How The Biggest Waves In The World Are Formed

When sitting on the beach, have you ever wondered where that wave came from? Pro surfer and wave expert Kyle Thiermann joins Trace to surf the science of waves, their origins, and why they’re about to get even bigger. Follow Kyle on Twitter ►►►► Subscribe to Kyles Channel ►►►► Sign Up For The TestTube Newsletter Here ►►►► Read More: Types of Waves “Every sound we hear, every photon of light that hits our eyes, the movement of grass blown by the wind and the regular beat of the tides are all examples of waves. They are all around us.” Science of Summer: How Do Ocean Waves Form? “One of summer's greatest pleasures for the lucky beachgoer is listening to the rhythmic lapping of ocean waves. A number of factors power this trance-inducing phenomenon, but the most important generator of local wave activity is actually the wind.” ____________________ DNews is dedicated to satisfying your curiosity and to bringing you mind-bending stories & perspectives you won't find anywhere else! New videos twice daily. Watch More DNews on TestTube Subscribe now! DNews on Twitter Trace Dominguez on Twitter Julia Wilde on Twitter DNews on Facebook DNews on Google+ Discovery News Download the TestTube App: Sign Up For The TestTube Mailing List:

How The Biggest Waves In The World Are Formed sentiment_very_dissatisfied 143

Surf 9 years ago 222,008 views

When sitting on the beach, have you ever wondered where that wave came from? Pro surfer and wave expert Kyle Thiermann joins Trace to surf the science of waves, their origins, and why they’re about to get even bigger. Follow Kyle on Twitter ►►►► Subscribe to Kyles Channel ►►►► Sign Up For The TestTube Newsletter Here ►►►► Read More: Types of Waves “Every sound we hear, every photon of light that hits our eyes, the movement of grass blown by the wind and the regular beat of the tides are all examples of waves. They are all around us.” Science of Summer: How Do Ocean Waves Form? “One of summer's greatest pleasures for the lucky beachgoer is listening to the rhythmic lapping of ocean waves. A number of factors power this trance-inducing phenomenon, but the most important generator of local wave activity is actually the wind.” ____________________ DNews is dedicated to satisfying your curiosity and to bringing you mind-bending stories & perspectives you won't find anywhere else! New videos twice daily. Watch More DNews on TestTube Subscribe now! DNews on Twitter Trace Dominguez on Twitter Julia Wilde on Twitter DNews on Facebook DNews on Google+ Discovery News Download the TestTube App: Sign Up For The TestTube Mailing List:

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Most popular comments
for How The Biggest Waves In The World Are Formed

fortnite project 2019 Need for speed 2019
fortnite project 2019 Need for speed 2019 - 6 years ago
Couple bum boys,,,, 'daniel dyer voice'....
Tyrell Chetty
Tyrell Chetty - 6 years ago
19 feet
Justin Cox
Justin Cox - 6 years ago
In other words you two have no clue how waves are created. Consistent sets of waves all day every day to no end. By wind? Not a chance. This is God's creation. Not science like you allude to.
Itsuki Yamanaka
Itsuki Yamanaka - 6 years ago
Crazy things Lol
Crazy things Lol - 6 years ago
The biggest wave was born when the astonite hitted earth at Mexico
Rachel Lasser
Rachel Lasser - 6 years ago
lol love that shirt
Arizona Tallent
Arizona Tallent - 6 years ago
What energy source causes the waves to start forming in the first place? Earthquakes? Currents flowing together close to the surface? Really strong wind close to the surface of the water?
Kenneth Borg
Kenneth Borg - 6 years ago
Correction: The Amplitude of a wave is not the stretch from Trough to Crest !.That would be twice the Amplitude...Its the distance between either the crest and the disturbance line or between the disturbance line and the trough. Thank you.
the lost journal of mystifying things
the lost journal of mystifying things - 6 years ago
the bathymetry effected the size of the waves in my bathtub ! :D when i think of the word bathymetry i think of the words bath + geometry :D

