How To Improve Your Popups - Surf Exercises & Stretches Health, Fitness, Movement, & Nutrition for surfing athletes. Full Training Program: Improve your popup by working on the foundations of the movement. Strength, power, flexibility, and coordination. Then improve the specific skill. How to train for popups.

How To Improve Your Popups - Surf Exercises & Stretches sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

Surf 10 years ago 119,980 views Health, Fitness, Movement, & Nutrition for surfing athletes. Full Training Program: Improve your popup by working on the foundations of the movement. Strength, power, flexibility, and coordination. Then improve the specific skill. How to train for popups.

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Most popular comments
for How To Improve Your Popups - Surf Exercises & Stretches

Gerry Watts
Gerry Watts - 6 years ago
F’in awesome man, thank you so much from an old guy recovering from injury and getting back on the waves.
Kerrin Robinson
Kerrin Robinson - 6 years ago
Thanks bro getting back in surfing after about 20 years have had the same problem in my pops sometimes i get it right other times not so right will try do this every morning hopefully it will loosen me up
Rayn - 6 years ago
I fucking laughed so hard you went angry drill sergeant mode: none of this sagging bullshit
Elizabeth Finsthwait
Elizabeth Finsthwait - 6 years ago
He second stretch- please elaborate
joe bob
joe bob - 7 years ago
great stuff. You have to have strong toes and feet, and flexibility in the big toes and ankle in order to be able to deep squat like that. I'm rehabbing a 16 year old broken big toe, and I'm learning so much. I am not able to deep squat yet. You have some seriously good flexibility and strength bro.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
check out some videos on intrinsic foot strength by andreo spina on youtube.  get that big toe moving.   then take it into whats called a tripod foot stance.   do the foot work, then work on the deep squat.
jason of daliessio
jason of daliessio - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for this. Lifetime surfer, now 42 and stiff as a board! Can’t wait to start with this!
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
get moving!... or there goes the mobility in the surf.  move it or lose it buddy.  Check out the website, as there is a huge amount of info there on stretching / flexibility
Aric Dylan
Aric Dylan - 7 years ago
Hi, nice video! Quick question: I'm in a country where I can't get that equipment. Are just the two stretches that you did without them enough or are there any others stretches that don't require them?
Egor Dyachenko
Egor Dyachenko - 7 years ago
I bought instruction from Unflexal and I learned about workouts much more.
Leah Baud
Leah Baud - 7 years ago
Hi Chris - great videos and really good help. I have been working on both the strength and flexibility aspects for some time and surf 2-3 times a week. The problem i am still having is being able to land in one motion on the back foot particularly in smaller waves with less vertical to pull your legs under. As a result i am clipping my rear large toe quite a lot and leading to "stubbing" which is then causing issues more broadly in my feet. My pop up has become somewhat subconsious and therefore hard to alter. Any tips on how to bring this backfoot up without hitting toe and rotating it to land flat? Looks easy on videos but not as simple with my flexibility challenges.

Thanks Leah
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
it's tough to give movement specific advice without actually seeing you move.   could be some ankle stiffness, maybe a knee or hip... or the technique is just wrong.   perhaps more of a "chicken wing" with the back leg is more appropriate for you.   or you just gotta get a long board or soft top and just drill the movement over and over to change the habit.  all make sense?

10. comment for How To Improve Your Popups - Surf Exercises & Stretches

The Seasoned Surfer
The Seasoned Surfer - 7 years ago
this video is gold
comaturge - 7 years ago
At first, I thought you were arrogant, but you are actually good!
Harry Finley
Harry Finley - 7 years ago
Not sure if this is too old for you to respond to but Thankyou so much for the video, I've had my suspicions about my flexibility stopping my pop up and haven't found anything like this.

