Indonesia & Mentawai Surf Film 2017

Day 1: Lances Left; Day 2: Thunders; Day 3: Greenbush & Thunders Right; Day 4: Macaronis & Bat Caves; Day 5: Lances Left; Day 6: Telescopes; Day 7: Hideaways; Day 8: Somewhere; Day 9: Kandui, Pitstops & Hideaways; Day 10: Hideaways & Telescopes; Day 11: Scarecrows

Indonesia & Mentawai Surf Film 2017 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 135

Surf 7 years ago 240,031 views

Day 1: Lances Left; Day 2: Thunders; Day 3: Greenbush & Thunders Right; Day 4: Macaronis & Bat Caves; Day 5: Lances Left; Day 6: Telescopes; Day 7: Hideaways; Day 8: Somewhere; Day 9: Kandui, Pitstops & Hideaways; Day 10: Hideaways & Telescopes; Day 11: Scarecrows

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Most popular comments
for Indonesia & Mentawai Surf Film 2017

Ricardo Gastal Soruco
Ricardo Gastal Soruco - 6 years ago
Dennis Esteves
Dennis Esteves - 6 years ago
Thanks, guys. Já ia pedir.
No al fanatismo creo en mi
No al fanatismo creo en mi - 6 years ago
Good waves ,,but loser surfers ...i surf better i dont make videos..
Apneia Surf Brasil
Apneia Surf Brasil - 6 years ago
Show de Surf!
Margarida Silva
Margarida Silva - 6 years ago
Muita diversão!! como você fez para gravar os audios do google narrando o vídeo? algum app?
Show..ótima produção e música..Realidade de muitos grupos de amigos surfistas pregos.....o q vale é a companhia....pois onda mesmo só nas merrecas....nas grandes sempre a maioria arrega.....
clarkewi - 6 years ago
Felipe Planer
Felipe Planer - 7 years ago
tomar no cu essa voz do google tradutor ai
damienernest - 7 years ago
Everyone in this video is a fat barrel dodger
car4vaggio - 7 years ago
i like the soundtracks, some one have a track list?

10. comment for Indonesia & Mentawai Surf Film 2017

Raditya Oe
Raditya Oe - 7 years ago
Awesome, that footage was soo good even from start, in that little paradiso. thanks for share the precious experience you have!
Jaygo's Home
Jaygo's Home - 7 years ago
you fucking kooks. dont trick cunts with pumping waves then cut to you turkeys. and fucking Brazilians. you cunts are the scum of the earth and need to stay in ya shit hole.
Hiago Sagas
Hiago Sagas - 7 years ago
Da hora os som. Solta a playlist aii ?
Anthony Edwards
Anthony Edwards - 7 years ago
Waste of a surf trip, crowds of kooks can’t be fun
Dayse Malafaia
Dayse Malafaia - 7 years ago
henryssurfshowcase - 7 years ago
Looks like you scored some great waves,
The opener so glassy and hollow!
Bruno Amaral
Bruno Amaral - 7 years ago
estava bom ate a narração lixo do google
J Ma
J Ma - 7 years ago
Vocês conseguiram filmar de drone no norte de mentawai? Chegou a pegar o GPS do drone?
Ricardo Gastal Soruco
Ricardo Gastal Soruco - 7 years ago
J Ma Teria que ver com o Harley, mas acredito que sim, porque aquela ilha que foi filmada de drone era do lado de A-Frames
J Ma
J Ma - 7 years ago
Muito maneiro o vídeo! Vocês contrataram o harleyson para ir na viagem e fazer as filmagens? ou era o cara do barco que fazia?
J Ma
J Ma - 7 years ago
show de bola, ele que levou todo o equipamento dele?
Ricardo Gastal Soruco
Ricardo Gastal Soruco - 7 years ago
J Ma sim, contratamos o harley! Ele tem sido o fotógrafo/videomaker do Alyssa (barco) nos últimos anos - gente boassa! Recomendo
Troy Hutchison
Troy Hutchison - 7 years ago
Typical Brazzies, sitting way too deep for their ability and fucking every second wave, see it every time i go to Indo.

20. comment for Indonesia & Mentawai Surf Film 2017

Valerialoira Cruz
Valerialoira Cruz - 7 years ago
Qual o nome do som q tá rolando em 7:33 ?
Ricardo Gastal Soruco
Ricardo Gastal Soruco - 7 years ago
Whatever you want - Vasser
Dedi Adja
Dedi Adja - 7 years ago
tnks bro my from sumatra barat from indonesia
45revolut1on - 7 years ago
Everardo Santana
Everardo Santana - 7 years ago
Que Ooondaaa.
NDNG Sinan oyunda r
NDNG Sinan oyunda r - 7 years ago
Halph Alberghini
Halph Alberghini - 7 years ago
Um dia eu vou nessa porra
João Passos
João Passos - 7 years ago
Muito fodaaaaaaaaaa
Marluci Costa
Marluci Costa - 7 years ago
O nome da primeira música vcs sabem?
Ricardo Gastal Soruco
Ricardo Gastal Soruco - 7 years ago
Plastic Soldiers - Portugal. The Man
Austin Burkett
Austin Burkett - 7 years ago
8:32 didn't make it
Warrior - 7 years ago
Nothing worse than watching kooks on great waves in slow motion.

