GoPro: Endless Barrels - GoPro of the Winter 2013-14 powered by Surfline

Shot 100% on the HD HERO3+® camera from Congratulations to Jamie O'Brien for his $20,000 GoPro of the Winter winning clip. The GoPro of the Winter video competition asked surfers to submit their best GoPro surf footage from the North Shore. Judges Taylor Steele, Mike Prickett and Pete Hodgson selected this winning GoPro video based on cinematography, degree of difficulty of shooting, perspective, overall beauty and lighting. Stay tuned for more GoPro videos featuring competition riders chasing waves around the globe. Thanks to Surfline and all the participants on the North Shore: Kamalei Alexander Gavin Beschen Noah Beschen Benji Brand Matt Bromley Mikey Bruneau Joel Centeio Kalani Chapman Kohl Christensen Beyrick DeVries Stephan Figueiredo Mark Healey CJ Hobgood Stuart Kennedy Barron Mamiya Sylvio Mancusi Makai Mcnamara Josh Moniz Seth Moniz Jamie O'Brien Drew Pringle Kelly Slater Koa Smith Jamie Sterling Eala Stewart Miguel Tudela Anthony Walsh Chris Ward Special Thanks to Drone Operator Eric Sterman and Pat Myers Music by Of Verona A Million Billion Dying Suns "Plush"

GoPro: Endless Barrels - GoPro of the Winter 2013-14 powered by Surfline sentiment_very_dissatisfied 196

Surf 10 years ago 2,166,385 views

Shot 100% on the HD HERO3+® camera from Congratulations to Jamie O'Brien for his $20,000 GoPro of the Winter winning clip. The GoPro of the Winter video competition asked surfers to submit their best GoPro surf footage from the North Shore. Judges Taylor Steele, Mike Prickett and Pete Hodgson selected this winning GoPro video based on cinematography, degree of difficulty of shooting, perspective, overall beauty and lighting. Stay tuned for more GoPro videos featuring competition riders chasing waves around the globe. Thanks to Surfline and all the participants on the North Shore: Kamalei Alexander Gavin Beschen Noah Beschen Benji Brand Matt Bromley Mikey Bruneau Joel Centeio Kalani Chapman Kohl Christensen Beyrick DeVries Stephan Figueiredo Mark Healey CJ Hobgood Stuart Kennedy Barron Mamiya Sylvio Mancusi Makai Mcnamara Josh Moniz Seth Moniz Jamie O'Brien Drew Pringle Kelly Slater Koa Smith Jamie Sterling Eala Stewart Miguel Tudela Anthony Walsh Chris Ward Special Thanks to Drone Operator Eric Sterman and Pat Myers Music by Of Verona A Million Billion Dying Suns "Plush"

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Most popular comments
for GoPro: Endless Barrels - GoPro of the Winter 2013-14 powered by Surfline

Mountain of Sorrow
Mountain of Sorrow - 7 years ago
I have to go surfing someday.
Th3MaskedDj - 7 years ago
job is so good damn
BMXmagic8 - 7 years ago
1:30 is my all life dream man.. Too bad I live in Europe and there are no spots like these, i wanted surf and see wave tunnels since I was like 11... If anyone lives some place where surfing such waves is possible and has a free couch, please dm me @koevsk1❤️ God bless all y'all
Daniel Banas
Daniel Banas - 7 years ago
Where is that place?
Sol Park
Sol Park - 7 years ago
that second guy made me smile. he was so happy!!
MAGNUB - 7 years ago
I would be very grateful to the go pro community for giving me an action camera, I surf but I do not have the cameras to do that type of videos, I would appreciate it if you give me a camera :)
Vipul Bachani
Vipul Bachani - 7 years ago
Height of awesomeness. Thanks for sharing.
Earthworm Wørm
Earthworm Wørm - 7 years ago
ardotschgi - 7 years ago
What the fuck is wrong with this music? 2:05 Started to almost shatter my ears!

10. comment for GoPro: Endless Barrels - GoPro of the Winter 2013-14 powered by Surfline

Vipul Bachani
Vipul Bachani - 7 years ago
I got a vicarious thrill from this video. I can't even imagine what firsthand experience of surfing would be like. That's so cool.
salot19 - 7 years ago
and that was the holly crap ladies and getleman ...pure majestic holy yet solid crap :/
guitarsurfer2010 - 7 years ago
11:30 classic tube "chadelier" appears
Allstar IV
Allstar IV - 7 years ago
1:50 what an epic selfie!
Rainbow Boy567222221
Rainbow Boy567222221 - 7 years ago
Omg savage!!!!
Redmist8 Mist8
Redmist8 Mist8 - 7 years ago the north john is the of our animals of IPod Colin
Redmist8 Mist8
Redmist8 Mist8 - 7 years ago
Vevo Come both have cooked have of the boards or books do that B'day or she a boy is of
Surf Rats
Surf Rats - 7 years ago
This is the best!!! If I were you, id watch it
Jasmine Smith
Jasmine Smith - 7 years ago
God's work is gorgeous
2310sammy - 7 years ago
My man Jinbei!!!
Garrett Warrick
Garrett Warrick - 7 years ago
10:31 no survivors...

20. comment for GoPro: Endless Barrels - GoPro of the Winter 2013-14 powered by Surfline

Francis Ramp
Francis Ramp - 7 years ago
I lived on Oahu while surfing mainly The North Shore for four years. This brings back old love affairs with OTW, Backdoor and Rocky Rights.... Yok's in the summer was just the same....
ziggy morris
ziggy morris - 7 years ago
That is sick
O Burd
O Burd - 7 years ago
wow amazing footage
Guus Beishuizen
Guus Beishuizen - 7 years ago
mancalledclay - 7 years ago
so crazy to be relaxed enough to turn the camera on himself....maybe NOW people can almost start to imagine the attraction....the mystery. thanks for bringing IT to this whole new level.
JPerre 1
JPerre 1 - 7 years ago
9:41 inside the wave...
JPerre 1
JPerre 1 - 7 years ago
and 9:42
Blaze_razgriz1 - 7 years ago
From time to time i watch this video, and it really inspires me to catch the best waves i can get.
I got me inspired again!! Tomorrow i'll try to get some perfect barrels!!
Savage X
Savage X - 7 years ago
How does the salt water splashing on them not hurt their eyes
Tim Spiegelhalter
Tim Spiegelhalter - 7 years ago
best barrels ever dude!
mr.andric - 7 years ago
I can watch this all day

30. comment for GoPro: Endless Barrels - GoPro of the Winter 2013-14 powered by Surfline

