GoPro: Alana Blanchard Surfer Girl On

Watch the entire "Alana Surfer Girls" series: Welcome to Alana Blanchard's world! Network A presents a totally POV behind-the-scenes look at Kauai-native pro surfer and model Alana Blanchard's series "Alana Surfer Girl." Shot 100% on the HD HERO2® camera. Pick up your own GoPro here: And submit the video you shoot to Network A! Alana, along with her close surfer friends, Leila Hurst and Camille Brady, take you on a journey around Kauai, surfing, diving, swimming, and exploring the fourth largest of the Hawai'ian Islands. Produced by 8 Side Productions Amen Teter, Brian Alexander, and Michael Fudzinski Executives in charge of production for Network A: Stefan Van Engen and Annie Fast Subscribe to Network A! ‪‪‪‬ ‬‬ Check out the new Like us on Facebook: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Twitter: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Tumblr: ‪‪‪ Follow us on Instagram @NetworkA

GoPro: Alana Blanchard Surfer Girl On sentiment_very_dissatisfied 692

Surf 12 years ago 5,964,389 views

Watch the entire "Alana Surfer Girls" series: Welcome to Alana Blanchard's world! Network A presents a totally POV behind-the-scenes look at Kauai-native pro surfer and model Alana Blanchard's series "Alana Surfer Girl." Shot 100% on the HD HERO2® camera. Pick up your own GoPro here: And submit the video you shoot to Network A! Alana, along with her close surfer friends, Leila Hurst and Camille Brady, take you on a journey around Kauai, surfing, diving, swimming, and exploring the fourth largest of the Hawai'ian Islands. Produced by 8 Side Productions Amen Teter, Brian Alexander, and Michael Fudzinski Executives in charge of production for Network A: Stefan Van Engen and Annie Fast Subscribe to Network A! ‪‪‪‬ ‬‬ Check out the new Like us on Facebook: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Twitter: ‪‪‪‬‬‬ Follow us on Tumblr: ‪‪‪ Follow us on Instagram @NetworkA

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Most popular comments
for GoPro: Alana Blanchard Surfer Girl On

Fred Moreau
Fred Moreau - 7 years ago
Putain !! sans deconner t es trop belle Alana
Glam Cat
Glam Cat - 7 years ago
She’s so prettyNot
Lurgs - 7 years ago
No one looks like this where I surf. I might have to switch surf spots. Long flight though!
Nemesi S
Nemesi S - 7 years ago
I wonder what the sea smelled like before women went into it?
Он Самый
Он Самый - 7 years ago
ниче такие сучечки... я бы их зажарил ....)
Good Surf
Good Surf - 7 years ago
Today I just went surfing and caught this 4 ft wave and it was dope but not like this
stewart wester
stewart wester - 7 years ago
why do all videos just flash a thousand snippets of actual video? is it a sin to let the viewer see more that .75 of a second of one thing?
The Confused Girl ¿
The Confused Girl ¿ - 7 years ago
I envy these girls for the fun and the freedom that they have...ahh !!
And here I am stuck in this office :-\
kid gloves
kid gloves - 8 years ago
She's a delicious little thing..

10. comment for GoPro: Alana Blanchard Surfer Girl On

good sounds
good sounds - 8 years ago
I began to take photos in GoPro and upload on the twitter.
Plz check my page!!
Руссо_ Туристо
Руссо_ Туристо - 8 years ago
Super! The best.
Bob Caca
Bob Caca - 8 years ago
she can ride my surfboard
Fallen Star
Fallen Star - 8 years ago
Fallen Star
Fallen Star - 8 years ago
So many viwes because filmed a pretty gerl
Tabias Davis
Tabias Davis - 8 years ago
This is a life I would like to have but its hard already for me because I was born with a chromosome deletion in my arm and to basically out I was born with a dislocated arm that formed that way it's been hard to grow and change for me and others I wish I could that life I wish I wasn't me I
Tabias Davis
Tabias Davis - 8 years ago
This video was beautiful in many ways with the way how you captured it. The water was pretty and clear the women captured in the video was beautiful as well and they way you captured her in nature and the ocean it was beautiful all together
Mark F
Mark F - 8 years ago
She try's to hard to show off her body what a whore. Any one want a STD
Boylo Boyle
Boylo Boyle - 8 years ago
yeah, and she is sexy as fuck, and you have a problem with her showing that off??? its not her fault that your gay and don't like beautiful chicks
Cole Rowland
Cole Rowland - 8 years ago
Your just jelly because u couldn't even get that you fag
Joseph todd
Joseph todd - 8 years ago
Can we watch her do porn
Алексей Шестаков
Алексей Шестаков - 8 years ago
нормальные девочки )

20. comment for GoPro: Alana Blanchard Surfer Girl On

Jesse - 8 years ago
Bruno Frassetto
Bruno Frassetto - 8 years ago
Man, this is the most depressing video that i watched in my life. I want this life! please!
barnacmongars - 8 years ago
na much moe shaping the boards seems funnier to me
menina gostosaa da porra
jojobeans64 - 8 years ago
must be nice to live there an have some money
Ron Rushburg
Ron Rushburg - 8 years ago
If she took her bikini bottoms off and showed her piss-flaps she'd get more views and I'd get a hard-on.
polifatts - 8 years ago
So she can surf, but can she suck a dick??
polifatts - 8 years ago
Alana Blanchdick
gage willoughby
gage willoughby - 8 years ago
Gives me a boner every time I watch it. Show me Dat pussy!
Drummerdude - 8 years ago
love the 3 surfing clips.
Nelly Vlogs
Nelly Vlogs - 8 years ago
"I'm gonna be like her, and do something productive"

'2 seconds later'

eats potato chips

30. comment for GoPro: Alana Blanchard Surfer Girl On

Anthony Ciccariello
Anthony Ciccariello - 8 years ago
Bradley C.
Bradley C. - 8 years ago
She is my dream girl!!
Gron Kh
Gron Kh - 8 years ago
my life be like...shit
tucko11 - 8 years ago
nice thong she wears
DANILO DS - 8 years ago
im a simple man...i see boobs.i press like and subscribe
island bums
island bums - 9 years ago
loved this video :))
Destructo 15
Destructo 15 - 9 years ago
Some people have the most awesome life! Not fair ;)
huey - 8 years ago
you can make it like this lol stop being lazy
blah - 9 years ago
Forever wishing I was a surfer girl
Ryan Judd
Ryan Judd - 7 years ago
go to Cornwall, its north coast is known for having good surf spots
blah - 8 years ago
+jmlee84 bro in England?? nah man
jmlee84 - 8 years ago
Go out there and take a surf lesson!
Adam Mist
Adam Mist - 9 years ago
Your really awesome
Miss Perkins
Miss Perkins - 9 years ago
This video is beautiful.. Don't get me wrong.. But does anyone else hate their life as they watch this video?
Kayciaz World
Kayciaz World - 8 years ago
Mystogan - 9 years ago
One thing that caught my attention (other than the babes), How the heck could they open their eyes underwater (saltwater). I've had ocean water splashed in my face and when it goes in my eyes the pain is agonizing.
Uzumaki Naruto
Uzumaki Naruto - 8 years ago
Yeah when you dunk dive and open ur eyes for years, nothing happens
Since they are surfers, they have to deal with it all the time. So they get used to it.
Live Canadian Girls
Live Canadian Girls - 9 years ago
Sub`d :) Great video`s GoPro !!! Thanks :) we use GoPro`s too :) Who thinks GoPro should sponsor us ??? LOL
haloclinesurfrockVEVO - 9 years ago
the surf rock music is a french groupe "halocline" if you want the sing name blanchard hervé and freddy wax blanchard and goualandeau charles good swell alana
Umang Thakkar
Umang Thakkar - 9 years ago
Good acting
antigonish63 - 9 years ago
Is this chick even human? How is it possible to be that athletic and that hot?
波岳【思い出箱】 - 9 years ago
too nice...
John Blydenstein
John Blydenstein - 9 years ago
I only watched the video, because of the girls in bikinis.
Dee Gemma B.
Dee Gemma B. - 8 years ago
runeski74 - 8 years ago
why do you think im here! lol
Kieran M
Kieran M - 8 years ago
is there another reason?
John B
John B - 9 years ago
+CaveTrollsSuck A perfectly reasonable approach.
Pat Hern
Pat Hern - 9 years ago
Toute cette pellicule gaspillée pour voir quoi ??!!
CK_32 - 9 years ago
Dam this shit made me want to get back into surfing... Use to have such a fat crush on this chick back in the day.
Kaleigh Black
Kaleigh Black - 9 years ago
Please leave perverts. This video is for people like me that look up to her as a SURFER. She would not even look at you trolling deadbeats.
John B
John B - 8 years ago
+Jade Alexa You missed my sarcasm, which was directed at Kaleigh Black, who has a problem with men appreciating beautiful women in bikinis. Of course women should not have to cover up to be taken seriously. Alana rocks on the waves. Take a chill pill.
I'm not active Style12333nj
I'm not active Style12333nj - 8 years ago
John B
John B - 8 years ago
+Eddie M But she prances so well!
Eddie M
Eddie M - 8 years ago
huh? theres only like 5 seconds of her actually surfing. the rest is her just prancing around in a bikini
Jade Alexa
Jade Alexa - 8 years ago
+John B why do girls have to cover up in order
for them to be taken seriously? I think you and all the other perverted men in this world just need to fucking be mature and control themselves
Joshua - 9 years ago
+Kaleigh Black Thing is though, I actually wanted to watch the video because I wanted to see them surfing. Maybe 1/5th of the video was surfing after all, if not less. One might think about the why.
Kaleigh Black
Kaleigh Black - 9 years ago
+John B it's fucking Hawaii who want's to wear a wetsuit?
John B
John B - 9 years ago
+Kaleigh Black Maybe Alana should wear a wetsuit all the time if she's concerned about people taking her seriously. I think it's you who have the problem.
Lazarus D
Lazarus D - 9 years ago
Surfed my entire life. Prefer snowboarding now though.
Kaleigh Black
Kaleigh Black - 9 years ago
+Lazarus D Do you even know the first thing about surfing?
Lazarus D
Lazarus D - 9 years ago
+Kaleigh Black There are better female surfers that don't have a following so deal with it.
HellaFlyGames - 9 years ago
+Kaleigh Black She is a proffesional duckdiver
Epcot lp
Epcot lp - 9 years ago
She is playing up her sexuality

