GoPro HD: Alana and Monyca Surfing Hawaii

Shot 100% on the new HD HERO2® camera from ‪ Alana Blanchard and Monyca Byrne-Wickey show us what a ton of fun in Hawaii looks like. Now offered as a GoPro Edit Template on GoPro Studio software. Available for Windows® and Mac® via free download at Music Tyler Keene "The Great Tide"

GoPro HD: Alana and Monyca Surfing Hawaii sentiment_very_dissatisfied 298

Surf 13 years ago 3,637,122 views

Shot 100% on the new HD HERO2® camera from ‪ Alana Blanchard and Monyca Byrne-Wickey show us what a ton of fun in Hawaii looks like. Now offered as a GoPro Edit Template on GoPro Studio software. Available for Windows® and Mac® via free download at Music Tyler Keene "The Great Tide"

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Most popular comments
for GoPro HD: Alana and Monyca Surfing Hawaii

Tony 186445
Tony 186445 - 7 years ago
Everyone's talking about their asses, and I'm here being aroused by Alana's wipeout and underwater smile....

I'm weird XD.
breathtaking movie!
have a great day :o)
Wonderful film!
have a great evening :o)
Dodgers Fan #1
Dodgers Fan #1 - 8 years ago
Nice asses
Abby Okeeffe
Abby Okeeffe - 8 years ago
Is there an app to make these kind of videos?
Xxlaughing GamerxX
Xxlaughing GamerxX - 8 years ago
Nice surfing
Astrid Berg
Astrid Berg - 8 years ago
Nice!!!! Oh, and where can I get this song?? It's not on iTunes .. Thanks for any ideas :)
12345 Sixseveneight
12345 Sixseveneight - 9 years ago
I wana go Hawaii so bad
12345 Sixseveneight
12345 Sixseveneight - 8 years ago
well +James Sullivan im going there in october. im currently in austrialia so i will see you sson :PPPPP
Sam slatter
Sam slatter - 8 years ago
+James Sullivan i live down here it rocks
12345 Sixseveneight
12345 Sixseveneight - 8 years ago
so lucky! can i come visit you
Marlene Alexandre
Marlene Alexandre - 9 years ago
bom swell!

10. comment for GoPro HD: Alana and Monyca Surfing Hawaii

Kierra2003 - 9 years ago
i watch this video so much lol
loo lolo
loo lolo - 9 years ago
putain la pub racoleuse à base de pétasses en maillot...
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 9 years ago
Nothing better than a couple of hot gurfers!
Noah Leong
Noah Leong - 9 years ago
what beach is this?
Jaime Colon
Jaime Colon - 9 years ago
Where in Hawaii is this beach????
Dan5482 - 9 years ago
They are surfing at Erection Beach.
X ploration
X ploration - 9 years ago
SoFlairful - 9 years ago
i need to learn how to surf...
Joe Burke
Joe Burke - 10 years ago
These videos are so bad ass!
Just Beautiful...Free Like A Bird. I Like! enjoy

20. comment for GoPro HD: Alana and Monyca Surfing Hawaii

tes420 - 10 years ago
Best shots @ 0:15 0:28 :D
Descendents HxC
Descendents HxC - 10 years ago
I am in love. <3
HomeOwnerRepair - 10 years ago
Just got a GoPro, can wait to hit the waves this summer. The waves in this video are awesome.
Avastar_Bin - 10 years ago
9gag sponsored by GoPro
Abdulrahman  Bahobashi
Abdulrahman Bahobashi - 10 years ago
The ass not hawaii brought me here.
Ciclon753 - 10 years ago
Me too bro !! 
tuiocd - 10 years ago
You guys know that alana is the best friend of bethany hamilton, that pro surfer that lost her arm due a shark attack
Vasja Stankovic
Vasja Stankovic - 10 years ago
That shopping part kinda ruined the vibe. Still wanna surf and have sex with them though.
Vasja Stankovic
Vasja Stankovic - 10 years ago
Touché :)
Greg Yannekis
Greg Yannekis - 10 years ago
Not dissappointed. :D
niemandkriz - 10 years ago
Sket Lix
Sket Lix - 10 years ago
so now 9gag tells me what fun is?

30. comment for GoPro HD: Alana and Monyca Surfing Hawaii

Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha - 10 years ago
If a shark attacks them, I don't blame the shark. These girls are simply too attracting.
Kylie Rose
Kylie Rose - 7 years ago
Vasja Stankovic
Vasja Stankovic - 10 years ago
Yup, they asked for it. Just look at what they're (not) wearing. 
Jakobubele - 10 years ago
Being rich enough to do nothing all day and live at such a beautiful place must be nice
babiesmakinbabies - 7 years ago
1. both women were born in Hawaii
2. both women are professional surfers
3. monica has two other jobs as well (farmer & model)
4. alana also models
5. they are driving a mazda.

Are they rich? I would say probably middle class. Nothing to do? They were probably paid to participate in this video. Sure seems like they have a lot to do.
Jakobubele - 9 years ago
Nice for you^^ But that has nothing to do with our discussion :D
DubTribe1 - 9 years ago
+Horst Schreiner because i live in hawaii :) stay mad horst radish.
Jakobubele - 9 years ago
+jason turnbell Do you even know what being Butthurt means? I like my Life here, but why are you protecting people you never met against imagined " butthurt jealous faggots"?
McKenna Austin
McKenna Austin - 10 years ago
She is one of my idols and is an idol to many other human beings. She is a very famous surfer, please don't assume and judge when you know nothing
Rochelle W
Rochelle W - 10 years ago
+Troy Tribbiani you don't actually know why he killed himself. you dont deserve the guess why he killed himself. depression and suicide can't be assumed by the public. who knows it was his career that killed him? who knows that maybe he could have been predisposed with depression genetically? who knows? 
Alexander Troestrup
Alexander Troestrup - 10 years ago
+Eliot Winchell You must be one of those people who thinks your country is the entire world,,, at least you speak like one. In Denmark, ordinary people pay between 40-50% income tax while there is something called "topskat" (loosely translated to "top/highest tax"), which, if I remember correctly, starts about a million DKK and upwards, so anyone earning a million and up in denmark pay between 70 and 80 % in taxes. An extreme example for instance, is the former CEO of the danish company AP Møller mærsk who unfortunately is dead now, and when he died, the taxes in the region where he had been living, had to be raised about 1 or 2 % for everybody else, cause his tax contributions were so enormous. But I don´t mind actually. In my point of view, it is great to have a society where everybody carries everybody ;) 
Eliot W
Eliot W - 10 years ago
+Saikrishnan B rich people don't put any taxes back into the government. They put less than an ordinary citizen because of tax loopholes. People who are millionaires usually put less than 15% into taxes.
JP Huff
JP Huff - 10 years ago
Hate to ruin everyones fun but they're pro surfers. So technically, they are working in this video ;)
Alexander Troestrup
Alexander Troestrup - 10 years ago
+Jens Müller Actually, since they probably have a pretty healthy and exercising lifestyle, I do think they will live a quite long, or at least average long normal life... "Unfortunately".
Jens Müller
Jens Müller - 10 years ago
+Horst Schreiner Dont worry. They will pay for it with an early death. Use- and worthless cunts.
Marvin Jayson
Marvin Jayson - 10 years ago
The nasty comment I was referring to is the comment that started out this whole thread. To watch the video and immediately say something negative, missing out on the whole point of the video. +Tristan Weber Sorry, I can't remember why I directed my reply to you. So, nvm.