Shiv SJ
Shiv SJ - 7 years ago
which is the first song??
Dayton Hendrickson
Dayton Hendrickson - 7 years ago
what is the song name from 0-2:15??
sami moring
sami moring - 8 years ago
thankyou so much..
10:50 wardos section is my favorite..not at all taking away the other unbelievable footage..thankyou again!
Joshua Blaylock-Dickson
Joshua Blaylock-Dickson - 8 years ago
Olegario Perez
Olegario Perez - 8 years ago
Tom Cunnington
Tom Cunnington - 8 years ago
So sick
Daniel Email
Daniel Email - 8 years ago
Where it was filmed?
Gabriel Nardino
Gabriel Nardino - 8 years ago
Queria muito aprender a surfar, mas primeiro tenho que superar o meu medo e aprender a nadar o mais rápido possível. Estou começando a me interessar muito pelo surf e estou com uma vontade imensa de aprender a surfar.
Eisle Phillips
Eisle Phillips - 8 years ago
Where is this place?
Mehdi Rami
Mehdi Rami - 8 years ago
Hawaii pipeline
haruki292 haruki
haruki292 haruki - 8 years ago
飢餓の国、子達にも 届けたいとは??。
I3umblebee X
I3umblebee X - 8 years ago
I wanna go surfing one day, this looks dope
Maxence Bereault
Maxence Bereault - 8 years ago
petite vague moi je fait mieux
LCA - 8 years ago
To this day, my favorite surfing video ever.
tabakh - 8 years ago
Can anybody tell me the name of the song starting at 3:04? :)
Хоан Корнелла
Хоан Корнелла - 7 years ago
hey dude u can download video and cut that song
Brian McNamara
Brian McNamara - 8 years ago
tabakh Of Verona - better with you
Pedro penko
Pedro penko - 8 years ago
tabakh i want that song to
Aron Dale
Aron Dale - 8 years ago
great footage but what is that music ?
Barak Burt
Barak Burt - 8 years ago
kelly slaters wave at 6:00 was sickest wave
Francis Ramp
Francis Ramp - 7 years ago
Barak Burt
That would be Ke11y Slater....
Jonny Mauser
Jonny Mauser - 8 years ago
I lave gopro
garrett mcfall
garrett mcfall - 8 years ago
The spit from those barrels is intense!
Thomas The Dank Engine
Thomas The Dank Engine - 8 years ago
I'm really sad its winter .3.
Christ Jensen
Christ Jensen - 8 years ago
Dudes sick butt crack shows! 3:29

50. comment for GoPro: Endless Barrels - GoPro of the Winter 2013-14 powered by Surfline

WonderWhaz - 8 years ago
The tornado cathedral
lChrisl VH
lChrisl VH - 8 years ago
how often do you get waves this perfect damn
湛藍純澈 - 8 years ago
Troy Smith
Troy Smith - 8 years ago
Ever since I was a kid I wanted to do this. Only ever skied. Grew up in Canada...never seen the ocean.
First Last
First Last - 8 years ago
DO IT! any chance you have go do it!! its incredible
Crazzyyy Crazzyyy
Crazzyyy Crazzyyy - 8 years ago
Why I not do it, if he wanted to?
P.S.: google translate )
Troy Smith
Troy Smith - 8 years ago
سبحان الله الذي أحسن خلقين !
Ronish Baraily
Ronish Baraily - 8 years ago
Si Gains
Si Gains - 8 years ago
Fantastic video! Awful music!
Mohamed Abdelillah
Mohamed Abdelillah - 8 years ago
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 8 years ago
You all massively drink and dress in an enslaving cycle such that some privileged persons earn big money to live an easy heavenly life from your compulsive behaviors, not mentioning the actual underpaid workers in asia who build those wonderful stuff you fart in.
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 8 years ago
+Shifted MindsHQ ok
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 8 years ago
+TheGACKTfan I do.
TheGACKTfan - 8 years ago
aww your such a crybaby I dare you to do what they do
TheGACKTfan - 8 years ago
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 8 years ago
+TheGACKTfan Routine and stereotypes are not beautiful.Well, watch the video, there is a surfer that get a check of 10000$ just cause he caught a wave. And then he smiles so much ohhh that's beautiful. Well if you feel comfortable with that, ask yourself who gave him the money, and where does it come from. It happens that you decided, once a teenager to get a "surfer style" cause it was cool, and then you even learned how to surf, and then you started to buy those cool clothes with all the accessories. Well the money you use just to look cool fund the paycheck of the guy. I'm ok with that, but those fancy clothes are made in china or anywhere else in asia from hard workers in factories, sometimes child. The mass consumption of the surfer way of life is very very far from the picture they try to sell you. I don't care about being authentic, I just care that we don't mix beautiful pictures with earning thousands to entertain remote random people. You are treated as slaves.
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 8 years ago
+Shifted MindsHQ it has always been a part of me, there is no trend or influence, I'm born like that.I'm just saying you are part of a system that isn't as beautiful as you wish.
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 8 years ago
+Shifted MindsHQ good for you, I feel bad for you too, "my friend". You don't even understand the video's content.
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 8 years ago
+Shifted MindsHQ Why do you think I can't see what's beautiful? There is nothing beautiful in being paid by the cotisation of thousands, just to take a wave, you just blind. The heaven big companies sell you is so shallow, the pictures that pop up in your head are so simplistic and empty.
To answer your question: cause you're a caricature of a surfer, a teenager, and i am waaay older than you.
Dane Tanto
Dane Tanto - 8 years ago
Why do you think you have surfed more than I?
Dane Tanto
Dane Tanto - 8 years ago
Blocking you. You're not worth my time. I don't understand your jokes
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 8 years ago
+Shifted MindsHQ Is it the other name of HIV?
Dane Tanto
Dane Tanto - 8 years ago
All I want to do is share the love
Dane Tanto
Dane Tanto - 8 years ago
Keep on sharing hatred, and hatred will become a part of you
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 8 years ago
+Shifted MindsHQ I surfed more than you, that doesn't mean I feel compelled to buy a pair of socks produced by the hands of a chinese child. What does the ocean and his beauty has to do with a paycheck of thousands for taking a wave? Does it mean that being a surfer, you are forbidden to ask where the money comes from cause it's toooooo beautiful? Being a surfer doesn't imply forgetting the real world. I don't give a shit about your new new age mentality. Go yoga if you want, I want to solve problems.
Who is the "we" you feel you belong to? It is an illusion, keep on living among your moronic tribe. There is a sk8 brand called sheep, made for you.
Dane Tanto
Dane Tanto - 8 years ago
It's a way of life for us man. We feel bad for you people like you, people who can't see what we see
Hector Chavez
Hector Chavez - 8 years ago
Whats the guys name in the beginning with the stingray/turtle tattoo?
ItsBeanz __
ItsBeanz __ - 8 years ago
what is this place
TeoAndMichelle - 8 years ago
Kirins AMV's
Kirins AMV's - 8 years ago
That must be so beautiful But so Terrifying
Freddie WM
Freddie WM - 8 years ago
I just wish I could stay on my board in waves above 10ft
Knight Rider
Knight Rider - 8 years ago
WOW! unbelievable
jumpieva - 8 years ago
surfing is def a bucket list item for me, I honestly do think the fear of sharks is enough to keep me at bay. i can snowboard well and I hear it's similar so...maybe someday :D
yearning for death
yearning for death - 8 years ago
How tf do they stay on the board?!
Vincent  DiViesti
Vincent DiViesti - 8 years ago
Surf Wax. Its really sticky stuff, when it wears off then your in trouble.
jf reid
jf reid - 8 years ago
the same way you walk, with muscle memory.
lml_ Bien Alto _lml
lml_ Bien Alto _lml - 8 years ago
zennok - 8 years ago
i'm guessing it's mounted on the board
John Chang
John Chang - 8 years ago
There's nothing quite like getting shacked!!!
Xxlaughing GamerxX
Xxlaughing GamerxX - 8 years ago
Awesome clips
TunnelSurfing SpaceWarpingRobot
TunnelSurfing SpaceWarpingRobot - 8 years ago
This is my people. Great stuff my homeboys.
Tram Ng
Tram Ng - 8 years ago
Watching this video get my adrenaline going
sdpy - 8 years ago
+Juju Roller Lol, that could be a problem.
Tram Ng
Tram Ng - 8 years ago
I need to know how to swim first ha!
sdpy - 8 years ago
Get out and try it!
Ömer Sahin
Ömer Sahin - 8 years ago
Rauscher army
Rauscher army - 8 years ago
Po Zr
Po Zr - 8 years ago
So hollow and deep
Gabo - 8 years ago
I'd have loved a scene when they take the camera from inside the wave tunnel and then put it for a second "below" water and then transition back to the "surface"
1 Hamburg
1 Hamburg - 8 years ago
Beautiful :)
Leon Cruz
Leon Cruz - 9 years ago
5:30 Good Ref Movement
Aly - 9 years ago
Does anyone know the surfer at 1:50?! Plzzz
Aly - 9 years ago
You're awesome, thank you
Ryan McFadden
Ryan McFadden - 9 years ago
+Aly Its Seth Moniz
CK SOBent - 9 years ago
Riding the barrel is one of the more satisfying sensations/views in my life. Never thought I'd be able to see the views on film...modern technology rocks sometimes.
Jason McCallum
Jason McCallum - 9 years ago
loved it!
Jaz - 9 years ago
Hey, If you guys are looking for 4k Ultra HD Go Pro Content, check the video on my channel of GoPro 4K Ultra HD Hero 4 Black Surfing Footage & Let me know what you think :)
M Harris
M Harris - 9 years ago
so Sick! :}
Betty - 9 years ago
I need to surf one day
manifestgtr - 9 years ago
this is a GREAT video...don't get me wrong