50. comment for GoPro: Alana Blanchard Surfer Girl On

MURAT - 9 years ago
She is mermaid.Daughter in Poseidon.
Kyla Palm
Kyla Palm - 9 years ago
I love surfing to
Ljóðaháttr - 9 years ago
thats freedom...
Michael Giannuzzi
Michael Giannuzzi - 9 years ago
Love your Vids Hottie
Oliver Rivett-Carnac
Oliver Rivett-Carnac - 9 years ago
Could she be any hotter?!
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen
Santiago Rodriguez Guillen - 9 years ago
sunscreens are older that you,please use the brain and get the fucking cream lol
DreadX Boards
DreadX Boards - 9 years ago
and she doesn't surf too badly either!
FasanenOZ - 9 years ago
Sick vid! Check my Travel addict go pro vid!
Phil Whitesell
Phil Whitesell - 9 years ago
the water looks warm
leonardo cook
leonardo cook - 9 years ago
I've noticed that girls style of surfing looks sloppy. Not just surfing but skating as well
leonardo cook
leonardo cook - 9 years ago
+Boss Nasty (Boss Man) LMAO (^o^)
Paul Tiegenberg
Paul Tiegenberg - 9 years ago
wow thats like this man in youtube hes name is mr.nutsdude
tropix1666 - 9 years ago
Oh Jesus blue Christ. Look, I love girls in bikinis. Alana is hot, Her friend, Bethany, who got mauled by a shark, is also hot. I just don't see the point of this video. The girls that surf at Cocoa beach don't wear micro bikinis. They wear wetsuits and are every bit as good as the males surfing. This video isn't about Alana, Bethany, or anyone else who surfs. This is about looking hot in a bikini. And I Have NO PROBLEM with that. Teens have every right to wear cute swimwear and look good for boys. But this is a misrepresentation of what it is to be a surfer girl. If you follow this model, you'll get laid, a LOT. But is that the point of surfing? To get laid and get boys? I have a 13 year old niece who does it and she's not thinking about sex, insofar as the sport is concerned. This is why the "perverted justice" guys live. You're providing whack-off material for 35 year olds.
manns101101 - 9 years ago
If I was swimming and saw 0:54, I'd end up like 1:57
Jonathan Benjamin
Jonathan Benjamin - 9 years ago
+manns101101 hahahahahahhahaaaaaaa
Deandra Evans
Deandra Evans - 9 years ago
A lot of pictures I love you surfing in the movie alana I love you surfing in the loop east I love you surfing
BradsonMan - 9 years ago
Came for the booty, didnt get dissapointed.
Kattatude - 9 years ago
Hi I just wanted to say Alana is my inspiration!!! I'm 12 and I'm training to be a pro surfer my parents are even homeschooling me in high school so I can surf more!!! Thank you Alana for being the best surfer!!!
Practice Makes Perfect Then They Say Nobody Is Perfect So I Stop Practicing
Practice Makes Perfect Then They Say Nobody Is Perfect So I Stop Practicing - 9 years ago
Paradise on earth.
1 Web Consulting
1 Web Consulting - 9 years ago
Nice vid
Tam Da Bam
Tam Da Bam - 9 years ago
I just imagine her in 15 years, all ate up and bitter at the enjoy your beauty cunt because bitches have a shelf life......
Émilie Martineau
Émilie Martineau - 9 years ago
what is the title of the song?
Jon C
Jon C - 9 years ago
I'm in love!
Alittlebitnuts2day - 9 years ago
With Rosey palm and her five friends?
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
I bet she shits cotton candy and oozes honey at that time of the month.
thastinger345 - 9 years ago
+milkmandan77 haha, nice one
Bert Delf
Bert Delf - 9 years ago
Editor is going for seizures with the quick cuts.
Cynthia Hamil
Cynthia Hamil - 9 years ago
Great video!  I grew vp in Texas - swimming in a swimming pool, this makes me wish that I had grown vp near the ocean!  This looks so fvn!
Gianni DeBartolo
Gianni DeBartolo - 9 years ago
pretty sick
cashmab - 9 years ago
The only thing that sucks about this video is that I'm not there.
Blue Sky
Blue Sky - 9 years ago
Alana whats with those sexy looks your throwing at the camera, your surfing skill and natural beauty is all you need for people to watch your videos, its not necessary to play it up for the camera.
morphine62 - 9 years ago
oh yummy....
xamescobra - 9 years ago
Amazing Alana...!!!!
Ben Gaudreault
Ben Gaudreault - 9 years ago
theres a 10 kids
John Fumo
John Fumo - 9 years ago
I read the Comments and was surprised to hear 5 Million people feeling sorry for themselves.... You have the same opportunity as Alana. Maybe you don't Surf as good and aren't as hot, but shit man if life sucks so bad get out and make some changes. Its real short don't waste it whining.
TagMehirTzedek - 9 years ago
Игорь Швец
Игорь Швец - 9 years ago
Почему нет ссылки на используемую музыкальную композицию? На кол всех баб, и поломать все доски...
Albert Zbigley
Albert Zbigley - 9 years ago
Быть может потому, что в видео на 0:50 прям таки "написано" что там за композиция...
Stanley Blanchard
Stanley Blanchard - 9 years ago
I have Blanchard in my name
Barbara Ubilla Diaz
Barbara Ubilla Diaz - 9 years ago
Very nice
t mac
t mac - 9 years ago
what sucks for young surfer chicks is that by the time they get into their early thirties their skin looks like an old catcher's mitt and their hair is like the straw of a broom. sun screen girls. you ain't gonna be 19 and cute for long.
Kid82fy - 9 years ago
Sun screen kills the coral reefs I heard
clafong9 - 9 years ago
+t mac Good advise, and for surfer guys too of course. I surfed for many years and I'm fair-skinned and paying for it now. The quality and strength of modern-day sunscreens make it easy to cover up. And wear sun-protective clothing and hats when out of the water.
Jaks2much - 9 years ago
That only applies to none Polynesian surfers.
Alicia 24
Alicia 24 - 9 years ago
I learned to surf roughly 4 years ago in California where my fam is. I burn super easy, so maybe I pay more attention to protecting my skin than most people do, but we all know once you are out there, your mind is not on skin care.
t mac
t mac - 9 years ago
ain't no waves in Arizona baby. wave pools don't count. I grew up across kam highway from v land, where you can tuck into the barrel so long you don't have to worry about sun damage.
Alicia 24
Alicia 24 - 9 years ago
Often we apply it before we go out, but often forget to reapply it because let's be honest its hard keeping track of time when you're out there :)
Cazz Lion
Cazz Lion - 9 years ago
Soft porn at its finest!
CIVE - 9 years ago
and Im here, in my room, behind my pc doing nothing with my life.....*sigh
jealous as fck
The Super Christian
The Super Christian - 7 years ago
Alittlebitnuts2day You've inspired me! Thanks.
ratonconpatas - 8 years ago
+Alittlebitnuts2day made my day hahahaha
PinkAlien - 9 years ago
+Alittlebitnuts2day rolf
Alittlebitnuts2day - 9 years ago
You're doing something , you're sitting there behind your computer with your pants down around your ankles pounding your puppy to these beautiful girls on the video
Romanza313 - 9 years ago
+matth Reid same
Practice Makes Perfect Then They Say Nobody Is Perfect So I Stop Practicing
Practice Makes Perfect Then They Say Nobody Is Perfect So I Stop Practicing - 9 years ago
+matth Reid
In that case you have your whole life ahead of you, no need to feel bad. Thank you for the compliment.
CIVE - 9 years ago
true! but the problem is that I am sixteen and in school. I can't live like this yet cause I am to young. but thanks for your kind words, you seem like an amazing person.
Practice Makes Perfect Then They Say Nobody Is Perfect So I Stop Practicing
Practice Makes Perfect Then They Say Nobody Is Perfect So I Stop Practicing - 9 years ago
+matth Reid
If you really want it neither age or money can stop you. Age is just a number, and you don't need a lot of money to have fun.
CIVE - 9 years ago
money and age
Practice Makes Perfect Then They Say Nobody Is Perfect So I Stop Practicing
Practice Makes Perfect Then They Say Nobody Is Perfect So I Stop Practicing - 9 years ago
+matth Reid Who's stopping you?
Herbert Añari Ramirez
Herbert Añari Ramirez - 9 years ago
Congratulations,very nice video!
Julian Vellojin
Julian Vellojin - 9 years ago
no puerden
Rahyun Trinanditya
Rahyun Trinanditya - 9 years ago
:)  visit magic point surf trip at Sumbawa Indonesia
Nskate - 10 years ago
Fucking babe
ganchmaster - 10 years ago
This video should be named wet chick's, surfers are on another part of youtube
Moderategamer /
Moderategamer / - 10 years ago
Dat turtle 0:13 
OspreyBravo18 - 10 years ago
The disappointing part is she focuses more on taking shots of herself (very attractive) than putting a message out there like hey lets protect the ocean that we find so beautiful and enjoy so much...
Ola5713 - 10 years ago
Rewelacja ! 
The Real Oracle
The Real Oracle - 10 years ago
I would suck the salt out of her tight slit.
joecobra1234 - 10 years ago
everone is all fuckkin thonged the hellout these days i see
Gabriel Traveler
Gabriel Traveler - 10 years ago
That was quite the little slice of heaven.
007tallguy - 10 years ago
sweeeet! :)

