Hilarious interview with hero surfers

Gold Coast surfers were forced to risk their own lives to save a pair of tourists in very real danger. Two of those surfers, Nick Chalmers and Angus McNicol joined us from Kirra Beach. Get more TODAY: http://todayshow.com.au Subscribe to TODAY: http://youtube.com/IWakeUpWithTODAY Like TODAY on Facebook: http://facebook.com/IWakeUpWithTODAY Follow TODAY on Twitter: http://twitter.com/thetodayshow Follow TODAY on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetodayshow

Hilarious interview with hero surfers sentiment_very_dissatisfied 205

Surf 6 years ago 489,359 views

Gold Coast surfers were forced to risk their own lives to save a pair of tourists in very real danger. Two of those surfers, Nick Chalmers and Angus McNicol joined us from Kirra Beach. Get more TODAY: http://todayshow.com.au Subscribe to TODAY: http://youtube.com/IWakeUpWithTODAY Like TODAY on Facebook: http://facebook.com/IWakeUpWithTODAY Follow TODAY on Twitter: http://twitter.com/thetodayshow Follow TODAY on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetodayshow

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Most popular comments
for Hilarious interview with hero surfers

Raven 222
Raven 222 - 6 years ago
hey I wanna move to Australia where the ppl love to laugh.
Jbgray45 - 6 years ago
Raven 222 good on ya mate
Ella Bella Unicorn
Ella Bella Unicorn - 6 years ago
We do love a laugh, but remember to bring your thongs and veggimite
Jim Bob
Jim Bob - 6 years ago
yeah gday cunty! come down bro we'll go get some petty for the fire cook up some snags and have some froffies.
Satoshi Nakamoto
Satoshi Nakamoto - 6 years ago
this does not happen in America, where the news channel... "okay, we'll get ya laid mate!"
Oggy Oggy
Oggy Oggy - 6 years ago
Settle down sweetheart, you’ll be okay.
What is it, that time of the month?
hippyswift - 6 years ago
sounds like a good idea to me ;)
MS - 6 years ago
Same... I can work 4 free only for the laughing. Why isn't this VIRAL YET??? Come on people!!!
ClimberGreg - 6 years ago
Alejandro Rodriguez... I think this gut is a moron, he called the people drowning "idiots for getting themselves into that situation". Getting sucked out further into the water is very common, it happens to a lot of people, not just idiots. Not everyone grows up around oceans and can identify the danger.
Alejandro Rodriguez
Alejandro Rodriguez - 6 years ago
ClimberGreg I honestly think he's great. He's so full of energy that early in the morning
ClimberGreg - 6 years ago
I wouldn't move there just because the show host in the suit is really annoying!
dasha - 6 years ago
How ya going
dasha - 6 years ago
G'day mate!
Fozzy Bear
Fozzy Bear - 6 years ago
Raven 222 same
Nicole St. Louis
Nicole St. Louis - 6 years ago
Raven 222 eeeesh....hope you weren't using a shoe for undies!! Or wearing undies on your feet!
Edward Gross
Edward Gross - 6 years ago
Raven 222, Crazy Cat is right on, when you come a cuppla other things not to do.... Don't root for a team and don't talk about Fannie's
These sort of blokes are what makes Australia great. Humble Heroes.
Hadou Can
Hadou Can - 6 years ago
and also pluggers
Lynnette Turner
Lynnette Turner - 6 years ago
Come on down Raven 222, you'll love it here xx
Hadou Can
Hadou Can - 6 years ago
pack some sun screen and install an air conditioner in on your phone.
and also flip flops.
Tom Hertz
Tom Hertz - 6 years ago
They are actually Hero's . The term Hero gets thrown around alot and most don't deserve it BUT these guy are!!!
Mike M
Mike M - 6 years ago
you two are hero's they weren't laughing at you as Americans were all jealous of you two hero's
Mike M
Mike M - 6 years ago
that first bump was indication that you two truly truly impressed that report to no end you are to hero's
timber_beast - 6 years ago
They seem cool but drop in on them on their break and they'll cut your throat mate.
Eibhlin Murphy
Eibhlin Murphy - 6 years ago
Makes me proud to be an Aussie surfer.
Willy Dafoe
Willy Dafoe - 6 years ago
Hilarious interview with Jesus Christ.
colm kil
colm kil - 6 years ago
Isaac Leung
Isaac Leung - 6 years ago
The guy looks like Bradley Cooper with long hair
B C - 6 years ago
Cool and courageous heroes!

10. comment for Hilarious interview with hero surfers

Dream Time
Dream Time - 6 years ago
are these 4 twelve year olds?
Kelly Diprospero
Kelly Diprospero - 6 years ago
These newscasters are ridiculous.
thors blot
thors blot - 6 years ago
Why is it always males that are risking their lives by diving in to save drowning people? I thought that girls could do stuff too.
BrokenAndroid - 6 years ago
The newscaster wasn't being rude. Australian humour hinges a lot about mild digs. Also, it was funny having two stereotypical Gold Coast surfers on the show.
Stacy Coleman
Stacy Coleman - 6 years ago
awesome guys..real aussie heros..I love that Carl just laughs his ass off at the response.
French connection….
Sarah A
Sarah A - 6 years ago
JacksFilms is a surfer hero.
Monique Val
Monique Val - 6 years ago
Jesus Bieber on the left
Carol Steinfeld
Carol Steinfeld - 6 years ago
Those TV hosts are embarrassing. The surfers are more mature than they are.
Casey Lee
Casey Lee - 6 years ago
They're like the Aussie Chainsmokers but not musicians and not douchebags

20. comment for Hilarious interview with hero surfers

Simon - 6 years ago
he is no angel, he is jesus
Struggle - 6 years ago
How is this the most Australian thing I've ever seen.
Camila Gordillo
Camila Gordillo - 6 years ago
"Being the manly man that you are" - funny how we say that to acts of bravery but not when shootings carried by males happen :P
Samantha Zoost
Samantha Zoost - 6 years ago
ew i hate these news castors
K Lor
K Lor - 6 years ago
True men.
Erline Andrews
Erline Andrews - 6 years ago
What's up with the male anchor? He's offensive and annoying. He was mocking the two guys before they even started to speak.
Yallah Films
Yallah Films - 6 years ago
hi guys, I am proud to announce that Yallah Films youtube channel is the official creator of the 3 way vlog. go follow to see it for yourself!!!
Stank Planks
Stank Planks - 6 years ago
What legends!
Charné Du toit
Charné Du toit - 6 years ago
does someone know the song in the beginning?
me chloe
me chloe - 6 years ago
Surfers are amazing like that!!..well Aussies in general are amazing like that :)

30. comment for Hilarious interview with hero surfers

xyzct - 6 years ago
I'm surprised they didn't just walk on the water.
Mantonio Manderas
Mantonio Manderas - 6 years ago
Australians are awesome.
Eks Pedient
Eks Pedient - 6 years ago
All praise to our Savior Lord and God Christ Jesus!!!! The number of chances He gives us to seek who He is is unbelievable. Look how He loves us.
Tim - 6 years ago
Why post this now?! This happened in Feb 2013, 5 and a half years ago, that's bloody ages ago. Don't believe me? Google the surfer's name.
shardul satrange
shardul satrange - 6 years ago
lord jesus saved me!
Beadelf 81
Beadelf 81 - 6 years ago
literally aussie tv is the best
Paul Moore
Paul Moore - 6 years ago
How can you not love aussies
Nachannachle - 6 years ago
Jeez, they did something very noble.
But is this media set up necessary? Some people obviously don't know what to do with their channel's budget...
Milly S
Milly S - 6 years ago
Marry me Angus! Haha seriously though, what lovely lads!
Dick Masterson
Dick Masterson - 6 years ago
carls laugh is so cringey. hard to watch
Carl Smith
Carl Smith - 6 years ago
ya wooly mammouth- epic line
Stu art
Stu art - 6 years ago
Sassy the Sasquatch on the right
Hugh Mungus
Hugh Mungus - 6 years ago
Well.... Actually boys there's a video where people did watch someone drown.
prohyori - 6 years ago
That news guy has an odd humor to laughing hysterically. It wasnt that funny
Jordan Thistle
Jordan Thistle - 6 years ago
Angus looks like Bradley Cooper lol
Froggy - 6 years ago
I think the reporters realised that the guy on the right had a bit of a stereotypical jesus resemblance
Corn Wallis
Corn Wallis - 6 years ago
Imagine thinking your guna drown only to see "jesus" surfing up to you to save you life lol. Good job guys, this made my day.
Ag C
Ag C - 6 years ago
Anyone who says they don’t get it you’re clearly not in touch with Aussie banter
andy walton
andy walton - 6 years ago
About as funny as a kick in the bollox !
Zoe McKinnis
Zoe McKinnis - 6 years ago
Does anyone know what the background song is called or some of the lyrics???

