Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing

We came back from our Japan tour two weeks ago. It was such an amazing experience. We met many wonderful people, learned so much, and made great memories. Thank you everyone for the continuous support! Wouldn't have these opportunities without you all. This song is originally done by Herb Ohta. Be sure to subscribe for new videos every other week! Twitter https://twitter.com/honoka_azita Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/honoka.azita Instagram http://instagram.com/honoka.azita Video Creds: Andrew Agcaoili https://www.youtube.com/shibbystylee Special thanks: Jody Kamisato (Teacher) Andrew Agcaoili Hawaii Arukikata VH07V Kanile'a Ukulele Kamaka Ukulele Friends & family Thanks for watching!

Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 736

Surf 11 years ago 4,197,689 views

We came back from our Japan tour two weeks ago. It was such an amazing experience. We met many wonderful people, learned so much, and made great memories. Thank you everyone for the continuous support! Wouldn't have these opportunities without you all. This song is originally done by Herb Ohta. Be sure to subscribe for new videos every other week! Twitter https://twitter.com/honoka_azita Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/honoka.azita Instagram http://instagram.com/honoka.azita Video Creds: Andrew Agcaoili https://www.youtube.com/shibbystylee Special thanks: Jody Kamisato (Teacher) Andrew Agcaoili Hawaii Arukikata VH07V Kanile'a Ukulele Kamaka Ukulele Friends & family Thanks for watching!

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Most popular comments
for Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing

jenyvieve carig
jenyvieve carig - 6 years ago
These girls are amazing... !
Hen Dro
Hen Dro - 6 years ago
waw ilike..
mimi l.
mimi l. - 6 years ago
Dewa Dewantara
Dewa Dewantara - 6 years ago
Haris Pilton
Haris Pilton - 6 years ago
Wow!! You two beautiful musicians are pouring out creativity, emotion & talent! I've played drums & guitar for 30 years, started around 10 yrs old. I KNOW how hard that is! Fantastic meaningful music! Bravo!!!
Ferdi antoni09
Ferdi antoni09 - 6 years ago
that one girl the potato
that one girl the potato - 6 years ago
that's just- wow, amazing
Mila Melko
Mila Melko - 6 years ago
Brilliant ❤❤❤
L!l lump!a
L!l lump!a - 6 years ago
I have a soprano I need a tenor

10. comment for Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing

jazerking Ramos
jazerking Ramos - 6 years ago
So good
Ed Thunder Del Rosario
Ed Thunder Del Rosario - 6 years ago
Soooooo goooood thumps up guys
ale guevara
ale guevara - 6 years ago
Hermoso lo que hacen... Las escucho desde Argentina!!
LolTube - 6 years ago
wow i do ukele but i kinda suck but they are SUPER DUPER GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vinh Nguyen
Vinh Nguyen - 6 years ago
do a tutorial on this!
Andy Mhd Nasir
Andy Mhd Nasir - 6 years ago
Is this heaven?
zombie zyler
zombie zyler - 6 years ago
°My musi© teacher shøwed us this ps the vid w@s gøød°
MUSISI JALANAN - 6 years ago
Sunil Nair
Sunil Nair - 6 years ago
love this video! Awesome background, incredible music and cute smiles all make a lethal winning combination !! Keep smiling girls and make more videos!
muzic4lyfe2005 - 6 years ago
Wow they rip it

20. comment for Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing

Penelope LATRIQUE - 6 years ago
What are the chords, tuning, and strum pattern for Bodysurfing? I can’t find a tutorial anywhere! Also, you’re awesome ukulele players!
Augustin tup
Augustin tup - 6 years ago
Allyson Glascock
Allyson Glascock - 6 years ago
Bish how
Moh Zidan
Moh Zidan - 6 years ago
wau meshing
Anthony Yang
Anthony Yang - 6 years ago
Lee 이SeokGee 석기 내
Lee 이SeokGee 석기 내 - 6 years ago
I'll buy mp3 if it is. Thx. Great performance!
Der88397 - 6 years ago
awesome job! keep it up!
Jefriyadi - 6 years ago
what are me doin yesterday, i seen this on 2018 :( how poor i'm
Fright FoO
Fright FoO - 6 years ago
Now play guitar please. Thank you.
İsa Yavuz
İsa Yavuz - 6 years ago
Helalll TÜRKİYE den Selamlar :)

30. comment for Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing

bunk Azmy
bunk Azmy - 6 years ago
Omg thisis good
Kumagaya Jpn
Kumagaya Jpn - 6 years ago
あおりんご - 6 years ago
Peran Gamin
Peran Gamin - 6 years ago
What cooool
Joseph Singson
Joseph Singson - 6 years ago
Joseph Singson
Joseph Singson - 6 years ago
Enjoyed so much
dragon ball super
dragon ball super - 6 years ago
Si ma sicuramente non sanno FARE il caffè
Henry Hernandez
Henry Hernandez - 6 years ago
i Like it
Chiaki Nanami Is On The Web
Chiaki Nanami Is On The Web - 6 years ago
When I got my wooden ukulele my dad showed this video and said he wanted me to play like this one day....
Candara Rika
Candara Rika - 6 years ago
I. Like ...
hardmettla - 6 years ago
That Landscape, them smiles, those skills, I'm melting away ;D :)
Misty Garrett
Misty Garrett - 6 years ago
I’m learning how to play the ukulele.

How the f would I ever do this
benny ben
benny ben - 6 years ago
I put a like
benny ben
benny ben - 6 years ago
Good job
Gabriel Lima
Gabriel Lima - 6 years ago
kenjie cerera
kenjie cerera - 6 years ago
amazing that two girl so nice music!
Zika Kdc
Zika Kdc - 6 years ago
Judulnya apa gan
cizkay *
cizkay * - 6 years ago
is that on hawai?
Mary D
Mary D - 6 years ago
I can't figure out what Honoka is doing at about 1:29 please help xD
Kuroko Tetsuya
Kuroko Tetsuya - 6 years ago
camtik dikit auto subscribe

