tenerife - 12 years ago
Paul Goree
Paul Goree - 12 years ago
I bet the hairs on your back are tingling...pretty awesome ride!!!
Tyler Tomkins
Tyler Tomkins - 12 years ago
That is straight up redic
Todd Obara
Todd Obara - 12 years ago
Nice one mate! Looks like spanner water... It'll tighten your nuts!
OceanRootsBand - 12 years ago
Kealii is walkin' on the TIDE....we love you man....Ocean Roots gang on the 3rd coast.......
msk1911 - 12 years ago
justanotherbrosky - 13 years ago
notice they don't pan down past his chest so as to avoid the massive piss stain that is inevitably engulfing the bottom of his wetsuit
Ryan Rowe
Ryan Rowe - 13 years ago
Btw Canada is for assholes
Ryan Rowe
Ryan Rowe - 13 years ago
@darkprince nobody gives a shit about ur political views 1 because they're retarded and 2 because this is a surf video! Go comment on a video about politics

20. comment for Glacier Surfing Alaska

Pharaoh Prince
Pharaoh Prince - 13 years ago
Oh sweet... just looked up insular area on wiki. I cant VOTE or take a position in OFFICE outside of where I was born!!! Even though I wasnt born on the East!!! Good... like I wanted to goto office or vote for some drama show on CNN.
Pharaoh Prince
Pharaoh Prince - 13 years ago
What I was talking about below. I only glanced at it but was looking at SWAINS ISLAND (owned by New Zealand). Ya usa gained Independence haha does that really mean anything? Haha omfg.
Pharaoh Prince
Pharaoh Prince - 13 years ago
Wow... Alaska is bigger than texas. Alaska needs to change their name if something happens (probably wont but I would anyways). usa is retarded. I see how they are tryign to infiltrate and sneak their way in through any means. JFK gave a speech about it. Cant remember the date but its on illuminati vids. If you all think really really hard. Guess whos really in charge of usa?
tc2103sd - 13 years ago
brought to you by global warming.
nrw andromedav
nrw andromedav - 13 years ago
alaska is ok
Paul Houghton
Paul Houghton - 13 years ago
@writer125 They're wearing dry suits you retard.
writer125 - 13 years ago
And what would they do if something happened? And I can't even imagaine how cold that water was by those icebergs. HYypothermia comes to mind. Very Stupid.
Osama Bin Trappin
Osama Bin Trappin - 13 years ago
BubbaUnit - 13 years ago
@musiclover3385 Hahaha. Perfect

30. comment for Glacier Surfing Alaska

IMRicksta - 13 years ago
That's radical dude, cowabunga
jdj63 - 13 years ago
magrao2017 - 13 years ago
You are crazy
Leif - 13 years ago
sebluke1 - 13 years ago
the dick who keeps shouting holy shit gets on my fucking nerves!
Big Rig Productions
Big Rig Productions - 13 years ago
his boobs kept him warm ahahha
Daniel Rhys
Daniel Rhys - 13 years ago
Bluddy hell he's a nutter!!!
anotherstreetskater - 13 years ago
@PatrickMc1nerney veery. cold.
Patrick McInerney
Patrick McInerney - 13 years ago
@anonymous812 Oh wow, that's cold! Thanks
KushKiashi - 13 years ago
and 1:11-1:30 thats what she said
KushKiashi - 13 years ago
David Hansen
David Hansen - 13 years ago
@onlyoneak you mean lower 49 right???
Patrick McInerney
Patrick McInerney - 13 years ago
@elponcho1979 Uhh I don't get what you're saying..??
elponcho1979 - 13 years ago
@PatrickMc1nerney Have you seen ice in Cancun????
Patrick McInerney
Patrick McInerney - 13 years ago
How cold's the water??
Poop Fart
Poop Fart - 13 years ago
hahaha geography and nationality fights!!!!
Borat Erali Nazarbayev
Borat Erali Nazarbayev - 13 years ago
Alaskans are crazy !! It seems fun though ... Alaska's nature is one of the most beautifull and impressive i've ever seen
Raimundo Gant
Raimundo Gant - 13 years ago
yea buddy
makattak88 - 13 years ago
@onlyoneak I'm still surprised you even know where Canada is. fuckin ignorant ingrate american.
CaptBH2 - 13 years ago

50. comment for Glacier Surfing Alaska

KBERAY09 - 13 years ago
brah das wun HAWAIIAN! cheee pono!
Ryan L
Ryan L - 13 years ago
freezing watter plus giant falling ice plus huge wave = a good idea
Nomoreidsleft - 13 years ago
And who pays to rescue these guys when something goes wrong? They should be charged for the cost of any rescue effort, in case it's needed.
r1pster - 13 years ago
@GunNut1993 ok its not real i believe you.
Ghetto Frosty
Ghetto Frosty - 14 years ago
bro, you just live multiple lifetimes in a matter of moments!