+Saikrishnan B Yeah, I know this is a public forum, and that also gives me the right to say what I think. I read the comments to see how other people react to the video as well. I do not actively seek out these kind of comments to reply to. It just elicited a reaction, just like my comment to you. I came across this nice video, which I found nothing wrong btw, and +Horst Schreiner's comments is the first thing I read. Yeah, it's not the end of the world, just kind of off putting. Yup, the world we live in isn't the utopia we'd hoped. It's not rainbows and butterflies for everyone. But having a pessimistic outlook in life isn't helping.

That being said, I think I've wasted enough of my day commenting on this. We can just agree to disagree.
Saikrishnan B
Saikrishnan B - 10 years ago
+Troy Tribbiani
Yes, I think that just "derping" around would be a waste. I surely wouldn't enjoy it. But that's our preference. For those girls, just whiling away their time at the beach and surfing might be the idea of enjoying life. There is not 'one rule fits all' for human interests and tastes. Different people have different tastes and interests which are probably molded by the culture they've brought up with, genes, surroundings, life situation , past experiences etc. Conclusion - We can't really comment( understanding their motives ) on other people's life until we've been in their shoes and experience everything they've experienced.
Saikrishnan B
Saikrishnan B - 10 years ago
+Marvin Jayson
 Because this is Youtube - a public forum. It doesn't matter if you think the comments are nasty or not, people can voice their opinions at will. What's nasty for you might be enjoyable for someone else. Why should they lose out of reading "enjoyable" comments because you think its nasty? Isn't that selfish?  Solution - Stop reading YT comments if you can't bear to read comments you don't like. No one's coming to your house and shoving these comments in your face.
Nex igen
Nex igen - 10 years ago
+Saikrishnan B Contributing to the society? If someone would've given you 20 million dollars you would be next to these girls, surfing. Who cares about a society when being filthy rich. I know I wouldn't. At least not the first few years. I would start enjoying
Marvin Jayson
Marvin Jayson - 10 years ago
+Tristan Weber Yes, there may be people who haven't worked a single day, but let's face it, how small would that percentage be in this day and age? With +Horst Schreiner assuming they do nothing is just not right.

Let's also say that you worked hard enough, smart enough to be a millionaire and retire early. What if that is your goal, so that you would enjoy life. Should you be guilt ridden for not doing anything, or for others in a more unfortunate position?

My point is, why can't I just watch a nice video with people enjoying themselves, showing us how surfing is in Hawaii, and sharing their experience to us on YouTube without it being blasted by a nasty comment?
Nex igen
Nex igen - 10 years ago
+Troy Tribbiani Yeah, so it can drive you to madness as well. But I think that is not happening because they are rich by definition.  Robin Williams for example already had depressions. You are completely right about Elvis Presley though. His problems started to manifest once he became rich. But when you are a healthy person without psychological or physical trauma's you should be able to deal with being rich just as well as being poor.
Alexander Troestrup
Alexander Troestrup - 10 years ago
+Tristan Weber okay, granted... So far so good... But if we, just for the sake of covering all instances, go into an extreme example now, like Robin Williams. How do you explain that then? He had billions, or at least millions, thus filthy rich, made people laugh all over the world, but you can´t say that he "cared less" about his career than poor people. In fact, his career must have stressed him so much that he ended in drug-addiction and it even killed him! :( ... The example is extreme of course, but history also shows more examples like this: Elvis Presley for instance.
Nex igen
Nex igen - 10 years ago
+Troy Tribbiani Why would I not want to read long comments? It's what I'm here for. But I do think we're still thinking very rationally keeping the value of money in mind because we don't have a lot to spare. When you are rich, I'm fairly sure that you really care a lot less compared to someone who doesn't have a lot of money. That, or you actually try to make things better for people that are in fact, poor. Like Bill Gates and a lot of other rich people are doing. They don't completely distance themselves from society, but they do have the luxury to care a little less. No worries, no forced priorities.
Nex igen
Nex igen - 10 years ago
+Marvin Jayson I doubt anyone deserves to live their entire life without working when there are still people in the world dieing of starvation. That being said, yes perhaps they did earn their money. Sorry if I start doubting when you see two hot blonde chicks. I really think they are on vacation too.
Alexander Troestrup
Alexander Troestrup - 10 years ago
+Tristan Weber If you don´t want to read it, I understand... But don´t reply, if you choose not to read it.
Alexander Troestrup
Alexander Troestrup - 10 years ago
+Tristan Weber You are probably representing every single human on this earth with that opinion, including me, simply because we are all egoistic by nature. It´s the very american liberalistic dream that is praised by the western civilization. What I am just trying, however, is to think bigger if I were in that situation (which we should), because think about it like this: For you as an individual, it will be awesome, because your fundamental primal needs (ie. shelter and food) have been fullfilled, and you have fun too, but YOU only live for about 70-90 years, 100 if you´re lucky, while SOCIETY will exist for thousands of years and EARTH will exist billions of years. I´m talking about this:'s_hierarchy_of_needs ... and in this case, I mean, if you do "nothing", but are rich, you will never get over the ESTEEM category. For instance, let´s just take a quick example: Why doesn´t Bill Gates just lean back and throw beach parties at his mansion every day? Why do ACTORS keep making movies and pressuring themselves with new roles and sometimes even stressing out over these (ie. Spotlight pressure, ie. Robin Williams)? I think the my point is implied in the answer: The top category in that pyramid: "Self-actualization!"
Marvin Jayson
Marvin Jayson - 10 years ago
Or they probably just got a vacation, and went to Hawaii. Or they could make videos for a living. Doing nothing all day? Maybe they deserve that time. Well, even if they're filthy rich, who are you to judge?
Alexander Troestrup
Alexander Troestrup - 10 years ago
+Saikrishnan B ye okay, the chicks in the video, because they do something (ie. surfing)...But I was referring to Horst Schreiner´s comment on doing "nothing" all day, which I assume wasn´t meant to include surfing. Now, of course he would also still spend money on products etc. and pay taxes as we also do (probably not 40% as we do in denmark though, but I get the point) ... but I was actually thinking even more different: I meant contributing creatively to society, ie. using that free time to not just derp around and get lazy, but to develop yourself and your abilities more and create something for the world, other than just an HD video with some sexy chicks in it, which will be forgotten next week. I just think it´s a shame when people just waste their lives on "relaxing"/ derping, because I´ve done that myself for half a year, where I literally didn´t do shit other than zoning around on my computer... Hope you understand what I mean! ;)
Saikrishnan B
Saikrishnan B - 10 years ago
+Troy Tribbiani
 They spend a lot which goes to the products, goods , services etc. basically it puts cash back into the society. Not to mention the huge amount of taxes they pay the Government. That is way more contribution to the society than you or I will ever make.
Alexander Troestrup
Alexander Troestrup - 10 years ago
and pretty boring too + the fact that you contribute with absolutely nothing to society, and it wouldn´t actually make any difference wether or not you´d be in the world ;) Yeah, I guess that must be nice.
closs3r - 10 years ago
:'( like if u cried :'( :'(
Janice H
Janice H - 10 years ago
surfing looks soo toughhh
Janardan Lamichhane
Janardan Lamichhane - 10 years ago
Its good
OGZxSILV3R - 10 years ago
Shes cute!
ChimesRS - 10 years ago
Healthy honest sluts.. a blessing to the Earth :) ..
Amber - 10 years ago
theDVN - 10 years ago
we all know why we came to the video
Lick Landy
Lick Landy - 10 years ago
BroOutdoorAdventures - 10 years ago
Come and check out our channel we have amazing GoPro videos !!!!
I DARE YOU !!!!! 
Martina Erving
Martina Erving - 10 years ago
GoPro HERO 2 - Surf Edition And Accessories Review
Martina Erving
Martina Erving - 10 years ago
Click & Get It Here!....
kaila graciano
kaila graciano - 10 years ago
Adorei o video!!!! Muito massa.....
Sherlock MacGyver
Sherlock MacGyver - 10 years ago
We show you boobs and butts, you buy our cameras. Go Pro. 
Kylie Rose
Kylie Rose - 7 years ago
that's all you choose to see?
Trypsykh - 8 years ago
+Marc Stinebaugh I have 19 now and I don't even leave my house aside from work that often.
Eduardo Gomez
Eduardo Gomez - 9 years ago
+Marc Stinebaugh Surf in pants then?
Ilham Maulana
Ilham Maulana - 10 years ago
+eddies2kturbo *True
eddies2kturbo - 10 years ago
Alan Maior
Alan Maior - 10 years ago
Please, could someone tell me about this song? I loved it. What is the name of music?
Ivan G
Ivan G - 10 years ago
Itziar Garmendia
Itziar Garmendia - 10 years ago
Alana Blanchard my idol
c4p0ne - 10 years ago
Everything about this video is sweet. Especially those two super-tight little knots.
flameout12345 - 10 years ago
Tim Poynter
Tim Poynter - 10 years ago
The water looks a little cold !!! When were they surfing during summer or what!!! ?
jack 03 kneeboard
jack 03 kneeboard - 7 years ago
even in winter the water is really warm in Hawaii. also how can water look cold?
Tim Poynter
Tim Poynter - 10 years ago
Where are they surfing I really like those waves I just went to the beach yesterday!!!
wcss775 - 10 years ago
North Shore Kaua'i, Hanalei Bay...outward bound amzingly beautiful spot.

