GoPro HD: Surfing with Kaoli - TV Commercial - You in HD

Shot 100% on the HD HERO® camera from Check it out! Fan favorite Kaoli Kahokuloa's aerial is now running as one of GoPro's summer commercials airing on national TV... stoked! Music RJD2 as The Insane Warrior - "Saint Ignatius Belsse" Buy in iTunes:

GoPro HD: Surfing with Kaoli - TV Commercial - You in HD sentiment_very_dissatisfied 28

Surf 13 years ago 576,423 views

Shot 100% on the HD HERO® camera from Check it out! Fan favorite Kaoli Kahokuloa's aerial is now running as one of GoPro's summer commercials airing on national TV... stoked! Music RJD2 as The Insane Warrior - "Saint Ignatius Belsse" Buy in iTunes:

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Most popular comments
for GoPro HD: Surfing with Kaoli - TV Commercial - You in HD

Ivan Sanchez
Ivan Sanchez - 11 years ago
they use the force.
Wes Watson
Wes Watson - 11 years ago
LT Movie
LT Movie - 11 years ago
Hey guys Please chek Out my Chanel
FLEXCOPE INC. - 11 years ago
beach here I come
antoine picard
antoine picard - 11 years ago
v7589ep - 11 years ago
Andrew Alcala
Andrew Alcala - 11 years ago
wax the board
Taft Cleverly
Taft Cleverly - 11 years ago
Hey check out my channel I have some cool videos shot all with the gopro
Sara Lujan Agurto
Sara Lujan Agurto - 11 years ago
i love kaoli <3

10. comment for GoPro HD: Surfing with Kaoli - TV Commercial - You in HD

Christaan Deibner
Christaan Deibner - 11 years ago
Hey guys looking for some advise on my videos. My latest is the kayaking one. Thanks guys
Martin Barski
Martin Barski - 12 years ago
man that front foot adjustment is crazy
Nick Uaje
Nick Uaje - 12 years ago
so chill.
Yas Salanga
Yas Salanga - 12 years ago
lol now i know what kevin garnett does during the off season
Robert Bootes
Robert Bootes - 13 years ago
ye buddeh
Brage Hammer
Brage Hammer - 13 years ago
@G0PR0HD aint 007 a agent?
Wissal Abanaissa
Wissal Abanaissa - 13 years ago
where is that place?
Mushka - 13 years ago
Anyone else get freaked out by the old woman's face appearing out of the clouds at 0:11 ?
Pat Nolan
Pat Nolan - 13 years ago
sick clip! Kaoli rips!
Alex Dewan
Alex Dewan - 13 years ago
can i have the edit video pls

20. comment for GoPro HD: Surfing with Kaoli - TV Commercial - You in HD

FPV Academy
FPV Academy - 13 years ago
Hello Fellow YouTubers, I am a 18 year old male from South Africa. My dream is to be a video editor for big companies. I recently purchased a GoPro camera and started editing my own videos. I messaged GoPro the be an ambassador in South Africa and they told me that my videos need more views. Please take 4 minutes of your time to watch my video so that I can get the needed exposure. It would be VERY VERY much appreciated! Thank you for your time and please help me get top comment so all can see
TheTillinger123 - 13 years ago
please make some videos longer than 31 secs
TehGhostDude - 13 years ago
Get Your Toe outta ma chicken tickka masalla:P
Cort Sonschein
Cort Sonschein - 13 years ago
esse20091 - 13 years ago
bellissimo!!Wery good! Grazie thank you
Landon Unger
Landon Unger - 13 years ago
@blackmancer what a cock, he is making a reference to a (once though) well known youtube saying...
VoidTroopiez - 13 years ago
Thumbs up if you watched this in 360p.
blackmancer - 13 years ago
@PuqTheBest what a cock, its labelled TV Commercial
Dwight Howard
Dwight Howard - 13 years ago
@PuqTheBest lol nice one
MrFRDW - 13 years ago
@PuqTheBest or use adblocka!

