Hurricane surfer

Massive wave and lucky man

Hurricane surfer sentiment_very_dissatisfied 43

Surf 18 years ago 497,216 views

Massive wave and lucky man

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Most popular comments
for Hurricane surfer

Lromain55 - 7 years ago
That's one pairs of balls to do this
Roasted Films
Roasted Films - 7 years ago
That's got to be the greatest pirate I've ever seen
Nicky h225
Nicky h225 - 7 years ago
What a legion
Alex Babcock
Alex Babcock - 7 years ago
Every hurricane, this video is posted. Its amazing how stupid society is to believe this video is real.
Aries The Ram
Aries The Ram - 7 years ago
Rest of the world : Pray for Florida
Floridians :
PastaSauces76 - 7 years ago
That has to be the greatest pirate I've ever seen
The Robotic Dino
The Robotic Dino - 7 years ago
I can’t believe that this is real
Anime& Games
Anime& Games - 7 years ago
Asian level of Surfing
K Then
K Then - 7 years ago
Bae come over
Dude can’t babe Irma is here
bae but my parents aren’t home

10. comment for Hurricane surfer

ll XanzX ll X
ll XanzX ll X - 7 years ago
Legend says he still surfing
BadCosine64 !
BadCosine64 ! - 7 years ago
When yo girl says she home alone
Livmativ :p
Livmativ :p - 7 years ago
Her: I’m home alone.
Him: I can’t.
Her: I pre ordered Mario Odyssey.
The Penguin Who Wields A Giant Hammer
The Penguin Who Wields A Giant Hammer - 7 years ago
Death Stalkers
Death Stalkers - 7 years ago
idk how he does not lose balance with his giant BALLS???
Luar R
Luar R - 7 years ago
Pirates of the carribean music plays
Repper - 7 years ago
he was attacking the hurricane
RedFoxPlayzz - 7 years ago
This man is a ledgend
Jay Gonzalez
Jay Gonzalez - 7 years ago
EPIC yet stupid.
BizzBray - 7 years ago
This is the legend27

20. comment for Hurricane surfer

Captain Fears
Captain Fears - 7 years ago
theres a PERSON surfing on a HUGE wave
Chef Boyardee
Chef Boyardee - 7 years ago
g n a r l y
Jigstick - 7 years ago
That guy is winning
Lilly Sans
Lilly Sans - 7 years ago
Rashed tlass
Rashed tlass - 7 years ago
True American legend
da nope.avi
da nope.avi - 7 years ago
devanno Razly 99
devanno Razly 99 - 7 years ago
His the most legendary surfing
TheMlgFox - 7 years ago
People are stealing your video might wanna stop em
The Man
The Man - 7 years ago
The hero we heed
Taco Nuke(Dapper Edition)
Taco Nuke(Dapper Edition) - 7 years ago
narly dude.

30. comment for Hurricane surfer

Robin Lewis Art
Robin Lewis Art - 7 years ago
wow ... omg lol
Nut - 7 years ago
Ellie Burns
Ellie Burns - 7 years ago
Such a freaking god.
Grant Glover
Grant Glover - 7 years ago
Is this real?
94SweetGoats - 7 years ago
its real and he's dead now.
A A RON - 7 years ago
Grant Glover I think it was fake either way if it is real it's an awesome video
Jeremy Cowan
Jeremy Cowan - 7 years ago
Lol you can so easily see the fade when it cuts to the clip of the surfer, nice try! Would recommend getting better at video editing before trying this again
Corpse Keeper
Corpse Keeper - 7 years ago
Jeremy Cowan that was pretty good, it fooled me and I consider myself good at detecting photoshop or hidden clip switching
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler - 7 years ago
Coffee Lover
Coffee Lover - 7 years ago
That moment when people try to make it seem like they're surfing the Irma hurricane on insta, when this was in 2006
* *
* * - 7 years ago
now this is my definition of badass
Isaias Ayala
Isaias Ayala - 7 years ago
how do you download the vid!!
demonoid47 - 7 years ago
Big_Thunder_13 - 7 years ago
Moses resurrection ?
Mata_ Matches
Mata_ Matches - 7 years ago
insert pirates of Caribbean song
ashku27 - 7 years ago
ashku27 - 7 years ago
It's fake. Accept it.
Isaias Ayala
Isaias Ayala - 7 years ago
ashku27 it was real he died afterwards though it was on the news about him 2006
Harry Jerry
Harry Jerry - 7 years ago
PROVERBS 16:33 - 7 years ago
I would absolutely love to have courage like that for whatever I undertake- very inspirational.
Silent_Stalker - 7 years ago
This currage hits you while your whipping your ass
Koa Skomp
Koa Skomp - 7 years ago
That's fake
Ghost Writing
Ghost Writing - 7 years ago
Isaias Ayala it's a Powerade commercial bro, it's not real
Isaias Ayala
Isaias Ayala - 7 years ago
Koa Skomp it was real he died afterwards though it was on the news about him 2006
cookie - 7 years ago
julienerys gomez
julienerys gomez - 7 years ago
Found out he died a few seconds after I saw this Instagram post
Nick Bryant
Nick Bryant - 7 years ago
So fake
wisterV - 7 years ago