50. comment for GoPro HD: Alana and Monyca Surfing Hawaii

Tim Poynter
Tim Poynter - 10 years ago
She is really good at surfing and she is pretty!!! :) :) :)
zrfjjzrjfgfghfgh - 10 years ago
most retarded sport. standing on board when wave come u turn against it when u reach wave u turn back from it and thats it patetic
SCrawford - 9 years ago
Must seem pointless to someone who creeps in his basement all day and never goes out.. surfing is the most respected extreme sport
Music Man
Music Man - 10 years ago
Yeah I've tried to surf before.  It's actually pretty hard.
becca //
becca // - 10 years ago
Honestly. It's more than just standing on a board and turning against it, you have to find balance to stand up, to paddle out, and it just simply takes dedication to surf, it's an amazing sport you should try it sometime...
Comp1337e - 10 years ago
What's more pathetic is that you can't seem to understand that people enjoy different things.
Marvin James
Marvin James - 10 years ago
Alana and Monyca are amazing surfers and so hot!!!
Thanos Koon
Thanos Koon - 10 years ago
Surf and sex all day long
That's life!
guitargodman99 - 11 years ago
Look closely and you can see there surfing
Carly Glover
Carly Glover - 11 years ago
while i just sit on my ass the whole day...
Matt T
Matt T - 11 years ago
Autumn Wintere
Autumn Wintere - 11 years ago
It looks like hanalei bay in kaua'i but I'm not sure, I really want to know though
Christian Ninacondor Narvaez
Christian Ninacondor Narvaez - 11 years ago
<3 !!
Will Mitchell
Will Mitchell - 11 years ago
where are they surfing really need to go there it looks awesome
Lauren Schmitt
Lauren Schmitt - 11 years ago
''is this beyonce?''
domino chul
domino chul - 11 years ago
So Fun
Callie Bae
Callie Bae - 11 years ago
Ugh i miss surfing :( why did the summer have to end so quickly
John W Stafford
John W Stafford - 11 years ago
Wonderful;  the young ladies are happy, charming, and nice looking... 
Jay Cabrales
Jay Cabrales - 11 years ago
Joe Ward
Joe Ward - 11 years ago
Oh my god so amazing
Joseph Kony
Joseph Kony - 11 years ago
i felt like i had a girlfriend during this video LOL
goolia0475 - 11 years ago
Looks like Kauai
Jeremy David Hiebert
Jeremy David Hiebert - 11 years ago
surfing interrupted by shopping? lol
Will E. Fisturgash
Will E. Fisturgash - 11 years ago
Wish a tit would pop out from a bad wipe
Got a new channel
Got a new channel - 11 years ago
I think I can speak for all of us when I say this. . . Damnnnn!
Paula Camacho
Paula Camacho - 11 years ago
holly shits, love this video
Steven Helder
Steven Helder - 11 years ago
I wanna have their skills!!