30. comment for GoPro HD: Surfing with Kaoli - TV Commercial - You in HD

Kenny White
Kenny White - 13 years ago
Don't click on video that has a title clearly stating "TV Commercial" to skip ad.
Loïc - 13 years ago
How did one get that awesome slow mo without blur or whatever ? =O It's not just about the camera, you must have serious computer and programme, right?
SpoonKill69 - 13 years ago
sharkfin 0:19
MotoDNA - 13 years ago
FU***K!!!!!! that whas BIGG!!1
three hundred
three hundred - 13 years ago
30:56 DAT ASS!!!!!!!!!!
LeicesterCitySkate - 13 years ago
Korvan1993 - 13 years ago
@PuqTheBest Yeah we didnt hear that one in a while
Young ADV
Young ADV - 13 years ago
@ViXX886 awesome waves
Hunter Dutton
Hunter Dutton - 13 years ago
@ajmomoho waterproof cameras?
Picaro1 - 13 years ago
Yeeeeeeeeea, great jump. This stuff would be great for coaching and training purposes. If you didn't think about it before just give me a little credit in the byline. I think it is even inspirational.
bobjohnlee - 13 years ago
Why is he so good looking?
Young ADV
Young ADV - 13 years ago
Its amazing what mother nature gives us...
TheSavageMusicGroup - 13 years ago
"Shot 100% on the HD HERO" with a 30 sec vid and half of which is advertisment i hope it was all shot using it.
broadcastmyself07 - 13 years ago
This song sounds like skins theme song!
John - 13 years ago
nice music goes really well with the vid
Nirvezz - 13 years ago
@campersrfags If it were a shark the tail would be also be seen with the dorsal fin above water. Dolphin if its just one. :]
skaterz000027 - 13 years ago
' ouuuuuu, I <3 Boobies ...
joshua jerome
joshua jerome - 13 years ago
this guys a g
shtidel - 13 years ago
0:17 is the shit!!!
dcfcrams4ever - 13 years ago
/watch?v=t0VUFNwO6go Great video of summer!