30. comment for Indonesia & Mentawai Surf Film 2017

98 Collections
98 Collections - 7 years ago
That was total madness, I loved every bit of that!
Ezekiel Bjjsurf
Ezekiel Bjjsurf - 7 years ago
Vincent Cinquini
Vincent Cinquini - 7 years ago
watched about 3o seconds and saw reef booties, brazzos, and 41 barrels get dodged......I can never get those 30 seconds back.
Antonio Serafim Peres
Antonio Serafim Peres - 7 years ago
iradooooo, aloha
Martin G
Martin G - 7 years ago
Wow. I need stuff from the ground.
Jose Pablo Walter
Jose Pablo Walter - 7 years ago
Muita grana, 0 surf.
R N - 7 years ago
Jose Pablo Walter olha só o atleta competidor da Wsl , surfista bom é aquele que se diverte... Invejoso
Samuel de Paula
Samuel de Paula - 7 years ago
Ian Montgomery
Ian Montgomery - 7 years ago
No one took advantage of firing waves
Javier Castro D
Javier Castro D - 7 years ago
can someone teach this kooks how to surf please
Mikie Statts
Mikie Statts - 7 years ago
Gotta be in the barrel to get barreled. This is funny
Emilliano Ribeiro
Emilliano Ribeiro - 7 years ago
Dude first of all show some respect. Secondly since your talking that much I assume you can do it better... I was on that trip and I bet you will never get barreled like this:
LuxeXx - 7 years ago
The narrator sounds like a robot.
Ricardo Gastal Soruco
Ricardo Gastal Soruco - 7 years ago
It is indeed, this "narrator" is very famous in Brazil for funny videos
Suzanne Gibson
Suzanne Gibson - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing your surf trip with us.  We're going there Jan 2018.   Disregard some of these guy's statements.  They're mean...and jealous.  Who cares if you guys aren't experts.  Good Times, Good Waves and Memories forever!
Emilliano Ribeiro
Emilliano Ribeiro - 7 years ago
Thanks Suzanne!! Have a wonderful trip!
Eduardo Andrade
Eduardo Andrade - 7 years ago
Vídeo saiu de ar ???
Ricardo Gastal Soruco
Ricardo Gastal Soruco - 7 years ago
Eduardo Andrade No brasil e em alguns países não reproduz no celular. No computador e televisão pode ser assistido. Copyrights das músicas...
Omar Souza
Omar Souza - 7 years ago
Po o filme ficou alucinante!! curti mt a edição, mas os caras sao mt pregos hahaha
Markus Lopez Peytz
Markus Lopez Peytz - 7 years ago
no teneis ni puta idea de surfear jajajja Vaya personajes!
Fabiano Augusto
Fabiano Augusto - 7 years ago
mano quanto prego junto pqp
Gray Spainhour
Gray Spainhour - 7 years ago
The video is slowed down too much for watching surfing. All the mistakes are painfully looooong.
jabbabbabba - 7 years ago
Davi Marsa
Davi Marsa - 7 years ago
porra irado o filme lek, mas um conselho aí pro prox
aprende a surfar direito seus carai
Chalk MyCue
Chalk MyCue - 7 years ago
Top vid, great waves, great times
Nick Kelley
Nick Kelley - 7 years ago
look at the dude getting barreled at 20:05 way in the back
Surfer Paul
Surfer Paul - 6 years ago
Yup to bad camera was aiming at wrong
Joao Stacishin de Queiroz
Joao Stacishin de Queiroz - 7 years ago
best wave of the video
zaccyo - 7 years ago
good catch!!
Gosto de Tubos
Gosto de Tubos - 7 years ago
Awesome footage at 20:05

50. comment for Indonesia & Mentawai Surf Film 2017

Mateus Miranda
Mateus Miranda - 7 years ago
Po, queria saber qual é a banda que está tocando no 31:10 . Se puderem falar, agradeço desde já =)... Mó vibe esse video !!!
Ricardo Gastal Soruco
Ricardo Gastal Soruco - 7 years ago
Essa mesmo! Overflow, Bootleg Rascal. Valeu amigo!
Nicolau Maeder Romanó Malschitzky
Nicolau Maeder Romanó Malschitzky - 7 years ago
Overflow - Bootleg Rascal

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The "Indonesia & Mentawai Surf Film 2017" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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