How not to surf Puerto Escondido

This wave was the first wave I ever caught in Puerto, and she sure gave me a welcome! Filmed with a go pro I'm my mouth and by Daniel Flash Navara (R.I.P Legend for ever and always)

How not to surf Puerto Escondido sentiment_very_dissatisfied 103

Surf 8 years ago 347,508 views

This wave was the first wave I ever caught in Puerto, and she sure gave me a welcome! Filmed with a go pro I'm my mouth and by Daniel Flash Navara (R.I.P Legend for ever and always)

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Most popular comments
for How not to surf Puerto Escondido

Smile SurferStyle
Smile SurferStyle - 6 years ago
I've taken many a beatings like that and they're always in the back of my mind on big days.
Brando St
Brando St - 6 years ago
When it’s huge and you go on the first wave of the set.. damn those first couple of waves were close together and he was rite in the impact zone. Gnarly
Steve Irnwitt
Steve Irnwitt - 6 years ago
Now try fighting the biggest person you’ve ever seen while getting water boarded
larryjohnny - 6 years ago
That was a washing machine cycle.. Bet you are in better shape after that one, full workout courtesy of Mother Nature... Props for even paddling out! Those were massive waves I can only imagine how much power you had to absorb there.. Rock on!
reginaldino enchillada
reginaldino enchillada - 6 years ago
I was glad when he finally washed up on shore. I was thinking dont fight it let the waves push u to the beach. joey gale and bernie know from experience. Not their first rodeo in big surf. Rest in peace mark foo.
el nino
el nino - 6 years ago
When you're caught on the inside it's like damn when are the swells going to stop at least for a minute and they just don't they keep on freaking coming
Koi Gonzalez
Koi Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Gotta be Carefull when u come to Puerto between the violent breaks and currents it'll snatch the life out uv ya....but yeah no the best place to go after the first of a set but once you ride out the Mex Pipe when its firing it'll help you on most waves around the world so its worth every bit of adrenaline
takfam07 - 6 years ago
Only about 12-15 seconds per hold down. Yet it feels too long. (That's what she said). But seriously, I live on Oahu and in big swells this fear is primary. Most everyday surfers like me surf three-foot waves (Hawaiian scale= 6-to-7 foot faces) or less, 90% of the time.

But when it starts to get double and then triple overhead, the ocean is moving and forceful. Normal lineups shift and change, breaking much further out and on a vaster canvas. There's nowhere to run and hide from the avalanches of whitewater coming your way. Your usual takeoff spot is now a cement mixer inside section. You're much more exhausted than usual, paddling hard to stay in position while avoiding the detonations. Lots more ground to cover.

Then you get lip-launched on the first wave of an eight-wave set, and find out right away what kind of physical shape you're in.
peachtree Wa
peachtree Wa - 6 years ago
What a thrashing!

10. comment for How not to surf Puerto Escondido

Alvarez Gustavo
Alvarez Gustavo - 6 years ago
Lucky you didn't swallow your go -pro !
eddie mclaughlin
eddie mclaughlin - 6 years ago
get super fit and super low is my advice
Matthew Kear
Matthew Kear - 6 years ago
Things look like they started out pretty well, but GoPros make the water look a lot flatter than it actually is. Good job keeping calm.
Taco_Paco - 6 years ago
yoo i was just out at waimea (shorebreak was like 12ft) and there were som monsters out there and the second you got one you were certain to get punded by like 12 more
and you cant get out of the water cause the waves would just suck you straight back in
Chris Kifaya
Chris Kifaya - 6 years ago
Ya, after this surfing is for the birds....its Kelly Slater wavepool for me. 2020. I'll wait....
Roberto Alvidrez
Roberto Alvidrez - 6 years ago
Luchando con el mar..
Pako Barbarroja
Pako Barbarroja - 6 years ago
México riffa!! Las mejores olas en Zicatela, se siente bien culero cuando te caen las 3 olas seguidas, primero debes estar detrás de las olas, después agarras la segunda o tercera o cuarta ola, o mejor ninguna
Charles Phillips
Charles Phillips - 6 years ago
Good times!
Sarah Ribeiro
Sarah Ribeiro - 6 years ago
Oh gosh , I know what its that I KNOWW
mau art.
mau art. - 7 years ago
This is stuff is what nightmares are made!

20. comment for How not to surf Puerto Escondido

BigBollocks - 7 years ago
Reminds me of how shit I am at surfing.
El Astronaute
El Astronaute - 7 years ago
why would he have the go pro in his mouth? Surely it was on his head
Jack Quarantillo
Jack Quarantillo - 6 years ago
El Astronaute mouth mount is pretty common for surfers. Head mounts get blasted off by waves too easily, and they make the waves look even smaller.
Davidrobert Taylor
Davidrobert Taylor - 7 years ago
Puerto is heavy when it's big there's no channel either so you're pretty screwed the only good thing is you're less than 100 yards from the beach
majid sami
majid sami - 7 years ago
Ohhhhhh no that's my nightmire
Mario Ricardo
Mario Ricardo - 7 years ago
The same guy of Maverick?
Theo Von Imbior
Theo Von Imbior - 7 years ago
That was some scary shit, I can't believe you held that gopro all that time. Props for staying calm and breathing deeply!!!
Alistair Goodwin
Alistair Goodwin - 7 years ago
The beach sure feels good after a beating like that!
Mike B
Mike B - 7 years ago
About 20 feet too big for me.
Lukas Conrad
Lukas Conrad - 7 years ago
This is me on a day thats 4-6 ft and im surfing a beach break
Indioma - 7 years ago
Is it shallow at Puerto? How deep is it?
Marty McSuperFly!
Marty McSuperFly! - 6 years ago
It´s flat sand, hard as concrete and VERY shallow.

