Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained
Surf 10 years ago 282,596 views
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10. comment for Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained
20. comment for Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained
30. comment for Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained
Some of the best comics of all time from Al Milgrom & Ron Lim, which make the whole Infinity Gauntlet make sense and none of it mentioned despite the title of this video.
can we?
50. comment for Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained
"what we see here is that" - 37 times. Yes, we see it, you don't need to say that we see it because if we didn't see it you wouldn't be talking about it :P
"goes as far as to say" - 7 times. "I would go as far as to say that I am making toast" for example is the level of pointless usage that you've been applying. "I am making toast" is fine.
"for the most part" - 6 times. Just not needed. "for the most part, the fantastic four don't know what to make of this" for example. You mean that one or more of them do know what to make of this?
"at this point/ from here" - 11 times. Unless you specify that we've skipped to another point in time, it's probably safe to assume that we're carry on from "this point"
"simply" - 10 times. I hate this pointless word.
Sorry to be negative, I am really seeing the grumpy old man in me come out these days. I am still interested in what you're saying but it hurts to listen.
Galactus. In discovering a sense of humanity, he is rediscovering Norrin Radd.
Milky Way= Our galaxy. We don't really have a name for our solar system beyond the latin name for the sun Sol , which in english would just be the Solar system.
(btw his love interest is Shalla Bal;)
Love your infinity guantlet leadup for Surfer. Cant wait for more!
100. comment for Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained
P.s. eventually when the time comes in the future can you do Angela please?
I'd love to see one of these for Gladiator or Hyperion.
Dude, you gotta watch it. Thanos is THE MOST neurotic villain I've ever seen put into a cartoon.