XxjhoselxX - 14 years ago
r1pster - 14 years ago
myfaith777ify - 14 years ago
makattak88 - 14 years ago
@makattak88 GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU SELF RIGHTEOUS PRICK. It was supposed to be Canadian soil, then some American came and bought it behind Canadian backs. Go learn some history you dumb fuck!
makattak88 - 14 years ago
fucking alaska. supposed to be canadian land. who the fuck has a country separated by another country? fuck you alaska, you are canadian. not douche bag americans.
drigotechbras - 14 years ago
crazy f guy!!!
jamiller83 - 14 years ago
that shit has got to be cold as ice LOL
xpez - 14 years ago
1:15 he is like a human grizzly cub...that surfs
Tanner Bowling
Tanner Bowling - 14 years ago
@Zepster77 i love old people
rdrums89 - 14 years ago
@brandonlau bah, i find myself assuming you think the fact the glacial melting is significant. even though you only simply stated it. there are just as many studies that suggest the ice has melted and returned 5 times, like a cycle, as far as we can record.
rdrums89 - 14 years ago
@brandonlau Interesting. I did look it up on Google scholar. Though i just suggested that comment as food for thought. Unfortunately, I find it hard to logically believe anything about the climate at this point. its just too early in our research to really 'know' anything. but the way i look at it; things change, and we've adapted to deal with it..
rdrums89 - 14 years ago
@brandonlau Why do you think I'm an idiot?
rdrums89 - 14 years ago
@0810Rocks has the actual rate really accelerated? or have we just been watching it more with all the new technology? Hmmmmmmmmmmm..
vega92 - 14 years ago
is just like you get the best barrels ever is jsut like you pull in and get spit right out of them and just whoppa! and then whooopaaa and get pitted so pitted like that.
mridrick - 14 years ago
Mate that's awesome
Emmet Norton
Emmet Norton - 14 years ago
@23dpt its not fake dumass
Rushfall Hawaii
Rushfall Hawaii - 14 years ago
asdfxyz1 - 14 years ago
wtf? how cold is that water? theyre not even shivering.
gotGodandHislove - 14 years ago
Dude if you wipe out you're done for
23dpt - 14 years ago
Vitor Bonfa
Vitor Bonfa - 14 years ago
@IslandWreck Dude I'm sorry, but thats insane COOL....And if you dont get it, part of the coolness is just because its frickin dangerous.
imago - 14 years ago
ok thats' kinda cool o.o
KevinWeiTV - 14 years ago
Hey look at the prank I did at Alaska with an iceberg from a glacier!
Gareth Wynne McHardy
Gareth Wynne McHardy - 14 years ago
Eclipse 57
Eclipse 57 - 14 years ago
Better you than me, buddy....
5totheash - 14 years ago
holy shit?
GrahamTVdotNet - 14 years ago
I just got Pneumonia looking at it !!!!!! Go have a look at "Graham's BoardSports Adventure in China".
Zepster77 - 14 years ago
As my pops would say: these fellers have more dollars than they have sense.
sully596 - 14 years ago
cool but nothing great
Chris Amaral
Chris Amaral - 14 years ago
this is a bad ass muther fucker aka bamf
Iggy Pops
Iggy Pops - 14 years ago
One day I will do this...
harrold001 - 14 years ago
at least global warming is good for something
Damian Yampolsky
Damian Yampolsky - 14 years ago
@ChsSami cheers
HavaianasEurope - 14 years ago
WOW ^0^
malangope - 14 years ago
Wow! Didn't know people went surfin on glacier waves! Seems like a lot of fun!
maurg1 - 14 years ago
U´re coOl Men!
ryanpiuma - 14 years ago
"All natural"?!?! I guess that was a wild Sea-Doo he trained to give him a tow. Still - Pretty cool.
steve buch
steve buch - 14 years ago
It was better without the sound
Joe Bay
Joe Bay - 14 years ago
lol cold
COLIN H - 14 years ago
auzzie likes men
roadragetruck - 14 years ago
harobmx123 - 14 years ago
@downhillrider199 you just answered my question with another question,fuck you
TheKyoko - 14 years ago
Fake. There is no such long-term froth when a glacier calves.
AllAlaskan907 - 14 years ago
@onlyoneak wow way to make us look like a bunch of damn asses up here, thanks alot bro.
harobmx123 - 14 years ago
why is alaska so different from the rest of america?

100. comment for Glacier Surfing Alaska

Joseph DelCore
Joseph DelCore - 14 years ago
xtcottonballx - 14 years ago
Daniele Tomasi
Daniele Tomasi - 14 years ago
Stop being such a smart ass, I said it looks fake, not it is fake. Then how the fuck woul I know what happens up there. Btw I'm not gonna think about that, I don't give a shit what happens over there!
ampdesenhos - 14 years ago
Yeah!!! uhúúú´ kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk crazy!!!
Daniele Tomasi
Daniele Tomasi - 14 years ago
It looks fake
John M
John M - 14 years ago
socal786 - 14 years ago
i saw this on smash cuts on sunday
FalconfromRF - 14 years ago
Alaska is Russia!
FalconfromRF - 14 years ago
Alaska=Russian America!!!!!!!!!!!!
FalconfromRF - 14 years ago
Our Alaska!!!
General1lol - 15 years ago
mgofthefc - 15 years ago
"I can see Russia from there!" -s. palin
AlaskanView - 15 years ago
For a country take on news, visit the AlaskanView. Please subscribe!!
aallee6 - 15 years ago
global warming
Bill Downing
Bill Downing - 15 years ago
wow! that was cool! what a great adventure and quite scarery
ChErRyaVe20pK - 15 years ago
I always step in front of buses, they always seem to stop. Maybe it's because I'm crossing the street. Dickhead. Think of a better comeback next time
ChErRyaVe20pK - 15 years ago
dude shut the fuck up, seriously
Reverseflush - 15 years ago
I'm GAY. Anybody care that i'm gay and a Muslim belonging to Palestine?
murilo cenovicz
murilo cenovicz - 15 years ago
the water should be pretty cold lol
therealjohnnyjohnson - 15 years ago
I lived in wasilla ,its 45min from anchorage!Same city sarah palins from.But If your a real explorer youl find shit to do!
