How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes ONLINE COACHING! Learn to Surf in 25 minutes with the guys from How to Rip! Join TV Presenter Kale Brock and Surf Exercise Coach Ryan Baohm as they break down the important aspects of surfing into easily comprehensive, easy to follow guidelines! We go through Board selection, paddling, duckdiving, taking off, generating speed and turning all in a simple format within 30 minutes!

How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 514

Surf 10 years ago 1,605,652 views ONLINE COACHING! Learn to Surf in 25 minutes with the guys from How to Rip! Join TV Presenter Kale Brock and Surf Exercise Coach Ryan Baohm as they break down the important aspects of surfing into easily comprehensive, easy to follow guidelines! We go through Board selection, paddling, duckdiving, taking off, generating speed and turning all in a simple format within 30 minutes!

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Most popular comments
for How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes

Kales Broccoli
Kales Broccoli - 7 years ago
Wow that blonde guy rips and is incredibly good looking! Not sure about the blue guy though :\
Erica Huang
Erica Huang - 7 years ago
Hi, may I ask where is this beach? It looks pretty safe for a beginner!
Denis Danshinov
Denis Danshinov - 7 years ago
I can paddle and am working on the pop up.I am using an 80"x17"x2.5" board and I am a 5'8 225 bound guy.When I popup,my board goes underwater and I tried shifting my balance to the end of the board and still the same thing.Is there something I can do to fix this?
Louis Ellwood
Louis Ellwood - 7 years ago
Can u tell me what board you got and where from
hacked gamer
hacked gamer - 7 years ago
This is such rubbish I'm a ugu surffer and it takes years of practice
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Hey mate ! We hope you have a better day tomorrow. Regards, R & K
David Chi
David Chi - 7 years ago
Great video learned a ton. But what is that thing tied to the blues guys junk at 11:08?
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
We think it might be his penis. Love, R & K.
ForShitsAndGiggles - 7 years ago
When you say 2 sessions a week how long is a session.?.
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
1-2 hours, but it's more about how many waves you catch. More waves = more practice!
I_am_ Maxi
I_am_ Maxi - 7 years ago
Im a skater for 7 years and I'm starting to surf and I'm getting better thanks to you guys
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Thats great man !
Victor Della Bella
Victor Della Bella - 7 years ago
How would you say surfing compares to snowboarding or long boarding? I’ve done both for many years, but I’ve never surfed. Thanks!
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Relatively similar but the paddling and taking off aspect obviously is a new hurdle (presuming you mean long boarding skateboarding)

10. comment for How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes

Tatiana Andrea Posso Martìnez
Tatiana Andrea Posso Martìnez - 7 years ago
Thank you guys!
It is quite helpful :)
lai brightsea
lai brightsea - 7 years ago
great video, nice lesson. Surfer looks so fun but really hard to learn.
Jeff takes Disney
Jeff takes Disney - 7 years ago
That music at beginning made me want to go rip!! Lol. Saw my self hair blowing and shredding in slow motion and everyone screaming and crying over me. Lol. The dream!!
Grim Games
Grim Games - 7 years ago
17:27 his belly is frowning
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Grim Games hahaha great pick up!!
Ezra Ellar
Ezra Ellar - 7 years ago
What make is his fish surfboard
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Shorter, wider (particularly through the nose and tail), thicker, flatter than a typical high performance short board. They can vary a lot, best going into your local surf shop and getting them to help you out!
Max Steele
Max Steele - 7 years ago
who surfes is south afrika ?
Paulius5222 - 7 years ago
Watching this while freezing my ass off in northern Europe lmao
Cam Moore
Cam Moore - 7 years ago
The guy with the blue wet suit... his nuts are huge
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
thats cause he doesn't use them much.
Coastal Fishing
Coastal Fishing - 7 years ago
6 weeks ago I could not surf yesterday I got a barrel thanks guys
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Great work!
jardean hinchliffe
jardean hinchliffe - 7 years ago
Where abouts is this beach

20. comment for How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes

Mark Armstrong
Mark Armstrong - 7 years ago
What is the song playing at 11:28 onward? Thank you.
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Thanks Tomas!!! We really appreciate the kind words and are stoked you're out in the water!! :) K & R
Juuso Virtala
Juuso Virtala - 7 years ago
What is the song at 14:13? Tried to search everywhere, but couldn't find it.
Sup Preme
Sup Preme - 7 years ago
guy with blonde hair is a faggot
Sup Preme
Sup Preme - 7 years ago
guy with blonde hair is a faggot
Joe Vlogs
Joe Vlogs - 7 years ago
It tell me a hours
arun prasath
arun prasath - 7 years ago
Very useful video Guys!!! Es-specially the partition of topics & explanation
joshualucas - 7 years ago
11:08 lol
AUDILIUM COM - 7 years ago
could you give the name of the song at the end of the video ? thank you
Lennert Hamm
Lennert Hamm - 7 years ago
Where did you surf ?? At which spot??
Pumpkin Guts
Pumpkin Guts - 7 years ago
I watched the whole video and I don't even know how to swim

30. comment for How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes

Pedro Ribeiro
Pedro Ribeiro - 7 years ago
the title is so appealing....
JC - 7 years ago
Idk why I'm watching this. I can already surf, but this is just entertaining
Yeh - 7 years ago
Why am I watching this I live in Nebraska
Master Armedforces
Master Armedforces - 7 years ago
So am I correct in making the assumption that the ineffective paddling speed I encounter on my thinner, less buoyant shortboard can be resolved by positioning myself closer to the point where the wave is about to break, instead of being further out and trying to paddle, paddle, paddle, to catch it? I just want to find a solution w/o buying a fish to use when the waves are smaller and less powerful..
Master Armedforces
Master Armedforces - 7 years ago
Better as in one which will be more buoyant underneath my weight/height, correct? Thanks.
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
If your board is slow then you may need a better board
ASPHALTICUS - 7 years ago
Jacked off to this.
Beach pls
Beach pls - 7 years ago
25 minutes has passed and hurley doesnt want to sponsor me yet
Bruno J
Bruno J - 7 years ago
awesome walk through learning, dudes! aloha mahalo.
Rafael Vignoli
Rafael Vignoli - 7 years ago
Best surf lesson video ever !
Amin Elkhalifa
Amin Elkhalifa - 7 years ago
It's December, I have finals, and I live in Minnesota..
J Gujral
J Gujral - 7 years ago
The best surfing video tutorial! Thank you for making it so easy.
Hamtaro Cookie
Hamtaro Cookie - 7 years ago
I wanna learn how to surf
Damian Madrid
Damian Madrid - 7 years ago
3:30 good god man, some chapstick. He looks like that dave chappelle crackhead character.
Deniz Yildirim
Deniz Yildirim - 7 years ago
Amazing video loved it ! (i dont even have a surf board nor have tried before, lol )
Darrold Dean
Darrold Dean - 7 years ago
Yesterday was my first day surfing at Huntington beach I was trying to catch white water but when stood up on the board I only went a foot lmao I don't know if it was too small of a white water wave or if I was doing it wrong lol....any tips?
gqgreg - 7 years ago
Kook video. Stop teaching people. Too many people in the water the way it is.
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Kook comment. Stop commenting on YouTube videos.
Collin Goddard
Collin Goddard - 7 years ago
I'd add the note of chest position up off the board when paddling and not lay chest flat on the board.  You demonstrate this technique in your video, but never mention this proper posture position  in your video.  Other than that, truly a great video filled with tremendous info and approach to learning how to surf....
Joana Santos
Joana Santos - 7 years ago
I loved it. I promised to myself that im going to surf next weekend. Btw Plz come to Portugal so you can be my teachers! You´re great, thank you
Ofri Yachin
Ofri Yachin - 7 years ago
"Leg Rope" XDXDXD
Averia zzz
Averia zzz - 7 years ago
thank you very much, gonna surf in two days, here in Philippines ,gonna be my first time :)
i find this very helpful <3
Joshua Malcolm Jefferis
Joshua Malcolm Jefferis - 7 years ago
I wish I could surf like you