50. comment for Hilarious interview with hero surfers

plop pill
plop pill - 6 years ago
I wish the media in the US was this cool
Kåre Jensen
Kåre Jensen - 6 years ago
I love aussie people.. Why the hell did I mive back to Denmark ?
THE FREELOADERS ENT. - 6 years ago
Australian Blake from workaholics
Lou Zer
Lou Zer - 6 years ago
Bradley Cooper moved to Australia and looks like Hippie Jesus now.
Iwan Thrasher
Iwan Thrasher - 6 years ago
fucking amazing :')
Vee - 6 years ago
These dudes look super relaxed and extra chilled. Come on guys get a job and be miserable like the rest of us.
constantinos schinas
constantinos schinas - 6 years ago
Jesus and Paul go Surfin
Shawna Mcintosh
Shawna Mcintosh - 6 years ago
Angus McNickle.... Lol what a name
dukedalington - 6 years ago
Riyun72 - 6 years ago
Had a spliff before the interview?
Flowmasta Flam
Flowmasta Flam - 6 years ago
....wooly mammoth
H Sig
H Sig - 6 years ago
I'd buy you two a beer. Well done mate's!
starry nite 540
starry nite 540 - 6 years ago
Bradley Cooper in australia?
dinosaursposter - 6 years ago
This should be titled “newscaster is a real prick during interview”
Alien Intention
Alien Intention - 6 years ago
Only in Australia. They made it fun. In America they would've had a psychiatrist present to analyze the psychological impact on those involved.
Tom tonka
Tom tonka - 6 years ago
jesus and his apprentice.
typicalaussie lad
typicalaussie lad - 6 years ago
For the people that think the reporter is odd or they were being rude. This is very mild aussie banter/humour. He's usually not so reserved.
glcwhistler - 6 years ago
If they were Indian or Chinese, or any type of Asians. I would have grabbed a cold beer and watched the show of them drowning.
Michael Kelligan
Michael Kelligan - 6 years ago
"Wooly mammoth"........lol spot on boys good work!
nick loss
nick loss - 6 years ago
does this show have a live steam on the web? I live in Toronto and came across the "plugger" clip the other day and couldn't stop laughing. Found a bunch of other hilarious ones after that and now i'm hooked! PS: comments were disabled on the first video so I couldn't ask... but what the hell is a "plugger"...?? Man, I gotta visit Australia!!
Blitzie 123
Blitzie 123 - 6 years ago
For the heck of it I listened to this again. At the very end if you listen closely the newscaster says in a real low tone " Yeah you woolly mammoth."
Fabo Andolini
Fabo Andolini - 6 years ago
The guy on the right only smiles, that was his face while he was rescuing the tourists
jnixa1010 - 6 years ago
Australians are awesome
charissecoal - 6 years ago
The hosts are kind of patronizing. The guys only rescued two people
Darth Tater
Darth Tater - 6 years ago
Lol those fucking news hosts are always laughing
Kezang Nendag
Kezang Nendag - 6 years ago
I was saved by the fishermen of Mangaluru in 2007. My friend said they were angels for saving us and they wore white shorts and vest, which were symbolic for us. And indeed they were angels. God bless them wherever they are.
jonnyQuest - 6 years ago
Fun, but not hilarious.
Bjamin M
Bjamin M - 6 years ago
The newscaster is a total ballbag
MegaMilez - 6 years ago
If Paul Burt was there he would have just used his fishing skills without even getting wet. LOL
figgsmania - 6 years ago
How are people mad in the comments smh
brlerowi - 6 years ago
These reporters are not funny.
LeeseMedia - 6 years ago
Lisa, did you remind the nice young guys "not to rape women" ? I thought we all needed to be reminded of this..
Diane Berg
Diane Berg - 6 years ago
If only we didn’t have to remind people
LeeseMedia - 6 years ago
lol - I'm sure she was quite happy out there and would much rather that perverted man's hands off of her !
thors blot
thors blot - 6 years ago
Angus Christ didn't get "enthusiastic consent" to rescue that girl, court case pending.
Jorge Cano
Jorge Cano - 6 years ago
I don’t get, it what’s so funny?
RidnTheShrtBus - 6 years ago
The guy on the right is Bradley Coopers twin.
Pete Smith
Pete Smith - 6 years ago
Aussie living in the USA for many years,still miss the laugh,and having a go at your mates.
King Ragnar
King Ragnar - 6 years ago
"it just got better" LMAO
Jabroney - 6 years ago
The make TV host should be your next pm
Bill Megatron
Bill Megatron - 6 years ago
The surfers are cool but the host is a douche
Stephanie Dittrich
Stephanie Dittrich - 6 years ago
"I figured I'd just jump off and see what happens"
jacobtb1 - 6 years ago
australia: the most magical place on earth
the king does what the king wants
the king does what the king wants - 6 years ago
That's it I'm fucking moving to Australia they're the coolest people ever
Edmund Snyder
Edmund Snyder - 6 years ago
Not hilarious
Dikkens Art
Dikkens Art - 6 years ago
Never thought Jesus would go down under
snowy out
snowy out - 6 years ago
Straight home to hit the bong :)
eltonsmor - 6 years ago
I wouldnt mind a bit of Angus...
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird - 6 years ago
Still waiting for the hilarious part
James C
James C - 6 years ago
If you think Karl is being mean, you're from a non commonwealth country
Mark O
Mark O - 6 years ago
Ya so funny :|
jen4hope1 - 6 years ago
I honestly thought the guy on the right was Bradley Cooper playing a role.
INDIGO K1D - 6 years ago
This makes me proud 2 be an australian

100. comment for Hilarious interview with hero surfers

Christian G
Christian G - 6 years ago
"You speak French big fella?" "I do now" LOL
tom belcher
tom belcher - 6 years ago
Wow..really? how professional of the male anchor saying they're idiots for going in.
Tanya Smith
Tanya Smith - 6 years ago
Great job guys!
6ix Nin9
6ix Nin9 - 6 years ago
obvs has never been to france smh
C B - 6 years ago
Great guys! They are the best example of us surfers. Compassionate and humble.
Top marks men!
Chris montgomery
Chris montgomery - 6 years ago
proper watermen right there.
Jarett Gunderson
Jarett Gunderson - 6 years ago
Fucking studs
KlohsCalls - 6 years ago
Imagine if this is just a setup for Nathan For You next season. He got us with the pig & goat rescue, wouldn't be too far fetched.
monkeyfingers - 6 years ago
Wow those reporters are hard to listen to.
Tyler Lizeé
Tyler Lizeé - 6 years ago
That guy is a hairy beast
The Lounge
The Lounge - 6 years ago
Wooly mammoth - awesome. Lol
C N - 6 years ago
Reporter was a jerk...surfers were cool, just another day at the beach...
Van Litespeed
Van Litespeed - 6 years ago
Far from 'hilarious'
Van Litespeed
Van Litespeed - 6 years ago
They said he could walk on water...
Markus Magnon
Markus Magnon - 6 years ago
I speak "french" now. omg. Those jokes are soooo silly. I am not 12 anymore. "french". We got it. Jesus.
GuyWithaHoodie - 6 years ago
wtf blake from workaholics likes to surf in aus?!
Jeff Bingaman
Jeff Bingaman - 6 years ago
Better title.