Surf Trip Taghazout, Morocco
michael0023 - 11 years ago
And I wanna have them lol
Meghan Hunt
Meghan Hunt - 11 years ago
Where are they surfing!!!
Vito Corleone
Vito Corleone - 7 years ago
Is it nice,i really want to go hawaii.
theabstrakt84 - 10 years ago
+alexelmilno lol so I was close ;) All these bays look a like. Next time i will go to Kauai...
alexelmilno - 10 years ago
+theabstrakt84 It's actually Hanalei Bay on the North shore of Kauai :)
theabstrakt84 - 10 years ago
+Jeremias Singian I think she meant where exactly! From what I can see its Waimea Bay. I was there couple months ago. +Meghan Hunt 
Jeremias Singian
Jeremias Singian - 10 years ago
Are you blind can't you read the tittle they are in Hawaii
mrcuss - 11 years ago
Then the obvious choice here is to take up a hobby that you don't need to travel so far for. Ive always fancied skiing but as i live in the UK and rarely get snow i dont ski...
WhoAreYou - 11 years ago
ohh come on you have already internet and a phone or a computer so how hard it is to buy a surfboard?
bigwiil - 11 years ago
be my guest dude
WhoAreYou - 11 years ago
i can send you one :P
bigwiil - 11 years ago
are you willing to pay for my surfboard?
WhoAreYou - 11 years ago
forget money! you dont need money to serf -.-
kidzcannon - 11 years ago
but i need to read my mails from work on my pc :(....... but good point
Angie Guerrero
Angie Guerrero - 11 years ago
hola pezcueso
Robert Sayed
Robert Sayed - 11 years ago
well theres one way to make surfing cool... lol
Christopher Lee
Christopher Lee - 11 years ago
What quality and fps setting was this took on?
miartsm - 11 years ago
NICE ! look at this >
luke barkley
luke barkley - 11 years ago
h4nztube - 11 years ago
that bass!
Varun Likhite
Varun Likhite - 11 years ago
oh my booty
Sri Sowjanya Babu Deta
Sri Sowjanya Babu Deta - 11 years ago
apple seasonalSell begins
mrcuss - 11 years ago
You dont need money to surf. you could pick up a second hand stick for the sale price of your PC... Get out and do something...
adsbower - 11 years ago
Who could not like this video?
bruno ban ta yu
bruno ban ta yu - 11 years ago
great video but the music is so bad, it's a pity.
Auggie - 11 years ago
pretty cool, except the shopping part. if it was up wo women that would be an Olympic Sport
Banana Mama
Banana Mama - 11 years ago
Im going to hawaii in two weeks. Does anybody know where is this beach located? please tell me if you know! thanks, and I LOVE YOU ALANA
proudestmikey - 11 years ago
omg look at those bums!
ChooseReason - 11 years ago
Yeah, I guess this video is ok. I mean, if you like half-naked female perfection that is.
Avanith - 11 years ago
One of the best vids on youtube.
guitaretoma - 11 years ago
Hunter Moore
Hunter Moore - 11 years ago
Annnnnnnddd.... fuck Virginia
Essa Rise
Essa Rise - 11 years ago
Alana Blanchard is so hot

