GoPro: Kelly Slater and Dolphins Surf The Box

Shot 100% on the HD HERO3® camera from ‪ During the second stop of the ASP World Tour, 11 time world champion Kelly Slater catches a GoPro Challenge free surf with local dolphins at The Box in Western Australia. Music Kings and Queens "National Divide" Link to buy:

GoPro: Kelly Slater and Dolphins Surf The Box sentiment_very_dissatisfied 170

Surf 10 years ago 1,451,184 views

Shot 100% on the HD HERO3® camera from ‪ During the second stop of the ASP World Tour, 11 time world champion Kelly Slater catches a GoPro Challenge free surf with local dolphins at The Box in Western Australia. Music Kings and Queens "National Divide" Link to buy:

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Most popular comments
for GoPro: Kelly Slater and Dolphins Surf The Box EGCom EGCom - 7 years ago
WalshedUp - 7 years ago
Get $100 OFF GoPro HERE -
Victor Briceño
Victor Briceño - 7 years ago
Lol 1:05
Fox - 7 years ago
1:05, I'm pretty positive that this is a shark on the right, I've seen a lot of sharks.
redcinos - 7 years ago
Shark @ 1:06
Mickken - 7 years ago
Thats a Shark !!!
john smith
john smith - 7 years ago
Saw those shark fins
Maria Abril
Maria Abril - 7 years ago
Esto no es surf
Gent Bar
Gent Bar - 7 years ago
not a single dolphin..

10. comment for GoPro: Kelly Slater and Dolphins Surf The Box

M M - 7 years ago
It says my name 0:32 !!!!!!!!
Shark Tail Editing
Shark Tail Editing - 7 years ago
That wasn't a dolphin it was another surfer
Bunnyshooter 223
Bunnyshooter 223 - 7 years ago
sweet bad boy waves
Yolanda Romero
Yolanda Romero - 7 years ago
Where are the Dolphins? Thumbs down!!!
Julien Peloille
Julien Peloille - 7 years ago
Ferylin Magno
Ferylin Magno - 7 years ago
Wow that wave is yummy
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 7 years ago
Sean Ozz
Sean Ozz - 7 years ago
1:04 looks like a shark swims by Kelly going left.
doesn't look much like a dolphin at that point!
Never Mind
Never Mind - 7 years ago
No Shark. It was a kook.
Charlie Cooke
Charlie Cooke - 8 years ago
Your kelly fuckin slater, show more than one wave!!

20. comment for GoPro: Kelly Slater and Dolphins Surf The Box

Marcio Conrado Cunha
Marcio Conrado Cunha - 8 years ago
a shark for me 1:05
Batman dos games
Batman dos games - 7 years ago
Marcio Conrado Cunha dolphin
Batman dos games
Batman dos games - 7 years ago
Marcio Conrado Cunha golphin
ZACHARY ROSEN - 8 years ago
I love u plz
sgtSNIPESHOWsgt - 8 years ago
surfing is for losers who wanna get eaten by sharks
Yannik Siegl
Yannik Siegl - 8 years ago
seem's like someone got really frustrated :P
ghgeueigf rfhaeztejuyWY54
ghgeueigf rfhaeztejuyWY54 - 8 years ago
Place is SO Shallow!!!.....
Ben Moore
Ben Moore - 8 years ago
I sware it's a shark!
Pyromaniac - 8 years ago
There's rock under there!
Audy W
Audy W - 8 years ago
so that is what surfer's pov looks like. pretty cool
onsese joo
onsese joo - 8 years ago
Great video, but would you please do a revolution of sort and leave the music away ? Natural sounds would be enough, thank you.
Esmeralda Gamer
Esmeralda Gamer - 8 years ago
onsese joo yeah your right im a surfer and when i surf i think the mos important part is concentrateing
onsese joo
onsese joo - 8 years ago
Oh, thank you ! If the video is about connection between the surfer and nature caught with the cam, then why the music ? :)
Esmeralda Gamer
Esmeralda Gamer - 8 years ago
onsese joo i love your honesty you are great i read yor comment and i still laughing
MDG Team
MDG Team - 8 years ago
Music: Rei Da porra toda
Lisa Deck
Lisa Deck - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing that . I have had a Very Long Bad Work Day , Finally sat down with Silly Dog Kisses , Night is getting better , Big glass of wine for winding down . Thank You for letting me ride that wave with you .. Much Appreciated ! We all need our personal space to recharge .
Its Me
Its Me - 8 years ago
kellys got a BAWLD HEAD!!!

