How to Surf: The best pop up technique

Steps 5: Often women will say to me, I’d love to learn how to surf but I don’t have anyone to go with and I’d really like some help. Follow us on Instagram @mazarine_aqua for more surfing tips and inspiration and shop our range of amazing women's wetsuits online at As a women I too want to feel supported and to learn in an environment that’s comfortable. Here we’ll do just that, as I run you through the pop technique and show you how to catch a broken wave. To ensure you have the correct foot at the back of the board, ask a friend to stand behind you and give you a gentle push. The foot that naturally comes forward to brace your fall will be your front foot. At the back of your board, place your back foot over the fin plugs, with your toes on a 90 degree angle to the rail and front foot on a 45 degree angle about shoulder width apart. If you stand with your left foot forward that is know as a Regular or natural stance and if you stand with your right foot at the front that is described as a goofy stance. One is not better than the other, it’s purely what feels comfortable for you. Paddling Paddling the surfboard correctly involves using good technique, balance and rhythm. The first requirement is to position your body on the surfboard so that the board is in good trim to the water. To do this, your body weight should distributed correctly to keep the board flat on the water. Chest off the board Head up looking forward Elbow bent Hands cupped Fingers together Smooth and fluid alternative strokes, one at a time alongside the rails Timing To catch a wave you need to match the speed of the oncoming wave when you paddle. It’s common to need 6-8 paddle strokes to build momentum before the wave picks up the back of your board. Pop Up As the board moves forward you will feel the tail lift. Place your hands flat on the deck directly under your armpits and ‘push up’ to arch your back. ‘Twist’ your shoulders to open up your chest. Tuck your toes onto the back of the board, and push off your toes to swing your front foot through between your hands. This is what we call the ‘pop’. I recommend starting out where you can comfortably stand up. This will reduce the amount of paddling you need to do and you’ll fatigue less quickly. Wipe-outs are going to happen, if you embrace the wipe out you will feel more relaxed and will generally pop up in a few seconds. There are a few key techniques that will help reduce the risk of any injury. Emergency stop! If you are riding on your stomach and there is a hazard or another surfer directly in front of you, you need to do an emergency stop. From the prone position transfer your weight to the back of the board, and kneel on the back of the board. Drag your hand in the wave to redirect you either left or right. You should come to a stop quickly. If you are riding the board on your stomach simply slide your hips off the side of the board, place your feet on the ground and stand up, ensure you keep a hold of your board. If you are riding a wave, fall backwards away from the board, do not try to grab it as that’s when things become complicated. Often you will be learning in shallow water so flat as you can. Never dive. Board control when in the ocean A surfboard can be an intimidating piece of equipment, if not handled correctly. Firstly carrying the board, can be awkward and heavy. I suggest selecting a board that fits under your arm or alternatively you can place one rail on your hip and one hand on the far rail to keep it in place. When walking out into the surf, ensure the nose of the board faces directly into the oncoming wave. Like a T. Lift the nose up over the approaching whitewater and jump over the wave at the same time. Never allow your board to become between you and an oncoming wave, it will flick up and hit you. Mount your board - Walk out to about your waist depth and turn your board to face the beach. Mount your board, by placing your chest in the middle of the board and swinging your legs around behind you. Position yourself in the middle of the board and start paddling. Ok, so we have run through the basic technique for catching a wave and popping to your feet. I know there is a lot to remember when you’re first starting, but if you can just remember three simple words, push up, twist, pop it will help to keep it simple.

