Instrumental Surf Anthology, Vol. 3

00:00 The Chantrays - Pipeline (1963) 02:10 The Ghastly Ones - Scuzz Ghoul Meets Curl's Girl (2006) 05:25 Demon Vendetta - The Force of Gravity (2013) 07:51 The Space Cossacks - Transylvanian Orbit (2000) 11:00 The Shockwave! - Take On Me (2014) 14:06 Los Cuchillos - Tarantino (2014) 16:03 Hawaii Samurai - Surf Or Die (2003) 18:58 Man or Astro-Man? - Out Of Limits (1995) 20:53 Atomic Mosquitos - Danger Island (2002) 23:02 The Lively Ones - Surf Rider (1963) 26:20 Lost Acapulco - La Llorona Loca (2005) 28:37 Langhorns - Tierra del Fuego (1998) 31:17 The Panteras - No Beach (2013) 24:37 Phantom Frank - Dead Man Surfin' (2006) 37:22 The Spotnicks - The Rocket Man (1964) 39:16 Satan's Pilgrims - Hungarian Dance No.5 (1994) 41:29 Original Onions - Call Me (2008) 44:47 The Penetrators - Checkpoint Echo (2001) 47:43 Messer Chups - Titi Caca Titi (2015) 51:17 The Ventures - Blue Moon (1962) 53:31 Los Pegajosos - Antropofagia (2010) 57:26 The Guitaraculas - Surfing De L' Amour (2017)

Instrumental Surf Anthology, Vol. 3 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 128

Surf 7 years ago 261,976 views

00:00 The Chantrays - Pipeline (1963) 02:10 The Ghastly Ones - Scuzz Ghoul Meets Curl's Girl (2006) 05:25 Demon Vendetta - The Force of Gravity (2013) 07:51 The Space Cossacks - Transylvanian Orbit (2000) 11:00 The Shockwave! - Take On Me (2014) 14:06 Los Cuchillos - Tarantino (2014) 16:03 Hawaii Samurai - Surf Or Die (2003) 18:58 Man or Astro-Man? - Out Of Limits (1995) 20:53 Atomic Mosquitos - Danger Island (2002) 23:02 The Lively Ones - Surf Rider (1963) 26:20 Lost Acapulco - La Llorona Loca (2005) 28:37 Langhorns - Tierra del Fuego (1998) 31:17 The Panteras - No Beach (2013) 24:37 Phantom Frank - Dead Man Surfin' (2006) 37:22 The Spotnicks - The Rocket Man (1964) 39:16 Satan's Pilgrims - Hungarian Dance No.5 (1994) 41:29 Original Onions - Call Me (2008) 44:47 The Penetrators - Checkpoint Echo (2001) 47:43 Messer Chups - Titi Caca Titi (2015) 51:17 The Ventures - Blue Moon (1962) 53:31 Los Pegajosos - Antropofagia (2010) 57:26 The Guitaraculas - Surfing De L' Amour (2017)

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Most popular comments
for Instrumental Surf Anthology, Vol. 3

CHARLES NOLAN - 5 years ago
I am ( even currently ) at age 63, and avid bodysurfer on the Jersey coast. I use maccapo ( Hawaiian ) surf fins made by Churchill- I am on my 8th or 9th pair, since I started using them 42 years ago!
That said, in 1979, I worked retail in the Record business west of Philadelphia. In stock we had two
Surf compilation records, which started/ renewed my interest in Surf Music. I always like tve Beach Boys, but now all of that other Surfer rock was getting reissued!
I remember the Chantay's "Pipeline," when it was getting airplay on Jersey shoee radio stations,- circa 1963!
Also Jan and Dean's
" Surf City, USA!"
Finally, about 15 years ago while in Philadelphia, I happened to learn that LOS STRAIGHT JACKETS were in town- so I went!
You haven't lived until you have seen a rock band dressed in old style Mexican Wrestlers outfits, complete with face masks!
GoldTopSlinger - 5 years ago
Now that you can watch every minute of competition in the World Surf League, I've become a foaming-at-the-mouth fan. But when I watch highlight videos I turn the sound off on the modern, weak music and turn on lists like this. How the younguns can consider generic pop and Ibizalike music to be "surf music" is beyond me. Real surf music like this has the sound and the power of the sea built in. Just turn the sound down on that and up on this next time you watch otherwise great surf videos. Reverb isn't called "wet" for nothing.
Chris McElroy
Chris McElroy - 5 years ago
The artwork for these videos are awesome
Hans Schetselaar
Hans Schetselaar - 5 years ago
Ευχαριστώ παρά πολύ!
Μου αρέσει η μουσική αυτή παρά πολύ
Κρίμα ότι δεν υπάρχει το τραγούδι Μισιρλου
Να περνάς καλά πάντα
Jos van der Gun
Jos van der Gun - 5 years ago
Great compilation, although I really prefer the 60's 'real' stuff!
Allahisgay Mohammedthefalseprophet
Allahisgay Mohammedthefalseprophet - 5 years ago
Walk don't run!
Billy Bonkers
Billy Bonkers - 5 years ago
37:22 - Did I hear a Russian folk song?
Thanatos - 5 years ago
Are there not enough Great surf songs in your world that you gotta include awefull remixes ?!
redcat608 - 5 years ago
34:33 !!!