30. comment for GoPro: Kelly Slater and Dolphins Surf The Box

Waveor Company
Waveor Company - 8 years ago
Makes me wanna play our surfing simulator...
Aub LO
Aub LO - 8 years ago
I saw a shark at the end. black tip reef shark.
Slamm Robinson
Slamm Robinson - 8 years ago
no dolphins surfing
trent jenkins
trent jenkins - 8 years ago
kelly gives a full blue steel at 0.15
79pejeperro - 7 years ago
trent jenkins Good one XD
Jayden Lawson
Jayden Lawson - 7 years ago
0:15 for those wanting to tap
Nick Neubauer
Nick Neubauer - 8 years ago
Are they all using mouth Mounts for there GoPro ?
Leon Cruz
Leon Cruz - 9 years ago
1 minute mark!
ωнιѕкєу - 9 years ago
thats a shark not a dolphin, i;ve replayed that image a lot and theres not a single beak or horizontal tail on it but the jaw line of a shark is clearly visible. keep in mind that sharks are predators and that they do not fear dolphins, they do hunt dolphin calves and in the beginning of this video there were calves present and these dolphins are not bottle noses they are spinner dolphins.
Week Let's play
Week Let's play - 7 years ago
Dmgeasyng Official yes . Look at 1:06
JIMSHAW Films - 8 years ago
i actually think you might be right
Dmgeasyng Official
Dmgeasyng Official - 9 years ago
Aint1S - 9 years ago
When I see dolphins, it's a carefree day of surf for me... I don't look for sharks, cause I know dolphins will give them the pounding of their lifetime. Never seen more than when I'd l lived on the east coast (US), they always come up to you there in packs. Heck, that's the only time I've ever even got to touch one. Glad I'm not a female, I might be cautious if I were.
Gulf coast... where I'm from and live currently, they won't show up for nothing cause it's nasty water, but the show up beyond the poo line 15 miles out after the clear water line.
cole reed
cole reed - 8 years ago
Yeah in California that's true cuz bottlenose dolphins but spinners are a little smaller
suferwill808 - 9 years ago
+Regan Davis Bottlenose dolphins fight sharks, spinner Dolphins (common to Australia) do not
Regan Davis
Regan Davis - 9 years ago
+Aint1S You sure about that cause here in Australia dolphins get chomped. Look up:Tiger shark attacks dolphin off Newcastle Beach, swellnet. There's photo's
woff woff
woff woff - 9 years ago
watching you surfing i fell off my chair... lol .. 5 star fantastic vid..
Bryan Lopez
Bryan Lopez - 9 years ago
how deep is the reef there?
Bryan Lopez
Bryan Lopez - 9 years ago
Well glad you didn't fall then! Must be pretty scary
Cali Fresh
Cali Fresh - 9 years ago
+Bryan Lopez half a foot or so
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 9 years ago
Pretty cool! I've caught a few waves with dolphins in Mission Beach, now I just need to get it on video!
KillasGk - 9 years ago
min 1:05 looks like a shark to me lol
anywayz669 - 9 years ago
Cocoa Beach represent!  We may not have the biggest waves, but if you can ride the florida mush, you can ride anything.
Vincent Schaeffer
Vincent Schaeffer - 9 years ago
I lovvveee ittttt
Daddy Fab
Daddy Fab - 9 years ago
That look like a shark in 1:05 or nah
JIMSHAW Films - 7 years ago
The one behind the wave is definitely NOT a surfer. It is either a shark or a dolphin. Surfers cant swim underwater with their boards for that long
ultramoana - 9 years ago
+fabrice mccarthy no in reality it's another surfer who is going to the pick,you can see his board and a part of his body in the water,just at the surface
Ryan Deane
Ryan Deane - 9 years ago
GangnamKunTV - 9 years ago
what mount? i really want to know!
GangnamKunTV - 9 years ago
Owen Rumsey
Owen Rumsey - 9 years ago
+BladeWorthy mouth mount
GangnamKunTV - 9 years ago
hahah ok
jay gordon
jay gordon - 9 years ago
Mount mount
Paul Desmond
Paul Desmond - 9 years ago
Put it on .25 speed and pause at 1:06 in the bottom right it looks like this creepy thing stuck in the wave
JIMSHAW Films - 7 years ago
Why is the surfer swimming under the water next to the wave then? DEFINITELY NOT A SURFER
Octavio Salles
Octavio Salles - 9 years ago
+DaAmazingPocket it's not a creepy thing nor a dolphin, it's another surfer sitting on his board. You can see him at 01:00
Aint1S - 9 years ago
that's a dolphin, the last part is his nose and head as if he's watching Kelly.
Kevins Knives
Kevins Knives - 9 years ago
0:35 Kelly has a GoPro implant.
Cali Fresh
Cali Fresh - 9 years ago
+Kevins Knives mouth mount
Rusty Mcdonald
Rusty Mcdonald - 9 years ago
What mount did he use
Cali Fresh
Cali Fresh - 9 years ago
+Rusty Mcdonald mouth

