Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained

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Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained sentiment_very_dissatisfied 40

Surf 10 years ago 282,620 views

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Most popular comments
for Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained

Tommy Boi
Tommy Boi - 6 years ago
What is that intro? It’s so good
Jacob Hartman
Jacob Hartman - 6 years ago
Do you think we will see silver surfer in the MCU infinity war ?
Adam Warlock
Adam Warlock - 7 years ago
Another great comic character.
Skippy Dinglechalk
Skippy Dinglechalk - 7 years ago
Ali Rahman
Ali Rahman - 6 years ago
At that shot, it looks like Silver Surfer was trying to do a dab, but failed terribly :(
Mike Billars
Mike Billars - 7 years ago
3:42 - It's the Milky Way galaxy - not the solar system. Our solar system doesn't have a real name besides "Our Solar System"
Jess in king
Jess in king - 7 years ago
yo the watcher is crazzzyyy. that's like saying oh i thought if i broke your arm then i'd save you from burning yourself on the stove. like whattttttttttttttttttt. also why is galactus in every dang thing. he needs to take a break and focus on some of the other cosmic entities or maybe some other celestials cause he does too much
Laddie Boy
Laddie Boy - 7 years ago
Humanity is a wonderful terrible thing.
William Humes
William Humes - 7 years ago
l just realized that when Thanos eliminated half the life in the Universe he didn't seem to get any cosmic entities.
Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar - 7 years ago
Well than its 2018 jan 24 and SILVER SURFER isn't in INFINITY WAR OKAY , YOU DIG?

10. comment for Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained

Dforce 10
Dforce 10 - 7 years ago
I hope that they never bring the Fantastic Four into the MCU. They're lamer than a guy that talks to fish
Rampagedd - 7 years ago
Link for Intro song is broken when I click the link fyi.
Trevon Carter
Trevon Carter - 7 years ago
Why do we have the right to consume lesser species then why can't galactis
SEE MAN - 7 years ago
Why did Reed make a deal with Galactus when he could have destroyed him on the spot?
- 7 years ago
a blind girlfriend who is a sculpture of Ben Grimm?!
Curbell - 7 years ago
watched some video cool channel subscribed
MOOFAMDEEZ the Holy Cow - 7 years ago
Reed Richards has a thing for large bald men instead of Jessica Alba. Take a hint Susan Storm.
Gabriel Valeriolete
Gabriel Valeriolete - 7 years ago
You sould make a Captain Atom video
Negative_ mario
Negative_ mario - 7 years ago
didn't the silver surfer have a life of his own before he became a herald, or was his race kinda like spocks race and showed no emotion for anything
MiningwithPudding - 8 years ago
Why is this unlisted?

20. comment for Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained

Rob G's Gaming
Rob G's Gaming - 8 years ago
Thanks so much for this Rob! #yallshouldsubscribe
Zsnake Pliscon
Zsnake Pliscon - 8 years ago
this misconception that the narater speaks of at 16:00 isnt what hapens in the cartoon, in the cartoon noran rad moments after becoming the serfer looks down on his own planet and tells galactis to eat it, and galactus tells him he can not and that this planet is not for him to eat. and he didnt remember his passed life until the mad titan thanos makes him remember using the mind stone (iirc) if i recal corectly.
kariel maijele levram
kariel maijele levram - 8 years ago
But the narrator narrates us from the comics, right?
Maarek Steele
Maarek Steele - 8 years ago
sue storm was always such a needy bitch. let reed tinker in the workshop ffs.
Dan H.
Dan H. - 8 years ago
17:50, the chair leg makes it look like the silver surfer has a giant green dong.
JB Kregs
JB Kregs - 8 years ago
Hey rob! Didn't you do the thanos quest? I can't find those videos
Chandan Sutradhar
Chandan Sutradhar - 8 years ago
Nice intro music dude... but I can't find the exact one like yours.. i found the music played fast ... can u give me the download link please...
Deondrae Porter
Deondrae Porter - 8 years ago
hes looking for planets with a great source of energy for Galactus to devour for more power. Galactus created Silver Surfer as a scout. Silver Surfer was then released due to Silver Surfers memory coming back and not wanting to be apart of the killing of innocent beings
Vik - 8 years ago
Damn it, can someone tell me whats this intro music is?
tnlaw2004 - 8 years ago
+Vik np
Vik - 8 years ago
tnlaw2004 - 8 years ago
short change hero by the heavy.
Vik - 8 years ago
Bryce Sabinson
Bryce Sabinson - 8 years ago
ain't no place for a hero
Darth Parallax
Darth Parallax - 8 years ago
Silver Surfer and Wolverine may soon come to MCU.
Jimmy Pierce
Jimmy Pierce - 7 years ago
Nailed it!!!
Julius Ulit
Julius Ulit - 7 years ago
With Spidey joining the fray anything is possible
Minh Nguyen
Minh Nguyen - 8 years ago
gabrielDark Gomez
gabrielDark Gomez - 8 years ago
what is the name of the introduction song ?