50. comment for Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing

Fernanda Arevalo
Fernanda Arevalo - 6 years ago
kami calfucoy
kami calfucoy - 6 years ago
Hermoso tocan❤
Christelio Calvin
Christelio Calvin - 6 years ago
bagus nii
Mahi MAHAL - 6 years ago
All the people who disliked the video is just HOW IS IT BAD THIS IS PURE TALENT
Mahi MAHAL - 6 years ago
2:09 amazing
Christian Merano
Christian Merano - 6 years ago
The way they act really reminds me of that North Korean kids playing the guitars
Fernando Blanco
Fernando Blanco - 6 years ago
Show, show
King Of AFG
King Of AFG - 6 years ago
michalina michta
michalina michta - 6 years ago
Nice music
Emil Junio
Emil Junio - 6 years ago
nice skills
Olandi Landi
Olandi Landi - 6 years ago
mulus banget gitar ny
Radhea MCG
Radhea MCG - 6 years ago
Request song jaran goyang from Indonesia...please....best....tnks
Anupam Sharma
Anupam Sharma - 6 years ago
Arda Yılmaz
Arda Yılmaz - 6 years ago
Smells aloha
teresa bridges
teresa bridges - 6 years ago
Omg this is so good how are you not on America Got A Talent
Elis Robyanti
Elis Robyanti - 6 years ago
wuwui ayu ngeweyu
suman daps
suman daps - 6 years ago
Pataka Lang
Pataka Lang - 6 years ago
10 years from now i became like this..
jaiver julian medina martinez
jaiver julian medina martinez - 6 years ago
Esa canción tiene nombre???
Ufoglobal Italia
Ufoglobal Italia - 6 years ago
Siete davvero bravissime!!! LIKE
RAFAEL CANTILLO - 6 years ago
Luis Oliveira
Luis Oliveira - 6 years ago
Amo as vosas musicas
sandro joao de oliveira
sandro joao de oliveira - 6 years ago
Kelly Komneni
Kelly Komneni - 6 years ago
Cristiano Sangeon
Cristiano Sangeon - 6 years ago
Ayami Ooruri
Ayami Ooruri - 6 years ago
Can yo me atutorial of that
Ali Jamai
Ali Jamai - 6 years ago
Kathy Moffit
Kathy Moffit - 6 years ago
found it
not Santana
it is Jesse Cook Tempest
Kathy Moffit
Kathy Moffit - 6 years ago
what Santana song is that?
Edan keun
Edan keun - 6 years ago
Mantab djiwa.
Camden Johnson
Camden Johnson - 6 years ago
You should go to America’s got talent or somthing. This is absolutely amazing and I could listen to it everyday!!! You 2 girls are my idols, I am just learning how to play.
Dale Owen
Dale Owen - 6 years ago
2:08 when your balls starts to get itchy. omg sub to me jk
Bairagi Umesh
Bairagi Umesh - 6 years ago
Enceladus - 6 years ago
KS EC - 7 years ago
Performance same as the performers
Esteban Pérez
Esteban Pérez - 7 years ago
wow realmente son buenas sigan así saludos desde México ^_^
Biop Bop Nap9
Biop Bop Nap9 - 7 years ago
Can you mqke a tutorial about that pls
Adi Brutal
Adi Brutal - 7 years ago
hoow cool are you guys
Adi Brutal
Adi Brutal - 7 years ago
is the best
Nabid Alam
Nabid Alam - 7 years ago
How can anyone be this much pro? Dayuuummmmmmmn!
olga mercedes cantillo charris
olga mercedes cantillo charris - 7 years ago
Todos las conocimos por este video
Znagm Music
Znagm Music - 7 years ago
Very impressive! You should enter this on the znagm.com music contest.
Samantha Tachado
Samantha Tachado - 7 years ago
Just a little bit more practice i will be able to do itt hahaha
Sevi Adrianto
Sevi Adrianto - 7 years ago
Johann Junio
Johann Junio - 7 years ago
b williams
b williams - 7 years ago
WOW! Again
hisham slamandr
hisham slamandr - 7 years ago
Soooo cooool❤
because seltaeb
because seltaeb - 7 years ago
Are they playing a concert ukulele?
周金龙 - 7 years ago
wow omg
melissa tovovur
melissa tovovur - 7 years ago

