John John Florence vs. Gabriel Medina - Semifinals, Heat 2 - Quiksilver Pro France 2017

John John Florence and Gabriel Medina battle in Heat 2 of the Semifinals at the 2017 Quiksilver Pro France. #WSL Subscribe to the WSL for more action: Watch all the latest surfing action of the world's best surfers in the world's best waves. Heats on demand, event highlights and exclusive interviews, right here on the WSL's Youtube channel. For More Visit: Like the WSL on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram:

John John Florence vs. Gabriel Medina - Semifinals, Heat 2 - Quiksilver Pro France 2017 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 218

Surf 7 years ago 873,318 views

John John Florence and Gabriel Medina battle in Heat 2 of the Semifinals at the 2017 Quiksilver Pro France. #WSL Subscribe to the WSL for more action: Watch all the latest surfing action of the world's best surfers in the world's best waves. Heats on demand, event highlights and exclusive interviews, right here on the WSL's Youtube channel. For More Visit: Like the WSL on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram:

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Most popular comments
for John John Florence vs. Gabriel Medina - Semifinals, Heat 2 - Quiksilver Pro France 2017

José Sampaio
José Sampaio - 5 years ago
Venceu a indústria do surf, está na hora de haver votação pública pela internet . Medina Você venceu!!!
Battle Toad
Battle Toad - 5 years ago
3:56 Freak athleticism. Unbelievable.
Xangaozinho TFM
Xangaozinho TFM - 5 years ago
Que bateria meus amigos... Maluco tava com sangue no olho
xhimi lori
xhimi lori - 5 years ago
John florence
Spartan 300
Spartan 300 - 5 years ago
that's a great beach break
ADAM le bg
ADAM le bg - 5 years ago
3tih l3assir
Jack Mulder
Jack Mulder - 5 years ago
Caaaarves through it
Nielson Silva
Nielson Silva - 5 years ago
Medina é o naiorau saber domina o mar por isso aposto tudo nele
Matheus Barreto
Matheus Barreto - 6 years ago
Sou BR, e apesar de JJF ter errado em duas ondas, consigo reconhecer que ele foi melhor que o Medina, mesmo que ele tenha mandado um backflip. Não estou desmerecendo, o cara é bicampeão mundial, e quem sou eu para falar, mas , se observar as ondas do Gabriel, se resume em dar batidas e alguns cutbacks e, quando tem a chance, manda aéreos(que são ótimos por sinal), o ponto é: acho que ele deveria explorar dar mais rasgadas nas ondas. Observando, acho o JJF mais dinâmico, parece que ele gosta de sair da zona de conforto dele surfando e se arriscar como vimos. Enfim o JJF não tem medo de errar mesmo sendo profissional. Acho isso bem da hora.

10. comment for John John Florence vs. Gabriel Medina - Semifinals, Heat 2 - Quiksilver Pro France 2017

yovana perez
yovana perez - 6 years ago
L T - 6 years ago
Too many replays
Ethyo Dancehall songmaker
Ethyo Dancehall songmaker - 6 years ago
jon is out of game in 2018 so sad
Isabella Rembold
Isabella Rembold - 6 years ago
MEDINA 03:57 , 05:09 LOOK , PLAY , REPLAY !
nino menault
nino menault - 6 years ago
Now the surf is just roller for Medina
Carlos Magno
Carlos Magno - 6 years ago
Medina >>>>>>> jjf
What Up
What Up - 6 years ago
what a heat
Pat Kend
Pat Kend - 6 years ago
John Florence > Medina. Even Jesus says. But what's up with the commentator "he caaarrrrrves thru it...." "One more look......caaarrrrrrrvvves thru it.." kook
Canal M-4
Canal M-4 - 6 years ago
Maria Ayu
Maria Ayu - 6 years ago
Surfers are the best!!

