IS THE WORLD ENDING?!?! Crazy Storm & Indoor Surfing. | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

10,000 Likes And I'll Turn Into A Unicorn. SUBSCRIBE TO JOOGSQUAD PPJT ⊳ JOOGSQUAD STORE↓ HATS : SHIRTS : FOLLOW MY SOCIAL↓ Instagram: Twitter: SnapChat: @Joogin10E Facebook: 2ND CHANNEL↓ JOOGSQUAD MEMBERS↓ Merrick: | EdWiener: | Turner: | Pierce: About JoogSquad PPJT: My name is Jack Tenney, AKA "10E" I'm an Entertainer, Filmmaker, Director, Editor, & Producer. WELCOME TO MY CRAZY LIFE! Feel free to ask any questions and I will answer them if they are legitimate! We have a lot more to come so stay tuned & keep checking back every week for more crazy stunts and pranks! Thanks for all the love & support! IS THE WORLD ENDING?!?! Crazy Storm & Indoor Surfing. | JOOGSQUAD PPJT JoogSquad PPJT

IS THE WORLD ENDING?!?! Crazy Storm & Indoor Surfing. | JOOGSQUAD PPJT sentiment_very_dissatisfied 234

Surf 8 years ago 504,676 views

10,000 Likes And I'll Turn Into A Unicorn. SUBSCRIBE TO JOOGSQUAD PPJT ⊳ JOOGSQUAD STORE↓ HATS : SHIRTS : FOLLOW MY SOCIAL↓ Instagram: Twitter: SnapChat: @Joogin10E Facebook: 2ND CHANNEL↓ JOOGSQUAD MEMBERS↓ Merrick: | EdWiener: | Turner: | Pierce: About JoogSquad PPJT: My name is Jack Tenney, AKA "10E" I'm an Entertainer, Filmmaker, Director, Editor, & Producer. WELCOME TO MY CRAZY LIFE! Feel free to ask any questions and I will answer them if they are legitimate! We have a lot more to come so stay tuned & keep checking back every week for more crazy stunts and pranks! Thanks for all the love & support! IS THE WORLD ENDING?!?! Crazy Storm & Indoor Surfing. | JOOGSQUAD PPJT JoogSquad PPJT

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Most popular comments
for IS THE WORLD ENDING?!?! Crazy Storm & Indoor Surfing. | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

mr nightmare
mr nightmare - 6 years ago
Cathulu has rose from his slumber
WoolfNick6 Vlogs
WoolfNick6 Vlogs - 6 years ago
What is the intro song?
OF MASTER - 6 years ago
Very rare occurrence called a shelf cloud
Gavin Dempster
Gavin Dempster - 6 years ago
Send me a bunch of stickers and I'll plaster Ontario, Canada with them!!!
Zombie stevenson
Zombie stevenson - 6 years ago
that is a amazing storm clouds ever
DimondSword1029 - 6 years ago
The world is not ending cuz I'm still alive
Jordan Joseph
Jordan Joseph - 6 years ago
Devon Johnson
Devon Johnson - 6 years ago
Those bucket hats are so cool!
Colby Rufenacht
Colby Rufenacht - 6 years ago
It looks like an eyeball

10. comment for IS THE WORLD ENDING?!?! Crazy Storm & Indoor Surfing. | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

isaac jones
isaac jones - 6 years ago
well 2
isaac jones
isaac jones - 6 years ago
im late on this lol this was a year ago
isaac jones
isaac jones - 6 years ago
man dont think i will make it i will be in cali thats sucks man i love your vids and that would be cool if i could hang with you
Elyse Allison
Elyse Allison - 6 years ago
Wow crazy cloud formations there. Thanks for another great vlog
Mask - 6 years ago
That is a decorah storm they are normally massive and can sometimes make large hail and strong wind, luckily you did not get any of that so that's good.
raul dhf
raul dhf - 6 years ago
Fortnite Plays
Fortnite Plays - 6 years ago
i was on the beach that morning
James Ray
James Ray - 6 years ago
your girl's legs are Hot and Hot really hot
Teresa Mcdowell
Teresa Mcdowell - 6 years ago
Jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjhjjjjjjj hi Orinoco Ohio oboe igloo hi hi Ada as as aa as ass
Gannon J
Gannon J - 7 years ago
This is what happens when you have a massive ass storm with wind going against it (thats whats causing that smooth looking hill thing)

20. comment for IS THE WORLD ENDING?!?! Crazy Storm & Indoor Surfing. | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

#Barcelonia xjdjxjx
#Barcelonia xjdjxjx - 7 years ago
L live in Mami
Blaine Adams
Blaine Adams - 7 years ago
It's Irma
Bubble Beazt8
Bubble Beazt8 - 7 years ago
the world isn't ending. I'm here in 2018.
Dylan Barnhill
Dylan Barnhill - 7 years ago
I will like that jet on my boat
BoldExploring - 7 years ago
Video starts at 0:00 your welcome
Omlitskxnxdx - 7 years ago
What is the song ?
Itsyeboi NRA
Itsyeboi NRA - 7 years ago
Lol tha gurl is think hes crazy when he talks to us
Alec Windsor
Alec Windsor - 7 years ago
Phil Rockwell
Phil Rockwell - 7 years ago
Geo Storm... ATTACK!!!
Bloody Kills
Bloody Kills - 7 years ago

30. comment for IS THE WORLD ENDING?!?! Crazy Storm & Indoor Surfing. | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

Am Chinese
Am Chinese - 7 years ago
Seen storms worse. Don't worry about the "end" that's in a long time.
453.7 T views
453.7 T views - 7 years ago
i live like a hour away from jack and i even felt the storm
Shaquila Jones
Shaquila Jones - 7 years ago
At first i thout that was a wave
KiKi Cobain
KiKi Cobain - 7 years ago
Yoshi are u OK? #tucks in with4wheeler
Austin Teters
Austin Teters - 7 years ago
New patch on the side or back of the hat would look best imo, with the old one still upfront
Zeke Peters
Zeke Peters - 7 years ago
Best time lapst ever of the sky!!!!!
András Mészáros
András Mészáros - 7 years ago
music link
Shweems - 7 years ago
what city do u guys live in, in florida
matt grubowski
matt grubowski - 7 years ago
The Barbaryan
The Barbaryan - 7 years ago
name of the song at storm clouds part please :)
Thomas Button
Thomas Button - 8 years ago
What is the name of those clouds
A.J. Deutsch
A.J. Deutsch - 7 years ago
Thomas Button, poopasaurous
The Wilcox show
The Wilcox show - 8 years ago
Yo that what happen to me but my was to the water I almost die
V1yk - 8 years ago
I think u just saw one of the rare cloud formations
Dan Films
Dan Films - 8 years ago
SomeAlien FromSpace
SomeAlien FromSpace - 8 years ago
if this commit gets 100 likes I'll subbbbbbb
Toxic Track
Toxic Track - 8 years ago
Going to start skimbording because of you thanks guys
Celesthea 0w0
Celesthea 0w0 - 8 years ago
whats the song called? my bro loves it
Ben Swolo
Ben Swolo - 8 years ago
The worlds not ending YOU IDIOT its called morning glory its a cloud fanominom P.S. Talking about thumbnail
dearofdeath ;D
dearofdeath ;D - 8 years ago
Luke video
TrikzySHoTz - 8 years ago
1:18 - 1:22 So True!

