Hilarious interview with hero surfers
Surf 6 years ago 489,359 views
Gold Coast surfers were forced to risk their own lives to save a pair of tourists in very real danger. Two of those surfers, Nick Chalmers and Angus McNicol joined us from Kirra Beach. Get more TODAY: http://todayshow.com.au Subscribe to TODAY: http://youtube.com/IWakeUpWithTODAY Like TODAY on Facebook: http://facebook.com/IWakeUpWithTODAY Follow TODAY on Twitter: http://twitter.com/thetodayshow Follow TODAY on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetodayshow
Settle down sweetheart, you’ll be okay.
What is it, that time of the month?
These sort of blokes are what makes Australia great. Humble Heroes.
and also flip flops.
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20. comment for Hilarious interview with hero surfers
30. comment for Hilarious interview with hero surfers
But is this media set up necessary? Some people obviously don't know what to do with their channel's budget...
50. comment for Hilarious interview with hero surfers
100. comment for Hilarious interview with hero surfers
Top marks men!
Castaway having built a surfboard and surfed to Australia. Rescues someone before touching land.
And another guy he hadn't seen in a long time jumps in and saved some guy.
Banter...is differs from country to country
Carl called them Hero's, I can't see how he could do this then be immature and degrading .
Maybe you've lost your sence of humor from watching to much ABC lately .
Show hosts - 0
How are the reporters encouraging this?! Women aren’t commodities who you can just save and try to “pick up”. She would have been more than capable of rescuing herself without this misogynist trying to save the day and get in her pants. #timesup
You think Missionary Bob here would have wagged his disapproving finger with just as much vim at some male had the genders been reversed?
Don't you see Anon's point here.
He says he believes it's a woman's expression of sexuality that offended you.
What I am curious about though is Anon's earlier point: You weighed in likening... um... face-sitting... to going to a toilet. And now you have hitched your wagon to the propriety horse.
Shifting goalposts like Anon said. Har har
In any case why do you think you get to decide on whats appropriate and what isn't? On Youtube messageboards anything goes you know.
And again GO CORINNE!
Here you exercised your right to call out what you saw as "classless" behaviour from a woman. If you can, in clear conscience, declare that you have similarly called out such behaviour from men in comment sections on YouTube, I'd be happy to take back my remarks about your patriarchy.
Secondly, you have suggested more than once that I'm somehow infringing upon your right to criticise. Scroll back, Bob. Not once have I tried to shut you down. I am merely engaging you in a dialogue. So, your assertion just doesn't hold water.
As for your accusing me of sexism, unless you have severe comprehension issues, it should be clear that my arguments here are not predicated on your gender.
I think that's just good old trolling. So, I don't see a need to address that.
Why, to use her own expression, slut-shame her for that?!
And, yes, I am 'butt-hurt' at the laughable patriarchy here.
If you don't want to discuss intimate stuff on public forums, don't! But, why get all judgmental about Corinne - who seems like a lovely, fiesty, spirited gal - just because she does?!
There you go shifting goalposts again!
The fact that you actually posted your observations here when you were under no pressure to seems to belie your assertion (trust you!) that you don't care about what people say.
Why is it classless, Bob? Since you have pretensions of being an arbitrator on things pertaining to classy behaviour, pray tell me, does it outrage your sense of class just as much when you read comments from men about what they want to do with women on even the most non-sexual videos here?
And, I applaud you if you truly found her response funny.
I don't think her anger springs from "knowing" she's wrong; it seems to me like she was merely responding to your apparent patriarchy and your value judgments.
If it is the expressions of sexuality in a public forum in general that you disapprove of, that's another matter.
But, your remarks seemed especially triggered by the fact that it came from a woman.
How is what Corinne said any more "disgusting" than the comments on practically every single video on YouTube featuring a woman?
You don't want to talk about that kind of thing? Sure. Suit yourself.
Why does her talking about it bother you?!
Has it to do with the fact that it's a woman who's expressing her sexuality here?
And, her "spew[ing] it" is the problem now?
Your earlier reference to toilets suggests that it was "the face-sitting" you had a (deep-rooted) problem with.
It gives one the impression that you are among those people who believe that sex is dirty because it involves your "dirty bits".
I could explain that to you if you're willing to listen.
You're acting like a child. Funnily enough, I'm probably less than half your age. Grow up.
What a terribly limited sex life your partners must have.
Oh well.
your mouth is my toilet
Isn't that wonderful?
Go fuck yourself you uptight cunt
You're disgusting.
Ha ha...
As a man you don’t do that? Yeah right ya don’t so don’t make pathetic attempts to slut shame me.
Now jog along and choke on another cock you little bitch
A homeless Bradley Cooper
He’s bantering with them. You don’t get the humour please just stop.
Get a sense of humour. You clearly don’t get the Aussie banter
The term Bogan was originally from Melbourne describing a person from the outter western suburbs or other poorer suburbs.
In Sydney you were a Westie.
The term Bogan has been taken up by social media to describe any traditional Aussie who’s of Anglo origin.
It’s a new racial slur more than anything now as the western suburbs of Sydney became overpopulated with immigrants from the third world.
They have been a blight on this country like everywhere in terms of decimating the quality of living as traffic and underemployment grow and wages fall.
To deflect this argument the go to defences has been ‘racism’. To differentiate themselves from the traditional Anglo Westie in the west of Sydney they took the term up of Bogan as racial pressures arose post Cronulla
As more and more interested migrants arrive and segregate the new racial moniker of Bogan has been overused to the point that it’s lost its original meaning.
Bogan is more of a racial slur now particularly online as it seems post Trump everyone has expressed their love of their melanin. Growing up I never heard Bogan nationally but as a kid all the asians and Lebanese were still westies if they acted like a Westie.
Now we are becoming racially balkanised living in a babbling brook.
Now it’s become a racial slur when uttered by non white australians.
The roles are reversed so although Karl looks like the straight man he is the bafoon and the surfer dudes seem to be more level headed ie the straight man. Hence there is humour here cause of the juxtaposition that has so many interlopers confused. It’s subtle but seems to be appreciated by more of the other English countries with the same sense of irony and self deprecation particularly England whom resemble the closest in culture . Those who don’t get it jump to criticism.
The side kick is the straight man and the straight man is the side kick.
It’s as old as British comedy with the exchange of banter to not only one up but to one down with self deprecation. They are famous for it. Funnnily enough the Aussies fused a new lexicon of even richer dimensions according to linguists of old. Yet that’s a dying art . All the snowflakes who wish to take to task those they don’t know are strangers picking at the curtains in another’s house and saying “ Ewww yuck”
Perhaps you can seek to understand. The interloper certainly has the advantage of judgement.
I didn't get the joke either.
Get a sense of humour you clearly don’t get the Aussie banter
Pretty sure the only newscasters on Aussie tv that are credible as journalists are on the ABC. It’s funny as fuck watching Karl lose it though!
Only me ❓