30. comment for Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained

JuelzToGo Lb1
JuelzToGo Lb1 - 8 years ago
I have a question, are these videos in order or should I just check the dates from when you posted it and start there to begin the story?
Papa Georgio
Papa Georgio - 8 years ago
Too bad he wont be in the marvel series........ Stupid fox rights
Rejected StormTrooper
Rejected StormTrooper - 8 years ago
why are some of the videos deleted in the play list????
jawrambus - 8 years ago
I love your videos, but I also can't help falling to sleep to them.. Thanks from an insomniac!!
Da Quacksta
Da Quacksta - 9 years ago
intro song?
Kieran Buchanan
Kieran Buchanan - 8 years ago
Shirt change hero I believe but idk
Kieran Buchanan
Kieran Buchanan - 8 years ago
+Da Quacksta the heavy short change or something like that look it up it'll appear
Da Quacksta
Da Quacksta - 8 years ago
+Kieran Buchanan thanks, finally
Kieran Buchanan
Kieran Buchanan - 8 years ago
Justin Bieber - baby
ArcanePath360 - 9 years ago
Way too much irrelevance from too long ago. None of the important back story from Silver Surfer Vol3 where he meets Thanos for the first time in what he thinks is a dream, inside Death's chamber where she brings Thanos back to life. And later where Thanos fakes his own death to get the Surfer off his trail so he can quest the Infinity Gems unhindered.
Some of the best comics of all time from Al Milgrom & Ron Lim, which make the whole Infinity Gauntlet make sense and none of it mentioned despite the title of this video.
Lord Cognito
Lord Cognito - 8 years ago
+ArcanePath360 As a fan of those comics from SS Vol3. & the Thanos Quest which are some of the greatest cosmic storylines. I FEEL YOU!!
Kieran Buchanan
Kieran Buchanan - 8 years ago
sounds cool.
Corey Bryan
Corey Bryan - 9 years ago
his swallowing knows no bound
TheDutchVegaShow - 8 years ago
why can't he just keep a glass of water nearby?!
carlos valentino cohen gomez
carlos valentino cohen gomez - 8 years ago
oh my God I thought I was the only one that think of that, his videos are awesome but every time he does that I cringe
Cam - 8 years ago
+Corey Bryan BREH!!!!! I was literally just thinking the same! THANK YOU
Will E.
Will E. - 8 years ago
Jonathan Hensley
Jonathan Hensley - 9 years ago
Surfer was 1 of my most fav heroes and a great comic.
Aristotle Salcedo
Aristotle Salcedo - 9 years ago
Love your series... Only critique is let's keep the "what we see's" to a minimum of 500 times per video. Other then that these were a great way to direct people to get them caught up!
CRHBK - 9 years ago
do what if silver surfer had the infinity gauntlet
Jimmy Pierce
Jimmy Pierce - 7 years ago
CRHBK He had it.
Tariqul Islam
Tariqul Islam - 9 years ago
It seems intro song link in the description is no longer available. Can anyone point to the version in the intro?
Jerome Jones
Jerome Jones - 9 years ago
I just want thank you Rob. Your videos have helped me while I've been in the hospital waiting for the arrival of my son. Just keep making these great videos.
drvannostran - 9 years ago
Anyone know who did the art in this?
MartianSanity Hii
MartianSanity Hii - 7 years ago
this was the nicest coverstation I've ever read online
KINGBADASS100 - 9 years ago
+drvannostran No, but we CAN always do something to prevent climate change.
drvannostran - 9 years ago
Glad to hear that its over. With all our technology we cant stop mother nature,
can we?
KINGBADASS100 - 9 years ago
+drvannostran Oh I'm alright, but yeah, other areas were hit pretty badly, but it seems to be over now, thankfully.
drvannostran - 9 years ago
That sucks dude I hope you live on a big hill or mountain! Got flood insurance?
KINGBADASS100 - 9 years ago