but why does every surfing video have to be entirely in slow motion...I get that the events tend to happen pretty rapidly and would make for a long editing nightmare if they were all full speed but you get no context for the actual experience when literally eeeevvveerryyyyyyyyyyy siiingggggle cliiiipppp is running half speed
Goober tuber
Goober tuber - 9 years ago
+manifestgtr To enjoy the view from inside the barrel, only a surfer knows the feeling. My best barrel ride I didnt stop smiling for 2 weeks and now I chase the feeling any chance I can.
Noah B
Noah B - 9 years ago
Noah bechens angle was sick
Brian McNamara
Brian McNamara - 9 years ago
What is the song at 7:00 ?
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 9 years ago
GoPro and surfing is a match made in heaven.
loading2112 - 8 years ago
Well the first GoPro was made for surfing photography
Rory Pascarelli
Rory Pascarelli - 8 years ago
Gabriel de Medeiros
Gabriel de Medeiros - 9 years ago
Deu-me vontade de aprender a surfar... Vou pedir ao meu pai para ensinar-me a surfar.
Ranko Milic
Ranko Milic - 9 years ago
Woooooow What a ride !!!!
Lucas Reale
Lucas Reale - 9 years ago
What's the name of the song at 5:34 ?
Lucas Reale
Lucas Reale - 9 years ago
+Lucas Reale ifound it: Blues Saraceno - Strident Missile
Liam Brookfield
Liam Brookfield - 9 years ago
foster - 9 years ago
Does anyone know the name of the last song ?
cosmopolitan - 9 years ago
Esto es adictivo.
Максим - 9 years ago
Where is the shooting took place?
richie rich
richie rich - 8 years ago
It says north shore
William Richards
William Richards - 9 years ago
what is the start music? anyone know? thanks
Garilee McGlumphry
Garilee McGlumphry - 9 years ago
Living in the midwest and having no plans on moving any time soon means I am very certain I will never have the chance to learn a skill like this. I appreciate videos like this a lot, as they give me just a taste of something I have no experience with and I can appreciate it a lot more.
hydrated - 9 years ago
Travel? There are also simulations
Aadish Joshi
Aadish Joshi - 9 years ago
That music at 3:00, what is it? I want to know so badly...
Jack Mehoff
Jack Mehoff - 9 years ago
I thought Jamie had 0 chance of making a few of those
Adam  Hubbard
Adam Hubbard - 9 years ago
Pola Ride
Pola Ride - 9 years ago
Hey ive spent like 10 minutes aktively trying to fugure out the song at 5:00 can you please list the artists who music is featured in your video considering its an ad?
Nelson Ned Jr
Nelson Ned Jr - 9 years ago
Insane Backdoor!
Lewis Richards
Lewis Richards - 9 years ago
Where is this?
richie rich
richie rich - 8 years ago

100. comment for GoPro: Endless Barrels - GoPro of the Winter 2013-14 powered by Surfline

SaltH2OFishing - 9 years ago
Wendy Desparois
Wendy Desparois - 9 years ago
Anytime I watch surfing videos I cannot help but think of the Alan Dean Foster short story, 'the Monster'.
Mike Domey
Mike Domey - 9 years ago
unbelievable, god bless them
Shum Shum Shhhlippitidop
Shum Shum Shhhlippitidop - 9 years ago
Sooo, do that actually call that being "in the toop"?
Rory Pascarelli
Rory Pascarelli - 9 years ago
+Jake Whillance no
Norwegian733 - 9 years ago
Thank you GoPro!
Never been closer to the feeling of actually surfing myself o_0
LittleBlackbelt - 9 years ago
Neil Graham
Neil Graham - 9 years ago
$20,000 is an amazing budget to get awesome footage like this
Cryptonite - 9 years ago
This looks so wonderful goddamnit
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
That barrel was DEEEEP Jamie:)  Good one!!. The evolution of surf photography has finally let me show my friends and family that "dont" surf what we actually see...if not what we feel while we are doing it..,..Ive wanted that for decades:) SICK vid guys!
Michael - 9 years ago
Does anyone know how big the first wave is? Im new to surfing and trying to get a feel for size
Angela Mieres
Angela Mieres - 9 years ago
+Xtra Chowmein maybe 4-6 foot. Some of the others later though are a good size pipe and backdoor. some of those would have been about 8-10
Basia Świgoń
Basia Świgoń - 9 years ago
Amazing Surf! Niesamowici ;-)
RogueTravel - 9 years ago
Name the song at 6:50 and I'll send you $5 via PayPal. Need to know
CMArchitectureProductions - 9 years ago
Nature sounds- ocean
Samuel Acosta
Samuel Acosta - 9 years ago
I keep telling myself one day ill surf pipe when its barreling like this. One day.
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 9 years ago
+Samuel Acosta haha would be so scary! If we could even get a wave to ourselves
elast izoil
elast izoil - 9 years ago
Всем здарова
Julien S
Julien S - 9 years ago