Castaway having built a surfboard and surfed to Australia. Rescues someone before touching land.
And another guy he hadn't seen in a long time jumps in and saved some guy.
E vazkee
E vazkee - 6 years ago
Good job Jesus
Riggor Mortis
Riggor Mortis - 6 years ago
People who think they were taking the piss need to go take their autism pills.
misskja66 - 6 years ago
Why so much laughing Karl? It detracts from the interview. He seems to be having a little party all on his own. Must be good gear me thinks.
Dubby Dub
Dubby Dub - 6 years ago
Wooly fucking Mammoth?
Rob Ert
Rob Ert - 6 years ago
Thats not jesus thats aquaman
Prentice Darren
Prentice Darren - 6 years ago
John the Baptist and Jesus, surfing the ocean instead of the desert, saving swimmers instead of sinners.
Otis Teetsmann
Otis Teetsmann - 6 years ago
Here in canada they would have been tried for sexual assault, the beach would be cordoned off until the taxpayer could be billed for 24/7 lifeguards to be on duty.
dan frisco
dan frisco - 6 years ago
Here in America they would have been accused of sexual harassment and then Trump would have been blamed for the waves.
Scott Wilson
Scott Wilson - 6 years ago
urthtone - 6 years ago
Angus McNicol might be the best name I've ever heard!
Vanda Dy
Vanda Dy - 6 years ago
They thought Jesus saved them
Karma Lama
Karma Lama - 6 years ago
Laughing down condescendingly towards men who risked their lives to save others. SMDH
Cord Barham
Cord Barham - 6 years ago
You missed the joke, it's ok I'm guessing you're not Australian
Riggor Mortis
Riggor Mortis - 6 years ago
CONDESCENDING? How was that condescending? The vibe those surfers gave off was a humble one and they certainly were comfortable with the reporters laughing at their "no big deal" attitude to a heroic feat. Please stop being a damn autist and learn to laugh again, remember those times? Those times before you took to alcoholism and other dopamine destroying drugs.
Jr Sanchez
Jr Sanchez - 6 years ago
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a woman's man, no time to talk...
NoSir SirSir
NoSir SirSir - 6 years ago
This news anchor feels greasy.
Bill Welsh
Bill Welsh - 6 years ago
Someone tell me ... how did this Karl guy get a job in broadcasting any kind of news? Maybe they grabbed him off the rounders circuit. No class.
Caine Cherubin
Caine Cherubin - 6 years ago
I didn’t realise she was French because she had really dark skin. WTF?
BrokenAndroid - 6 years ago
You don't really associate indigenous French people with black skin, now, do you...
James Laspesa
James Laspesa - 6 years ago
Fucking awesome! !
Bill Welsh
Bill Welsh - 6 years ago
Oh mate ... typical aussie "newsreaders" ... turning a rescue by 2 selfless guys into a joke. Nick & Angus deserve a genuine trophy ... the talking head "newsies" earned a couple or darwin awards or entry into the ABHS - Aussie Broadcasters Hall of Shame - SERIOUSLY ... Show some respect for a couple of Awesome Aussies who risked their lives for strangers while you galahs laugh your heads off. GOOD ON YOU ANGUS & NICK
Rita Shaw
Rita Shaw - 6 years ago
I love this show! They are so much more entertaining then in the States
Dr Love
Dr Love - 6 years ago
Australia seems like an awesome place to live. People seem very happy.
Ivor Scrotumic
Ivor Scrotumic - 6 years ago
Fucking love Aussies...!!!
SAM SMITH - 6 years ago
Hilarious if you are a tool of a newsman. I didn't get the joke. He saved her because it was a girl! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Time to throw up..
WeWantYouToStay - 6 years ago
Name of song at the beginning?
gstate4ever - 6 years ago
Whenever they have these down and dirty Aussie locals on the show it's hard not laugh because of how the hosts really seem to enjoy the local attitude.
Shaun Michael Chase
Shaun Michael Chase - 6 years ago
Awesome self less act.
Zamara Moon
Zamara Moon - 6 years ago
That male newscaster is a tool.
Abradolf Lincler
Abradolf Lincler - 6 years ago
Dude looks like the Love Guru!
Michael Sedgley
Michael Sedgley - 6 years ago
The male reporter is a patronising twat.
Ava Leemet
Ava Leemet - 6 years ago
Anyone know the name of the song playing in the background?
Quick Fruits
Quick Fruits - 6 years ago
Great action from the two guys but those hosts were straight up rude. Somehow they think they are better than the guys. Nope.
KIWI CHRIS - 6 years ago
Mate, you just don't get the Aussie humour is all.
Banter...is differs from country to country
Aidan Sharples
Aidan Sharples - 6 years ago
"yeah, she got sucked out the groyne."
Matt - 6 years ago
Why did he jump in with fins in his hands instead of on his feet??
Yeeeeaaaaaahhh!! - 6 years ago
"Wooly Mammoth" lmao
Nic Bing
Nic Bing - 6 years ago
Whoz the" DICK" in the blue suit  ???? ferkin wannabee yank ?
hippyswift - 6 years ago
these guys are legends ;) too kool for school haha
Giddeon Goode
Giddeon Goode - 6 years ago
LOL! love these guys. hilarious all around.
Lester Green
Lester Green - 6 years ago
Good to see human beings being bros
Joshua Norris
Joshua Norris - 6 years ago
Ray Ray
Ray Ray - 6 years ago
Isn’t this old af?
rascal - 6 years ago
Yeah he does look like Jesus
rascal - 6 years ago
Saived thei loives
Cameron Blake
Cameron Blake - 6 years ago
How is your lame program still being aired?
David Fimbres
David Fimbres - 6 years ago
“I do now” lol
Weldon Mix
Weldon Mix - 6 years ago
What's hilarious? I don't get it
Riggor Mortis
Riggor Mortis - 6 years ago
A Wandering Gypsy
A Wandering Gypsy - 6 years ago
slugphace renik
slugphace renik - 6 years ago
wait so there not hippie sabatoge
Tammie Rose-Kirk
Tammie Rose-Kirk - 6 years ago
Pretty girls
HigherPlanes - 6 years ago
They're acting like his name isn't Angus McNickle
Peter D.
Peter D. - 6 years ago
Why didn't the dude on the right just walk on the water to get to the people?
John Vanegmond
John Vanegmond - 6 years ago
Three Stooges Census Taker, "Are you married or you happy?" Angus looked the happier of the two.
prieto21 - 6 years ago
Aren't the anchors just ridiculously patronizing to them?
jim bob
jim bob - 6 years ago
Kasandra what's the view like from your moral high horse. ?
Carl called them Hero's, I can't see how he could do this then be immature and degrading .
Maybe you've lost your sence of humor from watching to much ABC lately .
Kasandra - 6 years ago
jim bob Carl was actually rude and immature, if you're going to laugh then at least make the jokes good.. Most Aussies would simply say "good onya mate" & wouldn't laugh in their faces. Yes, we don't take everyone let Adobe alone ourselves srsly but we're generally pretty polite and more mature than this.
Cord Barham
Cord Barham - 6 years ago
Nahh mate, Karl is a legend and hes pumping them up...good natured fun all round
jim bob
jim bob - 6 years ago
prieto21 are you from Australia. ?
prieto21 - 6 years ago
It just seems like they're trying to give off an air of "Oh boy, look at those simple beach bums. They have good hearts, but boy are they simpletons."
jim bob
jim bob - 6 years ago
Na man it's just Australian sence of humor , just having fun.
White Rabbit
White Rabbit - 6 years ago
Australian anchors seem to aways be conceited
Tacca Chantrieri
Tacca Chantrieri - 6 years ago
The anchorman needs to chill a bit with his overlaughing and inappropriate comments. Nice story though.
snipper - 6 years ago
C. Martin
C. Martin - 6 years ago
Rude News Reporter!!
greg Madore
greg Madore - 6 years ago
Surfers all seem to be the most laid back coolest people around
WIL SUPER - 6 years ago
Listen good for them but comon these dudes didn’t risk shit. Getting into water conditions like that is the norm for these dudes.
TJ Soulsurfer
TJ Soulsurfer - 6 years ago
What a crack up!
nematoad - 6 years ago
These seems like it could be an snl sketch
Robert Zurn
Robert Zurn - 6 years ago
Let me know when the hilarious part begins.
CYCLOWL - 6 years ago
Jesus surfs!!!
TheSpriteStory - 6 years ago
The interviewers sounded condescending
RegularSize Russ
RegularSize Russ - 6 years ago
Why does the "Today" show in the U.S suck soooo hard? It could be funny too!
Kevin Kiss
Kevin Kiss - 6 years ago
Calls him a "woolly mamath" Right at the end, haha.
•Antoniø Brah•
•Antoniø Brah• - 6 years ago
Dylan Luke
Dylan Luke - 6 years ago
they got caught off guard. true
Boston Dominant
Boston Dominant - 6 years ago
calosbabos - 6 years ago
Very idiotic from the tourist but great move helping them
Nita French
Nita French - 6 years ago
That newsguy gets on my nerves. Such a dip.
Casey Carnes
Casey Carnes - 6 years ago
good on ya lads
anonymous papi
anonymous papi - 6 years ago
Guy on the right suffered for my sins
Hunter Tully
Hunter Tully - 6 years ago
That male newscaster is such a frat like douchebag. What's so damn funny? I don't get it.
Forrest Michael
Forrest Michael - 6 years ago
Justin Bieber and Bradley Cooper
C.P Nationals
C.P Nationals - 6 years ago
What part was hilarious?
Jordan Sage
Jordan Sage - 6 years ago
It's Jesus!!!
Arpan Bhattacharya
Arpan Bhattacharya - 6 years ago
They are Jesus , they can walk on water
Megan Sampson
Megan Sampson - 6 years ago
I loved the part when he's like I didn't know she was French because of her dark skin bahahhaha and the friend was like this just got better bahahahahs
Corey S
Corey S - 6 years ago
This right here is why I pay for the internet!!! Made my week.
The Shovster
The Shovster - 6 years ago
The newscaster dude must of been in on a private joke or just smoked something because he acted like it was the funniest thing ever but it was only slightly amusing
Iyam Whatiyam
Iyam Whatiyam - 6 years ago
Surfers - 10
Show hosts - 0
Byron Bandit
Byron Bandit - 6 years ago
That male anchorman is such a dickhead!
BratBusters Parenting
BratBusters Parenting - 6 years ago
Love these guys. Heroes with humility and humour.
Lori Ellen Brochhagen
Lori Ellen Brochhagen - 6 years ago
Hugs to the surfers ... not too impressed with that patronizing newscaster--they deserved better than him
jeaniebird - 6 years ago
I don't see what's so funny. It's not THAT funny.
mary mattering
mary mattering - 6 years ago
god that Karl is a wanker
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
MrNiceHk - 6 years ago
I love this programme ..... Good on ya guuuuys
jimmyfly - 6 years ago
can't really be australia, i didn't hear "mate" even once.
maxcat1982 - 6 years ago
Aussie’s are the best. True Beasts they are.. If I was told I had to live somewhere else besides USA it would be Australia!
bevillenz - 6 years ago
This has to be staged!
Mel Mel
Mel Mel - 6 years ago
Who wants to hook up with a surfer with no job or money? line up, ladies.
Divinion - 6 years ago
The hosts are immature and cringey as hell. Bravo to the guys for the rescue and to put up with the children interviewing them.
Jaq Tweedie
Jaq Tweedie - 6 years ago
Hey news man, you're a patronizing fuckwit who asks ridiculous questions. Just informing you
Sarah Westling
Sarah Westling - 6 years ago
Australian TV is fun!
Maoriprincess _1
Maoriprincess _1 - 6 years ago
Wait! Is this old? Like last year?
Siosiua Feaomoeata
Siosiua Feaomoeata - 6 years ago
So what part of this video was hilarious???....
Siosiua Feaomoeata
Siosiua Feaomoeata - 6 years ago
Alpha Zionist Jew the part when your mom lol'd it....lol...
Alpha Zionist Jew
Alpha Zionist Jew - 6 years ago
siosiua what part of ur reply was worthy of a lol if u don't lol at the vid
Siosiua Feaomoeata
Siosiua Feaomoeata - 6 years ago
Solutionist ' i would but you ate it all...lol...
Solutionist '
Solutionist ' - 6 years ago
Siosiua Feaomoeata get some a.nti depressants mate
Katherine - 6 years ago
Seems like the guy anchor wants a date...
JesusReallyDoesLoveYou dot com
JesusReallyDoesLoveYou dot com - 6 years ago
Wow, the news guy calling the victims idiots....yikes. www.JesusReallyDoesLoveYou.com
I Cameron
I Cameron - 6 years ago
Amazing vision? Did Michael Cheika script this.
john matheson
john matheson - 6 years ago
Would love to know how today found that interview hilarious the dudes answered the questions that were asked and that was it not like they were giving cocky answers trying to be hilarious
itsmyluckyday11 - 6 years ago
I really REALLY wish people were as fun loving and easy going here in the US. I literally don not remember the last time I saw a big genuine smile.
Renee Haug
Renee Haug - 6 years ago
I think the two reporters were super rude and very judgemental towards those brave young men. I wonder if they would ever jump into a dangerous situation like the surfers did to save someone they had never met?! Kudos to all the surfers out there who enjoy life and live it to the fullest! Good job guys!
ThePereubu1710 - 6 years ago
lighten up Renee, it's just the Aussie way! :D
Jordan Thistle
Jordan Thistle - 6 years ago
They were judgement toward the guys. If you got that then you don't know Aussie humor mate.
peter howe
peter howe - 6 years ago
Renee... you are obviously not an aussie.
INDIGO K1D - 6 years ago
what r tripping on, mate thats aussie humour nothing rude
Bill Welsh
Bill Welsh - 6 years ago
YES YES YES ... Totally agree
xiocrafter - 6 years ago
Exactly. See my comment.
John Vanegmond
John Vanegmond - 6 years ago
Renee Haug....What those guys did is what they do and who they are. They had the power to do good and did it. Helped some one in need. Clear heads. One grabbed his fins. I doubt they had anything to do with this story going public. They seemed like the "meh, right place, right time, no biggee" sort of men.
Martin Christian
Martin Christian - 6 years ago
jesus came back already, he's aussie
seethroughwalls - 6 years ago
Love the seaweed hair. Guy on the right looks like Neptune, King of the Sea.
I W - 6 years ago
wooly mamoth
David Ly
David Ly - 6 years ago
I mean god damn! Hero’s
Riggor Mortis
Riggor Mortis - 6 years ago
How? U fairy
Tennys Sandgren
Tennys Sandgren - 6 years ago
The guy with the beard is such a sexist misogynistic pig.