10. comment for Instrumental Surf Anthology, Vol. 3

Bolo Fundoordriller
Bolo Fundoordriller - 6 years ago
47:43 Meanwhile in Bikini Bottom...
dimitrisarvanitis - 6 years ago
Εξαιρετική συλλογή φίλε μου. Και αυτή και όλες οι υπόλοιπες. Σε ευχαριστώ
mayhem 666
mayhem 666 - 6 years ago
naaa.muchhos nuevos... Solo 60´s 100% original
raymond dukes
raymond dukes - 6 years ago
topopops - 6 years ago
Wavy dude
Rohan Sask
Rohan Sask - 6 years ago
Any plans for Anthology Vol. 6???
Rajado e dois tempo
Rajado e dois tempo - 6 years ago
nice selection!!!
JacksonJS50Dinky - 6 years ago
who the fuck surfs on top of the wave
Wolf Dancer
Wolf Dancer - 6 years ago
Down voted for not revealing in advance these are mostly new and unknown songs. I down vote not on content always so much as presentation.
Nizar Louhichi
Nizar Louhichi - 5 years ago
because you are a little bitch?
Alan Hernandez
Alan Hernandez - 6 years ago
You forgot to put DAIKAIJU in the mix =(

Awesome mix regardless, surf is underrated and in a way it's good thing. Time, assholes, & Big Money have taken and over saturated every other genre out there... Let us keep surf, I say...

20. comment for Instrumental Surf Anthology, Vol. 3

James Laspesa
James Laspesa - 6 years ago
Straight surf music. . Love it
fabien labarbe
fabien labarbe - 6 years ago
New surf music band : the deniro's :
Kadual - 6 years ago
6:39 to 6:53 is extremely familiar. What is that from, or what is it a variation of? - kinda reminds me of Call of Ktulu by Metallica.
JayLeePoe - 6 years ago
All hail Dick Dale!
Michael Fumesta
Michael Fumesta - 6 years ago
Crazy how you can have 1 song from the 1960's next to another from the 2010's and you can't really tell a huge difference. The style really hasn't changed at all. Kind of cool. Most stuff progresses. I think it's cool that surf doesn't really. Stops it from being bastardized.
fabien labarbe
fabien labarbe - 5 years ago
+Michael Fumesta thanks a lot from my band :)
Michael Fumesta
Michael Fumesta - 5 years ago
+Mike MarchI hear ya.. I just didn't know. Thought it was cool.
Michael Fumesta
Michael Fumesta - 5 years ago
+fabien labarbe classic sounds in 2018.. without being Greta Van Fleet. LMFAO. so cool
Mike March
Mike March - 6 years ago
Surf is surf...
fabien labarbe
fabien labarbe - 6 years ago
Katie Savage
Katie Savage - 6 years ago
is your profile picture HH Holmes the serial killer from Chicago?
Priscila De Lima Alves
Priscila De Lima Alves - 6 years ago
algum br
Shadow Hunter
Shadow Hunter - 6 years ago
ska rastaman
ska rastaman - 6 years ago
Aguante LOST ACAPULCO!!! - 6 years ago
thanks for the effort and the posting. thumbs up.
Mexicodebauchary - 6 years ago
This is amazing.

