How the World's Best Surfers Pop Up (Slow Motion)

I've always wanted to see the top pro surfers' pop-up technique in slow motion, so when I had the opportunity to shoot the WSL Founder's Cup at Kelly Slater's Surf Ranch, I rented a long lense and started shooting 120fps, which I then slowed down 5x for this video. I found it really interesting, so I decidedto share it so we could all learn from it. I was surprised that there were so many different techniques among these best. Tell me what you see here. What surprises you? Whose technique looks best to you? Obviously, we're just seeing their popups on a small-ish right-hand wave. They would adjust their technique in different types of surf (larger, steeper waves, etc), but the wave pool gave us a rare opportunity to see how their pop ups differ when they're all on the exact same wave. If you want to see some of my photos from the event, scroll back in my instagram: Music by: Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech

How the World's Best Surfers Pop Up (Slow Motion) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 72

Surf 6 years ago 258,146 views

I've always wanted to see the top pro surfers' pop-up technique in slow motion, so when I had the opportunity to shoot the WSL Founder's Cup at Kelly Slater's Surf Ranch, I rented a long lense and started shooting 120fps, which I then slowed down 5x for this video. I found it really interesting, so I decidedto share it so we could all learn from it. I was surprised that there were so many different techniques among these best. Tell me what you see here. What surprises you? Whose technique looks best to you? Obviously, we're just seeing their popups on a small-ish right-hand wave. They would adjust their technique in different types of surf (larger, steeper waves, etc), but the wave pool gave us a rare opportunity to see how their pop ups differ when they're all on the exact same wave. If you want to see some of my photos from the event, scroll back in my instagram: Music by: Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech

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for How the World's Best Surfers Pop Up (Slow Motion)

Nicholas Pittore
Nicholas Pittore - 6 years ago
This is sooo helpful.

Most videos on popping up show all kinds of weird and different things that, after seeing this, aren't what the pros do at all and just make it more confusing.

So good to see how they do it to have something actually useful and good to emulate and try to work toward.
Mariana Souza
Mariana Souza - 6 years ago
Thanks for the video! You could do one about bottom turns. What do you think? :)
kurt ziegler
kurt ziegler - 6 years ago
we also have to look at the fact that different types of waves require different techniques in all approaches
Cruzanbum - 6 years ago
As I age, I've noticed my pop up suffer the most. I used to surf almost every day and then family and a real job took more priority. As we age, we need to be more diligent about training so when we DO get a chance to go we're not floundering. I blow waves these days because I've lost that youthful snap. It's heart wrenching, really. Once I'm up, I'm golden but the pop needs work...
Nice video but one thing I don't think you're taking into consideration is the different builds everyone has which may have something to do with they're preferred pop up.
Phil Burch
Phil Burch - 6 years ago
This is a fantastic video. Your analysis is incredible and footage is beyond valuable. Well done. Great content
Gary Harper
Gary Harper - 6 years ago
Now that I am 52 my popup is more like jello climbing stairs. Every now and then I will get one, though.
Ryan The Rock
Ryan The Rock - 6 years ago
Why do they swing their right arm in a semi circle when they pop up for the natural footers?
xyzct - 6 years ago
For the beginners watching this ... a common error is grabbing the rails, rather than putting the hands flat on the deck. If you correct this mistake, you'll see a HUGE improvement in your pop ups.
John Hoover
John Hoover - 6 years ago
It seems as if here are commonality between at least half of these surfers:

1) back foot lands first, sometimes well before the front. and that foot is used to help push the front foot thru (even on Slater, if you look closely, his back foot still lands 1st).
2) hips twist to raise inside/rear hip
3) front hand (same side as the front foot) is usually well ahead of the "back" hand, and both hands seem canted in the same direction toward the inside of the board giving more room to swing the front foot through (eg, hands facing more left for goofie riders).
4) head/eyes facing down the line in direction they want to go
5) back arches and chest raises before the push on the hands
6) hands on board until both feet are placed,
7) stay low and crouched until that hands leave the board.

i've thought a lot about this vid, and these takeaways have helped my pop-up immensely! it is not so much of a pop-up, but a quick powerful step up , and realizing that allowed me to keep in contact with my board, staying low and to be in the surf position once i remove my hands from the board. at least this is how it works for me.

thanks Brent!
Glen MacLachlan
Glen MacLachlan - 6 years ago
Wow, these are excellent insights, thank you! After almost 40 years of surfing (I'm 47) my pop up has now decided to start giving me problems. I struggle to place my front foot far forward enough, which means you're bulldozing water right from the start. Point 1 and 2 seem to work together - push off your back foot and twist your leading hip forward, and your front foot should land on the "x" every time. Gonna try this today, thank you!

10. comment for How the World's Best Surfers Pop Up (Slow Motion)

Weez Lee
Weez Lee - 6 years ago
im a goofy how can i reverse this video so i can see some left breaks..
Jonniejonjon - 6 years ago
Love this content, nice work. Contests are an amazing source of learning as we see the pro's in more relate-able conditions.... even better in slow mo! I've done the offset hands thing for a long while now. I find it "automates" my hip rotation better.
Crispy Productions
Crispy Productions - 6 years ago
Finally a video about the one thing that matters most! Great video!
RKD Grn - 6 years ago
What is that fence looking thing behind them?
TheEagle098 - 6 years ago
Great observations, was interesting to see not all surfers jump or pop both feet up at the same time. Also the fact about the hand placement one hand in front of another for some, I am a coach these are extra tips I can use.
Chas de Geofroy
Chas de Geofroy - 6 years ago
Hey Brent,
I liked your video at the Surf Ranch, slo-mo of Pros getting to there feet on waves very interesting, I am 68 still Surfing although not snapping to my feet as fast. Personally, I would love to see a video of Surfers my age getting to there feet if you can find some, it might help us old guys learn better ways to jump up some of the old ways don't work so well anymore. I have been at it since I was 13 and hope to Surf as long as I possibly can, great video.
Rafael Prudente de Oliveira
Rafael Prudente de Oliveira - 6 years ago
Thank you bro!
Greg Colin
Greg Colin - 6 years ago
Great topic.
Chris Freiling
Chris Freiling - 6 years ago
Great video! I seems to me that for many of the surfers, the inside arm carries most of the weight, helping the body to turn toward the wave.
Jeff Milum
Jeff Milum - 6 years ago
After surfing for a lot of years, my pop up on the shortboard still stinks. There is very little video of popping up out there, so this is a very unique and valuable video. Thanks for sharing!

