How to Surf : Understand the Different Paddling Techniques You Can Use While Surfing

Learn about the different surfboard paddling techniques that you can use to get yourself out to the waves in this free video series. Expert: Pat Weber Contact: Bio: Pat Weber is the founder, owner, and head instructor of the San Diego Surfing Academy. He has 40 years of surfing experience and has been teaching students how to surf for the past 11 years. Filmmaker: John Lafata

How to Surf : Understand the Different Paddling Techniques You Can Use While Surfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Surf 16 years ago 108,320 views

Learn about the different surfboard paddling techniques that you can use to get yourself out to the waves in this free video series. Expert: Pat Weber Contact: Bio: Pat Weber is the founder, owner, and head instructor of the San Diego Surfing Academy. He has 40 years of surfing experience and has been teaching students how to surf for the past 11 years. Filmmaker: John Lafata

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Most popular comments
for How to Surf : Understand the Different Paddling Techniques You Can Use While Surfing

MrErinnbailey - 11 years ago
alex dornelli
alex dornelli - 11 years ago
1:15, sorry bad advise; if the wave is anything bigger than, say, 4 feet, sliding down and trying to hold a fun or worse, a long board, sideways, is gona get you in trouble, that board is gonna hit you or someone behind you.
Matthew Dolente
Matthew Dolente - 12 years ago
I always duck dive. i personally hate the turtle dive. You can duck dive with a lonboard as well. Just push down really hard and use your body weight
Aves Raggiana
Aves Raggiana - 12 years ago
Then I want to touch and squeeze it to feel how big it is...
Madeline Ghaderian
Madeline Ghaderian - 13 years ago
I wanna learn !!! ... but it looks really dificould!
Posigen - 13 years ago
can a beginer use the rollover too? got caught by two (for me) big waves and it was awful...
Ruben De Paepe
Ruben De Paepe - 13 years ago
why cant I download this fucking video?
I toke daily
I toke daily - 13 years ago
Ha cool I live here
gary harvey
gary harvey - 13 years ago
isit just me or does he seim a littel fat to be a surfer

10. comment for How to Surf : Understand the Different Paddling Techniques You Can Use While Surfing

Nowell Holmes
Nowell Holmes - 13 years ago
I'm a BIG fan of SDSA
jesse batt
jesse batt - 14 years ago
another technigue is the walk
tubenoobster - 15 years ago
mines a 2 blocker
tubenoobster - 15 years ago
looks like he is carrying a spare block of wax in his pants
MaybeLater - 15 years ago
Its up to you, longboards are easier to ride but if start on the highest difficulty wen u get the hang of it ur already there, ur choice
Thomas Meehan
Thomas Meehan - 15 years ago
Nooo, after you use a softtop, you got to buy another one. If i were you i would look into NSP's or Minimals. they're for that transition period, they're great for learners. I went straight from softtop to 6'4" DHD shortboard, i took me AGES to pop up on that, so if your commited, then go straight to shortboard. Commited meaning almost everyday. But NSP's are great, they're fun, surf and they surf anything, even the green when you get good enough. :)
Bionicpix - 15 years ago
Get a foamie softboard like what they rent unless you have a lot of skateboarding and snowboarding experience, then maybe a hybrid, but stay around 8 feet (fo' realz). Then sell it and get a funboard. Forget about shortboards for now. I just went thru this myself. Good luck!
Matthew Bender
Matthew Bender - 15 years ago
pretty much anyone can do it on a 6'2
Thomas Meehan
Thomas Meehan - 15 years ago
Thomas Meehan
Thomas Meehan - 15 years ago
yeah, as long as you get the technique then your good to go. Just keep practicing :)

20. comment for How to Surf : Understand the Different Paddling Techniques You Can Use While Surfing

pkoch05 - 15 years ago
what does then? skill?
Thomas Meehan
Thomas Meehan - 15 years ago
weight doesnt really matter.
Agustin Centurion
Agustin Centurion - 15 years ago
yeah or you can try laying back a little more so your nosepops out more.
pkoch05 - 15 years ago
how heavy do u need to be to duck dive a 6 2 short board (not epoxy)
pkoch05 - 15 years ago
try poping up as soon as u catch the wave, or u can do an arch thingy (dont know the name). Its kina like a seal streach but on the board so that it does nto nose dieve.
jerseyRJ - 15 years ago
well im confused behind the actual point of ur comment and where ur going with that other than u like skating better, but untill u surf u wouldnt understand. ive skateboarded, blade, bike, wakeboard snowboard, and nothing is better than surfing and snowboarding. ive paddled out on 30 degree days with snow falling in clean 6ft waves, tubed an all and boarded off ramps floating over20 ft gaps and no skateboarder would really understand unless theyve been there and wouldnt be dissin them on here
PixelShifter - 15 years ago
I wouldn't recommend the last one, if your not careful you can hit your head
Alchemy - 15 years ago
Hes a pro surfer, hes in good shape already.
niggerdaumos - 15 years ago
these are okay techniques. but like mentioned earlier, only in small waves. go somewhere with big waves and you shouldn't be watching this vid in the first place bc the best way is to start small. in big white water, the first technique will have u in thigh deep water again in no time, when u push your board under, your flat body is getting hit broadside and actually crating more resisitance than if u were to just paddle through it.
Hernan Edwards
Hernan Edwards - 16 years ago
thank you very much for all your advices. I watched `em all. the way.....Mybe you should do a little jogging.

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