20. comment for John John Florence vs. Gabriel Medina - Semifinals, Heat 2 - Quiksilver Pro France 2017

Jimmy Dean
Jimmy Dean - 6 years ago
Carves thru carves thru carves....shut the fuck up. We get it. The wsl needs some new commentators
Luis Eduardo De Gregorio
Luis Eduardo De Gregorio - 6 years ago
Caarves thorugh it...... Caaaarves...... Look look, CAAARVES THROUGH IT.... BUT LOOK..... CAAARVES .....
Luis Eduardo De Gregorio
Luis Eduardo De Gregorio - 6 years ago annoying.....
Arsenic Pharaoh
Arsenic Pharaoh - 6 years ago
7:83 for five reos, fuck man I see better surfing than that on average days here in Victoria. WSL's a total fucking joke these days, a circus ha ha!
Leticia Ramos
Leticia Ramos - 6 years ago
aereo de back side fodastico....
Thomas Foos
Thomas Foos - 6 years ago
It was really cool to see them embrace after that epic battle. Personally I think John has better style, way more fluent, but this was fucking historic.
pt balu
pt balu - 6 years ago
KOLKa - 6 years ago
And then C A R V E S S S through it
breno perna
breno perna - 6 years ago
bora la medina uru
Alexandra Melo
Alexandra Melo - 6 years ago
Gabriel medina vem mida uma foça aqui e fortaleza
Igor Silva
Igor Silva - 6 years ago
Fuck Jhon Jhon and smoke weed Hawaii!! Medina monstro

30. comment for John John Florence vs. Gabriel Medina - Semifinals, Heat 2 - Quiksilver Pro France 2017

Pacheco - 6 years ago
estilazo el de John John
ffynca s
ffynca s - 6 years ago
Carrrrvvvesssss through it
AGATH0R - 7 years ago
You would have to say medina is the king of france on wsl
Zaboomafoo - 7 years ago
5:37 por poco y JJF le corta las piernas a Gabriel Medina.
Kane - 7 years ago
Caaaarves thru it. Caaarrrrrves... Caaarrrr-
Southdark - 7 years ago
Si medina gagne le titre en battant JJF sur le billabong pro ça serait une catastrophe pour l'image du surf. Médina est pote avec Neymar pas pour rien. C'est un petit con pas fair play du tout, arrogant mais malheureusement très doué.
Spartan 987
Spartan 987 - 6 years ago
Arrogant? C'est un compétiteur qui a soif de victoires c'est tout :) Il est très complet, il peut surfer dans toutes les conditions donc pour le non fair play je comprend pas ta logique.
Il a déjà été champion du monde et ça ne m'étonnerait pas qu'il réitère l'exploit :)
Ana Carolyne Mecenas
Ana Carolyne Mecenas - 7 years ago
Coração na mão!
Pipe me deixando louca, quem será o campeão? 17/12/17
José merino
José merino - 7 years ago
gal goren
gal goren - 7 years ago
3:58 madina!!!!
Alessia Rocchi
Alessia Rocchi - 5 years ago
OuterReef - 7 years ago
this was last year
BlackSand - 7 years ago
Arthur Silva
Arthur Silva - 7 years ago
So fã do medina mas essw jhon john e foda dms
Leonardo Melo
Leonardo Melo - 7 years ago
Mar liso lindo da porra
Mike Arthur
Mike Arthur - 7 years ago
I thought Gabes surfing was stylish and flowing with beautiful carves and finishing , and that ridiculous air and the landing should have been an 11! in all my 45 years of watching surfing that was up there with JJF at Margaret s, Tom Carrolls pipeline snap and Kelly’s rotation at bells. I don’t think he was overscored at all and I’m an Australian so we never get overawed . Also JJF deserved that 9,0 definately fo4 th3 pressure he was under and to pull that wave off with such adrenaline and determination there is not many who could have done that.
Locals Only
Locals Only - 6 years ago
Mike Arthur Gabriel Medina has terrible style no question he’s amazing but his style is trash
Vitor pc
Vitor pc - 7 years ago
Medina taught how to surf...
TrannyFiends - 7 years ago
Medina got lucky the waves were so small loool. Jj dony like surfin these qs waves
Taina Aguiar [Student FVHS]
Taina Aguiar [Student FVHS] - 7 years ago
the best surfer knows how to make any small waves look good :)

ps: i do agree though, WSL could've waited until tuesday... the waves were 2x bigger
Lara - 7 years ago
5:06 how did he not fall off! Amazing!
AironKoll BR
AironKoll BR - 7 years ago
subscreva-se em meu canal RETRIBUO!! obg
subscribe to my channel retribuo!! THANKS
Jordan McLaughlin
Jordan McLaughlin - 7 years ago
Caaarves through it

50. comment for John John Florence vs. Gabriel Medina - Semifinals, Heat 2 - Quiksilver Pro France 2017