50. comment for IS THE WORLD ENDING?!?! Crazy Storm & Indoor Surfing. | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

grace zani
grace zani - 8 years ago
I for sure know where he lives
Plexa Gamer
Plexa Gamer - 8 years ago
song name
Dillon Snowder
Dillon Snowder - 8 years ago
No it's not
Nicky Pomp
Nicky Pomp - 8 years ago
Go to kalahari I think you will love it. It is a indoor water park
A.J. Deutsch
A.J. Deutsch - 7 years ago
Nicky Pomp, I live by it :)
Maxwell Smith
Maxwell Smith - 8 years ago
Add the to the store!!!!
Skyler Scherer
Skyler Scherer - 8 years ago
U visited Stuart beach i live near there
Roen - 8 years ago
looks like HAARP 8:48 xD
Kyle Drew
Kyle Drew - 8 years ago
It's a shelf cloud.
Elliott Rodriguez
Elliott Rodriguez - 8 years ago
I've been there at the surf style
Kaya K
Kaya K - 8 years ago
Hurricane Mathew looked like a killer clown
Anton Tube
Anton Tube - 8 years ago
sports guy
sports guy - 8 years ago
Arturo lopez prado
Arturo lopez prado - 8 years ago
so cool i wish make everyday what you and your friends make

pda my inglish limited haha peace
Allie Vick
Allie Vick - 8 years ago
like my comment for no reason or if you like your own comments
logan h
logan h - 8 years ago
That thumbnail do
Pabliximus - 8 years ago
Indoor Surfing is 2:55 . Your welcome!
Pabliximus - 8 years ago
The Massive strom is 8:35 . Your welcome!
AdamMichaelFTW - 8 years ago
D - 8 years ago
epic entertainment
epic entertainment - 8 years ago
pumpkin pie
pumpkin pie - 8 years ago
Bradford Intravia
Bradford Intravia - 8 years ago
I mean oh my freaking god
Bradford Intravia
Bradford Intravia - 8 years ago
oh my freaking gid
Herman Portoreal
Herman Portoreal - 8 years ago
that's storm cloud is a call the shelf cloud for some viewers who don't know what is
Bobby Hostetler
Bobby Hostetler - 8 years ago
for the cloud thing I think its a phenomenon (if its wrong sorry) places in the world has this happening also with strange sounds and strange clouds
KìÁĐ 06
KìÁĐ 06 - 8 years ago
Bobby Hostetler Oh I was paking my SHIT in the bassmeny
Bobby Hostetler
Bobby Hostetler - 8 years ago
problobly cause I'm 10 and I don't have any videos
Debra Davis
Debra Davis - 8 years ago
Bobby Hostetler I don't like u you suck so much suck one
írìs - 8 years ago
+Bobby Hostetler
That's ok... I have my opinion... You Have yours.. We all have different Religions
Bobby Hostetler
Bobby Hostetler - 8 years ago
yes I but I don't believe in god so ... I think its something worse
írìs - 8 years ago
Strange Sounds: Gods Trumpets sounding for his Coming
Jen Hemmings
Jen Hemmings - 8 years ago
That storm looks very familiar. It's possible it's been included in a storm slide of YT films. Can't be definite, but it really looked as if it was one I've seen before. Love your channel. Just subbed ya!
thatOnefan21 - 8 years ago
do you lose power alot?
Jonathan Cook
Jonathan Cook - 8 years ago
i've experienced this type of weather / cloud formation, but when up a mountain at 1,800m. The cloud was at the same height as us and when it came over we were greeted by the mother of hailstorms and then crazy winds!.
David Chap 7
David Chap 7 - 8 years ago
Lmao my grandparents lived in Stuart
ViiRaL BERG - 8 years ago
Nod skin bored in rainy day pleas
xBlueCow x
xBlueCow x - 8 years ago
Click bait XD
xBlueCow x
xBlueCow x - 8 years ago
+Disney_ Derp well idk, DO U SEE THE WORLD ENDING!?!?!
Disney_Derp LPS
Disney_Derp LPS - 8 years ago
Mysteries From Beyond
Mysteries From Beyond - 8 years ago
That's a very well defined storm front.
Adam Mangler
Adam Mangler - 8 years ago
I can't wait for the RUPTURE...
"In God We Trussed"
Deonte Goode
Deonte Goode - 8 years ago
Michael heathbar
Michael heathbar - 8 years ago
i got a hat and they are huge don't fit at all.
Clutch _iLLZIOn
Clutch _iLLZIOn - 8 years ago
Is Ansley you're gf
Clutch _iLLZIOn
Clutch _iLLZIOn - 8 years ago
Is Ansley you're girlfriend
SchwiftedBear - 8 years ago
Ok, for all of you people who misunderstand, the cloud shown in this video is not a wall cloud. This is a shelf cloud. Here's a break down of the two.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A wall cloud, also nicknamed a mesocyclone, is a low hanging cloud which has distinct rotation in it (if you live in an area like mine where they are common, or happen occasionally, look at the wall cloud and you can see the rotation clearly). Wall clouds are not normally as long as shelf clouds, and usually produce in the back of ONLY a rotating thunderstorm. Wall clouds sometimes produce tornadoes. Sometimes wall clouds may be confused by scud clouds, but we won't get into that.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A shelf cloud is also a low hanging cloud, but does not rotate. Shelf clouds are normally longer than wall clouds (this isn't a sexual pun) and shelf clouds guide the storm (meaning shelf clouds are in the front of the storm). Shelf clouds don't need rotation to form, but they can also form commonly in rotating thunderstorms. Wall clouds and shelf clouds also form very differently, and shelf clouds do not produce tornadoes. A shelf cloud is the type of cloud which is displayed in this video.
Kaleb Lynch
Kaleb Lynch - 8 years ago
oh Shit. when your high it's trippy asf. the clouds look like waves bih
TheSigler88 - 8 years ago
damn bro! that guy kept hitting the deck hard af thankfully it's padded
Sheling Perez
Sheling Perez - 8 years ago
did anybody realize that they kept weting the gopro and
they are doing tricks to get followers
Salvatore Minucci
Salvatore Minucci - 8 years ago
JOHNy - 8 years ago
i think its tsunami
Disney_Derp LPS
Disney_Derp LPS - 8 years ago
He lives in Florida......
JTB - 8 years ago
I have went to that exact store surf style by Clearwater beach
XxxCFB xxX
XxxCFB xxX - 8 years ago
Black man says " is the world ending "
I say " Really nigga"
Mr. Yarb
Mr. Yarb - 8 years ago
he was at the skim jam at the outer banks, NC @ I was there
Fisher Hayes
Fisher Hayes - 8 years ago
go to bequia in the Grenadines it's so wear th it there are pretty big waves there good for skim boarding
Mathew Dupere
Mathew Dupere - 8 years ago
we have the same couch..just thought it was cool
Scary Spaghetti
Scary Spaghetti - 8 years ago
Why am i watching this my phone is on 1%

100. comment for IS THE WORLD ENDING?!?! Crazy Storm & Indoor Surfing. | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