+drvannostran Glad to hear it! We've been having some terrible floods here in the UK thanks to storm Desmond!
drvannostran - 9 years ago
It was. It just took a while to get the water out.Just ruined some family photos and personal belongings. It wasnt like a Katrina flood or anything. Thanks for asking.
KINGBADASS100 - 9 years ago
+drvannostran Ah that is terrible! Was your house okay afterwards?
drvannostran - 9 years ago
I had a collection of almost every Silver Surfer from 1979 to 1986 destroyed in a flood in my moms basement. Heartbreaking. 
KINGBADASS100 - 9 years ago
+drvannostran Oh, I can't really say! I haven't read any of the comics! But he's a pretty cool character I guess, & I always liked his backstory.
drvannostran - 9 years ago
Are you a silver surfer fan?
KINGBADASS100 - 9 years ago
+drvannostran Eh, not really. Most of it I just looked up.
drvannostran - 9 years ago
You know your art sir.
KINGBADASS100 - 9 years ago
+drvannostran My pleasure!
drvannostran - 9 years ago
Thanks KingBadass. 
KINGBADASS100 - 9 years ago
+drvannostran Which comic? Jack Kirby did Fantastic Four, John Buscema did Silver Surfer & George Perez did the last picture of the Silver Surfer with Doctor Strange.
Etascope - 9 years ago
Not sure why there isn't even a mention of a movie
Etascope - 9 years ago
As I mentioned it as a side note as well
The Adventures of Mitchman and Blackjack
The Adventures of Mitchman and Blackjack - 9 years ago
+Electricbuda Because this is ComicsExplained, not MoviesExplained. He usually doesn't even mention movies unless it's just a side note.
Demonos3 - 9 years ago
lol, The Watcher is a fanboy.
Hi Howdy
Hi Howdy - 9 years ago
Hi, I like your videos and appreciate the thought and critical thinking regarding comics. I'll check out your other channel. I've seen you do a lot of talk about powers and their measurement and I know ppl really like that. How about the characters alignments? Good, bad, and the shades of gray giving giving away to the absolute. Or how about a time line with the characters alignment? Another thing you could do, which might be a lot of work, is start using charts... using timelines, with events, powers, etc.; I know you get the gist of what I'm saying. Visuals besides visuals of the comic pages, i dunno anything about copyrights though. Anyway, great job. Oh, and to reiterate, maybe some character (alignment) comparisons between heroes and villans, and universes and multiverses, etc. Take care!
Primordial Vengeance
Primordial Vengeance - 9 years ago
3:45 milky way solar system.
iiishimmyiii - 9 years ago
His girlfriend is "Shala-bal" not " shen laa" js
drvannostran - 9 years ago
+iiishimmyiii I was going to say the same thing.
ShaWordPlay Jennings
ShaWordPlay Jennings - 9 years ago
Silver surfer Monlogue u did a few months back!!!!! ROB WHERE IS IT?? i cang find it!
lil lucid
lil lucid - 9 years ago
too bad we never see anymore videos about the silver surfer you've kind if slept on him Rob
carlos pedro
carlos pedro - 6 years ago
Ikr? I've been asking for some silver surfer stuff for months, still nothing
lil lucid
lil lucid - 9 years ago
+Crossums Yeah man its glad to see somebody understands the SS and his power and importance i wish other ppl would too tho i mean he has the power to go against Thanos like how is he not talked about ???
ShaWordPlay Jennings
ShaWordPlay Jennings - 9 years ago
+VincetheGreat I absolutely agree! Surfer is supremely powerful ur right and definitwly doesnt get anywhere near the mentioning he deserves!
lil lucid
lil lucid - 9 years ago
+Crossums Think so idk hes one of my favorites because he possesses so much power and isnt "evil" kind of sucks hes not often mentioned
ShaWordPlay Jennings
ShaWordPlay Jennings - 9 years ago
has he deleted that Silver Surfer Monologue video??