50. comment for GoPro: Kelly Slater and Dolphins Surf The Box

Dj Pavelbbx
Dj Pavelbbx - 9 years ago
Visit my chanel if you love bodyboard, and watch my videos if you love bodyboard, Thanks ;D
TeoMarquez _
TeoMarquez _ - 9 years ago
what is that kind of like a dolphin but so much bigger it looks scary
BeRenown - 9 years ago
You can post this video on TV for all the world to see by going to Be Renown by going to
Sid Fernandez
Sid Fernandez - 9 years ago
OMG, that was wonderful just to watch. all those lunatic muslims in the middle east need to lay down their guns and learn how to surf. the world would be a much better place.
Lincoln Santos
Lincoln Santos - 9 years ago

Jesse Wasabi
Jesse Wasabi - 9 years ago
On my bros youtube account so what ever but I just came back from Hawaii surfing is awesome
Patel Vidhu
Patel Vidhu - 9 years ago
Best quality real surfing video. Thanks for sharing. 
Yvette Myers
Yvette Myers - 9 years ago
That is no dolphin, more like a shark!
Book A Trip
Book A Trip - 9 years ago
you dunt hit reef bra when your the goat !
RBW - 10 years ago
it was a sea turtle
Tenten 8828
Tenten 8828 - 10 years ago
check out mine 
Ja M
Ja M - 10 years ago
what if you get pitched over the DARN FALLS at that spot? Ya hit the reef real good?
julio guerrero
julio guerrero - 10 years ago
Terrible loco
HomeOwnerRepair - 10 years ago
Pretty awesome video. I surf up here in the states.
Kit Bigelow
Kit Bigelow - 10 years ago
My vote Is that it was a sting ray in the wave @ 1:04
jacobs akcat
jacobs akcat - 10 years ago
That guy makes shit look waayyy too easy lol...I guess the dude HAS put his time in tho...
killedtwosherif - 10 years ago
haha it's a marlin guys,come on. :D
Harry Coogans
Harry Coogans - 10 years ago
1:05 Look into the wave... Don't look like a dolphin
Charles Dupont
Charles Dupont - 10 years ago
thats a fuckin shark...
Hugo P
Hugo P - 10 years ago
A shark, a man and a dolphin un 6 sec. Awesome!
Fletcher Stevens
Fletcher Stevens - 10 years ago
Can't wait to see Kelly surf at night with this thing! #lumecube   #gonnabesick  
JODY CRAWFORD - 10 years ago
Margaret River _Western Australia.
Palm Tree Surf Videos
Palm Tree Surf Videos - 10 years ago
Have you ever seen the GoHat? It's a head mount designed for surfing that stays on much better than the head straps... Try google for it
Kane Campbell
Kane Campbell - 10 years ago
Those dolphins must be huge Kelly Slater fans
Pardus Panthera
Pardus Panthera - 10 years ago
Good one! Hahahahahh
Lulu Lala
Lulu Lala - 10 years ago
J adore votre livre surf et secret !!!! Je les acheter
elvis ortega
elvis ortega - 10 years ago
Muy interesante very interesting
yodark090161 - 10 years ago
There was a dolphin inside the barrel
birdman bl
birdman bl - 10 years ago
that reef is real shallow at 32 seconds in
Bry305 - 10 years ago
@ 1:05 -That  ain't no dolphin,  that's a freaking shark!!!
Jeremy Sullivan
Jeremy Sullivan - 10 years ago
If you are looking for the dolphin, look in the sky at 1:10
Ron Thunders
Ron Thunders - 7 years ago
jeremy sullivan- i was gonna say the same thing hhaha
Kreahzer - 7 years ago
Terrence Sullivan
Terrence Sullivan - 7 years ago
Jeremy Sullivan sure thing Mr Sullivan
Gent Bar
Gent Bar - 7 years ago
Jeremy Sullivan no its 1:17sec
sami moring
sami moring - 8 years ago
Jeremy Sullivan
more like a swordfish, you were way off..haha/jk
Endiana - 8 years ago
