What's up NUB NATION!! Today the tide pulled out immensely here at El Slammo in New Jersey & we got to scan the sand bar I usually go surfing on to find out HOW DANGEROUS is MY LOCAL SURF BREAK? Turns out, it's ridiculously dangerous!! There's a ton of rocks (which I knew about), rebar metal sticking out everyone & pointed wood from old bulkheads or jetties poking up out of the sand as well. The novelty wave game isn't all fun & games, because this is looking sketchy!! Thanks for the dream! - Love Ben ONLINE STORE! DONATE! VLOG 820 of 1000 // 2018 I'm vlogging every day of 2018! Join the fun & subscribe! My music!

HOW DANGEROUS is MY LOCAL SURF SPOT!? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Surf 6 years ago 9,039 views

What's up NUB NATION!! Today the tide pulled out immensely here at El Slammo in New Jersey & we got to scan the sand bar I usually go surfing on to find out HOW DANGEROUS is MY LOCAL SURF BREAK? Turns out, it's ridiculously dangerous!! There's a ton of rocks (which I knew about), rebar metal sticking out everyone & pointed wood from old bulkheads or jetties poking up out of the sand as well. The novelty wave game isn't all fun & games, because this is looking sketchy!! Thanks for the dream! - Love Ben ONLINE STORE! DONATE! VLOG 820 of 1000 // 2018 I'm vlogging every day of 2018! Join the fun & subscribe! My music!

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Most popular comments

John Hall
John Hall - 6 years ago
Suggestion: Roof rack for soft tops with water storage for shower for the win!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Epic, thanks!!
Lucas Bridges
Lucas Bridges - 6 years ago
Ben, why didn't you get a van that you can fully stand up in?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I got a really good deal on this one & couldn't pass it up. It's also a 1500 so saving on gas, but I don't plan on this being my last van build! Next one going BIG!
Brandon Chisholm
Brandon Chisholm - 6 years ago
maybe some kind of roof rack for the longboards..??
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
for sure!
BRad From THe Valley
BRad From THe Valley - 6 years ago
that first song has the clint eastwood guitar rif. I ride a wave skater it's not a sponge! The city should have rules not to make it so dangerous there is so many ways a person could end up there not just surfing.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Yeah I'm gonna clean it up myself!!
grahamjarman - 6 years ago
do i hear some miles davis? dream music
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha maybe
Kirsten Courtney
Kirsten Courtney - 6 years ago
If you hang the surfboards from the ceiling, make sure they are locked in and can't become flying projectiles.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha for sure
ItzCrusade - 6 years ago
So glad I live in California
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
El Nuggo?
CoastalConcreteConstruction - 6 years ago
I live minutes from there...Gone to that spot just to chill, watch a sunset, or look at gnarly conditions during a nor'easter or hurricane many times but never imagined anyone would surf it..LEGEND Google 'dodge promaster roof rack with ladder' ..keep the boards up there and don't loose space inside Shaka yewww
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I've actually surfed it much better than this! & thanks for the tip!
Jack Quarantillo
Jack Quarantillo - 6 years ago
Did you give the rebar you harvested to Tucker?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha I started a pile for him!