8 o



nomm ko
. 8



po b



washington luis de figueiredo alves
washington luis de figueiredo alves - 9 years ago
Cynthia Hamil
Cynthia Hamil - 9 years ago
This is a musical and visual ORGASM!!! Holy Smoke!
Chrls Stotz
Chrls Stotz - 9 years ago
GoPro's got a nice taste in music
Shiv SJ
Shiv SJ - 7 years ago
which song is it?? its beautiful... is it their own composition..
Devine St
Devine St - 8 years ago
i agree!!!
Chrls Stotz
Chrls Stotz - 9 years ago
Jeremiah Brand
Jeremiah Brand - 9 years ago
Kandace Morales
Kandace Morales - 9 years ago
Toza Der
Toza Der - 9 years ago
Ben Bush
Ben Bush - 9 years ago
LOL the cam at 3:54
Crash Rider
Crash Rider - 9 years ago
My life is nothing i dnt av sea in my country :(
Kandace Morales
Kandace Morales - 9 years ago
+D.I. L.F :-) nice
Pola Ride
Pola Ride - 9 years ago
+Crash Rider ive lived all over the world including land locked countries and surfed for 20+ years, you can survive anywhere in the world without money and figure it all out once you get there, just get there
Gus Lopez
Gus Lopez - 9 years ago
I'm sorry guys, who's the dude with the sick tattoo at the beginning of the vid?
StayAway - 9 years ago
Пфф, у нас маршруточники ещё бы за проезд принимали и сдачу возвращали.
Victor Estrada
Victor Estrada - 9 years ago
The look at 1:49 says it all BOOOOM!!
Nick Robinson
Nick Robinson - 9 years ago
One thing I failed to do, is to ride big waves! I was an avid skater in the 70's and 80's, followed the likes of Tony Alva., Stacy Perelta, even went to Haleiwa Beach when I was a teen, But Never Surfed! My Big Dream, is to surf Huge Waves, with No Fear! It's ok, Because Eternity will be One Endless Wave, for me. Peace! p.s. This was the Most Awesome Video I have seen in a while! Thanks! Mahalo!
Alejandro Pérez
Alejandro Pérez - 9 years ago
Alejandro Pérez
Alejandro Pérez - 9 years ago
Clara Andrews
Clara Andrews - 9 years ago
I would be out there immediatly if it weren't for my shark fear :(
TylerDurdenIsRad - 9 years ago
I need to start surfing
First Last
First Last - 7 years ago
@Conchetumare i dont think you have the slightest understanding of what being a professional surfer actually entails. 2 years and pro? You are delusional.

@ChaseHerdt and anyone else who doesnt think time perfects your surfing, you are all naive and desperately need a reality check.
Jayson Franswa
Jayson Franswa - 7 years ago
I started this year and go everyday now. I have over 5 surfboards lol
Dominic da Costa
Dominic da Costa - 7 years ago
It's very tough
Całeb Cøłłins
Całeb Cøłłins - 8 years ago
+Sherlock Holmes true.
c o n c h e t u m a r e
c o n c h e t u m a r e - 8 years ago
10 years? lmao, i started two years ago and i already am into pro, and im sure the most professional surfers are between 16 and 21 years old
sam kosieja
sam kosieja - 9 years ago
cool, who are they +Chase Herdt 
Chase Herdt
Chase Herdt - 9 years ago
+sam kosieja (kojak) it doesn't take 10 years, I've been surfing a year and I've improved a lot and even have a couple sponsors
sam kosieja
sam kosieja - 9 years ago
I doubt you have even sat on a board before, let alone catch a wave. What do you play, under water basket weaving, or does that take too much effort for your fat ass to get off the computer and be a hater on youtube.
sam kosieja
sam kosieja - 9 years ago
Yeah it kind of does. Who are you to call me a twat.
Yourmom Disis
Yourmom Disis - 9 years ago
+sam kosieja (kojak) no it doesn't you twat
sam kosieja
sam kosieja - 9 years ago
It is a really fun sport and I think everyone should try it. I recently got into it and love it so much. You have to understand that takes a solid 10 years to do though.
Całeb Cøłłins
Całeb Cøłłins - 9 years ago
Gotta pump dat iron tho! I might take surfing lessons this summer.
Ankit Vyas
Ankit Vyas - 9 years ago
This is an awesome video. love it too much! No words to describe. Thank you.
Fishes NBitches
Fishes NBitches - 9 years ago
JOB <3
Eps Today
Eps Today - 9 years ago
what song is 6:50 please help me
Eps Today
Eps Today - 9 years ago
+moomash dear cow, i asked about 6:50
moomash - 9 years ago
+Ebs Today Get some help from a cow!

00:30 DJ Yakeen - Slide (Original Mix)
00:50 Ray Thomas - Carousel
04:50 Seekae - Long Time Fish Pie
06:40 Nature Sounds - Ocean Waves Coming in with Heavy Surf

Next time try instructing us using
S Bohnk
S Bohnk - 9 years ago
nice bro your asome
Austen Summers
Austen Summers - 9 years ago
hat's the song at 7:30?
Mr T
Mr T - 9 years ago
Lincoln Santos
Lincoln Santos - 9 years ago
johnyboy6405 - 9 years ago
The place to be.
99ETC - 9 years ago
Favorite GoPro surf vid so far. Started surfing Doheny at eleven in the late 70's and eventually Leucadia Ca. Miss it. Not the same obviously, just sayin. So beautiful and such a rush...
Flecher Earl
Flecher Earl - 10 years ago

Elliott Roe
Elliott Roe - 10 years ago   Please like my facebook photo for a photo comp of a recent swell from Cyclone Pam on the east coast of NZ! If I win it'll mean enough wax to last me a lifetime :D Thanks.
Pedro Peralta
Pedro Peralta - 10 years ago
Gotta hit the waves
Monre Swanepoel
Monre Swanepoel - 10 years ago
What a sick edit. Well done GoPro. Best 
MegaHowtoMan - 10 years ago
Who are 100 that thumb down this????
TheWindGinProject - 10 years ago
I had to make up a new word to describe this. "Wwonderful-E-Licious"
zloy kot
zloy kot - 10 years ago
JackAttack0104 - 10 years ago
佐々木輝 - 10 years ago
Nico Faßbender
Nico Faßbender - 10 years ago
Does anybody have an idea how to find the instrumental version of the "of verona"-song?. As this one here in the video. Because unfortunately the original one is singing by a woman. Don't like it.
Jan-Ivar Borch
Jan-Ivar Borch - 9 years ago
did you guys find it?+Nico Faßbender
Jan-Ivar Borch
Jan-Ivar Borch - 9 years ago
+Nico Faßbender
Tell me if you found it :)
tabakh - 9 years ago
+Nico Faßbender