20. comment for How the World's Best Surfers Pop Up (Slow Motion)

Joachim Kane
Joachim Kane - 6 years ago
great info, much ignored and underappreciated stuff. Should have made the Silvana Lima wear a bikini though. Don't know what you were thinking there??? You probably don't whistle at girls walkin' down the street anymore either, I imagine. Ya know how so many people are "resisting" Trump these days? My main focuses these days are improving my fitness for surfing (very important part of the pop up) and resisting the onslaught of the #METOO movement. Thanks though, for this otherwise awesome posting.
Fernando Velloso Neto
Fernando Velloso Neto - 6 years ago
Great video, thanks for posting. There is a common assumption in surfing that the "proper" pop up is one where both feet land precisely at the same time. It makes intuitive sense as it minimizes wobble, and prevents any loss in speed. But naturally I've gravitated towards back foot landing on the traction pad earlier than front foot, especially when surfing backside. Great to see it's a legitimate way to do it, as it works fine for some of the best in the world.
BrekanArts - 6 years ago
I notice that all of these riders kick while paddling. I think this has been my hang up stepping down to 6'. I'm not used to my legs dragging behind me on a longboard or funboard.
Balint Hambalko
Balint Hambalko - 6 years ago
Such a sick video,thanks for making it
sidshocking - 6 years ago
Much thanks!! I've been surfing for 40+ years and recently suffered a back injury that is forcing me to re-learn the basics. Frustrating as hell, but I simply refuse to quit-- or go SUP. Since I can no longer get away with anything other than excellent technique, videos like this are incredibly helpful.
Therese Swan
Therese Swan - 6 years ago
Great Video! Thanks! The pop-up is probably the most important part of surfing in my opinion, since it sets everything else up. I was surprised to see how often the front knee hits, or almost hits, the chest. I would like to know more about the action of the knees. For example, it seems that in at least some of the segments, the pop-up begins with the knees, which help push the hips off the board. This is hard to see and I'm wondering what others think.
Michael Duskus
Michael Duskus - 6 years ago
Good stuff. Very appreciated.
gil aviya
gil aviya - 6 years ago
I had a plan to make a video like this. You did it much better than I would have imagine. The pop up is super important. Thank so much
Jason Daniels
Jason Daniels - 6 years ago
Awesome video, I'm always watching the pop up in the clips, assuming they show it in the shot. They all seem to be a couple inches further towards the nose than most people are comfortable with but there's also probably more rocker in these boards than the normal board in the lineup. Either way, great to watch in slo-mo. Bottom line here appears to be weight forward, head down, angle yourself down the line and dont grab the rails, hand plants on the deck. Thanks again, great video!
פורסט עמר
פורסט עמר - 6 years ago

30. comment for How the World's Best Surfers Pop Up (Slow Motion)

stephen kerr
stephen kerr - 6 years ago
Hey Brent, great footage, back when i was younger, i didn't really think much about my pop up, just sorta happened, now that I am a bit older...and a bit heavier, my pop ups don't always come so easy, my hand placement was always more forward before, but now im going over the handelbars more often. these clips really emphasize getting your hands almost down to the waist, not natural for im practicing... re learning how to do it right LOL
BangTaoBeach - 6 years ago
At 64 years old, my pop ups aren't from lack of technique. I was always good at fast pop up. Unfortunately age slows me down a bit and I'm riding 8.0's now, not 5.8's ;) Just keep on surfing!
idek bruh
idek bruh - 6 years ago
2:57 his feet did net hit the same time at all
Jon Horvath
Jon Horvath - 6 years ago
Very helpful, thanks! Might be worth seeing in different kinds of waves also.
justpaulo - 6 years ago
Thank you !! I also have always wanted to see top pro surfers popping up in slow-mo too.
This goes straight to my favorites playlist.
Tom Jackson
Tom Jackson - 6 years ago
Good idea to focus on this. The pop up is probably the one thing that keeps people from surfing. If you can't pop up, you wind up on a boogie board.
Nick Sievers
Nick Sievers - 6 years ago
The wave pool sucks!
John Frankovich
John Frankovich - 6 years ago
Do a pop up video for steep tall waves with a big face. Cuz that leap of faith is scary as hell
Rod Hoover
Rod Hoover - 6 years ago
Well done video and commentary
Post Disclosure World
Post Disclosure World - 6 years ago
The most difficult aspect of surfing, IMO, is popping up on a take off that isn't early. Any beginner can get to their feet if they catch the wave early. It's the later take offs that require much more finesse and athleticism. I think it's unfortunate that there doesn't seem to be a lot of instruction on how to best pop up. "Find your own way" seems to be the most common method. Could you imagine using that kind of approach in tennis, or martial arts, or anything else?
Jan Van Eetvelt
Jan Van Eetvelt - 6 years ago
great! thx man
Gustavo ortiz
Gustavo ortiz - 6 years ago
Caralho só mostrou dropando q merda
swooshcdl - 6 years ago
@Brent - Thanks again for sharing this fantastic slow mo footage and breakdown. Wondering if you might be able to the same to breakdown the technique (weight transfer etc) during turns ?
Melanie Phipps
Melanie Phipps - 6 years ago
Wow, excellent. Really helpful!!! Thanks for putting this together.
Jake Yu
Jake Yu - 6 years ago
Great stuff. Would love to see a similar style video on surfers seeing the incoming waves, and then re positioning themselves to catch it. That's thee part I have the most trouble with.
Mike Beaulieu
Mike Beaulieu - 6 years ago
Thanks for this! Big help since I have a few things to work out...
iz wa
iz wa - 6 years ago
Great footage. Would be nice to see Slater in slow motion from start to finish to see his style.
iam bovad
iam bovad - 6 years ago
style depends on where they learn to surf - beach break vs point break and wave profile of local beach - at least that's how it pans out in Aus.
Andrew W
Andrew W - 6 years ago
Thanks for posting, really cool footage!
Mashy - 6 years ago
great video thank you!
Elisabeth Reuter
Elisabeth Reuter - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for this video! I’ve always tried to catch a glimpse of how exactly they pop up when watching wsl