30. comment for How not to surf Puerto Escondido

Mitch Flello
Mitch Flello - 7 years ago
Just getting one in!
M Ravitch
M Ravitch - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing this! It's the first one I've seen of "this" part of surfing!
beze1 - 7 years ago
amazing how the waves look small under the gopro perspective
Nathan Griffith
Nathan Griffith - 7 years ago
The first one was clean af
Carlo Grotti Trevisan
Carlo Grotti Trevisan - 7 years ago
great resistance
Rodney Smart
Rodney Smart - 7 years ago
If surfing Puerto was easy everyone would be doing it. I got the worst hold down beating of my life there.
Rozay-_- Instinct
Rozay-_- Instinct - 7 years ago
After the first wave u should’ve got on your board and just lay on your board and let it take u in u don’t wanna get held down wave after wave like that
Rob Sampson
Rob Sampson - 7 years ago
..for 20secs you were the king of the crest...then 2 mins being the sucker in the soup..
Herbert sat
Herbert sat - 7 years ago
After wipeout :Surfer : "Holy fuck"God : "Blasphem!"Six waves later, surfer no longer swear...
nyyankees4296 - 7 years ago
2:28 salvation
rick clendenin
rick clendenin - 7 years ago
I smoke 2 packs a day and that looks kinda stressed. But, imagine Hawaiian kooks looking for a channel. Duck it puss.
Musicfever247 - 7 years ago
Holy fuck!
Pablo Lutke-Stetzkamp
Pablo Lutke-Stetzkamp - 7 years ago
I've had nightmares like this
Cruz Magee
Cruz Magee - 7 years ago
Make a new viedo!!
Louis Anthony
Louis Anthony - 7 years ago
It's crazy how GoPro makes waves look smaller
Declan Conroy
Declan Conroy - 7 years ago
Looks like Ocean Beach but more so. Gotta be the heaviest beachbreak.
Wyatt Scott
Wyatt Scott - 7 years ago
You got fucking compounded. Scarier than Hellraiser!
jeanqbxx - 7 years ago
It's so hard to come back to the lineup after being caught inside in Puerto Escondido. It's almost like Zicatela is telling you "get the FUCK out" lol. I was in that situation last week, terrifying shit.
magentawave - 7 years ago
First wave of the set. You took a severe beating and survived.
dennydog - 7 years ago
Mate I'd be catching that white water straight in