How are the reporters encouraging this?! Women aren’t commodities who you can just save and try to “pick up”. She would have been more than capable of rescuing herself without this misogynist trying to save the day and get in her pants. #timesup
Roger Davis
Roger Davis - 6 years ago
troll lol
Just John
Just John - 6 years ago
Good blokes !!
Northern Lights
Northern Lights - 6 years ago
Corinne Marie if you wanna have a seat...I’ll clear a place on my face yeah!
thors blot
thors blot - 6 years ago
LOL my god, just yuk.
Neon Brasian
Neon Brasian - 6 years ago
Some things are better left unsaid.
sentbackfrom2084 - 6 years ago
sorry Corinne, Angus does not like traps. He like real women.
nickmirandon - 6 years ago
Roger Davis toasted
be nice
be nice - 6 years ago
Corinne Marie well this Swanky Yankee would eat your ass all day all night. Hubba girl
Ptenis Nut
Ptenis Nut - 6 years ago
Yuck Foutube, that sort of attitude from males has been normalised so much that no one even bats an eyelid at such instances.
You think Missionary Bob here would have wagged his disapproving finger with just as much vim at some male had the genders been reversed?
Yuck Foutube
Yuck Foutube - 6 years ago
Settle down. If a male said that about you the plot would be lost.
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 6 years ago
Corinne Marie I appreciate you.
Oddly Wired
Oddly Wired - 6 years ago
Luke Skywalker - lmao
Dubby Dub
Dubby Dub - 6 years ago
I would be happy to clear you a place.
in the making
in the making - 6 years ago
Anon HK no in
bootsy - 6 years ago
Just call me Angus
John Vanegmond
John Vanegmond - 6 years ago
Corinne Marie......He'd probably turn you down out of respect to your advanced years. I think you're older than his mum.
Ptenis Nut
Ptenis Nut - 6 years ago
Bob Smith ha ha ha.
Don't you see Anon's point here.
He says he believes it's a woman's expression of sexuality that offended you.
What I am curious about though is Anon's earlier point: You weighed in likening... um... face-sitting... to going to a toilet. And now you have hitched your wagon to the propriety horse.
Shifting goalposts like Anon said. Har har
In any case why do you think you get to decide on whats appropriate and what isn't? On Youtube messageboards anything goes you know.
And again GO CORINNE!
Anon HK
Anon HK - 6 years ago
Bob Smith, "...a man OR a woman...".
Here you exercised your right to call out what you saw as "classless" behaviour from a woman. If you can, in clear conscience, declare that you have similarly called out such behaviour from men in comment sections on YouTube, I'd be happy to take back my remarks about your patriarchy.