Wondering if the regulars use a similar technique of rotation when taking a left just as Medina does in the vid


50. comment for How the World's Best Surfers Pop Up (Slow Motion)

Lee Carter
Lee Carter - 6 years ago
Great upload!! Jesus saves
rinni 235
rinni 235 - 6 years ago
I never noticed how deep they paddled, can somebody explain the advantage of doing that?
Jose Bonilla
Jose Bonilla - 6 years ago
Amazing surfers. Great job.
Jens Kaessner
Jens Kaessner - 6 years ago
Great Video, thank you so much! Iˋm very tall (6 foot 4), so I just canˋt for the life of me popup from my feet. They just dangle behind the board. No way I could put my toes on the board. In the slo-mo I am pretty sure I see a few of them (John John Florence, Joel Parkinson, Kolohe Andino) popup with their feet off the board. Basically pushing off of their thighs. I get the impression that itˋs ok to popup from the thighs. I tried to watch good Surfers in the lineup. But at that exact moment, there is just no way of telling precisely what they do with their feet. Too much spray, movements too fast. So thank you again.
Martijn Dejong
Martijn Dejong - 6 years ago
When I did not feel comfortable yet with pup-ups I always put my rear foot on the track pad while paddling, this way you only have to place your front foot on your board. I always grab my board by the rail to maintain control in the first few meters (in case I had to replace my foot).
James Ball
James Ball - 6 years ago
Dr. L
Dr. L - 6 years ago
While there may be some unique or "signature" ways certain surfers "pop-up" on their boards, nearly all surfers "get up" on their boards according to many factors at the moment; their position on wave, late -vs early take off, steepness of face, speed of wave, etc. All the surfers you depict will "pop-up" very differently depending on what their riding, what the wave is doing etc.
What might be interesting is to take the same surfer and compare how he "pops-up" on different types of waves, under differing conditions, on different boards, etc.
oladulce - 6 years ago
Started surfing as a shy 13 yo girl- no coaches, nobody to give tips for improvement but still had fun and never knew the difference. Many years of trial and error to find what worked for me, but 48 yrs later it's harder to undo some of the bad surfing habits that are ingrained. Take-offs are a key area needing improvement for this 61 y.o. girl still riding shortboards. Great slo-mo in this video shows how far down the wave these guys paddle in before planting their feet- definitely something to work on. Appreciate the video-thanks.
Brent Rose
Brent Rose - 6 years ago
oladulce love this! Thanks for the response!
Martin Haslem
Martin Haslem - 6 years ago
You sir are a genius. Great analysis, thank you
Tim Stitt
Tim Stitt - 6 years ago
My advertisement was “the meg”
Mr Reindeer
Mr Reindeer - 6 years ago
Excellent. Very informative.
Oceano Surf
Oceano Surf - 6 years ago
Those who plant their back foot noticeably before their front foot.
Are they pushing with their arms and stepping the front foot through the shoulders using that back foot on the traction pad?
Max Nuccio
Max Nuccio - 6 years ago
Did you compare a few of each surfers pop ups? Perhaps their technique is not the same every time and certainly it would be interesting in steeper hollower powerful waves as well! My guess is that each person has a unique body type and so needs to figure the best way for their physique to flow with the waves?
Oliver Miller
Oliver Miller - 6 years ago
Great video. I would like to see the same sort of film but in real time. You point out that all surf clips start way to late, (I love to see the wave roll in) but also slo-mo can also be unhelpful because waves certainly don't come at you slowly when you're in the water! Im a beginner and really appriciate your work, thanks.
kimberlee teeter
kimberlee teeter - 6 years ago
Putting your hands on the deck when standing up also helps the board to push over the ledge and get into the wave. Begger waves like Teahupoo they will grab the rails while standing because they are going to be grabbing the rail for stability in the tube, so grabbing the rail while standing allows them to not have to move their hand again. But they will still push down with the other hand to try and push the board over the ledge to get into the wave and make the drop and get under the lip.
kimberlee teeter
kimberlee teeter - 6 years ago
Most beginners actually grab the rails. Their fingers will be on the underside of the board, and they aren't able to put even pressure on the board and it wobbles from side to side. As you get more advanced, you put your hands on the deck and it puts pressure straight down so the board doesn't wobble when standing up.
kimberlee teeter
kimberlee teeter - 6 years ago
They stand up differently indifferent waves or taking off into a wave early or late. A lot of standing up is pointing your board down the wave. That's why they rotate their hips. Its points the board down the line for them.
Hannah Cooke
Hannah Cooke - 6 years ago
Really interesting video. I’ve always been interested in seeing how the pros actually paddle out in different scenarios and how they use the rips or get under/over the waves when heading out to the back but that type of footage is always hard to come by - maybe something to consider for your next video?
Lau Adamsen
Lau Adamsen - 6 years ago
dope video!
Perpetual Student
Perpetual Student - 6 years ago
San Clementeeee!
Perpetual Student
Perpetual Student - 6 years ago
This is great!!
Justine Laxamana
Justine Laxamana - 6 years ago
That blue thing behind them is annoying
Melanie Williams
Melanie Williams - 6 years ago
Could you do the same and analyze how the move their shoulders and legs or their general approach to how they attack the wave? It’s super cool to have footage like this on such a uniform wave and see them choosing to ride it with their own style. Thanks fo this!
geoff fischer
geoff fischer - 6 years ago
This is great. I always feel cheated by the lack of pop-up action in most surf vids. I'm really interested in this because I'm nearly 60 and popping is becoming harder by the week. Anything I can use to slow my gradual descent back to being a kook is much appreciated . Thanks
Taha Nasser
Taha Nasser - 6 years ago
It almost seems like they make sure to take off at the appropriately critical section of the wave such that as long as they clear their upper body off the deck of the board high enough, they can swing their legs forward and upwards just using gravity. Something that most surfers struggle with, especially when transitioning from longer boards to shorter ones, is having an anchor to push your feet off with during the pop up. This footage seems to prove the theory that some coaches have that you 'swing' your legs forward into your chest and let gravity do the rest.
wookie110240 - 6 years ago
Possibly one of the most interesting videos I've ever watched on the internet! Enlightening, should be 100sK views higher
Iván Rivero
Iván Rivero - 6 years ago
Another interesting thing to point out for next time Brent, and therefore, help lots of poor mistaken beginners or low level amateurs is the point on the board where they place their hands on the push up. It's something crucial and often barely noticed. Most of them push up shoulders high or even further ahead, whereas I recommend getting as close to your hips as your physique allows.
Iván Rivero
Iván Rivero - 6 years ago
My gf recently caught me on camera popping up, and I'm frankly amazed (in a funny way) of my own style. At this video speed I seem to spend at least one extra second standing on my hands, feet floating, before I land them on the board. I'd love to show you.
Iván Rivero
Iván Rivero - 6 years ago
Bianca seems to be Dutch. Her name sounds fine. Let me teach you how to better pronounce her surname using US English phonology.
Buitendag is Bui = Bow | Ten = 10 | Dag = Dakh (this kh is strong clearing your throat sound, like you're disgusted).