50. comment for Hurricane surfer

Cwitsh - 7 years ago
I love how excited the guy talking gets when it's revealed that the guy was still surfing. Fucking gnarly dude.
Merlin 2342
Merlin 2342 - 7 years ago
Kevinhillcrest - 7 years ago
Do this on Hurricane Irma!
Almighty Rasen
Almighty Rasen - 7 years ago
that man... is the definition of a man... he's the hero we need, but not the one we deserve..
Xx-This-Iz-Me-Xx - 7 years ago
ya boi E
ya boi E - 7 years ago
Guillaume 若いフリーク にコカイン
Guillaume 若いフリーク にコカイン - 7 years ago
I want to believe
Secret 5
Secret 5 - 7 years ago
no fucks given that day...
nukeahlik - 7 years ago
People in Texas when the hurricane hits
H2o2 - 7 years ago
can you send me this video so I can post it on my instagram?
Bryan A.Cal
Bryan A.Cal - 7 years ago
bodhi!!! 100% pure adrenaline!
mr. steal your girl
mr. steal your girl - 7 years ago
it wasn't meant to be real it was like a mountain dew commercial back in the day or something but it is awesome
michael henderson
michael henderson - 7 years ago
Despite this being from a commercial, people do this stuff all the time. In Oahu on the North Shore, some friends and I got jet skied into some killer waves during a huge storm. 30-40 foot faces, it was epic and people called us crazy, but I've seen tow surfers hit waves I wouldn't go near.
Sir Cunt Muffin
Sir Cunt Muffin - 7 years ago
Ah, I just miss Oahu
Kenley L
Kenley L - 7 years ago
Grant Goodwyne You must not be from Hawaii, coming from a local myself.
Grant Goodwyne
Grant Goodwyne - 7 years ago
michael henderson i think youre lying
A Normal Polandball
A Normal Polandball - 8 years ago
Pablo the Second
Pablo the Second - 7 years ago
A Normal Polandball you just made my day
Austin Aurelia
Austin Aurelia - 7 years ago
You can put on a sh*t ton of muscle fast with this guys, i use it -
しゅにシュニ - 8 years ago
Hahha Welcome, i Laughed again when i got the Notification. XD
A Normal Polandball
A Normal Polandball - 8 years ago
Wow thanks!
しゅにシュニ - 8 years ago
kak 12
kak 12 - 8 years ago
magorkel - 8 years ago
Did he have his GayPro fag cam on?
ChaChaWitYa - 8 years ago
magorkel L
IBallisticxx - 8 years ago
this shit was made before you were born, gopros weren't around yet idiot
EagleLogic - 9 years ago
That man doesn't give a fuck about anything!
FlawlessOldie - 7 years ago
This man is amazing
yeetlors68 - 7 years ago
Michael Meinhart y you gotta be a dick about it
Michael Meinhart
Michael Meinhart - 7 years ago
EagleLogic its fake.. retards...
the lone wolf
the lone wolf - 7 years ago
EagleLogic straight up!
Bob Frankenstein
Bob Frankenstein - 10 years ago
You do realize this is a Powerade commercial? And you also realize the same type of commercials from Powerade are all fake? Also the only people who drink Powerade and believe this is real live with their mothers, are 300 pounds and just replenish the sweat they lose from playing World of Warcraft. Just kidding... But seriously...
taylor rules
taylor rules - 7 years ago
Bob Frankenstein Why are u so pissed that people find this real? And why u hating on Powerade? That shit good
Grant Goodwyne
Grant Goodwyne - 7 years ago
Bob Frankenstein Dude why are you so mad about it
EagleLogic - 10 years ago
Was looking everywhere for this video. Finally found it again! FAV! 
TheKenef - 11 years ago
the SINGLE, MOST EPIC VIDEO on YouTube...!
J Krause
J Krause - 11 years ago
HOLD my Beer, i got this
SquidFictionCompany - 12 years ago
youtube is one word
Donny Jr.
Donny Jr. - 12 years ago
No!! Chuck Norris can't survive in this shit, man! This is Bruce Lee reborn and showing off his talent!
Kennyy su
Kennyy su - 12 years ago
That was the craziest video I have ever seen
Kaden Blunt
Kaden Blunt - 12 years ago
