GoPro: Alaskan Surf Adventure with Alex Gray and Anthony Walsh

The Aleutian Islands are a chain of islands that extend west from southern Alaska; they’re known for their extreme weather and nasty seas—the Pacific to the south; the Bering to the north. Alex Gray and Anthony Walsh didn’t just travel here to surf though. The particular island that we were exploring is home to the single longest-settled community in the entire world. The Aleutians who reside there are descendants from a group that migrated from Russia across the Bering Strait over 8,000 years ago; they never left. Gray and Walsh had traveled to the island with hopes of learning some indigenous practices firsthand—hunting, in particular—and teaching the locals how to surf in exchange. No one was making it out of this trip unscathed. - Words by Chris Brinlee Jr. Shot 100% on the HERO4® and HERO5® cameras from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: Music The Brankas "Sleeep Scared" Gray "Silhouette" Wildcat! Wildcat! "Hero" "Sentimental" "Tower" Port St. Willow "Three Halve" Essay Like Nephew "John the Baptist" East of the River "Chasing Colours" Additional Music Courtesy of Jingle Punks For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Inside Line: GoPro:

GoPro: Alaskan Surf Adventure with Alex Gray and Anthony Walsh sentiment_very_dissatisfied 71

Surf 8 years ago 395,263 views

The Aleutian Islands are a chain of islands that extend west from southern Alaska; they’re known for their extreme weather and nasty seas—the Pacific to the south; the Bering to the north. Alex Gray and Anthony Walsh didn’t just travel here to surf though. The particular island that we were exploring is home to the single longest-settled community in the entire world. The Aleutians who reside there are descendants from a group that migrated from Russia across the Bering Strait over 8,000 years ago; they never left. Gray and Walsh had traveled to the island with hopes of learning some indigenous practices firsthand—hunting, in particular—and teaching the locals how to surf in exchange. No one was making it out of this trip unscathed. - Words by Chris Brinlee Jr. Shot 100% on the HERO4® and HERO5® cameras from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: Music The Brankas "Sleeep Scared" Gray "Silhouette" Wildcat! Wildcat! "Hero" "Sentimental" "Tower" Port St. Willow "Three Halve" Essay Like Nephew "John the Baptist" East of the River "Chasing Colours" Additional Music Courtesy of Jingle Punks For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Inside Line: GoPro:

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Most popular comments
for GoPro: Alaskan Surf Adventure with Alex Gray and Anthony Walsh

Inbound Sandy
Inbound Sandy - 6 years ago
No b b b. B. B
Inbound Sandy
Inbound Sandy - 6 years ago
That was an accident
Sacha Regnier
Sacha Regnier - 6 years ago
THIS IS AMAZING the best go pro movie ever
Hannah's Heavenly Handouts
Hannah's Heavenly Handouts - 6 years ago
Great video!
John Ellis
John Ellis - 6 years ago
Johnny Knoxville
Johnny Knoxville - 6 years ago
I'm freezing just watching it.
Luke Pecora
Luke Pecora - 6 years ago
Got to make more of these
Aaron Merculief
Aaron Merculief - 6 years ago
Hayes Voyles
Hayes Voyles - 6 years ago
Surfers are usually scared of sharks, these people were prolly scared of polar bears grabin em
jamie posner
jamie posner - 6 years ago
that guy is so full of life what a great bloke

10. comment for GoPro: Alaskan Surf Adventure with Alex Gray and Anthony Walsh

BigErn_Mccraken - 6 years ago
34 degree water? Nope.
Chelsea Estep Armstrong
Chelsea Estep Armstrong - 6 years ago
What month/time of year were ya'll on unmak island?
seth fisher
seth fisher - 6 years ago
Alex G is always good for an entertaining watch. But dang ! I'm cold just watchin' this !
Eric Wahidri
Eric Wahidri - 7 years ago
I'm sitting here living in cold north germany at the coast and I can totally feel them
Awsome video!!
Jersin Machado
Jersin Machado - 7 years ago
Best GoPro video ever! You don’t see the quality of the video only, You also see the human part on it .
Gustavo Adolfo Rodríguez Urdaneta
Gustavo Adolfo Rodríguez Urdaneta - 7 years ago
Amazing, what a beautifulll place!!!
Wardi Wardi
Wardi Wardi - 7 years ago
Welcome tu indonesi
Wardi Wardi
Wardi Wardi - 7 years ago
Kadnok - 7 years ago
Subscribe me please (green lion)coll vide nice
Alex Fernandez
Alex Fernandez - 7 years ago
Beautiful video
חיליק אביב
חיליק אביב - 7 years ago
amazing story amazing movie