Stoner Visions
Stoner Visions - 15 years ago
shut upp.... you dont know wat ur talking about u fuckin kook
Skitzobilly - 15 years ago
Alaska is Russia!
christine smith
christine smith - 15 years ago
that looks so funnnnnnn
Armaninho1 - 15 years ago
it must be cold in that water
JDankens - 15 years ago
This isn't a normal wave, it's got way more energy behind it.
Leo Vittorio
Leo Vittorio - 15 years ago
It`s a good feeleing, all natural, super powerful....Yaee you are a hero!
ChsSami - 15 years ago
thats how u live life
Adri Manrique
Adri Manrique - 15 years ago
That´s amazing ! =O =D
orangetransformer - 15 years ago
thats incredible i heard about this and i thought it wasn't true haha but i guess it is
5Fathom5 - 15 years ago
Your a typical Alaskan bullshitter, you know fuck all about the place and I'm sick and tired of hearing your shit. Where is the surfing of the "monster tsunami" and the lying fuck reckons he was "at the barrells edge" hahahaha, get real or fuck off
azdazwaz - 15 years ago
@SAMSTIDD yeaa mate me too i once surfed this place at about 65 - 70 feet in my favourite pair of boardshorts. was too big too paddle so we were towing in behind a killer whale.. true story
Ettienne Bester
Ettienne Bester - 15 years ago
hoohaa! watch Glacier Project the surf movie for more... scary thing is, the glaciers are melting so regularly that surfers can actually go and surf the waves, getting a couple in a session... freaky
Damon Crawford
Damon Crawford - 15 years ago
I keep hearing this " oh the climate has been changing for the last 4.3 billion years" stuff... like that is the ultimate argument winner... Do you really think that the people who believe that the believers in Anthropogenic global warming dont know that this is the case?? Look up the A word..should give you a clue. The point is there is significant evidence to show that this is happening faster than ever before... So yes your ice cores are great but it isnt an argument winner, sorry.
Matt1991 - 15 years ago
sry for ranting, bt every vid ive seen has had ppl having a go at the ppl that r just saying "wow thats amazing" which it is, my views may be contravertial to some, but my ice cores coments can be proven as fact, and last i saw we're over dew a spike in climate rise by about 1000 years so i last heard, climate HAS been changing constantly for the past 4.3 billion years and yes it is a shame that they're disapeering but its the worlds cycle.co2 lvs do change on they're own over time.
Matt1991 - 15 years ago
global warming is bs... every 13k yrs the climate changes, ice cores have shown this, we've just come out of an ice age 10,000 yrs ago ofcourse the temps rising the conditions are getting beter, climate is constantly changing, places like canada wer once even tropical oasis's thousands of years ago shifting climate is fact, wt nxt gna blame cave men for driving their cars to much for the last iceage? or burning to many fires to stay alive?
Yank Dank
Yank Dank - 15 years ago
How cold is the water?
Reed Osell
Reed Osell - 15 years ago
hes gotta be wearing one hell of a wetsuit
Majoras - 15 years ago
these guys had redbull for breakfast
HolyheadUK - 15 years ago
Wow now thats awesome, I'm surprised there aren't any nobheads on here saying 'fake' which really f*cks me off. That water temp cant be much more than freezing!
valiumsummer - 15 years ago
Grammar. Not Grammer.
FYRFOX198 - 15 years ago
You mothafuckas got some TSUNAMI BALLS...!!! LMAO...!!!
ThousandaireHoodstarz - 15 years ago
Cool video, str8 suicide
Fluffy King
Fluffy King - 15 years ago
whats the point?? o yea better so sara palin wont destroy it
MickG213 - 15 years ago
Its BOUGHT not BROUGHT! What did they carry it over in their boardbags ? LOL
Robyn Maynard
Robyn Maynard - 15 years ago
OMFG you guys are seriously nuts!! lol
iMSoHigh420ritenow - 15 years ago
leon mcveigh
leon mcveigh - 15 years ago
you win that stupid argument hands down
SB9P4 - 15 years ago
xxsnobordchickxx salmon is very important in alaska. a big industry in all the state. i like salmon in many way. do you like the 6 month of night in alaska?
SB9P4 - 15 years ago
xXsnobordchickXx do you like salmon? salmon from alaska what about aurora borealis?
SB9P4 - 15 years ago
tell us more about alaska.
unyte - 15 years ago
Amazing, Points for even braving water that temperature.
obsidheart - 15 years ago
jit its a glacier.. its not like he knew what size the wave was gonna be. it takes balls to surf in alaska..
highryes - 15 years ago
that was ILL, man!
waydeepinside - 15 years ago
Brass Balls Bro... I'm hoping thaqt You don't get taken out. That is so incredibly dangerous... I am in awe !
11 Snipers sniping
11 Snipers sniping - 15 years ago
its like a continuous wave
dublindietrite - 15 years ago
i never comment on videos, but that was insane, I can only imagine the rush
fcs77 - 16 years ago
Go 2 mentawai bro...
DendoWeedFace - 16 years ago
thats fukn mad. image if it collapsed on them.. and how did they know which bit was gonna fall and when?
AlaskaOutdoorsTV - 16 years ago
That has got to be cold!