50. comment for GoPro HD: Surfing with Kaoli - TV Commercial - You in HD

Capt Nyanpasu
Capt Nyanpasu - 13 years ago
bro wheres the chick man
CPK Music
CPK Music - 13 years ago
That's badass.
Nirvezz - 13 years ago
@campersrfags Looks like a dolphin.
Rhys - 13 years ago
@brutalplanet23 I'm 14. I just had a dumb moment. Sorry
TJ Jasman
TJ Jasman - 13 years ago
hes wearing an i love boobies braclet
Patrick Miraval
Patrick Miraval - 13 years ago
where is this??
Rhys - 13 years ago
@PuqTheBest its not an add
beardedswine - 13 years ago
loved the grab
Sky ASMR - 13 years ago
i thought it surfing with a koala
Luis Villamil Santa Cruz
Luis Villamil Santa Cruz - 13 years ago
Tarzan :D
Azhiaziam - 13 years ago
That kid is!!
TomasL - 13 years ago
@Pepiswag Why just not i<3girls?:D
Hunter Carlson
Hunter Carlson - 13 years ago
where was this vid takin
slamathon - 13 years ago
lol you get wet surfing
Ryan Mallon
Ryan Mallon - 13 years ago
Is twixtor used in this video?
alex cabagne
alex cabagne - 13 years ago
I <3 boobies
HDsteezy1 - 13 years ago
0:11 to 0:13 is the best part
James Yoshimoto
James Yoshimoto - 13 years ago
dats nuttz cant wait till i can do that
henrydenker - 13 years ago
@drewb2413 i know but this was some sort of gopro trick like i have a slow motion camera and i took a vid of 120 fps on my channel of me and some friends just surfing and i slowed it down to 60 and its sill not as slow as some of this footage its rediciolous. defently something special gopro did
Andrew Bottemiller
Andrew Bottemiller - 13 years ago
@analpenatrator76 Im pretty sure that somewhere in their comments threads Ive seen a comment about them using a program after converting the 60 fps video footage into 30. I actually just looked it up and it is Twixtor.
bredbasket1 - 13 years ago
what song?
Daniel Croucher
Daniel Croucher - 13 years ago
The 5 people who dislike this can't swim.
henrydenker - 13 years ago
i love how gopros slowmotion is like at 240 fps when in reality the gopro on shoots at 60 fps. and when you slow that down to thirty that is about as slow as you can make it before it gets glicthy. this cant be filmed 100 percent gopro because of slow motion. right?
Andrew Bottemiller
Andrew Bottemiller - 13 years ago
What program do you use to create such a slomo shot with only a 60 fps camera?
Brian - 13 years ago
if i wanted to put this on the front of my skimboard, would the sand scratch the lens or would it be fine for that?
おもむくままに - 13 years ago
Ryan B
Ryan B - 13 years ago
dracast999 - 13 years ago
at 0:17 He had to grab the o shit handles
123hello9 - 13 years ago
so I just got the go pro, what class memory card should i get for it?
jpwpara - 13 years ago
@fionnbelieveable lol wtf
SoftCheeks - 13 years ago
1 thing i want to do before i die is learn how to surf
Patrick Garrity
Patrick Garrity - 13 years ago
@NoFearKieranHere Helmet or handlebar mounts for starters. Go to GoPro's website and they have a bunch of stuff you can pick up.
dahveed284 - 13 years ago
None of the GoPros are good for snorkeling. They do not focus well under water. I read of a glue on lens that fixes this problem. Not sure how this affects above water focusing.
Tommy Chorman
Tommy Chorman - 13 years ago
Sick clip ! Go Pro ROCKS . BEST VIDEO CAMERA ! Aloha
HodgsonHawaii - 13 years ago
@dcaramia this was shot at 60 fps resolution 3 on the GoPro HD camera, and the added "super slow" motion is done is a special post production program.
kieran cherrill
kieran cherrill - 13 years ago
@GoProCamera i want one for motorcross, whats the best way to attatch it to my bike?
Jefford Ng
Jefford Ng - 13 years ago
@dcaramia The Flat lens kit they used in the video is called the Eye of Mine eyeofmine com slash gopro slash underwater slash index dot html This Eye of mine lens kit seems more durable than BlurFix, however I like how they put Anti Fog beads and changeable 55mm lens so you can use the red color filter for underwater filming
Steve - 13 years ago
Danny Caramia
Danny Caramia - 13 years ago
@jeffordng yea, i saw people actually make a DIY flat lense which is kind of crazy and i also saw the blurfix one. it looks like those guys in the video you shared used the blurfix. my advice is to look into buying that. That was some great footage of the sharks.
Jefford Ng
Jefford Ng - 13 years ago
@dcaramia Hahaa, it happens that my friend and I both bought the GoPro for Snorkeling and Scuba Diving, but we didn't do the research on GoPro filming underwater, so I guess that's my own fault as well. However, I did hope they roll out with the flat lens, coz I saw some really NICE video filmed by GoPro with the After market flat lens! vimeo dot com slash 15273716
Ollinger Felix
Ollinger Felix - 13 years ago
Rogelio F.L.
Rogelio F.L. - 13 years ago
Slow motion !!!
Danny Caramia
Danny Caramia - 13 years ago
@jeffordng there's really no telling when gopro is gonna come out with one or if they are. and i dont think it's a waste if your gonna be filming under water a lot.
Jefford Ng
Jefford Ng - 13 years ago
@dcaramia Thanks, I have seen this on the internet as well and I am planning to get this. However, I really want to see GoPro roll out with their own official underwater parts, otherwise it's such a waste of the 60m waterproof housing
Mawer - 13 years ago
@GoProCamera yes! make a parkour one :D!
john-does-a-thing - 13 years ago
@itsbeiko YES that'd be so cool
FreuerwerkVids - 13 years ago
@FaceVol5 but it's not for free >.<
321GoPro - 13 years ago
what program do you use to edit this with the slow mo
Frederico Gomes
Frederico Gomes - 13 years ago
N8i6tv - 13 years ago
go Twixtor!!!