20. comment for GoPro: Alaskan Surf Adventure with Alex Gray and Anthony Walsh

_egas calybird
_egas calybird - 7 years ago
i wish you guys used celsius instead of faranheit, isnt america the only country to use that?
_egas calybird
_egas calybird - 7 years ago
alaska, i consider the land to be canadian, as it holds canadian glory. beautiful land..
andydre - 7 years ago
12:55 when someone steals your highfive
all the town - 4 tough motherfuckers standing at the beach
Dingo Capo
Dingo Capo - 7 years ago
do these people a favor leave them alone!!!!!!
Nathan Myers
Nathan Myers - 7 years ago
Great vid. Nice work to all involved.
Guiliana Rose
Guiliana Rose - 7 years ago
Wow I wish I could do a video like that for GoPro
Cosmic Gam3r
Cosmic Gam3r - 7 years ago
Just show us the frickin sports already!
HZ_7 Savage
HZ_7 Savage - 7 years ago
Best GoPro video in the god dang world
808 Kamakazi
808 Kamakazi - 7 years ago
Lucky guys

30. comment for GoPro: Alaskan Surf Adventure with Alex Gray and Anthony Walsh

Val Gif
Val Gif - 7 years ago
extraordinary! I wouldn't ever dream of going there not to say going into such a cold sea, but watching you is such an adventure!  Thank you very much for it.
RYTIS MEDIA - 7 years ago
Cool video!
Have a good evening :)
S Mac
S Mac - 7 years ago
Shweeeet! Endless Winter. Or, has that been made in to a movie already. Thank you soo much. 53 years old, been marooned here in the state of calafukitfornia, and I come across these psychopaths production very entertaining GoPro vid. Also inspirational. I just found a bar of wax in the garage. I haven't surfed in almost ten years, but I'm going in the morning. Much mahalo. Keep em commin. God bless.
Barnes466 - 7 years ago
That was great! We have a province called Newfoundland and up North the waves in Winter get really big, like over 60 feet
Esteban González
Esteban González - 7 years ago
Tecate, sabor con caracter. Good for the cold! 2:01
Fully Involved Outdoors
Fully Involved Outdoors - 7 years ago
Sick video all the way around!!!!
Babymonster476 - 7 years ago
Thats my cousin!!!!! <3
Miguel Arenas
Miguel Arenas - 7 years ago
Where i find friends like you could i be part of you dudes?
The Adventure Hunters
The Adventure Hunters - 7 years ago
Anyone who has a kind heart please sub my channel and like the latest video, it's a channel about adventures. We upload videos every saturday
p.sudheer Kumar
p.sudheer Kumar - 7 years ago
This video is really good. you people did a great job. Here is one interesting article about solo travel around the world under sail has an Abilish tomy bucket list. I hope you people like it.
Dana Muise
Dana Muise - 7 years ago
These guys have the best job ever!!
no service
no service - 7 years ago
Incredible experience
Tim Henry
Tim Henry - 7 years ago
I busted ice to dive in a quarry. 7 mill semi dry in the water for an hour, I got cold.
Edward Gadd
Edward Gadd - 7 years ago
apolline canac
apolline canac - 7 years ago
apolline canac
apolline canac - 7 years ago
Good vert good
Laurel Bandy
Laurel Bandy - 7 years ago
best thing ever these guys r too funny
steve hagen
steve hagen - 7 years ago
Fantastic video!   Thank you.
Green Power Ranger Swag
Green Power Ranger Swag - 7 years ago
Anyone else notice the fin in the background on the left at 15:05 and then it suddenly submerging?
Shepherd Spurgeon
Shepherd Spurgeon - 7 years ago