50. comment for Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained

Loukit Khemka
Loukit Khemka - 9 years ago
you can make it way more concise... the video is too long....
Jonn Ryane
Jonn Ryane - 9 years ago
Man I had every issue of Jim Starlin's run on surfer (Silver Surfer vol 2) when i was a was amazing to grow up to.
KungFuDolphin - 9 years ago
I particularily like the silver surfers tighty whiteys
unicron93 - 9 years ago
they should have done a year long build up to Infinity war the way they did infinity gauntlet. the infinty war was rushed out too fast and infinity crusade was so dissapointing for a trilogy that started out so strong. it was like they went form greatest to great to just lame.
Declan Hinshaw
Declan Hinshaw - 9 years ago
the grittier marvel stories seem to be always great
Rarely Replies
Rarely Replies - 9 years ago
Am I the only one that wonders why he needs that piece under the board? The rudder or what ever it may be called.
sylveon 69
sylveon 69 - 9 years ago
what is the name of the darude sandstorm in the opening?
Brett Warr
Brett Warr - 9 years ago
+Yawimaya yeah but its a different version...
Yawimaya - 9 years ago
+anon seven The Heavy - Short Change Hero (watch?v=P1QUZzeZoPQ) it's also in the description.
VVBSchro 9225
VVBSchro 9225 - 9 years ago
"milkyway solar system" facepalm (but that's alright <3)
TheTeaTycoon - 9 years ago
Really interesting video! I know I'm in the minority here but every time you say one of these phrases something grinds inside my brain. You don't really need to say any of these things, it's pointless and sometimes inappropriate sentence padding (included number of times spoken or variations thereof being spoken):

"what we see here is that" - 37 times. Yes, we see it, you don't need to say that we see it because if we didn't see it you wouldn't be talking about it :P

"goes as far as to say" - 7 times. "I would go as far as to say that I am making toast" for example is the level of pointless usage that you've been applying. "I am making toast" is fine.

"for the most part" - 6 times. Just not needed. "for the most part, the fantastic four don't know what to make of this" for example. You mean that one or more of them do know what to make of this?

"at this point/ from here" - 11 times. Unless you specify that we've skipped to another point in time, it's probably safe to assume that we're carry on from "this point"

"simply" - 10 times. I hate this pointless word.