Poparoy - 6 years ago
Cordless grinder in the kit!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Poparoy - 6 years ago
Time to set up a surf forecast thingy matey!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Phil Curtis
Phil Curtis - 6 years ago
We’re I live councils would have removed those reinforcing bars and charged those contractors who threw them there I’m so glad you didn’t get hurt just confirms were you are and what you’re supposed to be doing ; )
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
it's insane!!
Smiley_ RUSS
Smiley_ RUSS - 6 years ago
In low tide bro go in with a cordless grinder and cut the dangers away deadly spikes hurt for sure
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I'm doing it!
John schnetzler
John schnetzler - 6 years ago
board racks: galvanized one inch pipes from Lowes or Depot, one pair at rear door and next pair at the opening of your side sliding door at the end of your bed. Make sure pipes are threaded at both ends and attach mounting plates, which are oval and have pre-bored screw holes in them, on both ends. Put a "T" joint at the required height to attach the rack to for optimal space usage and screw in a cross member pipe to lay the boards across. Screw mounting plate bases and caps to metal structure of your van for a permanent and safe install. Slide in sticks, bungee them down and you are good to go. Unscrew cross member pipes when not using the system and they are out of the way and can also be used as a clothes hanger to dry your rubber and towels. Had one in my VW van in Oregon and they work great! Hope this helps get the ball rolling for you. Aloha! John from Hawaii
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Awesome, thank you!
Jamie McIntosh
Jamie McIntosh - 6 years ago
That is gnarly Ben! Be careful out there Brah!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you!!
ejrm580 - 6 years ago
That’s crazy the local government guys should’ve fixed that that when they were down there rather than telling u not to surf it !! Grind that shit off for the dream guys c’mon!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I now they're insane
Joseph Fago The Rabid Weasels
Joseph Fago The Rabid Weasels - 6 years ago
Those metal spikes are so dangerous
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Barry Lenhart
Barry Lenhart - 6 years ago
35 dude you surf in slush lol. watch the bomb drops you might get hooked on something all the old concrete is used for beach erosion but you know that stay safe,
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks Barry!
Thomas Rickstrew
Thomas Rickstrew - 6 years ago
Think Roof rack with ladder on the back for storage of big boards and extended quiver
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago


Seth - 6 years ago
Stoked! Looking forward to tagging along for your cross country expedition!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
:) !!
Matt Ander
Matt Ander - 6 years ago
Opening up the van I'm in awe of the life you've created. Maybe some rachet tie down straps hung from the cieling would do the trick. Definitely strong and accessible.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I never found it!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you!!
Anthony Leone
Anthony Leone - 6 years ago
Ben! Check out this link for the ceiling rack in your van. I did it in my basement and it works perfectly:
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
BEEFS_OFFICIAL - 6 years ago
Danger!!! Love your stoke big dog!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
The dream!!
toolhog10 - 6 years ago
You could always add on a tow behind small box trailer for when the gear life hoard gets too heavy.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Daniel Luzzi
Daniel Luzzi - 6 years ago
thank you for dreaming and believing!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank YOU!
MrShermer - 6 years ago
To pin the boards to the top on the van without screwing. Grab a few collapsible paint poles. Add rubber feet to either end (grip) and expand the pole from the left side of the van wall to the right. That will be your shelf. Slide those shred sleds above them and hit the road.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
mike - 6 years ago
Owning it! Well done Ben. Really hoping to catch you when you pass thru L.A. on your trip to the B.C... Stay safe out there.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you!!