How to Surf: The best pop up technique sentiment_very_dissatisfied 170

Surf 9 years ago 0 views

Steps 5: Often women will say to me, I’d love to learn how to surf but I don’t have anyone to go with and I’d really like some help. Follow us on Instagram @mazarine_aqua for more surfing tips and inspiration and shop our range of amazing women's wetsuits online at As a women I too want to feel supported and to learn in an environment that’s comfortable. Here we’ll do just that, as I run you through the pop technique and show you how to catch a broken wave. To ensure you have the correct foot at the back of the board, ask a friend to stand behind you and give you a gentle push. The foot that naturally comes forward to brace your fall will be your front foot. At the back of your board, place your back foot over the fin plugs, with your toes on a 90 degree angle to the rail and front foot on a 45 degree angle about shoulder width apart. If you stand with your left foot forward that is know as a Regular or natural stance and if you stand with your right foot at the front that is described as a goofy stance. One is not better than the other, it’s purely what feels comfortable for you. Paddling Paddling the surfboard correctly involves using good technique, balance and rhythm. The first requirement is to position your body on the surfboard so that the board is in good trim to the water. To do this, your body weight should distributed correctly to keep the board flat on the water. Chest off the board Head up looking forward Elbow bent Hands cupped Fingers together Smooth and fluid alternative strokes, one at a time alongside the rails Timing To catch a wave you need to match the speed of the oncoming wave when you paddle. It’s common to need 6-8 paddle strokes to build momentum before the wave picks up the back of your board. Pop Up As the board moves forward you will feel the tail lift. Place your hands flat on the deck directly under your armpits and ‘push up’ to arch your back. ‘Twist’ your shoulders to open up your chest. Tuck your toes onto the back of the board, and push off your toes to swing your front foot through between your hands. This is what we call the ‘pop’. I recommend starting out where you can comfortably stand up. This will reduce the amount of paddling you need to do and you’ll fatigue less quickly. Wipe-outs are going to happen, if you embrace the wipe out you will feel more relaxed and will generally pop up in a few seconds. There are a few key techniques that will help reduce the risk of any injury. Emergency stop! If you are riding on your stomach and there is a hazard or another surfer directly in front of you, you need to do an emergency stop. From the prone position transfer your weight to the back of the board, and kneel on the back of the board. Drag your hand in the wave to redirect you either left or right. You should come to a stop quickly. If you are riding the board on your stomach simply slide your hips off the side of the board, place your feet on the ground and stand up, ensure you keep a hold of your board. If you are riding a wave, fall backwards away from the board, do not try to grab it as that’s when things become complicated. Often you will be learning in shallow water so flat as you can. Never dive. Board control when in the ocean A surfboard can be an intimidating piece of equipment, if not handled correctly. Firstly carrying the board, can be awkward and heavy. I suggest selecting a board that fits under your arm or alternatively you can place one rail on your hip and one hand on the far rail to keep it in place. When walking out into the surf, ensure the nose of the board faces directly into the oncoming wave. Like a T. Lift the nose up over the approaching whitewater and jump over the wave at the same time. Never allow your board to become between you and an oncoming wave, it will flick up and hit you. Mount your board - Walk out to about your waist depth and turn your board to face the beach. Mount your board, by placing your chest in the middle of the board and swinging your legs around behind you. Position yourself in the middle of the board and start paddling. Ok, so we have run through the basic technique for catching a wave and popping to your feet. I know there is a lot to remember when you’re first starting, but if you can just remember three simple words, push up, twist, pop it will help to keep it simple.

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Most popular comments
for How to Surf: The best pop up technique

fancyfolk89 - 7 years ago
Requires payment to watch?
Pumpkin Guts
Pumpkin Guts - 7 years ago
Why do I have to pay 50 cents to watch this lmao
CPU Virtualization
CPU Virtualization - 7 years ago
You need to pay to watch?
Logan Masniuk
Logan Masniuk - 7 years ago
Rent the video for $0.49 wooooooooow that is wacccckkkkkk
Horizon Rider
Horizon Rider - 7 years ago
Hahaha... You want paying to show a pop-up video. Dumb fuck!
Nononopeee - 7 years ago
You have to pay to watch this shot yeh fuck that
Jason 0
Jason 0 - 7 years ago
Tbjgfuv rid gauss going so
Adam Marquez
Adam Marquez - 7 years ago
I wonder if these people know they'd probably make a lot more money off of views than having people pay to watch
Cabdullahi Abdi
Cabdullahi Abdi - 7 years ago

10. comment for How to Surf: The best pop up technique

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
im not sure that you should jump on your board just to stand up lol
loveisforever - 7 years ago
oh i forgot being cool as well
Dana Franchitto
Dana Franchitto - 7 years ago
"Push-up, Twist and Pop" Gotta remember this when I pick up a wave. Thank you so much.
Katharine Caroline Hatton
Katharine Caroline Hatton - 7 years ago
Holidays all the days, Weatherdon !
Katharine Caroline Hatton
Katharine Caroline Hatton - 7 years ago
Can call that kind of "Surf" , Stone ?
Samuel Rodríguez
Samuel Rodríguez - 7 years ago
sorry. Where is that place???? what beach is it????
Hugo Moran
Hugo Moran - 7 years ago
hi Mazarine. where are you surfing
Katharine Caroline Hatton
Katharine Caroline Hatton - 7 years ago
Holidays all the days.
Meli Germ
Meli Germ - 7 years ago
Katharine Caroline Hatton
Katharine Caroline Hatton - 7 years ago
Love the rhythm.
Dana Franchitto
Dana Franchitto - 7 years ago
This sound good to me; cannot wait to apply it in my next session.