who cares if it's a fake video. its a cool concept. everyone calls fake fake fake on soo many videos, dont you guys see that you tube is just a bit of fun, not a serious media out let. thats what the news is for!!! a ha ha ha. sarcasim level really high ( about the news bit that is )
Josh - 12 years ago
where is the boat that appears out of nowhere at in the beginning of the shot?
greenbeast1345 - 12 years ago
It's all about perception, he zoomed in really far since the surfer was extremely far out. The house did not "disappear" it simply was out of the shot.
Josh - 12 years ago
so what happened to the house after he zoomed in and kept moving the camera to the left? Did it disappear? Stick to your field of work.
Philly Steez
Philly Steez - 12 years ago
Its not fake fake....the video is edited, but that is a real wave and surfer...just not during a hurricane.
Koa Skomp
Koa Skomp - 7 years ago
Philly Steez exactly. Just editing
Rudy Berzins
Rudy Berzins - 12 years ago
Joshf360 is right...
jake j
jake j - 12 years ago
Alex M.
Alex M. - 12 years ago
Beautiful. That has to be the dumbest thing any human being has ever done, and yet I can't feel anything but admiration for the guy for taking the chance.
greenbeast1345 - 12 years ago
@Joshf360 It's called ZOOMING in you idiot. You must be one shitty visual effects artist if you think this is fake...
Josh - 12 years ago
Its fake....Look at the house at the start of the video (0:04) then watch how he continues to follow the surfer to the left. Unless he has an x-ray camera that videos through the house its fake. I am a visual effects artist and this isn't a hard shot to fake. Simple masking and set extensions of the house onto original footage and it looks completely real.
HarukaUta - 13 years ago
lweber557 - 13 years ago
I hate to sound like chiche but "wow braw, that gawt me stokedf..."
ʏᴏᴜᴛʜ ғᴢ
ʏᴏᴜᴛʜ ғᴢ - 13 years ago
@atoseco a normal person surfing
watford777 - 13 years ago
thatt guy is just a legend
Maxdwolf - 13 years ago
@DweeD1516 No, this is faked. Yes, real people surf in hurricanes, but this is not the case here. See hotterthanyou11's comment.
praxis veritatis
praxis veritatis - 13 years ago
@RoyenaMagic its not fake! when i lived in NC tons of friends and i used to do it every time there was a cat 3 or lower.
Spencer Andrews
Spencer Andrews - 13 years ago
this is FLEA on an epic one at Mavericks. this was like a gatorade commercial or something right?
96xxphilxx69 - 13 years ago
Imhotterthenyou11 - 13 years ago
The wave was real, it was just edited in. It was Flea surfing Mavericks when it was breaking at 60+ feet. Real wave, its not fake. It was just edited into the storm for the sake of some commercial, I can't remember what for though.
wilyoustay - 13 years ago
relax is just chuck noris vs God surfing contest
koldon schienle
koldon schienle - 13 years ago
@Nicarider182 Wow really do have to make a comment like this. Relax dude. Could of just stuck with this is fake. Surfings awsome you should try it.
smignugget - 13 years ago
@Nicarider182 IT NOT
xXxdaguitarfreakxXx - 13 years ago
@Nicarider182 wow, fuck you
dmger14 - 14 years ago
This is funny as hell! I have to watch it now and again. Of course, when I have a few drinks I often end up copping a grin and pulling it up to take another gander!
COLOutsideWave - 14 years ago
Wow is all I can say.
Carlos Zapata
Carlos Zapata - 14 years ago
Jajaja.. That reminds me of hurricane George when it's eye passed in Crash Boat Puerto Rico and Let me tell you something. That was the most incredible surf I have ever gone through, we where 3 of us our board used to lift 3ftand bounce on the ride. They where about 26 to 35 feet but the bad part was that after you surf one you needed to gain strengh to hold your breath for a while because there was 3 or 6 coming right behind them consecutive. BUd WAS A HELL OF A RUSH! Yeah I guess dont do it.