100. comment for GoPro HD: Alana and Monyca Surfing Hawaii

Tino Leroy
Tino Leroy - 11 years ago
D LocK
D LocK - 11 years ago
and i can find girl like these...where???
Dan Potthast
Dan Potthast - 11 years ago
Beko - 11 years ago
nice ass
Matt G
Matt G - 11 years ago
Mike Shay
Mike Shay - 11 years ago
you need to get off your rocking chair and get out more. groose
Ben Hohman
Ben Hohman - 11 years ago
Just made a GoPro video of my own. Check it out on my profile is you have a chance.
DannyMoorhouse97 - 11 years ago
woow! what an awesome show off! modeling their thongs while surfing like a boss...could it get any cooler than that??
Lora VV
Lora VV - 11 years ago
nice vid :) check out mine
kapitalistas - 11 years ago
Soulhearer - 11 years ago
Hawaii but i dont know where exactly :/
norastorgarlensiu Zozoen elean
norastorgarlensiu Zozoen elean - 11 years ago
Anitx egoaleko txu neskatxe exer kuek kor eta kola, baiki!
Miki Henry
Miki Henry - 11 years ago
where r they surfing i want to go there
Hayden - 11 years ago
Such a lovely video. Ugh, I miss Hawaii
Mitchell Van Empelen
Mitchell Van Empelen - 11 years ago
i like the boobies
Becca_ze - 11 years ago
I wish there was you could surf where I live. ):
ivanrqs9785 - 11 years ago
Dat wave
The Guy That's Done Everything
The Guy That's Done Everything - 11 years ago
Just started uploading videos of myself completing things on my bucket list! I used my GoPro Hero3 Black for my Tough Mudder Video and it turned out awesome!!! If you're looking to live life to the fullest / want to see some of the crazy stuff I've done so far check me out! Min 1 new vid a month! Sry,hate spamming. . plz share my story if u like it! Just trying to motivate as many people as possible to get out there and start living life!!!
Eugene williams
Eugene williams - 11 years ago
Htc phn or arse add?
Jonathan Nilsson
Jonathan Nilsson - 11 years ago
it's not that easy if you live in sweden, like me :(
kitty kat
kitty kat - 11 years ago
The only sad thing is that u need money fuckkkkkkkkkk!!!
MrArjay123 - 11 years ago
Damnn! Fkn beast
goodlifecrewph - 11 years ago
that was a rad transition!
ditimely - 11 years ago
Do you not like that?
Rocktard McGillicuddy
Rocktard McGillicuddy - 11 years ago
Cliff Etzel
Cliff Etzel - 11 years ago
music sucks
OlliChad Ryan
OlliChad Ryan - 11 years ago
I've made a remix edit to this, such an amazing camera and such an amzing company
Nash1965 - 11 years ago
GoPro HD - "See life from a better perspective!"®
Tom Ziesmer
Tom Ziesmer - 11 years ago
Go pro good advertisement lmao
Daniel Jerrehian
Daniel Jerrehian - 11 years ago
Hahahahahahahahha nice
Bobby Lytle
Bobby Lytle - 11 years ago
1:10 Vine?
W2ED - 11 years ago
If yu Like That Music in the video like this commentaire ♩ ♬ ♭ ♪ ♫ ♮ /watch?v=mP-x--PX800
Jordan Michael
Jordan Michael - 11 years ago
kidzcannon - 11 years ago
if only i had money .....
jjbawler98 - 11 years ago
whatchu kno bout dem bikinis
Otro por aquí
Otro por aquí - 11 years ago
Radim Karniš
Radim Karniš - 11 years ago
I own the GoPro 3, now the only thing I need is a life like this .
adam Swanson
adam Swanson - 11 years ago
I guess "pitching tent" is Hawaiian slang for boner
eisen schenkel
eisen schenkel - 11 years ago
its never to late to head for the sea, i´m doing the same in, the age of 28, next month. just to get on board. sorry for bad english, those germans.......
Eduardo Alves
Eduardo Alves - 11 years ago
Beautiful girls, Beautiful song..
Haven - 11 years ago
what if he lives in like kansas or something...
TheBlackStealth - 11 years ago
kenektik - 11 years ago
The GoPro of my life would be called: Paper Pushing in the Office.
Timothy Orr
Timothy Orr - 11 years ago
when monyca sticks her ass out at 1:43 <3
Google+ suck my cock
Google+ suck my cock - 11 years ago
1. Mute this video 2. Play some Dick Dale music in the background 3. Enjoy :)
Rodolfo Soto
Rodolfo Soto - 11 years ago
BUENA ANIMACION!!! En que mundo es eso??
Troll n Blink
Troll n Blink - 11 years ago
crap video !
Alexis Joiner
Alexis Joiner - 11 years ago
where do you get the music for this? its great
Scott Ward
Scott Ward - 11 years ago
so good yew
matt holden
matt holden - 11 years ago
two hottest girls in the universe
Gabriel Fonseca
Gabriel Fonseca - 11 years ago
158 gays
Tori - 11 years ago
Omg that's so awsome
HannahLKH - 11 years ago
meeeee, she loves herself too much!
OMGitsBigBoss - 11 years ago
guarantee you 99.9% of the views is dudes
zvocnikk - 11 years ago
and I am just sitting here...masturbating
vCazzii - 11 years ago
jonty McGuire
jonty McGuire - 11 years ago
ahhh them bottom turns..
mistbooster - 11 years ago
or how some of these spoiled brats have so much money to throw away.
Ornery Fpv
Ornery Fpv - 11 years ago
I dont surf, but I could watch hot chix surf alllll day. :)
Pierre Robert
Pierre Robert - 11 years ago
GoPro.. You make soo awesome video that comment are not talking about these two amazing girl.. Good Job.
Corey Miller
Corey Miller - 12 years ago
My throat is dry, I'm sweating and my heart is beating fast. And I have a boner.
Es Jamak
Es Jamak - 12 years ago
Now, everybody have boring and fat life.. XD
Kevin Chiu
Kevin Chiu - 12 years ago
Then Do something about it. Get out there and SURF!
Alec Cupelli Cupelli
Alec Cupelli Cupelli - 12 years ago
These types of videos find the best songs you would never find
Jones Vision Films
Jones Vision Films - 12 years ago
I want to live there!!!!!!!
CartelPresent - 12 years ago
That is a hot sight too see.
Benjamin Koch
Benjamin Koch - 12 years ago
Hey it´s on Kauai, Hanalei Bay ;-) Aloha
Angel Fisher
Angel Fisher - 12 years ago
Angel Fisher
Angel Fisher - 12 years ago
ord - 12 years ago
there is something real special about fit girls surfing.
Albie McLand
Albie McLand - 12 years ago
Think I know what my next vacation is going to e.
Kyle - 12 years ago
Tyler Keene "The Great Tide"
laib achtwo
laib achtwo - 12 years ago
my life too :(
lukethelucker - 12 years ago
dat ass !
CruelSoul - 12 years ago
Millet hawaii de sörf yapar biz int de amk
Viktoria Hwang
Viktoria Hwang - 12 years ago
what's the song?
Victor H
Victor H - 12 years ago
wach my movie on my chanel from morocco with my go pro silveredition
KonfusedMind - 12 years ago
this girls ROCk!!!!
Kamikatze - 12 years ago
I'm happy with my life... as long as i watch gopro videos...
Adrgot - 12 years ago
And big asses and nice legs
MrPacManFace - 12 years ago
the fuck are you doing here?
07Hannahfilm - 12 years ago
they don't have big boobs??
07Hannahfilm - 12 years ago
what do you mean?
Wet Towelette
Wet Towelette - 12 years ago
I'd get tubular with Alana Blanchard - If you know what I mean.
GoProsUnited - 12 years ago
Watching all these videos make me realize how boring my life is..
fati m
fati m - 12 years ago
pro prop pro ;P
Mathprod. - 12 years ago
No big waves, just big boobs
West side King
West side King - 12 years ago
This is hot
mathias sørensen
mathias sørensen - 12 years ago
Jacob David C. Cunningham
Jacob David C. Cunningham - 12 years ago
This was a cool video
Andrew Batley
Andrew Batley - 12 years ago
This made me buy a gopro
alina raabe
alina raabe - 12 years ago
this is such a pretty vid love you guys!
sian bennettoz
sian bennettoz - 12 years ago
Jason Boulton