Ryder Fish
Ryder Fish - 7 years ago
john should have won:(
Spasalonsupplier Sekarshopkuta
Spasalonsupplier Sekarshopkuta - 7 years ago
This is what's "Next Level"
a - 7 years ago
Medina overscored big time. Did the same thing over and over and over. JJF had much more variety and much more exciting to watch. JJF got robbed!
Taina Aguiar [Student FVHS]
Taina Aguiar [Student FVHS] - 7 years ago
ok.. because that 9 was fair? it was a mediocre wave, although the landing was good, the length of the wave and the height of the air wasn't impressing...
Nicolas Ps
Nicolas Ps - 7 years ago
Malcon Santos
Malcon Santos - 7 years ago
Pessoal Medina pulverizou a bateria com o John John, só não vou pior porque os patrocinadores do John John (os juízes não deixaram) não dar 10 para o área do Medina foi simplesmente ridículo, a maior nota da bateria ser de John John, visto que o Medina arrebentou com um backside extremamente potente é ridículo, em resumo: mais uma vez os juízes tentaram prejudicar o Medina, mas seria impossível ele não vencer, ficaria muito evidente se Medina perdesse essa bateria a sacanagem dos juízes.

Ps. Querem ganhar uma grana extra? seja consultor da La Harv veja como: entre na aba cadastra-se e venha ser feliz com a família La Harv.
HotDogNoob - 5 years ago
Cara para de ser tendencioso e sem noção, 9 nove do JJF foi pra lá de mutante, saiba apreciar o que é bom, seu comentario foi bem lixo!
Hilbert França
Hilbert França - 5 years ago
Malcon Santos pulverizou? ta loco kkk que exagero, foi disputado. So por causa daquele ollie que nem foi perfeito?
Mila Mckey
Mila Mckey - 7 years ago
Fuck the wsl.You are a bunch of dildos.
Surfing in the olympics.
Go surf instead of "wow factor".
Commentators get paid for being brainless morons.Stating the obvious.
I feel sorry for all of you.
Coisas de Eros
Coisas de Eros - 7 years ago
9 para aquela onda de JJF foi uma nota acima da realidade. Medina fez uma manobra de altíssima dificuldade que foi realizada apenas uma ou duas vezes em baterias e deram nota 8,57. Critérios estranhos!
Hilbert França
Hilbert França - 5 years ago
é mas ele n fez perfeitamente tbm ne, quase caiu
Yoloveoasi - 5 years ago
Medina it’s the fucking master...
Fabio Pacheco
Fabio Pacheco - 6 years ago
Coisas de Eros grau
Leonardo Carvalho De Crignis
Leonardo Carvalho De Crignis - 6 years ago
Concordo em gênero, número e grau, queriam de qualquer jeito ele campeão
Maicon Ventura
Maicon Ventura - 7 years ago
Coisas de Eros Vai começar a "teoria da conspiração", agora no surf.
Garage Band and stuff
Garage Band and stuff - 7 years ago
Robson Cericola
Robson Cericola - 7 years ago
Coisas de Eros concordo plenamente
Robson Cericola
Robson Cericola - 7 years ago
Coisas de Eros Achei Ridículo essa Nota do John John.
Caio Tompa
Caio Tompa - 7 years ago
John is the most talented surfer in the world and when he came to this heat, it was thinking "oh my good, its gonna be so much fun and an air show, so i m gonna throw everything at it" and Medina´s thought was "i have a strategy and i m here to win" so they both played their games and medina came as the winner. I admit, though i m brazilian, i was cheering for john because his style, surfing and his humility and stocked personality are amazing, and he was surfing better than anyone in the event, but i think this lost was cool because if it didnt happened the world title race would be boring, with john isolated like last year at the final events, so i think this result was good for both, making the title race interesting and giving medina some inspiration. ps: we all wanna see medina and john fighting for the world title in the next years, so medina needs to BE in the title race and fired up too. Plus medina is the best COMPETITOR in surfing today.
Caio Tompa
Caio Tompa - 7 years ago
markriobr yeah, medina is a crazy competitor and john knows that, so he tried to put everything at it and got a bit over excited and nervous.
markriobr - 7 years ago