Did you find it anyway? I need to get this instrumental version!
Clint Ventriglia-Hill
Clint Ventriglia-Hill - 10 years ago
Yo this is rad man!!!
santibusalacchi - 10 years ago
Pass heree Subb and like
Paco Cruz
Paco Cruz - 10 years ago
in what beach is this video filmed?
Tai Brezeale
Tai Brezeale - 9 years ago
Pipeline hawaii my beautiful home
Casper Cameron
Casper Cameron - 10 years ago
truthaboveagenda - 10 years ago
Jesus' creations are Wonderful.
Domo Akira
Domo Akira - 9 years ago
+truthaboveagenda wtf, god made people man lol
Joey Bishop
Joey Bishop - 9 years ago
Thank you
Całeb Cøłłins
Całeb Cøłłins - 9 years ago
Heck yeah. Jesus is for the win!
Migue Mata
Migue Mata - 10 years ago
This is pipeline?
Tai Brezeale
Tai Brezeale - 9 years ago
Fidel López Eguizábal
Fidel López Eguizábal - 10 years ago
Jack Finnigan
Jack Finnigan - 10 years ago
NOah Modjo
NOah Modjo - 10 years ago
whats the name of the song in 8:40 please and thx a lot
Maui Surf Photos
Maui Surf Photos - 10 years ago
I Made A Mouth Mount For My Go Pro
Maui Surf Photos
Maui Surf Photos - 10 years ago
Holy Smokes! Thats so Sick
Oscar Stocken
Oscar Stocken - 10 years ago
Holy shit 10:32 !!!!
Simon ROSSE - 10 years ago
What's the song at 5:0 please ?
Pola Ride
Pola Ride - 9 years ago
+Simon ROSSE what song is it??
Nova234432 - 10 years ago
Anyone know what bilabong wet suit he his wearing at 4:14 - 4:48
Metyen Oyebade
Metyen Oyebade - 10 years ago
It's a bodyglove suit not  billabong.
iwbtssothy - 10 years ago
How do you attach the camera to the board?
Palm Tree Surf Videos
Palm Tree Surf Videos - 10 years ago
Instead of mounting it to the board, go for a POV mount. It looks better. Google for the GoHat, it's a head mount designed to stay on when you're surfing
Sc Ca
Sc Ca - 10 years ago
+Dieter Krzyz  Theres also the GoHat head mount, its made to stay on when you're surfing. Search google for it
OMGITSAGENTk. MRK1 - 10 years ago
Go Pro sells an attachment for surfboards look it up on their website.
MidnightFUn12 - 10 years ago
Now i see why surfers do this..its freakin beautiful.
Loy Clements
Loy Clements - 10 years ago
Where can i find a report for surfing in ocean city md where it tells me the swell and time intervals?
Ethel Brinson
Ethel Brinson - 10 years ago
did you guys see that guys butt
SlimKhalifa76 - 10 years ago
Can't wait for the winter swells. So blessed to be born and raised on oahu!
Tai Brezeale
Tai Brezeale - 9 years ago
Me too
zozo76024 - 10 years ago
3 minute 32
Mamu Mimo
Mamu Mimo - 10 years ago
Framo - 10 years ago
how can somebody dislike this? i dont understand..
nickdziwny - 7 years ago
Framo flat earthers
Med Amine Rahmani
Med Amine Rahmani - 10 years ago
Amazing video. Thanks guys!
Ewen Mackenzie
Ewen Mackenzie - 10 years ago
where can I find this kind of music? Is it chill out? I love the kind of music GoPro uses for the surfing videos! Thanks (:
Sure Really
Sure Really - 10 years ago
and that's what I do
Joey Vasquez
Joey Vasquez - 10 years ago
Алексей Мельник
Алексей Мельник - 10 years ago
Awesome !!!
Doris Ann McMurray
Doris Ann McMurray - 10 years ago
Nadeem Dimo
Nadeem Dimo - 10 years ago
watched this 100 times, with my own music in the background 
RealTour Yaroslavl
RealTour Yaroslavl - 10 years ago
where is this surfspot???
KiddCommunity - 10 years ago
That butt though :/  3:31
Rufus Farrow PK
Rufus Farrow PK - 10 years ago
someone please tell me what camera is in the water at 3:51/3:52 i am pretty sure thats not a gopro... 
Konstantin M.
Konstantin M. - 10 years ago
Первый трек - TEMPL▲TE – This House Is Gonna Live Forever
Konstantin M.
Konstantin M. - 10 years ago
The 1st music track - TEMPL▲TE – This House Is Gonna Live Forever - (Russia with love)
jah vincé
jah vincé - 10 years ago
where is this spot please ?
jah live
Ruthie Agbayani
Ruthie Agbayani - 10 years ago
So coooool... I felt like I was surfing! And I don't know how to surf, much less swim! Hahaha! But I know how to paddle board... heeheehee!
Lorie LeCuyer
Lorie LeCuyer - 10 years ago guys are incredible!  I love watching these videos!!!
onlysurfing99 - 10 years ago
Kelsie Meier
Kelsie Meier - 10 years ago
what is this second song in this!?
Guilherme Monfort
Guilherme Monfort - 10 years ago
of Verona - Better With You
AnimalJam72084 - 10 years ago
Minerva Hernandez
Minerva Hernandez - 10 years ago
Wow amazing
Minerva Hernandez
Minerva Hernandez - 10 years ago
Wow amazing
JosiahM - 10 years ago
This is amazing.
melissa ballesteros
melissa ballesteros - 10 years ago
what song is 6:50 please help me im dying to know
RogueTravel - 7 years ago
sami moring that is the next song, not the one that she wants
sami moring
sami moring - 8 years ago
melissa ballesteros
"plush" - a million billion dying suns..if you still want to know after 2 yrs..better late than never? :)
alex alex
alex alex - 10 years ago
Это реально круто 
Noah Garza
Noah Garza - 10 years ago
is this heaven ??
Dajo Van den Bussche
Dajo Van den Bussche - 10 years ago
the 66 people that disliked this video are the one's who never surfed before so they don't know how good the feeling of riding a wave is 
Baptiste Dondon
Baptiste Dondon - 10 years ago
Trop beau les tubes :-)
Seth J
Seth J - 10 years ago
where are you
OccupationSurfer - 10 years ago
trance video!
Jester Divina
Jester Divina - 10 years ago
Damn! The shit I wish I can do.
Grace G
Grace G - 10 years ago
You should try it, it's really fun :)
james poopies
james poopies - 10 years ago
JOB for the win!
bleueel - 10 years ago
Please can anyone tell me the songs in this track? I know one of them is plush.
