GoPro Surf: Endless Perfection at Kelly Slater's Wave Pool

The Kelly Slater Wave Company combines cutting edge science, engineering and design to create the longest, rideable open-barrel man made wave in the world. Thanks Kelly for the deeper look inside the tube! For more check out : Shot 100% on the HERO® cameras from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: Music Equal "Lost in the Evening ft Gary Jules" For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Inside Line: GoPro:

GoPro Surf: Endless Perfection at Kelly Slater's Wave Pool sentiment_very_dissatisfied 112

Surf 8 years ago 582,890 views

The Kelly Slater Wave Company combines cutting edge science, engineering and design to create the longest, rideable open-barrel man made wave in the world. Thanks Kelly for the deeper look inside the tube! For more check out : Shot 100% on the HERO® cameras from ‪ Get stoked and subscribe: Music Equal "Lost in the Evening ft Gary Jules" For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Inside Line: GoPro:

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Most popular comments
for GoPro Surf: Endless Perfection at Kelly Slater's Wave Pool

dangerouswater - 7 years ago
This guy surfs all day without getting sun burned...barrel = +80 factor
Bryan Cooper
Bryan Cooper - 7 years ago
Working at Kelly's wave pool right now. Pouring some concrete. They say they're gonna fill it back up in a month. Probably getting it all ready for the summer 2018. Pretty crazy project here. I doubt he'll be opening it up to the public any time soon, if ever. Dammit! Lol
Exxility RB
Exxility RB - 7 years ago
I wanna surd it SO BADLy
doge gaming
doge gaming - 7 years ago
Ryan Verner
Ryan Verner - 7 years ago
Todd Beer
Todd Beer - 7 years ago
kimberlee teeter
kimberlee teeter - 7 years ago
Did they use salt water for the pool or is it fresh water? Salt water is more buoyant and would feel more like an ocean wave.
HZ_7 Savage
HZ_7 Savage - 7 years ago
Where this located?
Just Swell - A Surf Channel
Just Swell - A Surf Channel - 7 years ago
This looks like so much fun. So clean.

10. comment for GoPro Surf: Endless Perfection at Kelly Slater's Wave Pool

Palu Gada
Palu Gada - 7 years ago
Wow... Awesome..
Arch Yeomans
Arch Yeomans - 7 years ago
The Surf Snowdonia Wave Pool brought me here. This is freaking cool.
Christian Eidsmoe
Christian Eidsmoe - 7 years ago
GrumpyOldMan - 7 years ago
That didn't make his hair grow. Still as bald as bowling ball. Next
k9feces - 7 years ago
Can the wave break the other direction?
leo olson
leo olson - 7 years ago
Lol I know thatcher
Bon Summers
Bon Summers - 7 years ago
101 thumbs down,…why?   Why any?  These are people with computers that are thumbing it down.
Gail F
Gail F - 7 years ago
How does Kelly do it?
Bill Rice
Bill Rice - 7 years ago
more barrel time in one wave than my entire surfing life time in ONE WAVE! OMG!
Donavan Heidinger
Donavan Heidinger - 7 years ago
kelly. build one in south dakota. please. thanks BraddAh.

20. comment for GoPro Surf: Endless Perfection at Kelly Slater's Wave Pool

the10thleper - 7 years ago
Guess you have to take a cab back to the lineup.
Moo01100 - 7 years ago
wow. what a toy.
Radnally - 7 years ago
Imagine learning on this and then going out to natural surf?
Jake Blackwell
Jake Blackwell - 7 years ago
What i would give to bodyboard this :) ...fooken epic
Mrazer Krazer
Mrazer Krazer - 7 years ago
Perfect Wave.
eddie mclaughlin
eddie mclaughlin - 7 years ago
shit them wave pools have come a long way !!!!!!!!!
Hibbard1986 - 7 years ago
how fast would someone with zero surf experiance be able to learn to surf at this wave?
AlexF 21
AlexF 21 - 7 years ago
Whys hit man agent 47 surfing
Oliver Stevenson
Oliver Stevenson - 7 years ago
I like your hair cut kelly
JulianCls - 7 years ago
That's unfair I just can surf at holyday I want now