50. comment for How not to surf Puerto Escondido

Gent Bar
Gent Bar - 7 years ago
the only thing he missed was the riptide off of the shore, was that blood under the foam ? sucks they dont have jetski patrol out in that heavy beast
James Graham
James Graham - 7 years ago
RIP lmao hahaha
Short Grey
Short Grey - 7 years ago
Holy fuck! Oh man you have all my respect. great video. Cheers from France
Ya boi
Ya boi - 7 years ago
tazz man!!!!!!
Ya boi
Ya boi - 7 years ago
you're looking good bro!
Ya boi
Ya boi - 7 years ago
how you doing big man?
Fabricio Delgado
Fabricio Delgado - 7 years ago
i will be drowned i cant handle that wipe out
Will Fitz
Will Fitz - 7 years ago
I watched a vid by the same guy with his yellow board yesterday where the same thing happened at another Mexican sounding break. All he did was eat shit for ages. Paddle wide, dude! And learn to duck dive!
Will Fitz
Will Fitz - 7 years ago
Grizzly Fair call but you do what you can. I've snapped my legrope more than once letting go of my board in big surf. I've also had my board come back at me and cut my head open. 2 reasons to try and hang on if you can.
zherlevi - 7 years ago
Will Fitz no such thing in triple overhead surf. if u eat shit infront of the lineup u just dunk.
MrKey Lord
MrKey Lord - 7 years ago
Learn to duck dive? You must be fucking kidding me, try to duck dive those waves and you're dead.
Josh - 7 years ago
big ups dude, that's one hell of a beating
Ivan Labuschagne
Ivan Labuschagne - 7 years ago
you ok?better go in.
John Lee Smith
John Lee Smith - 7 years ago
Taz:Great video with some very valuable/powerful perspective. After the initial wipeout, when you first pulled the Go Pro out of your mouth and uttered: "Holy F---!" : O Thank God, you lived! I could just picture one of your bro's giving this footage to your parents...and them hearing your last word's spoken on Planet Earth. ;)You're the man!
I'M ALIAS TV - 7 years ago
Anybody else find themselves holding their breath with him while he was getting worked. Taz you mad man
Harry Wood
Harry Wood - 6 years ago
I'M ALIAS TV haha yep
DwightDynamite - 7 years ago
haha damn man this was a crazy video nice one bro
jtlachappelle - 7 years ago
0:30 he says 'fuck this'
Badass vid. Usually its vids of guys showing how cool they are or whatever, but this guy shows himself getting his shit packed in the nastiest washing machine ever. Good stuff.
dee browne
dee browne - 7 years ago
Definitely one. If those "this is not fun any more" moments.
Matthew Kadlick
Matthew Kadlick - 7 years ago
Dude, that was only like 5 waves. I've been there 28 times and have got caught in the zone for 20 waves, but I didn't go in afterwards. How long have you been surfing? Also don't think a camera in your mouth is conducive for surfing Puerto or getting a lungful of air when you're getting the Puerto Pounding. Why didn't you make that wave you were on in the first place??? Sorry bro, it's all a bit wimpy.
Ferg Ferguson
Ferg Ferguson - 7 years ago
Yep.everyday beating at a beach break,nowhere to hide..the bigger the waves the bigger the beating..this is what sets your limits in fit are you.
J B - 7 years ago
Huge waves = feel like a beginner again
Hamish.vlogs - 7 years ago
S.H I .T
Peter Kang
Peter Kang - 7 years ago
caught inside shifty Puerto = hell
igloo productions
igloo productions - 7 years ago
This is me in waves anywhere over 4 feet.
pbaylis1 - 7 years ago
Yeah, that looks like a giant hassle
URBANISMO GDL - 7 years ago
felipemfcamara - 7 years ago
He kept doing the same mystake, In a spot like that you got be in the outside and never go in the first one. What a beating...i would have done the same thing and go back to the land.
Juan Carlos Fernández Lermo
Juan Carlos Fernández Lermo - 7 years ago
hay omaita que rato mas malo, dio picha he sufrido viendo el video
marcelguarachi - 8 years ago
tornado 2000 ft.worthaintnof.f.
tornado 2000 ft.worthaintnof.f. - 8 years ago
i'm going to learn how to surf down at Puerto Escondido. any tips?
anti hero
anti hero - 7 years ago
equip aqua lungs
Cranky Neanderthal
Cranky Neanderthal - 8 years ago
Every surfer's worst nightmare - unless you been there then you do not understand
Felix Noyola Hernandez
Felix Noyola Hernandez - 8 years ago
gracias vuelvan pronto:-)
Justin Russell
Justin Russell - 8 years ago
looks pretty brutal
M S - 8 years ago
I would've died, for sure. Glad you're alive.
Ron G
Ron G - 8 years ago
This guy is on a search, for the worst white water in the world.
Michael McCarthy
Michael McCarthy - 8 years ago
Respect. I have water coming out of my nose after watching
Adam Smith
Adam Smith - 8 years ago
Who else unconsciously held their breath while he was underwater?
Keep it Fresh
Keep it Fresh - 7 years ago
Adam Smith how'd you know lmao
Zach Echo
Zach Echo - 7 years ago
I've gotten beatings in only 9ft surf, it's so intense, your lungs are burning from the breath holds and your head aches from lack of oxygen plus your heart is racing which makes everything worse, my worst beating only lasted 2 minutes but it felt like ages
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 8 years ago
once you are in the impact zone on bigger waves and they just keep coming, might as well turn and take one to the group, find a rip and glide out into the spend 30 minutes fighting that soup, you are shot for a while..aint nothing fun about that..
co8539 - 8 years ago
Adam Smith it was only about 10-15 seconds each hold down but I couldn't imagine the force on your body from waves like that. Never even came close to surfing something like puerto
mistic mind
mistic mind - 8 years ago
Bruno Schmidt
Bruno Schmidt - 8 years ago
E se o leash partisse?