50. comment for How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes

omar almulla
omar almulla - 7 years ago
Pure Milk
Pure Milk - 7 years ago
i cant even swim
Christopher Stull
Christopher Stull - 7 years ago
So good lads, well done.
Matt Smith
Matt Smith - 7 years ago
Just imagine duck diving right into a shark lol
I Don't Skate
I Don't Skate - 7 years ago
I’m so jealous of those waves. I’m lucky to get a 4 second ride at my local beach.
Brendan Huggett
Brendan Huggett - 7 years ago
I’m already on a surf team and surf three to four times a week on a five eight
Jan pva
Jan pva - 7 years ago
Brendan Huggett
Brendan Huggett - 7 years ago
Hey guys if you really want a good beginner spot there’s a place called nazare in porigal it’s a super beginner spot
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
We hope you go out there Brendan.
AnonymousSkillzZ - 7 years ago
does anyone realize at 6:10 was a green scream lol like if you see it
Chocolate Chip
Chocolate Chip - 7 years ago
Also, they offer online courses.... But im not going to take my laptop to go surfing. I dont know if I can get wifi at the beach.
Henry Jolz
Henry Jolz - 7 years ago
cheers guys
this is super helpful
Toplowndes888 - 7 years ago
Lol last year I did a hire surf thingy and I caught a wave on my second attempt so after about 15 minutes I thought I was to good for the crushed waves and grabbed one that hadn't it crushed when I was at the top I fell off and the board flipped and I then landed on the fins
Kylie Ann
Kylie Ann - 7 years ago
How can u face ur fear of sharks???
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Educate yourself on them.
Will K
Will K - 7 years ago
Great video guys .. really well explain and edited. thanks for sharing your knowledge
jona312312 - 7 years ago
Mouldy99 - 7 years ago
great job guys! thank you!
David Watts
David Watts - 7 years ago
seoin moon
seoin moon - 7 years ago
actually i learned a lot from this video. i gonna surf tmr, excited.
Kyle - 7 years ago
I all of a sudden wanted to learn how to surf it looks like so much fun.
satria ardana
satria ardana - 7 years ago
thanks bro,its super helpfull XD
Al Ci
Al Ci - 7 years ago
The last part of the maneuvers was mesmerizing! I kept watching it over and over
Sophie Tataki
Sophie Tataki - 7 years ago
Wish I could surf like you !!!
George Alatsidis
George Alatsidis - 7 years ago
Sofuckie Xo Me too
Stiaan Fasen
Stiaan Fasen - 7 years ago
Which type of board i weight 55kg or 121 pounds
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Depends on your ability but for a beginner around 30-34L in volume.
Vortex - MC
Vortex - MC - 7 years ago
Im not heavy enough to duck dive on my board :-(
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
its too big for you.
loveisforever - 7 years ago
are you gay?
loveisforever - 7 years ago
:D i dont mind it just trying to find out
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Only on Tuesdays.
CJ P - 7 years ago
Do you guys wax your faces?
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Only on Wednesdays.
60's 70's & 80's Rewind Covers
60's 70's & 80's Rewind Covers - 7 years ago
Rumor has it, if you're a beginner and want to learn quickly, a great starting place called "jaws" on the island of Maui is ideal. You should try it sometime!
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
We disagree.
Leslie McCampbell
Leslie McCampbell - 7 years ago
Definitely going to use this! Thanks guys!
ChloeIsARMY - 7 years ago
I live in the UK, we don't have waves like that here
Zeroforce14 - 7 years ago
the blonde guy looks like Leo from Tekken
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
We'll take that.
Sophie Brock
Sophie Brock - 7 years ago
My boyfriend has a fish. I'm 4 ft 11. I currently have a 8 ft soft board n used to have a 5'6 thicker Chris Brock surfboard my uncle thought I would grow in to? What is 4'11 reccomendations for a fish? I should get my uncle to shape me 1. Can u get soft fishes easily? I was looking for a long 1 but can't get arm around it but can eskimo/turtle roll. I can also duck dive a smaller board.
Noah Petillo
Noah Petillo - 7 years ago
I understand that this video is made to help you, but honestly the only way to really get good at surfing is to have time in the water.
WaskiLP - 7 years ago
Well, I would like to start, but I need glasses. Dont know if I could surf when I cant see that much.
O11ie Bad
O11ie Bad - 7 years ago
I really want to get into surfing and I am only 4'8, I weigh between 30-40 Kg and I am 12. Should I still get the 5'10 board?
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
For a beginner, look for something around 28L at your weight.
Nallely Escudero
Nallely Escudero - 7 years ago
Woww guys! I really enjoyed the video, I would like to learn how to surf but the waves of the place where I live are not as big as yours... There are some local surfers here, but I haven't found anyone to teach me yet, but now I guess I don't need anyone bc of this video, promess I will practice by myself! thank you so much!! :)
atlantean 107
atlantean 107 - 7 years ago
I'm on my way to surf lessons thank you for making this awesome idea so I have a idea of what to do before hand
Sita G
Sita G - 7 years ago
why am I watching this I live in kansas
Aaron Reeder
Aaron Reeder - 7 years ago
That blonde chic is hot
Aye Aye
Aye Aye - 7 years ago
This was gnarly. Keep making videos please
WIEW S - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for your video
hann k
hann k - 7 years ago
i used to surf when I was 7-9 years old but I quit and now I'm going back at 14 years old and I never learned how to duck dive. I'm afraid my only two boards will be too buoyant (I cannot afford a new one) is it unsafe to swim under the wave and grab my board after the wave has passed??