50. comment for GoPro: Alaskan Surf Adventure with Alex Gray and Anthony Walsh

Charles Brooksbank
Charles Brooksbank - 7 years ago
man the ocean scares me.
Samuel Hur
Samuel Hur - 7 years ago
what am i doing with my life.
Rubi Mendoza
Rubi Mendoza - 7 years ago
This GoPro film is amazingggg !!!!!!!
GXELA1 - 7 years ago
Nice video! Does anyone know what mouth mount they used ?
Cameron Fukumitsu
Cameron Fukumitsu - 7 years ago
so sick
Sam Bennett
Sam Bennett - 7 years ago
how does this even have one dislike
Jonny Viper
Jonny Viper - 7 years ago
9:46 wat stations are these on
futronixindustries - 7 years ago

MyBoringLife - 7 years ago
3:01 You're dragging something there
MadTayKun - 7 years ago
MCclimbs it's his surfboard leash
James Book
James Book - 7 years ago
but those barrels were pretty sick ....
James Book
James Book - 7 years ago
lamest movie ever endured
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 7 years ago
DBNzOnE - 7 years ago
new video tell me your oppinion...<3
PS4 Livestream
PS4 Livestream - 7 years ago
Prolific - 7 years ago
Respect. Looks cold. Editing is excellent and vibe is great. Waves and barrels were great too! Worth it?
Michael Friend
Michael Friend - 7 years ago
"the whole town was there" ...... 5 people show up haha thats alaska for you
sahlool - 7 years ago
the whole town was down there..

5 people
Anton Suprun
Anton Suprun - 7 years ago
Just curious but what do people do to make enough money to do things like this?
y cee
y cee - 7 years ago
nice wave Danny boy
John Rougas
John Rougas - 7 years ago
I love videos like this, so rad. revives the stoke :)
Best TV
Best TV - 7 years ago
very nice <3
Roberto c
Roberto c - 7 years ago
amazing barrels myfriend
Stuff World
Stuff World - 7 years ago
GoPro always shows just how beautiful the world is ❤
Michael Delanzo
Michael Delanzo - 7 years ago
Borya - 7 years ago
perfect film,video,quality...
amazing this movie boys!
so amazing these cold barrels ,wuuuu!!!!!!!
meriweather wysockey
meriweather wysockey - 8 years ago
I know my videos probably aren't as good as this, but I'm starting a channel and I would love if some people checked it out :)
Just Tex
Just Tex - 8 years ago
Great adventure and video , well done to all involved. Cheers.
silver solja
silver solja - 8 years ago
Surfer thought process: Fingers and toes cold, bea is home alone with pizza rolls in the oven. But dude the waves are popping

(stays another 4 hours)
Bon Summers
Bon Summers - 8 years ago
I thought he did this a few years ago. No?
anonyme anonyme
anonyme anonyme - 8 years ago
C MAGIQUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2000'pouce bleu!
frederick couillard
frederick couillard - 8 years ago
Music at 5:16 ??
ApexIXMR - 8 years ago
I don't care for surfing. That being said, one the best uploads to this channel in a very long time. Just beautiful.
surfing is beautifull mate, with virgin wild nature like this even more beautifull
Phonk Equinox
Phonk Equinox - 8 years ago
0:09 - 0:12 made me rethink life
Adventure Ryan
Adventure Ryan - 8 years ago
Looks like an amazing experience! Killer footage through out the whole video, too! Thanks for sharing.
matrebor - 8 years ago
un rayon de soleil
Joshua Dangerfield
Joshua Dangerfield - 8 years ago
This is insane! How's the stoke on the blokes?
dav id
dav id - 8 years ago
met anthony walsh at the pipemasters and the guy is so nice
yt75009 - 8 years ago
Nobody knows about farhenheit guys, get on with the program a bit
MattRHD Films
MattRHD Films - 8 years ago
this good
Der edle man Von Konstanz
Der edle man Von Konstanz - 8 years ago
Wow so cool!
Bailey Redy
Bailey Redy - 8 years ago
Anyone know what island they're on?
Kasper Langmoen Johansson
Kasper Langmoen Johansson - 7 years ago
Yulinar yulinar
Yulinar yulinar - 8 years ago
please like coment and subscribe
Mine_War - 8 years ago
1:32 omg i want to put my tent here and live here.
GhostD - 8 years ago
There's another way of keeping warm....pee inside your wet-suit :) it helps. Trust me!
RED GHOST joao lokao
RED GHOST joao lokao - 8 years ago
my dream is to be a man Like these, who travel and do extreme sports
Devon Flair
Devon Flair - 8 years ago
Who loved the combination of two phrases...."OH MAN BABY!"....?! Haha!
Bernardo Mendes
Bernardo Mendes - 8 years ago
Best video
Ramon Yaskal
Ramon Yaskal - 8 years ago
Дивлюсь як вони плавають......аж холодно стало брр
Юра Синица
Юра Синица - 8 years ago
AWESOME VIEW ))) Cool!!!
Khokhonoff - 8 years ago
Трясучее видео как всегда, сделайте стабилизатор наконец !!!