Freaking awesome video and excellent slightly ahead karaoke commentaries to see it coming. Great stuff. Come down to the Canary Islands for a surf anytime!
strelnikoff7 - 6 years ago
It seems to me that almost all of the surfers have their back foot planted (touch the board) before the front foot does. I.e. not at the same time. If you look closely, Kelly's back foot is already in position by the time his front foot is where it's supposed to be.
Bill le skeep McCoy
Bill le skeep McCoy - 6 years ago
Brent, thanks for the comments, but I don't see anything which could be called "correct" because as a lifelong surfer, we all adjust to the wave we are in, for that wave's position and our balance at the time. It seems to be each surfer applying the pressure for balance where they are and in the wave they are in. Over analysis of this seems needless. But thanks for your sincere effort to portray the positioning. Never thought much more about it.
Gordon Wright
Gordon Wright - 6 years ago
Came here from Reddit and lo! It's Brent (hi buddy). So, I thought I was the only one in the world who wanted this exact thing. Great insight. I'd love a bit more of your thoughts on the launch angle upon takeoff. Most seem to be in that solid 45-degree angle across the wave, but it varies a bit, and why?
Brent Rose
Brent Rose - 6 years ago
Gordon Wright Holy crap, hey Gordo! Agreed. Any better surfers wanna chime in on this?
Jon John
Jon John - 6 years ago
Biofoam tail pad. Heyooo
saxonsteve - 6 years ago
This was very helpful for me, considering i am a beginner surfer( goofy foot). I have trouble with the pop-up. Practice makes the difference. Now all i have to do is get the balls up to surf here in the winter. I live here in Massachusetts.BRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Dana Franchitto
Dana Franchitto - 6 years ago
As someone having trouble with his pop ups ,I found this informative. yet I remain disappointed that it was shot in a "wavepool"
Lorra Fae
Lorra Fae - 6 years ago
This was INCREDIBLY HELPFUL. Thank you!
Jeff Fadness
Jeff Fadness - 6 years ago
Amazing footage.
James Kolesnikovich
James Kolesnikovich - 6 years ago
Such an awesome video! Will watch this countless times! Thanks
higgyrow - 6 years ago
Thnks for this footage, absolutely fantastic. The pop up is my biggest hurdle and your commentary and footage is a great help on technique.
Gopal - 6 years ago
Been waiting for video exactly like this - Thanks man.
Ed Smith
Ed Smith - 6 years ago
Slater's pop up was weak.
Felix Liu
Felix Liu - 6 years ago
Good job, i am try to correct my pop up skills, this is just the video I need.
Jason Whittle
Jason Whittle - 6 years ago
I've been grabbing the rails sometimes when I pop up. Looks like I'll be pushing the board from now on.
Iván Rivero
Iván Rivero - 6 years ago
Hi Jason! I totally recommend open palm push-up pop up mate. The surface you are supporting your body upon when grabbing the rail is smaller and on many different axis that promote instability. Try getting your hands, palms wide open on the board as close to your hips as your physique allows you to. Feel like you want to stand for a while on your arms which work like legs during the pop-up. Don't rush it. What's more... try this. Surf some waves on your arms, with your legs still on the board, as long as you can, not trying to stand. Work that arm-balance out and you'll jump up cat like on your pop-ups. Good luck mate!
Amani Denholm
Amani Denholm - 6 years ago
Total over analysis of take offs. Who gives a shit. Interesting? Nope. A discussion? Laughable.
Amani Denholm
Amani Denholm - 6 years ago
Jiyu Shugi
Jiyu Shugi - 6 years ago
Great vid.
The worst thing about most surf vids is that they seldom show the paddle/pop-up, as if it were of no importance.
Sabrina Dacosta
Sabrina Dacosta - 6 years ago
You can’t really break it down to a a science. In Medina’s wave you are talking about he was going backside which will be different if he goes frontside. Plus different techniques will be used on different kinds of waves: beach breaks, pointbreaks, etc. not to mention there is no wave the same
gavnyuhin - 6 years ago
Always looking to find a way to "see myself" since I don't have a videographer following me around when I paddle out... this is great! Thanks and lots to keep in mind next time I'm dropping in.
OrganiCali - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for doing this! It's great to see the difference styles in slo-mo! Really great commentary as well! You might want to do another one talking about the few seconds after the pop-up where you start generating speed. I saw a lot of unique knock-knee and other stylish and not so stylish approaches.
ChrisMillerLite - 6 years ago
What am I doing wrong when the nose gets sucked in and I go over the front on longer boards. Like 7-9 feet
Brent Rose
Brent Rose - 6 years ago
ChrisMillerLite could be you're too far forward, or it could be that you need to be taking off at an angle.