AlphaGames - 8 years ago
Do epic things do epic SHIT
J Legend
J Legend - 8 years ago
I've been in that store
Sid 12
Sid 12 - 8 years ago
They're gonna hit 3 mil by Christmas
jara plays
jara plays - 8 years ago
u splashed water on me now im all wet jk lol
Carmen Surinach
Carmen Surinach - 8 years ago
dose he live in Fort. Myers?
Biscuits ForLife
Biscuits ForLife - 8 years ago
What a poser cunt... Stickers? I guess that's cool if you're 12.
Straight outta Hershey
Straight outta Hershey - 8 years ago
Taser trampoline on roof
shelby castillo
shelby castillo - 8 years ago
Iiknifex xXx
Iiknifex xXx - 8 years ago
Are you kiddin me as soon as this video came out I was at clear water in Florida for my brothers birthday
voltorfan - 8 years ago
Wow, that was a huge gust front
Bible Dude
Bible Dude - 8 years ago
Jesus is coming one day but I don't know when
XKINGx Remixx
XKINGx Remixx - 8 years ago
What the heck happened in that storm
Disney_Derp LPS
Disney_Derp LPS - 8 years ago
+FlufferNutter *shelf cloud
SchwiftedBear - 8 years ago
It's a fucking shelf cloud.
NinaBvloggin' - 8 years ago
It's just a wall cloud
Kai Maintenance
Kai Maintenance - 8 years ago
9:00 thats a perfect shelf cloud!
Alesha Bower
Alesha Bower - 8 years ago
I like the surf thing I would just fall off on purpose cause it just takes up like ya ..
Esther N Rob
Esther N Rob - 8 years ago
thats a wall cloud
Disney_Derp LPS
Disney_Derp LPS - 8 years ago
They both look alike but it is a shelf cloud
TaurusReborn - 8 years ago
Nope shelf cloud.
Max SPORTSHD - 8 years ago
I live in the Midwest so we get them all the time. I don't understand what they're freaking out about I guess
Brendans Sports Plays
Brendans Sports Plays - 8 years ago
Those are dope hats
Insane ELITE MakesVideos1076
Insane ELITE MakesVideos1076 - 8 years ago
TheBlakeProject - 8 years ago
i always wondered what it feels like falling on one of those indoor surf styles
Nick McKool
Nick McKool - 8 years ago
Anyone know intro song/ song at 9:00
Matias 2003
Matias 2003 - 8 years ago
and I just moved out of the storm moved from Hawaii to Washington big Difference
Matias 2003
Matias 2003 - 8 years ago
i think u should press wallet's and make lanyard
minecraft master
minecraft master - 8 years ago
Mr. Gaming
Mr. Gaming - 8 years ago
Holy fucking shit I was at that indoor surfing place before if only I saw u
Łïź Höwärd
Łïź Höwärd - 8 years ago
I saw him when I went there but I didn't bother him just did my own thang XD
Zain S
Zain S - 8 years ago
They cool pretty cool
30 Jaden
30 Jaden - 8 years ago
Is there gana be a tornados?
Morgan Capwell
Morgan Capwell - 8 years ago
is it just me or is the mic kinda broken cause the voice is echoing
grace - 8 years ago
4,061 away from 2 mil!!!! congratsssss. I literally have been watching ur videos all day I'm obsessed omg
Elise Knotts
Elise Knotts - 8 years ago
that was probaboy scary
Taylor wheelis
Taylor wheelis - 8 years ago
YASSS I'm from Tampa
Kiara Figueroa
Kiara Figueroa - 8 years ago
Rebecca Keilty
Rebecca Keilty - 8 years ago
Bossinater - 8 years ago
Very nice clouds
TaurusReborn - 8 years ago
sup lvr
SchwiftedBear - 8 years ago
There's a large and very distinct difference between wall clouds and shelf clouds. But then again, I live in an area where both of those are highly common in the supercells and thunderstorms we get.
DetiΩus | Graphics
DetiΩus | Graphics - 8 years ago
+FlufferNutter *shelf cloud
NinaBvloggin' - 8 years ago
It's called a wall cloud
Sebastian DelReal
Sebastian DelReal - 8 years ago
I went to the exact same place and went indoor surfing
Michael Ramos
Michael Ramos - 8 years ago
I live in Florida and seen that only once in my life
Benjamin Meza
Benjamin Meza - 8 years ago
Logan Mayhew
Logan Mayhew - 8 years ago
how do u get to the store
Indigo - 8 years ago
whts the song
Yodeling Kid
Yodeling Kid - 8 years ago
i remeber this storm it wasnt bad i know because i live by them
Tibbe de Vries
Tibbe de Vries - 8 years ago
Where storm
FaZe Maze
FaZe Maze - 8 years ago
that cat on uour shirt is my fac eBook and home screen pic and it's my cat with edit
Julien Richard
Julien Richard - 8 years ago
Lil boat
Lil boat - 8 years ago
julia frisby
julia frisby - 8 years ago
The surfie thing they like jack should hold the camera while surfing around
77 aWAke 77
77 aWAke 77 - 8 years ago
Independence day
LIL T SAVAGE - 8 years ago
it ends in 2017
RaizE HawK
RaizE HawK - 8 years ago
+FlufferNutter it's bs don't worry it was meant to end half an hour ago
Ryan Leanos
Ryan Leanos - 8 years ago
What do you mean?
NinaBvloggin' - 8 years ago
What? Nooooo
Epic_thing - 8 years ago
dude I live in st.petersburg Fl
ICanWeCan - 8 years ago
Erving Ortiz
Erving Ortiz - 8 years ago
I thought that was a tsunami
Erving Ortiz
Erving Ortiz - 8 years ago
That was awesome
Tristan Nickerson
Tristan Nickerson - 8 years ago
I know this video is old but are his parents divorced?
BK Hanratty
BK Hanratty - 8 years ago
That big cloud in the sky is called a wall cloud I've had one befor at my house not scary but there the most dangerous right under a tornado dangerous there most or second to make a tornado LOL
Jackie Barba
Jackie Barba - 8 years ago
and then when it came over the beach its like Jesus is taking you into another world lol
Cpl Craze
Cpl Craze - 8 years ago
i love that place its so much fun but i hate when you hit the ground and the water can pull your bathing suit down
Ftjjh Jehrhhe
Ftjjh Jehrhhe - 8 years ago
You guys are awesome!
Fajr Kaltouma
Fajr Kaltouma - 8 years ago
evan leatherman
evan leatherman - 8 years ago
deff add the black and white logo
Mister NecroMan6
Mister NecroMan6 - 8 years ago
Jongsqaud remneber no one can beat u in a prank contest or anything that has the word contest in it ok
Anthony Britt
Anthony Britt - 8 years ago
GenralIdeas - 8 years ago
9:10 could be a new thing for adult swim XD
monkeynut000 - 8 years ago
omg your right
Michael farannte
Michael farannte - 8 years ago
kurtis bonnell
kurtis bonnell - 8 years ago
jack sub my chanle kurtis!!!!!!!
N4zik - 8 years ago
I've been in clear water beach so many times I've seen a joogsquad sticker on a stop sign
Jackson Choate
Jackson Choate - 8 years ago
can I get a hat plz I'm going to pannama city beach
chimi chango
chimi chango - 8 years ago
because I know that surfing place
chimi chango
chimi chango - 8 years ago
do you live in cocoa beach
chimi chango
chimi chango - 8 years ago
where in Florida are you I have to visit I'm in Tampa bay
JoJo Oda
JoJo Oda - 8 years ago
If this comment gets 10 likes I'll subscribe
Q.ueen.TH3A _
Q.ueen.TH3A _ - 8 years ago
Luna the Black Cat
Luna the Black Cat - 8 years ago
Wow. That's sad.
Sarah angel
Sarah angel - 8 years ago
u did :)
Bmxatitsperfecton101 - 8 years ago
Where's my unicorn jack ?
Uryel Elizondo
Uryel Elizondo - 8 years ago
I wish he could make an IPhone game like Dude Perfect's
Braiden Bence
Braiden Bence - 8 years ago
DEATHTANK 300 - 8 years ago
I like the pachtes and the hats
Why do we forget good things and remember bad things, like my comment if you have heard that question or asked it
Tyler Mcfarlin
Tyler Mcfarlin - 8 years ago
what beat is this when he's riding to his moms
Apex Fadeee
Apex Fadeee - 8 years ago
What's the outro song?
ethan - 8 years ago
it's a hurricane
Jay Giangrossi
Jay Giangrossi - 8 years ago
I like that intro way better
Violin Cat27
Violin Cat27 - 8 years ago
That's a wall cloud u shouldn't be in that!
Morons - 8 years ago
Same with Bakersfield unless you count the tornado in Kern County
Violin Cat27
Violin Cat27 - 8 years ago
mine was tornadoes there are no hurricanes in Colorado its too dry
Morons - 8 years ago
+Violin Cat27 was it like a hurricane sort of deal?
Violin Cat27
Violin Cat27 - 8 years ago
wall cloud i once got stuck in one it was horrifying
Morons - 8 years ago
+Violin Cat27 Well I don't tbh.. I agree it could be a wall cloud err or whatever it is!
Violin Cat27
Violin Cat27 - 8 years ago
the point that everyone bullshits every word i say.
Morons - 8 years ago
+Violin Cat27 no we don't! How'd you get that conclusion ?
Violin Cat27
Violin Cat27 - 8 years ago
wow you guys think im crazy
Morons - 8 years ago
+Gaby Vergara haha nice! I'm gonna study clouds now.
Morons - 8 years ago
Or not of.
Morons - 8 years ago
+Makayla Fitzgerald
It is dangerous. For many reasons. The main would be there are very strong winds and tornados could form inside one. The wind current has a lot of spirals that can form these tornados and can produce lightning of thunder from the energy produced.
Makayla Fitzgerald
Makayla Fitzgerald - 8 years ago
@violincat27 Why can't you be in a wall cloud
GalaxySavageRIPYT - 8 years ago
he kicked flipped the surfboard :0
Mitch Macd
Mitch Macd - 8 years ago
Yeah the new patches are gnarly!
J D!v!s!on
J D!v!s!on - 8 years ago
Ah!! what's the best you use called, Jack!?
J D!v!s!on
J D!v!s!on - 8 years ago