Chael Slater
Chael Slater - 6 years ago
get Thor's hammer onto those spikes
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I'm on it!!
mark gardner
mark gardner - 6 years ago
add a lockable roof box.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Nestor Batlle
Nestor Batlle - 6 years ago
Mr. Gravy, it's interesting how you mention these things. In previous videos but especially in your last video I noticed how there was spikes in higher places above the water and knew they were under the water. When I saw you slam into those rocks I really thought that was too dangerous. I was thinking you were gonna eventually be impaled. You, also, are not experienced to navigate those stunts there, so close to that sea wall, because no one is, unless you have an impassible body, which you don't. Please be careful
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you for the concern, I'm going to clean up the spikes
Joe Hanlon
Joe Hanlon - 6 years ago
In High School, we used old leashes to hang our surf boards from our ceilings, try an old leash.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Brooks - 6 years ago
Just get some sort of roof rack for the longboards idk
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I KNOW!!!! :/
Sam Phelps
Sam Phelps - 6 years ago
Ok so you get some little bracket large enough to hold your board up on the side wall or roof of the van . Some 4" or 5"
screws long enough to penetrate the outside skin of the van .. It must go all the way though to be structurally sound enough to hold the weight of the board ... Install brackets then drive back down to florida to get Rob to patch the screw holes .. LOL !!!
Maybe get you a cordless angle grinder and some metal cut off wheels to clean up some of those rebar spikes at low tide to try and make elslammo a bit more user friendly ...
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I am on it, thanks!!
CheeseGrittz - 6 years ago
Can you explain what el slammo is my friend and I are having a debate whether it’s a specific spot where you live or just about any close out on shore spot.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
El Slammo used as a noun is a specific surf spot by my house, but El Slammo used as a verb can be any breaking wave!!
Tanya Healy
Tanya Healy - 6 years ago
I subbed after watching you on one of your brothers vids! I would watch a beach scrap day with the entire Fam!.......Sasquatch bobcat style beach day!!!......yewwwww
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha!! Great idea
Kurt Llewellyn
Kurt Llewellyn - 6 years ago
Ben I’m pretty sure kids are surfing that left ? That would be awful if any of those groms got into that crap. Is there no swimming signs there? The cops let you surf there so I guess not. I knew that was a rough spot but damn that’s not good. Oh ya I don’t want you to get hurt either. Sober for the health Yew!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I know I have to handle this situation, thanks Kurt!!
C - 6 years ago
challenge, bunny hop jetty lol jk
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
mchristofas - 6 years ago
Get some bolt cutters and get ride of the rebar. Also you should have gotten the high top version of the van.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha of course I should've
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I'm on it!
magic cheeseball
magic cheeseball - 6 years ago
when did they dump that scrap there? i hope you don't surf that spot again anytime soon way too sketch, its like playing Russian roulette, you got lots of great novelties coming up on your tour it wouldn't be worth risking your life on that el sketcho spot, maybe contact the city on cleaning it up it might be illegal to dump scrap like that in that area.
magic cheeseball
magic cheeseball - 6 years ago
oh ok i hope its just on the shore edge and not too far out where you surf, yikes!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
It's been there, but with the new sand pulled out were seeing the true intensity
Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha I love it!!
lilbuddhanic - 6 years ago
Better safe than sorry, get your tetanus shots!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Alan Walker
Alan Walker - 6 years ago
Sober and stoked for the win!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Surf Rats
Surf Rats - 6 years ago
Ben u should get some really good roof racks for your longboards
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
for sure!!
Greg Farrell
Greg Farrell - 6 years ago
the rug really ties the van together
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Rob Placek
Rob Placek - 6 years ago
Hey man, John Egans' comment earlier is dead on. Thank you for living the dream for all of us. I, personally, appreciate the fuck out of ya !
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
You're the man Rob, thank you!!
Kim Williams
Kim Williams - 6 years ago
another epic video xxx
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
thanks Kim!!


