Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection

When Portuguese Surfers Anotonio Silva and Diogo d'Orey got some insider intel that a mysto and fickle right point was going to turn on, they pulled the trigger and went for it.

Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection sentiment_very_dissatisfied 226

Surf 6 years ago 170,646 views

When Portuguese Surfers Anotonio Silva and Diogo d'Orey got some insider intel that a mysto and fickle right point was going to turn on, they pulled the trigger and went for it.

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for Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection

dave chandler
dave chandler - 6 years ago
God himself used to surf there
dave chandler
dave chandler - 6 years ago
Do not tell anyone where this is
phoarey - 6 years ago
Well I won't be going to a third world country Africa. Thanks for showing this guys. Our beach apartment is at Fanning's (Snapper) . Great to see a near virgin, uncrowded break.
Nicholas Kerr
Nicholas Kerr - 6 years ago
Are we sure it only rarely breaks? I see on Google earth and zoom earth, two different satilite images of it running. Not for 15kms bit still sections of it were running, so that's pretty good odds to me considering it's just random photos taken on two different days.
Nicholas Kerr
Nicholas Kerr - 6 years ago
Let's all go surf there and when we see these guys in the water we chase them out and don't let them surf there. I'm joking, but damn that would be some karma.

And once again thanks for exposing it so I can surf there.
Nicholas Kerr
Nicholas Kerr - 6 years ago
It's like they wanted to expose it or they are really dumb giving that much detail about the wave through the footage.

I know there are islands near by where people go on surf holidays and take surf lessons. This place is going to be swarming pretty soon. Think I'll book my plane and boat ride pretty soon. Not sure why I'm angry you guys exposed it. I suppose thanks! See you soon.
james - 6 years ago
wow the irony of this
JingleFrisbee7D - 6 years ago
its in the med.. their massive egos kicked up the swell from the plane... Brazo low pressure system
Sergi Nuell
Sergi Nuell - 6 years ago
You rubbish.. delete this video

10. comment for Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection

Jack Brennick
Jack Brennick - 6 years ago
Nope ...not the best... it is not sheet glass perfection, , it is not crystal clear blue to the bottom, the rip is exhausting, ( ask fanning), no palm trees, .... no this is just another cool " guess what we found" video....these guys must have missed endless sumner.... no wait Cape St Francis was a left....Well there is the no crowd factor....honolua and lagundri are a little fickle ...
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
not the same wave as mick's
Wade H
Wade H - 6 years ago
Hey guys, This is Praia de Santa Mónica in Cape Verde. Here is your virtual tour
Thanks to Surfer for finally revealing the location of Mick's mystery wave. Ciao
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
not the same wave as mick's. ciao.
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
and one from the NW
dapoint po
dapoint po - 6 years ago
It requires a big swell...
Ti Zé Lopes
Ti Zé Lopes - 6 years ago
Ide trabalhar para a GNR, chibos do caralho!
John Heussenstamm
John Heussenstamm - 6 years ago
This is like the typical exploitation of a natural phenomenon. What did Muddy Waters say?, "When you have something good you don't talk about it." I think we all want to share the good things with our family and friends but the surfing world is a cruel and selfish cult. But I'm as guilty as anyone cause of ego problems carried over from my youthful surfing days.
TONY RUIZ - 6 years ago
Stupid asshole!
Not matter where you go to surfing it doesn’t belong to you.
If you come to this forum don’t try to play to be the protector and savior of pristine environments.
Markus Broyles
Markus Broyles - 6 years ago
Why am I looking at some dude's face instead of the surf ? Because he loves his own face so much that he has to show it to the world on steroids. This stuffed moron crew is about the stupidest freak show I ever saw... but they aren't funny they just gave away a too good to be true fact to a jaded world who only hate them for it... Now the world will beast this little prime spot that probably only breaks a few times a year at best. I feel for Mamani Jar~Michi and his Homies... they had enough to freak out about before these twits popped their balloon. Oh well At least some of the pro's know better nowdays. It's a small world fucktards. Mick Fanning had the taste to not show the whole place ... a very hard to find place ... NO MORE ! To you "travelers" I say "You stoopid chumps... Eat Shit."
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
not the same wave Mick surfed
Stand up for GOOD
Stand up for GOOD - 6 years ago
As soon as The Venus project city is built, it will have 26 perfect waves circling every city, all day, every day and these secret spot can be kept secret. Peace, Love and stay stoked.
Roman Lange
Roman Lange - 6 years ago
Kook storm incoming

20. comment for Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection

Noah Bishop-Hewitt
Noah Bishop-Hewitt - 6 years ago
brazos calling this heavier than snapper even tho mick surfed this a while back, brazos dont know speed and power all they know is ther 1 ft air revs
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
theyre from Portugal. and it's not the same wave Mick surfed.
jay carvalho
jay carvalho - 6 years ago
You know what’s funny about “solitude” and finding an “unridden spot” is seeing 5 random locals paddling out while they are filming. It was pretty retarded to make a film about it and not share where the spot is and expect it to still be uncrowded. I bet you after watching this vid a hundred people went on google earth and found the spot and are on there way there right now. Pretty hypocritical if you think about it...
Gavin Alexander
Gavin Alexander - 6 years ago
Looks too fast anyway; no walls to play on and a terrible rip. Mick Fanning said it was really hard to surf so what chance would us rubbish mortals have?
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
not the same wave
Janssen Pires
Janssen Pires - 6 years ago
Mick Fanning, I thing you lost here mate
Dee Walker
Dee Walker - 6 years ago
good way to blow a secret spot. 40 sec barrel on the
Mark Sheehan
Mark Sheehan - 6 years ago
Surfing mags and alot o pro surfers have screwed surfing and local quiet breaks for their big egos and lined their pockets .
When you meet them they are so entitled. .
Been a sad story for surfing beautiful places ..
- Da Sponge Productions -
- Da Sponge Productions - - 6 years ago
Great!!! Unbelieveble!!! Fuckin' stupids!!!! Nothing new from this little guy/person...
Local Crew, you know what to do next time...
monkeyboydesign - 6 years ago
Fuck the haters, this is what surfers have done since day dot. Get turned onto a secret spot, publish some shots without saying where it is. Just a few clues so other searchers can find it. It's called sharing, people.
Bex Dreaming
Bex Dreaming - 6 years ago
Total Muppets! Blowing up spots for your egos.
Yu Me
Yu Me - 6 years ago
Arrogant Bozos. Can't they just surf for fun without fame? Nope, because they're arrogant bozos.
Billy Vicco
Billy Vicco - 6 years ago
The 90’s cliche surfer arrogance of these guys talking in the video is annoying.

And thanks a lot for exposing it, next swell it will be full of Israeli dickheads with their shit etiquette doing paddle arounds and drop ins. Worst people to surf with right next to the Brazos.

30. comment for Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection

Kyle Thiermann
Kyle Thiermann - 6 years ago
Do the surf community a favor and pick up another sport... like tennis. Lots of unexposed tennis courts you guys can exploit.
Jackson W
Jackson W - 6 years ago
Elm ADHC - 6 years ago
Elm ADHC - 6 years ago
Some/alot seem to think this is it..... I could be wrong. It happened once before!
danzna - 6 years ago
Janssen Pires
Janssen Pires - 6 years ago
KWC Corlett
KWC Corlett - 6 years ago
Great job keeping this 'Secret' guys.