100. comment for How the World's Best Surfers Pop Up (Slow Motion)

Martin Blake
Martin Blake - 6 years ago
I've heard the back foot should be put in the area in the midle of the three fins so as to move the board easier.
Bryan K.
Bryan K. - 6 years ago
depends... back foot should be a bit more forward above the traction pad when you're pumping for more speed. then when you're about to hit the lip for a turn or snap you put your back foot all the way back towards the traction pad for maximum control
lestliness - 6 years ago
Wow Wilko has a full two step process, Jordy does too but a little quicker... Khloe is a solid pop up. This vid is super helpful, my popup doesn't seem as amateurish as I thought... although it probably is.
truethinker - 6 years ago
You start by using a short board on thick waves . Once you have been pounded enough it becomes instinct. Then you can shoulder hop .
Jonathan Macaw
Jonathan Macaw - 6 years ago
Just gotta keep on practicing at home and at the beach to get it down quick
Adam Daigian
Adam Daigian - 6 years ago
Wow, this is really cool and interesting. I'm actually more surprised to see that nearly everyone pops up pretty far forward and then moves their back foot back on the first pump. Definitely getting me to reevaluate the way I think about my popup and first pump.
nickrparish - 6 years ago
Thank you!
Fred Rossetter
Fred Rossetter - 6 years ago
The common factor in all these surfers is that they are super fit. They are also surfing all the time. This means that their "standing up" muscles are at peak condition.
Rather than technique, I think that fitness is the primary ingredient in successfully getting to one's feet in the most critical situations.
Pablo Urquiza
Pablo Urquiza - 6 years ago
CPatrik - 6 years ago
Awesome video! I’ve never even thought about hand placement when popping up, I just kind of always plant my hand next to my nipples and go. Looking at this I can see the benefit of different hand placements, and specially depending on if I’d be going right or left. Time to test some theories!:D
Andrew Kao
Andrew Kao - 6 years ago
I think more than the pop up the first pump matters, especially on these smaller waves. They all get an initial mid-faace pump right away to get extra speed off the take off.
Wolmir Duarte
Wolmir Duarte - 6 years ago
I hate that wsl doesn't show they popping off! Sometimes it's really hard and it's part of the show. In teahupo, for example, the take off is fundamental. Wanted to see that! Anyway, thank you Bro, good job!!
Wolmir Duarte
Wolmir Duarte - 6 years ago
+Gabriela Campaña de nada heheh
Gabriela Campaña
Gabriela Campaña - 6 years ago
Wolmir Duarte I feel exactly the same. Thanks for expressing it
grapeburger - 6 years ago
Excellent video.
D G - 6 years ago
What camera did you use?
D G - 6 years ago
Brent Rose Ahh awesome. Great video and shooting - very interesting and informative.
Brent Rose
Brent Rose - 6 years ago
pampasman1 - 6 years ago
The was great video sir, next are the goofy foot and left breaks
krusher74 - 6 years ago
Half the ones at the start of the video that you say feet hit at the same time i see the back foot hit before the front. only one i see same time is steph.
CMAP - 6 years ago
the waves are so precisely the same every time at the surf ranch. Idk why but i kinda hate it, maybe I was always rooting for the wave.
Surfmus - 6 years ago
These waves are the same. Their heads will be dropping foward because it's more of choppy waves. When it comes to hollow waves or late take off the head/back should arch. The head will act like a balancer in order to avoid pearling.
Heidi Neilson
Heidi Neilson - 6 years ago
Ah... This is just the tip I needed today. Thank you!
Bryan Totten
Bryan Totten - 6 years ago
this to me is instinctive almost like one can really tell you how to run you find what suits your needs
no name no slogan
no name no slogan - 6 years ago
Gained a subscriber, thank you for the time and initiative you took to film and post
JakubKubak - 6 years ago
you're a king for making this vid!
Daemn27 - 6 years ago
This angle view is so close you can absorb a lot of technique thank you man! Also I've always wanted to see pros carving or getting speed this close, kinda satisfied with the few frames after they stand up here, but would love a video deeping into it like this one, it's another curious maneuver not easy to fully understand its dynamics or do it properly.
Gene West
Gene West - 6 years ago
maybe top Pro's,but not the best surfer's in the world....
Surfy_ McSalty
Surfy_ McSalty - 6 years ago
So cool! I have been looking for a video like that for a while! The only pop up videos I found were of people demonstrating a pop up on the ground in regular speed. This is 1000 better! Thank you!
Greg Simon
Greg Simon - 6 years ago
Dope brother! I'm having issues as a rookie surfer. this helps!
Jake Selby
Jake Selby - 6 years ago
Great video. All I’d say is that every one of these surfers still put the back foot on first (they just did it faster than others) and this is the best way to teach it to someone instead of just saying “pop up”