30. comment for Instrumental Surf Anthology, Vol. 3

tempest 3833715
tempest 3833715 - 6 years ago
Películas de el santo enmascarado de plata contra los "mostros" (je je je) que padres ayeres ......gracias
laubowiebass - 6 years ago
Thanks . I love it .
Pneu Michelin
Pneu Michelin - 6 years ago
Feel like in malibu .....only blond girls missing
Phil Everything
Phil Everything - 6 years ago
Hang Tennis
Creamapod Games
Creamapod Games - 6 years ago
This sounds like a tiny bit like reggae
toro64xxx - 6 years ago
toro64xxx - 6 years ago
toro64xxx - 6 years ago
toro64xxx - 6 years ago
fred flintstone
fred flintstone - 6 years ago
andrew martínez
andrew martínez - 6 years ago
bro this changed my life
Terry Tyler
Terry Tyler - 6 years ago
Gassungtite ~ Seig Howdy Amigos from Far Away Lands - It is the Diseased Terry Tyler of Tupelo. I am encouraging you. In the event of Tsunami Weather. The best option could possible be to surf the mother fuckin' wave. I have had a miserable attempt at jet skiiing, but water sports are where it is at. Ride the wave in boys girls and strange thangalangs.
DoomKaos - 6 years ago
I don't know who you are, where are you from but I want to thank you for this
northtone - 6 years ago
Nice drip!!!! its like i just got outta the shower and forgot the towel
JLK - 6 years ago
Ken Gage
Ken Gage - 6 years ago
Great group of tunes!!!
Hercílio da Silva Jorgino.
Hercílio da Silva Jorgino. - 6 years ago
((((((((((((((((Simplesmente demais>... Scooby doo, gato Félix, Andy panda, Tutu Barão entre outros... Ah!!! Batman & Robin °preto e branco°))))))))))))))))))))
Leteri Leteraki
Leteri Leteraki - 6 years ago
Εεεεεε.....Σωραιιιοοοςςς ρε μαγκα....με εφτιαξες!!!!!!!αααααααα!!
Javier González
Javier González - 6 years ago
I want these albums soooo bad man, where can i find an anthology this good?
dudeya - 6 years ago
This is my part of Youtube, sit and chill.
Luiz Carlos
Luiz Carlos - 6 years ago
Bom de mais da conta sô !!!?
Hercílio da Silva Jorgino.
Hercílio da Silva Jorgino. - 6 years ago
Também curti
Noah Diruscio
Noah Diruscio - 6 years ago
Noah Diruscio
Noah Diruscio - 6 years ago
Draža Mihailovic
Draža Mihailovic - 6 years ago
Vou fumar um baseado agooooooooooooora.
DAVID BRITTON - 6 years ago
AWSOME-!!! AWSOME-!!!!! AWSOME-!!!!! THE. BEST-!!!!! DJB@PA.....U.S.A.....!!!!!! YAAAAA-WHOOOOO-!!!!!!

50. comment for Instrumental Surf Anthology, Vol. 3

Sex and Skate and Rock´n´Roll
Sex and Skate and Rock´n´Roll - 6 years ago
You should include any song from "Kashbah Cocktail" from Wallace álbum "Cabanyal Beach". Won´t regret. An underrated band that is unknown for any reason.
Ze de Falco Avila
Ze de Falco Avila - 6 years ago
26:20 Lost Acapulco - La Llorona Loca (2005) bárbaro tributo a los Zuleta
paulo lima
paulo lima - 6 years ago
Viajei muito nesse som, muito bom, obrigado
ElPutoAmoSUPERSTAR - 6 years ago
blue dino
blue dino - 6 years ago
This video just got recommended to me outta NOWHERE but I sure am happy it did it's got that classic Halloween/beach vibe to it
Alex Meyers
Alex Meyers - 6 years ago
Beach Halloween is the BEST vibe.
skull films
skull films - 6 years ago
3:21 Santo vs Blue Demon.
javier Chamorro
javier Chamorro - 6 years ago
- Whose motorcycle is this?

- It's a chopper, baby.

- Whose chopper is this?

- It's Zed's.

- Who's Zed?

- ... Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead.
Shawn Carson
Shawn Carson - 6 years ago
"Who's Zed?" - "Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead."
laubowiebass - 6 years ago
javier Chamorro that movie got me into this music . I always say this line , too...
Israel Deerfield
Israel Deerfield - 6 years ago
+Lucas Chiappe The cover of "Out of Limits."
Lucas Chiappe
Lucas Chiappe - 6 years ago
Which song it’s from pulp fiction ?
Lucas Chiappe
Lucas Chiappe - 6 years ago
Pulp Fiction <3
David Golzalez
David Golzalez - 6 years ago
Pf .
Punchacot A
Punchacot A - 6 years ago
11dvan00lya _
11dvan00lya _ - 6 years ago
A little mistake in the description. Not Chantrays, but Chantays
Brook Hoover
Brook Hoover - 6 years ago
elroy jetson
elroy jetson - 6 years ago
very nice ...just need some pot now n would be just great
The Mother Flower
The Mother Flower - 6 years ago
heavymetalhead hristov
heavymetalhead hristov - 6 years ago
Basie Settle
Basie Settle - 6 years ago
Ayy throw some Killer Filler in there
Eduardo Tencio
Eduardo Tencio - 6 years ago
Oh, i'm glad to see Los Cuchillos here. Their live performance is awesome!
runrunrun6777 - 6 years ago
These are the best mixes on youtube. Thank you.
Fingerblastman - 6 years ago
Rohan Sask
Rohan Sask - 6 years ago
Mystic Rose
Mystic Rose - 6 years ago
1. 00:00 The Chantays - Pipeline (63)
2. 02:10 The Ghastly Ones - Scuzz Ghoul Meets Curl's Girl (06)
3. 05:25 Demon Vendetta - The Force Of Gravity (13)
4. 07:51 The Space Cossacks - Transylvanian Orbit (00)
5. 11:00 The Shockwave! - Take On Me (14)
6. 14:06 Los Cuchillos - Tarantino (14)
7. 16:03 Hawaii Samurai - Surf Or Die (03)
8. 18:58 Man or Astro-Man? - Out Of Limits (95)
9. 20:53 Atomic Mosquitos - Danger Island (02)
10. 23:02 The Lively Ones - Surf Rider (63)
11. 26:20 Lost Acapulco - La Llorona Loca (05)
12. 28:37 Langhorns - Tierra del Fuego (98)
13. 31:17 The Panteras - No Beach (13)
14. 34:37 Phantom Frank - Dead Man Surfin' (06)
15. 37:22 The Spotnicks - The Rocket Man (64)
16. 39:16 Satan's Pilgrims - Hungarian Dance No. 5 (94)
17. 41:29 Original Onions - Call Me (08)
18. 44:47 The Penetrators - Checkpoint Echo (01)
19. 47:43 Messer Chups - Titi Caca Titi (15)
20. 51:17 The Ventures - Blue Moon (62)
21. 53:31 Los Pegajosos - Antropofagia (10)
22. 57:26 The Guitaraculas - Surfing De L'Amour (17) - 6 years ago
Anna Mavriikis
Anna Mavriikis - 6 years ago
Thank you good person from YouTube
antonio dutra
antonio dutra - 6 years ago
Cadê os Beach Boys e o Trashman?
Daniel Howell
Daniel Howell - 6 years ago
Way to follow through, Danny boy.
Daniel Howell
Daniel Howell - 6 years ago
Vincent Blackburn
Vincent Blackburn - 6 years ago
Thanks so much the to go song listing! You ROCK!!
Doge Maverick
Doge Maverick - 6 years ago
THAT SURFIN SKELETON! Bonnet art on a Tarantino characters car, it's like hella spooky and totally laid back at the same time! This airbrush on the bonnet and then hawaii shirt flowers increasing to the back... I mean a paintjob that just screams at the po po "I do just soooo much god damn weed man!"
Weuller Krysthian
Weuller Krysthian - 6 years ago
I don't understand nothing but understand!
Rob Palumbo
Rob Palumbo - 6 years ago
It's from a house of mystery comic
Willie Daniels
Willie Daniels - 6 years ago
Another superb collection of surf classics! Love all of it!
IG BELL0 - 6 years ago
Titi Caca Titi oh my gosh! pretty sweet song...
Faïzca. - 6 years ago
kids place on channel 9
kids place on channel 9 - 6 years ago
The pyramids penetration
Luísa Janaú
Luísa Janaú - 6 years ago