100. comment for GoPro: Alana Blanchard Surfer Girl On

True Man
True Man - 10 years ago
Wanna f#ck those girls!!!!.....hope my dream come true.
HAPPYplace - 10 years ago
Awesome video!
Carlos Pereira
Carlos Pereira - 10 years ago
fantastic taste
fantastic taste - 10 years ago
oh ..
its is feel so good 
verry well..^^
Kiters Refuge
Kiters Refuge - 10 years ago
this is soft porn. nothing to do with surfing.
Cejilla789 - 10 years ago
Wasn Leben...
Rodrigo Machado Tavares
Rodrigo Machado Tavares - 10 years ago
Nice one! Awesome video though.
Steve Haresign
Steve Haresign - 10 years ago
Gorgeous, great production and these girls are fit too, in more ways than one...
Peter Brown
Peter Brown - 10 years ago
Лизавета Бесфамильная
Лизавета Бесфамильная - 10 years ago
В Россию вас, в сибирь.........
Ryan Lee
Ryan Lee - 10 years ago
And here I am. Stuck in fucking Kansas for my entire 30 years on this planet so far. What a waste.....I wanna experience life like this so bad it causes me both physical and emotional distress. But lack of money wont allow me to travel far. Ugh!!! Beautiful production, I hope they cherish the life they have been given, it sure looks like they are taking nothing for granted! 
LT CH - 9 years ago
+B Barry Bern Switzerland bro, I feel ya!
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 9 years ago
+DillyPickle706 Yeah but the beaches are way better in Australia, surfing too.
Aaron Armstrong
Aaron Armstrong - 9 years ago
I lucky to live on the coast of NSW Australia cause there are many beaches on my doorstep
Jakob - 9 years ago
+RuShMaShiNe haha wo wohnst du denn? hört sich ja schlimm an :D
John Emerson
John Emerson - 9 years ago
+cybertree try surfing, I know its slow but its just as fun if not even more fun than snowboarding, the feeling is awesome
Trentini Beatriz
Trentini Beatriz - 9 years ago
Follow your heart !! I swear you will never regret !!
W C - 10 years ago
Drive to Colorado and spend a season working the slopes and ski or board man.  
dahrrg - 10 years ago
+decapit atetrs Poor you, life stinks, hang in there.
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 10 years ago
+B Barry Migrate here to Australia! We love the Swiss! OK you're a bloke but the chicks dig it! Bring some of your beautiful women too ;)
caveman Versace
caveman Versace - 10 years ago
Come to Australia! We have this and more! By more I mean crocodiles. There are some beautiful spots but have to watch out for sharks and crocs.
Daren Redman
Daren Redman - 10 years ago
Man that least go visit some other states with beaches lol
cybertree - 10 years ago
I honestly think people should naturally feel bored where they live, I mean even surfing in Hawaii everyday HAS to get old, as a snowboarder in Alaska (which I moved to from KY because I was bored as fuck) surfing is WAY too slow to be exhilarating, as long as I have good friends and snowboarding I don't care. 
cybertree - 10 years ago
No excuses people, if your TRULY living in hell shouldn't it be easy to literally walk away from it? (I mean, that's considering you have NO money.) +Ryan Lee I hear what your sayin' brother, but if your not tied down, take a bus to Cali, Florida, North Carolina, THEY'RE ALL BEAUTIFUL AND FUN!
Big Barry
Big Barry - 10 years ago
same here bro, zürich switzerland, fucking boring place on plnaet erth
Braxton Wright
Braxton Wright - 10 years ago
You can live a GREAT life in paradise (Thailand) for around $800 a month. Save up the money, sell everything you own, and never look back. Good luck dude.
e Ma
e Ma - 10 years ago
what schould i say i stuck in berlin....... 
dahrrg - 10 years ago
Try to save 2000-3000 bucks, leave the place by yourself and give the trip a freedom of at least 6 months. After 2 horrible homesick weeks you'll open up and start enjoying, exploring. It can be very cheap to travel if you're creative, overcome your fears to constantly engage people and erase the need of a comfortable house/appartment. Most of the times you just have to go and freeze developments in your life with friends and family. People who care about you will most likely be there when you're back with great stories and a totally new and stronger character.

And by the way, don't go and visit western countries, those can be explored when you're old. Besides, too expensive.

If you have kids, think again.

Moral of the story:
If you really want to you'll find a way and do it. If not then get that thought torturing you out of your system, be the coolest local guy and make a change. Sucks to be a grown up, I know, but that's the decision almost everybody has to make to get out of the first depressing period, basically it's a decision on who you are, who you want to be and are you willing to take the steps in between.
G Greedy
G Greedy - 10 years ago
you can get a holiday work visa to go to australia so all u gotta save for is the flight there and a couple grand to live for a bit until u find a job....most people do fruit picking...but australia is awesome
Dmetrey437 - 10 years ago
Welcome to the club
Ryan Lee
Ryan Lee - 10 years ago
+RuShMaShiNe Back at ya.
Amer Mirahcic
Amer Mirahcic - 10 years ago
im living in the dark concrete jungles of germany ... fucked up mood all 365 days just the couple of sunny days give u a boost ... but compared to this paradise on earth its fucking hell...