Sorry to be negative, I am really seeing the grumpy old man in me come out these days. I am still interested in what you're saying but it hurts to listen.
Darwin Larin
Darwin Larin - 9 years ago
Damn it Rob your voice is soothing and just adds a definite impact to these videos!
Hijab WEAKLY - 9 years ago
i made a better explanation on my videos about the infinity gauntlet
Lunar Phox
Lunar Phox - 9 years ago
What intro songs is this?
Real.Piece.Of.Work - 9 years ago
Milky way solar system? WTF!?
Deathbrewer - 7 years ago
Milky way galaxy, Sol solar system (Sol is the name of our sun, the sun of Earth.)
Venus before Mars
Venus before Mars - 9 years ago
+Thorigrim That is a Gold Card response!
Thorigrim - 9 years ago
+Real.Piece.Of.Work Eh, it sorta still makes sense. But it's like an awkward way of saying California L.A. or Florida Orlando. lol
Rarely Replies
Rarely Replies - 9 years ago
You can kinda tell most of this is not scripted and he is all going by memory. So, it's understandable he will stumble now and then.
American Patriot
American Patriot - 9 years ago
Hands down in my humble opinion the BEST character ever created among BOTH Marvel and DC Comic Book characters. Really, he was invincible. NO ONE could beat him including Super Man if he was a Marvel super hero.
Raktus - 9 years ago
Wonder what would happen if Galactus got the Power Stone...
starmoguilll - 9 years ago
+Raktus I think if Galactus got the stones he'd stop being a giant dick and eating planets since he could then sustain himself on its energy
Marcus B Urameshi
Marcus B Urameshi - 9 years ago
+Darkryu256 But i thought he just misunderstood what the stone was for and didn't even know it was a source of strength and power. Yes, Champion has strength with out the power gem but he wouldn't, for example, be able to destroy a planet with a punch like he did when he fought Thanos.
Darkryu256 - 9 years ago
+ElConquistador24 He let his anger get the better of him, also, Champion himself says he was never able to get the stone to work for him. So the power he displayed against Thanos was his alone
legalam - 9 years ago
+Raktus He actually got all of them in one arch and opened a portal to another dimension for some reason.
Through The Looking Glass
Through The Looking Glass - 9 years ago
Then why did he lose the stone if he was so knowledgeable?
Round - 9 years ago
+ElConquistador24 The Hulk is in no way similar to the Champion, the Champion has eons worth of fighting tactics knowledge.
Through The Looking Glass
Through The Looking Glass - 9 years ago
or if hulk got the power stone, similar to the champion or much stronger+Raktus
Kristopher Perez
Kristopher Perez - 9 years ago
Thor ( with Odin force ) vs silver surfer Help!!!
Digital Bath
Digital Bath - 9 years ago
+John Lewis Bullshit.
BestAtNutting - 9 years ago
Odin Force Wins
fredocorleone - 9 years ago
I love the 40 second intro before the vid finally starts.......can you possibly make the intro even longer?
Darrall Jr Williams
Darrall Jr Williams - 7 years ago
No, he's saying the intro is Badass! And he's right.
BlazeAdin - 9 years ago
+fredocorleone hes not complaining.. just keyboard warriors being weird lol
The Red Viper
The Red Viper - 9 years ago
+fredocorleone I'm sure you meant: "Thank you for making this video for free, that's so kind of you good sir. I learned a lot and you surely are skilled at making educational videos." Douchebag.
femiairboy94 - 9 years ago
+sweatshopkids yeah auto text -_-
sweatshopkids - 9 years ago
+femiairboy94 Did you mean to say "attention span?"
femiairboy94 - 9 years ago
+fredocorleone could your extension span be any shorter? It’s a show, An intro makes it worth the while.
R3G3N3RAT3D2000 - 9 years ago
I like this channel but I was wondering does this channel do dc comics also
Krishnaeternal - 9 years ago
I can tell you are not a Surfer fan. No Silver Surfer fan would mispronounce the name of Norrin's girlfriend (Shalla Bal) LoL!! No big deal though....
pike666db - 9 years ago
+Krishnaeternal Give the guy a break. He's dropping a buttload of comicbook knowledge unto the masses. :)
christi - 9 years ago
Pulsar Stargrave
Pulsar Stargrave - 9 years ago
The Silver Surfer represents Kirby's growing frustration in his working relationship with Stan Lee. Kirby created the Surfer on his own and meant for him to be a creation of Galactus alone, and he was never a guy named Norrin Radd. (Galactus was God-like or a representation of God's Wrath while The Surfer was a fallen angel.) In those FF stories, Kirby wanted the Surfer to learn more and more about Humanity, with our virtues and shortcomings. The problem was that Surfer became so popular, he appeared in a story without Kirby and got his own series--again, without Jack. Jack wasn't treated this way when he worked with Joe Simon, who made most, if not all creative decisions, with Kirby, while they were still a team. Apparently, this business with the Silver Surfer bothered Jack more than he let on and he refused to create any more notable characters unless the ideas came from Lee first! This is why when DC offered him Editorial control of his Fourth World books, he seized the opportunity! You can read about it in issues of The Jack Kirby Collector and in Evanier's excellent Kirby book. Evanier once worked as an assistant to Jack and was (and might still be) close to the Kirby family.