Jason Boulton - 12 years ago
Damn.... That would take a lot of shit...
CODop99 - 12 years ago
i think she may have dropped in on someone at 55 when she catches that wave :)
mightymilfosaur - 12 years ago
mightymilfosaur - 12 years ago
Tee all watched this for the boobies.
pcgamin - 12 years ago
I'm sure you've paused here 0:28
Jonny bGood
Jonny bGood - 12 years ago
Jo Alana please marry me!
benekaiwi1 - 12 years ago
Kauais getting crowded. Don't fuck it up. Keep it Kauai it.
Molokai Souljah
Molokai Souljah - 12 years ago
Shes mean
808intheminigrass - 12 years ago
That video was shot on the North side of Kauai. Those girls are typical in that area of the island.
koukouroukou kitsos
koukouroukou kitsos - 12 years ago
probably their x boyfriends are the dislikers of the video :P
koukouroukou kitsos
koukouroukou kitsos - 12 years ago
where are these kind of girls in the fucking world (extreme girls)
john cena 669
john cena 669 - 12 years ago
true , fighting for what you want
oakley causier
oakley causier - 12 years ago
ive got to go to hawaii
dngesporter - 12 years ago
That's what I was thinking, but we can change it!
MexicanTacoTruckTime - 12 years ago
That's how I like my women...wet.
Joceline Garces
Joceline Garces - 12 years ago
so perfect<3 como se llama la cancion ?
TheBaffometto - 12 years ago
HI GUYS!LOOK HERE: /watch?v=IT-pQN71Ivc&
KhmerFitness TV
KhmerFitness TV - 12 years ago
GoProHD, Wow, so nice and so crystal clear. I like it it.
fati m
fati m - 12 years ago
a mi me pasa igual creo q tengo mas vestidos de baños q ropa normal jajaja
Eric D
Eric D - 12 years ago
Thank you Nicholas Woodman
Hottate - 12 years ago
Thiago Greco
Thiago Greco - 12 years ago
Hugo Nordén
Hugo Nordén - 12 years ago
Sara de simone
Sara de simone - 12 years ago
Roberto Amato
Roberto Amato - 12 years ago
Francesco Boccapianola
Francesco Boccapianola - 12 years ago
Nice :)
Luca Prota
Luca Prota - 12 years ago
marco re
marco re - 12 years ago
Grazia Muna
Grazia Muna - 12 years ago
Mario Gareri
Mario Gareri - 12 years ago
ivan schinaia
ivan schinaia - 12 years ago
MM Giura
MM Giura - 12 years ago
philippe gilioli
philippe gilioli - 12 years ago
Gianluca Andolfi
Gianluca Andolfi - 12 years ago
Florentina Dinu
Florentina Dinu - 12 years ago
Myky Petillo
Myky Petillo - 12 years ago
Roberto Gigio
Roberto Gigio - 12 years ago
Andrea Belli
Andrea Belli - 12 years ago
MIRO MIROLLO - 12 years ago
Matteo Pincelli
Matteo Pincelli - 12 years ago
ilary mayorca
ilary mayorca - 12 years ago
morvik121 - 12 years ago
I hope I get a GoPro Camera for Christmas . It Would be so Totally Rad . Until then please check out Orvik Christmas Card on U- Tube , Looking for 500,000 Likes by Christmas Morning. See you on the beach and have a Merry Christmas !!!!!!!
scanizza mala
scanizza mala - 12 years ago
Valerio Virgilio
Valerio Virgilio - 12 years ago
andrea camilleri
andrea camilleri - 12 years ago
aldo morale
aldo morale - 12 years ago
Stefano Scialoia
Stefano Scialoia - 12 years ago
MrBigsasa72 - 12 years ago
Very nice
Wikimusic Records TV
Wikimusic Records TV - 12 years ago
Ernesto Russolillo
Ernesto Russolillo - 12 years ago
Gianluca del viscio
Gianluca del viscio - 12 years ago
Nice video!
Stefano Franceschni
Stefano Franceschni - 12 years ago
Emanuela Nicoletti
Emanuela Nicoletti - 12 years ago
Davide Andreetta
Davide Andreetta - 12 years ago
Liam Sheehan
Liam Sheehan - 12 years ago
i miss kauai):
Caligola Storpio
Caligola Storpio - 12 years ago
ILNese - 12 years ago
bella la gopro
Lario Rovagnati
Lario Rovagnati - 12 years ago
The Dr Oz Show Italia Unofficial
The Dr Oz Show Italia Unofficial - 12 years ago
non ho idea di chi siano
fellifola - 12 years ago
SyMiumiu - 12 years ago
very well!
stephania casale
stephania casale - 12 years ago
Sun Center Sulmona
Sun Center Sulmona - 12 years ago
Great video... Beatiful girls!!!
cristina fasan
cristina fasan - 12 years ago
Carletta Fansini
Carletta Fansini - 12 years ago
nicola De Angeli
nicola De Angeli - 12 years ago
si può dare di più
stinkergood - 12 years ago
richard grant shaw
richard grant shaw - 12 years ago
I Like Her
stefano scavuzzo
stefano scavuzzo - 12 years ago
Donne di venere
Donne di venere - 12 years ago
floriana rizzo
floriana rizzo - 12 years ago
brava :D
marlboro4life94 - 12 years ago
marco ferrati
marco ferrati - 12 years ago
che bel video!!!!
maquanti - 12 years ago
number one!!
luibass92 - 12 years ago
fabiola rossi
fabiola rossi - 12 years ago
bella :Q__
matteo civinini
matteo civinini - 12 years ago
Mirko Cepiami
Mirko Cepiami - 12 years ago
Angelo Secondini
Angelo Secondini - 12 years ago
Gianpiero Tomaselli
Gianpiero Tomaselli - 12 years ago
DollyeRenzo - 12 years ago
Ivan Mazzarella
Ivan Mazzarella - 12 years ago
wow bello
Gabriele Boccassini
Gabriele Boccassini - 12 years ago
daria l
daria l - 12 years ago
Anastasia Plamadeala
Anastasia Plamadeala - 12 years ago
MrStolenmusic - 12 years ago
Alessio Luparelli
Alessio Luparelli - 12 years ago
Alain Smania
Alain Smania - 12 years ago
Massimo Cannizzaro
Massimo Cannizzaro - 12 years ago
Ma questa???wooow
Francesco Dendrella
Francesco Dendrella - 12 years ago
Gino Latino
Gino Latino - 12 years ago
Giancarlo Di Dio
Giancarlo Di Dio - 12 years ago
Stupende inquadrature! Solo con la GoPro!
Davide Monari
Davide Monari - 12 years ago
Great !!
Esmeralda White
Esmeralda White - 12 years ago
jorge mir
jorge mir - 12 years ago
omg alana angel beautiful can´t take off my eyes off you
roflZORED - 12 years ago
I want to learn to surf so baaaad !
Elihan LaSweel
Elihan LaSweel - 12 years ago
what's the name of this song
Spacemole - 12 years ago
I can see why this has so many views.
V. S.
V. S. - 12 years ago
boring video "gopro hero3" advertising much more impressive
zoUpne - 12 years ago
0:29 REEF
chris ri
chris ri - 12 years ago
hottest view 0:20 FUCCKKK i think i just jizzed in my pants :D
EpiCapture Productions
EpiCapture Productions - 12 years ago
Check out my channel for 100% Hero 3 Black Hawaii adventure footage. Including my sexy girlfriend in a bikini at 240fps :)
Matt Stewart
Matt Stewart - 12 years ago
wrong, creeping on hot surfer girls is better.
MrPlayboards - 12 years ago
BBREntertainment - 12 years ago
How about bieng the guy dating the hot surfer girl
Matthew Valdez
Matthew Valdez - 12 years ago
The two most amazing girls in the world!!!
Pedro Félix
Pedro Félix - 12 years ago
Which beach are they surfing?
SuperIusiub - 12 years ago
ma chi è il geppone che mette non mi piace ma daiii
Fabimatic - 12 years ago
actually he did understand what the wanker guy said before :D
Omar Essam
Omar Essam - 12 years ago
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha 7,442
Salty P
Salty P - 12 years ago
1:33 --I swear that was in my dream last night
jacob croke
jacob croke - 12 years ago
arvodz / mah chilla
arvodz / mah chilla - 12 years ago
If you hang out more on 9gag, you'll understand :D
Fabian Gruis
Fabian Gruis - 12 years ago
I understand you bro why do you do that ....sorry for my bad englisch I`m from Germany ;))
alexelmilno - 12 years ago
Whenever I watch a GoPro video I always find myself coming back to this one.
Kimono Team
Kimono Team - 12 years ago
not bad, little boobs
ProjectKona - 12 years ago
Horrible youtube name, horrible taste in music.