If they slow it down and learn it in steps like your wonderful video, there’s no chance of picking up bad habits
Anthony Marquez
Anthony Marquez - 6 years ago
I love slow mo’s of the best pros surfing. I think it’s such a subtle art that they have uniquely perfected. I personally love watching entire waves surfed by them in slow-mo to see and study technique. JJF is one of the best at late take offs and watching him pop-up and see where on the wave he is and where his eyes are looking is incredible to watch/study in slow-mo.
surfersantaGoogle - 6 years ago
I've been looking for something exactly like this. Thanks.
Torrin DePierro
Torrin DePierro - 6 years ago
This is so awesome! Ever break down airs?
Will Key
Will Key - 6 years ago
I wish there was more vids like this the only problem is there catching waves in a wave pool designed by Kelly slater don't u think that theses waves are probably easier to paddle into then almost any other real waves out there? I mean if u told theses pros that they couldn't paddle at all just Aline themselves and just pop up or one arm or only 2 strokes total they could still probably catch these wave pool waves?need them in real conditions in mushy crap were the waves are ussally like for beginners ?a lot different
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
Over thinking it. It’s a pop up.
C G - 6 years ago
Disagree. It is not overthinking, visualization is key to anything you do. If you want to constantly improve anything you must put thought into it. I've been surfing for years and still actively work on bettering the basics such as popups and bottom turns.
Ian Northrop
Ian Northrop - 6 years ago
I disagree. I've been surfing decades and just realized that none of these pros pop up holding the rail. This video made me re-evaluate how I'm going to proceed in my surfing.
Michael Angelos
Michael Angelos - 6 years ago
I have had nerve damage on my left groin area that left my left leg slow to pop up. So I would pop up goofy-footed and then throw my leg around to get it in surfing position. Now, that helps because I can pop up goofy-footed. And now I'm going to try to learn to surf goofy-footed. I actually went right back side the other day without thinking about it. That was cool. I'm regular footed. I'm a pretty good Surfer but that damage to my nerve on my left side made it very hard just to pop up.
Iván Rivero
Iván Rivero - 6 years ago
For some people out there it might even be underthinking and useful for them to see it and go "oh, shit what am I doing?!".
Mitchel Harmon
Mitchel Harmon - 6 years ago
lol you don't get sports or athletic technique, I feel your vibe though, go surf
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
Xiilab once you learn how to surf you will know what I mean. Everybody’s body is different and we ride boards that fit our own body type. Therefor there pop ups will be slightly different. Stop watching pop ups and go surfing.
xiilab - 6 years ago
Jeff K to you maybe. To others including myself it's very useful analysis of something that doesn't come naturally. I'm learning at 39 y/o and have practiced dry land pop ups for hours and it's really helped my pop up in water...understanding how the body moves into position has been invaluable
1982mako224 - 6 years ago
I've surfed with a number of top pros over the years including several featured in this video. (Surfed with the fathers of two of the surfers in the video as well....dang I'm getting old) Out of all of them Gabriel Medina has the technique that stands out the most to me. He has an uncanny ability to get into the wave and get to his feet earlier than anyone. In a gutless wave he can get to his feet and get his first pump in further out than most advanced surfers and even pros can pop up. He can get into a wave before it is peaking. Easily a full body length or more further out than his peers. This is an incredible advantage. Even in this video you can see that his technique is unique compared to the rest. Because he is in so early he can generate that much more speed. No doubt growing up this technique also boosted his wave count in crowded lineups which also helped him progress to the pro level rapidly. It all starts with the pop up and believe it or not the smaller and weaker the waves are the more critical it becomes. Split seconds matter.
Fernando Velloso Neto
Fernando Velloso Neto - 6 years ago
Great point - he is also known to ride board with significantly more volume than anyone else on tour. I think that's probably part of the reason why he's up and pumping earlier than anyone else, although I'm sure technique also is part of it.
BrekanArts - 6 years ago
Medina is the only one paddling the way coaches teach you to paddle. lol
Gopal - 6 years ago
1982mako224 great feedback, thank you.
Brad SGF
Brad SGF - 6 years ago
Can you elaborate more on the technique??
Luke Farquhar
Luke Farquhar - 6 years ago
You’ve got to be taking the piss?
Carlos David
Carlos David - 6 years ago
If you wan't good discussion, I'd share this post over on reddit's surfing community,