Secondly, you have suggested more than once that I'm somehow infringing upon your right to criticise. Scroll back, Bob. Not once have I tried to shut you down. I am merely engaging you in a dialogue. So, your assertion just doesn't hold water.

As for your accusing me of sexism, unless you have severe comprehension issues, it should be clear that my arguments here are not predicated on your gender.
I think that's just good old trolling. So, I don't see a need to address that.
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 6 years ago
What you're trying to do is deny a man his own opinion, because he dared to criticize a woman's behavior. You're the one being sexist against men and you aren't even aware of it.
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 6 years ago
I think it's classless if a woman OR a man does it, so your patriarchy comment makes no sense and belies your idiotic ideological grounding. Imagine a group of people are sitting on a couch and you're watching the news together and some woman goes "wow, I want to sit on that guy's face!" You're going to start bitching about "the patriarchy" because people react to that? I think that's really sad.
Anon HK
Anon HK - 6 years ago
Roger, La Rochelle and Bob, sure, Corinne is more comfortable expressing her sexuality than any of you or I would ever be about expressing ours.
Why, to use her own expression, slut-shame her for that?!
And, yes, I am 'butt-hurt' at the laughable patriarchy here.

If you don't want to discuss intimate stuff on public forums, don't! But, why get all judgmental about Corinne - who seems like a lovely, fiesty, spirited gal - just because she does?!

Anon HK
Anon HK - 6 years ago
Bob Smith
There you go shifting goalposts again!
The fact that you actually posted your observations here when you were under no pressure to seems to belie your assertion (trust you!) that you don't care about what people say.

Why is it classless, Bob? Since you have pretensions of being an arbitrator on things pertaining to classy behaviour, pray tell me, does it outrage your sense of class just as much when you read comments from men about what they want to do with women on even the most non-sexual videos here?
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker - 6 years ago
Did u sit on his face yet?
Anon HK
Anon HK - 6 years ago
Roger Davis, ha ha. She called you out, and she owned you real good!
And, I applaud you if you truly found her response funny.

I don't think her anger springs from "knowing" she's wrong; it seems to me like she was merely responding to your apparent patriarchy and your value judgments.

If it is the expressions of sexuality in a public forum in general that you disapprove of, that's another matter.
But, your remarks seemed especially triggered by the fact that it came from a woman.
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 6 years ago
I couldn't care less about what someone says. Trust me. But I am free to express myself whenever I want to according to your own standards of behavior, so check yourself. I was having a laugh. Stop joke shaming me. You're the one getting butthurt here.
Anon HK
Anon HK - 6 years ago
La Rochelle, I am willing to listen. Do indulge me.

How is what Corinne said any more "disgusting" than the comments on practically every single video on YouTube featuring a woman?
Anon HK
Anon HK - 6 years ago
Bob Smith, too bad you're not quite classy enough to just let a person say what she wants to without getting your panties all in a bunch.

You don't want to talk about that kind of thing? Sure. Suit yourself.
Why does her talking about it bother you?!

Has it to do with the fact that it's a woman who's expressing her sexuality here?

And, her "spew[ing] it" is the problem now?
Your earlier reference to toilets suggests that it was "the face-sitting" you had a (deep-rooted) problem with.
It gives one the impression that you are among those people who believe that sex is dirty because it involves your "dirty bits".
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 6 years ago
I enjoy facesitting as much as the next douche, the difference is I have the class not to spew about it on a public forum where it doesn't belong.
La Rochelle
La Rochelle - 6 years ago
Oddly Wired
I could explain that to you if you're willing to listen.
La Rochelle
La Rochelle - 6 years ago
Corinne Marie
You're acting like a child. Funnily enough, I'm probably less than half your age. Grow up.
Anon HK
Anon HK - 6 years ago
Bob Smith
What a terribly limited sex life your partners must have.
Oh well.
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 6 years ago
Hey, if you hold your ear up to this conch shell, you can hear Corinne's mating call in the distance. Here, listen!