YAYVIDEOGAMES - 8 years ago
ashley salinas
ashley salinas - 8 years ago
Vinny Sanchez
Vinny Sanchez - 8 years ago
that's a wall cloud that's where tornadoes form so get the f*** away from that
Amber Miller
Amber Miller - 8 years ago
What's the best way to learn how to surf
Slowek - 8 years ago
wouldn't it be cool to be on camera with him?
Europe boy
Europe boy - 8 years ago
Bermuda triangle. It was an experiment witch isn't going well.
Mason Ley
Mason Ley - 8 years ago
feet are so gross
Sean Sweeney
Sean Sweeney - 8 years ago
Was it even raining?
minecraftking9955 snipe man
minecraftking9955 snipe man - 8 years ago
Cap Dab Squad
Cap Dab Squad - 8 years ago
Im from Mexico (Baja)
Cap Dab Squad
Cap Dab Squad - 8 years ago
Hey, where can i buy some staff of the joog squad?
Alanna Costa
Alanna Costa - 8 years ago
I love joogsquad
Mayra Floreso
Mayra Floreso - 8 years ago
Mayra Floreso
Mayra Floreso - 8 years ago
Grayson Rogers
Grayson Rogers - 8 years ago
Gods smoke ring
ali hussain
ali hussain - 8 years ago
the hats are sick
Levi Frizzell
Levi Frizzell - 8 years ago
Love u dude #livindangerous
Robert Dunn
Robert Dunn - 8 years ago
whats the song at 9:00?
Hardcore Alju
Hardcore Alju - 8 years ago
Greetings from Serbia
Riaz Malec
Riaz Malec - 8 years ago
Owen Rountree
Owen Rountree - 8 years ago
what's the song beat at 2:37
Daxton - 8 years ago
I think it's just vog
Jack Mathewson
Jack Mathewson - 8 years ago
Super Girl
Super Girl - 8 years ago
Aweseeedsèdeeex4exexwceff. T t h he y joy jy he jy jy the jy jy by jy btbhyth t ÿ$zeeeweerr4
RYan TRacey
RYan TRacey - 8 years ago
Hockey_dude_15 _
Hockey_dude_15 _ - 8 years ago
That's a fucking wall cloud. Lol that's a tornado practically
I'm Batman
I'm Batman - 8 years ago
Fuck me in the ass
Tiara Thomas
Tiara Thomas - 8 years ago
Ross Meldrum
Ross Meldrum - 8 years ago
Can I hav 1
Ben_Cooper1972 - 8 years ago
What song is that on the time lapse
Liam Ellsworth
Liam Ellsworth - 8 years ago
Was that surf style in Tampa Bay Florida or somewhere near it because I think I've been in that same store back October of 2014
Robbie Kennedy
Robbie Kennedy - 8 years ago
Yes please add them
allawi413 - 8 years ago
if you look closely its kind
of looks like A HUGE tsunami
RJayPlayz - Minecraft and More
RJayPlayz - Minecraft and More - 8 years ago
Touch the cloud !!!!!
matthew Yaklin
matthew Yaklin - 8 years ago
can I git own plz joogsquad ppjl
Banta Bros
Banta Bros - 8 years ago
Guys friend request me on ps4 Xeso_mortal
Lauryn_ - 8 years ago
when j was 8 I was hit by the same kind of the storm but it came in faster so like we saw lightning in the distance and my family was like ehhh its not gonnahit us next thing is it starts thundering so we were like OK time to go then its started pouring rain then we ran we his behind an electric box because lighting stuck in front of us then we ran to our car then lol that's it
Levi MB
Levi MB - 8 years ago
Kelly Deehan
Kelly Deehan - 8 years ago
I think both on one hat
Riley Gaming
Riley Gaming - 8 years ago
mr kitty
mr kitty - 8 years ago
Justin carter
Justin carter - 8 years ago
Where is that flow rider
Connor Richmond
Connor Richmond - 8 years ago
This is so weird because I live so close to this guy I always recognize some of the places he's been to because I've been there too.
FallScrolls - 8 years ago
Kids in africa could have eaten you
brett Wiens
brett Wiens - 8 years ago
Storms are the scariest things ever
bmxwaffle - 8 years ago
LOL I'm English but I was in LA that day and it was so hot.
Corgerino - 8 years ago
This was made 2 weeks ago but scientists had discovered that there is a black hole in space that huge as 12 billion suns that's all I know I don't know how many light years it's from earth but those scientists shouldn't have leaked that black hole cuz I'm worried as hell
Orlando Ahumada
Orlando Ahumada - 8 years ago
all that was pollution coming from china its true its all over the news
Ricardo Rivera
Ricardo Rivera - 8 years ago
ashton gehret
ashton gehret - 8 years ago
I'm in lake land and I have to be honest Florida weather is crazy
Francisco Cazares
Francisco Cazares - 8 years ago
when i saw the thumbnail of the video i thought that the cloud was a big wave lol
BEACHIN_SKATER - 8 years ago
hey im so excited im going to playlist live if ur going will you bring little pots, stickers, or hats @joogsquad
Evie Scott
Evie Scott - 8 years ago
no way are you Arianna grande
Taylor Lee
Taylor Lee - 8 years ago
What board is that at 1:14
Joshua Seemann
Joshua Seemann - 8 years ago
Rossouw Byleveld
Rossouw Byleveld - 8 years ago
What software do u use to edit ur videos ??
TaurusReborn - 8 years ago
That is a shelf cloud. It is when warm air curls under cold air escaping the thunderstorm creating a "Shelf" appearance. And is sometimes called a "Arcus Cloud"
Fiveknifes - 8 years ago
The amount of water I swallowed
2020EagleEye - 8 years ago
U Should just make a choice on the store of which logo we want for the hats but both of them are cool and all the hats u threw on that couch they were all nice
Dave Banach
Dave Banach - 8 years ago
Please sell those bucket hats with the flowers
KSI's Hair
KSI's Hair - 8 years ago
Dat mall grab
Paradox Viporous
Paradox Viporous - 8 years ago
boosted vtec
boosted vtec - 8 years ago
This is why I'm a storm chaser
kane curtis
kane curtis - 8 years ago
I was in Stuart when that happened
Gannon J
Gannon J - 8 years ago
I have always wondered. at 9:00 when the music cues. what is the name of that song?
nicholas happee
nicholas happee - 8 years ago
I love when he says "when you live by the beach you don't wear shoes" I laughed because it's so true haha
YAYVIDEOGAMES - 8 years ago
That is a very rare storm
MinecraftHQ101 - 8 years ago
No it's not its only a shelf cloud over the ocean which is not rare at all but is part of strong/severe storms.
Liam Boyd
Liam Boyd - 8 years ago
I remember that storm
sussy and jazmyn vids
sussy and jazmyn vids - 8 years ago
It's CalLed Gaming
It's CalLed Gaming - 8 years ago
I'm watching this in 2016
Mason Gilbertson
Mason Gilbertson - 8 years ago
hey i just wanted to say i was in fl about three months ago and saw your house but at the time i didnt know that was your house so i went back to are hottel in inian rock and locked for youtubers in the area and when i went on the frirst one i saw was yours and i went back to all the videos i watched it and i found out that that house was yours if you get this could you send me a sticker and subscripe to my channel
Alizabeth woodard
Alizabeth woodard - 8 years ago
We had that same storm here in Georgia it rained for 5 days straight
AllStar 27
AllStar 27 - 8 years ago
Do a vlog
AllStar 27
AllStar 27 - 8 years ago
Your vids are legendry
extreme concrete skaterz
extreme concrete skaterz - 8 years ago
I would really like the hats
GTM - 8 years ago
Supercell much
AntiSepticEye 121
AntiSepticEye 121 - 8 years ago
Yes and holy heck that looked weird
WIDE OPEN THROTTLE - 8 years ago
new subscriber sick video!!
Furious Hoskins
Furious Hoskins - 8 years ago
The thumbnail looks sick:)
CurrHam - 8 years ago
CurrHam - 8 years ago
on both cars...
CurrHam - 8 years ago
you showed your license plate
Shaymus Finlay
Shaymus Finlay - 8 years ago
Ill buy one of the black and white 5 panels if you put them on the store!
idontnoyet - 8 years ago
What part of Florida does he live at?
Luke Mistretta
Luke Mistretta - 8 years ago
Clearwater... It's on the west coast of Florida close to tampa
Deer Hunting 23
Deer Hunting 23 - 8 years ago
the Florida in the USA
ArianaGrandeLuver - 8 years ago
FRRom where I was it was 46 mile and hour winds and RAIN AND HAIL
WhoYouCallinPinHead - 8 years ago
I've been there
xkaley13 x
xkaley13 x - 8 years ago
i seen there house before on the beach!!
Brianna Viola
Brianna Viola - 8 years ago
Love your vids
LenWilShow - 8 years ago
yes please put the black and white joogsquad stamp on the store
Blake Sanders
Blake Sanders - 8 years ago
add those new hat patches
TheYoungRecklessBeats - 8 years ago
i got some beats man if youy need for ya videos for a shoutout
casey bert
casey bert - 8 years ago
Hey man i think you should blur out the liscence plate numbers just to be safe ;) love your vids man
Michelle Caldwell
Michelle Caldwell - 8 years ago
Shut up funny
Theo Phelps
Theo Phelps - 8 years ago
yes please press with the black and white patches
devaughn bowzer
devaughn bowzer - 8 years ago
whats with the wierd vocie in the begging
Connor Hartnell
Connor Hartnell - 8 years ago
That Storm, or atleast those cloud formations happened down here in southern Ontario last summer
Alexis Lopez
Alexis Lopez - 8 years ago
The world ends in 2036 i think i don't know
xavier hernandez
xavier hernandez - 8 years ago
in this video
xavier hernandez
xavier hernandez - 8 years ago
what's the name of the beat
Matthew Baldwin
Matthew Baldwin - 8 years ago
Don't ask how I just know: Jack Tenney dies on October 7, 2017
