How to Pop Up Surfing - Exercises for Better Pop Ups

How to Pop Up Surfing - exercises for better pop ups. Popping up is a skill. It is a combination of adequate flexibility, strength, precision, and practice. you can be limited in any of those areas. make sure you have adequate strength and flexibility so you can practice the skill unimpeded. How to improve your pop up. Forge the useless surf "fitness" gimmicks. A review of the foundational movements and exercises to actually improve your pop ups. Popping up is a skill, with necessary foundations of flexibility, strength, core control, and power. I break down these movements, offer exercise options, and progressions. You must first improve the fundamental movement requirements of a pop up, to then improve the skill of popping up. If you dig it, follow Surf Strength Coach on Facebook Check out the website / blog for piles of radness, and legitimate movement, training, and nutrition to improve your body. Full Training Program:

How to Pop Up Surfing - Exercises for Better Pop Ups sentiment_very_dissatisfied 40

Surf 10 years ago 144,353 views

How to Pop Up Surfing - exercises for better pop ups. Popping up is a skill. It is a combination of adequate flexibility, strength, precision, and practice. you can be limited in any of those areas. make sure you have adequate strength and flexibility so you can practice the skill unimpeded. How to improve your pop up. Forge the useless surf "fitness" gimmicks. A review of the foundational movements and exercises to actually improve your pop ups. Popping up is a skill, with necessary foundations of flexibility, strength, core control, and power. I break down these movements, offer exercise options, and progressions. You must first improve the fundamental movement requirements of a pop up, to then improve the skill of popping up. If you dig it, follow Surf Strength Coach on Facebook Check out the website / blog for piles of radness, and legitimate movement, training, and nutrition to improve your body. Full Training Program:

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Most popular comments
for How to Pop Up Surfing - Exercises for Better Pop Ups

sivig86 - 5 years ago
Thanks! I love it! Now I know what to do with a ball from pregnancy :D
What kinds of sets would you recommend for these exercises? How many of each and how many repetitions?
sivig86 - 5 years ago
+Surf Strength Coach Thanks! :D
And sorry, Maybe an automatic spelling or something like that. I meant for the ball, many pregnant women hold such a ball at their home.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 5 years ago
I don't know what you mean regarding a bullet from pregnancy. Sets and reps are dependent on where you're starting from. initially, do maybe 3 rounds of perfect form only reps. so stop doing reps when you can't perform PERFECT reps. if you're doing really high repetitions with perfect form, go the more difficult version of the exercise.
Ali Asgar Attari
Ali Asgar Attari - 6 years ago
Thank you very much for the excellent video. It was very helpful
Brad Abell
Brad Abell - 6 years ago
Hey Cris. At 47, I'm getting back into surfing after a way too long break. This video is excellent! My pop up is currently clumsy and surprisingly difficult which causes me to fight to get my foot position and balance right at that crucial time. Your training progressions, stretches and exercises will be very helpful as I go about improving this. Also, I've been a fitness trainer/coach for nearly 30 years and it's clear you know exactly what you're talking about. Thanks for sharing your expertise.
kyle watts
kyle watts - 6 years ago
Great instruction great video great concert great humor great sarcasm great equipment great ideas great everything thank you thank you thank you very much
Alirio Abreu
Alirio Abreu - 6 years ago
Excelentes consejos amigo!!! Muchas gracias!!!!!!
xyzct - 6 years ago
Burpees, alternating the lead foot, are also great.
xyzct - 6 years ago
Ben, you should check out Si-Boards! They're AWESOME!!!
Sir John Falstaff
Sir John Falstaff - 6 years ago
Now you are obviously doing a pop up where you instantly jump into the stance. I used to think this was the only right way to do it. Then I spoke with a great surfing Instructor and he told me that he saw best results with a pop up where you first put your back leg into position and pop up from there. Any thoughts on this?