100. comment for GoPro: Alaskan Surf Adventure with Alex Gray and Anthony Walsh

stratmoss - 8 years ago
real nice documentary
Afa - 8 years ago
woulda been cool if you did the bore tide, waters murky and the wave isn't big but its a long ride
Kevy Moranski
Kevy Moranski - 8 years ago
Too long to watch Alex in his self-worship.
Oscar Rodríguez Productions
Oscar Rodríguez Productions - 8 years ago
Checkout my channel and sub. I make Gopro Sports vides ;)
blair170 - 8 years ago
Mohamed Ebrahim
Mohamed Ebrahim - 8 years ago
hate that editing
Carlos Costa
Carlos Costa - 8 years ago
Dream shoot!
ThinkLikeMo - 8 years ago
It's THINKLIKEMO . And I'm like drake we all live once . And we're humans
surfgurujeff - 8 years ago
Mouth mount is the MyGo aka mygomount. Incredible adventure!
ProductionBandit - 8 years ago
that timelapse with the plane was a great shot
David Graciano
David Graciano - 8 years ago
I wonder what kind of editing software they use. GOD DAMN these shots are crystal clear!!!!!
Hruodberht ACasT
Hruodberht ACasT - 8 years ago
Loved this.
Xabier Merino
Xabier Merino - 8 years ago
WOW.... just WOW I hope some day I can be part of the film crew in some of these videos!
ChannelHC - 8 years ago
This was one of the best GoPro films in a long time!
Yair Olszewski
Yair Olszewski - 7 years ago
yepppppppppppppppp and greeting from israel
James Edits
James Edits - 8 years ago
Cold water surfing is the most refreshing, especially here in Ireland!
Stewart Hopper
Stewart Hopper - 8 years ago
That was amazing!
Carlito - 8 years ago
Proudly live in anchorage, Alaska. Live it here.
Z Bop Da Wang Wang
Z Bop Da Wang Wang - 8 years ago
Carlito i live in seward alaska
Davis Snow
Davis Snow - 8 years ago
Carlito cool, I live in Fairbanks
Archie Axten
Archie Axten - 8 years ago
Anyone mind giving me some feedback on my channel?
Im finding it hard to gain recognition!
Let me know what you think!
If you sub ill sub back!
gandalf - 8 years ago
18 min of my life I will never regret
MLB Films
MLB Films - 8 years ago
HEY PEOPLE! I make action based films with GoPro :) I recently got a Karma :D Check out my recent edits if you'd like, they're pretty dope! Have a good day
Jhaz Fernando
Jhaz Fernando - 8 years ago
MLB Films check out mine too! :)
MLB Films
MLB Films - 8 years ago
Owen Rumsey
Owen Rumsey - 8 years ago
who else here makes gopro videos
Dylan Mohr
Dylan Mohr - 6 years ago
Jordie Gruending
Jordie Gruending - 7 years ago
I do !!!!
Rory Pascarelli
Rory Pascarelli - 7 years ago
yeww, i do!
Riding with HammerTime
Riding with HammerTime - 8 years ago
i do a few gopro vids here and there
Owen Rumsey
Owen Rumsey - 8 years ago
I can check em out :)
Owen Rumsey
Owen Rumsey - 8 years ago
LiviuBoca LifeStyle
LiviuBoca LifeStyle - 8 years ago
this is the gopro ! i love that team !
LiviuBoca LifeStyle
LiviuBoca LifeStyle - 8 years ago
this is so crazy ❤️
Jan Marowsky
Jan Marowsky - 8 years ago
From Germany^^
Eme And
Eme And - 8 years ago
I lov !t
xDontTouchMe -x
xDontTouchMe -x - 8 years ago
subscribe me
Freely TrailBoy
Freely TrailBoy - 8 years ago
Lucia Del Solar
Lucia Del Solar - 6 years ago
thats was his leash
ridwan kamazarove
ridwan kamazarove - 8 years ago
9:56 How ??
Sam - 8 years ago
Wow that Movie was just so Amazing. Thanks GoPro! Definitly well used 18 minutes!