100. comment for Honoka & Azita - Bodysurfing

Flavio Zancarli
Flavio Zancarli - 7 years ago
Was it shot near Kuliouou Beach?
FUCK YOU - 7 years ago
Who is most beautyfull
Binod khatri
Binod khatri - 7 years ago
played amazingly ,, and her smile(blacktop) sweet :)
Min Yong
Min Yong - 7 years ago
I saw their performance at the Noodle Festival Hawaii. It was unbelievable! They are so talented!
Harun çabuk
Harun çabuk - 7 years ago
brawo kızlar
THE GANG STARS - 7 years ago
ecirelli - 7 years ago
I could listen to this all day
GYUx2 - 7 years ago
i need to practice some hundread more years to play like that...
PassingTyme - 7 years ago
looking at the background made we want to go to the beach....and then i remembered that the nearest one is galveston...
Mike Sessums
Mike Sessums - 7 years ago
Just saw them on Harry Connick and they were awesome!
Tradutores Conservadores
Tradutores Conservadores - 7 years ago
like one thousand of times
N&T Adventures
N&T Adventures - 7 years ago
I wish they can sing!! It would be a complete package
ryan setyawan
ryan setyawan - 7 years ago
Dahnay Adding video
Dahnay Adding video - 7 years ago
I play piano
Erwin Tayhon
Erwin Tayhon - 7 years ago
why is it that you dislike this??? this Girls has an Amazing TALENT...
DIARREIA NA MENTE - 7 years ago
Melwin Wong
Melwin Wong - 7 years ago
Im out
Barre Kelley
Barre Kelley - 7 years ago
Rabia Uludağ
Rabia Uludağ - 7 years ago
Fabrika Kızı :)
Belowfreezing365 - 7 years ago
Mike Donovan
Mike Donovan - 7 years ago
I never expected that to be that freakin awesome!!! Lol... That was freaking beautiful!!!
Stoli Cartman
Stoli Cartman - 7 years ago
I live in sf. I dug a huge hole in my backyard...then dumped a dead pig wraped in leafs into it....then buried it. neighbors freaked out n called da cops.. I hate white people! >= )
Derpy Doge
Derpy Doge - 7 years ago
Amine. Epica
Amine. Epica - 7 years ago
Honoka .. more like Konoha (no wonder they play so good ..they are from the hidden leaf village). miss me with that Anime shit
Umair Shahid
Umair Shahid - 7 years ago
Hi beautiful ladies. I wanna appreciate your effort. After watching this video I love this instrument. Could you please tell me the cords progression that you played in this video.
MăLïk Ridwan
MăLïk Ridwan - 7 years ago
Mantap Keren (Y)
Percy Fie
Percy Fie - 7 years ago
Year is 2018. I'm still addicted.
A_boy E_zzz
A_boy E_zzz - 7 years ago
Idk much about ukeleles though they are using concerts right???
Petter Houting
Petter Houting - 7 years ago
Is it true that those ukulele's have more then 12 frets? This question is relevant because I looked up a tab sheet for this song on google and I found one that one included picking the 13th fret of the a-string.
Petter Houting
Petter Houting - 6 years ago
Christopher Flynn oh okay
Christopher Flynn
Christopher Flynn - 6 years ago
These look like tenor ukuleles which generally have 15 or more frets.
Petter Houting
Petter Houting - 7 years ago
That is not really an answer to my question
Derpy Doge
Derpy Doge - 7 years ago
A normal ukulele has 12 frets
wahoo strike
wahoo strike - 7 years ago
I love these girls
Anakin B.
Anakin B. - 7 years ago
Josafat Walewangko
Josafat Walewangko - 7 years ago
In indonesia, we called it dangdut
Deidara Martinez
Deidara Martinez - 7 years ago
If i can get at least 15 secs of Azitas part ill call it a win
Bradley Basanes
Bradley Basanes - 7 years ago
why dont you guys go to a got talent show??
Jakub Dobrý
Jakub Dobrý - 7 years ago
keep it up
Molly Guest_Fx
Molly Guest_Fx - 7 years ago
What type of ukuleles are these please???
Robert Augustyniak
Robert Augustyniak - 7 years ago
real spy kid melanie
real spy kid melanie - 7 years ago
what brand of ukuleles are those Please.
Ynah Martinez
Ynah Martinez - 7 years ago
Tutorial PLS!!!!!!!!!!
Derpy Doge
Derpy Doge - 7 years ago
Shubhankar - 7 years ago
Excellent playing guys!! Just excellent!!
Ahmad Robii Zaindzru
Ahmad Robii Zaindzru - 7 years ago
Alis tebal
lovely wednesday
lovely wednesday - 7 years ago
tabs ᵒʰʰʰʰʰʰʰʰʰ my god ????
Lilibi my
Lilibi my - 7 years ago
Emily Markowitz
Emily Markowitz - 7 years ago
I did a cover for this version of bodysurfing, i would love if anyone could come over to my channel and watch it some time!
Dave Chiu
Dave Chiu - 7 years ago
amazing song
Erin Nielsen
Erin Nielsen - 7 years ago
I keep trying to play this but all I do is screaming and running.........................jk.............u guys are srsly so good
Yuana Martejo
Yuana Martejo - 7 years ago
Soo cool. beautiful gitaris woman
schmastard schnabulator
schmastard schnabulator - 7 years ago
i hear all your songs , you ate so awsome. But does anyone know if they are a couple?
Executing Beast
Executing Beast - 7 years ago
So need to go on like some where’s got talent
Abagail Patch
Abagail Patch - 7 years ago
i wish my sister could do that on hers
Foolish As f/uck
Foolish As f/uck - 7 years ago
Awesome job little Sistahz
Jeff Schwilk
Jeff Schwilk - 7 years ago
So inspiring! The Spirit of Aloha!
Sara Sharma
Sara Sharma - 7 years ago
You guys are amazing I am in grade 4 and I learn on the ukulele at my school and our music teacher showed us this video as a really good example and right when we listened to the music you guys played we all said wow!
daus - 7 years ago
Non Johns
Non Johns - 7 years ago
That's so fast :o
Vega Ridwansyah
Vega Ridwansyah - 7 years ago
Yang tank top item kayaknya bisa memperbaiki keturunan gw
Danny Woo
Danny Woo - 7 years ago
you girls are look so happy. i like it!
itsmeja hey
itsmeja hey - 7 years ago
Once upon a time a girl thought she was good at playing the ukulele... until she saw this video.
ShionGamer123 - 7 years ago
So awesome
You guys rock
Are you sisters or best friends because either way you are both cute and great at playing uke
Phil - 7 years ago
Excellent...as always!
xSnakie - 7 years ago
There goes the fingernails lmao
seguidor de talos 4k
seguidor de talos 4k - 7 years ago
wapaoooo que epicooooooo
DFM TV - 7 years ago
Бих ви го бутнал
Eva Perčinić
Eva Perčinić - 7 years ago
I lake you girls❤
Ransun Mayanglambam
Ransun Mayanglambam - 7 years ago
Can anyone please tell me what size ukuleles are those..concert or tenor?
Kaisar104 Caesar
Kaisar104 Caesar - 7 years ago
awe awe aing
DonnaMarie T
DonnaMarie T - 7 years ago
dang how do you guys do that i can only play like the first minute of it and then my fingers start hurting lol
Rinie - 7 years ago
i finally watch this youtube, are you happy now. on a side note, this is pretty damn cool!
Perry Komene
Perry Komene - 7 years ago
These girls are gonna make amazing lesbians.
Hannah Keith
Hannah Keith - 7 years ago
I play the ukelele and I’m really good... but not as good a y’all!!
coolthings - 7 years ago
We're sharing your video.
Subsribernow..we'll be looking for more of your vids
Natalie Ceballos
Natalie Ceballos - 7 years ago
Unknown Music
Unknown Music - 7 years ago
i fell in love
ml10373 - 7 years ago
Your videos are the best! They are like super awesome! Tell the girl in the blue she's fast same with the black
frederique frederique.colney@sfr.fr
frederique frederique.colney@sfr.fr - 7 years ago
It's so good to lisen
Danny Henry-Morin
Danny Henry-Morin - 7 years ago
Honoka smile are so incredible^^
Babu Da
Babu Da - 7 years ago
awesome ....love it
Даша Алешкина
Даша Алешкина - 7 years ago
Beautiful girls, beautiful music and elegant nature!
Anonex Creighton
Anonex Creighton - 7 years ago
This girls must be famous
Mika Romero
Mika Romero - 7 years ago
o melhor video da vidaaaa
Samuel Franklin
Samuel Franklin - 7 years ago
tears in my eyes
so beautiful
your music touches my heart
Samuel Franklin
Samuel Franklin - 7 years ago
fredlee john
fredlee john - 7 years ago
Beautiful girl is a blessing from god
Miguel Ángel Serra
Miguel Ángel Serra - 7 years ago
You need to be in a Tarantino OST.
abJominations - 7 years ago
Gotta learn guitar first.
(you know, finger calluses)
aj m
aj m - 7 years ago
Just one word "AMAZING"
Munindro Nongthombam
Munindro Nongthombam - 7 years ago
Is that uke tenor or soprano?
Raul Fernando1927
Raul Fernando1927 - 7 years ago
raveena wilson
raveena wilson - 7 years ago
Wow amazing
Adji Priyatna
Adji Priyatna - 7 years ago
jago banget
Adji Priyatna
Adji Priyatna - 7 years ago
jago banget
Adji Priyatna
Adji Priyatna - 7 years ago
jago banget
Ferdy Texas
Ferdy Texas - 7 years ago
Jago banget. Like untuk video ini.
Jerin Sabu
Jerin Sabu - 7 years ago
2:28 thank me later
sravan jayati
sravan jayati - 7 years ago
Peter Francis
Peter Francis - 7 years ago
You should go on X FACTOR!!!!!!!!!
Astra Allurity
Astra Allurity - 7 years ago
patrik junior
patrik junior - 7 years ago
Mike C.
Mike C. - 7 years ago
super fantastico.....
Natalie Monroy
Natalie Monroy - 7 years ago
I finally learned how to play this song in a week , but my fingers hurt so much
putra seky
putra seky - 7 years ago
puja paha azita
Dick van Altena
Dick van Altena - 7 years ago