Kim Williams
Kim Williams - 6 years ago
see it helps if you have a women's touch well done Jordan xxx
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Tristan Robbins
Tristan Robbins - 6 years ago
Love u Ben
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
for the dream
Alex Babcock
Alex Babcock - 6 years ago
You could put a mesh net on the roof on the inside, and extend it all the way to the seats or the end of the bed. Then you could put your longer surfboards there! Sick vlog! Yeww!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Captain SCROG
Captain SCROG - 6 years ago
18v ryobi grinder would get rid of that rebar. ( ryobi is cheap so no worries if it gets trashed)
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I'm on it!!
Clay Hatch
Clay Hatch - 6 years ago
Winter storm Wilber! For the boys!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Enjoy yourself Clay!!
Aveen Ver Ploeg
Aveen Ver Ploeg - 6 years ago
Dude as for hanging the boards up in your van, just secure 2 rings of cord to the ceiling. Slide the boards through the rings and you're hangin' yewwww
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Daniel Grozier
Daniel Grozier - 6 years ago
Doco sounds sick
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Stoking for it!!
Daniel Grozier
Daniel Grozier - 6 years ago
Fuck dude that reo is serious.
You’d have to sweep it with a hack saw at low tide wouldnt you??? Wow
Loved the score on this ,,nice tunes
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I'm on it!
The Daddy Daughter Team of NJ
The Daddy Daughter Team of NJ - 6 years ago
Mini ship Stearns at exactly 11;35/36
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Patrick Henderlong
Patrick Henderlong - 6 years ago
el slammo... more like el sketcho
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Phaidrus - 6 years ago
best music today!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Dead Foot
Dead Foot - 6 years ago
van roof rack for the boards. they even make models for inside ceiling.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
awesome thanks!!
Tim Sivils
Tim Sivils - 6 years ago
Spikey and rusty. Not a good combo. Don't get impaled. Not the dream. :(
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
:/ so heavy
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Logan Doerr
Logan Doerr - 6 years ago
For the boards try ropes on the ceiling like 2 of them just a few feet apart
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Symphony Farm
Symphony Farm - 6 years ago
We just binged four Vlogs on this cloudy cold VT day. The snow is going, we are out on the land, farm and garden dreaming!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
:) !!!
Charlie Roney
Charlie Roney - 6 years ago
Roof storage box with different levels, and a slide out function, it is easily doable within a metal lockbox on a track, you could even have it slide out of the box for board and wetsuit storage, you can reclaim the underside of your bed for water and hook up an outdoor shower, Ben you can have it all with the van, a skoolie would have given you more room but the semi promaster has alot of potential, and it is newer, but ask Tucker F Upper, I am sure he would help and get alot acomplished, this is his domain, he probibly finds perfect Keep Life items like a large enough cabinet to fit boards, metal for it to slide out on a hinge, Tucker F Upper can help the dream come to life.
Charlie Roney
Charlie Roney - 6 years ago
if you have the metal it can easily be bolted together
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
SO much epicness! Thanks!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I have!!
Jeremy 'Darkeag1e' 'Darkeag1e'
Jeremy 'Darkeag1e' 'Darkeag1e' - 6 years ago
Putting your net up at the ceiling of the van should do the job m8.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Dingo Capo
Dingo Capo - 6 years ago
and this surprises anybody look at the development all around that beach!!! basically a perpetual construction site!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Yeah it's total bs they spent 10 million dollars to block houses from getting wet, but they can't make the beach, surfing & diving area safe. It's insane
you could of been a benkabob… bueno amigo…..especially for a vegan……
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha HEA VY!
Jack Powell
Jack Powell - 6 years ago
Yo Ben, this is kinda random but there is a video posted on Nub TV (heres a link: and theres a song in it that i've been trying to find for AWHILE. It plays at 6:26 in the video, if you could help me ID this song you'd be a life saver. Nub Nation for the win!
Jack Powell
Jack Powell - 6 years ago
Took some digging but i finally found a site where i can buy the Campfire Core album. Thanks brotha man
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha!!! The Gorganites! This is the band, but they're pretty low key
J.M. Hanover
J.M. Hanover - 6 years ago
Throwing that love right back at you brother. It will be always for the dream.
When you surf those crazy spots you have to be a little insane, that's what makes it all worth it. Anybody can surf a 1 foot wave breaking off some rocks but when you throw those rocks, some rebar, concrete steps and some old wood into the mix and stir it all around then it becomes real. Actually adding some size would probably make it safer because it would break further offshore and away death zone.
Keep the brand growing!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Size is the key !!