What would happen if your leash broke? hahahaha

beach break is sucks
Jack Quarantillo
Jack Quarantillo - 6 years ago
My leash broke on a small day at Haleiwa. You swim in. If you aren't in good enough shape to swim that far, you should not be out there.
Elder Nascimento
Elder Nascimento - 7 years ago
Bruno Schmidt morte.... dead
DeathAchmed - 8 years ago
May i ask, how do you get to the outside on a condition like this??
San Diego POV
San Diego POV - 8 years ago
0:40, rut ro moment
Jon Houck
Jon Houck - 8 years ago
dude, do you ever catch a wave, i mean ride one or just flounder around in the surf??
Danny Huffman
Danny Huffman - 8 years ago
Puerto is heavy as hell. Props for going on the first wave
Steven G
Steven G - 8 years ago
washing machine. seawater from the nose. beautiful're alive
McDuduzin - 8 years ago
KARALHO mano que caldoo kkkk
Al HassanT
Al HassanT - 8 years ago
How did you keep that camera in your mouth? Surely more air in the lungs was more important?
SHICHIBUKAIPX4 - 8 years ago
Al HassanT how did you keep that brain surely common sense is more important
Andrew Chang
Andrew Chang - 8 years ago
Damn what is that? Like a six wave hold down?
Andrew Chang
Andrew Chang - 8 years ago
+Zach Echo damn. well i said it.
Zach Echo
Zach Echo - 8 years ago
Yes but you don't say wave number hold down if he comes up to breath a double wave hold down is when you get smahed by 2 waves without coming up for air once
C Wells
C Wells - 8 years ago
I take my hat off to you dude... I get zonked after copping a few four-footers on the head!
Dylan Sneddon
Dylan Sneddon - 8 years ago
The key point of being held under is to stay calm this guy did the right thing, and by the way don't give him any tips if your not a surfer lmao!!
will thatcher
will thatcher - 8 years ago
Ricky M.V
Ricky M.V - 8 years ago
10sec under 10sec above to get some air that was fucked up bro
Francois Theron
Francois Theron - 8 years ago
Is it just me or do big waves not hold you down for nearly as long as you'll expect...
Francois Theron
Francois Theron - 6 years ago
Mateusz Warchol Meh, never surfed Peurto but surfed waves this size. It's hectic sometimes but quite frankly I feel that I can survive much more of a beating. Only problem is I don't have a big enough board to charge any bigger than I already have. Tbh the main thing is the fear aspect. The waves LOOK extremely scary and being tossed around in the dark with no air and no idea of when you'll get up for air again, that's the real issue. In the end, we can handle a lot more physically than mentally when it comes to wipeouts.
Mateusz Warchol
Mateusz Warchol - 7 years ago
when you actually lose control of your body with the turbulence of the wave it feels so long especially when youve just paddled out
hemonpe - 8 years ago
pfff so hard. good surfer
Matt Taylor
Matt Taylor - 8 years ago
it looked like such a nice smooth ride what happened? did the break catch up and sweep you off?
Connor Mantel
Connor Mantel - 8 years ago
learning to duck dive and you will not get pounded anymore :)
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 8 years ago
Connor Mantel clearly you've never been in big surf. There's no duck diving over 20+ feet especially in a vicious beach break like Escondido.
Zach Echo
Zach Echo - 8 years ago
Puerto escondido is so shallow you can't duck dive as white water reaches the sea bed
Slave 2Therave
Slave 2Therave - 8 years ago
Connor Mantel seeing as he was disconnected from his board... Not to mention getting swept off the wave doesn't give you much time to react

100. comment for How not to surf Puerto Escondido

Scott S
Scott S - 8 years ago
You're a fucking Spartan.
Gibbet Hoskins
Gibbet Hoskins - 8 years ago
Ben  Sutton
Ben Sutton - 8 years ago
haha typical taz nice one mate you knows how to take it on the head
zak el
zak el - 8 years ago
Each time he dive under the wave, i hold my breath xD
Gent Bar
Gent Bar - 7 years ago
zak el total different deal under tons of water turbulence than in your room
lihxc - 8 years ago
This is one of those times when you finally get in onto the shore and say to yourself: "Yep....I'm done."
eyespy3001 - 7 years ago
If you want the ultimate, you've got to be willing to pay the ultimate price.