Brianna/Brilee Haynie
Brianna/Brilee Haynie - 16 years ago
brrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!!!!
firstjesse - 16 years ago
How dou even wait for a set like that? So cool.
jorge ortega ceniceros
jorge ortega ceniceros - 16 years ago
that guy is fucking crazy!! XD
Diogofa - 16 years ago
I'm almost frozen in Rio's water... imagine in Alaska!!! There's no john for me! lol
waydeepinside - 16 years ago
Danger squared !
snatchdawg - 16 years ago
whaoooo man these guys are adrenaline junkys braaaa..... jonny utah would be like wao....
sublime95 - 16 years ago
lol :D the glacier that fell
ut000bs - 16 years ago
"Why is it that people have to latch on to their political views every time they see something new." Because they're shallow and have nothing else to talk about. ;)
ut000bs - 16 years ago
More people have always died from drowning during floods than 9-11. :P
ut000bs - 16 years ago
What the hell are you talking about?
jflothe - 16 years ago
Amazing Video! I've never watched someone surf a wave like that. Can't imagine the adrenaline.
caca790851 - 16 years ago
damn i can just imagine the cold there
Hugo Flores
Hugo Flores - 16 years ago
My previous comment was meant for onlyoneak who insulted me for trying to be facetious while complementing this fellow surfer on his skill and courage. onlyoneak, take pride in Alaska but don't be a douche about it.
Hugo Flores
Hugo Flores - 16 years ago
Why do you have to insult me? I was complimenting the fellow surfer for having the courage to take on such a challenge. And my comment about the Killer Whale was a joke, stupid. Or did you not learn humor and whit in school? Did you go to school?
Rylan Cairns
Rylan Cairns - 16 years ago
hes right, its fake your stupid
luciano valdivia
luciano valdivia - 16 years ago
williamtom0 - 16 years ago
did u hear him, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit
jajsaj - 16 years ago
monster !!! great ..
Iain Hooker
Iain Hooker - 16 years ago
thats is crazy man it doesnt even look fun it has to be so cold
bilshut - 16 years ago
that was cool well done
loftarasa - 16 years ago
willy14916 - 16 years ago
you're the one who doesn't understand what the word homo means, yet you call me a retard. interesting
willy14916 - 16 years ago
i get the fact you're being sarcastic, but being the fucking retard you are, you did ask the question how can a girl be a homo, and since you may be mentally retarded, i felt i should explain it to you
willy14916 - 16 years ago
break down the word you retard. homo, latin for the same, as in homogenous or homozygus. sexual, latin for sexual, same sexual, if a girl is homosexual, she prefers the same sex a.k.a. girls.
mathue taxion
mathue taxion - 16 years ago
Blew UP? Where did you get the impression that they are blowing it up? The ice is highly fractured by the time it reaches the face of the glacier and as it warms up they shed ice, sometimes in very very large chunks. It's completely normal and doesn't require any man made explosives to do so.
Rivan Zora
Rivan Zora - 16 years ago
surfing sux and will get u killed
leonrdstiltskin - 16 years ago
what are you, a goddamn glacier rights activist?
jake c
jake c - 16 years ago
was that just by chance or was that planed?
CarlosTadeus - 16 years ago
mucho loco !!!!!
Scurvous - 16 years ago
onlyoneak. No, ignorance is insulting someone for not knowing obscure local geography. Do you know every body of water on every video here on YT? Thought not. Chill out.
Bruno Mendonça
Bruno Mendonça - 16 years ago
thats really awesome but could have they exploded that and then surfed?
equa rit
equa rit - 16 years ago
appreciate his guts!! keep it up!!
Hugo Flores
Hugo Flores - 16 years ago
NUTS! But hella cool. This guy could have been attacked by a killer whale....
ctaafe - 16 years ago
that was fucking cool!!
Acorttis - 16 years ago
holy shit ¹²³
AusJD - 16 years ago
i wonder how long they were waiting for that glacier to fall. and how did they know that part was going to fall. insane stuff
Karl Klausner
Karl Klausner - 16 years ago
big waves are for show, that was for straight pleasure and a rush.
Azog150 - 16 years ago
Water can't be negative something or it would be frozen.
Derek Grathoff
Derek Grathoff - 16 years ago
how about a bigger 1
Roxas - 16 years ago
Thegibolin - 16 years ago
Wow, you got my point, better than I could express it. 100% agree, especially this "competition" between people. Competition for what, happiness? One must return to nature because we have lost the feeling of struggling for our lives in rich cities nowadays. Who has to struggle to catch a fish/ kill an animal to survive? and those who actually have to don't need "extreme sports" in their lives. They simply don't even think about that kinda concerns. The real quest is inside everyone, in fact.
joeyjr858 - 16 years ago
deathwish... yet AWESOME! hahahah
oinkartltd - 16 years ago
Pretty rad. "All natural" I like that.
Thegibolin - 16 years ago
100% agree with taking risks in life, but what kind of risks? That's the key question. So what could be the next goal? Snowboarding in an avalanche? No mate, for me it's a question of humility. The guy escaped from tons of ice and snow falling into the water, had a kick of adrenalin, and still finds the wave was not big enough... Where will it end, when he kills himself? There are components in a risky event that you can control and others not. Let's remain in the "green zone",that's all...
cspan0 - 16 years ago
The idea is to have a goal. The people in this video are professionals - the best. Not everyone will be able to achieve this level and most shouldn't but it shows what is possible in the realm of human capability. Everything in life is risky. If we didn't take risks life wouldn't be worth living. also, I don't see how this is a provocation to nature, its just finding ways to enjoy it more. Cutting down the rain forest and driving and SUV are provocations, not riding naturally occuring wave.