edit: i also only have short boards..will that be a problem for re learning?
RevZ - 7 years ago
I'm 85 kg but I'm 6' 6. Is a 6'4 still okay
Adam H
Adam H - 7 years ago
Song in beginning?
WHINNIEplayz - 7 years ago
Him:"and this here is called a leg rope"
Me: what the heck are you talking about that is a leash!
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Dont lie its a leggy.
Intan Khairunnisa Khahidir
Intan Khairunnisa Khahidir - 7 years ago
Started surfing last year. I try to do it at least once every year. This video thought me more than my instructors LOL.
Chap Fights
Chap Fights - 7 years ago
Can you duck dive on a fish.
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
lars anthonsen
lars anthonsen - 7 years ago
"Leg rope"
Dark Sw1tchy
Dark Sw1tchy - 7 years ago
If you're good af skimmboarding is it easier to learn to surf?
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
it may help.
Tomáš KaBoŠ
Tomáš KaBoŠ - 7 years ago
Its Arnold's two lost son aaaaaaaahh
Tomáš KaBoŠ
Tomáš KaBoŠ - 7 years ago
Great name

100. comment for How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes

Kate Kragen
Kate Kragen - 7 years ago
This one is even more comprehensive. These cats know what they are talking about.
Dari Angel
Dari Angel - 7 years ago
Awesome video, guys! I will definitely apply those technics !
Thank you!
TheGreasyCaviarDish - 7 years ago
What if the waves are always above 2.5m? I live in portugal and the waves are quite big
Braxton Ellingsen
Braxton Ellingsen - 7 years ago
Real helpful video, helped jump right into it and catch some waves after an hour in the water.
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Thats awesome to hear!
MITCH VORSTER - 7 years ago
I like the blonde guy better hes awesome
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
me too
T_MontageKing - 7 years ago
Im 120 pounds and I ride a 5'6 board is that to small
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
depends on the shape... whats the volume?
Rubymia !
Rubymia ! - 7 years ago
I surf and have a surf board I'm a pro and it's fun!! I do camp for surfing too!! It's called summertime surf! I live it!
Adriano Saltos
Adriano Saltos - 7 years ago
Excellent explanation guys
Aidan Freeman
Aidan Freeman - 7 years ago
I just wanted to say thank you. It was my first time ever surfing today and the teqniques you showed me really helped. I even stood up a couple of times and rode the wave in :) Thank you.
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
How goods that !
FREEZ Band - 7 years ago
who's this foking MUSE's cover band??
Walt Gentry
Walt Gentry - 7 years ago
I love that this is a sport where neither gender has an advantage and its awesome that the WSL (World Surf League) gives equal prize money to both sexes. Male surfers and female surfers are both equally good and it truly depends on how much time you spend on the water
Addison Lennon
Addison Lennon - 7 years ago
favorite way to learn how to surf is watching your this
SpeckTheAvocado - 7 years ago
If you are a beginner and only have access to foams should you go for shorter boards or longer boards based on your height ?
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Go on volume but foams will be more buoyant
rw stearns
rw stearns - 7 years ago
if you snowboard a lot and are pretty good will this be a little easier?
The One And Only Gavin Sodhi
The One And Only Gavin Sodhi - 7 years ago
rw stearns yes
Peter Day
Peter Day - 7 years ago
Awesome video! I'm semi retired and I haven't surfed in 40 years! This video is giving me the tools to get out there again.
BangTaoBeach - 7 years ago
Make sure you ride a 3 finned Thruster Fish ;) LMAO!
Fuzzycocopops 13
Fuzzycocopops 13 - 7 years ago
Peter Day u old bro hahaha I'm 11 I haven't ever surfed who is better
drew - 7 years ago
these guys are better than me (at surfing).
drew - 7 years ago
I haven't been in the water for awhile.
Itz May
Itz May - 7 years ago
X-Build CS at least when u get one u know how to surf like a pro ;)
Sky Fabe
Sky Fabe - 7 years ago
Dave Masbutter
Dave Masbutter - 7 years ago
I don't know if you guys are still checking out the comments section for this video but I'm looking to get into surfing and wondering how much violence I should expect from other surfers?
magic cheeseball
magic cheeseball - 7 years ago
most places people nice, just havin fun, don't worry they were all beginners at one time too.
magic cheeseball
magic cheeseball - 7 years ago
depends where u live and if your in a good surfing spot and if you cut someone off , LA area has a lot of assholes because its too crowded .
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
HigherPlanes - 7 years ago
What that a chimpanzee surfing at 20:50?
HigherPlanes - 7 years ago
The next planet of the apes better have Ryan in it.
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Ryan enjoys trying to be a chimpanzee
Andre Graf
Andre Graf - 7 years ago
Great simple video, thanks!
Stephen Balka
Stephen Balka - 7 years ago
Would you say that doing weight transfers are similar to how you turn on a snow board
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Stephen Balka yes but more pronounced surfing
Sickle - 7 years ago
Do i need to wear that lipstick too to be a good surfer 11:50
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
J-HOOK TV - 7 years ago
Will your fins get damaged by laying on the board at the beach
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
dig into the sand first
Joao Rocha
Joao Rocha - 7 years ago
On the sand usually don't. Also my guess is that those fins have good flexibility so it's fine
Angel Galvan
Angel Galvan - 7 years ago
I'm watching this videos I don't even know how to swim lol
Joni Herangi
Joni Herangi - 7 years ago
AG tech&gaming how old are you?
Michelle Barbera
Michelle Barbera - 7 years ago
Awesome video! Thanks guys!
Justin Hatch
Justin Hatch - 7 years ago
what's a good brand to buy a surfboard
Никита Светлый
Никита Светлый - 7 years ago
Thank you guys! I'm going to Bali next month for 10 days and hope I'll be able to get into surfboarding, one is for sure - I'll enjoy it!