Kieran Buchanan
Kieran Buchanan - 8 years ago
Pulsar Stargrave
Pulsar Stargrave - 9 years ago
+gdroff These aren't my theories alone. There was a contributor to the JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR who wrote a series of articles called "A Failure To Communicate" and Kirby himself spoke about how he was annoyed (to say the least) at how every time he created a new character " would be taken away [...from him.]" But these are the known and accepted risks you take when you do "Work-For-Hire". The Indies of Pacific and Image Comics came too late for Kirby and his contemporaries although Kirby did manage to publish Captain Victory... and Silver Star while he still worked in animation. DC later made some kind of deal with him for the Fourth World characters but some speculate their main motivation was to stick it to Marvel while they were holding Jack's original artwork hostage!
MEFASOLA - 9 years ago
+Pulsar Stargrave interesting
tommy4254 - 10 years ago
Who is misty Knight
Adam Fremouw
Adam Fremouw - 10 years ago
Ah yes, I remember when 20th Century Fox perfectly depicted this....... not
LazarusErlking - 10 years ago
Two things don't make sense to me. 1, if since the beginning SS said he wouldn't lead Galactus to life-bearing planets, why did he ever summon him to earth? Sounds like a plot hole because they needed a way to make him good rather than bad. 2, if he retains his memories as norrin, being that theyre a human like race why wouldn't he understand humanlike emotions? I'm not trying to make digs, I'm a huge fan of silver surfer since I was a kid, but I oversights like this bug me, unless I'm misunderstanding something.
Akshat Agrawal
Akshat Agrawal - 9 years ago
I guess that SS slowly forgot how it was to be humane because he was never anymore around people and in turn didn't mind Galactus destroying inhabited planets until he came on earth and regained his emotions after conversing with Alicia.
Chris Memedoza
Chris Memedoza - 9 years ago
Galactus altered the silver surfer's soul so he could have all most no emotion
LazarusErlking - 10 years ago
Finally, someone gives me an answer that really answers my question. Can you point me to issue numbers? Thanks!
Branden Myers
Branden Myers - 10 years ago
1) Galactus needed to feed and SS couldn't find a planet that he could eat  that had no life- which is why he leads Galactus to Earth as a last resort. 2)Galactus altered his memory, which he slowly gets back after he betrays Galactus.
LazarusErlking - 10 years ago
For the most part, I get that. I had a handful of Silver Surfer back in the day. One in particular where he recalls his mother killing herself and all that, but did he forget that when Galactus enslaved him or how did that go?
panther196321 - 10 years ago
To understand the Silver Surfer, you must understand that he is a slave to
Galactus. In discovering a sense of humanity, he is rediscovering Norrin Radd.
Rod German
Rod German - 10 years ago
do your best and try to cover as much as possible we'll be watching you
Rod German
Rod German - 10 years ago
Great job narrating keep it up!!
Dankitus Prime
Dankitus Prime - 10 years ago
Her name is Shalla-Bal not Shen- La
pike666db - 9 years ago
+Annu Naki Thank you. I was about to make that remark and stopped to check if someone already had.
aimlesfez - 10 years ago
excellent channel dude. 
chunky9791 - 10 years ago
For I am not without mercy.... You may serve as my Herald
Silver surfer for president 2016
Blacc Phillip Jr.
Blacc Phillip Jr. - 10 years ago
carlos valentino cohen gomez
carlos valentino cohen gomez - 8 years ago
liked I said before on a comment videos are awesome but that swallowing makes me cringe so bad
Ron Lucas
Ron Lucas - 10 years ago
I truly enjoy these vids.  I'm hoping you cover House of M and Age of Apocalypse 
Chico Williams
Chico Williams - 10 years ago
Can you do a video on High Evolutionary,Luke Cage, Us Agent and The New Warriors.
John Dejesus
John Dejesus - 10 years ago
I wish you would use another word other then individual
marcboss6 - 10 years ago
sILVER surfer was a defender correct?
femiairboy94 - 9 years ago
+marcboss6 Kinda
genkenobi - 10 years ago
Norrin's race were basicaly human.
Daniel Gooley
Daniel Gooley - 10 years ago
whats the name of the song at the end?
Charles Chen
Charles Chen - 10 years ago
Can I just say your intro sequence is awesome. Ridiculously cool, Keep it up Rob!
Sammy DiCaro
Sammy DiCaro - 10 years ago
Rob, when are gonna drop infinity on us?????
Ramiro - 10 years ago
Oh man this is so good :')
The Other Guy
The Other Guy - 10 years ago
Great vid, one thing though