palierto - 10 years ago
Great vid
Seppo Rimpiläinen
Seppo Rimpiläinen - 10 years ago
This is some serious shit!
EASTA KING - 10 years ago
job part is just fukin sick
Randal Hicks
Randal Hicks - 10 years ago
Beautiful energy... an extended state of awe.
MTU DGE - 10 years ago
thats amazing
Maor Rocky
Maor Rocky - 10 years ago
where was it filimed?
Jess Hutchin - Sunyoto
Jess Hutchin - Sunyoto - 10 years ago
Whats the first song?
FaZeBryce - 10 years ago
whats the song at 0:50
Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams - 10 years ago
I will die happy the day i get barreled like this 
Jeremy Kochel
Jeremy Kochel - 10 years ago
13min of pure heaven
Christine Dunstan
Christine Dunstan - 10 years ago
So sick!
vic perkins
vic perkins - 10 years ago
so. rad.
mikolanimator - 10 years ago
Pinkman goes surfing:)
Игорь Яковлев
Игорь Яковлев - 10 years ago
В скором будущем и я испытаю этот адреналин и эти ощущения ,хочу,хочу......!!!!!
denis chamouleaud
denis chamouleaud - 10 years ago
music used just after he get his money?
MrMitty85 - 10 years ago
Why is there 53 dislikes?
Alba Adventures
Alba Adventures - 10 years ago
This is my favorite surf video ever!
Juan Ber. Ruiz Carbonero
Juan Ber. Ruiz Carbonero - 10 years ago
what´s the song 2:55?
Frank Visser
Frank Visser - 10 years ago
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life.
Kotak Topi
Kotak Topi - 10 years ago
congrats! AWESOME video
JETstudiosinc - 10 years ago
Where can one get the sound track or mix?
Guilherme Monfort
Guilherme Monfort - 10 years ago
of Verona - Better With You
JETstudiosinc - 10 years ago
Found one of the tracks on iTunes 
Dave Ulman
Dave Ulman - 10 years ago
Incredible video resolution!  Our active media world is a better place with GoPro! Thanks guys!    
K Swiss
K Swiss - 10 years ago
first song at beginning:  This House by Gregory Hopffner
sebastian teodorescu
sebastian teodorescu - 10 years ago
congratulation jamie 
Thornet Borg
Thornet Borg - 10 years ago
What is the best settings to put your GoPro in to get the best photos/videos ? :) (GoPro Hero Black)
Mohamed ali
Mohamed ali - 10 years ago
ابي اركمج مثلكم :(
Rob Cunningham
Rob Cunningham - 10 years ago
next time do wipe outs
David Auerweck
David Auerweck - 10 years ago
can you tell me the tunes that you chose? nice mix
Alex Del
Alex Del - 10 years ago
Song name pls 2:50-4:52
Its "Better With You by -of Verona". But this track without vocal. I need instrumental!!
Mako Koiwai
Mako Koiwai - 10 years ago
Outstanding! ... but a lot of work for $20K, considering how much value the sponsors get.
Jim Macintosh
Jim Macintosh - 10 years ago
Eye Candy
olan creel
olan creel - 10 years ago
Surfing since '67. These are by far THE best tube shots since life emerged from the ooze and checked the surf report.
Holly Clark
Holly Clark - 10 years ago
Flynn's Back!!!
Ryan Campbell
Ryan Campbell - 10 years ago
been away from the ocean since 2010...I cried within the first 2 1/2 min of this video
Stephen Bailey
Stephen Bailey - 10 years ago
So... this is a commercial, and when I click on it, there's a commercial before it? haha, come on!
Sean Sugihara
Sean Sugihara - 10 years ago
Kristi Wolf
Kristi Wolf - 10 years ago
the garmin virb is a lot better
bakiotarra - 10 years ago
Sick video! so pumped! 
however, Endless barrels? I mean 100% of the video is JOB riding pipeline... Another title may work better here :)
Nick Acierno
Nick Acierno - 10 years ago
whats the first song
Saxon - 10 years ago
lol, when i saw that red and orange board i knew that it was jamie obrien
Hooverdarnit - 10 years ago
Every GoPro Hero 3 owner should get a CYCLOPS BANDANNA head mount found on Ebay.
N F - 10 years ago
sershiio daniel
sershiio daniel - 10 years ago
buena honda!!!
Thompson BMX
Thompson BMX - 10 years ago
It's like being in a time warp. The world outside the tube ceases to exist for a moment.
clarkewi - 10 years ago
Those aerial shots knock me out.
Poo Kick
Poo Kick - 10 years ago
every night I dream of getting barreled I have never got a full one for more than 2 seconds but everyday I go surfing. my name is Fin I live at bells beach australia
Claire Muir
Claire Muir - 10 years ago
People like you have a lot to teach care home staff who slap patients.
Yes, humanity has to be taught. You restore my faith in humanity.
Josh - 10 years ago
rawestmeatevr - 10 years ago
I wish I could do this, looks so amazing
SE Surf
SE Surf - 10 years ago
The new benchmark in water footage! Talk about upping the ante GoPro! yeeew
AngryGimpClothing - 10 years ago
I do believe that was the best video I've ever watched, I can't even begin to imagine how amazing that feeling must be. Thanks for sharing.
Stephanietan24 - 10 years ago
LOVE the video! Does anyone know all the music tracks used here?
x3moff - 10 years ago
hey! there was a few tracks. what's the name of the others?
bladeboy2041 - 10 years ago
This is what this camera was invented for!
Alexieto - 10 years ago
excellent shots. amazing video. I wish i could surf lol where are these waves at?
Joshua Needham
Joshua Needham - 10 years ago
North Shore, HI
Flying Penguin
Flying Penguin - 10 years ago
I never used to like watching surfing, the stuff they showed on tv in the early 2000's was filmed from the beach and to me looked quite dull. This on the other hand is unreal! Thanks GoPro, I'm having my first surfing lessons this summer and I know I will not be anywhere near this good, but this video will be my inspiration to keep at it!
Karen Kweok
Karen Kweok - 10 years ago