I am asking because I want to switch my stance from regular to goofy. Started out as regular years ago because I lacked flexibility but I know I'd surf a lot better goofy
SuperJohn12354 - 6 years ago
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 6 years ago
why are you trying to switch to being a goofy footer if you're natural? Sir John Falstaff
Sir John Falstaff
Sir John Falstaff - 6 years ago
Thanks for the super quick reply! I've watched the ones from surf ranch and it was very interesting. I guess what I'm having most trouble with is changing a routine (popping into regular stance) that my body is already very used to. I was thinking the next time I get to surf (currently I don't live close to the ocean), I'll get a Minimal and go into some small waves to start the process of converting to goofy. Any other ideas? I wonder if I should be practicing the goofy pop up already or maybe just not do anything about it so my body has an easier time losing the muscle memory of the regular pop up...?
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 6 years ago
watch the video of slow motion pop ups from the pros at the surf ranch. you'll see various methods. for folks that are having an issue with their pop ups, we teach a segmented process, where back foot will place first, similar to what you mention. so I guess to answer your question, it depends on whether you're having troubles or not, and the cause of your issues. there's not a strictly right or wrong.
Cody Red
Cody Red - 6 years ago
Thanks for this video! I’m personal training a 60 year client who wants to get better at surfing and this was super helpful; very informative!
Lorra Fae
Lorra Fae - 6 years ago
Really helpful!! How often would you say to do these moves per week?

10. comment for How to Pop Up Surfing - Exercises for Better Pop Ups

Mallory McGuire
Mallory McGuire - 6 years ago
Those jackknifes would kill me. We need something to start out with that isn't going to make us so sore we can't do anything the next day/week/give up because our abs turn to stone. Like something less demanding that would allow us to build up to those.
GiveMeWellnessNow - 6 years ago
Thank you! I appreciate real exercises that arent circusy.
R Nunez C.
R Nunez C. - 6 years ago
best exercise for surfing core is what you have behind. A bar for core bring your knees to your chest exercise. Combine that with your routines. you ll see..good vídeo
Jeff Wisener
Jeff Wisener - 6 years ago
Thank you. I am working on these exercises. Great video.

My goal is to lose 42 lbs in a year after 7 surgeries. I already lost 14 lbs in a month, 28 to go. I am 61, live in Bali, surf just about every day but the struggle is to stay on a short board and surf well.
scott sharley
scott sharley - 6 years ago
Great video mate , cheers.
frank blaker
frank blaker - 7 years ago
Thanks. Short, clear and to the point. Good stuff.
diego anchoverri
diego anchoverri - 7 years ago
where is that place?
Jewelian Presser-King
Jewelian Presser-King - 7 years ago
Du u surf
Borys Kerchu
Borys Kerchu - 7 years ago
I know great place to learn about workouts. Just google for 'Unflexal' :)
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 7 years ago
Hi Chris,my shortboard pop-up is smooth and in one motion.I am natural footed but find on pop-up my back foot lands just in front of the tail pad.Any idea how i can fix this?
Michelle Gaylord
Michelle Gaylord - 6 years ago
I have the same problem. It definitely hinders your ability to hack. I ride a 6'11 CI Semipro.
lMllPl - 6 years ago
Ryan The Rock John John surfs like that too. I don't think it's necessarily a problem. What board do you surf?

20. comment for How to Pop Up Surfing - Exercises for Better Pop Ups

Vern Rolland
Vern Rolland - 7 years ago
Bro, great footy but i have one question what size ball do i purchase like the one you have i am 6'1 180 pounds? Thanks for your input!
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
probably a 75cm ball.
david f
david f - 7 years ago
Thanks for all the great vids, I'm 38 and out of shape,thus I begin the road to getting in shape and hope of getting barreled before I leave this rock. Hope being the key word. Thanks again and keep up the great work,peace and love from Boston,Ma.
Matthew Davis
Matthew Davis - 7 years ago
Good stuff!
dewin doeth dwl
dewin doeth dwl - 7 years ago
Very useful wee video & bullshit free. I've spent every other day of the last fortnight doing a short session of the exercises shown. Yesterday pop-ups were gong well, very well. As the man suggests, now I'm getting the strength & flexibility I can get on with internalising the skill.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
glad to hear that man!
P TK - 7 years ago
Go Cardinal
Stephen Quirke
Stephen Quirke - 6 years ago
yeah - love the sound-track
SuperOlsx - 7 years ago
nice moves
Nicole Broadbent
Nicole Broadbent - 7 years ago
Thank so much. Your videos have really helped me. I started surfing last year. I have been struggling to stand up. Today I managed to get up straight to my feet. Thanks
Jimbo Ward
Jimbo Ward - 7 years ago
So many of these surf exercise clips are just BS--well done.  You did a great job.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
best of luck buddy. please reach out if you need any insight!
commentoria - 7 years ago
I am transitioning to a shorter board as well. I am used to using my toes to pop up. Is it core strength that allows you to get your feet under you without something to push off from? It seems almost impossible to achieve.
commentoria - 7 years ago
Thanks, I am going to work on this every day!
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 7 years ago
core strength is part of it, as well as hip flexor strength and power, and hip mobility. you'll have the bodies buoyancy to help as well. it's definitely possible!