20. comment for How to Surf: The best pop up technique

MELO MILO - 7 years ago
Came for the tutorial, stayed for the booty.
sderekable - 7 years ago
where is this place?
samueltheturkey69 - 7 years ago
dont worry mate
Jonsey 1969
Jonsey 1969 - 7 years ago
Good vid! I think these tips will really help, especially with the pop up. I'm 48, female and a snowboarder who recently moved from the mountains to Southern California, and I've always wanted to learn to surf. Hopefully it's not too late. I've got board skills, but I've found that the paddling and pop up wears me out pretty quickly. But I'm not giving up. Surfing has a greater learning curve than other board sports I think.:)
Joao Rocha
Joao Rocha - 7 years ago
Jonsey 1969 try to swim on a pool / sea once or twice a week to build strength / techniques. Sprints are a good way ti both build endurance and speed
Mazarine Aqua
Mazarine Aqua - 7 years ago
Hi Jonsey, absolutely never too late to learn. Surfing will take time to build up your specific muscles needed for surfing. Agree it has a greater learning curve mainly due to the conditions always changing but as long as you're having fun & working on your fitness then you're winning. Happy surfing : )
Brian Waltzer
Brian Waltzer - 7 years ago
mcgizzle mctaylor
mcgizzle mctaylor - 7 years ago
must be a great challenge
hakiee saada
hakiee saada - 7 years ago
amazing thanks
where is this beach ???
samueltheturkey69 - 7 years ago
stay out
John Verma
John Verma - 7 years ago
The chicks could be hotter
Angel G Inca Otero
Angel G Inca Otero - 7 years ago
muy guapas !
Mireya Yim
Mireya Yim - 7 years ago
I've found great handbook on Unflexal workouts. Good solutions for everyone I think
lucifer morningstar
lucifer morningstar - 7 years ago
in the uk we have to wear wetsuits boots hoods and gloves its bloody freezing out in the uk
lucifer morningstar
lucifer morningstar - 7 years ago
yea there an ass to take off and put on arnt they
Joao Rocha
Joao Rocha - 7 years ago
lucifer morningstar even in North of Portugal we have to wear 4/3 suits (we can get away with 3/2 in the summer).
I get so many jealous of people in tropical countries surfing in just shorts. I hate to take of the suit

30. comment for How to Surf: The best pop up technique

Arnetta Ambriz
Arnetta Ambriz - 7 years ago
Go to Unflexal workouts if you want to learn much more about workouts.
12 egg omelet stuffed with gooey cheese
12 egg omelet stuffed with gooey cheese - 7 years ago
I wanna eat all their butts!
David ob
David ob - 8 years ago
Damn!! you're so pretty I could'nt be concentrate lol
Arockiam Raj
Arockiam Raj - 7 years ago
Mazarine Aqua