17 hippies
Ma. VICTORIA Abergas
Ma. VICTORIA Abergas - 7 years ago
Sendika dwi rahmat
Sendika dwi rahmat - 7 years ago
maria ozawa
Kayla Ash
Kayla Ash - 7 years ago
Nedelin Boyadjiev
Nedelin Boyadjiev - 7 years ago
Very good performance! Bravo, girls!!!
sooraya Qadir
sooraya Qadir - 7 years ago
They are both so so so super cute
Vyö Felix
Vyö Felix - 7 years ago
Trinity Martinez
Trinity Martinez - 7 years ago
check out the 5 years later version https://youtu.be/sxNq5IwRINY
Cindy Kim
Cindy Kim - 7 years ago
Rudi Faqih
Rudi Faqih - 7 years ago
Hoang Thach Nguyen
Hoang Thach Nguyen - 7 years ago
I just watched the version 5 years later from you guys! They are both incredible. :) How talented you guys are! :)
Esteban Andres Carrasco
Esteban Andres Carrasco - 7 years ago
My favorite video!!! ♥
Daniela Atanasova
Daniela Atanasova - 7 years ago
You are amazing girls...
joensu pok pok
joensu pok pok - 7 years ago
Cinta satu malam oh indahnya cinta satu malam buatku melayang.........hokya hokya
Mhmmd Ridwan
Mhmmd Ridwan - 7 years ago
Good peopple nice you:)
john fredy pelaez
john fredy pelaez - 7 years ago
wonderfull music
Endahlia Saputri
Endahlia Saputri - 7 years ago
baju biru mata nya Kane amat segaris
nuter2007 - 7 years ago
what kind of ukuleles are those
Elizabeth - 7 years ago
Kanile'a and Kamaka Ukulele. I think they're tenor size.
The Only Rase
The Only Rase - 7 years ago
i live there
Richard hey
Richard hey - 7 years ago
Love every second! Awesome work! Nailed it!!
little Devil JG
little Devil JG - 7 years ago
damn photographer,u should learn how to take a nice view for guy..its 90° from up
Mukunda Bhattarai
Mukunda Bhattarai - 7 years ago
Little Fox
Little Fox - 7 years ago
5 years ago, i prefer this version XD
Septian Gaming
Septian Gaming - 7 years ago
elysew .r
elysew .r - 7 years ago
Xcalipsoooo kkkkk
Victoria Can
Victoria Can - 7 years ago
Türkler burdami (o değilde manzara süper be abi)
PGLays - 7 years ago
I just watched the 5 years later version !!
nishant pant
nishant pant - 7 years ago
hello dear I just wanted to know is it necessary to learn guitar in order to learn ukulele .
nishant pant
nishant pant - 7 years ago
kyley - 7 years ago
music lover no it's not really necessary, i learned how to play the ukulele first and it is really to learn. i just got an electric guitar and learning the ukulele actually is helping me under the guitar better!
Silveira - 7 years ago
Sometimes I just watch this video to start my day.
Andrew Pappas
Andrew Pappas - 7 years ago
How does this work
thewhatnow - 7 years ago
Daaaamn girls! No words. The best part (besides the mad skills) is how much fun you have doing it. <3!
london. - 7 years ago
My music teacher showed me this today. Thanks Mr. Yaghy now I am obsessed with these girls!
Pina Coccia
Pina Coccia - 7 years ago
Fate cacare
bintang ARpanss ARpansa
bintang ARpanss ARpansa - 7 years ago
Ntap jiwa
artifha naginata
artifha naginata - 7 years ago
beware of trap !
hmong lee
hmong lee - 7 years ago
they both look Gorgeous
gül dymz
gül dymz - 7 years ago
Arif Maulana
Arif Maulana - 7 years ago
Tangerine Tundra Stopmotion Studios
Tangerine Tundra Stopmotion Studios - 7 years ago
can u do a tutorial?
Trogger La Leche Bustamante Montoya
Trogger La Leche Bustamante Montoya - 7 years ago
It´s amazing!!!!!!
Ayan Aliyeva
Ayan Aliyeva - 7 years ago
Girls you are amazing
Lava Kumar Bangalore
Lava Kumar Bangalore - 7 years ago
The girl in the black dress looks super beautiful
maverick missiles
maverick missiles - 7 years ago
very nice ..
Cornells Moons
Cornells Moons - 7 years ago
jerjerjcc10002 - 7 years ago
I can't stop watching for one day, I'm becom these girls fans...love love love love!
박승민 - 7 years ago
Your japanese? And korean?