arvodz / mah chilla
arvodz / mah chilla - 12 years ago
"And I'm just sitting here masturbating"
Johann Carvalho
Johann Carvalho - 12 years ago
TallSlimShady Retard
ThePapyJay - 12 years ago
Joe Plunkett
Joe Plunkett - 12 years ago
so fit 00:10
Bogdan Azamferrari
Bogdan Azamferrari - 12 years ago
Paste in new browser: watch?v=2FqMO-CudpE
Sean X. Kelly
Sean X. Kelly - 12 years ago
Amen. lol
aL joscha
aL joscha - 12 years ago
<3 surfergirls
Ben Williams
Ben Williams - 12 years ago
Lapse CoolDude
Lapse CoolDude - 12 years ago
I love girls
Lapse CoolDude
Lapse CoolDude - 12 years ago
106 people liked the top comment too
JT Rosen
JT Rosen - 12 years ago
1:30 to 1:35
JT Rosen
JT Rosen - 12 years ago
How did it get to here. 1:26
Trevis Fong
Trevis Fong - 12 years ago
In Hawai`i
DanMoto - 12 years ago
hot surfer girl on youtube using a gopro
samueljbeane - 12 years ago
I don't think life gets better than being a hot surfer girl.
Alexandre Mundim
Alexandre Mundim - 12 years ago
Next time do it naked, girls.
chogno98 - 12 years ago
Nice video, horrible music.
Spr1ngChicken - 12 years ago
0:55 nice drop in bitch
grn450 - 12 years ago
not enough duck face selfies
Romi Otero
Romi Otero - 12 years ago
Okaay! Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeryyy nice cameraaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!
Valerie Cernikova
Valerie Cernikova - 12 years ago
because somebody is gay
julian correa
julian correa - 12 years ago
Rohan Pritchard
Rohan Pritchard - 12 years ago
Yeah, yeah that looks like a nice, a nice, camera.
combarbala - 12 years ago
oh babies....amazing mademoiselles =)
Daniel Villanueva
Daniel Villanueva - 12 years ago
and we were all glad we did lol!!! :DD
Cleric775 - 12 years ago
You're just over-reacting.
Cleric775 - 12 years ago
I'm glad not everyone thinks like that. I'm more towards Europe. Age of Consent is misandry, and they know it.
Cleric775 - 12 years ago
I hope this helps the porn and nude industry.
Ozar - 12 years ago
A bunch of dumb bitches dropping in on people is all I saw.
Negan Negan
Negan Negan - 12 years ago
GoPro HD thx for smile in my face ;)
bedarda - 12 years ago
Wow.. Great editing. Finally pulled the trigger for a Hero3 (HumbleOutdoors w/free 32GB SD card), somehow the scenery I shoot may be a little more mundane.
Frekazoid - 12 years ago
bad penis... BAD PENIS... SATHP
Pete Mason
Pete Mason - 12 years ago
Are you speaking in a metaphysical sense, ie, the carbon atoms they're comprised of being billions of years old? If not, I feel the cops might want your address and HDD...
spudgunsta - 12 years ago
just like paradise...
Michał Osowski
Michał Osowski - 12 years ago
1:45 nice tits!
Barry Warne
Barry Warne - 12 years ago
This is why we are put here on this earth, why we have civilization and technology and the internet. The entire span of the cosmos from original big bang until now has been for this.
Paynetex - 12 years ago
Asses :3
Dylan Skelley
Dylan Skelley - 12 years ago
cgiusr - 12 years ago
nice girls but average surfing...
GiantChickenTV - 12 years ago
do you get it?
Rodrigo Zatt
Rodrigo Zatt - 12 years ago
bora para hawaii certeza
GiantChickenTV - 12 years ago
anyone else commenting with their left hands?
Charles Faure
Charles Faure - 12 years ago
Wow that is gorgeous
ShufflingNewb - 12 years ago
I scrolled down looking for this comment hahahaha.
Iwantmytacoz - 12 years ago
1:35 stupid stand up padlers no offense
Alecks1990 - 12 years ago
0:35 boob vision ;-D
lifesuntitled - 12 years ago
Chick surfers are always having wayy to much fun ! haha
cfaubs - 12 years ago
Wow this is better than girls jumping on trampolines!
Luis Muraour
Luis Muraour - 12 years ago
jeff61 - 12 years ago
Where was the camera on the back of the surboard ?
Tunerz - 12 years ago
Hello! Do you hate all of the ads on Youtube? Well, they want to hear what you think, go here to tell them They are giving away iPad 2's to the very first 1,000 that answer the 5 easy questions!
Mrfuturex - 12 years ago
sickbastard151 - 12 years ago
you never know.. and this is a good reason to buy the gopro 3 black edition.. hey enjoy and greetings
Andrew Parker
Andrew Parker - 12 years ago
surfer girls are 10x hotter
Maëlle Duchesne
Maëlle Duchesne - 12 years ago
what's the song?
Glenn Ibbott
Glenn Ibbott - 12 years ago
i doubt anyone will contact u man :/ sorry
sickbastard151 - 12 years ago
nice vid. Who found my gopro hero 2 between september and oktober 2012 at kuta beach bali, pls contact.
cousium - 12 years ago
ahahah just joking ;) she's beautiful isnt'it ? :)
sickbastard151 - 12 years ago
diego lampray
diego lampray - 12 years ago
*-* very nice
arc1342 - 12 years ago
how dare you sir?
coatingthickness - 12 years ago
Tira più un pelo di figa che un carro di buoi. ;)
L - 12 years ago
not in this case D:
Jamie Kay
Jamie Kay - 12 years ago
That is sooo Kauai! Best island
Izzy Hobbs
Izzy Hobbs - 12 years ago
where in hawii
1starfall1 - 12 years ago
yes, yes, im here coz i want to masturbate
Jesse H
Jesse H - 12 years ago
Man curse: See a gorgeous girl in the thumbnail. Try not to click? Yeah good luck with that!
GnL Vids
GnL Vids - 12 years ago
Penis: You see that link Me: yeah... Penis: click on it Me: Ok
leastmaturepersononyoutube - 12 years ago
somebody give this guy an oscar
stevz0r - 12 years ago
holy shit guys like chicks? no way...
Gonzalo Guantay
Gonzalo Guantay - 12 years ago
hermosassss me enamoree de esas hermosuras jaja
Juan Antonio
Juan Antonio - 12 years ago
Rogue77 - 12 years ago
thre should of been one between their legs
Tobi Jones
Tobi Jones - 12 years ago
fappers gon' fap
wanickbenini - 12 years ago
Maxence Pelloux
Maxence Pelloux - 12 years ago
1M600 views , also 1M600 boner
Miguel Provencio
Miguel Provencio - 12 years ago
what a life...
4x4 - 12 years ago
but i am butthurt! black cock is giant!
lolttyl143 - 12 years ago
I an attempt to look non-butthurt, well you made yourself look even stupider. Just go.
BRAINYT - 12 years ago
mate, come for the girl
4x4 - 12 years ago
i love black cock in my ass
Thompter S. Hunson
Thompter S. Hunson - 12 years ago
i came here cause the thumbnail looked hot
Dakota Hart
Dakota Hart - 12 years ago
Seriously, the amount of faggot-ness on you is just ridiculous.
1zeroBlackmagiczero1 - 12 years ago
there some sexy,,, uhh surfboards of course lol
SamsTaller - 12 years ago
overhead camera next time please...
Al L
Al L - 12 years ago
Top demographics Male, 45-54 years Male, 35-44 years Male, 25-34 years
4x4 - 12 years ago
fuck yeah nigger
Dakota Hart
Dakota Hart - 12 years ago
Youre a fucking terrible newfag troll. stop.
manitsmatt - 12 years ago
alana isnt that good looking and her personality is dead, MONYCA is so much cuter and a lot better personality
Tyler Huitema
Tyler Huitema - 12 years ago
Lovin every minute of this
mozzmann - 12 years ago
SERIOUSLY Righteous bodies and Video to go with it
Liquid Poker
Liquid Poker - 12 years ago
Alana and Monyca turn gay men straight.
4x4 - 12 years ago
now your a butthurt faggot
Alan Healy
Alan Healy - 12 years ago
Not gay at all, that's the point of the joke. If you were in any way heterosexual you'd understand it.
4x4 - 12 years ago
MollariB5 - 12 years ago
there was surfing ? 0.o
Ritchie Wijaya