In the future it will be full of eurokooks paddling around everybody, same as everywhere else.
Nick Brophy
Nick Brophy - 6 years ago
kepa is the real deal
michael scurr
michael scurr - 6 years ago
0898marrax - 6 years ago
Is that Naxto Gonzalez on the back of the quad at 0.25 ? Seems like both groups there for the same swell.
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
no. Naxto's breaks like shore break
Libyan Soup
Libyan Soup - 6 years ago
Yeah that is him.
Marco Van Doornum
Marco Van Doornum - 6 years ago
What a bunch of arrogant dickhead wankers.
Erik Leypoldt
Erik Leypoldt - 6 years ago
Delete these vids, keep the search to yourself. Enjoy the memories and leave it at that. Don't document to the world.
Chris Harding
Chris Harding - 6 years ago
Just what this place needs, loads more Brazilian surfers with their terrible etiquette and attitude. I'm sorry for the locals.
Janssen Pires
Janssen Pires - 6 years ago
Don't need to be man, they can be as ruf as the Brazilians
Amch Montesd'oque
Amch Montesd'oque - 6 years ago
"And this, my dear friends, is how localism woke up at the place"
fcs77 - 6 years ago
"We wont tell where is it!" Uploads a video...Dicks!
Hungo - 6 years ago
Oh cmon this place is no secret geez people! !!
Wa Ao
Wa Ao - 6 years ago
Secret spots are bullshit. These spots aren’t all that consistent anyway. This video is more about the ego of these guys than the spot. If i wanted to hear talk, i’d listen to a podcast. This is just prancing.
Vinnie Brown
Vinnie Brown - 6 years ago
I'm gonna find this wave and expose it to the masses hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
adventuresinbelieving - 6 years ago
Surfer, a once great magazine that published absolute legends like Petersen & Naughton. Now a rag devoted to $$$ and the SIC.

secret canarias volcanic wave
secret canarias volcanic wave - 6 years ago
I love africa is the future
ross brown
ross brown - 6 years ago
Stupid assholes... enjoy your 20 seconds of fame.
Mark Kendrick
Mark Kendrick - 6 years ago
Looks big , fast , and hard to paddle out to......But really nice.....
Pasota S.F.
Pasota S.F. - 6 years ago
If any crowds do show up here it'll be thanks to these douchebags.

What a couple of sellouts.

50. comment for Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection

Darin Glover
Darin Glover - 6 years ago
this is the first surf video i didn’t enjoy watching
Maku Prime
Maku Prime - 6 years ago
Share that bless b*tch!! Ohh...wait God is calling to my phone...yeah? aham...where..?...ok...thanks Jesus! U soo you!!❤
Ok guys... Jesus said we must share God's creation so see you in Boa Vista, Cabo Verde.
Libyan Soup
Libyan Soup - 6 years ago
at 1.54 on the bus window is written 'CV Handling' - that clue led me to Cape Verde and on to Boa Vista Island. There the volcanic peaks seen clearly at 4.56 reveal the location as Praia Santa Mónica.
0898marrax - 6 years ago might have been the same swell ?
R DaFoe
R DaFoe - 6 years ago
If you don’t want people surfing there why did you make a video surfing there. Seems ironic but whatever man looks like a dope roght
Tommy Hannon
Tommy Hannon - 6 years ago
Who are you idiots at SURFER? Take the vid down you bunch of geese. The locals aint happy. Have some respect ya stupid idiots. The wave is kinda average anyway.. its a sick wave. Theres thousands of them. Stop globalising the earth.
clarkewi - 6 years ago
Wow! Mirror image of Skeleton Bay.
Shane Lewis
Shane Lewis - 6 years ago
And This Surfer Magazine is why surfing is dying.The soul is dead. Three flogs and a greedy surf media chasing hits. Why would you show this wave. Looks same as Fanning wave.
Periko Palotes palotones
Periko Palotes palotones - 6 years ago
There are at least 3 of you surfing, and a boat cruising about 100 meters from you... Now add that a local told you about the wave...I guess it's the one seen on the video and there might be more people out?? The wave is very good tho...
Choco - 6 years ago
when do they built a surf camp ?
antman3251 - 6 years ago
Great score but I definitely don’t think this is the “worlds best” right point break
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 6 years ago
come on, all you guys are really sad. Did you discover all the waves you surf?Nope, a friend told you, or you discovered it on wannasurf. That's part of surf. I discovered one spot in my life and when I went, there was nothing. I learned years after it was a very nice spot when conditions were here. The problem is not sharing the place, the problem is we are too many in the water already. For the (pretending) local who fears foreigners will come and destroy the place, I would agree, but in the end, it's not your place, you were just lucky to be here alone for such a long time, you can't impeach people to live and move cause it changes your routine.
Marley Lucas Ordoñez
Marley Lucas Ordoñez - 6 years ago
Where is that??
sentbackfrom2084 - 6 years ago
Surfing is only relevant these days if its some cali bros riding chinese soft top pop out boards. And jumping of rocks into shorebreak or something. Really what it all comes down to is proper sticker placement.
I Rise Bakery
I Rise Bakery - 6 years ago
Ha!! Better waves here at home
Rodrigo Conti
Rodrigo Conti - 6 years ago
Click bait. The waves are OK, but a far cry from the best 'average' right in the world. From the looks of it, it does not look consistent either.
Janssen Pires
Janssen Pires - 6 years ago
You've got no ideas my friend. They didn't show 5% of the really quality of that wave :-)
noexpectations17 - 6 years ago
It's not a point, it's a beach break. Too bad this clip leaves so many clues. :(
chumpvoodoo - 6 years ago
many gringos and other south americans and fkn israelians invaded our beaches down here in CR.. u r just beginning to experience our feeling
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 6 years ago
Peace Soup
Peace Soup - 6 years ago
Just out the sea and every one was talking about this spot, naming the beach etc. Shame on you Surfer mag for exposing a secret spot to the world. I think we should all boycott your products until you take this down vid and apologize for selling out a break.
Pedro Castanheira
Pedro Castanheira - 6 years ago
Praia de Santa Mónica, Cabo Verde?
Pau Gonzalez Parés
Pau Gonzalez Parés - 6 years ago
I know exactly where this is, have an exact location for it, tho I'm not sure of what kind of swell it needs to work. If anyone is interested in going there, let me know!
dapoint po
dapoint po - 6 years ago
this is cape verde, boa vista, santa monica beach
dapoint po
dapoint po - 6 years ago
+Tommy Brewer in case you are not sure...ância
dapoint po
dapoint po - 6 years ago
+Tommy Brewer another thing ... in the bus you can clearly see cv handling...
dapoint po
dapoint po - 6 years ago
+Tommy Brewer hahaha is not mauritania. You only have to do this. Look at this picture... look at the panoramic view...ónica
Now compare this image to the image in the video...
Tommy Brewer
Tommy Brewer - 6 years ago
+dapoint po Look at GE. Looks nothing like it. Nope, nope, nope nopity nope! It's clearly the point in Mauritania.
dapoint po
dapoint po - 6 years ago
+Tommy Brewer yesss totally yes
Tommy Brewer
Tommy Brewer - 6 years ago
Daniel G
Daniel G - 6 years ago
The very definition of a hypocrite
Tom Lambrix
Tom Lambrix - 6 years ago
If a local told you it was going to be working then it’s not a secret. You take video and post it on social media come on. You ruined a great wave. Get it while you can
Bryan Hopkins
Bryan Hopkins - 6 years ago
It's easy to tell this is False Cape State Park in Virginia Beach. No open flames. Propane only. It's a lot of work. I recommend bringing an air mattress and a manual can opener too.
Louis Salaun
Louis Salaun - 6 years ago
I surfed a couples times and when I see those waves with perfect lines it just giving me the frustration ahahah ^^ wanna leave and go to surf
Tom Channing
Tom Channing - 6 years ago
Always knew it would come to this as i hang up my fins after 60 yrs.
Leo Sheetz
Leo Sheetz - 6 years ago
Wow surfer well done. You've yet to realize that the majority of viewers hate the go pro version of a wave. Waste of 8 minutes
Dian Candra
Dian Candra - 6 years ago
I think Bali have wave more good than this , haha is nothing special of this wave
Zak Kotze
Zak Kotze - 6 years ago
to anyone interested , we have the best left in the world which is very unknown to the surfing community, please have a look on YouTube on donkey bay Namibia - you will be surprised and amazed
Sacrificed Duo
Sacrificed Duo - 6 years ago
Has to be Boa Vista. Confirmed with google earth and the environment surrounding the surf spot.
Alvaro Sanchez
Alvaro Sanchez - 6 years ago
Simple perfection
Wa Ao
Wa Ao - 6 years ago
“The snake” is in Inhaca, Mozambique. This one Is in Boa Vista, Cape Verde.
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
"didn't even know there was surf there" -Mick
dapoint po
dapoint po - 6 years ago
+White Ghost pirights? Somalia?
Janssen Pires
Janssen Pires - 6 years ago
Ruining everything ma man
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
simply. compare and contrast what little side views you can see from his footage, to the google earth pic above. VERY similar.
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
close to the capital is hell. other parts you can find solitude, rent a charter and hire guards
Mpanada13 - 6 years ago
The snake is not in that country my realistic, this country is hell, Mick would never risk it...
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
Mick's does not look like it'd be Mick's if you look at the present time google maps captured the world.
The Surfing Violinist
The Surfing Violinist - 6 years ago
White Ghost okay I gotcha. Yeah I’m pretty sure I found this one. Now you got me curious to find Micks.
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
They're not the same wave - Mick's and the one we are commenting on.
The Surfing Violinist
The Surfing Violinist - 6 years ago
White Ghost oh really? Now I am confused.
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
The link I posted above is different though than I'd posted with the hill. The one above is Mick's wave.
The Surfing Violinist
The Surfing Violinist - 6 years ago
White Ghost good eye. I had at first thought Western Sahara. But never thought to look at Verde. You were right - that hill/Mesa in the background was the interpretive key.
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
Cut Snake
Cut Snake - 6 years ago
What a bunch of ego tripping arse clowns. Out to get their 5 minutes of fame at the expense of amazing uncrowded spots. Next thing you know there'll be 20 surf resorts on the dunes chirping about perfect uncrowded waves.
xyzct - 6 years ago
I know the name of that spot: Point AttentionWhores
Graham Geisha
Graham Geisha - 6 years ago
Snapper. This morning.
Newy rat
Newy rat - 6 years ago
Share ya toys Where is it?...
07maitai - 6 years ago
If people know about it, it's not a secret. If I lived around this wave I wouldn't tell a damn soul except friends I trust like family, then you'd have to do a voodoo blood oath to shut up about it.
Remember what happened to the right the found in Endless Summer?
Jonathan Rath
Jonathan Rath - 6 years ago
Is that Malibu?!
Stewart Brown
Stewart Brown - 6 years ago
Locals only bra
Smile SurferStyle
Smile SurferStyle - 6 years ago
West Africa.... Somewhere.
marinho dovau
marinho dovau - 6 years ago
I know where is it :p
Ryan Donovan
Ryan Donovan - 6 years ago
At least in "The snake" with Mick Fanning they didn't give any geographical clues as to where this wave is. Where as this video shows the view from the plane, the mountains in the background and the drone footage of the path to the wave.