Great zombie jesus He was talking about the cloud stop trying to be smart lol
surfinmuso - 8 years ago
+Jeremy Sullivan Wrong. It's just another surfer, u can see him at :59.
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 9 years ago
+Jeremy Sullivan woah good eye!
Man of Water
Man of Water - 9 years ago
+Jeremy Sullivan hahaha what a trip
nie wissen
nie wissen - 10 years ago
+nie wissen * in the wave at starting at 1:05 ( wouldnt alow me to edit spelling after i posted
nie wissen
nie wissen - 10 years ago
That is cool too but look in the way starting at 1:05 if it is not a dolphin, its something big swimming in the wave it appears
Xedge17 - 10 years ago
Cameron David
Cameron David - 10 years ago
+dan m very cool ;)
dan m
dan m - 10 years ago
How cool is that?
Cameron David
Cameron David - 10 years ago
So true
Tigre - 10 years ago
Viva el surf
Moki Me
Moki Me - 10 years ago
Moki Me
Moki Me - 10 years ago
Lol +MrJeppe313 Thank you so much for the correction... for some reason I have always sucked at spelling LOL but I keep trying :-)
Jeppe - 10 years ago
+Moki Me Kraken* It's a scandinavian name, we don't really use c instead of k :)
Moki Me
Moki Me - 10 years ago
LOL... release the Cracken!!!! <<<{Did I spell that right LOL }>>>
Moki Me
Moki Me - 10 years ago
I know... the other video was also a lil distorted this one is more clear! I think the other video was a hoax and photoshopped... some people are bored but they try to be creative sometimes the hoaxes are pretty cool :-) 
Moki Me
Moki Me - 10 years ago
+Ellis Dee see it's a dolphin just posted a comment to you in your post about what Kelly Slater swims with...
Moki Me
Moki Me - 10 years ago
Dr Panda
Dr Panda - 10 years ago
i didnt see any dolphins
Jose G Blanco
Jose G Blanco - 10 years ago
James Pope
James Pope - 10 years ago
pause at 1:05 i think there is a shark yikes
James Pope
James Pope - 10 years ago
James Pope
James Pope - 10 years ago
Manu M
Manu M - 10 years ago
lol that's the dolphin
Riley Stubbs
Riley Stubbs - 10 years ago
Its a stingray, look close at the shape of it
Levi Miller
Levi Miller - 10 years ago
Can everyone like and subscribe to my channel I just started using a gopro
georges jc
georges jc - 10 years ago
The Shutter Sisters
The Shutter Sisters - 10 years ago
Looks really fun! My dad just got a GoPro camera :) Maybe I'll try surfing and film myself totally wiping out :D
Kelly Ellis
Kelly Ellis - 10 years ago
Wicked, cool.
manu - 10 years ago
Likeeeeeeeeee i love GoPro
Ismael Santiago
Ismael Santiago - 10 years ago
ta lokote men
Richard A. Sockey IV
Richard A. Sockey IV - 10 years ago
"As wave pool technology advances, more and more people over the world are surfing. It's super that the ASP takes the best stance on human rights anyway it goes." (Candice)
Richard A. Sockey IV
Richard A. Sockey IV - 10 years ago
"The winner of the women's contests in the ASP should get an automatic 'winner-take-all' one heat contest against the coinciding men's champion. That would make surfing a little more interesting; as if the great waves and beautiful ocean weren't enough." (See?)
Richard A. Sockey IV
Richard A. Sockey IV - 10 years ago
"Life is all about having a protective cocoon." (wiggles)
PINGAZ 1234 - 10 years ago
GamePvp - 10 years ago
1:05 shark or what? lol
GuarujaBrazil - 10 years ago
Puta que pariu....fantástico.
Delta WakiZa
Delta WakiZa - 10 years ago
kelly slater ! a good guys !