They'd love this sort of thing. Interesting how there's such a wide variety of pop up techniques.
Carlos David
Carlos David - 6 years ago
Brent Rose
Brent Rose - 6 years ago
I did already! Great comments over there:
Nicholas Evans
Nicholas Evans - 6 years ago
I find if Iook down my body wants to go down when I stand. If I raise my chin and look where I want to go down the line my body comes up with no hassles. When I was younger I found it much easier. So flexibility must play a huge part
Jon Salvador
Jon Salvador - 6 years ago
Dude sick breakdown, thanks
Leisa Beavis
Leisa Beavis - 6 years ago
Was the thing at the start a claim by jordy
yahav sarfati
yahav sarfati - 6 years ago
Leisa Beavis highline
Saint Christopher
Saint Christopher - 6 years ago
thank you spread the word brother soon everybody can surf thank you this is perfect so that everyone can surf now in 2018 and everyone can surf thanks brother
Bill Smith
Bill Smith - 6 years ago
Really cool stuff. i notice they all keep their heads up and steady, eyes forward looking down the line, like their bodies rotate under their head which does not move, key to a quick pop up i think.
Angel Tovar
Angel Tovar - 6 years ago
is grabbing the handrail to pop up a bad habit?
Iván Rivero
Iván Rivero - 6 years ago
Hi Angel! I totally recommend open palm push-up pop up mate. The average even surface on the board you are supporting your body upon when grabbing the rail is smaller and on many different axis that promote instability. Try getting your hands, palms wide open, on the board as close to your hips as your physique allows you to. Feel like you want to stand for a while on your arms, which work like legs during the pop-up. Don't rush it. What's more... try this. Surf some waves on your arms, with your legs laying on the board, as long as you can, not trying to stand. Work that arm-balance out and you'll jump up cat like on your pop-ups. Good luck mate!
EN d
EN d - 6 years ago
It slows you down and your hands can get blasted off completely in a bigger wave.
Surfmus - 6 years ago
I do both, grabbing and not grabbing. So far I catch the same amount of waves. Hence is not a bad habit. Do what suits you best.
1982mako224 - 6 years ago
Bryan Gile
Bryan Gile - 6 years ago
Awesome footage man!! Thank you for posting that
jeff krypto
jeff krypto - 6 years ago
Matt is perfect backside. Bianca is like 8 inches taller then the guys and same as me so it's not fair to compare shorter surfers to real surfers! Bianca kills it but kelly is so much shorter than her
Randsurfer - 6 years ago
Well, I watched the entire video because I thought there would be something profound. There wasn't. A bunch of surfers paddling then standing. AMAZING! The regular foots had their left hand slightly in front of their right. No shit? AMAZING! The goofies had their right hand slightly in front of the left. No shit? AMAZING!
Lock Solid
Lock Solid - 6 years ago
I also thought there would be some kind of profound comparison ie surfers body type/hieght, surfers with longer torsos and shorter legs etc. Planting back foot first etc. But just the footage itself is great.
han solo-dolo
han solo-dolo - 6 years ago
I don’t know why but it annoys me when someone who clearly doesn’t surf try’s to explain anything about surfing. Good footage but cringeworthy commentary. Kinda makes me wonder how you ended up there documenting one of the best new things in our sport instead of someone who... you know... actually cares about it enough to watch one or two contests so you can at least pronounce people’s name right. The guys at WSL did all the work for you there bud. All you had to do was give a shit. Good luck on your “pop ups” though. I’m sure knowing which foot jordy puts down first will make you much better.
Iván Rivero
Iván Rivero - 6 years ago
Mate whether you were serious or not, your comment sounds (not saying true) like you lack some good sex mate. Take it easier.
Armstrong Grip
Armstrong Grip - 6 years ago
Han solo-dolo, You are a douche and bring shame to the human race.
Adam Webber
Adam Webber - 6 years ago
han solo-dolo wow, you are one negative dude. I hope I never end up in a lineup with you.
Terence Ingram
Terence Ingram - 6 years ago
Do you have footage going left?
maovieira - 6 years ago
you can mirror the video to have the same desired effect. Here is one way to do that:
Brent Rose
Brent Rose - 6 years ago
Terence Ingram unfortunately not much. It was way harder to flm the pop-up from that angle.
tsarrite - 6 years ago
Cool vid. I push off my board when popping up but if it's a turbulent or late take off I'll grab both rails when standing up.
Daniel Grab
Daniel Grab - 6 years ago
Thanks for posting, cool observations! Since the mid 90s when I was just learning, I've always wanted to see more pop up footie just cause it's something we can all actually much as we try and pretend to take mental notes on how to do air reverses and sit-up recoveries in the whitewater. How about some positioning, angles, and paddling stuff, esp in steeper waves. Not 10 foot pipe, but like little salt creek tubes or something? I'm still haunted by botched takeoffs from like 8 years ago on account of like a few degrees of angle or one stroke too few.
Justin ODonnell
Justin ODonnell - 6 years ago
Hello you all. Im a pretty new surfer (maybe 8-9 months) and had a question how do people drop their back knee like that? I try to do that when im just standing and my knee starts killing me
Lock Solid
Lock Solid - 6 years ago
When popping up on a wave compared to practicing on dry land you have to pop up like your going down hill.
Brent Rose
Brent Rose - 6 years ago
You also need to make sure your foot is at the right angle otherwise you'll definitely tweak your knee.
SURFnLuNaTiC - 6 years ago
Easier when you’re leaning into a forward moving momentum as opposed to standing still
J W - 6 years ago
this was great. Thank you so much!!!
ale15MMv - 6 years ago
This video definitely served it's purpose thanks.
Rob Symington
Rob Symington - 6 years ago
Brilliant video! Well shot edited and explained. How about a future vid about pro’s adjusting rear foot position while riding?
Charles Hawk
Charles Hawk - 6 years ago
Thanks for the valuable video. Looks like they all have a special way of popping up.
AJ J - 6 years ago
Great vid bud thanks! Thought KS was the most natural looking. Wilko hit the tail block off the bat better than all others, Gabs looked like the least effort to pop up and stays so low compressing all that energy for release. I find I hit the top of the tailpad almost always on my pop up and then I have to wiggle my foot back to the sweet spot..
Ken Powell
Ken Powell - 6 years ago
Wow - spot on; multiple viewing clip here mate; mahalo...!
Luiz Gabriel Nogueira
Luiz Gabriel Nogueira - 6 years ago
Great footage bro! It's really good to see some pros in slow motion. We get to see every detail. Something that is not available on live transmissions.
adam bamf
adam bamf - 6 years ago
well jordy's pop up in particular must be spot on he's a big man 93 kilo plus thats why hes always poised and crouched to keep a lower center of gravity
Will Key
Will Key - 6 years ago
adam bamf he's a big guy yes but he's not fat he one of his paddle strokes probably pretty powerful big body big arms getting to his feet for him is probably second nature since he's been surfing since he was a kid that's the problem with big kids/adults learning how to surf is besides the paddling it's hard to stand up mabye not on a long board but a high performance stick the average person super hard u hav to really want it to keep trying
Slade Street
Slade Street - 6 years ago
Really Unique and good!!! Thanks for the new take!
Showmedafunny - 6 years ago
Great Video! And any surfers Dads, Day of the Dad Surfer now in:
Jerry Whaanga
Jerry Whaanga - 6 years ago
Good intake, it would be interesting to highlight bethany.. I often wondering how she makes it out the back, duck dives, catches waves, pop ups etc..She's a legend.
Gabriela Campaña
Gabriela Campaña - 6 years ago
Jerry Whaanga so true
will curran
will curran - 6 years ago
Silvana Lima had the smoothest pop up even out of the guys
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 6 years ago
Really interesting, thanks!
Kurt Mariano
Kurt Mariano - 6 years ago
Ho Stevie! Brilliant
Angel Tovar
Angel Tovar - 6 years ago
Yo Setevie, your fins are amazing!
Angus Chen
Angus Chen - 6 years ago
one interesting thing to note is how low their heads come down when paddling in. Only Gabriel medina keeps his back arched the whole time. For most people, on their last stroke, they drop their heads and chest almost straight down to the board. This helps to keep the nose of the board down in most cases. How much you do this will depend on your position on the wave and speed of paddling. Pop up is also angled to the right to get them going in the right direction - with hands also keeping extra pressure on the inside rail on the push up. Eyes are always focused on the next section of the wave.