Milky Way= Our galaxy. We don't really have a name for our solar system beyond the latin name for the sun Sol , which in english would just be the Solar system.
Luis Mauricio Rodriguez Cerecer
Luis Mauricio Rodriguez Cerecer - 10 years ago
Love all your great videos, keep up your good work
Joe El
Joe El - 10 years ago
The intro music is too sick.
shohiryu - 10 years ago
Great music at the end.
Lord Cognito
Lord Cognito - 10 years ago
YES!!!!!! Finally. GREAT more Norrin! smirk

(btw his love interest is Shalla Bal;)

Love your infinity guantlet leadup for Surfer. Cant wait for more!
Ede Dizon
Ede Dizon - 10 years ago
keep up the good work bro, would love if you did original sin or siege of Asgard
Marshall  Hess
Marshall Hess - 10 years ago
Sliver suffer rolls been. Readen since the
Crimsonknight700 - 10 years ago
Silver Surfer is one of my all-time favorite fictional characters, thanks giving this character justice in the video.
Jesc Franco Fe
Jesc Franco Fe - 10 years ago
so awesome! I needed to know this, finding marvel comic is my country it's so expensive and hard. 
Daven H
Daven H - 10 years ago

100. comment for Infinity War: Silver Surfer Explained

EnSabahNur - 10 years ago
Well done!
Psychedelic Weirdo
Psychedelic Weirdo - 10 years ago
Talk about Super Skrull
DrillOllie - 10 years ago
Great video! Very professional! I love the silver surfer!
P.s. eventually when the time comes in the future can you do Angela please?
Sup Kem
Sup Kem - 10 years ago
Great stuff! i really like the way your voices sounds so professional throughout all your vids.  You might wanna consider another line beside   "and what we see here is that" it is getting a little repetitive.That being said, I feel you may have  been better served if you avoided this here topic of the Silver Surfer.  your other vids follow the story of the character, not the publishing history of Marvel. Yes Silver Surfer#1 came out after FF#48, but clearly his history runs counter to this. toward the end you talk about SS losing his "humanity" over time, But the infinity Gauntlet tie ins counter this. Check out SS v3 #50 for more on the compassion of Galactus with regards to SS's humanity.   Aside from this, and back to the beginning of the video, you mention how SS was second in command behind Warlock during the IG. I contend that Jim Starlin had every intention of  having SS be the main hero, but he lost control of the story and brought in Warlock at the last minute (remember starlin had SS fighting the mad titan for nearly 2 years before IG.) and as IG moved along, SS became less and less involved in the storyline. Anyway keep up the great work, its about time somebody did something like this, and your doing a great job at it too.
mesmeria74 - 10 years ago
Namor pls.
talos born
talos born - 10 years ago
i really love your vids keep it up . Even though im not that big into marvel the lore of these characters is great.
Robert Stone
Robert Stone - 10 years ago
Thx u sir for all the videos
TheMaster47x - 10 years ago
Good video.
I'd love to see one of these for Gladiator or Hyperion.
