How To Catch A Wave - Surfing Tutorials
Surf 10 years ago 172,860 views In this learn surfing tutorial, we explain how to catch and ride an unbroken, or open faced wave in surfing. Learning the timing in riding a wave can be frustrating. Surf Coach Brent breaks down the necessary components a surfer must master in order to successfully catch ocean waves on a surfboard.
10. comment for How To Catch A Wave - Surfing Tutorials
Saludos desde la gran isla de Republica Dominicana
20. comment for How To Catch A Wave - Surfing Tutorials
30. comment for How To Catch A Wave - Surfing Tutorials
this is the email
cool see yah Bella
Can you tell more about the posture and the positioning on the board when catching wave? You briefly mentioned that you need to really arch your back -- I didn't know that :)