Someone is gonna find out where this wave is located and gonna build a surf camp for tourists, can't some things be a secret in this internet age?
dapoint po
dapoint po - 6 years ago
an spa hotel is being built
coordinates 16,0017651, -22,9193014
Jamie Meth
Jamie Meth - 6 years ago
Ryan Donovan agreed
dasBaum1234 - 6 years ago
oh boy this comment section is full of triggered surf "elites" who feel "their" spot is leaked. Guys if its the best right in the world, share it, responsibly.
Caine Cherubin
Caine Cherubin - 6 years ago
dasBaum1234 There’s no such thing as “responsibly”. They blew this spot up, now it’s going to be another circus.
Pasota S.F.
Pasota S.F. - 6 years ago
Severely pathetic from Surfer magazine. This makes me want to vomit. Many people know of this wave but like the first comment I'm disgusted by these sellout surfers. You guys are pathetic. The new generation of surfers have no values or integrity. The world is filled with secret spots. This is EVERYTHING people hate about surfers and filming unknown spots like this. This is truly nauseating. Go fuck yourselves.
Pasota S.F.
Pasota S.F. - 6 years ago
Ed who's Darrell? The entire premises for this clip is the fact that it's not a well known spot. The entire point of the clip is the fact that it's not a known spot. I spend my entire year traveling around the world and surfing and I'm not a sellout like these characters. This new generation has completely lost their integrity. No backbone. The definition of douche.
Ed - 6 years ago
Your a self righteous idiot. Its not unknown Darrel, its been surfed before and you will never spend the money to go and find it when its pumping so go to work to job you hate and suck it.
Brody Van unen
Brody Van unen - 6 years ago
I'm just a 19 year old guy from Canada who loves too surf and I was able too find where this wave is. Shame on surfer for posting this, you just gave away one of the most beautiful points in the WORLD for a couple hundred thousand views on a video. Hope what you made on this was worth it and same goes too the egotistic surfer and filmed because it's no longer a secrete you kooks
G W Stomper
G W Stomper - 6 years ago
they don't give a fuck, that's why they do it another spot exposed shame on those two cu.nts , shame shame , shame their names are to be written in the dirt , with  dog shit , Dog shits in the dirt , shame em
Curious Life
Curious Life - 6 years ago
Jason - 6 years ago
I always feel bad for locals who have their favorite hit by interlopers, but I also think that's just tough. People want to explore and find and read swell reports and get on a plane spending money to find these blissful spots. To the locals I'd say that unless surfing is native to your land then your favorite spot for your favorite passion is due to transients and visitors who brought surfing with them to you and your life. Sorry, but everything popular is due to the migration of ideas and good luck pushing against that tide.
Discharge Summary
Discharge Summary - 6 years ago
I love being a fucking egotistical wanker and posting secret waves all over social media cos I want to be a fucking celebrity FUCK OFF
Simon Bitton
Simon Bitton - 6 years ago
Big deal same as jersey in the dead of the winter. A known place yet too cold for the fainthearted
Coconutscott - 6 years ago
Well, this place is ruined, fuck your ego's, just keep your fucking mouth shut
Sprint 92122
Sprint 92122 - 6 years ago
Kind of wave i used to draw on my paper bag book cover, beauriful.

100. comment for Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection

Joshua Vazquez
Joshua Vazquez - 6 years ago
this is america
Surfsuckers - 6 years ago
Surfing is dead move on kooks
Jason Jackson
Jason Jackson - 6 years ago
You can’t fool me - this is Malibu. They did some clever CGI to get rid of the pier & crowds.
P. Müller
P. Müller - 6 years ago
With all the Information given i the video and also the comments, even the biggest idiot will find it easy...
Jose Salgado
Jose Salgado - 6 years ago
an unfortunate hypocrite this guy seems. a nice speech of exploration and solitude but here you are selling your content to Surfer and in doing so very likely disappointing many locals. don't come and say this was done in the name of surfing
ian masek
ian masek - 6 years ago
FFS, this isn't a secret! The only exploring they did was finding the number of their concierge mate who works at the hotel two bays around and a little bit of storm knowledge. This wave is so damn fickle you're better spending your coin at KS's bathtub for the returns. Can't wait for the hyped Surfer/Inertia/Surfline expose on it ;-) Seek. Find. Share only with loved ones.
Justin Horrell
Justin Horrell - 6 years ago
took me about 5 minutes to find on google earth....dipshits.
Loving my 3 ZZZ
Loving my 3 ZZZ - 6 years ago
sickest right for sure and I'm from oahu
Loving my 3 ZZZ
Loving my 3 ZZZ - 6 years ago
I know that spot well
DraftUno - 6 years ago
The amount of kooks in the comment section is mind-blowing. Bunch of keyboard warriors who probably couldn't do a cutback to save their a**, most people will never even bother to surf here let alone have surf contests here, also most people commenting wouldn't even have the balls to paddle out in a day like this. First off I've been there a couple of times and never ever seen it break like this, even though I've heard about it, and also there are much better locations with consistent conditions much more accessible places so why would people even bother setting up here? Maybe some pros will make the trip occasionally just like in skeleton bay but full on tourist destruction? I don't think so. Also, so many waves there go unriden besides a couple of locals so what's the issue. If I remember correctly skeleton bay isn't a massive resort and never will be because of location and this is pretty much the same, but it's even worse because it's even less consistent. Who here can say they would actually make the trip and spend maybe 2 to 3000 euros/dollars and risk a spot not even working?
DraftUno - 6 years ago
Vincent Schaap  You're telling me that without any information of the spot you can just find it by yourself with no more clues besides what country it is? You're going to go around google maps just trying to find the spot or take a frame and do some weird image search? If you have to go to such length something is wrong with you. Unless you know the actual beach it's not that easy to find. You can easily figure out which country it is but there are no clues beyond that. obviously the comment section is already full of people who know where it is and just said it out right, those people are even worse
Vincent Schaap
Vincent Schaap - 6 years ago
DraftUno  Didn't give up the location? Ha-ha - There are way to many clues in this video...
DraftUno - 6 years ago
+Curious Life where is the exploitation? I saw two guys go surf there, make a movie and leave. Now I also know there were more there like nic von rupp and probably others but where is the exploration? Didn't see them polute, abuse the locals, bad attitude, didn't give up location even though for some people it's kind of easy to figure out
Curious Life
Curious Life - 6 years ago
I think most comments are in response to the obvious hypocrisy and exploitation of this video.
Alfonso Fernandez De Miguel
Alfonso Fernandez De Miguel - 6 years ago
Mars? Titán? Western Sáhara?
MrDannycoo - 6 years ago
wtf,,,,were is it
surfer111 - 6 years ago
Portuguese Surfers Anotonio Silva and Diogo d'Orey... please stay at fucking home next time
Ed - 6 years ago
I was on a boat in Northern Sumatra for 11 days in July with both of these guys. They are both stand up humans, care takers of the planet and don't deserve to be bashed. Your all a bunch of keyboard warriors.
Ed - 6 years ago
So for every amazing wave on the planet there is " good person who did really dumb shit" ?
Caine Cherubin
Caine Cherubin - 6 years ago
So it’s a case of good people doing really dumb shit. They may as well have built the resort themselves.
Ed - 6 years ago
Hahahaha thanks Doinker
Pasota S.F.
Pasota S.F. - 6 years ago
Ed you're a wanker.
durray_days - 6 years ago
master G
master G - 6 years ago
Me and my 2 buddies in Israel have a secret spot that we've been keeping a secret for almost 10 years. Just a few kilometers from an ultra crowded peak... People from our city always think that we quit surfing cuz they never see us, and yet we manage not to say a word. Why the hell are they making a video about the holy grail mother of all secret spots?!!. They killed it!
Andrew Olsen
Andrew Olsen - 6 years ago
Here's an idea. If you like solitude, go surf the waves, snap a few pics for your memory, then go home and lock it all away. Doing a big exploitive video on it and them claiming to be hardcore explorers is hilarious.
Kaya t
Kaya t - 6 years ago
thats a pretty idea. All chill yeah whatever in the video. then secret location PR stunt. Surfing is caught up in the instagram whirlpool of branding like everything else.
Curious Life
Curious Life - 6 years ago
Yeah, ridiculous exploitation...their actions don't line up with words.
Zareh Kantzabedian
Zareh Kantzabedian - 6 years ago
Yea dude. People have jobs and oh yea, travel costs a fuck ton of money. You’re the only one that likes to explore. We all love surfing crowded points because that’s “comfortable” for us. Yeah. Keep thinking that d bag.
joel segovia
joel segovia - 6 years ago
my bet, south west Boa Vista island, cabo verde, nothing else
Harry Rowsell
Harry Rowsell - 6 years ago
The secrets out
Freikorps Americana
Freikorps Americana - 6 years ago
Dan Ramirez - its too late bro you cant protect it now. We all see Rocha Estancia in the background
Dan Ramirez
Dan Ramirez - 6 years ago
Wrong..iv been here and its nowhere nere boa vista...only a few of us know...
Fernando Gil
Fernando Gil - 6 years ago
Lotrin - 6 years ago
People in this comment section, are you living in 2018? In the world of social media NOTHING is secret anymore, and for most of you videos like these are the CLOSEST you're ever going to get to a location like that. No one wants to spend the money or time to go anywhere, but everyone has time to be a hater on the internet. Go get a job.
brerair - 6 years ago
"Only a few people like to get out of their comfort zone, explore, spend money on sth uncertain.. and I like to do that.. blah blah". That guy talking at the beginning is so fucking obnoxious and needs to stfu. Those sort of lines have been beaten to death, mate, it's nothing enlightening. It's done, finito. if you can't say sth else just zip it.
Mamani Jar-Michi
Mamani Jar-Michi - 6 years ago
I live in this place. I’m the surfer who lives nearest to this wave; yes, but maybe you don’t believe...