Olac, do you really think JJ had his mind set for surf in this way . Semi against Medina he knows will never be a walk in the park. It does t matter what condition and break happens. He knows Medina more than all others is the guy to beat and fear. Why whenever they face each other, JJ looks a bit more stiff on his board and make mistakes than usual. If you see,this is just numbers . One and one heats so far were 11 and Medina won 8.Whether you like or not is in his head. I see both way above the rest,what JJ has more than Gabe also goes the other way around and in the end they are at the same level. Kind KS and Andy
Caio Tompa
Caio Tompa - 7 years ago
Dude, john is an absolute freak, but Medina´s strategy was way better. John was the standart of the event and Medina took this one in surfing better and solid, as well as John took it last year with that upside down drop in the barrel. These battles between both are going to be the most incredible of the new generation. I´m a HUGE fan of john´s surfing and lifestyle, but still an amazed fan of Medina´s competitiveness and surfing too, and this one was won by Medina´s frigity, the same way the last one was won by John´s unbelieable skill. We are about to see some matchups that are gonna shine forever in surfing history.
van wray
van wray - 7 years ago
Judging this sport is so subjective. Ice skating, diving, gymnastics, surfing. etc. All subjective and it would be very difficult to maintain as a professional participant. No wonder Toledo stormed the judging tower.
van wray
van wray - 7 years ago
Peter Mel...Shut Up!!
crstf - 7 years ago
Fake ass WSL SUCKS. I DONT LIKE TENNIS wrapped in an ADVERTISEMENT campaign
Peace Soup
Peace Soup - 7 years ago
Does he "Carve Thru it" ? Like to hear that one more time for confirmation.
Roger hugo Bardales aleman
Roger hugo Bardales aleman - 7 years ago
Simplemente magic
Roger hugo Bardales aleman
Roger hugo Bardales aleman - 7 years ago
Gabriel medina super aereo mis respetos hermano
djunkick rabeats
djunkick rabeats - 7 years ago
why wsl dont wait tuesday ? 1.50m waves saturday and 3.50m waves tuesday with more spectacle and a big pipeline . i dont understand why you prefere finish the competition saturday :(
markriobr - 7 years ago
Was really that good on tuesday? If was is a real pity,now was the last day on the window,guess they dis not take a risk and not finish the event
Marshall T
Marshall T - 7 years ago
Medina showed him who's boss.
leafar ovatsug
leafar ovatsug - 7 years ago
E eu achando que o Filipinho e a dar trabalho olha o medina chegando de mansinho
Sam Bowden
Sam Bowden - 7 years ago
and just CAAAAAAARVES through it
ClawDragoon - 7 years ago
How big are their boards?
mrbump28 - 7 years ago
julio cesar
julio cesar - 7 years ago
Brazilian storm strikes again
yuri Michelin
yuri Michelin - 7 years ago
Medina was more strategic than John John, while Medina squeezed the wave to the end realizing cutbacks and torn, John John tried to puncture realizing aerial ... we go brazilian storm
Wayne French
Wayne French - 7 years ago
That heat was insane
Wagner Silva
Wagner Silva - 7 years ago
Roberto - 7 years ago
Occy X Curren again
Yassir Tajeddin
Yassir Tajeddin - 6 years ago
Noah Arocha
Noah Arocha - 7 years ago
Wow what a tight battle
PescaSub - Mato Pra Comer!!!
PescaSub - Mato Pra Comer!!! - 7 years ago
Quem observou a aflição de Ian Gouveia com os nove pontos de Jhon Jhon?
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 7 years ago
Charles pesca Sub ele sacou na hora a sacanagem., Conhece na pele... Dele, do Italo.... Tem ninguém bobo não....
San Gonz
San Gonz - 7 years ago
Charles pesca Sub podes crê! Rs
Lincoln Norton
Lincoln Norton - 7 years ago
I know Gabriel is over scored but his backflip tho
PescaSub - Mato Pra Comer!!!
PescaSub - Mato Pra Comer!!! - 7 years ago
Medina e um verdadeiro competidor
Jose Luiz Junior
Jose Luiz Junior - 6 years ago
Bi mundial em Pipeline
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 7 years ago
Charles pesca Sub não apenas isto... O cara surfa muito.
GG [Gui & Games]
GG [Gui & Games] - 7 years ago
Florence almost killed Medina with the fins Wow!!!!
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 7 years ago
GG [Gui & Games] i thought that a litle reckless dangerous atitude of JJ.
Matheus Castello
Matheus Castello - 7 years ago