Matthew Baldwin
Matthew Baldwin - 8 years ago
+Ryan Leanos I explained above...
Ryan Leanos
Ryan Leanos - 8 years ago
+Matthew Baldwin
 May I ask how you know this, if this even true
Matthew Baldwin
Matthew Baldwin - 8 years ago
+Ryan Leanos he's got about a year and a half left... poor kid. I really thought he's pull off that stunt on the maverick...
Ryan Leanos
Ryan Leanos - 8 years ago
What the hell, this is the kind of shit that freaks me out
Matthew Baldwin
Matthew Baldwin - 8 years ago
The storm hit at a 7 mph wind. The clouds broke the 10th layer of the atmosphere. There is a sign with a one on it in the video, the amount of years after this year when it takes place. Read the title of the video. Death: 10/7/17
Kody Lutke
Kody Lutke - 8 years ago
Jake Dean
Jake Dean - 8 years ago
Pol ream
Pol ream - 8 years ago
At 1:18 I thought you were rapping in the beginning lol XD
Cruz Hernandez
Cruz Hernandez - 8 years ago
This was funny lol
Not a Channel Nores
Not a Channel Nores - 8 years ago
does it not hurt when yu land
Anthony Riollano
Anthony Riollano - 8 years ago
I've been to that exact surfing place
Noah aaalbers
Noah aaalbers - 8 years ago
It looks like a giant wave
Exploring With Josh
Exploring With Josh - 8 years ago
dude those clouds were insane ! you got that sick timelapse to lucky! lol
MLG kylethudude
MLG kylethudude - 6 years ago
Ur da best
Lexball43 - 8 years ago
Omg dude your vids are the best
Vix Tamy Tuy
Vix Tamy Tuy - 8 years ago
I was at indoor surfing and saw you
Ally Bowles
Ally Bowles - 8 years ago
Daniel Uzunov
Daniel Uzunov - 8 years ago
make a powerkite edition
Mach1Alex - 8 years ago
I saw the same kind of cloud when golfing one time it was trippy af
Pato Garza T
Pato Garza T - 8 years ago
1:39 were you naked?! WTF!!
Bruce Meglino
Bruce Meglino - 8 years ago
Y is everybody keep on splashing the camera that is so annoying!!!!!!!
Permable Gms
Permable Gms - 8 years ago
I live in Clearwater and lived there my whole life the storm was really bad but it was cool to watch on friends snapchat stories haha
KratozGamingz - 8 years ago
Yo joggsquad hmu i live in Miami bro i wanna meet u man if u have skype whats your name
KratozGamingz - 8 years ago
Miami Florida
Y0UR_CL3ANZ - 8 years ago
i live in poinciana it is in Osceola county and on Saturday a severe thunderstorm came with hail and damage where i live it was horrible look at fox 35 news .com and search up poinciana hailstorm.
Elijah Marshall
Elijah Marshall - 8 years ago
that was so crazy
Jack Gaffney
Jack Gaffney - 8 years ago
Clearwater is the best place ever
Laser Beaver
Laser Beaver - 8 years ago
Redvaper09 Gaming
Redvaper09 Gaming - 8 years ago
1:15 song?
Frozen Cucumber
Frozen Cucumber - 8 years ago
Thomas Popp
Thomas Popp - 8 years ago
Dude I was in Tampa and I saw those clouds too!
JOOGSQUADPPJT - 8 years ago
Brick Davenport
Brick Davenport - 8 years ago
Yes keep the patches
Dragon Bros
Dragon Bros - 8 years ago
Pick back the old school one because there is a Suger Honey Iced tea
Joshua Kelly
Joshua Kelly - 8 years ago
stratus clouds
Jessica Hurd
Jessica Hurd - 8 years ago
joog squad skull in front and black and white joog squad logo on back
jdarkbowserman - 8 years ago
Reminds me of the storm we had last summer
KratozGamingz - 8 years ago
Hes in florida
Logangster - 8 years ago
You should get a booster bored
skateking16 Funny fails
skateking16 Funny fails - 8 years ago
Come to Iowa
Charlie Winterburn
Charlie Winterburn - 8 years ago
you should it will look cool
Charlie Winterburn
Charlie Winterburn - 8 years ago
you should it will look cool
Duck NiNja
Duck NiNja - 8 years ago
The clouds doing that is the first stage of a tornado developing!!!
Chopper 04
Chopper 04 - 8 years ago
I thought it looked like a hurricane :P like the massive cloud around the actual funnel
XXLOOPYDUDEXX - 8 years ago
Ok we've fixed the intro now to the outro...
TheGreenPanda - 8 years ago
Storms are the reason I want to live in Florida, I love storms, and neeeed to find a place that has tons of rainstorms
Noah Red
Noah Red - 8 years ago
fuck off trump
Granger _magix
Granger _magix - 8 years ago
I saw this too in school in panama city i shit myself
Marty Wensel
Marty Wensel - 8 years ago
Check out my brother on Instagram and snapchat
Sungod - 8 years ago
I live near the beach so I got to see that storm, boy it was cool as hell. Glad you guys got a timelapse so I can relive the storm over and over again.
Marty Wensel
Marty Wensel - 8 years ago
Can I get a hat?
Gibs RuckSack
Gibs RuckSack - 8 years ago
Pretty much normal af to find that in Florida
ItSBrEk FaSt
ItSBrEk FaSt - 8 years ago
Yes patches
Fnaf webe Crew wre
Fnaf webe Crew wre - 8 years ago
I think you should do the Joogsgwag sign for the press
Quad Junkies
Quad Junkies - 8 years ago
what's the back ground song when he is skating to his moms?
Vestel - 8 years ago
Thats where i live iv even seen him a the beach
Matthew Campagna
Matthew Campagna - 8 years ago
Yes you should put that logo
trent back
trent back - 8 years ago
Do a prank
Brassy14 - 8 years ago
Does it hurt when you fall indoor skim boareding
Trysten Richey
Trysten Richey - 8 years ago
Nah it's padded
Night of Elements
Night of Elements - 8 years ago
Dude awesome hat designs!
GAMINGFORDAYS S - 8 years ago
It's only clouds bro
micahT - 8 years ago
One of the dopest time lapses ever
Eternal420 - 8 years ago
That was beautiful. The time lapse on the go pro made the clouds look like a set of waves. Super sick.
Eternal420 - 8 years ago
Hey Jack who does your designs for your merch? I would like to get involved in that so do I just send u examples or what let me know. I'm a tattoo artist and been an artist my whole life.
mquijada16 - 8 years ago
Emre Graham
Emre Graham - 8 years ago
yes you totally should
ThatYoutubeGuy - 8 years ago
I am happy for you now over one million subs!! i remember watching and subbed around 3,000 subscribers!!
Allura Garay
Allura Garay - 8 years ago
you showed everyone's addresses
Blake Idk
Blake Idk - 8 years ago
Yes those would be amazing
Kyle Anderson
Kyle Anderson - 8 years ago
Can I have one
VesperoRealm - 8 years ago
what's the name of the intro song
Jack Giles132
Jack Giles132 - 8 years ago
this has happened in the uk before
Bleach - 8 years ago
I wish i am from Florida i live in Croatia i really want those hats also i have no money to buy them im 11
Ghosty - 8 years ago
thanks for being there when I need it*
Ghosty - 8 years ago
I just ordered a joogsquad little pot necklace and outer space bucket hat I can't wait to get it, Thanks for being there Jack and Tanner
Andrew Rogers
Andrew Rogers - 8 years ago
Caleb Greene
Caleb Greene - 8 years ago
I love you guys so much I spent my whole day yesterday non stop watching all your vids keep up the great work
Pyn - 8 years ago
awsome a shelf cloud
Vinaqill - 8 years ago
Hey I'm a new long boarder any tips started yesterday I'm 9 years old
Guy Lineage
Guy Lineage - 8 years ago
Kaid Robison
Kaid Robison - 8 years ago
I want to see Jack with straight hair lol
Delaney Hill
Delaney Hill - 8 years ago
I was caught in the same storm. There was a huge tornado warning south from that was
Kiroatic - 8 years ago
that was a beautiful time lapse especially the panorama photo. omfg
Leobadfish - 8 years ago
Big flip filthyyyyy
Leobadfish - 8 years ago
Leobadfish - 8 years ago
Niceee angles
Hugh Neutron
Hugh Neutron - 8 years ago
I saw the same storm that day, I live in Florida
Jay Marsh
Jay Marsh - 8 years ago
Your quality is so good
Tinaly - 8 years ago
Is she his gf?
micheals stidham
micheals stidham - 8 years ago
is that ur gf
Ya Boi Shawn
Ya Boi Shawn - 8 years ago
Jesus. That storm looked like the devil decided to take a shit into our atmosphere.
Ya Boi Shawn
Ya Boi Shawn - 8 years ago
+TF Orion lol
Ryan V
Ryan V - 8 years ago
I just wanted to mention,
Keep up all of your amazing work!
I very recently found your channel, and I'm absolutely into everything. Vlogging is so common nowadays, but these are so unique, funny, and inspiring as well. All of you are so lucky to have each other! So, it goes without saying, keep it up, and knock em' dead, darling!
Taryn Vids
Taryn Vids - 8 years ago
Where can I buy merch? I want one of those hats!
Bromega 3.0
Bromega 3.0 - 8 years ago
Make a five panel with the octopus logo pls. I would gladly buy like 3
Fireball GH
Fireball GH - 8 years ago
are they in Florida? if so that's normal
Bale TV
Bale TV - 8 years ago
Anyone else try to wipe the water droplets off the screen around 9:25?
Sneaker Head
Sneaker Head - 8 years ago
Please give me a shoutout
ExoTicFrenzy - 8 years ago
Damn JOOGSQUAD back at it again with the click bait titles
sleuth 2077
sleuth 2077 - 8 years ago
+ExoTicFrenzy then it's not really clickbait
ExoTicFrenzy - 8 years ago
+sleuth 1977 No im not that stupid
sleuth 2077
sleuth 2077 - 8 years ago