enjoy your life the fullest if you can
Michael Tyndall
Michael Tyndall - 10 years ago
what the name of that music??
Elias Piano Music
Elias Piano Music - 10 years ago
isn´t she the girl on "people react to" videos?
Ni4etak - 10 years ago
Сиськи, письки, жопы это хорошо )))
Payne92 sss
Payne92 sss - 10 years ago
יאיר גוזלן
יאיר גוזלן - 10 years ago
stuff like that only in movies 1:29
Mario Antonio
Mario Antonio - 10 years ago
surfer butt
WiNg HiNg TSo
WiNg HiNg TSo - 10 years ago
Alfapiano Piano
Alfapiano Piano - 10 years ago
excelente!!desde Argentina muy buen video!!
Alfapiano Piano
Alfapiano Piano - 10 years ago
no es mio ese video no te lo mandamos una mentira..una publicidad
Maui Surf Photos
Maui Surf Photos - 10 years ago
Got A Video Of Alana Blanchard Surfing Honolua Bay.. Ripping
Matt Viafora
Matt Viafora - 10 years ago
sebs68 - 10 years ago
belles tortues
iTumbleSwimRun - 10 years ago
Isn't she like, Betheny Hamiltens best friend or somethin? What happend to them?
Cornel Amarantino
Cornel Amarantino - 10 years ago
Google ads may not be placed on pages with adult or mature content. This includes, but is not limited to, pages with images or videos containing: strategically covered nudity; sheer or see-through clothing; lewd or provocative poses; close-ups of breasts, buttocks, or crotches
foxwuj - 10 years ago
i never surf aside from the web, i hate water don't even remember when was the last time i swim but still i can't stop looping this video...
KARBONFIBA - 10 years ago
Body Roli
Body Roli - 10 years ago
is this Hero Black 3+   ???
Raul Troxler
Raul Troxler - 10 years ago
What turtles?!
LVNorther white
LVNorther white - 10 years ago
I only watched this to see your tits Alana....... And I was not disappointed.
EQ HUNTER - 10 years ago
Szép ,meg minden!Csak a zene gagyi!
steve roberts
steve roberts - 10 years ago
are these places in the US ?
sv thebomb
sv thebomb - 9 years ago
yes they're in Hawaii
77BeatsPerMinute - 10 years ago
I saw hot girls. Great video!
Alessandro Placa
Alessandro Placa - 10 years ago
Vasya Likhoy
Vasya Likhoy - 10 years ago
my life is boring
Jolynne Howard
Jolynne Howard - 10 years ago
Remarkable video with beautiful surfer girls with many wonderful ocean creature! 
shaneo33t - 10 years ago
In love
Nayrakis - 10 years ago
NIKITA GROMOV † - 10 years ago
FuturisticApple1 - 10 years ago
so effing hot
Григорий Богослов
Григорий Богослов - 10 years ago
а мы бичи типо?
James Dutton
James Dutton - 10 years ago
How do I get a copy of this music?
Wezzz - 10 years ago
i like those... waves.
Bito - 10 years ago
Kauai home girl. Nice! Left some boards there for when I go home. Can't wait to film some surf there!
keith rice
keith rice - 10 years ago
i think i will take up surfing after seeing this 
how123how123 - 10 years ago
do u wanna be my bunny...........
I have 450 dollars in US bank  
Ratedr 711
Ratedr 711 - 10 years ago
hot as fuck
David Strydom
David Strydom - 10 years ago
Girls need to surf, bodyboard more. You cant even begin to understand the FEELING you are missing, actually,  no it sucks  don't bother. The crowds are bad..... hehehe. Be "free" before the world governments decide that earth is to CROWDED for the better of mankind "the scared wealthy". The (damned) don't even no a tube from a train.
David Strydom
David Strydom - 10 years ago
and who said heaven is not REAL. 
gackzanley - 10 years ago
Why does every fucking gopro video have to have electronic music? lol I love At Dawn We Rage but that's so unnecessary. Pick something that actually fits.
fccwatch - 10 years ago
Damn these people look like there having so much fun while I'm stuck in a shitty 9-5 office job with no windows and boss that breathes down my neck all day long.  Hopefully my next life will something more like this.
Fahad Ali
Fahad Ali - 9 years ago
I am gvvb
Walter Tower
Walter Tower - 10 years ago
Yess!! What the fuck went wrong with my life. The last time I took my board (windsurf) was in 2002. Ever since, working. Still ski, but it is the surfing I really miss. FUCKKK!! I think I am jealous .. :(
suineg1 - 10 years ago
Sad but true...
Pi - 10 years ago
+fccwatch Good answer. Im in the same boat as you or id be killin people for cash.
fccwatch - 10 years ago
Athleticmaleuk - 10 years ago
What's stopping you from doing it now?
noof_mans mansor
noof_mans mansor - 10 years ago
روعه حلو مررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررره
中村しげふみ - 10 years ago
Yann Coffey
Yann Coffey - 10 years ago
0:54 Oh My God
Mr.Good Vibes
Mr.Good Vibes - 10 years ago
Im here for boobs
TCA Media
TCA Media - 10 years ago
What boobs?
Mikey Pwned
Mikey Pwned - 10 years ago
Am I the only one that masturbated to this GoPro video?
Nock Han
Nock Han - 10 years ago
So surf girl doesn't surf that much just try's to look pretty. That's dumb
Alexander Cano
Alexander Cano - 10 years ago
James Medina
James Medina - 10 years ago
i would cum inside her all day
remy Khuong
remy Khuong - 10 years ago
cm man, she just a girl (maybe woman), and then got over 3m view included me =)))))
Abraham luna
Abraham luna - 10 years ago
nice what a..fine  find ...,
Roadrunna Tec
Roadrunna Tec - 10 years ago
Darn that blonde is hot.
AppleProGamer - 10 years ago
This video seems processed, you can't get this vibrant colours in the the GoPro.
AppleProGamer - 10 years ago
+Ske1etor Wrong guess. I edit videos and
Cajun83 - 10 years ago
Let me guess, shooting in protune but don't know how to edit... lol
Robert Gaines
Robert Gaines - 10 years ago
Using auto-tune and adobe products this is a legitimate range of color.
RymosRealm - 10 years ago
Mute the audio and play Home Grown - Surfer Girl... in the background, much better video now.
MrOBESE Offiez
MrOBESE Offiez - 10 years ago
someone know this song ?
Eric Seavey
Eric Seavey - 10 years ago
Where exactly is 1:50 - 1:54 ???
speirsy lad
speirsy lad - 10 years ago
Tidy but kinda loves herself! Crap tune to the vid.
Yan P.
Yan P. - 10 years ago
Song: At Dawn We Rage - Over it
Andrianna Diplarou
Andrianna Diplarou - 10 years ago
Isn't she the one from the movie called "soul Surfer"?? the best friend or whatever? o.O
Fantute Dovile
Fantute Dovile - 10 years ago
Song name?
おちんぽこハメハメ太郎DX - 10 years ago
Mathias Chaves
Mathias Chaves - 10 years ago
dupaorigins - 10 years ago
I think I'm alone to say she is a good surfer ^^
Stef - 10 years ago
thats how i wish my life could be hehe
Chenghua Yang
Chenghua Yang - 10 years ago
thats awesome! remind me of those beaches and ocean :D
wisogod - 10 years ago
WoooW!!  little bitch!
kyle watts
kyle watts - 10 years ago
Awesome video!!!
Matt Tych
Matt Tych - 10 years ago
some people say that you always have to follow your heart or your decisions and stuff

I followed my dick and I aint complaning
Brian Rapp
Brian Rapp - 10 years ago
1961 jenny maxwell my mom from norway was ellie the 16 yr old percous blonde in blue Hawaïi we drank primo beers and grasshoppers around thé fire pot at coco palms beach and i surfer thé queens pond with margo
Ben Mallie
Ben Mallie - 10 years ago
myinfinitestate - 10 years ago
Damn is she hot!
Rix Mohay
Rix Mohay - 10 years ago
Rads !!!
Hooverdarnit - 10 years ago
Everybody who owns a GoPro Hero 3 should get a Cyclops Bandana mount found on Ebay.
samuel hall
samuel hall - 10 years ago
Could you make another movie but just have a camera attached to the back of the board?

 I just want to see where to put my back foot. Whilst surfing.or something. 
enlishem1 - 10 years ago
i love you girls
Ross Isaacs
Ross Isaacs - 10 years ago
Hot as fuck
Mr76Blitz - 10 years ago
CharlesBarron1 - 10 years ago
Just let a load go
CJ Charnas
CJ Charnas - 10 years ago
tits in thumbnail = views
Василий Зарукин
Василий Зарукин - 10 years ago
мне очень понравилась.
Василий Зарукин
Василий Зарукин - 10 years ago
вода это жизнь .мне очень понравилась  .я вырос на  море....
leonard Vinci
leonard Vinci - 10 years ago
Sexy et gracieuse la demoiselle.
Apollo1van - 10 years ago
My surfboard has my name on it
alec9910 - 10 years ago
Marry me now
EasyFlipFlap - 10 years ago
Grrrr im love
MotoDNA - 10 years ago
Marry me :D
Charles K
Charles K - 10 years ago
can i ask what program was used to edit this video?
Tim Poynter
Tim Poynter - 10 years ago
Where is she surfing!!
Tim Poynter
Tim Poynter - 10 years ago
Great on surfing and I liked the video!!! :) good job
Luis Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez - 10 years ago
This is amazing. Music is awesome. Video is excellent.  It is heavenly.
rialbb - 10 years ago
if she married me, she could be alana blanchard-blandford
dahrrg - 10 years ago
robert gonzales
robert gonzales - 10 years ago
Looks like some serious fun... As long as there's a fast food /anything even burger king nearby
phantomshTTer - 10 years ago
Is it a fucking prerequisite to upload vids to this shitty electronica music nowadays or what?
phantomshTTer - 10 years ago
+oregonxyz No better either.
oregonxyz - 10 years ago
not as bad as kayakers using rap crap in their videos
TheSkillett Willett
TheSkillett Willett - 10 years ago
What eves................
phantomshTTer - 10 years ago
+jbhebbel  Nobody cares about your opinion either bitch.  Dub sucks and so does your mom.  Uh oh, your comment disappeared to! lol
phantomshTTer - 10 years ago
+danteasdfgh Yeah, I couldn't think of the stupid name of the trendy ass shit.
danteasdfgh - 10 years ago
that crap is dubstep, don't insult electronic music because this is far from what the original started and evolved. 
Rogers Photography
Rogers Photography - 10 years ago
+Davi Fernandes
 Davi is correct. Latch on to Loopology or Acid Music Pro and you can create background music with no hassles from youtube about copyright infringement. Sometimes it's good/great and sometimes it's not so good but it beats no music at all most of the time. If it does not suit your taste then there is always the "mute" button.
Davi Fernandes
Davi Fernandes - 10 years ago
sadly, * eletronica is real easy to make
Exentriko X
Exentriko X - 10 years ago
i wanna Surfboard NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!   x'D
doubleage89 - 10 years ago
You´re looking like a strong woman! Just physically or also mental? Amazing landscape!
romeoguitar - 10 years ago
would u be able to tell me the location of that cave at 1.51 minute 
Checox27 !
Checox27 ! - 11 years ago
+cK_ruleZ its very easy lol....downlosd gopro app to your pc, macpro, or laptop and edit it... most of is just quick editing through the app by changing a couple of filters, slow mo's, resolution and cuts and rewinds and boom there you go...the gopro is a wonderful camera n it records the way it does because its all raw footage lol, the editing is your job she'll do her job now you do yours.
Jiri Volejnik
Jiri Volejnik - 11 years ago
Such a tease!
Gary Bross
Gary Bross - 11 years ago
I first came to the surf of Hawaii in 1975 chicks back then didn't look like this!
SanyaSashkaAlexand - 11 years ago
345 импотентов!
clarkxxkent1 - 11 years ago
ty babyJesus' Daddy... for inventing surfer girls
=) ...yooz rock!! (you know hes sittin out on a wave lookin at his ole mans toys...hahaha GO GOD)
cengiz kuscu
cengiz kuscu - 11 years ago
Pls enlighten me. In some gopro balck review videos, the image looks like shit. But in this video it looks so clear and perfect . Can anyone help me out?
trever pitts
trever pitts - 8 years ago
i know it has i was commenting when some said how is it looking so sharp when there video did not look that good
Pukki34 - 8 years ago
+trever pitts Yeah it has been professionally corrected in every way possible.
trever pitts
trever pitts - 8 years ago
+Hahi_Roku Kng im dumb. because i know what im talking about i have used a gopro be for and it did not look as sharp as what you see in the youtube gopro channel
女房s u i c i d e
女房s u i c i d e - 8 years ago
+trever pitts ur stupid m8 sorry
trever pitts
trever pitts - 8 years ago
itd called its edited really well that is why gopro videos look so sharp if you just use a gopro your self and don't edit it thats why it looks bad
Pukki34 - 9 years ago
+Chris McElroy Really this video was a promo made by pros :D
Chris McElroy
Chris McElroy - 9 years ago
+cengiztube editing softwares have color correction. Try messing with that.
Pukki34 - 9 years ago
+cengiztube It has been color graded in editing ofc
Mentalt Minefelt
Mentalt Minefelt - 9 years ago
+johnnyecho hehe indeed. That helps.
johnnyecho - 9 years ago
+Mentalt Minefelt and also there's the surfer girl on screen, that makes a difference
Mentalt Minefelt
Mentalt Minefelt - 10 years ago
+Cole Harvey It has to do with the lighting. The GoPro Hero 2 (I have one) has 1) automatic white balance, and 2) not a strong light reception card. It gets grainy and bad fast unless you have direct sunlight. But in awesome weather there is no reason why you can't have awesome shots like this,
Cole Harvey
Cole Harvey - 10 years ago
Network A
Network A - 10 years ago
+Cole Harvey Hi guys, this was shot 100% on the  GoPro HD HERO2 camera, an earlier generation GoPro. 
Cole Harvey
Cole Harvey - 10 years ago
Not all of it was filmed on Gopro I think.
aquaponic85 - 11 years ago
the garden of eden????
steve boutrin
steve boutrin - 11 years ago
Shes not fat yay
william sepulveda benavides
william sepulveda benavides - 11 years ago
Nico Chile117
Nico Chile117 - 11 years ago
Bella!!! <3
LordWirt - 11 years ago
there were women.....DID YOU NOT SEE THAT OCEAN!!!
DukeLaCrosse20 - 11 years ago
I want to be reincarnated as a girl's surfboard.
dustin engelhaupt
dustin engelhaupt - 11 years ago
sweet jesus
Sukellus Asiaan
Sukellus Asiaan - 11 years ago
I would like to have sponsorship from gopro! I love it.
Carlos Ferreira
Carlos Ferreira - 11 years ago
Muito alucinante da melhor qualidade
STEVEN ARTHUR - 11 years ago
tastelikelumpia92 - 11 years ago
She's sponsored by GoPro and probably several other companies so she gets paid to surf and whatnot. Word.
STEVEN ARTHUR - 11 years ago
HBCult - 11 years ago
Beauty and talent!
Ken2234 - 11 years ago
living dreams
First - 11 years ago
That turtle, though...
Redeyed Jedi
Redeyed Jedi - 11 years ago
I watched it cos im a surfer and the sexy women were a bonus.
dylan chabek
dylan chabek - 11 years ago
I'd soo pee in her butt.
Nicolás 94 LP
Nicolás 94 LP - 11 years ago
i came here for puddi
Josh Trif
Josh Trif - 11 years ago
I just realized that I'm a perv...     >= ]