100. comment for GoPro: Kelly Slater and Dolphins Surf The Box

Egor605 - 10 years ago
затупил )))
Tiago Garcia
Tiago Garcia - 10 years ago
Shark 1:04 haha
Egor605 - 10 years ago
что за название трека, кто подскажет? Спасибо
what's name of music in this video? thanks 
Rich Good
Rich Good - 10 years ago
The song is called "National Divide" by Kings & Queens...
Steve Fox Jr
Steve Fox Jr - 10 years ago
1:05 is definitely a great white shark man, it is not a dolphin.
xXLogi199Xx - 10 years ago
Are that a White Hai
Michalis Michalis
Michalis Michalis - 10 years ago
Sea so clear omg
drap movie present
drap movie present - 10 years ago
Контрастный душ!))
Graham Curletta
Graham Curletta - 10 years ago
1:05 shark or dolphin swims by in the wave!
Judson Hicks
Judson Hicks - 10 years ago
what mount did he use? wrist? or just held it free?
estufados1 - 10 years ago
1:04 dolphin inside the wave? :D
NoahJsevEN - 10 years ago
Kelly Slater is Awesome!
deserable - 10 years ago
1:05 shark in the wave :D scary ! 
Scott Lincoln
Scott Lincoln - 10 years ago
Kelly "frickin" Slater....enough said!
bokeflo - 10 years ago
Very Cool! Surfing with Dolphins and a GoPro! Gotta Love GoPro!!
gfsockmonkey - 10 years ago
there were no surfing dolphins....RIPOFF!
GoProARIZONA - 10 years ago
living the life!!!
Josh Harniess
Josh Harniess - 10 years ago
On the last wave where Kelly is in the barrel , there is a shark, you can see it in the face of the wave!
Riley Smith
Riley Smith - 10 years ago
Can someone tell me why he doesn't get loads of droplets of water all over his go pro screen?
When i try theres water on the lens and you can't see the footage!
irieride - 10 years ago
Just lick the front of the camera every few waves and it will repel the water. No need to buy anything.
Riley Smith
Riley Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks for your help!
carbon monoxide
carbon monoxide - 10 years ago
You can get water repellent coating materials at camera shops for a dollar or two. You put it on the lens and it keeps it from beading. Sort of like RainX on your car windshield. It sounds gross, but I found that saliva works well for that and fogging. Boarders/skiers/divers do it to the inside of their goggles all the time.
Carl Draper
Carl Draper - 10 years ago
That's a shark, not a dolphin and certainly not a body boarder!
martin shervington
martin shervington - 10 years ago
Have a great weekend everyone! (cool video - about 2 mins)
I think I may well head out for a surf...
martin shervington
martin shervington - 10 years ago
I had a surf. No dolphins, but loads of pelicans. 
Chilled now :)
Merchi S.
Merchi S. - 10 years ago
Happy weekend +martin shervington  Thank you :))
Martin Holmes
Martin Holmes - 10 years ago
Enjoy +martin shervington 
Lightofthemoon Ahweheyu
Lightofthemoon Ahweheyu - 10 years ago
Thanks! You too!
Candis Marko
Candis Marko - 10 years ago