GOAT Fighting
GOAT Fighting - 7 years ago
Blue surfer LOOOOVVESSSSSS powdered donuts!!!!!
Vick bisquitz
Vick bisquitz - 7 years ago
the last sound is Mammoth Logic - Speck Of Dust
Laird Dean
Laird Dean - 7 years ago
I've been surfing since I was 6 years old and I'm named after a professional surfer his name is Laird Hamilton. I am going to meet him one day and now I'm 13 and shredding waves.
Sam28 - 7 years ago
Thanks guys this really helped
Jerryy - 7 years ago
I live in Miami and I don't know any beaches that have waves like these. Does anyone know?
Gavin Mcclaren
Gavin Mcclaren - 7 years ago
Jerryy go to the bay if ur not scared of sharks and stingrays
Butter4me - 7 years ago
So should i pick up my fish alive, dead, or cooked?
Butter4me - 7 years ago
ahhh, I see maybe ill get a tarter sauce too. Also how do french fries sound?
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
South Jersey Drivers
South Jersey Drivers - 7 years ago
Got a board off Craigslist and went out today with (kinda) an idea what to do. Man was I wrong! Ended up getting smacked in the back of the head by my board. Back to Youtube for more training. I'll definitely try these techniques next weekend.
S S S S - 7 years ago
This is so helpful
Scott rock
Scott rock - 7 years ago
beginner to advanced in 12 weeks. for sure boys. super realistic expectations
Enzo - 7 years ago
Good video
viv d
viv d - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure I gave myself a concussion from not knowing how to duck dive the other day, so I'm pretty thankful for this! ahaha
Adrian Gil
Adrian Gil - 7 years ago
U cheaters used the ground to pop up. My body can't pop up in one motion so I have to use the two step method.
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
its easier to demonstrate on an actual surfboard on an actual wave. If you're relying on take-off practice on the beach, then you'll lose no matter what.
Robert Dugay
Robert Dugay - 7 years ago
Simply the best video. I'm a surfer.
GetUp_Gaming 67
GetUp_Gaming 67 - 7 years ago
Where are they surfing?
GetUp_Gaming 67
GetUp_Gaming 67 - 7 years ago
Where about?
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
It's just Kris
It's just Kris - 7 years ago
i liv in az so... but luv this vid and want to learn
It's just Kris
It's just Kris - 7 years ago
luv ure hair
It's just Kris
It's just Kris - 7 years ago
how do you know lol thx
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
We love your hair too.
Weathermank - 7 years ago
what bord
is best for new surfers
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
See our other video.
김진일 - 7 years ago
this is the best instruction video ever!!! Thanks :)
Sara Alonso Diez
Sara Alonso Diez - 7 years ago
2:20 is it you harry styles?
HERBWELSHMAN - 7 years ago
Where is this at?
meika robertson
meika robertson - 7 years ago
How to Rip where in aus?
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Logan Mitchell
Logan Mitchell - 7 years ago
I just watched the entire video and I live in Tennessee :\
Snapchat Dotcom
Snapchat Dotcom - 7 years ago
Logan Mitchell hahah i dont get why people live there and not in the coast
Weathermank - 7 years ago
Shotbords are hard to get waves with but longbord is best for new surfers.
magic cheeseball
magic cheeseball - 7 years ago
i agree but harder duck dive , but a lot easier to get up on
Weathermank - 7 years ago
Long bored is the for new surfers
Weathermank - 7 years ago
i surf
best for new surfing is a longboard
The Funnys
The Funnys - 7 years ago
Does it matter how many fins my board has?
Alek Martell
Alek Martell - 7 years ago
The Funnys depends what kind of wave your surfing
Sonny Pelzman
Sonny Pelzman - 7 years ago
thanks guys u taught me how to surf!
Element 115
Element 115 - 7 years ago
I'll never surf but I'm curious so I looked this video up. knowledge!
Kaka Rami
Kaka Rami - 7 years ago
I am a beginner surfer can guys tell me where should I go I live in San Diego
Kaka Rami
Kaka Rami - 7 years ago
Thank you so much your awesome
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
PB or Mission
edwin jeovani santos cuellar
edwin jeovani santos cuellar - 7 years ago
what is the name of the firts song
FlyingDutchman - 7 years ago
thanks guys! very good tutorial
YUNGBOYS - 7 years ago
ive surfed for 6 years but i cant dont learn efficent
Gavin Hansen
Gavin Hansen - 7 years ago
Cool vid braahhs!
Templário - 7 years ago
thx for the tips now im just going to surf Nazaré !!
enigmapublius1 - 7 years ago
Nazaré é brutal já fui aí algumas vezes e valeu sempre a pena!
enigmapublius1 - 7 years ago
Templário abraço do Porto
N. Sheikh
N. Sheikh - 7 years ago
This is so helpful. Thanks you two
Claude-Patrick tv
Claude-Patrick tv - 7 years ago
frustrated locals disliked this video . haha .
militia 4546
militia 4546 - 7 years ago
awesome bra
Ronnie O
Ronnie O - 7 years ago
Watch this, paddle out, get punched in the head, and chased out of the water. That is lesson one.
Nordic Muslim
Nordic Muslim - 7 years ago
That intro reminds me of Top Gear on Super Nintendo.
Vivien Anne Bunce
Vivien Anne Bunce - 8 years ago
Brilliant. Thank you!
Maxjgsurf - 8 years ago
Nice vid
Leah Woodhouse
Leah Woodhouse - 8 years ago
Why am i watching this? Yes it would be cool to learn to surf but i have a fear of open water.... so...
Jonah Guinn
Jonah Guinn - 8 years ago
290 people who disliked this video can't swim
cam BOYD
cam BOYD - 8 years ago
Already know how to surf but still watching
James The surfer
James The surfer - 8 years ago
their from Australia I can tell by there accent
rogerio riva
rogerio riva - 8 years ago
good tips!
lastmadcow - 8 years ago
nice coaching video
Georgie Armstrong
Georgie Armstrong - 8 years ago
@How to Rip I am just starting to get back into surfing again but I am absolutely terrified of being caught in a rip and being dragged out to sea then my extreme fear sets in, panicking and sharks. I know how to identify one and stay away from them but how do you get over that fear? Also, I am new to my area and know nobody so the idea of having no-one to watch over me also scares me. Half of this shit is in my head but i need some reassurance. Cheers, Georgie.