Really really happy Medina took the W!! He was definitely deserving it :) JJF looked so nervous at the begging of the heat tho. Also, is it just me or John's waves were a bit overscored? That 9 really didn't feel like a 9 :S
Frank Thomas
Frank Thomas - 6 years ago
hahahahahah what's wrong with being gay you fucking weirdo get the fuck out of here biggot
Kyle I.
Kyle I. - 7 years ago
yea the 9 was overscored for sure... so was medina's rodeo with the fluke landing... okay it took skill to pull that off but not a score of 8.57... overall sick heat to watch and jjf could of had it if he just landed some of those airs!!
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 7 years ago
D ... And he can screw your heros. This is bad.
Derek - 7 years ago
hah. yeah, its just you. you have no eye for style and finess if you think medina deserved the win and john was overscored
Marcelo Gomes
Marcelo Gomes - 7 years ago
the most important is that this heat was the final, dont you agree?
Marcelo Gomes
Marcelo Gomes - 7 years ago
o principal é que a final foi essa, não a do Medine com o Zietz...
XX XX - 7 years ago
Fuck Medina
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 7 years ago
Medina's shirts sell out in the First day of the France event. It was intended to last the whole european leg. France people knows who surfs And who is pushed by country fellas.
Derek - 7 years ago
nah, your icon medina is a complete fuckhead as are you. all brazilians say when one of their poo stanced countrymen wins is "cry cry (laughing emoji)" and then when things dont go their way, they are the first to pipe up and start crying. brazilian fans are oblivious to how hyprocritical they act and its fucking embarassing. notice how everyone that isnt brazilian claps for john and doesnt give a fuck about medina. ive met some great brazilian people and there are a handful of styleish brazilians, but even they agree that medina is a complete fuck.
Douglas Greenberg
Douglas Greenberg - 7 years ago
This was the real final. Both surfed incredibly well and were the real top 2 contenders. Great contest. Thanks WSL for more sensible scoring, based more on actual difficulty than old school style (maybe they've taken a que from street league skateboarding lately?). Also nice to see these contests at an unpredictable beach break, like a Hossegor or an Ocean Beach, SF. Much more entertaining than a monotonous point break.
Derek - 7 years ago
hahaha are you kidding
Matheus Castello
Matheus Castello - 7 years ago
Happy to see this comment, this is prolly one of the few unbiased comments in this comment section lol :)
Bill Addison
Bill Addison - 7 years ago
One of the most entertaining heats I've ever watched! Thanks guys!!!
heitor souza
heitor souza - 7 years ago
In this heat we could see who is better!! GoMedina
Carlos Ferreira
Carlos Ferreira - 6 years ago
nunca foi...john john é muito melhor
AironKoll BR
AironKoll BR - 7 years ago
Melhor Bateria de Sempre
Fábio Ciminelli
Fábio Ciminelli - 7 years ago
John John's 9 at the end of the heat was a litte bit overated.....
Leo Sheetz
Leo Sheetz - 6 years ago
Giant vaginas can  speak lol.....this is miraculous
Fábio Ciminelli
Fábio Ciminelli - 7 years ago
Fuck you !! John John is the little darling of judges, always overscored !!!
Tim B
Tim B - 7 years ago
I would of given it 8.5 because the first two turns
Lincoln Norton
Lincoln Norton - 7 years ago
Fuck you no it wasn’t plus Gabriel was over scored!
Jayme Ralston
Jayme Ralston - 7 years ago
Fábio Ciminelli he lost anyway so it doesnt really matter lmao
AironKoll BR
AironKoll BR - 7 years ago
Medina quebra muito Bra na Area
The Arm of Yahuwah Lives
The Arm of Yahuwah Lives - 7 years ago
EPIC battle. What a landing by Medina... He was the better surfer today!
Wagner Inacio
Wagner Inacio - 7 years ago
Vish deram 9 pro Havaiano seloko foi por pouco que o Medina venceu.
Milton Gomes Teixeira
Milton Gomes Teixeira - 7 years ago
Dificil duelar com o Medina sem marcar ele,se voce ficar esperando ele errar ,ele vai la e inventa algo inesperado.
André Santos
André Santos - 7 years ago
9 Mandrak esse de JJF
Yonatan Romm
Yonatan Romm - 7 years ago
What did they score Jon on the last wave?