100. comment for GoPro HD: Surfing with Kaoli - TV Commercial - You in HD

budlitebob YT
budlitebob YT - 13 years ago
make a football one.
Danny Caramia
Danny Caramia - 13 years ago
@ilikeslowmotion i think it goes with it pretty well...
Danny Caramia
Danny Caramia - 13 years ago
@jeffordng yo they already have one out. it's not gopro's but its exactly what your looking for. its called blurfix. go to my channel, its in my favorites. i never tried the product but it looks like it works good.
Danny Caramia
Danny Caramia - 13 years ago
@FaceVol5 yea but again how can you get such crisp slow motion from 30fps? i never heard of a program that can do that, that's why im curious.
Danny Caramia
Danny Caramia - 13 years ago
@FaceVol5 maybe after effects and twixtor?
RaptorMan - 13 years ago
@dcaramia - he edited it with a program like sony vegas...
RaptorMan - 13 years ago
@FreuerwerkVids - sony vegas is a good one...
Danny Caramia
Danny Caramia - 13 years ago
that little thing is amazing! this is 1080p with 30fps, how did you achieve that super slow motion?
Hayden Smith
Hayden Smith - 13 years ago
TheFinnersdude - 13 years ago
FreuerwerkVids - 13 years ago
what for a program do you use for the slowmotion?
Ihavearealylongname - 13 years ago
@jdw1407 Since you can watch the video in 1080p I would think they did so
Logan Davidson
Logan Davidson - 13 years ago
@TheApple2211 auto focus
Ditmar Visser
Ditmar Visser - 13 years ago
Does the GoPro have any rolling shutter problems?
halloosin8 - 13 years ago
Really nice. Did you use twixtor for the slow motion section?
halloosin8 - 13 years ago
Really nice. Did you use twixtor for the slow motion section?
Jeff Walker
Jeff Walker - 13 years ago
what formate do you guys record in? 1080? R5?
cheesegoat824 - 13 years ago
I felt like I was watching a dirty movie. That was sick as hell!
Jefford Ng
Jefford Ng - 13 years ago
When will you release a Flat Lens kit for underwater environment?
Shedz Channel
Shedz Channel - 13 years ago
Baloo Mcgufin
Baloo Mcgufin - 13 years ago
wath is the song?
Meadow - 13 years ago
What about for longboarding? Any suggestions on which piece is best?
AFSproductions - 13 years ago
Qwarzz - 13 years ago
@superdan267 It also wasn't completely smooth. Adobe After Effects for example can compensate a bit when you want to slow video down more than the frames really allow you to.
fionnbelieveable - 13 years ago
u guys branch into porn call it the GoBallsDeep
beiko - 13 years ago
make a parkour one
Kirby Weldon
Kirby Weldon - 13 years ago
@AustinColhouer Yep, they do. They've mentioned it a couple times before on different videos.
Austin Colhouer
Austin Colhouer - 13 years ago
Do you guys use twixtor?
TheJAorg - 13 years ago
what was this edited on?
Robert Griesmeyer
Robert Griesmeyer - 13 years ago
@nikowe123 There is one where a guy goes off a mountain with skis on with a parachute and then an avalanche chases him till he goes off teh end. shit was like james bond.
Daniel Lim
Daniel Lim - 13 years ago
was 0:08 to 0:15 also shot with a GoPro? Which one? Because that section was slowed down quite a bit, and from skimming your website I saw that the surf-GoPro only records with 60fps max...
MPglc - 13 years ago
@steezyskiier1 the video editing is very useful knowledge if you want to make quality videos. there are some programs you just need to spend some time with to accomplish such a steezy slow motion
Thomas B
Thomas B - 13 years ago
@nikowe123 gopro HD helmet
shanemoto - 13 years ago
Im too afraid to use my gopro in the water lol
Kevin Martin
Kevin Martin - 13 years ago
@wtf1221 twixtor. ;)
Frühstücksfahrer - 13 years ago
why is your setting of the light so good and mine as bad as a 20year old cell phone cam ?
branden juba
branden juba - 13 years ago
MrPookin - 13 years ago
Definitely seen this before.
Victor Backman
Victor Backman - 13 years ago
why so short -.- ;)
Joe Fornari
Joe Fornari - 13 years ago
is there a way to get the super slow mo shots?
immemous - 13 years ago
The only think that i dont like about this camera is that the sound is not pretty good. Of course this is because the camera is inside of the plastic prector against water...
JkNMtB14 - 13 years ago
@FLIPproductions1 dude just edit it...
doublea422 - 13 years ago
Before 307, woo we have no lifes it seems
thestokes91 - 13 years ago
how can you be so good? darn you
mj224223 - 13 years ago
@doublea422 it was uploaded today?
TheNoloproductions - 13 years ago
so sick!!!!
Theis Hansen
Theis Hansen - 13 years ago
here before 302!
killermitten11 - 13 years ago
doublea422 - 13 years ago

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About GoPro HD: Surfing with Kaoli - TV Commercial - You in HD

The "GoPro HD: Surfing with Kaoli - TV Commercial - You in HD" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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