Respected madam .I love surfing on board. I am a fisher man .when I was small I did lot of times surfed by my home window wood .because I am from pover family. Still now I can't buy surf board in my life. Because of my family. .so kindly please help me..I need one surfing board. That is old board also know problem. I have financial problem .so my dream and ambition was little postponed. Now I believe you sir .please give me one old surfing board sir. .please help me sir.
Mazarine Aqua
Mazarine Aqua - 7 years ago
Thanks, hopefully you got a few tips ;)
brian lizarraga
brian lizarraga - 8 years ago
is it normal for me to be able to catch a wave and be able to stand on the board on my first try?
Joao Rocha
Joao Rocha - 7 years ago
Depends on a lot of things, board, weight, wave, etc. I've also been done it on my first try (lasted 2 seconds)
james mccormack
james mccormack - 8 years ago
She forgot about " Peddling " on take off .....simple fix but left it.....they'll soon learn...
Arnulfur Hakonarson
Arnulfur Hakonarson - 8 years ago
So helpful advice! Thank you big time for them! (:
URBANISMO GDL - 8 years ago
I'll trade guitar lessons for surfing ones, anybody ? by the way those are some hot surfer students : D
Joao Rocha
Joao Rocha - 7 years ago
If learnt Guitar on my own and I'm currently going early to the beach so I can learn myself how to surf
BASTIAN CARCAMO - 8 years ago
those waves are really small, can you even call that surf when there are no waves?
Noel - 8 years ago
BASTIAN CARCAMO dude, trust me. She is teaching her students, if a big waves hits you, you'd be done surfing for a while. It's called shock.
Pippa Hall
Pippa Hall - 8 years ago
Does anyone know where this beach is or what its called?
kontio18 - 8 years ago
Well they're Australian, so probably in Australia
Nashoba - 8 years ago
place your hands flat on the dick? okkkk
Genesis Graham
Genesis Graham - 8 years ago
if only I could swim
Josh pollocks
Josh pollocks - 8 years ago
Great tutorial rlly made me understand how to pop up and get onto my waves better
Farid Oumast
Farid Oumast - 8 years ago
this is what i need to do to surf perfectly
pop up
Ashraf Imran
Ashraf Imran - 8 years ago
At 02:00 wtf that lady stand up and shake his booty lol
Jim Paull
Jim Paull - 8 years ago
This is a great video! I wish it was around 40 years ago when I learned from friends who just said "watch me!" As they were biffing it and you were getting slammed. Kudos to keeping the sport likeable!
Soph Naylor
Soph Naylor - 8 years ago
Hi, I can surf on a large foam surfboard (I rented this) I'm not sure what board I should go for I'm 14, 5'6 and just over 50 kg. I have good balance from skateboarding and I can pop up ect. I'm from the uk and don't live by the sea however I go to cornwall twice a year for a week each time and other coastal places fairly regularly and want a board that will last and is manoeverable in the water. Plz help? :)
Charlie G
Charlie G - 8 years ago
Soph Naylor I am the same age and exact same height as you, I learnt on a 6'6" foam board and a decent one costs around 80-100 pounds
Angel Orlando
Angel Orlando - 8 years ago
I'm trying to learn how to surf like a man
Jim Paull
Jim Paull - 8 years ago
I'm a man and some of my best surf is done with the soul of something more then mankind.
Dane Nakasone
Dane Nakasone - 8 years ago
30 for 60. Infinity jacuzzi complete.
GregoCatal - 8 years ago
Bajuri Oxa
Bajuri Oxa - 8 years ago
i CAN NOT consentrate.. u so sexy! greetings from west java.. INDONESIA. it might be a good idea to surf with indonesia dark skin sometime. ping!