30. comment for How to Pop Up Surfing - Exercises for Better Pop Ups

Stephen Quirke
Stephen Quirke - 7 years ago
Thanks man - these are very encouraging - love the bird calls - and the garden (o:
Jules canidoit
Jules canidoit - 7 years ago
move it or lose it. Good for older dudes like me. love yr work
Spasalonsupplier Sekarshopkuta
Spasalonsupplier Sekarshopkuta - 7 years ago
Great Low Posture it's looks good use Ball n Board for make feeling Degree n Gravity on neckti Back till Hips I'm trying it Body position Front for Mush n Back keep balance on Backdoor for Heavy Drop Thanks for giving Those ideas
Coastal Nomads
Coastal Nomads - 7 years ago
dope man! thanks for the honesty! helped me the fuck out!
Glen Luckjiff
Glen Luckjiff - 7 years ago
Hey Chris. Thanks for this quality video. Making the transition from popup with toes to without toes turns out to be a major hurdle for me. Any tips/videos addressing this? Thanks man!
Colum Nolan
Colum Nolan - 6 years ago
You rock
Fresh Ryan
Fresh Ryan - 7 years ago
Worked great
Mike Comber
Mike Comber - 8 years ago
Dude, you have literally saved my life! I'm 53, just upgraded to a shorter board and realised my pop-up technique was awful. I seriously considered giving up the new shortboard. After only a few days of your exercise I can pop up somewhere close to how it should be for the first time in 20 years! (I know, how crazy is that). Thanks for taking the time to post this video.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
glad to help mike! combinations of flexibility , joint mobility, and strength.... then practice the skill. that's the go man. get after it
mindbender456 7
mindbender456 7 - 8 years ago
thanks soo much it helped me improve my pop up
Ravi C
Ravi C - 8 years ago
Awesome video!!!!! Thx
Han Jaisik
Han Jaisik - 8 years ago
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
cheers man. hope it's helpful
Julian Morales
Julian Morales - 8 years ago
can you send me something to help me, I'm 37, overweight and short so I'm having a lot of problems popping up.
oregonxyz - 6 years ago
running is tough when overweight - but hiking up hills is a great way to lose weight and strengthen your core down to your feet - swimming laps will also help you lose weight and it will strengthen you shoulders too. Or you can take your board to a lake and paddle all day - and practice popping up on flat water
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
losing the "gut" is causing you to give up surfing!? some priorities need to shift. nutritional changes aren't that difficult, you simply need some basic understanding, and awareness of a few key aspects to start changing and implementing positive shifts. get your priorities on track, align your choices with those priorities, and implement the tools to aid in some weight loss. if you're lost, get in touch.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 8 years ago
there's plenty of info on the website, as well as my other video on popups, which goes over more flexibility aspects. it's a combination of flexibility, strength, and skill practice. find where you're lacking, improve, then start improving the skill once again.
Alexandra Mooney
Alexandra Mooney - 8 years ago
LOVE this - thank you!! Especially since I'm taking this up in midlife, this broke it down so well, thank you!
Snicki Lein
Snicki Lein - 9 years ago
Great Video! Improves my skills a lot! Integrated it in my workout routine. Thanks!!!!
BUSBY LEAF - 9 years ago
hey bro im 51 years old want get surf fit for sunmer my pop up is so weak an back in the day i was real good at surfing an use land then all the time i know im not young any more  but i want do this so i can go surfing with my son im 25 kg over weight plez give me a workout plan
Matt Moore
Matt Moore - 9 years ago
thank you so much has improved my surfing alot!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 9 years ago
glad to hear it man!
duane hernandez
duane hernandez - 10 years ago
Yeeeeeww! Always awesome Chris!!
MegaHowtoMan - 10 years ago
Good advice. I do push ups on indo board too.
Laura Gardner Yoga
Laura Gardner Yoga - 10 years ago
So glad I found your channel, I'm going surfing for a first time in a week, surf and yoga retreat can't wait! Three weeks ago I couldn't do a single push up on my toes, always on my knees but never improved, I've been doing some of your workouts and can now do about 10 full push ups, might not be a lot but its a huge improvement. One more week to prepare! Going to dust off my ball and do some jack knives.
Surf Strength Coach
Surf Strength Coach - 9 years ago
+YogaBlossom get to work! hope your retreat went well.

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