30. comment for GoPro Surf: Endless Perfection at Kelly Slater's Wave Pool

Jeffrey Slater
Jeffrey Slater - 7 years ago
Jacob esler
Jacob esler - 7 years ago
sergio sanchez guerrero
sergio sanchez guerrero - 7 years ago
Anshoriyah Daryatmo
Anshoriyah Daryatmo - 7 years ago
Yeah me to
Jai Lee
Jai Lee - 7 years ago
look how close he is to the mech. No way you're going to get a sweeping cutback there. ALMOST perfect.
Game Changer
Game Changer - 7 years ago
twokgti - 7 years ago
Surfing will now be an Olympic sport
Tony Stokes
Tony Stokes - 7 years ago
jetski assist in a wave pool?
Sam Wells
Sam Wells - 7 years ago
Ana Clara Fossati da Silva
Ana Clara Fossati da Silva - 7 years ago
I always say " Kelly is Kelly!!! Tudo que ele faz em nível de surf fica tri!!!! Terrible good!!!!
4am youtube
4am youtube - 7 years ago
Go Slats!! Sooooo sick man.
Destiny Trujillo
Destiny Trujillo - 7 years ago
That was a rush yet I STILL MISS MY BIRD(.)
John Grove
John Grove - 7 years ago
in so jealous......
Dale Walker
Dale Walker - 7 years ago
That's awesome !
gil costa
gil costa - 7 years ago
esse é o cara
Maiacrosoft - 7 years ago
you can work more on the spot! coral reefs and fishs! etc... God mode on! yeah!.. just bring them from the ocean!..
Nestor Batlle
Nestor Batlle - 7 years ago
When it got to that totally glassy wave it looked like syrup.
Ricardo Duran
Ricardo Duran - 7 years ago
Meu sonho ter a oportunidade de um dia ir surfar nesse local!
Shaun Cartwright
Shaun Cartwright - 7 years ago
Yeh, Kelly rips, legend, greatest sports person ever, but ultimately he's a corporate sell out, on the dark side, another example of world corruption, give back the surf breaks to the real surfers, how about a non profit wave pool, made by surfers for surfers, come on Kelly and Co, sort it out, otherwise your really just a lost kook,
woz woz
woz woz - 7 years ago
You dont have to hold the camera anymore, not in this age.