Thegibolin - 16 years ago
Ok, one other thing: I've been growing up nearby the Alps. Every year tourists or kids get killed there because they have pushed the limits of nature too far because of lack of knowledge. Being humble in front of the nature is a part of my childhood education. "Respect it and it will be generous to you". It's like on a wave, in the clouds or anywhere else. This video shows people pushing the limits too far in my opinion. Like a provocation to nature. That's what is a bit shocking for me...
Thegibolin - 16 years ago
Ok, that's the point: "doing something amazing" which will inspire kids... That's amazing, but man it's so risky! It's like a kid wanting to BASE jump before knowing how to skydive at first. You see my point or not?It takes so much time and skills to achieve what those guys have been performing. It looks too easy.This video takes shortcuts, which I find too bad and maybe inspiring kids the wrong way.So my question remains the same: what's the message of what was shown here in your opinion?
cspan0 - 16 years ago
north and south man
cspan0 - 16 years ago
So your saying that action sports are hurting the environment? I happen to work in the industry and everyone and every company I have worked with happen to be the eco-minded people I have ever met. If your saying that the small amount of fuel it takes to run a jet-ski is too high a cost to inspire kids all around the world to do something amazing.
Thegibolin - 16 years ago
Hi cspan0! I know that using a plane to jump from, for example, starts to make me think what energy loss and pollution of the planet it represents. I'm asking myself what is the deep inside pulse that pushes people doing such things like "provoquing a glacier". I know about it because I used to be into "extreme sports" as well some time ago. As I'm a brand new daddy, I'm changing. My point of view is changing. That all in fact. Sorry if I've hurt your feelings. We can talk right?
cspan0 - 16 years ago
what the hell do you know
Thegibolin - 16 years ago
Charming, you must be a poet...
Thegibolin - 16 years ago
it's unnatural: you need to be towed to "perform" all of this. What is that quest? What is the role of nature in this project? If it's the adrenalin rush looked after, I don't see the point. Watch Jackass instead: it requires less efforts and logistics...
dbcraft - 16 years ago
Most glaciers have been melting and receding since the ice age. Its not a f'in tragedy...
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 16 years ago
It's an xcel, 6-5-4mm
tripodez - 16 years ago
SteinerEsokul - 16 years ago
North America and South America.
ezymarsh1 - 16 years ago
I'm go'n to Alaska and gonna do that shit butt naked with a heiniken!...Haaaaaard!
Scurvous - 16 years ago
It's always so funny when someone tries to cuss out another in broken English. By the way, Blacks aren't known for having sex with our mothers. Shows what you know about the U.S.
exiliado2233 - 16 years ago
what? two continents? did you smoke something green lately? I think you´re a mother fucker niger
Scurvous - 16 years ago
Wow! You're full of knowledge! Yes genius, I knew that America is a continent...two continents to be specific. Keep commenting and show us how smart you are. It saves me the trouble of having to insult you. Y hablo espanol bastante bien. Asshole.
exiliado2233 - 16 years ago
the fact was they´re stupids. and did you know that America is a continent?? it has 35 countrys, USA is not the only country where the people speak english, if you want to learn more you have to see this video: "Bush Interview , anticristo entrevista a Bush" Sorry for you if you don´t speak spanish mother fucker ignorant
Scurvous - 16 years ago
"let me guess, they`re americans"... Good guess. What was it that gave it away genius? Was it the English, or the fact that they are in America?
JP Plasterers
JP Plasterers - 16 years ago
thats something ive not seen surfed before...saw a dude surf a dynamite wave (expolsion ..thrn surf the ripple in the river) .cold here in uk.with floating turds..but feck not that cold....
exiliado2233 - 16 years ago
just because we´re not retard like you. ja-ja
llansdale - 16 years ago
How would you even know how to surf in Alaska...How thick is that wet suit? That was hot!
Cty2 - 16 years ago
cool looks like next thing in surfing
fullysickwicked - 16 years ago
it says so on the front, can't you read?
OCCFan023 - 16 years ago
Let me guess, ignorant? Yup
exiliado2233 - 16 years ago
let me guess, they`re americans... so stupid
Nicholas Freedman
Nicholas Freedman - 16 years ago
That shit was off the top!
Goody908 - 16 years ago
What brand of wetsuit i wonder...
oddkiddcreations - 16 years ago
crazy fools
pif - 16 years ago
Soooo Awesome
Christopher Walsh
Christopher Walsh - 16 years ago
I read the article about this a while back... just saw this video today! SICK!
herecomesthemonster - 16 years ago
girls girls. this is a video about surfing. cant you see that? why not post a comment about the video and leave the cat fighting for the school playground.
Guitarist6494 - 16 years ago
OMG onlyoneak calm down ya freakin sped! u on drugs or somethin? Its only a video of some1 surfing in Alaska, but the bottleofshit thing u said i couldnt stop laughin!
GuacamoleKun - 16 years ago
Hahaha wow, I.. didn't even know about this kind of surfing. XD Pretty awesome.
Louis Kern
Louis Kern - 16 years ago
i wonder how they timed it, like how they knew the piece of the glacier would brake off at that exact time
ztwntyn8 - 16 years ago
I saw this in a mag a while back and just thought to look here. Holy shit! It's way better to watch than read. Chance of a lifetime. Great video.