I listen to this while studying, is really helps to not get bored
kim garyung
kim garyung - 6 years ago
Nope its bad for me to listen while studying, i cant stop twitching
Jose Ricardo Briseno Medina
Jose Ricardo Briseno Medina - 6 years ago
Jajaja estoy haciendo lo mismo.
stelios alexakis
stelios alexakis - 6 years ago
Πολύ καλό!
Mike Litoris
Mike Litoris - 6 years ago
hi im pretty new to surf music, any album recommendations?
seamus2112ophelan - 6 years ago
+Nicklaus Books
Nicklaus Books
Nicklaus Books - 6 years ago
Slayer: Reign In Blood
TrevzTv - 6 years ago
The mermen.
C. James Dean
C. James Dean - 6 years ago
Mike Litoris The Mayhems (kvlt California), Man or Astromen, the Drags, Deadbolt, the Cramps, Satan's Pilgrim's & of course Link Wray! The list goes on... The Oblivion's, Calexico, the Soledad Brothers, the Ventures...
Warrogue1 - 6 years ago
Check out La Luz, a contemporary all-woman surf rock band from Seattle.
GunproofGrandad - 6 years ago
There is a Japanese guy called Takeshi Terauchi who is amazing and deserves more awareness. You can check out some of his albums here on YouTube.
Willie Daniels
Willie Daniels - 6 years ago
Anything by Link Wray is a classic! He is also a surf music pioneer along with Dick Dale! Also check out anything by Surf Coasters from Japan! They are my favorite foreign surf band! And since I am from MN--check out a MN band from the 1960's--the Trashmen! Listen to both their albums put out back then. They should be on Y.T. here.
Warrogue1 - 6 years ago
Los Cuchillos have clearly been taking lessons from Dale.
Harry Sack
Harry Sack - 6 years ago
I personally would recommend Dick Dale. Any of his albums. Hell, check out his whole discography! He’s the king of surf rock for a reason.
imcusto - 6 years ago
There are tons of recommendations in this thread at SG101: (New to surf music, any suggestions?) A lot more than I could get into here.
Albert Kent
Albert Kent - 6 years ago
Muy buena selección
Albums -
Albums - - 6 years ago
Out of limits!
Tito G
Tito G - 6 years ago
Ολα Γαμανε!!
Strawberry Suicide
Strawberry Suicide - 6 years ago
The best
Shamieraah - 6 years ago
you should create a spotify playlist with all these songs that'd be awesome
Mariana C
Mariana C - 6 years ago
Thank you for the awesome music! It's the perfect homework music! :D
james hanson
james hanson - 6 years ago
Mariana C
David Gerardo
David Gerardo - 6 years ago
I'm agree, its my favorite for do the homework!
Richard Head
Richard Head - 6 years ago
awesome uploads thx from South Carolina.
David Davison
David Davison - 6 years ago
Mr. Greek writing, excellent picks, keep em coming. I've found some in your posts I've never heard before and am thoroughly entertained...I could listen for hours.
BTW, are you familiar with the Finish band Viikate? Not exactly surf but a number of their tunes sound like surf music...they're my favorite band though I don't understand a single word they're singing.
antonakis malakas
antonakis malakas - 7 years ago
vives alani ftiaxe kiala den eixa akousei oute nota ektos apo ghastly one kai me xeis kapsei kai mena haha anevase kiala ama mporeis :)
Mike W
Mike W - 7 years ago
ft wda
ft wda - 7 years ago
What is with the surf?
Doug Cook
Doug Cook - 6 years ago
What happened to Kyuss?  Where is Alfredo (bad ass drummer).
japas - 6 years ago
It's just got that thang, man
Old Comix
Old Comix - 7 years ago
cool stuff. thanks
Nio Ch. Kias
Nio Ch. Kias - 7 years ago
to volume 1 akouga exthes, tha mas kapseis ta myala file esu
Tyrone Koumoundouros
Tyrone Koumoundouros - 6 years ago
Nio Ch. Kias

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