How often do you recommend doing the exercises in this video providing a bit of progressive overload is used until I reach a level of flexibility which I'm happy with?
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
glad you found it helpful. lack of flexibility can essentially ruin surfing, and destroy a pop up. 3 times a week should be sufficient stimulus. if you're interested, I have a full Fix Your Pop Up program available to members of my Ocean Sports Performance website. It goes through more in depth assessment, joint mobilization, and then up to 2 months of training specific to pop ups.
DiaperJuice_ 48
DiaperJuice_ 48 - 7 years ago
I struggle popping up on a shortboard, do I need more upper body strength?
Trendmyway S
Trendmyway S - 7 years ago
HaHaHa, 1000th thumbs up. BTW, FANTASTIC VEDIO, works great for me.
Victoria Films
Victoria Films - 7 years ago
the only problem about those pop up exercises is that while on the wave the water gives you an impulse already so the point is not just to have strength wile stable, the point is how to land with control being at 45 degrees.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
i don't disagree with you. the landing isn't generally the problem with intermediate surfers, it's the actual pop up and range of motion. for new surfers, yes, it's the landing, and the motor control for foot placement. if the limiter is landing absorption and foot placement, then yes train it. that however isn't what this video addresses.
wolf galaxy
wolf galaxy - 7 years ago
small tear in tendon . by . ankle...
ANY help would be appreciated ..
any exercises please post
wolf galaxy
wolf galaxy - 7 years ago
i am normally very flexible
but told by doc not to do any
pounding (like) running or no pounding pressure on heel ...
dropping in has .........been a dud

been doing calf stretches i have SAME roller ....plantar after the tendon tear is Almost gone now
wally world
wally world - 7 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to make such a helpful video. This will keep me schralping my short board til I'm 90. Seriously, really helpful in building strenght, flexibility, technique, and preventing injury. Keep up the good work.
sagerhead - 7 years ago
Thank you for posting this video. I am getting older and I am blowing my take offs. I think my foot isn't getting forward enough like you described. I'm going to use your tips to improve my flexibility in my hips + hamstrings. thanks for the advice :)
Mang Led McGee
Mang Led McGee - 7 years ago
Best video and trust this guys advice. I will swear on my hand it helped me with more than surfing
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
epic comment! thanks very much for taking the time to post that.

20. comment for How To Improve Your Popups - Surf Exercises & Stretches

Gerry Delafino
Gerry Delafino - 7 years ago
I've found the perfect exercise !!!! I thought long and hard, what is the opposite of paddling? Because that's exactly what you need, get out of that really tense dynamic, of holding your body straight, using your stomach, PLUS paddling like mad, it's so unnatural.
So, on your back...and your head lower than your body, and pulling!!! Down!!! Pulling on a rope, or cable.
So l use a sit up bench, l lay on it, all the way down, while pulling on a rope with a weight attached, over a bar. SOOOO relaxing...after 12 years of insomnia, l'm final,y totally relaxed !! It feels so good. Im gonna make a video of it.
Duca Schoenberg
Duca Schoenberg - 7 years ago
Good to see that the Unflexal includes new training instructions to build my body perfectly.
Grimmace - 7 years ago
ripgurl007 - 7 years ago
I'm so glad I found this video. This is exactly what I've been needing to see.
BeRnI Ayers
BeRnI Ayers - 8 years ago
awesome video- THANK YOU!
hymke May
hymke May - 8 years ago
this is exactly my problem! I cannot even do the squad thing you talk about at the start! I am so unflexible
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
immobile joints.....they bring problems
Amy Turner
Amy Turner - 8 years ago
kia ora .Thanks really needed this vid. I learnt to surf tonight in New Zealand and absolutely loved it. I didnt manage to stand for long but your video is helping me. I just want to pop up quickly and get on with it ! I guess its just practice.
Peled Yaron
Peled Yaron - 8 years ago
Hi man. Thanks for this video.
I can get easy to the deep crouch position. but after some sec I fall back. which stratches should I do so I whould feel comfortable staying in this position?
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
go through the stretches i demonstrate. see which improves your ability to stay in that bottom position. i've never seen you move, or seen your deep squat, so I have no idea where your limitation lies. if you need more insight check out my full flexibility program.
Joe Sef R.
Joe Sef R. - 8 years ago
Sweet video, as a snowboarder I stupidly thought I'd pick up surfing quick on my first trip. Since then I learned I'm super tight, particularly in the ankles so I have been blasting deep squatting mobility. I'm curious if quad dominance and struggling to recruit the posterior chain in the squatting movements would also have a negative impact on surf performance similarly to poor mobility?
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
poor mobility has a huge detriment to the body of a surfer, especially when it comes to durability. as for quad dominance etc, it can certainly limit power output potential, and again, limit durability. it comes down to joint mechanics. a stronger posterior chain is always a good thing for just about any athlete.
Ravi C
Ravi C - 8 years ago
I have the same problem, i get stuck in a crunch position. I use the knee method but then I'm stuck with soft top boards
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
so you've got to break down the movement. where are you lacking? is it ankle limitation? hip range of motion limitation? could be a combination of things. or it's just a bad habit. find where you're limited, improve it, and then you have to go back to work on the "skill" of the movement