TheBanyanEmperor - 16 years ago
lol I used to live next door to Garrett McNamara, and my uncle still does! People say he's not a very nice guy, but in my experience, he was really pleasant. Good ole' North Shore.
Tanru2000 - 16 years ago
One large, ice-block away from a Darwin Award.
J3thro100 - 16 years ago
they have to wait for hours in the water to get a few waves, but with a ski they can quickly get into position. dangerous thing is that the ice sometimes doesnt collapse but falls out like a book. check out surfline for a better explanation.
stokeysk8ter - 16 years ago
How did they know it was going to fall? cuz if they did it on purpose then tbh they deserve to drown.
Samsquamsh - 16 years ago
hawaiians grab natural waves, even some snowboarders like to make avalanches... WE ALASKANS SURF FUGGIN GLACIER WAVES.... i guess the only thing you can do is tell us how stupid and crazy we are RIGHT??? hahaha AK PRIDE
Cormac O Sullivan
Cormac O Sullivan - 16 years ago
Global warming is destroying the ice-caps and these guys see it as a new way to surf.
Sea Hawks
Sea Hawks - 16 years ago
i get cold just watching this...and i live in the desert
11 trip ticket
11 trip ticket - 16 years ago
dude that is so cold
Angela Lee
Angela Lee - 16 years ago
Wow hahaha... I live in Alaska and I believe I have not been to Cordova. I actually don't even know where it is... Is it by Juneau? I shall make some summer plans...
I Beta
I Beta - 16 years ago
I never thought of that... I guess there ARE a few good things that can come out of global warming haha. brrr i can't imagine how cold that is.
Nadine Hadaya
Nadine Hadaya - 16 years ago
wow im just surprised he got out of that without being an ice cube
Angela Lee
Angela Lee - 16 years ago
I want to shake that man's hand. Alaska is the best place to live!
Fogle - 16 years ago
This pretty dam cool!
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 16 years ago
hey buddy... The surfers your watching surf 60-70ft. waves all year long. I filmed garrett, the driver last year on the XXL winning wave at Mavericks on a 55ft. wave that he paddled into. Do some research buddy...
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 16 years ago
hey dumb ass, it's not global warming, glaciers calve in the summer and build up in the winter, do some research before you make ignorant comments.
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 16 years ago
the water was 34-36 degrees f, it was f'ing cold
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 16 years ago
we didn't we waited for 10 days waiting
Wayolin - 16 years ago
wow, very cool :)
Duchateau999 - 16 years ago
Im sorry man, I dont even remember why I posted that yesterday. I thought it was a reply on onlyoneak, I seem to remember that he (or someone else), was being offensive over an over again, but it appears he hasnt made that many posts here. Guess it was another video then... I dont make sense at all, damn!...Guess I was far away... :-/// Forgive me... P.S. Great vid! :-)
Duchateau999 - 16 years ago
so? stop making an ass of yourselve. In fact stop posting in here. Im sure you made your point already!
Eoghan Stapleton
Eoghan Stapleton - 17 years ago
wow great a new way of surfing cuz of globe warming
Zack Fast
Zack Fast - 17 years ago
by the way i was talking about onlyoneak
Zack Fast
Zack Fast - 17 years ago
dude..omfg i wanted to live in alaska when i grew up but you push me away because your such a dick.....good job..have fun in alaska my dream land that i will now never seen
lorenzo milani
lorenzo milani - 17 years ago
dai cretino che ti è andata di culo....
woddle986 - 17 years ago
i posted here cos its a cool video u got a problem with that faget? i am not jealous of u living in a half frozen wasteland honestly, go back to fucking ur mumma u arragent fuck
woddle986 - 17 years ago
whoa u live in alaska, i dont give a shit and nor do i give a crap about the glacier as for me, im an aussie, greatest place on earth, so up yours u cowardess fucker
woddle986 - 17 years ago
lol, ur such a tool onlyeak get a life, seriously
Mertcan Dogan
Mertcan Dogan - 17 years ago
aw dude thats not cool.
Victor Emilio Sanchez
Victor Emilio Sanchez - 17 years ago
that is the gnarlyest thing id ever seen in my life. high five.
NarleyDude07 - 17 years ago
ha ha
anuus69 - 17 years ago
hes not mexican hes like hawaiin stupid fuck!
Kevin Lankford
Kevin Lankford - 17 years ago
LOL, I live in alaska, you are such a pusy. You just need to insult the world?
Kevin Lankford
Kevin Lankford - 17 years ago
Fuck yu, i LIVE in Alaska, its obviously Global Warming, come up ehre and say its natural dumbass.
jordanhyatt - 17 years ago
what?!?! that shits crazy!
Javier - 17 years ago
mexicans rock
54spiritedwill54 - 17 years ago
that is so crasy that wave is in about 4 feet of water. and there are chunks of ice everywhere
DeadlyChinchilla - 17 years ago
... one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. There are waves everywhere that are more impressive than that one, yet you go hunting for a "glacier" wave? I sure hope you paid for this yourself, because I pity the person you swindled into sponsering this charade.
ninjaboyru - 17 years ago
yeah, that was awesome. dynamite surfing was cooler, though.
Rob Swift
Rob Swift - 17 years ago
fucking insanely RAD!!!
Brooke - 17 years ago
couldnt u die doing this?