Once standing, the pros are compressed and immediately un-compress for a first speed-generating pump.
Hayden Docking
Hayden Docking - 6 years ago
Remember salt water?
grizwald70 - 6 years ago
Carissa's chin actually rests on the board for a second. I surfed with a pro in Indo once and all his boards had pressure dings on the deck near the nose where his chin would hit for those last couple strokes before popping up.
Surfmus - 6 years ago
All that will be contrary if it's a late take off or for hollow waves, hence the arching on the back it's a most.
SuperCrackerjacks - 6 years ago
I totally agree. It's all about balance (forward/back) and being at the right place. At first you back is a bit arched and when needed you can transfer your weight more forward lowering your jaw
Theodore Frank
Theodore Frank - 6 years ago
Putting the head and chest down on the last couple of strokes is crucial. It's a complete game changer for catching more waves.
Charles Hawk
Charles Hawk - 6 years ago
Angus Chen I started missing less waves when I started keeping my head lower when paddling, before I had a bad habit of having my back too arched .
Brent Rose
Brent Rose - 6 years ago
Angus Chen great observations, thanks!
chulieho - 6 years ago
very interesting I have watched this kind of thing my whole life .Kolohe's style is a San Clemente thing has hard as you can full on from the get go .that's how we do it here .thanks
Drew Stahl
Drew Stahl - 6 years ago
2:02 probably because it is such a steep wave so it isn't as much side to side pumping as it is up and down. Therefore he doesn't need his foot right over the fins
Luke Archibald
Luke Archibald - 6 years ago
Good clip mate, you've picked up on some key parts... anyone who want to know more email
Luke Archibald
Luke Archibald - 6 years ago
Footage is epic and much needed for improvement
cumminsscout - 6 years ago
I thought about this stuff all the time when I taught myself to surf switchfoot. No internet back then though.... All easy at a wave pool. Gets harder with the lip breaking on your back over choppy double up, suck up, ledges.....
Outside TV
Outside TV - 6 years ago
Hey Brent, we loved your content and think your videos would make a great addition to our video of the month contest! By uploading your videos to you have the opportunity to win a wetsuit and a new surfboard and be featured on Outside TV! See you on Campfire!
john piercey
john piercey - 6 years ago
Great vid
D - 6 years ago
Thanks mate this is awesome cheers for uploading. Think I'll be referring to it alot. Kelly looking the cleanest!
Infinity Ignition
Infinity Ignition - 6 years ago
Great video, really great observations and commentary. I could listen all day
SoCal Boys
SoCal Boys - 6 years ago
I gotta say this is great! Such an overlooked thing in surfing. The pop up and then your footwork sets up everything. And the different styles of hand placement. Grabbing both rails, grabbing one rail with one hand on the deck, or two hands on the deck. Great stuff!
Angus Chen
Angus Chen - 6 years ago
This is very valuable footage. When I was learning/working on my popup I would spend a lot of time watching pro heats trying to analyze exactly how they paddled into a wave and popped up
Bharkatron - 6 years ago
This is amazing footage and, in my opinion, the approach you take on this video is very valuable and not something I had seen focused before...
I used to be involved in professional tennis prior to learning to surf and and I had always been flooded by millions of HD slow motion videos of things such as Federer's serve or Nadal's forehand (+100k results for each of these, for example), so it came to me as a shocking surprise that, when I looked for similar studies done with professional surfing in order to take a look at how the pros did it and try to realize what I was doing wrong and how I could do it better, I basically found no footage, especially concerning the pop up moment.
I may be speaking for myself and others may look at this as something trivial, but I believe that these six minutes you brought before us are very rich in showing the fine details of how each surfer tackles this critical moment in waveriding and how they compare between each other, especially when the wave is the same for everyone.
At the end of the day, this won't make me surf like Slater, but for someone like me, who never had surfing classes but instead got hold of an old beaten softboard missing one fin, pointed that thing at the shore, paddled like a maniac, tried to stand up, fell and proceeded to scrutinize what had gone wrong, wave after wave, session after session, trying to correct myself and improve out of casual feedback from friends and self evaluation, this is nothing short of pure gold and a tool that ultimately may help me improving my surf and result in me having more fun in the water! Thanks you very much for releasing this, man! :)
Gopal - 6 years ago
Bharkatron very well said
Joe Wang
Joe Wang - 6 years ago
I'm sure at the highest level, the intricacies of the pop-up are more critical but, as a shitty-to-mediocre level surfer, I rarely actively think about my hand/feet positioning on the pop-up. It's almost instinctual because I'm just trying to get to my feet as fast as possible the moment I feel the wave picking me up. My mind is more focused on being in the right position (in relation to the wave) and paddling fast enough to match the energy of the wave. That said, I am mindful of how I use my weight - I put as much weight as I can towards the nose when I'm taking off to compensate for the weight going towards the back once I'm up.
Rusty Parker
Rusty Parker - 6 years ago
so awesome!
Nicholas James
Nicholas James - 6 years ago
dude. i have died waiting for a vid about this topic. my popup sucks and this is exactly what i needed
Neil Westman
Neil Westman - 6 years ago
same here! thanks!!!
Philip Madden
Philip Madden - 6 years ago
I first learned to surf around 12 , had a friend of a friend teach me, (she had surfed around the world, a good ten years older) first thing she did was have me practice my pop up just on Mg board in the sand. Haven’t met anyone else that was taught like that. From then on it was just getting a feel for timing and carving but could catch the smaller waves at my beach no problem.
gil aviya
gil aviya - 6 years ago
Me to!
Nicholas James
Nicholas James - 6 years ago
i feel insane but have seen actual popup improvement since watching your video. the turning your arms into your stance technique i saw from matt wilkinson really seemed to click for me.
Brent Rose
Brent Rose - 6 years ago
Nicholas Andersh awesome to hear. Honestly, I'm in the same boat, that's why I made the video. :)
Gavers23 - 6 years ago
I know nothing about surfing, all I can say is that that is some really cool footage!
Jon John
Jon John - 6 years ago
Yea slo mo makes a lot of things look way cooler cause we can process more of what's going on

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