Did he trick u into thinking the world was really ending?
Pineapples 64
Pineapples 64 - 8 years ago
black and white patches are cool
Rick Harrison
Rick Harrison - 8 years ago
I've always wanted to know what the name of the song is for your intro and for the sick time lapse you captured. Such a rare phenomena in the form of a time lapse is the coolest thing ever.
Mr Waldr0n
Mr Waldr0n - 8 years ago
I'm getting it to! I'm right next to ur state I'm in South Carolina
GothicAngle2012 - 8 years ago
Ass crack hippy!!!!
An Incredibly Attractive Slide Of Bread
An Incredibly Attractive Slide Of Bread - 8 years ago
I live in New Port Richey, Florida, I'm literally neighbors to you lol.
Shawn Badovinatz
Shawn Badovinatz - 8 years ago
I dare u to get shot by a paintball gun once in the chest
Sophia Gardos
Sophia Gardos - 8 years ago
I used to live in FL (Key Biscayne to be exact) and since its this TINY island like 20 minutes off of Miami (you have to go over a bridge and stuff to get to Miami) we got the worst of the storms and I remember this one night, we were @ a beach club and theres little open huts with no doors there and we were stuck, our cars were being carried away by the water bc it was up to our waists. Some people were stuck there all night, but luckily mom was brave and we had to run to our car before it got carried away, getting the engine to run took a while though.
College Basketball insane
College Basketball insane - 8 years ago
I like the new patch on the hats keep them and sell please❗️
fox - 8 years ago
in st pete we got the storm pretty bad
BuRsT_DubStepz - 8 years ago
that is so cool to see
Tanner Moore
Tanner Moore - 8 years ago
You should make both patches...there both sick
Phillip Berens
Phillip Berens - 8 years ago
you should put the main dread clare patch on the front and the a smaller joog squad patch on the left or right side of the hat
Sags Mcgee
Sags Mcgee - 8 years ago
do hats with both
KC kicks
KC kicks - 8 years ago
There goes ur every day upload streak
Jack Ward
Jack Ward - 8 years ago
Ya add em
Brady Johnson
Brady Johnson - 8 years ago
I was at Clearwater beach when it happened scary
Len Bitte
Len Bitte - 8 years ago
ya can i join
conn4410 conn4410
conn4410 conn4410 - 8 years ago
Can I have JOOGSQUAD hat please
M3R - 8 years ago
You should sell the new patches so I can put one on a t-shirt...or make shirts ;P
Carter Elmer
Carter Elmer - 8 years ago
Where does he live in Florida I'm on vacation and I want to see him
Pesca Peru
Pesca Peru - 8 years ago
1:28 when you put your sticker on your mom car XD
Tekonix - 8 years ago
BRUH you Guys should make joogsquad bandanas! #Joogsquad4Life #DoEpicS#*T #PPJT
Film Falls
Film Falls - 8 years ago
the comments = cancer
Preston Swan
Preston Swan - 8 years ago
Your the best skimboarder ever
Lw Cooper
Lw Cooper - 8 years ago
I was born in Clearwater
Lil Broomstick
Lil Broomstick - 8 years ago
How can I get free JoogSquad hats or other things if I don't live in Florida
JJ Hann
JJ Hann - 8 years ago
Ur just a letdown, why do u say I want to upload everyday then don't upload for 3 days
race2402 - 8 years ago
Shelf cloud
Kade Bowers
Kade Bowers - 8 years ago
1:14 to 1:30 WHAT AREN'T THOSE!!!!?!!
Daniel Blanco
Daniel Blanco - 8 years ago
Dat shelf cloud doe
Steely Dan
Steely Dan - 8 years ago
How did you get the music for this. I found the song but it has a lot of lyrics I Woolf like to leave out
dan coady
dan coady - 8 years ago
yeah those patches are sick
Ger O'Hara
Ger O'Hara - 8 years ago
sounded like a wookie at 8.56
TheRealAydenHopkins - 8 years ago
I honestly think that if you are going to put the "joog squad" patch on, it should be for give aways and important things ;)
Anthony Senecal
Anthony Senecal - 8 years ago
I was at Disney world that day
Yusi Cardoza
Yusi Cardoza - 8 years ago
can you guys please ride a bike off the roof to the trampoline
Elias Lopez
Elias Lopez - 8 years ago
what is the song called when he was going to patch the hats ?
Billy Rogerson
Billy Rogerson - 8 years ago
Cool hats
Jakyle Johnson
Jakyle Johnson - 8 years ago
I think jack should use the black and white patch
Erin Haas
Erin Haas - 8 years ago
why are your intros so long I try to find what you say in the description and you just talk the whole gtime
knight 0101
knight 0101 - 8 years ago
check my YouTube channel I have the Storm video tube
Burrito is life
Burrito is life - 8 years ago
Ive never done indoor surfing waht do you do? To like start?
FunFoxRun - 8 years ago
In a way its a awesome view
Cubie Mc Cuberson
Cubie Mc Cuberson - 8 years ago
"So insane,what" you are totally right.
Conucas ClarHolt
Conucas ClarHolt - 8 years ago
Am I the only one who would rather just lie down and let the water pull me up than actually surf?
Chris Dominguez
Chris Dominguez - 8 years ago
i love the new intro just keep your original music
Sara Rewell
Sara Rewell - 8 years ago
i hate living in Australia... :(
Aidan Herald
Aidan Herald - 8 years ago
Those hats are dope
Harman 116
Harman 116 - 8 years ago
At college today
Plz no
Plz no - 8 years ago
i want to eat your hair
veromikes - 8 years ago
Yo joog,when you guys coming to Vero ? Waves bro.
Metehan Keskin
Metehan Keskin - 8 years ago
Rugrat Gaming
Rugrat Gaming - 8 years ago
Do a water balloons vs trampoline video and maybe one with the dogs to
Blackjack Extras
Blackjack Extras - 8 years ago
Dude it hit so hard the rain was pelting my window and I couldn't even see 25 feet ahead
dominic Blakely
dominic Blakely - 8 years ago
did groms get shut down
Nightcore is My dad
Nightcore is My dad - 8 years ago
Jesus mother nature chill
B Cannon
B Cannon - 8 years ago
I hope there's some good surf on the east coast right now. if so I'm otw
Badass Isayah
Badass Isayah - 8 years ago
what is his out song plz any one
Robert the goon Guerrero
Robert the goon Guerrero - 8 years ago
Ashlin Williams
Ashlin Williams - 8 years ago
Yes add the patches
Riley Rasmussen
Riley Rasmussen - 8 years ago
YES SPICKERS!!!!!!!!!!!)!!!!!!! look sick!!!!!!!! Love from Australia
Esaias Gonzalez
Esaias Gonzalez - 8 years ago
goodevan - 8 years ago
F$&K ME. I'm down at Jensen beach all week from NYC (home) and I just watched this and could've brought my son to watch the surf contest at Stuart beach. And I'd take him tomorrow but we're flying home in the early morning Damn shame. Next time joog squad
Ernie S
Ernie S - 8 years ago
How do I get hats
Angel Osorio
Angel Osorio - 8 years ago
yes you should add
Oliver Pederson
Oliver Pederson - 8 years ago
Time elapse was dope
susana soto-munoz
susana soto-munoz - 8 years ago
susana soto-munoz
susana soto-munoz - 8 years ago
Antonio Zyats
Antonio Zyats - 8 years ago
This might be a dumb question but what does PPJT mean or stand for?
hamish 123
hamish 123 - 8 years ago
Eli Linden TV
Eli Linden TV - 8 years ago
+Mathew C I know
Ethan Craddock
Ethan Craddock - 8 years ago
You should sell "do epic sh#t" bracelets
ConrTV C
ConrTV C - 6 years ago
Those already exist
Bubble Chicken
Bubble Chicken - 8 years ago
OMG yes!!!
Natasha - 8 years ago
awe, I'm in England,
Wish I lived in Florida lol
Natasha - 8 years ago
awe :(
Daniel Blanco
Daniel Blanco - 8 years ago
You know I used to live in Florida but now I live in Barcelona Spain :(
Savage City
Savage City - 8 years ago
Does jack own his own house?
William - 8 years ago
Nikko Rocks GAMING
Nikko Rocks GAMING - 8 years ago
I have an idea get a chair with wheels and a fire hydrant and roll on the chair boosting it with the fire hydrant behind u and it will be cool
Jared Bishop
Jared Bishop - 8 years ago
wtf trey flip on a surf board
Luke Griffith
Luke Griffith - 8 years ago
Yes add both patches
Locodragon39 The x
Locodragon39 The x - 8 years ago
I feel you the shit weather down here #do epic shit
blaze it
blaze it - 8 years ago
does it hurt to fall at surfstyle?
Donald Cavins
Donald Cavins - 7 years ago
Blast save it kill it act die save no its a lie we are gonne die
Draven Lobdell
Draven Lobdell - 8 years ago
+Caden Ingram Skates yo caden you watch him to and we need to skate
Frog Bear 3
Frog Bear 3 - 8 years ago
There padding floors
Caden Ingram Skates
Caden Ingram Skates - 8 years ago
No once I did it tho it cut my back open but that's because I slid on the rubber
Coconut coconut sharks in the water
Coconut coconut sharks in the water - 8 years ago
BUSH WOOKIEE - 8 years ago
conner morgan
conner morgan - 8 years ago
it's so in Florida
marcus edwards
marcus edwards - 8 years ago
Hahaha yes the world is ending by the way. Just look up fema camps and coffin. Creepy stuff look up Americas book of secrets doomsday and plan and Jason A youtube channel among other things.
Hobo pandas Outdoors
Hobo pandas Outdoors - 8 years ago
Calder MacKillop
Calder MacKillop - 8 years ago
you should make joogsquad flatbill hats with the main logo in the front and the "Joogsquad" patch on the side. like this comment if you want him to do this

