GoPro Surf: Inside the Legendary Barrels of Namibia
Surf 8 years ago 775,124 views
The term "we scored waves" in the surfing world gets thrown around quite a bit. Judging from this content of Koa and Alex Smith, Koa Rothman, Benji Brand and Anthony Walsh, they can say it with conviction. Sit back and enjoy the legendary barrels of Namibia and get tubed even if you're getting cubed. Shot 100% on the HERO4® cameras from Get stoked and subscribe: Music William Ryan Fritch: "Empty on Impact II" "A Slow Burn" "Cataclysm" "Chaparral" For more from GoPro, follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: Inside Line: GoPro:
10. comment for GoPro Surf: Inside the Legendary Barrels of Namibia
Merci mille fois j’adore la mer et j’aurai rêver faire du surf, grâce à vous je l’ai un peu fait et c’est beaucoup quand on ne peut plus, donc merci merci mercu
20. comment for GoPro Surf: Inside the Legendary Barrels of Namibia
It's a goofy footers dream wave. I'd like to see someone surf this backside.
cool film!
have a great day :D
30. comment for GoPro Surf: Inside the Legendary Barrels of Namibia
50. comment for GoPro Surf: Inside the Legendary Barrels of Namibia
Wave: Nope!
A genuine, half freaked, super psyched being alive scream :)
Jealous! :)
100. comment for GoPro Surf: Inside the Legendary Barrels of Namibia
Not a great idea
One Question I have is, why is Bianca Buitenda not mentioned anywhere in the credits or the YouTube discription? She surfs in the movie and her name appears before her ride. This omission just supports the notion that surfing is a male sport which is so far from the truth.
If I could surf that is...
2nd I need to go back to Namibia
3rd Please subscribe to my channel
Life is not just about the journey, it's about making the journey an adventure.
sound track composed Music2000, the playstation 1 game
Special thanks
This comment does not make sense, like your life, shame on you.
Get away from the yellow line
Dunno, I went crazy
Also the girl's name is Buitendag which means "day outside" in Dutch. Talk about living up to your name.
Stunning footage
Stunning footage
GoPro hasn't expanded their market beyond the hardcore athletes. Just look @GoPro's stock price and research whether GP is a "buy" or a "sell".
P.S. I live in San Mateo, California and I really want to support GP (I own a GP4 Black), but there are just too many action camera makers out there now.
Go and buy the Karma but GoPro as a company is in dire straits. It may go under.