100. comment for Hurricane surfer

William Valentine
William Valentine - 14 years ago
21 people drowned doing this
purplexenno - 14 years ago
that man needs a handshake and cup of coffee, TEN to the surfer!!!!
thbklover2010 - 14 years ago
All I gotta saw is DAAAAAAMMMMMN!!!
bamsk8rsl - 14 years ago
taylor gang or boogie board during a hurricane.
Nelum - 14 years ago
chuck norris having a bath
Omgshoes017 - 14 years ago
watch where the camera man zooms in the entire angle and lighting change, and then he keeps panning camera to left, where obviously there is a house in the way. epic fake though
waterman1976 - 14 years ago
don't you know, that's the ghost of bohdi from point break...
themadscientest - 14 years ago
oh the woders of pcp!
greatdoodad - 14 years ago
do you happen to know which hurricane this was?
greatdoodad - 14 years ago
@LaoZen99 umm its not a fake the broadcast was on CNN news 10 years ago
joakim Haugland
joakim Haugland - 14 years ago
PlayItLikeFoX ™
PlayItLikeFoX ™ - 14 years ago
ive seen this in an Gatorade or Powerade commercial.. ^^, and FUCK OFF THOSE chuck norris comments... fuck off chuck norris...
Charlie Paul
Charlie Paul - 14 years ago
how could that possibly be fake
Avian98X - 14 years ago
loooooooooooooool insane
Fabin BR
Fabin BR - 14 years ago
fake e teu boga seus filha da puta --' são fracassado e nao fais igual e fala que e fake -.-'' _)_
CooCooCachoo - 14 years ago
now thats what i call a man with some cahones!!!! siick!
Captain_Zitronensaft - 14 years ago
O.o good job very nice O.o
Daisy Chain
Daisy Chain - 14 years ago
His name is vincent
Gunguntheoptimist - 14 years ago
Goshindo Tanaka
Goshindo Tanaka - 14 years ago
hey i remeber that i was watching twc on a hurricane landfall on nc and the guy was interviwed after he ride the wave awesome
olovdenstore - 14 years ago
you cant joke about this. It feels wrong all the real stuff
xXxdaguitarfreakxXx - 14 years ago
that is soooooo fkin EPIC!!!
McDreamyFultonMD - 15 years ago
Red Bullshit.........
João Pedro
João Pedro - 15 years ago
Jono636 - 15 years ago
This Guy is a bloody Hero 5* all the way man!!
GosumassB - 15 years ago
@biking022 fake ? u whole fam is fake
TehDoomVideos - 15 years ago
if its real omg that guy is sikkest surfer alive!!!
micah clark
micah clark - 15 years ago
Surfsnow Bug
Surfsnow Bug - 15 years ago
nah dude someone has edited it, they have taken hurricane footage and edited it into a shot of someone surfing at mavericks california, you can clearly see the transiton as he pans out to the water.
el niko
el niko - 15 years ago
when people is afraid cause de storm we are in the wather... surf solymar
Andrew Rothschild
Andrew Rothschild - 15 years ago
It was the surfer named flea who got towed in to a 61ft wave at mavericks. he didnt really make it out. theres a video on youtube called flea at 61ft mavericks
HarryBaldMen - 15 years ago
hey retard, speak when spoken too. it is defin itley not jaws in maui, you dont know shit and you've never been there
XXchillioXX - 15 years ago
powerrade commercial..........
D W - 15 years ago
clearly fake.
Laura Bojidara
Laura Bojidara - 15 years ago
Thomas Meehan
Thomas Meehan - 15 years ago
fucking legend. thats what it's alll about.
Heemsky - 15 years ago
shut up i dont even surf i bet you will surf and a shark attacks you and you just be dead i hope it happens lol
Dimitri Nakos
Dimitri Nakos - 15 years ago
ur just mad cause u thought it was real fag. if u surf i hope the next big day u have ur board snaps in two.
Heemsky - 15 years ago
mraperish - 15 years ago
Total Legend.
dat bul
dat bul - 15 years ago
thats crazy
pcwhizmail - 15 years ago