Also i think the new stickers are dope
Danny Labine
Danny Labine - 8 years ago
dumb question probably but where the hell do we buy the hats
J - 8 years ago
So does he have dreads or is his hair just really tangled and matted I cant tell.
J - 8 years ago
+Cody Wilson ah
Cody Wilson
Cody Wilson - 8 years ago
+Lucius I'm pretty sure he has neglect dreads.
J - 8 years ago
+Totoro Girl Are you sure? it doesnt really look like dreads unless he let his hair naturally dread.
Hannah - 8 years ago
Henry T
Henry T - 8 years ago
2:50 look at my dab
Greyed Out G59
Greyed Out G59 - 7 years ago
Henry Tier die
lucas machoo
lucas machoo - 8 years ago
Do u have an E-Store?
Bas Sposa
Bas Sposa - 8 years ago
A Chicken
A Chicken - 8 years ago
I actually like the black and white patches better than the dread clare
Ticho Plays
Ticho Plays - 8 years ago
(like if you get it)
Cheerleading shoes
Cheerleading shoes - 8 years ago
You should put 10,000 balloons on the trampiline.
FalconTheGamer YT
FalconTheGamer YT - 8 years ago
I've seen this kind of storm before, last year, saw it from my backyard
Chris Dagostina
Chris Dagostina - 8 years ago
click bait title/cringy title
kal1214 - 8 years ago
That storm is some awesome footage!!
Roleaxes saunapa
Roleaxes saunapa - 8 years ago
ooh my bad guys, I just farted :/
Daniel Blanco
Daniel Blanco - 8 years ago
Plaaaa holy crap dude that smells like poison gases holy crap dude
Choco_Brownie - 8 years ago
+Roleaxes saunapa smell it from here X_X
Noah Banc
Noah Banc - 8 years ago
Dat storm looked scary
YG Playz
YG Playz - 8 years ago
They look nice sell them
Dante Bustos
Dante Bustos - 8 years ago
what song is that
willthetrashman - 8 years ago
9:17 should be the new intro with a joogsquad sybol flashing at the end.
Chubby Golddy22
Chubby Golddy22 - 8 years ago
Yes, use the patches
Olsson Gamer
Olsson Gamer - 8 years ago
Why did you use more than 1 scimm board plus your friend nearly knocked us out no offence
Jacob Ward
Jacob Ward - 8 years ago
I was at the beach when that happened
Cheese Pizza
Cheese Pizza - 8 years ago
Black and white patches!!! All the way
Olsson Gamer
Olsson Gamer - 8 years ago
I think you should use the other patches as well
Scott Price
Scott Price - 8 years ago
Yea them Cloud's was bad ass I was downtown Tampa in suntrust Tower's at work .that's why I love FL
Leyah Murphy
Leyah Murphy - 8 years ago
ExtremeGamer1230 - 8 years ago
i did the flo rider surf thing 2 days ago at grand turks
Taylors adventures
Taylors adventures - 8 years ago
Love you guys
Isaac T
Isaac T - 8 years ago
nice video was the storm just a bunch of wind
GecO5 Gec05
GecO5 Gec05 - 8 years ago
Dude love your vids know I'm subbing to you plz make more vids.
Gooder Phisty
Gooder Phisty - 8 years ago
I live in canada
Gooder Phisty
Gooder Phisty - 8 years ago
Can you please send me a hat
khakiDOTexe - 8 years ago
If you look at the large cloud at 9:53 at the top left, it looks like a skeleton hand stuck up the mid. finger
r5rock13 - 8 years ago
what part of Florida do you live in because im in florida for vacation???? im in Palm Beach
hunter m LMFAO
hunter m LMFAO - 8 years ago
it rained really bad here in cocoa yesterday to
Reno Gambino
Reno Gambino - 8 years ago
Idols bee POOOOOOOOOOOO squad
Aidan C
Aidan C - 8 years ago
Is the world ending??? Stfu please lol
Blinke - 8 years ago
Dude in that storm 3 consecutive lightning strikes popped right next to my house.