Ignacio Barchetta
Ignacio Barchetta - 7 years ago
So cool girls!!!
Hello from Oahu, Hawaii
jeffrey chouinard
jeffrey chouinard - 7 years ago
Tu habite ou
Jennie Attaway
Jennie Attaway - 7 years ago
what size ukuleles are those?
Opang Opal
Opang Opal - 7 years ago
i love these girl, can i have them ?
antonio tri winargo
antonio tri winargo - 7 years ago
I lose with the girl
Harlin Zah
Harlin Zah - 7 years ago
Very good... From indonesia
richard arnado
richard arnado - 7 years ago
i want to learn
richard arnado
richard arnado - 7 years ago
its so nice ukulele sound
Muhd Fazil
Muhd Fazil - 7 years ago
Creative Project
Creative Project - 7 years ago
so amazing
Leonardo Vieira
Leonardo Vieira - 7 years ago
Design based on acoustic coupling principles, the internal angled top works in the same way as a horn, where the air closest to the nozzle is higher pressure therefore greater resistance to sound (impedance) that the internal space of the instrument becomes larger the air pressure becomes smaller, so the sound resistance decreases and the sound amplification occurs.
It reaches high values ​​in amplitude tests reaching up to 90dB (ninety decibels) with gains in all frequency ranges especially to deep basses that do not appear in the conventional cavaquinhos due to the much longer bass wavelength .
Zackery Robinson
Zackery Robinson - 7 years ago
Sounds like the Gerudo valley track from Ocarina of Time
Alberto De Lorenzo
Alberto De Lorenzo - 7 years ago
Grace Price
Grace Price - 7 years ago
I've noticed that they keep one hand of nails short and one long- that's commitment
Grace Price
Grace Price - 7 years ago
sPy Cat AgEncy
sPy Cat AgEncy - 7 years ago
how in the
Piera - 7 years ago
I’ve always hated the ukulele but this is so cool
Gibberishdomo - 7 years ago
This would be a great song in Zelda =D
deka santana
deka santana - 7 years ago
July FYLLL - 7 years ago
Que hermosooii
Christine - 7 years ago
adit soans
adit soans - 7 years ago
el zoro
Nebruian - 7 years ago
They look so happy and bright
Victor Valdez
Victor Valdez - 7 years ago
Phoebe Rose
Phoebe Rose - 7 years ago
Meanwhile in hawaii ^^^
Ennyi Vagy
Ennyi Vagy - 7 years ago
What long gitar? (cm)
Ennyi Vagy
Ennyi Vagy - 7 years ago
Jooo akkor ukuluele te szajon baszott
Phoebe Rose
Phoebe Rose - 7 years ago
It's not a guitar it's a ukelelee
Ennyi Vagy
Ennyi Vagy - 7 years ago
Phoebe Rose how long gitar?
Phoebe Rose
Phoebe Rose - 7 years ago
the exact one they have is "K1 Tenor uke"
Dakxta Rain
Dakxta Rain - 7 years ago
Anyone know what ukulele they use?
Phoebe Rose
Phoebe Rose - 7 years ago
the exact one they have is "K1 Tenor uke"
Mr J
Mr J - 7 years ago
This made my morning :)
ONILZ - 7 years ago
Love u azita
alfonso valenzuela
alfonso valenzuela - 7 years ago
Riski Rodiawan
Riski Rodiawan - 7 years ago
Enak banget
JustANormalCharlie - 7 years ago
My fingernails broke watching this
Phoebe Rose
Phoebe Rose - 7 years ago
wolf power BNZN
wolf power BNZN - 7 years ago
Best music in the world
pandu hendra
pandu hendra - 7 years ago
The beautiful melody
Hoàng Phan
Hoàng Phan - 7 years ago
i really like scene behind
Saga Yasika
Saga Yasika - 7 years ago
They are awesome. I am happy to see this!!!
jagadeesh padi
jagadeesh padi - 7 years ago
insane stuff......seriously... beautiful in all the way
Jolene Poliquin
Jolene Poliquin - 7 years ago
This just makes me want to move to Hawaii. It's just got that vibe, that makes you want to be there. Plus there is no snow.
Urang Awak channel
Urang Awak channel - 7 years ago
Hajimimaste watashiwa robi desu
Urang Awak channel
Urang Awak channel - 7 years ago
Salam kenal ya
Mi West
Mi West - 7 years ago
we listened to this song when we were chillin on the boat on kaniohe bay
Daniel Cevillano Aguilar
Daniel Cevillano Aguilar - 7 years ago
I love you guys
Julio Dávila
Julio Dávila - 7 years ago
i love u !
Salem The ukulele
Salem The ukulele - 7 years ago
Definitely my favorite video. Oahu? Lived in Honolulu. Went to moanalua middle now in VA. I have an ukulele channel!!
Michael Silverman
Michael Silverman - 7 years ago
I love you both Honoka and Azita. These young women are great Ukulele players, and are so talented. GOD BLESS YOU HONOKA AND Azita. They will win many Grammy Awards in the future.
Faizfadilahraisha Apaajah123
Faizfadilahraisha Apaajah123 - 7 years ago
The girl in the black tank top looks like she's having so much fun ♥
Black Goku
Black Goku - 7 years ago
2013? Yo ví esto en 2018 en Facebook... Recuerdo el 2013 con tanto cariño que me pongo bien sad :'v
Donnelle Tautu
Donnelle Tautu - 7 years ago
bazzy. - 7 years ago
good job (~‾∇‾)~
Victor Ulhôa
Victor Ulhôa - 7 years ago
where is this beautiful place?
marion desouche
marion desouche - 7 years ago
Great !! You are beautifull et very good player ! Have a good year !
M.hikmal Ghopur
M.hikmal Ghopur - 7 years ago
cantik yang make baju hitam..?
its glorey
its glorey - 7 years ago
As a fellow acoustic player, I play guitar. The moment you play is an incredible feeling, but at the times you get into this zone, THE ZONE. ( It is a Knb reference. ) Where you feel like you are at the top of the world, and you are unstoppable and what you are playing is like you don't feel like you are playing it, but someone else. It's like you are playing in the most perfect way imaginable. Being there is not always common, but when you do you just want for the feeling to never go away.
Mellysa indriani
Mellysa indriani - 7 years ago
fOREVER Pure - 7 years ago
You girls are great i have never seen such talent such as you 2 love it well played
Debanjan Karmakar
Debanjan Karmakar - 7 years ago
beautiful music..and the sky in the back..awesome combo
Shadyninja Productions
Shadyninja Productions - 7 years ago
so uhm how many ukes did you break doing this XD
Chisa Heese
Chisa Heese - 7 years ago
I love the song they’re playing but I also love the beautiful background of Hawaii.
Grace Kealoha
Grace Kealoha - 7 years ago
Awesome girls! This jam is old sku, normally wen u start playing uk ...this is the jam most novice starts off paying but u ladies took it to a whole new level nd I love IT! Gud job nd keep up da awesome work!
jumeno jumeno
jumeno jumeno - 7 years ago
Good jaab
aetae - 7 years ago
i wish i could learn this
PunkerDoodle 81
PunkerDoodle 81 - 7 years ago
You two are amazing! I love this and would buy your music!!!!
Rafael Fuentes
Rafael Fuentes - 7 years ago
What kind of ukulele are you using? Because I have a soprano and it is smaller and I'd like to buy one like yours
Dilberay Engin
Dilberay Engin - 7 years ago
That’s super awesome you guys are really talented but I’m sorry you play way too aggressive for me...
Kalo Gascon
Kalo Gascon - 7 years ago
So good ❤
•Nanaj• †