Me and some friends we’re surfing here long time ago... That days I go to the beach with the dog and found this two guys (they was 3) and I feel something BAD/WRONG for the place... was a real and horrible sensation.
They come because a local, a friend, a video, a something who TELL THEM... and they arrive for make money with their SURFER-EGO's. They don’t say where is, but give too much information for the haunting wave-dogs.

Diogo was very STUPID and ARROGANT with me; I can say this naturally because he destroy me the day when said in the middle of their justification of know everything: “I come here for give some food to the childrens who are dying of starvation...” (tipical stupid superior of the “first world”) The another one was to repair a puncture (they destroy roads and the car too..because don’t know nothing about the care of our place) and when he understand that I was a surfer need MORE INFORMATION... “Answer him where he surfed today...” said to the brazilian (Now you remember me, my friend)

We surf like everyone; we like our sea and our nature, our friends, our silence and solitude. To born, to live here was never easy. Now this “persons” began to destroy the place with their EGO and business around a devastated sport, culture and philosophy. Only for be “the best” “the first”... like others...
I’m very sad because for us, its the starts of the end of our peacefull place. For others like them its only a new business option in a "new world". Maybe I'm too old or isolated of the world.
Too many surfers more better than these two come here with respect and had the best days of their lifes too, but they remained in silence like the sea. For all these people now THANKS for been genuine and honest. For the mercenaryes makers of this film and SURFER Magazine I can only desired a big Malediction...
Maybe for me it’s easy: you can live in peace and create or you can destroy because you’re an ego-stupid.
The surfing for a great part of surfers is more than arrive, film, destroy and run away for sell-it (and maybe return with others “pioneers”... horror!).

One information for our heros: there is a “perfect wave” in the deepest of Mariana Trench: please go to film for us, please! Securely you’re alone this time, and it's the u/topic "best wave of your life and best wave of the world"

Diogo, António, Nuno and everyone, please do something good in your life and return ALL the money for the childrens, you will be very nice in the shots too...

Now out of everything, this guys are tecnically good surfers and photographers. The answer to the question "Is This The Best Right Point In The World?" maybe can be: with money and people who pay for this the Mariana Trench wave will be too.
cindasana - 6 years ago
Horrible news. :(
michael lemay
michael lemay - 6 years ago
+Hurley Cape town yep you're right about the translate. I speak to many many people that do that and That's what it comes out like lol. Very hard to figure out, The entire way thru.
This Beach is absolutely beautiful and needs to be preserved. I'm Alllll the way with the guy, 100%. just go and enjoy the beauty and serenity. leave the filming to overpopulated places
DOCTOR CRYPTO - 6 years ago
Mamani brother your absolutely right. This was the dumbest video ever made, but what a wave it is.
Kommandant Franz
Kommandant Franz - 6 years ago
Yeah what a bunch of cocksuckers, anyone with a brain can find this location with the information given in the video...the plane, google maps, etc. Sorry people have to expose gems like this to the world.
Gavin Alexander
Gavin Alexander - 6 years ago
Mamani Jar-Michi here do you live?
Jaime Briso González
Jaime Briso González - 6 years ago
+Laird Hamilton you are right buddy, fully agree
Laird Hamilton
Laird Hamilton - 6 years ago
Harry Rowsell  surf mags are fucking cancer, competitive surfing is fucking cancer and stickered up faggots who think poorer countries are their playgrounds need a punch in the head. Fuck off retard
Harry Rowsell
Harry Rowsell - 6 years ago
The real problem isnt surfer magazine, or the surf camps or surf culture or traveling surfers or any of the other stuff mentioned here. There are too many people on this earth now. Too many people means too many surfers means too many crowds. I know a few magic spots that go unsurfed and I'm sure a lot of us do but dont get salty when someone else finds them. Waves are just another resource being divided up between the wave hungry masses.
Audiostoke - 6 years ago
Ego, the enemy of the secret spot. Just don't complain when these places turn to Bai.
DraftUno - 6 years ago
Dude your name doesn't even reflect where this place is and also it wasn't just the 3 of them!! the crew was bigger, there were more pros there and they all scored it, you can even see them paddle out and you can check Nic Von Rupp's instagram post of the swell, so get your fake a** comment somewhere else
Pancho Rojas
Pancho Rojas - 6 years ago
Yes, i knew diogo in.México, an arrogant guy...
W. Martin
W. Martin - 6 years ago
Anyone who can read a map can figure out where this is. Took me about 5 minutes after I saw your name. Don't worry I won't tell, and you will never see me there either.
Janssen Pires
Janssen Pires - 6 years ago
Well we the locals believe will take care of that place.
Eduardo Bruno da Costa Krukoski
Eduardo Bruno da Costa Krukoski - 6 years ago
Thanks for your sincerity, I like and apply with others. You're not too old or isolated of the world! You're smart and live in a very beautiful place! This guy, I know his brother!... you described his brother!
Amch Montesd'oque
Amch Montesd'oque - 6 years ago
@el presidente  Nobody is talking about having their "own" spot, but about keeping places uncrowded. Go, find, surf, enjoy, leave. No need to blow it worldwide on the big mags.
Hank Dapper
Hank Dapper - 6 years ago
Nobody want brazo's at their break.. not just you.
I say send em all back to Brazil and the wave culture will be pleasant again..
el presidente
el presidente - 6 years ago
@Amch Montesd'oque 
Yes i was in Morocco and visit spots in french, spain, portugal.
I understand that some people want there owen spots but i still dont like it.
Mario C
Mario C - 6 years ago
Chris Crawford  Not everyone in the world speak english kook.
CurnoSanders - 6 years ago
Mamani Jar-Michi  can you stop replying in essay form
Mamani Jar-Michi
Mamani Jar-Michi - 6 years ago
Hello! I see some clever and intelligent comments and will like to say something more.