jp3813 - 10 years ago
+Faux toegrafik "Without a bikini bottom" would actually have been better. lol
Faux toegrafik
Faux toegrafik - 10 years ago
Thats why this vid was made... otherwise it would be a normal girl without a bikini bottom up her ass... but lucky for us its not lol
Chris Kirkman
Chris Kirkman - 11 years ago
+Gary Thomson It's the only reason we clicked this link.
Gary Thomson
Gary Thomson - 11 years ago
If that means you enjoy looking at pretty women in bikinis frolic about, then I guess about 99% of men are of the same ilk.
alberto f. nascimento filho
alberto f. nascimento filho - 11 years ago
Beautiful Planet
luiz fernando
luiz fernando - 11 years ago
muito bom
Max Wheeler
Max Wheeler - 11 years ago
I didnt care what they were doing, other than, lets see, beautiful girls, in gorgeous waters, having a ball and how does one get involved in this exotic place?
David White
David White - 11 years ago
WATCH and be INSPIRED #projecthumancondition !!!!!
COMANDOBAYER - 11 years ago
Donde hay tortugas hay tiburones! sal de ahíiiiii
Олег Лукьянчук
Олег Лукьянчук - 11 years ago
Вот это баба!
ifoxino - 11 years ago
girls you are so amazing!
D.J.S. - 11 years ago
Well done
Marc Offenbacher
Marc Offenbacher - 11 years ago
I just finished my first video edit from what I did last year :) Check it out!
365 Days of AWESOME (GOPRO 2013)
AlexParker1981 - 11 years ago
wow...she did one they basically should of advertised her as a model or something...the good trick was by a dude...then showing her train with the rock and then ride small waves...c'mon...stop these  girls from ruining the industry...ruining the girls who have brains and surf well...this was shit. the another wave of that dude doing a bette trick...should of been called "model attention seeker who can almost surf and has to train like the scene from blue crush with the rocks...just had to get the footage of that.  what a poser chick. chicks like that are wack. i'm just upset with the title of this...but i did enjoy her ass. since that's what was portrayed
mrazish - 11 years ago
Распиздяи 99 уровня
BarthasCZ - 11 years ago
0:54 DAT ASS!
A Crustacean
A Crustacean - 11 years ago
so much fap to do. so little time.
ghettobird2012 - 11 years ago
My god.....I love how it's less about surfing and more about these beautiful models
teofly - 11 years ago
cool video
Maurice Sallave
Maurice Sallave - 11 years ago
damn I think I just bought an HD GOPRO!!!
fuckin aye!
DickDickstein - 11 years ago
This is why I always wished I grew up in a place where you could surf. Just fucking surf, look at hot women in bikinis all day, and get a nice tan.

What a life! You look great. :D
Vasich lolcode
Vasich lolcode - 11 years ago
good quality indeed.
the camera quality was nice aswell.
Robarth Frazze
Robarth Frazze - 11 years ago
I'm a big fan of Alana. Actually reminds me of this girl from Sweden: surfsyster(dot)se. Great blog about surfing in Sweden.
The G Dawg Era
The G Dawg Era - 11 years ago
i have sex wee'd
EHDvisuals - 11 years ago
Okay we all know the reason why we're here...
Framepler - 11 years ago
This is just a gorgeous place to be, thanks for the share!
Rick Cosmo
Rick Cosmo - 11 years ago
superb vid quality
XT21 - 11 years ago
big time
Jan Folke Rørvik
Jan Folke Rørvik - 11 years ago
Dig it, and the Music is sweet.
HBCult - 11 years ago
The sea life is amazing!
walid al shikel
walid al shikel - 11 years ago
I like it
lolipoppornbitch - 11 years ago
looks like a beautiful place to hang around :)
Tweeduizend Zeventien
Tweeduizend Zeventien - 11 years ago
i came here for hot chicks :D
LifeOfTwo - 11 years ago
What is up Youtube!

I did my first Go Pro edit and uploaded it TODAY! 
Wish someone could go and check it out... I have my hopes up!
if you liked it comment and ill sub to you!

Waiting for you!
Joseph Blanche
Joseph Blanche - 11 years ago
very good...liked it....good filmmaking..enjoyed it..
Name - 11 years ago
Fuck my life.
Gui Nussknacker
Gui Nussknacker - 11 years ago
alana tapos na. HAHA!
Tai Viinikka
Tai Viinikka - 11 years ago
Yeah, I agree, the turtles were the coolest part.
T2Master01 - 11 years ago
yup, I cant wait for all these gopro youtubers start using stereoscopic 3d gopro cameras.
SuperPshhh - 11 years ago
скрытая реклама океана
PortaJew Rogue Warrior
PortaJew Rogue Warrior - 11 years ago
hmm.... so, funny thing... I wanna take up surfing now.... not quite sure
Megan white
Megan white - 11 years ago
hi alana if you see this i love your videos and i really love surfing and one day i hope i would be gud at surfing just like you
jam man
jam man - 11 years ago
Nice vid
Rich Archer
Rich Archer - 11 years ago
How can any man be gay?
James Crud
James Crud - 11 years ago
I sit in a fucking office staring at a monitor 8 hours a day to make a living. I really gotta rethink my life.
jconk777 - 11 years ago
why cant girls walk around like that everywhere??
jp3813 - 10 years ago
Careful what you wish for. Not all girls look like them.
StS9LBJ23 - 11 years ago
That was so HOT!
Great vid!
Johhny Appleseed
Johhny Appleseed - 11 years ago
OK, that does it, I'm moving to KAUIA.  Hope to see you on the surf
snow88manatp - 11 years ago
I wanna move high of -5 f in Minnesota right now
René Badré
René Badré - 11 years ago
Roxy or Banana moon !!
Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 11 years ago
Damn I wish I was her board !
GregoCatal - 11 years ago
"Shot 100% on the HD HERO2® camera."

