Joe Satriani Plays "Surfing With The Alien" Live at Sweetwater
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Joe Satriani held a free concert and workshop at Sweetwater's Performance Theatre on March 22, 2010. Here's a song from the concert. To check out Joe's signature gear from Ibanez, Vox, Planet Waves, Peavey, and DiMarzio click here:
10. comment for Joe Satriani Plays "Surfing With The Alien" Live at Sweetwater
20. comment for Joe Satriani Plays "Surfing With The Alien" Live at Sweetwater
30. comment for Joe Satriani Plays "Surfing With The Alien" Live at Sweetwater
Surfing with the alien ✌
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Joe you are and have always been a true MASTER at your craft. Respect. Loved this song since I first heard it many years ago in the 90's. It was my anthem once upon a time.
50. comment for Joe Satriani Plays "Surfing With The Alien" Live at Sweetwater
100. comment for Joe Satriani Plays "Surfing With The Alien" Live at Sweetwater
Joe is a prolific song writer, master composer and an astounding riff-maker. In my humble opinion he is a true genius. There are more technical players out there for sure, but few if any have the feel and the emotion and the vast catalog of Joe Satriani.
Follow me on my channel, rock hard rock.
I'll never forget the faces of people in the record shop when I picked up the album (on Vinyl at the time)
"You know there's no singing, right?"
I was like "Yes."
The guy looked at me "Really? You're into Satriani? REALLY?"
"Hell yeah."
I was 15 when this came out on the radio. I'm 43 now and I still love this song!
Guitar : Joe Satriani
That one was made in the 80s, when a lot of music was recorded that sounds really dated today. More so than any other period I can think of.
Aw hell, who am I kidding?? After hearing this, there's nothing that I can do that would compare to it. .....dammit....
It's a shame really, few people actually expect you to play anywhere near this level. People should be proud of their own level, whatever it is.
It is identical to "louie louie" by richard berry (1955)!
...But Joe is better! He's more modern, more evolved!
jp finishes showing demo
Me: yeah I can do this!
jp: ... and now let's play it up to speed
Years later, still at 100bpm :p
On the contrary good sir, I'd say he's pretty near
hahah well stated
I bet 95+% of them had never heard of him
Top 10? Hmmmm, that's a very select few. Perhaps , Joe is extremely accomplished on the Axe. Extremely so.
There's not as much gain on there as you might think.
(Guess what I'm doing right now watching this video - actually writing these very lines).
why don't you learn to play guitar, it would make you realize the skill level required to play what he did. Playing alone to a backing track to a large audience is no easy task either, it requires knowledge, skill and confidence, 3 things you lack.
malfollado . . .
Apple Computers, designed in California, built by Foxconn in China (like nearly every computer company at some point in time), made with components someone else makes (Intel, Nvidia, AMD, Micron,Samsung,Western Digital) that every computer company uses, for price that only Apple would ask. Apple succeeds through ignorance, and by taking advantage of those comfortable with remaining ignorant.
Apple probably was paying a lot of attention to the potential Logic had to offer, which is why they bought it and stopped development on Windows.
There is also no way to explain this song other than "AWESOME!!!".
As a matter of fact Edward's father was a professional musician (clarinet player?). So there was an influence on Ed.
The musicians that had an influence on Joe were the Giants of Jazz.
Jimmy Page was before Ed and Joe and they "followed" his path. Edward more so being the rock star (alcoholism drugs etc) the band Van Halen were the next step after Led Zeppelin though the lyrical content of Van Halen was not on the level of Led Zep.
Joe Satriani is a true virtuoso renaissance man (no b.s. stories about him) and he is a well respected family man.
If more people in music were like Joe in character there would be great music everywhere.
Macintosh Apple computers are the best that is also a fact to whom it may concern...if it works for you use it
the majority of graphic designers publishers and recording studios as well as most musicians use Apple.
Ed was an innovator though and Ed's Rhythm accomplishments is way and above Satriani's style of playing to mostly standard jams or 'backing track' style band accompaniment .
Satriani is a great teacher and good soloist (in the style of EVH)
BUT Satrini has no 'intro to mean street' or 'cathedrals' or the solo to ice cream man or all the rhythm parts in Ed's songs.
Ed's use of a slide (possibly beer bottle) on DiRTY Movies intro with Mike playing bass harmonics, Satch has no equal to this in his repertoire IMO .
I could bring up many more but it's exhausting.
satriani and vai play guitar like piano..!!
EVH made it popular to tap in modern rock music, I will give him that, however jazz guitarist where using the technique way before EVH was even born.
EVH did learn piano and drums when he was young, and could still play both today, however Randy was teaching classical guitar and didn't just know modes, he understood them at a fundamental level and could apply them in all his music, Randy also had better technique than EVH, if you study Eddie's style you will understand that the way he performs certain techniques- like picking and tapping- is unorthodox, Randy's technique is much cleaner. EVH did have an amazing tone though, Eddie's "brown sound" is legendary even today.
My point isn't that Randy is better than Eddie, that's a matter of taste. My point is that in Eddie's hay day there where still guitarist that could rival him and some- like Randy- where technically better than him.
Actually lots of Jazz and classical guitarist knew about tapping, just rock and blues guitarist where ignorant of the technique. EVH pioneered the technique in modern rock music, he didn't invent it.
There's no doubt that after Jimi Hendrix no other guitarist has influenced rock guitar as much as EVH he's a true legend and rock god, but even in his time he did have rivals.
Randy Rhodes was arguably a better technical player than EVH. He played just as fast, but was less sloppy and he had a full technical understanding of music theory and modes and scales. Randy pioneered model neo-calssical shred and IMHO was a better guitarist than EVH, but EVH was more a legend and more influential to rock guitar.
EVH is a guitar god and true innovator, but Satriani is a much better guitarist than him, times have moved on since Van Halen, players like Satriani, Vai Guthrie Govan can run circles around Eddie in guitar playing, Eddie could be quite sloppy sometimes.
the rest of!!
Awesome performance!
I'm a massive Angus Young fan...but an even bigger Satriani fan