i didn't know surfing was so awesome!!!!
Eyan Lewis
Eyan Lewis - 10 years ago
What song starts after James gets the check? Anybody know? It's definitely not the song by Verona.
Marek Roque
Marek Roque - 10 years ago
3:31 you can see that guys as
Username required
Username required - 10 years ago
I just busted a nut
tomas martinez
tomas martinez - 10 years ago
Pete Hodgson
Pete Hodgson - 10 years ago
Best GoPro surfing video YET! STAY TUNED surf fans plenty more great surfing and crazy angles to capture!! STOKED!!!
Baptiste Mesnard
Baptiste Mesnard - 10 years ago
c'est ou ?
JacobMatan - 10 years ago
best vid ever
sunkyu lee
sunkyu lee - 10 years ago
what is the song 7:00~8:30 ?
Rebecca Huffine
Rebecca Huffine - 10 years ago
So very cool!
Zakk Baker
Zakk Baker - 10 years ago
Paradise. Secondly fluid dynamics are easily one of the most beautiful things in the cosmos, I could watch this shit 24/7. Couldn't fathom living it.
tín lê đình
tín lê đình - 10 years ago
6:08 - 6:15 so amazing, stunning moment
Pete Hodgson
Pete Hodgson - 10 years ago
RC helicopter footage by Eric Sterman
CQBSLITHERS - 10 years ago
Why is it that only GoPro's videos look this clear....literally nobody elses videos are this clear with a go pro....mine never come out this clear...must be their editing software 
CQBSLITHERS - 10 years ago
Thanks for the info!
Pete Hodgson
Pete Hodgson - 10 years ago
With the edit program available free from GoPro, the right camera settings and the use of protune along with GoPro color on and proper color enhancement of every clip anyone using a GoPro can achieve these results CQBSLITHERS but it takes work to get the very best results.
Parker - 10 years ago
What am I doing with my life?
Paul Stephens
Paul Stephens - 10 years ago
What a fab video. Fab surfers one and all. JOB
распаКУЙ - 10 years ago
Nomine B
Nomine B - 10 years ago
The feeling should be f...g amazing!
LifeVideoProd - 10 years ago
Best Gopro video ive seen for a while, fantastic work.
Diwwan1 - 10 years ago
and 8:52
Diwwan1 - 10 years ago
What the song at 7:00?
Mr. E
Mr. E - 10 years ago
What is the song playing around 3 - 4 minutes in the video?
 I see music by "Of Verona" and "A Million Billion Dying Suns" but I could find the particular song when looking through both band's tracks.
常峰浩二 - 10 years ago
Mattittas - 10 years ago
Am I the only one wondering why they used a different camera when they handed over the "check", when the description says it's 100% GoPro footage?
Pete Hodgson
Pete Hodgson - 10 years ago
Because that is a media company Surfline (who put the contest together) recording the event of Jamie getting his $20.000 check but all the footage used in this edit are 100% GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition cameras xMeicanx action and all!
Fernando Rodrigues
Fernando Rodrigues - 10 years ago
Altough I do not like surfing,I recognize that these images are fantastic!
Matthew Berry
Matthew Berry - 10 years ago
congrats JAmie
Logan Davidson
Logan Davidson - 10 years ago
Never gets old - Love these cameras.
Alex Grom
Alex Grom - 10 years ago
У вас отличный звукорежиссёр, музыка подобрана просто великолепно. Всегда.
В В - 10 years ago
не знаешь что за музыка с 3 минут?
quam13 - 10 years ago
Really good! Thanks GoPro for the prospective that I miss. Made my day.
Александра Сашка
Александра Сашка - 10 years ago
Hello from Ukraine!
Антон Окороков
Антон Окороков - 10 years ago
alscvfaa77 - 10 years ago
7:14 what name is song please !
下川涼平 - 10 years ago
Ash Almond
Ash Almond - 10 years ago
OMG... this is great!
nikel Ooo
nikel Ooo - 10 years ago
surfing for sure provides one of gopro´s best uses!
I could watch this looped...
SailVideoSystem - 10 years ago
Very cool video, and awesome to some of these great surfers filming themselves with our #3rdPersonView camera mount…. GO @SailVideoSystem! and #gopro  
Also great shots with the tail mount…. WOW!
And congratulations to Jamie O'Brien ;-)
Pete Hodgson
Pete Hodgson - 10 years ago
Gavin is using your pole on the tail on one clip Thjis and then Jamie has on your backpack at Pipe in the backside clip looking down on him. 
Tiago Tavares
Tiago Tavares - 10 years ago
Longest GoPro video... still awesome!
Leonas Suliani
Leonas Suliani - 10 years ago
Surf's Up real life :)
Matthew Burtwell
Matthew Burtwell - 10 years ago
Sickest surf footage, ever!
Saxon Hughes
Saxon Hughes - 10 years ago
OK so im going to be annoying andd ask if you could please have a quick look at my edit from my GoPro. It is only just over a minute and it will be worth it! Ps ill sub back! 
James Jackson Videography
James Jackson Videography - 10 years ago
James Jackson Videography
James Jackson Videography - 10 years ago
that shit looks zoo dope
エリンギ - 10 years ago
SUP richie
SUP richie - 10 years ago
Great compilation! 
Basu Chakraborty
Basu Chakraborty - 10 years ago
Really want to join surfing club now.....superbly shot all the videos....bravo bravo...I wish it was available in India too..Greats going folks
Hruodberht ACasT
Hruodberht ACasT - 10 years ago
fingerboardTV - 10 years ago
Sick shit!
Chu Ming Min Luftig
Chu Ming Min Luftig - 10 years ago
Just seeing this makes me want to learn how to surf
Silver Grabber
Silver Grabber - 10 years ago
3:33....put up your annoying.
Silver Grabber
Silver Grabber - 10 years ago
HAhaha yeah...totally agree! I just noticed it. Not a me!
mako apps
mako apps - 10 years ago
As a surfer, I will say well overhead surf at Pipe, probably the LAST thing on his mind in mid barrel was the height of his waistline. ;) 