Doesn't it feel great, though, knowing that you put yourself in that kind of situation and came out the other end unscathed? It's the ultimate learning experience.
magentawave - 7 years ago
lihxc I had my "I'm done" moment at Killers, Todos Santos when I came within feet of being slammed into the boulders. I've been surfing for 50 years and lived/surfed on Kauai and Maui and that was the only time I thought I was going to die.
LLesberiuelbotifarresdeteruel - 7 years ago
XACUTE nope. lol
aracuscesar - 7 years ago
more like "Yep....I´m done.... for today"
XACUTE - 7 years ago
"Man I can't leave like this", And then goes back.
Sebastian Bohorquez
Sebastian Bohorquez - 7 years ago
So relatable!! I was taking a lesson in Puerto Rico and this happened. It was my first time in overhead waves and it was 8 feet and heavy. Had a 2 wave hold down with at least 6 somersaults and like 2 more with just three breaths in between. When I finally got out I just sat down in the first beach chair I could find. That was enough for one day. Even though I was only ten minutes in. I didn't even care the instructor was just shaking his head
calebd512 - 7 years ago
lihxc sounds like the first time I actually tried go surf. never could even make it out there...
GC4 - 8 years ago
thats brutal.
LionBronstein - 8 years ago
No way to get outside. Beat you to death.
Jack McCaughan
Jack McCaughan - 8 years ago
fair play mate, fair play. have the chills just watching this :-)
UBF Underground Boxing Federation
UBF Underground Boxing Federation - 8 years ago
this is hard to watch. unless his leash has him pinned it's time to take one on the head and drag ass back to the beach. either that or hold your shit together long enough to get under the sets. where did we go wrong with the youth these days :/
sclongboarder15 - 8 years ago
+UBF Underground Boxing Federation oh... i'll just go away and surf with no style and waste waves just to air at the end of it like the rest of the "youth"....
UBF Underground Boxing Federation
UBF Underground Boxing Federation - 8 years ago
+Garrick M nuthn. I'm just an old crumugin being a monday morning quarterback. just ignor me. nothing to see folks. move it along. go on. get.... shooo :|
sclongboarder15 - 8 years ago
wtf are you saying? why are you upset with the youth?
Sarah Rivera
Sarah Rivera - 8 years ago
Il never surf again..when I was paddling,my hands were in the water and this shark was chasing me like WTF IT WAS A SCHOOL TRIP TO CONADA.
GeorgeBien - 8 years ago
Haha that's probably true for Roblox Girl but I surf here in Santa Cruz
John G
John G - 8 years ago
Nathan Pro well not you specifically in mostly talking to the guy who said a shark was following him lol
Nathan Pro
Nathan Pro - 8 years ago
+John G and what make you say that
John G
John G - 8 years ago
These comments make me laugh. No one on this thread probably knows how to surf lol.
GeorgeBien - 8 years ago
Dude it was probably a seal that happens a lot here in SC. I guess it could've been a dolphin but thats kinda rare.
cbasschin - 8 years ago
I'm sure..
sclongboarder15 - 8 years ago
why would you stop surfing?
Sarah Rivera
Sarah Rivera - 8 years ago
it was making circles around me..
Nathan Pro
Nathan Pro - 8 years ago
mate sharks don't chase you, i highly doubt it was a shark.
LuxeXx - 8 years ago
You kept the camera in your mouth the whole time? That's impressive...
Felix - 6 years ago
Maybe it is tied to his chest
Danny Caputo Designs
Danny Caputo Designs - 8 years ago
wow. scary shit
Dave Hilton
Dave Hilton - 8 years ago
That was heavy. You know what Turtle says, when da wave breaks hea, don't be dea
Schmeichel4ever - 8 years ago
I find this frustrating to watch.... like.."GTFO of there already!!!" lol
Swell Time
Swell Time - 8 years ago
d4nyo - 8 years ago
Dont Play with mother nature ;)
Jack Casey
Jack Casey - 8 years ago
Oh man! The sound of those waves. BOOOM!!
Chris Laub
Chris Laub - 8 years ago
Fucking A man, serious props. That's a heavy set, but I'm actually surprised your hold downs didn't last longer. And holy shit, you got back to shore FAST. I didn't realize it broke that close to the beach :/
Sharkz - 8 years ago
Does he hold it in his mouth
Ant Poo
Ant Poo - 8 years ago
Ha ha, most of us have been here before.
bada bing
bada bing - 8 years ago
Mexican Pipeline you will get beatings
insanedb - 8 years ago
Marcos Nunes
Marcos Nunes - 8 years ago
Surf Tranquilo!!!kkk
maruscaman - 8 years ago
he only got held under for 15 seconds what's with all the hullabaloo?
maruscaman - 8 years ago
+rene iribarren people break their necks in 2 ft waves.. my point is that the duration wasnt long.
rene iribarren
rene iribarren - 8 years ago
yea I know that spot and you are right all I'm saying is that in puerto when it gets big a nasty wipeout only needs 2 seconds to crack your head with your board and you are a dead man
maruscaman - 8 years ago
try 45 seconds on 25ft banzai
rene iribarren
rene iribarren - 8 years ago
bro 15 seconds down in puerto can represent serious injury or even death, I know many people who have died including a friend's boyfriend, this wave is no joke especially on big days
Mulya Effran
Mulya Effran - 8 years ago
Then you clearly never went surfing my friend ;)
Boris Chang
Boris Chang - 8 years ago
I nearly broke my neck body surfing there many years ago. While I was sitting on the beach recuperating, some surfer dude was drifting into the rocks. Mexican marines in black uniforms watched from the beach and were laughing and I think were placing bets on him. His girlfriend swam out and dragged him back to the beach and saved his ass.