your mouth is my toilet

Isn't that wonderful?
Corinne Marie
Corinne Marie - 6 years ago
La Rochelle Maybe you’d be a happier person filled with less disgust if you were confident enough to go off like a frog in a sock.
Go fuck yourself you uptight cunt
Jon MacDonald
Jon MacDonald - 6 years ago
La Rochelle Hey don't be mad Because you are a Fat Chav who never gets any Action!!
La Rochelle
La Rochelle - 6 years ago
Corinne Marie
You're disgusting.
Jon MacDonald
Jon MacDonald - 6 years ago
Corinne Marie Damn You Rock!
Ptenis Nut
Ptenis Nut - 6 years ago
Go Corinne! Ya tell him!
Ha ha...
Corinne Marie
Corinne Marie - 6 years ago
Roger Davis Emotions? Seeing a good looking men and wanting to ride his face like a Texan cowgirl in a rodeo isn’t anything to do with emotions. It’s simply seeing someone that I find attractive enough to fuck.
As a man you don’t do that? Yeah right ya don’t so don’t make pathetic attempts to slut shame me.
Now jog along and choke on another cock you little bitch
Roger Davis
Roger Davis - 6 years ago
wow! a real slut! do you have emotions for every good looker you see?
Dapper Laughs
Dapper Laughs - 6 years ago
Its like if Beavis and Butthead starred in the cast away movie and this is them when they were found two decades later lmao. Cornholio.
Andrew Ragner L
Andrew Ragner L - 6 years ago
Dude looks like Bradley Cooper on the right.
Monique Val
Monique Val - 6 years ago
justin bieber on the left
starry nite 540
starry nite 540 - 6 years ago
Andrew Ragner L haha yep Bradley Cooper and robert plant baby child
Charles T
Charles T - 6 years ago
Andrew Ragner L
A homeless Bradley Cooper
Tara duncanson
Tara duncanson - 6 years ago
These boys restore my faith in humanity. ❤️
Shelly Lavigne
Shelly Lavigne - 6 years ago
Like, soo neat lads!!
Ash - 6 years ago
FacheChanteDeux - 6 years ago
Angus has to be the second coming of Chris Cornell.
Nick B.
Nick B. - 6 years ago
can i marry the guy on the right
Riggor Mortis
Riggor Mortis - 6 years ago
@Nick mate, stop gaying up the place. This was family friendly until you couldn't control your gay hormones.
Tim Ogden
Tim Ogden - 6 years ago
Nick B. I hea r d he already has a boyfriend.
Nick B.
Nick B. - 6 years ago
says who dipshit
KaptKan1 - 6 years ago
No; you have to be female.
Stormy Kardashian
Stormy Kardashian - 6 years ago
He's cute
Nelia Eppcoo
Nelia Eppcoo - 6 years ago
Such beautiful souls.....well done
Shine baby shine
Shine baby shine - 6 years ago
The male reporter is a douche
Dave Cooke
Dave Cooke - 6 years ago
"Well, it was no big deal." he said, "I can walk on water, after all."
Nicole St. Louis
Nicole St. Louis - 6 years ago
How does that gorgeous man not have a gf??!
Alien Intention
Alien Intention - 6 years ago
Nicole St. Louis ...scorned and jaded? Typical female shaming language when a man doesn't bow to your filthy feet. How many cats do you have?
Alien Intention
Alien Intention - 6 years ago
John Vanegmond ...touche my man.
Corey B
Corey B - 6 years ago
because the dude wants to live life and can probably bang a chick without settling down.
Jabroney - 6 years ago
Fookin poof
brrr - 6 years ago
Martina some ppl are just weirdos that dude looks so musty
Patrick - 6 years ago
she drowned
Ericknowsbest !
Ericknowsbest ! - 6 years ago
Why? Cause he'd rather bang different woman every night then deal with one nagging him every day
ProPaleo - 6 years ago
He doesn’t have a gf because no girl feels worthy enough for Jesus.
_ _
_ _ - 6 years ago
Because y'all are fucking crazy.
Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson - 6 years ago
John Joo where’s the video? I can’t find it anywhere.
John Vanegmond
John Vanegmond - 6 years ago
Nicole St. Louis.....Did you think maybe he doesn't want one? Maybe he did a cost benefit analysis. To many risks. Maybe he sees his mates life controlled by a sweetheart. Maybe his mum divorced his dad, dad couldn't see the kids and had to pay overwhelming child support and alimony and blew his brains out. Maybe he's seen to many Miss Jekyll's turn into Miss Hyde's. Maybe he saw a mate put his arm around a girl and get accused of assault. Maybe he is aware that if a girl attacks him and he defends himself HE goes to jail and she is a victim. And with all that knowledge he does not fear, he simply avoids the risk. Hey, you asked.
Breeze Incognito
Breeze Incognito - 6 years ago
Not for long
Mike Brink
Mike Brink - 6 years ago
Simple, he doesn't have much money
Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson - 6 years ago
Jon MacDonald fake news
Ee Tee
Ee Tee - 6 years ago
cos he has a bf
Jon MacDonald
Jon MacDonald - 6 years ago
Nicole St. Louis Because he is a Pole smoking mo mo
Nicole St. Louis
Nicole St. Louis - 6 years ago
I'm from Canada. Discovered you because of Sabre Norris. But subbed because I love a news station with a sense of humour....you folks are nailing it.
Nicole St. Louis
Nicole St. Louis - 6 years ago
Julie I AM that's hilarious! Happens here during Calgary Stampede...the whole city is drunk for days, but insist on carrying on business as usual.
Julie I AM
Julie I AM - 6 years ago
Nicole St. Louis Its Carl they let him get away with so much and he's so out there! He was pissed on the show one morning after the melbourn cup drinks night that never ended I think he was so funny.
Aisha Hussein
Aisha Hussein - 6 years ago
Nick looks like surfer bieber
foxtroit alpha
foxtroit alpha - 6 years ago
Shazam the song if you want to know
Hunter Woltz
Hunter Woltz - 6 years ago
foxtroit alpha Sweet Disposition
Blitzie 123
Blitzie 123 - 6 years ago
Sorry but I wasn't getting the humor like that guy newscaster. What was up with him?? Am I missing something here?
Kapampangan Gamer
Kapampangan Gamer - 6 years ago
He is insulting them.
Movie Jose
Movie Jose - 6 years ago
Morgan Carl seems like the kind of guy that is always the buffoon.
Max Lachance
Max Lachance - 6 years ago
You just have a shitty American sense of humor and need every joke to be explicitly spelled out for you.
MeowYap - 6 years ago
Morgan Hayward oh shut up
Aloha - 6 years ago
I dont get it either. He REALLY thought they were hilarious... he turned red from laughing at them. I sort of felt like he was teasing them. They seem like sweethearts & should be praised for their good deed, not teased on live television in front of the whole world, no? I dont know if I should be offended for them or not. Maybe its Aussie humor that I dont get?
me chloe
me chloe - 6 years ago
Yeah...Karl laughs are everything!! U can even search Karl losing it lol
Mike D
Mike D - 6 years ago
Clearly you are not Australian..
The Night Hob
The Night Hob - 6 years ago
A sense of humour
WhatsTheStory Girl
WhatsTheStory Girl - 6 years ago
Its called aussie humor. We aussies get it. Its not being mean or rude its being endearing. This is an aussie thing to do. We laugh cuz we love them! I laughed too.
Ag C
Ag C - 6 years ago
Blitzie 123
He’s bantering with them. You don’t get the humour please just stop.
Blitzie 123
Blitzie 123 - 6 years ago
Have to listen to the very end. I watched it again and heard that male newscaster call the guy a woolly mammoth under his breath. so I think he was kind of making fun of the guy.
Ag C
Ag C - 6 years ago
S.P.S. G.E.
Get a sense of humour. You clearly don’t get the Aussie banter
Riyun72 - 6 years ago
You got to be from Sydney area,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Fabo Andolini
Fabo Andolini - 6 years ago
Blitzie 123 he finds humor in everything, he just enjoys life dont wry about it lol
Jabroney - 6 years ago
Morgan Hayward
Morgan Hayward - 6 years ago
Michael Acquaviva

The term Bogan was originally from Melbourne describing a person from the outter western suburbs or other poorer suburbs.

In Sydney you were a Westie.

The term Bogan has been taken up by social media to describe any traditional Aussie who’s of Anglo origin.

It’s a new racial slur more than anything now as the western suburbs of Sydney became overpopulated with immigrants from the third world.

They have been a blight on this country like everywhere in terms of decimating the quality of living as traffic and underemployment grow and wages fall.

To deflect this argument the go to defences has been ‘racism’. To differentiate themselves from the traditional Anglo Westie in the west of Sydney they took the term up of Bogan as racial pressures arose post Cronulla

As more and more interested migrants arrive and segregate the new racial moniker of Bogan has been overused to the point that it’s lost its original meaning.

Bogan is more of a racial slur now particularly online as it seems post Trump everyone has expressed their love of their melanin. Growing up I never heard Bogan nationally but as a kid all the asians and Lebanese were still westies if they acted like a Westie.

Now we are becoming racially balkanised living in a babbling brook.

Now it’s become a racial slur when uttered by non white australians.
Community Grow
Community Grow - 6 years ago
`Michael, surfers yeah, but not straight bogans, which are akin to your trailer trash. they are also called "westies", depending where abouts in oz you live.
Michael Acquaviva
Michael Acquaviva - 6 years ago
Community Grow But are they bogans or are they surfers? I thought bogans were akin to what we call trailer trash here in the US...
Morgan Hayward
Morgan Hayward - 6 years ago
It’s probably funnier to Aussies as the boys are in on it too. It’s a classic comedic set up. Very traditional British humour yet with the laconic Aussie edge. The straight man and the side kick. The boys are in on it and although being seemingly mocked come out on top as Karl plays the fool. It’s traditional back handed compliment comedy.