I don't surf. But after watching that, I'd go for a surf too!  Enjoy the waves +martin shervington!
kathy landry-degen
kathy landry-degen - 10 years ago
Eugene Jefferson
Eugene Jefferson - 10 years ago
Anyone notice at 1:43 there was a cloud that was shaped like a dolphin?
Boom Chakalaka
Boom Chakalaka - 10 years ago
заходите ко мне на канальчик
буду рад видеть всех руссичей у себя, скоро будет конкурс, нужны много подписчиков , вам понравится))
Trevor - 10 years ago
Is that a stingray on the thumbnail?
1minute Traveller
1minute Traveller - 10 years ago
The color of the water and the sky are so beautiful!!
Andrea Dvořáková
Andrea Dvořáková - 10 years ago
This is amazing! :)
Safari Ltd®
Safari Ltd® - 10 years ago
As if swimming with dolphins weren't enough, he gets to surf with them! Great video!
Viljami E.
Viljami E. - 10 years ago
Wow that was the most beautiful video I have seen for weeks!
Big ED
Big ED - 10 years ago
1:1,000,000 awesome!
myntyd - 10 years ago
how shallow is this? like 1 ft
John Li
John Li - 10 years ago
Nice activity for summer!!
Oliver JL Frewin
Oliver JL Frewin - 10 years ago
At 1:05 it was actually a great white shark Western Australia is known for having sharks near the shore and surfers
Brandon Frail
Brandon Frail - 10 years ago
Dat shark photo bomb
David Corsalini
David Corsalini - 10 years ago
Italian national channel's news (Studio Aperto on Italia1) showed this says Kelly was riding with a white shark, with an interview of him saying he saw the shark near him (or at least that's what the translator said).

I feel so bad for our media situation.
jonathan doe
jonathan doe - 10 years ago
its another surfer he confirmed that on surfline
you can also see the surfer duck dive down the line as soon as he drops in
JoshA7fold - 10 years ago
Sick. Great song too
Ismail Hossam
Ismail Hossam - 10 years ago
Where are the dolphins?
TonyTheTiger1516 - 10 years ago
How can you even ask that? Did you even watch?!
GoPro Hero Videos
GoPro Hero Videos - 10 years ago
Please check out my GoPro Videos out
GoPro Hero Videos
GoPro Hero Videos - 10 years ago
Please check out my GoPro Videos out
Brah - 10 years ago
That's awesome!
kimnig - 10 years ago
Man i felt like i was there at that awesome drop... o man the feelings... all those feelings...
JamesJohnsonFL - 10 years ago
Im pretty sure kelly admitted in another video that it wasnt a shark or dolphin at 1:05 but the surfer duck diving. The slow motion on that shot is deceiving tho.
Marcello Cafaro
Marcello Cafaro - 10 years ago
Why the video quality is bad?
jaime lopez
jaime lopez - 10 years ago
Kill em
jaime lopez
jaime lopez - 10 years ago
Kill em
fingerboardTV - 10 years ago
Lukrislily o
Lukrislily o - 10 years ago
Should be titled " for a split second kelly slater passes a greyish blob"
HosTer Films
HosTer Films - 10 years ago
Amazing video! DAMN i love this camera! :P