Zack Meers
Zack Meers - 8 years ago
Way to take it on the head. Nice big set Waves.
altered trajectory
altered trajectory - 8 years ago
That was epic! The whole "washing-machine" effect was well documented. Brought back memories. Sorry you had to take a beating to get that footage, but if anyone wonders what surfing big waves entails, this vid is classroom material. Respect..
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 8 years ago
Watch. 22adaynowat
Jeff Hartwig
Jeff Hartwig - 8 years ago
I felt gassed just watching... I gotta do more cardio!
biocls - 8 years ago
Yeah, that's how I remember it.
daytripper8808 - 8 years ago
Santheago - 8 years ago
MrAnderson234 - 8 years ago
This video shows just how u chill surfing can be. I personally have never taken an ass beating this bad in NJ lol. Props
BANE760 - 8 years ago
Damn this shit Happened to me in Oceanside with 6 foot waves,I would die on the 8ft + waves
Sinjinbin 64
Sinjinbin 64 - 8 years ago
Lame! Take up rollerblading.
Miguel Bogéa
Miguel Bogéa - 8 years ago
Is that a HERO 4 Black Edition?
PoisonLotus - 8 years ago
it sounds like someone jerking off with a newspaper
jame kon
jame kon - 6 years ago
Lol 2 funny
sami moring
sami moring - 7 years ago
eyespy3001 - 7 years ago
Ahh, come in people, lighten up! It's the sound of the GoPro that he's commenting on (which I hate, and which someone finally accurately described), not the dude's predicament.
magentawave - 7 years ago
PoisonLotus What you saw and heard was someone literally fighting for their life, asshole.
Aidan Dooley
Aidan Dooley - 7 years ago
This niggas out here almost dying, and you're sitting here jerkin off behind your computer thinking of immature ass youtube comments.
Juan Rivera
Juan Rivera - 8 years ago
Chicken Soup
Chicken Soup - 8 years ago
You know what that sounds like, do you?
SHOTOSHET - 8 years ago
is puerto escondido of Oaxaca mexico????
Rick Lloyd
Rick Lloyd - 8 years ago
Love it. I remember my first Puerto wave. My buddies told me when you think you have the wave take a few more paddles to make sure you make it down the face. I forgot! When I thought I had the wave, I stood up like I done a thousand times before on non-Puerto waves. I got pitched right over the top> I got pounded and worked. Lost my board. Finally made it to shore with about 1/2 the sand from the beach up my ass and nostrils. Finally found my board down the beach, luckily still in one piece. It is a moment burned in my memory. The next day I remembered and caught the best wave of my life. I was hooked. Eventually, I got my timing down and caught plenty of waves, but even still had some pretty nasty wipe outs, but none quite like that first one.
Big Willie
Big Willie - 8 years ago
My worst nightmare haha, this is why I'm too pussy to surf big waves
playboiardi - 8 years ago
that's crazy shit mad props to this guy right here!
alexandre belbari
alexandre belbari - 8 years ago
wow, i had the same experience, and i also remember my lungs having spams as they were instinctively asking for air, this is the moment you have to put your hand on your mouth so the water doesn t get in ....
perimjc - 8 years ago
Se o mudo acabar em espuma, esse sobrevive. kkk!
perimjc - 8 years ago
If the world ends in foam, this survives. kkk!
philicheesesurfer - 8 years ago
the same guy who took five waves on the head in todos santos.
and now here again there must be something wrong with him he must have a death wish.
k price
k price - 8 years ago
+OFFICIAL UFO he is paying his dues. actually standing on the surfboard is the easy part. getting out to the right place and timing it perfectly to catch a wave is much much harder than it looks.
OFFICIAL UFO - 8 years ago
Yea I saw that vid too the guy nearly drowned twice
Joey Gale
Joey Gale - 8 years ago
never take the first wave...
uganda da wae
uganda da wae - 6 years ago
Joey Gale that true how did you know
HedgeMoney - 7 years ago
I think that's actually what happened to Mark Foo
thebernie83h - 7 years ago
the curse of the first
Ivan Labuschagne
Ivan Labuschagne - 7 years ago
Joey Gale or the third
Danny Huffman
Danny Huffman - 8 years ago
Unless you have balls of steel and lungs of iron
Alexander Higgins
Alexander Higgins - 8 years ago
Even if you kick out though (and not wipe out) the kick out can still leave you in really bad position.
Abderrahman Alaoui
Abderrahman Alaoui - 8 years ago
Mungadungalis - 8 years ago
If you do take the first wave, make sure you don't eat it. :)
ChrisDavenport Shoots
ChrisDavenport Shoots - 8 years ago
+Jerry Gaper 2)*
ChrisDavenport Shoots
ChrisDavenport Shoots - 8 years ago
+Moo Kroo you normally want to take one of the last waves of the set so that 1) your paddle back out to the lineup is easier and 3) the wave Is normally bigger
Joey Gale
Joey Gale - 8 years ago
If you take the first wave of a set, there are going to be more usually larger waves behind it to drown you
Moo Kroo
Moo Kroo - 8 years ago
I dont get that saying
flyguydb - 8 years ago
That sucks. Same thing happened to me in Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica
ElBrooklyn1 - 6 years ago
I just went through a pummeling like this during a big swell at Guinones/Nosara. This ought to be an instructional video in how to survive a set worth of waves rolling over you: Don’t panic, Time your breathing, get your board, get out of the way. Note: yelling HOLY FUCK does not necessarily indicate panic! Just a level-headed assessment of the situation.