30. comment for How To Improve Your Popups - Surf Exercises & Stretches

Luc Cowling
Luc Cowling - 8 years ago
This is such rubbish mate, you probably surf foamies ya kook
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
hahahaha! stanky G. what a clever name. the foamy went sick at the 5-8 foot G-land I just got back from. since you seem to have more knowledge than I on how orthopedic range of motion requirements carryover to sport specific movements of surfing (the pop up for example), would you care to enlighten us? I can't wait to hear this!!!!
Dwayne Shotton
Dwayne Shotton - 8 years ago
thank you for your tutorial.  I find that just going right into my workouts at the gym don't work as well as they use to but after watching your video I have some more tools to work with.
Jackson Waughtel
Jackson Waughtel - 8 years ago
I like this guy...
"Don't give me any shit..." Hahahaha
Brett Curtis
Brett Curtis - 8 years ago
I love the double knee cracks at 1:21. Like pistol shots .
Liv - 7 years ago
Brett Curtis haha I was just gonna comment the same thing
Rob Born
Rob Born - 8 years ago
Brett Curtis
joe jackson
joe jackson - 8 years ago
Demarkuz kuzin
Demarkuz kuzin - 8 years ago
Hey Chris thanks man. U help a lot. One question do balance board help ur balance skill in surfing? If yes do you have any tips for balance board workOut
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
yep, definitely use them. they're fun. Indo boards are legit. the key is to not confuse whether you're training for balance, strength, or power. don't try to get overly "functional"
ronald riedell
ronald riedell - 8 years ago
do you have any magic for old guys? who are challenged by the popup.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
work on it. if it's a flexibility problem, improve your joint mobility. if it's a strength issue, get stronger. the process is no different considering age, it's still a human body. the timeframes may be a bit slower, but it's still completely feasible. so no magic, just diligence.
Steven Evenson
Steven Evenson - 8 years ago
and young is guys with a metal rod in my L leg?...
pete pettit
pete pettit - 8 years ago
This is what I have been looking for - thanks Chris
Brett Seaborne
Brett Seaborne - 8 years ago
I'm 44 and just started surfing. Awesome video think you can really help me. Ive subscribed. Brett UK
Brett Seaborne
Brett Seaborne - 8 years ago
Thanks Cris, My problem is my knees. They've been hammered over the years doing sports and I'm struggling with the pop up. My left is my leading leg which is the worst. Any advice would be awesome.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
glad to hear it brett. check the website, there's a lot more info on there
Samantha Murguia Gomez
Samantha Murguia Gomez - 8 years ago
"That's kooky" and I was dead with laughter! Thanks for the awesome videos man.
Main Kim
Main Kim - 8 years ago
Are you in Bali?
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
at the moment yes
Bernard Lans
Bernard Lans - 8 years ago
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
Lily Joyeux
Lily Joyeux - 8 years ago
Sorry to ask but can we use a table or something to replace the big ball or chair?
Lily Joyeux
Lily Joyeux - 8 years ago
thank you, by the way the surfer training sound fine but if sometimes you have idea for replace some training material by casual house material, i'll take it :)
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
sure. or a couch... whatever
T5Adventures - 8 years ago