10. comment for How The Biggest Waves In The World Are Formed

Frank Cuizio
Frank Cuizio - 6 years ago
You forgot to mention that smaller waves are faster and catch up to the bigger waves and join them.I have been out on a big boat in 40ft waves.I liked it,but everyone on board was sea sick.(except the captain and crew)
Tylen Sheron
Tylen Sheron - 6 years ago
26cag03 - 6 years ago
26cag03 - 6 years ago
what kind of vidoe is that
Benjamin Stracener
Benjamin Stracener - 7 years ago
cuz i can boi
Dorian Avery
Dorian Avery - 7 years ago
Spencer Mahnken
Spencer Mahnken - 7 years ago
You all are so cool and smart!!! ( ' - ' )
Walt Jisney Channel
Walt Jisney Channel - 7 years ago
Kyle thiernann charges
Amanda Ortiz
Amanda Ortiz - 7 years ago
I’ll stick to my boogie board. Thanks.
gary schraa
gary schraa - 7 years ago
mark ruffalo , from now you see me ?  no  ? I give up then this is trickery

20. comment for How The Biggest Waves In The World Are Formed

a. banks.
a. banks. - 7 years ago
This is just like, when people make waves.... it's very complicated.
TheForensicCraft Minecraft and Roblox
TheForensicCraft Minecraft and Roblox - 7 years ago
I'm back in science class...
brandyn pykare
brandyn pykare - 7 years ago
eddy would go
waimea bay 2016
some waves reached 40ft
An Otaku
An Otaku - 7 years ago
i thought he was gonna sing amazing grace lmao
The_Real_Bacho TRB
The_Real_Bacho TRB - 8 years ago
6 or 7 ft waves
Sarah Claudine Aspillaga
Sarah Claudine Aspillaga - 8 years ago
So waves push throu other waves?
Mahavishnu Stravinskij
Mahavishnu Stravinskij - 8 years ago
A wave with a 15-18 second period could have originated at "the other end of the world"- WHERE IS THAT? WHAT MEASURE IS "THE WORLD", AND WHAT DOES "THE OTHER END" MEAN?
Thank you for giving us another fabulous fream video!
Mahavishnu Stravinskij
Mahavishnu Stravinskij - 8 years ago
Oh, that's probably it, thank you!! :D
Al - 8 years ago
i think they mean the from the futurist point so say when hawaii gets huge all the waves r comin from japan cross the pacific til it hits hawaii but say if its like 5 sec periods means they just formed from wind or a storm not very far out so the waves dont travel as far
jkx22 - 8 years ago
I'm pretending they're not reading from a teleprompter.
Bijorn Jackson
Bijorn Jackson - 9 years ago
Deez Nuts
Evil Girl
Evil Girl - 9 years ago

30. comment for How The Biggest Waves In The World Are Formed

Cowboy Hank
Cowboy Hank - 9 years ago
I'm actually a windsurfer, but a friend of mine is going to teach me regular wave surfing next year, and I'm really looking forward to it ^^
Derek Barnett
Derek Barnett - 9 years ago
So, as someone who's never surfed, this would mean that surfing an approaching hurricane would be really bad, right?
_SpaceNexus_ - 9 years ago
Dnews- The master science channel of asking simple questions and putting 5 minutes of science into it.
Skele - 9 years ago
I surfed in Australia before. They never taught me any of this.
rbmaserang - 9 years ago
big powerful organized waves.
Topaze MCs
Topaze MCs - 9 years ago
1:15 Correction: Amplitude is measured from the resting position of the wave (the line drawn between the top and the bottom of the wave) to the peak of the wave know as the crest.
Wack Johnson
Wack Johnson - 9 years ago
ive surfed 260ft waves.. was a few years ago in peugo los ferros
friendly911 OS
friendly911 OS - 9 years ago
what is this, science for toddlers? sigh...this is just basic information.
ZeratultheDark - 9 years ago
i am afraid of deep water, so no surfing anything but the internet for this guy. wonderful video though. learned some new stuff about ocean waves.
Jonathan Thorns
Jonathan Thorns - 9 years ago
Amplitude is actually measured from the still water level to the peak (or trough).
It is a common science misconception, that the amplitude is the whole height of the wave. Surfers do refer to height of a wave; trough to peak, as that is the part they surf. Scientifically the surfing height of the wave (1:17) is double the amplitude.
Kai hill
Kai hill - 9 years ago
I really liked this video
Evilwhiteclownpunk - 9 years ago
If I'm standing on the pier, I can not use my phone as a stopwatch... I left it in the car...
IAN 4000
IAN 4000 - 9 years ago
I live in SoCal, and during a recent 15 foot swell my surfboard broke in half :(
Irval Firestar
Irval Firestar - 9 years ago
Expected an explanation to the freak/rogue waves documented by scientists in the open ocean, but eh. This is fine too I guess.
The Real Drunkard Hu
The Real Drunkard Hu - 9 years ago
No Trace, the biggest swell hasn't come down... It's still on your head. :D
Daisy Mason
Daisy Mason - 9 years ago
is this not just a cos graph??? sorry, I've got my maths exam soon. EVERYTHING IS MATHS HELP ME
Luka Magic
Luka Magic - 9 years ago
I love the clear speaking and given ideas of DNews. Nice video
Randall Collins
Randall Collins - 9 years ago
How about a DNews subject on why gas prices are so high in many European countries as compared to the US. And is there any company that is making money on such prices, especially since most cars driven overseas are diesels, which is only relatively cheaper. Thanks.
BacconFlavour - 9 years ago
Portugal yeahh!
rodibremo - 9 years ago
& Gruyère.