David Ciangiulli
David Ciangiulli - 8 years ago
Jaco was awesome till a 15 foot wave came and nearly killed me. It was still an awesome time
David Ciangiulli
David Ciangiulli - 8 years ago
I went to playa hermosa in Costa rica getting into the lineup there sucked ass and I almost drown because I'm a intermediate level surfer ... waves there were strong as balls!
smiles1969able - 8 years ago
best youtube clip ever !
Mike McCourt
Mike McCourt - 8 years ago
Around 1:38 is the worst - like getting your bell rung in the 5th round when you're spent. You did good man.
johndtuttle - 8 years ago
Never take off on the first wave of a set. Words to live by...literally.
hsoo2 - 8 years ago
Keep at it and you will become one with the wave ....
131rocketman - 8 years ago
Thats why i surf with full scuba gear on, and with a full tank ;)
jan sl
jan sl - 7 years ago
dont forget your helmet!
Cranky Neanderthal
Cranky Neanderthal - 7 years ago
Didn't the Hawaiian hellmen try something like this 20 years ago with a small oxygen tank strapped to their forearm (or helmets?). I think it was a failure due to the difficultly of activating the device whilst getting flogged and the fact that the average hold down is 10 secs which is not really long enough to warrant activation. Double/set hold downs are a different story though. In any case they never caught on, with the inflatable vest with optional surf ski rescue taking over as a better safety measure.
Haha Ahah
Haha Ahah - 8 years ago
that kinda not possible have u even felt how heavy the tanks are? xD
Blaze IT
Blaze IT - 8 years ago
131rocketman - 8 years ago
Stand by
Blaze IT
Blaze IT - 8 years ago
Vid or didn't happen
131rocketman - 8 years ago
Challenge accepted
Solsist Roblox
Solsist Roblox - 8 years ago
Dont know if thats true but that's one thing you don't want to do. If you went down that fast in scuba your lungs would literally pop and you'd die
Blaze IT
Blaze IT - 8 years ago
yeah true well if it works why not haha i just thought it might make the surfing a bit harder.
131rocketman - 8 years ago
The focus is to make surviving less difficult
Blaze IT
Blaze IT - 8 years ago
+131rocketman wouldn't that make surfing difficult?
onfire4000 - 8 years ago
Is it not possible to duck dive in these kind of waves? What should you do in these situations to avoid what he went through?
Koi Gonzalez
Koi Gonzalez - 6 years ago
onfire4000 i live here and once in the line of fire all you can do is remain calm save energy for a burst to get ur board and bail and also to take a thrashing waay different then coming in timin the duck dive but all is possible making the right adjustments depending the conditions.... usually comes down to remain calm and hold ur breath lol
sunsensational - 7 years ago
Not possible. You just get as deep as you can and relax, and when you pop up u hope your boards there. Then grab it and paddle in and bearhug your board, and take a pounding but keep heading in towards the beach..less pain. But I'm sure this guy wasn't looking to go in after the first couple on the head, hence why he hung in impact zone a little longer
OFFICIAL UFO - 8 years ago
+onfire4000 maybe if there are skis in the water they can pull u out if not then swim as deep as u can fast
onfire4000 - 8 years ago
+David Korst
Yeah I just figured there was a way around it.
David Korst
David Korst - 8 years ago
+onfire4000 no human can match that force. Those waves can break boats. No way to avoid it; he handled that set just about the only way one could.
onfire4000 - 8 years ago
+Shake Really? So if you fall on that kind of wave there is no way to avoid it?
Bin Scribbs
Bin Scribbs - 8 years ago
+onfire4000 pretty much exactly how he handled it
cheranguista - 8 years ago
the minutes seems like hours......
Steven Knox
Steven Knox - 8 years ago
Doug Ryan
Doug Ryan - 8 years ago
Break the surface, gulp air, and get a lungful of foam before the next beat down.
RU 486
RU 486 - 8 years ago
I want an autograph!!!!
Denny Ray
Denny Ray - 8 years ago
Now that's caught on the Inside,,,,Washcycle
Rocky Vannucci
Rocky Vannucci - 8 years ago
1st time we've seen a vid like this, excellent!
Felipe del Fierro
Felipe del Fierro - 8 years ago
At least he's still breathing
Stuart Milliner
Stuart Milliner - 8 years ago
Fuuuckkk and I thought my beating at cloudy was bad. I only took 2 in the head.
Carlos Eli Garcia Hernandez
Carlos Eli Garcia Hernandez - 8 years ago
Me sentí de la mierda montar las OLAS de zicatela! solo para chingones mis respetos
stillspeakin - 8 years ago
that was the most horrifying thing i've ever seen!
clarkewi - 8 years ago
How do you get out?
Boxhawk - 8 years ago
Now I know how my clothes feel inside the washing machine....
Michael Sibilia
Michael Sibilia - 8 years ago
dude he sick
Carl Bayly
Carl Bayly - 8 years ago
Crazy. 'Holly fuck'
wrybread - 8 years ago
Hilarious to see how big the wave was in the opening scene and how small the gopro made it look. Can someone please make a sports camera without that ridiculous wave killing fisheye lens?
wrybread - 8 years ago
+Gankiee Youtube Sorry man, but it doesn't matter in the least that the case's lens is flat, you're still shooting through a fisheye on the camera itself.
Gankiee Youtube
Gankiee Youtube - 8 years ago
+wrybread I have a hero four dude haha. The lens is fisheye but the case's lens is flat. That's what enables you to do the narrow mode. I've had the previous go pros too, they had full fisheyes, camera and case.