50. comment for How to Surf: The best pop up technique

Angelo  Vales
Angelo Vales - 8 years ago
Open subtitle on 1:38
Arockiam Raj
Arockiam Raj - 7 years ago
Riot Gaming
Dear riot gaming.
Respected sir. .I love surfing on board. I am a fisher man .when I was small I did lot of times surfed by my home window wood .because I am from pover family. Still now I can't buy surf board in my life. Because of my family. .so kindly please help me..I need one surfing board. That is old board also know problem. I have financial problem .so my dream and ambition was little postponed. Now I believe you sir .please give me one old surfing board sir. .please help me sir.
Riot Gaming
Riot Gaming - 7 years ago
Angelo Vales i
Axel Fernandez
Axel Fernandez - 7 years ago
Angelo Vales you will feel flat on the dick
Grace Padgett
Grace Padgett - 8 years ago
lmao i guess the automatic captions don't understand Australian accents
mrhobo1234 - 8 years ago
Chris Breizh
Chris Breizh - 8 years ago
Good basic info. Well explained.
Hannah Valliere
Hannah Valliere - 8 years ago
what would be a great beginner board to use if you've never surfed before
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
flock o' kooks
Nicholas Hollyoak
Nicholas Hollyoak - 8 years ago
Awesome video, some of those waves were absolute crackers!
AxumGear - 8 years ago
Thanks super video
Van Wilder
Van Wilder - 8 years ago
Looks like Burleigh Heads. Love that place. Miss Oz.
Emilio Perez
Emilio Perez - 8 years ago
Just use HM03
Robert Walters
Robert Walters - 8 years ago
great video, sweetheart, both my girls are looking forward to learning to surf !!! ... you're never too young or too old to learn !!!
Justin Quan
Justin Quan - 8 years ago
Jenna Twatson you don't have to be old to not learn how to surf I've seen older people learning how to surf and older people can learn how to do new things so stop being a hypocrite to our elders
KittyKatJack - 8 years ago
Whenever I get us the nose goes underwater and I literally DIE.
KittyKatJack - 8 years ago
Wamy Ram
Wamy Ram - 8 years ago
I am basically a surfer now call me dat surfer boi
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
+Wamy Ram I'm sure you're a nice kook. Have a good day!
OC Blues
OC Blues - 8 years ago
kook of the year
Wamy Ram
Wamy Ram - 8 years ago
Jenna Twatson hi haters thank you for making me into the surfer Boi I am today
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
+Kid XL Kook of the year. We should send him a trophy.
OC Blues
OC Blues - 8 years ago
Wamy Ram kook of the day
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
im not little. Ima big girl.
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
your not a surfer. just gay
jaki watts
jaki watts - 8 years ago
When I get up the cord raps around my legs
drew - 7 years ago
Hey jaki, just don't wear one.  I surf all the time without a leg rope.
drew - 7 years ago
my legrope gets wrapped around my head are they still called leashes?
Hilbert França
Hilbert França - 8 years ago
hahaha you're so mature. Pathetic
Hilbert França
Hilbert França - 8 years ago
+Rik Kz say that to Tatiana Weston Webb you sexist asshole. Im pretty sure she surfs much better than you
Rik Kz
Rik Kz - 8 years ago
+Davide Fiorio yeah go sit over there kook.
Rik Kz
Rik Kz - 8 years ago
Kooks and women should stay out of the water. I guess anything goes as long as you make that easy money. Fucking kooks.
Mazarine Aqua
Mazarine Aqua - 8 years ago
Watch video two, it helps with legrope placement to stop that happening. Good luck!
Tyler Gray 94
Tyler Gray 94 - 8 years ago
I live on Long Island, NY, and i go to the beach all the time i the summer and have never surfed before. I'm definitely going to learn this summer. Thanks for the informative vid!
Sam Bracken
Sam Bracken - 7 years ago
Long Island represent. Looking to learn this summer as a goal catch me in the hamptons !
Tyler Gray 94
Tyler Gray 94 - 8 years ago
+Jenna Twatson umm ok
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
Don't even bother. You'll come out of the water with radiation poisoning. NY sucks!
Tyler Gray 94
Tyler Gray 94 - 8 years ago
+Lau ris i haven't yet either, but I found a company that I'm looking into in long beach. Skudin Surf if your interested. ill update when I've done it ;)
Jenna Hart
Jenna Hart - 8 years ago
+Lau ris I unfortunately haven't yet, but if I do I'll let you know how helpful the videos were! :) ♡
Lau ris
Lau ris - 8 years ago
Have you tried surfing yet? If you have, are these videos useful or is paying for lessons more reasonable
Tyler Gray 94
Tyler Gray 94 - 8 years ago
+Jenna Hart I'll let you know!
DuffyFit - 8 years ago
Long Island here too! Catch me at Gilgo beach!
Jenna Hart
Jenna Hart - 8 years ago
Oh my gosh!! I also live on Long Island and I've never gone surfing, but I've been DYING to since I was little!! I would love to hear if you find any good spots here for it! :) ♡
Sobre Tech Deck
Sobre Tech Deck - 8 years ago
? Beach
LiamsMusic78 - 9 years ago
soooo manycute girls. im dead
tankimarkgraaf - 8 years ago
tankimarkgraaf - 8 years ago
Lol go surf you'll see ;(
Kafa teq
Kafa teq - 8 years ago
+LiamsMusic78 lol dude ..messege me on private
LiamsMusic78 - 8 years ago
+Barluxx91 you gun lemme smash?
Kafa teq
Kafa teq - 8 years ago
+LiamsMusic78 hahahaha okay okay
LiamsMusic78 - 8 years ago
yeah, so hop on over here. lemme quench, bih
Kafa teq
Kafa teq - 8 years ago
Just Chibbity
Just Chibbity - 8 years ago
Hassan Sattar
Hassan Sattar - 9 years ago
thanks for the video, i have been paddling and getting out infront of the wave, and poppin up easy, but the moment i am up, board slowed down almost immediately and was not getting anywhere.