This is not FAKE. I saw this clip a few years back when it was shown on our Local Television News.
fritzleon94 - 15 years ago
Dimitri Nakos
Dimitri Nakos - 15 years ago
U can tell it's fake keep going back to :05 and watch the wave transform it begins to break at :05 and when its zoomed on him the wave recedes on top... they don't do that on hurricane days... sorry believers. And I'm pretty sure it was a gatorade ad.
InCryosleep - 15 years ago
its a real vid guys-_- wasnt a news clip home camera taken from the filmers house durring a hurricane i saw this vid along time ago
luckyhubbie - 15 years ago
Tap master is right gator aid. but if it's on TV it must be true...right?
YOiN23 - 15 years ago
A boat??
FierceIndian07 - 15 years ago
lol how is this fake?
fatherfrost111 - 15 years ago
its a fake morons! the quality is amazing, but its a fake
ferzha oliva
ferzha oliva - 15 years ago
wtf.. he's so fucking crazy dude!!!
aznskater120151 - 15 years ago
FAGGOT that was 100% real
kai0436 - 15 years ago
fake !!!!! er würde bei der welle tot sein.
Terrence Truitt
Terrence Truitt - 15 years ago
what is goood man, thats whassup, extremely risky, but damn good
irievibes82 - 15 years ago
Crazyfrog2809 - 15 years ago
HOHOHo Hart mann!
qwertyberty18 - 15 years ago
how can you be when that man was me, i remember doing it
VaguePlague - 7 years ago
qwertyberty18 go fuck yourself, liar!
Marissa Birdsall
Marissa Birdsall - 15 years ago
howly shit iam a surfer and i would neva surf a wave that big man
Adam Northam
Adam Northam - 15 years ago
I'm pretty sure this is from a gatorade commercial
Marissa Birdsall
Marissa Birdsall - 15 years ago
VideoMeLike - 15 years ago
not mark foo
VideoMeLike - 15 years ago
Flea At Maverick's, Moon Bay, California--- Nice Editing
Alex Lethbridge
Alex Lethbridge - 15 years ago
It was mark foo retard!!!
KEANTHO - 15 years ago
dude pause it a 0:06 you can tell that that wave is not that big then he zooms in and its like a 80ft wave if there was a wave that big it would have destroyed all thoes houses thers no way some guy was just standing out side and caught all that perfectly
Langdon Taguiped
Langdon Taguiped - 15 years ago
is it real..original as original bike company
KEANTHO - 15 years ago
ugh are you fucking retarded no shit he was zoomed out but u can tell that thats no 60/70 ft its about 7 to 8 feet then they zoomed in and either cgi'ed a little person in it so it looks big or cut to a differnt sean fro a differnt movie you can tell its not real by the the person talking dosent seem real the camera quality is to good so it my be a movie camera so fuck you
Llewellyn Doubligné
Llewellyn Doubligné - 15 years ago
u mean which
Morgan Gutierrez
Morgan Gutierrez - 15 years ago
the wave isnt fake but the scene in witch he "sees" the wave is . its real footage but it is spliced up
KEANTHO - 15 years ago
pause it a 0:06 you can see that it is about a 7 or 8 foot wave then it zooms in and its like a 60 foot wave its a commershel or somthing (yea i spelled commeschel wrong)
KEANTHO - 15 years ago
dude if there was a wave that big it would have destroyed all thoes houses theirs deffintly some cgi dick
Morgan Gutierrez
Morgan Gutierrez - 15 years ago
weed4smoker20, small waves dont break that slow when the lip is coming down like that if u think its fake just click the X over at the top right of your screen
xristaras - 15 years ago
KEANTHO - 15 years ago
fake thats a small wave and they just put in a realy small guy
12wsatye - 15 years ago
no this is a star trek commercial and its leutenent sulu surfing on uranus...
Miguel Horn
Miguel Horn - 15 years ago