The roles are reversed so although Karl looks like the straight man he is the bafoon and the surfer dudes seem to be more level headed ie the straight man. Hence there is humour here cause of the juxtaposition that has so many interlopers confused. It’s subtle but seems to be appreciated by more of the other English countries with the same sense of irony and self deprecation particularly England whom resemble the closest in culture . Those who don’t get it jump to criticism.

The side kick is the straight man and the straight man is the side kick.

It’s as old as British comedy with the exchange of banter to not only one up but to one down with self deprecation. They are famous for it. Funnnily enough the Aussies fused a new lexicon of even richer dimensions according to linguists of old. Yet that’s a dying art . All the snowflakes who wish to take to task those they don’t know are strangers picking at the curtains in another’s house and saying “ Ewww yuck”

Perhaps you can seek to understand. The interloper certainly has the advantage of judgement.
Riggor Mortis
Riggor Mortis - 6 years ago
I feel bad for the autists who don't understand sweet situations like this, so I'll help. It's funny because what they did was a heroic feat, but they were just stereotypical surfer guys doing their thing and justifying their bravery because it was a hot French female in danger. It wasn't hilarious, just positively funny.
Community Grow
Community Grow - 6 years ago
we like to laugh at out own, particularly the bogan nuances of the different stereotypes that links us all.
vzgsxr - 6 years ago
Carl basically laughs at anyone who isn't clean cut or doesn't wear a suit like him. He's a dick.
Hollywood Sunset
Hollywood Sunset - 6 years ago
Their look - surfer dudes
S.P.S. G.E.
S.P.S. G.E. - 6 years ago
Hes laughing because they have long hair and he thinks hes better than them cus hes some jock in a suit with a buzzcut
sean carr
sean carr - 6 years ago
Newscaster is a fuckwit. Setting shit up. Faker
KaptKan1 - 6 years ago
The funny bit is that the newscaster is obviously on drugs while the surfers aren't stoned at all.
jimmyfly - 6 years ago
he jumped in because it was a woman, and the newscaster guessed it.
Dina Bernal
Dina Bernal - 6 years ago
Blitzie 123
I didn't get the joke either.
Ido - 6 years ago
They're very stereotypical Australians.
K It
K It - 6 years ago
Aww my favorite song!! "Sweet Disposition" by temper Trap!
Elisabeth Hays
Elisabeth Hays - 6 years ago
The surfers in Australia, especially the ones on Today, are awesome!!!!
Ashley sama
Ashley sama - 6 years ago
LOL, there is nothing like Aussie humor and ANGELS, TOO.
Elektriqa - 6 years ago
Jesus and Peter saved the tourists
William Moorer
William Moorer - 6 years ago
I'm moving to Australia just so I can watch this news channel everyday
Dick Masterson
Dick Masterson - 6 years ago
hahahahahahaha (major sarcasm)
Jane Smitherson
Jane Smitherson - 6 years ago
Jesus and Jesus Jr.
simon brown
simon brown - 6 years ago
Risked their lives? Way to hype the story up dickheads, they did what any competent Australian swimmers would do. Good blokes though and good on them.
Riggor Mortis
Riggor Mortis - 6 years ago
Simon mate, you don't know how strong those currents are, please shut your fat pie hole, you probs got no legs mate.
RealFarknMcCoy - 6 years ago
The beach had been closed - the surf was dangerous. Let's see YOU go out in those kind of conditions to rescue a drowning person.
B R - 6 years ago
Douche newscaster
Dave - 6 years ago
how in the slightest way was he a douche. He loved them
Ag C
Ag C - 6 years ago
Get a sense of humour you clearly don’t get the Aussie banter
peter howe
peter howe - 6 years ago
Douche American thinking his pea brain understands the world
James C
James C - 6 years ago
Karl is well known in Aus for being like that. The two surfers loved it
Hotflop2011 - 6 years ago
He’s just doing his job for the masses. I found it entertaining
kingfaggot - 6 years ago
banter deficient americans
xiocrafter - 6 years ago
Well said. See my comments.
Edward Gross
Edward Gross - 6 years ago
Aussie blokes at their best - proud of you fellas
Sweet Kalia
Sweet Kalia - 6 years ago
He reminds me of my dad
trixie beldon
trixie beldon - 6 years ago
These tv "personalitys," are a discredit to the community. Definitely not professional news casters. I m shocked at their childish, yet judgemental, and sexist behavior. What a pair. Grow up ! This was a serious situation and the surfers deserve to be treated with respect. "...French girl..." WTF?
eltondroid - 6 years ago
Triggered trixie
xiocrafter - 6 years ago
Yeah PrinceofLillies? You're not even responding to what trixie said. You're just saying, "Oh, you're a stick in the mud trixie. How dare you point out injustice when I'm enjoying some derisive humiliation of another person based on my classist sentiment".
xiocrafter - 6 years ago
Exactlty. If the Youtube video were reframed in terms of Newscasters behaving like bigotted, puerile twats, then it would make sense. So, I suppose the person who originally titled and uploaded the video is mostly to blame.
Ihopeyoudie Fucker
Ihopeyoudie Fucker - 6 years ago
trixie beldon you sound like a real piece of work. This is how real people are.. they are REAL people not that fake news shit you’re used to watching
Palle Kjær Laursen
Palle Kjær Laursen - 6 years ago
Please take an Indignation Management class.
Frank Jones
Frank Jones - 6 years ago
Karl is a creep. Ugh.
Etienne None
Etienne None - 6 years ago
I would've only saved her if she had big tits
Iva Gianna
Iva Gianna - 6 years ago
exactly. I was watching and couldn't believe how childlish they were acting.
Roger Davis
Roger Davis - 6 years ago
+Mel Morns with that front fringe?
DalasPutoAmo - 6 years ago
Just salty people or haters man, all the americans who fallow this show wish to have presenters like us
oginaz - 6 years ago
I thought they were awesome. The US could really use some happy people on TV instead of people that are constantly angry
PrinceOfLillies - 6 years ago
trixie beldon it’s morning news and if you don’t know their tv personalities you’re kinda judging from a very small clip. One that features a story that ended with two people being saved. It wasn’t a tragic news story they were reporting.

