How to Frontside Tube Ride with Dean Morrison

Want to learn how to surf better? Learn from the world's best through Surfline's Pro Tips, a complete how-to series created to improve your surfing skills. In this episode, we go over the technical aspect of riding a tube frontside with Dean Morrison. Become a better surfer. Watch more episodes: Subscribe to our channel: Transcription: Hi my name is Dean Morrison and we’re gonna talk about tube riding. The best conditions getting barreled is usually shallow and kind of doubling up conditions where it kind of draws off the bank or the reef. Usually with a good wave you can just be in the barrel the whole way from the start. Try not to go too fast and just making sure that I'm deep enough on the wave. Every wave is different so it depends where your takin off on the wave too. Try to get in behind it so you can kind of just see it just about a break but your in a nice spot where it's not sucking out too much underneath you. When your bottom turning underneath the lip, you don't want to bottom turn too hard and you want to stay really low on the wave. Usually you want to be sitting right in the bottom of it. You know you can kind of creep up the face a little bit to get some speed and come back down. Sometimes you have to really straighten out and point your board to the beach and wait for the wave to kind of catch up to you and then bring around and get back underneath it until you’re right in the hook of the wave which is the perfect spot, which is right by the foam ball. If you want to get deep, you can stick your arm in the wave and just kinda hold on and when you feel like your deep enough just kind of rip it out and maybe do a little pump or something. If you kind of want drive you can creep up your surfboard and come out of that front foot a little more. There's a lot of speed in a hollow wave so you can really put your foot down and you get more speed. It depends on the speed of the wave, you can just kind of, when you’re on the wave you can kind of feel it out and see what the wave’s doing. Sometimes you can just stand there and just, you know the wave does it all around you. Then other times you trying to get ahead of it a little bit more or your trying to stall. Your just trying to feel the speed of the wave when you're on it. The most important thing I think is when you're paddling I think to position yourself to try to be behind the peak so your on the best part of the wave. Try to stay strong in your stance you know and dont try to move too much in the barrel, usually your lines are pretty long and drawn-out. Thanks for watching and hope y’all are getting spit out of the barrels. -Dean Morrison

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Want to learn how to surf better? Learn from the world's best through Surfline's Pro Tips, a complete how-to series created to improve your surfing skills. In this episode, we go over the technical aspect of riding a tube frontside with Dean Morrison. Become a better surfer. Watch more episodes: Subscribe to our channel: Transcription: Hi my name is Dean Morrison and we’re gonna talk about tube riding. The best conditions getting barreled is usually shallow and kind of doubling up conditions where it kind of draws off the bank or the reef. Usually with a good wave you can just be in the barrel the whole way from the start. Try not to go too fast and just making sure that I'm deep enough on the wave. Every wave is different so it depends where your takin off on the wave too. Try to get in behind it so you can kind of just see it just about a break but your in a nice spot where it's not sucking out too much underneath you. When your bottom turning underneath the lip, you don't want to bottom turn too hard and you want to stay really low on the wave. Usually you want to be sitting right in the bottom of it. You know you can kind of creep up the face a little bit to get some speed and come back down. Sometimes you have to really straighten out and point your board to the beach and wait for the wave to kind of catch up to you and then bring around and get back underneath it until you’re right in the hook of the wave which is the perfect spot, which is right by the foam ball. If you want to get deep, you can stick your arm in the wave and just kinda hold on and when you feel like your deep enough just kind of rip it out and maybe do a little pump or something. If you kind of want drive you can creep up your surfboard and come out of that front foot a little more. There's a lot of speed in a hollow wave so you can really put your foot down and you get more speed. It depends on the speed of the wave, you can just kind of, when you’re on the wave you can kind of feel it out and see what the wave’s doing. Sometimes you can just stand there and just, you know the wave does it all around you. Then other times you trying to get ahead of it a little bit more or your trying to stall. Your just trying to feel the speed of the wave when you're on it. The most important thing I think is when you're paddling I think to position yourself to try to be behind the peak so your on the best part of the wave. Try to stay strong in your stance you know and dont try to move too much in the barrel, usually your lines are pretty long and drawn-out. Thanks for watching and hope y’all are getting spit out of the barrels. -Dean Morrison

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Most popular comments
for How to Frontside Tube Ride with Dean Morrison

First Last
First Last - 7 years ago
these graphics and the song is way too 2000s
berniedmj1 - 11 years ago
@surfline. What's Dean doing now? I haven't heard anything of him since he fell off the tour. Just curious
Derek Walker
Derek Walker - 12 years ago
if only the east coast didnt get shit 98% of the year
Ryan Rowe
Ryan Rowe - 12 years ago
Come to SoCal and show me how to do that
Nico Johnson
Nico Johnson - 12 years ago
1 person is goofy
alexander woodward
alexander woodward - 12 years ago
holy shit long ride
xicao1500 - 13 years ago
Connor Sandefur
Connor Sandefur - 13 years ago
This dude spends more time in the barrel than I do on the toilet...
dtd711 - 13 years ago
if only i could get these waves in nj

10. comment for How to Frontside Tube Ride with Dean Morrison

Cameron Stratton
Cameron Stratton - 13 years ago
1:59 he eats shittttt.
Alex Black
Alex Black - 14 years ago
@jojothesurfer2 you can in teahupoo
Jonas M
Jonas M - 14 years ago
If only you could actually get these waves.
Zepster77 - 14 years ago
How couljd you not get barrelled on a f***king wave like that?
Ernefu-Tube - 14 years ago
what the name of the song? ty :)
Garrett Blair
Garrett Blair - 15 years ago
he makes it look so easy
Lee Chaffe
Lee Chaffe - 15 years ago
yeah must be

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