•Nanaj• † - 7 years ago
Wich song is this?
Kris Gamer's
Kris Gamer's - 7 years ago
Bryan Jeske
Bryan Jeske - 7 years ago
Oh sooooooo GOOD !!! The BEST !!! Honoka and Azita are so fast and talented and pleasing !!! This is the best ad for a trip to Hawaii - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!! Uke on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mohammad Shah
Mohammad Shah - 7 years ago
Just amazing!
Danu - 7 years ago
anang joko
anang joko - 7 years ago
Gk wemak
Danny Wanny
Danny Wanny - 7 years ago
The people here preformed at my school >:3
emmaimightbeme - 7 years ago
Heard the little merry Christmas being said at the end lol I'm watching this again after years on Christmas Day
Gamerz Top1
Gamerz Top1 - 7 years ago
UkeLegend GuitarNoob
UkeLegend GuitarNoob - 7 years ago
This song is actually fairly easy one you get the timing and picking down
GNtaki - 7 years ago
lsten this music like i been there with them playing in open blue sky ih darn it my life is just a mistake LOL
Joyce Lambert
Joyce Lambert - 7 years ago
This is what youtube was made for :o
stranger than fiction
stranger than fiction - 7 years ago
Is that possible?
Malena Flores
Malena Flores - 7 years ago
This music is so nice
Wahyu Ramadhan
Wahyu Ramadhan - 7 years ago
ShinyGlitterCat8 - 7 years ago
2:00 is the best I love it all
ShinyGlitterCat8 - 7 years ago
I love this song so much I can’t stop listening to it!!
Gilberto Martinez
Gilberto Martinez - 7 years ago
Very cook ukulele arrangement!
ZeroGaming Savage
ZeroGaming Savage - 7 years ago
i’m just learning ukulele and this is inspiring me so much
Kaustubh Gargelwar
Kaustubh Gargelwar - 7 years ago
If you guys liked this then you should check out la rumba zorro it is epic
riskia Lucky
riskia Lucky - 7 years ago
sow beutiful this girl
WhiteLineRacer - 7 years ago
Ken Guitar
Ken Guitar - 7 years ago
Libre como un nómada
Libre como un nómada - 7 years ago
In love. What an ukulele porn! Too much talent!
BimaDwi BimaDwi
BimaDwi BimaDwi - 7 years ago
Nô Na
Nô Na - 7 years ago
Muhammad Ariyadi
Muhammad Ariyadi - 7 years ago
Pahanya oke
Little Fox
Little Fox - 7 years ago
under the beautiful clouds in the sky, the music is amazing
Leslie Gomez
Leslie Gomez - 7 years ago
it's so cute how they're smiling so much. also do any of you guys know what the girls ukulele is? I'm talking about the girls ukulele in the black top
Ali Akmal
Ali Akmal - 7 years ago
Judul lagunya apa'an
のどごしMAX - 7 years ago
Sorry but my eyes only on my legs. Is Wai 's reaction a normal person? Does everyone think so? Reply
Ejja Firmansyah
Ejja Firmansyah - 7 years ago
muka monyett;v
usa12watch - 7 years ago
Totally in sync Good job- A fun piece - it would be hard for me to sit like that & play- I would fall over- Haha
Sukma Anggara
Sukma Anggara - 7 years ago
Irenka Novakova
Irenka Novakova - 7 years ago
omg this is good
Philame Dela Cruz
Philame Dela Cruz - 7 years ago
there using their nails as pick
Philame Dela Cruz
Philame Dela Cruz - 7 years ago
the girl with the black tank top, she;s using finger style
X. Shuriken
X. Shuriken - 7 years ago
This is Intriguingly amazing
Lynelle - 7 years ago
Grace Vaanderwal who?
Lynelle - 7 years ago
plays in 2x playback speed OH MA GAH
Anto Kin
Anto Kin - 7 years ago
Why are Hawaiians so good in ukele? Amazing!
Charlie's Karts
Charlie's Karts - 7 years ago
Been learning this song now for about 2 years and can still only play at 3/4 speed
Karina Sanchez
Karina Sanchez - 7 years ago
alguien en internet que enseñe a tocar así?
Subhadip Nag
Subhadip Nag - 7 years ago
Who is Honoka & who is Azita???
Alonzo Branson
Alonzo Branson - 7 years ago
I sincerely hope you two never get tired of what you do.
Bizae Retrun
Bizae Retrun - 7 years ago
Nafiuddin Ahmed
Nafiuddin Ahmed - 7 years ago
Azita I love u...
Will u marry me...
Star Traveler
Star Traveler - 7 years ago
Both are playing beautyful.
Nafiuddin Ahmed
Nafiuddin Ahmed - 7 years ago
Wow Amazing music..
alphahunterd - 7 years ago
You guys are amazing! Great job!
Duncan Urquhart
Duncan Urquhart - 7 years ago
I could listen to this all day, like this is pretty much every Mood...
みらいMirai - 7 years ago
I'd definitely marry them
みらいMirai - 7 years ago
I'd definitely marry them
Achsin Subhan
Achsin Subhan - 7 years ago
sayang kamu cantik banget gua suka sama kamu
Luc Van Roekeghem
Luc Van Roekeghem - 7 years ago
i wish i was that ukulele
Luc Van Roekeghem
Luc Van Roekeghem - 7 years ago
very sweet stuff baby's :)
koka reyan
koka reyan - 7 years ago
mirip lagu dangdut dari indonesia...
Mauricio Maldonado
Mauricio Maldonado - 7 years ago
Love it
Limey Nget
Limey Nget - 7 years ago
They both are so talent
Rio the Chill Boy
Rio the Chill Boy - 7 years ago
Bushy eyebrow is very good! I was entertained. Thank you.
rex Taylors
rex Taylors - 7 years ago
wow this girls can play am like wow #speakingguitars #thumbsup
Thanghai Chung
Thanghai Chung - 7 years ago
How sweet babies
ales kawaii
ales kawaii - 7 years ago
good job
Rho Mehyo
Rho Mehyo - 7 years ago
Which ukulele is this?? Concert or tenor?
Ricloven Visitacion
Ricloven Visitacion - 7 years ago
Throws guitar on the trash
allison tredwell
allison tredwell - 7 years ago
Their life looks freaking set
Theo Bambang
Theo Bambang - 7 years ago
Real amazing, nature talented.
Tweeky Broflovski
Tweeky Broflovski - 7 years ago
Luke Beckstrom
Luke Beckstrom - 7 years ago
I can play a c chord :D
반바지 - 7 years ago
Jace Chong
Jace Chong - 7 years ago
Fell in love with the girl in blue.
Michael Bonner
Michael Bonner - 7 years ago
I would like to support these girls.where do I send money?
banhmiso1 - 7 years ago
Michael Bonner, please send donation to PO box 4256, Honolulu, HI. 96802. Thanks for your support.
Daim Hossain
Daim Hossain - 7 years ago
let me get laid
veguira CN
veguira CN - 7 years ago
Si voy a tener un ukelele de ese tamaño mejor una guitarra
KittyMelon - 7 years ago
c-chords jkjk ill never do it right
Melowneee _
Melowneee _ - 7 years ago
Do you need to have nails in order to play any type of string instrument? I nail bite out of my anxiety, and playing the flute and violin has helped me feel some sort of ease. I feel like trying something new, such as the ukulele, but I don't want to wear any fake nails. You're my inspiration to the ukulele, I'm not saying that as if I were to practice ukulele and then be good just as you. I feel like I'd be disrespecting you, knowing that you've taken so Much time and effort practicing each day, to become this good. I meant it to let you know that your music has made somebody feel inspired to do something that'll take years to master. Just by that you'll realize the start of this was by two girls playing most beautiful music with symphony. <3