Pretty sure the only newscasters on Aussie tv that are credible as journalists are on the ABC. It’s funny as fuck watching Karl lose it though!
Nicole St. Louis
Nicole St. Louis - 6 years ago
Hmmm....thats why I sub this channel. And I'm Canadian. I love a sense of humour in news.
VAIUTA - 6 years ago
I agree - Karl is embarrassing
GoodMrDawes - 6 years ago
Fahaad Khan
Fahaad Khan - 6 years ago
That host is a legend
RealFarknMcCoy - 6 years ago
Except not. He's a farking dickhead.
KazLer ツ نتنابير
KazLer ツ نتنابير - 6 years ago
They look like Justin Bieber and Bradley Cooper with long hair ❗
Only me ❓
Monique Val
Monique Val - 6 years ago
i was looking for this comment lol
Madison Proteccmyidentity
Madison Proteccmyidentity - 6 years ago
KazLer ツ نتنابير LMAO I see it
Obitrice For life
Obitrice For life - 6 years ago
Guys please does anyone know the song played in this video?
mastertgd - 6 years ago
Darude sandstorm
Brooke Collins
Brooke Collins - 6 years ago
Obitrice For life sweet disposition by the temper trap
Timothy Buchan
Timothy Buchan - 6 years ago
What is Australia... amazing.
Robert cargill
Robert cargill - 6 years ago
Carl is such a tool. How does he have a job?
Erline Andrews
Erline Andrews - 6 years ago
He must be related to the person who owns the station. That's the only explanation.
Dunnoahhha - 6 years ago
It’s Karl, he’s born a tool, and it’s channel nine.
Pearson Wilt
Pearson Wilt - 6 years ago
How can you not like karl
Alex Jenkins
Alex Jenkins - 6 years ago
I am from the UK and I've only ever watched the odd few clips of him on youtube. But I always thought he seemed pretty funny and a good host. I like when he starts laughing uncontrollably. Like in the clip of the 'kids talent show' where some black kid plays an organ terribly then stops and does a shit dance. He is trying not to laugh right in the kids face but can't help it.
Jonnyjib Job
Jonnyjib Job - 6 years ago
Ive noticed this in other vids..He probably just chuckles at actual funny shit..is there an aussie name for douche?
Thelangel - 6 years ago
Mate I couldn't agree more. They need to get rid of him! I don't 2atch the show because I can't stand him. He was so over the top in this interview it was like he'd been drinking or something. I just didn't get the humour.
LeftAsBlank - 6 years ago
You basicly summed it up
VAIUTA - 6 years ago
yes - such a waste of space
O K - 6 years ago
At first i thought these videos were funny, but after a few i realised that the hosts set the stage for these and try to milk laughs from innocent folk.
SuperDylzo - 6 years ago
O K you don't get it. Different sense of humour.
kingfaggot - 6 years ago
you have severe banter deficiency. a condition thats exasperated via prolonged exposure to north american people
O K - 6 years ago
Says kingfaggot
kingfaggot - 6 years ago
you just dont get australians
xiocrafter - 6 years ago
They didn't set the stage for anything but their own bigotted unproffesionalism. By all appearances this is a totally legit story, with sincere people performing selfless acts. The hosts use it as a platform for their own insiceruties. They should be laughed out of their profession.
Jørgen Hovdal
Jørgen Hovdal - 6 years ago
Song name?
Kyla Ylanan
Kyla Ylanan - 6 years ago
Jørgen Hovdal sweet disposition by temper trap
TELEVISIBLE - 6 years ago
"Jesus saved me ! " turists said after accident !
Jabroney - 6 years ago
Haha, just a hippie from wa
Harry Debenham
Harry Debenham - 6 years ago
Paul Pogba isn't French
Simon Bitton
Simon Bitton - 6 years ago
The last second when karl says "wooly mammoth"
Chuck Keough
Chuck Keough - 6 years ago
Fuck yea!
suzuki no1
suzuki no1 - 6 years ago
Jesus, it's jesus!....and his mate
Chris Meneses
Chris Meneses - 6 years ago
What a difference ,Americans would have pulled out there phones to record instead
Kasandra - 6 years ago
Idk about the rest of America but Hawaiian residents wouldn't
Baz Stanzb
Baz Stanzb - 6 years ago
911 was an inside job
Big Bud Wiley
Big Bud Wiley - 6 years ago
Dave Smith How about the American tourist that stopped the terrorist attack on the Paris bound train?
b dee
b dee - 6 years ago
We definitely have our faults but I’ve seen many videos of Americans helping people in trouble. Be nice.
nematoad - 6 years ago
Chris Meneses all Americans are idiots? Wow. An Australian recorded did the recording on this video and Australians did the saving. I'm sure it be the same thing anywhere. Some people involved and some recording.
nematoad - 6 years ago
Why get generalize Americans? If your gonna generalize maybe something nice like any surfer would do it, no matter what country.
Dirty Saint
Dirty Saint - 6 years ago
Lee Farrow
Lee Farrow - 6 years ago
How many Americans does it take to rescue a swimmer ....5. one to film it,one to scream omg while giving narrative,one to shoot dead all wildlife within a 3 mile radius,one to sell all rights to tv/newspaper.....oh and one to call police.
Dave Smith
Dave Smith - 6 years ago
Erin - please produce a counter-example
Erin Moran
Erin Moran - 6 years ago
you couldn't be more wrong
Dave Smith
Dave Smith - 6 years ago
Ner'vod - in Australia a hero is someone who saves lives. In the US a hero is someone who saves US lives.
Kissy - 6 years ago
Chris Meneses lol im American and I even agree with you!
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 6 years ago
Please tell me what wondrous places these non-Americans come from that have perfect leaders. Are you referring to North Korea?
ex-PFC Wintergreen.
ex-PFC Wintergreen. - 6 years ago
Bob Smith or they based their judgement solely on who Americans allow to be President
Bob Smith
Bob Smith - 6 years ago
Anyone who says "Americans are idiots" hasn't met the vast majority of them. So, frankly, all they really are doing is flaunting their own ignorance.
Chris Meneses
Chris Meneses - 6 years ago
Big Bud Wiley tell Americans that just bc I hate Americans doesn't mean I don't enjoy my life, maybe if more Americans would wake up you wouldn't be in this situation
Big Bud Wiley
Big Bud Wiley - 6 years ago
Chris Meneses Peace bro life it too short for your hate
Chris Meneses
Chris Meneses - 6 years ago
Big Bud Wiley i do americans are idiots
Big Bud Wiley
Big Bud Wiley - 6 years ago
Chris Meneses you have lot of hostility toward U.S. I just tuned in to enjoy video and you attached Americans as not brave. You need to read a history book... peace
Chris Meneses
Chris Meneses - 6 years ago
Big Bud Wiley and you really don't need to defend us when the world doesn't hate us like they do you
Chris Meneses
Chris Meneses - 6 years ago
Big Bud Wiley yea right we have backed you up more then you helped us so not sure what your talking about and on top of it we are a threat national security treating us like enemies, I have more faith most of Europe would back us up before the USA only if it profited them
Big Bud Wiley
Big Bud Wiley - 6 years ago
Lisa Collins so you don’t watch American videos to get a laugh? No need to insult and label
Lisa Collins
Lisa Collins - 6 years ago
Hahaall the Americans watching out news fuck of ya cunts
N. Dynamite
N. Dynamite - 6 years ago
Edward Gross so salty!
Edward Gross
Edward Gross - 6 years ago
N. Dynamite - yea, an American tourist, do some research.
N. Dynamite
N. Dynamite - 6 years ago
Someone recorded this, bodagget
Edward Gross
Edward Gross - 6 years ago
dmiller5978 - I'm sure there's plenty of heroes in the States - but like these blokes they do it quietly.
dmiller5978 - 6 years ago
Sad to say but TRUE and I'm an american.....sad but true....
Edward Gross
Edward Gross - 6 years ago
Was it an American who filmed it?
Max Jupe
Max Jupe - 6 years ago
Layla Zephyr Yep. Speak about 5% of Americans and pretend all of them are like that. You'd be surprised by the people that live here. Stop stereotyping
solidus311 - 6 years ago
So a dozen nutjobs from the last 20 or so years speak for the 300 million american citizens. Makes sense.
Cameron Guitar
Cameron Guitar - 6 years ago
Chris Meneses omg this is the solution to your email address
Layla Zephyr
Layla Zephyr - 6 years ago
Oh yeah nothing like locking kids in cages and shooting schools up!! Bloody love America !!!
Ner' vod
Ner' vod - 6 years ago
Lol. Just like in WW1, AND WW2, and Korea, and Desert Storm. Americans are the world's heroes, son.
Tim Trace
Tim Trace - 6 years ago
Well - I surfed in Newport Beach (CA) and surfers would rescue people all the time. Same in Hawaii. Gets heavy out there.
Actorsstudio2777 - 6 years ago
Isn't that the "next level" guy who fed Lisa a chocolate and coconut covered cherry for Valentine's Day?
Stripes Iced
Stripes Iced - 6 years ago
Id date Angus
preta path
preta path - 6 years ago
Is this actual ?
Taylor - 6 years ago
preta path yep they rescued them!!
matt cullen
matt cullen - 6 years ago
preta path sorry not sure about that one but the surfers did rescue the couple
preta path
preta path - 6 years ago
matt cullen even that katy perry vid from added today ?
matt cullen
matt cullen - 6 years ago
preta path yep

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