Brilliant video, great coaching. I'll get back to you on how I progress. I'm a novice and I've got into the bad habit of using my knees (aaargh!!!). Thanks for the guidance. This woman isn't quite as flexible as she used to be, but with the assistance of the unicorns and butterflies and sht, I think I should be popping properly sooner than expected.
T5Adventures - 8 years ago
So, update on the last post by the 45 year old noob. I had confidence to work on avoiding my knees on the water. Discovered a few things.Positive points -- using my knees to get up as a total beginner really helped in ensuring I understood how I wanted to feel to ride in (balance point).- unbelievable how much more balance awareness popping straight up appears to have given me. I really think I can feel the board better and am more in control of turning than when I used my knees.- incredible how quickly I got used to moving/repositioning my feet, something I never did in those knee ridden daysNegative points- Admit to not doing enough of Cris' flexibility exercises to get my front foot placement right where I want it yet (hence the foot movements). More work to do!!!- Felt old when my daughter (11) got it within 5 attempts and it took me a good few hours on the water to get comfortable! Old dogs can learn new tricks, they just have to be a little more determined!
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
ha!! yeah, the unicorns and butterflies.. they'll lend a hand. often the back knee drop is just bad habit. takes repetition to break that pattern. stick with it
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 8 years ago
hey chris great video thanks...ive progressed from a longboard to a 6'4 shortboard over a few months...i have been surfing for 7 yrs...when i popup on the shortboard my feet are too close together...on my popup how can i ensure i spread my feet further apart the first time on the popup...adjusting feet position once im up is not ideal and takes long
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
+Ryan The Rock repetition and practice. your'e asking how to improve the "skill".... that's done through repetition and practice, not an exercise. put some marks on the floor... popup over and over. hope that it carries over to the water. you're trying to produce a motor engram, a repeatable movement complex by the brain,. it takes time and repetition.
Jo Ann Godiel
Jo Ann Godiel - 8 years ago
Thanks for this. this really helped me!
Le Chat
Le Chat - 8 years ago
THIS VIDEO IS AMAZING !! thank you so much , really omg :)
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
+Stancha Misat glad to hear it. spread the good word!
Rachel Ryan
Rachel Ryan - 8 years ago
Chris are you on Twitter? I'd like to follow you!
Greg Sharp
Greg Sharp - 8 years ago
Ankle flexion, I ain't got it. I can barely bend my knees before my heels come of the ground. Consequently when I jump up, I'm on my toes, not flat on my feet. I used to be better but at 66 I'm getting more inflexible. I do yoga everyday, for about 20 minutes although it is easy more breathing (butterflies and unicorns) than work out. But I do a hatha class twice a week. But what can I do for my ankle flexion? Have you had any experience or knowledge about deep, deep deep micro facia manipulation. I did rolfing some years ago, too painful so I don't know its effectiveness if you kept at it.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
+Greg Sharp ankles could be bony restriction, or tight muscles, maybe fascia like you mention. google these words, watch the vid. it'll give you some starting points "Surfing Workouts- Lower Body Joint Health, Ankle Stretches, and Joint Stability Training " you may need to see a good physio or chiro to manipulate the tissue or joints
Tom Mireles
Tom Mireles - 9 years ago
Another great training video. Thanks!