im pretty sure that's miguel del toro in patagonia
D zastre
D zastre - 15 years ago
He is thinking the guy is so dumb lol...I would take the chance.
12wsatye - 15 years ago
actually i think its a depend commercial, cuase im sure the dude riding left a board short skid
Arvin Pourmand
Arvin Pourmand - 15 years ago
No, its real. but not in a hurricane. its flea at Jaws.
ulosen - 15 years ago
its a red bull commercial
hugoboss3393 - 15 years ago
to sadly its true this video is a a fake
yamhal amasia
yamhal amasia - 15 years ago
wow sick
Nick Prehn
Nick Prehn - 15 years ago
you guys are stupid its fake
Tomorer - 15 years ago
Anyone got an Oscar spare???? Classic clip & superb direction/production! ... not a bad cast either :()
biopsychosocio - 15 years ago
SpaceX - 15 years ago
dimitri moises
dimitri moises - 15 years ago
ai buenas olas en peru bro?
Lee Crawford
Lee Crawford - 15 years ago
that surfer is a legend lol
Fabo1230 - 15 years ago
yes, mav's is a cliff, the first part, the storm is not mav's but the part where the guy is surfing is mav's, and by the way the guy doesn't make it, they got to pick him up with the wave runner......
Savedbygrace - 15 years ago
this is from a
Zay151 - 15 years ago
alexsk4os - 15 years ago
hahahahaha :D
Aðalsteinn Sigfússon
Aðalsteinn Sigfússon - 15 years ago
tigerkillslion - 15 years ago
this is the powerade advert
vetlerradio - 15 years ago
☻/ /▌ I love Bob / \
Jack Jacey
Jack Jacey - 15 years ago
that is definately real!! awesome surfer
Ian Stone
Ian Stone - 15 years ago
it's a powerade commercialll! it ain't real!
conkeresyn - 15 years ago
Its definatly during or after the storm because at 0:22 theres what looks like a house taken in by the storm. But idk if its fake or not...
tquilerox - 15 years ago
Holy sHit!!!!!!!
fishwithdogs - 16 years ago
Its a TV commercial from the US of A.
Pablo Segura
Pablo Segura - 16 years ago
jesus fucking christ this guy is the shit!!
AH Scubby
AH Scubby - 16 years ago
cyberbink - 16 years ago
OMFG!!! This dude is a phuckin legend!!!
erato99 - 16 years ago
Not real
Edan Chapman
Edan Chapman - 16 years ago
HAHAHA! Thats fucking beautiful! What a tough cunt.
silistar - 16 years ago
hey man!!! you´re the best!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laura Døssing
Laura Døssing - 16 years ago
omg!! he is crazy!
carlumac - 16 years ago
esta de la nucaaaaaaaa, pero que bien que la hizoooo!!!!
Lee Chaffe
Lee Chaffe - 16 years ago
wow amazing but how did he manage to get out of all that white water
J3thro100 - 16 years ago
real wave, fake context...
Rezpect - 16 years ago
Was that real ? or comercial?
Trav Vino
Trav Vino - 16 years ago
Roger Rodd
Roger Rodd - 16 years ago
Real cute. It's fake crap like this that lends ZERO credibility to the internet. It's "The Boy That Cried Wolf." What happens when you need to get the TRUTH spread through the use of this medium, like the BART shooting? Can you really trust what you see? Is this shit funny and cute now?
dukeofoside - 16 years ago
it's a fake, but only in that the wave was not from the tsunami. That's Flea surfing at Mavericks.
hanmwah - 16 years ago
id love to believe it. i can imagine theres crazy people out there that would do it! i wish i was that person
trancebeliever - 16 years ago
Nice try, but its absolutely fake! It gets fake at the zoom time (0:07-0:08)
chrimic - 16 years ago
fake fake fake
Anita Janikowski
Anita Janikowski - 16 years ago
capsized boat
wheyez - 16 years ago
Yeah thats the shit....legend! I love the way ignorant people always think extreme stuff is always fake, because its well beyond their comprehension!!! lol Its REAL!!!
- 16 years ago