Jukes of Hazard
Jukes of Hazard - 8 years ago
I love using my GoPro to make videos!!!!
JakeStanleyTravel - 8 years ago
I do short films of different travel experiences all over the world, i really try to entain people by my content and show them how beautiful this world is, if ur interested then please check me out :))
JakeStanleyTravel - 8 years ago
Rodrigo Sanchez
Rodrigo Sanchez - 8 years ago
Wow! Amazing video Amazing history
Jorden Tually
Jorden Tually - 8 years ago
Yo GoPro! Just made an edit from Bali - id love feedback :)
Thomas Thackray
Thomas Thackray - 8 years ago
Duncan Fraser
Duncan Fraser - 8 years ago
Amazing footage!
егор чик
егор чик - 8 years ago
Jack Parker
Jack Parker - 8 years ago
I just made a GoPro ski edit from my trip to Snowbird, check it out!
Britto Yt
Britto Yt - 8 years ago
Jack Parker ok bro
Oscar Rodríguez Productions
Oscar Rodríguez Productions - 8 years ago
Checkout my channel and sub. I make Gopro Sports vides ;)
FortniteDaily - 8 years ago
Jack Parker Please checkout my channel and sub
Rich Tiger
Rich Tiger - 8 years ago
Here before it goes viral !
FlmxFilms - 8 years ago
GoPro YouTubers check out my weekly GoPro videos and subscribe I'll subscribe back :)
FortniteDaily - 8 years ago
Please checkout my channel and sub
Oscar Rodríguez Productions
Oscar Rodríguez Productions - 8 years ago
Checkout my channel and sub. I make Gopro Sports vides ;)
DBNzOnE - 8 years ago
go pro giveaway pls
Wonka 55
Wonka 55 - 8 years ago
When we can buy karma?!?!?!?
snooogly - 8 years ago
When there are no more mavicks to buy
blair170 - 8 years ago
when you have the money
FlmxFilms - 8 years ago
Dilx true the Karma Drone is way better than DJI phantom 4 and easyer to operate I bought the core Karma 400$ and go pro mount separate so can use GoPro hero 5 silver touch screen already have instead of buying complete karma that comes with gopro hero 5 black for 1,100$
xxvii club
xxvii club - 8 years ago
Wonka 55
Wonka 55 - 8 years ago
Dilx never ?
xxvii club
xxvii club - 8 years ago
Not in every contry
FlmxFilms - 8 years ago
karma drone has been out I got one and its awesome
Marco Braunwarth
Marco Braunwarth - 8 years ago
Wo ist das go pro logo
Kano - 8 years ago
Who love, GoPro's videos? <3
Ivan Chavez
Ivan Chavez - 8 years ago
excelente video
Predator Airsoft
Predator Airsoft - 8 years ago
bush craft jack
bush craft jack - 8 years ago
raxt879 alvarado
raxt879 alvarado - 8 years ago
hello meee !! please
Simon Becken
Simon Becken - 8 years ago
Plesse stop writing this kind oder comments
BLR Gaming
BLR Gaming - 8 years ago
e l l a r o s e
e l l a r o s e - 8 years ago
Hey to Spotlight
Hey to Spotlight - 8 years ago
you are the beste
Mani Matter
Mani Matter - 8 years ago
GoPro or go Home
Joshua Wilson
Joshua Wilson - 8 years ago
Fun fact at 0:09
Long-Dong Cornichon
Long-Dong Cornichon - 8 years ago
was machst du hier; Manni?
Hey to Spotlight
Hey to Spotlight - 8 years ago
So nice
The Trickshot Crew
The Trickshot Crew - 8 years ago
First love you gopro
joseph cane
joseph cane - 8 years ago

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The "GoPro: Alaskan Surf Adventure with Alex Gray and Anthony Walsh" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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