50. comment for GoPro Surf: Endless Perfection at Kelly Slater's Wave Pool

David Leon Espina
David Leon Espina - 7 years ago
Do you like beautiful natural girls who grew up by the beach, or do you like silicon implanted dolls from Beverly Hills. Your choice.
Selkie Surfer
Selkie Surfer - 7 years ago
Nobody should have this much fun...!
SMaze17 - 7 years ago
Awesome but when's it gonna open to the public? Can't find any news anywhere. What's the status?
youzeaflea1 - 7 years ago
Amazing wave and i'd love to ride it everyday but I imagine at some point it would get boring. The mystery of dropping into an unknown natural wave is half the excitement.
Wind Singer
Wind Singer - 7 years ago
Shark Alert, DU PROLET, Hmmmmm, lecker, Surfer with German Titanic!!!
João Pinto Correia
João Pinto Correia - 8 years ago
Dream wave.
kiterJ - 8 years ago
OMG I've never been barrelled in my life as we simply don't get them where I am. We get big spillkng waves. I would love the oppertunity to surf this. Sic video more please ;)
Justin Faust
Justin Faust - 8 years ago
Anyone who dislikes this is stupid.
Lewis Beckman
Lewis Beckman - 8 years ago
1:12 GTFO, WOW!!
Yo boy Calvin
Yo boy Calvin - 8 years ago
This is sick
victor pereira lima
victor pereira lima - 8 years ago
qual é o nome da música??
Cho co
Cho co - 8 years ago
Fake CGI for sure !!
Mad Drama
Mad Drama - 8 years ago
song please! ;)
Jorge Cornejo
Jorge Cornejo - 8 years ago
I just can't get tired of watching this video... I love the perfection of the wave.
Young Pros
Young Pros - 8 years ago
Pls build one in Wellington Florida pls around the village of Wellington near my neighborhood the grand isles
factsoflife100 - 8 years ago
I Want One!!
Marcel Portela
Marcel Portela - 8 years ago
O cara vai ficar com tendnite de tanto joelho no tubo agora!
HOOHARMAN - 8 years ago
I wanna surf like that.... it was BOSS!
keepsit100 - 8 years ago
what I would give to get a piece of this action...
Ani Baldzhiyan Baldzhiyan
Ani Baldzhiyan Baldzhiyan - 8 years ago
О много яко
xhemexx - 7 years ago
Do you like Kelly Slater?
tawn sawyer
tawn sawyer - 8 years ago
such a class act
FlmxFilms - 8 years ago
YouTubers check out my weekly GoPro videos and subscribe I'll subscribe back :)
jcakes - 8 years ago
Now that you've got this lovely wave pool, you won't have to lobby for sharks to be killed off Reunion!
Nakka 111
Nakka 111 - 8 years ago
Mitico! !!
barkawitz - 8 years ago
When & where are these Slater waves gonna be available to the public?
Ouaz Gaming
Ouaz Gaming - 8 years ago
Coul date
Gabriel Oliveira
Gabriel Oliveira - 8 years ago
Achei que era o novo ministro do STF Alexandre de Moraes surfando! =/
Alien H
Alien H - 8 years ago
Julian Hickman
Julian Hickman - 8 years ago
does this man age?
Sempre que você ler os comentários eu estarei lá
Sempre que você ler os comentários eu estarei lá - 8 years ago
qual é a Praia?
Ehudgeist - 8 years ago
id be a pro surfer too if I had one of those
Viajando afora
Viajando afora - 8 years ago
OMG!! So many views very fast! Nice!! Could someone watch one of my videos? If you like, subscribe pls!
Levi Michaels
Levi Michaels - 8 years ago
Ha money can buy you the ultimate wave !
uhuh - 8 years ago
just wondering when all you waxheads are going to get a job?
Wade Lewington
Wade Lewington - 8 years ago
KS your the man! I don't know you. But i think your good for the sport!
Aiden's Adventures
Aiden's Adventures - 8 years ago
so since he has this there is no need to cull the sharks on reunion island like he wants??
Pandizil - 8 years ago
We will surf in the shade!
Greg Thomas
Greg Thomas - 8 years ago
Would love to spend the day there just to see what it's like. The inside out views are sick!
Skyler Tucker
Skyler Tucker - 8 years ago
Wish I was as bald as this guy
Rodrigo Faria
Rodrigo Faria - 8 years ago
perfect wave hack
h67ization - 8 years ago
Please help me with my petition. Shark attacks are becoming more and more common and environmentalists are doing nothing about it. They are blasting people like Kelly Slater for helping to advocate for the victims of sharks specifically the recent attack off of Reunion. Please help my petition get to 100 signatures or more because we all know as surfers that shark attacks are not something to be forgotten about.
Thank You!
Jorge Cornejo
Jorge Cornejo - 8 years ago
I watch this once and again and again..... It is hypnotic.... I wish I could have the video as a background y my computer....
jdizzilicious - 8 years ago
chee hoo no sharks
Hell Hammer Nomad VP Lord A.Lööv
Hell Hammer Nomad VP Lord A.Lööv - 8 years ago
Cool dude...
philip wagner
philip wagner - 8 years ago
How amazing is this? Barrels are the dream of all who surf. Slater, some kd from Florida, due to his ability, his hard work, his brains, and his dreams, actually creates his own perfect tube. This is just downright mythical.
Kemal Biser
Kemal Biser - 8 years ago
Karl Chapman MTB
Karl Chapman MTB - 8 years ago
It's a bit of a perfectly formed wave though
Equal - 8 years ago
Thank you legend Kelly Slater! Here is the song used in clip
Patolo - 8 years ago
That quality... we want tutorial with render & project settings. :D Nice video.
joe roche
joe roche - 8 years ago
What a hypocritical ass hole! GoPro do you really want to be represented by an advocate for shark culling? you need to think about who you sponsor