Awesome.  Great cinematography of a very beautiful woman in her element that makes her the happiest.
MrBen527 - 11 years ago
Spent a week on that island 10 years ago and been missing it ever since.
cataria - 11 years ago
where do i get alana's bikini at 0:42?
Nic Evans
Nic Evans - 11 years ago
from right up between her cheeks...
Star Fox
Star Fox - 11 years ago
can i leave there ! and one other think why you girls have string doing surf its help for balance ?
راشد الزهراني
راشد الزهراني - 11 years ago
حبيت الغوص خلاص انا بصير غواص
thedogswheels - 11 years ago
Great - BUT now lets see her off the coast of the UK in freezing water - easy to look cool in hot water!
Денис Клечкин
Денис Клечкин - 11 years ago
COOL video ! What a music ? Thanx !
Дима Димасик
Дима Димасик - 11 years ago
It's my dreams
lowriderlord - 11 years ago
jameshisself - 11 years ago
Oh look, an ass model learned to surf...
Josiah Ambrose
Josiah Ambrose - 11 years ago
That's one wave I wouldn't pull out of.
dpuenteb - 11 years ago
I need summer & bodyboard
Alessandro Fornari
Alessandro Fornari - 11 years ago
I think i'm in love with her.. ;)
Nesta Grover
Nesta Grover - 11 years ago
these girls get paid and taken around to exotic spots to surf, look sexy and attract people through their videos to lust after them so the company rakes in cash off sex.  what a job
taylor rogers
taylor rogers - 11 years ago
She didn't win because she doesn't surf as well as Sally or any of those women. She surfs really really well though. And theres a reason shes a pro. They don't just take anyone to ASP.
AlexParker1981 - 11 years ago
+taylor rogers if she's pro then girls gotta step their game up...cuz he didn't have any waves surfing like a pro. this should of been an ad that explains "models can surf too!"
taylor rogers
taylor rogers - 11 years ago
LOL.. Actually Alana is a professional surfer herself. She chose to make this. And its not like she's doing it for free herself hahaha.
Matt Evans
Matt Evans - 11 years ago
allright penis where to next?
school shooter
school shooter - 10 years ago
I almost spit out my food of laughing lmao
Mr Williams!
Mr Williams! - 10 years ago
whenever I get a notication about this, I laugh as hard as the fìrst tìme.... so funny
SwoleMate - 10 years ago
HAHAHAHA that comment is hilarious and SO true!!! Still laughing!
Alexander Her
Alexander Her - 10 years ago
+Matt Evans haha
Matt Evans
Matt Evans - 10 years ago
She has lol +Alexander Her
Alexander Her
Alexander Her - 10 years ago
I hope your girlfriend sees that lol
American Spirit
American Spirit - 11 years ago
+Matt Evans It be like that when you're a clever motherfucker!
Chosenbydestiny - 11 years ago
Most definitely hilarious, haha
Matt Evans
Matt Evans - 11 years ago
+RetardAndCamera What?
RetardAndCamera - 11 years ago
+Matt Evans Seen over 90000 and all the comment says is: ''interesting...''
Matt Evans
Matt Evans - 11 years ago
107 likes i never even expected that many likes 0.0
Mr Williams!
Mr Williams! - 11 years ago
Funniest comment on YouTube! :) well done sir...
Dhouseh1 - 11 years ago
hahhahaha omg dude I busted out laughing!  awesome lol
Pawel Spiewak
Pawel Spiewak - 11 years ago
1tokeover - 11 years ago
Check this shit out.......

Big Wave Surfing and Dub Reggae
1tokeover - 11 years ago
This is a surfing video it should have Reggae. Why does everyone have to put not only Dubstep, but SHITTY Dubstep into every video?? Dubstep was cool when it was underground and only from the UK.
Ryan Smith
Ryan Smith - 11 years ago
Looks good. She is amazing, We need more of the  pro woman being spot lighted in the surf video scene.
EJ Santayana
EJ Santayana - 11 years ago
She's hot
Johanna Davis
Johanna Davis - 11 years ago
At dawn we rage- over it. The name of the group and song
Jose Chavarria
Jose Chavarria - 11 years ago
We are all here for the turtles :D
Andres Miguel Airabella
Andres Miguel Airabella - 11 years ago
What's the name of the song?
Thomas Kuczaj
Thomas Kuczaj - 11 years ago
Some girls have all the fun....
Zombikiller Son
Zombikiller Son - 11 years ago
The only problem with surfer chicks is that they always look like trannies though haha but not this slut
Zombikiller Son
Zombikiller Son - 11 years ago
Especially when she bend over running with the rock. You know what your doing little slut =)
Zombikiller Son
Zombikiller Son - 11 years ago
I would join that sweet ass anywhere lol reminds me of hawaii
Got a new channel
Got a new channel - 11 years ago
We all know why we came here and we were NOT disappointed
Jacob Rodriguez
Jacob Rodriguez - 11 years ago
Damn ;)
bakersfieldmusicnow - 11 years ago
wow she is SO to hang out with her..and awesome video.!!..muuuua
RyanBurke - 11 years ago
I love surfer chicks :')
Mike Devloo
Mike Devloo - 11 years ago
WOW. Alana and Friends, come visit Kalalau in February, I'll do a dance for you and make you a pizza. Ali Kai will too!
Samus Aran
Samus Aran - 11 years ago
Alana and friends really make me want to surf! It looks like so much fun! I'm going to start looking into it :) I just wish San Francisco ocean water was much warmer! LOL
Samus Aran
Samus Aran - 11 years ago
Northern California can get cold! The last hot day we had, I went into the water, and my feet were numb from the cold water LOL
Didymostruespeak - 11 years ago
what happened to the pro tour for women ?
AlexParker1981 - 11 years ago
women are portrayed as models and sex symbols...professionals that get paid for actual surfing are out there but they don't do this kind of shit for kicks...they soul surf. it's a shame that this kind of shit is taking over...i appreciate her ass but the guy surfing should of got props too and it should of mentioned her ass in the title
Jakub Łuczejko
Jakub Łuczejko - 11 years ago
watch out for sharks ;d
wackawacka14 - 11 years ago

☻/ This is Bob. Copy and paste him                                   
/▌ all over youtube
/ \ so he can take over
and return the old comment section

☻/ This is Bob. Copy and paste him
/▌ all over youtube
/ \ so he can take over
and return the old comment section

☻/ This is Bob. Copy and paste him
/▌ all over youtube
/ \ so he can take over
and return the old comment section

☻/ This is Bob. Copy and paste him
/▌ all over youtube
/ \ so he can take over
and return the old comment section
Mark L
Mark L - 11 years ago
Yup I cant complain
joy turk
joy turk - 11 years ago
BORING!!! Call me when she does something other than a front side turn on a small wave and flounce around in a g-string. 
AlexParker1981 - 11 years ago
+Nate Spring yeah?   NO ....look at the big picture....there are real women out there that we as men search for and hope to one day marry...this is a girl prancing around in a bikini and because she surfs she gets recognition surfing as a pro....fuck outta here with this...change the title...and you probably don't wave ride so that's where you are coming from. or if u do ride waves u don't know much about the sports in wave riding...she wasn't talking about just prancing in a bikini.   it has to do with the idea of women in surfing as a whole.  In turk ain't no sour bitch she's 100 percent right...the title is off.   it makes surfer girls go backwards in progressing. every comment is about seeing her ass (don't get me wrong I LOVE that ass) but the ego she must have now (I COULD BE WRONG) but i'm pretty sure anyone who does a video like this is setting womens surfing back.  and the only good tricks are from a dude in the video...nobody is's just that wave riding sports need no gimics,  kooks,  and outsiders criticism.  we surf. we bodyboard, we mcdonalds tray bodysurf, we longboard, we surf to have fun and get better ultimately... she's some image and she's trying to get paid off of it...which it should be more specifc about that and called her more than just a surfer girl.  and i respect her hustle...but have some respect for yourself and add something from the heart in there instead of just her body. might as well have called it "duck diver girl can duck dive three feet down!!" and just showed her duck diving for better ass shots....she's not a surfer girl. surfer girls would have footage of them surfing...change the title to "versatility in women's action sports" or something else cuz this is the kind of cocky surfer girls that are ugly no matter what they look like...maybe not her, but the way they made the video looks like go ahead and type your one witty comment and get your plus 1 from another fellow non wave rider. SHOOTS!
Michael Evans
Michael Evans - 11 years ago
+joy turk
lol your just a sour bitch
Nate Spring
Nate Spring - 11 years ago
+joy turk So? If there's better surfers making the sport popular and serious then who gives a shit what this chick is wearing/doing? 
joy turk
joy turk - 11 years ago
MR. (obviously by your comment) Kineticsurf. The idea here is not to make this a game. I am not claiming to be a better surfer and  will not be posting a video for your personal masturbatory fodder. The idea here is that what Ms. Blanchard is doing is not helping women's surfing, in fact it is hindering  women in the sport being taken more seriously.  She can't surf that well compared to Stephanie Gilmore or Malia Manuel, she didn't even qualify in the top 10 for the ASP tour. Her videos are about her body not her surfing and yet she gets more "press" than any other female surfer. I find it sad.
kineticsurf - 11 years ago
Ms. Joy, please post some video of yourself doing it better. The thong is not required but one of those hot shorty wetsuits I see around would be good.
The Greenhouse Effect
The Greenhouse Effect - 11 years ago 

