Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection
Surf 6 years ago 170,593 views
When Portuguese Surfers Anotonio Silva and Diogo d'Orey got some insider intel that a mysto and fickle right point was going to turn on, they pulled the trigger and went for it.
And once again thanks for exposing it so I can surf there.
I know there are islands near by where people go on surf holidays and take surf lessons. This place is going to be swarming pretty soon. Think I'll book my plane and boat ride pretty soon. Not sure why I'm angry you guys exposed it. I suppose thanks! See you soon.
10. comment for Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection
Thanks to Surfer for finally revealing the location of Mick's mystery wave. Ciao
Not matter where you go to surfing it doesn’t belong to you.
If you come to this forum don’t try to play to be the protector and savior of pristine environments.
20. comment for Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection
When you meet them they are so entitled. .
Been a sad story for surfing beautiful places ..
Local Crew, you know what to do next time...
And thanks a lot for exposing it, next swell it will be full of Israeli dickheads with their shit etiquette doing paddle arounds and drop ins. Worst people to surf with right next to the Brazos.
30. comment for Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection
In the future it will be full of eurokooks paddling around everybody, same as everywhere else.
What a couple of sellouts.
50. comment for Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection
Ok guys... Jesus said we must share God's creation so see you in Boa Vista, Cabo Verde.
Now compare this image to the image in the video...
Remember what happened to the right the found in Endless Summer?
Someone is gonna find out where this wave is located and gonna build a surf camp for tourists, can't some things be a secret in this internet age?
coordinates 16,0017651, -22,9193014
100. comment for Is This The Best Right Point In The World? | SURFER Magazine | Wish You Were Here: Point Perfection
Me and some friends we’re surfing here long time ago... That days I go to the beach with the dog and found this two guys (they was 3) and I feel something BAD/WRONG for the place... was a real and horrible sensation.
They come because a local, a friend, a video, a something who TELL THEM... and they arrive for make money with their SURFER-EGO's. They don’t say where is, but give too much information for the haunting wave-dogs.
Diogo was very STUPID and ARROGANT with me; I can say this naturally because he destroy me the day when said in the middle of their justification of know everything: “I come here for give some food to the childrens who are dying of starvation...” (tipical stupid superior of the “first world”) The another one was to repair a puncture (they destroy roads and the car too..because don’t know nothing about the care of our place) and when he understand that I was a surfer need MORE INFORMATION... “Answer him where he surfed today...”
said to the brazilian(Now you remember me, my friend)We surf like everyone; we like our sea and our nature, our friends, our silence and solitude. To born, to live here was never easy. Now this “persons” began to destroy the place with their EGO and business around a devastated sport, culture and philosophy. Only for be “the best” “the first”... like others...
I’m very sad because for us, its the starts of the end of our peacefull place. For others like them its only a new business option in a "new world". Maybe I'm too old or isolated of the world.
Too many surfers
more better than these twocome here with respect and had the best days of their lifes too, but they remained in silence like the sea. For all these peoplenowTHANKS for been genuine and honest. For the mercenaryes makers of this film and SURFER Magazine I can only desired a big Malediction...Maybe for me it’s easy: you can live in peace and create or you can destroy because you’re an ego-stupid.
The surfing
for a great part of surfersis more than arrive, film, destroy and run away for sell-it (and maybe return with others “pioneers”... horror!).One information for our heros: there is a “perfect wave” in the deepest of Mariana Trench: please go to film for us, please! Securely you’re alone this time, and it's the u/topic "best wave of your life and best wave of the world"
Diogo, António, Nuno and everyone, please do something good in your life and return ALL the money for the childrens, you will be very nice in the shots too...
Now out of everything, this guys are tecnically good surfers and photographers. The answer to the question "Is This The Best Right Point In The World?" maybe can be: with money and people who pay for this the Mariana Trench wave will be too.
This Beach is absolutely beautiful and needs to be preserved. I'm Alllll the way with the guy, 100%. just go and enjoy the beauty and serenity. leave the filming to overpopulated places
I say send em all back to Brazil and the wave culture will be pleasant again..
Yes i was in Morocco and visit spots in french, spain, portugal.
I understand that some people want there owen spots but i still dont like it.
First thing: obviously I’m not from London...
Obviously internet in hands of ego-stupids is the way for destroy something that here we have keeping more than a decade. I think all these years we keep a TREASURE that is only a Basics or Essence of the surf:
Your capacity for read the sea, search, go to the unknowed, discover, ride, put down your fears, help your friends, smile, enjoy and... respect!
Maybe FREEDOM is the only word for this.
For these basics sensations in these moment maybe the world is not enough.
In those years too many surfers comes and live this Essence (like our video-hero’s too); some ex-pros spents years to live here too. Everyone of us arrive to this conclusion: this magical sensation maybe is the treasure, now impossible to reach.
Diogo, Antonio and Nuno “Big Mouth” will remain in our local surf hystory (and I think in the surf history) not like great surfers (I think to know who is surfer or clown) but like “The Mercenaryes of SurferM”, the “ego-slaves” who can sell their mothers or girlfriends... the “Judas of the Sea”.
Obviously they think they do the correct way and I'm an stupid out of the world... it was only a Time Question.
I had the pleasure to know great surfers, to feel pride of them... maybe I’m very very very old School I don’t know... In this moment only know that these guys are MERCENARYS like those in wars (was my first impression too). They take money for go to destroy another place because they can’t create or do nothing out of surf. Here are not welcomed, they have my special Malediction with blood of crabs and goat eyes... Someone think that is better to be very far from here.
The place is burning now, not only in youtube... Let me say you that for three weeks after "the visit" we found “surfers” with the tent sleeping in the beach “waiting” waves... hahahahaha (They leave some garbage too...)
I’m sure some of You are subscriptors of Surfer M. or this month will buy the magazine: Remember, You’re the hands of the EVIL...
Go to surf or walk for reflect about the freedom and the ethics, and don’t waste time in talking about possible or impossible waves...
if you want information or guides or arrive and take waves yes or yes... maybe your sport is hiking with your grandmother...
Peace for everyone
like you and those "pros"who need someone to "discover" it for them and tell them where and when to go. Pathetic.The Canary and Cape Verde islands are all volcanic and quick to get around, so I'd rule them out. Mauritania proper is even more remote, expensive, and unsafe. It's dangerous to drive around unless you're in a company caravan and know where the minefields are.
Fucking kook.
Keep it to yourself and enjoy it. If someone else happens to find it they can follow suit. And it remains a special treasure. We always want to put things in a box and sell it.
how can you expose such a well kept scecret??? shame on you really. thats so bad.
captivates hunting, ice moon.
Oceans arouse Earth!
Then in 2020 they will have a pro contest there & your buddy says ”the pressure was too much, Surfer Magazine gave me $500 & a year free subscription, how could I say no?”
1) The bus looks clean and modern instead of a third world country beater. 2) Instead of chickens and goats on the bus and passengers that look like they are barely surviving. And instead of passengers wearing muslim garb, they are all very middle class looking black people nicely dressed in contemporary western style clothing suited for a temperate to warm climate. 3) There are, I think, four videos of this spot now (assuming this is the same spot Mick Fanning went to last year) and the surfers are either trunking it or wearing spring suits. 4) The climate is arid. 5) They were able to rent a newer four wheel drive vehicle. 6) They said it took them three hours to get to the spot.
it is.
It ain't Bali ... kirra .. Lennox ... now thats a crowd !! ... good luck to whoever has the coin to drop every thing on a whim and score it.. it ain't me that's for sure
Even if I knew where it was !!