50. comment for How The Biggest Waves In The World Are Formed

Syed Shan-e-Ali Zaidi
Syed Shan-e-Ali Zaidi - 9 years ago
if you are looking for details thanks to Trace he has made a whole serises of 5 episods on this topic, on TestTubePlus channel.
•cam. - 9 years ago
If you say trough, a wave has crests not peaks
Amândio de Aveiro
Amândio de Aveiro - 9 years ago
Another great Spot not as big as Nazaré (Portugal) is Paúl do Mar (Madeira - Portugal), surfers call it the Hawaii of the Atlantic.
Wazzup - 9 years ago
Personally, I'm very afraid of waves like the last few. There's no way you could get me out there and swim or surf.
he11b1ade - 9 years ago
that's easy ... usually undersea earthquakes which causes giant undersea landslides, which causes the biggest waves called tsunamis, which is then affected by the angle of the seabed at which the tsunami travels as it approaches land
wind/storm has nothing to do with it
he11b1ade - 8 years ago
+Kenneth Montoya Oh and please remember this is only a very specific answer for a very specific question regarding "the biggest waves" and not all tsunamis. : )
And you're welcome.
unknownpawner1994 - 9 years ago
Can you surf on a tsunami?
Jay Draper
Jay Draper - 9 years ago
So, a simple sinusoidal function.
play_station_kid - 9 years ago
Hey i have family in the Aleution islands
Blackest Comments Ever
Blackest Comments Ever - 9 years ago
The wave pool at the great wolf lodge.
Wood Croft
Wood Croft - 9 years ago
1:09 Amplitude is half the wave height.
Logan - 9 years ago
Why does kyle blink so much when trace is talking
Siberius Wolf
Siberius Wolf - 9 years ago
He's like the Linus (tech tips) of surfing crossed with Woody Harrelson.
samantha Harris
samantha Harris - 9 years ago
Cool video
V_VITHURSHAN - 9 years ago
+samantha Harris video has lot cool news , but video is terrible to see...
Jayda - 9 years ago
DNews is joining the science channel
Maximum Sandwich
Maximum Sandwich - 9 years ago
Late some video!
Sophie Nixon
Sophie Nixon - 9 years ago
cheese shirt A+
Over Opinionated Bogan
Over Opinionated Bogan - 9 years ago
im terrified of waves as silly as it sounds. been dumped so many times. yes I know your supposed to dive under them. doesn't always work.