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 17 years ago
Nelly and Sean did not surf a wave created by a glacier, they surfed a traditional wave with a glacier in the background. For the record, during the interview on headline news, I mentioned Kealii and Garrett by name a dozen times, they just didn't include it in the piece.
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 17 years ago
This has nothing to do with global warming, the Child's Glacier is one of 5 Glaciers in Alaska that is exapnding every year, that mean's it's "getting bigger". The fact that it melts in the summer, like every other snow melt in the world, doesn't off-set the huge amount of snow pack t receives in the Winter. Global Warming is real, but it doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this Glacier. Why is it that people have to latch on to their political views every time they see something new.
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 17 years ago
Hawaii is part of the U.S., what is "American DNA" unless you are native american, you don't have any "american DNA", America is not a country, but there are two continents, North and South America.
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 17 years ago
the only danger is if someone attempts to surf it without the time months we spent planning and preparing, they will not make it out of that river. But as far as tourists and littering, come on, there is a U.S. Forrest Service Campground there for people to watch the glacier calving in relative safety from viewing platforms. And we not profit or capitalize on a naturally occurring event, who's the victim?
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 17 years ago
We may come back next summer, but this time with 6-8 big wave surfers
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 17 years ago
No, he's Hawaiin
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 17 years ago
who's the rich boy? your presumptions and apathy is what is pretty pathetic. Do some research before you make such ignorant comments.
lauriehammy - 17 years ago
if thats real then thats nunts ! check my surfing vid yall
lunalovegoodismyhero - 17 years ago
You idiot. The current government barely believes in global warming, therefore, it's not a government conspiracy. Educated people believe in global warming. The two groups are obviously not synonymous.
huliogtt - 17 years ago
That is the coolest thing i've seen in a while. These boys alot of courage, that could've been so huge.
SurferMike23 - 17 years ago
That water must be freezing, I think its cold when its in the mid 40's, these guys are nuts. It might be neat if it was 70 degree water and like a rock slide, but this is mad.
tvgohome - 17 years ago
you bastards!
cmiller716 - 17 years ago
he's not HAWAIIAN! he's SAMOAN
Valerie May
Valerie May - 17 years ago
Thank you for that explanation. What an incredible place. If that had been me, I would have been flash-frozen.
rpashoukos - 17 years ago
yeah, ON THE EDGE. I saw this link on flickr and glad I took a peek. I get my rush galloping on my horse at full speed, knowing I can't really stop on a dime... and if I did I would be taking a flight. Keep safe, surf on.
Valerie May
Valerie May - 17 years ago
I hope they are not dynamiting the iceburg for their adventure. Otherwise, this is excellent craziness to enjoy from the comfort of one's warm sofa.
KirschenHerzchen - 17 years ago
are you weary of life? When I was your girlfriend you won't do this...
finn1987 - 17 years ago
haha skating was invented by surfers when there were no waves your a wannabe surfer ha
Simen Knudsen
Simen Knudsen - 17 years ago
100% natural?...
ThreeFIVEoneZERO Dimethyltryptamine
ThreeFIVEoneZERO Dimethyltryptamine - 17 years ago
look it up
sucf csu bud
sucf csu bud - 17 years ago
horay! i found one more black surfer! two points!
purenathan - 17 years ago
uhhh who said it melted fast exactly? seriously you environmentalist retards need to get a life D:
muchfresh - 17 years ago
Either way that ice was always going to melt like that. Its not like he was planning this 20 years ago and sat in his daddys SUV revving the guts out of it, burned some tyres, and left the bathroom light on just so that eventually one day he could surf a wave... I care about the environment and I don't think this undermines that. I don't expect him to stand there and preach Al Gore while the ice is melting. It was flamin awesome!
Lasunn - 17 years ago
Dum fucks deserve to die
Roberto Ortiz
Roberto Ortiz - 17 years ago
culiao pulento
RW Grafisch
RW Grafisch - 17 years ago
WTf in that cold water? no wonder he is world champion
Hector Murillo
Hector Murillo - 17 years ago
that was fucking badass!!! i thought u were in there, ur a fuckin beast!!!
sektr7g - 17 years ago
that was awesome
N Muminova
N Muminova - 17 years ago
You could have died idiot.
DaeYoung Kim
DaeYoung Kim - 17 years ago
Looks very cold,..;
Veritatem Cognoscere
Veritatem Cognoscere - 17 years ago
American Samoa...the hell with DNA. Mea Kealoha pumehana! Mahalo nui loa!!!
Pedro M. García
Pedro M. García - 17 years ago
you guys are SICK!!!
Edwin Alvarez
Edwin Alvarez - 17 years ago
You guys are nuts!!!
Edgar Rosales
Edgar Rosales - 17 years ago
That's freakin insane!!
Kirk Crenshaw
Kirk Crenshaw - 17 years ago
Oyola Media
Oyola Media - 17 years ago
No F'n Way dude
Andrew Healy
Andrew Healy - 17 years ago
haha sick!
kafeene - 17 years ago
one positive effect of global warming i guess
maplemovieproducer - 17 years ago
This Acually Wrks..................... 1-Say a boy or grl's name u want 2 b with 2 times 2-Say ur best friend's name 5 times 3-Post This Comment On 5 Videos 4-Press F8 5-U will c ur crushes name
s96822 - 17 years ago
looks quite doable and real. i used to surf the NE in winter in the snow. seems being towed in makes it possible if not a lot easier than paddling. i imagine its powerful since isn't it a pre-tsunami wave?
