Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing
Surf 11 years ago 4,197,689 views
We came back from our Japan tour two weeks ago. It was such an amazing experience. We met many wonderful people, learned so much, and made great memories. Thank you everyone for the continuous support! Wouldn't have these opportunities without you all. This song is originally done by Herb Ohta. Be sure to subscribe for new videos every other week! Twitter https://twitter.com/honoka_azita Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/honoka.azita Instagram http://instagram.com/honoka.azita Video Creds: Andrew Agcaoili https://www.youtube.com/shibbystylee Special thanks: Jody Kamisato (Teacher) Andrew Agcaoili Hawaii Arukikata VH07V Kanile'a Ukulele Kamaka Ukulele Friends & family Thanks for watching!
10. comment for Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing
20. comment for Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing
30. comment for Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing
How the f would I ever do this
50. comment for Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing
not Santana
it is Jesse Cook Tempest
100. comment for Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing
You guys rock
Are you sisters or best friends because either way you are both cute and great at playing uke
Subsribernow..we'll be looking for more of your vids
so beautiful
your music touches my heart
(you know, finger calluses)
17 hippies
Hello from Oahu, Hawaii
Design based on acoustic coupling principles, the internal angled top works in the same way as a horn, where the air closest to the nozzle is higher pressure therefore greater resistance to sound (impedance) that the internal space of the instrument becomes larger the air pressure becomes smaller, so the sound resistance decreases and the sound amplification occurs.
It reaches high values in amplitude tests reaching up to 90dB (ninety decibels) with gains in all frequency ranges especially to deep basses that do not appear in the conventional cavaquinhos due to the much longer bass wavelength .
Sorry but my eyes only on my legs. Is Wai 's reaction a normal person? Does everyone think so? Reply
Will u marry me...
And no, I won't burn my ukulele like others.
Picks up ukelele
Plays as fast as I can
Mum comes in...
"What the heck is that awful noise!?"
I say...
"I'm learning to play the ukelele, sounds good eh!"
Mum says...
"If you played that in front of a lion you'd be eaten up in a second!"
I think you two are amazing! I really wish I could do that, it's just really hard for me to learn!
now, i sell my ukulele....
Kisses from Brazil.