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 7 years ago
Less than 5. Last Air incomplete.
Corvux IX
Corvux IX - 7 years ago
less than 7.40
XACUTE - 7 years ago
Amazing heat
Dudu Eduardo
Dudu Eduardo - 7 years ago
Medina voando mto alto, parabéns pela a etapa da França
Christopher Orman
Christopher Orman - 7 years ago
Wow...was Medina overscored. John's 7.00 was better than either of Medina's waves. Remember back to Kelly's crazy air that he was scored low on because it wasn't clean? Weird that Medina gets an 8.57 for a single move which was absolutely sloppy.
Timothy O'Reilly
Timothy O'Reilly - 6 years ago
That was slop
markriobr - 7 years ago
D,,,Agree some of us go to far. Now put yourself in our skin,how much crap is throw at us, is it fair? Even you saying we have no class ,pathetic to say the list. There is one guy who calls himself outright,the worse type you can imagine . Some don t care,but not me, I just think is not right call and say all sorts of bad towards us and country. Got in arguments because of that to the point to ask where this guy in particular lives. All that for what? Just ignore the ones you think are way over,and write you point for people you can exchange good ideas. Take care
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 7 years ago
Lincoln Norton last year they screwed Medina in teahupoo and trestles...crucial moment. They can decide who Will Win.
Júlio Vieira
Júlio Vieira - 7 years ago
keep on crying
Tim B
Tim B - 7 years ago
I understand what you mean how they do a little hop right before putting the rail down for a bottom turn, but I know alot of awesome not competitive surfers who do that, and I still froth out on their surfing. I reckon it was atleast worth an 8 for that air since I'm the same age and surfed my whole life but I can't do that air and can imagine it takes a lot of practice to land do you realize how unscorable some heats in perfect surf would be between the guys at the top of the ladder if they were only doing rail surfing. innovation has to be a part of the reward system although I prefer to see epic carves and fins outs too the future of wave pools people will be doing the craziest maneuvers cause they will be able to train it all day systematically on the exact same sections or whatever. atleast the ocean might get less crowded if theres a 10 million dollar wave pool around the corner
Lincoln Norton
Lincoln Norton - 7 years ago
I thought you were replying to me lol
Sam Wilson
Sam Wilson - 7 years ago
Derek hahah my bad man read that wrong
Christopher Orman
Christopher Orman - 7 years ago
I don't think it was scored for crap. A guy took off on not even a set and did one circus air to win the heat. I miss surfers like Curren or Occy, where the surfing and flow received the scores, not gymnastics. And let me be clear, I'm fine with gymnastics, but not a 8.57 for a sloppy landing on a smaller wave that then dies after completing the sloppy air finish. If this was an 8.5 then Kelly's was a 9+. Comments about "not pulling the big airs" just shows that real, rail surfing is all but ignored. Then again, the first good bottom turn we see by Medina, Toledo, and Italo will be their first. They hop. No rail.
Tim B
Tim B - 7 years ago
The 7 was a 7. John is my favorite and I can admit the heat was scored well and that medina won
Derek - 7 years ago
i think you misinterpreted who i was replying to. i was referring to "pink guy". seen him comment on other shit and multiple times on this video and all hes doing is proving my point and showing that brazilians have no class. Ive met some great dudes from brazil and theyre embarrassed by how the average brazzo surfer/ fan acts. its pathetic
Derek - 7 years ago
what? so youre agreeing with me..
Portal - 7 years ago
4:06 i think was his best chance.
Portal - 7 years ago
Guys, JJ lost because he missed his Big Airs. If he landed any of those he would've won. I agree 7.00 was underscored, but the 9.00 was also overscored so... Medina surfed well the entire heat and also did a full Air rotation. Can't see how JJ would've won without completing any of his Big airs, he only landed one and it was a small one at the end of the wave...