Georgie Armstrong
Georgie Armstrong - 7 years ago
@How to rip thanks so much for the response. Pretty straightforward.
Georgie Armstrong
Georgie Armstrong - 7 years ago
Thank you for the response @godless old gamer I'm starting to get the hang of things, it's more now the buddy system for me.
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Just take it slow and make sure you surf with a buddy :) Be safe and assess the conditions before going out :) taking a basic life saving course may help too..
Godless Old Gamer
Godless Old Gamer - 7 years ago
this all on the gold coast.. now in victoria dont surf often, hate cold water.
Godless Old Gamer
Godless Old Gamer - 7 years ago
I get your fear. I got caught in a rip on my surfboard when I was about 14 years old (35 now) and it was scary, got pulled out very far and made the begginers mistake of paddling against the rip. I paddle side to the rip now and don't end up that far out if it ever happens. Also had a shark come up next to me on a wave, also when i was a teenager. One thing I'd do If was you do not go out into anything bigger than 2-3 foot till you're comfortable surfing that. I went from surfing 2-3 foot waves to a big day for me(6 foot) and got worked so bad that I go shaken for a while. Got held under for ages. I'd put an ad out georgie for a partner/mentor in your area. Good luck miss
Ron Rico
Ron Rico - 8 years ago
amazing video guys, makes me really want to learn how to surf. Do u think I still can learn it even when 40 years old?
Synca - 7 years ago
No, he isn't. You can start surfing at any age. I know a 65 year old man who surfs every day.
Irene McGinley
Irene McGinley - 7 years ago
Ron Rico hell no u old af
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Alan Arambula
Alan Arambula - 8 years ago
this isn't true it only took me 20 minutes and i was already surfing like a pro
Maboy Vanturee
Maboy Vanturee - 8 years ago
I weigh 65 kg and just bought a 5'9 fish. Is it okay?
Ioana Emma
Ioana Emma - 8 years ago
Jeez, why is the turqouise guy touching the other guy ass
mikaloviche1 - 7 years ago
they both have
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
'Cause its a nice arse.
Mathew Dos Santos
Mathew Dos Santos - 8 years ago
Eskimo roll 10 ft waves its super effective!
shiella villarias
shiella villarias - 8 years ago
i'm going back to Bali with this in mind. Big thanks, gents!
Slime Goalie23
Slime Goalie23 - 8 years ago
I watched this entire video and I already knew how too surf
It's Unreal
It's Unreal - 8 years ago
One of use start on a a thruster unless u are natrel
Danny Giles
Danny Giles - 8 years ago
Heading out on my first Working Holiday Visa later this year and have a Surf Camp booked! Thanks for an awesome video for an introduction to surfing! Can't wait to get out over there! Cheers guys!
wright5able - 8 years ago
what that last song call at the end of video
SMASH Bros. - 8 years ago
what brand in the fish surfboard you use
Alaa Abou Daher
Alaa Abou Daher - 8 years ago
Very nice and informative video.. thank u guys
Bee Shiel
Bee Shiel - 8 years ago
Thanks for the info
Casey White
Casey White - 8 years ago
I live in San Diego California and the surfing here is going really well and this video helped a lot. Thanks a lot man
Callum Dunworth
Callum Dunworth - 8 years ago
This video helped me so Much as a beginner learning the basics thank you and a great video
Trey L
Trey L - 8 years ago
so i decided i would watch this video and then go out with my friend on a 8' foam board in 4'-5' waves............ BEST decision in my life. When we first got there i went in the white water to catch some water just to stand up to get a feel of how it is when your standing. Found out its harder to mess around with the white water then it is to just ball up and go for the clean nice waves. First wave i caught stood right up on my feet and road the waves all the way in. Did this about 4 more times without eating it to my surprise! HA. LOL. Im still alive so this video must have helped me some how. ='') Probably not the best idea to do what i did unless you are strong enough to handle the current and waves as a first time beginner lol.
jerrome escobal
jerrome escobal - 7 years ago
I'm from Philippines so eager to learn this sports...this video gave me confidence and encouraged me more to push my time when I'm on my vacation I'm gonna try again and again
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
Well done !
Zaheer Laher
Zaheer Laher - 8 years ago
Looks easy, but soo difficult to apply.. Guess need more practice..
Rockulla - 8 years ago
very well explained.
and motivating for the non so advance surfers out there like me :)
Rhys Burlton
Rhys Burlton - 8 years ago
Thanks I've learned alot
Rhys Burlton
Rhys Burlton - 8 years ago
Steve Do
Steve Do - 8 years ago
awesome video guys, thanks. My 10 years old son took his first surfing lesson today and he stood up first try! He practised paddling by himself and stood up successfully in an ocean pool the day before though. He'll like this heaps when I show it to him!
Paul Guerra
Paul Guerra - 8 years ago
Please, does anyone could tell me the name of the song of the ending?
Luiz Augusto
Luiz Augusto - 8 years ago
At 13:46 when the guy stands up, he is using the sand to pop up. How do you do that on the water? Im struggling with that. I notice that when you paddle, your feet is off the board. What is the correct thing to be done? Feet on the board or off board?
How to Rip
How to Rip - 7 years ago
It's much like a push up or burpee.
MrAbababababaaaaaaaa - 8 years ago
Matters on the length of the board,on a long board your feet would be on the board while popping up on a shorter board your feet will be in the water behind your board.
Jaydog R
Jaydog R - 8 years ago
love to surf, favourite sport by far! I'm 11 and I can do a cutback!!!
Mel Gho
Mel Gho - 8 years ago
sory4beinanonymous - 8 years ago
So do you look behind you for the wave you want to catch?