Mohammed S
Mohammed S - 10 years ago
4c1dr3fl3x - 10 years ago
So much better than the Pro Surfer game...
Julio - 10 years ago
y el delfin??
Earl L
Earl L - 10 years ago
Superb. Makes me feel awful I do not know how to surf..haha
Earl L
Earl L - 10 years ago
+tcw thanks for clarifying me.
Nothing - 10 years ago
+Aqua Marino No, the town it's in is called Margaret River, because it's named after a river. But it's well known for it's beautiful surf break. 
Earl L
Earl L - 10 years ago
The thing about his video especially the river is that it has waves in it. Really?
Wil Masterson
Wil Masterson - 10 years ago
its not a dolphin or shark its another surfer under the wave
GeneralChaos1756 - 10 years ago
O.K., I just got off the phone with Chief Brody. He said it wasn't a shark at all, just a kid with a cardboard fin, said his brother made him do it.
Yer Maw
Yer Maw - 10 years ago
2K GoPro?
Marcos ochoa
Marcos ochoa - 10 years ago
Just amazing
Perth Surf
Perth Surf - 10 years ago
Yes west oz your definitely on the map now. Finally
Tim Summers
Tim Summers - 10 years ago
“It is clearly a guy paddling over the top" - Kelly Slater

IT WAS NOT A SHARK! and it pisses me off the amount of social media "news teams" in Australia that jumped on this video reporting that there was a shark in the wave. Just the media trying to portray that the current shark cull in Western Australia is necessary
Blitzeral - 10 years ago
Exactly right
Alex Ulziibat
Alex Ulziibat - 10 years ago
Only reason i don't surf is because of them shark , Dammit Sharks 
MrColdwatercanyon - 10 years ago
The reef is under a foot of water
garvald - 10 years ago
Quite cool, but would have been mind-blowing if a) he'd moved the 3+ in and out of the wave, recording the dolphin and b) he'd done that in slow-mo! 
PatricK WithaKay
PatricK WithaKay - 10 years ago
Beaumont Pritchard-James
Beaumont Pritchard-James - 10 years ago
Kush grow
Kush grow - 10 years ago
That is not a shark around 1:05. It is a camera man on a boogie board, you can see his fins at the end of the shot. Kelly even said this himself on an interview during the ASP Margaret River Drug Aware Pro surf contest live stream yesterday.
bonktripletoss - 10 years ago
its not a dolphin or a shark. its a body boarder who was going under the wave
goprosurvival - 10 years ago
We feature gopro videos like skiing snowboarding and other extreme sports like that and if you want your video posted you need to do is send us an email at
Orion Kimberly
Orion Kimberly - 10 years ago
Who would dislike this this is epic to see his vision
Owen Mowery
Owen Mowery - 10 years ago
Does anyone know what editing software GoPro used for the captions?
Forgottenxghost - 10 years ago
wellthi - 10 years ago
what about an hydrodynamic gopro case we can stick on the board for Low-angle shot and coral and dolphin shot
Ernsto - 10 years ago
IRLBucket - 10 years ago
So dope!
GregoCatal - 10 years ago
Very cool.
Truett Wood
Truett Wood - 10 years ago
1:05 looks like a freakin shark!!
Ritchie Figueroa
Ritchie Figueroa - 10 years ago
Before 301 squad
goprosurvival - 10 years ago
We feature gopro videos like skiing snowboarding and other extreme sports like that and if you want your video posted you need to do is send us an email at
SUP richie
SUP richie - 10 years ago
Dayuuum!!! that was great edit great music great surfing!!!
goprosurvival - 10 years ago
We feature gopro videos like skiing snowboarding and other extreme sports like that and if you want your video posted you need to do is send us an email at
Jonas Sterud
Jonas Sterud - 10 years ago
2 Comment Yay
luigi gabriele
luigi gabriele - 10 years ago

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About GoPro: Kelly Slater and Dolphins Surf The Box

The "GoPro: Kelly Slater and Dolphins Surf The Box" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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