50. comment for How To Improve Your Popups - Surf Exercises & Stretches

Karun Ramani
Karun Ramani - 9 years ago
Great video, so i totally understand the necessity to deep squat and be comfortable doing it and even the froggers workout. But in the surfing stance, doesnt the back knee face more inward than outward? - my knees used to face outward during my pop ups initially , almost like i was squating on the surfboard to handle big drops and to remain compressed but getting that changed took me some time. If possible can you make a video on a good stance and posture while surfing. Thanks!
Josh Connor
Josh Connor - 9 years ago
Hey Chris really appreciating the videos, love being nice and flexible so I can surf whenever the waves are on. Just wondering if you knew of any good books that basically list a whole heap of exercises and stretches for surfers. Something to take on the road with me. Cheers man, keep up the good work!
Jamie Mead
Jamie Mead - 9 years ago
Awesome guy , flexibility unbelievable , helped me pop up cool
guitar love
guitar love - 9 years ago
Really great and done to earth video. Im going to do this the next two weeks once a day. because lately im having a lot of pain after surfing in the lower back and groinz (inguinal) Already been doing yoga for the last three months. any way thanks for making this video!!

Greetings from the Netherlands
Brett Clausen
Brett Clausen - 9 years ago
Great video mate I will be working on a lot of those exercises you show in the vid 'I'm so stiff and sore from a fucked back i brokebmy leg in four places and my lower back been hit by a car doing a 100klms an hour while at work ' it fuck my surfing up 'once I get to my feet I can do anything on the wave ' i was almost ready to go to a Stand up paddle board 'but I bought a hard foam roll today and will do all these exercises ' cheers
PermieCulture - 9 years ago
Brilliant cobber! And inspiring. Thanks man!
annelegato - 9 years ago
boy he's so funny
james degennaro
james degennaro - 9 years ago
you rock. thanks for all the help.
Foody Picker
Foody Picker - 9 years ago
Great video, broke both tibia and fibula completely in half almost two years ago skateboarding. Now the proud owner of a large piece of titanium from knee to ankle. Just now starting to surf again. Paddle strength came back fast, but man am I having a hard time with the pop ups. Being 44 bones don't heal quite as fast. Going to start these exercises today. Thanks so much for taking the time to make video.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 9 years ago
+Foody Picker cheers man.. if you run into issues, get in touch or find a good practitioner in your area. a bit of insight can really speed up the process and give some clarity to what you should focus on. best of luck. stay diligent.
Pat Finnegan
Pat Finnegan - 9 years ago
Chris, this is the best video I've seen yet for addressing specific pop up issues. Thanks for posting.
Pat Finnegan
Pat Finnegan - 9 years ago
+Cris Mills Thanks Chris. I will.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 9 years ago
+Pat Finnegan good stuff man.  if you run into any issues, get in touch
Pat Finnegan
Pat Finnegan - 9 years ago
It is a critical part of surfing and I like your way of breaking the biomechanics down and looking for specific problems.  I have been working with my daughter who is a 3 sport high school varsity athlete but really having trouble with a clean pop-up.  I am looking forward to showing her some of your material.    
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 9 years ago
+Pat Finnegan sure thing man. I consult with a lot of guys specifically for pop up issues. just yesterday i was talking with a guy who's technique coach kept telling him his foot position was wrong when trying to pop up. the issue was that he actually didn't have the ankle range of motion to get into the position his technique coach was recommending. have to mesh the biomechanics of it with the skill. make sure the movement capacity is there, and then work on strength --> skill
Dale Bergeron
Dale Bergeron - 9 years ago
Bad back bad knees. The photo is 25 years old and I'm more of a yoga guy now. I'm even thinking of a strap 1/3 back from front to pull myself up in a modified way. I don't want to let this go because of my disabilities.
CQB Kyle
CQB Kyle - 9 years ago
Great video
Artur El Dib
Artur El Dib - 9 years ago
The way you explain man, its just the best.
Robert Visser
Robert Visser - 9 years ago