Gavin Richetti
Gavin Richetti - 7 years ago
when you're sitting on your board you face towards the waves so you can see them coming
Reasonable Rocco
Reasonable Rocco - 8 years ago
Great video with simple and clear instructions! But I feel i might return to specific segments of this video in the future to refresh my memory. It would be great if you guys could put the timestamps of each topic/segment in the description so viewers can easily find a technique in the video that they need more work on. Thank you :)
sky jug
sky jug - 8 years ago
raaahaahaaaghahahahahahaahhaahahahaahahahahhaghaaghaahahgahaahahaahahagahaghagahahaahahahahaddddddd dude
Joel Barlow
Joel Barlow - 8 years ago
Banga wet suit aye bruz. ✌
o __
o __ - 7 years ago
Joel Barlow let's talk English please
vinny p
vinny p - 8 years ago
Ryan looks like handsome squidward
Seto Bikouta
Seto Bikouta - 7 years ago
hahaha i just laughed so hard i swallowed my gum
vinny p
vinny p - 8 years ago
Btw, thank you so much for the video, dudes
Arthur Liu
Arthur Liu - 8 years ago
Yo this is actually pretty helpful oi! Blondey is a good presenter, no homo
Godless Old Gamer
Godless Old Gamer - 7 years ago
True might do good on Tv doing presenting.
Jack Buontempo
Jack Buontempo - 8 years ago
This video should be titled 'How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 minutes and 26 seconds'
Mia Parker
Mia Parker - 7 years ago
Jack Buontempo 27 seconds lol
Sven K.
Sven K. - 8 years ago
Somebody know where i can find the blue O'Neill wetsuit?
Andrew Meaux
Andrew Meaux - 8 years ago
i like South padre island and Destin
Alexis Silva
Alexis Silva - 8 years ago
He is soooo hot
Work Out
Work Out - 8 years ago
Alexis Silva stfu whore, no one cares if you are fantasising about a surfer dude who you will have no chance with
Ashraf Imran
Ashraf Imran - 8 years ago
I just surf this morning
Work Out
Work Out - 8 years ago
Surfed* dumb bitch
Josephine Ong
Josephine Ong - 8 years ago
Thats very informative! thanks! :)
pepino735 - 8 years ago
i'm 54 .,think is time to try that .,i only have experienced body surfing back when i was thirteen..thank for your video guys..
BREAZE - 7 years ago
pepino735 yeah!
Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown - 8 years ago
Cheers lads !
Adam White
Adam White - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video! I'm going down to the beach now to practice these techniques.
Megalodon64 - 8 years ago
18:58 what is the name of the song?
Stanislav Mishenin
Stanislav Mishenin - 8 years ago
Thanks Guys for this video! really helpful!
Almondmilkparadise - 8 years ago
whats the song around 12:54?
EI EI - 8 years ago
Ive a problem on balancing my body on board and paddling on board ive always loose my balance
Ashraf Imran
Ashraf Imran - 8 years ago
Practise with skateboard
How to Rip
How to Rip - 8 years ago
try practicing in still water first without waves until you gain enough core control to maintain your balance.
Bronius Janonis
Bronius Janonis - 8 years ago
Hi, what's the name of the song at the beginning of tutorial?
Aussie Warriors
Aussie Warriors - 8 years ago
thx guys good video keep going ...
Joel Simbrow
Joel Simbrow - 8 years ago
I think it's really cool to see you two making this great video in a sport dominated by straight macho guys.
Godless Old Gamer
Godless Old Gamer - 7 years ago
In Australia, I very rarely encountered macho type surfers. That's was with about 5 years almost daily surfing. I grew up on the Gold Coast and if it was a good day I'd head to a beach break to avoid big crowds, plenty of room.
Matty - 8 years ago
For Christmas I want my first board by the way you guys were really helpful
Michael Daffin
Michael Daffin - 8 years ago
I've surfed for years, and am getting to the days (61) when I won't be able to as much as I used to (health) but I want to say thanks for this video -- very helpful even for me ... Thank you... Achim
loveisforever - 7 years ago
go vegaaan carb upp dont stop the surfing
ABE MOGES - 8 years ago
That was awesome
Tusar Sen
Tusar Sen - 8 years ago
Surfong looks fun ^.^
Conquerer Mark
Conquerer Mark - 8 years ago
And you'll never fucking do it cause you stay in the confinements of your home jacking off to weeb furry bullshit
Foxylalastar - 8 years ago
I wanna learn how to surf so bad
Max Steele
Max Steele - 7 years ago
foxylalastar don't worry if you first body surf a bit then if you think your ready try going on your knees and try to stand up the feeling is GREAT
Vito Corleone
Vito Corleone - 7 years ago
Alberto Gutierrez
Alberto Gutierrez - 7 years ago
+Diego Aa Hey, man. Maintain the crowd. The gringos came and now everyone is fighting for top spots. I am Costa Rican. Maintain and chill. What the fuck!
SMASH Bros. - 8 years ago
i know right
Diego Aa
Diego Aa - 8 years ago
Come to Costa Rica!
Noel - 8 years ago
Foxylalastar do it
Joshua Strange
Joshua Strange - 8 years ago
Foxylalastar I'm a surfer if I were you I would start on the white waves
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago
Foxylalastar than let someone stand on the beach and catch only white water, watch the forecast and wind or swell and surf with a board that has volume to go out on days when the waves arent "big"
How to Rip
How to Rip - 8 years ago
Get out there ! Hope we can help :)
Work Out
Work Out - 8 years ago
Dont worry girl, atleast if your a good swimmer go into the sea on a calm day and have a crack at it,
Foxylalastar - 8 years ago
Work Out it's not as simple as it may seem lol
Foxylalastar - 8 years ago
longliferiderTM people don't swim in the water that has rough waves coz it's "too dangerous" and people have drowned there. Idk if it's because they're just bad swimmers
Work Out
Work Out - 8 years ago
Foxylalastar you live on an island?! What are you complaining about
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago
+Foxylalastar than import one, you never know when you start surfing there others may do the same, just take some lessons when your at vacation and buy a board that has enough volume yo surf with, specially if there are not much waves