mariano casot
mariano casot - 6 years ago
so stoked! the dream is on!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 6 years ago
Pumped for the cross country journey!!! Take your time doing it....that has got to be savored!!! That's one big HELL NO at Slammo!!! That left tho!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks Todd!!!
Matz G
Matz G - 6 years ago
I always thought that June was a disgusting, ugly, little dog, but no I kinda think shes cute,lol
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha a lot of people say she stuff like that, but when you see her in person you can really see the cuteness !!
Didymostruespeak - 6 years ago
We have a ton of vanlifers here in Encinitas and for the longboards they put a rack on the side of the van that locks. so the boards are outside on the side of the van. you know locking rack or on the back in a locking rack in your case may be on top. Taking a bunch of crap to the dump today then I'm going to fit in a surf session midday in the Wind
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
You're stoking!! Thanks for the tip
Jason Mueller
Jason Mueller - 6 years ago
Lockable roof rack for the boards
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
yes! thanks
Adam Coyne
Adam Coyne - 6 years ago
Take a cordless grinder and clean all the spiky shit up.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I'm on it!!
Andy Madden
Andy Madden - 6 years ago
rocket box. roof rack, maybe. you got that whole big exterior roof doing nothing right now.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Epic, love it!!
Phil Murphey
Phil Murphey - 6 years ago
Great as always Ben, and love the sheets Jordan! Those rebars are crazy. Was there a wall that came down? Def be safe there! Can't wait to see the documentary!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks Phil!! Not sure what the rubbish is from, but it's HEAVY!!!
Devin Boehm
Devin Boehm - 6 years ago
Couple eye screws into the ceiling then a couple pieces of rope with some clips so you can hang them boards when you want and then only have the screws up there when you don't have them hanging. Can un-clip the rope from the eye screws and keep it out of the way. Idk?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Ben Dades
Ben Dades - 6 years ago
BEN!!!!! Go out there with big bolt cutters and save yourself from re-bar through
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Already planning!! THANKS!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 6 years ago
Sober for the win!!! that's awesome!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Chris Buell
Chris Buell - 6 years ago
we used to call spongers "Dick Draggers" back in Hawaii growing up.
Kevin Tyrer
Kevin Tyrer - 6 years ago
Dude you don't want to get the point! Do you???!!!
Be careful out there. You can't always predict where your gone fall n how your gone land up.
Snapped my left wrist both Ulna n Radius on a sand bank in a river mouth. Wasn't fun. 8 weeks in a cast.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Yeah I def don't I had no idea it was that gnarly out there
Robert Wrobel
Robert Wrobel - 6 years ago
You can get some ideas for racks for the inside of the van on Pinterest !!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Epic thanks Robert!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Fritzkocher - 6 years ago
Ben you need to take a sledgehammer with you to el slamo and pound on all that sharp metal so the points wont kill anyone. thats a dangerous spot ya got there man. stay safe bro!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I'm on it!!
Fritzkocher - 6 years ago
bencant you put one of those black storage flip up containers on the top opf the van? i believe those lock....or why not get a quality surfboard locking rack for the top????????? for the dream!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Yes stoking!!
Liam Schmidt
Liam Schmidt - 6 years ago
Dude... That is hectic! One wrong fall and you punctured! Anyway thanx as always for the quality slice of Ben's life!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks Liam!!
John Egan
John Egan - 6 years ago need to have a serious de-spiking session down there with a crew at low tide with some cordless grinders, cut-off saws and sledge hammers. We don't need a perforated pineapple surfer in our vlogs :( If I lived closer, I'd be all over that stuff for ya...I'd be cuttin, grindin, beatin and smashin that stuff to bits!!! I'd hate to see you stop surfing one of you favorite spots BUT...nuff said! PLEASE play and stay safe! Looking forward to the "Sober and Stoked" doc and the upcoming X-Country tour...yeewww! Cheers, John ;)
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I know I'm gonna get on it!!!
John Egan
John Egan - 6 years ago
Yeah, needs to be done...not just for Ben but for everybody who uses that beach...that kind of stuff should be against the law! Cheers, John ;)
ron stuff
ron stuff - 6 years ago
Was just about to say the same thing. Cordless grinders would fix all that in one low tide.
Michael Bisceglia
Michael Bisceglia - 6 years ago
Why don’t you glue the nose of that pink longboard?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I have to it's effecting the dream!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
for sure
Ben Dillon
Ben Dillon - 6 years ago
You gotta hang those boards from the ceiling as suggested previously with hooks and cords..... Preferably where your feet go.