They kinda sounded like firecrackers.
PETER LEWICKI - 8 years ago
Nold intro sick
Jameson - 8 years ago
jack what type of car do u have
Premium TRASH. Named Corn
Premium TRASH. Named Corn - 8 years ago
the storm was terible
Erik Alcazar
Erik Alcazar - 8 years ago
I have seen joogsquad at the mall
Joshua Mcnee
Joshua Mcnee - 8 years ago
I think you should should put the joogsquad logo
Kyle Young
Kyle Young - 8 years ago
Great Video Jack keep it up your channel is really growing fast
Samuel Beebe
Samuel Beebe - 8 years ago
I love the new patches, but keep the old ones too
Panda Inc
Panda Inc - 8 years ago
I've been there and that was so fun
Grovchy - 8 years ago
yo jack remeber me i was one of the ones who spent the night last year with pierce when we went surfing ?
Boz 4455
Boz 4455 - 8 years ago
Or the day before, I forgot
Boz 4455
Boz 4455 - 8 years ago
Holy shit I was there yesterday it was scary asf.
MANYX - 8 years ago
Its 2 howrs from miami next to jensen beach
mr. man
mr. man - 8 years ago
happy Easter youtube!
00 - 8 years ago
Yes it is. RIP
CVSR - 8 years ago
Where you but ass naked in the beginning ???
Mr. Wong
Mr. Wong - 8 years ago
I was In the storm lol

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About IS THE WORLD ENDING?!?! Crazy Storm & Indoor Surfing. | JOOGSQUAD PPJT

The "IS THE WORLD ENDING?!?! Crazy Storm & Indoor Surfing. | JOOGSQUAD PPJT" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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