Marissa Wilson
Marissa Wilson - 17 years ago
haha yeah that's about all you CAN do in cordova is go to childs glacier. :P
Marissa Wilson
Marissa Wilson - 17 years ago
Okay, clearly you do not live around a glacier, because it does not take "weeks for glaciers to fall off" (it's called calving by the way), so don't pretend you know what you're talking about. I live in the town they did this in, and I know they surfed the wake, so I can also verify that this is real.
Marissa Wilson
Marissa Wilson - 17 years ago
Actually, it's not. I live in the town they did this in, and I can verify that they really did this. I watched them.
Grackene - 17 years ago
HAHA i used to get deployed there every summer and we always went to Childs Glacier, never saw anyone try this though lol.
BPJ John
BPJ John - 17 years ago
"holy shit" will you guys stop saying that word its driving me insane!!!!!!
Marissa Wilson
Marissa Wilson - 17 years ago
HA i live there in cordova and saw these guys. everyone thought they were insane, but hey, whatever. it's their lives.
Sergio Infante
Sergio Infante - 17 years ago
Howling Wolfgang
Howling Wolfgang - 17 years ago
Stop global warming is not about whining its about saving peoples lives Einstein. more people have drown from flooding than deaths from 911 towers over the last two years. Sounds funny doesn't it.
Howling Wolfgang
Howling Wolfgang - 17 years ago
Stop global warming is not about whining its about saving peoples lives Einstein. more people have drown from flooding than deaths from 911 towers over the last two years. Sounds funny doesn't it.
kacshfam - 17 years ago
This is one of only three ADVANCING glaciers on the PLANET. Childs Glacier in Cordova, Alaska.
yolanda1217 - 17 years ago
these guys are stupid
CrazyAbe101 - 17 years ago
haha dork :]
CrazyAbe101 - 17 years ago
wow this guy deserves all my respects! thats amazing!
jadavis2006 - 17 years ago
Wow, that had to be incredible!
marlou9645 - 17 years ago
Lucky to be alive...
ehukai26 - 17 years ago
ehukai26 - 17 years ago
Good one!!
ehukai26 - 17 years ago
real. Garrett, who was driving the ski lives just down the street from me. Very, very real!
ehukai26 - 17 years ago
Garrett lives down the street from me, I assure you it is real!
Kenshyn22 - 17 years ago
I mean 100% real oh wow haha
Kenshyn22 - 17 years ago
You're an idiot! This guy was just on CNN. It's 100% fake.
predator1117 - 17 years ago
100% fake. Not only does it take weeks for the glaciers to fall off but your survival time in 35 degree or less water with that type of "wet suit" he is wearing is 15 minutes till unconsciousness or death
TubeMcomp - 17 years ago
hahha i saw this on the news
ozdaren - 17 years ago
any room here amongst all of the B/S for a good comment? This was a great video. Glad the guy kept his cool and stayed on his board. Well done..
Ryan Casey
Ryan Casey - 17 years ago
As the creator/producer I would like to make a few things clear: 1. The calving of this glacier has nothing to do with Global Warming. It calves every summer, then, in the winter the snow deposits make the glacier expand. Ryan Casey, Deepwater Films. P.S. I have filmed all over the world, and I've filmed a lot of different subjects, I driven through tornados and shipwrecked by a rogue wave, but this was by far the most dangerous, hair-raising experience I have ever witnessed, period.
sessone - 17 years ago
wow, all of a sudden u discovered ur "you" key, huh? shouldnt you be working on some homework right now?
sessone - 17 years ago
i dont do research, i speak off the cuff like a real man...
sessone - 17 years ago
OMG, u r teh most epicz of teh surfurz... lick the sweat from my balls.
sessone - 17 years ago
ElectricWarrior89 - 17 years ago
yeah dude, but its in fucking alaska man. shit man.
kacshfam - 17 years ago
I finaly get to see this!!! COOL!! Good luck with the rest of the documentary, and be safe! (from the dude who fixed the tire on the van)
gofaqyosef - 17 years ago
blatantly fake
zippywebgenie - 17 years ago
Surfing is a beautiful sport in which a surfer moves gracefully in sync with the power of nature, providing an exhilarating thrill to both the surfer and those watching. Kealii Mamala went to Alaska and got towed away from nature in fear of his life, and his audience felt that same "rush" of fear. Where's the beauty? Where's the grace? Where are your brains?
Robert Shroll
Robert Shroll - 17 years ago
Brennan Whitehouse
Brennan Whitehouse - 17 years ago
ya amazing....props brah
luispachon007 - 17 years ago
Better than Die Another Day, Lee Tamahori sould used a real stunt instead of the CGI sequence.
tommytheboy14 - 17 years ago
Your an idiot Bruce.... post your crap somewhere else a-hole
Paumonsu - 17 years ago
It's not fake, is fucking real
clcooper - 17 years ago
Eat shit bruce..this is a surf movie..I hate you the most...
Islandhoppers - 17 years ago
thrillagorilla58 - 17 years ago
I just saw this on the news and had to have another look. Can't wait for the DVD that features this to come out.
Zanezane's Daddy
Zanezane's Daddy - 17 years ago
Hawaiians represent!!!!!! LMAO you guys are some crazy muthafathers!!!!!!!!
kiniw - 17 years ago
Garret and keally, you guys must be crazy! This was really amazing...I never imagined that something like this was possible!

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