Glacier Surfing Alaska
Surf 17 years ago 1,566,150 views
World champion big wave surfers, Garrett McNamara and Kealii Mamala rode into surfing history last week when they towed into a monster tsunami created by Child's Glacier in South-Central Alaska. The creator/producer, Ryan Casey, "disovered" the wave in 1995, while on location shooting in Alaska. Then after finishing his last film, Quest, a documentary on big wave surfing, he showed Garrett the wave... that was six months ago. So after a short scout in June, we went up in August to film this... For more information contact: info@deepwaterfilms or Ryan @
They did not and could not have broken off any part of that glacier. When I was a boy we used to shoot large guns at it so that the sound would cause calving. The forrest service frowns on that now for some reason. All of that ice face is going to fall before winter, leaving it at a very gradual slope until the water level rises again. Nothing short of nuking that ice cube could possibly be "environmentally reckless". I would however like to see a thousand kilos of C4 go off up along the whole face for one hell of a show someday.
Global warming my ass. That glacier is growing, not shrinking. The river eats away from under the leading edge as the glacier protrudes into it and that is what make it calve. I know the truth behind global warming. I have two thermometers, one made in 1974, it has mercury in it, and when it reads 31-32 degrees F. water freezes. I have a brand new one that always reads four degrees higher. Humans cannot keep up with how well mommy nature recycles our attempts at changing nature. Africans are complaining that we are making their lands uninhabitable, I say look at the place, it has been going south for a long time. Also, I don't study any of this, I am just spouting off half remembered crap that I choose to buy into because I like my generators and vehicles, and would rather be delusional than be a hypocrite.
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