Just found these Pineapple sheets...... Thinking of getting them for our Brigantine beach house.....
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
WOW those sheets are epic!!
Shane Walter
Shane Walter - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
yewwww the dream!
JR - 6 years ago
When you going to JOB"s Pad for some board Transfers at Pipe??
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Jameson Salzano
Jameson Salzano - 6 years ago
lol Ben gravy starting to clickbait with those red arrows lol
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha I wanted people to see!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks so much Martin, I really appreciate this comment

100. comment for HOW DANGEROUS is MY LOCAL SURF SPOT!?

Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you!
Oxyrisen - 6 years ago
Damn, el Slammo is gnarly
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
heaver than I thought!
Sean O'Connell
Sean O'Connell - 6 years ago
GNARLY! Be safe FTD!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
for the dream!!
Scott C
Scott C - 6 years ago

I personally dont think the spikes are worth the nov factor. But hey....I am not you. Rocks are one thing....spikes takes the risk factor to a different kind of risk. Anyhow....I dont want to sound dad safe
Scott C
Scott C - 6 years ago
maybe your bro can go scrap it out.......
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha I mean it's def a lot gnarlier than I thought under there
SurfinSanDiego - 6 years ago
Apparently If you put the long boards up on the roof and drive away, they'll be out of the way. Permanently
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
J B - 6 years ago
Spikeville! Make sure to get your tetanus shot!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
G-wiz - 6 years ago
I want to send u some music to use. Whats ur email ?
G-wiz - 6 years ago
Thanks so much ben!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Jeremy Starliper
Jeremy Starliper - 6 years ago
Gnarly Spikeage!.... Huge Ballzzzzz
How's those mini left dreamers?......
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
They're so sick!!!
James Parker
James Parker - 6 years ago
El Stabbo!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Louis Anthony
Louis Anthony - 6 years ago
Wow those spikes are mean looking man. It’s crazy how you can be so close to danger and not even know it. There’s a spot I used to surf frequently where I live, one days the tide drained out and in notice a huge rock in the middle where the waves break, I never even knew it was there it was crazy. Stay safe guys.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
For sure, I knew there was rocks and some meta, but I have no idea :/
Assateague Cottage
Assateague Cottage - 6 years ago
That rebar always freaked me out. A spot in long branch was just like that and another between Bradley Beach and Avon. Death defying surf sessions, yewww!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Super heavy!!
Owen Cleveland
Owen Cleveland - 6 years ago
Tie a rope loop attach it the ceiling slide the board through
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
ChrisCharlesJax - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Ocky Koa
Ocky Koa - 6 years ago
Shoots--since you put the trim on the roof in the corners--how about 2 round anchors, and rope or bungee to hang the longboards overhead? Or two cargo load bars (uses the extension and pressure from either side) and hang the boards on those.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Great idea, thank you!
James Bradfield
James Bradfield - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Buck Rodgers
Buck Rodgers - 6 years ago
We Love and support you Ben! Can't wait for Novelty Dream Trip. Yeww!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you!!!
BLACK05GO1 - 6 years ago
I still say you need one or two extreme cold sleeping bags in case you have to sleep in really cold weather (or get stuck in the snow or something). Those sheets on the bed will not be enough for sub-freezing conditions, especially if your battery goes dead and you can't heat the van. Any sleeping bag companies out there want to sponsor Ben? Please hook him up.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
100% I need those!
Justin Bayola
Justin Bayola - 6 years ago
all your boards should go in a roof mount
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Wild Rob
Wild Rob - 6 years ago
My local break is dungeons.....
Pretty heavy, big, cold and sharky, also people get mugged and stabbed on the walk there all the time
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Sound's unreal
Tall Will
Tall Will - 6 years ago
Ben gravy popsicle
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
hea vy!
Jamie Ferreo
Jamie Ferreo - 6 years ago
Dude you have to hang the crazy wooden map of all the states in the van for the dream!! shout out to whoever made that bad boy, it's epic
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
YES!! Jordan got it for me for my Bday :) !!
Mark mcmahen
Mark mcmahen - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I know :(
Se7en Blessings
Se7en Blessings - 6 years ago