100. comment for GoPro Surf: Endless Perfection at Kelly Slater's Wave Pool

PortCanaveralFlorida - 8 years ago
So, who is going to be the FIRST to fly a DJI Mavic though that without crashing? FIRST EVER...GAME ON!
Cencal Stem
Cencal Stem - 8 years ago
Has Kelly been cloned. Looking like a synthetic Illuminati mk model
Jan Ivo
Jan Ivo - 8 years ago
How do they hold up this massive Wave for that long?
sunrisesurfbum - 8 years ago
I hate to say this, but after a few, fun at first, but then seems boring. I'll take the unpredictability of the real ocean.
tallcip65 - 7 years ago
sunrisesurfbum he says they can change the speed and shape of the wave but I hear what you're saying. There's a lot that goes into being a surfer that people don't know unless they've spent hours upon hours sitting out past the breakers. You learn to read the swell, the wind, the tides. A real waterman is never out of position in the lineup.
NAMI MONOGATARI - 8 years ago
Kobalt3 - 8 years ago
Kill the Sharks so he can do what he loves!
Ericsurf6 - 8 years ago
Get Some!
Rupert Denham
Rupert Denham - 8 years ago
+GoPro Was Kelly shooting wet or dry? You can see water splashing onto the lens but no signs of water droplets :O how!?
Nate Lee
Nate Lee - 8 years ago
You have to lick your lens! It's the secret to no water spots!
guilherme goelzer de lima
guilherme goelzer de lima - 8 years ago
XTreme Video
XTreme Video - 8 years ago
PERFECTION !! Can we get a ticket to try it?! PLEASE :)
C M - 8 years ago
Kelly slater wants a shark cull! Screw that guy
90sideways - 8 years ago
If I had one of these I could learn to surf so fast
Stefan Raghavan
Stefan Raghavan - 8 years ago
this is what heaven must look like
Mahomin_ - 8 years ago
I like his hair
ThinkLikeMo - 8 years ago
Everyone a spectacular night ! Let's gooooo
Greg Palmer
Greg Palmer - 8 years ago
Dollars cubed!
Николай.2111 - 8 years ago
Хочу GoPro шку
Kazui Takita
Kazui Takita - 8 years ago
Looks like TheRock
banana001jr - 8 years ago
Y por cierto viva México
Pd: le rrosa la calva
banana001jr - 8 years ago
Minuto 1:17
Tanner - 8 years ago
Thirsty AF now
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 8 years ago
Only Kelly Slater has time in the barrel to look back and make sure the GoPro is still on.
gaz south
gaz south - 8 years ago
Kelly Slater, the dickhead who wants to cull sharks.
antonio sayavedra
antonio sayavedra - 8 years ago
que envidia!! y yo acá trabajando con 35 grados centígrados
Sergey Boglyukov
Sergey Boglyukov - 8 years ago
wow!!!)) awesome
Jorge Cornejo
Jorge Cornejo - 8 years ago
dope waves man, keep it up, that wave is so amazing.....
Adrian Morton
Adrian Morton - 8 years ago
Kriptonic Chronic
Kriptonic Chronic - 8 years ago
I do believe Kelly holds the world record for the most time spent surfing in the barrel of a wave!
Wayne Neylan
Wayne Neylan - 8 years ago
So Guinnese Book O Recordio should be giving him another world title right, hmmmm Kelly theres ya No.12 right there, giddyup !!!!!!!!
Masaharu Morimoto
Masaharu Morimoto - 8 years ago
Kells! sign my board...
cNk Kyllou
cNk Kyllou - 8 years ago
Wave garden <3
Hugo Sanchez
Hugo Sanchez - 8 years ago
Does anyone surf in Oregon? Wanting to learn but I don't really know where to go lol
SOLIDSNAKE ! - 8 years ago
What does the GoPro have that water doesn't stick to whatever is covering the lens
Jacob P
Jacob P - 8 years ago
When did shoenice begin surfing ?
Revival - 8 years ago
It's almost TOO perfect!
Cam Mezzatesta
Cam Mezzatesta - 8 years ago
Holy shit this is dope
MLB Films
MLB Films - 8 years ago
Hey guys! I make action based GoPro videos and I recently got a Karma! Check out the edit I made if you'd like :) Have a good day
Caleb Jack
Caleb Jack - 8 years ago
sub for sub dude? :)
JP Deeds
JP Deeds - 8 years ago
Someone needs to make a circular one of these to make an endless wave
Robert White