But any other time I would totally agree with you. :) 
Silver Grabber
Silver Grabber - 10 years ago
Ehh...maybe that's the way you win 20k. I should do things with my butt hanging out all the time. hahaha
Pete Hodgson
Pete Hodgson - 10 years ago
well he won the 20k so he is stoked, just sayin'
Jay Jung
Jay Jung - 10 years ago
I know right
AJS HD - 10 years ago
Epic... My videos are not this sick yet!
Luke Newell
Luke Newell - 10 years ago
This makes me really want to try surfing!
Jenny Chin
Jenny Chin - 10 years ago
◠ o ◠ awesome ~~surfing

#MusicEveryday #Surfer
Jenny Chin
Jenny Chin - 10 years ago
+Monique Breas hey , looks professional ...
顏高粱 - 10 years ago
Jenny Chin
Jenny Chin - 10 years ago
顏高粱 - 10 years ago
Jenny Chin
Jenny Chin - 10 years ago
+高梁顏 ahhha
顏高粱 - 10 years ago
Jeffrey - 10 years ago
yo this video is so sick
TwofiddyFourstroke - 10 years ago
I would be flipping shit if I won 20,000. He must be some rich kid.
I.C. Weiner
I.C. Weiner - 10 years ago
+MrBhoughton  you mustve never heard of gerry lopez then. I like jamie but noone will ever own pipeline like gerry did.
MrBhoughton - 10 years ago
Jamie O'Brian, best pipe surfer ever.
Hayden Bristow
Hayden Bristow - 10 years ago
I'm guessing you don't watch his show?
"Who is JOB" 
wakeboarder028 - 10 years ago
He looked a little stunned at the time and definitely happy. It's not the first time he's won prizes for best waves on the North Shore though so maybe he doesn't flip out as much with future wins ;)
philpixel - 10 years ago
very very good
Julian Valencia
Julian Valencia - 10 years ago
halfway through this video and already know this IS THE BEST GO PRO CLIP EVER!!
GoPro - 10 years ago
GoPro and +Surfline put up a $20,000 prize to the person who successfully films the premier GoPro video clip on the North Shore. 
Major hi5 to Jamie O’Brien!
richie rich
richie rich - 8 years ago
+Toni Cortes II just bodyboarding in Hawaii, it's hollow......I use to the tube. Nothing like it dude
Rabid Panda
Rabid Panda - 8 years ago
+Toni Cortes II fresh
Toni Cortes II
Toni Cortes II - 9 years ago
how does it feel inside the tube
Hector Chavez
Hector Chavez - 9 years ago
Whats the guys name in the beginning with the stingray turtle tattoo?
Casper Cameron
Casper Cameron - 10 years ago
+Matias Baldovinos Oliveros ............
Winston Moore
Winston Moore - 10 years ago
108th up
Matias Baldovinos Oliveros
Matias Baldovinos Oliveros - 10 years ago
+casper cameron x
Casper Cameron
Casper Cameron - 10 years ago
100th up
Tina Arthur
Tina Arthur - 10 years ago
Epic video footage! You guys rock!
Tom Waller
Tom Waller - 10 years ago
check out my beach edits :D - 10 years ago
To think, the ride of your life could get you 20k!
Chris Benson
Chris Benson - 10 years ago
This is absolutely beautiful!
George Gough
George Gough - 10 years ago
Its amazing when they go in the tunnel thingy mabob. I have no intrests about surfing but watching this has really got me interested in.
GeneralChaos1756 - 10 years ago
another surfing video, lol. how many assholes think you saw a shark?
Woozle - 10 years ago
Music used?
WΔVΣS ANDSAND - 10 years ago
Of Verona - A million billion dying suns
Fav part 10:28
Jakob Arendt
Jakob Arendt - 10 years ago
Who is j.o.b. 4.0
Otro por aquí
Otro por aquí - 10 years ago
Luca Roveda
Luca Roveda - 10 years ago
Thanks Gopro for this.... fantastic
I love you from Italy
Filippo Gabriele
Filippo Gabriele - 10 years ago
Euuuhhhful - 10 years ago
this is simply amazing! i just feel like learning surfing right now
II - 10 years ago
Wow!!! What Kind of Felling should this be?!?!
AndrewProductionsTV - 10 years ago
Whoever said nothing was impossible never tried slamming a revolving door. 
Kraclomob - 10 years ago
Best GoPro video EVER !!!
Kasumi Suzuki
Kasumi Suzuki - 10 years ago
Neoks - 10 years ago
JamieWadd91 - 10 years ago
Am I the only one watching this thinking "how is it mounted to get that 3rd person view !?"
Pete Hodgson
Pete Hodgson - 10 years ago
there are many angles covered by mounting the camera via back pack, a pole on the tail of the board, holding in their mouths, hand holding and more used in shooting all this surfing
oreskec - 10 years ago
Just holding it in your hand behind you is how they did it here, but you can use GoPros Chest Mount and some Goosenecks available from ;)
Gabskings - 10 years ago
Gopole or a waist with a pole attached to it
Alec Handschin
Alec Handschin - 10 years ago
Anyone know how the shot at 3:05 was done?
Pete Hodgson
Pete Hodgson - 10 years ago
Alec that was shot with a backpack mount from Sail Video Systems. You can find his link in the comments above this. 
Fernando Lopez
Fernando Lopez - 10 years ago
waist band strapped onto his body and pvc pipe going up past his head most likely has some other type of rig for the mount. i could tell by the way it is facing while he paddles, then when he stands up it goes to its correct position for a little while and then starts swinging a bit when the water gets rough.
SamJ - 10 years ago
I really hope nobody watched the full 13 minutes of this. I'd prefer them to get a glimpse and then try it themeselves as I wish to do.
Nikitoz9595 - 10 years ago
I want to be a millionaire to do stuff like that: surfing waves all day, snowboarding, wingsuiting, cycling in Peru e.t.c. (pardone my english).
Atlantis - 10 years ago
very nice
soos1578541 - 10 years ago
I love your videos <3
Ertug Ciftci
Ertug Ciftci - 10 years ago
I think surfing is really cool but i'm afraid of deep sea/ocean water :(
coolmadi83 - 10 years ago
One day I will make love with a beautiful waves like those. Good job guys you earned it. Congratulations
coolmadi83 - 10 years ago
One day I will make love with a beautiful waves like those. Good job guys you earned it. Congratulations
Christophe L
Christophe L - 10 years ago
What's that song at 9:12?
Christophe L
Christophe L - 10 years ago
Rodrigo Paz
Rodrigo Paz - 10 years ago
a million billion dying suns - plush
Juan Pablo Barreto
Juan Pablo Barreto - 10 years ago
supraman78 - 10 years ago
This is how long all GoPro videos should be! Awesome footage of surfing barrels that I have never done but am glad to even have a glimpse of what the inside of these beastly waves look like!
EverybodyhatesGuugle+ - 10 years ago
Man, I would love to do this kind of stuff, being able to go surfing everyday and have the weather and the right area to do it, So amazing.
immer welche
immer welche - 10 years ago
which one was the winning clip?
Pete Hodgson
Pete Hodgson - 10 years ago
The one right before the check presentation, Jamie O'Briens long barrel then the check
GregoCatal - 10 years ago
Just the greatest camera ever made.

Love the sequence at 1:47 - 1:52.  
JuicyVeganDwarf - 10 years ago
I cant wait to start makin some more GoPro vids. Just grabbed another 3+ Black Edition the other day must get it unboxed and in use :)
Declan Ball
Declan Ball - 10 years ago
lorenzo bumbi Motter
lorenzo bumbi Motter - 10 years ago
Wian Wiryawan
Wian Wiryawan - 10 years ago
Kevin Velez
Kevin Velez - 10 years ago
6th Comment!!
cwWalshy - 10 years ago
cwWalshy - 10 years ago
FerreneMachine - 10 years ago
Enduro Clutch N Shift
Enduro Clutch N Shift - 10 years ago
first comment yeww!! wish we had these wave in ireland looks too good!!
Sir Jack
Sir Jack - 10 years ago
waves of guiness
weedwizard420 - 10 years ago
just kidding
weedwizard420 - 10 years ago

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