1,043 likes 203,737 views 10 years ago
More big wave action just a CLICK away: http://win.gs/1alYVe2 Puerto Escondido is the mecca for meaty beach break...
305 likes 59,252 views 9 years ago
Between his personal waveriding experience and his tireless dedication to giving professional big-wave surfing a...
150 likes 19,903 views 10 years ago
music: Seagull- Saturday Sun
61 likes 8,035 views 8 years ago
Local filmer Jaciel Santiago spent this year compiling the best wipeouts he saw in front of his local beach. Brace...
119 likes 7,288 views 7 years ago
Puerto Escondido, Mexico is world famous for the massive waves at its surf beach, Playa Zicatela. From early morning...
25 likes 5,002 views 8 years ago
Puerto Escondido on October 15th, 2016
1,043 likes 203,737 views 10 years ago
More big wave action just a CLICK away: http://win.gs/1alYVe2 Puerto Escondido is the mecca for meaty beach break...
305 likes 59,252 views 9 years ago
Between his personal waveriding experience and his tireless dedication to giving professional big-wave surfing a...
150 likes 19,903 views 10 years ago
music: Seagull- Saturday Sun
61 likes 8,035 views 8 years ago
Local filmer Jaciel Santiago spent this year compiling the best wipeouts he saw in front of his local beach. Brace...
119 likes 7,288 views 7 years ago
Puerto Escondido, Mexico is world famous for the massive waves at its surf beach, Playa Zicatela. From early morning...
25 likes 5,002 views 8 years ago
Puerto Escondido on October 15th, 2016
The "How not to surf Puerto Escondido" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.
But when it starts to get double and then triple overhead, the ocean is moving and forceful. Normal lineups shift and change, breaking much further out and on a vaster canvas. There's nowhere to run and hide from the avalanches of whitewater coming your way. Your usual takeoff spot is now a cement mixer inside section. You're much more exhausted than usual, paddling hard to stay in position while avoiding the detonations. Lots more ground to cover.
Then you get lip-launched on the first wave of an eight-wave set, and find out right away what kind of physical shape you're in.
10. comment for How not to surf Puerto Escondido
and you cant get out of the water cause the waves would just suck you straight back in
20. comment for How not to surf Puerto Escondido
30. comment for How not to surf Puerto Escondido
50. comment for How not to surf Puerto Escondido
Badass vid. Usually its vids of guys showing how cool they are or whatever, but this guy shows himself getting his shit packed in the nastiest washing machine ever. Good stuff.
What would happen if your leash broke? hahahaha
beach break is sucks
100. comment for How not to surf Puerto Escondido
If you want the ultimate, you've got to be willing to pay the ultimate price.
Doesn't it feel great, though, knowing that you put yourself in that kind of situation and came out the other end unscathed? It's the ultimate learning experience.
and now here again there must be something wrong with him he must have a death wish.
Yeah I just figured there was a way around it.
The beatings were handled incredibly well.
Those walls of whitewater must have been 20 foot plus. They were Very big waves.