I can't really explain it any better than that.
Patrick B8
Patrick B8 - 9 years ago
*people had drowned there, the waves only made it hard for the people to get to the shore
Patrick B8
Patrick B8 - 9 years ago
I went to a beach once, I couldn't go into the sea (because the waves were too big and had killed some people recently) but for some reason my parents let me get closer to the sea
A wave almost pulled me into the sea but, luckily, my uncle caught me
lasarith2 - 9 years ago
Is his t-shirt Green or Blue?
nathan chambers
nathan chambers - 9 years ago
Not commenting to insult but I used to love this channel and lately have lost interest, I love the first half of the vid but lose interest after that, just hoping to help you know my opinion
Bleachy - 9 years ago
What about the moon
Icecube57 - 9 years ago
Sailing on a merchant ship in the winter 1992-1993 in the Greenland sea in desember I witnessed waves over 60 feet (20 meters) in the arctic ocean.
I tell you nature has a way of showing you how small we really are and who´s boss.
Do not ever underestimate Mother Nature. She rules no matter what the tiny humans may think.
SSDragon19 - 9 years ago
so thats why the east coast doesnt have those types of waves like the west coast. interesting
aderassi - 9 years ago
I'm out of this channel.
I know that you have to tell us a little bit of info about the subject before you answer the actual question, but for some reason it can't hold my atention and I just switch the video before the answer comes up. :/
Jarethenator - 9 years ago
Angela Rivera
Angela Rivera - 9 years ago
so I'm new to this channel
but my question is

why do we kiss while we have sex?
The Great Me-sama
The Great Me-sama - 9 years ago
I... I'm sorry Mama!
I tried to get an A! I really did!
Mariana - 9 years ago
nazaré yupi a village that I go visit since I was a baby... so happy that is now very well known around the world
Stefanzo - 9 years ago
brah swamis firing when the kooks go back to school gonna get some gnarrrrrrrrrly rides duuude dont come to my spot unless you wanna fight.
Joe Negron
Joe Negron - 9 years ago
Good job on making it on to the science channel
Kacper Maciejewski
Kacper Maciejewski - 9 years ago
What you guys said is totally not true ; the moon's gravity pulls the Earth's waters and this is why they move. Tsunami is caused by the Earth's tectonic plates moving.
LegendaryGamer16 - 9 years ago
The amplitude is the distance between the line of equilibrium and the top of peak OR the bottom of trough.
ShopTalk - 9 years ago
You make a video about the "biggest" waves in the ocean and you don't even mention rogue waves? No conversation about constructive wave interference? Wow you guys are slacking on the research. This is the level of clickbait garbage.
ironcityblue - 9 years ago
Point break is still stupid
KaliyaK - 9 years ago
Thumbs up for Nazaré!
Q C - 9 years ago
love this topic great job guys
D A - 9 years ago
We stork theory along side the giving birth theory in public schools
Ricardo - 9 years ago
YEAH NAZARÉ!!! I live 15min away from Nazaré!!
The biggest wave I ever seen was there.
DEWEI_69 - 7 years ago
Eu vivo na Nazaré!
Mister Kevin
Mister Kevin - 9 years ago
+Marcos Da Silva I'm one too, Açoriano though!
Marcos Da Silva
Marcos Da Silva - 9 years ago
Tuga !!!
Kareem Akhtar
Kareem Akhtar - 9 years ago
how about making a video on " why February has only 28/29 days
Joshua Taylor Madison
