How To Catch A Wave - Surfing Tutorials In this learn surfing tutorial, we explain how to catch and ride an unbroken, or open faced wave in surfing. Learning the timing in riding a wave can be frustrating. Surf Coach Brent breaks down the necessary components a surfer must master in order to successfully catch ocean waves on a surfboard.

How To Catch A Wave - Surfing Tutorials sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Surf 10 years ago 172,812 views In this learn surfing tutorial, we explain how to catch and ride an unbroken, or open faced wave in surfing. Learning the timing in riding a wave can be frustrating. Surf Coach Brent breaks down the necessary components a surfer must master in order to successfully catch ocean waves on a surfboard.

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Most popular comments
for How To Catch A Wave - Surfing Tutorials

Gabriel PerezOrtiz
Gabriel PerezOrtiz - 7 years ago
Great Video.... thanks
Dana Franchitto
Dana Franchitto - 7 years ago
Thank you for this tutorial. Can't wait to apply what I've learned. I tend stay inside the break.
Lukas - 7 years ago
Awesome video!
Chris White
Chris White - 8 years ago
thanks for the tips
Bonnie - 8 years ago
Very good video. Thanks
Alastair Palm
Alastair Palm - 8 years ago
Really helpful tips. I'm an inlander and seldom have opportunity to "learn" the water. These tips are invaluable for me. Can't wait to get out there! Thanks again!
Mars' Ooh
Mars' Ooh - 8 years ago
Nice thanks for the tips ! :)
Jamie's TV
Jamie's TV - 8 years ago
Great video thanks!
Nikolas Pulka
Nikolas Pulka - 8 years ago
Really good tips man ! Thanks !!!

10. comment for How To Catch A Wave - Surfing Tutorials

Albin Marklund
Albin Marklund - 8 years ago
exelent video
Sam Eaves
Sam Eaves - 8 years ago
What size board should i be getting if im 6 foot tall?
ChanMan143 - 8 years ago
i have an 8 foot soft top and whenever im about to pop up, i pearl, or miss the wave. any tips?
ňøțørìü - 8 years ago
when you feel the push, paddle 2 or 3 strokes extra just to be shure your on the wave, thats what i do and i helps pretty well
Anastasia Georgiou
Anastasia Georgiou - 8 years ago
wait till you feel the push and then pop up
Raul R Leal
Raul R Leal - 8 years ago
Hey dude im super fresh to surfing, but been catching good rides with a 9'6 and 10 footer softop.  Do you feel there's a big ride difference or balance on an 8 foot, hopefully Ill find a spot here to rent one.
Javier Antonio Santana
Javier Antonio Santana - 8 years ago
Excelentes recomendaciones. Estan haciendo un gran trabajo ustedes!!!

Saludos desde la gran isla de Republica Dominicana
RMV - 8 years ago
For a beginner surfing 2-4 foot waves, what type of board should I buy first
eliot468 - 8 years ago
+Riley Miers id say a minimal 7' 5" minimum
TreeHukelberry - 8 years ago
Rash guard bro
sergey bogolyubov
sergey bogolyubov - 9 years ago
Haikelele - 9 years ago
What if you cant paddle fast enough to keep up with the wave?
eliot468 - 8 years ago
+Haikelele you dont really have to be going as fast as the wave but you want as much speed as possible so that the wave picks you up instead of passing you by
GeorgeElliasVideos - 9 years ago
started surfing on a 6'2 board that my mom's friend gave me when I was really young. it was sitting in my garage for a while, but this summer i said fuck it, im going to put it to use. went out with one of my surfing buddies. i could get on the board, but kept falling off after one or two seconds. ...alas, everyone said "get a longboard", but i knew i was close to actually getting up and riding, i skateboard every single day, so i know how it is to ride a board. make a long story short, I went home that night, looked up some surfing tips on youtube and found your video about popping up, went back out to the beach the next morning, and BAM first wave I picked, I stood up and rode it to shore. shit ya not! :) ah, the jealous look on my pal's face when he was telling me how long it took him to learn, 'twas priceless. :) and the people at my local skate and surf shop don't even believe me that i'm even riding this short board. thanks

20. comment for How To Catch A Wave - Surfing Tutorials

Chan Kwon
Chan Kwon - 9 years ago
Good video, never felt like you were explaining something too obvious/not explaining enough. Really good man thanks
The Savvy Gals
The Savvy Gals - 9 years ago
This is one of the best videos I've seen on Youtube for surfing. Well done.
Sean Donohue
Sean Donohue - 9 years ago
great videos. I just bought a long board for Cape Cod surfing, it has been 20 years since I was on a board but wanted to get back to it with kids.  I appreciate the tips.
shir shahaf
shir shahaf - 9 years ago
great thanx !
Chicken_dude1 - 9 years ago
This helped a lot I used to go too late and bury the nose
Dana Franchitto
Dana Franchitto - 9 years ago
Thank you, will do.
Chicken_dude1 - 9 years ago
Look at their reading a wave tutorial it helps a lot too
Dana Franchitto
Dana Franchitto - 9 years ago
+Chicken_dude1 I still do that. HOpefully THis video puts an end to it.
JustinSTeam2 - 9 years ago
Nice video
haibianzhijia - 9 years ago
Love it. Each time I read I pick up different things.
RB Hayek
RB Hayek - 9 years ago
Dude this video is awesome! I started surfing 5 years ago and I'm still mediocre at best at catching legit waves (white water waves are easy though). I still to this day have the "nosedive problem" where I don't arch my back correctly I guess and my board goes down and well...I go down. Using these tips next time I surf.
RB Hayek
RB Hayek - 8 years ago
Speed is important too. Working on that, especially with the summer season 'round the corner.
eliot468 - 8 years ago
+RB Hayek also more speed helps when you are paddling just go all out
Summer Broadbridge
Summer Broadbridge - 9 years ago
Summer Broadbridge
Summer Broadbridge - 9 years ago
God loves you all!!!