after the video i realised i had all my weight on the back foot so thats probably why. thank for the video much appreicated.
Jade Colon
Jade Colon - 9 years ago
how can you tell each angle
Lara Youssef
Lara Youssef - 9 years ago
That's a great video! Thanks!
meLLoxo - 9 years ago
damn that booty
sunshineninja - 9 years ago
this is good help because I just lernt to stan up on a bored about 2 weeks ago and I can do it  really welland im getting a surf bored for Christmas
Allan Tito
Allan Tito - 9 years ago
Hi - How did you assign board sizes for everyone's different heights? Do you have a simple rule to do this or a link where I can look it up? Thank you!
suthobay - 9 years ago
Cesar Lopez
Cesar Lopez - 9 years ago
@Ashley Zequeida try looking up the chicken wing technique.
Ashley Zequeida
Ashley Zequeida - 9 years ago
Is it the same technique if my feet don't reach the tail of the board?
this last month i turned from a 8'0 feet foamboard to a 7'0 feet fiberglass funborad and i can't pop up well cause my feet don't reach the tale and I already made some little dents on my new board because I use my knees. (of course i know i dont have to use my knees) PD: are those little dents normal in the boards? PLEEEAAASEEE HEEEELP!!!! :(
Noel - 8 years ago
Ashley Zequeida as soon as you get that tail/lift from the wave, pop up
Ashley Zequeida
Ashley Zequeida - 8 years ago
yeah i feel it know lol, i've been havin troubles with timing and barreling waves it's so cool.
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
Yep. Just scoot up the board really quick when you feel the wave start to push you.
Ashley Zequeida
Ashley Zequeida - 8 years ago
ya thank you guys! I already can pop up on my board! I comment this around 6 or 5 months ago! Now i'm learning to catch bigger waves and barreling waves! 
Diego Rey
Diego Rey - 8 years ago
Or should really bend a bit more your leg knee on the tail. Check out some videos!
Mazarine Aqua
Mazarine Aqua - 9 years ago
Great idea!!
Ashley Zequeida
Ashley Zequeida - 9 years ago
+Mazarine Aqua well, i better train more in my old 8 feetboard it was easier than this one.
Mazarine Aqua
Mazarine Aqua - 9 years ago
+Ashley Zequeida Hi Ashley, Those dents are called pressure dings, they are normal if you are using your knees to get up to your feet. If you are having trouble popping up on a 7ft short board, it may be a little too soon for you to decrease the size. What you can do is slide both needs under your chest and step the front foot up, put your weight on your front foot, then stand up and move your back foot into position. Do this until you start feeling more confident with your pop up. Good luck.
Dana Franchitto
Dana Franchitto - 9 years ago
Thank you,MS Aqua this is helpful.
Ka-Cero Zone
Ka-Cero Zone - 9 years ago
were is the place sorry??
Ka-Cero Zone
Ka-Cero Zone - 9 years ago
hi how are you love you
Mazarine Aqua
Mazarine Aqua - 9 years ago
+Ka-Cero Zone Hi Ka-Cero - most of these videos are shot in Byron Bay and various spots along the Gold Coast. We are blessed with some lovely surf beaches in Australia!
George Baez
George Baez - 9 years ago
what board are you all using?
Mazarine Aqua
Mazarine Aqua - 9 years ago
+George Baez Hi George! These are GBoards, a fantastic Australian brand that specialise in foam boards for beginners. Happy surfing!
Francisco Del Castillo
Francisco Del Castillo - 9 years ago
surfing begginers
Grady Mcs
Grady Mcs - 9 years ago
Where was this video shot
Yo Mamma
Yo Mamma - 8 years ago
I knew it was byron like clarkes/the pass but what is the beach that you can see around 3:08? Is that goldcoast? I also wanted to ask you if you could make a video that focuses solely on shortboard popups, because then you cannot put your toes on the board that is why I think this popup cannot be transposed onto a shorboard. Thanks for answering!
Mazarine Aqua
Mazarine Aqua - 9 years ago
+Grady Mcs Hi Grady, this is in Byron Bay NSW Australia. Where do you like to surf?

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More on This section is from 110% Surfing Techniques Volume 2 DVD. Some tips on how to adapt...


Catch More Waves Part 1 - From 110% Surfing...

854 likes 430,866 views 10 years ago

Check out This is section is taken from 110% Surfing Techniques Volume 3, which is available...


Take Off & Heavy Drops. From 110% Surfing...

1,118 likes 423,978 views 11 years ago

Here are 2 sections from 110% Surfing Techniques Volume 2. The aim of these 2 sections is too improve your take off...


6 Surfing Techniques You Should Never Learn -...

1,624 likes 373,315 views 9 years ago Exclusive surfing Videos for Beginners & Intermediates 10% off all...


Top 3 Ways to Paddle Like World Champion Kelly...

2,125 likes 351,106 views 10 years ago

Learn to paddle like World Champion Kelly Slater With new underwater footage and more detailed explanations. Learn...


"Learn To Surf" Natural Surf Technique for...

3,183 likes 225,983 views 10 years ago

Learn To Surf with Frank Caronna owner/coach and professional surfer of Natural Surf Technique(...

About How to Surf: The best pop up technique

The "How to Surf: The best pop up technique" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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