And no, I won't burn my ukulele like others.
Mohammad Theo
Mohammad Theo - 7 years ago
tell me the fucking beautifull place???
Dark Seven Master
Dark Seven Master - 7 years ago
Irsyad Jafar
Irsyad Jafar - 7 years ago
You are the same thing in love with you can do this is my love you
Amir Zainuddin ARWER
Amir Zainuddin ARWER - 7 years ago
https://youtu.be/DZMt4wWsUwg ukulele fingerstyle
Cannottouchdis - 7 years ago
Why did I️ fall in love with them
Regina Aquino
Regina Aquino - 7 years ago
Beautiful ladies. Beautiful music. Beautiful view.
Feri 28605
Feri 28605 - 7 years ago
Kentu enak
#1 NumberOne
#1 NumberOne - 7 years ago
Could U Plz Teach Me Basics?
Charlie's Karts
Charlie's Karts - 7 years ago
#1 NumberOne I have the tan if you want it
Giovanni Figueroa
Giovanni Figueroa - 7 years ago
Que bonito ¡¡¡
Eznii - 7 years ago
Does anyone know what ukuleles they have?
John Schotanus
John Schotanus - 7 years ago
You rock girls
Thaly Reis
Thaly Reis - 7 years ago
Fiiiiireee!!! ♥
No Name
No Name - 7 years ago
Amazing how this was played on a simple instrument with only 4 strings.
carlos estrada
carlos estrada - 7 years ago
is this a cover ? if yes, what song is?
Kai Kahale
Kai Kahale - 7 years ago
Anyone know what type of ukulele they have? Like a soprano tenor etc.
Believe It or Not
Believe It or Not - 7 years ago
Super talented!
Lukman Cool
Lukman Cool - 7 years ago
kirim salam ama kakak yg ikat rambut:* :V
فیلم ایرانی
فیلم ایرانی - 7 years ago
budi adi pati
budi adi pati - 7 years ago
Daryl Smith
Daryl Smith - 7 years ago
Nice beautiful girl I love you so much....
Chitrang Kapadia
Chitrang Kapadia - 7 years ago
Amazing Uke playing. I am a fan!! :)
Rivaldi PM
Rivaldi PM - 7 years ago
Cinta Satu Malam
Bailey - 7 years ago
You guys are so good!!!
Scremliekaraptor - 7 years ago
Saw it on Tumblr, knew I had to find the original artist. Absolutely love what you guys do!
Carlos Solorzano
Carlos Solorzano - 7 years ago
Are these Kala concert ukeleles?
Josh Ord
Josh Ord - 7 years ago
I'm taking my uke and moving to Hawaii right now
EmilianoGZ - 7 years ago
And this kids, is how you can destroy your nails.
Ravin Paul
Ravin Paul - 7 years ago
guys do u Also teach???
king williams
king williams - 7 years ago
what ukuleles are they using?
Madhuparna Das
Madhuparna Das - 7 years ago
I can not even say how amazing you girls are ❤
joel jancco
joel jancco - 7 years ago
i love re music ;)
Leah Martin
Leah Martin - 7 years ago
Who else finds the little tapping noises of her fingernails to be super relaxing?
Emil Goubasarian
Emil Goubasarian - 7 years ago
Where is this?
Irvan Sugiarto
Irvan Sugiarto - 7 years ago
keren salam dari indonesia
abdul ghafar
abdul ghafar - 7 years ago
ike ike
Enrique Plasencia
Enrique Plasencia - 7 years ago
Es más ni el billete Jean de Michael
Enrique Plasencia
Enrique Plasencia - 7 years ago
No se como montan se escribe ni chopin ni mozar aeropuerto me transmiten estas chicas grandes
Enrique Plasencia
Enrique Plasencia - 7 years ago
Lo mejor q he visto tocar ni las estaciones de vivaldy
Nightand Fog
Nightand Fog - 7 years ago
0815-7804-5670 Jual Pisau Dapur Set
0815-7804-5670 Jual Pisau Dapur Set - 7 years ago
amazing.. waooowww...
el mister crack
el mister crack - 7 years ago
y uno acá con la flauta apenas :'v
AwesomeTV23 - 7 years ago
gabriel bak
gabriel bak - 7 years ago
Idk sounds like Jake Shimabukuro wannabes. Every song you guys play sucks. Its really not any song but simply just fast strumming and picking. ???
Rikrik XD
Rikrik XD - 7 years ago
This reminds of some cowboys having an epic shooting war
Daniel Gould
Daniel Gould - 7 years ago
Are these concert or tenor ukuleles?
Ander Arjona Roca
Ander Arjona Roca - 7 years ago
Your music and smiles always make me happy!
backpacker imblo
backpacker imblo - 7 years ago
keren ....sub back klo memang punya jam terbang tingkat sewertu. saya undang di trip saya
Aldi C'emong Aldi
Aldi C'emong Aldi - 7 years ago
Honoka Mukanya Jelek Amat :)
Chris Winkle
Chris Winkle - 7 years ago
bet they can jerk a mean dick... lmao... someone had to say it...
Minote3 sevz
Minote3 sevz - 7 years ago
Steve Marcello Arce
Steve Marcello Arce - 7 years ago
Name of Song?
Charlie's Karts
Charlie's Karts - 7 years ago
Steve Marcello Arce Bodysurfing. It’s by them..
Steve Marcello Arce
Steve Marcello Arce - 7 years ago
Cordofonia - 7 years ago
Mon Dieu ! C'est super!
Hanggara tetap keren
Hanggara tetap keren - 7 years ago
DenMasAlung For Youtube
DenMasAlung For Youtube - 7 years ago
GrimsbyCakeMonster - 7 years ago
best music ever BTW keep it up
quinton paterson
quinton paterson - 7 years ago
Wow so many years on and I still love this video:)
GAGOKA ELIJ24 - 7 years ago
fuck me
Ella H
Ella H - 7 years ago
i love how they just have two long fingernails for strumming lmfao
Imran Ahmad
Imran Ahmad - 7 years ago
They were invited to Okinawa, Japan and performed in front of 8,000 people and it was broadcasted live by the National TV to all over Japan. They are truly amazing!
Vince Furbs
Vince Furbs - 7 years ago
Woah. I love the girls! hehe
Raimundo Viana
Raimundo Viana - 7 years ago
Muito obrigado or compartilhar conosco o talento de vocês!
Tisa Manandhar
Tisa Manandhar - 7 years ago
This is amazing
690Dragonx - 7 years ago
amazing! keep up your outstanding work!
J Santos
J Santos - 7 years ago
Jam Girls JAM  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  girls play like they"ve  been playing long time , keep it up girls  !!!!!!!!   Mahalo
Sadie Whitney
Sadie Whitney - 7 years ago
I play the uke too but i'm not as good.
Shivam gupta
Shivam gupta - 7 years ago
The black top girl made this video deserving . Other girl was just playing cords
Nat Tilghman
Nat Tilghman - 7 years ago
That's who you know neither of all can play an instrument. "It's just playing a cord" easy to say when your not the pne playing. Talent is more that looking "cool" doing what you doing.
Charlie's Karts
Charlie's Karts - 7 years ago
Shivam gupta That’s what I think
itzyahgirl annette
itzyahgirl annette - 7 years ago
Mesmerizing! ❤️
Luna Moon {Fox}{Demi-God/Part Succubus}
Luna Moon {Fox}{Demi-God/Part Succubus} - 7 years ago
J.S.A.E Times
J.S.A.E Times - 7 years ago
Finishes watching video
Picks up ukelele
Plays as fast as I can
Mum comes in...
"What the heck is that awful noise!?"
I say...
"I'm learning to play the ukelele, sounds good eh!"
Mum says...
"If you played that in front of a lion you'd be eaten up in a second!"