Joshua Taylor Madison - 9 years ago
UFOs landing in the middle of the ocean.
Peter Rabitt
Peter Rabitt - 9 years ago
All I know is I just slammed 4 shots of vodka and I love EVERYONE.
Peter Rabitt
Peter Rabitt - 9 years ago
+Peter Rabitt Trace....I love you bro. (I'm one of those,. "I love you, man" drunks.)
Joshua Leggett
Joshua Leggett - 9 years ago
I saw a 5 meter wave or 16 of the coast of new Zealand
Mozzthecoolguy - 9 years ago
Hey Trace ! Nice shirt, mate.
The snekspear
The snekspear - 6 years ago
+The Generous Degenerate beat me by 3 years
The Generous Degenerate
The Generous Degenerate - 9 years ago
really? I thought it was kinda "cheesy". :P
megagene - 9 years ago
This Kyle guy... I know he's a surfer, but he actually has really good delivery for these kinds of videos. Better than a lot of other people who host these kinds of segments where having good delivery is supposed to be the number one part of their job. Not talking about any of you beautiful DNews people, of course. I'm looking squarely at you
Center Cut Studio
Center Cut Studio - 9 years ago
+megagene True dat.
4browsing - 9 years ago
+megagene Kyle has alot of experience with timing. Ya know, paddling out and calculating the period of waves all over the world; taking into account various aspects like bathymetry.
balahaja erk
balahaja erk - 9 years ago
ikr, he should be on more often
Kyle Thiermann
Kyle Thiermann - 9 years ago
Trace, when do I get to take you surfing?? It would make for a great episode on my show. Thanks again for having me on, I'd love to do it again sometime.
Kyle Thiermann
Kyle Thiermann - 9 years ago
+fuckery abounds one can only hope...
The Generous Degenerate
The Generous Degenerate - 9 years ago
sounds like the beginnings of a long and beautiful bromance.
Reen duk
Reen duk - 9 years ago
Take me inside you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Seeker - 9 years ago
+Kyle Thiermann PLEASE take us all surfing! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
DogeMuchWow - 9 years ago
Hey Dnews
Can you answer this question: Why does air travel as bubbles inside water?
SpaghettiToaster - 7 years ago
Because when something (water) is pressing down on you (air) from all sides, this forces you into the most efficient shape to withstand the pressure (a sphere).
Dank Quest
Dank Quest - 9 years ago
+Pathfinder Can I Keep my username forever?
Pathfinder - 9 years ago
+Nerd Quest rename yourself to wannabe nerd. After you finish your high school Chem class, feel free to rename yourself back to Nerd Quest.
The Generous Degenerate
The Generous Degenerate - 9 years ago
as opposed doing what?
Dank Quest
Dank Quest - 9 years ago
maybe bexause the air is a diffdrent chemical than water and they probably don't mix so they seperate
MilitanT07 - 9 years ago
As someone who recently completed a course in advanced fluid mechanics that covered fundamentals of fluid surfaces waves due to gravity. That shit is insanely complicated even under the simplest conditions.
VirtualVictory - 9 years ago
I wish YouTube had a 3x speed feature.
ameer tbeishat
ameer tbeishat - 9 years ago
Tyler Kegger
Tyler Kegger - 9 years ago
Kyle is hot, DNews why were hiding him???
Austin Henning
Austin Henning - 8 years ago
Jay - 9 years ago
+Tyler Kegger suss
Michael Cooper
Michael Cooper - 9 years ago
I'm pretty sure you got the amplitude wrong. Should it not be form the peak to the middle of the wave