Goat Liberator
Goat Liberator - 10 years ago
How do you feel about the animated Avengers series that had Ironman playing the role of the Silver Surfer?  I like Silver Surfer but why does Marvel keep using characters it doesn't have cinematic rights to?  
james89302 - 10 years ago
They may not have cinematic rights but they do have a united universe where they can mix and match their characters anyway they feel in other media.
Tim O
Tim O - 10 years ago
Beta Ray Bill. Please.
Tim Jones
Tim Jones - 10 years ago
Gr8 vid, Rob.
SithMade - 10 years ago
Love all your videos :)
Mr. Hokaji
Mr. Hokaji - 10 years ago
He has always been one of my favorites. Glad he has a new run. Just not a fan of the art.
Jarrod Alexander
Jarrod Alexander - 10 years ago
YES. I knew Silver Surfer would come up soon. Thank you.
MrMrDerf - 10 years ago
I just got'ta say man, your videos are the shit. Keep it up. 
Optimus Brown
Optimus Brown - 10 years ago
Great video!
Dadee3 - 10 years ago
Make a video on Hyperion!!
kareem abou zain aldain
kareem abou zain aldain - 10 years ago
do daredevil please :D <3
Umar - 10 years ago
great vid rob , just wanted to point out norran rads girlfriend is Shalla-bal not ''shen la '' , keep up the great work cant wait for the infinity gauntlet!
CandidLion50 - 10 years ago
Awesome vid
CandidLion50 - 10 years ago
Like this comment
The Altar Of Madness - Multimedia Reviews
The Altar Of Madness - Multimedia Reviews - 10 years ago
PjCruzTv - 10 years ago
Smiles - 10 years ago
loved it man, great job.
Big Chink Al
Big Chink Al - 10 years ago
Highlight of my week man, thanks.
lordkibagami - 10 years ago
I loved the Silver Surfer cartoon, it was way ahead of it's time.
StevenErnest - 10 years ago
I agree, it was truly awesome... er, cosmic!  Yes, the early use of cgi was ahead of its time.  I wish Marvel would offically release it on DVD.  Years ago I bought an eBay pirate copy from a collector, and would be more than glad to reimburse Marvel if they issued it.  "To me -- my board!"  ^_^
john miller
john miller - 10 years ago
+EternalBooda Trust me when I get the chance I'll check it out certainly
EternalBooda - 10 years ago
+john miller
Dude, you gotta watch it. Thanos is THE MOST neurotic villain I've ever seen put into a cartoon.
john miller
john miller - 10 years ago
I never got around to watching, but I did notice something strangely unique about. I probably would have watched if it didn't come on so late as kid, I mean late I've had problems with sleeping but damn silver surfer got the shaft not even my sleep depravation could keep up with it's timing.
lordkibagami - 10 years ago
Shawn Zamir FFXV
Shawn Zamir FFXV - 10 years ago
All the marvel cartoons during that time were ahead of their time. We would be lucky if the cartoons were getting now have the quality of the ones made around the time of silver surfer.
gumbii garcia
gumbii garcia - 10 years ago
first... lol... 
James M.
James M. - 10 years ago
Good for you do you want a cookie with that lol

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