First thing: obviously I’m not from London...
Obviously internet in hands of ego-stupids is the way for destroy something that here we have keeping more than a decade. I think all these years we keep a TREASURE that is only a Basics or Essence of the surf:
Your capacity for read the sea, search, go to the unknowed, discover, ride, put down your fears, help your friends, smile, enjoy and... respect!
Maybe FREEDOM is the only word for this.
For these basics sensations in these moment maybe the world is not enough.

In those years too many surfers comes and live this Essence (like our video-hero’s too); some ex-pros spents years to live here too. Everyone of us arrive to this conclusion: this magical sensation maybe is the treasure, now impossible to reach.
Diogo, Antonio and Nuno “Big Mouth” will remain in our local surf hystory (and I think in the surf history) not like great surfers (I think to know who is surfer or clown) but like “The Mercenaryes of SurferM”, the “ego-slaves” who can sell their mothers or girlfriends... the “Judas of the Sea”.
Obviously they think they do the correct way and I'm an stupid out of the world... it was only a Time Question.

I had the pleasure to know great surfers, to feel pride of them... maybe I’m very very very old School I don’t know... In this moment only know that these guys are MERCENARYS like those in wars (was my first impression too). They take money for go to destroy another place because they can’t create or do nothing out of surf. Here are not welcomed, they have my special Malediction with blood of crabs and goat eyes... Someone think that is better to be very far from here.

The place is burning now, not only in youtube... Let me say you that for three weeks after "the visit" we found “surfers” with the tent sleeping in the beach “waiting” waves... hahahahaha (They leave some garbage too...)

I’m sure some of You are subscriptors of Surfer M. or this month will buy the magazine: Remember, You’re the hands of the EVIL...

Go to surf or walk for reflect about the freedom and the ethics, and don’t waste time in talking about possible or impossible waves...
if you want information or guides or arrive and take waves yes or yes... maybe your sport is hiking with your grandmother...

Peace for everyone
Amch Montesd'oque
Amch Montesd'oque - 6 years ago
el presidente  It might be selfish (as every surfer is), but not stupid, i don't think so. Surfing has always been about exploration, its part of the thrill. Nowadays with social media, wannasurf, surfline, etc. its becoming consumerism. Its because of those "i don't have time" (who should be called more tourists than surfers) that they open surf camps and schools in every fucking corner and make every worthy spot crowded. Have you been to Morocco? (to name one place).
CurnoSanders - 6 years ago
such a fake comment because you are jealous of these guys
el presidente
el presidente - 6 years ago
+Amch Montesd'oque thats selfish ans stupid man. Not everyone has time to travell weeks around looking for waves. Im realmy happy when someone realese new surf spots. Its the ocean and its for everyone.
kokemf - 6 years ago
Mamani Jar-Michi surfer's ego is a really bad ass for sure (even more nowadays with this crazy media growth), but beware of the surfer's selfishness that has no end ;) hope next visitors don't break the vibes, beautiful place
Amch Montesd'oque
Amch Montesd'oque - 6 years ago
Dan Ramirez
Dan Ramirez - 6 years ago
+Amch Montesd'oque they are also talking about developing a massive sewage plant here ..better bring your toilet paper...
Peace Soup
Peace Soup - 6 years ago
6 luxury developments have planning permission to build here. 2 in construction as we speak, the developers web site says "The master plan will incorporate an impressive marina". which from researching the developer they have build before and boy is it ugly.
Amch Montesd'oque
Amch Montesd'oque - 6 years ago
Dan Ramirez it has nothing to do with buying the land or some cheap localism. Its about searching for a place, enjoying it, and keeping it secret so that the next traveller can enjoy it uncrowded, the same as you did. Its cheap suckers who don't understand surfing like you and those "pros" who need someone to "discover" it for them and tell them where and when to go. Pathetic.
Dan Ramirez
Dan Ramirez - 6 years ago
+Amch Montesd'oque sorry some of the land was already bought...we hope to see you there ...that is if your not to cheap to buy a ticket...
Amch Montesd'oque
Amch Montesd'oque - 6 years ago
Janssen Pires you are wrong my friend. The wave might be difficult and "protect" itself, but videos like this bring attention to places that were uncrowded. Where do you think guys will go once they realise they can't surf this spot or once they get skunked?: To the rest of "normal" and unknown spots we used to surf uncrowded. Guys like these two portuguese cunts and the other pussies who make money by "discovering" secluded spots don't understand surfing, and will not be welcome again to this place. After this vídeo there will surely be problems with the locals: surfer magazine and camera/drone wielding pro-cunts: Don't come again.
Janssen Pires
Janssen Pires - 6 years ago
My friend, we do know each other and I am also kind of pissed about this shit. Well let's hope for the best. But you and me know that wave has a self defense system so 90% of who might go there on those days will be sitting on the beach and watch break hehehe. Def not for everyone.
Dan Ramirez
Dan Ramirez - 6 years ago
Hope i never have to read such a long ass comment again...
Joshua Vazquez
Joshua Vazquez - 6 years ago
Hurley Cape town
Hurley Cape town - 6 years ago
Chris Crawford  or he doesn't speak English and used google translate,doubt someone makes up something like that with so much detail.
Chris Crawford
Chris Crawford - 6 years ago
Totally fake broken English. Just look at the grammar, diction, spelling errors. This is a fake comment.
Joshua Vazquez
Joshua Vazquez - 6 years ago
hahaha smart boi
Joshua Vazquez
Joshua Vazquez - 6 years ago
i feel you man , hope they delete this video soon
Willy Bum Bum
Willy Bum Bum - 6 years ago
Sorry friend... Hopefully if there are many visitors they will be kind
Antoalpha33 cd
Antoalpha33 cd - 6 years ago
Doesn't seem that secret look at 6:18 we can see at least two other guys in the water
Libyan Soup
Libyan Soup - 6 years ago
AshShu Veru  Don't know what you mean by 'Vimeo' but anyway I checked Naxto's IG and he was there for this swell and that was him on the quad - just as I thought.
AshShu Veru
AshShu Veru - 6 years ago
Libyan Soup  Vimeo
Libyan Soup
Libyan Soup - 6 years ago
At 0.22 there are 3 guys on a quad bike and a 4th standing in the shore break further up the point. Notice the black and white striped board under the arm of the guy on the left of the quad. Naxto Gonzalez rides boards with that same black and white strip artwork plus he has a wetsuit with a lime green left sleeve - just like here. Pretty sure that is him on the quad. As to where they are - that was even easier to work out. At 1.54 on the bus window is written 'CV Handling' - that clue led me to Cape Verde and on to Boa Vista Island. There the volcanic peaks seen clearly at 4.56 reveal the location as Praia de Santa Mónica. 100 % sure.
Kez - 6 years ago
Solitude.....but with a whole pile of your friends
Rodney Smart
Rodney Smart - 6 years ago
it takes lots of money.
Dave Cannon
Dave Cannon - 6 years ago
I wonder if this is Western Sahara. There just aren't too many places within striking distance of Portugal with uninhabited 20km sandy bays. There are beaches in Western Sahara that are covered in crabs. You can fly from anywhere in Portugal to Gran Canaria, then to Nouadhibou, rent a car, and cross back into Western Sahara.