Excellent video! I've been suffering from bad hip mobility for some time and spent squillions with many an 'expert''. My surfing has been suffering and it messes with the head ! Yet after only 3 weeks of trying your program I've made in roads on flexibility, hip movement n strength, and focus (even found some zen again). Sincerely appreciate your efforts and for sharing your knowledge Chris. Cheers
Brad. N
Brad. N - 9 years ago
Great video mate! I'm learning to surf and this just made a lot of sense. Thanks
Brad. N
Brad. N - 9 years ago
Actually did some of your shoulder, paddling exercises as part of my normal workout yesterday. Thanks mate, I'm working my way through all your vids.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 9 years ago
+jumpintriples cool. i've got a full exercise for popups vid too. check that out
chris kolozsi
chris kolozsi - 9 years ago
mate I have surfed for so many years....yet after coming back from a big injury and dealing with the so called experts in are on the money with the best I have dealt with. Plus a few more exercises that only a surfer could show.I dont generally write or thank peeps,bad me...Yet this is a great clip. Thanks heaps mate
Fergal Mulligan
Fergal Mulligan - 7 years ago
chris kolozsi x
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 9 years ago
+chris kolozsi thanks man, much appreciated. glad you got some benefit!
James Tansey
James Tansey - 9 years ago
enjoyed your video hopefully this will help me to stop dragging back foot once i start to get tired. one question is that just 2 tennis balls taped together?
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 9 years ago
+James Tansey yeah buddy. duct tape works a treat. easy and simple
Devon Denneen
Devon Denneen - 9 years ago
Thank you very much, my father will love the video, he is a massage therapist and does yoga therapy, thanks you once agian
gspainhour - 9 years ago
It's already been said, but I'll say it again...This is a great video!   I recently strained my quads on my pop up.  I had really worked them hard doing some new sports and my quads were fatigued going in to surfing the next day.  I didn't stretch or prep my body before going out, and on my pop up on the first wave, I blew out my quad.  I've been resting for about a week and now I'm ready to start working on the stretches and drills you taught me in this video.  Cheers!
Matt - 9 years ago
This guy knows his shit!!
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. Awesome stuff!
benjamin sacchetti
benjamin sacchetti - 9 years ago
I love this guy (no homo (ok, maybe a little homo))!
J Chrisa
J Chrisa - 9 years ago
This is an extremely helpful video, especially for people who has serious lumbar issues yet want to remain active in water sports like surfing.
Bajapalm - 9 years ago
Thanks so much. I took pop ups for granted for 40+ years - now I notice they have pooped out! Gradually my front foot has not gotten as far forward as it needs to be. Sucks on late take offs! I have hurt my ankle, knee, hip on the front side but plan to work on this. Still stoked!!
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 9 years ago
+Bajapalm that's what tends to happen... take it for granted until it's lost or limiting! work on the flexibility, keep surfing.
Nick Jenkins
Nick Jenkins - 9 years ago
Appreciated Bud..excellent Vid and very useful...I'm still relatively new to the world of Surfing , and am in that stage of catching waves no prob's , but popping up is wipe out city ...Had many tell me to try this , try that , but still no joy ...Your vid explains it bang on and i now know exactly where i need to improve to win that pop up and surf like the pros...Your a legend !!! thank you
NOISYCAT - 9 years ago
I just love you
AntoineTheSurferSwag - 10 years ago
Gret video Dude! But what a shitty sound quality! Take care about it the next time plz
B R - 10 years ago
Great video!  Thanks for posting.  This is very useful
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 10 years ago
+B R thanks. hope you get some good use out of it
Kitty Cat
Kitty Cat - 10 years ago
SO AWESOME!!! Lucky i found this
HONTING CHIANG - 10 years ago
Nice video!!
Would it be more useful to use the TRX instead of the stability ball??
Joachim Lehmann
Joachim Lehmann - 10 years ago
Flexibility is the key to success! Super stretch exercises to get to the deep squad. Thx Chris ;)
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 10 years ago
cheers man! find what's limiting, improve it, and then reassess the deep squat movement.  
krap art
krap art - 10 years ago
Thanks. This is So helpful. Finally I have a place to start and an order of operations to get where I'd like to be.
Kit - 10 years ago