Check it out :) would appreciate some feedback. shot 
Bella S.
Bella S. - 11 years ago
Beautiful! Check out more exotic photos of hot & beautiful surfing babes at:
Jeremy McReynolds
Jeremy McReynolds - 11 years ago
So I just decided I am moving to Hawaii...
Adrian Boysel
Adrian Boysel - 11 years ago
That was my first thought! She's bad!
jpr422 - 11 years ago
J Lager
J Lager - 11 years ago
Best video on youtube.
stupidclique - 11 years ago
You're a pig.
madfury - 11 years ago
To hell with her, I want to see more turtles.
IMPOLI GLOTTE - 11 years ago
ego trip and ad
vlad prohorovich
vlad prohorovich - 11 years ago
were is this, those r some nice waves
Surprise toy City
Surprise toy City - 11 years ago
naughty girl !
Surprise toy City
Surprise toy City - 11 years ago
TOOOOOO short ! fuck !
Surprise toy City
Surprise toy City - 11 years ago
d better go buy Alana Blanchard !
Rafael Solorzano
Rafael Solorzano - 11 years ago
Thank you very much, is a great track!!
jjlwis - 11 years ago
total babe!
Francina Fernandez
Francina Fernandez - 11 years ago
At Dawn We Rage - Over It
Rafael Solorzano
Rafael Solorzano - 11 years ago
Awesome video!! does anyone know the name of the song ??
Kevin Veltre
Kevin Veltre - 11 years ago
That was hot...
Hernan Garcia
Hernan Garcia - 11 years ago
la vida te dio una beca...y vaya que la estas disfrutando...
NØA - 11 years ago
I know why you are here. Don't look this comment with that face.
Adam.workin toohard
Adam.workin toohard - 11 years ago
I wouldnt be posting this if it wasnt a for real deal. But,please, give it a chance. Im making cash right now following all simple steps of internet referring! Please give it a chance to whoever reads this. Just give it a shot. it costs you NOTHING.I've not lost anything,I work a few hours after my day job,and make as much as my job pays Just go to this link register and MAKE MONEY just add the o in com! Buy that new GoPro Hero3 :with the money you make :) -Adam
Conspirisanctus - 11 years ago
this video makes me leak chobani all over my brother's hand-me-down levi's.
ss35slm - 11 years ago
What a life!
salauddin bhuiyan
salauddin bhuiyan - 11 years ago
Hello there, have you considered "Travelsewhere" (just do a Google search for it...)? I have discovered various amazingly affordable deluxe hotels and flight tickets. This can let you spend less on your future getaway also!
Johnny E
Johnny E - 11 years ago
Am I the only one who pressed play like a million pants are tight...
boomshizzIe - 11 years ago
Mute the sound and watch this video with "california girls" by the beach boys
boomshizzIe - 11 years ago
What the fuck why do all of these have to have a soundtrack that sounds like a broken fax machine? This shit isn't even cool anymore, they should have put a chill laid back hip hop track or a reggae song on this video instead of this hardcore bs.
TheReaverOfDarkness - 11 years ago
If your girlfriend is already pretty and she surfs, then the GoPro camera will allow you to make excellent footage of her surfing and collect many views and likes on youtube!
LaPersonaNonGrata - 11 years ago
Everything is beautiful in this video.
MrRusty7911 - 11 years ago
Liked in the first 2 seconds!
TheReaverOfDarkness - 11 years ago
Alana Blanchard, you are so beautiful and strong!
Cujo Reitzel
Cujo Reitzel - 11 years ago
Two hands on the wheel at all time please Alana ;)
Denis Yoshida
Denis Yoshida - 11 years ago
J S - 11 years ago
ah great surfing in this video
Gabriel M
Gabriel M - 11 years ago
I think, i'm in love...
Devon Ziegler
Devon Ziegler - 11 years ago
So...this is your attempt at not-spam spam...smooth.
Kuuratz Kooratz
Kuuratz Kooratz - 11 years ago
Ok. I have just grown to be really green with envy of my nephew. He’s actually been single constantly. By some luck, he has got a model to love him in no time. Just how can that be even thinkable? He mentioned he tried the Cupid Love System (Google it!) I wish someone exquisite told me that… I really don’t remember ever seeing him so happy. Sort of makes me frustrated.
YoungJaviBeats - 11 years ago
So hoooot
Hugh Jazz
Hugh Jazz - 11 years ago
I clicked on this video.... now i cant even remember what i was doing again....
Lats Niebling
Lats Niebling - 11 years ago
This camera is a piece of shit.. it freezes all the time.. automatically turns itself off after 2 mins filming.. it says its fully charged then runs out of battery life 20 mins later... Do not buy this crap under any circumstances.. it is the "Microsoft Vista" of the camera world. Dont believe that crap about the SD card being the problem. I know 3 other people who all have problems, we all have the most up to date reputable SD cards!!!
Kate Chan
Kate Chan - 11 years ago
So pretty, and is like art! Cool girls and i wanna know them and play with them!
chickensodelicious - 11 years ago
This is true but sweet jesus is she fine
Antonio Contreras
Antonio Contreras - 11 years ago
Seriously? That's the only thing you had to say?
Mario Andres
Mario Andres - 11 years ago
Definitely hot I love u Alana
darkseedlordos - 11 years ago
FidelusEternum - 11 years ago
Nacho García
Nacho García - 11 years ago
just say ASS
demonkey123 - 11 years ago
Ahhh no boobies :(
EvgeniyVladislavovich! - 11 years ago
234 are fckn gays !!!
jpkmiec - 11 years ago
Producer: "Got some shots of her in her bikini on the beach, swimming with her friends underwater, and some other 'appealing' angles... Oh yeah, I guess we should throw in 2 second clips of her surfing."
lonewolf36s - 11 years ago
god those waves were beautiful. Wish we had waves like that here.
RushNReady - 11 years ago
/watch?v=9Jp_ilr8FdI well worth a watch
Alex Rose
Alex Rose - 11 years ago
Animo animo
mr. Vander
mr. Vander - 11 years ago
At Dawn We Rage - Over It [Glitch Hop]
xiscas1xita - 11 years ago
hey man! the camera only make movies, not miracles! ;-)
El forastero salvatrucho
El forastero salvatrucho - 11 years ago
I'm impressed! By this beautiful girls
Jalen DeBonis
Jalen DeBonis - 11 years ago
If I could be one inanimate object in the world... I'd pick her surfboard!
Michael - 11 years ago
All you care about is boobs she's really talented and she's best friends with bethany hamilton the girl who lost her arm due to a shark attack
Chris - 11 years ago
I was on vacation and I met a local Surfer Chic, I stayed an extra 2 weeks. Life is good
Раиса Нагуманова
Раиса Нагуманова - 11 years ago
конечно же ты слушал музыку....браво.
Giulio Piedade
Giulio Piedade - 11 years ago
LOL i beat everyine doesnt see this for curiosity.... you just wanna see the boobs
Joni DLE
Joni DLE - 11 years ago
joe nickels
joe nickels - 11 years ago
1:32 *fap*fap*fap*fap
simmons5151 - 11 years ago
My ears are getting warm and I'm pretty sure it's getting hot in here. Smoking hot and supremely talented with a killer smile and eyes? Sweet baby Jesus!
عباس الخياط
عباس الخياط - 11 years ago
كلش حلو احم احم
Ben Immanuel
Ben Immanuel - 11 years ago
anyone know, where this place??
Ozgur Sakallioglu
Ozgur Sakallioglu - 11 years ago
that lucky cameraman
barnacmongars - 11 years ago
Surf: an aquatic sports that make people look pretty in a paradise paysage and some great water.
KmaxxCanada - 11 years ago
what a life another trust fund barbie
GuncrayZE - 11 years ago
Yasmin Maria
Yasmin Maria - 11 years ago
Awesome :) loved it <3
Sam Wood
Sam Wood - 11 years ago
>.< rookie ... its all about DAT ASS SON !
JAck mall
JAck mall - 11 years ago
i hate when they show videos of people working out with large rocks in water......unless your doing something that relates to underwater running(which is nothing because we walk on land) its useless.
AssaultHawk - 11 years ago
im sure she took the video so horny fucks could like you could stare at her tits. clearly this is a surfing video, go try redtube.
Anil Onurcan
Anil Onurcan - 11 years ago
Damn, boring*
Anil Onurcan
Anil Onurcan - 11 years ago
Is this a fuckin snowboarding video or a video of a girl who is trying to promote herself to be a model because this surf shit is getting a bit boarding for her ...
Jimmy ft
Jimmy ft - 11 years ago
i think im getting in love of the surf more and more.....
pofs - 11 years ago
Advertising? ..Even if you could buy her, you wouldn't have the cash! lol
tonto gomez
tonto gomez - 11 years ago
Beautiful young woman with so much natural beauty........I hope that never changes for her
Robbie Holmes
Robbie Holmes - 11 years ago
this is not about surfing but more about the distraction
linc0olsixech0 - 11 years ago
And I'm just sitting here masturbating...
Manuel RZ
Manuel RZ - 11 years ago
At Dawn We Rage - Over It [Glitch Hop]
Harri Plotter
Harri Plotter - 11 years ago
That audio is?
Nessim Debbaj
Nessim Debbaj - 11 years ago
Where is it ?
Allen KV Vidz
Allen KV Vidz - 11 years ago
this is a good video with a good audio track, very nice i like
MrKdr500 - 11 years ago
thumbnail is bigger than the boobs..Lol.
M.V. Media
M.V. Media - 11 years ago
Hmm real critique huh. Well thats something we call: Know where you talk about... Few months ago i bought my Hero 3 Black Edition and its a wonderfull camera. When using the right computer programs and right tools u are able to make videos like this. And even without these programs the Hero 3 Black Edition is a one of a kind camera. It makes real life images. When the sun is shining it is making one the best resolutions i know.
Ed Johnson
Ed Johnson - 11 years ago
Alana.. Yes you are...!
TexasGamer - 11 years ago
Dam she's sexy I hope sharks leave her alone
superhund14 - 11 years ago
They all seem clinically depressed.
TheSteven91stamkos - 11 years ago
She's gorgeous!
BISHU SINGH - 11 years ago