do they swim at the beach of your island?
then stay in sight if a lifeguard is nearby or let someone be on the beach or in the water eather
Foxylalastar - 8 years ago
+fab.holly 17 I live on an island..but not much waves and no surfboard either :/ just our luck huh
Holly mae c:
Holly mae c: - 8 years ago
Foxylalastar same but I don't live near a beach or have a surf board lmao
dantheman z
dantheman z - 8 years ago
Whats the name of the intro song?
Skye Claussen
Skye Claussen - 8 years ago
great video
Oliver Niinas
Oliver Niinas - 8 years ago
How much those boards cost?
Kursion - 8 years ago
Oliver Niinas 150-250 2nd hand or 300-800 1st hand
Work Out
Work Out - 8 years ago
Oliver Niinas you could get a second hand board for pretty cheap
kohlrabenschwanz - 8 years ago
i watched this 25 min movie... now i know enough of surfing. I go to teahupoo now.
עמית סעאתי
עמית סעאתי - 8 years ago
Top video guys
Salam Oelek
Salam Oelek - 8 years ago
6:30 positioning
7:44 paddling
9:00 duck diving - effectively dive under waves
9:42 eskimo roll - to roll over the wave
11:20 choosing beach
11:55 activity : catching the white water
13:24 pointers for pop up
15:19 wave selection + activity: surfing on the face
17:50 activity : turning on the wave
20:00 gaining speed by going on top of hte wave
21:22 maneouvers
Nevy Pierre
Nevy Pierre - 7 years ago
I would like too surf
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
If you want to learn how to surf like a pro then go here now:
Francisco Shibata
Francisco Shibata - 7 years ago
Salam Oelek Topgear songtrack
Bilal Faye
Bilal Faye - 7 years ago
Salam Oelek MVP
Afatdogthats Ahomo
Afatdogthats Ahomo - 7 years ago
Salam Oelek I
Olito Nottero
Olito Nottero - 8 years ago
thanks Salam for making this content list !
Peter Richardson
Peter Richardson - 8 years ago
Intro song is: Mammoth Logic - In The Fire
Geo Surfer
Geo Surfer - 7 years ago
Peter Richardson Thanks the song kicks ass!!
Work Out
Work Out - 8 years ago
Peter Richardson thanks
Sergant Kornballz
Sergant Kornballz - 8 years ago
song name please. cheers.
Peter Richardson
Peter Richardson - 8 years ago
Intro song is: Mammoth Logic - In The Fire
Robert Webb
Robert Webb - 8 years ago
Great vid boys!
Saxon Halford
Saxon Halford - 8 years ago
Saxon Halford
Saxon Halford - 8 years ago
Jordan Dyksley
Jordan Dyksley - 8 years ago
I weigh 320lb. would i still be able to learn and excell at surfing?
Fuzzycocopops 13
Fuzzycocopops 13 - 7 years ago
Jordan Dyksley hahaha I live in Sydney like 30 minutes from bondi
Alberto Gutierrez
Alberto Gutierrez - 7 years ago
For you, 12 foot long board. You can surf. Before you stand and take the line, paddle, paddle, and paddle. Paddling is the key, and you will weight, concurrently.
Jordan Dyksley
Jordan Dyksley - 8 years ago
just need to be somewhere I can start. since I live so far inland, in Alberta Canada. but it is extremely high on my interest list
How to Rip
How to Rip - 8 years ago
And surfing may help you drop some weight, too. Would recommend starting off with a bigger board.
Rudolph Maritz
Rudolph Maritz - 8 years ago
Ghost - 8 years ago
Thanks for this one guys, good stuff! Cheers!
Games 4 Ever
Games 4 Ever - 8 years ago
How was your surfing session mate? :)
Henry Coldrain
Henry Coldrain - 8 years ago
why does the instructor has British accent ...
MF. asderamen
MF. asderamen - 8 years ago
Will Collett
Will Collett - 8 years ago
i'm 74kg and have access to a 6ft fish board. is this going to work for me?
How to Rip
How to Rip - 8 years ago
depends on the volume. As a beginner you'l need around 32L or more.
Michael - 8 years ago
if you are comfortable with it in the water so ye
the weight does not matter becuase as long as the surfboard smaller it will be harder so if you are begginer you can start with soft surfboard because it is a lot easier to catch waves than with fish board ...
mathieu georges
mathieu georges - 8 years ago
great video!
Joshua Mwaniki
Joshua Mwaniki - 8 years ago
I'm afraid of sharks
Godless Old Gamer
Godless Old Gamer - 7 years ago
Me too, My brother and I were surfing in Australia and one was next to us in a wave. Only about 1 metre long but we still both paddled into the shore and went home lol
SideflashTM - 8 years ago
Gitonga Mwaniki sharks arent dangerous
Work Out
Work Out - 8 years ago
Sharks are seen as killers on the media... They are not dont go near them a d they wont go near you stay safe, SurfsUp
Odnalro Jr.
Odnalro Jr. - 8 years ago
legend in portuguese please
Jerry Addison
Jerry Addison - 8 years ago
everywhere i go to surf i get yelled at cuz im a beginner
Darrold Dean
Darrold Dean - 7 years ago
Val Hopkins I go to Huntington beach yesterday was my first day learning how to surf I need more practice lmao
Collin Goddard
Collin Goddard - 7 years ago
Does practicing carving on a skateboard translate to better balance and carving on a surfboard?   Also, I am 6'3 190 and live in South Laguna Beach,  Capo is too small and crowded and waves are usually poor in shape, are there any beaches you can redo that are good to learn on,  that are somewhat challenging, but good to learn on?
Jay Gorto
Jay Gorto - 7 years ago
Jerry Addison learn boxing first like I did. Then tell whoever yells at u to shut up or get an uppercut
Zachary Hassan
Zachary Hassan - 7 years ago
Jerry Addison then don't surf spots that are for competitive surfers
drew - 7 years ago
hey, I get yelled at on the road and I'm a good driver.  keep trying bro
Scott rock
Scott rock - 7 years ago
Jerry Addison it's cos you watched this video and you "advanced" now
Lewis Lamoreaux
Lewis Lamoreaux - 7 years ago
+Aidan Platler I'm down
Aidan Platler
Aidan Platler - 7 years ago
I will I live in san clemente
Walt Jisney Channel
Walt Jisney Channel - 8 years ago
+Lewis Lamoreaux just goto strands
Walt Jisney Channel
Walt Jisney Channel - 8 years ago
+w00zyhead Lunada bay
Lewis Lamoreaux
Lewis Lamoreaux - 8 years ago
Val Hopkins can u help me surf I live in Diana point
Hayden Burke
Hayden Burke - 8 years ago
w00zyhead seal beach, Huntington, bolsa if u want to go down south a little ways
w00zyhead - 8 years ago
what beaches are best for beginners in the LA area?
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago
ignore them, they were beginner too
Val Hopkins
Val Hopkins - 8 years ago
Where do you live? I used to be the head instructor for Corky Carroll's Surf School in Huntington Beach. I could help you clean up your surfing, fix any mistakes, and not be referred to as a kook anymore.
Tusar Sen
Tusar Sen - 8 years ago
Do your best and never give up
Zoë Slatest
Zoë Slatest - 8 years ago
Jerry Addison I remember those days don't listen!
Legend fps
Legend fps - 8 years ago
Jerry Addison yeah give it your best because I'm a beginner and I'm letting nobody tell me what to do
Muscle Hamster
Muscle Hamster - 8 years ago
don't give up bro... ignore what they say.... stick with it bro
X-Build CS
X-Build CS - 8 years ago
I watched this entire video and i dont even have a surfboard
Ignacio Aguirre Noguez
Ignacio Aguirre Noguez - 7 years ago
Kaylee Rachell
Kaylee Rachell - 7 years ago
X-Build CS same *
Kaylee Rachell
Kaylee Rachell - 7 years ago
X-Build CS dame
Leo Dudas