Rad, thank you. Cute beard. I need to get that deep squat thing down. Super stiff and painful. Is most important aspect heels to the floor and straight spine (i.e. even if I am leaning back at 35 degrees or so?). Aloha. 
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 10 years ago
thanks for the beard love.    be cautious if the movement causes pain.  heels off the floor or extreme rounding of the spine are both symptoms of inability to move somewhere else in the body, likely your ankles and hips.  since you're lacking adequate range through the ankle and hips, you're forced into spinal flexion and heels coming off the ground to compensate when lowering.  aim to correct both of those issues with some specific stretches or tissue releases around the stiff joints
Johnny Diver
Johnny Diver - 10 years ago
great video , great channel !! keep it going man greetings from germany 
Johnnie K
Johnnie K - 10 years ago
Hi Chris,
Thanks for all your posts - they're so good. Quick question mate, what size size swiss ball are you using in the video as I'm looking to get one?
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 10 years ago
65cm ball.  pretty standard size for most guys
duane hernandez
duane hernandez - 10 years ago
Hey Cris, i had a slipped disc in my lumbar, I can still do a deep squat. Does these exercises help me strengthen my back? Cheers!
duane hernandez
duane hernandez - 10 years ago
Cool! I would say it is about 90%.  Thanks man!  Hope to see you, when you come back to Sydney! Cheers!!!
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 10 years ago
that's a difficult question to answer since I've never assessed you.  If a disc issue is rehabbed and healed properly, then yes, unloaded spinal flexion in a deep squat position should be ok… but everyone is quite different in their individual responses and healing processes.  look to improve your hip mobility as much as possible to limit the necessary flexion in the lumbar spine.  proceed with caution and find someone experienced to help guide you along the way
NZBug - 10 years ago
One of your best videos yet, extremely useful, packed full of relevant info, love the casual single take format. Keep it up!  
Rob Bradshaw
Rob Bradshaw - 10 years ago
Yep I really liked it too, and of course the Byron location :)
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 10 years ago
cheers man.  refining my video skillssssssss!
Rick Bequette
Rick Bequette - 10 years ago
Fucking Awesome!!! I'm the Guy!!! (Classic Old Surfer , Jan 29th, 2014 had Micro Decompression Back Surgery, working in Afghanistan no Daily Surfing :(  My session with Cris was exactly as video shows but also had a personal physical evaluation.  After doing the foam roller, the tennis ball w/pin & stretch, my ability to get to the "Full On Deep Squat" had almost improved 100% NOT PerFect but in as little as 30 minutes "Improvement" was apparent. People get off your ass & just give some of this at least a try!!! Thanks Cris for professional & informative advice! My video 'Rocks'!!!
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 10 years ago
rick, you're a legend man!  let us know how you go with the progression of things.  once you start re-gaining the necessary mobility and core/hip control, start working on actual pop-ups.  I have no doubt you'll get there.  cheers buddy
alejandro martinex
alejandro martinex - 10 years ago
when i did the deep squat i felt  kinda tight on my back, mid spine dude, i haven't surfed for while, does that effect it?can you give some advice to loose tension on my  back dude.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 10 years ago
yeah, lack of proper spinal motions could definitely effect it.  it could be lack of thoracic spine mobility.  go through some of my videos of upper body tissue mobility, release the anterior chest tissue and lats, and work on thoracic mobility.  there's a couple of thoracic mobility videos or check some recent blog posts on my website.   message me on Facebook and I can lead you in the right direction… or check out the blog.
Roger Taylor
Roger Taylor - 10 years ago
Thanks - that was extremely helpful! Do you have any suggestions for improving ankle flexibility?
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 10 years ago
a few weeks ago i posted a video called Lower Body Joint health and Ankle Stretches.  that'll sort you out
Serreos Bebis
Serreos Bebis - 10 years ago
Thank you very much! Always liking your videos!
Lelo La
Lelo La - 10 years ago
so helpful! thanks a lot

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