Robert White - 8 years ago
That guy lives the life
Born Justice Rule
Born Justice Rule - 8 years ago
yeah this is dope.
Matthew Berry
Matthew Berry - 8 years ago
how do i get to go here
aptx2345 - 8 years ago
Surf looks so easy in this vid
Dodosvlog - 8 years ago
Hey random person scrolling through the comments!
I hope you have a great day!
From a smaller YouTuber who's dream is to hit 1000 subs !
Михаил Макаров
Михаил Макаров - 8 years ago
Ade Cole
Ade Cole - 8 years ago
Epic... I'd wanna bodyboard though
Ivan Erlic
Ivan Erlic - 8 years ago
this is sick
Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers - 8 years ago
been waiting so long for this! But the wave just looks too perfect! XD
Calypsus - 8 years ago
cool for training i guess...but nothing can simulate the skill or joy of riding a real life unpredictable wave
Brink - 8 years ago
If pipeline is shredding for Kelly he has his own wave pool so all is okay
ShreddingSoCal - 8 years ago
Amazing wave pool
ilyassfedjikh vlogs
ilyassfedjikh vlogs - 8 years ago
wow perfect this video i will some go pro
Roger Miller
Roger Miller - 8 years ago
You Are BOSS... when you own your own waves.
Jukes Of Hazard
Jukes Of Hazard - 8 years ago
just made my first ever vlog!! I attempted a backflip on a private golf course!!!
Jukes Of Hazard
Jukes Of Hazard - 8 years ago
Thanks! Check out my sports videos too
Triple Threat
Triple Threat - 8 years ago
Jukes of Hazard so sick
Comments111 - 8 years ago
I like watching Kelly surf his wave but I despise watching others surf it. The fact that they can and I can't pisses me off!
ewerton charles
ewerton charles - 8 years ago
Conseguiu a onda perfeita?
RobertCow - 8 years ago
Chris Brunskill
Chris Brunskill - 8 years ago
LecksENY - 8 years ago
I met this dude at a meet and greet in NYC. I was working security at a Quicksilver in SoHo.
Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith - 8 years ago
here before viral!
ĚXPERT ÁNDRØID - 8 years ago
sub to my chanel guys
Harry Gleeson
Harry Gleeson - 8 years ago
I want to be at a beach right now
TheGASMass - 8 years ago
Heard you canned all your support in the U.S. and shipped their jobs off to the Philippines... F*ck you for that. Unsubbed and not buying GoPro products ever again.
gašper jeraj
gašper jeraj - 8 years ago
is this gopro hero5?
PeebleTheory - 8 years ago
Kelly Slater just came out in support of shark culling on Reunion Island :(
PeebleTheory - 8 years ago
But he did...
4DaOcean - 8 years ago
You are really Stupid!
Props. Time in the tube is ecstasy. Good job Kelly.
Soner Çakır
Soner Çakır - 8 years ago
cool :))
Jackie Kido
Jackie Kido - 8 years ago
Derek Jimenez
Derek Jimenez - 8 years ago
Where can I buy one of these?
Guillaume Lebuffe
Guillaume Lebuffe - 8 years ago
J'espère que tu croisera un requin pour qu'il se venge!!!!
Youcef Labiad
Youcef Labiad - 8 years ago
Johnny sins is so talented
Troy Picasso
Troy Picasso - 7 years ago
I feel ashamed that i know who that is. lmao!!
Andras Szentgyorgyi
Andras Szentgyorgyi - 8 years ago
Vurton Creed
Vurton Creed - 8 years ago
Raylander Lopes
Raylander Lopes - 8 years ago
Lenda viva!
MrPanSzymon - 8 years ago
Afonso Bandhold
Afonso Bandhold - 8 years ago
yea, no.
Jack Jablonski
Jack Jablonski - 8 years ago
New Horizons
New Horizons - 8 years ago
it seems like he is just chilling there "under" the water
huxley kirby
huxley kirby - 8 years ago
elijah6678 - 8 years ago
He has pretty eyes
Hoonigans-US - 8 years ago
Igor Lego Technic
Igor Lego Technic - 8 years ago
Corynne The Wolf Animatronic
Corynne The Wolf Animatronic - 8 years ago
in troy were I'm at right now, it is cold. but yesterday, it was warm out
ARIEL Maldonado
ARIEL Maldonado - 8 years ago
fetB - 8 years ago
dexim67 - 8 years ago
"Lost in the Evening ft Gary Jules"
Atnefail13 - 8 years ago
MR YOAN - 8 years ago
I have never been on time
what do I do?