100. comment for How The Biggest Waves In The World Are Formed

NoodleNinetySeven - 9 years ago
With A DuRag
ZeVio74 - 9 years ago
biggest "wave" I've experienced is when a truck driving across a puddle beside me during a rain storm
Eduardo C.
Eduardo C. - 9 years ago
why surfers waves forecast is often more accurate than other weather forecast, mainly on tropical areas?
Scott Martinez
Scott Martinez - 9 years ago
Johnny Martinez
Johnny Martinez - 9 years ago
love your last name lol!
Ami Yamato
Ami Yamato - 9 years ago
Trace's Tshirt is so cheesy.
Catty Sanderson
Catty Sanderson - 6 years ago
Henry Hagemann
Henry Hagemann - 7 years ago
Ami Yamato lol
MartyK8 - 8 years ago
Ami Yamato I get it
INDIGO BLUEoO - 9 years ago
Cole Reisdorf
Cole Reisdorf - 9 years ago
+Ami Yamato Yo that was so good i just died! i read the shirt and i didnt recognize some of the names but i knew two so i was like oh they're cheeses. As soon as he started talking i realized it was a pun and had the biggest sloth laugh ever(from the new movie zootopia). Basically, congrats you made my day
Jay - 9 years ago
+Riley Johnson but what's the joke behind it? I've seen a popular shirt design like that before, but can't quite recall what it said.
Riley Johnson
Riley Johnson - 9 years ago
+Falc1NL it's a bunch of different cheeses haha
Falc1NL - 9 years ago
+DNews What does it mean? :o
Seeker - 9 years ago
+Ami Yamato You went there.
btdtpro - 9 years ago
I wish my period only lasted 8-15 seconds :(.....
kathillina - 9 years ago
Your mama jumps into the water and formed the biggest wave in the human history.
Josephi Krakowski
Josephi Krakowski - 9 years ago
When your mom jumped in the pool nasa found water on mars
Dank Quest
Dank Quest - 9 years ago
kevin said she aint got no nipples
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin - 9 years ago
+kathillina Damn it, i was just about to say that, you stole my words :D
joshs dkytre
joshs dkytre - 9 years ago
wowowow.. I just watched this on your other channel test tube plus. this channel isn't suppose to come after the other. the other is suppose to dive deeper into these subjects. sounds like Dnews director was tired from vacation and Trace was like, my wave guy is still here, lets do this.
The Generous Degenerate
The Generous Degenerate - 9 years ago
that makes sense... I took to the comments to see if I could find an answer for the double vid. this seems as good as any. :)
Angel33Demon666 - 9 years ago
That's not the amplitude, the amplitude is half that...
Angel33Demon666 - 9 years ago
+Steven Garrett I'd rather they went in depth with all the mechanics of waves. Like how viscosity and surface tension affects it, how wind affects it, and the description of this quantitively. This video to me is not much more than 'ooh waves are cool'. 
Steven Garrett
Steven Garrett - 9 years ago
I am all for accuracy.  He goofed.  No doubt.  Having worked through a masters in mathematics, I have seen some atrocious handling of topics like this by folks who are exactly correct and nearly impossible to engage with. Also, when most folks talk about waves it is from a third person observer or purely abstract perspective or even a "sail away as fast as possible" perspective.  This is all fine and good but this fellow is more intimate with huge waves than most people will ever be.  Sharing this kind of perspective and experience is really inspiring.     
Angel33Demon666 - 9 years ago
+Steven Garrett Enthusiastic but wrong. Also, I'd rather they be less 'refreshing' and have more scientific content. 
Steven Garrett
Steven Garrett - 9 years ago
+Angel33Demon666 The mathematical definition of an open ocean wave is h(t) = aCos(bt) where a is the amplitude and is the distance from the wave crest to sea level or from peak to a line of reference as in the case of any abstract wave. Kyle did misspeak on this. Aside from that misstep, his delivery of the material though is enthusiastic and refreshing!
Angel33Demon666 - 9 years ago
And they call themselves 'science communicators'
Eric14492 - 9 years ago
+Angel33Demon666 That guy made the same mistake in the other video on TestTube plus.
Erik Kerschbaumer
Erik Kerschbaumer - 9 years ago
Exactly what I said
Red - 9 years ago
Josh fudged
Julian Gutierrez
Julian Gutierrez - 9 years ago
Emir Sandoval
Emir Sandoval - 9 years ago
what about that massive wave in Interstellar.

love that movie.
The snekspear
The snekspear - 6 years ago
Ok sorry ill love it
PMcCul4486 - 7 years ago
Saturn's rings have waves. The more you know...
Wood Croft
Wood Croft - 9 years ago
+Eric14492 According to Wikipedia, the Lituya Bay tsunami was 30 m high. The 1720 ft figure refers to the wave runup. But anyway, it's just a movie. Of course it has a lot of inaccuracies. It might not look like a tidal wave, but that's what the author intended it to be.
Eric14492 - 9 years ago
+Wood Croft The wave in the movie was not as high as the 1720 ft. Alaska, or 820 ft. Italy. If it was, there is no way that they could have survived.
Eric14492 - 9 years ago
+Wood Croft Most tsunami are not that high, but some are:
1958 Lituya Bay Alaska 1720 ft.
1963 Italy 820 ft.
1964 Alaska 100 ft.
1980 Mount St. Helens 853 ft.
2004 Indian Ocean 108 ft.
2011 Japan 133 ft.
Wood Croft
Wood Croft - 9 years ago
+Eric14492 They're not steep. There are plenty of videos of tsunamis on YouTube, just see it for yourself.
Eric14492 - 9 years ago
+Wood Croft Tsunamis aren't steep in the middle of the ocean, but they are near the shore. Tides aren't, even near the shore. On that planet, apparently there wasn't any land, so no shore.
Wood Croft
Wood Croft - 9 years ago
+Eric14492 I know it's not realistic, but according to the book it's a tidal wave. And tsunamis aren't steep either. They look just like tides. There are also rogue waves, which can be steep, but the one in the movie was definitely meant to be a tidal wave.
Eric14492 - 9 years ago
+Wood Croft The movie depicted a tsunami, not an actual tidal wave. A tsunami is sometimes called a tidal wave, but that is a misnomer. A tsunami is not caused by tides, but by earthquakes.