30. comment for How To Catch A Wave - Surfing Tutorials

Summer Broadbridge
Summer Broadbridge - 9 years ago
This is so awesome... I'm Summer Broadbridge and I live in Florida. I went on an amazing vacation to Waikiki Beach, Hawaii and that is where I learned to surf. Bethany Hamilton insoired to learn to surf. I love God and I just want to keep surfing and learning more. I learned like 3 weeks ago. and I haven't surfed since. My first time trying to turn the board was a complete disaster. I ended up falling off with the board dragging me with it:) But I want to get better and, i'm so thankful for these tips. But, I have one question, for a very long board... do I need to stay close to the white water or paddle further out past the waves' breaking point? Thanks.
Luiz Paulo Toniazzo Martins
Luiz Paulo Toniazzo Martins - 9 years ago
This is the best video to catch a wave. I'm surfing with instructors and they help me to catch some waves. I'm having difficult to catch medium waves. Before the wave brokes, I have to pop up as soon as possible when the board have a good velocity. Please, if someone have any suggestions, tell me. Thanks!
james shepherd
james shepherd - 9 years ago
Currently riding a 6/11 soft top (after breaking my 6/10 Stranger at Pedra Blanca) Should I try turtle rolling as I'm used to being towed
Bella O'Donnell
Bella O'Donnell - 9 years ago
hi dude im 12 and trying to surf green waves but its hard as out in sumner theres only miniature waves is there any other ways of practising how to surf when your not out on the water if yah want to email me about surfing 
this is the email 
cool see yah Bella
80 Slim Shady's
80 Slim Shady's - 10 years ago
im a bodyboarder and this helped
pauls60r - 10 years ago
These are super helpful tips.  I don't seem to have problems with a long board but when I get down to a 7-7.5 foot board, I start pearling before I actually start gliding on the wave.  I end up having to "recover" by standing up before I get thrown over which seems to be working but probably not technically correct.  Any idea what might be going on?  Not paddling hard enough?  I think I would be on the more experienced end of a beginner surfer.
bestxXbudXxlayf - 10 years ago
You're a great teacher!!! I really enjoyed this vid. I've done a little bit of surfing in Santa cruz and Pismo Beach. I realized some errors I was making, I can't wait to go back out and keep trying until I get it right!!!
Landon Hierholzer
Landon Hierholzer - 10 years ago
Hey I just wanted to ask something. I use a 7'3 longboard. But every time I go to catch a wave I just completely nose dive. And I've already tried scooting back on my board but it still happens. Any suggestions? Thanks
Schwiller OG
Schwiller OG - 7 years ago
I found that when i nose dive its usaly because i dont pop up soon enough and the wave breaks on me
zanikku - 10 years ago
Hey, I really appreciate this video. A lot of good tips that should help me with some of the problems I've been having (pearling!). Please make more! I wish I was learning on waves like the ones in your video, nice gradual face.
Jeff Fadness
Jeff Fadness - 10 years ago
really helpful & well explained.  thank you
portraitphenomenon - 10 years ago
a thank you from brazil.. i just started surfing. im a long boarder and going to use these helping tips.
illuminatioracle - 10 years ago
seriously, all i'm doing is either paddling then kissing my knees as I try to pop up as the wave passes me or taking a nosedive while my board free willys in the air
Bill Addison
Bill Addison - 10 years ago
It depends on the waves. The higher the wave interval time, the more energy in the wave which means you can catch it easier. When there's less energy in the wave it's much harder to find the sweet spot to avoid a nose dive or letting the wave pass by. I'm finding that getting out as much as possible I'm naturally starting to get a feel. Plus I stepped down on the wave size from when I started to much smaller waves which I can catch properly. 
radsdau - 10 years ago
Excellent vid, really helpful, thanks guys!
Jocky Rohnson
Jocky Rohnson - 10 years ago
I'm so thankful for these tips.
Lev Bobrov
Lev Bobrov - 10 years ago
Great tutorial, thanks!

Can you tell more about the posture and the positioning on the board when catching wave? You briefly mentioned that you need to really arch your back -- I didn't know that :)
Clifford - 10 years ago
I'm using a 7 ft 2 bd. Should I be duck diving or turtle rolling to get through bigger waves? Cheers guys/gals.
iSURFTRIBE - 10 years ago
+Clifford Hey good question....probably going to be best to turtle roll that size board if it is a large rolling whitewater is possible to duckdive that size and even larger boards, but the timing has to be perfect, and it needs to be an unbroken (but about to break) wave...hope this helps!
King31395 - 10 years ago
Great idea for a video tutorial! It was a long time before I realized that this was a problem I've been having for a long time - not going out far enough and always trying to catch the wave at the "too late" point.
Andrew Brunet
Andrew Brunet - 10 years ago
Was literally having this issue last night. I was held up in the "too late" part of the wave yesterday. Got to get further out! What a treat finding this video today!
Nico Cattarulla
Nico Cattarulla - 7 years ago
same lol
grahamjarman - 10 years ago
answers my question about pearling, thanks guys

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