1 like==1 luck I guess
1 subscriber== more luck
Pablo Blogs
Pablo Blogs - 8 years ago
Mr Yoan sub to me
TheTravelingClatt - 8 years ago
Makes me want to hit the beach NOW!
New Horizons
New Horizons - 8 years ago
Johnny Hotsauce sorry, my autocorrection...
johnny autism
johnny autism - 8 years ago
I'm confused...
New Horizons
New Horizons - 8 years ago
TheTravelingClatt if there was a beach nearby...
BrandBarries - 8 years ago
Only nude beaches for this brandbarry
Gearhead Mcfly
Gearhead Mcfly - 8 years ago
scram taniels
Android RACER
Android RACER - 8 years ago
Cittadino Del Mondo
Cittadino Del Mondo - 8 years ago
Pablo Blogs
Pablo Blogs - 8 years ago
Giuseppe Ragazzo i agree
Lemwey - 8 years ago
лысый с браззерса
Alexander Tkachenko
Alexander Tkachenko - 8 years ago
Lemwey 1 похож
Midwich ‪
Midwich ‪ - 8 years ago
зашел написать этот коммент, спасибо!
Corynne The Wolf Animatronic
Corynne The Wolf Animatronic - 8 years ago
this is pretty cool. were is this even at? it isn't even Summer in the U.S. yet.
HeyAnalog - 8 years ago
Lemoore, CA to be exact. Use to drive by it all the time on the way to work
Corynne The Wolf Animatronic
Corynne The Wolf Animatronic - 8 years ago
Bench Racer ok
Bench Racer
Bench Racer - 8 years ago
Hub House - it's in Central California, and this must've been filmed last Summer. It'll stay cold here until May-June.
Corynne The Wolf Animatronic
Corynne The Wolf Animatronic - 8 years ago
Sgt york 915 oh ok
Sgt york 915
Sgt york 915 - 8 years ago
Hub House it's a wave pool in Northern California
Gdippo_ 03
Gdippo_ 03 - 8 years ago
ross ttt
ross ttt - 8 years ago
Shout out my insta rgtboy
Afonso Mestre
Afonso Mestre - 8 years ago
Portugal! !!!!!!!
Pablo Blogs
Pablo Blogs - 8 years ago
Bilinmeyen Kişi truly amazing
Mohnish Jindal
Mohnish Jindal - 8 years ago
Jose Angel Silván Garcia.
Jose Angel Silván Garcia. - 8 years ago
10. ; ) ...
Quoop - 8 years ago
drummer boys
drummer boys - 8 years ago
Paul None Ya
Paul None Ya - 8 years ago
How many people are going to search " Kelly's wave pool" now?
indiie - 7 years ago
@A COMPUTER No it's not, it's Kelly's personal wave pool. And NLand is still closed anyway.
Scott Self
Scott Self - 8 years ago
A COMPUTER - 8 years ago
This is outside of Austin Texas. It is called NLand Surfpark and is open to the public.
Just Tex
Just Tex - 8 years ago
i think more people will just click the link in the description!!
Brannon Ecker
Brannon Ecker - 8 years ago
Paul None Ya me
Bench Racer
Bench Racer - 8 years ago
Paul None Ya - about a year late, but yeah...
Pablo Blogs
Pablo Blogs - 8 years ago
Paul None Ya Ive already done it
MaxGod - 8 years ago
song pls
doge gaming
doge gaming - 7 years ago
fetB - 8 years ago
is the description not good enough?
dgebhardt7 - 8 years ago
look in the infobox
oDo Bigode
oDo Bigode - 8 years ago
eu quero uma gopro :((
Stoner Strains
Stoner Strains - 8 years ago
That sick !!!
Zach W
Zach W - 8 years ago
SO rad!

I really want to surf now.
Pablo Blogs
Pablo Blogs - 8 years ago
Zach W and meeeee
Andy Skoots
Andy Skoots - 8 years ago
Bear Gryls
Bear Gryls - 8 years ago
Jebać Lecha xd
Hakeem Andino
Hakeem Andino - 8 years ago
william leadbetter
william leadbetter - 8 years ago
CubeMaster9999 - 8 years ago
Mani Matter
Mani Matter - 8 years ago
GoHome or GoPro
Wayne Neylan
Wayne Neylan - 8 years ago
Storm Spirit
Storm Spirit - 8 years ago
Pablo Blogs
Pablo Blogs - 8 years ago
Mani Matter I agree
SKIGOPRO - 8 years ago
REROX SZAW - 8 years ago
Pablo Blogs
Pablo Blogs - 8 years ago
David Duvergé
David Duvergé - 8 years ago
Harry Rogers
Harry Rogers - 8 years ago
Pablo Blogs
Pablo Blogs - 8 years ago
Harry Rogers :)

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The "GoPro Surf: Endless Perfection at Kelly Slater's Wave Pool" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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