The Canary and Cape Verde islands are all volcanic and quick to get around, so I'd rule them out. Mauritania proper is even more remote, expensive, and unsafe. It's dangerous to drive around unless you're in a company caravan and know where the minefields are.
Tommy Brewer
Tommy Brewer - 6 years ago
You have it in first paragraph.....
Institutionalized Films
Institutionalized Films - 6 years ago
Hint, it's an island in Africa and they didn't have to speak other language than Portuguese there.
sunn power
sunn power - 6 years ago
In 2 years some rich white guys will set up a camp and charge ridiculously lavish prices and make a killing all the while ruining yet another eco sysytem for the all mighty dollar. I hope everyone that worships money has to eat it someday when there is no way to grow food or have drinkable water due to poisoning the earth. Man is too ignorant to exist. An invadive species depleting all reaources and moving on to the next. Soon " next" won't be there.
sunn power
sunn power - 6 years ago
867 5309 Ha ha You could not be more wrong you boob. Very entertaining man. You are. Truth cares not about your feelings snowflake. Go find a safe space and hug it out with another sheeple. More proof that" we " are surely doomed.
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 6 years ago
I agree, do you know how a computer is made and what's the total energy consumption of your activity online? Not talking about CO2 emissions. We, as 7 billions, are more dangerous to the environment than a promoter, but you can keep on accusing the system. If we have so many ecological problems now, it's because we feel the pressure of others.
mark jansons
mark jansons - 6 years ago
Lotrin - 6 years ago
867 5309
867 5309 - 6 years ago
sunn power I understand some of your sentiments, but your use of phrases like "rich white guys" and "worships money" and "man is too ignorant to exist" and "an invadive (sic) species depleting all resources" are ALL phrases a commie SJW fascist would use. And then in another comment you actually call the guy a "typical sjw." What you just did is called GASLIGHTING and is a trick SJW fascists use to manipulate and control others by blaming them for the very thing YOU are doing. Look up gaslighting, and while you're at it, check out Saul Alinsky's book Rules For Radicals because it sure seems you've got his evil tactics down.
Freikorps Americana
Freikorps Americana - 6 years ago
sunn power you are the sjw dude...
sunn power
sunn power - 6 years ago
Lotrin typical sjw putting words into someones mouth. I never typed those words. I am seasoned surfer and traveller and have witnessed what greed does to ecosytems and how ( in time) it negatively affects the people. Have you ever been to Hawaii ??
Fucking kook.
Lotrin - 6 years ago
So you think money from tourism, better infrastructure and more jobs for the locals is a bad thing?
sunn power
sunn power - 6 years ago
These clowns shouldn't have even released footage. It's their pride that feel the need to show the world. Look at me Im so bitchin....
Keep it to yourself and enjoy it. If someone else happens to find it they can follow suit. And it remains a special treasure. We always want to put things in a box and sell it.
le grain Production
le grain Production - 6 years ago
frontiere between gambie senegal or guinée bissau/ senegal
Granny Goes to Heaven
Granny Goes to Heaven - 6 years ago
If you wanna TRY to keep this place secret, at least disable the fucking comments of the video for Christ Sake
Stir It Up
Stir It Up - 6 years ago
I didn’t even make it to the footage of the waves because of all the womanly chatter.
Mike Tate
Mike Tate - 6 years ago
tom7865 - 6 years ago
This video is very ironic.
Woke Dude Els
Woke Dude Els - 6 years ago
Rattle snake
Fernando Gil
Fernando Gil - 6 years ago
Is cabo Verde
Travis Tarp
Travis Tarp - 6 years ago
The Surfing Violinist  I found the same spot Curral Velho
The Surfing Violinist
The Surfing Violinist - 6 years ago
White Ghost Did I find it?
Blake Milliken
Blake Milliken - 6 years ago
not in the comment section!
Fernando Gil
Fernando Gil - 6 years ago
Got it.
Janssen Pires
Janssen Pires - 6 years ago
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
top secret :b
Fernando Gil
Fernando Gil - 6 years ago
In wath Island Island?
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
Dennis Young
Dennis Young - 6 years ago
Malibu in the 30s.
Supporter - 6 years ago
Ck T
Ck T - 6 years ago
not even close
angus draffan
angus draffan - 6 years ago
South of Tagazout.
Jason Hammock
Jason Hammock - 6 years ago
And now one of the most crowded
P3teR0cK - 6 years ago
guys, please delete the video
how can you expose such a well kept scecret??? shame on you really. thats so bad.
Tolba Szy
Tolba Szy - 6 years ago
Lonely, scorched planet
captivates hunting, ice moon.
Oceans arouse Earth!
Jason Jackson
Jason Jackson - 6 years ago
”ok, you SWEAR you won’t tell anybody?”