Hi, have you tried "TRAVeLSEWHERE " (do a Google search for it)? I have found various incredibly cheap hotels and plane tickets. This can help you to save on your future trip also.
TheRealCritique - 11 years ago
gopro cameras suck. Dont buy one. You wont get these results.
Mox - 11 years ago
( . Y . )
b1gman11 - 11 years ago
This is so like the start of farcry 3
Jim Neilson
Jim Neilson - 11 years ago
god yall make me want to chill with all you hott ladys
thisisyaren - 11 years ago
fucking hell i love all these girls... so beautiful.. i wish all girls were like this in life
Hans Oskam
Hans Oskam - 11 years ago
GoPrO HeRo!!
KC Hoffman
KC Hoffman - 11 years ago
What song is this?
TheOvertaker - 11 years ago
Why are all surf girls hawt
Thomas Alauzet
Thomas Alauzet - 11 years ago
Jolie vidéo mais de piètres performances...
Andrey Skvortsov
Andrey Skvortsov - 11 years ago
I Love Her!!!
Robbie Kritzinger
Robbie Kritzinger - 11 years ago
Dude she's still fucking beautiful ;)
DannyMoorhouse97 - 11 years ago
people get to drool over their PCs perving how those amazing babes show off their stuff!
FCM - 11 years ago
Super cool !!!
Kristo Karl Aedma
Kristo Karl Aedma - 11 years ago
whatcha doin? nothing much, just grabbing a rock and running underwater with my buddies
Jesus Rojas
Jesus Rojas - 11 years ago
Kevin Pelissier
Kevin Pelissier - 11 years ago
For the soundtrack all fellows OVER IT - At Dawn We Rage
zeez brah
zeez brah - 11 years ago
the life they have is incredible. awesome. truly awesome
danksmoka - 11 years ago
anyone name the spot at 1:52?
hed420 - 11 years ago
Ben Blowers
Ben Blowers - 11 years ago
I would shove a fin key up my urethra for a chance to sit in the same room as her.
AbuSaa - 11 years ago
How can they open their eyes under the sea water and see stuff?
AquaCentauri - 11 years ago
you sound like its a choice to get ya arm bitten off...
Statek63 - 11 years ago
is this heaven ? ;-)
RMOPRO - 11 years ago
Perfect... lindas imagens...
001GenLee - 11 years ago
Whatever you do, don't wind up like the Soul Surfer girl...lose an arm to a mean 'ol shark, trying to enjoy the sport you love to do, which is surfing.
Femke Slooff
Femke Slooff - 11 years ago
Surfing is for everybody.
Kb Calib
Kb Calib - 11 years ago
This is hotter than porn, seriously!
Gary F.
Gary F. - 11 years ago
Lol, this video rox!!! And the babes are smokin hot!!
sharkboy1800 - 11 years ago
I wish I was water...
Paranoia - 11 years ago
looks like a normal Island day ...
milkmandan77 - 11 years ago
She can pretty much take a steaming dump on my chest and then immediately sit on my face for eternity at this point.
AquaCentauri - 11 years ago
why even wear a bikini? just put a little dot of material over ya nips and one over your vagina and bumhole.. the future of womens surf fashion im tellin ya..
AquaCentauri - 11 years ago
in a way i think its bad for girl pro surfers cause the majority of their career is basically modelling and surfing average waves with thier bum sticking out for the most part.. like Alanas not a world class surfer even for just the girls yet she gets paid like she's a world champion cause shes hot.. good for her I guess and if its not bumming the rest of the girls out then who cares.. but i bet it does...
AquaCentauri - 11 years ago
the most sexualised surfer of all time..
Tim Hanhila
Tim Hanhila - 11 years ago
pause at 1:05..... youre welcome
Cheybaex - 11 years ago
Surfing is for everyone... Girls can do things too you know.
Богдан Бутримов
Богдан Бутримов - 11 years ago
surfing is not for girls
WIND 3004
WIND 3004 - 11 years ago
yeah bro. this is how they tricked us all
redcinos - 11 years ago
Well at least I did
haigs26 - 11 years ago
I'm sure everyone came here to watch the surfing...
wave - 11 years ago
God that place is fucking beautiful
Claythias - 11 years ago
Change then.
Daniel Seguin
Daniel Seguin - 11 years ago
Mmmm she was... I mean the video was sexy .. Wait what
The Guy That's Done Everything
The Guy That's Done Everything - 11 years ago
Just started uploading videos of myself completing things on my bucket list! I used my GoPro Hero3 Black for my Tough Mudder Video and it turned out awesome!!! If you're looking to live life to the fullest / want to see some of the crazy stuff I've done so far check me out! Min 1 new vid a month! Sry,hate spamming. . plz share my story if u like it! Just trying to motivate as many people as possible to get out there and start living life!!!
ThcDinobot - 11 years ago
Pure sex
PAULA .CORTES - 11 years ago
soul surfer
PAULA .CORTES - 11 years ago
what about bethanny?
Mark Grexton
Mark Grexton - 11 years ago
God bless thong bikinis...
Bernardo Costa
Bernardo Costa - 11 years ago
make some implants and you will be perfect!
erik morales
erik morales - 11 years ago
Samsgarden - 11 years ago
Gopro has now officially been used for soft-porn.
Carlos Hernandez
Carlos Hernandez - 11 years ago
Hahaha that's hilarious dude! awesome comment!
Blamia vai
Blamia vai - 11 years ago
Hello, have you tried out "TravElsewhere" (do a Google search for it)? I have seen various extremely affordable hotels and flights. This could allow you to spend less on your upcoming holiday too.
Raiga Areli
Raiga Areli - 11 years ago
I came for tits!
Pachakuteq Espinoza
Pachakuteq Espinoza - 11 years ago
what's the song's name ??? sounds pretty active
Hernan Gonzales
Hernan Gonzales - 11 years ago
wait for a shark and all the fun goes away
Harry McAdams
Harry McAdams - 11 years ago
go look at my castaic vid.
PillsburyDoughboy - 11 years ago
How hot and cool can one chick be??
Jeremías Perez
Jeremías Perez - 11 years ago
linda zorra pero el video malisimo
Lewis Martin
Lewis Martin - 11 years ago
Who doesn't? haha!
tshitiz rajkarnikar
tshitiz rajkarnikar - 11 years ago
I'm annoyed. My nephew lives on the floor above me and he just lately got brilliant at attracting a lot of women. He went to the Master Attraction web page (Check in Google) by Jake Ayres. Now I hear him bringing chicks back. He's constantly getting chicks back. I hear it. It's yucky. I wish he had not discovered that site. My buddy just signed up and got a blowjob a week later.
jsbossler - 11 years ago
anybody know what the music is??? Tried to use an app to find it but got nothing
birdman bl
birdman bl - 11 years ago
gorgeous images good on ya go pro
lupaspc - 11 years ago
i searched sexy and hot girls, but i prefer this video: lovely nature. All earth should be like it.
TexasGirly1979 - 11 years ago
f u n
lol - 11 years ago
Stop at 0:55
Pedro Rossi
Pedro Rossi - 11 years ago
I wouldn't care if a shark eats my balls while im watching her
Nenad Bogoevski
Nenad Bogoevski - 11 years ago
Comment, like and subscribe!
luke midj
luke midj - 11 years ago
Here is what you need to see about the gopro. Google the term "CRAZY RICH CASH'' and click on the REFINANCE page once you get there to see how they are using their little toys with their money. It will blow your mind.
heinz schießmichtod
heinz schießmichtod - 11 years ago
and where are you getting your money from?
Matt Drew
Matt Drew - 11 years ago
so many views , no talent, great tits
iratensubpros - 11 years ago
I'm sure 70% of the world is feeling what you feel lol
William Weber
William Weber - 11 years ago
I wish I where u like surf all day
bufin bigalho
bufin bigalho - 11 years ago
l like to see beyonce pretending to drink pepsi for a billion dollars ...
TheDeadlyAvenger - 11 years ago
Someone is living the perfect life.
zseketto88 - 11 years ago
0:44 will be that :D
Lewis Martin
Lewis Martin - 11 years ago
Here's what you came here for 0:35
Lewis Martin
Lewis Martin - 11 years ago
airhab - 11 years ago
daniel leo
daniel leo - 11 years ago
oeff this girl is amazing fucking beautiful
BeeeHonest - 11 years ago
Let me saved up some money first...
NewMusicNetworks - 11 years ago
I'm going to say that this is pretty weak. In the 80s and 90s you had girls wearing skimpy hi-cut swimsuits that showed far less. These vids are too pc.
Yannik Erard
Yannik Erard - 11 years ago
This is better thats a POrn =)
stephen f
stephen f - 11 years ago
Well, you don't ask for much, do ya?
LumpyBumpyAcidFish - 11 years ago
yeah yeah you never get any really good videos on here. this is nothing if you want real life horny girls who will skype with you check out this link:
hevanonangelinitus - 11 years ago
At 1:53, where is that?
Lewis Martin
Lewis Martin - 11 years ago
What do you mean?
DoughBoyLGMX3 - 11 years ago
Damnn... she's hot
James Biederman
James Biederman - 11 years ago
Think I might watch North Shore 1986 , then Blue crush just to get me siked .
James Biederman
James Biederman - 11 years ago
I leave for the Outer Banks on Thursday , stay there for 8 days , then going to Sarasota for another 5. By the time I get back, though not as nice. Lake Ontario for the rest of the summer.
Mc Squid
Mc Squid - 11 years ago
Why on Earth was that written?
OhMyGodZilla - 11 years ago
I swear : I'm only here for the love of sport. Trust me or not...
Lauza Thorrington
Lauza Thorrington - 11 years ago
Soul Surfer :)
mike - 11 years ago
Your cute, but a far stretch from hot. Sorry honey. - 11 years ago
The world would be a better place if all chick surfed ....... and were like Anna
Vaffel - 11 years ago
why is fullscreen so bad quality.
Stefan Boyce
Stefan Boyce - 11 years ago
I wish i could surf lol
akalee - 11 years ago
1:08 my favorite part of the video <3

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About GoPro: Alana Blanchard Surfer Girl On

The "GoPro: Alana Blanchard Surfer Girl On" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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