some people do surf hurricane waves but yet he survives that kudos to him
xeratule - 16 years ago
may god and the heavens bless you.
xeratule - 16 years ago
oh thank god you comment its fake. I was worried. you should be rewarded. let god be on your side, horiblevideo. thank for the word about this is fake.
Hank Fuddle
Hank Fuddle - 16 years ago
In Islam, it is said that only Mohammed (PBUH) can surf the wild wave of the hurricane.
Ramon Molina
Ramon Molina - 16 years ago
thats crazy holy ****
Belciug toni fabian
Belciug toni fabian - 16 years ago
balls of steel
1mp3rvi0us - 16 years ago
It's a commercial people... you can get arrested for pulling a stunt like that... you can your life from any ends of heaven and hell you want, but at the end of the day you gotta pay the fine!
sonrichman - 16 years ago
King: you have to be high as hell to go surfing when there is a hurricane
noentienden - 16 years ago
yeeeeeeahhhhhhhhhh goooood
Jose Trimurti
Jose Trimurti - 16 years ago
loegdberg - 16 years ago
it's a Powerade commercial xD
Race_Surfer - 16 years ago
Nice, awesome!!!
xXKingslayer94Xx - 16 years ago
and there was a fucking huge as fshing boat in the backround being throw by the waves
fleischwurst77 - 16 years ago
Best fake ever :-)
antakapchung21 - 16 years ago
dercucumber - 16 years ago
yeah that was a comercial in gemany too. but not for fault.. it was powerade. and the official brand annouced that it was cgi (the surfer, not the wave)
unclefestus - 16 years ago
I live near the beach and have thought about doing that when a hurricane came along..... Someday, I might actually do it, but not sure. The waves do get like that though.
peter alexander
peter alexander - 16 years ago
hey dudes,thats a fuckin fake,it was on the german tv ,its a power rade commercial
Michael M
Michael M - 16 years ago
okay if that is real that dude is a total fucknig bad ass
issa229 - 16 years ago
thats hard
gamecrazymatt - 16 years ago
Chrisso1994 - 16 years ago
LOL 5*
JC A - 16 years ago
uwere editing a dick face ?
ghhadfieldj - 16 years ago
crabbypatty984 - 16 years ago
OMG! Thank You shank youre like the only one that understands
crabbypatty984 - 16 years ago
ok ya im retarded you just trying to act all tough" ya man im cool i surf hurricanes" LOOSER
crabbypatty984 - 16 years ago
hahaha ok josh ya like u surfed a hurricane hahaha! your so dumb and she be telling yourself that "I can tell u don't live at any beach..."
Mike Deck
Mike Deck - 16 years ago
takes time to focus after you zoom in...lmfao
joshuadguez - 16 years ago
I can tell u don't live at any beach... that's why you can't make accurates comments... I've done it several times... hurricane surfing... but it's suicide... I haven't done it since I became a father
crabbypatty984 - 16 years ago
omg guys the get a video of a regular wave and as the zoom in they fade it with a "Fake" wave and like a guy "Pretending" to surf on it
larryjerry1 - 16 years ago
WHY IS EVERY1 STEALING THIS VID?!?! ive seen about 6 or 7 ppl with the SAAME EXACT VIDEO.
Chris La Delfa
Chris La Delfa - 16 years ago
PersonaX - 16 years ago
Hate to burst the bubbles of all you gullible people out there, but this is fake. It's from an old Powerade commercial.
Justin Rutherford
Justin Rutherford - 16 years ago
yeah whatever, plus "you r a deusch bag stupid ass" it's spelled douche, moron i wish youtube was idiot proof
Michael Justin Studios
Michael Justin Studios - 16 years ago
I don't know why people are hating on your comment. What you're saying is true...these people obviously don't surf or have any idea the forces/nature behind waves.
Clang - 16 years ago
haha hell good call :D
Justin Rutherford