I think you two are amazing! I really wish I could do that, it's just really hard for me to learn!
Robbie Mao
Robbie Mao - 7 years ago
this should be the most satisfying video of the world
OkayItsClaudiwis - 7 years ago
You killed it oh my gosh
FSRxxx - 7 years ago
What is the name of the song ? I really want to learn this ! :D
Eko Kuswanto
Eko Kuswanto - 7 years ago
God job and cool
Mitchell Chang
Mitchell Chang - 7 years ago
Don't miss the girls at the 2017 Los Angeles International Ukulele Festival Sept 30! www.losangelesukulelefestival.com
Sigit Setyawan
Sigit Setyawan - 7 years ago
after i see this video,
now, i sell my ukulele....
Paulo Sérgio
Paulo Sérgio - 7 years ago
3:50 de música boa
Mico Mics
Mico Mics - 7 years ago
My ukelele doesn't sound like that idk why
Charlie's Karts
Charlie's Karts - 7 years ago
Mico Mics yeah that’s cause they’re like $1000 ukes. You won’t get anything else to sound like it.
kauthara salut
kauthara salut - 7 years ago
when the first time i see this Videos ... i decided bought an UKULELE immediately.... haha
Saleha Ahsan
Saleha Ahsan - 7 years ago
excellent amazing super
Rigor Mortis
Rigor Mortis - 7 years ago
omg i love u u both so cute and awwww such an awesome skills !!!
1 1
1 1 - 7 years ago
I play guitar but I've also always wanted to learn how to play the Uke, holy shit these two girls are my heros
Abhijit Vyas
Abhijit Vyas - 7 years ago
cute and cool
Kirsten Gonzalez
Kirsten Gonzalez - 7 years ago
does anyone know which ukulele they're using?
Nicholas Chung
Nicholas Chung - 7 years ago
they're so damn cute jezuz i would so date them
Ed Thunder Del Rosario
Ed Thunder Del Rosario - 7 years ago
I just can't stop repeating this song it's so fabulous and cooooooooooool OMG!!!!!!!! Thumbs up for that everyone!!!!!!!!!
Early Game YT
Early Game YT - 7 years ago
Me encanta ver este video la cara de pendeja que tiene la de la derecha lo hace graciosisimo
Mr. Pudge
Mr. Pudge - 7 years ago
This is amazing, Ellen needs these girls on her show!!!, edit: just realised that this was 4 years ago.
Isabella Garcia
Isabella Garcia - 7 years ago
I loved it!
Jamwell - 7 years ago
Prince Reyes
Prince Reyes - 7 years ago
You guys are savage..
Isomario Rodrigues Bezerra Isomario
Isomario Rodrigues Bezerra Isomario - 7 years ago
Sou o maior fã dessa espetaculares duplas e meu maior sonho é vê elas tocado ao vivo é show toca muito lindassss
Cihat Akan
Cihat Akan - 7 years ago
Eksk yaznda pçler cevremesn amk
Zülfikar Alp
Zülfikar Alp - 7 years ago
Güzel günaydın şarkısı :)
Sarah Mathis
Sarah Mathis - 7 years ago
i can play the c cord...
stranger trash
stranger trash - 7 years ago
Those ukes are so professional wowie. I got mine from an auction and my sister got hers from walmart :')))))
Wildan Abror
Wildan Abror - 7 years ago
Fabio Olavo
Fabio Olavo - 7 years ago
Uow!! .. Awesome!! ;D
Kisses from Brazil.
Donald Ripper
Donald Ripper - 7 years ago
im happy denger permainan ukulele mereka
Scout Trooper#27
Scout Trooper#27 - 7 years ago
This is amazing girls. Keep up the good work. Look forward to your next video.
ADR PRODUCCIONES - 7 years ago
Yo me las foll....
Jesley Augusto
Jesley Augusto - 7 years ago
Tenor Ukulele ? Concerto ? What kind of ukulele do they play?
Alejandro Jean
Alejandro Jean - 7 years ago
Is this song on Spotify?
Mallory McGuire
Mallory McGuire - 7 years ago
What kind of ukes are those? Baritone?
Lucas Motta
Lucas Motta - 7 years ago
Delmus Ingle
Delmus Ingle - 7 years ago
I love listening to these two...
Pau Ferrer
Pau Ferrer - 7 years ago
Esto es impresionante, único, me encanta
Katherin C
Katherin C - 7 years ago
Increible, me encantó!!
Manoel Vaniclecio Vaniclecio
Manoel Vaniclecio Vaniclecio - 7 years ago
Apatosaurus .3.
Apatosaurus .3. - 7 years ago
Work that index.
Josué Silva
Josué Silva - 7 years ago
Muito bom mesmo..!
ExMyHeartOut - 7 years ago
Does anyone know what kind/brand of ukulele they're using?
Jennet Rahman
Jennet Rahman - 6 years ago
KBurny T.R they look like concert ukuleles
Isa Kay
Isa Kay - 7 years ago
Probably a tener
hiwahiwak _
hiwahiwak _ - 7 years ago
ExMyHeartOut AND BLACK TANK TOP*** not blue tank top lol I’m stupid
KBurny T.R
KBurny T.R - 7 years ago
xx_ kawehi_ I'm not too sure. I'll have a quick google
hiwahiwak _
hiwahiwak _ - 7 years ago
KBurny T.R I’m pretty sure sopranos and concert sizes are the same
KBurny T.R
KBurny T.R - 7 years ago
xx_ kawehi_ Surely they're not 0_o I was thinking more like concert or Tenor
hiwahiwak _
hiwahiwak _ - 7 years ago
KBurny T.R they’re sopranos :)
KBurny T.R
KBurny T.R - 7 years ago
xx_ kawehi_ Do you know what size them ukes are? =)
Константин Алексеев
Константин Алексеев - 7 years ago
do anybody know what the song they are playing?
Đại Nguyễn
Đại Nguyễn - 7 years ago
ukulele master

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