Then in 2020 they will have a pro contest there & your buddy says ”the pressure was too much, Surfer Magazine gave me $500 & a year free subscription, how could I say no?”
Jason Jackson
Jason Jackson - 6 years ago
Elon Musk - yea, I know, I thought about it but it would be pretty hard to recoup the initial capital investment, then there’s the time ....
Elon Musk
Elon Musk - 6 years ago
+Jason Jackson That's actually a very good business idea...
Joshua Vazquez
Joshua Vazquez - 6 years ago
Jason Jackson
Jason Jackson - 6 years ago
Fernando Gil - I ain’t buying it & neither will anybody else.
Fernando Gil
Fernando Gil - 6 years ago
it´s even harder to break than skeleton bay. needs a really big swell.
Jason Jackson
Jason Jackson - 6 years ago
Mpanada13 - maybe, but it will get crowded just like Skeleton Bay, Western Oz, Puerto Escondido etc. - you cannot hide from today’s technology. Someday soon with the aid of the now available underwater geography mapping, you’ll have UAV’s hired to fly all of the coastal waters looking for surf spots.
Mpanada13 - 6 years ago
there will never be a pro contest because this is not a spot that breaks regularly to be surfable...
Craig Mm
Craig Mm - 6 years ago
Ship in background ... Ships have names .
WA.G.V - 6 years ago
spookendeklopgeesten - 6 years ago
on 1:53 you see cvhandling (cabo verde) on the bus
Freikorps Americana
Freikorps Americana - 6 years ago
I think its just south of there... santa monica
Fernando Gil
Fernando Gil - 6 years ago
100% correct And logo is the same as CC handling.
spookendeklopgeesten - 6 years ago
probably praia do curralinho
Peace Soup
Peace Soup - 6 years ago
This video is bullshit though, it's all about me me me and self promotion. No one cares about you guys and your narcissistic BS. Why couldn't you just go there and not tell any one? why do you have to make a video? To feed your ego or what? If a spots secret don't go giving it away. I just found the location easy from this vid which I couldn't from Mick & Natxo's video's but those 2 are to blame to for putting it on the radar. It's insane how cultures changed, years ago to self promote was a huge no no and you'd get called out & a clap for it.
Mark - 6 years ago
looks like island of Boa Vista
David Vesseur
David Vesseur - 6 years ago
Soo many crabs
Sushi Mamba
Sushi Mamba - 6 years ago
We are building a surf resort here with a capacity of 500 surfers at any one time.
Peace Soup
Peace Soup - 6 years ago
there building far worse then that there.
roundysquares - 6 years ago
To be fair, that wave is pretty obvious and easy to find, if you spend a little time on Google Maps. It sticks out like a sore thumb when seen from above.
Leon Bayer
Leon Bayer - 6 years ago
Found Asia top ✌️
Tommy Brewer
Tommy Brewer - 6 years ago
+lambidopapir yup...found it@
lambidopapir - 6 years ago
Totally sticks out on google maps. It`s like finding asia on the map.
Janssen Pires
Janssen Pires - 6 years ago
What are you talking about dude hahahahahah
David C
David C - 6 years ago
Yes, it's clearly in southern Antarctica
Cameron Parrett
Cameron Parrett - 6 years ago
what an ego trip
brownhornetseventhre - 6 years ago
These cunts are nuts. Egotistical really. Look at Me look at Me, I'm surfing a wave all to myself. Fucked if I'd be showing anyone, especially not filming it.
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 6 years ago
This two Portuguese shouldnt be claiming nothing . They are following Spanish surfer Natxo Gonzalez who surfed this wave a year ago .
kokemf - 6 years ago
My bet? West africa north atlantic, mauritania my first thought, but cabo verde and azores fit on it too. This video shows LOT OF THINGS, the whole point, the bush vegetation, the ground and sand colour, and two characteristic mountains at the horizon which looks like volcanoes. Don't think it's Fannings wave, cause water colour and sand colour and even vegetation around the point are completely diferent, they have wetsuits and sun light appears to be a the other side of the coast. With that great water colour forget about the whole west africa shore line (continent) because it has all that chocolate shit colour almost always. That leave us with Cabo Verde or Azores, they fit with that water conditions of colour and temperature, and even more, with the volcanoes landscape, and vegetation; but would be really dificult to have kept on secret that jewell being on these islands, isn't it? And there's not many places on these islands with a bay like that... Anyways looks crazy but not an easy ride folks, this wave will defend by itself jj
Paulo Castro
Paulo Castro - 6 years ago
i bet its on cabo verde boavista island...
fcs77 - 6 years ago
Rocha Estancia on the back ground...
Institutionalized Films
Institutionalized Films - 6 years ago
Fanning's "rattlesnake" video has filters applied that change colours, eg: check the sky. This is the same wave, 100% sure
Sean Work
Sean Work - 6 years ago
My guess is North Africa, maybe southern Morocco or countries south of there. Those places are definitely hard to get to. Not impossible though.
kokemf - 6 years ago
aduarte +1000 hard to think there're not lokals surfing there when it's on fire, but still secret worlwide..till now? :( Have a look at Kepa Acero's videos there's one in mauritania, a wave at every corner. World is huge and we love it
aduarte - 6 years ago
kokemf well I guess there goes the secrecy of the spot. West coast of Africa must have so many hidden spots unknown to the people and hope it remains like that for years
kokemf - 6 years ago
hahaha but there're not beaches like the video one on that island! ;)
kokemf - 6 years ago
dapoint po YESSSS could be perfectly that santa monica beach but with a massive NW swell? South one? hmmmmm
kokemf - 6 years ago
aduarte they may have been surfing there for ages and it doesn't mean we all have to know it.. Cabo Verde has crazy waves dude! volcanic islands in the middle of the atlantic ocean, make a guess... so windy too but same as canarias, yeah poor waves down there.........
Renato Ventura
Renato Ventura - 6 years ago
Cabo verde São Vicente, bodyboarders surf that wave since ever
dapoint po
dapoint po - 6 years ago
coordinates 16,0017651, -22,9193014
aduarte - 6 years ago
Azores def not, highly doubt it's cape verde also as it is already a highly explored archipelago. Altough it has a typical landscape from cape verde, I doubt that there are world class breaks like this one yet to be found
kokemf - 6 years ago
Garret Miller you hit the nail! But every time I google there's hundreds of skeletons at every corner... too much time already lost in google maps. Anyway think it's santa maria island cabo verde but shhhh
kokemf - 6 years ago
Fred Taylor 'll take it as a compliment! ;)
kokemf - 6 years ago
You are completely right Duarte, big confusion, Açores are a really green islands plenty of water everywhere, nothing similar to this desertic climate that appears here, guess those look like volcanes made me wrong. Then cabo verde is the one? Neither desertic islands but could be... maybe Santa Maria island and its bays on a huge swell?
Jerrymc1975 - 6 years ago
Definitely not the Azores
Garrett Miller
Garrett Miller - 6 years ago
kokemf look at those places an google maps and you will prob see it
Mpanada13 - 6 years ago
lmao açores! the other thing about crowds is it hardly ever breaks this way without wind interfering, but you are good my friend ;)
Fred Taylor
Fred Taylor - 6 years ago
kokemf you are very inquisitive
Duarte Catela
Duarte Catela - 6 years ago
It has nothing similiar to Açores.
Scat Man
Scat Man - 6 years ago
That local who told them to come has shot himself in the foot. Great way to blow up the spot and instanly create crowd
zach grayling
zach grayling - 6 years ago
It’s gonna be like skeleton bay and be rammed soon
Michael Perry
Michael Perry - 6 years ago
Yes brother !!!
Peter Page
Peter Page - 6 years ago
This is New Zealand
Abel Tasman
Abel Tasman - 6 years ago
Andy Shaw yeah no surf there at all no crowds either
Andy Shaw
Andy Shaw - 6 years ago
Peter Page no surf in New Zealand
ImportantComment - 6 years ago
Fully torqued
Cameron Turner
Cameron Turner - 6 years ago
Bassing In Florida
Bassing In Florida - 6 years ago
u high
mounproject - 6 years ago
Nouadibou Mauritania peninsula, inside the point when it's big
Eduardo Bruno da Costa Krukoski
Eduardo Bruno da Costa Krukoski - 6 years ago
20°46'13.0"N 17°02'52.4"W ???
dapoint po
dapoint po - 6 years ago
coordenates 16,0017651, -22,9193014
mounproject - 6 years ago
Yep! Got it Boa Vista, for sure certainly needs particular direction ground swells. Anyway beautiful place for rich peoples or for professionals hunting for the seshs
John Ricco
John Ricco - 6 years ago
Lol yep found it too
Brendon Gleeson
Brendon Gleeson - 6 years ago
White Ghost  Yep  found the same spot, the secret is more in knowing which conditions it works in, swell obviously needs to wrap at quite an angle to work, I saw alot of home holiday footage of this beach on YT and it's either flat or a big closeout. I don't think the beach has proper sand banks (it seems to drop off into deep quickly) and relies solely on a sharp angle swell to create a sort of point break with the angle of the beach, otherwise it just rolls onto the beach.. you can plan your holiday to J-Bay in July or Bali but I really doubt you gonna score this wave firing unless you seriously lucky
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
the wave doesn't break like that all of the time, so moving there is not really worth it
Jorge Gutierritoz
Jorge Gutierritoz - 6 years ago
White Ghost bro, please tell smt. i dont have the money to go bc im in college but moving there IS AN OPTION
mounproject - 6 years ago
Cabo Verde
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
I already found it. Verified and all with using google earth, and contrasting the beach shots you could see.
mounproject - 6 years ago
I assume that, look at 10 secs, no hills and the laguna, those hills you're talking about are more like mounds if you take a look at GE there are some. In the related Kepa Acero vidéo he said that he just pass the Mauritanian border, the point is right on the border. The guys wear spring suits, that's just the good one if you look at the sst map. Maybe I'm wrong but it's fun anyway to try to guess
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
wrong. where are the hills seen in the vid..
TheMozzaok - 6 years ago