Justin Rutherford - 16 years ago
yeah i agree, you're a schmuck fgk
J3thro100 - 16 years ago
cheers for insightful comment
KAMLU - 16 years ago
If I was that surfer i'd feel like THE SERIOUS MOTHERFUCKING SHIT for the rest of my life =)
OnizZ - 16 years ago
wow it's really crazy omg!!!!!
J3thro100 - 16 years ago
the actual surfing is real, but the vid is fake. first off that wave is actually mavericks (california). secondly, the reporter said the winds were up to 110mph - waves are completely unsurfable in those conditions. thirdly, you can see the wind is hurricane force onshore at first, then changes to medium offshores with the wave: you can see the transition between the two shots where it goes slightly out of focus. still, its a good vid, and if i didnt surf i'm sure i would have believed it
lolopueo - 16 years ago
Real or not its a blast, notice the sailboat wreckage at the end of the clip!
anamcroi - 17 years ago
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha really, no fucken way is it?????? Man i was down the west of ireland, and youm wanna checkout d weather nd waves these lads surf in!!!!!!!!!!! reallyh fucken cool ha ha ha
anamcroi - 17 years ago
Wow ha ha ha that lad is a mad bastard !!! i got a fucken rush from watchin dat vid, i wish i cud surf :(:(:(:( fairplay to him ha ha class
anamcroi - 17 years ago
Wow ha ha ha that lad is a mad bastard !!! i got a fucken rush from watchin dat vid, i wish i cud surf :(:(:(:( fairplay to him ha ha class
Jesús Massó
Jesús Massó - 17 years ago
¡¡ FAKE !!
jodyleb - 17 years ago
the surfer on the wave is real, but it has been taken from waimea bay in hawaii and merged (00:06) with the hurricane scene. the commentary has then been added to it. so, you still gotta respect the guy on the wave but he won't be getting washed up on the high street.
buttfartmuhgee - 17 years ago
i hope you all know that this isnt real, this was just a commercial at a local UHF station down in louisiana, although it does look pretty convincing, too bad its fake.
moreandfaster11 - 17 years ago
Hell yes!
kcazaa - 17 years ago
Supposedly that guys Canadian
acavoo - 17 years ago
I swear I remember seeing this 'commercial' during Hurricane Katrina. I swear. My aunt's HDTV was jacked up full volume, you couldn't miss it. I even remember one of the news anchors commenting on it. Oh my God, confusion hurts my brain.
Luis Schlappkohl
Luis Schlappkohl - 17 years ago
I think is it a powerade commercial
jodyleb - 17 years ago
you can spot the moment they merge the town in the foreground with waimea bay in the background. had me fooled until i read the comments!
jodyleb - 17 years ago
you can spot the moment they merge the town in the foreground with waimea bay in the background. had me fooled until i read the comments!
Robe Flax
Robe Flax - 17 years ago
Coca-Cola commercial.
Julian Taiyo
Julian Taiyo - 17 years ago
GEICO?~~? haha no idk
minestrone11 - 17 years ago
mamoneo - 17 years ago
claro tio! que divertido, tu tb me puedes comer la polla un rato majo ;)
Alison Shalmon
Alison Shalmon - 17 years ago
mamoneo - 17 years ago
hahaha yeah it´s a commercial but still is great!!! "do not attempt" jojojojo
Educalifa - 17 years ago
It's just a powerade commercial people... It's not real!!!
TamrielTerror2 - 17 years ago
I have seen this commercial before it's a powerade commercial
waxcomb - 17 years ago
haha, a good fake always gets people fired up
livelifexplore - 18 years ago
don't know, looks pretty real 2me. that person is freakin' crazy OR has a death wish :)
kjh ku
kjh ku - 18 years ago
your fake!!!

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