How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes
Surf 10 years ago 1,605,652 views ONLINE COACHING! Learn to Surf in 25 minutes with the guys from How to Rip! Join TV Presenter Kale Brock and Surf Exercise Coach Ryan Baohm as they break down the important aspects of surfing into easily comprehensive, easy to follow guidelines! We go through Board selection, paddling, duckdiving, taking off, generating speed and turning all in a simple format within 30 minutes!
10. comment for How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes
It is quite helpful :)
20. comment for How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes
30. comment for How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes
i find this very helpful <3
50. comment for How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes
this is super helpful
edit: i also only have short boards..will that be a problem for re learning?
Me: what the heck are you talking about that is a leash!
100. comment for How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes
Thank you!
is best for new surfers
best for new surfing is a longboard
Eskimo roll 10 ft waves its super effective!
and motivating for the non so advance surfers out there like me :)
do they swim at the beach of your island?
then stay in sight if a lifeguard is nearby or let someone be on the beach or in the water eather
7:44 paddling
9:00 duck diving - effectively dive under waves
9:42 eskimo roll - to roll over the wave
11:20 choosing beach
11:55 activity : catching the white water
13:24 pointers for pop up
15:19 wave selection + activity: surfing on the face
17:50 activity : turning on the wave
20:00 gaining speed by going on top of hte wave
21:22 maneouvers
the weight does not matter becuase as long as the surfboard smaller it will be harder so if you are begginer you can start with soft surfboard because it is a lot easier to catch waves than with fish board ...
well said, im on team faith haha XD
It's like somebody at O'Neill drew a circle around the crotch on a design sketch for the suit as a joke, and production took it seriously.