I live somewhere with a lot of waves nearby, but 4 hours from the city, and crowds are not a problem, never were. So while I don't surf anymore, my family do, even the well known waves down here only get double digit numbers out some weekends, and even then we could drive 5 k's down the road, and surf with just locals. Sometimes, when there is only one wave working for hundreds of K's, because of the wind, it could be bad, we would get pissed off when three 4WD's of A-Holes from Torquay would turn up, because someone who sells photos told them how to find it, and me and my two mates who had been enjoying a lovely left, could put up with jerks dropping in, snaking waves and just being twats, so we would leave it to them. Other times we would request behave, or be gone. There are lots of waves without crowds, but without local knowledge getting them on is harder than it looks. These myths about waves breaking mechanically perfect all day every day, just waiting for you to turn up, are in Wonka land. At least only a Wonka believes it.
Hud Maughan
Hud Maughan - 6 years ago
Skeleton Bay Flipped in Reverse
Fofo Flanders
Fofo Flanders - 6 years ago
it's in Zeebrugge everybody knows about it !
Cameron Hubbard
Cameron Hubbard - 6 years ago
Meh!!! All barrels and no surfing, one day there and I’m bored.
867 5309
867 5309 - 6 years ago
One day there and I have died and gone to heaven!
Castelo Do Mar
Castelo Do Mar - 6 years ago
I know that place really well. Was there way before Mick and crew. No fucking way I'll give it away to all you soft cocks. It's basically like Indo in the late 60s before Gerry Lopez and crew brought the circus to Bali and forever exposed a better kept secret gem. In that spirit, no way I'll divulge the location of this wave.
ste bee
ste bee - 6 years ago
You like the unknown and exploration? Yet you waited for a local to tell you it was on then you flew out there? Captain cooks legacy’s in no danger
Nicholas Kerr
Nicholas Kerr - 6 years ago
ste bee
ste bee - 6 years ago
It’s not that comfy
Troy McCarthy
Troy McCarthy - 6 years ago
I said from my comfy armchair
Herick Schuenemann
Herick Schuenemann - 6 years ago
Here is my bet. At the end of the video there is a special thanks to Katya Kukureco. You can find her on Instagram where she took a photo at Volcan San Antonio “recently” that is located at an Island outside Marrocos and Western Sahara, just above Mauritania.
Fernando Gil
Fernando Gil - 6 years ago
it syas CV HANDLING, Cabo Verde Handling, and if you google it the logo is the same.
madal55 - 6 years ago
Cape Verde Islands have been actively seeking tourism since the 1980 's
Pedro Maria Carvalho
Pedro Maria Carvalho - 6 years ago
867 5309  CVhandling - Cabo Verde company that takes care of all the airport services. The guys clearly forgot about small details that make a big difference. Everybody can go there tomorrow!
dapoint po
dapoint po - 6 years ago
coordinates 16,0017651, -22,9193014
realidadaparte - 6 years ago
That statement is not right. Western Canary islands are very green and have cliff coasts, specially northern coasts, see La Palma or Tenerife, but eastern are flat and totally arid and have large white sand beaches. Specially Fuerteventura, which has +20 km beaches. Nevertheless, as I commented to Herick, the place in the video is not in any of the Canaries. Otherwise it would already be worldwide known, as tens of millions of tourists visit the islands every year, that includes a lot of them that come to just practice wind, kite and many other water sports.
realidadaparte - 6 years ago
Volcán San Antonio is in La Palma, Canary Islands. Canary Islands are very populated and no single inch of them, specially their costs, have been over visited. I am able to assure that it is not in the Canaries.
mediacache - 6 years ago
Found a sick looking right breaking, but not sand. But on the other hand pretty sure found the spot, too much info in the video and comments just help even more.
sdlarl - 6 years ago
cv handling
867 5309
867 5309 - 6 years ago
Fernando Gil I dunno. I looked up what it looks like it says on the bus window (cyhandun?) and couldn't find anything.
Fernando Gil
Fernando Gil - 6 years ago
look what it says on the window of the bus, and you get your answer. As easier as that.
867 5309
867 5309 - 6 years ago
Unless they are trying to throw us off, which is entirely possible, here are a few clues...
1) The bus looks clean and modern instead of a third world country beater. 2) Instead of chickens and goats on the bus and passengers that look like they are barely surviving. And instead of passengers wearing muslim garb, they are all very middle class looking black people nicely dressed in contemporary western style clothing suited for a temperate to warm climate. 3) There are, I think, four videos of this spot now (assuming this is the same spot Mick Fanning went to last year) and the surfers are either trunking it or wearing spring suits. 4) The climate is arid. 5) They were able to rent a newer four wheel drive vehicle. 6) They said it took them three hours to get to the spot.
Aage Vdvet
Aage Vdvet - 6 years ago
Nope. Those are the canary islands and there's loads of tourism there. Also these islands are all volcanoes and have cliff coasts, no sandy 20km bays.
867 5309
867 5309 - 6 years ago
I think you're very close but does that island have infrastructure like buses and rental cars?
Gerardo Vergara
Gerardo Vergara - 6 years ago
mantengalo en secreto
marinho dovau
marinho dovau - 6 years ago
Isn’t in Cabo verde is main land not a island :p
marinho dovau
marinho dovau - 6 years ago
Rute Alves not cabo verde :p
lostinsotchi - 6 years ago
Spotted ;-)
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
Fernando Gil
Fernando Gil - 6 years ago
I go with Ilha do Maio
Ronald Langeveld
Ronald Langeveld - 6 years ago
Fine! $3000 then to make sure kooks stay out of the lineup.
Ronald Langeveld
Ronald Langeveld - 6 years ago
nah that's why I'm sticking to Google Maps
Janssen Pires
Janssen Pires - 6 years ago
No, not all!
Rute Alves
Rute Alves - 6 years ago
Not mozambique butt cabo verde islands boavista
Janssen Pires
Janssen Pires - 6 years ago
Don't be a dumbass!
Hud Maughan
Hud Maughan - 6 years ago
Ronald Langeveld Did You Get Permission from the indigenous elders and The Ancestors Of The Land to be here?
TheBroLounge - 6 years ago
Already found it easily.
Cal - 6 years ago
Ronald Langeveld sellout. don’t do it this break deserves to remain secret
William Hanley
William Hanley - 6 years ago
Now your in the hot seat cause everyone is ganna be on you. That feeling sucks. Should of never shown your face.... . Your going to give it up and start a surf camp there, sell out just like the mentwaiis . Leave the shit alone!
David C
David C - 6 years ago
By this time next year there's gonna be 150 guys out at a time
David C
David C - 6 years ago
Elon Musk
it is.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk - 6 years ago
+David C Would you mind sharing me the link to this Reddit post, please? Is it on r/surfing?
jfduros.sailing - 6 years ago
David C can u put here the link of the reddit thread
Math Davies
Math Davies - 6 years ago
+Owen Nicholls excellent comment , this place would have been on the surfing map if it broke like this often.
Matt Appleton
Matt Appleton - 6 years ago
David C
David C - 6 years ago
Carlos Silva you're wrong., There is a new hotel and resort being built close to this wave right now. Someone pointed it out on reddit. The place is going to be packed as soon as it opens.
Daniel G
Daniel G - 6 years ago
acai bowls and vegan boardshorts, hahaha love it
Owen Nicholls
Owen Nicholls - 6 years ago
Nah ... these waves are fickle as... they mabey break 3 or 4 times a year...
It ain't Bali ... kirra .. Lennox ... now thats a crowd !! ... good luck to whoever has the coin to drop every thing on a whim and score it.. it ain't me that's for sure
Even if I knew where it was !!
Carlos Silva
Carlos Silva - 6 years ago
No it wont. This is not Bali.
Peace Soup
Peace Soup - 6 years ago
Ezekiel Clinton Hattingh
Ezekiel Clinton Hattingh - 6 years ago
Haha "I wanna get away from the crowds...solitude." Great, let's make a video and show the crowds. "No we won't share location." Let's make a video. Neurotic.
arabmuscle - 6 years ago
Same wave as Fannings and Natxo Gonzalez. Even though more than anything I’d want to surf this wave and know it’s location, there was a bit of peace knowing not many, if any will ever find where it is. Too late now, everybody’s going to know soon enough.
Libyan Soup
Libyan Soup - 6 years ago
This wave is in the Atlantic Look at 0.22 there are 3 guys on a quad bike and a 4th standing in the shore break further up the point. Notice the black and white striped board under the arm of the guy on the left of the quad. Naxto Gonzalez rides boards with that same black and white strip artwork plus he has a wetsuit with a lime green left sleeve - just like here. Pretty sure that is him on the quad. As to where they are - that was even easier to work out. At 1.54 on the bus window is written 'CV Handling' - that clue led me to Cape Verde and on to Boa Vista Island. There the volcanic peaks seen clearly at 4.56 reveal the location as Praia de Santa Mónica. 100 % certain.
sdlarl - 6 years ago
Cabo Verde
Kurtis Nelson
Kurtis Nelson - 6 years ago
I think this looks like it could be Natxo's but Mick's is different.. I know where Mick's is not as isolated as some may think. Still looking for this one/Natxo's tho ;)
White Ghost
White Ghost - 6 years ago
Natxo's is different than Mick's. And this is different than both.
Janssen Pires
Janssen Pires - 6 years ago
Man Naxto said wise words. This wave needs no protection. Even if people find out it can defend itself. Believe me no the Wave for the average surfer :-)
TheBroLounge - 6 years ago
Its not natxo wave his is in the Atlantic.
William Hanley
William Hanley - 6 years ago
That won't happen.look at skeleton point. Mantawaii , g land, ect.....people want to get aknowldged and show the surf stars the break so they can be there friend. Funny how we look up to people and what admiration can do to us.
TruckNorris - 6 years ago
Good on ya. Surfing is about having fun and looking at a natural backdrop, not competing for waves and looking back at buildings and sprinters
Koompa - 6 years ago
looks so fun
Steven Corbin
Steven Corbin - 6 years ago
Its just up the coast. Right around the next corner just over the next hill.
Bassing In Florida
Bassing In Florida - 6 years ago
after the mound you wanna head straight for about 6.4 km
NoUse ForAName
NoUse ForAName - 6 years ago
David C after you get to the rock you’re gonna wanna take a hard right at the dirt mound
David C
David C - 6 years ago
Cal  after the tree remember to turn left at the rock
Cal - 6 years ago
Steven Corbin yeah, you take the second right after the tree
Фирсов Арт
Фирсов Арт - 6 years ago
Where is it?
dapoint po
dapoint po - 6 years ago
coordinates 16,0017651, -22,9193014
Adriano fn
Adriano fn - 6 years ago
Cody Rauscher
Cody Rauscher - 6 years ago
Brett Reeves
Brett Reeves - 6 years ago
David C Nice is that like by Ibiza?
William Sauder
William Sauder - 6 years ago
You'll find out when you die
David C
David C - 6 years ago
The exotic island of Nunyabiz
Tony Sandman
Tony Sandman - 6 years ago
Obrigado for sharing
HK Slays Multimedia Fishing
HK Slays Multimedia Fishing - 6 years ago

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