Leo Dudas - 7 years ago
same here. just procrastinatin my 2 exams tmrw
Madara _
Madara _ - 7 years ago
X-Build CS same
Matt Smith
Matt Smith - 7 years ago
Joel Vahrenkamp
Joel Vahrenkamp - 7 years ago
X-Build CS same
Andrew Webster
Andrew Webster - 7 years ago
Same here
James Chin
James Chin - 7 years ago
X-Build CS same
AnonymousSkillzZ - 7 years ago
X-Build CS same
Alexander Gamer
Alexander Gamer - 7 years ago
X-Build CS oh so I'm not a loner
SwissCheese - 7 years ago
X-Build CS Your not the only one
Nallely Escudero
Nallely Escudero - 7 years ago
Lol, same! :)
Aaron Reeder
Aaron Reeder - 7 years ago
mitchel vorster that's super fucking exciting!
Premium Blue
Premium Blue - 7 years ago
X-Build CS you can do surf camp.
MITCH VORSTER - 7 years ago
me too I'm getting one this week
Skid Kid
Skid Kid - 7 years ago
X-Build CS same but iam getting in to it
GamerxC 2001
GamerxC 2001 - 7 years ago
X-Build CS meeeee
X-Build CS same
Angel Galvan
Angel Galvan - 7 years ago
X-Build CS for real me 2
George Higgins
George Higgins - 7 years ago
BluΞB3RrY - 7 years ago
X-Build CS same lol
broke_youtuber YT
broke_youtuber YT - 7 years ago
X-Build CS me too ha
Luke - 7 years ago
You are still pro though, you watched the twenty-five minute video!
Maddy’sWorld - 7 years ago
X-Build CS where in California is it
Woobed - 7 years ago
can you give me free skimboard?
Woobed - 8 years ago
I feeeeeeeeeelllllllll youuuuuuuuuuuu
Ka Flynn
Ka Flynn - 8 years ago
X-Build CS I watched this entire video and I live in Colorado
Oliviaisthebest1 - 8 years ago
Same here
How to Rip
How to Rip - 8 years ago
eszter monoki
eszter monoki - 8 years ago
Me too and I´ve never surfed before
Master ov Games
Master ov Games - 8 years ago
I don't have one either
Conrad L
Conrad L - 8 years ago
X-Build CS and i dont live near the ocean
Conrad L
Conrad L - 8 years ago
X-Build CS lol me too
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago
bro, me too I rent one
Rob Weldemichael
Rob Weldemichael - 8 years ago
A "pro" or a "broke"?
SBERTOL84 - 8 years ago
Congrats! You're now a pro!
Zoë Slatest
Zoë Slatest - 8 years ago
X-Build CS hahaha
Ryan G
Ryan G - 8 years ago
Great video guys
JoseAn - 8 years ago
Where do my dick should point in relation to the waves?
Vortex - MC
Vortex - MC - 7 years ago
JoseAn your dick should be pointing away from the wave (forward) and when paddling out it should be pointed into the waves
Tomáš KaBoŠ
Tomáš KaBoŠ - 7 years ago
JoseAn good for you. Good for you aaahahahahaaa
DiaperJuice_ 48
DiaperJuice_ 48 - 7 years ago
JoseAn find a pressure dent
DiaperJuice_ 48
DiaperJuice_ 48 - 7 years ago
JoseAn no, potato.
Sabrina Dacosta
Sabrina Dacosta - 7 years ago
It doesn't point are just gonna be a dick dragger
Dessilu Niño Guevarra
Dessilu Niño Guevarra - 7 years ago
Noel - 8 years ago
JoseAn backwards
slapmyfunkybass - 8 years ago
On every thread on YouTube, whatever the original comment or debate - eventually someone will post about the New World Order agenda. Once it hits that stage, it's time to mute the thread and go out and surf.
Divine Knights
Divine Knights - 8 years ago
+Faith Irene
   well said, im on team faith haha XD
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago
+How to Rip i thougt fish boards are not -good beginner boards, so I ask you can I start on a Fish or not (I can surf pretty good on a soft top)
JoseAn - 8 years ago
19841695 I know none of you understand my question. But it hurts when gets burnt with the wax!!!!!!!!
Divine Knights
Divine Knights - 8 years ago
hahahahahahhhahahaha good one
19841695 - 8 years ago
Depends on your dick diving style
JoseAn - 8 years ago
slapmyfunkybass third of four I speak.
slapmyfunkybass - 8 years ago
+JoseAn Is English your first language?
Divine Knights
Divine Knights - 8 years ago
JoseAn im not sure what u mean?
JoseAn - 8 years ago
Jack Sparrow penal-colony surf!! Wow
JoseAn - 8 years ago
How to Rip Had you already tried that? E x p e r I e n c e T a l k i n g.
Divine Knights
Divine Knights - 8 years ago
hahahaha lol savage
How to Rip
How to Rip - 8 years ago
down into the board where you can burrow a small hole into the wax to comfortably hold it.
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago
Divine Knights
Divine Knights - 8 years ago
thats a long finger
JoseAn - 8 years ago
+slapmyfunkybass only 20centimeters-
slapmyfunkybass - 8 years ago
Wouldn't worry too much, it's too small to make any difference.
Hawk Darrah
Hawk Darrah - 8 years ago
Song name
lilfancyvlogs - 8 years ago
This was SUCH a helpful video thanks so much!!!
Brian Ramirez
Brian Ramirez - 8 years ago
What kind of surf board is that
Work Out
Work Out - 8 years ago
Kids on Gopro's fish board
LuxeXx - 8 years ago
I was a skateboarder for years when I was young. Went to Maui and it paid off huge, as I was able to actually surf some waves.
stxcoop •
stxcoop • - 7 years ago
josh - 7 years ago
yea man.... im 32...skated all my teenage years...took my first surf lesson last week and got up straight just dont lose that kind of stuff. It really is a confidence thing also i believe
Max Simon
Max Simon - 7 years ago
Seto Bikouta I know right know I feel more confident
Seto Bikouta
Seto Bikouta - 7 years ago
siiiick that's a huge relief!
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago
ashraf imran It also depends on how much sessions yout in the water
Ashraf Imran
Ashraf Imran - 8 years ago
When you can skate you can surf easly
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago
yeah I skate now for almost 8,5 years and long board for 4,5 years and it's really paying off when I go surfing
Retired Chand Evil
Retired Chand Evil - 8 years ago
The turquoise surfer's wearing a cock ring... hah fantastic video
NoStreetBs - 7 years ago
Ha, yeah, at 13:35 it looks like an escape hatch for your dong.
It's like somebody at O'Neill drew a circle around the crotch on a design sketch for the suit as a joke, and production took it seriously.
Slime Goalie23
Slime Goalie23 - 8 years ago
Are you guys seriously staring at that
How to Rip
How to Rip - 8 years ago
lucky fella
Capt. Trick
Capt. Trick - 8 years ago
turquoise also took a big handful of blondies bum at 08:07
Nozyspy - 8 years ago
FaZe demon
FaZe demon - 8 years ago
How to Rip you deserve more subs
How to Rip
How to Rip - 8 years ago
This is very funny.
X-Build CS
X-Build CS - 8 years ago
I know, when i saw that i was like WTF???
Sebastian Jones
Sebastian Jones - 8 years ago
looks like Florida wait it might not be idk
Bricks .Blog
Bricks .Blog - 8 years ago
What's the intro song?
bucking fitch
bucking fitch - 8 years ago
Yo your guyss video tought me how to surf!!
Brendan Huggett
Brendan Huggett - 7 years ago
I doubt that
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago
if I was you I would still take a lessons, these videos are more often tools to help you
Timothy Haak
Timothy Haak - 8 years ago
where do you guys live?
How to Rip
How to Rip - 8 years ago
Australia :)
Sarah - 8 years ago
they sound Australian so probably Australia

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The "How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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