Ritchie Wijaya - 12 years ago
GoPro sales increased 69% from this video
smiley kendoll
smiley kendoll - 12 years ago
god i want that
cousium - 12 years ago
Mark Gerhart
Mark Gerhart - 12 years ago
God, Hanalei has some great waves and girls.
Henry Muñoz
Henry Muñoz - 12 years ago
oh my fuck
DiiGiiTAL - 12 years ago
I need to get me a surfboard.
BonaPing - 12 years ago
94 dislikes are gay people for sure
Alan Healy
Alan Healy - 12 years ago
i watched this twice before i realised there was people surfing in it ;)
Mistmatzadelous - 12 years ago
md0206 - 12 years ago
1:43, Ass shot, thank me later.
Gal Zigdon
Gal Zigdon - 12 years ago
Albert van Stam
Albert van Stam - 12 years ago
later als ik groot ben word ik een surfplank
A Andres
A Andres - 12 years ago
where can i go where there are beautiful females surfing in thongs?
Christos Kariolis
Christos Kariolis - 12 years ago
I'd love surf on her board ;)
timetofly08 - 12 years ago
pause at 1:46.... *smiles*
cli2018 - 12 years ago
ohh I went to that market place
Octavio - 12 years ago
I miss Hawaii :(
based zeus
based zeus - 12 years ago
I need to visit Hawaii :\
122ffsdd - 12 years ago
ooooohhh God... boyo boyo to much
Shoot Red Barrels
Shoot Red Barrels - 12 years ago
Thumbs up if you came here.
partygeir - 12 years ago
mother of god!
Colin Dillon
Colin Dillon - 12 years ago
Think I'm in love..
Michael Peylo
Michael Peylo - 12 years ago
It Is SOO nice!
toadrips - 12 years ago
Alana's best move = frontside bottom turn
DevoteRecords - 12 years ago
how did you get the areal shots? attach the GoPro to a kite? looks awesome!
Ericxnegley - 12 years ago
penis...hey brain . Brain...yea . Penis.... click the fucking video . Brain...Ok
Juste1bruitdoux - 12 years ago
La GO-PRO fait vraiment de belles images !
Gregoire - 12 years ago
boner alert
fayventim0 - 12 years ago
I actually wanna see Bethany with a GoPro... that would be cool.
neochase1 - 12 years ago
watching a go pro commercial and still get a go pro advertisement....guess i should of expected that ! lol.
V8BA1T - 12 years ago
Come look at the channel and subscribe!
Oscar Moguel
Oscar Moguel - 12 years ago
I need a Go Pro
WildabeastPa - 12 years ago
alana blanchard bad as shit
Brisk2124 - 12 years ago
Now theres 92 dislikes....Must be the woman.
Agustin pochh
Agustin pochh - 12 years ago
wow i think i am in love!!jajaja:)
Agustin pochh
Agustin pochh - 12 years ago
look that wave 0:33 somebody tell me where is this spot please i wanna go there and somebody tell me where i can find does girls they are perfect 0:12,0:16,0:20,0:35, they are cute and they surf what more can somebody want in life
Agustin pochh
Agustin pochh - 12 years ago
This video shows clearly my dream: surfing in such perfect waves with such perfect girls:)
Kyle Charbonnet
Kyle Charbonnet - 12 years ago
oooo ouch...
Matteo OnlyFlyFishing
Matteo OnlyFlyFishing - 12 years ago
go pro is the future!compliment for all video !
Victor Yu
Victor Yu - 12 years ago
Daniel Cassisa
Daniel Cassisa - 12 years ago
why cant my girlfriend be this awesome
K2KOY - 12 years ago
Alana married me!!
Michael Peylo
Michael Peylo - 12 years ago
Did it happen in in this world- it is soooooooo great!
Michael Peylo
Michael Peylo - 12 years ago
WOOOOOW! Great! Unbelieveable! Sexy!
mmtot - 12 years ago
Hot till they talk.
vulture99az - 12 years ago
sexist homosexuals
SeaBasstian1 - 12 years ago
jelly hoes
Erland - 12 years ago
wait what, there was surfing in this video?
Teemo Hari
Teemo Hari - 12 years ago
89 are girls cause they dont have enough boobs and booty.
gangia2006 - 12 years ago
che super culi!!!! ehehehhehe
hadriel8 - 12 years ago
:43 o_O
lane - 12 years ago
In Australia the like button is the dislike button
Speed1608 - 12 years ago
In the name of all men: Thank you, GoPro!
Akkapun K
Akkapun K - 12 years ago
@EAPSer agree
Drunerman - 12 years ago
88 fat chicks watched this videos
Januario Pinto
Januario Pinto - 12 years ago
Jealous girls, my friend.
isabel tran
isabel tran - 12 years ago
aw alana blanchard, isnt she bethany hamiltons best friend?
300daysandnights - 12 years ago
I like watching girls that are really far out of my league surf in HD. there's just something magical about it.
Stefan Brauchli
Stefan Brauchli - 12 years ago
hanalei bay :-)
Cello und so
Cello und so - 12 years ago
Donnie - 12 years ago
The78451290 - 12 years ago
Haters are going to hate
Rau CuatroTetasForLife
Rau CuatroTetasForLife - 12 years ago
who can dislike thissssss!!!???
LightSoundImagination - 12 years ago
Might have something to do with the fact the GoPro form factor is bullshit !
British Eye Media
British Eye Media - 12 years ago
Haters will hate :p
dorni alas
dorni alas - 12 years ago
controlfreak896 - 12 years ago
Wait.... they're holding surfboards? Oh I uh... didn't..... what was I saying?
isurfvan - 12 years ago
i would fuck that camera
HomeroMrx - 12 years ago
hawaii wiiiii!!!!
TheLegoman557 - 12 years ago
I love this camera!
Jordan Collin
Jordan Collin - 12 years ago
slim22rj - 12 years ago
Ahhh Alana ...
BrendanPaulJames - 12 years ago
1) make sure you're uploading them as 1920x1080p .mov or .mp4 files 2) with good editing software you can enhance and sharpen videos to make them clearer
amana kodum
amana kodum - 12 years ago
one does not watch this in 240p
SuperJg72 - 12 years ago
Rick Espinoza
Rick Espinoza - 12 years ago
so... so so wet :D
MusicThatRocks - 12 years ago
whacking off?
w5cdt - 12 years ago
How do you get such clear uploads? YT seems to compress my Hero2 uploads.
Mattia Mirabello
Mattia Mirabello - 12 years ago
or envy bitches.
igloo productions
igloo productions - 12 years ago
Because they are gay.
Meddes - 12 years ago
Why there are Dislikes? Why?
Shels zlatoust
Shels zlatoust - 12 years ago
83 гея поставили дизлайк
Mark Woods
Mark Woods - 12 years ago
I have the exact same feeling haha
Ph4nToM - 12 years ago
"If I died with a body that wasn't completely wrecked, I'd feel like I wasted it." -Matt Hoffman
Mike Loq
Mike Loq - 12 years ago
Any one else's balls get that tingle? Gotta go fap now.
Aviatior021 - 12 years ago
hot chicks. Sick skills. Sexy.
Jordan Barrus
Jordan Barrus - 12 years ago
sick video. Check out my video "Hawaii" on my page to see what hawaii is like for college students on the north shore.
g1rd4p - 12 years ago
what a sweet ass. i would like to slap it.
twaalker - 12 years ago
i found this easy to masturbate too
RowanDreams - 12 years ago
Love this
MrNachoso - 12 years ago
I think i´m falling in love.
Logan Wiedenhaefer
Logan Wiedenhaefer - 12 years ago
hottest and possibly the best girls in surfing
Hornetpilot18 - 12 years ago
Ok just one more GoPro video and I'm off....I promise
HowNotTo - 12 years ago
One does not simply make a video like this for the surfing
Felicia Santilla
Felicia Santilla - 12 years ago
Hey you guys! I just uploaded a video of my Summer and most of it is showing underwater animals, and waves. Click on my channel and watch the vi\deo if you have love for the ocean!

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About GoPro HD: Alana and Monyca Surfing Hawaii

The "GoPro HD: Alana and Monyca Surfing Hawaii" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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