wrybread - 8 years ago
+Gankiee Youtube No, all gopros have a fisheye lens. You can select "narrow view" in settings, which zooms in and corrects for it somewhat, but it's still a fisheye lens.
Gankiee Youtube
Gankiee Youtube - 8 years ago
+wrybread Technically yes but the new go pros have a fisheye as the actual lens but a flat lens on the case which lets you switch between the two. 
wrybread - 8 years ago
+Gankiee Youtube I know but it just zooms in. You're still shooting through a fisheye (or very wide angle) lens.
Gankiee Youtube
Gankiee Youtube - 8 years ago
+wrybread You can actually change a setting that essentially takes off the fish eye on go pros, not many people know about it though.
David Juliano
David Juliano - 8 years ago
0:40..pretty much
Adam Lawrence
Adam Lawrence - 8 years ago
That's terrifying
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 8 years ago
my theory is if you run into 4-5 wave set paddling out or get caught inside for 4-5 waves and you are already tired, then might as well paddle in and re group..have a coke and maybe get a tow out to the line a place like Todos or Puerto, if your tank is empty, you can get in real trouble fast..if your leash breaks and you have to swim can find out how bad a shape you really are..and if you are hurt, then you really better be together..or have someone on the beach ready to help.
anthony falconetti
anthony falconetti - 8 years ago
coke kinda settles the gutty works after you have swallowed a bit of sea water being rolled off the bottom and having your eyelids peeled back by a mean clean up set ;-)
Owen Davidson
Owen Davidson - 8 years ago
Bahaha love the 'have a coke' part
surfgurujeff - 8 years ago
Paulo Karax
Paulo Karax - 8 years ago
puta merda !!!! e muito foda quando isso acontece !!! ja passei por algumas assim.. eh foda !!!
RCDetanico - 8 years ago
+juan fo Portuguese bro!
Paulo Karax
Paulo Karax - 8 years ago
Eh foda kkkkkkkk
juan fo
juan fo - 8 years ago
+Paulo Karax i cant speak spanish but whatever you just said is real
Clement Froissart
Clement Froissart - 8 years ago
Il est au bout du rouleau !
nikel Ooo
nikel Ooo - 8 years ago
bunkerman909 - 8 years ago
Sir Donald Dust
Sir Donald Dust - 8 years ago
It looked like it was going to be a smooth ride and large barrel if the bottom turn had been completed.
The beatings were handled incredibly well.
Those walls of whitewater must have been 20 foot plus. They were Very big waves.
J L Sky Media
J L Sky Media - 8 years ago
Wow, I think I would have spat that Go Pro out after the second wave hit!. Well done surviving, did you go back out after a break?
max mackinlay
max mackinlay - 8 years ago
That reminds me not to catch the first wave of a heavy incoming set. I started thinking half way through 'oh, not another one'. Well done to get through that!
gnarrrrrrrrrrrr - 8 years ago
that was savage bud, good job
benpowersification - 8 years ago
How much fun wasn't that?!
goolug - 8 years ago
This is some high-octane nightmare fuel. Thanks for posting!
fernysyoutube - 8 years ago
One dozen donuts
fred rit
fred rit - 8 years ago
no surprise ! I've seen top surfers at Puerto getting the beating of their lives...
Silas Yellope
Silas Yellope - 8 years ago
Wow! Amazing footage
TheMusketITuckedIt - 8 years ago
Why is a camera in your mouth to begin with, especially if you're in fast moving water?
LouB747 - 8 years ago
You took a beating and did well.  Nice video.
Paul Baker
Paul Baker - 8 years ago
I would have come in after the first beating!
nikel Ooo
nikel Ooo - 8 years ago
+Paul Baker I think he did just that... once the sea let him do so!
Antonio Henrique
Antonio Henrique - 8 years ago
oh my godd.....
Nicks Cove
Nicks Cove - 8 years ago
gopro in your mouth at puerto!, holy shit!, i get nervous with mine in at 6-8ft lmao
BrozMan31 - 8 years ago
Well hello there anxiety...
Miister00 - 8 years ago
Hello darkness my old friend..
stockjonebills - 8 years ago
K M - 8 years ago
Only seconds on video but seems like a lifetime when you're under. Not to mention you're getting thrashed around. Good job not losing the camera. ;)
Wagacca - 8 years ago
+mistic mind Tell that to an average human
mistic mind
mistic mind - 8 years ago
+t33can its easy to not panic, if you do you die so you dont.
t33can - 8 years ago
+Kelly M yeah, and it's also that you don't have a timer that says 'only 3 seconds left'. Just staying cool and not panicking is easier said than done.
John Drach
John Drach - 8 years ago
I've had those days. You know it's bad when you can see people on the beach contemplating swimming out to help you in
Saint X
Saint X - 8 years ago
not easy to breath with gopro in your mouth ! should have go straight to the beach !
getl0st - 8 years ago
You should try having Asthma when this shit happen...
helderak - 8 years ago
Andy Haumersen
Andy Haumersen - 8 years ago
Had me gasping for breath at my desk!
juan fo
juan fo - 8 years ago
+Andy Haumersen choking on the foam
Rebecca Wells
Rebecca Wells - 8 years ago
Big lockdown, well done for staying calm and taking deep breaths, this is how some people die when they panic in this situation.
Darren Miguel
Darren Miguel - 7 years ago
Rebecca Wells that’s why they train!!!!!!
Stefanzo - 8 years ago
"holy fuck" fuckin handled it like a beast, props
M. Vygantas
M. Vygantas - 8 years ago
i burst out laughing when he said that. what a stud, that is some serious shite.

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