A wave created by tides, even from a black hole, would look nothing like the wave in the movie. It would look like tides on earth, except that it would be much higher and faster. It would not be steep, but so shallow you would only notice the water level rising. Of courses, Hollywood needs something more dramatic.
Wood Croft
Wood Croft - 9 years ago
+E SC It was a tidal wave.
Its Raggy Time
Its Raggy Time - 9 years ago
+E SC Lol I think I'm the only one who got that
Thomas Alex
Thomas Alex - 9 years ago
+E SC Instead of the Moon and the Sun pulling (gravitational) our water up causing waves, that particular planet had a black hole close by with much much stronger gravitational pull causing those massive waves
Jason DiLaurentis
Jason DiLaurentis - 9 years ago
+AlphaGamerDeluxe Wow, that is a new information.
Peanut Jams
Peanut Jams - 9 years ago
+AlphaGamerDeluxe wow, that water planet was my fav planet in the movie because it made me feel so small.

the movie will always be one of the most interesting movies of all time
Andrew Simmons
Andrew Simmons - 9 years ago
That is not like the waves that hits the shore. That is a bulge that the planet turns into.
Emir Sandoval
Emir Sandoval - 9 years ago
+AlphaGamerDeluxe sorry, 50 years passed till i got your reply.
Laruschack - 9 years ago
+E SC It is created by the gravitional pull of the black hole next to the planet. As the planet rotates under the water it creates a illusion of a wave moving over a planet.
NoxZero - 9 years ago
one time driving home I glanced at the sunset and saw a dark blue line across underneath. I freaked and almost pissed myself cause for a second I thought it was a tidal wave. just clouds though that made a perfect line across the horizon
kasim pro
kasim pro - 9 years ago
now 3
TheWienerMaster - 9 years ago
This is a comment
The snekspear
The snekspear - 6 years ago
The Generous Degenerate
The Generous Degenerate - 9 years ago
this is a retarded pointless thread and I refuse to be part of.... fuck... :P
ytim08 - 9 years ago
This is.. Deez Nuts
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin - 9 years ago
+Holger This is John Cenaaa!!
Gavin Bouma
Gavin Bouma - 9 years ago
Paakphum - 9 years ago
This is yo mum
Manlet Man
Manlet Man - 9 years ago
+Holger This is a reply
crypto091 - 9 years ago
22 views 2likes 2 comments haha
crypto091 - 9 years ago
+Daina Burk all 2s bro
Daina Burk
Daina Burk - 9 years ago
What do u mean by "haha"
crypto091 - 9 years ago
Shellyman Studios
Shellyman Studios - 9 years ago

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The biggest shark to have EVER lived, is the Megalodon, a giant prehistoric shark and a legendary killer. Megalodon...

Shark videos

The LARGEST Shark In The World - Megalodon

65,837 likes 26,745,747 views 9 years ago

Does the Megalodon shark exist? Here are top 10 facts you need to know Subscribe to our channel:...


Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with...

17,769 likes 21,508,774 views 12 years ago

Dolphin Surfing in the Sea of Cortez with the crew from Pro-Windsurf La Ventana. This was definitely one of the TOP...


10 Most Expensive Things In The World

80,654 likes 19,558,335 views 10 years ago

Here are 10 of the most expensive things in the world. Visit our site: Like us on Facebook:...

Shark videos


32,283 likes 17,943,676 views 11 years ago

Jonathan travels to Mexico for an up close encounter with Bull sharks, infamous for the fact that they are known to...


Worlds biggest wave ever surfed

25,621 likes 15,570,549 views 18 years ago

World's biggest wave ever surfed...that guy is crazy! And yes he's still alive. Think it used to be on a sky ad lol.

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Dolphin Surfing, Woman Wakeboarding with...

17,769 likes 21,508,774 views 12 years ago

Dolphin Surfing in the Sea of Cortez with the crew from Pro-Windsurf La Ventana. This was definitely one of the TOP...


Worlds biggest wave ever surfed

25,621 likes 15,570,549 views 18 years ago

World's biggest wave ever surfed...that guy is crazy! And yes he's still alive. Think it used to be on a sky ad lol.


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► ListJumbo is a Disney Partnered Channel! Don't mess with mother nature! These are some of the largest waves ever...


Scary! Massive waves on huge road bridge send...

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About How The Biggest Waves In The World Are Formed

The "How The Biggest Waves In The World Are Formed" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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