Sam Wilson
Sam Wilson - 7 years ago
Derek seriously? When brazzos don’t get their way they complain and fill up the comment section with $hame wsl we can have our opinions too..
Derek - 7 years ago
oh look another comment from you mentioning crying. i guarantee youre the first to cry when things dont go the way of the brazzos. fucking arrogant kook
Lincoln Norton
Lincoln Norton - 7 years ago
Christopher Orman Gabriel is always overscored. Did you sea his heat with Kelly. Omg
guilherme - 7 years ago
nonsense was John's 9.0! bad loser
Paulo Eclectik
Paulo Eclectik - 7 years ago
They needed to gift it to Medina or there would be whining.
Portal - 7 years ago
JJ would've won if he pulled one of those airs he was trying early on the heat. But he didn't, i think that cost him the game.
Portal - 7 years ago
What? JJ 9.0 was like a 7.5 to 8.0 MAX but they gave him 9, not to say the wave it self was bad. I love JJ but Medina did better on this one, that move was sick.
Otavio Augusto Pinto de Almeida
Otavio Augusto Pinto de Almeida - 7 years ago
Infelizmente o Medina não ganha mais 2017.
Danilo Estacio oliveira
Danilo Estacio oliveira - 6 years ago
Vim do futuro para avisar que Medina foi BI MUNDIAL DE SURF com uma nota máxima é ainda levando o título em de pipe line.
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 7 years ago
wesley lima imagina só - sabe quando tem aquela bateria - kalohe x parkinson x Stuart Kenedy - um saco, não é? Agora imagina para os gringos terem que ver esta brasileirada kkkk tá foda pra eles.. para o negócio deles. Quem compra rip curl são os gringos.... O nosso mercado é uma merreca. Agora imagina um brasileiro sendo campeão direto kkkk crianças americanas e australianas broxando com o surf. Assim eles manipulam.
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 7 years ago
wesley lima a prancha do JJ tem que ter o logo da wsl no bico.
wesley lima
wesley lima - 7 years ago
medina surfa contra a WSL
Ana Carolyne Mecenas
Ana Carolyne Mecenas - 7 years ago
Otavio Augusto Pinto de Almeida kkkkkkkkkkkk
Otavio Augusto Pinto de Almeida
Otavio Augusto Pinto de Almeida - 7 years ago
Douglas Anderson tem razão, errei na análise.
Douglas Anderson
Douglas Anderson - 7 years ago
Com o 2º lugar no hanking, será que medina tem chances? kkk
Malcher Bjj
Malcher Bjj - 7 years ago
Otavio Augusto Pinto de Almeida kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 7 years ago
vão colocar um wild baba como no ano passado... Deram a camisa pro cara. ..e ele surfou porra nenhuma kkk
Otavio Augusto Pinto de Almeida
Otavio Augusto Pinto de Almeida - 7 years ago
Matheus Castello fora que ainda tem os outros brasileiros que seguem na cola para as primeiras posições. É improvável mas não impossível que o Medina vença esse ano. Por pontos, ele está bem atrás do Jordy Smith e do John John Florence, é só olhar o ranking do WSL no site.
Otavio Augusto Pinto de Almeida
Otavio Augusto Pinto de Almeida - 7 years ago
Matheus Castello Tem o Jordy Smith ainda
Matheus Castello
Matheus Castello - 7 years ago
Ainda tem chance, se o John esbarrar com um wildcard em Portugal ainda é bem possível que o Medina vire bicampeão!
Teco Padaratz
Teco Padaratz - 7 years ago
difícil mas vamos acreditar no miracle
Felipe Carv
Felipe Carv - 7 years ago
Opa haule kkkkkkkkkk
Ailton Lima
Ailton Lima - 7 years ago
Otavio Augusto Pinto de Almeida chupa otário, olha aí quem ganhou

100. comment for John John Florence vs. Gabriel Medina - Semifinals, Heat 2 - Quiksilver Pro France 2017

Santi Costa
Santi Costa - 7 years ago
Gabriel Lopes
Gabriel Lopes - 7 years ago
quem foi o campeão? ??
Alex Poly
Alex Poly - 7 years ago
A puta da sua mae seu viado,
Corvux IX
Corvux IX - 7 years ago
Greyjoy_01 Plays
Greyjoy_01 Plays - 7 years ago
Gabriel Lopes o medina
Felipe10HDi - 7 years ago
mlk e brabo
gladyson oliveira
gladyson oliveira - 7 years ago
Que semi irada .
Eduardo Cesar
Eduardo Cesar - 5 years ago
+Nicole Ebbinghaus Oi?
Nicole Ebbinghaus
Nicole Ebbinghaus - 5 years ago
+Eduardo Cesar ?
Eae men ****
Eae men **** - 7 years ago
DuCésar13 . Kkkkk

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