dg5301 oh ok thanks for the heads up ☺️
dg5301 - 6 years ago
Not disagreeing in any way that litter is a huge problem worldwide, but just want to point out that most of what we saw in the video were remnants of older docks and some reinforcing bar (rebar) from broken up concrete that was used as jetty & bulkhead material back in the day, before the larger rocks we see there now. Luckily, they don't use that type of stuff much anymore, for obvious reasons.
Shane Walter
Shane Walter - 6 years ago
Se7en Blessings if I were ruler littering would be a very serious crime. You are trashing the habitat we all share, actually the plants and our insects and animals share with us,we are invaders and have all but destroyed everything. Again our only jobs right now is saving the habitat that we have left. If your job doesn't do this then it's not needed, sorry you big children won't be able to play with your toys or paint their faces with chemicals. People just will not give any of this total shit up even if it is going to save our planet and give their children a future. I think that says it, if your not willing to give up the shit you don't need at all now to survive in order to help clean up this worldwide disaster there is nothing that can help us. All the shit they have been putting in our foods ,water and air along with the very specific programming we are bombarded from an early age and other factors we are in a wash and will not come out clean, or even come out at all.
eriesurfer10 - 6 years ago
where is el slammo? give that metal to tucker!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Need to do a clean out and scrap it!!
Se7en Blessings
Se7en Blessings - 6 years ago
Pretty nice looking Ben.... I am super terrified of big waves because I can’t swim -Mami of (Se7enBlessings)
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
notxorc - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
eriesurfer10 - 6 years ago
roof rack?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
eriesurfer10 - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Shane O'Shanassy
Shane O'Shanassy - 6 years ago
Screw or velcro a travel bag or stretchy pocket type thing (maybe out of wetsuit material) to your roof that the boards can just slip in and out of.. could b a solution .
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
motox717 - 6 years ago
Impaling spikes sketch
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Phil Duclos
Phil Duclos - 6 years ago
Why not on the roof? No?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
The dream?
Phil Duclos
Phil Duclos - 6 years ago
Man, i guess they don't call it skeleton bay for nothin. As you very well know, we call what your doing getting a break "wired". It can be the difference between injury or worse. Pineapple slowly getting bigger, and bigger ftw.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Janene Sheader
Janene Sheader - 6 years ago
Wow! Those spikes made feel sick, how lucky have you and all of the people that surfed there been to not have hurt themselves on those.. You’d have to chances of gettin me in to the water around all that, and one of them is none.. I can’t say the other one!
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 6 years ago
Janene Sheader hahahahahahaha.....huge HECK NO!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
You're a legend!!
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 6 years ago
Janene Sheader come on Aussie!!!! Tell us the other option!!!
Donavan Heidinger
Donavan Heidinger - 6 years ago
El Sketcho!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
It's kind of heavy!!
MUTE8 - 6 years ago
Also Google "ceiling bungee net" as a potential spot for your boards
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Yes!! Epic
Ian Schwing
Ian Schwing - 6 years ago
Get some strings and hooks. Can tie the tight when ur moving.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Epic, thanks!!
chlela01 - 6 years ago
Don't become the first Gravy shish kabob. LOL. That is crazy though what potentially could be underneath you at any given break. Cant wait to surf again, waiting on some good days here in CFL. Yew!!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
It's kind of heavy!! Good luck to you getting some waves!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
SCRAP Kingdom!!!!
SCRAP Kingdom!!!! - 6 years ago
All those storms overtime have drag construction debris into the water
I wonder if anybody’s ever died from that getting impaled
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
:/ sketchy
SCRAP Kingdom!!!!
SCRAP Kingdom!!!! - 6 years ago
Wow I never realized all that is in there
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
kind of heavy!! HEAVY SCRAP LOAD!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I'm hoping so!! Thank you!
SCRAP Kingdom!!!!
SCRAP Kingdom!!!! - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy yah ya know it
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Gonna be heavy!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
For the dream!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago

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